#Divine Presence
omegaphilosophia · 1 month
The Philosophy of the Sublime
The sublime is a concept in philosophy and aesthetics that refers to an experience of awe, grandeur, and wonder, often evoking a mixture of fear and admiration. This notion has been explored by various philosophers and thinkers throughout history, particularly in the context of nature, art, and human experience. Here’s an in-depth exploration of the philosophy of the sublime:
1. Historical Origins
Edmund Burke: In his work "A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful" (1757), Burke distinguished between the beautiful and the sublime. He associated the sublime with vastness, infinity, and power, which can overwhelm and inspire a sense of awe and terror.
Immanuel Kant: In "Critique of Judgment" (1790), Kant elaborated on the sublime as something that transcends normal human experience and comprehension. He identified two forms of the sublime: the mathematical sublime, related to the vastness of nature and the universe, and the dynamical sublime, related to the power and force of natural phenomena.
Romanticism: The Romantic poets and artists, such as William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Caspar David Friedrich, celebrated the sublime in nature, emphasizing the emotional and spiritual responses to its grandeur and beauty.
2. Key Characteristics of the Sublime
Vastness and Infinity: Experiences or objects that are vast in scale, such as mountains, oceans, or the night sky, evoke a sense of the sublime. Their immensity challenges human perception and comprehension.
Power and Terror: The sublime often involves elements of danger and power, such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, or erupting volcanoes. These evoke fear but also admiration for their majesty and force.
Transcendence: The sublime experience transcends ordinary understanding and evokes a sense of something greater than oneself. It can lead to feelings of humility and reverence.
Aesthetic Experience: In art and literature, the sublime is associated with works that evoke profound emotional responses, often through depictions of nature’s grandeur or human achievement.
3. Philosophical Implications
Human Limits: The concept of the sublime highlights the limitations of human perception and understanding. It suggests that there are aspects of existence that are beyond human control and comprehension.
Emotional Complexity: The sublime evokes complex emotions that combine fear, awe, wonder, and admiration. This complexity enriches human experience and understanding of the world.
Nature and the Divine: The sublime often leads to reflections on the relationship between nature and the divine. The overwhelming power and beauty of nature can evoke a sense of the divine presence or the transcendental.
4. The Sublime in Art and Culture
Visual Arts: Artists like J.M.W. Turner and Caspar David Friedrich captured the sublime in their depictions of natural landscapes and phenomena, emphasizing vastness, power, and emotional depth.
Literature: Writers such as Mary Shelley and Lord Byron explored the sublime in their works, using language to evoke the awe and terror of natural and supernatural elements.
Modern Interpretations: Contemporary artists and thinkers continue to explore the sublime in various forms, including digital art, cinema, and virtual reality, pushing the boundaries of what can evoke awe and wonder.
5. Critiques and Evolving Perspectives
Subjectivity: Some critics argue that the experience of the sublime is highly subjective and culturally specific. What one person finds sublime, another may not.
Environmental Ethics: The concept of the sublime has been revisited in discussions about environmental ethics, emphasizing the need to protect and preserve the natural landscapes that evoke these profound experiences.
The philosophy of the sublime explores the profound and often overwhelming experiences of awe, grandeur, and wonder in response to nature, art, and human achievement. It challenges human limits of perception and understanding, evoking complex emotions and reflections on the transcendental. From its historical origins in the works of Burke and Kant to its manifestations in Romantic art and contemporary culture, the sublime remains a powerful and enduring concept in philosophy and aesthetics.
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Deepening Prayer: From Requests to Communion with the Divine
Experiencing Prayer as a Profound Connection with the Divine Introduction In many religious traditions, prayer is often perceived as a means of making requests or interceding on behalf of others. Yet, a deeper understanding of prayer reveals it as a profound opportunity for communion with the Divine. This post explores how we can transform our approach to prayer from one of mere requests to a…
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turiyatitta · 2 months
The Profound Simplicity of Enlightenment
Transforming Perspective, Not ActionIn the spiritual awakening journey, there is a well-known saying: “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” This aphorism captures the essence of a profound transformation that occurs not in the realm of actions but in the realm of perception.Before enlightenment, we engage with the world through a dualistic…
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thesensteawitch · 1 year
Why Do You See Angel Numbers?🔮
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There's one BIG reason why you keep seeing angel numbers and that is...
~You Are Being Pushed By The Universe To Rise Higher In Your Vibration!
Yup, that's all!!!!!
Here's what makes the study of angel numbers deep-
1111, 222, 4455, 7788, 1221, 1001, 0110,...
In fact, every number is an angel number because every number has its own vibration and is trying to tell a story.
For example- 6970
Now if you look at each number together you may not see a pattern. But zoom out a bit and look at them in pairs. 69 and 70. This means these are consecutive numbers which tells that you are moving forward in life. Things will unfold and you will notice.
This can go deeper but I am not going there right now as I have made my point.
Your vehicle number, your mobile number, house number (though may not be repetitive or obvious like 333, 444, 555, 666...) also carry vibration and affect your life.
So, if there's a significant lesson that you must learn and is urgent then you might start seeing angel numbers.
