#facebook portal
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janice-christ · 3 months ago
my MKUltra project montauk philadelphia artichoke programming is fading.....
i am........... beginning to remember things........slowly gaining access to the memories they stole from me...........
i remember the Guy they made us Hurt in the Vortex portal......i remember the transponders and the receivers,,,the horse statue, the liminal spaces, the man i crushed like a pepsi can with my mind
things are beginning to get clearer..stay tuned
janice xx
p.s. does anyone know where i set my. glasses down last i cannot for the life of me find them anywWHER E
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caseysbell · 2 years ago
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munchymunchkin · 1 year ago
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worldwaronehat · 3 months ago
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So…they’re putting a portal in Philadelphia. Speaking as a life long resident of the “City of Brotherly Love”. I think I can Safely say that this is a terrible idea.
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bambi2x · 2 years ago
𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚓𝚊 𝚗𝚛 3 [ 03. 04. 2023 ]
➿ ᴋʟɪᴋɴɪᴊ ᴡ ғɪʟᴍɪᴋ aby włączyć dźwięk 🎶🔔
𝑡𝑎 𝑛𝑎𝑗𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑠𝑧𝑎 𝑝𝑙𝑦𝑡𝑎 𝑀𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑒 𝑗𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑎 łał .! 🧚‍♀️
𝑠𝑙𝑢𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑚 𝑗𝑒𝑗 𝑖 𝑠𝑙𝑢𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑚... 𝑖 𝑗𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑧 𝑏𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑧𝑖𝑒𝑗 𝑧𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑧𝑜𝑛𝑎 ☺︎︎ ᴄᴜᴅɴᴀ ᴊᴇsᴛ .˚ ༘ ❤︎⋆。˚
〰️ N-Y-M-P-H-O-L-O-G-Y, that's nymphology -`ღ´-
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aholefilledwithtwigs · 8 months ago
Companies have been using proprietary resume scanning software for a couple decades now. Even your most basic recruiting software has features to try and filter out spam resumes (any online form is going to get spam). I have used the recruiting portals of both Indeed and LinkedIn— you can set certain answers to auto reject candidates
That said, the software isn’t cheap. The proprietary software has upfront costs of getting it set up, and then continued costs of support and licensing.
And ChatGPT is being sold as the cheap solution to all your costly complex software problems (it’s not). I am sure a whole host of companies are using ChatGPT for recruiting now. I bet a lot of them don’t even know it. Every fucking platform is adding ‘AI’ so i wouldn’t be surprised if the recruiting software added ChatGPT for ‘enhanced AI filtering of candidates’. Same way Duolingo fired their translators and switched to AI, i’m sure plenty of recruiting platforms have followed suit
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ljubavniromani · 3 months ago
"Ona ode, ja plačem ili joj kupim auto samo da se vrati. Zadnji put kad se vratila, morao sam joj materi renovirati stan za 10 hiljada maraka" - PressMedia
Javnost u Bosni i Hercegovini, ali i u regionu, uznemirila je vijest o nasilju nad bh. pjevačicom Aldinom Bajić. Nju je pretukao suprug Adis Cigura, a koliko god stvar bila užasna, dodatni užas joj daje činjenica da se Cigura hvalio snimkom, navodno, kačeći ga ispod komentara na Facebooku. On je nakon brutalnog premlaćivanja supruge završio u istražnom pritvoru KPZ Zenica. Kada je riječ o…
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trd-blog-magazin · 5 months ago
US-News im TRD-Ticker: Über Diversity-Rückzieher und Meinungsfreiheit auf Internetplattformen
(TRD/BNP) In den USA ändern immer mehr Unternehmen ihre Marketingstrategien und ziehen sich von Diversity-Themen zurück. Kurz nachdem Harley-Davidson seine DEI-Ziele aufgegeben hat, trifft Jack Daniel’s eine ähnliche Entscheidung. Andere große Firmen wie John Deere und Tractor Supply haben bereits ihren Rückzug aus Diversitätsprogrammen angekündigt, hauptsächlich wegen heftiger Internetreaktionen…
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ranggajurnalistik · 8 months ago
(Hub 0819-4343-1484) Magang jurnalistik dengan penempatan di Malang
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Magang jurnalistik dengan penempatan di Malang
Malang, sebagai salah satu kota pendidikan di Indonesia, menawarkan banyak peluang bagi mahasiswa yang ingin mengembangkan karir di dunia jurnalistik. Magang jurnalistik dengan penempatan di Malang memberikan kesempatan emas bagi para calon jurnalis untuk merasakan langsung dinamika kerja di lapangan. Dengan adanya berbagai media lokal yang aktif, mahasiswa dapat memperdalam keterampilan jurnalistik mereka dan mendapatkan pengalaman yang berharga.
