#family constellations
Sometimes i find myself looking outside, from the protective layer behind the window or screen that i'm peering through.. and as much as parts of me want to be out there in the world, feeling the water on my skin, the freshness of the air, the sounds and buzzing of people living their lives, the nature that is always there ready to welcome me and co regulate with me..
i notice that i feel undeserving, like i don't get to be happy like that. i don't get to feel alive and vibrant and connected like that..
sometimes i feel the hatred of my mother towards me reflected in the way i relate to the greater Mother herself.. and i tell myself that i don't deserve to swim in her water, to drink from her love.
I was only realising/been able to put this in to words recently..
i know that it's not true.. but gosh it feels so much deeper than my mental beliefs..
i often wonder.. who's pain is this? who's deep unworthiness did i somewhere agree to carry for them? and where did i tell myself that was what loving ment? to carry someones pain for them, even if it kills me?
oh yeah.. my mumma.
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sonalimittra1 · 1 month
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Welcome to Treta Foundation! We live in a world filled with challenges, from political division and environmental disasters to social inequality and economic instability, all affecting our well-being. As we transition into the 'Energy Age,' it's crucial to embrace new awareness and responsibility. Treta, a Sanskrit word meaning one of the four ages of humanity, symbolizes our journey from darkness to universal magnetism and ultimately back to the golden age. Representing the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious levels of existence, Treta also signifies body, mind, and soul, and past, present, and future.
At Treta Foundation, we integrate these principles through our pillars of Knowledge, Healing, and Action, offering education, therapeutic support, and proactive steps for personal and societal growth. Join us in creating a better world by exploring our resources, participating in our programs, and becoming part of a community dedicated to positive change. If you or someone you know is dealing with inner child trauma or stress, connect with the best therapist in Gurgaon for expert guidance and support.
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get-to-knowyourself · 7 months
Family Constellations Therapy
Dive into the transformative world of Family Constellations Therapy and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Unravel the intricate connections within your family dynamics and uncover hidden truths that shape your present reality. Get to know yourself on a deeper level and embrace healing through this powerful therapeutic approach. Explore the essence of Family Constellations Therapy now!
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awakeningloveindia · 8 months
In the ever-evolving landscape of self-discovery and holistic healing, family constellation training has emerged as a powerful and transformative practice. As we step into the year 2024, the accessibility and convenience of online family constellation courses have become more prominent, providing individuals with a unique opportunity to explore the depths of their familial dynamics from the comfort of their homes.
The Rise of Online Family Constellation Courses:
In recent years, the demand for online learning experiences has soared, and the field of family constellations has not been an exception. Online family constellation courses have become a popular choice for those seeking personal growth, healing, and a deeper understanding of their family systems.
Key Features of Online Family Constellation Courses in 2024:
1. **Interactive Virtual Platforms:**
   Online family constellation courses in 2024 leverage advanced virtual platforms, offering interactive and engaging environments for participants. These platforms enable individuals to connect with facilitators and fellow participants in real-time, fostering a sense of community despite the physical distance.
2. **Global Accessibility:**
   The digital era has eliminated geographical barriers, allowing individuals from around the world to participate in family constellation courses online. This global accessibility enriches the learning experience by bringing together diverse perspectives and cultural insights.
3. **Flexible Learning Structures:**
   Online courses offer flexibility in scheduling, allowing participants to tailor their learning experience to fit their busy lives. Whether balancing work commitments or family responsibilities, individuals can access course materials and engage in constellation exercises at their own pace.
4. **Personalized Support:**
   In 2024, online family constellation courses often include personalized support mechanisms, such as one-on-one sessions with facilitators, group discussions, and forums. These avenues provide participants with additional guidance and a supportive community as they navigate their familial dynamics.
Benefits of Online Family Constellation Courses:
1. **Comfort and Privacy:**
   Online courses provide a comfortable and private space for participants to delve into personal and sensitive family issues. The anonymity of virtual sessions can create an environment where individuals feel more at ease sharing their experiences.
2. **Cost-Effective:**
   Eliminating the need for travel expenses, accommodation, and venue fees, online family constellation courses are often more cost-effective, making this transformative practice accessible to a broader audience.
3. **Consistent Progress Tracking:**
   Virtual platforms in 2024 offer tools for consistent progress tracking, allowing participants to monitor their development throughout the course. This feature enhances the overall learning experience and encourages accountability.
As we navigate the healing path in 2024, online family constellation courses continue to redefine the landscape of personal development and holistic healing. The convenience, accessibility, and advanced features of virtual platforms make this transformative practice more accessible than ever, inviting individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery and familial healing from the comfort of their homes. The online realm opens doors to a global community, fostering connection and understanding in the intricate tapestry of family constellations training online.
