#fact that our mom will be like 'do you hate your sibling? you want them dead? we BOYCOTT chik-fil-a' when she hears abt it
freckliedan · 1 month
assumed u were an only child because you don't mention your siblings often (if ever?) + i'm an only child myself and tend to assume everyone else is until proven otherwise. the concept of having siblings is still genuinely wild to me so i basically never think people live that experience
hell yeah thank you for the info on that bc i never know how i come across to others! so real and relatable to have areas of just not conceptualizing a different experience of the world.
my sister and i aren't really close at all & haven't been since i was like 14—it's not like we actively don't get along, we call on the phone sometimes? we're just really different people. i definitely do not have the experience of being good friends with a sibling the way a lot of my friends with siblings do & have had multiple friends i made as an adult guess i was an only child too.
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
Hi! I requested the last Jamie tartt/Kent!Sister that’s not phoebes mom.
Do you think you could another one with phoebe and Roy spending the day with them and phoebe making Roy jealous of how she adores Jamie? And reader just getting baby fever,and Roy figuring out she is and freaking out. Lol sorry it’s a lot! Thanks and love ur writing✨💜
Your wish is my command! I’m trying to get out of my writer’s block, so hopefully I’ll have more fics out tomorrow. We’ll see!
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would it be enough if i could never give you peace?
Molly is at work. Again. Which means you’re watching Phoebe with your brother, Roy. You point out that Roy doesn’t technically have to be here, but Phoebe vehemently protests that he does. 
“Who will be the princess?” she asks, and you decide not to tell her that you wouldn’t mind. You sneak photos of Roy in the tiara to send to Jamie under the express condition that he never show anyone else. Jamie tells you that seeing the photo is enough for him. 
Jamie is not scared of Roy, by the way. Sure, he’s dating the youngest Kent sibling and sure, Roy hates his guts, but it’s all a show, innit? 
At least, that’s what Molly tells you both when you’re sitting at her kitchen table, distraught at 11pm. 
But regardless of Roy’s feelings, he’s going to have to get over it because you love Jamie and he’s here to stay and that’s that. You’re actually meeting him at the park (per Phoebe’s request) and then the four of you are headed to lunch and a movie. 
Jamie’s waiting on a bench by the time you make it to the park, and he lights up at the sight of you. He stands to greet you, but is intercepted by a running Phoebe. He puts his footballer reflexes to good use as he swings her high into the air as you shake your head grinning, and Roy just shakes his head. 
You watch Jamie put Phoebe back on the ground and begin some elaborate secret handshake and, like lightning, you’re struck with a feeling of oh shit.
“Oh shit,” you breathe aloud. 
Roy takes a sideways glance at you and his frown deepens.  “No,” he says, but you’re not listening. 
Because all you can think about is Jamie swinging your own kid into the air, or holding a tiny baby, or teaching a toddler how to kick a football.
In fact, it’s all you can think about the entire time you’re out. You forget to breathe as he teases Phoebe about her lunch order and Roy has to elbow you and say, “For fuck’s sake.” 
Phoebe is holding Jamie’s hand and skipping on the way to the movie while you and Roy walk a ways behind them. His knee’s hurting him a little bit, so you’ve linked your arm around his.
“Just like when we were kids, huh Roy-o?” you grin.
Roy snorts. “Don’t really remember us walking fucking hand-in-hand, unless it was me dragging you away from Molly and her fucking marshmallow shooter.”
You shudder. “You know she used to lick them so they’d stick to us, right?”
Roy grimaces. “And you want a kid with marshmallow-licking genes with fucking Tartt? He’s practically a fucking child himself.”
You open your mouth to protest but Roy shakes his head. 
“Don’t fucking argue with me, I see how you fucking look at him when he’s with Phoebe. Can practically hear the fucking wedding bells.”
You check to see if Jamie’s looking (he isn’t) then you punch Roy in the arm. “Fuck off, Roy. You love being an uncle. And Molly keeps asking when me and Jamie are going to take another step in our relationship, and maybe this is it. I mean sure, he’s a footballer and like probably the best one Richmond has ever seen-” Roy interjects with an oi- “and generally footballers don’t even want to settle down, but he’s dating me, and sure, it’s probably a little to fuel his obsession with you, I mean come on, our family has great eyebrows so it’s not a surprise that Jamie and I are together and fucking hell, Roy, he’d be such a great dad.”
Roy says, “You talked to fucking Molly about this?” like he’s been betrayed by his best friend.
You shrug with the one arm that isn’t held in his. “We all grew up in the same home and you didn’t realize that Molls is fucking nosy? Come on, Roy.”
Roy says, “Fucking hell,” and then you’re at the movie theater and unable to continue talking.
It is fucking late and you’re back at Jamie’s house. It’s just you two, and you’re in the kitchen with the dim lights on. You stayed at Molly’s after the movie while Roy cooked dinner, then stayed till she got back from the hospital. You and Jamie both decided you weren’t tired, which is why you’re on the floor of the kitchen eating out of a tub of ice cream.
You’ve both made a considerable dent when you put your spoon down and say, “Jamie.”
“Hm?” he asks, mouth full of mint chip.
“Do you-” you hesitate. “Do you ever think about where this is going?”
Jamie swallows and is silent, so you continue talking.
“I mean, obviously we don’t have to talk about it, I know that it’s a lot and we’re kind of just messing around, right? And with football and all that you don’t really have the whole settling-down kind of lifestyle, and anyway if you do it should probably be with a model or a pop star, especially since you’ve got the whole Beckham look going on right now.”
Jamie rolls his eyes and laughs. “That’s what you think? I’ve got the girl of my dreams and you think I’d dump you for a fucking model?”
You shrug without meeting his eyes.
“Oi,” Jamie says softly. “Is that really what you think? Or is this about something else?” He nudges your shoulder with his.
You sigh and turn to face him. “Look, I’ll tell you, but don’t fucking laugh or I’ll get Roy to mess you up.”
Jamie nods.
“I have baby fever.”
Jamie breaks into a grin and despite yourself, you mirror it.
“Don’t fucking laugh!” you protest, “It’s a real thing! And I have it so fucking bad, that all I could think about today is how much I wanted to go home and fuck you. I have no idea what we even did today. And Molly is always on me about giving Pheebs a cousin but I think it would actually kill Roy if I had a kid, because he still thinks of me as his baby sister even though I’m a literal adult.”
Jamie is shaking with poorly suppressed laughter and you shove him with your shoulder. “Why are you laughing, Jamie?” you giggle. “This is a real issue!”
Jamie is practically wheezing, doubled over and holding his sides. 
“Babe,” he manages to get out, “usually I’m the one who’s thinking about fucking you all the time. It’s fucking hilarious that it was you. Now you know what it’s like.”
Good lord, this boy. 
“And,” he continues, starting to wind down, “I didn’t realize Molly was talking to ya. Would’ve said something sooner if I knew.” He takes the ice cream out of your hands and pulls you onto his lap. You’re facing him, straddling his thighs. He places one hand on your cheek and the other on the back of your neck. “Love,” he says, “I’ve thought about it. I’ve thought about it a fucking lot, actually. I want all that shit with you, a wedding, kids, whatever. I ain’t ever letting you go.”
You smile and thread your fingers through his hair. “Oh yeah?” you ask. “What else have you thought about?”
Jamie’s eyes darken and his tongue darts between his teeth. “Well,” he says, hands sliding from your neck to your waist and under your shirt, “though about all the work it takes to make a baby.”
“Oh yeah?” you ask, except it comes out as a gasp because his hands are tracing soft patterns on your skin and you’re barely keeping yourself together, but you manage to breathe out a, “What else?”
Jamie smirks. “Well babe, pretty sure we’d have to be somewhere other than the floor to get the whole experience.”
You’re on your feet in a flash and pulling Jamie up the stairs to the bedroom. You’re good with this type of future planning.
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i9messi · 1 year
Can you do one of Messi’s daughter and Gabi babysit her brothers and gavi being scared because of what ciro said last time “I don’t want you to have a boyfriend” and he really wants his girlfriends brothers to like him? And can you have the boys be overprotective?
(I loved the idea, thank you so much.) Part one here
The Messi boys — Pablo Gavi
Word count — 928
gavi's masterlist
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They’re just kids, that’s what you said to Gavi while you were trying to calm him down on the way to your parents' house. Your dad and your mom had gone on a date and asked you if you could take care of your brothers while they were gone. You undoubtedly accepted, you loved your siblings and you wanted to spend your time with them. Gavi knew how much you loved them, so he also wanted to be helpful and offered to go with you. However, for the Messi boys, the presence of your boyfriend wasn't a good idea.
Ciro was the least pleased that your boyfriend was there. Last time he saw Gavi, he was a little reluctant about you having a boyfriend. As soon as he had seen Pablo arrive he started asking him questions. You had laughed and tried to distract him while playing Uno. Gavi really tried to make the kids feel comfortable with him, because he loved you with all his heart and wanted to get along with the children.
But your brothers were too overprotective. In the moment Gavi tried to reach out to hold your hand, Ciro did not hesitate to separate your holding hands. The kid was angry and jealous, you were his sister.
"Don’t touch her!"
"We just wanted to hold hands, he’s my boyfriend, you know. It’s a thing couples do." you explained to the youngest, trying to calm the situation.
"Gross. I hate the displays of love." said your other brother, Mateo, imitating that he was vomiting.
"I dislike Gavi, I don’t like him." Ciro had no shame in telling you what he thought about the footballer.
In a few seconds your brothers had brought to light the problems they had with your boyfriend and it was no surprise. You had talked to your mom about that, after the visit you had made the last time. As much as you had tried to make them understand that you were an adult, they continued with their overprotection.
You looked at Gavi, who looked at Ciro without saying anything. When he felt the weight of your look you tried to tell him to take things slow, the children could be little devils when they wanted and they were testing him. In fact, they had tested him since he had arrived, asking him questions and trying to anger him.
"How many times do I have to tell you to not be rude with Gavi?" You played the role of the big sister again.
The children were silent and they didn't say anything more to make things worse. A while later, you lost the game and as you urgently needed to go to the bathroom, you made the decision to leave your three brothers alone with your boyfriend. Maybe it was a bad idea, after the tension that was felt in the environment. You tried not to take long, but when you arrived, you heard them whispering. You hid behind the door so they couldn’t see you or notice you.
"Listen to us carefully, Spanish boy. We don’t like you and we don't want you to date our sister." Ciro said, speaking as if he were a film mercenary.
"Better tell us why we should give you a chance," Thiago proposed, in a much more gentle tone.
"Sorry, what?"
"Don’t make me repeat myself. You don’t want me wasting time with words."
God, you imagined your boyfriend’s scared face. You had convinced him that there was nothing to worry about, but now you doubted your own words. Gavi didn’t take long to talk, and when he did, he spoke very seriously and fearlessly.
"I love your big sister and want to make her happy every day of my life. I know she deserves the best and probably deserves a better guy than me— I was lucky that she decided to be my girlfriend. I don't imagine a life without her, she is my happiness and my everything. I want to give her everything."
There was silence, until Thiago spoke. "We’ll give you a chance, if you do something we don’t like we won’t hesitate to make your life miserable."
"Believe it, we’ll make your life miserable and you won’t like it." added Ciro.
"I understand, I promise I won't do anything if you decide to make my life miserable. I love your sister and I accept the consequences of my actions."
Gosh, Pablo was also a little dramatic. Between your brothers acting like mercenaries and Pablo being a Romeo, the whole scene made you laugh. Your heart melted too, his declaration of love was really cute.
"Okay, so we have a deal. Now you have to convince her to let us eat ice cream before bed." Ciro blackmailed Gavi and you had a hard time not laughing.
"Está bien, I’ll help you."
