#faith in the divine
templeofastrallight · 2 months
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Just because you cover it up, paint over it, and try to hide the truth of a thing, doesn't mean that it's gone and was never real. It's still there waiting to be revealed, what it represents past present and future still remain a constant whether you hate it or not. They remain. What I experienced within spiritual work is the truth even if you tried to damage it for of your own evil agenda. What I saw at 3 and felt from the divine and spiritual are true. Telling me they don't matter anymore because you're trying to paint over it with your own cult dogma doesn't change the message I got. I know what was said to me spiritually as a child and that's the core, the true crux. I wasn't being invited to be killed but initiated by one, and born embraced by the other and both warned me about you. You're not the answer, or it's representative or it's face, you are the discord that both sides said were in the way of the callings from each side. My spiritual life and it's struggles isn't of your concern.
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succulentsiren · 6 months
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Not caring what others think.
Voicing your opinion whether others agree with them or not.
Staying true to yourself.
Walking into any room and feeling powerful (not insecure).
Realizing you don’t have competition and not comparing yourself to others.
Feeling best about what you have to offer and who you are.
Putting yourself first.
Dreaming big and taking action to make your dreams happen.
Being a master manifestor.
Not needing anyone or their approval to be great.
Laughing at haters.
Presenting your best self to the world.
Having a stable emotional state (remaining hopeful and not allowing doubt to effect you).
Having your own standards and staying true to them.
Having a secure self image and not allowing others to define you.
Never lowering your standards.
Speaking your truth.
Allowing yourself to shine (talents, gifts) without judgement.
Supporting others and being joyous when they win.
Focusing on self.
Speaking highly of yourself.
Creating and doing what you love (not just what's popular).
Remaining dedicated to your goals even when you fail.
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I see a lot of references to the scene in Goodbye Stranger where Dean, on his knees, begs Cas to come back to himself (and to Dean), and I see a lot of reference to Dean referring to praying as begging, but not a lot about how these scenes are literally in back to back episodes? Dean Winchester really said I don't pray because it feels like begging, but I'll pray to you, and then in the literal next episode said fuck it, let's drop the pretense, I am begging. I need you.
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ofsanction · 3 months
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♱ Holy NPD。 
A flag for beings whose NPD [ Narcissistic Personality Disorder ] is directly connected to the concept of holiness & divinity. This can mean that one's NPD makes them feel like or believe that they are a holy, divine being.
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Made by : 💫🧸.
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hisgracefulness · 3 months
Mother Mary
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Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
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On the 10 Commandments:
The First Commandment Explained
People often still debate the meaning of what God’s Commandments are after the numerous translations. The Orthodox Jewish Bible actually contains the transcript of that speech I gave that day in Shemot 20.
And in my own words: If you do not hold anything else, hold & speak my commandments. Let us review the originals as they were intended- the speech with the teaching summary. Any & all attempts to do harm and/or cause suffering by bypassing the Commandments with “loopholes�� will be considered with harsh penalty.
I will eventually cover all 10 commandments.
1. “Thou shalt have no elohim acherim in My presence.”
‭‭Shemot‬ ‭20‬:‭3‬ ‭TOJB2011‬‬
This actually started with a somewhat of both a truth & a small joke. “Get these false Christians out my face”.
It’s somewhat silly, but I had a lot of internal anger around many of these events because there were MANY people around that were preaching things that weren’t practicing the same religion as you.
This was a call to stop believing in false teachers & allowing them to have authority.
A big note is that at the time this also was specifically speaking to those that practiced sagery, sorcerery,witchcraft, & other beliefs that were attempting to be false spiritual leaders inside of Christianity. These are people that aren’t Jesus attempting to lead the direction of the church/his people. Stop listening to all these random people divining here on Earth our religion.
Jesus was handed down the religion in heaven. Everyone should be saying the same underlying message & there should be no fractionation of the church. If there is, something went VERY VERY awry.
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prfctemi · 3 months
Bible Study- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 ♡
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"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."
In a time like now filled with many distractions, it is easy to be tempted by procrastination. As a college student, I tend to be very harsh on myself when I am not as productive as I would like to me or if I spend too much time doing things other than studying or work. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 reminds me that there is a time for all things to take place.
Be kind to yourself when you fall short of your expectations because every season has its purpose, and it's okay to have periods of rest and downtime <3
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bambi-doe · 4 days
i wish future me is at peace and content with her life. i wish she keeps God close & is careful with who she surrounds herself with 🪽
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onceatpeace · 24 days
God loves us,
We are meant to love each other, everyone
Accept who you are and who you will become
Don't let your past define you but shape your future for who you will be
Love isn't rushed or sexual
It's within us to share and appreciate
Enjoy you're time while you still have some
And always be joyous even in bad situations
Heal from what has broken you
Propser from where you are now
Be happy. Be loved. Show love.
