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Vs. Brawl Extremist
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big news from my side of the border, someone was recently arrested and put in jail for 5 days for wearing rainbow frog earrings (an "extrimist symbol"). i love living here!!! 🥰 /s
#the entire lgbtq+ community is considered 'an extrimist movement' by law for context#archer's unrelated
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i will not die during his regime.
#балаболим#lgbt's are criminals in russia now#i'm not joking.#they had like. a court today. closed off one. with a plaintiff and without the defendant#they made up some “worldwide lgbt organisation” to consider it as extrimist. some people decided to represent it. they didn't let them in.#welp.#i was born while he was ruling but i ain't going to die while he does. he ain't outliving me.#блять. какая же хуйня.#в тартарары катимся.#ничё. не в таких были. выползем если придётся. блять.
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A "fun" addition.
Previous laws regarding "LGBT propaganda" would mostly result in you being charged a fine for violating them. Latest additions mostly raised those fines and expanded what qualifies as "propaganda".
This new "law" makes it so that you can go to jail for up to 12 years if you do as simple as display a pride rainbow flag.
I quickly checked what are the consequences of displaying nazi symbols. It's either a fine or a jail up to 3 years. And jail is for repeated offense.
Currently, in russia, you can get in MUCH more trouble for displaying a flag with the "wrong" rainbow than a flag with a swastika.
so, today we, russian queers, may become "extremists" by decision of russian supreme court and thus our existence will be silenced and erased. any queer activism will be impossible for us. I don't know what to do anymore. I was heartbroken when they passed the laws about "gay propaganda" and transgender people, now I'm just numb. I don't want to escape. I just want to live safely in my own country.
please hear us.
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c00c70326de974d7926c2fb0d1d111b6/777fff2d63b23f4c-44/s540x810/ed08c27305afe9c9c257e10440c078b1a9fa3f43.jpg)
YO GUYS I had an idea about making charm with all extrimist so that the idea with ancom, what do u think?
Also, I think I'll just drop the file at the end when it will be ready, 'cause 1) I don't wanna to suffer with companies making acrylic keychains 2) it would be very problematic to send keychains from my country tbh
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Okay so I don't know exactly-exactly what happened in the US with Donald Trump, but as an Israeli, some of the reactions I see give me strong Yitzhak Rabin vibes. "I wish he was shot but-" no you don't. "I think it would be best if it hit him but-" no it wouldn't. First of all, you don't get to decide who's life "deserves" to be taken away, you're not Elokim (and that's comming from a secular). Not to mention that this is exactly what Western antisemites are currently constantly doing to us as well. Second of all, you have no idea what type of political resonanse that type of shit creates. When I was in highschool still I got to hear people on Yitzhak Rabin memorial day talk about how it shouldn't have happened BUT "it's a good thing that it did", because "he put us all in danger", because "we wouldn't survive under future decisions of his", because blah blah blah blah
And I'm not one to comment on politics, regardless of anything what I see most is just how that affects the people. Our society has never been the same after Yitzhak Rabin was assasinated, it created a permanent void between the Israeli left and right and lead to a condition in which extrimism thrives and anything else is lost between the chairs.
And I get that these are way more common in the US, but I still think it's safe to say it's not something that you want to see.
Because the US is getting extrimist enough as it is.
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Can't be on any media anymore
Scolled peacefully on twitter when i saw this:
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b67f081f4fc7fd24ed86719aa267f728/a38da785842baa76-16/s640x960/ac4f0e63ddbd6b32f8fa9440bd747486e835c215.jpg)
And wow💀 just wow this shows how people REALLY don't understand ANYTHING and know NOTHING about israel.
I love this artist, sorry, i meant loved, they are from Argentina so no wonder they don't know shit and are fed only from extrimist propaganda on the media.
They call the iron dome "genocidal hero" 💀 the iron dome is a DEFENSIVE mechanism not OFFENSIVE it has NOTHING to do with killing people, in fact it PREVENTS DEATH.
The iron dome is built to retaliateand stop rockets from hitting israel and killing civilians- its a SHIELD not a WEAPON. If it was a hero he would break metal as a daily activity, he would break mirko's human bunny legs like they are twigs with no problem
Can people start actually doing their research about israel for exchange?
#Israel#Palestine#Iron dome#mirko#Mha#Gaza#Genocide#Do your research#Palestinians#jumbler#pro israel#pro palestinian#from the river to the sea yall can suck my d#free israel from terrorism#free gaza from hamas#טמבלר ישראלי#ישראבלר#כיפת ברזל#ישראל
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Yea miss eula lawrence, a devoted servant of lord barbatos would no doubt relinquish those disgusting sinners before they get the chance to unleash their abyssal abominations on us.
Eula would have interesting interacts with a person of eclipse khaenriah (esp. One of nobility)
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jesse what the fuck are you talking about
#anon#loool what? having morals is going into random blogs ask boxes and calling them cunts apparently
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I prefer not to post or read anything about politics and stuff, because tumblr is my funny gay space. But today, just recently, so called LGBT organisation was recognized by the russian court as extrimists. So... even though me, my friends and my partner are not technically criminals, it still feels wierd. And I would usually joke about that (at this point there're too much of devastating news every day) but now I only want to leave this sinking ship more then I ever wanted.
