#eye drops in Hindi
khulkarjiyo · 11 months
Catramide eye drops का उपयोग करने से आंखों को मिलते हैं यह गजब के फायदे
Catramide eye drops आजकल के माहौल की वजह से आंखों में होने वाली समस्याओं को सही करने में मदद करने के लिए असरदार उपाय है इस आई ड्रॉप का इस्तेमाल करने से आंखों में दर्द, आंखों का लाल होना या आंखों में सूजन की समस्या को ठीक करने में मदद मिलती है। Catramide eye drops Uses in Hindi इसके अलावा भी यह ड्रोप्स कई तरह से आंखों को स्वस्थ रखती है तो यदि आपकी आंखों में प्रॉब्लम्स आ रही है तो आपके लिए यह आई…
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diodellet · 2 years
wym we're gonna have another joint exam? i am nOt prepareD--
*gestures frantically at 0 ap refills, textbooks, 0 honeyjars, and all six endless halloween cards (i only wanted ruggie and rook BAT LAHAT SILANG NAGUWI SAKIN HUY)*
🗿🗿i have unwittingly taken some traumatized/emotionally-constipated boyos under my wing and idk what to do with em
cue me returning to my faith and manifesting an iota of divine mercy
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not-quite-normal · 1 year
what do you think the coolest thing you got to work on in the new spiderverse was? or was there anything you were completely geeked to work on/with?
definitely the coolest thing shot-wise that i got to work on was pavitr's entrance, i animated everything from when we first see him to when the camera zooms in on his face going into his comicbook backstory (this one!)
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i helped with a couple aspects of pav's overall animation: his hair, his eye shapes, and playing with how he uses his bracelets in combination with his webs!
his hair is geo, meaning it doesn't get simmed by cfx because the directors wanted it to keep its graphic shape. so i designed some different hair blendshapes for modelling to create for us and worked with rigging on how to best incorporate the different shapes into the rig, then animated wind cycles for other animators to drop into their scenes. animating hair is not normally something that animators are expected to do in feature animation
his mask eyes, by default, came into shots looking very smooth and rounded. i referenced art done by one of the concept artists to give him "diamond shaped" eyes with more nicely weighted lines, along with several other library poses for animators to use so that they don't have to do all the shaping themselves (it took a long time because it required moving literally almost a hundred controls on each eye haha)
and finally, pavitr uses his webs with his bracelets to fight and get around! he uses his bracelet sort of like a spin top, keeping it spinning on his webs while standing still. i animated this first shot of him flicking it off his wrist:
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my first pass on this didn't have that close up of the bracelet at first and our anim director, bob persichetti felt like we couldn't read it well enough and mentioned trying some crazier slow motion stuff like in RRR. so i went and watched RRR and immediately understood what i needed to do lol. i asked rohini kumar, another supervising animator on the movie, for some hindi onomatopoeia and she gave me this one, 'tadaak' which i'm told is sort of like a whack or pop!
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Yo Goldenheart and Nimona nation, do i ever have good news for you!
Do you like homoerotic betrayals?
Do you like lovers best friends being torn apart upon finding themselves on the opposite sides of a war? Where each is burdened with the responsibilities from their chosen role?
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Do you like couples where one half represents the oppressive regime and the other half embodies EVERYTHING the said oppressive regime hates? Where the one half, acting as a tool of violence and subjugation for the oppressive regime, has to HUNT DOWN and ARREST the other half who has sworn to attack the oppressive regime head on?
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Do you like couples with opposing colour schemes? Where one half embodies a particular element and the other half embodies a contrasting element? Do you like couples who are each other's foils? DO YOU LIKE COUPLES WHO ARE THEMATIC PARALLELS TO EACH OTHER??
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Do you like a story that's rich in symbolism? Rife with metaphors? A movie that you can rewatch again and again and STILL discover new stuff to lose your mind over?
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Do you like a story where love shines brighter than the sun? Where love conquers all the hurt, anger, grief, heartbreak, generational trauma and violence? Where love heals? Where the sheer power of love changes the entire course of the narrative? Where love rewrites history itself?
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Do you like movies that make you feel THE ENTIRE SPECTRUM of human emotions within its runtime?
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Do you like gorgeous, jaw dropping cinematography? Do you like highly stylized action sequences?
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Do you like banger music and a soundtrack that slaps HARD? Do you like a wonderful song and dance interlude in a movie as it shifts into the next act?
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Do you like a character who is just the sweetest and the best and deserves everything that is good in the world and has BIG BROWN MASSIVE ADORABLE DOE EYES? And then proceeds to go through the literal WORST TIME ever?
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Of course, you do! You like Nimona!
And ho boy, are you gonna LOVE RRR. Because this movie has got ALL of that and then some more. It's an epic, it's a war movie, it's a love story, it's highly symbolical, it's going to take your heart and rip it into two. And you will thank it for that.
Hmm, Enigma. But where can I watch it? 🤔
It's available on Netflix but only as the dubbed Hindi version. It's pretty good for a dub as the actors dubbed their characters themselves and the director oversaw the translation but! But! Listen! There is a magic in the original Telugu version and if you want to experience it, then thank @charcubed for this post where you can download the original Telugu version in crisp HD with English subtitles FOR FREE
There is a third option. You can stream it for free in Einthusan here. However, the quality of the Einthusan stream is not good, and if there is one movie that DESERVES to be watched in crisp HD quality? Trust me, it's RRR
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So, what are you waiting for? Go watch it, RIGHT NOW. Seriously
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dark-night-hero · 1 year
Imagine never in a thousand years of being with the Conqueror of Demons, Yaksha or Xiao as he is now called did you think the time would come where he would have to choose between you and one another.
"No shut up, don't talk to me."
"Xiao." This time you called him softly.
"Not now (First name) I'm trying to consen-"
"It's okay Xiao, let me go."
Imagine you never imagined this day would come. With the three of you, the traveller and him all bruised up and exhausted. The three of you might have defeated the enemy, but here you are in such situation.
Imagine your arms feels slightly numb upon hanging on for as long as you can remember from the cliff and yet the lingering warm touch of your lover was still felt, the same with his trembling touch. You know he was exhausted, and to make matters worst.
Imagine panting, glancing at your side. There was the unconscious traveller being held by Xiao preventing her from falling.
"What are you saying-"
"You knew very well in times like this decision.. decision must be made. Xiao." You smiled at him as you look at those trembling yellow iris of his.
"The others won't arrive until a while. By the time they arrive it would be too late for the two us." You added, swallowing a mouthful of blood.
"It's on you Xiao."
Imagine the way his eyes continued to tremble upon your words, glancing back and forth between you and Lumine. Strange, why is he looking at you like that. Have he made up his mind?
Imagine, it's not like you would mind if he chose her. But still, feeling a light pang on your chest. You want to cry, the sudden urge to cry was there and yet you continued to hold back your tears with a smile.
"Xiao?" Looking at your lover in daze, you chuckle. But soon stopped upon following his gaze, there was a woman.
"Xiao?" Unconsciously, you hold on into his arm, only then did he snapped at it.
"I'm sorry, what were you talking about again?"
Imagine you knew it from the way he looks at her from afar, you knew there was something. So why is he looking at you like that? Why does he kept looking at you like he was ready to let go of the traveller when she was the first for him to reach out a hand as you barely hang in there.
"Xiao. It's okay." You chuckle, a tear rolling down your cheek.
"It's okay, let me go."
"What are you saying- ugh."
Imagine, in the split second. The hand that was holding you loosen. Everything felt slow after that, the way his yellow iris widen, the way his jaw dropped. The way you look at your hand before taking it close to your chest, holding the place where his lingering touch was still felt. You smile, it was warm.
Imagine as you look up, strangely warm breeze blowing on your back. You saw Xiao frantically screaming in which seems at you, the way you saw tears running down those eyes makes you wonder why does he have to make it seems like he accidentally let go of you? Why does he have to make it seems like he was still in love with you. Why does it looks like he would jump off that cliff just to chase after you?
Imagine with every but of strength left. You smile at him.
"Don't come."
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
: Pano ba yan mga beh, mamatay na nga hindi pa pinili. Pain, pighati.
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richardsgraysons · 10 months
lazy sundays
prompt — your fiancé, dick grayson, is the love of your life. was. you think he’s dead, but in reality, he’s out there as a spyral agent. meanwhile, you start appreciating the little things more.
tags — reader got out of an ED, mental health issues. angst and comfort, dick grayson x fem!reader. sfw
jason todd was the one who was attracted to you first. he saw you at a wayne gala and thought you were the love of his life. he asked you out, and you immediately said yes, intimidated by the fact that a wayne was the one who noticed you.
dick didn’t even notice you, which you didn’t mind too much. jason was all that you needed. he was kind and funny but he had this really annoying behavior where he would scream at you in fights. like, scream. one night, things got heated and he left into the night, leaving you behind to go outside, no doubt to clear his mind.
you decided to take care of yourself and make it up to him, so, you had finished his laundry. when putting his clothes away, you noticed a very red helmet with another suit with keys in them. you would’ve thought that it was a cute cosplay prop if the keys didn’t open up a drawer with all sorts of guns in the bottom drawer.
you would’ve freaked out if the radio next to his guns didn’t just go static with —“fuck—nightwing here—wounded on fifth—.” and your blood went cold. jason todd? knew who nightwing was?
you didn’t even think about it, think if it was a trap. you took the radio and drove where nightwing said he was injured. nobody responded and you were praying that he was alive.
and that was when dick grayson, really, really saw you. saw your perseverance, your stubborn nature and how you always looked to the brighter sides of things even when he was stabbed in several places with a split rib and a gash to his head.
you were not a doctor, god no, you were in the beginning of your master’s degree, but with strength that rivaled a mother whose child was underneath a car, you managed to pick him up and put him in your car.
