#still he never would’ve wished for Aiden to switch with him
writerfae · 9 months
I am very talkative today, it seems! I hope you don't mind!
I have an interesting question, because though I don't know the answer, I have a good guess!
But Endre would want to know this way more than me.
To Endre Henry would seem like the ideal big brother (cause he is). Even knowing that he left Aiden, he'd still seem perfect to Endre because he sees how they act around echother. He sees how Henry still looks out for Aiden, and he hears about how they were as kids.
And Endre, who's trying to be a better big brother, who regrets the way he treated his siblings in the past would really admire him.
But in one of his guilt fuled, self-deprecating moments, he would surely ask something like this, and I want to hear what Henry would answer:
Endre: H... how did you do it? You were carrying so much pain. You were out of place. Your mom died. You bacame a vessel for your father's grief, just because you looked like her. You had to care for both him and your brother and Aiden... he didn't have to carry as much. You had to make sure he didn't. You did make sure he didn't, so how did you never get jealous? How come you never wanted to switch places? How did you never take it out on him? How come... how come I wasn't more like you?
Please answer as Henry if you can!
I don’t mind at all! In fact I’m happy for every ask I get from you ^^
I feel really sorry for Endre. I think Henry would too. He’d probably tell him something like this:
I am not an heir like you. I didn’t have a whole kingdom to worry about. All I have is my family and they are everything to me. I was taught from my mother from a very young age on to do what is best for my family and that stuck with me. Especially after losing my mom. I had to keep looking after them, like I promised her.
It was really hard, yes, and often I hated it. But for me, it was something I had to do. Someone had to keep this family from falling apart and I did it. Because I’m the eldest child. Because I love my family. And no matter how hard it can be, love is not a burden. I had to take responsibility. My father couldn’t and my mother was gone and Aiden was just a child.
And I wanted him to be a child. See, the thing is that unlike you (I assume), who had to prepare for a reign all your youth, I had a pretty carefree childhood. Sure, there was this secret I carried, but still, I was happy. When I was eight, I got to learn and play and joke around. It wouldn’t have been fair if I didn’t let Aiden have the same experience. I’ve never been jealous of Aiden for getting to be a child, cause I got to do it as well when I was his age.
And that makes the difference, I think. You never were allowed to experience being a child in the way your siblings did. I get why that would make you jealous. You know, I never told anyone but Callan before, but when I was younger, I sometimes found myself envying Aiden for being our father’s biological son. It’s not like Milan loved Aiden more, he’s always treated me the same gentle way, yet the two had a sort of connection that him and I didn’t have and it was obvious to me. So it is not like I never got jealous, but jealousy is an ugly feeling. And like all negative emotions, it needs an outlet, so it won’t eat us alive. Again, that’s something my mother taught me. (What we learn from our mothers really shape us as a person, I think.) For me, that outlet was going to the woods. It cleared my head, sorted my thoughts and made me calm down.
I don’t know how you were raised and I can only guess from what I know from Callan how much pressure there was on you ever since you were a child. But if I had to assume, I think you lacked such an outlet and to protect yourself, you started letting your negative emotions out on your siblings. You know as well as me that that’s not the right way, but you didn’t know any better. Growing up takes time for a reason. If you have to grow up too fast, like you and me, you can act mature all you want, but certain things, certain emotions and processes simply aren’t fully developed yet. Deep down you’re still not an adult, you are just a child keeping up an act all the time. Not just in front of others, but also in front of yourself. And that can lead to miscalculations and wrong decisions.
Like you mistreating your siblings. Like me leaving behind my brother. Because that’s the thing. I am by far not perfect, I haven’t always been the best brother in the past. But Aiden has forgiven me for that, just like your siblings forgave you, so all that is left is to do better in the future. Give yourself time to grow. You have acknowledged your mistakes and your mistakes have been forgiven, so now it is time to forgive yourself. There is no need to look back, look ahead instead. Look at your siblings, meet them eye to eye.
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jalapeno-princess · 5 years
Mark Tuan x Reader
Word Count: 9.8k (Why can’t I write essays this long???)
Warning: If you are a Jaebum stan, this story isn’t for you HAHAHAHA I’M SO SORRY
Genre: Ex-lovers to lovers, fluff with just a tiny bit of angst
A/n: Hey guys! So I wasn’t planning on writing a part two only because I didn’t feel like I could do it justice (I actually think this is shit) but your kind words, support and the fact that some of you requested a part two gave me motivation to do so. Here we go! I hope you all enjoy it, I’m sorry if it didn’t turn out the way you all wanted but please let me know if you want an epilogue! (Italics are a flashback but y’all probably already know that hehehe ok pls enjoy) This is a part two so i suggest you read part one in order to understand the storyline and if you haven’t heard this song, give it a listen (not only because Cher is a queen) but because it relates to the story. Okay i’m out!
“Baby stop! You know how ticklish I am.” Mark’s hands made their way all around your body, tickling you in all the places he knew would get a reaction out of you. The two of you were having a lazy day in, it was one of the only days you both were off from your hectic schedules. It started off with a couple of tv shows and some cuddling. But after a while, your boyfriend decided he was in a playful mood and soon, he switched both of your positions out of nowhere so that he was hovering over you. “That’s exactly why I’m doing this. God, you’re so cute you know that?” He was staring at you with so much love and adoration in his eyes and you took this time of distraction to flip him over so that you were now on top. “Mmm, as much as I love being the dominant one, I love when you top me babe. If you wanted to have sex so badly, all you had to do was ask. We wouldn’t have wasted our time watching fifteen episodes of the office.” You rolled your eyes at him and gently pushed his shoulder. “Y/n?” You hummed in curiosity and he took this time to pull you down to his chest. “I’m going to marry you one day. You know that right? You’re it for me baby. You’re all I want for the rest of my life. I can’t wait to start a family with you. I want ten kids at the least.”
Your eyes immediately widened in shock and your boyfriend’s laughter filled the room. The two of you have been dating for four and a half years, and even though he would always bring up your future together, your heart would always flutter whenever he’d mentioned it. Mark was all you could ask for in a boyfriend and more and you couldn’t wait to see what the future held for the both of you. “Ten is a little bit too much don’t you think? Admit it horndog, you just love having sex as many times as possible.” He pouted at you and playfully bit his lip while hiding his face in to your neck. “As much as I love making love to you, which I do. I really do. I want a big family. You know how much I really want kids. We’re going to get a big house. Remember what you said just a few months ago? You want a house by the beach with a big yard so we can get two golden retrievers and the kids can play with them outside. You also want a swimming pool, which I don’t understand considering the beach will be right outside our backyard. But I don’t judge. You also want an island in the kitchen, a walk in closet and a chandelier like the one your grandmother had in her house. And I plan on giving it all to you baby. I can’t wait for it to all happen. Actually, why don’t we start now? One kid won’t hurt right?” You glared at him and shook your head. It wasn’t that you didn’t want kids. Hell, you were just as in love with kids as Mark was and you wanted a big family too. Maybe not ten children, but you did want quite a few. You’ve dreamt about having a big family from the time you were little and just the idea of having kids with the love of your life sent fire to your bones. Every time Mark would bring up having children, it always brought warmth to your cheeks. He would get all starry eyed, talking about all the sports he’d put your sons in and how he would send your daughters to an all girls school so they wouldn’t be anywhere near boys. The thought of how protective he would be to them never failed to make you laugh. He noticed you were daydreaming and placed a soft kiss on your cheek to get your attention.
“I know, you want to be settled down and financially well off when we start having kids. But when the time comes, do you want a boy, or a girl first? And what names did you have in mind?” He ran his fingers through your hair and patiently waited for your response. “Hmmm. I want a boy. Definitely a boy first.” He jokingly groaned. You knew Mark always wanted a girl first. Every time you’d go over to his parent’s house for a gathering, he would always run off to go play with his nieces. Watching how natural he was when it came to taking care of them only made you want to have kids with him sooner. You knew he would be such an amazing father and you knew one of these days, you’d just say fuck it and have your first of many children with him. “Of course you do. I always catch you looking in the boys section all the time. You would think moms would want a girl first. Well, I-“ You placed a soft kiss on his lips to shut him up because you knew what he was going to say. “I know, you want a girl. I swear to God, if you end up spoiling our daughter to the point where she won’t take no for an answer, I’m filing for divorce Tuan.” His grip on your waist tightened as he lightly thumped your head. “No ones getting divorced. You’re stuck with me forever y/n. We’re soulmates. I was made for loving you and you were made to love me. Now, names. What names did you have in mind?” You released a content sigh while bringing your fingers up to his face and gently traced his handsome features.
“For a boy, I like the name Aiden. Don’t ask me why, I just think it’s cute. And for a girl, Mia. Mia or Sophia. Or Riley. I really like Riley. Maybe even Alexandria or-“ He let out a soft chuckle and grazed your cheek. “You know, for someone who doesn’t want a daughter first, you seem pretty enthusiastic about choosing girl names. I like all the names you’ve listed. I love everything you do honestly it’s insane. I don’t care what we name our child. Well, I do. I’ve seen some crazy names so I’m glad we’re planning this out now. But I just can’t wait till we start having them. Like I said, we can start now.” He left soft kisses along your neck, earning a soft moan from your lips, but before things could escalate, you pushed against his chest and gave him a knowing look. He innocently lifted his hands up in surrender earning himself a giggle. “Okay, what about a practice run then? You can’t only be wearing my t-shirt and a pair of sexy underwear and not expect me to want to rearrange your guts now let’s go.”
It’s been two months since he made that terrible speech at Jackson’s wedding and he’s been having that dream almost every night since then. Matter a fact, every dream he had consisted of just you and only you. Was this his karma for getting plastered and humiliating everyone that night? You didn’t respond to his messages and Mark took the silence as his answer. No matter how badly he wanted to be yours again, he couldn’t force you to leave Jaebum in order to be with him. Although he accepted the fact that the two of you were never getting back together, he couldn’t help the little voice in his head telling him to not give up; reminding him that he still had a chance. He got up and made his way towards the bathroom to start his day but before doing so, he checked his messages. Even if he knew you weren’t going to get in touch with him, that didn’t stop him from looking to see if you finally decided to respond to him. He couldn’t blame you for not replying. How could you respond to such an outburst like that? At the same time, he wished you would just tell him the truth so he could get some closure and finally move on. But as much as he would tell himself that he deserved happiness too, Mark knew there was no getting over you. After checking his messages and seeing that Yugyeom had asked him what his plans were for the day, he jumped in the shower and got ready to hang out with the tall and lanky boy. He should’ve asked what Yugyeom had in mind, because it would’ve prevented him from getting in to this situation.
