#false phoenix
phoenixyfriend · 2 years
"Obi-Wan did a war crime."
Obi-Wan attempted a war crime. However, the Separatists are so bad at following the Geneva Yavin Convention that he couldn't actually get past the first step.
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l-in-the-light · 19 days
The most embarrassing series of posts about Lawlu you will ever read: edition Dressrosa (part 6)
Two long posts in one day?? I guess I really wanted to get into "carrying Law like a bag of treasure" mini-arc that badly haha. Love is a hurricane so let's go!
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Luffy's back to his "I don't have time for this" antics. He wants to save Torao, there's no time to be idle or to waste, alright!
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Luffy's done with being patient and sticking to plans. He was interested in his life to stick to only one plan anyway, which he believes is shattered now. Too bad, Viola. You're just not Law.
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Luffy has enough of waiting! Faster, faster! And again, not interested in any other plans, unless they're Law's. (yes, he asks about the plan, but only to complain. He's not gonna listen)
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Torao's fine! Luffy looks really happy and he calmed down a bit and does he have a slight blush here or what lol. But like I told you all, he's not interested in listening to plans and idling around. He wants to go, go, go and he isn't even trying to understand what they're waiting for. This is the Luffy we all know, the "before Law" Luffy lol.
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To understand why Law says that the alliance is finished, we need to rewind to his fight with Doflamingo. He said that to protect the Strawhats. In case Law gets captured and loses (and he expected to be defeated), cutting his ties with Strawhats should make them all leave the country, right? After all they will have no more business here because the whole alliance was focused on Law's plan, and once that is no longer their business, in Law's mind it means they will leave. After all that's what pirates do. They don't care about countries, old allies etc.
I mean, if it was anyone else than Strawhats, Law would be right, wouldn't he? He just didn't know them well enough yet at this point. He probably thought saving kids at Punk Hazard was just a whim on their part, a precedence, and normally they would only do such things for their friends. And Law isn't their friend, neither is anyone in Dressrosa.
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Luffy: Omg Law I missed you so much!
Law: Not this again!
Luffy wastes no time anymore and is so, so happy to be able to rescue Law it's unreal. Meanwhile Law tries to push him away, shocked that he's here.
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He tries three different tactics to push Luffy away: 1. You were supposed to take care of the factory, did you do it already? 2. The alliance is no more, scram from here 3. If you rescue me, I will be your enemy!
This is probably The Moment when Trafalgar Law realized Luffy treats him as a friend, someone to risk your life for to help. Law isn't having any of that. Luffy risks his life for friends, and Law wants the exact opposite: protect him no matter what. Those two desires clash here.
Luffy almost fell for it, to be fair. But then decides he will rescue Law no matter what he's saying. He did the same for Ace in Marineford, despite Ace screaming this is not his business, so why would Law's words stop him now?
I love how Luffy calls Law selfish. I mean, he's kinda right about it. Law doesn't take into account Luffy's feelings here. And Luffy also doesn't take Law's feelings into account here. It's a battle of who will rescue the other, lol. They're so hopeless, I swear...
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Law's last attempt gets completely ignored. He again is dragged into Luffy's pace here and he knows it. He lost to Luffy, again. Hence why he will allow himself to "get saved" from this moment on, which I think makes Luffy actually happy - after all Ace didn't allow himself to be saved.
And yes, the "I'll kill you" is a lie. All things Ace said at Marineford to keep Luffy away were also lies. Those are all hints for us to connect the dots here. Not that anyone believed Law here anyway lol. There's just no way he would actually harm Luffy after trying to protect him for freaking two arcs now. But he would and will say just about anything, if it has even a slight chance of pushing Luffy away.
Now we have to address the elephant in the room. Does it all mean that Trafalgar Law was suicidal and actually expected Luffy to leave him to die? Well, yes and no. Yes, because he does care for Luffy more than he cares for himself, for multiple reasons (low self-esteem might be one of them actually). Let's not forget Luffy is the life he saved in Marineford. Saving lives means everything to Law.