You waited until they finished their talk and you went back to them. You sat back at the table, while you watched them finish playing Uno. When the boys went to get something in their rooms, you took the time to talk to your boyfriend.
"Please... never leave me with them again. They’re really scary."
You smiled at him and whispered, "I forgot to tell you, my dad is an ordinary human being, but my brothers… they are devils."
Gavi left a kiss on your lips before your brothers came back and probably forced you to separate.
"You should let them eat ice cream, by the way." He told you in a whisper, still afraid of the kids.
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r/AmITheAsshole: u/throwaway478wwx
AITA if I tell my "husband" I love him?
Throw away because my siblings and friends are here. Don't roll your eyes, please. It's very complicated. So I (34M) have been married to my incredible husband Z (34M) for the last 8 years. We went to the same high school but actually ran into different circles. Z, who was a straightA student, didn't like me and my friend circle. Things worsened after I accidentally ruined his science fair project. High school ended with bad blood between us. His older brother, who was a few years senior to us, was my sister's classmate, and he tried to mediate between us, but Z really hated me and would get huffy every time we met.
We met again in Uni. Z seemed more open to the idea of a civil relationship, and things improved tremendously once I gifted him 2 rabbits for his birthday. Z had the cutest crush on our classmate M and would get so flustered when I asked him about M.
In our final year, all of us got very drunk in a party, and I lost the drinking game. As a punishment, I was tasked with safely escorting Z back to our dorm. Just my luck, for such a calm and self-controlled person, Z is an agent of chaos when drunk. We broke into the nearby aquarium to look at the sting-rays, went into a Mcdonald where Z proceeded to buy all the chicken wings as a gift for me and tried to fight a mirror for 'staring at the love of his life'. I somehow managed to calm him down and took him back to the dorm.
Fast forward a year, M suddenly announced her relationship with someone else. I was extremely surprised, but not only Z stoically bore the news, the rest of my friends were very chill about it too. In fact, they seemed more annoyed at me for making a fuss. My angel of a sister, who never spoke a harsh word in her life, told me I was lucky I was so stinking cute.
I tried my best to support Z in this difficult time. We spent most of our free time together. In fact, I invited Z to my sister's wedding to cheer him up. Incidentally, we kinda discovered a big conspiracy to harm Z's brother and his boyfriend, and Z's family was very taken with me. His mom started to joke that she'll steal me to be her own son. Even Z's very stern uncle seemed to soften up.
Finally, M announced her wedding when we were 26. I hastily planned a trip as a means to distract Z. We backpacked and hiked. One night, we got roaring drunk and woke up the next day in bed with each other. Even worse, drunk us thought it was a good idea to apply for a marriage certificate online and make an announcement on Facebook that we were getting married. Our families were blowing up our phones. They asked us how could we do this? How could we exclude them from the happiest day of our life and not give them the chance to celebrate? Before our hungover brains could explain anything, Z's brother was dispatched to retrieve us, and our parents were looking at the wedding venue and cakes.
Our mothers combined are a force to reckon with. I tried to explain things, but mom said she thought she raised me better, and Z's otherwise very kind brother told me he'd feed me into a woodchipper if I backed out of the wedding.
Long story short, we got married that spring. We planned to let things settle a bit, but disaster struck. A friend of ours had a baby cousin whose parents suddenly passed away in an accident. The baby's nearest kin was his grandma, who was very frail and terminal, and my friend didn't have the means to support the baby. Z and I promptly applied to adopt the baby.
Our little radish is almost 9 this year. Z is not only a great dad, but he's an incredibly good husband, too. He's kind, warm, sweet, and patient. He's a wonderful cook. We are compatible in every way, and I mean every possible way. My parents love him. And I think I have fallen in love with him too. But would I be an asshole if I told him that I loved him? We have a good thing going on here. I don't want to rock the boat.
Update 1: Thank you so much for your kind words. I have decided to confess to my husband. Wish me luck.
Update 2: To the person who DMed me calling me "so dumb that light can enter through one ear and exit via another," JC, I know your writing style. Push your luck, and the whole of reddit will know what happened in our third year.
Update 3: So, I told Z that I loved him. He was reading our baby boy's half yearly report. Have I told you guys how handsome he looks with his glasses on? He raised his eyes and said, " And I love 'my name' too. Always have." So I guess that's settled? We have been in love for the last decade? That's good. Thank you for all your support. And I love you too, Jie.
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howlingday · 9 months
Years Later...
Blake: (Writing)
Kid: Mommy, what are you writing?
Blake: These are memoirs. It's the story of my life.
Kid: What's the story of your life?
Blake: I dunno. I might do another draft...
Kid: Mommy, is fuck a bad word?
Blake: ...
Blake: Yes. (Doorbell rings) Come in!
Weiss: (Enters) Hello, Blake, and hello,kid~! Guess what Auntie Weiss brought for you~!
Blake: Weiss, she already has enough toys-
Weiss: (Pulls out gift) Oh, it's fine, Blake.
Blake: Seriously, I live in the biggest house in Menagerie and I'm still running out of space for them!
Weiss: You're exaggerating. Besides, I know for a fact that she doesn't have this toy~! (Hands over gift) I have a list, you know.
Blake: Is that the Wild Queen playset? Her grandma bought it.
Weiss: Why doesn't your mom ever coordinate with me?
Blake: (Window shatters) OH MY GOD!
Ruby: (Giggling) Whoops!
Blake: Ruby Rose!
Ruby: Hey, Blake!
Blake: I thought I told you to stop doing that! You could have hit my kid!
Ruby: Wait, you have a kid?
Blake: Yes! You met her!
Ruby: Oh yeah~!
Blake: Why are you here, smashing through my windows?
Ruby: Well, Ozpin and Maria said my eyes might be going, because I thought that window was wide open.
Weiss: I invited her.
Blake: Why?
Weiss: It's been too long since we've had a soiree with the old gang.
Blake: I hate soirees!
Weiss: I know. That's why I'M setting it up!
Ruby: Is Team RWBY getting back together? Let's grab Jaune and Ren and Nora do a big old adventure with them!
Blake: I already told you she's not invited anymore, and besides, didn't you throw your back out on the last adventure?
Ruby: Ah, that was three years ago! I'm all good now!
Blake: (Knocking heard) What?! Come in!
Yang: (Enters) You! Ruby Rose!
Ruby: Hi, Yang!
Yang: For the past three years, I've been seeing you going on dates with every boy you can get your hands on in the tabloids, and I want the truth!
Weiss: Can you even handle the truth?
Yang: Care to explain?!
Weiss: I don't think you can.
Yang: Because I introduced you to some guys, and you told the press, "Oh, yeah, my sister just loves hooking me up with her guy friends!"
Ruby: You do, though! Why else would you help me make more friends?
Yang: Then why didn't you phrase it like that?!
Blake: Hi, Yang.
Yang: Hi, Blake. (Back on Ruby) I've been getting messages and letters and everything else from all my guy friends and guys I've never even met, and every morning, Dad gives me this side-eye of sheer disappointment! Like it's my fault, or something!
Weiss: You know, you could use those guy friends, too.
Yang: Oh, please, Weiss, like you know anything about being a good sibling! Winter has pretty much banned you from Atlas, and your brother probably doesn't even know if you're alive or dead at this point!
Weiss: Nice try, but I call my siblings every month.
Yang: Yeah? I talk to Ruby every week, because I know for a fact that I'm not too busy to talk to her! And what exactly are you too busy to talk to them for these days? Killing Grimm- nope, they're all dead. Running the SDC- nope, your brother is in charge. Having a family- nope, you're just inserting yourself into everyone else's lives!
Weiss: Well, at least I have options of men and women to choose from. You don't see me getting asked for a hook up with my siblings.
Kid: Auntie Weiss, is fuck a bad word?
Weiss: Oh gods, did I just drop an f-bomb?
Weiss: No, sweetie~! I said flop!
Kid: Is flop a bad word?
Blake: She learned it from a kid at school.
Weiss: Oh.
Blake: (Lights flicker) Oh no...
Nora: (Rises from nothing) BEHOLD, THE ALMIGHTY NO'RA! YES!
Blake: No!
Nora: NO'RA HAS BECOME THE ONE TRUE ELDRITCH CREATURE OF THE WORLD OF REMNANT! Now you have to say yes to a date with me! Our destiny is written in the fading lights of the stars!
Blake: You're already married to Ren AND I have a restraining order against you! You're not allowed to be here!
Nora: FOOOOL! YES! NO'RA has infinite time to study law! NO'RA will crush your restraining order!
Blake: Vrbr Ktah.
Nora: Huh? "Go away-" (On fire) AGH! AAAAAAAGH!
Weiss: But Blake, we haven't ordered drinks yet!
Blake: I don't drink anymore!
Weiss: But I thought that was for the pregnancy!
Yang: Thank you for having us, Blake. (Everyone leaves)
Blake: (Hears knocking) WHAT?!
Pyrrha: (Sheepishly enters) Uh, I'm here because-
Blake: The sign says no solicitors!
Pyrrha: (Leaves)
Kid: Mommy? Is fuck a bad word?
Blake: Yes.
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hawkeyetrained · 2 years
Hold on Kid
Dean Winchester x sister!reader
Warnings: angst, death, slight blood mention, heartbreak, let me know if I missed anything
Summary: I suck at these and if I tried, I’d probably wreck it. Hunt gone wrong is the best description I got.
Word Count: 3,999
AN: This is my first post here so be gentle. Enjoy
Life as a hunter was complicated. Naturally, you make enemies with the monsters who knew those you killed. Some wanted revenge, others hated that their kind was killed. Then, there was being a hunter and a Winchester at the same time. Not only do you make normal enemies like all the other hunters, but you make enemies simply because of your last name.
I was the baby of the Winchester family, being nearly six years younger than Sam and almost a decade younger than Dean. After the fire at their home, John took his boys on a journey across the country to hunt down the monster that killed his wife and left him and his boys without a home. He met my mom five years later and after nine months, I joined the family, only for my mother to vanish one night. John had taken me on the road with them after she disappeared, often leaving me with Bobby while he took my older brothers to hunt the simpler cases.
Despite the age difference and the fact that we were “half” siblings, my brothers were the best people in the entire world. Sam and Dean treated me no differently than how they treated each other. I was let in on jokes and taken to diners and bars with them once I was old enough to drive, often driving a drunk Dean and a tipsy Sam back to our motel for the night.
They taught me to hunt the right way. Started me off on simple cases with plenty of back up, making sure I did all the research necessary and never went anywhere alone until they were sure I was capable of taking care of nearly every monster in the book. I was comfortable fighting off nearly any monster, all but djinns.
Those creatures scared the hell out of me. I knew that Sam and Dean had faced enough of them in the past, but I was still fairly new around them and the cases involving them. The fact that they strung up their victims and essentially trapped them in their own minds was horrifying to me, and I’ve taken heads clean off vamp’s bodies.
So, when a case came up that practically screamed djinn, the boys double checked with me every hour, asking if I was ok and still good to attack once the sun went down.
“Guys, I’ll be fine. They just creep me out.” I tried calming my worried brothers. “I can manage it.”
“We never doubted you on handling it.” Sam defended gently, cleaning his gun at the table of our motel room. “We just want to make sure you’re comfortable. We don’t want anything happening to you.”
“I mean, come on kid, we just want you to be safe. I know how much these things freak you out.” Dean added to the conversation from his laid-back spot on his bed.
I sent both brothers a soft glare. “And I appreciate that. But I’ll be fine.”
Flash forward to a few hours later, I was sprawled out on the top floor of the large, abandoned barn, metal rebar sticking out of my stomach and my brothers firing shots down on the floor below me. We had been wrong on our intel, it was more than just one djinn, a whole family of six popping out of the shadows when we burst in. One of the younger women had caught me by surprise, nearly stringing me up but ended with a magazine of rounds to the head.
