#the pleiadians
divine-nonchalance · 13 days
Pleiadian Channeling: Galactic Ambassador Course Excerpt
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 2 months
"THIS IS WHY THE DARK FORCES ARE FINISHED..." - The Pleiadian High Council
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creature-wizard · 2 years
These channels keep announcing "first contact" the way Disney keeps announcing their "first gay character," lol
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queststhroughduality · 6 months
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urloveangel · 1 year
As you hold the awareness that all is well in your world, then your future starts to reflect that to you.
9D Pleiadian Collective
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bloofbloofbloof · 21 days
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Space hippies are back!
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dasenergi · 5 months
The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters.
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I have several beliefs about our souls, where we come from, and where we go when the body dies. One of those beliefs is that we come from the stars.
When two people feel an instant connection or an attraction to each other, when someone feels like home — it is because their soul comes from the same star system. (I also believe we share the same soul, that we are literally one, but that is a different post.)
A Starseed is a soul who knows they are a multidimensional being who has experienced more than just this life here on Earth from a soul perspective. They are awake and believe that at some level their soul chose to be here in this body, on this planet, at this time.
I identify as a Pleiadian Starseed.
Here are some traits common to Pleiadan Starseeds:
Spiritual Awareness: Pleiadian Starseeds have a strong spiritual connection and an innate understanding of spiritual concepts. They may be drawn to spiritual practices such as meditation, energy healing, or channeling.
Seekers of Truth and Wisdom: They have a natural inclination toward seeking knowledge and understanding the mysteries of the universe. They may have a deep interest in science, history, metaphysics, esoteric teachings, and ancient wisdom.
Sensitivity and Empathy: They are often described as highly sensitive and empathetic with a deep awareness of the emotions and energies around them. This ties into their Spiritual Awareness, they know we are more than these bodies, we cross dimensions, and there is more to this world than our bodily senses can perceive.
Connection to Nature: Because they are so sensitive, Pleiadian's have a deep connection to nature and the natural world. They can sense communication with animals and plants and have a desire to protect and nurture the environment.
Creativity and Expression: Pleiadian Starseeds possess creative abilities and a strong desire for self-expression. They feel limited by these bodies and may be drawn to artistic pursuits such as music, writing, or visual arts.
Feeling of Homesickness: Many experience a sense of being an outsider or longing for a place that they feel they belong to, but they don't know where or what that place is. It is always, somewhere else, not here. This is because they have incarnated in realms and planets in places very different from Earth.
You are not alone. We are family. And we have found each other here for a purpose. Trust your intuition.
Now is not the time to long for places other than here. Now is the time to remember who you are, why you came, and truly commit to being here. We all have a part to play in the divine plan.
The world is waking up now and we must stay planted in the Earth. The more rooted we become, the more grounded we feel.
It is really crucial for us to ground ourselves in the here and now, to commit to our human experience, to stay open to the possibility that our soul had a dream and our life is it. We can’t embrace our soul missions if we are forever longing for forever away places; nor can we be at peace if we wish we were someplace else.
Keep working your path. Shine your light. Be a beacon for others. Lead by example. Love.
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harlronica · 1 year
Pleiadian Starseeds
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Starseed's are advanced hybrid human beings that originate as a celestial light source of consciousness from star systems outside of our solar sun, representing the expansional extraterrestrial hosted platforms of their consciousness, and capacities to hold greater missions on Earth not defined by human limitations.
It's important to note that you can tune into any Starseed origin. If you relate more to an origin that's not in your chart you can still hone the energy of this origin. The origins found in your chart are related to your upmost spiritual mission in this incarnation and depending on where they are located that origin will be your most supreme mission and guiding light force within the particular sign/house/planet.
Pleiades is made up of seven hot b-type stars. Very luminous, blue-open star clusters with beautiful reflection nebula's. This origin is influenced by the love and unity of The Virgin Companions of Artemis: The Seven Sisters, The Seven Doves, The Seven Cows, and The Seven Hathor's in Egyptian Mythology.
*The Mission of The Pleiadians*
A Pleiadean alignment in your natal chart would represent the compassionate divine union of the spirit within your being as your primary mythology to the planet. Your mission being deeply committed to being the spiritual healers of Earth.
Many indigo children incarnated from Pleiades. Specifically those born during 1998 to 2008; belonging to the Omega Generation. This is the last "pure" indigo generation. These people are hybrids of indigo/crystal children and are referred to as "the flame throwers" - mainly incarnating under fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. This generation seeks justice and oneness for all; upset with how the previous generations left the world.