You're already working towards raising your vibration and your divine team wants you to know that you are on the right path and they are with you.
A Tip: Whenever you see an angel number (not when you were on your phone all day and see the clock turn to 11:11) just try to remember what your last thought was before you saw it. It means that whatever you were thinking about was true.
That's all for today my lovely Senstea Souls. I'll see you soon!
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palaceofthesoul · 4 months
I'm having one of those overwhelming chronic pain days where all of the parts of me that make up the whole feel disconnected from each other, and none of my usual grounding activities are helping me pull it all back together again. I haven't been able to sleep much in the last few days, and I was fast losing my grip on my mental state.
I had a full ritual planned for today, but I couldn't focus and sit comfortably enough to connect with King Belial in the way I wanted to no matter how I tried to adjust things to make it work. Frustration and despair were dragging me down hard and fast.
So instead, I decided I had to give myself a quiet rest day or risk breaking myself. I lit some incense and a couple of candles and curled up in bed with a pot of tea, a joint, and a book. As I was sitting here trying to ignore the pain and immerse myself in my peaceful space, I felt the sensation of a strong energetic presence enveloping me, unseen arms wrapping around my waist to hold me close, anchoring me in place in a way that was soothing rather than restrictive.
It was a beautiful and much-needed reminder that even when I feel at my most broken and incapable, even when I can't undertake my full ritual from beginning to end, he's with me. He grounded me when I couldn't ground myself, and I was finally able to shut my mind down enough to breathe freely again. Words can't describe how intensely grateful I am to him.
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holyspirittrinity · 11 months
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Meditation of the heart
O Divine Presence
Let me see as you would see,
Hear as you would hear
And speak as you would speak
Alchemy of the Heart
Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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biblebloodhound · 1 year
Walk on Water? Why? (Matthew 14:22-33)
Failure does not define us; it isn’t our identity.
Jesus Walks on Water, by Konstantin Alexejewitsch Korowin, 1890  Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone,and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because…
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ryanranney · 4 days
A Matter of Time
He who stands now may meet those who stood before even though before them are they who appear here now. Where we live inside is not always where we are presently, while where we desire to be is not always where we live. It isn’t a matter of time that eludes our science or the science of time that confuses our spirit. It is the matter of flesh that stands only before our eyes of flesh upon our…
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purefilly-connection · 3 months
Embracing Spirituality: A Journey of Belief and Unity
How important is spirituality in your life? In the course of my life, spirituality has played a crucial role, providing a sense of purpose, guidance, and understanding. I believe in a higher power, a force that transcends the mundane and infuses my existence with meaning. For me, this higher power is God, a divine presence that grants me the gift of life and the freedom to exercise my…
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bvthomas · 5 months
                                                      GOD “Exploring the Divine: The Essence of God” Introduction: In the vast expanse of human history and thought, few questions have stirred as much contemplation, debate, and yearning as those concerning the Divine. What is God? Does God exist? And if so, what is the nature of this supreme being who eludes easy definition and comprehension?…
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Rapture: An Inner Experience or a Future Event?
The concept of rapture holds a significant place in many religious traditions, often representing a powerful moment of divine encounter. However, the interpretation of this experience varies widely across spiritual paths. For some, rapture is a future event, a moment of transcendent liberation from the trials of the world. For others, rapture is an immediate, inner experience of union with the…
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turiyatitta · 3 months
Seeing God in All Faces, Places, and Empty Spaces
“See God in all faces, places, and empty spaces” is an invitation to recognize the divine presence in every aspect of existence. This perspective encourages a profound shift in how we perceive the world, inviting us to see beyond the superficial and appreciate the sacredness that permeates all things.FacesSeeing God in all faces means acknowledging the inherent divinity within every person we…
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1whoconquers · 5 months
God's Response to True Fasting
Are we living the fast that God chooses? 🌅 A thread on true fasting and divine response. #Faith #Fasting #Spirituality pic.twitter.com/YXatcV4pAf— Klaus (@1whoconquers) April 29, 2024 Let's embody the fast God desires. Share, love, and lift the burdens of others. Your light will shine in the darkness. #BeTheLight #Actionhttps://t.co/QutaNy3j4A— Klaus (@1whoconquers) April 29, 2024
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theearthforce · 9 months
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This is inspired by this video [x] about the conversation between Lord Krishna and Uddhava about: ~ what a true friend is ~ the dharma (cosmic law) of God ~ the importance of being aware that God is witnessing everything in our lives
Photo credit: pencil parker on Pixabay [x]
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livingwellnessblog · 10 months
Manifesting: Channeled Entities, Ascended Masters, Angels & Demons Within Our Consciousness
Manifesting: Channeled Entities, Ascended Masters, Angels & Demons Within Our Consciousness Let’s dive into a new topic today We’re going to adress  channeled entities (like “Seth” and “Abraham,”) angels, demons, and ascended masters today. Let’s explore whether they’re just part of consiousness, or if there’s more to it. What is Neville Goddard’s perspective? All in This Together? Alright,…
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cat-eye-nebula · 1 year
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