“Dean.” I tried calling out for my oldest brother, attempting to drag myself closer to the stairs so he’d be able to hear me over the fight. “Sammy.”
Neither of my brothers were answering, my head leaning back to rest against the floor as I took in a few deep breaths. My hands shook as I placed them around the metal, making sure to not move it but add enough pressure to the surrounding skin to help stop the flow of blood. I had been taught that keeping the object in could potentially save your life, especially if it were holding an artery closed.
With neither of my big brothers answering my desperate pleas for help, I resulted in closing my eyes and praying to the angel who kept tabs on us. “Castiel.” I spoke his full name. “Dean and Sammy can’t hear me. I need help. I think I’m dying Cas.” Tears gathered in my eyes as I spoke to the angel who had become a best friend over the years. “Please, I’m so scared Cas.” No answer came from the angel, but he was busy with heavenly issues that us hunters would never know of.
After a few more strangled calls to my brothers, heavy boots finally began climbing the stairs. “Hey kid, did you manage to take them…” Dean’s voice cut off abruptly when my eyes met his. “Kid. Sammy!” Dean practically growled down the stairs, rushing the last few steps and coming to a stop beside me. “Hey, kid, you ok? What happened?”
“She didn’t like my jokes.” I tried lightening the mood as Dean pushed my hands away to take in the damage. “Everyone likes my jokes.” Dean set his blade down on the floor beside me, yanking both his jacket and his flannel off, quickly balling the shirt material and pressing it down around the metal.
A pained scream ripped through my throat at the pressure, white hot pain exploding in my stomach. “I know, kid, but we gotta keep the pressure. You’re doing great.” He turned over his shoulder. “Sammy!” His green eyes met mine then, the fear and anger flooding the bright colors that always brought me comfort. “You keep those eyes on me kid, you hear me? Keep lookin’ at me.”
I couldn’t take my eyes off him even if I wanted to. Sure, Sam and Dean were my brothers, but they practically raised me when John was out hunting. Sam was the overprotective big brother in every sense of the term. He walked me to and from classes, dropped me off for any projects that needed to be done and practically ran background checks on all of my friends at school.
Dean, he was protective but in a whole other way. While Sam took on that big brother role, Dean was basically the father I wanted. He made sure I got to do kid stuff, pulled me from school to play hooky, sat with me after bad dreams, played with me as a kid, and sat with me for my first heart break. He was the one that taught me to drive, to hunt, and to live however I wanted. I could get away with absolutely anything with Dean since all he ever wanted for me was to grow up happy and loved.
So, staring up into Dean’s eyes as blood soaked into my shirt and coated his hands, I knew I was going to be safe, no matter the outcome of this injury. Dean would take care of me until the day I stopped breathing, he had just hoped that it would be a long time after he had gone.
“Hold on kid, Sam’s coming. He’s got what we need. You just hold on.” His eyes were fogged over with tears, and he aggressively rubbed them into his shoulders to clear his vision. “Kid, talk to me. I gotta hear you talk.”
“I love you.” I managed to get out, though I wasn’t sure he heard much of it. My hands had stopped shaking and a coldness was seeping into my skin as I watched Dean’s eyes widen ever so slightly.
“No, kid you gotta say something else. OK? That can’t be all you got for me.” His left hand moved from the wound and gently brushed some hair back out of my face. “You gotta tell me this joke that the bitch on the floor didn’t laugh at. I’m sure it was your best.”
The world was becoming foggy the longer I stared into the green eyes that always brought me comfort. They mixed into the slight green tint the ceiling had from years of neglect and abuse from the weather. Dean, my big brother, who was always there for me when I needed, who would drive all day and all night just to get to me after a fight with John or Bobby about hunting. The brother who literally went through hell to save Sammy and negotiated with a witch for my life. The father I always needed and wanted in my life.
The pain in my stomach had gone numb and my hands had pretty much stopped moving all together as I watched Dean scream for Sam yet again. “Come on kid, just a little longer. You hold on a little longer kid, I got you. Dean’s got you kid.” That nickname was something he only ever used for me. It was his term of endearment to the little girl he raised. “Talk to me, please.” The last word was a heart shattering plead that helped focus my eyes for one final moment.
“I love you dad.” The line slipped from my lips half a second before my eyes got too heavy to keep open any longer and the world faded into back.
Dean’s sure he never cried so hard in his life. He had lost so many people throughout his life that he was pretty used to hearing news of someones passing. But watching the color leave his baby sister’s skin, watch the light drain from her eyes, and listen to those Earth-shattering words fall from her lips as she bled out into his hands sealed it for him. He had just lost his world, his little sister that he had raised practically since she was born; he just lost his little girl.
Sam came clomping up the stairs as quick as his long legs could carry him, just not quick enough. He swore his heart stopped in his chest when he found his older brother crouched over his younger sister, blood coating the floors, and sobs racking Dean’s chest. Sam’s chest felt like someone sent a fist straight through his ribs, ripping his lungs out in the process. His knees hit the floor a few feet from where Dean was crouched over, eyes locked on his older brother’s back.
Dead’s head came to rest against his sisters, near silent pleas to wake up falling from his lips as tears dripped from his eyes. Prayers to Castiel or any angel listening following. The oldest Winchester had told himself that he would never beg for anything, never allow someone to have that kind of control over himself, but here he was, begging to the body of his little girl and to any angel listening to let her wake up, to let her live and take him instead.
The soft, unmistakable sound of fluttering wings caught both Winchester boy’s attention enough for them to turn. There stood Castiel, with his big brother Gabriel at his side, watching the young girl on the ground continue to bleed, though much slower now, through the shirt of her oldest brother.
“Cas.” Dean had locked eyes on his favorite angel. “Please, there’s gotta be something you can do.” Castiel swears he’s never heard Dean Winchester sound this broken before, never heard him plead this softly. “I can’t lose her. I can’t lose my kid.” Another wave of tears fought its way up through Dean’s chest, nearly choking him on the sobs coming from his body.
Gabriel was at a loss for words. Never had he been around the Winchester boys and not get a snappy comment or crude joke thrown his way, but here he was, looking down at two very broken Winchesters. Gabriel could sense the pain and worry coming from his brother, knowing that the younger angel couldn’t do anything for the Winchester girl. Cas had only barely begun to learn how to pull someone back when they were in the veil and looking down on themselves, not quite taken by the reapers yet. So, with the flutter of his wings, Gabriel went off to do the one thing he knew could help the two brothers.
The pain in my chest was unbearable as I watched Dean cry, his hands not leaving my wound, his voice faintly pleading for me to come back to him.
“I tried to stay with you Dean. I’m so sorry I couldn’t.” My voice was barely even a whisper as I tried to hold in my tears. Sam was knelt down a few feet back from Dean, tears staining his cheeks and making his hair stick to his face. “I’m so sorry Sammy.”
Everything around me seemed to move in slow motion. Sounds muddled together and lights seemed to blur the picture before me, but that all too familiar sound of flapping wings would grab my attention any day. I turned away from my sobbing brothers to face the Archangel Gabriel himself.
“Gabe?” A crack snuck its way into my words. “Is that really you?”
“Hey there sweetness.” He winked, arms crossing over his chest. “I thought I told you to stay breathing last I left.”
I nodded, instantly running over to him. His arms opened enough for me to slot myself against his chest, tears leaking onto his shirt. His hands came to rest on me, one against my back and one in my hair, pulling me closer to his body. “What happens now?” I questioned the angel as I held tighter to his waist.
“Well, we can hang here and wait for the reaper to come take you up to heaven, or…” I cut him off before he could continue.
“Or you can take me?” I questioned; my eyes now turned to get what I thought would be the last glimpses of my brothers.
Gabriel pulled back, hands on my shoulders to get me to look at him. “Haven’t I told you to let me finish before you jump to conclusions?” I nodded against his chest and waited for him to continue. “Or I could take you back to your brothers. Let you live a little longer.”
Everything in me froze, not believing what he said to be true. “You can do that? Bring me back?” His honey-colored eyes were already looking down at me when I turned to face him. “I can go back to them?”
He simply nodded to me. “As long as you promise to keep breathing for me.” I was nodding almost instantly to his request.
“Please. Please take me back.”
The whole building grew silent after Gabriel had been gone for well over an hour. Sam sat staring at the back of his brother, waiting for Dean to do something. Dean had gone still moments after the archangel vanished, hoping with all his will that a miracle would happen.
The oldest Winchester had resorted to cleaning up his little sister as best he could, pulling the metal from her body and throwing it far, far away. The bloodied shirt had been tossed out of the way as well, her shirt and jacket now covering the fatal wound on her stomach in a way to make it seem like she was just sleeping. Dean’s fingers trailed softly over her head, pushing hair from her face, and trying to memorize everything he could about the young girl before they gave her a proper hunters funeral.
Castiel had yet to move since his older brother vanished, staying still as if he were carved from stone as he watched over the two Winchester men. He listened to every sound coming near the building for a ten-mile radius, making sure nothing tried sneaking up on the two while their world crumbled around them. He had wished he heard your prayer earlier, gotten back down to Earth faster, maybe then you would still be alive and sitting with your brothers, rather than coated in blood and ghostly pale.
The flap of wings pulled Castiel and Sam from their states of grief, watching a small smile flicker across the archangel’s face. Sam had half a mind to scream at the angel before movement caught his eye.
The blood soaking the floor around the body of the youngest Winchester slowly started to vanish, seemingly seeping back into the wound on her stomach. Then color began to return to her skin, slowly transforming it from a deathly grey back to her natural pigments.
It took a moment longer for Dean to notice the changes, having been so absorbed in caring for the body of his little girl. Once his eyes noticed the changes, his hands backed up from her, almost like she caught on fire. Both Winchester brothers scrambled to their feet, backing away from the girl who was laying so still seconds before.
With one last beat of silence, the wound on her stomach closed fully and her chest heaved with a huge breath of air.
The world came back dramatically. All of a sudden, I could hear the soft drops of water from the ceiling again, feel the coldness of the hard floor below me and smell the horrible damp concrete of the walls to my right. Then my eyes fluttered open, and I could see the ugly ceiling that was decaying from years of abandonment again.
My brain raced as I tried to remember what happened. The hunt, a djinn, the metal rebar, Gabriel pulled me back. I died and Gabriel brought me back. Sam and Dean, they watched me bleed out on the floor of a hunt, watched me die on a hunt they knew I was already nervous for. Dean, he had been with me, he held my hand as the pain vanished and the world fell into silence. He had been with me as I died.
My lungs pulled in one of the deepest breaths I’ve ever taken, causing me to turn and cough loudly as I took the chance to breath more air in. My brain raced as it figured out how to work again, after moments of rest and complete silence it was working to catch back up on what was going on, and the only thing it seemed to think of was…
“Dad.” The word fell from my mouth before I could even process what was going on. Then suddenly I was being hauled up to my knees and crushed into the tightest hug ever given. Everything about the person was familiar, the way the arms wrapped themselves protectively around my shoulders, hand placed to the back of my head. The soft fabric of the green jacket wrapped around shoulders, and the scent of the hunt along with something so specifically Dean. I was wrapped in the arms of my oldest brother, wrapped up and secured in his embrace, protected from anything the world could throw at us.
His chest heaved with sobs, mumbles of my name and ‘kid’ falling from his lips. “I got you; I got you kid. I’m here. You’re ok.” The words fell from his lips in a jumbled mess, falling together in a mess of letters.
“Dean.” My words came out quietly as I hugged him back with everything I had in me. I clutched onto him as my own tears fell, coating my cheeks and making stains on his shirt as I pressed my face to his chest.  Feet scrambled on the floor beside us and before I knew it, Sam was crushing me and Dean in the tightest hug he could manage. “Sammy.” I adjusted one arm to be able to hold onto both my brothers, all three of us a crying mess.