No, because did you notice Viola magically spawned a key to Law's cuffs? Did you notice how prepared she was in this whole arc, even handing Sanji a map to secret factory, almost like she knew that's exactly the thing they're missing in their plan? Well. I think Law lied and did visit Dressrosa before. And made Viola his secret ally, a great chess piece on the board that's capable of making her own decisions and prepared in case Law needs a backup plan (remember fake cuffs in Punk Hazard? It's the same logic applied here. Law always covers ways to recover from precarious situations/possible emergencies/mistakes). In other words, getting captured by Mingo and rescued with help of his ally, was a part of his backup plan. Yes, he planned his own capture, you heard me right. It wasn't his plan A. Just a backup plan B or C.
You're welcome if that turned your understanding of Dressrosa's plot upside down. I'm always happy to deliver! Oh if you only knew how much of Law's plan was probably obscured from us. Because I don't think Viola is his only secret ally. Ofc you're free not to believe it and just accept the old truth fandom believes in, which is Law being a selfish suicidal idiot. Let's move on for now!
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Important to remember: this is Law's narration here. After all he's the only one in this group that knows what Doffy's birdcage is, having experienced it before. He has a clear PTSD moment about it and speaks his actual mind here. Which is him being terrified that innocent people will die, all because Law's plan went to shit. He's most likely already blaming himself for that. This is definitely not the result he wanted, which might be one more reason why his original plan was so indirect in dethroning Doflamingo. He was hoping to avoid stuff like this.
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Luffy taking care of Law's sword <3 Busy talking with Zoro over some stuff, meanwhile Law pays attention to Doffy's broadcast, because Luffy doesn't. Those two really fill each other's blank spots, and they do so naturally.
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First time Law hears that Luffy is now after Doflamingo. He reacts to it, trying to make Luffy understand that it's a dangerous decision, assuming Luffy is just swayed by emotions.
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And their wishes clash again. Law tells Luffy it's better to give it up and scramble. Law no longer tries to push Luffy away, he realizes he lost that battle already. But he's still not giving up on keeping Luffy safe. Ironic, considering he's practically helpless and cuffed here (but the key to the cuffs should be nearby). Just moments ago he clearly regretted the fact innocent people got dragged into this deadly game, but here he is trying to downplay it and even disregard it as not important.
Luffy's not having any of that. Either he heard his regret before and connected the dots, or he still deeply believes Law to be a good person. He expects him to want to help this country too. If Luffy doesn't doubt Law even once, no matter what Law has to say about it, why should we? Luffy's usually the best at reading people, their emotions and judging if they're good people or not. I definitely trust him when he calls someone a good person, and i think you all should as well.
What Luffy and Law are actually communicating here is this:
Law: "This is going too far, we should stop. We might lose our lives here" (as in: I don't want you to lose your life here).
Luffy: "This is no time to be worrying about that! We're already dragged in this!" Or even... "I'm not letting you give up everything just to protect my life! I will carry your wish to save Dressrosa!" (but I doubt Law understands it this way)
Of course Law is taken aback here. He doesn't understand why Luffy is so attached to this country already or why he made his final decision already (and we might also question it with him, because we saw how Luffy respected the plan before! Not even Rebecca or fake peace could sway him! And Law apparently was more aware of it than we expected him to be). It was less than a day. He will find out eventually though, because it will keep bugging him and be constantly on his mind, hence his immediate reaction:
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And now he finally gets it. Yep, it was because of food. And it will be because of food again in Wano. It's not the full reason, but oh god it is hilarious. Neverending cycle of suffering for Law continues on.
I guess Luffy's deep interest in Law is reciprocated after all. Law is also unusually interested in things concerning Luffy and stuff about Luffy seems to be always on Law's mind.
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Law already knows what's gonna happen, just by hearing "the direct one!!" answer. He still is in disbelief.
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Neverneding cycle of suffering. No wonder he becomes a zen monk by Wano.
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And it continues. He clearly doesn't enjoy the freestyle jumping off the cliff while being at someone else's mercy or being tossed around. Luckily for him, Luffy holds him tight.
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Considering how he was just so heavily manhandled, you can't hold it against Law here that he's kinda petty. Also Luffy's panic is adorable, he's like "oh no, I totally messed it up" which he usually wouldn't care much about, but now he's literally carrying Law with him, so it's no longer about his own safety (he doesn't care) but Law's (he cares about that a lot). And can I just point out since Luffy grabbed Law he never lets him go anymore? Yeah, he loses him occassionally, but never lets Zoro carry him even for a second. Nope, Luffy's gonna carry his own treasure the whole way all up to Mingo's castle and no one's gonna put hands on it!
