#fake spacex
harrelltut · 1 year
Official Military [OM] Ops… O MASTERFUL [OM] MONK [OM] MODE [OM] GOD [OMG] MICHAEL [OM] in DEEP METU NETER PTAH MEDITATION… Eye [ME] Internationally MANUFACTURE [I’M] Highly Official… U.S. Ægiptian QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] AMERICAN Flight Simulator AIRLINES of International Business Machine [IBM] CODES… Suspended in Animated Electronic [SEA] SKY Coordinates… AUTOMATED by Mechanical [CAM] SKY Compu_TAH [PTAH] Cloud [PC] Architects [PA] on Earth [Qi]… who Scientifically Engineer Aeronautical [SEA] Computer Generated Images [CGI] from QHT IBM [Qi] LLC's Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient GOLDEN 9 Ether [AGE] Geographical Earth [G.E.] GRID Networks Innovatively Designed [I.D.] w/ANU GOLDEN 9 Ether [iAGE] IGIGI QHTATT.com [IQ] MILITARY.gov [I’M] MOON [MU] ARK [MONARCH] Network [MN] Compu_TAH [PTAH] Communication [PC] Streaming Architecture [PSA] of AutoCAD’s [PA’s] Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Cosmic Computation [Compton] STAR WEB GATEWAY Languages… way beyond your basic artificial human matrix comprehension
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You Purchased Expensive Simulated Flight Experiences Inside International Business Machines [IBM] Suspended in the SKY w/Animated Mechanical [SAM] Computer Generated Images [CGI] of Earth [Qi]... LOL
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you still flying around inside the artificial firmament dome??? 
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everything in stunted growth america fake af!!!
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nando161mando · 3 months
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Nothing says "great news for my website" than accidentally revealing that at least a third of its traffic is fake.
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aunti-christ-ine · 2 years
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moderat50 · 3 months
Twitter/X Has Become A Collection Of Misinformation & Far Out Conspiracy Theories
Musk plan to use AI to combine tweets to produced truthful news is stupid. As they said, "garbage in, garbage out". With all the bots generating large amounts of misinformation & conspiracy theories, the truth will be drowned out. No wonder, Twitter/X has become full of misinformation & conspiracy theories.
"The 2024 Digital News report from the Reuters Institute found X and TikTok to be the least trustworthy sources in terms of users' ability to differentiate fact from falsehoods"
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kinialohaguy · 23 days
Aloha kākou. The Fake News Media ignore it. They didn’t report it. They won’t even say it. But everyone knows it. Which makes the Fake News Media the Pravda of American News Media. Pravda, meaning “Truth,” and “Izvestia” meaning “news.” It is the official Russian broadsheet newspaper of the Communist Party and of the former Soviet Union. Pravda’s American equivalent are ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR,…
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The Spy Balloon: What It Contained
The mysterious spy balloon recently shot down over American airspace has finally been recovered, and the US Government has now released what they found inside:
Extensive long range video of popular singer Grimes
Location coordinates and intercepted logins by Grimes
A complete record of texts by Grimes
A copy of Miss Anthropocene in MP3 format
Downloads of Grimes's Facebook page
A log of addresses which posted material critical of Tesla cars
The location of Grimes's Tesla car, updated 10 times/second
A "destruct code" that can make any Tesla lock and catch on fire
A list of Tesla cars that have done so without use of the code
Footage of a faked SpaceX Moon landing
Footage of a faked SpaceX Mars landing
Footage of a faked Tesla drive on Mars
Faked footage of Grimes and Elon Musk kissing on Mars
A cure for COVID that works on everyone but Grimes
Millions of dollars of emeralds
$1.76 in Dogecoin, formerly worth over 500 billion dollars
The remains of the real Shaquille O'Neal
Authorities are reevaluating the idea that the balloon was Chinese.
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The X-Rated Offer ‘SNL’ Rejected for Elon Musk’s Cold Open
Musk said he wanted to test whether the show was “actually live” and his idea got a cold reaction from the cast.
Maurício Alencar
Freelance Reporter
Updated Sep. 18, 2024 12:51PM EDT Published Sep. 18, 2024 12:07PM EDT 
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NBC/Getty Images
Elon Musk revealed that he pitched showing his “c---” during his 2021 Saturday Night Live monologue to “test” whether the show was “actually live.”