It took the three of us nearly a half hour to calm down enough to stand and face the angels. Sam had stepped a few inches away, wiping his cheeks with the backs of his hands as he turned to speak to Gabriel. “I don’t even know what to say.” His words were barely strung together as he glanced back at me.
While Sam had stepped a few inches back, Dean had yet to let me go. His arm had yet to fall from my shoulders and I was pretty sure he wouldn’t let me go for the next few hours, though I wasn’t going to complain. I had turned into Dean’s side, keeping my arms around his waist and my head leaned into his shoulder, tears still damp on my cheeks.
“Thank you, Gabriel.” I looked at the angel who pulled me back. “I can’t even begin to tell you how thankful I am.” Dean’s arm tightened around my shoulders, pulling me just a bit closer to his side.
“She’s right.” Dean’s voice was deeper than usual after all the crying over the last hours. “Thank you.” Sam agreed with his brother, going over to hug Gabriel tightly.
Cas stepped a bit closer, his hand coming to rest on my cheek. “I’m glad you’re alright. The area around is clear, you’ll be safe heading back to the bunker. We will keep watch over your drive.” And suddenly, the two angels were gone with a soft flap of wings.
“Sammy, can you get the car started and give us a sec?” Dean asked his little brother, holding tighter to me if possible. Sam gave a soft nod, pressed a kiss to my head and went down to wait in the car.
Once he was gone, Dean turned sharply to me. “I’m so glad you’re ok, kid. You can’t ever do that to me again.”
Dean’s hands rested gently on my cheeks, thumbs wiping away the drying tears from my skin. “I never wanted to leave you. I tried so hard to stay with you Dean. I really did.” New tears dripped from my eyes as I looked up at my oldest brother.
“I know you did, kid. I know.” I was pulled back into his chest, his hands rubbing into my back as I cried into his shirt again. “I got you now. I’ll never let that happen again, ok? I won’t ever let anyone put their hands on my little girl again.” My fingers twisted into the back of his shirt as he soothed me, helping me calm down and relax again. “So, can I ask about the dad comment?”
A soft laugh blew through my nose. “Yeah, you can.” I pulled back to look up into the green eyes that always brought me comfort. “John was never really there for me. You know?” He nodded softly at me. “I mean, you took me to my first day of school, you taught me to drive, you were the one who was always there for me.” My voice trailed off towards the end as I watched his face slowly stiffen into an emotion I couldn’t read. “Sorry, I’ve just always seen you that way, I guess it just slipped out today.”
“Kid, I’m not mad, or anything like that.” He gently brushed a few fingers through my hair. “I’ve always seen you as my little girl. I know I was there more than dad was. I know he barely had anything to do with you. There’s nothing I want more than to be your dad, even if you just call me Dean, that doesn’t matter.” He took a deep breath. “I want to be the one you call when you need help or come to when you’re scared. I know you’re not exactly a kid anymore, but just know that I’ll always be there for you. You’re my kid.”
I didn’t even answer, just lunging forward and wrapping him back in a tight hug. “I love you, dad.”
His hands held my head to his chest tightly, a kiss being pressed down into my hair as we held onto each other. “I love you too, kid. Don’t you ever forget that.”
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motionlessonigiri · 10 months
Hi Sabezra community.
Am I an English speaker? No. That's why I apologize in advance for the crimes against the English language that I'm going to commit next. But I still hope you can understand me. I'm not even sure anyone will see this.
It's been a while since I came here to find people who love the same things as me. Like a refuge from the outside world. I planned to post something only when I had something interesting to share with you all, like a video edit or fanart. Things so we could have fun together.  The current circumstances didn't allow me to do anything for now, so I was just following things as a spectator.
Seeing all this ship war going on, made me feel like I wanted to get away from all social media, so I wouldn't see these things anymore.  I also felt scared to express my love for this ship too. I'm scared to post this now.
Even my mother noticed that something was bothering me.  She asked me several times what I had.  I didn't want to tell her, because she's also a Star Wars fan and I don't want her to know everything that's going on. I want her to continue watching our favorite shows without thinking about negative things.
I want to get the hell away from it all, but for once, I would like to post this to all the Sabezra shippers who are receiving free hate. I think you guys need some love after suffering so much hate and I need to get out how I'm feeling. Because that's all I can do for now.
This whole time, I saw your fanart, I saw your video edits and I read many of the beautiful fanfics you wrote (I confess that I haven't read them all yet, it's due to lack of time, but I loved everything I read).
I see everyone putting so much love into what they do. And I can't ask you to continue, because I myself don't know if I'll ever be able to post anything in the future. But to be honest, I don't want you to stop.  Am I being cowardly and selfish? Perhaps, but it's the truth.
But I'm here to remind you that not all Sabezra shippers are so active on social media, but we exist.
I've been a Star Wars fan for a few years and only watched Rebels during the pandemic. I started shipping Sabezra since then.
I was so happy that the Ahsoka series exists. And now I couldn't even watch Ahsoka or Rebels (I tend to rewatch the things I like many times). Because every time I try to watch it I'm reminded of this whole ship war that's going on.
So I decided to talk to a friend. He is also a Star Wars fan (and a fan of Rebels, which I recommended to him), but he doesn't follow things that happen on social media. We always talk about Star Wars, but we never talked about ships.  But today I asked him what he thought of Ezra and Sabine.
He is my childhood friend and we practically grew up together, so I thought: "If he sees Sabine and Ezra as just friends/siblings, just like he and I are, maybe I'm seeing too much in the interactions between Sabine and Ezra and and I should just stop shipping them." 
But to my surprise he also ships Sabezra. He said that you can see in the exchange of looks between them that there is something (In fact, my friend and I never look at each other the same way Sabine and Ezra look at each other). And he thinks Sabine is in love with Ezra.
The same case happens with my mother, who also loves Rebels and watches everything from SW since when she was young, but without following all the discussions that happen on the internet.  When we watched Ahsoka, she said she thought Sabine liked Ezra since Rebels.  She said this without me saying anything about shipping them.  And when I asked her if she thought it was wrong to ship them, she said no and said she thinks they will be together someday.  (I know, this may never happen, but hearing this from my mom warmed my little heart)
Even a friend of mine who isn't a fan, just watches casually, asked me if Sabine had a crush on Ezra.
Talking to these people from outside made me feel better, because this may not have been the intention of Dave and the others, but you can see that, based on common sense, no one can blame us for shipping them, it seems natural to many people. And not all Sabezra Shippers can be seen expressing this around.
I have nothing against anyone who ships wolfwren.  But I won't lie and say I wasn't sad that the cast supported it so openly, while we are accepting crumbs. I confess that at first I felt betrayed. I haven't shipped Sabezra for as long as many of you, but I feel like I have. But thinking clearly, I understand them. Besides thinking that they can to ship whatever they want, just like us, I see it as a way for them to show support for the LGBT community. It is to be expected that they will do this. And it's okay.
Needless to say, I'm just posting this to express what I was feeling, I have no intention of hurting anyone.  I am completely against any type of hate.
I don't regret watching Ahsoka, nor do I regret that the series existed.  But I'm sorry to have seen so much fighting and hatred for something that was made to make us all happy. I wish I had followed everything in ignorance, as well as my friend and my mother. I think I'll start seeing things that way from now on.
I had a lot more to say, but I still don't know how to express them in words and this was turning into a mile long post.  My first post and this was huge.  I'm sorry for this. I needed to get these things out because I want to sleep and focus on the more important things I have to do.
And I want to be able to enjoy watching Ahsoka and Rebels again without feeling sick out remembering all the discussion surrounding it.
For now, I want you to know that I've been loving all the Sabezra content you've been posting. What I want to say is that I'm here and that I will continue to ship Sabezra until the end. Even if you don't see me interacting here.
Maybe later I'll regret posting this. 
Maybe I'll delete it right away. 
Maybe I'll never come around here again. 
I don't know.
Too late. But everything is fine. 
At least now you know I'm here.
I love you all.
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
pairing: dad!daemon targaryen x son!oc (dad!daemon x mom!reader au)
summary: rhaegon asks his father for help.
warnings: ALLUSIONS TO INCEST, allusions to sex, daemon saying the c word a lot, daemon is a supportive dad, he also gives the birds and bees talk, it's kinda fluff.
author's note: based on this ask i got a time ago, luv you nonnie <3
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
dad!daemon au masterlist here
gif by @hopemikaelsongf
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· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ୨♡୧ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
Since Viserra's third name day celebration, Prince Rhaegon has been with a girl living on his thoughts.
Lord Lannister's daughter, Cerelle, caused quite a lot of damage to his heart.
Her beautiful golden locks and blue eyes were stuck in his head like the sweetest memory.
In his bones, Rhaegon felt like he needed to have her.
Fortunately, at the age of 18, he could marry someone if he wanted to.
His parents wouldn't refuse the idea of marriage if he suggested, he knew they married when they were younger than he is now.
But how to approach them? He found it to be very uncomfortable to talk about women with his mother, so his father was the one to have this kind of conversation with.
And in the best scenario, his father would encourage him, and talk to his mother in his place.
And that's why, he is trying to find the right words, while he and Daemon are both riding horses on a hunt in the middle of the Kingswood.
"Father," Rhaegon voiced, getting off his horse "there's something I wish to talk about."
"Shhh, you are going to frighten the stags." Daemon scolded him, getting off his black stallion.
"Yeah, I know. But what I have to say is important" Rhaegon scratched his neck nervously.
Daemon frowned, "It can't wait until we are back to the camp?" his son shook his head.
"It's about a lady." The older prince opened a large smirk. It wasn't the first time they had this kind of talk.
Rhaegon has been doing it since he was younger, every time he had a crush on a different lady.
Daemon dealt with this better than you ever did.
One time, Rhaegon told you he was in love with his sister's young Septa. The next day, you changed Alyssa's septa to a much older one. The boy thought she looked like a frog.
Since then, he has never talked about women with you ever again.
But between young septas and handmaids that Rhaegon easily fell in love with, this time he was really off his feet.
"Really? Is it really a lady this time?" Daemon chuckled as Rhaegon rolled his eyes.
"Yes, it is. In fact, it's Cerelle Lannister, Lord Jason's daughter." Rhaegon answered.
"Could you not have picked someone better? I doubt you want that cunt as your in law." The Rogue Prince sat under a tree and his son did the same.
"I don't. But I do want his daughter to be my wife." The young prince blurted out.
Daemon couldn't believe his ears. He turned to face his son, and with a large grin, he asked;
"So it's time?"
Rhaegon laughed out loud. He expected a different reaction from his father.
"Yes, father. I think it is. But you should be the one to talk to mother about it, I don't want her making a big deal out of it. And also, Lord Lannister..."
"You know your mother, she's going to do it as she pleases. But I'll send a raven to Jason. He won't refuse this betrothal, but I can't promise he will like you. That cunt hates me, I'm sure he will do the same with you once you wed his daughter."
Rhaegon nodded. That wasn't a problem for him. What is a lion compared to a dragon?
"But are you really ready for marriage? Because it comes with pressure. You know our line must go on, and I would like for our blood to remain pure. I don't think there's anyone better for your sister than you, and I don't want her to end up with someone lower than her." Daemon sighed. His parents were siblings, and he wanted for his children to be betrothed, just like his parents were.
"I definitely don't want to marry Alyssa, and I'm sure she would hate the idea too. Besides, you could marry her to Daeron, so the bloodline would remain pure, and she'd be marrying into royalty."
"I rather watch Caraxes eat her whole than marry her to Alicent's kin." Daemon grumbled, "And I am serious about the pressure. You need to have heirs. Once Rhaenyra ascends to the throne, she will make me Prince of Dragonstone again, and you will be my heir."