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And I believe this to be the reason. Luffy knows that the whole Doflamingo's Family got a beef with Law, but also normal citizens would be trying to get Law, and Law is still wearing seastone cuffs so can't do much. So Luffy takes it upon himself to take care of him now! And he's so overprotective he won't let anyone else do that!
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And again, it's mutual. Law, despite his position, will still fret over Luffy's wellbeing all the time. My god, can they just stop being so obvious? Worry for yourself for once, Law!
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He worries and worries some more and doesn't even complain when he lands face first on the ground.
Special mention for Luffy caring about innocent people, because this proves to Law that Luffy actually does care deeply about things like that! By Wano Law will accept it as the truth and Luffy's general MO.
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I wonder how it felt when Luffy laughed while holding Law on his arm like that. Law must have felt him laughing through the vibrations in his own body. It's just... so casually intimate between them. Of course Law doesn't miss the chance to actually scold them both, because they do attract unneccessary troubles on them and they're already in bad spot. Law's worrying never ends!
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I just wanna point it out: Luffy is falling here, but he still holds Law close, refusing to let him go.
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This is here just so you can also stare at both of them lying down at the same time, because that's so rare, whenever Luffy's not on guard, Law usually is, but not here. Here they're just both little sheeps and Zoro has to step up his game instead. Maybe on some subconscious level, Law actually feels safe when Luffy carries him, because he felt safe when Corazon carried him forever ago as well.
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I just love how Luffy realizes what Cavendish is up to and rescues Law. And there we go, the infamous "crewmate" debate. Let's start with Luffy. Many people assume Luffy just lied here to protect Torao, because that's the easiest option. But it doesn't take into account Luffy's personality. Luffy never jokes about crewmate's status and if he calls you one, he actually means it (yes, I do believe he tried to seriously recruit zombie tree and Kinemon's legs. He was so deeply disappointed when he found out Kin's legs aren't a seperate entity!). Luffy means every word he said here and he only voices it outloud exactly because it will help keep Cavendish away from Law. And it's not the first time the "nakama" thing is hinted at:
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He says it here as well. "My crew's life is more important than flame-flame fruit". But at this point none of the Strawhats is in any immediate danger. Law though, is, indeed.
But when did Luffy start to think of Law as his crewmate? Punk Hazard? Dressrosa after he saw Law being shot? Well, my personal bet is right after Marineford. Because by rescuing him Law proved to Luffy he's a good person. And that's all Luffy needs to want someone as a crewmate. It does help though that he saw Law fight and must consider him really strong.
There's one interesting thing here though. Usually when Luffy declares someone his crewmate/nakama, he would pursue them no matter what. But in Law's case, he just... waits. Seems he wants Law to be the one to make the final decision, and until he does, Luffy will wait for him forever. You think I'm reaching? Watch till we get to Wano haha.
Funny thing is, Zoro caught up on that before Luffy even put it into words. Let's remind ourselves of Zoro's sword languague in Water 7 for a moment:
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He explains he doesn't pick sides and he draws his sword a bit and closes it again ("clicking" it) to make the point. He also gives his friends a choice: they need to decide now whether Robin is an enemy or a crewmate (original uses the nakama word). Now fast forward to Dressrosa:
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Zoro does the same gesture from Water 7 and it's meant for Law. He's telling him basically the same message here "choose your side, are you with us (nakama) or against us (enemy)." It's right after Luffy and Law quarrel about fleeing or staying and helping the country. Law is also a swordsman, he most likely understood the message, hence his shocked reaction, because he was faced with an ultimatum from Luffy's wingman.
And what's Law's stance on it? He clearly refused there, right? "I'm not!" but that was before he was ready to give his actual answer, so of course he would be mad, he semi-expected this is Luffy deciding things for him. He realizes just a moment later that it's actually not the case and why Luffy said it, hence he shuts up. He shares his final decision only after Zoro leaves to fight Pica and I bet you anything it was on purpose, he was avoiding giving his actual answer in front of the other. Maybe he just thinks Zoro's crazy and might indeed treat him as an enemy as the result... or maybe, just maybe, he is actually torn. I mean, he's allowed to feel confused, he just evolved from a friend to a crewmate in a matter of one hour or less.