Keuntungan Magang Jurnalistik di Malang
Akses ke Berbagai Media Lokal Di Malang, terdapat berbagai media lokal yang meliputi surat kabar, stasiun radio, televisi, hingga media online. Ini memberikan mahasiswa pilihan yang luas untuk menentukan tempat magang yang sesuai dengan minat dan keahlian mereka.
Lingkungan Pendidikan yang Mendukung Malang dikenal sebagai kota pendidikan dengan berbagai universitas dan perguruan tinggi ternama. Lingkungan yang mendukung ini menyediakan berbagai sumber daya dan jaringan yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh mahasiswa untuk menunjang kegiatan magang mereka.
Kesempatan untuk Membangun Jaringan Profesional Magang di Malang memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk bertemu dengan berbagai profesional di bidang jurnalistik, baik itu jurnalis senior, editor, maupun fotografer. Jaringan ini sangat penting untuk karir jangka panjang mereka.
Proses Magang Jurnalistik di Malang
Persiapan Awal Sebelum memulai magang, mahasiswa harus mempersiapkan diri dengan baik. Ini termasuk mengumpulkan portofolio, menulis CV dan surat lamaran yang menarik, serta melakukan riset tentang perusahaan media yang akan dituju.
Seleksi dan Wawancara Proses seleksi biasanya melibatkan pengiriman aplikasi dan wawancara. Mahasiswa harus menunjukkan motivasi yang kuat, kemampuan menulis yang baik, dan pengetahuan tentang dunia jurnalistik selama wawancara.
Pelaksanaan Magang Selama masa magang, mahasiswa akan terlibat dalam berbagai tugas seperti meliput berita, menulis artikel, melakukan wawancara, dan mungkin juga terlibat dalam produksi konten multimedia. Ini adalah kesempatan bagi mereka untuk menerapkan teori yang telah dipelajari di kampus ke dalam praktik nyata.
Tantangan yang Dihadapi
Tekanan Waktu Industri jurnalistik dikenal dengan tenggat waktu yang ketat. Mahasiswa harus bisa bekerja cepat dan efisien untuk memenuhi tenggat waktu yang ada.
Adaptasi dengan Teknologi Dunia jurnalistik saat ini sangat bergantung pada teknologi. Mahasiswa harus mampu menguasai berbagai alat dan platform digital untuk menyampaikan berita dengan efektif.
Etika Jurnalistik Memahami dan menerapkan etika jurnalistik adalah tantangan lain yang harus dihadapi oleh mahasiswa. Mereka harus memastikan bahwa berita yang mereka tulis akurat, tidak bias, dan menghormati privasi serta hak-hak individu.
Magang jurnalistik dengan penempatan di Malang adalah kesempatan yang sangat berharga bagi mahasiswa yang ingin meniti karir di dunia media. Dengan memanfaatkan lingkungan pendidikan yang mendukung, akses ke berbagai media lokal, dan peluang untuk membangun jaringan profesional, mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan keterampilan mereka secara maksimal. Tantangan yang dihadapi selama magang akan menjadi pengalaman belajar yang berharga, mempersiapkan mereka untuk menghadapi dunia kerja yang sesungguhnya.
Q: Apakah semua mahasiswa jurnalistik bisa mendapatkan magang di Malang?
A: Tidak semua mahasiswa jurnalistik akan mendapatkan magang di Malang, karena tempat magang terbatas dan persaingan cukup ketat. Mahasiswa perlu mempersiapkan diri dengan baik dan menunjukkan kemampuan serta motivasi yang tinggi.
Q: Berapa lama durasi magang jurnalistik di Malang?
A: Durasi magang bisa bervariasi, biasanya antara 1 hingga 3 bulan, tergantung pada kebijakan perusahaan media dan program magang yang ditawarkan.
Q: Apakah magang jurnalistik di Malang berbayar?
A: Tergantung pada perusahaan media tempat magang. Beberapa mungkin menawarkan kompensasi, sementara yang lain mungkin tidak. Namun, pengalaman dan jaringan yang diperoleh selama magang sangat berharga bagi karir mahasiswa di masa depan.
Q: Bagaimana cara mendaftar untuk magang jurnalistik di Malang?
A: Mahasiswa dapat mendaftar dengan mengirimkan CV, portofolio, dan surat lamaran ke perusahaan media yang dituju. Informasi lebih lanjut biasanya tersedia di situs web perusahaan atau melalui pusat karir universitas.
Q: Apa saja keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk sukses dalam magang jurnalistik di Malang?
A: Keterampilan yang dibutuhkan termasuk kemampuan menulis yang baik, keterampilan wawancara, kemampuan menggunakan alat dan platform digital, serta pemahaman tentang etika jurnalistik. Selain itu, kemampuan bekerja di bawah tekanan dan tenggat waktu juga sangat penting.