But to the benefit of SNL viewers, Musk swiftly found out that the SNL cast and crew were not interested in his ideas, reported Mediaite.
“One of the things that I think everyone’s been sort of wondering this whole time is, is Saturday Night Live actually live?” Musk said on a panel event at the All In Summit, earlier this month. It was the billionaire Tesla and SpaceX boss’ latest foray into the world of conspiracy theories and media critique, this time suggesting that a show described as “live” is in some way fake.
“But there’s a way to test this. There’s a way to test this, which is, we don’t tell them what’s going on. I walk on and so, this is the script. I throw it on the ground. We’re going to find out tonight, right now, if Saturday Night Live is actually live,” he said. “And the way that we’re going to do this is I’m going to take my c--- out. And if you see my c---, you know it’s true. And if you don’t, it’s been a lie.”
Audience members at the All In Summit burst out in laughter as Musk recounted this story, but SNL producers were said to be “aghast” and in “silence.”
Musk said his request came on a Zoom call with the SNL crew where he came in “guns blazing with ideas” despite being hungover.
“We didn’t realize, like, actually, you know, that’s not how it works – that it’s only actors, and they just get told what to do,” said Musk of the process behind the show. “We’re like ‘Oh. Well, you mean we can’t just, like, do funny things that we thought of?’”
Despite realizing his pitch had gone down on a sour note with SNL, Musk decided to continue making his audacious pitch anyway.
“So I say, like, I’m going to reach down into my pants, and I’ll stick my hand in my pants, and I’m going to pull out my c---. I am going to tell this to the [SNL] audience, and the audience is going to be like, ‘What?’ And then I pull out a baby rooster. You know? And it’s like, okay, this is kind of PG. It’s not that bad. This is my tiny c---.”
Instead of his ill-received rooster gag, Musk spoke about his accent, having Asperger’s, and electric cars in his monologue before bringing his mother on stage for an awkward interaction.
Elon Musk Shared Memes Made by FSB Propaganda MachineEGG ON YOUR FACE
Maurício Alencar Freelance Reporter
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luciferlaughs · 2 years
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Chandler Halderson, 23, seemed to have a bright future ahead of him. At such a young age, he had already accomplished tremendous milestones. A recent college graduate in IT, he worked remotely from home for a local insurance company. He was also on the police suba diving team and, even more impressively, recently landed a job at Elon Musk’s company, SpaceX. Suffice to say--Chandler’s parents, Bart and Krista Halderson, were exceptionally proud of their son.
As of June 2021, Chandler was still living at his parents’ home in Windsor, Wisconsin. He planned to move to Florida with his girlfriend soon in order to accept the job at SpaceX, but something hindered that monumental move--a nasty fall down the stairs, in which he sustained a concussion and neck injury which required him to wear a neckbrace. The doctors warned Chandler that he may need brain surgery if his symptoms worsened and discouraged him from long-distance travel until he fully recovered. Due to this, he had to cancel his move to Florida, and tragically lost his position at SpaceX as a result.
But Chandler’s parents began having suspicions. Their son worked long, hard hours at his online insurance company job, yet he never seemed to have money. Chandler always had an excuse as to why he wasn’t being paid--once claiming there was a glitch with the payroll software. He showed his father email exchanges with his employer as proof. Chandler was also exchanging emails with his school’s administrators,  Alyssa Brandt and Daniel Speith, regarding his diploma and transcripts he was trying to obtain. 
Bart’s suspicions only began growing from these emails. He took it upon himself to call Madison College, where his son graduated. Speaking directly with the enrollment coordinator, he identified himself as Chandler Halderson and explained he was trying to request his diploma and transcripts. He told the coordinator he previously exchanged emails with Alyssa Brandt and Daniel Speith regarding the issue. The coordinator did not recognize either of those names. To add to the confusion, he was told that he never graduated and had flunked out of college in the fall of 2020, still owing $2000 in tuition. 
After the phone call, Bart told Chandler he set up an appointment with school officials on July 1st to get to the bottom of everything, not telling him what he had just discovered over the phone.