He shouldn’t have been there. Mark just so happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. However, a part of him was actually pretty happy he agreed with accompanying Yugyeom to his doctor’s appointment. Even if the younger boy was 22 years old, he still would beg Mark to go with him because he never knew what to tell the doctor. Yugyeom knew Mark would do anything Yugyeom needed because you had the biggest weak spot for the younger boy. When the two of you were dating, Yugyeom would stay over at your apartment almost every night because he was too afraid of being alone. You were quick to tend to his every need and although this would irritate Mark, he loved how you took care of his friends. Even after your breakup, you continued to stay in contact with all of his friends. You would’ve probably accompanied Yugyeom if you weren’t already busy with your own appointment. Today was the day you were finding out the gender of your baby. As much as you really wanted to be excited to see what you were having, you wanted nothing more than for this day to be over with.
Since the night of Jackson’s wedding, there has been a strain in your relationship with Jaebum. He became distant. Sure, he still helped you with anything and everything you needed and he still was affectionate towards you. But he no longer held you close to him right before the two of you would go to sleep like he used to. Nor did he spend as much time with you after he would finish work. Sometimes he would come home drunk which wasn’t like him and completely knocked out upon arriving back to your apartment. Then you noticed that most of your conversations that would go on for hours just a few months ago, now consisted of one word responses. It didn’t take you long to realize what was going on. He only started acting this way after the wedding and you couldn’t help but feel that he knew of your true feelings for Mark and that’s why he was being so distant towards you. The two of you planned this appointment months beforehand, but he let you know that he was scheduled to work just a few days ago and you were hurt at the thought of him not wanting to be there. He’s told you multiple times that he took off, so why did he have to work all of a sudden if his schedule was set in stone for months? You were walking towards the elevators when you noticed one of them was just about to close. Since getting pregnant, you tried your best with not moving all too quickly to prevent yourself from harming the baby in any way. However, you were already late and didn’t want to make the gynecologist wait longer than they needed to.
“Wait! Hold the door please!” You should’ve had taken the stairs. Once you entered the elevator, your eyes immediately landed on him. Yugyeom and Mark were sitting in the doctor’s office when he realized he forgot the parking ticket in his car. He quickly ran out to get the ticket and made his way back to the doctor’s office. It’s as if the universe wouldn’t allow him to catch a break. His breath hitched at the sight of you. You were six months pregnant now, which meant you were bigger and took a while longer to move around. You awkwardly stood in the elevator and tried your best to make it seem like you didn’t notice it was him. It’s not that you didn’t want to. Hell, you’ve been wanting to talk to him since his outburst at the wedding, but you couldn’t do that to Jaebum. Especially because there was a chance that you would give up everything you had with Jaebum in order to be with Mark again. Little did you know, your boyfriend was acting this way to you on purpose. Jaebum wasn’t stupid. It didn’t take him long to realize you were still in love with Mark. He didn’t mean to be so cold towards you, especially during the time of your pregnancy. But he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to be the reason for your unhappiness. Even if you didn’t talk about what had happened since that night, he knew Mark’s words were affecting you. He’d catch you dozing off from time to time, your smile no longer reached your eyes like it used to, he would hear you crying in the wee hours of the morning when you thought he was asleep and when he did your laundry just a few days ago, he found a couple of Mark’s shirts in your hamper that were obviously worn by you. As much as he loved you and wanted things to work between the two of you, it was obvious your heart was somewhere else. The fact that you were having his baby wouldn’t stop you from being in love with Mark. You owned Jaebum’s heart, but as much as he really wanted to, he didn’t own yours.
Of course Jaebum wanted to be there for your ultrasound. What father didn’t want to be there to find out the gender of their baby? However, after he thought long and hard about what he was going to do about your relationship, he wasn’t in the mood to pretend like he was in good spirits. Therefore, he asked his manager if he could go in to work to prevent him from tagging along with you. Maybe if he continued acting rude towards you, this would make you want to leave him so he didn’t have to be the one to initiate the breakup. He didn’t have the heart to. Especially since you were pregnant. But he couldn’t keep pretending as if things were okay between the two of you. No matter how much he loved you, you would always love Mark no matter what and there was nothing he could do to change that. “Hey.” You avoided his eyes and simply acknowledged his presence. You were sure if you were to look at him, you’d have a mental breakdown. Once you finished reading his messages that night, you tried your best to quietly cry in to your pillow. You didn’t want Jaebum knowing that Mark got in touch with you, and that he confessed his love for you. Nor did you want your boyfriend to know that Mark’s words were making you reconsider your relationship with Jaebum. You almost said yes to leaving Jaebum in order to be with Mark. But you had to stop being selfish. Jaebum’s heart was on the line and you refused to hurt him because of what you wanted. And you were having his baby. There were two people you had to put before yourself now. So, no matter how many times you typed out a response, you deleted every single message altogether.
“Hi.” He released an exasperated sigh and hesitantly reached for your wrist in order to turn you around to face him. “You’re practically a basketball now. Yet you still look so beautiful. What are you doing here? Is everything okay?” Hearing him compliment you, no matter how many times he would do so during your relationship never failed to bring a smile to your face. Seeing him again for the first time after he admitted his feelings for you was driving you insane. He looked so tired. There were bags under his eyes and it was apparent that he lost a lot of weight. The sight of him looking so fragile and weak broke your heart to the point where you couldn’t look at him without wanting to cry. “I’m fine. I uh..I actually find out the gender of the baby today.” He noticed you didn’t sound as excited as he would’ve expected you to be. If anything, you looked as if you didn’t want to be there. “That’s great y/n! Where’s Jaebum by the way? I would think the father should attend each and every appointment-“ You all but gently took his hands off of your wrist and turned back around to face the elevator doors. Damn, why did it take so long for the elevator to take you only five floors up? “He’s working and couldn’t make it. I know he wanted to be here. But it’s fine. I’m fine. I can do this on my own.” Before Mark could respond, the doors finally opened and you let out a sigh of relief. “Well…have a nice day. Bye.” He should’ve let you walk away. The entire interaction was awkward and it made Mark feel as if you hated him. But he didn’t understand why. Sure, he may have embarrassed you and Jaebum at the wedding, and confessing his feelings to you while you were in a relationship was a dick move. However, he didn’t think it was that bad enough to have you treat him like he was a criminal. Although you were being so rude to him, this didn’t stop him from leaving the elevator and following right behind you. The two of you were at the same hospital, at the same time, on the same day. It had to mean something right?
“Mark, what are you doing?” He ignored you and continued to walk. He even took your bag and waited for you to enter the office because he wasn’t sure where he was going. When he noticed you weren’t going to move, he brought his fingers up to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m going with you to that appointment. I’m not going to let you go through this alone y/n.” You shook your head in disagreement. “I’m fine Mark. Really. You should go. I don’t think it’s a good idea-“ He furrowed his brows and you could see his jaw clenching. You didn’t really want to cause a scene at the hospital, so you admitted defeat and made your way in to the office. Although Mark was a very soft and gentle guy, he could get pretty scary when he got angry. That’s why back when the two of you were still dating, you used to always leave your apartment and run away to Jaebum before things could get really bad with you and Mark. It’s not that you didn’t want Mark there. His presence never failed to calm you down and make you feel safe. But you wish it was under different circumstances. There were so many times back when you to were dating that you would think about how it would be like when you finally got pregnant and what you would go through during your pregnancy. Mark would always tell you how he planned to be there for every single thing. Every appointment, every time you had to go to the bathroom, every 2:00 a.m. fast food run, every pregnancy class. He wanted to be there for it all and you knew he would. He was already such a loving and doting boyfriend, what more when you finally started having children?
You didn’t notice that you were tearing up at the thought of it until you felt his finger softly wipe away your tears. You didn’t know what to feel at the thought of your ex-boyfriend being the first one to find out the gender of the baby you were having with someone else. But in all honesty, you were glad he was there. It took your mind off the fact that Jaebum wasn’t. Once you got yourself checked in, you sat down and started to fill out the paperwork. “How did you get here y/n? You didn’t drive did you? I wouldn’t want you driving in your condition.” You snickered at his worried facial expression and continued to write down your information. “I took a cab. Don’t worry about me. Wait, why are you here?” He gave you a knowing look and you chuckled. “I can’t believe you still make and attend his doctor’s appointments with him. That’s so cute. He’s probably wondering where you are Mark. You should go-“ Before you could finish your sentence, the nurse was calling your name. After taking a solid two minutes to get up from the chair, Mark offered to help you walk in to the room. “Well, I hope you know I’m taking you home after this. I want to make sure you get there safely okay? And before you object, I’m sure Jaebum would want the same, even if he’s probably mad at me.” You grazed you’re thumb against his hand that was gently gripping your waist. Even if you were no longer a couple, Mark never failed to look after you and just thinking about how much he still cared about you made butterflies swarm in your tummy. The nurse had you lie down on the table and helped you lift up your shirt so she could start the ultrasound. Mark was quick to do anything he saw that he could do in order to accommodate you. He took a seat next to you and placed your purse on his lap all the while watching you get prepared to find out what you were having.
Before the nurse could apply the gel, Mark’s phone started to ring. “Sorry, can I take this real quick? I’ll be right back.” He left the room and the nurse smiled widely at you. “The two of you are so cute. How long have you been together for?” You hesitantly shook your head. “We’re not dating. He um..he’s actually my ex-boyfriend. It’s a long story.” She gave you a sad smile while getting the tools ready. “Sweetheart, even someone with terrible eye sight can see how much that man is in love with you. His eyes never left you for one second. And even when the two of you walked in, he was so quick to do whatever he could to help you. He obviously still cares about you if he’s willing to come see another man’s baby. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be butting in to your relationship. But take it from someone whose been there. You’re going to spend the rest of your life thinking about what could’ve been between you and him. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with the father of your child, nor do I know what went down with you and your ex-boyfriend, but the fact that he’s here and your boyfriend is not speaks volumes my dear. A man will make the effort to be there for the woman he loves no matter what. Remember that.” Soon Mark was coming back in to the room and took his seat right next to the table. “Is it alright if I bring someone else in here or is only one person allowed?” The nurse shook her head. “Anyone is welcomed in here. As long as it’s quiet, you can bring however many people you want.” Before you could ask him what he meant, he walked back outside and returned a few minutes later with Yugyeom. “Hey y/n! Wow, I know I saw you last week but you just keep getting bigger.” You chuckled at the younger boy but didn’t fail to notice Mark’s scowl. He knew you still went out with all of their friends every so often, but he couldn’t help to feel jealous knowing they still got to see you.