“so jason told you who I am? the little shit. he was supposed to talk to bruce before he revealed our identities. that’s what I get for having a love struck brother, huh?”
you stopped halfway and then looked at him in shock, your mouth open in a slight ‘o’. and he realized that you didn’t know, that your boyfriend of seven months was hiding things from you.
“just take me to bruce’s. say you know, and say I need help.” you let out a groan at it and press on the gas.
jason wasn’t to be found for the next few days. dick was though.
when he recovered and appeared at your doorstep with flowers and a sheepish smile, a cast and a boyish smile that felt like infidelity, your face flushed and you took them happily.
“thanks for saving me,” he said, and leaned against the doorway. unlike jason, his mannerisms and way of acting came easy, smoother, a better flow. and you fell so bad just thinking that. “may I come in?”
and against your better judgment, you stepped side. “mi casa es tu casa.”
his eyes twinkled at that. “tu casa es muy hermosa,” he said. “como el tuyo.”
“you know spanish?”
“I know mandarin, spanish, french, romansh, german, portuguese, hindi, japanese, and arabic. well, learning. dami’s teaching me that one.”
your jaw drops. “I just know english, my mother tongue, and high school spanish.”
“still better than 90% of america.”
that was how it started—he met you every so often, taking coffee out, mini golfing, kayaking, while jason grew ever so distant in the corner. you couldn’t blame jason for it, either. it wasn’t like you were making much of an effort to revive the relationship.
but everything changed that one night when jason asked you to go to a wayne gala with him. out of all his siblings, he had chosen the short straw this time. you said no—you didn’t want to go to another one of them and get hounded by paparazzi at this point.
and jason was fine with that. it wasn’t like he particularly liked going to galas anyways, so he understood your denial. until an hour later when on instagram in one of the more popular news sites, a viral photo of you and dick hugging in the rain together and staring at each other after getting a hole in one in a really hard mini golfing course started circling around.
“what the fuck is wrong with you? are you fucking him? don’t even answer that, I can tell. and even if you aren’t, I know you want to.”
“no, jason, what the fuck is wrong with you? I haven’t done anything with dick, nor do I want to. we’re friends.”
“you don’t underhand, y/n. I’m gonna be the guy that the papers make fun of once you leave me for him. so I’ll do what you don’t have the guts to. we’re done.”
your world didn’t shatter because of that, surprisingly. he moved out of your apartment. you watched gilmore girls reruns. you ate a lot of food. some cried tears, but nothing much. until one day, dick appeared at your door out of the blue.
"dick?" you raised an eyebrow, looking at him with an unsure look in your eye. "what are you doing here?" you were wearing your sweats with a dumbed down look in your eye that clearly stated you didn't know what the hell was happening.
"i'm in love with you. i'm sorry—but i can't stop thinking about you. your laugh is infectious and when you smile it's like a cloudy sky just turns back to sunshine—"
you stepped forward and kissed him. you thought the tabloids were full of shit, but you knew that they were right about this one thing.
after two years of dating, he had done a vigilante trip to india to track down some passages. while he was there, he went and bought a shiny ring. you'd marry him with paper rings. he planned a view of a skyline and it went perfectly, thank god.
but he died. he died and now you're sitting here in the apartment, staring at a photo of the two of you. you miss everything about him. the way he'd subtly add more food to your plate when you were having your ED. when he held you throughout the night after a panic attack even though he had patrol that day. when. he defended you from the paparazzi, when he screamed at jason right back when jason found out that you and dick were dating.
don't tell me you're staring at that damned photo. - tim
you look at your phone and sigh before closing down your phone. tim wouldn't understand. he wouldn't get it. how could he? it wasn't like he lost the love of his life. he was a robin. he knew loss. you didn't. he also lost his brother, you remind yourself, and that just makes it all worse.
you grab the photo and curl up in a ball in fetal position. you miss lazy sunday afternoons when you've eaten too much and that food is resting in your stomach. your head would be in your fiancé's lap and his hands would be in your hair and the minute he would move his hands from your hair or your back, you'd wake up, your body discomforted by the lack of touch. that's my superpower, you'd joke.
no, he'd respond. your superpower is being the most amazing and talented woman i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. i would do anything for you. your beauty rivals the stars in the night sky. i love you like how the moon loves the earth.
at the single thought of it, you curl up and sob, the tears racking down as you clench the photos to your heart. five months and thirteen days and you are not a single second away from properly healing. you'll never love again. you know that for a fact.
it's ten in the night when you wake up, and the couch is stained with tears. haley is right beside you, looking sad and sullen. she misses her best friend too, but she always hates it when her other best friend is crying.
"i haven't fed you? fuck," you swear before standing up. everything hurts. your heart feels too heavy. there's cuts on your wrists. you stare at them, the red from the blood dried up.
he also stares at them too. he vows that he's coming back no matter what.
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itsprashimusic · 7 months
Wildest Dreams Warm Realities
"Say you'll remember me"
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Summary - A Formula 1 driver is on vacation in Goa with his family. A woman and her friend group are also on a vacation in Goa. Is this destiny?
Pairings - Charles Leclerc x indian!fem!Reader
Warnings - hindi words with english translations at the end, your best friend has a name (Sarah), mention of animals getting harmed, reader has hair. Happy reading🩵
W/C - 2.6k
A/N - the train is from Mumbai to Goa. Let me know if I missed anything.
Navigation | "Say you'll remember me" | "Standin' in a nice dress" | "Starin' at the sunset" | ..babe"
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The horn sounded nice and loud, it could be heard by the people who stood on the road outside the station. It indicated that the train was now leaving CSMT and heading to its final destination. You had this trip planned out with your friends since the beginning of the year. All hotel reservations were made and all tickets were booked since this was the busiest time of the year to travel. 
It was the middle of December. You had 3 different invites to 3 different weddings, an invitation to meet one of your good school friends, and a desire for a true Goa trip with your friend group. But all of that was about to go down the drain because you were standing on the platform hearing the train engines start and watching it slowly pull away. You went out to grab some hot samosas for everyone but were now panicking, “Bhaiya jaldi karo, train jaa rahi hai!” you yelled at the poor dude who was trying to hurriedly wrap the piping hot samosas. You got the black thaili, gave him a 200 rupee note, and ran off, “Chhutta rakh lena!” you said over your shoulder. 
This could not be happening. It looked cute in YJHD when Naina was running behind the train, unfortunately you were not Naina. You were running after the train with your hair tied in a weird bun from the morning and were holding onto a black plastic bag with samosas in it, very much the opposite of how she looked. But then you saw it, more accurately, him. He was tall and had fluffy hair, like Bunny. But his hair was brown and he had green eyes, eyes which were filled with concern, eyes that were looking at you. 
This distracted you, but when you realised the train was moving away faster, you started to sprint. Never in your life had you run faster. His one had held onto the railing, while the other was stretched out and gesturing to you. You grabbed onto his outstretched hand and jumped. This is where you mentally prayed that he would catch you, if not, you were surely gonna get jammed in between the train and the platform, get injured, or die on impact. Thankfully he did catch you. When you jumped, he reacted quite fast and pulled you with one hand and caught you by your waist with the other. 
The both of you stood at the door standing incredibly close, breathing and processing what just happened. 
You managed to recover and pulled away from him, his hands dropping from your wrist and waist. However, you did not notice his slightly disappointed face, which he quickly covered up. 
“Thanks for..the help.” you weren’t really sure what to say. He didn’t say anything, he just kept looking at you. You started to worry that he didn’t speak English, right when he replied, “Sure, it was no problem.”
God that accent. He was definitely from Europe, maybe France. But just that one sentence got you craving for more. You wanted to hear him talk, it didn’t matter what the subject was. 
The silence turned awkward, so you mumbled a final ‘thank you’ and ‘see you around’ before entering the first class A/C compartment. 
You and your group of six(excluding you), had booked the train tickets separately. Two of your friends who were dating booked a coupe for themselves, and then gradually everyone else also got their tickets. You were the last to book and ended up in a cabin with 4 berths. You just hoped that whoever you would be sharing a cabin with would not bother you or make you uncomfortable.
You made your way to your friends’ compartment and gave everyone their samosas. By now it was no longer hot, just warm, but it was enjoyed nonetheless. You fell into the lively conversation and temporarily forgot about the brunette with capturing eyes and an alluring accent who saved you from missing a train. Once the clock hit 11 pm, everyone started getting ready for the night. You and your best friend went to brush and wash up for the night while the others got their beds ready. That is when you remember the mystery man. 
Sarah was in the middle of brushing her teeth when you came out of the smelling washroom saying, “I nearly missed the train while getting you guys your food.” 
“Wha id u o?”
“I ran like a mad woman and got saved by a stranger.” the second you finished speaking, she spit the foam out of her mouth, looked up at you, and asked you to elaborate. “Was it a guy?” you gave her a look, “Was he cute??” you gave her a more pronounced look and she started squealing. You had to cover her mouth with your hand. The train staff member who was in the other train car gave you a weird look. 
You just smiled at him and dragged your toothpaste-covered friend into the a/c compartment. You gave her a towel to wipe her mouth with while she whisper-yelled more questions at you. 