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I've been seeing the (extrimist) pro aloy as lesbian going around lately. I'm not opposed aloy being lesbian but I also want to make a point. Because these people have been throwing bi aloy ships under the bus & insist aloy only blush around women. I want to ask what tf is this then?
Exhibit A:
I'm not even a shipper, but I don't mind people shipping Aloy with anyone.
I was just genuinely confused because this scene actually made me confused at that time. But I won't pretend guerilla didn't make it on purpose :/ (Tho after that, Aloy turn avad down mercilessly, but still. It happened.)
Sure she smiles a lot and gets animated with some other male characters other than Avad. But I can't objectively say they are romantic reactions.
But that one with Avad? Right when he told her he had to get married first to have an heir?? I'm all for lesbian aloy but I won't say it's dead canon until Guerilla said so explicitly.
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Abusive dad gets killed by his own son
making it big as a chef! Oopsie, i commited murder on accident!
Ooooh...rat poison doesn't taste too good
Hell does exist, but where fire?
(Hazbin sona , Alain)
House was set to blow by radical extrimists in a fancy place
Was rescued by someone who is now my adoptive brother while he was leaving his fancy life
Now making potions in a calm village, with my borther
(skullcap, my batpony)
EVERYONE QUICK describe your oc story in the worst way possible
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Digital Silence by Peter McPoland could be interpreted as a retrospective on populist and extrimist politians
Digital Silence by Peter McPoland could be interpreted as a retrospective on populist and extrimist politians I live in Slovakia where a party has lied to the people and ran this country for 16 years. These politians are ultranationalits and populits (someone who always changes their opinions in a way to attract the most people) so i did find some small possible refrences. Of course the song ia mostly about addiction tk technology but everyone can interpret it diffrently.1. "Why don't you get it? Can't you get it? Understand - the voters are sometimes almost brainwashed and loyal no matter what argument you use.2. "They're gonna execute the mother to elevate the man" - A metaphor of how they will kill innocence or resistance (mother) to elevate themselves/ the market (man)3. "They're gonna propagate the killer, eliminate the youth" - They are gonna show off the bad things they did like for example a real billboard saying: " We stopped funding into LGBTQ projects". The youth are often frustrated and decide to leave the country which means liberal parties lose voters4. They're gonna blind date everyone until you love them too. - Not really sure. Maybe it means that it ia hopeless and eventually you will have no other choice than to love them. Sorry if i got too political. Thanks for reading. Submitted February 08, 2025 at 01:11AM by Wrong-Koala9174 https://ift.tt/SQ4aAmx via /r/Music
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Calin Georgescu in turul 2 !
Ii inteleg pe toti romanii care au votat Calin Georgescu, prin prisma faptului ca sustine o ideologie nationalista. Dar trebuie sa nu uitati ca omul a fost propus de AUR in 2021 pentru a fi prim-ministru si ulterior a fost dat afara din partid, pentru ca avea idei prea extrimiste.
Sa nu uitam de declaratiile lui, cel putin dubioase cum ca Corneliu Zelea Codreanu sau Ion Antonescu trebuie considerati eroi ai poporului roman. El a spus ca Corneliu Zelea Codreanu ar fi luptat pentru moralitatea fiintei umane. Si cand i s-a amintit ca legionarii i-au asasinat pe Armand Calinescu si Nicolae Iorga, el a sustinut ca istoria este "mistificata". Niste declaratii total nebunesti.
In urma acestor declaratii, i s-a deschis un dosar penal pentru sustinerea si promovarea in public, a persoanelor acuzate pentru savarsirea unor infractiuni de GENOCID CONTRA UMANITATII si crime de razboi,precum şi fapta de a promova, în public, idei, concepţii sau doctrine fasciste, legionare, rasiste sau xenofobe. Deci cum poti sa spui ca un legionar a luptat pentru moralitatea fiintei umane ? Aici trebuie mentionat si faptul ca omul e fan Putin..
Suntem inca la lista de "bile negre" si vom continua cu campania pe care Calin Georgescu si-a facut-o pe Tik Tok, platind influenceri si boti, sa il promoveze si sa manipuleze in mod direct userii. Pe langa asta, el a mai si mintit, spunand ca nu a platit pe nimeni si ca oamenii il sustin din propria vointa, ulterior s-a demonstrat adevărul. Pe langa faptul ca el zice ca susinte moralitate, actiunea lui de a se promova "mascat" pe Tik Tok, este total ilegala. Influencerii fiind obligati sa-si marcheze publicitatea, ceea ce ei nu au facut.