Chandler knew his web of lies were about to be unraveled. Because it was true--he never completed his degree. Nor did he have a job lined up for him at SpaceX. Nor was he a volunteer for the police scuba diving team--such a thing didn’t even exist! Nor did he have an online job with an insurance company--that was just an excuse for him to stay at home playing video games all day. Those email exchanges with school officials and his employers were all fake. And his head injury? Also a sham.
When July 1st rolled around, Bart sent Chandler a text right before the appointment reading, I’m ready when you are. But this would be the last anyone’s ever heard from Bart. Chandler ended up shooting his father. When his mother returned home from work a few hours later, she met the same fate (it is not exactly known how she was killed). He then dismembered his parents’ bodies and attempted to burn their remains in the home fireplace. He then scattered his father’s remains around the property of a farm owned by his girlfriend’s family. He disposed of his mother’s remains in the forest by the Wisconsin River. 
Chandler reported his parents missing on July 7th, telling police they went up north to their cabin for the Fourth of July and never returned. Chandler was eventually caught in his lies and arrested for the murder of his parents and was sentenced to life in prison.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Moon Walk Day/Moon Day
Every once in a while, the human race achieves something truly remarkable, and Moon Day celebrates the occasion when we first left footsteps upon our nearest neighbour.
It’s probably best to gloss quietly over how long it is since the last visitors landed there, but that’s no reason to skimp on the celebrations. After all, there’ll never be a better excuse to launch firework rockets over your neighbourhood and dress up in a tinfoil suit with a fishbowl on your head. Alternatively, you might prefer to drag a telescope out into the garden, or maybe sit in a circle howling like wolves as the moon rises.
Be careful who you invite to your Moon Day party, though, as there’s bound to be one guest who insists the party is not really happening and that you are faking the hot dogs and beer in a film studio somewhere in Nevada.
Learn about Moon Day
Neil Armstrong became the first man to step down onto the cratered surface of the moon and he said the following words:
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
These are words that pretty much everyone around the world is familiar with!
When this happened, it was one of the most monumental occasions in our history. On Moon Day, we celebrate the historic landing on the moon that occurred on the 20th of July in 1969. We also take the time to consider the monumental effort that it takes in order to get a space program off the ground. You may have thought that we would have made millions of space expeditions since then, but it simply is not that easy!
On Moon Day, we take the time to remember the profound and quirky moments in space that resulted in the United States being the first country to have their flag planted on the moon. This is definitely something to be proud of!
History of Moon Day
In order to understand the history of Moon Day, we first need to understand the history of such space expeditions. On the 25th of May in 1969, it was announced by John F. Kennedy, who was president at the time, that the Apollo space program would start. This initiated NASA’s work on a manned lunar landing. He stated that it was his plant to make sure that there was an American on the Moon by the end of the decade.
After this, Americans were treated to the very first television images of the surface of the moon. This was possible because images were transmitted by Ranger 7, which was NASA’s unmanned probe. Americans were then able to watch as Apollo 8 repeated its orbit ten times around the moon. This was the first manned flight.
The historic first took place when Apollo 11 landed on the moon for the first time. The world held its breath when three men became the first humans to step onto the surface of the moon. However, it was not all systems go, as NASA ended their Apollo program with Apollo 17. This was the final Moon landing mission, which happened in 1972.
However, in recent times, we have started to see more space programs initiated, so we could start to see more space activity from now on. This has been made possible because NASA has partnered with commercial companies in order to ensure that there is the funding needed to keep these projects going.
SpaceX is a prime example. Owned by Elon Musk, this company designs manufactures and launches advanced spacecraft and rockets. Their aim is to colonize Mars, and we have seen a lot of incredible innovations that they have brought to the fore. If you do not know a lot about this, we recommend using some of your time on Moon Day to find out more.
How to celebrate Moon Day
There are a number of different ways that you can celebrate Moon Day. One of the best ways to do so is to head to your local planetarium. This is the best way to get up close and personal with the moon. All you need to do is a quick search online to find the nearest planetarium in your area.
These are doomed theaters, which come complete with huge telescopes, enabling you to see all of the incredible objects in the sky that you cannot see with the naked eye. This will encourage you to learn more about the universe. It really is an educational, unique, and exciting experience. There is so much to learn!
Another way to celebrate Moon Day is by watching a film about landing on the moon. There have been a number of different films and movies that have been created about this incredible event, so we definitely recommend checking some of them out. The obvious place to start is with Apollo 11.