“The bhaiya was still wrapping the samosas, the horn went off, the train started leaving and I ran. I saw this guy, this gorgeous guy standing at the door. He held out his hand and I-” you weren’t even able to complete your sentence. ‘You had your DDLJ moment!’ Sarah squealed, jumping up and down with excitement. One thing you were glad to have in your life was Sarah. She was always happy for you, got excited for you, and uplifted you. And that is what she did. It took her five minutes of convincing before she left for her cabin with your 3 other mutual friends. 
You headed back to your cabin, but this time it was not empty. A man and a woman were sitting on the berth below yours. They looked like a couple, foreigners. They looked at you, smiled, gave a nod of their head, and continued their conversation in what you guessed was French. As you shuffled around getting your bed ready another man walks, dressed in sweatpants and a tight-fitting t-shirt. It was the brunette who ‘saved’ you a few hours earlier. 
Not knowing what to do, or if you should say something, you just continued making your bed in the upper berth. You realised that he also was sleeping in the upper berth when he tossed a few items up there. Once you were done, the couple’s talks died down and the woman asked, “Hi, we don’t mean to be a bother but we were wondering if you could just guide us on how to get the beds sorted. We are not exactly sure what to do.” 
The brunette man had left the room, seemingly to make a call. You smiled at the woman, “Oh, no worries.” you gave her your name and she replied, “I’m Charlotte, this is my boyfriend Lorenzo.” You smiled at him and then turned your attention towards Charlotte and began explaining what to do. Both lower berths were done and soon enough the green-eyed man returned. 
Charlotte said something to him in French. They knew each other. She turned to you, “and this is Charles, Enzo’s younger brother.” Even his name sounds regal. Before you could get a word in he said, “We’ve already met.” with a smile that seemed genuine. His brother gave him a questioning look and asked him in French. Charles gave a reply. It was now nearing midnight and you wanted to sleep soon. You were getting off at a station in the north of Goa, meaning you had to wake up early. Before you could head up to your berth, Charlotte asked if you could help Charles with his bed. She thanked you and then pulled her boyfriend out of the cabin and walked away, not really giving you an option. 
You looked at him and he looked at you, confused. “Do you know how to set the bed?” you asked with a smile on your face. “Not really, no,” he said with a laugh, “I could use some help.” So you helped him set the bed. In the meantime, you both spoke about different things. You told him about the weddings and plans to spend as much time on the beach as possible. He told you about how one of his co-workers told him about Goa’s splendour and fun and how he and his family are spending their holiday together. 
By the time the bed was set, you were sitting on your berth while he opted to stand, his height making it difficult to sit on the upper berth. It was now way past midnight. You were getting tired, though it seemed that he was wide awake. Charlotte and Lorenzo finally returned. Your conversation died down. You said that you had to get up early and were now going to sleep. They promised to keep quiet. You put your eye mask on and turned to the side letting the swaying motions of the train put you to sleep. 
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With the amount of excitement inside of you, you were not able to sleep for very long. You were well rested but woke up at 6 am. The three Monegasques were fast asleep (i have no idea of Charlotte’s nationality so let’s just say she is from monaco). You sat up in bed and for a good five minutes just admired the sleeping body opposite of you. You checked your phone and found out that the train was delayed by 3 hours. This was ridiculous. Apparently, a large group of animals were crossing the tracks when a train was approaching and it caused an accident. 
You got out of bed and went to see if any of your friends were awake. Everyone was sleeping, except Sarah whose bed was empty. She was probably in the washroom. You decided that it was too early to do anything and so went back to your cabin, fetched your toiletry bag, freshened up, went back to bed, wrapped yourself in the itchy blanket, and opened Subway Surfers on your phone while your other hand held a cold sandwich. Your headphones played some music you had downloaded. An hour passed and you set a new high score for which you were proud. Charles woke up. 
You didn’t notice at first, but he saw you as soon as his eyes opened. You looked adorable wrapped up in the cocoon of the blanket. It was when he sat up that you saw him and gave him a smile and a small wave. His cheeks turned red and he waved back. His thoughts of you at that moment ranged from pure and soft to vulgar and wild, and it all lasted for less than a second. He got up and went out. You decided that you should go and check if Sarah is awake. When you reached her cabin, her bed was still empty. Feeling lazy, you made the decision to stand by the train door and hopefully catch some cold morning wind. 
Your hair went in a plait and you opened the train door which was left unlocked. The toilet door opened and out came the dreamy Monegasque. He came up to you, "Are you sure that is the safest thing to do?” 
“Not really, but that’s the fun in it.” there was a sparkle in your eye when you turned your head to look at him. 
“Are you even allowed to open the door?” his laugh made it clear he was fooling around with you.
“Technically no. But it wasn’t locked, so it's on them.” Your laugh sounded angelic to him. The hair which escaped your braid framed your face so beautifully, Charles could do nothing but stare at you. It took him a second to realise you were asking him something.
“Slept well?” he shook his head. “Not quite. The constant shaking made me restless.” “That happens. But eventually, you get used to it.” He asked how you slept and you answered ‘pretty good.’ He stood opposite of you resting on the wall behind him watching the wind blow your hair around as the sun began to rise. The pair marinated in comfortable silence until a staff member came and told you to move away and shut the door. The tranquil moment was broken, but neither of you wanted it to end. Without speaking a word, the two of you went inside the compartment but stayed outside your cabin. 
“Well, we did speak last night but I do not know much about you.” 
“In that case, what would you like to know?”
He leans against the train wall, his arms crossed, your pose mimicking his. He thinks for a second and proceeds to ask, “How often do you travel?” “Not very often,” you respond, “I sometimes go for a weekend trip to nearby hill stations, but that's usually the max I travel.” 
“So no foreign trips?” 
“I don’t exactly have the funds for it,” you chuckle, “between getting a visa organised, praying that my leave from work gets approved, to finding flights, I just find it not worth the effort. I would be spending three months of my salary for just 10 days of vacation which I would rather spend finishing work which equals more money.”
He seemed perplexed by your answer, confusion evident on his face. “And would I be right in assuming that you travel abroad very often?” you ask, a bit of a smirk showing. He smiles and looks down, his hair moving due to this movement. Your eyes were fixed on this as he answered, “You would.” “And why do you travel the world, Charles?”
He smiles, that lovely smile, “I-uh, I drive expensive cars for very wealthy people around the world.” You smiled, but something about that answer felt false. Like he wasn’t telling you everything, but it didn’t seem like he was lying. “Does that mean you know much about cars then?” “I’d like to think I do.” 
The smiles never left either of your faces as the conversation continued. You mentioned how your brother works with different types of cars and how they are his life. “I should meet him then, test my knowledge about cars,” Charles said. 
“Trust me you don’t, he gets very excited when someone mentions anything about cars. Once he starts, he does not stop.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t mind, I am a good listener.”
"Tell me something you like." the driver asked after a while of the train being halted. You looked out of the hazy window and replied, "The sun." He cocked an eyebrow. "I could go on and on about it." "Well, I did say I am a good listener," said Charles.
The conversation went on for what felt like hours. But soon enough you felt the train start to finally move. You both decided to head back to the cabin, but you were stopped when one of your friends called out to you to join them. You were disappointed, gave Charles a short apology, and followed behind your friend. 
By the time you were able to go back to your cabin, the train had reached the final platform where you were getting off. You were hoping to catch a glimpse of Charles before leaving, but sadly when you returned to your cabin, it was empty save for your luggage and belongings. You gathered all of your items and met your group on the platform. The two cars which were rented for the next two weeks were there waiting for you. Everyone got in and drove off to the rest houses. You were the designated driver for Car 1, which gave you very little opportunity to think about not getting to say goodbye to Charles. 
Little did you know that you would meet him once again, very soon. 
Bhaiya jaldi karo, train jaa rahi hai! - Brother hurry up, the train is leaving!
Chhutta rakh lena! - Keep the change(money)
thaili - bag (in this case it is a black plastic bag)
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A/N - i had so much fun writing this. i already have part 2 in the works. if this fic is well received, i'll post the next part. Hope you enjoyed reading🩵
If you want to find out more about me or my works, you can head to my navigation.
@sam-is-lost @juleswrites223
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orgasming-caterpillar · 2 months
F1 Drivers As Desi Boys
A.K.A. The F1 grid as Indian guys
Also, I will be writing an entire chatfic about this AU on ao3, so stay tuned ;)
Charles Leclerc — “Charlie”
I think he would be from Mumbai. But like, he lived in the very high-end part of it so it's very hard to know right off the bat.
I just KNOW he studied abroad, okay? Italy or Canada I think. Look at his face— you just know he's the kinda guy people see on the street and think “angrej”
Speaks Hindi with a subtle but insufferable white guy accent. He can't even help it, that's just how he speaks. He once called Max “bhenchod” with the most authentic, desi accent when he was mad and they have all beaches in that high ever since.
Dropped out of university in his last year and came back to India to handle his dad's business after his dad's death.
Fell in love with the hot employee and made him the manager. Everyone knows Carlos got the position by sleeping with the new young hot boss but they stay silent to avoid getting fired.
Now lives in the same complex in Mumbai as Carlos, Max, Lando and others. Lives with his mother, two brothers and a dog.
Leo is a recurring guest in every society event no matter what. Shanta aunty ki kitty party? He's invited. Children playing cricket below? He is the referee. Security guard's dad died? Arthi Leo hi utha raha hai.
Best friends with Pierre. went to the same school as him in his childhood.
Not friendly at ALL with Max.
Carlos Sainz— “Mirchi”
Marathi Mulga for sure
Maula Mere Maula king of guy
His ass should be in a TV serial
Was a regular office worker before he fucked down his boss and now he's the manager. And, well, a win is a win, right?
His parents were kind of homophobic before he became the manager. It's hilarious, actually.