Reference URL on Navigating the Healing Path: Exploring Family Constellations Training Online in 2024
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sisi66 · 1 year
Whilst agreeing with the statement above, I suggest that we still hold a form of inner relationship with family members, whether we like it or not. In my experience it is helpful to work on those uncomfortable relationships, because the negativity or abuse that came from them towards us will have been internalised during the years we had endure it. Until we have made peace with them within us, we…
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withdenim · 9 months
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Sorry for the stupid line callback he was just like. Specifically requested or something. Idk .
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intotheelliwoods · 9 months
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Lil doodles.....
If Sprout gets to be a plant looking boy, Poptart deserves a wildberry poptart shell. As voted on by this poll
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cookiecrumbconundrum · 4 months
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the pariah // "fuck your idols; we make our own fate"
a webweave for an npc from my sci-campaign who never wanted to be saving the universe but she wasn't going to sit around and wait for some bs chosen one
blythe baird, if my body could speak | kim dorland, night swimming | adrienne rich, planetarium | josé saramago, cain | susie benes, from blood, wings | ocean vuong on earth we're briefly gorgeous | susan smith, wych elm | tory adiksson | becca stadtlander | ask polly | richard siren, war of the foxes | esa/hubble & nasa, m. sun, hubble views an active star-forming galaxy | euripides (tr. anne carson), grief lessons: four plays by euripides | fyodor dostoyevsky, the brothers karamazov | @/inkflowergarden, eclipse | anne carson | mira lightner, when i met you | neon genesis evangelion | tennessee williams, notebooks | amy schmidt, abundance | @/astrono71153462 | fadwa tuqan
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stellar-constellations · 11 months
Hey, your work is just phenomenal I'd love to see some more headcannons. I was wondering if you could do some falling in love, or dating headcannons for these characters.
Demon Slayer
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Muzan Kibutsuji
Spy x Family
Yuri Briar (as your most popular he has to be here. <3)
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Kusuo Saiki
Toritsuka Reita
Kusuke Saiki
Kazuchi Soda
Bungou Stray Dogs
Dazai Osamu
Assassination Classroom
Nagisa Shiota
Karma Akabane
I hope I'm not asking to much of you! Have a great day! <3
No problem! I've been waiting for a request!
Reader is female!
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
If you're a Demon Slayer like him, expect to live in his estate. If you're a normal civilian, also expect to live in his estate. Even if you're a part of the Slayer Corps or not, he wants to make sure you're safe. 
I hope you like bugs because he owns a Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle. He'll let you hold if it you like bugs, if not, he understands and will keep him in his cage.
You'll most likely meet Genya and get along with him well, Genya might be shy with you at first since you're a girl, but he'll want to talk to you since you've caught his older brother's eye (which really seems impossible). 
All of the corps and even the Hashira were shocked when word spread that you and Sanemi were dating. The corps most feared Hashira and the sweet girl?! Some believe it's a fake relationship to steer girls brave enough to chase after Sanemi away. When Sanemi heard the rumors he tracked down who started them and gave them the beating of their lives.
All of the corps is scared of Sanemi more than demons. If you're placed on a mission with someone other than Sanemi, they're placing your life at utmost importance. It doesn't matter if they're bleeding out, letting the demon escape, or having a whole village burn down, there is nothing too big to sacrifice other than your own life when facing Sanemi's wrath.
Sanemi likes ohagi, please make some with him. Not only is it a cute bonding experience together, but it'll make him fall more in love with you. 
You can't make him wear collared or buttoned-up shirts. It's a proven fact.
Despite popular belief, Sanemi is very kind with his partner. He does his best not to yell at you and if he does he'll immediately apologize for it. He doesn't care if he has to swallow up his pride, your relationship together is more important to him than a mere title. He doesn't want to be seen as his father.
Sanemi will always be gentle to you. He knows he has a scary appearance and while he's proud of his figure and scars, he doesn't want them to scare you, they're supposed to scare demons!
Sanemi would never say it, but he likes when you and Genya get along together. It makes him happy knowing two of his favorite people are enjoying each other's company like how he enjoys theirs.
Sanemi is a jealous man and he'll make it known to you and everyone around him immediately (especially if Giyuu is around). He's always picking a fight because he knows he can kick anyone's ass that he feels is getting a little too buddy-buddy with you. 
If you pet his hair or gently trace his scars, he'll consider marrying you. 
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Muzan Kibutsuji
If you're a human, he'll have one of the Uppermoons supervising and protecting you if he's not around (it'll most likely be Kokushibo). 
If you're a demon, he'll trust that you take care of yourself. He'll give you his blood every now and then so you can grow stronger as a demon (but not strong enough to defeat him in case you'd ever try to defy him. But you wouldn't do that, right?) He cannot have a weak demon as a partner, that'd be insulting to his image.
Muzan would regularly buy you expensive kimonos and jewelry and act as if it isn't a big deal. Not only is it to flaunt you around to demons and humans, but it's an indirect way of showing his wealth and power to others.