Mostly represented under the zodiac sign Leo. Leo is the zodiac represented by Archangel Michael; although it is Aries/Taurus that runs along the Pleiades degrees, and Aldebaran/The Blue Rays/The Family of Michael run along the Taurus degrees. This energy is still honed through the zodiac sign Leo alone. Being the utmost representation of The Family of Michael. Pleiadeans also use The Lion's Gate Portal to incarnate. The true dates of this portal range anywhere from late Cancer to early Leo degrees. This is why many true Pleiadean origins have a cluster chart of Cancer/Leo, but there is usually a direct Pleiadean alignment through Aries/Taurus elsewhere in the natal chart. This doesn't have to be the case. You can be of true Pleiadean origin just through the Aries/Taurus degree markers with no Cancer/Leo placements present.
Through your Pleiadian origin you will experience a profound ascended state of the 5th dimension; bringing forth revelations of purification with the power to burn, the ability to transform, and the power to sustain life. These are the stars of fire, the stars of spirit, the stars of creation.
The most empathic and compassionate Starseed origin. Drawn to humanitarian efforts, nurturing, healing, spiritual guidance, and assisting other souls in their ascension process.
Powerful energy workers, highly psychic, intuitive, and sensitive. This origin is that of the spirit guides that assist with the spiritual evolution on the planet the most.
Pleiadians rule the heart chakra and are the ones that are the most concerned with unconditional love and unity.
This origin is the most affected by the astrological transitions of the moon; along with Sirius and Hydra origins. These origins fully embody the energy of the moon and are constantly in tune with her.
Most Pleiadian's are incarnating from the stargate Alcyone - the heart of Pleiades that holds the 4th/6th density/dimensional future parallel prototype of our Earth called Tara.
Those who have this origin alignment in their natal chart hold the gateway to the higher harmonic universe of our planetary existence and history of its evolution.
The Pleiadian's are a council within the Guardian Alliance that represent specific grid points on the planet that activate within its celestial alignment.
Pleiadian's were the most influential in the 2nd seeding of Lemuria. Many of this origin are deeply connected to Lyra. Even if a Lyra origin alignment is not present in the natal chart.
Many cultures and Galactic Civilizations believe that Pleiades is the true birthplace of the souls of the star people.
Pleiadians hold a profound connection to Archangel Michael and many will feel as if they are direct descendants and part of The Family of Michael (Aldebaran/The Blue Rays) even if there is no direct alignment with Aldebaran in the natal chart. This energy can be honed through Pleiadian origins alone.
Those with a direct/fixed Pleiadian origin alignment will have Aries and/or Taurus placements in their chart. Aries carrying the spiritual warrior energy of Pleiades and Taurus carrying the energy of unconditional love and unity.
Indigo children incarnated from Pleiades are usually born under fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (as mentioned above.) With the majority being born under Cancer/Leo suns as they use The Lions Gate portal to incarnate. High degrees of Aries will be of Pleiadian origin, Leo origins are aligned to the Regulus Starseed origin (The Family of Archangel Raphael.) Sagittarius is linked to Shaula, Lyra, and The Sagittarius A Incarnates which make up the Lyran council.
Indigo Angel's Book: https://www.lulu.com/shop/indigoangel-amanda-jane-demarco/how-to-read-celestial-akashic-starseed-origins-lunar-edition/paperback/product-1qkdn6jj.html?page=1&pageSize=4
My Starseed Origin Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/starseedoriginreadings
For business inquiries and Starseed origin readings please email [email protected] ! I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
*Starseed Origin Chart Readings*
Planetary Starseed Origin Reading: for $27 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological planets (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) . You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Western/Tropical Astrology charts.
Twin Flame Starseed Origin Reading: for $47 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in both you and your twin flame/counterparts astrological chart (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) You will receive a full detailed description of where each origin is aligned in both you and your counterpart's chart; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin and what it means for the both of you. For this reading it is required that you provide you and your counterpart's exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both you and your counterpart's Sidereal/Vedic and Western/Tropical Astrology charts.
Planetary Degree and House Starseed Origin Reading: for $27 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. This reading will tell you what Starseed origin your planets are connected to through house/degree placements. (Ex: having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree means that your Mars is in alignment with Hydra. Having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree while also having Mars in 12th house means that Mars is now overlapping the Andromeda Starseed origin as the Andromeda Galaxy is connected to the 12th house and runs along 29 degree Aquarius before moving into Pisces. Meaning that since Mars is positioned in the 12th house while also being in 29 degree Cancer, Mars is in alignment with both Hydra and Andromeda.) For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on your Western/Tropical astrological chart unless the reader requests otherwise.
Full Starseed Origin Chart Reading: for $47 this is a combination of the Planetary Origin Reading, and the Planetary Degree/House Reading. All information listed above for both readings will be included in this one. This reading does not include the Twin Flame Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Western/Tropical Astrology charts.