He has such a good voice. If you catch him singing one of the old bollywood songs of Lata Mangeshkar or Muhammad Rafi, consider yourself blessed by the gods.
Knows how to cook since he lives alone
Literally the guy every aunty dreams of marrying their daughter to. Manager of his office. Cooks. Cleans. Respects his elders. Funny. Charming. Every time he and Charles go out at least one middle aged person has asked Carlos if he's married yet and frankly, as his boyfriend who's Right There, Charles is pretty offended.
Have y'all seen the pictures of him in those button up shirts and trousers? The eyes that make Rahat Fateh Ali Khan songs play in your ear every time you look into them? So desi husband material
Best friends with Lando, basically brothers with his they are with each other
Like any best friend, he does NOT like Lando's boyfriend
Max Verstappen— “JATT DON'T CARE 💪🔥💯”
From Haryana
The M in Max stands for Mharo Balam Thanedar Chalawe Gypsy— jkjk
Some say he's aggressive, hot headed, quick tempered; some say he's just Haryanvi.
Is in a psychosexual homoerotic rivalry with Charles and is in denial because of his internalised homophobia.
His dad and Charles’ dad were business partners and now they're always wanting to one up another in the family businesses.
Talking about his father— his dad is very rich and also a typical Haryanvi dad. Bapu sehat ke liye haanikarak type shit.
His father made him do kushti when he was younger and Charles still teases him about it
Will randomly infodump about his father whenever the opportunity presents itself
With how he usually is and what his childhood was like, you'd think he'd be a horrible father but you're WRONG
Everyone loves his daughter Prithvi, or P, for short.
They love spoiling her. Every year on her birthday she gets so many gifts it takes her two days just to open them.
Funnily enough, she once “betrayed” him by saying her favourite was Charlie Uncle.
I just think it would be so funny if he drove a Toyota Fortuner.
Lando Norris— “Lassan 🧄”
From Bangalore
Youtuber. Makes videos for every one of his channels religiously. Has a channel for gaming, another for vlogs, another for shorts and somehow manages them all while uploading reels and posting on Instagram???
He's a university student but nobody knows it because he's always posting videos so they just think he's a full time youtuber
“Shares a room” with Oscar, who is his boyfriend, by the way. You'd never guess. (that is a fucking lie. If you watch even one of his livestreams you'd know that they have explored each other's bodies. He's always “dekho guys Oscar aa gaya 😄😄😄” bro you're not fooling anyone)
Has his own merchandise. His designs are always so cool that they sell out before they're properly out.
Will probably make his own content team when he graduates
He once slipped on the desi toilet while travelling and Carlos made a reel about it. It is one of his most famous reels and Lando will absolutely ignore you if you talk about it.
Kinda fuckboyish???? Like he gives off the vibes of the kinda boy that only texts you past midnight and says shit like “what are you wearing? ;)” Like thank god he has a boyfriend or he would single handedly destroy the faith in love of every girl in a 5 kilometre radius
Oscar Piastri— “gora pakora”
From Goa
Frequently shows up on Lando's videos and livestreams
Studying engineering and living with Lando, basically taking care of him because of course he is
Regular victim of Lando's youtube shenanigans. Gets pranked one too many times every other day.
Has this kind of dead stare where he's just 😐 until Lando comes and annoys (see: kisses or pranks) him
Gets asked “bhai tu kabhi kuch bolta kyu nahi hai” so frequently he should just write “pata nahi yaar” on his face.
Has strong beef with Carlos. Do not talk about that man in front of him. Now this is really inconvenient because Carlos is Lando's bEsT FrIeNd iN tHe WoRlD
There beef started when Lando cried because he missed Oscar and Carlos showed up to Oscar's parents house asking him to square the fuck up. His parents —poor them they don't even know their son is gay— were left to wonder why their son was on a video call with his roommate OUTSIDE in the middle of winter vacation while a strange man cussed him the fuck out.
Lando can and will and DOES make him do silly dance trends with him on Instagram reels
Best friend is Logan, who studies engineering with him. You don't know how much you can depend on someone else until you're an IISER student and they're the only good friend you have.
Daniel Ricciardo— “Paaji”
From Chandigarh
Y'all remember Sodhi from Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chashma? Yeah. Him.
No one knows how he's able to control Max. Literally his best friend. Max will always have a resting bitch face but when Danny paaji is there he's all “😆😆😂😂🤣🤣” like bro 😐
I just know he would randomly say “oye balle balle balle balle balle” for no reason other than to annoy people. I just know it.
Actually works very hard and always helps people, but he's such a troll that people just think he's some unemployed youtuber with a prank channel
Absolute party animal. Do not ever in front of him mention that you're free that night.
George Russell— “nazuk kali”
From Delhi
Graphic designer. Edits Lando's videos for nim. Studies computer science.
Shared a room with Alex Albon and Logan Sargeant. Their relationship status is very complex. I'm not saying that they're a throuple, I'm not saying that they're friends. What I'm saying is that they're so dependent on each other I don't think they could function alone anymore. These three idiots make a full functional human being together. George cleans the house, Alex does the cooking and Logan does the laundry and the dishes. They manage, thanks.
George Russell is the type of guy to say “ghar pe maa behen nahi hai kya?” When he sees a girl getting catcalled.
George Russell is the type of guy to say “aapko kahin lagi to nahin?” When he bumps into someone.
George Russell is the type of guy to cover his mouth and say “uff” when he eats something spicy on accident.
On that note, George absolutely cannot handle his spice. Never bit into a raw green chilli willingly in his entire life.
You just know he eats the meethi pani puri with the red chutney and all.
Thinks momos are better than pani puri (he's wrong).
Closes his eyes and covers his ears when a condom ad or a spicy movie scene comes on the TV
Very pale because he rarely leaves his room (which— he's a computer science major, come on)
Lewis Hamilton— “dac saab”
From Kozhikode (Kerala)
Fashion influencer, gets brand deals all the time. Always promoting this brand or that.
Also actually a veterinary doctor with his own dog clinic.
Has a youtube channel where heostly makes affordable fashion tips etc but also posts the dogs at his clinic from time to time.
Spent a lot of years in South Delhi where he fell in love with a guy when he was a teenager but when he eventually moved back to Kozhikode they fell out of contact. Now he’s moved to Mumbai as he opened up a new clinic there and doesn't even know that he actually lives in the same goddamn building as the guy he fell in love with 20 years ago back in South Delhi.
I think y'all can already guess who the guy was, but if you can't (shame on you) it's Nico Rosberg.
Had a wife but she cheated so they divorced or something idk how do you justify a 40 year old guy being unmarried in India?
Loves his dogs more than anything, if there's a dog at his clinic that he can't save he will be sad for days.
Speaks Hindi in a voice that's like three octaves lower than his usual voice. Thinks he sounds bad but he sounds so damn hot.
Nico Rosberg— “thi ek.”
From South Delhi
News anchor for sure. Has a sadness in his eyes that makes you wonder if he ever got over the heartbreak he had at 19 (he did not)
Most people think his hair is dyed (it is not) because he's a chapri (he might be)
Legends say that the only time he has been seen with a smile on his face on TV was when he was talking about his childhood best friend.
The reason he doesn't anchor for any of the big or daresay political news channels is because they don't like how he compares international disputes to the fight he had with his best friend when he was 19.
Regularly travels to other metropolitan cities for news coverings (mainly sports) but lives in Mumbai for majority of the time.
In fact, lives in the same building as Lewis. The fact that they haven't run into each other in the elevator yet is a miracle (or a curse).
Will talk about love and heartbreak to anyone who would listen. You know those boys who say “thi ek” whenever someone tries to talk to them about love? Yeah that's him.
Married and has two daughters that he loves very much.
No pets because they remind him too much of Lewis.
Sebastian Vettel— “Chacha”
From Delhi
Lives in Mumbai with his wife.
Best friends with Lewis, knows everything about him and Nico.
Kind of a father figure to Charles.
The beloved colony uncle that always has the wildest stories ever. Catch him at the tea stall and just get him talking— you will be a changed man when he is done.
“Aur phir uska accident ho gaya aur usne apna haath kho diya, to uski manghetar ki family ne unse rishta tudwa liya. Jiske baad uski manghetar ki sagai mujhse hui aur phir hamari shaadi hui or shayad aaj bhi wo akela hi ek haath se apna hila raha hai bechara”
You would think considering how sweet he is, he was always this sweet but NO, this man was a MENACE.
Everyone who knew him before he got married wants him dead even now after all the years.
Fernando Alonso— "Kaka"
From Jaipur
The exact opposite of Sebastian.
The old man you see on the side of the road with paan in his mouth and a gaali on his lips
Also tells you stories from his youth and they're just as interesting but he's so arrogant about it that you're no longer interested in listening five minutes in no matter how interesting the story is
The kind of old man who sees children playing in the streets and starts acting like an overly invested referee for no reason.
Goes to the park in the morning at the same time as Sebastian but unlike him, Fernando does not let the joy and whimsy of life have any effect on him making you wonder why he's there at all
Lance Stroll— “vegan wali diet almond wala ghee 😌💅”
From South Bombay
Ameer baap ki bigri aulad
“What do you mean I can't buy the whole store?”
Y'all remember that “Mawn, terew paaw ki jewtie maawwww” girl??? Yeah
Sonam Kapoor is jealous of how much better he is at being a nepo baby
Logan Sargeant— “ye bhi thik hai”
Lives with George and Alex
From Goa
Thank god he does because he would not be surviving otherwise
Might have feelings for his roommates but all he knows how to do is wash the dishes and the clothes and he doesn't wanna die of hunger so he's silent.