When the nurse started moving the device along your belly and you heard the sound of your baby’s heartbeat, all your worries about your relationship with Jaebum and everything that was going on with Mark faded away. Your baby was your main focus and although you had a few ultrasounds already, you were always so happy getting to see how quickly your baby was growing and you realized their heartbeat was your new favorite sound. Mark’s heart was about to combust at how big your smile was. Yugyeom took notice of his older friend’s facial expression and he was hurting for him. Even if Mark looked happy for you, he knew his friend was dying on the inside. Yugyeom knew Mark wanted nothing more than for that to be his baby. Right after his mental breakdown in the bathroom that night, Jinyoung sent Mark home with Yugyeom and Bambam. Mark was a mess. If you thought that his whole speech at the wedding was bad, it was even worse back at Yugyeom’s place. He wouldn’t stop crying over you. He started throwing things and screamed at the top of his lungs to the point where Yugyeom’s neighbors started complaining. Mark was really good at hiding his emotions, but he wasn’t fooling Yugyeom. “Congratulations y/n, you are having a girl. That’s her face right there, those are her arms and her cute little feet and-“
You didn’t even notice Mark get up to leave until you heard the door slam shut. Yugyeom gave you a sad look and apologized while excusing himself to run after his friend. Mark couldn’t help himself. Sure, he brought himself in to this. He offered to be there for you. But he couldn’t sit there and pretend like it wasn’t bothering him. When the nurse said you were having a girl, he completely lost it. He was already pissed off at the fact that Jaebum wasn’t there. But hearing that you were having a daughter, something you knew he’s wanted for a very long time, he couldn’t take it anymore and had to get out of that room. He didn’t even make it out of the doctor’s office, he sank down against the wall and started to break down in sobs. He felt bad for leaving you all alone, but he couldn’t stay in there and continue hearing about the baby you were having with someone else. You were probably going to name her one of the names you and Mark chose together and hated the thought of it. “Mark-“ He shook his head and continued to cry. “I’m fine Gyeom. Just go..back in there..and..be there for her. And take her home please? She’s right..I shouldn’t have come..fuck..” He got up before Yugyeom could respond and quickly made his way to his car. He sat in the driver’s seat and cried for what felt like hours. Stupid Yugyeom and always needing Mark to go with him to his appointments.
This could’ve all been prevented if he had just stayed home. But who was he kidding? He couldn’t blame anyone but himself for offering to go with you to your appointment. You told him it was a bad idea. But he wanted be there for you and if he was telling the truth, he was going to pretend that it was his baby the two of you were going to look at. How it should’ve been. When Yugyeom walked back in to the office, he made his way back to your room and he wasn’t prepared for the sight he was going to walk in to. The nurse was holding you as you cried. She tried her best in consoling you because once Mark stormed out of that room, the tears immediately came rushing down. Everything was happening so fast and you were exhausted. You just wanted to go home. Seeing him get all excited or what you thought was excitement only for him to run away once the nurse announced what you were having broke you. You knew hearing that you were having a girl affected him in a negative way. When the nurse saw Yugyeom, she motioned for him to come take her place so that she could file the paperwork. Before leaving, she pulled you in for a hug and whispered in your ear. “That man still really loves you. Do what you want with that information my dear.”
Yugyeom wrapped his arms around you and continued to hold you as you cried. Sure he was young, but it didn’t take a genius to know that you and Mark were still so in love with each other and Yugyeom knew you were hurting just as much as Mark was. He knew you loved Jaebum. Whenever the two of you would go out with the rest of your friends, he saw the way you’d interact with him. Sure, you laughed at his jokes and kissed him every now and then. But it was nothing compared to the way you would act with Mark. You were happiest with him and it showed. It’s not that you weren’t happy with Jaebum, but the smile you had with Mark and the smile you have with Jaebum are completely different and Yugyeom knew the difference. You loved Jaebum, but you were in love with Mark. Two completely different things. “Where is he?” Yugyeom let out a sigh while continuing to rub your back. “He left. He told me to bring you home. Y/n, I’m probably not the one who should be talking to you and I’m sure you’re tired of hearing this, but Mark still really loves you if it wasn’t already obvious with what happened at Jackson’s wedding and what went down just now. I’m not telling you how to live your life, and you know I want nothing but happiness for you. I know you’re not happy with Jaebum. No matter how much you try and portray yourself out to be. I’m very observant when it comes to these things and I can tell, you don’t love Jaebum the way you wish you could. The way you love Mark. I know it’s hard, especially because now there is a baby involved, but I’ve never seen Mark so upset before and I know it’s because this is what he dreamed of. Everyone knows how badly Mark wanted to start a family with you. He’s never been with anyone since your breakup because he doesn’t want anyone but you. You are all he wants for the rest of his life y/n. So you can’t blame him for acting the way he is. That should’ve been him in Jaebum’s shoes and you know it. We all know it. Hell even Jaebum knows it. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be so blunt. Especially since you’re pregnant, but I just thought you should know. Here, I’ll help you up. Let’s go.”
Yugyeom’s words wouldn’t stop echoing through your head. You tried your best to control your tears, especially because you didn’t want it to cause harm to your baby. As Yugyeom helped you in to his car and took you home, your thoughts were all over the place. Where did Mark go and was he in the right mind to be driving around? Hearing Yugyeom say that even Jaebum knew it should’ve been Mark made you realize that that’s the reason why he didn’t come. Because he knew it too. Was he starting to regret your baby and regret your whole relationship in general? What surprised you, was that you didn’t care about Jaebum’s feelings in that moment. You knew you didn’t want to hurt him. He was so good to you and treated you like a queen. But you were finally allowing yourself to be selfish. You couldn’t stay in a relationship you weren’t happy in for the sake of a baby. Your baby wouldn’t get all the love and affection they deserved if both parents were miserable.
You wish you could love Jaebum the way he loved you. But from the start, you both knew getting in to this that it was impossible. Jaebum knew that, and after the wedding he was sure his biggest fears would come true. No matter how many times you said you wouldn’t, deep down he knew you were going to leave and he wasn’t going to stop it. You were so deep in to your thoughts that you didn’t realize Yugyeom had parked the car until he lightly tapped your shoulder. Once he helped you get out of the car, he pulled you in to his embrace and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Try and get some rest okay? You’ve had a long day. Congratulations again on having a girl. I’m sorry today ended the way it did, but I’m always here if and when you need me okay?” He brought you up to your apartment and with one more kiss on your cheek, he was gone. As soon as you walked in, you dropped your bag and made a beeline to your room. Normally you would call out for Jaebum to see where he was, but you didn’t care. All you wanted to do was go to sleep. You opened the door to your room and saw your boyfriend lying down on the bed. At first glance, you would’ve thought he was sleeping. But by his posture, you knew he wasn’t.
“Hey.” He released a long sigh before sitting up and looking at you. “Hi. How’d it go?” You made your way to your boyfriend and collapsed in to his arms. As much as you wanted to feel sad that he wasn’t responding to your sudden burst of affection, you couldn’t feel anything. After a few moments, he finally pulled you on to his lap as his hands found purchase on your belly. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there today. We were flooded with work and my manager begged me to come in-“ You shook your head and placed it in the crook of his neck. “It’s okay. We’re having a girl by the way. She’s healthy and growing more and more every day.” He gave you a soft smile and brought his fingers to your cheek. The two of you sat in silence for a while until he finally spoke up. “Go.” You looked at him in confusion. “Huh? What are you talking about Jaebum?” He reached for your fingers and gently played with them. This was something you noticed both Jaebum and Mark did to calm themselves down. You had a feeling you know what he was doing and a part of you didn’t want it to happen. But at the same time, you couldn’t continue leading him on. You knew where your heart lied and it wasn’t with the man whose arms you were in right now. “Go be with Mark. We all know that’s were you want..no..need to be. I don’t know why we continue to pretend that you and I are going to work. I knew of the consequences that came with dating you but I didn’t care. I loved you and I wanted to be with you even if there was a chance you wouldn’t reciprocate my same feelings. I’ve read the messages he sent to you. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been lurking in your phone but I couldn’t help myself. When I came out of the shower, I heard you sniffling and I knew something must’ve happened. That’s why I waited until you fell asleep to see what was wrong.” He started to choke up and you couldn’t help but tear up yourself.
“I want nothing more than to be with you. I love you with my entire being y/n. So that’s why I’m letting you go. You’re not happy with me and I’m sorry it took so long for me to realize it. I know you love me, but it’s not in the way you love him. You can never love me or anyone else in the way that you love Mark. But I don’t regret being with you, nor will I ever regret our beautiful blessing growing inside of you. Our breakup isn’t going to change things. I’m still going to be there for you whenever you need me and I’m always going to be here for our little girl. I’m really excited by the way. It may not seem like it, but I am. Fuck..this is what love is right? Sacrificing your happiness for the sake of the person you love?” You brought your hands up to his cheek and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. “I’m so sorry Jaebum-“ He shook his head and pulled you closer to his body. “Don’t apologize for your feelings and never apologize for being in love with someone. It’s my fault for believing I could be the lucky person who gets to receive your love. It was always Mark and I know he feels the same way about you. Months ago, you said that lovers fall apart. But maybe they need to lose each other and find themselves in order to find each other again. Maybe it was meant for the two of you to reconnect at Jackson’s wedding so  you could both come to terms with the fact that you both are still in love with each other. It was a hard pill to swallow, but I know you and Mark were made for one another. This year has been one of the best years of my life because of you. You mean everything to me y/n. Thank you for carrying our baby in your cute little tummy of yours. I know Mark will take care of our daughter as if she was his own. Please don’t worry about me okay? I’ll be fine. Or..I will be. We can still be friends and we’ll be the best co-parents there are okay? I’ll still take care of you throughout this whole process no matter what happens. I love you y/n.”
You cried in his arms at the thought of leaving someone who was willing to let you go in order to keep you happy. You could only hope and pray Jaebum would find someone who could love him as much as he loved you. He deserved it. “Would it be okay for me to hold you for just a while longer? And do you think you could stay one more night? Mark’s going to have you for the rest of his life, I’m only asking for one more night.” You nodded in agreement and curled up in to him. Jaebum fell asleep not too long after and you took this time to really look at him. Your heart cried for him. He wanted nothing but your happiness, even if it meant at the cost of his own. Why did things have to be so difficult? After placing a few more gentle kisses along his handsome face, you decided you needed some rest too. Although Jaebum was very broad, muscular, very warm, and no matter how much you loved being in his embrace, Mark’s arms were your home and God, you’ve been homesick.