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Law's hat is on and so is Luffy's, at the exact same time. Shared solidarity <3
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Law isn't often taken aback by Luffy, but here he is. I guess it's the first time he sees Luffy so stupidly stubborn over something and the realization hits him like a truck. Yes, Law, Luffy can be just as stubbornly petty as you, are you up for the competition? Seeing your face I would assume that's a "no" haha. He might later on.
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Law: Too close! (he's making a very uncomfortable expression and Jeef is leaning all over him).
Luffy: Hands off and get off!!
It looks like Luffy wants to protect Law, but actually I think he's just trying to literally push the guy off so he can win the petty competition of who reaches Doffy first. I'm sure Law appreciated Luffy pushing the guy off.
But it can be also because Luffy wanted Jeef and Abdullah to get away from his treasure that he tugged on Moocy right behind himself lol.
Should we ask ourselves another question? Why is Law allowing himself to be handled this way? There are actually multiple possible reasons for that: 1. He decided that no matter what Luffy wants he will tag along with it, there's no way he's leaving Luffy alone to face Mingo 2. He actually likes being carried around (we have Corazon to thank for that) 3. He's actually too weak in those cuffs to get himself to that palace. Which would explain why he doesn't even try to sit up while on Moocy or why his guard wasn't on around Cavendish, normally he wouldn't allow himself a mistake like that, no matter how much Luffy manhandled him. Though like I said before, I don't exclude "trust" as the partial reason as well. I just don't think it would be enough to make Law stop fretting and worrying.
The love adventures of Luffy carrying Law around will continue in next part!
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oodlyenough · 4 months
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finally met simon's meaner hotter gayer sister and she rules. athena and (inexplicably) phoenix both clutched their pearls here but this is now the sixth ace attorney game i've played and she's so real for this. japanifornia is a dystopian hellhole
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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octopticon · 11 months
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some of my favorite women
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hopetatic · 5 months
My danganronpa looks weird......
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Ms paint doodles down below + death order (decided by a wheel)
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Haha dangenrenpers au
Reblogs arent necessary but greatly appreciated!
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tsunderful · 1 year
Do you think the Wright Anything Agency has a sign that says 'It has been [X] days since Maya Fey was falsely accused of murder' hanging somewhere?
Like the Lawyer gang (+Trucy) are just sat around not really doing anything when all of a sudden Nick gets a phone call but the others just hear his side of the conversation which basically amounts to any combination of 'Yep. Okay. Got it.' followed by a 'Be right there.' before he hangs up, groans, and slowly walks over to the board and erases whatever number is up there and draws a big fat 0 in its place, gets his coat, and leaves without saying another word.
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mushroombo · 1 year
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God, you’re pretty More’s the pity, since you need a man-- --What? Who’s brainy Or witty--
Day 1 // Lies and Secrets Fool’s Mate // The Chess Game
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mikami1992 · 4 months
Someone wants to write this fic?
ok, I just had the revelation of the craziest story in One Piece….
Fem Ace, who manages to find Sabo (male) on a mission, there are screams, fights and tears….
Days later, Ace gets sick and due to a series of crazy misunderstandings, all the Whitebeard pirates believe that a Revolutionary got pregnant and abandoned his little sister…
It's time to castrate some irresponsible Rev….
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mekatrio · 5 months
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still in disbelief over this post i saw cuz how do u play 4 whole games of ace attorney maybe more and not see the problem with the concept of "decisive evidence"........
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female-buckets · 5 months
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phoenixyfriend · 5 months
Help I keep mixing up @adiduck and @asukaskerian
They are both individuals I encountered in GG. They both start with The Letter A. They are both well-established. They are both now more active in my Other fandoms, Star Wars and Naruto respectively...
But I keep mixing up which one wrote That One Great Star Wars Fic and which one wrote the Funky Fun Ninja Fic
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noble-guards · 2 months
Happy chapter two lmao
Sorry for the long wait, a lot of major life stuff started kicking my ass
But on the plus side: Dante POV chapter :)
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playablezelda · 20 days
my personal headcanon for where plvspw falls in the canon timeline (since its not technically Actual canon BUT we know it has to take place post introduction of luke atmey since maya makes a zvarri reference) is that phoenix and maya were in london for the trial during maggey’s original trial with fauxnix and that’s how furio got away with pretending to be wright, because he and his assistant were off huffing hallucinogenic ink in the british country side and playing house while baking bread
alternately it happens RIGHT AFTER bridge to the turnabout and it was supposed to be a fun, relaxing trip for phoenix and maya after the trauma of hazakura temple and instead nick has to immediately watch maya ‘die’ Again and just continue to have the worst time because neither him or maya can catch a fuckin break
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ellascreams · 4 months
Memory, Mortality, and Apathy
[Members of The Agency, Zoraxis, and this fandom, have all found themselves wondering how Phoenix survives so many things, and there have been many theories. Phoenix is worse at theorizing, but they’ve been wondering how even more than anyone else.]
