#fallout wiki ask
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thefalloutwiki · 1 year ago
Do you guys have any info about what exactly Future-Tec is? I remember seeing some stuff in the 76 Atomic shop about it, but I can't really find any good info on what it is and what role it plays in the lore.
Heyo, thanks for the ask! I'm happy to answer anything I can!
So first, let's establish every game or publication Future-Tec is mentioned in (to my knowledge). Future-Tec is mentioned in the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide (Fallout's manual), Fallout 76 and lastly, Fallout: The Roleplaying Game!
In the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide, Future-Tec is stated to be a division of Vault-Tec, and presents an advertisement for the Garden of Eden Creation Kit (mind you, this is before the GECK was in a game too).
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In Fallout 76, several Future-Tec Atomic Shop C.A.M.P. items appear, all with unique descriptions. The description for the Future-Tec Week Flag states the following:
Future-Tec was once a secret branch of Vault-tec tasked with investigating top-secret and alien technologies. Fly their flag in your C.A.M.P. with the Future-Tec Week Flag.
Additionally, the terminal entries for Vault 51 show that ZAX 1.3c copied Dr. Stanislaus Braun's writing and speaking style, in order to obtain a Hellfire Prototype Power Armor unit. The entry reveals that Braun was the department head of Future-Tec!
//SEARCHING: Hellfire Prototype Power Armor //SEARCHING: Future-Tec //SEARCHING: Department head //SEARCHING: Dr. Stanislaus Braun //ANALYZING: Dr. Stanislaus Braun published research and speaking history //COPYING: Dr. Stanislaus Braun writing & speaking style ........ Success; Probability of direct match 99.6% //SENDING: Hellfire Prototype Power Armor Requisition Request ........ Success; message delivered.
In Fallout 3, we also learn that Braun is the creator of the GECK!
Lastly, in Fallout: The Roleplaying Game, we get this short blurb about the GECK:
Devised by Vault-Tec’s Future-Tec division, this terraforming device uses matter recombination technology to transform irradiated or otherwise polluted earth into fertile soil. It also included force-field schematics and 3D printing arrays to make everything from buildings to clothing from the raw materials of the earth.
Now that we have our sources put together, let's piece together all that we know about Future-Tec, as a division of Vault-Tec.
Future-Tec was a division of Vault-Tec, headed by Dr. Stanislaus Braun. Described as a secret branch of the company, the division was responsible for investigating "top-secret and alien technologies." The Garden of Eden Creation Kit was devised by the department, with Dr. Braun being responsible for developing the device itself.
Hope this helps! Of course, sometimes I do miss a source or two, but I'm confident that that is all the info we have on Future-Tec. This was a nice little writing exercise, so I'd love to answer any more asks people have! :D
With this post, all info I've stated has been added to our Future-Tec page, which you can check out here:
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nukacourier · 7 months ago
Fallout could be called "anti-capitalism; the game" and someone would still insist there aren't any anti-capitalist themes
Yeah I'm convinced some of these people aren't playing Fallout they're playing Risein or something
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radiaking · 8 months ago
lskadjlkas i rly need to start playing fallout lmfao. i think since we're heading to vegas in s2 i may get that one and start there.
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numberonemoefan · 9 months ago
this is spot on, fuck yeah!
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A hypothetical god tier for Preston Garvey from Fallout: the Knight of Life.
A Knight of Life is among those who use energy to influence. They are motivated by themselves to utilize growth. (x) The Knight of Life puts on a front to hide an insecurity and keeps trying even if they fail. (x) They are the Defender Child, defined by guarded growth. (x) Their opposite is the Page of Doom. Their inverse is the Rogue of Doom. They share their personality with the Heir of Doom. The Knight of Life would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Haze and Life, reigned over by Hebe (Goddess of Youth) or Asclepius (God of Medicine). They would rise to ascension on the wings of butterflies. (x)(x)(x)
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 6 months ago
Hello Miss Raven!! So it’s unfortunately a pretty well known fact that the TWST English translation has a bad habit of botching important dialogue and lore, and even removing lines altogether, and I saw a reblog a day ago regarding that.
The original post was a fact sheet on Leona & how he interacts with women (alongside other stuff but that’s besides the point). And the reblog I was looking at was saying that the English translation just makes it sound like he’s a feminist, when it’s implied in the original JP game that the beastwomen tend to be more aggressive, giving Leona a reason to be afraid of them. And that reminded me that on the TWST fandom wiki under Leona’s trivia he said he’s intimidated by them, and every time I see that I remember that just can’t seem to find that detail at all anywhere in the English game.
So I wanted to ask you what did the original JP game say about how male and female beastmen interact with each other and why Leona would be cautious around them? Because this is a piece of info that I really would have liked to see in ENG, and I’m kind of annoyed I didn’t know about this before.
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I believe this is the Leona lore post you’re referring to? Both TWST wikis (the fandom one and the .gg one) state the same trivia point about Leona being “intimidated” by beastwoman. I’m assuming this is where the reblogger picked up the idea of beastwomen being more “aggressive”, and this being Leona’s reasoning for being “intimidated” by them.
In a nutshell, the claims of Leona being a feminist only in EN + beastwomen aggression and Leona being intimidated by that is not true. The “Leona is a feminist” take was around long before the official English localization, and that’s because the Japanese text also has Ruggie (Leona Ceremonial Robes vignettes) and Cater (Cater’s School Uniform vignette) commenting that Leona is “nice” and “respectful” to women. To claim that they made Leona feminist in the localization is false. They never use the word “feminist” in JP or EN though; the label came from the fandom interpreting this bit of lore as Leona being more considerate of women.
As for the reasoning! Leona states in his Ceremonial Robes vignettes that “[Beastwomen are] already way stronger than us. Goin’ against them only brings more trouble.” I believe that someone probably misunderstood that second line of dialogue as Leona fearing the strength/aggression of beastwomen. He never actually indicates or implies that he feels that way. However, these vignettes being cited for the trivia on the wiki likely led to some confusion.
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So if Leona isn’t afraid of beastwomen and their physical fitness, how is that second line supposed to be interpreted? Well, let’s think about his character. Leona is a smart guy. He dislikes having to put forth effort into pointless things, especially if he can plan ahead and avoid it. As I tend to say whenever I talk about his Big Brain Cells, Leona likes to work smarter, not harder. Again, look at this line:
“Goin’ against them only brings more trouble.”
It’s likely Leona just wanting to appease his sister-in-law to avoid having to deal with the fallout of not fulfilling her request. It would otherwise be a pain to deal with—and we’ve seen Leona act in various ways to avoid such pains. For example, he goes to Playful Land with Jack to make sure his dorm member comes back alright (or else Leona is responsible for the consequences), purposefully not choosing a vice dorm leader so he doesn’t have someone to challenge his authority, and generally has convenient excuses prepared to get out of things he doesn’t want to do.