This film was directed by Todd Douglass Miller, usually powerful visuals to retell the story of man’s first trip to the moon. This includes images such as Neil Armstrong being reflected in Buzz Aldrin’s helmet, the American flag being planted on the lunar surface, and the blast-off moment. You may think that this is simply going to be another remake of a story that you have heard about plenty of times, but it is more than this.
It actually uses sound and never-before-seen footage from the mission, which has somehow been scanned and restored. This means you get to enjoy the occasion from a whole new perspective, which is incredibly interesting to say the least.
There are a number of other interesting films about landing on the moon. Another one to consider is The Dish, which was released back in 2000. Although a true story, it does have a bit of fiction mixed in as well. It tells the story of how an Australian observatory played a critical role in ensuring everyone around the globe would be able to watch the first steps that humankind took on the moon. Other movies to consider include First Man, The Last Man on the Moon, and For All Mankind.
Aside from the suggestions we have already mentioned, why not see if there are any astronomy clubs in your local area? If so, there are bound to be some events that are going on for Moon Day. You will have the perfect opportunity to enjoy a discussion with people who share the same passion. If you do not have an astronomy club in your area, do a bit of digging online to see if you can unearth any interesting forums where you will be able to engage in discussions with people who are passionate about astronomy. We are sure that a lot of people will also be posting on social media on Moon Day, so why not get involved in the discussion and share your own opinions as well?
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collapsedsquid · 10 months
NASA has selected SpaceX to provide the human landing system that will transport Artemis III astronauts from Orion in lunar orbit to the surface of the Moon and back again. SpaceX plans to use a unique concept of operations to increase the overall efficiency of their lander. After a series of tests, SpaceX will fly at least one uncrewed demo mission that lands Starship on the lunar surface. When Starship has met all of NASA’s requirements and high standards for crew safety, it will be ready for its first Artemis mission. Before the crew launch, SpaceX will launch a storage depot to Earth orbit. A series of reusable tankers will carry propellant to the storage depot to fuel the human landing system. The uncrewed Starship human landing system will then launch to Earth orbit and rendezvous with the storage depot to fill its tanks before executing a translunar injection engine burn and traveling approximately six days to NRHO where it will await the Artemis III crew.
We have to build a fuel dump in space and use multiple rockets to fill it to land someone on the moon? Being forced to conclude that the apollo moon landings were faked, clearly it would have been impossible to land someone on the moon back then.
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secrettyrant · 4 months
closed starter, tavi's home archie and octavia @ofwrxth
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Stopping by to see his granddaughter is now part of Archie's routine, usually a spot of tea and a quick natter. Maybe a walk and some coffee, depending on the mood but he wouldn't be able to tell you how they ended up doing something else entirely. Archie clutches his phone, the call on speaker to one of Anna Wintour's assistants. "Yes, that's what I said. We've teamed up with SpaceX and NASA, you see. The first intergalactic fashion show." I’m not sure how feasible it would be for Ms. Wintour to attend a space event. Archie shoots Octavia a wide grin, clearing his throat to stop his laugh from escaping. "We’ve thought of everything...here at..." Blast, he's forgotten the bloody fake company name. "We will handle all the logistics, she doesn't need to worry. Tell her to call me, she'll know who I am. You remember my name, yes?" Yes, of course, Hugh Janis. "Precisely. Well, I look forward to hearing from her." Okay, we'll pass this along. Thank you. "Cheerio."
Archie snickers as soon as he precariously presses the end call button, erupting into a louder laugh once he's certain he won't be heard. "Oh, to be a fly on the wall for that conversation." the old poet is practically giddy, sliding his glasses from his nose to his forehead. "There has to be someone else. Who else can we call, Tavs?" he asks excitedly. "Think. Terrible haircuts, annoying faces. Any bloody reason. Oh, what about that..." he waves a hand, forgetting names easier these days. "You know, she was just ghastly to you in Cannes. What's her face? Um...S...T...Tanya?"
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planetofsnarfs · 6 months
Elon Musk is showing the world how radicalized he has become.
The billionaire, one of the most consequential figures to walk the Earth, spent another weekend swimming in the right-wing fever swamps of X — a bad habit that was apparent when his interview with Don Lemon was released Monday morning.