"I know, father! It is my duty, but I don't need to be reminded of it all the time!" Rhaegon scowled.
"But you do! Do you even know how to–" Daemon started, but the young prince cutted his father off.
"Yes! It is not because I'm not like Aegon, who practically lives on pleasure houses, that I have never fucked anyone. Just send the raven to Lord Lannister, and keep mother from making a scene. I want Cerelle to be mine."
"Fine." Daemon nodded, "I'm happy for you, son."
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 6 !!!
Y'all it's getting super close omg we're in feb now 🙃 lets goooo
Bad Batch 1x02
Tech piloting +10 points
I'll never get tired of Wrecker and Omega napping together 🥺
Echo and Hunter mom and dad 💕
our lil bby Omega stepping into the sun !!! soaking up the fresh air and playing in the dirt !!! I am going to sob 😭😭😭
"That would be dirt" ~ Tech 🤣
Tech: "we're all deserters now" Echo: 😮
Hunter stopping Omega from walking into the booby trap
vs Wrecker 2 seconds later...
Wrecker is eating a meiloorun 👀 watch out buddy Hera's coming for u
Hello yes who do I talk to about getting a Cut Suu & the batch history/flashback/how they met story time anything pretty please
Rex mention 👀
Tech 🤝 Omega casually dropping the biggest plot points like it's nbd
Omega meeting other kids that don't share her dna 🥲
"Uncle Wrecker!" I am totally normal about this
ok but are we just gonna ignore the fact that Shaeeah looks completely different to tcw ??
Cut knows what's up with the Kaminoans 👀
Cut also knows what's up putting Hunter in his civvie clothes don't come @ me
Rampart 🤢
"Omega went out past the fence!" *bad batch enters dad batch mode* 🏃‍♂️💨
Cut is the daddest of the batch tho 🥺 he's parenting all of them
For some reason Hunter is the same height as Wrecker in this scene ??? lmao
Omega taking her lil charm out of her hair 🥲
"Almost forgot how good of a shot you are" ~ Hunter @ Suu !! okay backstory PLEASE
Echo complaing about the imperial chaincode database vs Tech "it's ingenious" lmaooo
Hunter has the braincell rn
bro Hunter is literally growling at Tech for putting Omega in danger 👀 are we ready for his completely unhinged s3 arc??
Tech, Echo: 😳😬 Omega: 👋😁
Echo peeking from the roof !!
Tech's flip !!!
Tech catching Omega !!!!!!!
Echo mom put Omega in time out 😞
Echo's scomp skills have grown sm 🥲
the way he balances the chain codes on his scomp hand 🥺
Y'ALL I FORGOT! I'm also doing a 'Wrecker hits his head count' for the first part of s1 and a different count for s2 later 👀 but we'll get to that hehe I hate it! anyway!!
Wrecker hits his head count: 2
(he bonked it on a pole this ep go watch)
Cut and Hunter wearing the same clothes is giving when ur mum dresses you and your siblings in matching outfits
Tech: "we can't get caught with these chain codes" 🤔 Echo: "we can't get caught at all" 💀 being mom is hard
Tech to the rescueeee
If I had a dollar for every time Omega was in danger bc of a random imperial droid but is saved at the last second by Wrecker smashing it, I'd have 2 dollars... which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
Omega's hand is so tiny in Wrecker's 😭🤲
Cut and Wrecker are wearing matching hats 💕
"but I want to stay with you" thanks I didn't need my heart anyway 💔
Suu owns my heart fr
"It responded to that" ~ Wrecker 💀
OMEGA SWEETHEART 😭😭😭 someone needs to hug her so bad she's just a baby can ppl stop upsetting her!! This is ep 2 plssss
Where is the Lawquane family? Are they safe? Are they alright?
Thanks y'all for joining again <3 I'm gonna have to keep it up bc feb is already going so fast?
Anywayyy ilysm 💕
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
what if you give us like insite on your oc and katsuki's relationship? (this is totally not because I wanna have our ocs meet over a cup of coffee and talk about their versions of the feral blondie) I think your oc is very silly. Also, is there any other ocs you have that exist in the mha universe or other animes?
much love - Kovu
hey moot !! so this is SOOOOO long overdue i have a lot of long overdue stuff in my inbox super sorries :((( but id LUVVVV to tell you more about my oc and katsuki while im at ittt :DD tysm for asking !!! thank you btw ! i think your ocs are very silly too !
katsuki n ryoko's relationship !!
katsuki n ryoko met in childhood when they both were just kids (OF COURSSEE) keep in mind this is very cheesy but i am nothing if not a sappy cheesy lovesick moron ! so no regrets for me >:3
ryoko came to school like in the middle of the year, and the moment she got introduced it was love at first sight lol😭 YESS YESS BOOO TOMATOES TOMATOES I DONT CAAARRREEE !! i love love love wins over all 😌💗 so basically he wants to talk to her immediately, but also even back then he was emotionally constipated and had no idea how to introduce himself normally. ryoko never met any other kids her age formally before then, so she was always sitting alone and reading and katsuki would randomly come up, comment on the book shees reading, get embarrassed, and then leave 😭
"...whatcha reading ?" ryoko gets nervous to talk to new people, so she shows him the book title. and after he looks at it for a good ten seconds he mumbles out a "that one sucks" and runs away, leaving her a little shocked😭
she got kinda used to him doing this every day, and slowly but surely he starts staying a bit longer and the longer they talk the more boasty baby katsuki shows up and then he's back to his loud behaviour. he gets her to introduce herself to his friendgroup, w izuku in it. (hes a wee bit jealous that she actually ends up liking izuku a lot)
katsuki is the first person that came to talk to her, so he's very close to her heart, and he's her favourite !! fun fact ! the rpp series is pretty much based on their relationship !! anyways they start dating somewhere towards the end of their second year in middle school, cus katsuki acts more subtle in his bullying of izuku when shes around cus he knows she will get mad and not talk to him,, and two izuku is her best friend too (much to his chagrin cus HES her numba one bff tf😑) and they've been together ever since !!
2. do i have any other oc's in the verse !
i do !! and they (mostly) all have s/o's bc i am a very hopeless romantic 😭 !!
first i have himari 'mari' hamasaki ! shes dating shouto, and no worries their relationship has a bit more depth than katsuryo 😭😭 !! but theyre cuties and i love them ! her mom was a pro hero called voltri who passed away when she was 7 and her father is a famous hero gear inventor ! their relationship isn't the best unfortunately.. mari has a mecha related quirk !!
next up !! kyosuke nishiyama !! he's himaris older cousin ! and by older i mean by like..two days lol, but he loves holding that over her head cus hes a little shit like that😭 they love to act like they hate each other, but theyre very close, so they just call themselves (and his other siblings) brother and sister, and not to mention they look a lot alike, so ppl don't rlly question it much ! he has a chain related quirk like kurapika ! his dad is a business man/ househusband and his mom is also an inventor :3 ah, and he has a boyfriend (who is my friends oc !!)
keisuke and kensuke nishiyama are kyosukes older brothers !! kensuke is 22 and in college to be an inventor, and keisuke is 19 studying criminal psychology :D ! keisuke has a girlfriend also not girlfriend called furaha i say gng bc he's built awkward asf and had no idea she was in love with him and he with her, but they'd make out and kiss n act like a couple contstantly until he realized he liked her 😭 !! furaha is a congolese exchange student from canada !! lil funfacts for them kensuke is a stoner (lol) keisuke is a speedrunner, and furaha can do her own hair !! (im jealous)
amara 'gogo' kanyinda and omari 'king' kanyinda are both siblings ! omari is the leader of an underground crime syndicate and amara is an assassin in that syndicate ! (much to omaris displeasure) omari n amara were both in an abusive household and since omari is older, he escaped first and told amara he'd come back to get her when he got his shit together, and he did !!! they act like they hate each other too, but omari would rlly do anything for his sister and he's a major softie ! they're both congolese ! omari's nickname king comes from the fact he's the boss of the syndicate and because of his attitude, because his personality is kinda shitty LOOL😭😭 also he has a dog named guts !! (yes hes a manga nerd)
i don't have a quirk for him yet unfortunately 🤧 tho im thinkin of a super strength one ! amara's quirk is called ball n' chain ! she has the ability to control and manipulate a ball and chain made of energy, it extends from a central point, typically the hands but she prefers to use her legs ! she can manipulate it telepathically, can control the length and thickness of it and can imbue the chain with energy so she can cut through objects or give an extra impact ! gogo is the nickname she got from her friends bc her quirk is similar to gogo yubari's ball n chain from kill bill ! and she liked it sm she ran with it :3 amara has a boyfriend (who is my friends oc) !! they're very in love and i love them more than my entire life.
these are all my main ocs i talk about the most !! i tried not to ramble tooo much !! 😭😭 my bad if i did
much luvv xxx tysm for reading if you did !!
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Lost & Found - Chapter Nine.
So then, my beautiful, wonderful audience. Those who are not new around these parts know that sometimes, treats are given in the form of a double update day with my stories, and guess what? Today is one of those days! I know you've all been waiting patiently for the sexual side of Emma and Guero's blossoming relationship to finally flower, so I thought I'd share it today in the next chapter! Has that made you smile? I hope it has! :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight
Words - 3,434
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, Minors DNI. Recounts of kidnap, child trafficking, physical/verbal/sexual abuse.
The more she revealed, it seemed, the more comfortable she became with sharing memories of her nineteen years held prisoner. Guero lay there and let her recount it all, being exactly what she needed, somebody to simply listen.  
“Marie taught me how to shoot.” He had wondered at how well she seemed to handle the Beretta she’d pointed at his head, her handling of the firearm steely and confident. “There were guns kept all over the house, so there’d always be one within easy reach, just in case. With whom Rocco was, he was a target, or rather his family were. He routinely pissed off other mob families, so of course anyone he cared for became a target, a weak point.  
“She wanted me to be able to protect myself from such a threat, but mostly, if Rocco himself ever became so unhinged that I felt my life was in danger. “Shoot him dead, and we’ll figure it out somehow afterward”, is what she used to tell me. How we would have figured that out beyond running for our lives, I don’t know. His guys would have hunted us down.” 
She paused for a moment, tears beginning to swim within her eyes. “I hate myself, for leaving her. Joey, Alessia and Mikey, too. I loved them so much, they were like my siblings for Christ’s sake! It’s a guilt that’ll never leave me, that I ran and they’re all still stuck there! She became my mother, and I abandoned her!” 
“Hey, no,” he began, touching his fingers under her chin, gently lifting her head. “You don’t have to feel guilty about a thing. I get that you miss her, she made the hell he put you through bearable where she could, but Marie chose that life, Emma. Nobody forced her. 
“She knew who she was marrying, and I’m not saying that in the end she had an easy choice to get away from him, ‘cuz I can see from what you told me he’d have killed her for it, but you found a way out. You took your chance, and you got free. If she loves you as much as it seems she does, then she’ll be fucking happy as hell the girl she counted as one of her own got free of him.” 
She absorbed his words, realising that no matter how unpleasant it felt, what he’d said was the plain, simple truth. If she didn’t assume her to be dead via Rocco’s hand, Marie would be quietly rejoicing her escape. “Is it wrong that I feel more of a maternal bond with her than I do my actual mom? I feel guilty for that, too. When I hear the word mom, I think of Marie, not Cassie.”  
He shifted slightly beneath her, Emma moving a little as he turned onto his side, resting his head on his arm. “It might sound cold, but it’s fact. Marie was in your life longer than your birth mom. I kinda guess it’s only natural you’d think that. Doesn’t mean you love Cassie any less, or that you can’t reconnect with her now you’re free.”  