If we want to think of it from another angle, this better fits what we already know of Leona’s cunning. He knows when to call it quits and make a strategic surrender. The most notable example of this occurs early in book 6, when he stops fighting Styx agents and willingly gives himself up to them. He also throws in the towel in book 2 and refuses to play because he already knows that his team is destined to lose to Malleus since they didn’t succeed in eliminating him beforehand. In the situation with Leona’s sister-in-law asking for a picture of him in his robes, Leona is acquiescing because that’s just the smart thing to do. Why even argue if he knows it won’t be fruitful? It’s wasted effort.
I would like to add that physical strength isn’t even the only factor here. Ruggie points out in one of his Chats that “Girls have both the grit and the camaraderie to triumph when the goin’ gets tough.” Grit refers to courage or resolve. The latter, resolve, lends credence to the idea that beastwomen are also determined or strong-willed. In which case… yeah, I don’t think they’d back down from an argument/verbal fight or a physical one.
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If we circle back to the previous paragraph, it supports the interpretation that Leona giving in to what his sister-in-law wants is the result of him wanting to avoid a pointless and prolonged fight if he refuses. Cuz like… why waste that time and energy to come out of it with nothing, right?
If it was true that Leona listens to what women day only because he’s actually scared of beastwomen, then that doesn’t explain his interactions with non-beastwomen. Why would he agree to attend a party for an enchanted portrait (Rosaria), which has no means of harming him? He agreed to the proposition as soon as he heard Rosaria is a lady; there didn’t need to be a threat or significant verbal pushback for him to go. As Leona states in Cater’s School Uniform vignette, “Portrait or not, I respect ladies and Rosaria is a lady.” (I think the reblogger may have been confused and was actually referring to THIS line being made “more feminist” in EN. In JP, Leona says something closer to, “Even if it’s a portrait, a woman is a woman.” JP does not have the “I respect ladies” portion.)
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Sooo, in conclusion… Leona agreeing to do as his sister-in-law says does not necessarily mean he is intimidated by beastwomen; as I’ve explained, there is an alternate explanation with evidence in canon: he wants to avoid pointless hassle.
I hope this helps to clear things up ^^ I know the localization isn’t exactly perfect, but let’s take care to not assume changes or mistranslations!
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rei-ismyname · 16 days ago
Uncanny X-Men #11 review
X-Manhunt is upon us, as everyone drops what they're doing to pay attention to almost everyone's least favourite mutant - Charles Xavier. The team dynamic is getting stranger as Rogue puts the 'danger' in Danger Room, Logan grows ever wider, and The Podcaster asks the X-Men for help.
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Maybe the Podcaster is a mutant who can sense plot points
Yet another X-Book introduces a confusing dose of Space Bullshit, as Xandra, Xavier's Shi'Ar Empress daughter, is attacked by rebels. That's pretty much a Tuesday for her and it's the only kind of plot she's ever used for. Chuck's terrible parenting is the last motivation I expected for his escape, but cosmic Marvel is experiencing upheaval of late so I guess it's as good a reason as any. I'd think that Jean/Phoenix could and would solve the issue instantly, but as we'll see Xavier is not thinking clearly. Or maybe he is and this is all a trick - the narrative is not interested in answering these questions right now. It doesn't really matter that Xavier has only met his daughter once, nor is it explained why she cries to him for help. Deathbird, as usual, fails at everything she attempts. Strange that she's her only guard.
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I wouldn't think prisoners crying would be a noteworthy occurrence in this hellhole, but Chuck having a heart attack would remove Graymalkin's reason for existing. I assume he's feeling the strain of telepathic communication across the galaxy plus watching his daughter's attack in real time. The Podcaster's character continues to be baffling - in a better book I'd speculate on the implications of her flat, cackling villainy.
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The whole reason Xavier is locked up in the first place is because he won't keep his brain to himself. Scurvy usually keeps him locked down, but Scurvy is recovering from the thrashing Chuck gave him during the Raid. If they have the ability to sedate him/use power dampeners, why don't they use them all the time? Obviously the plot couldn't happen without it but it makes these clowns look even more incompetent than usual. He casually freed himself during the Raid and chose to stay and they've been letting him use his powers this whole time?
The imaginatively named Secret Alliance has succeeded in capturing Xandra, and she's a powerful enough telepath to contact Chuck across the galaxy but that's her best shot. Sure, he's not getting there very quickly though, unless Lila Cheney is around. Charles Xavier IS a terrible father, no doubt about it, and he admits it every so often. He never actually does anything different though, so I guess this is growth? Maybe.
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Checking in with the team whose book this is ... hold up, that is the thickest Logan I've ever seen. A secondary mutation perhaps? Anyway, it looks like we're doing the makeshift Danger Room thing with the kids again. I'd love for the events of the last two issues to be discussed in some way, but that's not really how Uncanny rolls. Sure, the kids need training since they want to be doing this X-Men thing but they've just had a protracted fight to the death with killer robot dogs. Deathdream nearly died. Rogue is thinking they need to be hurt more for unexplained reasons, and I strongly doubt anyone has ever thought the Danger Room is fun. Maybe Scott.
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Moonbeam orders Gambit to blow Jitter up, knocking her down and bringing fun time to an end. Really not selling Rogue as a leader here - WTF is this meant to teach anyone? Poor thing starts crying and at last a member of this team calls Rogue out, briefly. Rogue explains herself by rattling off a wiki entry on 'X-men villains' including Omega Red - who really shouldn't be there.
Sometimes, when I'm playing an RPG like Fallout or Elder Scrolls and I'm bored I'll save the game then just go to town blowing shit up and killing people. Or if I'm looking for exploits/messing with engine physics I'll just interact with objects in odd ways. That's kinda what this feels like, a random act of violence just to see some explosions. Rogue exists in a narrative and genre where suspension of disbelief is required, but I can't suspend it for this. Is Gail Simone the RPG player, maybe? It's her world. I have no idea, but it's incredibly jarring.
Ember is definitely side-eying Rogue
Training is over and nobody learned anything. Jubilee calls it and uses Cyclops as an insult. Oookay. I'm not going to bother dissecting that. This lot hate Cyclops for reasons unknown and if it hasn't been explained by now it never will. I accept it, I just think it's weak characterisation. Jubes and Kurt's disapproval is overshadowed by Ground Bear and Gambit agreeing that it was a good idea. I have to laugh at this - it's just so ridiculous. The X-Men aren't the same characters from issue to issue, let alone any kind of continuity with previous runs. They do things for reasons and everything works out fine.
No time for any character exploration - The Podcaster has sent a plane to pick them up and calls requesting help like the friends they're not. Why not? I'm not taking any of these characters seriously anyway, may as well have the X-Men collaborate with someone who threatened to blow up their town. Someone who enslaves and tortures mutants in what used to be their house.