There were hardly any Zoraxis or Agency employees who didn’t know the name Agent Phoenix. There were hardly any who hadn’t heard of them surviving things like being crushed under a building they just fell from or atmospheric reentry. There was hardly anyone in their line of work who hadn’t wondered how Phoenix did it.
Many people came up with their own theories. Plenty of people tried to ask them about it directly. Even some of the heads of the EOD asked them how they did it, and Reginald had asked them many times. Still, they never told anyone. They never even said anything. They’d simply put their pointer finger in front of their smug smile.
The secret to the Phoenix’s survival was something only they knew, or so everyone seemed to think. They did have a secret only they knew. The secret was that they were just as confused as everybody else.
There was no logical way they could’ve survived the Death Engine. Phoenix knew this because they had tried several times to think of one. But no. No matter how many times they tried, they always came to the same conclusion. They shouldn’t have survived. No wonder Zor bought their fake death. It made way more sense than the truth.
Then there was the Peace Summit. They had a much higher chance of surviving that so it wouldn’t be that odd if it wasn’t for literally everything else. If it wasn’t part of this pattern of them escaping death practically or relatively unscathed.
There were different types of unscathed, by the way. During their many trips to infirmaries, Phoenix noticed that even Agency doctors had their own codes. “Unscathed” meant what it was supposed to mean. They escaped with absolutely no injuries. “Practically unscathed” meant that they had gotten a few scrapes or cuts, but it wasn’t anything bad. It was injuries that really only needed some disinfectant and bandages, if not ointment and bandaids. “Relatively unscathed” meant that they were seriously injured, but they should have died, or at the very least had the decency to fall into a coma.
While Phoenix was never truly unscathed, they usually didn’t get very hurt. They broke their leg at the Peace Summit, which was the main reason it took them so long to contact Reginald, and they were covered in burns after the Death Engine, but both times they were still missing some injuries they should’ve had. Like concussions. They had never gotten a concussion. And while they were almost sure that was just dumb luck, it still worried them, because it meant they couldn’t make any excuses for their memory loss.
The Death Engine. They remembered being there. In space. The explosion and Solaris’s cries. The strange sensation of falling, but not because gravity was pulling them, it was because something was pushing them towards the world below. Then gravity began to pull. Then… well something must’ve happened. Maybe the air pressure or lack of oxygen made them pass out. That was perfectly reasonable, but Phoenix didn’t know if what was reasonable mattered anymore.
They had some very vague and fuzzy memories of getting medical attention. But their next clear memory was being back in their office with Reginald’s voice in their ear again, and a slight burning pain all over their left side and torso. They remembered it feeling like they had been half asleep and then suddenly woken up. They knew that time had passed in that weird way they just knew that every time they woke up, and they were generally aware of everything that had just happened, but if they tried to remember anything specific it got all weird and dream like.
They remembered the Peace Summit. They remembered the feeling of falling the normal way, where gravity was pulling them downwards. They remembered being so relieved that they stopped Zor, the world seemed to slow down. All seemed calm, even though it was anything but. Their muscles relaxed as they enjoyed the feeling of the wind rushing around them. Maybe they fell asleep. It wouldn’t have been that odd if they did, they were really tired, and they tended to feel very relaxed when they thought they were going to die. The worst was already happening, so why worry? Why not take a moment, their last moment, to rest?
They remembered waking up with a broken leg pretty well because WOW did that hurt. You’d think a spy would get used to that, but no. Pain catching up when adrenaline wears off will always be unpleasant for everyone who experiences it. Then they remembered climbing out of rubble. Everything after that sort of blurred together. It was a lot of walking, limping, searching, and surviving. How long did it take them to find that base? A couple hours? A couple weeks? They didn’t know. But who would know in a situation like that? Then they got to the base and they remembered everything so clearly.