Once Mark stopped crying, he decided to go on a little drive. He didn’t want to go home. Everything would remind him of you and he didn’t need that right now. That’s why he found himself at the bar, doing what he was best at. Getting drunk. He knew you’d be upset with him if you found out where he was, but he didn’t care anymore. He was no longer yours to worry about. After a couple of beers and a few glasses of wine, he found himself calling up Youngjae and letting him know where he was and what he was doing. You woke up at two in the morning to the sound of your phone going off. Jaebum felt you stirring in bed and this automatically woke him up too. “Everything okay? Whose that?” You saw a bunch of text messages and a few missed calls from Yugyeom, Youngjae, and Jinyoung, telling you that Mark was going crazy and that they needed your help. You let out a frustrated sigh and slowly got up. “Here, let’s get you changed and then I’ll drop you off. I’ll also pack you some clothes. You can come and get the rest whenever you want.” He helped you change in to a pair of his sweats and one of his jackets and the two of you made your way to Youngjae’s apartment. Once the two of you pulled up in the guest parking, Jaebum decided that he would go back home. He didn’t want to make things worse by being there. He held you in his arms for a couple of minutes and stole a few more kisses from you before letting you go.
While heading up to Youngjae’s apartment, you saw Yugyeom and Jackson waiting outside and once you came in to view, their worried faces turned in to relieved ones. “He’s going insane and refuses to talk to anyone but you. Please help.” You took in a deep breath and walked in. You weren’t too sure what you were going to walk in to, but you didn’t care. The boys were right, he was freaking out. Even though you had yet to step foot in Youngjae’s apartment, you could hear his cries from the outside. “Jinyouuuuung..bring her back to me..pleaseeeee..I can’t live without her anymore. I miss her so much Jinyoung..I know I fucked up but God..I’d do anything to get her back..I’ll even donate a kidney..come on Jinyoung you need to help meeeee.” Hearing him sound so hopeless made you want the ground to swallow you whole. When Bambam and Youngjae saw you approaching, they had to do a double take. Although they texted you, they didn’t actually expect you to come. Yugyeom told them all about what happened just a few hours ago, so they had hope that things were going to look up for both you and Mark. When you opened the door to Youngjae’s room, tears immediately brimmed at your eyes and it didn’t take long for Mark to notice you. Everything happened so quickly and before you could process the whole situation, his lips were on yours. You didn’t realize how much you missed him and his kisses until he finally connected your lips together. You didn’t care that he was drunk, you too were getting drunk off his kiss alone. The both of you were too busy in your own world that you didn’t realize how wide five of the boys were smiling. Although they all felt bad for Jaebum, everyone knew that you and Mark were meant to be together in the end.
“I’m not dreaming right? You’re here. You’re actually here. I may be drunk but you’re here right? Fuck. I’m so fucking sorry baby you don’t understand-“ You brought your hand up to his lips in attempts to get him to stop talking and brought him towards the bed. “Lie down. I’ll go get you some pain killers and a bottle of water.” Before you could walk away, he gently tugged at your wrist and pulled you on to his lap. “I don’t need any of those things. Who gives a shit about how I’ll feel in the morning. You’re here. That’s all that matters. God y/n, I’ve missed you so much..wait..so does this mean..” You quickly nodded. A part of you wanted to wait until the morning when he was sober to talk with him, but you knew he’d want answers right now, sober or not. “What about Jaebum? I know I asked you to leave him for me but please don’t feel as if you need to. He didn’t do anything wrong to me I don’t want to make things worse between us-“ The only thing you loved about when Mark got drunk, was how cute it was when he would mumble nonsense. He was a very soft and quiet guy and was only talkative to those he was close to. But when Mark had a couple of drinks, he could tell you the history of trees if he really wanted to. You brought your lips to his one more time and softly pushed him back on the bed. “He knows that I’m still so in love with you and he didn’t want to continue our relationship knowing that you’re where my heart resides. Like you said all those years ago Mark, you were made for me and I for you. Soulmates..remember? Now go to sleep. We’ll continue this in the morning when you’re completely sober.”
He nodded in agreement, but not before wrapping his arms tightly around you and pulling you down on the bed with him. “I’m completely sober right now. The fact that you’re in my arms right now sobered me up pretty quickly. Promise me you’ll be here tomorrow morning. I’ll wake up and you’ll still be in my arms right? God y/n, I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve you here with me. But fuck, I missed you so much. God knows how much I’ve missed you. And I love you. I’m so fucking in love with you.” You heard him chuckle and you looked up to see what he was laughing at. “I want to hold you as close to my body as possible, but there’s an obstruction in the way. A very cute one at that. You’re the most adorable pregnant lady there is. I’m sorry for everything that went on earlier and I know how much you hate it when I get drunk. But hey, if I didn’t take all those shots at Jackson’s wedding, we wouldn’t be here right now. I’m sorry for overreacting earlier. It’s just, I’ve pictured being in this situation so many times. We’ve talked about having kids so many times and fuck, it hurt so badly seeing you pregnant with Jaebum’s baby. I don’t know why I was so upset. You were no longer mine to worry about but no matter what happens between us, you’ll always own my heart.”
He brought your hand up to his chest while hiding his face in the crook of your neck. “This only beats for you. It yearns for you. You’re all it knows. It’s broken, and I’m pretty sure you took a huge piece of it with you when we broke up. But I can feel it slowly patching up each and every time fate brings us back together and hopefully one day soon, it will be complete again and I will be able to give you all the love you and your baby deserve. I promise to always be there for you and your little princess and one day soon we’ll be able to give her multiple siblings of her own. I’ve prayed for this moment every single day since you left. I wanted nothing more than to have you in my arms again and I don’t know what I did in my past life to deserve this, but I’m very grateful that you’re here. Will you be mine again? I can’t promise things will be perfect, but I know how it feels like to lose you and I never want to go through heartbreak like that ever again. I’ll do anything you want, be anyone you want me to be, just so I can have you for the rest of my life. You’re all that matters to me and soon, so will the cute little being that’s growing in your tummy. God y/n, I’m so fucking in love with you I can’t even put it in to words. Thank you for coming back to me. You’re mine. Forever.”
Tears were quick to fall from your face and he giggled at the sight. “I’m so sorry Mark. For everything I’ve put you through. If anything, it’s me who doesn’t deserve you. I’ve missed you just as much, if not more and it took every bone in my body not to go to your apartment and ask for you to take me back. Your speech wouldn’t stop haunting me. I didn’t know our breakup had such that effect on you and when I found out I was pregnant, as much as I wanted to be happy, I couldn’t stop thinking about how you’d react. I don’t regret getting pregnant nor do I regret my relationship with Jaebum, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you and how badly I wish I was experiencing all of this with you. I should’ve broke up with Jaebum the minute I realized I still had feelings for you. I thought that with time, I would fall out of love with you and fall in love with him. However, I only fell more and more in love with you as the days went by. I felt like there wasn’t a chance that we’d get back together. So I kept pushing the idea of us becoming a couple again to the back of my mind. No matter how hard I tried, there was just no getting over you. I’ve had an earful from a bunch of people today about how you and I are obviously meant to be together and I think their words made me come to terms with it. Not that I didn’t want to. Even the nurse talked to me and claimed that she could see how much you genuinely cared about me. Once I got home, Jaebum apparently already made his mind up and told me that he was letting me go so that you and I could be together. I almost tried talking him out of breaking up with me for his sake and for the sake of our baby. But I understand where he’s coming from. I have this terrible habit of comparing the two of you and no matter how amazing of a boyfriend Jaebum was, he could never compare to you. He told me that maybe you and I needed this breakup in order for us to realize how much we can’t live without each other. I don’t know where your feelings lie anymore, but I do know that you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I’ve known that from the beginning actually and I’m sorry it took me so long to realize it. But I’m not going anywhere anymore. Wherever you are is where I want to be. I love you.”
A smile grew on to his face and before you could kiss him, five bodies were filling up Youngjae’s room. “Sorry to interrupt the happy reunion, but we just wanted to make sure everything is okay so that we can all go to sleep. By the way, we already got noise complaints for all the screaming, crying and throwing of objects so please, no more loud noises. We’re all going to be sleeping right outside so if you’re going to have kinky makeup sex, I suggest you-“ Your eyes widened and you embarrassedly hid your face in Mark’s chest but threw a pillow at BamBam while doing so. Yugyeom couldn’t stop grinning at the sight of how tightly Mark was holding you. It’s as if he was afraid of losing you again if he were to loosen his grip on you just a little. He came over and pulled the two of you in to a hug. “I’m happy for the both of you. Do us all a favor and never break up again. Please? I was almost evicted three times because of this big baby. Mark, hurry up and give her the ring already-“ You looked at Yugyeom in curiosity and turned around to face Mark, only to be greeted by a scowl. It looks could kill, Yugyeom would be dead right now. “I’m going to take that as my cue to leave. Goodnight you two. Sweet dreams y/n! If you need me I’ll be on the next plane to Greece GOODBYE!” Before your boyfriend could get up and chase after him for spoiling the surprise, you tugged at his shirt and gave him a knowing look. “I’m very tired baby, like you said, we’ll talk about this in the morning.” You pouted and playfully begged him to tell you all about it and because you were his biggest weakness, he let it all out. There was no point in hiding anything from you anyways.