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rawhoneybliss · 11 months
🧚🏾‍♀️Subscribe to YouTube channel ➡️ HERE
🛸Book 1:1 Session ➡️ HERE
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viviane-lefay · 5 months
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Apparently, there are some people that, like me, thought he looks like an elf, which I found quite amusing - because it's so obvious.
There is definitely this elegant, majestic, and otherworldly aura of the Eldar about him - in the way he moves and talks - his whole demeanor just screams elf.
He could have started to speak Sindarin or Quenya and it wouldn't even have surprised me, lol.
What I'm actually a bit surprised about is that this hasn't come up more often - especially on here, as I've often seen this kind of discussion regarding other characters.
So, I guess, I'll just bring it up here and let's see how many agree ...
Anyway, here's Dagan, for comparison purposes:
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And here are some images of Tolkien's elves (primarily Elu Thingol, who, like Dagan, has silver hair):
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Oh, and if we're already talking about resemblances, he also looks a lot like a Pleiadian / Nordic ET - aka the "space elves" of ufology:
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differentialnipple · 11 months
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divine-nonchalance · 8 months
The February 2024 Energies
The Pleiadian High Council of 7, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
We are very engaged with humanity, and we have been from the very start. We know exactly where you are vibrationally in each and every moment, because of our connection to the human race and because we are ninth dimensional. That means we are nonphysical, and we can tune in to whatever consciousness we would like to. We also were physical at one time and did participate in the seeding of your planet with the physical beings that now dwell upon it. 
We did not contribute all that is around you there on planet Earth, but we did our fair share. We want you to know that as you embark upon the month of February, you can expect a lot more galactic energies to be coming in. They are coming in to prepare you for more e.t. contact, and they are coming in to remind you that you are from the stars. You all have roots in our star system, one way or another. And so, as you look up at the night sky, and if you can see our system in your night sky, access more of that which is Pleiadian within you by opening yourselves up to the energies that we are delivering.
Now, we are not the only beings throughout this beautiful galaxy of ours who are offering transmissions to humanity throughout the month of February. You are going to receive activations and upgrades that will also bring more of your extra-terrestrial DNA into alignment and into service. You are meant to know yourselves as whole beings. You are meant to know yourselves as multidimensional beings. You are meant to know yourselves as collectives.
You are your souls, and so all of these other lifetimes, that from your perspectives you have already lived, are also your lifetimes and in another way they are not. You are there to live that life and to benefit from all of the living of life that the other aspects of you are doing. And so, you are not just there to pay off the karmic debt of these other aspects of you. You are also there to benefit from all the good karma and all of the wonderful gifts and abilities that these other aspects of you have attained. 
Therefore, the month of February really is about putting more and more of the pieces of you back together again so you can know yourselves as your whole selves, and you can begin to operate more as such. That of course brings your consciousness closer to home, closer to who and what you really are as Source Energy Beings, and that is why e.t. contact is important for all of you. It is a reminder of how much more you are than your human physical selves living lifetimes there on Earth.
We also want you to know that some of you who are receiving this transmission can expect for more of those contact experiences that you do want by the end of the month, and many, if not most of you, can expect those e.t. contact experiences by the end of 2024. We are all embarking on this coming together that is happening throughout our galaxy, and we will all do our part to contribute to it and to ensure it happens in the easiest and most joyous ways possible.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. And that is all.
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lizziephilbrick · 8 months
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A collection of Pleiadian illustrations, 2018
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creature-wizard · 2 years
The first thing you need to understand about the New Age movement right now is that it's chock full of people who believe that a race of tall, blond, white European-looking aliens (the Pleiadians) are fighting a war against a race of scheming reptilian aliens who exploit and feed on humans and supposedly exert special influence over the Jews.
Sounds kinda Nazi-ish, doesn't it? Sounds a bit like blood libel, don't you think?
The people who believe this aren't outliers in the movement. They are the movement. They aren't perverting something that used to be pure and good. The alien lore was always this bad, even if it wasn't always exactly identical to this.
If you and your friends didn't know about or believe in this? Good for you, but know that this is by design. You're in the early stages of what's known as the New Age to Alt Right pipeline. If you continue, it's just a matter of time before you're indoctrinated into the more blatantly fascist crap.
Get out while you still can.
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x-heesy · 1 day
Mark Rogers — Ballard Meets the Pleiadians 2023
#surreal #surrealart #surrealism #surrealismartcommunity #popsurrealism #popsurrealist #popsurreal #surrealist #surrealista #surrealistic #lowbrowart #weirdart #lowbrowartist #surrealisme #surreal_art #surrealismo #surrealpainting #newcontemporary #lowbrowpopsurrealists
I Feel Space by Lindstrøm 🎵👽
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