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g4zdtechtv · 1 year ago
THE PILE PRESENTS: AOTS! 2.0 - You Name Your Price, You Move Your Mice | Cable Feed Broadcast - 2.11.22
Nobody gets hurt.
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caseysbell · 2 years ago
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d3teck · 1 year ago
How to Improve the User Experience on an E-Commerce Site
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Creating a world-class user experience for visitors to your e-commerce site is not just a luxury in the modern digital age of rising online shopping, it is also a need. Your ability to comprehend your audience and successfully optimize your website will determine the success of your e-commerce business. Using phrases like website traffic analysis, e-commerce software, and e-commerce marketing services, we'll discuss five critical techniques in this blog post to improve the user experience on your e-commerce site.
Know your client
Understanding your target demographic in-depth is one of the key aspects in optimising the user experience on your e-commerce site. An essential tool in this case is website traffic analysis. Use analytics to learn more about the demographics, behaviour, and preferences of your visitors. You may efficiently modify your website using this information to fit their demands. It's about giving your users a tailored experience that they enjoy. The sales and total conversion rate from the website will be very low if it is not tailored to the preferences and interests of the target audience. Be careful to take into account the particular requirements of your clients.
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nddnews · 2 years ago
Facebook vai pagar R$ 500 para usuários que tiveram dados vazados
Facebook vai pagar R$ 500 para usuários que tiveram dados vazados
Sentença também condena a empresa por danos morais coletivos no valor de R$ 72 milhões Uma sentença proferida nesta quinta-feira (23) pela Vara de Interesses Difusos e Coletivos da comarca da Ilha de São Luís condenou a empresa Facebook Serviços Online do Brasil Ltda ao pagamento de indenização
Notícias Do Dia
Leia a postagem completa: http://www.noticiasdodia.info/2023/03/facebook-vai-pagar-r-500-para-usuarios-que-tiveram-dados-vazados/
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subjectsix · 2 months ago
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Post last updated November 23, 2024. Will continue to update!
Here are my favorite things to use to navigate technology my own way:
A refurbished iPod loaded with Rockbox OS (Rockbox is free, iPods range in price. I linked the site I got mine from. Note that iPods get finicky about syncing and the kind of cord it has— it may still charge but might not recognize the device to sync. Getting an original Apple cord sometimes helps). Rockbox has ports for other MP3 players as well.
This Windows debloater program (there are viable alternatives out there, this one works for me). It has a powershell script that give you a little UI and buttons to press, which I appreciate, as I'm still a bit shy with tech.
Firefox with the following extensions: - Consent-O-Matic (set your responses to ALL privacy/cookie pop-ups in the extension, and it will answer all pop-ups for you. I can see reasons to not use it, but I appreciate it) - Facebook Container ("contains" Meta on Facebook and Instagram pages to keep it from tracking you or getting third party cookies, since Meta is fairly egregious about it) - Redirect Amp to HTML (AMP is designed for mobile phones, this forces pages to go to their HTML version) - A WebP/AVIF image converter - uBlock Origin and uBlacklist, with the AI blacklist loaded in to kill any generative AI results from appearing in search engines or anywhere.
Handbrake for ripping DVDs— I haven’t used this in awhile as I haven’t been making video edits. I used this back when I had a Mac OS
VLC Media Player (ol’ reliable)
Unsplash & Pexels for free-to-use images
A password manager (these often are paid. I use Dashlane. There are many options, feel free to search around and ask for recs!). There is a lot that goes into cybersecurity— find the option you feel is best for you.
Things I suggest:
Understanding Royalty Free and the Creative Commons licenses
Familiarity with boolean operators for searching
Investing in a backup drive and external drive
A few good USBs, including one that has a backup of your OS on it
Adapter cables
Avoiding Fandom “wikias” (as in the brand “Fandom”) and supporting other, fan-run or supported wikis. Consider contributing if its something you find yourself passionate or joyful about.
Finding Forums for the things you like, or creating your own*
Create an email specifically for ads/shopping— use it to receive all promotional emails to keep your inbox clean. Upkeep it.
Stop putting so much of your personal information online— be willing to separate your personal online identity from your “online identity”. You don’t owe people your name, location, pronouns, diagnoses, or any of that. It’s your choice, but be discerning in what you give and why. I recommend avoiding providing your phone number to sites as much as possible.
Be intentional
Ask questions
Talk to people
Remember that you can lurk all you want
Things that are fun to check out:
BBSes-- here's a portal to access them.
*Forums-- find some to join, or maybe host your own? The system I was most familiar with was vbulletin.
Things that have worked well for me but might work for you, YMMV:
Limit your app usage time on your smartphone if you’re prone to going back to them— this is a tangible way to “practice mindfulness”, a term I find frustratingly vague ansjdbdj
Things I’m looking into:
The “Pi Hole”— a raspberry pi set up to block all ads on a specific internet connection
VPNs-- this is one that was recommended to me.