Now that the two of you were back together again, he was going to propose to you sometime soon so might as well he’d go in to detail about it. “I purchased the ring only a few months after we started dating. From the start, I knew you were the person I wanted to settle down and start a family with. On our first date, you showed me how kind and compassionate you were when you helped that elderly lady carry her groceries to her car. And on our fifth date, when that cute little girl dropped her ice cream cone, you didn’t hesitate to go and buy her a new one. Then as the weeks went to months and we started learning more and more about each other, I couldn’t help but fall in love with you. It was the little things. The way you’d call me to see if I got home safely after dropping you to your place. The way you memorized my coffee order and never failed to bring me coffee when you knew I was working late. The way you would come over to my apartment just to iron my clothes and prepare my lunch for the week. I missed you even when I was with you and that’s when I knew you were going to be someone special to me. The first time I brought you to meet my family, my mom pulled me to the side and she wouldn’t stop raving about how beautiful and charming you are and it was in that moment, when I saw you playing around with my nieces that I knew I was going to marry you one day. I went with the guys to purchase the ring, it’s that one you’d always talk about being your “dream wedding ring” so I worked extra hours and saved up as much as I could in order to purchase it. Unfortunately it’s back at my place, and I was actually debating on pawning it because staring at it only made me hate myself for not giving it to you sooner. I hope you like it. I don’t know if you remember, I had Youngjae take you shopping to see what your ring size is but I think he must’ve been too busy looking at jewelry for himself that he got the wrong size. We can always resize it if it doesn’t fit. I’m pissed that Yugyeom had to go and open his big mouth, especially after all that I do for him. But yes, I plan on proposing to you and I’ll make sure to do it soon. I can’t wait to finally get to marry you. I just hope Jackson doesn’t try to screw up our wedding because I fucked up his. If I’m being honest with you, I’m so glad I screwed up at his wedding. It brought me back to you. Mmm, let’s go to bed baby. I’ll finally be able to get some sleep tonight. Don’t hesitate to wake me up if you need anything okay?” He left soft kisses along your face and gently rubbed on your belly. “I can’t wait to meet her. I’m going to spoil her and give her everything she wants and deserves.” He brushed away some of the hair that was falling on your face and booped your nose. “Words can not explain how much I love you y/n but I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it to you with my actions. I can’t wait to start a family with you. This is only the beginning baby.”
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theworkofxanderking · 5 years
The Originals: Bad Blood (Alternative Season 5)
Episode 5: A Mikaelson Family Christmas
Warnings: I do not own the original content to “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries” or “Legacies” or any of the characters from the television shows.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
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Klaus vamp sped into the dining area of the compound to find Rebekah and Elijah sat the table both looking rather miserable with themselves.
“I’m beginning to think use two are competing for most miserable Mikaelson this year and I have to say I’m rather annoyed your coming for my trophy.” Klaus said to them mockingly. “Things are on the up Marcel and I have called a truce, Hope’s arriving any minute and Hayley’s compelled one of the city’s finest cooks and yet you two have been miserable for days.”
“As long as there’s no daggers in my stockings like that one god awful Christmas I’m sure I’ll get into the festive spirit.” Rebekah replied as she stood up forcing a smile on to her face.
“I must admit even this Christmas still beats that one.” Elijah said as he too stood up and straightened his suit jacket.
“I found it rather amusing,” Klaus retaliated with a cheeky smirk noticing Elijah and Rebekah were hardly feeling festive. “Okay what the bloody hell is going on?”
“You should tell him Rebekah after all this is of your doing.” Elijah snapped at his sister.
“Firstly, none of you would be here if it wasn’t for me so don’t even start blaming me for reuniting us.” Rebekah snapped back.
“Well somebody please tell me before I dig out those bloody daggers for a second Christmas.” Klaus demanded clearly grown tired of his siblings’ secrecy.
“It’s Henrik, he’s alive well he’s a lot more than just alive he’s all kinds of messed up and all he wants for Christmas is to feast on his beloved siblings.” Rebekah revealed before Hope walked into the dining area hugging Hayley.
“Guess whose finally home for Christmas?” Hayley said to them all while hugging her daughter tightly.
“Now how exactly do us Mikaelson’s celebrate Christmas?” Hope asked them while Rebekah and Elijah tried to hide their guilt and her father Klaus remained shocked by her aunt Rebekah’s admission.
Marcel walked into Rousseau's to find Josh wearing a Santa hat while cleaning tables within the bar and listening and dancing along to “I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday” on his Bluetooth speaker placed on the counter of the bar causing Marcel to laugh at possibly the world’s most innocent vampire before walking over to the counter and switching the speaker off demanding Josh’s attention.
“Hello Marcel,” Josh said as he took of his Santa hat and gushed at the man, he had recently spent a night with. “I’m guessing your not here for a drink considering we’re not open although that tends to not stop most of my clientele.”
“I actually wanted to talk about…” Marcel began to say.
“Davina and Kol coming to the city for Christmas I know Davina already told me.” Josh butted in knowing that wasn’t the topic on Marcel’s mind. “I bet you can’t wait to see Davina again I sure can’t.”
“Well it has been a while but that’s not what I came here to discuss.” Marcel replied.
“Is it about the Mikaelson’s getting a head at the table for the faction meetings because I think that’s a good idea if only to lessen the bloodshed.” Josh added in proving to be very eager to not talk about a certain subject.
“Josh you’re not the first guy I’ve ever been with when your immortal sexuality is a lot simpler than people make it out to be.” Marcel explained to him. “We like who we like when we like them and have no need to apologize for it.”
“Wow where was that kind of thinking when I came out to my parents.” Josh answered him clearly surprised by Marcel’s reaction to their one-night stand.
“It was definitely interesting I mean you’re a lot less shy between the sheets,” Marcel said with a sinister smile “definitely unforgettable however I value our friendship too much for it to ever happen again.”
“Oh, thank god,” Josh breathed a sigh of relief. “I mean no offence but us would’ve been super messy I mean you’re clearly still madly and deeply in love with Rebekah and I tried the whole relationship thing once and it ended it too much pain.”
“I’m glad you and I are on the same page.” Marcel laughed. “However, I don’t think you should write off romance with everyone I know what happened to Aiden broke your heart but the moments you had with him were worth every ounce of pain. Trust me when I say love is truly the best and worst thing that can ever happen to you.”
“So, did you get invited to the Mikaelson’s Christmas?” Josh asked. “Davina’s convinced me to go just what I love Santa and Klaus wrapped up into one holiday I just hope it’s not me that ends up roasted on the open fire.”
“Do you know you’re absolutely adorable when you say stuff like that?” Marcel told him while looking at him with pure admiration.
“Oh no don’t you be looking at me like that!” Josh said clearly nervous by Marcel looking at him. “Shouldn’t you be last minute Christmas shopping for Hope and Davina?”
“I’ve already got their presents sorted.” Marcel replied with a laugh finding Josh’s nervousness intoxicating before vamp speeding to be standing right in front of him so close that Josh could feel Marcel breathing on him, the two beginning to long for each other’s touch.
“Well I can’t say I’m surprised to see you working Josh.” Davina said as she walked in instantly making Marcel and Josh distance themselves from each other. “I’m guessing you’re also here Marcel because you’re doing just about anything you could possibly do to avoid seeing Rebekah until necessary.”
“It’s so good to see you,” Marcel said as he walked over to hug the girl he loved like a daughter. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“You got here in perfect timing.” Josh said with a sense of relief in his voice.
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Hope and Klaus walk down the stairs in the compound Klaus’ arm lovingly around his daughter as they reach the bottom of the stairs and start making their way to the fountain Hope clearly suspicious of what’s going on with her family knowing when any Mikaelson was quiet it was never a good sign.
“Okay go on dad tell me what’s going on already.” Hope demanded as the two stopped walking and Klaus let go of his daughter. “It’s freaking Christmas our first one together in I don’t know how long certainly the first one I’m going to remember that’s for sure and you’ve all been quiet since arrival. Do you not want me here?”
“There is nobody on this earth I’d rather spend any day with than you Hope.” Klaus replied making it clear to his daughter she was wanted and loved. “I just want you to have the perfect Christmas.”
“Dad I’m fifteen now I’m hardly a kid anymore and even when I was, I went up against the ancestors, unbound aunt Davina from The Hollow and helped Aunt Freya restore Elijah’s mind after his death.” Hope snapped at her father. “I can take care of myself now tell me what’s going on. You’ve spent five years away from me dad don’t come back just to keep me in the dark once again.”
“You are right you’re a Mikaelson after all,” Klaus responded as he lifted his right hand to touch his daughter’s cheek lovingly “one day you are going to become the most powerful witch this world has ever seen. You are everything we ever wanted you to be and so much more Hope, you are this family’s true legacy.”
“Who’s plotting to kill our family now?” Hope asked. “It can’t be The Hollow because she’s gone right?”
“The threat this time is a lot closer to home I’m afraid to say.” Rebekah announced after vamp speeding into the compound.
“Thank god you’re here to explain because to be quite bloody frank I have little clue myself to why our brother is now hungry for our blood.” Klaus told his sister while looking at her furiously.
“So, it turns out this ancient powerful witch brought our youngest brother Henrik back to life and the spell took a toll on him making him a power draining monster he’s already claimed our mother’s spirit.” Rebekah explained before taking a reluctant sigh. “And our eldest brother Finn’s spirit. Finn sacrificed himself so that Bonnie and I could return from the now destroyed ancestral plane.”
“There’s always some pain in the ass witch messing around with our family.” Klaus snapped. “We need to get a hold of Freya and see if there’s some spell or something that can help Henrik.”
“I’ve already called and explained everything to her she should be arriving just in time for Christmas.” Rebekah revealed. “So far there isn’t much she’s found that can help Henrik, but we won’t stop until he’s saved or no longer a threat.”
“This meddling witch you speak of is she the one who removed The Hollow from us all and restored Elijah’s memories?” Klaus asked.
“Yes, he is.” Rebekah answered, “His identity is a whole other story best saved for later.”
“Seems like you’ve been keeping a lot of secrets to yourself Rebekah!” Klaus shouted at Rebekah.
“Don’t you dare come for Aunt Rebekah for doing everything she could to bring us all back if it wasn’t for her none of us would be standing here together.” Hope snapped at her father causing Rebekah to smile at her niece defending her. “We just need to find a way of helping Henrik and getting him back too.”
“You are right.” Klaus mumbled clearly taken aback to be put in his place by his own daughter.
“Bonnie’s also looking into every resource she has to find some sort of solution to this hell and Davina should be due in the city any minute with some possible news.” Rebekah told her brother. “Plus, the witch that created whatever the hell our brother has become is now working alongside Elijah for some reason he will not reveal to me. Even though I was the witch’s alliance at first, but I guess pompous men like to stick together.”
“Can this witch that Elijah is working with be trusted?” Hope asked her aunt.
“Absolutely not.” Rebekah replied.
Elijah walked into St Anne’s Church to see many people gathered while Hayley, Marcel and Bonnie gathering many of the New Orleans together handing out Christmas style hampers causing Elijah to smile seeing Hayley being so kind.
“Elijah what are you doing here?” Hayley asked him after vamp speeding over to him.
“Nothing’s wrong I just wanted to see you.” Elijah said with a soft smile.
“That bad then,” Hayley scoffed. “I thought it would only be a matter of time. Go on tell me what Klaus has done now?”