It's canon Muzan had six wives in the past (all who committed suicide because he was verbally abusive or he just killed them) but he wouldn't treat you like that. Those wives were a cover for his human disguise so he felt no attachment to them, however with you, he'd do just about anything you tell him to (as long as it doesn't ruin his image).
Muzan still has a hard time with emotions. If you're a demon, he'll simply just read your mind to figure out what's wrong. If you're a human, he'll straight up ask you what's wrong. Either way, he's finding out so you might as well just make it easy and tell him, don't even try to beat around the bush since he's an impatient man when it comes to unpredictable things. 
When you're alone together in peace and you're reading and he's doing research to find a cure to the sun, there's always a slight smile on his face. He enjoys the tranquility of the moment. 
Muzan doesn't like physical affection, in fact he hates it because it makes him feel all weak, but if you're having a bad day he'll rub the back of your hands or give you a few head pats and threaten you to never speak of this to anyone.
You wear red lipstick the same shade as his eyes, another indirect way of saying you belong to him, just don't kiss him with it in front of others because it's not transfer-proof.
If you're a human, he'll try to convince you to be a demon with him so you can be immortal forever. If you reject, he understands and wouldn't push on about it until probably a couple years later. If you accept, he'll have a small smile on his face (don't point it out or he'll make your transformation a little more painful than necessary). 
He's thought of having a kid so there can be a heir for his bloodline, but he quickly crossed that idea out when realizing that kids not only are bothersome, but he's a demon so he'll live forever (he believes). 
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Yuri Briar
You have to really be quite the person to catch his eye! 
If you're a normal civilian, Yuri probably grew feelings for you because you're a stranger that's suddenly appeared in his everyday life. Same coffee place. Same bus home. Same breakfast sandwich order. Same grocery store. Even the same apartment complex! At this point Yuri's convinced you're either an obsessed stalker or a spy so he'd be keeping a close eye on you, only to end up falling in love with your simplicity. 
If you're an agent of the SSS, you often helped Yuri with his work since he tends to overwork himself. Yuri greatly appreciates your help since you're his superior and even though you have way more work than him, you still put in the time to help him with his less complicated work. He's always got your back when it comes to raids or shootouts, can't let his favorite superior getting hurt! You treat him for his good work by getting drinks after work. One day you got drinks together and Yuri realized that this is basically like a date. Ever since then his feelings just grew for you.
If you're a spy you and Yuri really have a complex dynamic, but one things for sure is that he falls the hardest. His always chasing you on the clock and off. Yuri doesn't exactly know when he caught feelings for you. Maybe it was when he first met you when you bumped into him wearing a disguise. Or maybe it was when he saw you later that day without your disguise and recognized your voice as you beat up him and his co-workers in a desperate attempt to escape from the SSS. It doesn't matter how you guys met, just remember he fell really hard.
Yuri always knows when there's something up with you. If your sad he'll comfort you with anything you need; a hot drink, blanket, comfort movie, a eight-foot-tall teddy bear, he has it all for you.
He likes buying you little trinkets such as necklaces or little keychains. He swoons whenever he sees that you're putting his gifts to use.
He loves your cooking! You can be a terrible or great cook; any food is better than Yor's. 
Memorizes your schedule then perfectly plans a coincidental encounter between you two where you both can hang out. 
If you ever get in a fight with someone, he'll always have your back (physical fight or verbal). Even if you're in the wrong, he'll never even think of retreating. He doesn't believe you can do anything wrong once you guys get into a relationship.
Will drop down on his knees and ask to marry you when he sees you and Yor laughing together.
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Saiki Kusuo
You were a new student at PK Academy, so of course everyone got riled up to meet you. The girls wanted to know if you were smart or kind and the boys wanted to know if you're prettier than Teruhashi. 
At first Kusuo tries to stay far away from you, but that never works for him as well all know. He has no choice but to accept you as Kaido and Nendo has already taken a liking to you (you were nice to Kaidou and Nendou considers everyone a buddy). 
He's not as annoyed with your company as he is with the others and after a lot of thinking and rejecting his feelings, he finally comes to terms that the almighty Saiki Kusuo has fallen in love with a mere mortal. 
Your relationship is extremely normal and low-maintenced that nobody would've known you guys were dating until they realized you were with him 24/7. It's to the point if somebody needed you, they'd go looking for pink hair in a crowd or go to Kusuo's house.
Three months into the relationship everyone in the friend group finally found out you were dating when Nendou asked if you're dating because you were always around each other. Teruhashi ended up heartbroken while all the guys were dumbfounded but supportive.
Kusuo isn't very romantic as his whole life he never had feelings for anyone and always thought love was bothersome. Now he thinks it's "meh" (that's the best you'll get from him). 
If you're able to distract Teruhashi from him then he'll smile at you, maybe even thank you. 
He wouldn't even realize how much he exactly liked you until Kusuke was in town and decided to poke fun at his brother for having a girlfriend, always third-wheeling you both and sneakily flirting with you (Kusuo almost slammed Kusuke's head into the wall for that). 
