#extraterrestrial contact
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divine-nonchalance · 7 months ago
Pleiadian Channeling: Galactic Ambassador Course Excerpt
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futurefatum · 6 months ago
Baba Vanga Predicts Apocalypse Begins in 2025
Posted July 8th, 2024 by @TimcastNews Baba Vanga Predicts THE APOCALYPSE Begins 2025 As World War 3 Will DEVASTATE Europe’s Population ABOUT THIS VIDEO: The video discusses a series of predictions made by the late Baba Vanga, a Bulgarian clairvoyant, known for foreseeing various global events. The focus is on her claim that the apocalypse will begin in 2025, initiated by World War III, which…
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Types of Aliens Described by Extraterrestrial Contactees
The types of aliens described by extraterrestrial contactees have fascinated many. These contactees claim to have encountered various extraterrestrial beings. Their descriptions provide a glimpse into the possible diversity of alien life. The Greys The Greys are one of the most common types of aliens described by extraterrestrial contactees. These beings are often depicted in popular…
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karlydraws · 2 years ago
시공간의 천사
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I came across the space and time to find you
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cosmicportal · 4 months ago
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a-typical · 2 months ago
“She had studied the universe all her life, but had overlooked its clearest message: For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.” ― Carl Sagan, Contact
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unexplainedthings · 16 days ago
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oddlittlestories · 5 months ago
Midnight Burger spoilers ahead. I think some of you House MD folks might actually enjoy it so mind the post
Thinking about how Caspar’s choice to launch Ava into space changes his trajectory so much. It’s that violent reaction to needing consistency that opens him up to the possibility of change. That he’s the only one who could’ve helped Ex and also the one least likely to help her and most terrorized by her existence.
Thinking about how via Ex, the Leifs, Ava and a couple other things, we have explicit statements of how stuff for Our crew is changed vs in other timelines.
That your worst decision could be your best catalyst. That the dynamics you thought were set in stone might be clay after all. That people will surprise you, and you’re a people.
That leaps of faith are, well, kind of everything.
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whatcha-thinkin · 7 months ago
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sspacegodd · 1 year ago
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the-most-humble-blog · 19 days ago
"Would you enjoy teaching a chimp how to use toilet paper? No? Then why the hell do we think extraterrestrials want to talk to us?"
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Humans love to fantasize about first contact. 🚀 "Aliens will visit us one day!" 🚀 "They must be watching us, waiting for us to evolve!" 🚀 "We’re sending signals into space, hoping they respond!"
Buddy, let me crush your dreams real quick.
👽 If aliens are real, they aren’t avoiding us because we’re ‘too primitive.’ They’re avoiding us because we’re the intergalactic equivalent of a toddler shitting in his hands and clapping.
You wouldn’t waste your time teaching a chimp how to code, right? You wouldn’t explain nuclear physics to a hamster. Hell, you wouldn’t even bother teaching your dog how WiFi works.
Now multiply that intelligence gap by about a billion, and that’s what we’re asking aliens to do.
📌 Humans are barely intelligent by our own low-ass standards. We only became “advanced” because we figured out how to make fire, build walls, and stab each other more efficiently. 📌 We just discovered electricity 200 years ago. That’s nothing. The dinosaurs ruled for 165 million years, and they still got curb-stomped by space rocks. 📌 We still fight over invisible concepts like "borders" and "religion." If an alien civilization is even 1,000 years ahead of us, they probably look at us the same way we look at a raccoon fighting over garbage scraps.
🔥 Why the hell would they waste their time talking to us? 🔥
You really think an intergalactic species that mastered space travel wants to ‘make contact’ with a planet where:
✔ Half the population believes the Earth is flat. ✔ People still drink bleach because they saw it on Facebook. ✔ We have nuclear bombs, yet we still elect leaders who can’t even do basic math. ✔ A species that hasn’t even figured out ‘stop killing each other over dumb shit’ wants a seat at the big boy table?
📌 We barely made it to the Moon 60 years ago. Meanwhile, any aliens watching us have probably been zipping through galaxies since before our ancestors figured out fire. 📌 We send radio signals into space hoping for a response. Bro, that’s like tossing a paper airplane into a hurricane and expecting a phone call. 📌 We can’t even communicate properly with dolphins—one of the smartest species on Earth. But sure, let’s expect some hyper-advanced species to come down and have a TED Talk with us.
🔥 Aliens aren’t ignoring us because they “haven’t found us.” They’re ignoring us because they HAVE. And what they saw made them hit the ‘Do Not Disturb’ button real quick. 🔥
If aliens are observing us, it’s probably not with respect.
They’re not thinking, "Oh, let’s uplift these poor, primitive beings!" Nah. They’re thinking, "These dumbasses keep blowing each other up over imaginary lines. Let’s just watch them for entertainment."
📌 You ever go to the zoo and watch monkeys throw shit at each other? Congratulations. That’s probably how aliens view our world news. 📌 You ever see a nature documentary about a predator chasing down a weak, stupid animal? That’s what our wars look like to them. 📌 You ever see a kid burning ants with a magnifying glass? Yeah. That’s the kind of "alien contact" we should be worried about.
🔥 If aliens wanted to wipe us out, they wouldn’t even have to invade. They’d just flick an asteroid at us and call it a day.** 🔥
Maybe aliens DO want to communicate with us. Maybe they’re just waiting for the right time.
🟢 What if they show up? 🟢 What if they land and say, "Greetings, Earthlings." 🟢 What if they… start licking their lips?
Because let’s be real—humans don’t communicate with cows. We don’t share wisdom with chickens. We don’t exchange culture with shrimp.