Except maybe in front of Oscar but that's his best friendddd
Studying computer science too
Alex Albon— “dhokla4lifer”
From Gujarat
I might be projecting a bit but as someone who fucking LOVES dhokla, I don't see any reason as to why Alex should not.
Cooks for his two roommates, and always cooks so good.
Dhokla on Sundays and a tiffin box full of thepla and aam ka aachar whenever one of them is travelling home
Studying history and geography
Yuki Tsunoda— “momo wale bhaiya”
From Dehradun
Do not call him momo wale bhaiya. He can and will kill you.
Actually does love cooking
Has his own restaurant near the university campus
Pierre Gasly— “tantar mantar”
From West Bengal
Tired of everyone's “kaala jaadu” jokes.
Charles’ best friend and confidante.
Gossip girls. They have all the tea on everyone in the uni.
Does sports.
Final year law student
Esteban Ocon— “Pierre's ex (he is NOT)”
From Odisha
Has beef with Pierre.
Will argue about anything from the origin of roshogulla to the state's contribution in the fight for freedom of the country.
Also final year law student
Sergio Perez from Bihar
K Mag from Kashmir (haha get it? Because he's a track terroris—)
Nico Hulkenburg from Kashmir too
Valtteri Bottas from The Andaman Nicobar islands or something idk he shows so much ass it's unreal
Zhou Guanyu from Meghalaya
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juneberrie · 1 year
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CON FLORES (TE LLEVASTE MI TRISTEZA) .𖥔 ݁ ˖ pavitr prabhakar
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fem ! hispanic ! reader angst -> fluff 0.8k words — a/n: pav is so cute i love him<3 also shout out to ivy for helping with the one (1) line of hindi !!! love u ives
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you had been having a shitty day, to say the least.
first, your alarm hadn't gone off, causing you to only have 15 minutes to get ready. buttoning your shirt up, you searched the room looking for your bag, seeing it unpacked in the corner. just great. after shoving your notebooks into the bag and zipping it up halfway, you slipped on your uniform skirt and hastily laced your shoes before taking a final cursory glance at the mirror.
there was a tear in the blue fabric of your skirt. small enough that it wasn't really an issue, but big enough that it was noticeable. deciding to fix it when you got home, you rushed down the stairs and passed by the kitchen, grabbing your lunch bag as you hustled through your house.
"chao, mami! te veo mas tarde!" (bye, mom! i'll see you later) you called over your shoulder. your mother rolled her eyes at your hurriedness and waved you off with a smile.
then, as you made your way to the bus stop, some idiot bumped into you, causing you to nearly topple over.
"watch where you're going, cabron!" (bastard) you shouted.
you sighed and got on the crowded bus. you spotted your friend sitting way in the back, but the only empty seat was right in the front, behind the driver. frowning, you shrugged at her and slid into the seat. pulling your headphones on, you scrolled through your playlist till you found a song you liked, and rested your forehead on the window, watching the city go by.
the bus all of a sudden stopped, lurching forward. the doors hissed open and the driver called out the school stop. you and about ten other people got up and started pushing towards the door. finally getting out of the stifling bus, you shoved your way through the crowd and entered the school.
a few hours later, at lunch, you spotted your friends all sitting at a table together. there weren't any free seats. your heart felt heavy as you sat down at an empty table across the lunch room. unfortunately, your friends were directly in your line of sight. even over the loud din of the lunchroom, you could hear them laughing and gossiping as they ate their lunches. sighing, you opened your lunch bag to see . . . nothing. there was absolutely nothing in your lunch. at first, you thought your mom had just forgotten to pack you something, but you distinctly remembered the bag being heavy with food when you left the house. then, you remembered the person that bumping into you on your way to the bus.
you dropped your head into your hands and squeezed your eyes shut. que dia tan mal, (what a bad day) you thought. your stomach grumbled, complaining about the lack of delicious food it was promised.
the rest of the day passed in a blur. a horrible, messed up blur. you had failed a your algebra test, you had nearly failed your science project, you had sat alone at lunch, and you had gone basically the whole day being ignored by everyone. it was like you were invisible.
once you get home, your mom asks, "que tal tu dia?" (how was your day?) you just shrug in response and stomp up the stairs to your room. shutting the door, you slid down till you hit the floor and you bring your knees into your chest. resting your head between them, you felt hot tears pricking at your eyes. squeezing your eyes, you feel a few of them escape and drop down onto the floor.
all of a sudden, a knock interrupts the sobs racking through your body. you raise your head and turn it towards the door, but the knock comes again, from the window.
wiping your tears away, you go and open the blinds, seeing pavitr standing on the tiny ledge outside. he was holding a colorful bouquet of flowers in his hand and was gripping onto the window sill with the other. he smiles, but then seeing your tearstained face, it turns into a pout.
you unlatch the window and raise it up, watching him climb into your room. he gently places the flowers on your desk and immediately envelopes you in his arms. the tears come back, flowing freely now.
"oh, my angel," he whispers. he presses a kiss to your head and holds you tighter. "what's wrong?"
through sobs, you explain the horrid day you'd had. pav nods and frowns. leading you over to your bed, he wraps his arms around you again. "i'm sorry, my love."
shrugging, you pull away for a moment to wipe a few tears off your face. pav lowers your hands and then places his own on your face, wiping under your eyes. his own eyes are looking in yours, filled with love and concern.
"i brought flowers," he whispers. with a small, teary laugh, you smile at your boyfriend.
"i saw. thank you, mi amor." he freezes, as he usually does when you call him anything in spanish.
"of— of course," he stammers. sighing, he pulls you into a kiss. with that kiss, he makes you forget all the shitty things that had happened to you today. he's wrapping you up in love and reminding you that he's there, he cares.
"te amo."
"mein tumse pyar kartha hu." (i love you)
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 9 months
˗ˏˋ street food date ´ˎ˗
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(isn’t that just the most creative title :D)
requested by very a lovely person who wishes to remain anonymous <3
Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar (Spider-Man India) x Fem!Pakistani!Reader
Type: Oneshot - Fluff
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: terms of endearment, mentions of food & eating, usage of Hindi (translations provided), I don’t speak Urdu so it’s google-translated 😭
A/N: Reader speaks Urdu and Pavi (canonically) speaks Hindi. Since both languages are pretty similar in terms of speaking, at least from what I’ve observed, let’s assume that they can understand each other fairly easily :)
I absolutely LOVED writing this omg it was such a cute request! Sorry it took me so long so do this, I was so busy that I completely forgot abt all my reqs for a while 😅
Btw this was barely proofread so if there are mistakes no there aren’t <3
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“Meri jaan, you’re spilling it.”
You turned at the familiar voice, just barely managing to balance a paper plate in your hands with an absurd amount of dahi papadi chaat piled onto it.
“You’re late,” You noted, biting the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from smiling like a lovestruck idiot as Pavitr approached you, flashing that dazzling, slightly crooked grin that had your heart stumbling and falling over your mind trying to make sense of it all. You dropped your gaze to the floor, trying your best to cross your arms without dropping the food on the plate.
“I know. And I’m sorry, I really am. But you know that juggling my… duties and timings are hard,” He dipped his head slightly to make you look at him, brushing a small piece of papdi off your kurta. God, he was so annoying sometimes. His eyes were so soft and irresistible and he knew it.
“Come on, look at me,” He said teasingly, stepping forward slightly and grinning as you glanced up at him, then immediately frowned at your lack of willpower when it came to him. “There she is.”
You felt a smile break through so you set down the paper plate on a nearby ledge, leaning forward to wrap him in a hug and bury your face in his clothes. “Arre, you’re insufferable,” You mumbled, to which he let out a small chuckle and effortlessly picked you up to spin you around despite your little yelp of surprise.
“Oh, yeah, definitely. I’m sure that’s why you came out here on a date with me to have street food, right? Let’s go, meri dhoop. No use of you being all sad right now, naa? Look, there’s even pani puri a few stalls down.”
You almost got whiplash from how fast you turned your head to look, your eyes widening in excitement as all previous thoughts were forgotten. “You should’ve mentioned that earlier!”
Pavitr laughed, the easy chuckle - as cliché as it sounded - practically music to your ears as you grabbed his hand and took off, leading him to the pani puri vendor. “I knew that’d cheer you up.”
One shared paper plate of (admittedly quite messy) pani puri and a whole skewer of seekh kebab later, you leaned against a ledge overlooking the Mumbattan bridge right next to a whole row of new vendors. Pavitr wrapped an arm a little too tightly around your shoulders, nervously measuring the distance you would fall if you tripped.
“Pavi, relax, I won’t fall,” You gave him a reassuring smile, and he breathed out slowly before giving you a slightly strained smile in return. “Yeah, sorry. Spider-Man stuff. Lots of, uh… bad things happen. Usually near large drops.”
Your eyes flicked to his hand, gripping the railing so hard his knuckles were starting to lose circulation. Sensing his discomfort, you moved away from the railing back into the middle of the cobblestones.
“I’m going to braid your hair,” You declared suddenly to ease the tension in the air, examining the smooth waves that framed his face, pushed back slightly with his blue headband. His eyes widened in horror at your statement. “Wait, what? No! I said I was sorry for coming late! I’ll do my absolute best to come on time, I promise!”
“I’m not that rough,” You protested, scrunching your eyebrows as he cupped his warm hands over your cheeks. “Of course not, meri jaan. You’re so gentle, my hair definitely doesn’t feel like it’s being sent to an early grave.”
“Aap drama baghair kisi wajah ke bana rahay hain.” (You are making drama for no reason) You frowned at him and he chuckled softly, shaking his head.