They remembered their other missions almost entirely. Well, they blacked out during Operation KBOOM so they didn’t remember all of that one, but there was a good explanation for that. Phoenix was pretty sure human brains weren’t designed for any amount of telekinesis, but they were positive human brains hadn’t been designed for that much telekinesis.
The important thing is that they could remember most of their missions all the way through in a way that made sense. In a way where it would actually make less sense for there to be something else there they had forgotten. Therefore, those memories should have been normal. But they weren’t.
Every now and then, when Phoenix thought back to a mission, they got this strange feeling that something was… off. Like something small was being blocked out. Like they were missing a couple moments, or something they remembered thinking wasn’t actually what they’d been thinking at the time, or maybe even that something or someone else was there with them. But they were sure that if they added in what they thought was missing, the memory would’ve made less sense.
How did Agent Phoenix survive so many things? Were they forgetting something? What was the secret to their success? Those questions were too broad. They started asking themself smaller questions.
Did any of this have to do with their TK implant? How were they supposed to know? They guessed that if these… symptoms only started after getting their implant, it was probably related to the implant. Phoenix didn’t remember forgetting anything before the implant. They didn’t have many near death experiences back then, so they weren’t sure if they could’ve avoided death. They had been pretty immune to anesthetics and stuff their whole life.
That led Phoenix to their next question: was being pretty immune to anesthetics and stuff related to everything else? Alcohol was supposed to mess with memories, so surely it wouldn’t affect their memories if it didn’t affect them any other ways, right? Then again, their odd constitution did make them resistant to certain poisons, and those could be lethal. That meant it was yet another thing that protected them from death.
They were assuming the cause was scientific, but what if it was magical? Phoenix didn’t believe in magic but they were open to being proven wrong. Maybe they were blessed with some sort of immortality, or luck, or something a while back. Actually, would it have been a blessing or a curse? They weren’t sure they liked it. They weren’t sure they disliked it either.
Question after question they discovered dead end after dead end. They had no idea what had been happening to them and they had no way of finding out. They considered asking Prism for her help. Maybe together they could find the answer. But they shook their head.
No matter how many questions they asked, how many hours they spent thinking, no matter how hard they tried, Phoenix couldn’t get themself to care that much. They felt like they should. Normal people would be worried or curious about these things happening to them. Normal people might even feel bad about having some weird protection, like they were cheating somehow. But they saw no issue with cheating if it meant saving the world, and they didn’t need to know about any strange powers they might have, so why bother knowing about them?
If an opportunity ever presented itself, Phoenix would be happy to learn what has happening to them. Until then, they decided they just didn’t care enough, and they stopped thinking about it. Eventually, something would remind them of their situation, then they’d start thinking about it all over again. It might take them a while to escape this cycle.
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alynnl · 1 year
I've been thinking about AA4 era Phoenix (Beanix, if you will) - and the theory that he distanced himself from his friends from the original trilogy so that they wouldn't get caught up in the web of Kristoph Gavin's conspiracies.
It's a nice theory, but I have one objection.
Does Phoenix Wright really believe his friends to be so incapable of defending themselves?
With Maya and Pearl I guess it's understandable. They almost got caught up in their own family's plot in AA 2 and 3 so maybe it's best they're well out of it.
I guess you could include Larry with the Fey girls in the "for the best he's not involved" category, since he probably would be unlucky enough to truly be in danger (if Kristoph took any interest in him, that is.)
But then we get to Edgeworth. And by extension, Gumshoe (possibly Kay) and Franziska.
Edgeworth and his whole team have proven themselves to be very capable of holding their own, and helping Phoenix solve cases when he couldn't do it alone. AA2 and 3 show Edgeworth, Gumshoe and Franziska coming through when it really counts, and Phoenix is grateful for their assistance.
On top of that, the Investigations games show Edgeworth taking down multiple corrupt people, making me believe he'd be more than a match for Kristoph if they did face off.
Edgeworth vs. Kristoph would have been a great logic chess sequence if it actually happened.
There's only one way to explain Edgeworth's absence from AA 4, and that's him being out of the country during the Zak Gramarye trial and the subsequent fallout. And perhaps one of Phoenix's regrets was not taking the time to contact Edgeworth and ask his advice before the trial started.
Maybe my bias towards him is showing, but I feel like that trial would've gone differently if Edgeworth was there instead of Klavier. Perhaps it was a coincidence, or maybe it was by design, but we'll probably never know for sure.
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