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Also, this is a thing that happens. A guard at Graymalkin just blows his family away. Not sure why a Graymalkin jackboot would shoot Sentinels, but it makes as much sense as anything else. Sure it's probably linked to the 'virus' that's going around, that's probably linked to Xavier. Or maybe it's something else entirely. This book doesn't exactly reward or incentivise speculation, so I'll just wait until they beat me over the head with it.
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I was just thinking this issue could do with Sarah Gaunt in it. She's been quiet for an entire arc. Xavier asks her to free him and while she still hates him she does it anyway. I guess those comically large chains she was bound with in Raid on Graymalkin do nothing, as she can come and go as she pleases - or destroy all his restraints without moving. Doesn't matter, Chuck is out of his chains now. Nothing new about either character here and Sarah went from 'fuck you' to 'sure, I'll help you' very quickly.
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Xavier opens his door to find his X-Men there to help him. It's the Uncanny team but he sees them as a warped version of the O5. They're here for ... I don't know why they're here tbh. The tumor mentioned by Scurvy is apparently a thing, I'm just not sure what these folks are meant to do about that. That he's hallucinating is new. I feel like the sedative would have been enough to sell it, though I have been saying that Xavier is going to die for a while now. Rehabilitation through death, it's a Xavier classic. Tumours are already mutations so I don't know what a mutant tumour is meant to be. Maybe The Avians are related to The Shi'Ar after all.
Chuck starts barking orders like the good old days, listening to no-one and blasting Rogue when she tries to reason with him. Not sure what the X-Men's motivation is here.
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'Goblin?' Really? Xavier is acting very differently to how he does in NYX or Storm. I mean, he's imperious and manipulative but he seems lucid in those books. Rogue lampshades her previous desire to free him at all costs while thinking that they're here to keep him in prison. Again, it's bizarre that Graymalkin has no other means of dealing with this guy, and The Podcaster called the team least aligned with her goals. Maybe she doesn't have Cyclops' number.
Xavier certainly has the Uncanny team's number, thrashing them easily and bailing. He's not concerned about the tumor right now (in fact he doesn't believe it despite already knowing) - he's all in on Xandra. That the tumor is eating his telepathic control comes out of nowhere and isn't explained. This mystery box approach is very on brand, but at the end of the issue not much has actually happened.
'With a terminal tumor sending his telepathy haywire, Charles Xavier has escaped Graymalkin! Answering a psychic distress call from his Shi'Ar daughter, the X-Men will have to grapple with blah blah blah, nothing will be the same again.' There's all the context you need to read the next part of X-Manhunt, and the Uncanny X-Men weren't a big part of the book. What little did happen will surely be forgotten, making issue #11 very skippable. From The Ashes was very committed to keeping the individual books separate from each other, yet the second crossover has just begun.
Feels like trying to have it both ways and just resulting in neither getting enough page time. I've accepted that this book is not trying to be more than a fun time, but I have to wonder how sustainable it is. As other, better books are getting cancelled it's difficult to not be a little disappointed. Hopefully when this Xavier nonsense is wrapped up we can get back to The Outliers being arbitrarily blown up. In the meantime, at least it looks good - wide Logan and all. :)
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perfectfangirl · 10 months ago
notes after rewatching fallout s1 ep3
• almost certain that is sugarfoot cooper is dismounting in the scene from the movie he is filming 🥲 • the film cooper was filming here is called "the man from deadhorse", a clear play on the concept of "beating a dead horse" • just realized he [presumably] shot the bad guy character twice • i also noticed that the duster the bad guy character is wearing looks an awful lot like the duster cooper wears as the character he “plays” in the wasteland to cope. is... cooper playing a bad guy character based off one of his movies?? • saw a couple of different variations of "feo, fuerte, y formal" [all saying mostly the same thing] cooper says "he was ugly, strong, and had dignity" wikitionary says it denotes a conception of masculinity. very curious about this these words and the scene because cooper is obviously viewed as a concept of masculinity in hollywood, to the point where he's being asked to essentially engage in statecraft via propaganda as this movie scene is making his character do something completely antithetical--- killing the bad guy instead of solving another way, he basically says a line about "commies" then shoots the him in the head
• what's more is that some are viewing the three concepts of "ugly, strong, dignity" to mean either a variation of cooper, lucy, and maximus or of cooper himself, didn't even think of this and it's a particular interesting trichotomy of cooper pre and post war • "well, joey, i'll give you two out of three on that front" and now i don't know which two out of three • cooper goes out of his way to thank the actor jorge for playing the bad guy in his film • cooper presumably read the script, probably had a table read, rehearsal, and still didn't want to film his good guy character killing the bad guy [perhaps after cadillac bob got fired, there were rewrites and cooper was not told until then] out of context, this is charming, he values his characters so much that they mirror his own values [walton has argued with writers, directors, actors about his characters too!] but in context, it is either the beginning or yet another chapter is cooper's conflicting and morally challenging struggle of "right" and "wrong" in this show • need to know more about cadillac bob! he was doing the moral good type of writing on cooper's programs and i am curious if the firing was an ousting [as being labeled a communist is career over here] because the wiki says he was fired for refusing to write this storyline for the "new america" and then they wrote this character change for cooper to have a firmer anticommunist stance to influence the public. cooper wants to change the scene so bad, he asks for a writer and i find it amusing the director thinks doing a 180° on his character would be good because "the audience knows you're a good man. they want to see that even a good man as yourself can be driven too far sometimes" idk but this is about all the horseshit i can take • [this is precisely post war cooper's arc and character if that wasn't obvious enough] • enter barb. i love the sensual "married couple flirting like strangers" energy behind this scene • lavender flowers are supposed to represent purity, silence, grace, devotion, serenity, calmness--- just a little something for you romance girlies to think about with this scene • "tastes like someone touching you for the first time" and they make it a point to show cooper and barb's hands and cooper purposefully touching barb's fingers as they exchange the candy • hands and fingers seem to be important motifs here and it also seems like hands and fingers are particularly worthy of note for cooper • they kiss each other and they're like "sorry, makeup" and "sorry, lipstick" 😭 • looks like barb secured cooper some vault tec contracts • cooper winds up on siggi's headless body and i can almost see the algebra and trigonometry floating around his brain trying to make heads or tails of this shit • from my understanding, there's no chems that keep a ghoul from going feral within the game universe but there are chems that can and have turned people into ghouls, i see speculation that cooper may have a chem addiction and what we see are withdrawal symptoms, as when lucy finds him outside the super duper mart, he's still on the ground and not acting much feral but [of course coughing, drooling, etc could be the show's symptoms for ferality] i digress • almost think because it's dry and arid af out there, that's why he need a chem