If his headpiece controllers somehow get pulled out, broken, or lost, he'll steer clear from you. He doesn't want you to get hurt from his powers because he can't control them in that state.
You guys go on coffee jelly dates regularly. 
His family loves you. His mom teaches you recipes and cried the first time you met her. His dad asked if Kusuo brainwashed you, but was very welcoming nonetheless (brainwashed or not). Kusuke, as said earlier, loves to use you to mock Kusuo and get a reaction out of him. 
The relationship you two have is very comfortable and little pressure. 
He doesn't like PDA but he'll hold your hand every once in a while if you're in a big crowd or long line (never in school though, he doesn't need that type of attention). 
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Saiki Kusuke
He is as obsessed as he is towards trying to win against Kusuo. 
You're most likely dumber than him (not in a mean way), he just likes knowing the power imbalance you two have.
He's a moderate level of romantic, giving you flowers and chocolates every once in a while or for a special occasion, but he kicks it up a few notch when he's visiting his family so he can rub it into Kusuo's face that he got a girlfriend before Kusuo could. 
He's an evil genius, you might be used as a test subject.
He'll really appreciate and love if you help out with his experiments or theories, even if he's just telling you what to do. 
He asked you out by doing a survey.
"On the scale of 0-10, how much do you love me?"
"Uh, 9?"
"Close enough to 10. We're now in a romantic relationship, you cannot resist."
While his life goals and motives are questionable, he'll at least make sure that you're safe while committing his chaotic plans.
Sometimes you have to force-feed him sleeping pills so he can finally take a break from his work. Instead of being mad, he's so enamored that you would go so far as to drugging him to make him relax and care for his wellbeing. When he wakes up he'll take the day off and spend time with you.
He likes when you wear his scientist coat.
His parents also love you. His mom cried joy and hugged you when she saw you, and his dad thought that you were brainwashed from one of Kusuke's experiments (Kusuke thought of it when he first met you, but he didn't want your personality to change so he didn't go through with it). Kusuo doesn't care about you, even if Kusuke is mocking Kusuo about not having a girlfriend, all of Kusuo's anger is directed towards Kusuke. 
He'll make you a mood necklace so he knows how you're feeling (a real one, not the 1-5 dollar ones you'd find in gift shops). Of course, he can just look at your body language and listen to your tone, but the mood necklace just makes things so easier (and he wanted to make you something sweet). 
He has no shame holding your hand or kissing you in public. He'll treat you to expensive restaurants and clothes because he makes a lot of money with his job. 
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Toritsuka Reita
We all know he's a pervert. The first encounter you guys had he told you your guardian spirit as well as what color panties you wore thanks to the ghosts. After doing a quick check of your panties in the bathroom, you were very impressed instead of being grossed out like the other girls were.
You guys became friends pretty quick. Toritsuka has a very likable and funny personality when he's not being a pervert.
When you guys eventually started dating after Toritsuka's 100th confession, Saiki silently betted how long the relationship would last. It's lasted longer than 24 hours, so he lost.
Toritsuka is over the moon that you agreed on being his girlfriend. You can never be alone now, he's always with you.
He tried doing a small show for you by having the ghosts use his body but the ghosts got too carried away and wouldn't give his body back. After a scolding from you and Kusuo he didn't do it again.
Surprisingly, his perverted tendencies died down with other girls but increased with you. Your reputation in school is rivaling Teruhashi's because you saved every girl from Toritsuka's harassment. 
He plans dates with you but he's really clumsy so they always fail somehow.
You thought he insulted you once but he was talking to his guardian spirit, Nendou's dad.
If you help him with his chores at his family's temple, he'll get down on his knees and do anything you want.
He convinces you to join his club, the Occult Club, solely in hopes that you'll cling onto him whenever you get scared (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't). 
Sometimes he gets jealous when you're hanging out with Saiki or Kaido (Kaido took Yumehara from him). You'll have to hit him to quiet his pouting since he's being very hypocritical at the moment. 
He may be a pervert, but you love him and his energetic side. 
He's golden retriever energy. If you have black cat energy he'll be head over heels for you because of your chill and laid-back personality. He'll still be obsessed with you if you also have golden-retriever energy because you go along with his stupid plans and pranks and actually entertain his dumb questions a real thought-out answer.
Support him and his band. It may be terrible at first, but practice makes perfect. 
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Kazuichi Soda
Another man who is also obsessed with you. You have to be amazing to break his infatuation from Sonia and instead have it directed it towards you. 
If you're an ultimate in the killing game, he's going to be around you 24/7 to make sure you're okay and not dead.
Insists on sleeping in the same cabin so you don't get murdered in your sleep.
He finds flowers on the island and brings them to you with heart eyes.
When someone tries to place blame on you as the killer Kazuichi will defend you tooth and nail, blood and sweat to prove that you're not the blackened. He's surprisingly backed up by mountains of evidence to prove that you were with him the whole time and that you're both not the blackened.
