#facebook: kbisrad
kbfoto · 3 years
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My angel baby. She literally sleeps like an angel. I don’t know what I did to get so lucky to fall asleep next to this beautiful creature every night but god damn am I grateful. She has shown me that a life I want is worth working towards. She gives me strength on days I’m too weak to even cry. She gives me compassion beyond measure. She shows me every single day what it means to have a true partner in life. It’s one thing to have your parents doing things for you out of necessity and obligation. It’s another thing to have a person choose you, to want you, to be with you. It’s a whole new feeling having someone be my equal - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even socially my equal. We are two parts to make a whole, and I don’t know how I ever functioned without my other half for so long. 🥺😭❤️
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kbfoto · 6 years
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kbfoto · 5 years
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You were the better part,
Of every bit of beating heart that I had,
Whatever I had,
I finally sat alone,
Pitch black flesh and bone,
Couldn't believe that you were gone...
Well you look like yourself,
But you're somebody else,
Only it ain't on the surface.
Well you talk like yourself.
No, I hear someone else though.
Now you're making me nervous... 🖤🎶💯
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kbfoto · 5 years
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I dyed my hair trying to change into a person who didn’t long for you anymore. I act differently and I love more carefully now, because you taught me that no matter what, I would never have been good enough for you. 💔🤞🏻
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kbfoto · 5 years
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It’s not a big deal to most and it may not look like much but I’ve gained weight and been doing better then I have in a long time, health wise. Even with new complications and constant fatigue and pain and nausea, I’m making the most of this body I was given. And I’m proud of myself. ❤️🙏🏻🙌🏻🤘🏻😷👊🏻💪🏻
To see more click the link. ❤️💝
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kbfoto · 5 years
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Be confident. Love yourself. And remember that you will never be good enough for everyone. luckily, all you have to be is good enough for you. ❤️😘🙌🏻👌🏻
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kbfoto · 5 years
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I have done so much growing the past few months. Learning to be thankful for all I have been given. Struggling and processing and constantly adapting. One of my all time favorite quotes that I resonate with to this day is “ Life is a process of becoming. A combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death. “ by #anaisnin ; Never stop becoming. Never stop growing. I love you guys and I’m thankful for all of you who have stuck by me. ❤️🙏🏻💯
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kbfoto · 5 years
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It makes me incredibly happy inside, and clearly out, that I can do this and not have to worry about my partner or friends or family tell me what I’m doing is wrong. To have no one bitch at me. Threaten me. Hit me. Or bash me in some way - for simply being me. I will never take this freedom for granted, again. And to my friends and family who never endingly support me. Thank you. I know some aspects of my life can be hard to understand or adjust to, but you all always try your hardest and the respect means the world to me. ❤️😍🤷🏼‍♂️🙏🏻👌🏻💪🏻🖕🏻🙌🏻
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kbfoto · 6 years
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kbfoto · 5 years
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I may feel like shit but at least there’s an incredible sunrise this morning, casting pink all over everything as far as the eye can see. I love the sky so much. I could stare at it forever. Something about the sky is so peaceful and calming. Even during huge storms, there’s nothing better then just watching what it’s gonna do next. And after storms you’re usually left with this beautiful afterglow in the summer. I just fucking love it. ❤️😍☁️🌦🌈
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kbfoto · 5 years
I'm cornered in fire, so break out the secrets, I hope you know that you were worth it all along, I'm tired, you're angry, and everyone looks blurry, I love you. I'm leaving; so long.  Hey, little one, I'm so scared of what this could have been, I know that today I lost my only friend, My little one. It's raining, It's sunny, It doesn't make a difference, I don't care about anything at all.
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kbfoto · 6 years
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kbfoto · 5 years
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Let a new life happen to you. ❤️💕💯👌🏻
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kbfoto · 6 years
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kbfoto · 5 years
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kbfoto · 6 years
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