• literally howling because of how lucy was handling siggi's head, she got over the shock and disgust quick 😭 • lucy is crazy for lighting another [camp]fire at night like that • lucy putting a tracker on siggi's head was smart though • lmao did the brotherhood of steel not know lord titus' regular speaking voice or • maximus lying to the brotherhood of steel, maximus selling his teeth for caps instead of literally anything else, maximus thinking he can leave his power suit uncovered and unattended without it being pulled for scrap--- like lord, maximus, please make a sensible step 😫 • the voice modulator mechanic person was very sci fi though • took me a second watch to realize maximus' tooth extraction resulted in a bit of a lisp glfgd • not maximus getting bullied again 😭 • maximus getting a wrench and toilet seat and beating the shit out of them wastelanders with them rotf • crushed that man's head like a watermelon❤️ • thaddeus being sent to inadvertently squire for someone he helped bully is his karma lol • "remnant from the old world" directly implying the enclave is a continuation of the us government • lucy arriving on the serene scene of a fawn near a lake where hollywood boulevard once stood [lucy being a parallel of the innocent doe, doe eyed, and this is bambi ok 🥲] • an undamaged, normal appearing fawn representing beauty and purity can grow in the wasteland and then it being snatched by a gulper likewise demonstrating that it can all be taken away in a blink of an eye • lucy once again being crazy for walking around with the barely contained rotting head, like of course the abomination snatched that too 😭 • cooper conveniently appearing with a cocked gun in her face and she just smiles and says "hello again" like excuse me?? 😭 • cooper's head tilt gets me every time, oof • he ain't have to lightly pistol whip her like that 😭 • lmao poor chet • betty to some degree i keep wondering if she knows extensively about the vaults of 31, 32, 33 or if she is just doing what she is told • norm using the word "escape" instead of perhaps "leave" when describing lucy's departure from vault 33 is intriguing, i think • it took me a minute, and i don't think i've seen much talk about this but i legitimately think norm's lack of enthusiasm and drive for life in the vault is directly connected to his mother's death but i have seen no clear age for him--- they don't show his memories like they do lucy's and i would want an explanation or exploration on his lore here because... he already uncovered vault 31's secret but i don't think he knows what hank has done and him finding out will be huge as well like for lucy • norm is rightfully angry at the raiders for what they did but i am almost willing to bet he might be implicated in their poisonings as a diversion tactic by someone like betty but it's all just a theory [a film theory gldfgldfl] • because someone in the fucking kitchen and handling the food poisoned them raiders... • ghoul prejudice being loud and clear and amongst the brotherhood of steel 😭 • ghouls leaving radiation trails is insane • lmao maximus and thaddeus coming upon siggi's headless body and then trying to compare his mugshot • maximus thinking it was the ghoul who beheaded siggi when it was lucy at siggi's request lol • dogmeat barking up a storm because she wanted cooper's foolishness upon lucy to cease • "you know, they use to do these things called "studies"" like lucy doesn't know what a study is? she's a teacher! 😭 • rads going up because of the water or cooper or both? • ok so i now get why when lucy told cooper torture was wrong that he went into a whole spiel--- not only was cooper in the military but for thirty years post war, dom pedro kept him in a coffin confined on an iv drip to keep him alive but would dig him up and slice pieces of him off and then put him back. cooper's behaviour using her as bait [but not torture] is of course not excusable but cooper is coming from a deep place of hurt and bitterness, this monster was whittled
• cooper goes on to say "it made sense. i mean a man hurts me, i wouldn't want to do him any favours. and yet the practice of torture failed to vanish from the earth. in fact, as time marched on, i've personally noticed a decided uptick in the amount of torture being doled out across the board." oh, cooper 😞 • he says this as he picks what looks like giant leeches off lucy [didn't have to do that] • "well, i ain't torturing you, sweetheart" here go the first instance of familiarity with a patronising pet name in the style of cowboyism and southerness gldgldlf • almost looked like lucy started cooperating when cooper told her he was using her as bait gldgldl • ok so it looks like cooper cut the rope? so lucy could get free i guess idk but then the gulper got ahold of the anchor so he couldn't reel it back? [not sure, anyways, he botched this lmao] • he starts striking at the gulper with what looks like a harpoon i guess when it catches lucy's leg [could've definitely let her get ate but didn't] • lucy basically saves herself with dogmeat biting the gulper and scaring it off • cooper empties lucy's bag and destroys her stuff so it's only right cooper's karma is his vials getting smashed in the process of using lucy for bait lol • cooper getting mad and taking out his gun and cocking it at lucy like it was her fault his shit got smashed 😭 • "oh, i'm sorry, i should just let you use me as bait in the poison river!?" the way she says it always almost brings a tear to my eyes like get his ass 😭 • for the first time in the show, cooper realises he was wrong and/or messed up [and to his detriment] • lucy protests her treatment, "do unto others as you would have done unto you" and cooper starts mumbling to himself "those gulpers digest real slow. you got time." because he already going through withdrawals, help • so he ties her up like a dog and says the wasteland got its own rule and it's "thou shalt get distracted by bullshit every goddamn time" 😭 this is so a reference to gameplay and how they themselves are going on a fucking side quest lmao • lucy asking about dogmeat 😢 dogmeat staying because that gulper has siggi's head ☹️
• lmao maximus masquerading as lord titus asking thaddeus to say something about him • you know? it's good writing to me to explain why a [secondary] character would bully or behave as thaddeus has to maximus--- he's not merely a side character and wanted to say nothing but nice things about maximus when he thought he died, i'll give him that • "we can judge a person and a society by how they treat their enemy" goes boom because of the game lore and also because somebody kills all those raider prisoners lol • this disconnect between the vault dwellers and wastelanders--- they're talking about teaching these people shakespeare when some of them eat people for survival • norm wants the raiders to die and they keep showing steph and this might be a red herring but i think she poisoned them mfs, personally • hmm why does steph know what hank would do in this situation like that flgdlgdl • maximus trying to protect thaddeus from danger • thaddeus calling cooper an abomination because he's a ghoul 😭🖐️ • the little scream thaddeus makes as the gulper gets him ❤️ • dogmeat really loved siggi ☹️ • cooper and lucy walking near an incinerated hollywood tour bus is so lmao why cooper walk past that • at first i thought cooper was displaying cruelty by not letting lucy drink his water but then it occurred to me it might be irradiated, the next scene with water like this, she gets sick from radiation from drinking water • lmao when he emptied the last drops of water in his canteen out in the sand in front of her 😭 • "ain't much stays clean up here, vaulty" he is talking about himself • lucy gazing at a billboard of vault boy, cooper shooting the face, then they cut to vault boy's origins being cooper--- • symbolism and parallels like this can kill a man but i did want to just say there's so many layers to this. to be short he has such contempt, shame for what he thinks he's done, people hundreds of years later worship this thing that represents the end of civilization and he feels responsibility because he was deceived as well. lucy none the wiser. she just thinks he's crazy and horrible for no reason. if only she knew. • the road to hell is paved with good intentions
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gffa · 5 months ago
Hello there! I was wondering if you could help me with some comic recs. I've been looking to read the Batman's-lost-in-the-time-stream stories specifically the ones where Tim tracks down evidence of Bruce not being dead (blowing up the LoA and losing his spleen in the process etc), but I find it tricky to pin down the exact comic names and numbers. I figured asking was worth a shot since you seem to know your way around the various continuities. Thank you! 💙
Hi! I will freely admit that I had to Google a lot of this, because I haven't read most of those comics since they originally came out and my memory is fuzzy, but I do think I can at least point you in the right direction. The majority of what you're looking for re: Tim is going to be in Red Robin, but a lot of this storyline spilled over kind of everywhere and crosses into several smaller event storylines, but as best as I can remember/find: (Note: These are all comics from around 2008-2010, so when you go looking for them, keep them separate from a lot of the current ongoings that have reached these numbers again. XD)
Bruce "dies" in the Final Crisis mini-series
Portions of that story also spill over into Batman R.I.P. 2008 (Batman vol. 1 issues #676–681). For memory, it's a separate story from the fight with Darkseid that "killed" Bruce, but aspects of it are intertwined with that main story, so feel free to skim if you want.