Will defend you against Hiyoko's relentless teasing (bullying).
He'll shield your eyes if you both discover a dead body. 
If you knew him before the killing game, he's full-on obsessed about you. He knows all of your hobbies, likes and dislikes, all of it. 
He tries to learn more about your ultimate (if you have one) with you.
If you're a normal high school student with no ultimate, he'll probably grow to loving you because of your interest in machines. You often asks him questions to the point he brings you to his shop and teaches you himself how to fix an engine or identify a problem. It's great bonding time.
You'll never have to pay for a mechanic again.
His smile is precious. Please compliment him.
He'll be shopping and end up buying at least ten things because they reminded him of you and he wants to gift them to you.
One of the most loyal men out there. He doesn't know other women exist on the world once he met you. 
He loves it when you take off his beanie and wear it, or even better, pet his hair.
Playful love bites are exchanged between the two of you in private.
Help him braid that one piece in his hair. He's in paradise being so close to you while you brush and braid his hair.
He's definitely the guy to buy matching shirts or pajamas. 
Fuyuhiko has almost punched Kazuichi multiple times by hearing Kazuichi obsess over you as his brain melts. Whenever Fuyuhiko hears your name now he panics a little inside because he's afraid Kazuichi is around and will start another obsessive rant.
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Dazai Osamu
You definitely get frustrated with him a lot. Especially when he tries to kill himself.
If you don't like his suicidal tendencies, he'll tone it down a tiny bit when he's around you.
Dazai's an interesting character because of his obsession with death since he believes it'll help him discover the concept human nature. Once you understand this, distract him with ideas and hobbies that make life worth living.
Read some books to him. Dazai might complain about it at first, but at night he'll listen to the stories and fall asleep dreaming about them instead of death.
In private, he's a little more quiet and worn down. The events at the agency tuckers him out so at night he'll peacefully lay down with you and tell you about his day. Please pet his hair and tell him how much he means to you. He really needs to hear it. 
Cook him breakfast, bring him some nice breakfast in bed. Dazai would be so touched at this because you care enough to make sure he's fed that you woke up early to cook for him. 
If you're an agent in the agency, he'll always be watching your back. He might be playful and make a bunch of jokes, but he's very serious about you being injured in battle. He knows you can fend for yourself, but he'd rather himself be in bandages than you.
Dazai realized he fell for you when you both were taking a train to a town for your next case. It was dusk outside and you were starting to fall asleep on the window. He swore nothing looked more beautiful than orange on you as your reflection showed two of you, both nodding off to sleep.
Dazai is always excited when he sees you. Injured or not, he'll raise his hands and run to you for a hug, engulfs you in his chest as he goes on about how much he missed you and how mean Kunikida was to him. 
He likes PDA. He'll always been seen either holding your hand, waist, or having an arm slung around your shoulder. 
When you both have time off he'll take you around town for some window-shopping. It's just nice to be out of the house with you. 
If you're out to eat, you should go to a seafood restaurant. He loves crab. He'll order alcohol but you have to put a limit to it so he doesn't try to give himself alcohol poisoning. 
Sometimes he has nightmares about Oda, be there to comfort him. 
He knows it's hard to date him. You being able to put up with him just makes him fall even more in love with you. He'll never let you go.
"Til death do us part" is no such thing with him. Even after, you both will always be together.
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Nagisa Shiota
Reframe from calling him pretty. He very much is pretty, but it brings up bad memories with him and his mom.
He'll very much enjoy it if you gently brush his hair. When he cuts his long hair after graduating from high school, he'll still allow you to brush his hair.
Help him with his notes on Korosensei. It's a fun little hobby of his so he enjoys sharing it with you (and it helps prevent the extinction of the end of the world, or at least that's what class 3-E is under the impression of).
Speaking of class 3-E, however you ended up in the End Class, Nagisa will help you improve on whatever it was that got you there in the first place whether it be grades, delinquent activity, or just sleeping too much in class.
If you dislike English, he'll help you with it since it's his favorite subject. If you're good at science, he'd really appreciate your help because it's his least favorite subject.
Every weekend you and Nagisa meet up and have a coffee date, talking about each other and how to kill Korosensei.
You both train with each other. Nagisa helps you with hand-to-hand combat and you help him with his marksmanship. 
After graduation, you and Nagisa end up moving in together. You're very supportive of his decision to become a teacher for delinquents. 
He's not very big on PDA, but he will occasionally hold your hand or hug you.
Whatever your dreams are, he's really supportive and helps you to succeeding.
You both like to people-watch and put genuine thoughts in their lives. It's a fun little thing to do and it's very entertaining.
You'll stand up to Karma's and Rio's relentless teasing about Nagisa's androgynous looks, he really appreciates it and thanks you for coming to his defense.
Your door is ways open if he needs to get away from his house and mom. You guys spend a lot of nights sleeping together in the same bed and talking about life.