Calin Georgescu adereaza catre Rusia, ar tebui sa va ganditi bine daca o Romanie sub influenta fascista ruseasca, e ceea ce va doriti. Un regim politic din secolul XXI care respinge toate elementele culturare ale altor popoare asupra totalitarismului si imperialismului sovietic si utilizarea ortodoxei ruse ca doctrina morala. Asta inseamna ca practic, identitatea poporului roman va disparea. Ideologia fascismului rusesc este in mare parte similara cu nazismul lui Hitler.
Cu alte cuvinte, sunteti pregatiti sa luptati in razboaie pe care nu vi le doriti?
Sunteti pregatiti sa va trimiteti fii la moarte?
Va doriti ca femeile sa devina din nou niste persoane lispite de drepturi?
Vreti ca minoritatile precum persoanele de alta etnie sau de alta religie, sau orientare sexuala sa fie persecutate ?
Sunteti pregatiti sa renuntati la dreptul de libera exprimare ?
Sunteti pregatiti sa nu mai puteti pleca din tara ?
Sunteti pregatiti sa nu mai avem acces la produse si servicii din afaara ? Aveti incredere in ce ne ofera Romania ca si resurse in momentul actual ?
Fratilor, suntem in 2024, credeti ca Romania are nevoie sa se intoarca cu 50 de ani in trecut ?
Sau credeti ca am avea nevoie de modernizarea in ceea ce priveste politica ?
Daca Rusia o sa puna mana pe Romania, nu v-om mai putea scapa niciodata de ea! Ganditi-va ca Ceausescu s-a opus vehement Rusiei si ulterior tot ei l-au si omorat. Deci sa nu asociati ideologia comunsimului ceausist cu ideologia politica sovietica. Rusia o sa puna monopol pe tot ce are Romania. Nu uitati ca sovieticii ne-au furat tezaurul. Cand peste jumatate din Romania era ocupata in Primul Razboi Mondial, ne-am trimis tezarul in Rusia pentru a fii protejat. Ce credeti ? Au trecut peste o suta de ani si sovieticii nu ne-au inapoiat nimic ! Din păcate, cazul României nu este singurul, Rusia deținând și azi patrimonii culturale și tezaure de la alte țări europene pe care le-a jefuit în decursul timpului, cum ar fi Polonia, Lituania, Letonia, Estonia și altele.
Nici mie nu imi place ce facut din Romania, intrare in Uniunea Europeana, dar asta pentru ca tara noastra nu s-a adaptat complet . Sa va spun cateva lucruri de care Romania a beneficiat de la aderarea UE in 2007.
Azi daca ai bani si vrei sa te duci sa iti faci o vacanta in Grecia sau Spania, ai nevoie doar de buletin si poti trece vama fara probleme.
Cine credea inainte de 2007 ca autoritatiile si politicienii vor devenii mai transpareti in ceea ce priveste utilizarea bugetului public ? Sau ca justitia va baga dupa gratii un premier, mai multi fosti ministrii, parlamentari sau oameni de afaceri ?
Apartenta UE a dat incredere institutiilor precum DNA, chiar daca nu toate cazurile au avut un desnodamant corect si România este si azi in topul celor mai corupte tari din Europa, politicienii și funcționarii publici sunt mai vulnerabili faţă de perioada dinainte de 2007.
Pe scurt protectia UE a curatat putin Romania, chiar daca inca mai este mult de lucru pana cand tara va fi reglementata complet.
Inca un punct important este ca economia Romaniei s-a dublat in anii acestia si tara a primit fonduri europene de aproape 91 miliarde de euro si a platit la bugetul Uniunii Europene doar 29 miliarde de euro. Astfel rezultand un plus de aproape 62 de miliarde euro.
Nu vreau sa influentez in niciun fel pe nimeni, doar as vrea sa ganditi bine asupra viitorului tarii !
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Are Iranians becoming atheists? via /r/atheism
Are Iranians becoming atheists? I have been exposed to posts and news that majority of new generation Iranian population is leaving Islam. However, due to the fear of Government and/or Extrimist groups people do not disclose it publicly. Also heard reports that thousands of mosques have been shut down. Is there any concrete metrics for this in terms of how many have become Atheists? Submitted August 27, 2024 at 11:56AM by Strange_Spot_4760 (From Reddit https://ift.tt/mROnWEQ)
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When it's white people, they're radicals. But when it's brown and black people, it's "extrimists". Remember the storming of the Capitol VS BLM and how each were treated. Colonialism will bend the vocabulary on its will to re enforce its rule.
It’s actually the most dangerous thing in the world to depict armed resistance against a settler entity as “barbaric violence,” bc it’s exactly the kind of argument that helps an apartheid regime like Israel get away with doubling down on its horrific massacre of Palestinians. Again and again we have seen warranted, justified armed resistance against Israel—a militarized, powerful state—be depicted as “clashes” “both sides are in the wrong” “pointless violence,” which not only implies that there’s an even playing field (which couldn’t be further from the truth), but which also normalizes even more violence from the oppressor, because this talking point paints Palestinian resistance as brutish and subhuman. It paints it as something that requires repression—that justifies even further violence from Israel. It is genuinely the most fucked up thing you could say.
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