"Nightwing: The Great Leap" (vol. 2, issues #147-153) is part of the Batman R.I.P. storyline that will lead into Last Rites and Battle for the Cowl
The final issues of the Robin vol. 2 series, issues #175-183, are also part of the lead-up to the Last Rites storyline (and then part of the main storyline itself)
Last Rites is spread out across Batman #682-685, Detective Comics #851-852, Nightwing #151-153, Robin #183
Okay, for Battle for the Cowl storyline, there's a lot going on, but you can read the three issue mini series (Battle for the Cowl #1-3) and then kind of pick-and-choose what you want from the tie-in oneshots. I'm not sure how important most of them are, if you're just here for main Batfam drama, but the DC fandom wiki has a good list of them all.
This leads us into the Batman Reborn storyline, which is Dick as Batman and Damian as Robin and there's a lot of comics going on at this time that are dealing with the general fallout but not necessarily specifically about Bruce being lost in time. But I really liked this era, so of course I'd recommend reading it anyway.
Red Robin is where you're going to find the "Tim really looks like he's having a mental breakdown and goes off to find Bruce" content that you're looking for, those issues are the prime material for it, just that there's context spilling everywhere first before you get to them.
Batman and Robin from 2009 is Dick and Damian's side of everything that was going on--they do have other stuff they have to deal with, they're fighting against all the usual cases in Gotham popping up, but the "Bruce is lost in time" story does have a lot of context here as well, that Dick actually is doing research into this as well.
Early on in both of the above two comic runs (within about six issues or so) was an event called Blackest Night where all the dead came back to life and it's mostly about that, but the Batman tie in issues had Tim coming back to Gotham and the issue was raised of, "wait, why does Bruce's corpse look all wrong?" and people start to believe that Bruce is alive. I'd say read the two Batman tie-in issues for sure and at least skim the main Blackest Night #1-8 for anything Bat-related.
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1-6 is Bruce's side of his "death" and eventual return.
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home is the follow-up/aftermath of that and is spread out across several oneshots and the order is generally: Batman #703 (prelude) --> Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Batman and Robin #1 --> Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Red Robin #1 --> Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Outsiders #1 --> Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Batgirl #1 --> Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Catwoman #1 --> Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Commissioner Gordon #1 --> Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Oracle #1 --> Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Ra's al Ghul #1 --> Batman: The Return #1 (These are NOT issue #1 of their given series, these are all separate oneshots--aside from the Batman #703 prelude, of course.)
@fantastic-nonsense also has a really great context-laden post here about the storyline of them searching for Bruce and is very helpful to understand all the moving parts! If I missed anything major, hopefully she or someone else can step in and give us issue numbers. I know that's a lot of comics to throw at you, but it kind of goes to show that this is how some of the Bat-storylines used to have more of this kind of stuff, where they had big, sprawling events and everything kind of spilled over onto everything else. I don't miss having to buy a zillion issues to keep up with a storyline taking over my favorite book, but I do miss the interconnectedness of stuff like this, when it worked, it created storylines that genuinely were game-changing in the Batman franchise. Hopefully, this helps and if nothing else you can know that you inspired me to go pull out some of these runs and reread them to refresh my memory. (Even if I'm still mortal enemies with Grant Morrison, they wrote a lot of the comics that were at the height of my interest in DC. XD)
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nihilnovisubsole · 9 months ago
greatest hits of being on this website for fifteen years
the time the suit guide made its way to r/malefashionadvice and i had strangers in my inbox going "bitch how dare you tell men how to dress"
that lovely [no joke, i enjoyed it] period where people would send me every dodgy fictional older man they could find and ask "is he your type"
the time i doctored up the "watching things for an actor you find hot" wiki page and people spent years trying to guess who it was about. to this day no one's gotten it
the time somebody sent me like half a dozen asks about doing something inappropriate with a breadstick, and my friends begged me to stop replying and indulging them, perhaps because they recognized it was an attention-seeking fetish thing
the time people assumed i had a blood kink [affectionate]
the time i wrote a scene about peeling an orange and people gave me hell [very affectionate]
irritating multiple people just by having OCs
the time i got the copypaste telling me to stop taking the lord's name in vain
everything about saints row fandom
the domino meme that i got my career started through fallout fandom
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elderscrollsconceptart · 1 year ago
Fallout is what got me into TES so I feel the need to ask, would you happen to know where I could find quality fallout concept art?
I absolutely could. For starters check out the Fallout concept art by Adam Adamowicz here:
There's over 800 pieces by him here.
Secondly check out the Fallout wiki and search concept art. Wiki archivists have been diligently cataloging concept art for years and one of their best articles is their page for the Art of Fallout 4:
You will likely see some pieces by TES Artist Ray Lederer in the page above and you can find a handful of Fallout: New Vegas art cataloged on the Wiki here:
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thefalloutwiki · 1 year ago
I've seen this post going around for a while and was wondering. Why divest the context of a given quest on a wiki that also seeks to manage and coordinate fan-works alongside Canon material? It seems short-sighted to attempt a strictly literal translation of the material from an informational stance. It seems hypocritical to do so while simultaneously documenting non-canonical resources. https://www.tumblr.com/fallout-fallen-knight/738080781560348672
Thanks for the ask, truly!
For context, I'm a queer writer! You can find me at @analogbreakdown, though I'm not particular active on Tumblr at the moment! I wrote that bit of text on IFW. Looking at it now though, I should've quoted what Tandi says directly; so, I changed it so it does just that. Writing can always be improved, and in this case, I've taken the criticism to heart and tried to improve it.
After rescuing Tandi from the Khans, the Vault Dweller can ask if she would like to get together. If the player is male, she will state that she is not that kind of a girl and to "Go find a Brahma or something." If the player is female, Tandi will state: "Listen...uh...but I...uh...I-I like guys, okay? Whew! Uh, excuse me, I got stuff to do."