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Karma Akabane
You need to keep him on a leash the way he's always disappearing and starting trouble. 
If you're shorter than him, he loves to tease you about your height. If you're taller than him, he'll grab your shirt and pull you down to his height and make a teasing comment. 
He likes superhero movies and will watch them with you. You'll have movie marathons on his couch as he explains to you some backstory about the characters, their powers, and etc.
He'll try to have you ditch class with him. Sometimes he succeeds, sometimes he doesn't.
Because he gets into fights often, he has quite a few enemies, so he'll always have a watchful eye on you in case they try to target you.
He invites you to his house often. You guys hang there a lot because his parents are wealthy and traveling a lot. 
He might make stupid decisions like getting himself into fights for fun, but he's smart academically and he'll help you study (with a cost, of course). 
When you train with Karma, he'll point out your weak spots. He's ruthless when you're training but he just wants you to be prepared in case you're in a sticky situation and have to end up fighting. 
He'll convince you to help him do pranks on Korosensei. 
Canonly, his most prized possession (other than you) is a collection of spices from around the world. By having this, there's a good chance he's a good cook and will cook food for the both of you (maybe even lunch if he doesn't feel like buying it from the school). 
Since he works as a bureaucrat as an adult, his schedule is tough and crowded. On his days off he'll make sure to spend every second of it with you. 
Compliment his eyes, it'll get him flustered. 
If you retort with your own teasing comment when he decides to mess with you, he'll be slightly impressed and bark back, resulting in a little friendly competition between the two of you.
Sometimes he won't pay attention in class (or ditch entirely) so give him your notes. He'll act like he doesn't need it but he's more grateful than you think. 
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        Thank you for requesting! I really enjoyed making this!
        I hoped you enjoyed this fanfic and thank you for your requests and support! Feel free to ask for anything else or any other characters from my masterlist! This applies to everyone reading, follower or not!
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goshyesvintageads · 6 months
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Capital Airlines, 1952
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AO3 is back up but I’m still writing Nimona headcanons
I feel like the main trio are all really bad at taking care of themselves 
Nimona can go a long time without eating drinking or sleeping so it's really easy for her to fall into a pattern of not taking care of herself until she’s sluggish and snappy
At first it was really hard for the boys to distinguish her food withdrawals from her normal chaos 
When they do figure it out they make sure she eats and drinks at least once a day even if it small
It took a minute for her to adapt to this because she views taking care of herself as a hobby
But after a while she realizes that they’re just looking out for her so she goes along with it
Every once and a while Bal gets hyper-fixated on certain projects which causes him to forget to eat and sleep
Nimona once asked Ambrosius why he doesn’t do anything to stop these habits to which he responded “Oh believe me Nim I’ve tried it’s better to just let him get it out of his system”
Nimona still didn’t understand this and tried to force Bal to get up and take care of himself 
Which just ended with Nimona being on the other side of a verbal thrashing and then quickly shoved out of Bal’s workspace
Ambrosius didn’t even bat an eye 
Just walked around Nimona into the room with some food and water and then quickly left him alone
After that Nimona started to leave Bal snacks and pillows in his workshop when he eventually crashed  
(And occasionally carrying him to his room when Ambrosius was too tired to carry him) 
Bal also forgets to charge his arm 
So it’s not uncommon for his arm to die and stay locked in that position 
One time Ambrosius walked into the kitchen to find Bal hunched in an awkward position over his coffee and he didn’t flinch 
Just gave him a straw and a kiss on his head before he left for work
Another time Nimona walked into the living room to find them cuddled on the couch 
And they start their normal rant of “Ew gross get a room” 
To which Ambrosius replied “I would if I could Nim” 
She was quietly informed that Bal fell asleep and his arm died shortly after and Ambrosius has been stuck like this for hours waiting for Bal to wake up
Nimona laughed so hard they almost woke Bal up
They started storing chargers all around the house after that 
So I have a headcanon that I kind of hinted at in my other post 
But I’m fully convinced that Ambrosius' shoulder is fucked after the movie (he also has scars because I said so)
Because no way in hell can this man take a blast like that to his shoulder and walk away perfectly fine 
Nah that man will be doing PT exercises for the rest of his life 
And this dork forgets to do his exercises until he’s literally on the floor writhing in pain
Bal has tried just about everything to get him to remember 
He’ll leave notes around the house, he’ll remind him before he leaves for work, writing it into his workout routine 
Nimona told him “Boss you’re being too soft” and quickly switched tactics 
Now you might be wondering what method Nimona used and that's simple he started blackmailing Ambrosius 
Nimona started to warn Ambrosius “If you don’t do your exercises I’ll tell boss what happened to the last slice of cake” or “I’ll release the video of you singing at the top of your lungs while cleaning the house” 
And the stupid thing is it worked 
Ambrosius always says shit like “I should have left you in that box on the side of the road” to which Nimona responds with “Nah you’d miss me too much”
He also had a bad habit of getting sucked into little projects like trying to rebuild the city and fixing all the brainwashing that's been going on since the institute was created
You know small tasks for one person
And this dork will stay locked in his office until Nimona and Bal drag his overdramatic ass out
He always makes a big deal about it too screaming shit like “Oh please help me the heroes of the realm are kidnapping me an innocent bystander while I was simply doing my job!”
