#family member death
bitetherabbit · 11 hours
tw death/hospital stuff
he's gone. my grandfather died two days ago. he fell in the bathroom and we think it's because he couldn't get enough oxygen even though he was using the air machine and wearing the tube at the time. i just hope he wasn't scared or that he wasn't in pain.
my whole family was with him in the hospital when he passed so he wasn't alone. they revived him at least 3 times i think but every time you do that it can damage the brain because of lack of oxygen. his body would twitch in the hospital bed like his brain was sending signals but it wasn't working. it was so uncanny and scary, im trying not to remember it but it's so vivid in my brain.
im not ready for him to be gone im not ready im not ready im not!!!!!!
he was the good father in my life, he was my best friend. he taught me so much and made me laugh always and loved me and all my weirdness so much. he drove me home from school for years while my mom worked. he always went to my school events. he always knew somebody everywhere he went and would talk to anyone to bring a smile on their face. he'd pay for stranger's purchases and help out whoever. the amount of people commenting on my and my mother's fb posts about him is incredible. he touched so many lives with his kindness and selfless nature.
i can't stop crying. i don't think soulmates have to be romantic because i feel like i lost an entire part of me. my pépère!! whyyyy!!!!! why did he have to get sick! he didn't deserve that at all. why is he gone?!!!! you know it's going to happen one day, but it's real now and i wasn't prepared for it even though i've been telling myself for a long time that i won't have him forever. he was 84, that's a long time. i am so lucky I had him for 28 years. not everyone gets to say they had their grandparents for so long.
im really stepping up to help my family this week with all the funeral preparations and everything, but im scared for after, i can't just fall back into my stupid depression self hating bullshit i just can't he wouldn't want that and now my grandmother's alone too, i need to be there for her.
ive been messaging his fb messenger, that's how we used to text. im pretending he's sitting with me. he's still here, just in my mind and heart. but it's not the same.
why do we live just to fall in love and lose them and die?????????? it hurts so so much.
i still need to write him a letter, i want to put it in the casket at the funeral saturday. my whole childhood he saved dimes for me to help pay for college. he literally wouldn't use them to pay for stuff. I want to put some dimes with the letter, and something else too but i haven't decided yet.
fuck this.
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malicedragoness · 5 months
Finally realized why I’ve been such a depressed mess lately. May 3rd will be two years since my dad passed away.
Mid April his health started declining. And around this particular time is when he was admitted to the hospital. Each day my mom would send text messages on his condition and what the doctors were saying. None of it was good.
Some of his vertebrae were collapsed in his lower spine. Sclerosis in his liver and his blood infection came back with a vengeance. He had mini strokes which threw his infections to his joints, spine, brain, heart, and lungs.
I remember calling my mom after that text message and asked her if he was going to die.
She sounded so confidant that he was going to be all right. The doctors were taking care of him and they had treatment plans set up for him. It assuaged me at that time.
And little did I know, that my mom and I were in denial. Because two days later is when they called her and said that he’s not responding. A whole cup of blood shifted to one side of his brain.
When rushed to the hospital and when I saw my dad, I knew he couldn’t be saved. But my mom and uncles refused to accept that answer. It took the hospital getting a brain surgeon on the phone to explain that he could do the risky surgery. But even if he survived he would be in a vegetative state. That’s something my dad wouldn’t want, so we elected to let him go.
I was also three months pregnant at that time and going through health issues with that pregnancy. And having to deal with my dad passing made me emotional, bitter, depressed, and angry at the world. I felt cheated that he wouldn’t get to see his second grandson. (We didn’t even know I was having a boy at that time.)
And my daughter Sigourney was only four at that time. My dad was her favorite person. And trying to explain to an innocent child that has no concept of death was heartbreaking and difficult. All we could tell her was “Paw is at the doctor. He isn’t feeling well and won’t be able to come home anymore, sweetie.”
That whole year was so traumatizing for her. I wanted to take that pain away from her so bad. Everytime she would hear the doorbell, she would get excited thinking it was him. And then burst into tears when it wasn’t him.
Eventually, she understood he was gone and wouldn’t be coming back. But then anytime my mom or myself went to the doctor she would get scared and plead with us to not go. She would cry and say “I don’t want you to leave me! You won’t come back!” It took a long time for her to realize that we wouldn’t disappear if we went to the doctor. Every now and then she gets teary eyed thinking about my dad. But she’s doing better now.
Last year I didn’t cry when his one year anniversary of his death came around. I just wanted it to be a normal day like any other and just think about happy memories of him. I avoided all phone calls and texts of people checking up on me. I didn’t want to repeat the same conversation over and over again and hear how sorry everyone was about his passing.
I went through that when he died and it drove me crazy. I remember wanting to vomit when I got another phone call right after another one. That ball of dread of having to repeat what was going on, how long he was in the hospital, how he died, and everything made me nauseous and upset. I texted my husband I was turning my phone off so I could get away from everyone’s fucking “I’m sorrys”.
And I didn’t want to go through that on his one year anniversary. But now this year, I’ve been a crying, depressive mess.
My brother finally brought his urn over to my house yesterday, and it’s like it hit me all over again.
I may take some time away, most likely just this week, to get my bearings together. I miss my dad. I wish he could’ve seen my son. I wish he could see my kids grow up. He was so excited to be a grandfather and he only got to do it for four years. It’s not fair. Sigourney and Donatello are gonna grow up and not get to have his love the whole time. Donnie doesn’t even know who he is and will never know what his voice sounds like.