However, the post you linked paints us in a negative light by claiming we remove context from the original game sources. Point blank: this is not true. This is one specific line of text that is being wildly overblown, and as a queer person, I genuinely do not appreciate my/our work being compared to an "evangelical biblical literalist" (I saw that in a reblog the OP did). Wikis are always changing and evolving, and the text along with it. Text can always be written better, and in this case, I changed it so it is, in fact, better.
On that note, I don't find find what you suggest to be hypocritical at all. Fan works are inherently separate from the official media, and should covered differently while also co-existing. We have policies for clearly delineating official and unofficial media, which as with the text of our articles we are constantly working to improve for maximum clarity. We're open to suggestion at all times.
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 day ago
you’re my dragon age mutual— should i play it?? idk if its good or not, is it enjoyable to play?? :O
I'm the Dragon Age mutual!! 🎉🎉 wooo
This is going to be a novel but TL;DR if you get them on sale (the three older ones go for like 6€ regularly on Steam) or even cheaper (wink wink etc.) they're a compelling experience. I'm chronically incapable of shutting up but if you've got the money and a computer or console that runs them (the most recent apart from Veilguard is from 2014, it should be fine?) and the posts I keep reblogging make it sound interesting, sure!
I don't know how clear that was from all the posts but they're computer role-playing games in a fantasy world that discusses oppression and religion and culture, sometimes in a hopeful way, sometimes in a tragic way. CRPGs are like - Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, the Baldur's Gate games, the Fallout games, etc. Like a tabletop role-playing game, DnD, etc. but alone at a computer. If you would like to play pretend and make up a guy to go on adventures where you save the world (or fail to, depending), if you like games that have endearing companions, or you love lore and worldbuilding, I think they're fun, and you should give them a shot. If you're afraid about the combat, because I know I was, you can set the difficulty on easy and not worry about it too much. If you're looking for something cozy, maybe not Dragon Age, though :') it's a bit dark at times, people die, you have to figure out some rough situations, there's systematic oppression, religion that isn't always very nice, etc.
There are four games: Dragon Age Origins, spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 if that means anything to you, where you save the world; Dragon Age 2, the tragedy in one specific city; Dragon Age Inquisition, where you save the world but from a different threat; and Dragon Age the Veilguard, which is a sequel to the plot of DAI where you save the world also but it's a different vibe. If you want better summaries, I can get into more detail, or wikipedia probably has you covered.
Playing them in order, so DAO -> DA2 -> DAI -> DAV, lets your character and decisions from the earlier games be imported in the later ones, which is neat because it feels like you're playing in your own custom world instead of factory default (they didn't keep that up with Veilguard). It also introduces you to the world the "intended way", ie you're less likely to get lost in the lore and who's who and what things mean.
That said, it's really not necessary to play them in order. If, say, DA2, looks super interesting, play that one and don't worry about it. All the games have in-game explanations of who's who and what things mean, and even Veilguard, which continues the plot of Inquisition, explains what's going on. There's a wiki if you like reading wikis also. Having your own little custom world where so and so is king because you put him on the throne two games ago is fun but it's not necessary at all. A lot of people started playing with Inquisition, and nowadays they're also some people who started with the recent one, Veilguard, like me, and it's fine. Origins, 2 and Inquisition keep a relatively similar vibe, in terms of which topics are tackled, how they're handled, the writing, even the aesthetic influences, and Veilguard is different because of its development, but that's nitpicking.
I'd say, if you want to play one, Inquisition isn't a bad starting point, because it's got the Dragon Age vibe but it's a more modern kind of video game, so there isn't the barrier of "what kind of an outdated system is that" (sorry DAO combat). That said, if any companions catch your eye, definitely play the game they're from, because the companions are really fun, and if you want a specific kind of story you can look at plot summaries for the games and decide on that.
Anyway! I think that helps? Maybe? I love talking so if you have more questions, ask away, and if you do end up playing one of them, definitely tell me!
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calder · 11 months ago
Hey boss, just finished playing the "children of Ug-Qualtoth" quest mod for fallout 4, and I gotta ask, were you a consultant or writer on this? Cuz that mod make me think of this blog repeatedly
i edited the script for grammar, credited as "curata cara." the creativity had nothing to do with me, i reached out to contribute because i was so blown away. glad you enjoyed it! Winter of Atom reads like a canonization of its concepts, if you haven't yet had the pleasure.
i started a full rewrite of CoUQ and the director liked it but i never finished it and he retired recently. you can actually read that here.
im gna ask about publishing this for my wiki shelves. im sure hell be fine with it. thanks for reminding me of this
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year ago
Call this a nitpick (and it very may well be), but the MHA wiki states that not only did Fuyumi become a teacher because she felt guilty about Shoto's abuse, but that there are moments where she also fears/resents Endeavor.
All we see is Fuyumi trying to be peacemaker, her disrespecting Shoto's boundaries by giving Endeavor his contact information, and her putting some of the blame of Touya becoming Dabi on herself.
No. No. No. No. Stop that this instant, Fuyumi. You were a KID. What in the actual FUCK were you, Natsuo, and Shoto supposed to do about that?
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋,
I think Hori fumbled with this, there should be more moments where her resentment is obvious but we rarely see inside her head and Hori doesn't show that when he is.
The becoming a teacher part of Fuyumi, to me read more like her trying to reclaim her lost childhood and be a positive influence on other kids rather than because she felt misplaced guilt about Shoto's abuse (although she definitely did.)
But I do think actually Hori does show the fear stuff well;
Giving out Shoto's contact information despite how Shoto would feel about it. - This is what many fans are rightfully annoyed at her for. Although, I see this as an act of fear on Fuyumi's end, she was afraid of defying her dad when he asked her for that information and the possible rage/shouting/etc.. that could come from that defiance. (This is where Hori could have benefited from putting in a scene of Fuyumi apologising to Shoto for that and explaining that she felt too scared to defy even an 'redeemed' Endeav. Fear of an abuser doesn't just go away because they decided they are good now - Hori.)
Putting some of the blame on herself for Touya. - That reads as (not only misplaced guilt) but also softening the blow for Endeavor because she is fearful of him and how he could blow up / revert if she said "Yeah actually it is all you."
Side note 1 - there is also Rei to think of in regard to that second point. Fuyumi clearly is influenced by her mum and takes after her more than her father so Rei saying that "it is not just on you, it is on all of us," to Endeavour regarding Touya could have influenced Fuyumi's thinking too despite how warped that is.
Side note 2 - when seeing the extreme fallout of abusive behaviour committed by an abuser, victims often think "what could I have done to prevent this?" or "I should have done this differently," Especially when they are caught up in the aftermath like the Todoroki's (bar Endeav) are here. This is an understandable but misplaced thinking here. Neither she nor her brothers or mother could have prevented this outcome.
Endeavor could have.
Endeavor is at fault.
He chose to do this. He made Dabi and no one else is at fault (especially not the Todosibs who were also children in an abusive environment.)