How to use computers (I mean it): Resources on how to understand your machine and what you’re doing, even if your skill and knowledge level is currently 0:
This section I'll come back an add to. I know that messing with computers can be intimidating, especially if you feel out of your depth. HTML and regedits and especially things like dualbooting or linux feel impossible. So I want to put things here that explain exactly how the internet and your computer functions, and how you can learn and work with that. Yippee!
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Since I love to procrastinate, here's a list of some of the biggest events that Ford has missed during his trip in the portal (1982-2012)
-The first CD player
-Thriller, by Michael Jackson
-The wreck of the Titanic being found
-1st use of DNA fingerprinting
-The Chernobyl disaster
-5 billion people on earth
-1st Computer virus
-Fall of the Berlin Wall
-End of Cold War
-Fall of soviet union
-Launch of Hubble Space telescope
-The entire Gulf war
-The lion king
-1st Computer-animated feature film Toy Story
-1st cloned mammal "Dolly the sheep"
-Harry potter
-Death of princess Diana
-6 billion people on earth
-3rd millennium
-Hurricane Katrina
-1st human face transplant
-Tumblr (heyaaa)
-1st African-American US president Barack Obama
-Google Chrome
-7 billion world population
-NASA launching spacecraft to visit Jupiter and Mars
-Evidence of ancient steambed of water on Mars found
Here it is, tell me if I need to modify or add anything!
Damn bro missed a lot of stuff !
Use this list however you want
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rad-batson · 2 years ago
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Here’s some more about the game :D for your reading pleasure @portal-to-oblivion (Based on this post)
Freestyle Checkers: A Tim and Damian Special OR “How can we make talking to people a competition?”
They are sneaky. They are underhanded. They will do anything to win.
Originally, this was a ploy to get Bruce to ban them from the galas. Over the coming months, however, they begin to enjoy attending. A little too much.
Tim starts a conga line and convinces everyone on his team to join before marching them to Damian’s side.
Damian subtly moves the tables just an inch or two to the right all night until the whole room has switched seating arrangements.
After a particularly eventful game, Bruce now requires them both to empty their pockets and walk through a metal detector before entering the ballroom.
Tim uses his role as company heir to befriend everyone on his team and then introduce them to one another. He accidentally started a coup once.
Damian uses his puppy eyes to woo the guests into doing his bidding and avoid punishment.
He also sets fire to the curtains.
They are repeatedly caught giving death glares to each other from across the ballroom…but that’s normal. What’s not normal is the two giving death glares to a seemingly random guest at the same time. (She was only going to say hello to Maxine. Why does she feel like she’s in mortal danger?)
Tim spikes the punch with a hint of laxatives so everybody sticks to the bathrooms on Damian’s side.
Several games in, Damian finds a loophole in the rules. Even if the pieces can’t know they’re in a game, that doesn’t mean others can’t. He pays several catering staff to form a physical barrier between certain guests and places. Tim is livid and demands the loophole be written out.
Damian, after stealing a woman’s expensive watch: “Oh, I think I saw it at table seven! Here, let me take you there :)”
Tim makes a kid cry at table 20 so everyone will avoid that side of the room.
Tim: “To the left now, y’all! Left again! Right foot two stomps! Keep going left!”
Every other batfamily member has joined the game at least once, both as a piece AND as a player. On a particularly boring night, it was Tim v. Damian v. Steph v. Jason v. Duke. Every attendee was an unwilling participant. Including Bruce.
Damian is the reason death threats are no longer allowed for the game.
Tim: “Oh, you don’t want to talk to Nicole. Did you hear what she said about Leandra last night? The drama!”
Damian, tugging a guest’s arm: “Hey, is your blue Mercedes parked outside?” Guest: “Oh, hi sweetie :) Yes, why do you ask?” Damian: “It exploded.”
Damian studies the attendance sheet, makes a mental list of who eats what kind of dessert according to previous galas, then chooses all the guests who he knows like chocolate. Suddenly, there’s a surprise chocolate fountain on Tim’s side!
Tim studies the attendance sheet then figures out their addresses, hacks into their Facebook, stalks their Friends list, makes a chart of who is on good and bad terms, then chooses his team based on that.
Both of the above methods listed fail spectacularly
Damian: “So…I win.” Tim: “Damian, this is a hostage situation.” Damian: “But they’re lined up on your side. I win.” Tim: You know, I’m starting to think you set this up.”
He did.
During one particular night, a Wayne benefactor figures out what’s going on and tries to expose them so they team up, completely ruin his public reputation, and get him banned from all future galas to preserve the game.
No matter how hard he tries, Bruce cannot stop them from playing.
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