🔥 We eat them. 🔥
If we ever make alien contact, let’s pray they don’t have the same energy we have toward every other species on this planet.
📌 We’re either too stupid to talk to, or just smart enough to be considered food. Pick your poison.
If we were the superior species, we wouldn’t even bother looking for them.
✔ We don’t go looking for cavemen. We study their fossils. ✔ We don’t talk to ants. We step over them. ✔ We don’t communicate with cows. We raise them, milk them, and eat them.
That’s us, on the universal scale.
So the next time someone says, "Why don’t aliens talk to us?" just ask them:
❓ Would you enjoy teaching a chimp how to use toilet paper? ❓ Would you waste your time explaining iPhones to a hamster? ❓ Would you build a spaceship, travel across the galaxy, and then spend your time talking to… Florida Man?
Yeah. Didn’t think so.
🔥 We’re not too special to be found. We’re just too dumb to be worth the effort. 🔥
🚀 Reblog this and remind the idiots that aliens don’t want us—they’re actively dodging our calls. 🚀 Comment if you agree that if aliens ever visit, it’s not gonna be for "peaceful contact"—it’s gonna be for a meal. 🚀 Follow for more unapologetic, fact-based reality checks.
Ready for more unapologetic truth bombs? Follow The Most Humble Blog for sharp takes, dark humor, and the hard conversations no one else will have.
🔥 No survivors. No apologies. Just facts. 🔥
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divine-nonchalance · 2 years ago
Galactic Energies for the Lightworkers
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to be connecting with all of you, and we know that you open up very nicely to our energies. We appreciate that. We appreciate every single one of you who is interested in us and in the energies from our star system. We know that you are interested in that which is galactic, and we know that you do a wonderful job of opening up to galactic energies, and that is a very good thing. There are of course more galactic energies coming in to your atmosphere all the time to support you on the journey of ascension that humanity is on there on Earth. We also want you to know that when you ground those energies into your physical bodies, you are doing so for your fellow humans and animals and Mother Earth.
This is a group experience of ascension, and everyone benefits from every positive thought, every positive emotion, every good intention that is a part of each and every one of you there on Earth. And so, you can consider yourself to be a lightworker even if you don’t have a job that involves something that you would deem to be spiritual, like an energy healer or a channeler. You are still working with the light and helping others through your anchoring in of the galactic energies and the higher-frequency energies, no matter where they are coming from. And there are energies coming in from all angles at this time.
You are getting ready for another big leap forward there on planet Earth, with more mass awakenings coming, with the equinox coming, and with the extra-terrestrial contact experiences coming that many of you have sought after for a very long time. We know that it is important for those of you who are interested in e.t. contact to have your own personal experiences with e.t.s, and we know that you can have them right now, or tonight, or tomorrow, or whenever you feel ready to receive that contact. 
And we promise you that you will be ready when it happens during your waking hours. Or maybe you will be someone who gets woken up by an e.t. in the middle of the night, and still you will be ready for that experience when you have it. We know that hasn’t always been the case, and we know that some of you do have some fear around e.t. contact in the middle of the night because the Zetas were rather clumsy about it in the early stages of the hybridization program. But we promise you that all e.t.s have learned and have become much better at detecting what you are ready for and when.
And those of you who are interested in receiving galactic energies from the likes of us are most certainly on the radar of all the e.t.s who want to have contact with humanity at this time. You can relax and let those energies in, as they are infused into every single one of these transmissions, and they are coming all the time from parts all across this galaxy of ours. But when you are focused on receiving a transmission of galactic energy, you do tend to open up to it and then receive more of it as a result. These are exciting times, and those of you who are receiving this message are on the leading edge. You can consider yourselves to be the ones who are greatly responsible for the coming galactic age for humanity. 
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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futurefatum · 6 months ago
Destruction and Creation Will Happen in the Same Moment (Tone: 540)
Chaos leads to creation! As global shifts unravel, a new consciousness emerges. Are you ready for the journey ahead? 🌍✨ #SpiritualAwakening #UnityConsciousness #FuturePredictions
Posted September 13th, 2024 by @annetucker Compelling Summary: In this intense message, Anne Tucker channels the Angelic realm, focusing on upcoming global and spiritual shifts. The video delves into humanity’s transition from a state of separation to a unified consciousness, where creation and destruction occur simultaneously. Not everyone will embrace these changes at first, but those who do…
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skygodz · 1 year ago
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Have you made First Contact?
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grayrazor · 1 year ago
So, an impression I got when watching the original Evangelion for the first time, and an interpretation that I’ve never seen anyone else share, was that some of the angels were non-hostile and trying to communicate, but just so alien that their attempts were perceived as attacks.
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Everybody seems to take it as given that all angels are deliberately trying to destroy humanity. IDK, maybe my biases and expectations were set by first contact sci-fi like Solaris and Rendezvous with Rama, where Evangelion is riffing more on alien invasion stories like Ultraman and Gerry Anderson's UFO.
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It would justify Shinji’s reluctance to fight though, that on some instinctive level he knows NERV is lying to him about its necessity. We have seen that they are willing to be duplicitous in order to eliminate threats to the Human Instrumentality Project, like with sabotaging Jet Alone. Thematically, it would fit with some of NGE’s influences like Gundam and Ideon.
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Of course, Kaworu kind of pokes a hole in this idea. He clearly can communicate with and understand humans, yet still seemingly--if regretfully--engages in actions that everybody seems to take for granted will lead to humankind's extinction. It seems like he can't fight it, he asks Shinji to kill him like it's the only way to stop it.
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cosmicportal · 1 month ago
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