I miss him so much.
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veemo4 · 1 year
Hi, my family is going through extreme rough times again and we desperately need help!
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A few days ago, my step-father passed away. It was...hard to say the very least. Not only has he been in my life for many years now, but his disability check was one of the main things even keeping all of us alive. We can still survive in this house for maybe another month, maybe two but unfortunately we WILL RUN OUT OF MONEY SOON. We need as many donations as we possibly can to survive, our futures DEPEND on this so much. Here’s the link: https://gofund.me/e8ee8f08 I’m not expecting the massive total number to be even remotely reached, but even just a single dollar is helping.I beg you
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tiger-grace · 1 month
Bruce Wayne, being the worlds greatest detective, psychoanalyzing every teammate/hero around him in the JL yet somehow is incapable of doing such to himself
Flash: I feel like I can never open up to the team
Batman: Maybe it’s your problems with emotional intimacy because you maintain a purely comedic relationship with your closest friends and never speak about your serious grievances.
Alfred: sir do you ever think crimefighting directly after the death of Jason may lead you to be more aggressive
Bruce: no why would you say that (slamming fists into low level criminals face)
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goblindrool · 2 years
I wanna be able to grieve but I’ve been given no space to..
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bolithesenate · 7 months
What happens when a Jedi Initiate dies?
It cannot always be prevented, the galaxy is a dangerous place, especially for children, and the Jedi are still only mortal.
Accidents happen. Illnesses exist.
Tragedies do too.
The Crèchemasters are highly trained to prevent that, of course, but they too are only mortal. They too can fail.
The death of an Initiate is a heavy burden, for the entire Temple. It doesn't happen often, but when it does it is a heavy burden. It is from that burden that one of the Order's most sacred traditions stems from.
They may die an Initiate, but they will not join the Force without guidance.
When an Initiate dies, they automatically gain the rank of Padawan – no matter their age. They will posthumously be taken in by a Master and be gifted a braid and a lineage. If they already found their crystal and built their saber, these too will be taken care of by their new Master.
Some Masters of such Ghost-Padawans, especially those who had a bond before their passing, will live the following years as if they had a living student. They will not take on another until the Force or they themselves deems them ready, at which point the High Council will hold a honorary Knighting.
Because while the Order might lose an Initiate, no Initiate will ever be left alone.
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transgendz · 2 months
I already had a post up to cover an appt and my meds, then I woke up this morning and tripped over the cord of our $270 air purifier and broke it. I have diagnosed asthma and chronic bronchitis. The air purifier is what keeps me from constantly being horribly sick. If you've ever had bronchitis, you can imagine how bad it gets without it.
I need to replace this today if possible because I was already going through a flare. I cannot emphasize how urgent it is. I work from home, don't get paid for over a week from now, and the air is already hard to breathe without it now. I am kind of panicking.
Please click on the link to my other post for more details about the situation. I will do art for anyone who helps with this, just message me at my art blog @theartistrans
Dm me for proof or more details, I don't mind, I just desperately need this to replace this thing. The entra $10 is for my meds, which we haven't quite covered.
PP $C V kofi
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radiant-cowgirl · 3 months
perhaps a silly question but are angel and baabe’s unempowered familes invited to the wedding? that’s gotta be a huge covert breach
but imagine the silly hijinks that would ensue
“hey why’s the best man (gender neutral)’s boyfriend sitting under an umbrella? it’s supposed to be clear skies all day”
“oh um he’s just super goth”
“he’s wearing a cowboy hat”
“wtf angel”
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
Instead of coming back as a crime lord, Jason pretends to be a vengeful revenant, haunting Gotham criminals and the batfamily.
This has… consequences.
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synchodai · 1 month
I really want to like HotD because I really like The Dance in F&B. But as the season went on, it became less of an adaptation of a story I remembered fondly and more of a prequel to a show I did not want to be reminded of. Please stop trying to mcu-ify the show and just tell a self-contained story. I absolutely do not care how this relates to characters who won't be alive for the next 200 years. Your plot and characters should matter and have stakes and motivations that are relevant NOW.
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fairuzfan · 8 months
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rakkuntoast · 7 months
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dumb death family doodle except people kept telling me to add people so here's where its at
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olessan · 15 hours
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This is "Miriel alive!!" zoomies so just imagine the "ISILDUR ALIVE!!!" zoomies
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klirk-hammurton · 7 months
This Era of Kirk
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Gotta tag my besties: @fasteddiesstrat @langdonsluxiouslocks @bisexual-watermelons @ride-the-hammett @delightfulcollectivetyphoon @wonhakwoon
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tedlebred · 7 months
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can’t stop drawing little guys like this
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koboldfactory · 7 months
My grandmother is dying. She’s been in rapid decline for years with severe late stage dementia but the shift was just so sudden. I saw her like a month and a half ago and she was smiling and laughing and making jokes even though she could hardly form a sentence or remember who anyone was, but over the past couple of days she’s taken a turn for the worse and there doesn’t seem like much time left. She won’t wake up anymore.
Even though we’ve had time to prepare for this it’s still heartbreaking. This has been weighing on my mind on top of everything else lately and it’s made it hard to keep creating. I may also have to go out of town again soon depending on what happens next, so please bear with me
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