“But, but,” she began, her throat swelling on a rising lump, “that’s the thing, there is no Cassie. When I was twenty-five, we sat and looked on the internet, I begged her to look up my family. I just wanted to know if they were okay. Mom died back in two thousand and thirteen from breast cancer. My dad, he passed away six years ago, motorbike accident. All I have left is Dylan, who is still in Spokane. My grandparents, too, unless anything happened in the interim. 
“I’ll never see my mom and dad again, and I loathe him, I detest him completely that he robbed me of those years with them, that they both died not knowing what had happened to me! As if me being taken wasn’t bad enough. It left Dylan all alone, no immediate family, and it’s all because of him!” 
She fell apart at that point, naturally so, sobbing against his chest as Guero held her. Again, he had no idea what to say to that, knowing it would take a man greater with words than he was to offer verbal comfort. Instead, he was just there, not knowing that truly that was all she needed from him, just someone to be there. It wasn’t about words. Listening was enough, as he continued to do, Emma sharing more with him about her life within the gilded cage prison that was the Lombardi mansion.  
“He used to virtually pimp me out to his friends too at parties.” Once again, Guero felt his anger flare like a firecracker, grinding his teeth as his jaw tightened. “I always wanted to enjoy sex, but none of them ever made it feel good for me, all too consumed by their own pleasure to give a damn about mine. As long as they got to lie between the legs of a pretty, young blonde, that was good enough. 
“There was only one of them who was different. His underboss, Vincent Calabrese never laid a hand on me. I was offered to him, and for appearances in front of Rocco and the others he always accepted, but once we got into the bedroom, he just sat down beside me on the bed and we talked. He said he wasn’t in the habit of defiling little girls, but even when I was over the age of consent, he still wouldn’t.  
“He staunchly disagreed with what was being done, the child trafficking. ‘It’s an affront to god, snatching children from their families’ is what he always used to say. He always opposed it, and Rocco knew that, but ultimately went along with what was being done for the sake of a quiet life, and I guess not ending up with a bullet between his eyes either. This leads me to something that you guys should all know, EZ especially. 
“You’re running heroin for him now, but all that will change if Rocco has his way, and believe me, he will. You guys are in his pocket now, which means in his mind, he owns you. You’re all to do with as he pleases, and what he pleases is to start bringing children across the border. Undocumented migrants are much easier to move, and get away with moving, too. I overheard him talking about it, it was always a two birds with one stone deal for him. He’d get you used to the money first, and then tell you that your consignment would begin to include kids as well.” 
Guero pushed himself up, his eyes rounding as he looked down at her. “For real, that motherfucker wants us in on trafficking kids?” 
His horror at the very suggestion was telling over the person he was. Although still a criminal, he was a man with the kind of morals that had been few and far between in the world she had escaped from. “Eventually, yeah.” 
“And if we refuse?” He didn’t need to ask, really. He could guess. 
She made a gun motion against the side of her head, couple with a soft exclamation of ‘pow’. “He’d wipe you all out and move onto the next nearest charter, using your eradication as an example of what happens when people push back against him.” 
The weight of the mafia. That was a war they definitely wouldn’t win, and he knew that for sure. Rocco Lombardi could crush them all, very easily, too. “I have to take that to EZ. Not now, of course, but at some point over the weekend, call a templo. Will you be okay to come and tell us what you know?” 
She smiled, reaching to stroke his hair. “Of course, I will.” 
They remained quiet for a time after, Emma needing the silence. Her legs remained in tangle with his as she reached for the tequila bottle, taking a long glug, the alcohol burning her throat. She felt a little drunk and numb, which was what she had needed in order to sit there and offload it all to another person. “There’s more I could tell you about my life, but right now, I feel drained. Like I need air, too. Can you give me a minute?” 
“Yeah, take as long as you need.” He reached to stroke her face, Emma turning her head and kissing his palm, getting up and letting herself out of the front of the house. The cool air hit her, soothing to her frayed nerves, the residual effects of her revelation hanging onto her, though.  
“Hey, boo.” Of course, Tyrone would notice her out there, always keeping the watch. She walked over to his window, her shoulders heavy, watching him emerge from behind the swathe of curtain fabric. “Damn, you look all sad and shit. Fuckboy bin’ actin’ up?” 
She shook her head. “No, no he’s great. Listen, I know you deal, so I figure I’m in the right place. Can you sell me a joint? That’s all I want, just one.” 
He looked entertained at the naivety of her question, that it was the norm for dealers to exchange such a small amount. Tyrone, for all of this mouth and uncouthness was kind, though. “I ain’t selling you shit, white girl. This is on me, hold on.”  
She smiled. “Thank you, you’re great.” 
He beamed, reaching to grab his rolling tray, locating one of his pre-rolled joints. “Ain’t I, though? I know fuckboy rarely smokes it, so just remember I gotchu if you ever need a lil’ hit.” The truth was, neither did she. She’d occasionally partook of it back in her old life, secretly taking from Rocco’s personal stash which he smoked to ease his chronic migraines. It helped her feel more relaxed in the utter brutal chaos of her life. It smelled and tasted awful, but she enjoyed the calming buzz.  
Tyrone passed a joint and a lighter through the window. “Enjoy, boo.” She smiled, leaning in and kissing his cheek. “Aw, lawdy! I gotta kiss from a pretty girl, hell yeah!”  
She laughed softly, shaking her head and lighting up, moving to sit on the front step of Guero’s side of the house, taking a long drag. God, that was some nice weed. She coughed a few times, the usual, barky rasp associated with smoking weed, her throat tickling.  
“Yo!” She turned to see a large arm thrust through the window, a can of soda proffered forth. “If you don’t like mango then I can’t help you. Oh, hold up. I might have a Fanta somewhere.”  
Walking back over, she took the can. “Thanks, Tyrone. You keep your Fanta, mango and I are good.” She moved back to the step, opening the soda and sipping it, the tickle clearing nicely before she took another little puff, looking out across the street into the darkness. The only sounds audible were that of the game Tyrone was playing, and the chirp of cicadas. It was somewhat relaxing in ambience.  
The weed had an instant calming effect upon her, all of the brutality that would endlessly echo through her memories placated and pushed back again, back behind the fortress walls in her mind. She’d had to keep it there for years to have even had a chance of remaining sane through her ordeal. God, she couldn’t believe that she’d actually escaped it, found somebody who she could trust, someone who for all intents and purposes was slowly becoming all hers, too.  
“As if you’re out here getting high on my front step. Not even I do that.” Turning, she saw Guero emerge from the house, moving to sit behind her, his legs flanking her body as he stretched.  
“Well, that’s because you don’t smoke weed,” she chirped, watching him frown before plucking the joint from her.  
He took a few puffs, handing it back, holding in a cough until the tickle passed. “I do, but not often. It has too much of an effect on me, and I can never get the balance right.” 
“The balance between what?” 
“Between a nice buzz and ragingly horny.”  
“Ahh.” She nodded, looking entertained, the stoned giggled welling up within her. “I somehow don’t think you need any extra boosting in that department.” 
He moved her hair, kissing the side of her neck. “A hundred percent correct, mamacita. And since I guess you’re probably drunker now than you were earlier, I’m not risking that balance any further, so you finish it. Kinda figure you need the sedation after everything you told me.”  
“Oh, you’re not wrong there,” she spoke, eyes widening a little as she leaned back against him. “Even if I was sober, sharing all of that has kinda dampened my desire.”  
He snorted softly, arms tightening around her. “Understandable. S’okay, I can wait.” 
“Can you?” she giggled, the sound joining the noise of the cicadas. 
“Mm.” he hummed, kissing her neck again. “Just.”  
Just then, the curtains next door began moving, Tyrone’s boom sounding. “Goddamnit, will you two go back in that house and bust some furniture already? Shit!” They both snort laughed, Guero resting his forehead to her shoulder, Tyrone continuing. “You better sort yo’ damned mess, fuckboy! Because I am one pretty smile away from makin’ that fine assed lil’ honey mine, you hear?”  
“Yeah, I hear,” he called through his laughter, “and I see, too. Plying her with weed and soda.” 
“I know what the ladies like! If she’s still out here in a half hour, she gets the first slice of my pizza, too!” 
“Exactly, you gotta give me a head start against your half ton of raw charm, dog,” he chuckled, Tyrone emerging further from the curtains.  
“Hey, I might be a big fella, but I’m no fuckin’ half ton! I’m thick and juicy, drives the chicks wild!” 
“Tyrone, you ain’t thick, my man. Your ass is so fat, if I swerved my bike to miss you, I’d run outta gas.” There was a pause, a squawking laugh emanating from the window, Emma thinking it hilarious a man with such a low, rumbling voice had a laugh so high in pitch. All banter with their hilarious neighbour aside, they remained outside until she had finished the joint, heading back in and returning to bed.  
“Do you feel better for telling me everything?” 
Resting her head against his chest, she nodded, her nails tracing the outline of one of the spiderweb tattoos that spread out across each of his shoulders. “I do, you know. Whether the nightmares will stop because of it, I don’t know. I think I might need further help to recover from it all. Kinda scared about registering with a doctor, though, putting my name back out there. He’ll be looking for me, and if he finds any record of a twenty-nine-year-old woman named Emma Louise Taylor anywhere, he’ll come for me.” 
Her muscles stiffened at just the thought, Guero turning to wrap both arms around her, feeling her relax into his embrace after a few moments. “We’ll work something out.” She fell asleep in his arms, those early morning hours passing dreamlessly, neither waking until 10am the following morning.  
Rising from her place curled against him, Emma rubbed her eyes, looking down at the chiselled tattoo canvas that had been her pillow. Her safe person, the kind of man she’d dreamed would one day save her from her fate, and there he was... snoring like a brontosaurus. She couldn’t help but giggle softly, thinking that was a part perhaps not strictly included in the romanticism of her fantasies.  
He cracked an eye open, his grin widening. “What are you laughing at?” 
“Isn’t it obvious? The noise! You snore like something hell spat up for being too loud.” 
“I wasn’t snoring,” he began stretching, the other eye opening eventually. “I was doing mindful breathing.” 
Immediately, she cracked up, leaning to place a kiss against his stubbly jaw. “There’s nothing mindful about those sawn logs.” 
She had a point, he guessed, Guero turning onto his side and wrapping his arms around her. “Yeah, but I’m cute. I get away with it, don’t I?” 
“Yeah,” she agreed, turning her head back to kiss him, “you do have that going for you.” 
“And a whole lot more.”  
Biting the corner of her lip, she shifted against him, a little wiggle that stirred him exactly where she intended him to be stirred. “Feel like showing me?”  
“Mm.” His arms tightened around her, kisses scattered against the side of her neck. “I need coffee and a shower, then trust me, I’ll spend all morning showing you.” 
Now that was a statement definitely on a par with her fantasies. He left the bed first, taking a shower, calling to her that he’d left in on for her as he made his way through to the kitchen. It was while she was under the warm water looking down at herself that a stab of panic prickled against her guts.  
He’d see her naked. All of her. 
While she had body confidence in her shape, the littering of scars that marked her sides and lower back made her feel ugly. Some had faded to white, but there were still a few dark pink markings that remained. All were raised scar tissue, triangular shapes of knife points pressed into her skin, the burning brand of a hot blade searing Rocco’s displeasure branded onto her skin forever.  
As she dried off, her eyes found them again, wondering if they’d really be all too noticeable if the blinds remained drawn in the bedroom.  
“Of course, they will," she muttered, beginning to sniff. All she wanted was to move on from it all, enjoy the basic human right of a consensual sexual relationship with another adult, someone of her actual choosing, yet the literal scars of the past held her back.  
A soft tap sounded upon the partly open door. “Em, you want a coffee?” 
Em. No one had ever called her that before. She liked it. “No, thank you.” 
“You alright.” 
Her pinched voice alluded to the contrary. “No, you’re not. Can I come in?”  