I feel like Bal and Ambrosius have a lot of nicknames for Nimona “Nim” is the most common 
“Hun” and “kid” are used a couple of times but not nearly as often as the weird ones 
Like “tornado” “tsunami” “hurricane” and “forest fire”
And if we're getting really sappy “starlight”
Now if you're wondering where this one came from I’ll tell you 
When Bal and Ambrosius were little beans Bal called Ambrosius “sunshine” 
It was supposed to be ironic but after that he started calling Bal “moonbeam” 
And Ambrosius jokes that Nimona completes their little astronomy shtick 
She pretended to be grossed out and lets Bal hug her and Bal and Ambrosius pretended not to notice the tears on Bals shirt
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gingermintpepper · 3 days
In light of my recent Asclepius and Apollo musings, I feel like it's the perfect time to post this, actually.
How do you build a human being? 
Bold question. Foolish question. But a question it is all the same. 
The memory of his father’s consternated expression is still bright behind his eyes, that unusually furrowed brow, the tension in his gentle jaw. He didn’t falter in his setting of Asclepius’ broken shin, hands perpetually steady and sure, but he hesitated for a conspicuously long moment as though reluctant to give an answer. In this body, he resembled Orpheus something fierce. The same flaxen curls of his hair, the same delicate eyelashes that stand stark against the dark brown of his skin. Often Asclepius wondered if his elder brother was nothing but a body built to suit their father’s preferences. The subtle wrinkle of skin around their eyes when they smiled was the same, and the steadiness of their hands, the soothing power of their presence. 
And Orpheus did not bleed like Asclepius did. The blood in Asclepius’ veins were as red as any human’s, any mortal’s, but Orpheus seemed not to bleed at all. Even when he’d suffered the same fall down the crumbling cliff as Asclepius had. Even when his skirts had ripped and jagged stone sliced into his shanks. 
Even so, Orpheus was unmistakably alive. His eyes were rich with grief fresher than any blood spilt from the worst of Asclepius’ wounds, his counsel too, was tempered with the wisdom of a life well lived. So even at the apex of his most perfect, inhuman beauty, Asclepius never once doubted that his brother was a human being. Just that he was more divine construct than flesh and blood. Just that their father had built for himself a son that would not break as easily as all the others. 
His father stayed silent for so long that Asclepius assumed it would be one of the million questions that would go unanswered. Then, just when the last of his bandages had been wrapped - 
“A human body is easy to build,” he’d had that faraway look on his face as he spoke, like he was speaking to the horizon. Or a version of Asclepius that was not quite here. Such things happened from time to time. “Any flesh would do. From men, or animals, or even monsters. Any flesh would do.” Their gazes had locked then, and Asclepius would never forget the flecks of gold which swirled in his father’s blue eyes, the weight of divine words rattling at the boundaries of their mortal apparatus, “But the breath of life, a living soul? That is beyond your means as a mortal man. You ought never seek it.” 
(Asclepius would remember these words when he revives a man for the first time at the age of nineteen. He’s surprised to find that his father is wrong for once. Souls are easy to source when they’re already eager to return to their mound of flesh.) 
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aha-chuu · 1 year
I just wanted to voice yet another Neuvillette thought I had.
So, we don't know 100% if he's the Hydro Dragon, but all the evidence is pointing in that direction. And Genshin does have a distinction between dragons and the Dragon Sovereigns of each element (there only being seven Sovereigns with many vishaps (lesser dragons) all over). However, Enkonomiya lore states that the Hydro Dragon will be reborn as a human because the Hydro Vishaps are too impure/corrupted:
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This implies that the human Dragon of Water is also one of the new Sovereigns presently being born.
Okay awesome so Neuvillette is one of the cool, powerful dragons probably maybe. We already kinda knew that. Why am I thinking about it?
Apep is one of few remaining Sovereigns from thousands of years ago. Just to remind you of what she looks like:
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She's big. Like. Ah. She's way in the background and our crew is way in the foreground in that image. That means she is absolutely huge and we can't see all of her.
Which yes not every dragon is as huge as her. We have a few skeletons that are the size of islands but Zhongli and Dvalin are significantly smaller. Dvalin is still pretty big but whatever - he's actually specified to be small because he's so young at, uh, 2000 ish years old.
But there are two things I wanna point out. Firstly, this is what Neuvillette's constellation looks like:
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Big serpent thing just like Apep. Also similar to Zhongli's dragon form yup.
But my second thing is that Neuvillette is a Hydro Dragon, so water. All of the largest creatures on Earth are sea creatures. You know, blue whale being the biggest.