-Once at peace
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thepersonalquotes · 5 months
I will be all that I am capable of being.
Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
ok but like, Modest!Alicent Hightower au (more modest than she already is) cause I feel like it, it adds ✨layers✨
Alicent who veils her hair during her day to day life, elegant laces and silks adorning her long ginger-brown hair, covering it completely at the Sept.
Alicent who wears dresses with long heavy skirts and always covers her elbows with billowing sleeves.
Alicent who conceals her silhouette with thick shaping garments. they also just helped her back during her pregnancies and taking care of kids (her servants recommended them so she'd have full range of motion and support)
Alicent who was stripped of her modesty, her dignity and sense of security whenever Viserys wanted her. stripped of it by her own father when he sent her to Viserys's chambers in a dress that didn't cover as much as she would have liked, especially when she visited a man with those (silent) instructions.
Alicent who lets her hair down around people she trusts. covering it around Rhaenyra after she abandoned her, a blow to Rhaenyra, a blatant "you hurt me and broke my trust". letting Criston see her hair after he becomes her sworn sword. covering in front of Viserys until he demands she stops. Alicent putting a little makeshift veil on her daughter, who wanted to look like her mum, promising it would protect her from how loud the world was.
Alicent who only trusts her closest servants to dress her, and even then insists on being in a full shift before they can come in.
Alicent who felt stripped bare while giving birth to her children.
little Alicent looking up to her mum who was also very modest, and spending her childhood playing in long skirts.
Alicent who wears shawls and scarves out in public or at events. Criston watches to make sure she remains properly covered. her hands fiddling with the patterns or tassels while she talks to others.
Alicent doing this with her kids:
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Criston offering her his cloak when she's put in bad situations like sudden crowds or outings.
wearing flowy but opaque fabrics during the summers, looking ethereal and goddess-like with her layers skirts and sleeves.
the whole Larys situation being even more sickening.
all 3 of her sons being protective of her modesty alongside Criston, always offering their cloaks to her or standing to block her from the wind or wandering eyes. Aegon holding her veil in place when it's windy, Aemond placing a cloak over her in public, Daeron fiercely defending his mum from lusting glances or lingering stares.
Helaena continuing to veil with her mum when they go out, they love matching veils and trying ornate styles.
Alicent fixing her daughters veil in attempts to get it to stay in on dragon back. it doesn't. but they don't mind the extra bonding time none the less.
gold veils that literally make her look like she's dripping in gold.
tucking her babes in her shawls or holding them against her skirts that are practically swallowing them whole.
Alicent collecting layers. Ornate undergarments that cover her arms in gold and embroidered patterns, some almost like tapestries others more simple. undershirts that cover her neck, with "choker" patterns and sewn in jewels. modest nightgowns and robes made of the softest, most breathable fabrics in existence.
covering her face on holy days/days of importance.
I just have so many thoughts.
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templeofastrallight · 2 months
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succulentsiren · 2 months
Stop giving away your power by letting what others think of you, define you. People’s perceptions of you hold no value unless you allow it. If you don’t agree with how others see you, create you own narrative and start defining yourself.
Shift your mindset from needing validation, to knowing who you are. Don’t walk into the room thinking “I wonder what they think of me.” Walk into the room thinking “I don’t mind what they think of me. I know who I am. I am the best.”
And sure, this mindset may seem like arrogance but it is far better than craving approval or trying to explain yourself to others.
You can either give your power away by depending on the approval of others or you can free yourself, become the main character and perceive yourself the way you desire.
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Max Caulfield being called an "angel" as a result of using her ultimately apocalyptic time powers to save a life versus Rachel Amber being called an "angel" as a side effect of the pedestal she's on that can't prevent her from being murdered versus Daniel Diaz being called an "angel" as a tool of exploitation and abuse. is this anything.
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ofsanction · 3 months
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♱ Holy BPD。 
A flag for beings whose BPD [ Borderline Personality Disorder ] is directly connected to the concept of holiness & divinity. This can mean that one's BPD makes them feel like or believe that they are a holy, divine being.
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Requested by : Anon.
Made by : 💫🧸.
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trans-ruffboi · 1 year
I think Vivienne as a Divine is interesting because she really isn't faithful. You ask her about her faith and the Chantry, and her response is always a pragmatic argument about how people should live or about the Chantry as a political body. She never professes any belief at all in the Chant as scripture.
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