“Yeah.” Tightening the large, white bath towel around herself again, she wiped her eyes on the back of her hand, trying to compose her upset.  
“So, people who are alright stand here crying, huh?” Him and his smart mouth. He was right in his light sarcasm, though. “What’s wrong, baby?” 
Baby. He'd called her that back when he’d first found her. How different the intent behind the word was now. “The scars I have,” she began, gulping, hoping she could swallow down the lump she had painfully swelling in her throat. “You’ll see them, and they’re hideous. They make me ugly. You’ll think they look ugly.” 
He frowned, lifting her chin with a gentle touch of his fingers as he began shaking his head. “I’ve never liked people making my mind up for me. That includes you, mamas.” His hands pressed softly on her shoulders, resting his forehead against hers. “I’ve got no problem with whatever scars you have, and I’m not gonna think you’re ugly because of ‘em. Only thing that is, is that low opinion you have of yourself. If you want, leave a t shirt on. I don’t mind. I’d prefer you naked, but whatever makes you comfortable, I’m good with.” 
She could fetch a t shirt, or she could just be brave and let him see her. All of her. She’d bared her soul to him already, after all. Indecision made her heart quicken, the soft stroke of his fingertips at her upper arms soothing as she reached for the towel and untucked it, letting it fall. Fighting the urge to cover herself with her arms, she looked anywhere but him as he took in her nudity, her body tensing when he moved his hands to stroke the scars she detested so much with careful attention.  
Leaning close, he kissed the side of her head, his lips soft against her ear. “They aren’t who you are, and you’re not any less beautiful. They’re only the map of the journey that finally led you to me.”  
Her throat tightened with emotion, his words so beautiful, she wanted to cry. The desire in his eyes as she finally looked at him dictated it might be poorly timed, though. This was not a time for lament and sadness. No. This was the time to plant her lips upon his and let him carry her to the bedroom.  
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writerfae · 9 months
I am very talkative today, it seems! I hope you don't mind!
I have an interesting question, because though I don't know the answer, I have a good guess!
But Endre would want to know this way more than me.
To Endre Henry would seem like the ideal big brother (cause he is). Even knowing that he left Aiden, he'd still seem perfect to Endre because he sees how they act around echother. He sees how Henry still looks out for Aiden, and he hears about how they were as kids.
And Endre, who's trying to be a better big brother, who regrets the way he treated his siblings in the past would really admire him.
But in one of his guilt fuled, self-deprecating moments, he would surely ask something like this, and I want to hear what Henry would answer:
Endre: H... how did you do it? You were carrying so much pain. You were out of place. Your mom died. You bacame a vessel for your father's grief, just because you looked like her. You had to care for both him and your brother and Aiden... he didn't have to carry as much. You had to make sure he didn't. You did make sure he didn't, so how did you never get jealous? How come you never wanted to switch places? How did you never take it out on him? How come... how come I wasn't more like you?
Please answer as Henry if you can!
I don’t mind at all! In fact I’m happy for every ask I get from you ^^
I feel really sorry for Endre. I think Henry would too. He’d probably tell him something like this:
I am not an heir like you. I didn’t have a whole kingdom to worry about. All I have is my family and they are everything to me. I was taught from my mother from a very young age on to do what is best for my family and that stuck with me. Especially after losing my mom. I had to keep looking after them, like I promised her.
It was really hard, yes, and often I hated it. But for me, it was something I had to do. Someone had to keep this family from falling apart and I did it. Because I’m the eldest child. Because I love my family. And no matter how hard it can be, love is not a burden. I had to take responsibility. My father couldn’t and my mother was gone and Aiden was just a child.
And I wanted him to be a child. See, the thing is that unlike you (I assume), who had to prepare for a reign all your youth, I had a pretty carefree childhood. Sure, there was this secret I carried, but still, I was happy. When I was eight, I got to learn and play and joke around. It wouldn’t have been fair if I didn’t let Aiden have the same experience. I’ve never been jealous of Aiden for getting to be a child, cause I got to do it as well when I was his age.
And that makes the difference, I think. You never were allowed to experience being a child in the way your siblings did. I get why that would make you jealous. You know, I never told anyone but Callan before, but when I was younger, I sometimes found myself envying Aiden for being our father’s biological son. It’s not like Milan loved Aiden more, he’s always treated me the same gentle way, yet the two had a sort of connection that him and I didn’t have and it was obvious to me. So it is not like I never got jealous, but jealousy is an ugly feeling. And like all negative emotions, it needs an outlet, so it won’t eat us alive. Again, that’s something my mother taught me. (What we learn from our mothers really shape us as a person, I think.) For me, that outlet was going to the woods. It cleared my head, sorted my thoughts and made me calm down.
I don’t know how you were raised and I can only guess from what I know from Callan how much pressure there was on you ever since you were a child. But if I had to assume, I think you lacked such an outlet and to protect yourself, you started letting your negative emotions out on your siblings. You know as well as me that that’s not the right way, but you didn’t know any better. Growing up takes time for a reason. If you have to grow up too fast, like you and me, you can act mature all you want, but certain things, certain emotions and processes simply aren’t fully developed yet. Deep down you’re still not an adult, you are just a child keeping up an act all the time. Not just in front of others, but also in front of yourself. And that can lead to miscalculations and wrong decisions.
Like you mistreating your siblings. Like me leaving behind my brother. Because that’s the thing. I am by far not perfect, I haven’t always been the best brother in the past. But Aiden has forgiven me for that, just like your siblings forgave you, so all that is left is to do better in the future. Give yourself time to grow. You have acknowledged your mistakes and your mistakes have been forgiven, so now it is time to forgive yourself. There is no need to look back, look ahead instead. Look at your siblings, meet them eye to eye.
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justagamerandaweeb · 5 months
Loss. - Tanjiro x (Y/N) (Platonic) Modern AU!
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Synopsis: Tanjiro tries to make you crack and let it out.
Scene: you both are in a car driving after arguing with the Hashira group (specifically Sanemi).
Tw: loss of a friend, suicide mention, mentions of wrist cutting.
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Tanjiro looks to his right to see (Y/N)'s hands gripped on the wheel, where their knuckles are turning white, showing clear signs of non-verbal anger. He touched their shoulder, and they rolled their shoulder, making Tanjiro's hand slide off. "C'mon, (Y/N), I'm sure Sanemi didn't mean—"
"Mean what? Say that my friend was right to end themselves in order to leave my ass? Because he said that with no hesitation. Not a single thought went up in his head for him to not say that." (Y/N) interrupted Tanjiro, showing clear signs of abhorrence in their voice. "Like, how fucking disconnected with society do you have to be to straight up tell someone that to their face?"
"I know you're angry, but, I'm sure he'll apologize. He has to otherwise the others will hate him for it." Tanjiro spoke out, trying to give Sanemi the benefit of the doubt as he was in the moment arguing with them. "I have every fucking right to be angry! I've known them for fucking years, and he doesn't know jack shit about what we went through together!" (Y/N) said, with their voice breaking little by little.
Tanjiro puts his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder again, but this time, they didn't roll their shoulder. Tanjiro took this a s an opportunity for him to talk as he says, "(Y/N), what happened to (F/N) isn't your fault. Not you, not Sanemi, not Inosuke, not even the delinquents at our university. You're not the only one who's dealing losing someone. I mean, my dad..."
"Yes, your dad died from an illness that gave him a slow and painful death! The only difference is that your Dad encouraged you to be a better person and treat others with respect! Meanwhile, I never knew my dad, and my mom is dying from a fucking genetic disease that has no cure! It doesn't make it any better at the fact that my friend killed themselves because people pushed them too far!"
"I... So, who do you want to blame?"
"Myself, if that wasn't fucking obvious!" (Y/N) said as tears started to streak down their face. Tanjiro was shocked at this, because he could understand if they'd blame the loss of their friend on the people that antagonized them, but they blame themselves? Over something they had no control over?
"You blame yourself? Really?"
"Yes, I do. I decided to be a stubborn dickhead about my friend's mental health, even though they had cuts on their wrists, and they told me not to worry about it. All because they had therapy, and was "getting better"."
Tanjiro was shocked at the fact (Y/N) said that to him. Even when they had cuts, they told them not to worry about it. They took that into consideration, and rolled with it, until it was too late.
"My friend's Mom actually blames herself. She's a single parent who had a lot of shit on her plate trying to live in a stable environment for them, and her younger children. She was so busy with everything that she couldn't find the time to check on her own child. Sometimes, I blame myself for that."
"No, you don't."
"Yes, Tanjiro, I do. Do you know what it's like to see a text that was sent at two in the morning that reads, "I'll miss you." after waking up three hours later? Do you know what's it like feeling someone's parent hugging you at a funeral and repeating, "I'm sorry." to you like it's their fault? Do you?"
Tanjiro started to get a little bit teary-eyed at those questions, as in a honesty, no, he hasn't. Outside of his dad, he's never lost anyone important to him, and it didn't feel fair to him, he's been blessed with the life that was given to him while (Y/N) was living the exact opposite.
"Their birthday was fucking yesterday. No one else but me, their mom, and their siblings came to visit their grave. Some fucking friends I have that won't there to comfort us." (Y/N) said as they wiped their face and eyes, and sniffled.
His hand from (Y/N)' shoulder, to their back, as he caresses them and says, "No, I don't know what it's like to go through all that. But I can imagine how much pain you're going through. I understand the pain you're dealing with if I went through it through your perspective, but—"
"You see? It's always that kind of bullshit that people say! "I know what you're going through. I understand your pain. I can see it through your perspective." How about you shut your fucking mouth when you say dumb shit like that? Because no, you don't understand what I'm going through. If you did, you wouldn't be saying the most basic shit just to sympathize with me!" (Y/N) bellowed as they were about to hammer fist the steering wheel, but let out a sigh of sadness as they lowered their hand down.
(Y/N) decided to park at some sort of supermarket as they turned the car off, and laid their head down on the steering wheel. They started to elicit sounds of soft crying as their forearms were crossed together, dangling. "Why couldn't it have been me?" They whimpered out as their breath started to hiccup.
Tanjiro wiped his eyes as he spoke up to (Y/N), "Now, I know you don't mean that. Would you have been happy if you were to take your own life, and left them alone?"
"If it meant my friend still being on this planet, yes. I have nothing else in this world. As everyone I have cared for has either forgotten about me, or straight up left me. So that already tells me that I'm not good enough to be anyone's friend. But they knew what it was like, and the bond that we created was so genuine, it was like I had a real friend. And now they're gone..."
"But you're still here. You still have a life ahead of you. You still have time to make new friends and make good memories. It's what they would want you to do. Move on, honor their memory, make them proud." (Y/N) looked at him with red puffed eyes and sniffed the snot in their nose. "Let me drive. The least I can do is give yourself some rest as we drive back to campus." (Y/N) continued to stare at him for a couple of seconds before they unbuckled their seatbelt and opened the door.
Tanjiro took off his seat belt hopped in the driver's seat and turned the car on as he put on the seatbelt. (Y/N) opens the passenger door and sits down as they close the door and buckle up. They laid their head against the window as Tanjiro put his hand on their shoulder and said, "It's gonna be alright, I promise." He puts the car out of park, and left the parking lot as he went back on the road, and drove.
A couple minutes after the argument, they both arrived at the residential hall of the campus. Tanjiro puts the car in park, and took the keys out of the ignition as he looked to his left to see (Y/N) asleep. He softly shook them and they woke up. Their eyes were still red, with little bags under their eyes as they asked, "We're here?"
Tanjiro nods as (Y/N) lets out a sigh of disappointment as they unbuckle their belt, and got out of the car. Tanjiro followed suit as he followed (Y/N) and walked up the mini-stairs of the building's main door. (Y/N) grabbed the knob and struggled to open the door as it was looked. Tanjiro tapped their shoulder as they turned back to see Tanjiro with the keys in his hand.