“Actually, it’s my youngest brother who has created the chaos our family now finds ourselves in.” Elijah replied.
“Marcel said he saw Davina what possibly could Kol have done already?” Hayley asked wondering what Kol had done now.
“Actually, the blame falls on my youngest brother Henrik it appears he’s not as dead as we were once led to believe and now, he seems to be some kind of magical battery determined on killing us all.” Elijah explained to her. “But I don’t want you to be alarmed because I’ve already got things in hand well as in hand as possible.”
“You’ve just told me your long-lost brother Henrik is out to kill the lot of you which last time I checked meant Hope too and I’m not to worry.” Hayley snapped. “How can he possibly be alive?”
“You guys are around vampires we can hear everything.” Marcel told them after vamp speeding over to them.
“He was brought back to life by a powerful witch which practices some long-forgotten magic called Malus.” Elijah revealed to Hayley.
“The witch in question also happens to be Klaus’ first love but nobody has told him that yet I’m assuming.” Marcel butted in shocking Hayley with his admission.
“Hold up I thought Aurora was Klaus’ first love?” Hayley asked them both.
“Well Bonnie told me that Rebekah told her this Nathaniel guy was Klaus’ first love back in their human days so I guess Aurora was Klaus’ first love after no longer being human.” Marcel responded in a gossipy tone.
“But that would mean this witch is like a thousand years old.” Hayley said clearly intrigued by recent news.
“We’re deciding not to tell Klaus about Nathaniel until after Christmas Henrik being alive and wanting to murder us is enough bad news for one Christmas.” Elijah revealed while rolling his eyes.
“Makes sense Klaus has never been one to take bad news well.” Hayley replied. “Can we trust this Nathaniel not to screw us all over?”
“Absolutely not.” Bonnie stated as she walked over to the three of them.
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Nathaniel sat on a rocking chair swinging back and forward outside of a small decaying cabin in the woods of Helton when Henrik appeared in front of him a puff of black smoke his eyes still jet black and looking rather angry with his long-time friend.
“You left me trapped for what felt like forever am I supposed to believe you only found a way recently to free me from my cage.” Henrik said as Nathaniel stood up from his chair.
“I admit I could’ve got you out sooner but if I did it would’ve have been for anyone’s good except your own. I needed it to be now Henrik because now is the perfect timing to end my father’s miserable existence and save you.” Nathaniel replied.
“I don’t need saving I’m perfectly fine as I am or at least I am now that you’ve finally seen fit to release me.” Henrik snapped.
“Don’t you dare take that tone with me if it wasn’t for me you would’ve been nothing, but a corpse long rotted away into nothing but bones in the dirt. I made you the powerful witch you are today and never forget that.” Nathaniel snapped back at him. “Everything I have done is to protect you and save you from yourself from following a similar fate as my father or soon to be me.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Henrik asked with genuine concern as his eyes went back to their normal color.
“The details of my plan are not important Henrik just trust in me to have your best interests in mind like I always have done.” Nathaniel replied before walking over and hugging Henrik. “I’m glad I’ve got you home for Christmas let’s not spend it fighting.”
“I’ve never understood your fascination with Christmas.” Henrik scoffed while breaking off the hug. “It’s not particularly like either of us are very family orientated.”
“You are my family,” Nathaniel told him as he placed his hand on Henrik’s shoulder “you may not be my blood but from the moment I brought you back to life, raised you, cleaned up your endless slaughters you have been my son. Always and Forever.”
“Always and Forever.” Henrik smiled before looking at the cabin. “Why do you always come back to this place?”
“Because it’s the only place that has ever been a home to us.” Nathaniel revealed. “It’s exactly where all of this should end.”
“I guess we should find something to cook for dinner then.” Henrik replied while looking around the woods. “I saw a cafe about 40 miles back we could always go there for Christmas dinner.”
“I’d like that very much.” Nathaniel said with a soft smile clearly beyond happy to be reunited with the man who he considered a son.
Klaus found himself sitting on the edge of his bed in his bedroom at the compound staring into thin air as he tried to wrap his head around the fact that his youngest brother Henrik, the brother whose death he blamed himself for was resurrected by some powerful ancient magic the same type of magic which had somehow removed the Hollow from Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah and Kol.
He had never heard of magic powerful enough to do these things and yet somehow it was all possible in that moment as he struggled with flashbacks of his youngest sibling’s death he wished for his oldest sibling Freya to be there to explain the unexplained knowing that if anyone could explain Malus to him it would be her.
“I’m sorry Niklaus all I wanted was for my family to be reunited.” Rebekah apologised after vamp speeding into his room and taking a seat next to her brother. “The truth is after centuries of craving freedom the last five years without all of you were the most miserable of my life. I got you Elijah and Kol back and for that I’m not sorry I just wish I understood what that cost would be.”
“So, Henrik is labelled some kind of monster that’s what we’ve all been called our entire lives we will find a way to help him somehow.” Klaus replied while placing his arm around Rebekah.
“The Malus witch’s master plan includes saving Henrik’s soul so speak.” Elijah revealed after he too vamp sped into the room and took a seat next to Klaus and Rebekah. “Sure, we have to help this Malus witch kill their father but we happen to have an expertise in killing parents sure usually our own.”
“Who is this witch? Why is he so interested in Henrik’s well-being?” Klaus asked as he stood up form his bed looking down his brother and sister. “Clearly he must be somebody of importance if you haven’t told me their identity yet and clearly, we have history with him if Rebekah trusted him to remove The Hollow.”
“Trust is a strong word Niklaus it was more desperation than anything else.” Rebekah revealed as Hayley suddenly vamp sped into Klaus’ bedroom.
“It’s Nathaniel some guy who was neighbours with you all when you were humans.” Hayley admitted much to Rebekah and Elijah’s shock. “Don’t blame your siblings for not telling you they just feared your reaction whereas I genuinely think if we’re ever going to tell you something like this it’s best to have Hope within close proximity so you don’t overreact and dagger everybody.”
“We were going to tell him after today.” Elijah said giving Hayley a disapproving look as he and Rebekah rose to their feet.
“That makes sense Nathaniel was just a mortal who fled our village before we even turned even if he somehow became a witch, he’d of had no clue about Henrik.” Klaus replied as he struggled to understand what Hayley had just said.
“Actually, he didn’t leave as early as planned and when he heard of word came back for Ayana, she was always like a mother to him there was no way he’d ever leave her with a choice.” Rebekah revealed reluctantly. “Kol killed Ayana and I managed to fight him off Nathaniel, but the blood lust was so new, and I couldn’t restrain myself.”
“You fed on him?” Klaus asked her with a look of disgust in his face as tears began forming in his eyes.
“I wish I never, but control was something that took us all too long to learn.” Rebekah answered her brother. “For some unexplained reason he didn’t die, and I guess that’s when he went down this path of discovery into Malus magic.”
“Malus witches feed on the magic of others especially the darker magics which provides them immortality of sorts and incredible power the reason he didn’t die at Rebekah’s hands is because only a Malus can kill another Malus.” Elijah explained to Klaus who continued to remain painfully silent.
“We’re not sure whether we can trust him or not which may mean he’ll have to be killed somehow.” Hayley said to Klaus.
“Enough!” Klaus snapped before forcing a smile on his face. “Hope is downstairs preparing for a Mikaelson family and that is what she is going to get.”
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Nathaniel Malin was a Malus witch by birth but not by nature despite a thousand years of darkness there was still light within him and he had never fully succumbed to the darkness even at times when it would’ve been easier for him if he did. He fought the darkness as he mourned the other mother he knew, he fought the darkness as he spent centuries on the run from his own father and he tried his hardest to help Henrik fight the darkness he had accidentally inflected on him however Henrik may not of been a Malus witch by birth but he certainly was one by nature.
Nathaniel and Henrik had found themselves sitting within a booth in a cafe as Nathaniel watched Henrik tuck into a roast dinner with blood on his hands as Nathaniel look at him with disapproval in his eyes before looking around to see lifeless bodies all around the rundown cafe painted with the blood of Henrik’s victims.
“Less of the judgement Nathaniel.” Henrik told him as he continued to eat his roast dinner. “You know I’ve never been one for an audience while eating.”
“I know but killing them all was hardly necessarily.” Nathaniel replied with a sigh. “I fear for your humanity sometimes Henrik.”
“You’ve killed as much people as I have Nathaniel maybe you should worry about your own.” Henrik responded while continuing to eat.
“I kill for survival for power I kill because sacrifices need to be made to keep us both alive, but I never get off on the kill.” Nathaniel told him. “Sometimes I believe you enjoy it a little too much.”
“We’ve been killing for centuries Nathaniel and I’ve seen you in action you enjoy it just as much as I do but you fight it because you want to hold on to whatever humanity you claim to still have.” Henrik explained to him as he stopped eating. “Your Malus blood is the only reason why we are both alive and yet you continue to despite it.”
“I know you were younger when all this happened to you, but I spent an entire life as a human or an entire life believing I was human.” Nathaniel said. “I was a good person and I have no illusion that there’s good left inside of me, but I won’t freely dance in the darkness as of it’s anything other than sentence.”
“You never change,” Henrik laughed. “Very well I promise to not kill anybody else for the entirety of the day consider it your Christmas gift.”
“Thank you.” Nathaniel replied with a sigh of relief.
“Now please tell my why after all this time you continue to defy me killing my siblings?” Henrik asked him.
“Because their your family and unlike your parents they have done nothing but love you.” Nathaniel warned him. “Killing anymore siblings would be the point of no return and don’t even get me started on how furious I am with you over what happened to Finn.”
“You are my family!” Henrik shouted as he stood up. “I barely even remember them all they are to me is power ready to be drained. You’re my family not them.”
“I will not be spoken to like that killing the Mikaelson’s is not on our agenda.” Nathaniel snapped back as he stood up.
“If we got rid of them, we’d have more than enough power to get rid of Augustus.” Henrik told him clearly furious by Nathaniel’s demands.
“Then we lose everything!” Nathaniel shouted raising his voice higher.
“Everything is already lost Nathaniel you’re just stuck in a past where you meant something to them.” Henrik said with a harsh tone. “They would kill you without pause and you allow their existence because of feelings you should’ve been over centuries ago.”
“Killing them isn’t a part of the plan and would only derail things as for my supposed feelings they are in the past and I am not.” Nathaniel stated trying to convince both himself and Henrik.