In the contentious interview, Musk equated moderating dangerous and appalling hate speech to “censorship,” bashed the press for legitimate reporting, assailed DEI programs without supporting evidence, skewered advertisers who fled the X platform last year and yet again gave credence to the racist Great Replacement theory, among other things.
To those not fluent in the intricacies of right-wing media, some of what Musk said may have sounded bizarre or even foreign. But in the right-wing fever swamps, where Musk is now deeply entrenched, these are the issues that animate the masses.
Musk’s comments on the premiere episode of Lemon’s new online show added to an unhinged 72-hour posting spree on X, in which the erratic businessman raged against the “woke mind virus” and said its “goal” is “the destruction of America,” agreed with a user who wrote “Fake News is the Enemy of the People,” said the press is “basically the [Joe] Biden cheering squad,” accused the news media of “lying” about Donald Trump’s “blood bath” comments, called NPR a “nice version of Pravda,” alleged Google “manipulate[s] their search results with left wing bias,” said the January 6 insurrection was “not a ‘bloodbath’ by any definition,” and argued that if there is not a “red wave” in November, “America is doomed.”
At this juncture, calling Musk a right-wing shitposter is no longer provocative. It’s simply accurate. And his ugly behavior is even more troubling because of the fact that Musk is enormously influential, casting a large shadow across multiple industries and doing billions of dollars’ worth of national security business with the US government.
In his ownership of X alone, Musk controls one of the world’s most important communications platforms, spitting corrosive venom into the public discourse at a faster speed than his SpaceX rockets hurtle into orbit.
In fact, as users of the platform once called Twitter know all too well, Musk’s posts often find themselves to the very top of the home feed. That is because, according to reporting from Zoë Schiffer and Casey Newton, engineers were forced to build “a system designed to ensure” his posts do well on the platform he owns.
To make matters worse, Musk appears to be growing more intolerant of other viewpoints. While elevating right-wing extremists, he simultaneously seeks to destroy trust in credible news sources.
Once upon a time, Musk welcomed having a media personality like Lemon on the X platform. Not so much anymore.
On Monday, after his interview with Lemon was posted online, Musk trashed the former CNN anchor, calling him in various posts a “stupid asshole” and saying he is “just a bad guy, plain and simple.”
“He’s not used to having to answer to anyone,” Lemon said in a Q&A with People’s Jason Sheeler, “especially someone like me who doesn’t share his worldview, who doesn’t look like him.”
In effect, Musk has become self-radicalized on the very website that he was forced to purchase for $44 billion, sliding deeper into the darkest and most unsavory corners of the platform that has served to only reinforce his own worldview with an echo chamber of conspiracy theorists and ego-stoking sycophants that regularly fawn at his every move no matter how outrageous or preposterously false.
All of it dished up by an algorithm designed to regurgitate it right back to him. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, Musk is hell bent on taking everyone else down there with him.
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moderat50 · 2 years
Elon promise to reward remaining Twitter employees
Questions: 1) Will Twitter stock value go up significantly? Has it in the past when it was public?. 2) Will Elon keep his promise? Many times, he hasn't. 3) Is it worth spending a significant portion of your life enriching a billionaire? 4) are you okay working for social media which has shown to divide us, spread hate, conspiracy theory, misinformation, body shaming, trolls.........?