“Kabhi nahin! Mei achcha vajeh se drama karta hoon. …Uff, thik hai, tum mere baalon ko tod sakte hain. Lekin… pehle ise kha leh.” (Never! I do drama for good reasons. ..Okay, fine, you can tear my hair out. But first… eat this.)
He held up a plate of vada pav, his smile growing as your eyes lit up again, the familiar scent bringing back memories of sitting in your grandparents’ house and watching them cook, masala-infused aromas wafting through the kitchen from the large utensils.
“What did I do to deserve you?” You wondered aloud as you started stuffing your face with the nostalgic dish. Your tone was lighthearted and playful, but it had a few traces of the underlying truth. You were so, so lucky to have him, and you knew it.
You could see it every time he dramatically presented you with some knickknack or the other that he picked up along the way, handing it to you with a bashful ‘it made me think of you.’ You could see it every time he adjusted your dupatta, every time you caught him staring at you with round, loving, awestruck eyes as if you were the very centre of the cosmos itself.
And when he smiled at everyone it was usually genuine, sure, but you had a special kind of smile reserved for your eyes alone. One that made the small dimples at the corners of his mouth even more noticeable, one that made him scrunch his nose subconsciously with how wide he was smiling.
The kind of smile he was using right now. And oh, good grief, you were so far gone for him. He was so effortlessly gorgeous it actually hurt - wavy hair swept to one side behind his headband, brown eyes turning gold in the sun, the light dappling his face and flicking tiny spots of shadow onto his skin.
“Tum bohat khobsorat ho,” (You’re so beautiful) You whispered, completely spellbound. Pavitr blinked in surprise, his smile turning slightly shy. “Arrey, tum mujhe bahut zyaada phlait karte ho.” (You flatter me too much)
“No, really!” You insisted, tapping the tip of his nose with your pinky and laughing when he scrunched it instinctively. “You’re very pretty, you know that? Mera khobsorat ladka. Pretty, pretty boy.” (My beautiful boy)
“Aap adhik sundar hai.” (You’re more beautiful) Without warning, he gently grabbed your torso and pulled you into his arms, burying his face in your hair. You looped your arms around to meet behind his shoulder blades, resting your chin in the crook of his neck.
You were scared to move, to disturb the silent peacefulness of it all, but you wanted to tell him something that would hopefully put his worries to rest.
“You know I won’t leave you, right? I won’t be your… what is it, canon event? Whatever that is.”
At the words ‘canon event’, Pavitr flinched as if he had been burned, his eyes wide and searching as he looked at you. “What? Where did that come from? And how-”
“Okay, listen, so it’s kinda my fault,” You began, choosing your words so as to not agitate him any further. “But you know how you said I could read your journal, because basically every embarrassing thing you’ve written is you being lovesick for me?”
“I didn’t think you’d actually do it!” He covered his face with his hands in embarrassment, messing up his hair in the process.
“Anyway, uh… you left it open on your drawer and I maybe kind of accidentally looked through the last entry. But only because I was worried. You’d been acting stressed out the whole day, remember? I’m sorry!”
“I don’t… hmm, actually, that’s pretty sweet that you were worried. I appreciate it.” He lifted his head to meet your eyes, almost smiling before his face crumpled again. “Hang on, what else did you see? Oh, god, did you see the whole page of poems I wrote? No, wait, hear me out! In my defence, I was absolutely whipped for you. I still am, but-”
“Ai, meri mohabbat. Chup ho jao. Mujhe lagta hai ke yeh dilkash hai,” (My love. Shush. I think it’s adorable) You reassured him, leaning forward to kiss the tip of his nose before moving in to press a soft kiss to his lips, an attempt at putting his worries and ramblings to rest.
That shut him up pretty well.
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Please know that I am not Pakistani! I tried my best to write this, but if there is anything I’ve gotten wrong, please let me know and I’ll be happy to change it. <3
Meri jaan - my life
Meri dhoop - My sunshine/my sun
A kurta is a loose, collarless type of shirt worn by people in South Asia. It usually extends up to or just past the knee.
A dupatta is a length of material worn arranged in two folds over the chest and thrown back around the shoulders, typically with a salwar kameez or a kurta, by women from South Asia.
Papdi chaat (or papri chaat) is crispy fried-dough wafers served with typical chaat ingredients such as chickpeas, boiled potatoes, yogurt sauce, and tamarind and coriander chutneys; it may also contain pomegranate seeds. Dahi papdi chaat is the same thing, but more yoghurt is used (dahi means yoghurt/curd).
Pani puri is a popular Indian snack consisting of fried puff-pastry balls filled with spiced mashed potato (the puri), spiced water, and tamarind juice (the pani).
Seekh kebab is a type of kebab made with Indian spices, spiced, minced or ground meat, usually lamb or chicken, formed into cylinders on skewers and grilled.
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Tags: @hobiebrownismygod @l0starl @therealloopylupin2099
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khwxbeeda · 11 months
Written because I have raghveer brainrot and you can't stop me from indulging in it muahahahahaaaa
"Raghav, zara idhar aana toh."
Raghav looked up from his phone and raised his eyebrows at Ranveer, who was standing in front of the studio mirror with a furrow in his eyebrows and some sort of pen in his hand— wait no, that wasn't a pen, it was a kajal pencil.
"Kay zhala?" He asked. "I'm watching our video again; I need to fix my posture at that one point where we spin—"
"Arey, woh rehne de," Ranveer said, flapping his hand impatiently, still glaring at the kajal pencil like it had personally offended him. It was hilarious. "Help me with this."
Raghav bit down on the inside of his cheek to stifle his laugh and set his phone down. He sauntered over to the other boy and held out a hand, silently asking him to hand the pencil over. Ranveer obliged.
"My Ma used to apply kajal under my eyes until I turned thirteen," he offered in way of explanation, "and I wanna pick the habit up again. But, I have no idea what to do."
Raghav sniggered, and Ranveer smacked him upside the head, making him squawk indignantly. "Hey! Swatah cha swatah kar if you wanna keep hitting me!"
Ranveer gave him a look. "I don't understand Marathi that well, idiot."
The shorter boy rolled his eyes. "I said, do it yourself. Now shut up and stay still."
He pushed himself up onto his tip-toes, and Ranveer looked at the ceiling. Raghav raised the pencil and— promptly stumbled and dropped back down onto his heels. He huffed and rose up again, raising the other hand to grip Ranveer's shoulder, resolutely ignoring the ripple of muscles under his thin white kurta to move the pencil to Ranveer's eye.
Ranveer shifted. Raghav stumbled again.
He cursed his blasted height under his breath, and Ranveer snickered.
"Aww, am I too tall?" he asked in a faux apologetic voice. "It's okay to be short, you know—" he cut off with a wheeze, doubling over and clutching his stomach where Raghav had elbowed him. "Ouch, keep your elbows to yourself, man!"
"Keep your quips to yourself, man!" Raghav parroted back in a terrible imitation of Ranveer's deep voice, nose scrunched in annoyance, and Ranveer could not help but snort. "Says the tiny one—"
In one swift move, Raghav knocked his foot against the back of Ranveer's knee and pushed him back by the chest. Ranveer yelped as he fell on his ass, but the next second Raghav was following him down to the floor and throwing a leg over his thighs to straddle his lap, effectively pinning him in place. Ranveer sat still, hands on the mirror behind him to stop his back from slamming into it, and stared in shock as Raghav narrowed his eyes and brandished the kajal pencil in a threatening manner.
"Ata shanta bas, nahi toh I will purposely mess up the kajal," he growled, but blinked when Ranveer laughed suddenly. "What?"
"Nothing, just—" Ranveer laughed again, leaning back against the mirror— "the way you said kajal is... it's cute."
Raghav felt his cheeks heat up at being called cute, but he rolled his eyes. "That's how you say it in Marathi. Kajal."
Ranveer tilted his head, then slowly tried saying it. "Kaa-jal."
It was Raghav's turn to start giggling, tipping his head forward to hide his smile behind his fringe. "Oh Gods," he said, still laughing, "that- that's not how you say it."
Ranveer couldn't take his eyes off of the adorable boy in his lap— he froze. Wait.
Raghav was in his lap.
Raghav was straddling his lap.
"How do you say it then?" he asked hurriedly, in an effort to take his mind off the fact that Raghav was in his lap, holy shit—
"Say it after me: ka-ja-la," Raghav said slowly, and Ranveer nodded.
"Ka-ja-da," he stumbled through the pronunciation, and Raghav giggled again oh Gods why is he so cute and why is he sitting in my lap—
"You Hindi speaking people," he said between soft tittering, "can't even pronounce ळ properly. It's honestly endearing."
Ranveer could feel himself melting despite his best efforts. Why, oh why was Raghav so cute? It was unfair; it was unhealthy for his heart, being subjected to this adorable display with Raghav sitting in his lap fucking hell whyyy—
"Ka-ja-la," Raghav repeated slowly, a smile curling up his lips. "Click your tongue to the floor of your mouth, and say la the way you say na in the word for arrow— बाण. काजळ."
Ranveer pulled himself together and tried again. "Kaa-ja-da— dammit."
Raghav snickered, teeth digging into his bottom lip, and Ranveer wanted to sink his own teeth into that soft, pillowy flesh—
"That-" the shorter boy choked out, lifting a hand to cover his mouth as if it could stifle the sound of his giggles. "You know what," he breathed between laughter, "just- just leave it. I'll teach you how to say kajal later. Atta mi tula he lavto, okay?"