Klaus, Hope, Rebekah, Elijah and Hayley are stood within the compound watching the bonfire in front of them burn only to be shocked to see Freya walk into the compound hand in hand with Keelin and immediate attention turns to Freya who’s very clearly pregnant at least five months by the size of the bump leaving everyone shocked as nobody knew anything about this pregnancy.
“I guess there’s a new Mikaelson on the way.” Hayley said with a smile before going over to hug Freya and Keelin. “Congratulations guys.”
“Well I guess I’m not the only Mikaelson sister keeping secrets from the family.” Rebekah joked before going over to hug Freya. “You deserve all the happiness in the world.”
“I’ve got to say I’m shocked that you kept this from us Freya.” Elijah said to his older sister as he too gave her a hug.
“I never thought I’d ever be with child again after everything that happened to me and I never thought I’d ever love again but I’m glad I was wrong.” Freya revealed as she held on to her fiancé Keelin’s hand.
“Well we all know you’ve been saving us or kicking or asses when needed for long enough it’s about time some child has to suffer you instead of your siblings.” Klaus said with a laugh before hugging both Freya and Keelin.
“I guess this means I’m going to have a little cousin.” Hope said before being the last Mikaelson to walk over and hug Freya.
“I was going to tell you all once we had defeated The Hollow but then Nathaniel Malin became the latest threat knocking our family’s doors.” Freya explained herself. “I’ve only met the witch once or twice over the years and he’s not one to be messed with however he’s nothing compared to his father that man is wicked enough to claim aunt Dahlia’s admiration.”
“Let’s not concern ourselves with our enemies tonight.” Klaus told his older sister while pulling in Rebekah and Hope in each arm for a hug. “The entire family is here and tonight we celebrate tomorrow we’ll discuss our battle plans.”
“I guess that means it’s time to dine and fill the humans with enough drink to pass out.” Kol said as he and Davina opened the dining are doors to reveal a table filled with a full Christmas feast with a delicious turkey on the table.
“I’m sure us witches will put some of you vampires to shame.” Davina replied to her husband with a smile.
“I’m not late, am I?” Marcel asked as he vamp sped into the compound.
“You’re just on time.” Klaus responded with a smile as Hope walked over to Marcel and gave him a hug.
“While you’re in such a good mood Klaus did, I happen to mention I’ve invited Bonnie to dinner too?” Rebekah told her brother only to laugh when he rolled his eyes.
“I hope I’m still invited.” Josh said as he too vamp sped into the compound before looking at the bonfire making him terrified. “Oh, crikey there’s a big fire.”
“Everyone is invited,” Klaus said with a smile that made Josh uneasy as he put his arm around him and gave him a hug surprising everyone there. “That smell is oddly familiar.”
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Duties of a Queen
[\Oh my gosh guys this is so messy! I wrote it in a walmart parking lot awhile back. Forgot about it til now. For what its worth, I hope y'all enjoy this./]
Warning: angst[?], violence [a but graphic]
A lone tear rolled down her cheek as she saw her betrothed placing a sweet kiss on lips that weren't hers.
'My heart belongs to you Gwen. It always has and always will. You know I'm only with her to secure the safety of this kingdom.
She knew that this marriage arrangement didn't begin with love, but she thought they had gotten there. She thought they were in love. Hell, they confessed their love for each other while in between the bedsheets the night before.
The situation would've rendered anyone broken, but Y/N wasn't weak. She straightened her posture, wiped the tear and made her presence known. Arthur and his lover were shocked. Y/N looked into the blue eyes she fell in love with. With a soft humourless chuckle she walked past him towards her chamber.
"Y/N!" Arthur yelled after her. He was hot on her heels. The prince nearly tumbled onto her when she stopped walking.
"If you are to apologize, don't. If you are here because of the treaty, leave." Her answer was simple. He ruined the chances of his kingdom being truly safe.
Y\N's kingdom, Nilanyth, was a small but lethal kingdom. It's got a quarter of the population of Camelot, but the 10 times the skill. All the citizens are required to learn how to defend themselves. Men,women, children. Its a four days ride from Camelot. With this alliance Camelot would've become the most protected kingdom.
Not only that, but what he said to Gwen wasn't the complete truth. Yes he loved Gwen, but he was happy and ready to marry Y/N. He was growing feelings for her but he's ruined those chances as well.
Arthur sat with his father for dinner but neither one ate. Uther because he had a lot on his mind, Arthur because the empty seat next to him was a reminder of his actions the previous day. He hasn't seen her all day and he could physically feel her absence. He would expect her to chuckle at something Gwain said, or reprimand Percival for being tall, but all he got was silence. It angered and saddened the Prince but he did not know why. He was about to speak when Y/N walked in.
She was dressed in her travelling gear and it confused both men.
"My King," Y/N said with a slight bow of her head before turning to Arthur. "Your majesty."
"Lady Y/N, is there a reason for this?" Questioned Uther.
"Yes, my King. I'm returning home. " Uther looked confused. "Before you say anything, allow me to explain." Uther nodded at the princess, all the while Arthur looked at her with a hurt expression. It was his fault.
"I will not marry your son. I simply cannot. I thought I could be in a love-less marriage but recent events proved otherwise. But the treaty stays. Nilanyth will assisst Camelot if the need ever arises. We will be allies and become a stronghold. Nilanyth will supply your people its protection, Camelot will supply my people with resources such as cattle and food."
"But your people are well off."
"This treaty is not onesided Uther, and I refuse it to be. My people are well off, but we do not supply without receiving. Selfish, yes, but it secures my kingdom."
"But it is not fair." Arthur piqued.
Aiden narrowed her gaze on the prince. "You know naught of being fair, nor taking care of those whom you claim to love. I do not expect you to understand this." She turned towards the king. "That is all. I return to my kingdom either with a signed treaty or not, it doesn't effect me nor my people at all. I'm merely doing this for your sake."
The King and Prince both relaxed their shoulders knowing that Camelot is safe, and it seems thats all they cared about. Her mother was right. True love is hard to come by when you're royalty. It seems everyone has different needs for a princess, but none for the girl.
"I bid thee a farewell and a safe trip back home Lady Y/N. The treaty will be signed before your departure. For what its worth, I am truly sorry that it didn't work out between you and my son. You would've made a fine Queen of Camelot." Uther replied. Y/N simply nodded and turned to leave. She desperately wanted the Prince to run after her and tell her that he made a mistake. That he truly loved her, but he sat still on his chair.
Y/N mounted her horse later that day with a stoic expression, and with a swift kick she left Camelot and the person who broke her heart.
It's been two weeks since the departure of Y/N and Arthur hasn't been the same. He's been moody, snapping at everyone, even Gwen. She was mad that Y/N could have such a hold on him even when she wasn't present. Her and Arthur fought more frequently, and made love less. When they did it was rough and quick, and void of love and affection.
Their fights have gotten more vocal and not a single ear within the walls of the castle were strangers to it.
"It's not a matter of you being a servant Gwen! Its a matter of you not being Y/N!" Arthur yelled and immediately regretted the words. The look on his loves face broke his heart.
With a sigh, Arthur decided he needed to come clean. "Gwen, there was a time that I truly loved you. You were my world, but it seems that my heart yearns for someone else. Just as yours is." He wasn't stupid. He saw the glances and touches between Gwen and Merlin.
The two talked about what would happen for hours and came to a conclusion to end it. It wasn't healthy and they weren't happy together. Not anymore.
But Gwen went to her lover while Arthur went to his room. He wished to travel to Nilanyth but he knew he was unwelcomed. Especially after how he hurt Y/N. He knew he could go, but it would be for politics. Anything else, he would overstay his welcome. So, he settled for a letter.
Its been many moons since he sent his first letter. He would send one every week, and just like the week before, it went unanswered. He hoped and wished that she has been reading them. They would fall on deaf ears. He didn't expect her to answer. He heard of the passing of her parents not long after his second letter was sent. He desperately wanted to go and comfort her, but the funeral for the Royals was private. Only those in the Kingdom were allowed, and close friends of the couple from the other kingdoms.
The late Royal couple of Nilanyth fell ill with a sickness that no warlock, healer, or magician could heal. Y/N was heartbroken. She loved her parents dearly and to have them both gone crushed her soul. She knew the duties of being a Queen and King. Her father taught her that just because she was a female didn't mean she wasn't capable, and so he taught her the ways of a King as her mother did with being a Queen. He also taught her that having a man by her side is a mere accessory. That she didn't need a man to validate her. Her name alone should and is validation enough.
Y/N sat in front of her parents graves, along side of her ancestors, just staring at the headstones. A bitter smile came across her face.
"I miss you guys."
A warm breeze flew by and wrapped around the newfound Leader. The breeze was gentle yet had an aggressive feel to it. It danced around her, almost along to a song she couldn't hear. It felt like a hug from her parents. A hug hinting that everything will be OK. That she wasn't alone, never has and never will.
The Prince of Camelot seized sending his letters for his father had succumbed the same fate Y/N parent's had.
The two were now both crowned rulers of their own respective kingdoms.
Camelot was attacked by Morgana and her men and they nearly won if it wasn't for the warriors of Nilanyth. Just as they were about to slaughter the entire Kingdom, Riders of Nilanyth, being led by Y/N, rode in and swept the kingdom of the enemies.
Morgana screeched as she saw her people getting slaughtered by Y/N's warriors. Her eyes changed colors as she chanted a spell to discombobulate the new arrival. She smirked as Y/N's men fall unconscious. Morgana would've killed them, but she knew that whats left of her men would need morality boosts and in order to do so, they needed to kill. Morgana had just made that easier for them, but her thinking of her men would cost her greatly.
Y/N looked around and spotted the reason her men weren't able to fight. She charged her horse towards sorceror, but switched paths at the last second, riding for Morgause. Y/N knew that she had confused the sisters and used it to her advantage.
Y/N raised her sword, gripped the stirrups on her horse, and mightily swung her sword efficiently and effectively decapitating the blonde, as she rode by. She pulled the stirrups and signaled for her horse to stop and turn to face Morgana. She saw the black haired girl stare at her sisters headless body in shock. Y/N held out her blade and flicked her wrist, ridding her sword of the sorcerors blood, all while staring at Morgana.
From the corner of her eye she saw Gwain and Percival slowly approaching them. She shook her head and rode for Morgana once more, only to have her thrown off her horse by the use of magic. The Queen landed and hear a SNAP! and Y/N knew she had broken something, but she had a part to play in history and being dead wasn't it.