They grabbed it, picked out the key for the main door, and unlocked it. "Thanks." "Anytime." Tanjiro responded with a soft smile on his face. (Y/N) extended their hand out to him for a handshake, but he politely declined as he decided to go for a hug instead. (Y/N) was a little stunned at this, but still accepted it as they wrapped their arms around him too.
They both stayed like that for the last 15 seconds, before Tanjiro disconnected himself from them. He softly puts his hand on his shoulder as he says, "You'll get through this, alright? You're stronger than you think you are. And hey, if you ever feel like you need to talk to someone, don't be afraid to call any of us. Me, Tomioka-san, Rengoku-san, any one of us, we'll be there, okay?"
They softly nodded as they huskily said, "Okay." Tanjiro softly smiles as he pats their shoulder and says, "Take care of yourself, alright?" And walks off. He looks back and waves goodbye at them, as (Y/N) follows suit before going inside. Hang in there, (Y/N). We'll make sure we make you feel special.
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My first angst, and it's something I relate to on a personal level. Never thought I would be making angst, considering my account, but, here we are. Don't ask for a part two, by the way, I'm not going to.
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chanquokka · 8 months
Here's A Little Get-To-Know-You Tag Game!
Tagged by: de wonderfulest ppl @noonaracha @straykidsgallery and @itsstraykids thank you sm!!! (go appreciate their cool point stories!)
Name(s): juni! is what i decided. some friends on this hellsite also call me solar so wtv u prefer. atp i just have a bunch of nicknames bcs i also have a Weird Name, A Weirder (Family) Nickname in real life
Pronouns: he/she/they/it<3 when i say feel free. pls and thank u
Star Sign: libra, right when it starts (and just a day after seungmin's!)
#of Siblings And Fun Facts About Them(if u have any): one (1) younger gremlin brother, and the funnest fact abt them is that he has been a walking directory of telephone no's since he was 4 and now can be relied upon to calculate large numbers inside his head in point seconds. Still hates physics(and most things theory)> by which, he also stores insane and inane amount of stats info (abt all types of things, but mostly sports) inside his head ready to be flourished at a moments notice, which is mildly impressive when ur 6 and debating with college students the scores of a game that happened 15yrs before u were born but not now when ur 17 and ppl are more focused on your test scores rather than ones u know, so</3 also has his birthday on changbin's but he doesnt know abt that
#of Pets: there's a history there. with fishes that my ma deceived me with on my 12th birthday(when i asked for a pet, i imagined smth i could hold) and then liked too much herself that we had them for 5yrs. three times; birds, but my brother kind of freed them while singing a lullaby with only me as an unbelieving witness. a dog (belovedest of em all) my dad picked from street as a puppy and who, then, had to be given away after 3yrs bcs of Stupid Reasons im still mad abt. now i just have street cats showing up at my front door to safekeep their babies on my staircase's isolated nooks till they grow up and vanish and street dogs who believe i have endless supplies of treats and show me sad faces when i dont. i really want a pet</3 but for now im contending with pictures of kitties whose moms operate on strict 'see-dont-touch' policies and sweet sweet strays who like to befriend u too easy.
Fandoms: many, but rn im active mostly in skz and mxtx. id love to be in other stuff i read and watch but since Capitalism hates me dearly,,,
Favorite Color: darker shades of all and any colors(esp blue green and red)!!! can be relied upon immensely to look warm and pretty always
Favorite Song: picking favorites for anything is out of my capabilities. also am just listening to my favorite bollywood playlist a lot these days.
Favorite Author: have a working list of favorite poets that does not end at 1. have not read a book seriously in four years of exam/prep-locking. but even if i did, idt ill be able to pick any favorite bcs, yk. good things in many things. (tldr; its roald dahl) (and ruskin bond who i read when i was 5 and still read when im so tired bcs his stories inspire me to write always)
Hobbies: I dance(perform) sometimes? I write??(←derogatory, dubious) make stuff, mostly poems and stories and tinker with free things i can do, both online or craft. analysis of things with friends is a beloved activity. i liek yoga and stretching (rn in an ongoing war with 3° winter mornings to drag myself out of bed and go to class at 6) cooking when i have time but mostly, always, reading (or! watching) stories, poems and learning abt cool nonfiction things (does crying abt fiction count)
Favorite Holiday: none of the above its the trips and getaways u make for yourself. all my beloved memories are always mostly from when our family makes a trip to someplace my mom insists or there's a non-worrying emergency to go somewhere. just family getting together under some pretense, even tho it is stressful as fuck.
Do You Have Any Partner(s): persuading my best friend atm but sadly she's straight</3(no lmao)
Fun facts about you/anything extra you wanna share!: since im having it rn- coffee doesnt keep me up or sometimes even makes me nod off, a fact i discovered after my 14yr old brain had the brilliant idea to try out the cool, forbidden drink after dinner knowing i wasnt allowed to. this is not fun to my ma but growing up in a sort of restrictive household, im also just weirdly good at sneaking and doing stuff im not supposed to without getting caught. i also do not know how to talk in lesser words. this is an absolute curse, yes i have tried. beware</3
this^ is a mess but thank u i had fun!! lemme tag: @winterfloral @syannie @hyunhomoons @quokki @chogiwow @agibbangs @rainknow @lixence @hyunebear @straykidsgallery @jerirose @ambivartence @hongjoongpresent + anyone who wishes to! apologies if tagged already!
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sastielsfandom · 1 year
There's a lot of stories I've been told by elders, teachers, cousins, all about what it was like to be taken away from their parents. Or at least attempted to be taken away.
Certain ones stand out the most in my mind. I used to be really involved with church, my entire family was. So we were close to our pastor.
Outside of church my mom was helping her with some things and I remember when she started to open up about her experience with boarding schools.
I sat there and listened as she talked about it. She was one of the ones who'd get in trouble for talking in her native tongue. She learned to stop because some punishments you simply didn't come back from.
She cried talking about when they cut her hair. She didn't understand why her parents were sending her away, she didn't know until she was older they had no choice.
She didn't get very far before she went inside, it all being too much and she didn't want us kids to hear the worst parts.
Even though she wasn't there anymore, she became a pastor who had incredibly short hair. She hardly spoke her language, and at that point she was one of the elders. It still affected her long after and it took me a really long time to see it. Because she was always wrapped up in native clothing, had beaded pieces. She clearly was still within her culture, there just were some parts she never returned back to.
Recently, although she talked about it when I was little too, my Mom talked to my little sister about the sweeps they'd do on reservations.
They all recognized the vans that meant every native child had to hide until nightfall, if you were caught, you weren't coming back.
You couldn't just run inside to your parents, they'd go from house to house, if you were there, they could take you and your parents couldn't do anything about it. It was legal.
All their parents could do was warn them about the vans and beg them to hide until it was safe.
Her and whoever she was with, friends, cousins, siblings, they'd stay out of sight until nightfall. The only thing protecting them was the fact that the vans couldn't be there at night.
It was a part of their normal, you see those vans, you hide and make sure they don't see you. It didn't matter if they showed up in the morning, you didn't exist until they were gone.
It's really no wonder why she still hates vans to this day, she won't buy one even though they're great to fit big families, like ours. And she's always aware of cars but vans especially.
I can't help but sit here and wonder if ICWA is overturned, are my sisters going to have their own stories to tell?
It's already bad how many Natives are taken away because of CPS, if it wasn't for my tribe helping us close the cases opened against us, I would've been. So many of my cousins were, it wasn't unusual for my Mom to open her home to them because they would run away. They knew she would help them. We all knew how bad they were treated, but we couldn't adopt them all. I think my Mom would have if she could've. But it was enough for a lot of them to just have a spot to stay, knowing someones looking out for them who won't judge them.
We need every little bit of protection even now to keep native families together. That fact that this is being attacked right now is so deliberate and Natives have been shouting for people to see that.
This is a pattern, not a coincidence. So many generations have their own stories about how native kids were taken away. Hell, my generation, we have ours! It's always a legal system that we have to fight that non natives ignore. It's a different font, but same story.
Boarding schools were legal, the reservation sweeps were legal, and CPS and foster care, again legal.
The genocide for natives never stopped, it just takes a new form. This is just the latest version. Don't stop talking about ICWA, be loud about it! Don't let them overturn it!
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thewildchild13915 · 2 years
Sibling grief is weird.
With sibling grief you're grieving more than just the loss of your sibling.
You're grieving the life you had before you lost your sibling.
You're grieving the loss of who your parents were before your sibling died
You're grieving the loss of the future you'd prepared for
You're grieving the loss of the family unit as you'd known it
You're grieving the loss of who you were before they died
You're grieving the loss of your best friend
Before my brother died, I had plans for how the future would be. Family holidays with our kids, major life events being celebrated together, family vacations, so many memories to be made.
All of those were lost when he died. An entire future full of plans just.... Gone.
Now I'm only left with the haunting visions of watching him go, with the sounds of our parents sobbing and begging for this to not be happening, with hearing the love of his life begging for more time and promising to make the rest of his life everything we'd always dreamed for him, with remembering both the feeling of his warm hands AND the feeling of his lifeless, cold hands.
Before my brother died, our parents were mostly happy.
Parents change after the loss of a child, regardless of the age of said child. That change can go 1 of 2 ways and it is usually to the extreme of whichever way they go.
Way 1: they're going to be extremely clingy with their remaining child(ren). They will want them close.
Way 2: they're going to become extremely distant with their remaining child (ren).
My mom quietly went with way 1. She tries to not show it, but I know it. She still has her moments where she's distant, but she won't even entrain the idea of us being far away from her. She wants all of us near her.
My dad went with way 2. I've always felt like my dad absolutely hated me. There was no proud father moment when I got married, no "you look beautiful" comments, or any heart touching moments really. It's always been he was there, but quietly wondering how quickly he could leave. Sure there were moments when he really came through and made me feel like he cared. I can't say there weren't ANY.
But after losing my brother, I feel like I completely lost my dad. He barely acknowledges I'm there, he flat out ignores me when I say "I love you", but he will say it to everyone around me, he doesn't even try to hide the fact that he does NOT want to be wherever I am. In my heart I feel that he believes the wrong child died and that it should've been me. I have never felt like more of a burden than I do now.
Before my brother died, my mom always told us "nurture your relationship with each other because when your dad and I are gone, you're only going to have each other". That was the future I'd prepared for. Now, when my parents are gone I will be alone. I'll have no one to grieve that loss with. Our future was supposed to be long and fruitful, with so many memories to be made... I was not prepared for the future I'm going to have.
Before my brother died, we were a family of 4. He was my big brother. Sure our family expanded as we got older. We had significant others and kids, but our family unit was 4. Now, it's only 3.
I'm no longer the little sister.
I'm the surviving sister.
Before my brother died, I was happy. Sure I dealt with some mental health issues, but he always helped to keep my grounded. He was who I called when I felt like I was losing my grip. He was my rock. He was my best friend. He always made sure I was ok, that his nieces and nephews were ok, that everyone had what they needed. He was my go-to person for everything.
I used to get so irritated because he'd always call me when bad weather was moving in. He'd give me all these instructions on things I needed to do to be prepared, he'd make sure I was making sure the kids had everything they needed.. it could be so exhausting sometimes.
God how I miss those phone calls.
Now that he's gone I find myself riddled with anxiety and anger. I have no idea who I am anymore because I do not feel like me anymore. I feel like a part of me went with him. The strong part went with him.
Now that he's gone I feel so alone, even with the rest of my family right beside me.
I try to grieve quietly. I try to do it alone as much as possible so that it doesn't make those around me sad.
Sibling grief is weird..
It's lonely
Unless you are the surviving sibling, you could never understand.
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