Ranveer shrugged, nodded— and hurriedly bit down on his lip to stifle his groan when Raghav shifted forward in his lap, raising the pencil and pressing a hand to his cheek so he could use his thumb below to expose Ranveer's waterline.
Don't react, don't react, fuck, don't react—
He deliberately focused on the soft glide of the pencil on his skin, eyes looking up at the ceiling, instead of the fact that Raghav was sitting right on his hips, his thighs bracketing Ranveer's, his hand warm to the touch where it was laying across his cheek, gaze laser focused on his work—
He pulled away and shifted again, and Ranveer clenched his jaw at the spark of electricity that ran up his spine. His fingers curled where they were pressed into the floor of the studio, nails digging into the wood hard enough to hurt. The waterline of the other eye was pulled down, and Raghav got to work again, bottom lip caught between his teeth as he focused on the job at hand.
Ranveer did not move. He did not breathe.
What seemed like an eternity later, Raghav pulled back with a grin.
"There!" he exclaimed, gaze down as he slid the cap back onto the pencil. "Jhala! Now you can look in the mirro—"
He looked up and stopped mid sentence, eyes widening, and the way his pink lips parted oh-so-gently in surprise had Ranveer suppressing a frustrated groan. Gods fucking dammit Raghav can you not do that when you're literally in my fucking lap—
"I- oh-" Raghav stammered, a deep red flush blooming like fresh roses across his cheekbones, looking as if he had just now realised exactly where he was sitting. "I'm just- I'm just gonna—"
He tried to move away but Ranveer scrambled forward, hands involuntarily curling around his thighs to stop him from moving. "Nai, ruk ja—"
Raghav froze, and Ranveer suddenly comprehended where his hands were. Raghav's thighs were soft and supple, fingers so dangerously high up that he was almost brushing the cleft of his derrière. Ranveer breathed out slowly, raising his head to stare Raghav in the eyes.
"Tell me how I look," he breathed, and watched Raghav swallow thickly, the muscles of his neck shifting enticingly. He could barely recognise his own voice through the haze of sheer want that flooded his senses. He wanted to lean forward and attach his lips to that smooth skin, wanted to suck on the flesh and dig his teeth in till there were black and blue bruises all over, wanted to mark Raghav as his.
"Raghav," he murmured lowly, and revelled in the obvious shiver that ran through the shorter boy's body. "How do I look?"
The kajal pencil slipped out from between Raghav's fingers and clattered onto the wooden floor. Ranveer did not turn towards it; he did not give enough of a fuck about that silly stick, not when he had a lapful of Raghav with his thighs flexing under his hands, staring at him with half-lidded eyes.
"How do I look, Raghav?" he asked again.
Raghav lunged.
Ranveer yelped as his back slammed into the mirror, but the sound was swallowed by Raghav's mouth. He gasped and kissed back, fingers tightening on those thighs, and Raghav slipped his tongue into Ranveer's mouth, running it over the back of his teeth and making him let out a soft, breathy sound.
Ranveer responded immediately, stroking his own tongue against Raghav's and shivering at the answering moan. The way Raghav kissed was heady, with his hands dragging up Ranveer's chest and shoulders to bury themselves into his hair, lips moving sensually and back arching so that Ranveer's hands slipped up and gripped his ass.
Raghav let out a wounded sound when Ranveer squeezed the soft, round flesh, and the kiss became dizzyingly hot— tongues roaming and lips slicking up with saliva, Raghav's hands tugging on long black hair and Ranveer's teeth sinking into a soft pink lip to nip at it.
They only pulled away because they ran out of breath.
Ranveer pressed his forehead to Raghav's and breathed deeply, eyes fluttering shut and heartbeat thundering in his ears.
"Fuck," he hissed, and Raghav huffed in agreement.
"Fuck," he repeated, lifting his head and staring at the boy in his lap with wide eyes. "That- fuck."
Raghav let out a wet giggle and nodded, leaning forward and arching his back so his ass pressed into Ranveer's palms, groaning when his fingers tightened reflexively. The move sent blood rushing south for Ranveer, and he gave Raghav a warning glare, but the boy simply smirked wickedly.
"Now you know how you look," he said slyly, eyes gleaming with smug satisfaction. Ranveer sighed and shook his head, a reluctant smile curling his lips.
"Demon," he said fondly, and then Raghav's lips were back on his.
@orgasming-caterpillar @musaafir-hun-yaaron @h0bg0blin-meat @shanti-ashant-hai
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khulkarjiyo · 1 year
आई फ्लू कैसे फैलता है एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति में? (How to spread eye flu in hindi)
eye flu आजकल एक हॉट टॉपिक है क्योंकि ज्यादातर लोग इस फ्लू के संक्रमण में आ रहे हैं लोगों की आंखों में इस फ्लू के कारण समस्याएं देखने को मिल रही है। यह फ्लू इतनी तेजी से कैसे फैल रहा है? क्या आप जानते हैं एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति में Eye flu कैसे फैलता है क्या यह संक्रमित व्यक्ति की आंखों में देखने से फैल सकता है? यदि आप इन सवालों के जवाब जानना चाहते हैं तो नीचे स्क्रॉल करें क्योंकि इस पोस्ट…
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ratedfleur · 10 months
losin’ it.
↳ an excerpt from ganda and pogi’s world.
zhanghao x reader 886 word count genre ୭ explicit & comfort
tags: thigh riding, lots of crying, overstimulation, slapping, use of safe word, aftercare.
written in eng / filo.
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breaths unsteady, tears staining your flushed cheeks, thighs quivering whilst you sat on top of hao’s thigh.
hao’s tongue clicks, “and what to do you have to say, ganda?” he says before slapping your thigh, trying to make your still hips move.
you whimpered, hips slowly starting to move against hao after an hour of rutting your pussy against his pant cladded thigh.
you were stimulated up to the point were you rubbed your pussy raw, feeling exhausted kahit hindi ka pa nilalabasan kahit isang beses man lang.
hao watched you, eyes burning with lust as your body moved above him. he was in his sadistic little world, loving it when you cried.
you swallowed a lump in your throat as your hands held onto his shoulders, your swollen clit bumping against the rough fabric.
with an unsteady breath, you muttered “i’m s-sorry.. i’m sorry for b-being a whore—“
“and? what else.” hao said as he stared at your teary eyes, nose red from all of the crying you had done.
he watched you ride his thigh, hao reaches up and slaps your tit before briefly licking and then pinching and twisting your nipple.
you whined out loud, back writhing and arching, showcasing your boobs to hao who sat unimpressed.
“ano? hindi ka na maka-usap?” hao says, hands now holding onto your waist to help you move your hips harder and faster against his thigh.
napa-iyak ka lalo, feeling your pussy ache.
you whimpered, hips moving at hao’s pace. tanging puro iyak nalang at ungol ang lumalabas sa bibig mo, no longer having the ability to speak even a few words from all the stimuli.
“you could’ve been good even just for tonight, ganda.” he says, pulling you closer to him. you cried out loud, pabilis na nang pabilis ang pagkiskis ng puke mo sa hita ni hao.
tears streamed down your face as hao kept moving you on his thigh, all while degrading you at the same time.
“h-haaa.. p-pogi— hao, i can’t na. ‘di ko na kaya..” you whimpered out his name, arms wrapping around his neck, encasing him into your embrace as you cried.
“hmm? no ganda, i think you could do more for a little while.” hao’s tongue clicks, hands reaching up to cup your underboob, having a handful of your swollen tits.
“come on, ganda. just a little more and i can make you cum on me mamaya.” hao said as his thumbs rubbed swirls around your nipples.
you shook your head, chest heaving with heavy breaths. your sobs continued, no longer sane enough to tell hao to stop.
“don’t cry, ganda. just a little more.” he mutters, lips ghosting over your exposed neck. he continues to mouth kisses against your neck, nipping a few spots here and there.
“h-hao..” you muttered, tapping his shoulder but hao doesn’t even notice.
your forehead dropped to hao’s shoulder as you cried, “racoon, hao.. ayoko na..” you cried out your safe word, sobbing against his shoulder while hao made your hips still against his thigh.
“i’m sorry, ganda. i’m sorry.” hao muttered, hand reaching up to cup your jaw, making you look at him.
the eyes that were filled with lust are now mirroring pain as yours had, hao busied himself with putting on a robe on you, getting you off his thigh and onto the bed where it’s much more comfortable.
his hands that were rough against you now became soft against your skin, holding you close to ease your crying.
“ganda, i’m sorry. i should’ve listened po.” hao gently says, reaching for the water bottle for you to sip on whilst your breathing slowly calmed down.
you hugged him loosely, feeling entirely out of it. hao knew he had went a step too far, watching you delve in deeper into a subspace.
your eyes were empty as hao stood up, carrying you into the bathroom where he sat you gently on the toilet cover.
he quickly maneuvered around the toilet, setting you up a warm bath with your favorite bath salts. he even played your bath time playlist in the background whilst he stood you up again, making you pee before bringing you into the tub.
hao made you sit comfortably before getting in behind you, lying you down on his chest. he hummed, hugging you tight as you sat there unmoving.
he quickly washed you with your bath soaps, washing you off before getting out of the tub. you sat in your robe on the toilet cover whilst hao drained the tub before brushing your hair.
carrying you back to the room, hao quickly dressed you in your panties and his shirt before getting you into bed with the warm covers.
he got dressed before dimming the lights, lying down beside your figure to cuddle you. you got into his arms, feeling his warm front against yours. hao’s hand busily patted your head lightly as he embraced you, muttering sweet nothings into your ear.