She had toughed through the pain, grabbing her sword and circled Morgana. The Queen ran and swung her sword purposely a bit too high. The force of her swing had caused Y/N to stumble forward. She turned quickly and aimed her sword at the enemy. Y/N looked over the sorcerers shoulder and saw the two knights in place. She stepped forwars and swung, partially hitting her target. She huffed and threw a steel star at Morgana. The latter turned her head and raised her hand to catch it. Just as she did Y/N rolled and sliced her sword towards the others midsection. Y/N ended on one knee, both hands gripping the handle of her sword, raised by her shoulder. She stood and turned to face Morgana. The sorceror laughed.
"You mis--" She was cut short as she coughed up blood. She looked down to her midsection and see her guts. Her eyes widened as she tried to fix herself.
Y/N raised her sword to her left, slashing to the right, cutting below her neck. Her sword flew slightly but she was quick to grab the handle, so that the hilt faced her, and swung her hand backwards sticking the sword into Morgana's head, ending her reign.
The two knights scoffed and Y/N smirked at them.
"She knew of your presenc. She assumed that I was going to be distraction, but distraction was not distraction, but merely a distraction to the distraction."
"I have naught a clue of what you just said Lady Y/N." Gwaine said utterly confused and tired. "Do you?" He asked Percival.
"I think?"
Y/N laughed. "Neither do I Sir Gwaine and Sir Percival. Speaking of distractions, where is your King?"
"He and Merlin are taking care of Mordred. Why do you ask?" Gwaine wiggled his eyebrows.
"Duties. Nothing more, nothing less."
The two Knights stared at her receding figure in thought. Both thinking it is shame that their King had let such a wonderful person walk out of his life.
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hold-my-hair-back · 7 years
9P for Aiden?
As always, I have a million requests unfilled, but I was hoping this drabble would get my muse flowing. I would love to have a full-length fic posted tonight. 
Also, I told @wemermaid4this I would tag them in my Aiden stories. I hope you enjoy this one as well, hun. 
The prompt was puking at a New Year’s party. Enjoy. And thanks for the request, Q!
Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One…
“Happy New Year!” The entire room was cheering and Aiden looked over at Emmett with a big smile before the two embraced, connecting their lips for a long, loving kiss. Aiden loved how he and Emmett could kiss a million times, and each one would still be just as special as the first.“I love you,” Emmett yelled over the loud cheering, and Aiden felt his heart flutter happily. “I’m gonna go get us some sparkling cider. It’s kinda hot in here.” Aiden nodded in agreement, and he wished he felt more comfortable in fewer layers of clothing. His great aunt’s house was huge, but with three dozen people, it was starting to get a bit crowded and overwhelming. Not to mention, anything below 80 degrees was too cold for her, so everyone at the party was beginning to break a sweat. To get away from the crowd, Aiden moved over to the wall to wait for Emmett. Aiden was feeling beyond grateful that his boyfriend had attended the party with him, as he knew he would probably have had a panic attack by now if it weren’t for Emmett staying by his side the whole time. Moments later, Emmett came back, holding two glasses of sparkling cider. Aiden gladly took one and took a sip, instantly grimacing at the taste. “This tastes like it’s as old as my great aunt.”Emmett chuckled and he slid down the wall, gesturing for Aiden to do the same. Once they were on the floor, sitting shoulder-to-shoulder, Emmett began to inspect his own glass. “Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s been in her fridge for a few decades, based on what I saw in her fridge earlier when we were helping her set up. There’s ranch that expired eight years ago.” Aiden shuddered but took another drink of the cider anyway because it was at least cold. Aiden regretted it almost instantly, as he suddenly felt strange. It was indescribable, really, and he wasn’t sure what was happening. He looked over to Emmett who was taking his first sip of his drink and frowned when his boyfriend’s expression changed. “Shit,” Emmett said softly, looking over at him. Aiden could see the look of panic on Emmett’s face, and he wasn’t sure what was going on. “What?” he asked slowly, setting his drink down on the ground next to him. “Emmett, what is it?”
Emmett seemed lost in thought and he sniffed at the cider before running his hand through his hair. “Aiden, I’m so sorry. The labels must’ve gotten mixed up. How much did you drink?”Aiden wasn’t sure why Emmett seemed so freaked out. He also wasn’t sure why his brain felt a little fuzzy. “Uh…” he began slowly, looking at the glass. “Two drinks. They were big, though. I was thirsty..”“I should have smelled them first or something.” Emmett’s tone was apologetic, and Aiden wanted to ask why, but then his boyfriend’s hand was on his cheek and his head was being turned to look him in the eyes. “Aiden, it wasn’t cider, it was champagne. I’m sorry. The table had a note that said it was cider, but some dumb kid probably switched it. How are you feeling?” Aiden swallowed thickly as panic began to rise. He had never had alcohol before, and he never had planned on it. He wasn’t sure how to respond, but then he saw how guilty Emmett looked and he shrugged, hoping to pass it off like it wasn’t a big deal. “It’s not your fault,” he said softly, closing his eyes as the room began to spin a bit. “I feel all fuzzy.” “I could have smelled them,” Emmett protested. “And fuzzy like what?” Aiden contemplated Emmett’s question for a moment. “I dunno. Weird. I don’t like this feeling, Em. I just had two drinks…” “Champagne hits you pretty quick since it’s carbonated. That’s the whole point. It’s supposed to make you feel ‘bubbly’.”
“You don’t seem bubbly,” Aiden protested as he leaned against Emmett’s side affectionately.
“Because I drink,” Emmett pointed out as he wrapped his arm around Aiden, pulling the boy closer. “And you’ve never touched alcohol before, so my tolerance is different than yours. I felt it when I first took a drink and I could taste it too. Really, sweetheart, I’m so sorry.”
Aiden waved away Emmett’s apology, knowing there was nothing that could be done about it now. “I don’t think I’m drunk or anything. Just…fuzzy.”
Emmett nodded slowly, but Aiden could feel the grip on his shoulder tighten for just a moment. “Yeah, it’ll wear off soon.”
Aiden nodded and closed his eyes again, feeling himself relax against Emmett’s body. The light-headedness was wearing off, but it was starting to be replaced with a rolling feeling in the pit of his stomach. Without any warning, a belch escaped him, and he instantly put a hand to his mouth, pulling away from Emmett. “E-excuse me. Sorry, Em. My tummy is feeling kinda bubbly now.”
Emmett’s green eyes were full of concern again as Aiden slowly removed his hand from his mouth. “Are you feeling nauseous? Or is it just because of the carbonation?”
Aiden opened his mouth to answer but had to quickly bring his hand up to it as he felt another gas bubble work its way up his throat. When it came up, it was wet and Aiden could taste the alcohol again, making him grimace. “I dunno. I feel a little sick,” he admitted as he rested his hand on his stomach.
Emmett nodded in understanding as he brushed back some of Aiden’s blonde hair. “Yeah, I kinda figured. You’ve got the most sensitive stomach I’ve ever seen; I would’ve been surprised if the alcohol settled okay. Should we go to the bathroom?”
Aiden could feel the contents of his stomach shift and he knew everything wanted to come up. “I think I need to – urrp – throw up,” he answered, putting his hand back over his mouth as yet another sick-sounding burp came out.
Emmett stood and helped Aiden up, doing so slowly and carefully in hopes to not further upset Aiden’s stomach. “Can you make it upstairs? No one else is up there and you can have some privacy.”
Aiden didn’t feel dangerously nauseous, and privacy sounded nice, so he nodded, allowing Emmett to lead him to the upstairs bathroom. Thankfully, he wasn’t feeling so out of it anymore, but the sick feeling in his stomach was getting worse with each step, making walking a bit more difficult. It took a while, but they eventually reached the bathroom where Emmett immediately helped Aiden kneel in front of the toilet, just in time for a long, ominous belch to echo through the bowl.
“Excuse me,” Aiden whispered, still feeling as though he needed to be polite about letting his gas up. As he scooted closer to the toilet, Emmett was kneeling beside him, rubbing his back which helped him feel less alone and safer.
“You’re excused,” Emmett replied. “Your stomach is sick. It’s gonna happen, sweetheart.”
Aiden opened his mouth to allow the excess saliva to drip into the bowl. An involuntary whimper escaped as he shuddered, and Aiden knew he was close to throwing up. He gagged seconds later, the movement catching him off guard and jerking his whole body forward. He wasn’t given time to recover before the second one hit him, this time bringing up a mouthful of the alcohol he had just consumed. “Ew,” he whispered, spitting into the toilet. “It burns coming up.”
Emmett reached over Aiden and flushed the toilet while still rubbing his back. “It’ll be over soon,” he promised. “It’s going to be okay.”
Aiden’s body lurched with another harsh gag and tears rolled down his cheeks as more of his stomach contents made way up his throat, hitting the toilet with a horrendous splash. Another heave shook Aiden’s body before he even had the chance to take a breath, though nothing came up. He wrapped his arm around his churning middle and sniffed pitifully as tears began to fall into the toilet. “Don’t feel good,” he whispered.
Emmett’s hand froze for a moment before continuing to rub soothing circles on his back. “I’m sorry,” Emmett responded sadly, his tone full of guilt. “This is on me.”
Aiden didn’t believe that for a second, but he didn’t have time to argue before he heaved again, bringing up a trickle of bile. The taste of stomach acid made him gag again, but he was relieved that he felt empty and significantly better. Emmett flushed the toilet again and Aiden took that opportunity to lean back against his boyfriend, practically crawling into his lap. “I’m sleepy,” Aiden mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Not only was it later than he usually stayed up, but his body was exhausted from being sick. Aiden reluctantly pulled away from Emmett and slowly got to his feet to stretch. “Can we go home?” he asked, turning toward the sink so he could rinse his mouth out with water and hopefully get rid of the acidic taste on his tongue.
Emmett didn’t answer and Aiden faced his boyfriend again, only to see him sitting on the floor with his head in his hands. He didn’t have to ask what was wrong. Aiden knelt in front of Emmett and pulled his hands away from his face, hoping to get him to make eye contact. “Please don’t be sad, Em. I’m okay. You’re probably right about someone switching the signs on the table. I’m not mad.”
Aiden knew at this point, it didn’t matter that he wasn’t mad. Emmett was angry enough with himself to make up for it. Emmett had a tendency to blame himself for everything and could feel guilty about something for the rest of his life. That’s why instead of talking again, Aiden wrapped his arms around his boyfriend – a silent gesture to hopefully bring a bit of reassurance.
Aiden’s body had gotten rid of what made him sick, and he was fine now. However, he knew the recovery time for Emmett would be a lot longer.
Oops. Apparently, I don’t know how to write a drabble.
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