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prismatoxic · 4 months ago
little known tox facts, because some of them were on my mind and it turned into a 10 item list
i have never personally played a fnaf game but have been closely following the lore for years, i love watching gameplay breakdowns, lore theories (not from fucking matthew patthew, i like notrealname notatall mostly), and longass video essays about what went wrong with the series. i will not give it money because of scott's politics but like i wasn't playing the games to begin with
in general i'm insane about video game tech and will gleefully watch anything talking about game design, channels/series like design delve, illusory wall, boundary break, tech rules, and game maker's toolkit are my SHIT
every single skill i have that i'm any good at is mostly or entirely self-taught. this isn't a humblebrag however, i frequently lag behind other people, don't perform these skills efficiently, and straight up am useless in imparting wisdom about them. writing is my best skill overall and at least some of that must be from my school years but i didn't understand how paragraph breaks worked until i got really into fanfic, so.
i'm so easy to please with media. i will walk out of most movies, shows, games, and works of literature feeling like i had a pretty good time. frequently i don't fully recognize what about it disappointed me until i've taken time to reflect on it, and this can alter my entire view of a work. if i intentionally bail on something before it's over, it fucking sucks and the likelihood of me giving it another chance is low. i do however just forget to go back to things a lot.
i'm a furry because of sly cooper. every other furry media i've gotten into is just a bonus. balto might also be slightly to blame but that's more of a general love for cartoon animals. speaking of furry video games i think star fox adventures was really good actually
i've moderated and/or been a part of so many profic spaces now that i have repeatedly had people spot me somewhere and go "oh my god of COURSE you're here" and it delights me every time
i was closer to the forefront of the cipherhunt back in 2016 than i've ever actually discussed in public. the at-the-time owner of r/gravityfalls was frustrated that the discord i became staff for had a larger userbase than his ~official~ gravity falls discord, as i recall. the reason i don't discuss any of this is because it's mired in bad memories, but it was fun to be a part of such a big community when shit wasn't going sideways. i owned that discord a while after the hunt ended, eventually passed it off to someone else, and have since either been kicked or the discord was deleted. i have no idea, lmao.
i met one of my best friends and my partner in the phineas and ferb fandom. i still have a scattered handful of other friends from those days too. my partner and i ran an "ask phinferb" blog, and yes i do mean the ship. it had such lore...! sadly it's been lost to time (was deleted). i do have all the old art but he'd kill me if i shared it.
i was already a fallout fan when new vegas came out (3 was my first, and i poured over every existing page of the wiki), but new vegas was extra special to me because i actually lived in nevada for several years--in the area new vegas takes place in, even! which isn't just the strip but a lot of the westernmost part of the state. i was so giddy recognizing places i'd been to, like bonnie springs, which... is a bombed husk of nothing in new vegas, but hey, i know that name!
i'm obsessed with canids (wolves and domestic dogs especially), but i've owned far more cats than i have dogs, so my knowledge of the two is comparable even though i'm only obsessed with one of them. (don't get me wrong, though, i fucking love cats.)
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simplyskipper · 11 months ago
What Fallout Games Should I Play?
Hello! My name is Skipper, and the Fallout games has been a special interest of mine for a few years now. With the resurgance of the fandom, and new people coming from the shows, I figured I'd make a post helping people figure out what games to play!
This is going to be the main 6 games (1-4, 76, NV), though I may add more if I play some of the other games. Feel free to add on, ask questions, or generally interact with this! I'm always happy to help people get into the games and love talking Fallout with people. :)
This is going to be as spoiler-free as possible, though I may mention some game locations vaguely, so be warned if you think that may ruin the experience.
For further reading, I highly reccomend the Independent Fallout Wiki! A lot less ads in your way, and the people over there are lovely. However, be careful, as there are spoilers there!
TLDR; New Vegas for story, Fallout 4 for gameplay and introducing concepts, Fallout 1 for authenticity, and Fallout 76 for multiplayer but absolutely nothing else of value.
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Table of Contents
Fallout 1
Fallout 2
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Last Updated: April 22, 2024
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Fallout 1
Released; 1997
Setting; Southern California, 2161
Wiki Page
Almost a hundred years after the bombs fell, Vault 13's water chip has broken, and the Vault Dweller was selected (through random chance) to venture out into the wasteland and save their vault.
The Original Fallout Game!
One of my favourites, story-wise.
The game is relatively short compared to the others, and the story isn't overly hard to digest, in my opinion.
The 'talking heads' animations are super cool (Aradesh, Harold, Etc Etc)
Later character who I won't name but once you meet them YOU'LL KNOW
There's no limit to how many companions you can have at a time
I generally love the setting.
The graphics do not age well. Even for the time, they were a bit lacking. (For reference, Doom came out in 1993, 4 years earlier).
Bit of a learning curve! But once you get it, it's pretty easy to use. The turn-based combat was the hardest to get a handle on.
The game DOES NOT hold your hand. Later games have objective lists and markers, but this game just has a list and memory. Pretty fun, if you're into a more difficult game!
Combat and general survival is difficult. The experience is authentic - which means you can and will die during the first combat scenario. Again, once you get it it's not that bad, but combat will remain difficult. But for some this could be a pro!
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Fallout 2
Released; 1998
Setting; Southern California, 2241
Wiki Page
80 years after the Vault Dweller's heroic rescue of their Vault, the village of Arroyo is suffering a severe drought. The Chosen One, a descendant of the Vault Dweller, has been sent to retrieve a G.E.C.K. to save their village.
The story again is very good!
A lot of the strengths of the previous game.
There's something melancholy about exploring the world of Fallout 1 with so many changes and losses. It's perfect for the setting.
Sergeant Dornan. You'll see when you meet him.
More Harold!
This was released only a year after Fallout 1, so a lot of the graphics & gameplay remain the same, if that's not something you're a fan of.
This is where the idea of "wacky vault experiments" is introduced, something I've never super loved, but that's subjective.
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Fallout 3
Released; 2008
Setting; Capital Wasteland (Formerly Washington, D.C.), 2277
Wiki Page
200 years after the war, the 19-year-old Lone Wanderer's father has mysteriously left their home at Vault 101. It is up to the Lone Wanderer to track him down and figure out what's going on, all while navigating the dangerous Capital Wasteland.
Brought the Fallout series into the modern era!
Some pretty cool locations, like Megaton and Rivet City
Sort of a pro and con, a lot of the game is spent in the underground Metro system. This is cool, but I'm not a huge fan of interior spaces. Still - it feels like a real DC Wasteland!
Galaxy News Radio is introduced, which is great background noise - and I love Three Dog. He's so silly.
No sprint button. It's not felt super bad in this game compared to Vegas, but it still can be annoying.