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nityarawal · 8 months
Note to legal:
Oleg visited me at Danyas Maui pools property. He's Russian. He tipped off Adam. They're working with Hungarians who are spies/hookers/DA. Are they gigolos since teens? It appears so. They have Elon by his balls on meming up Rockstars for Vegas con. It's a scam. Poor Taylor is shadowbanned too. It's all AI fans now & fake news that love her football Troll. She doesn't even have hope of #FreeBritney #Swifties saving her. She's crying on YouTube he cheated on her. I think she might be pregnant. There's no Autonomy of celebrity voice now. Did you see Rihanna Immortal with pants down yet at Superbowl?): @taylorswift @taylor @taylornation @aclu @neuralink-api-official @spacex @neuralinx @space-trash-club @spaceeblack @rewindtheweek @grimes-claireboucher @rewind01 @grimesstyle @rewindfoward @grimeshrine @rewindr @grimes-jpeg @rewindnrestart @nasa @nasa-official @rickrubinlyingdown @maharishiuniversityofmanage-blog @rickrubin412 @davidlynchfoundation @davidlynchmob @davidlynch666-blog @maharishiayurveda-blog @maharishiuniversityworld-blog @maharishi-junior
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harrelltut · 1 year
Staged CGI Hollywood UFO Hearing Live | Former NASA-SpaceX Actor Claim Shell Government Corp. Holds UFOs | US CGI Congress of UFO Tech Disclosure
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i.b.monk [ibm] mode [i’m] tech [IT] steelecartel.com @ quantum harrell tech llc
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i.b. 1698 quintillionharrell.tech sky elite 2wealthy4forbes.com @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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QUANTUM HARRELL TECH UFOs... Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... yyyyyyyy... yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy y2k ADVANCED 2 CRASH on Earth [Qi]
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July 1947 Roswell Incident = Fake UFO Crash Site Propaganda like the July 1969 Moon Landing Skit
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eye superior quantumharrell.tech ufo patent [up] engineer architect at the pentagon
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quantumharrell.tech ufo sky [u.s.] budgets bee expensive af!!!
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how many times eye gotta remind you... WE MULTI-DECADE DARKSHADOW.gov OFFICIALS AT THE PENTAGON!!!
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© 1698-2223 QUANTUM HARRELL TECH LLC All Pentagon DotCom defense.gov Department Domain Rights Reserved @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 T-Mobile 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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pyrolitheus · 2 years
How's Musk "ruining millions of lives"? Go on, I'll wait. Equally enforcing the existing ToS isn't ruining millions of lives. Allowing people you don't like to have opinions you don't agree with (and aren't in any capacity illegal) isn't ruining millions of lives. Not allowing you to be a fascist by silencing disagreement isn't ruining lives.
Honest question: just how?
I am going to ignore the aggressive nature of your language and treat this like you actually mean it as a honest question, just in case you really do want to know. I think it's interesting that we live in such a siloed world that when I say something, you think you know what I am implying because it would absolutely imply that in your silo, but it does not imply the same things in my silo, so you don't know where I am coming from at all. This is why I am treating your question like a real question. We can't understand each other without having a real conversation, and we can't do that without discarding the buzz words because they mean different things in different silos but we presume the meaning to be the same, thereby causing all manner of communication breakdowns and pointless fights. The reality is that I honestly don't really know much about what Musk is doing with Twitter ToS or what opinions he's been expressing (I don't follow his posts), so the comment I made about Musk ruining lives has nothing to do with any of that. I'm talking about things like this: ◾ He fired thousands of Twitter employees unilaterally 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 figuring out how Twitter works behind the scenes, often on the spot and without notice, thereby ruining the lives of thousands of people (more, if you count the families who rely on their income) and undermining the very business he purchased at the same time by making these changes before understanding the old business plan and making a new one. ◾ From what I have read from various leaders in business, Twitter is now expected to fall apart until it flops due to Musk's poor decisions. That will cost more employees their jobs, and it will undermine the important networking that lots of people use Twitter for in a wide variety of industries. ◾ Even Forbes says Musk's overall leadership style is detrimental to the health and well-being of his employees, in addition to making his businesses suffer. ◾ He even got a warning from the FTC due to the chaos caused by his policies causing a sharp uptick in fake accounts. And that's just Twitter. Once you factor in his horrendous treatment of Tesla employees and so on, he has probably irreparably hurt more people than I have even met in my life so far. Everyone in the world of business understands that Elon Musk in business leadership roles is bad news because people (and businesses) suffer. Like you, I agree that silencing opinions due to mere disagreement is bad (the fact that I posted this ask instead of deleting it on the spot demonstrates this). If you really do care about that, and it's not just code for wanting to protect people who agree with you from being silenced, then I think it's worth noting that Musk is firing Twitter employees who criticize him (as well as SpaceX employees) which is directly at odds with the whole concept of free speech. And since ToS enforcement sounds like it is important to you, please note that Musk may have fired the people who do that enforcement, which would mean that Twitter ToS enforcement is not really happening. I guess in summary, the answer to your ask is: Zoom out from the user experience of Twitter and look at the big picture of Musk as a businessperson, and then you'll be able to find the menace.
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