This creates a couple of opportunities. Perhaps Neuvillette, despite being born in "human form" as the lore states, might be able to transform into his dragon form. But in doing so he'd probably destroy the entirety of Fontaine city. I'm not even sure if the sea/lake of Fontaine is deep enough for him to transform.
On the other hand, if he can't transform into a proper dragon, can you imagine what the other really old peeps would think? Like they met the former Sovereign Hydro Dragon who was, you know, large enough to encompass a country a couple times over. They sense the energy of the new Hydro Dragon and it's just this teeny tiny human. No wonder his name is Neuvillette.
(there's also the possibility that he does have a dragon form, but that he's too young to be all that large (like Dvalin). In this case I would like to imagine Neuvillette has no real bearing on how much he will grow and Zhongli has been quietly hinting that he should enjoy the shallow waters while he can (Neuvillette thinks he's talking about the global warming/Fontaine prophecy)).
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awakeningloveindia · 2 years
The Many Benefits Of Family Constellations
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It is obvious that clients benefit from having their family constellations set up and worked with.
It is a common misconception that representatives and observers benefit less, and I want to correct it. Constellations are, in fact, equally valuable for clients, representatives, and observers alike. This seems surprising, and yet it is a universal experience. Family constellations offer clients, representatives, and observers equally the chance to learn about life and relationships on a very deep, experiential level.  
Representing and observing give us life experience that is every bit as deep as having our constellation done. Clients who come only to have their own constellation done are missing a large part of the benefit. Representing and observing enhance our integration skills as clients, and experience in the constellation energy field is an education in life and relationship skills. 
Benefits for Clients and Their Families 
Clients have stories—the stories they always tell about their families: their father was like this; their mother was like that; they suffered thus and so. They come with a familiar picture of who the good and bad guys in their family are. They have told these stories hundreds of times and yet telling them brought no fundamental changes. These stories are never true on the Soul Level. A family constellation sets clients free from this paradigm. They discover the rules that govern their family energy field. They experience how various members are caught up and moved to behave and act in certain ways, rather than acting out of free choice. And at the end of a constellation, they are left with a healing image that percolates over time into their lives and into their family energy field. Because it affects the whole family energy field, a constellation has an effect on all the members of a family, not only on the person who set it up. 
Benefits for Representatives 
Representatives stand in the place of a person (the client’s mother, father, or child; a victim; a perpetrator; etc.) or an abstract concept or entity (Death, Life, a country, etc.) and are chosen by either the facilitator or the client. It does not matter who is chosen to represent. Usually, it is better to have men representing men, and women representing women. However, I have found that it makes no real difference except in the case where, in a group sufficiently rich in participants of both genders, a client chooses a man to represent a woman or vice versa. Then the choice is significant. When facilitators choose, they do not know what the people being represented look like, and so cannot be influenced. Clients are likely to choose representatives who resemble the represented people in some way. Sometimes this is uncanny. 
Benefits for the Observer 
The task of observers is to hold and sustain the energy field that a constellation brings into being with their attention. In a way, the observer gets it all free.  
Watching the deepest human dramas unfold and find their resolution, and learning how human life works on the Soul Level, Observer feels so liberated—so wonderfully clean in their energy field—and all They had done was watch attentively. 
The method of family constellations is as follows: 
The client and the facilitator define the issue.
The client, or sometimes the facilitator, chooses representatives for family members.
The client sets up these representatives in space and direction.
The energy field takes over and the representatives start to feel what the people they are representing feel. The facilitator may ask the representatives what is happening to them, or may simply let the “Movements of the Soul” take place.
The facilitator asks the representatives to say particular phrases, which can be regarded as Truth Statements, to each other.
All moves or utterances are regarded as experimental. If the energy field changes toward resolution, the moves or utterances are shown to be well chosen.
At a certain point, usually, when the constellation nears resolution, the client may take his or her place in the constellation.
Resolution happens when the people represented have found peace. It is not inevitable, and it may be surprising. 
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not-poignant · 4 months
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Daily excerpt for chapter 9 of Constellations:
'He ignored your safeword?' 'Funny, right? Someone like me going through that? Like, it's the least of what I deserved.' The silence was cold and Gwyn sat there aware of all the younger versions of himself that would have thought exactly that. He felt sick.  He understood then with a horrible, heartbreaking clarity, why Efnisien had to stop seeing him. Because Efnisien lived with all those younger, judgemental versions of Gwyn. Because Efnisien had internalised blaming himself for everything, and he would have beaten Gwyn to the punch before he could have told Efnisien he deserved it. Because he would have. He fucking would have done that. He felt really sick, then, and he took a slow and deep breath, and swallowed the saliva that built in his mouth.  'It's not funny,' Gwyn said roughly. 'It's not funny that you went through that. You didn't deserve that. You don't deserve that. You don't deserve more than that.'
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skylark325 · 13 hours
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my girl boss my angel my love AAAAHHHHHHHH
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