It feels like a post-apocalypse. The whole world is this muddy, almost sickly green, grey, and brown colour. All of the sets are carefully designed, full of dirt and debris and trash. Buildings are crumbling or outright hollowed out, the ghouls look like walking corpses (as they should be), the mole rats are nasty and all of the creatures feel gross. As they should be! This is a post-apocolypse, everything should be gross and dirty!
Lots of good world-building. Because this is based in the Capital, we get to interact with a lot of old-world history, and see how similar and different it is from our own.
Story is... not great, in my opinion.
Some of those DLCs physically hurt me. They definitely lean into the 'silly' aspects of the games, but I feel it hurts the worldbuilding and realism.
NOT Bethany Esda's best work.
Leans more into the 'game' and less on the 'role-playing', which was a big part of Fallout 1 and 2. The protagonist is 19, their father is James, and we see a bit of what their childhood looked like. You can work around it, but it's not as fun as the other games.
Sometimes the npcs are annoying. There's collision in this game, but sometimes if you step on something it'll move and a npc will shout 'Watch where you're going' or something, which gets on my nerves. Also, if you so much as look at a locked container, you get a 'That's locked for a reason'. Probably minor, but annoying.
Fire ants.
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Fallout: New Vegas
Released; 2010
Setting; Mojave Wasteland (Formerly Mojave Desert), 2281
Wiki Page
Courier Six, or just the Courier, is in the middle of a delivery when they are interrupted by Benny and shot in the head - though they make a miraculous recovery and now need to figure out exactly what kind of mess they've landed themselves in this time.
I mean, it's Fallout New Vegas. This is a lot of people's favourite, for good reason. Story is phenomenal, the entire world feels real and interactive. If you shoot someone, there's consequences, and the other npcs will acknowledge it.
THE BEST radio. All of the music slaps and helps you feel the setting. Plus, I love Mr. New Vegas, the radio host.
The characters are amazing.
The world is not too silly but still silly. Like yeah, this makes sense for a post-apocalypse. But it's also so objectively funny. Some of the best memes come from this game.
Yes Man.
As usual, I love the map design.
Instead of greens for Fallout 3, this game is bathed in oranges and brown - making it feel warm, perfectly capturing the desert setting, and dusty.
the DLCs are amazing!!
We love the companions in this house.
I love how morally grey it is. No one is perfect, no faction is outright good or outright bad (except the Legion, fuck those guys). It's up to you to pick which you think is the lesser evil, which is the best future for the Mojave. Or you can kill them all, up to you.
The development for this game was pretty famously rocky. It was outsourced to Obsidian, and they were given only 18 months to make it. Therefore, this game is very similar to Fallout 3, with some general improvements here and there.
There is still no sprint button, which is definitely felt here. A lot of the stuff is spread out, so thewre's a lot of wandering through desert, slowly making your way to your destination. It also feels more empty. The great city of New Vegas is sparsely populated, quiet, and desolate - despite it being such a big deal and supposedly so popular.
Honest Hearts DLC :////
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Fallout 4
Released; 2015
Setting; The Commonwealth (Formerly Boston, MA), 2287
Wiki Page
In 2077, the Sole Survivor (default names Nate or Nora) is ready to start a family. In their little neighbourhood, with their white picket fence and infant son, it is a time of new beginnings - despite the war raging around them. Unfortunately, the war quickly catches up to them, and their family is forced to take shelter in Vault 111, where they are frozen in time for 210 years. They emerge following the kidnapping of their infant son, into a time so different to their own, battling this new world alongside the ghosts of the old.
The graphics have been updated, and it looks great! Mostly. Instead of washed-out greens and browns, this game is bright and vibrant.
Some more awesome companions. Honestly, I love them so much.
I really like the level-up system in this. I prefer 3/NV, but the tier system is fun and visually neat.
Better crafting system. And more crafting systems in general.
Settlements!!! This game introduces settlements, which basically means there's a bunch of set locations around the map that you can take over and build in! You get a lot of freedom and are responsible for meeting the needs for people in the settlement. You can get some mods for more freedom/flexibility, and you can mostly ignore it if you want.
The story is... also lacking. It feels almost... unfinished? Some beats are strange and it's just like. What.
Playing this before Fallout 3 pissed me off so much, because there's so much that is ripped off of Fallout 3. The Commonwealth is brought up, the radio music is the same, the vault numbers so similar, there's even an early version of Vault 111. It feels lazy. Fallout New Vegas was more creative, and they had a fraction of the time 4 has.
40-50% of the game is spent in loading screens.
Preston Garvey deserves so much better. "AnOtHeR sEtTlEmEnT nEeDs YoUr HeLp!"
Nick Valentine is non-romancable.
It's so easy to forget about the main objective, and hard to really care about it. This is a common problem I've heard, so it's not just me.
Radio host gets on my nerves :/
Nuka-World DLC is frustrating. But at least it's not. Sideyes Honest Hearts (Fo:NV).
Game is... easy. Too Easy. Deathclaws are supposed to be dangerous and difficult to kill.
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Fallout 76
Released; 2018
Setting; Appalachia (Midwestern US mountain range), 2102-2104
Wiki Page
25 years after the bombs fell, all members of Vault 76 have been kicked out in order to rebuild society.
It's. Multiplayer? Kinda.
I made some friends on there, which was neat.
Return of item condition. So.
CAMPs are fun. Like the settlement but without NPCs to look after and allows location flexibility.
Has. Some new songs on the radio?
Amazing map design! The outside is gorgeous and feels like Appalachia, for the most part.
Honestly, I prefer this version of VATS (the game's targeting system). In other games, VATS will pause and slow down combat to help with aim, and can be kind of annoying. Here, the combat speed is the same, you just spend some AP (stamina) for aim assist.
I prefer settlements tbh
What's not to mention? Story sucks, game sucks, etc etc. It's pretty famously bad.
I usually love the story, but checked out very fast and spent most of my time running around. But I honestly didn't last long even then.
The game is broken. Like, fundamentally broken. You are constantly subjected to crashes, bugs, etc etc. Fallout 4 is buggy, but this takes it to an extreme.
50-70% of the game is loading screens.
The interiors are huge, and there is no local map, so you very easily get lost.
Generally the story is so stupid.
Fallout 1st is a cash grab.
Some videos I like about Fallout 76
Internet Historian's video on the history and release. I'm iffy on Internet Historian as a creator, but I do like the video. Let's just hope it's not plagiarised.
Joseph Anderson's video on the game at it's released state. Primarily focuses on how poorly the game plays and how broken it is. Super funny.
PrivateSession's video released in 2023, reviewing a more current version of the game. More focused on story.
PatricianTV's 4-part series released in 2023, reviewing a more current version of the game. More focused on the game and gameplay.
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In conclusion; thank you for reading! As I mentioned, any criticism, questions, and suggestions are welcome! I hate/love fallout and am always happy to drag people down with me.
Also, would people be interested in a post discussing the story/setting/timeline? Like where I infodump further about the universe. To make it easier to digest and answer questions. Or give me a chance to infodump further about fallout.
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