“thank you, pogi..” you muttered, finally looking up at hao who looked down at you and smiled.
hao hummed, “no ganda, don’t thank me po. i didn’t listen to you earlier.” he says while kissing your forehead, hugging you tight.
“pero inalagaan mo naman ako, that’s the good part here, pogi.” you say to him, smiling lightly.
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never-fair · 1 year
green kurta || remus x you
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Remus was absolutely terrified. In front of the mirror, he was practicing what he was going to say to your parents who he was going to meet in just about 3 hours.
He glanced down at his watch and his eyes widened. Scratch that, make that 2 more hours. It was safe to say that the sandy haired boy really cared about the situation that was going to come into play and your heart melted when you saw him getting into a kurta just to make your father happy.
He was fiddling with the collar of the bright green kurta. You know he only picked it out because you said it looked nice. The green made his eyes pop and match dreadfully well with the intricate gold designs that were sewed into the cloth.
It made him look ethereal but not as ethereal as you.
You decided to wear a nice and simple salwar kameez. It was a gorgeous dark red with gold that made the red seem even more dark and enchanting. You smiled softly as Remus who was now fidgeting around with the hem of the kurta, turning his body and checking all sorts of things with it.
You slowly made your way to Remus and snuck your arms around his waist. He giggled and turned around to meet your face before his eyes widened and jaw dropped down to his feet.
"Darling, you look ravishing in red," Remus whispers in your ear, his hands moving to your hips. Your breath hitched in your throat while you stuttered out a 'what' as your cheeks got red.
He smirked at you and gave you a quick peck before letting you go, you sighed deeply and looked into Remus's eyes.
The moment was disrupted when an alarm suddenly rang and in a split second, both of you were out the door, running to the car.
Of course, that didn't stop Remus from opening your car door and buckling your seat belt for you when you both got in the car.
The drive to your parents home was about 25 minutes from the hotel you were staying at and as the GPS kept signaling you were getting closer, the more nervous you and Remus got.
You hadn't even told your parents you had a boyfriend until a month ago and you yet you did tell them that he was white, you were still terrified.
Remus seemed to notice your distress and laid a firm.hand on your thigh. You turned your head and smiled at him, blushing ever so slightly.
"Don't worry dove, I got a few tricks up my sleeve," he said, making the final turn to your childhood home.
A few hours had passed and all was going wonderfully well. Your parents were very welcoming of Remus and he couldn't be any happier. At first, they had their own thoughts about their daughter being with someone of a different race, but Remus did in fact pull that trick.
The entire time Remus was near your parents, he spoke Hindi.
You were amazed at his skills and knew it must've taken ages for him to learn. It took you a solid 2 years to get a grasp of the conjunction itself but Remus was gliding through it all, even adding a few jokes here and there.
Remus got to look at some of your old baby photos and sneakily took one from the album to keep with him and tease you about when you got home.
At one point, your mother even came over to you, whispering in your ear how you had won the jackpot when Remus said he could cook wonderful Malai Kofta.
You nodded, not really paying attention to her. Instead, you were entranced by Remus enthusiasm as he chatted with your father about the upcoming cricket game, the both of them laughing and having a splendid time.
Oh how you loved Remus.
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for the future: bonita, the one that got away.
Seungcheol found himself staring outside Bonnie's house. He can't move. He can't even cry. He had the chance to choose her, but he didn't. He had to save his friend.
Hindi naman tanga si Bonnie. He knows that Seungcheol has always been outside her house. Kaya naman, she knows that this is the time to face him, it's now or never. It's all over the news, his marriage with his bestfriend. Masakit, but she can't be selfish. She knows that Seungcheol loves his bestfriend so much that he's willing to take sacrifices for her.
Bonnie then knocked on his car window, "Lakas talaga ng trip mo, 'no? Kala mo ba di ko alam na lagi kang nandito?" She laughs, but he knows it's a fake one. "Bumaba ka na diyan."
She invited him inside her house, he knows every part of this house. He was there when she bought this, and she chose this because Seungcheol told him, "Bon, this house screams BONNIE. Gets ba?"
"Oo nga eh. Pag-isipan ko."
"Sus, pag-iisipan pa! Bilhin mo na!"
"Tsaka na, dami ko pang titignan sa sinend nung broker eh."
"Ah basta, sure ako ito pipiliin mo."
"Wow ah. Paano ka nakasisigurado, ha?"
"Bonnie, we've been friends since college, nasa last year na ko ng residency, so please. I know you."
Now that it has been announced that he's going to marry Natasha, Bonnie knows him all too well. Alam niya na there's something going on between the two of them, but both of them doesn't even know what to do about it.
"Kumain ka na?"
"Hindi pa. Kakatapos lang ng duty."
"Kain ka muna. Nandito kanina sila Ji."
"Okay lang, Bon. Di rin naman ako magtatagal."
Ah, oo nga pala. She said to herself.
"Sige, ba't ka ba nandito? Di kita tinataboy ah. Congrats pala." She genuinely smiled at him, after all, she's his friend.
Lumapit siya kay Bonnie, leaning his head on her head. He wrapped his arms around her waist. He closed his eyes, ang bilis ng kabog ng puso niya. "Bon..."
Bonnie didn't stop him. Deep down in her heart, gusto niyang piliin siya. Pero she knows what happened with Natasha and her family and what will happen to her. She's not that selfish. She knows that Seungcheol made the right choice.
He started kissing her and touching every bit of her body, trying to memorize each part of it. Bonnie can feel his tears falling down his face. Masakit din para sa kaniya, pero she needs to be strong. She needs him to know that she's going to be okay without him.
With every thrust inside her, he kept on begging Bonnie, "Bonnie, parang awa mo na. Pigilan mo ko. Angkinin mo ako."
Bonnie ignores him and positioned herself on top of her, she's giving him all of her tonight. "Tangina... baby.."
Kumirot ang puso ni Seungcheol. Bonnie never called him baby. Ngayon lang.
"Fucking hell, Bonnie! Please, Bonnie, fuck. Baby, please? Please... stop me."
Nararamdaman niya na sumisikip na si Bonnie, "Fuck, baby, please... Bonnie, please. Angkinin mo na ako. I'm begging you."
Bonnie came first, but Seungcheol? He knows he's close but he's trying not to finish it. Ayaw niyang matapos.
"Baby... Forget about me, mhmm?" She's close again. She moans his name, "Don't let the thought of me hinder the love you can give her. And your future family." She came again.
"Bonnie, I love you." He came inside her.
He laid on top of her and Bonnie caressed his face, "Thank you for loving me, Seungcheol. I'm proud of the man you became."
"It was all because of you, baby. Call me baby, please, Bon. Kahit ngayong gabi lang."
Bonnie sighed and smiled at him, "Okay, baby."
They did it again, for god knows how many. He kept on saying I love yous to her, but she didn't say it back.
She never said that she loves him, dahil alam niyang Seungcheol will drop everything for her. Okay na sa kaniya na kahit ngayong gabi lang, they felt like it was just the two of them, against the world.
She loved him from the start. She already fell for him the moment he accidentally kissed her, and she never regret falling for him.
As for him, Bonnie was his home. Yeah, he got confused with his feelings with Natasha back in college, but still, he knows deep inside that Bonnie is his home. He loved her so much that he'd rather stay as friends with her than lose her like his lovers. But he have to do this for Natasha. Or else, he'll lose his best friend.
Hindi niya alam na he will lose Bonnie this way.
"We'll be okay, Seungcheol. We will be."
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I've seen a bit of your essays about egypt references in sumeru. Will you do one for each character? Asking because I really wanna know what you think of Alhaitham, Deshret and Nabu Malinka
Oh Wow I'm so glad folks are still finding those! (also so sorry it took me like a month to respond)
So I double checked and I only got around to posting Nilou, Cyno, and Apep on Tumblr. I thought I vaguely touched on King Deshret just before 3.0 launch but I think that was just in a comment on someone else's post about Sumeru and Egypt. Same thing with Candace unfortunately.
I'd have to look into Al-Haitham a little more. Other than his name being Arabic there doesn't seem to be much linking him to the Egypt side of things. Most things from the Akademiya are Hindi inspired and I don't have enough knowledge in that area to feel comfortable assuming links between things.
For Nabu Malikata it was a waiting game. We knew about the flower goddess in 3.0, but it's only been the last two area updates where we've even learned her name. Now that we have all of it. . . It actually doesn't make it that much easier. Nabu implies Mesopotamian gods might be involved meaning there love myths are on the table along with the OsirisXIsis myth which would be the easy answer (if it was like a role swapped version lol), then you have the Tanit and Babel dropping Torah references left and right. On top of all that since we know Nilou is supposed to symbolize Nabu and Nilou has Hindi connections in her stuff we can't rule out Hinduism from our list of old religious sources.
Basically Mihoyo pulled from every middle eastern primary (hopefully) source they could get their hands on. And didn't care which they put on some characters. Characters like Cyno or Candace are easy to break down into Anubis and Horus. But even King Deshret has other things mixed in there. Like they legit replaced Amun-Ra with Deshret. Like they redesigned the eye of Ra to mean King Deshret in Teyvat. I'm guessing because Ra is so well known they couldn't use the name? But it just makes things messier.
So short answer Candace, Deyha, and King Deshret are definitely on the table for me to finally post their breakdowns. (Seeing as Candace's character quest or hangout apparently isn't happening). Nabu Malikata's breakdown and King Deshret and Nabu's love story on the other hand are in time out until if figure out if they're even an Egyptian myth or a Sumerian one.
And no time frame for any of these. It took me a month to get to this ask. I'm not exactly the fastest historical researcher at the moment.
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