#exposure is for people who didn’t get any nominations
personinthepalace · 1 year
Chris Bean is definitely not salty about not getting any Tony nominations
from Nancy Zamit’s takeover of the Tony Awards instagram
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episodeoftv · 10 months
Prelims, Vote 8 of 8
The top 5 finales will move on to be included in the main bracket
Propaganda is under the cut, may include spoilers
Brooklyn Nine-Nine - 8.09 / 8.10 The Last Day
It just... season 8 had been so bad as a whole, it attempted to touch on the blm movement and did it in an okay at best way and in the wake of it all, i think a lot of people just weren't here for cop shows. The finale tried to bring the magic back with one last heist and it did pull out all the stops but I don't know, it just left me feeling really cold. And the ending being that even though the main character wasn't a cop anymore, that he would return to the station every year for the heist... it just never escapes the cop narrative even after he's left.
Chén Qíng Lìng/The Untamed - Episode 50
I nominate this final on grounds of CCP information control, censorship and homophobia. They were so scared of the power of wangxian that they ended up banning ao3 in china and in the show they have to inexplicably have them part ways just to hammer home the no-homo. Plus the show is just kind of objectively bad.... but it rewires your brain all the same
Community - 6.13 Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television
ok i haven’t watched it in a while but it wasn’t the episode’s fault this show had been going downhill for a while. The finale put it out of its misery mostly.
Kyle XY - 3.10 Bringing Down the House
The writers knew they were getting canceled and chose to raise more questions than answers and set up cliffhangers, rather than have a satisfying end. I'm sure it was a last ditch effort to save the show, but it didn't work and now it's just a bad finale.
Northern Exposure - 6.22 Let's Dance / 6.23 Tranquility Base
No propaganda submitted
Ozark - 4.14 A Hard Way to Go
No propaganda submitted
Soul Eater - 1.51 The Word Is Bravery!
ugh god it just gave up on any attempt at character development or the ending of the story in any meaningful way. instead of a complex universe journey exploring her bond with soul, and death the kid becoming the new god of death, maka just...wins the day by 'being brave', extremely underwhelming and borderline nonsensical
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - 7.25 / 7.26 What You Leave Behind
Man so okay like it’s not the worst worst one out there but man they really just fuckikg did that. Found family all went and spread themselves across the quadrant with the head of the show the leader, Captain Benjamin Sisko who really just wanted to live on Bajor, got turned into an incorporeal being who could no longer live a linear life while his wife and unborn child had to go on without him. They didn’t even have him saying goodbye to his actual son. His literal son did not get a goodbye, they only gave that to Kasidy, and no hate to Kasidy, she’s my girl, but she’s only been there for three year while his actual son Jake sisko was still basically a kid. He was like 19, 20 and no goodbye fork his dad he’s lost time and time again. Some characters got a satisfying ending but then Julian Bashir is left to stay on deep space nine supposedly still in love with Ezri Dax and together (but let’s be honest, it was a terrible forced decision. They made no sense, and had no chemistry) and still stuck without moving forward or changing. Like what a cop out. Not to mention the terrible cgi fire caves where literally gods got thrown into a fire pit and that was the big climax
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jilyawards · 2 years
Hi guys,
I took up the awards this year because I wanted to bring back some positivity into the fandom and cherish the content that was created in 2022. Anyone who has been around this space for the past year knows how difficult it was to strike the right balance while doing that and also keep this event light and fun. I got some support from a bunch of friends to help me navigate this and guide me, especially @missgryffin who has been incredibly supportive of my efforts to help the fandom recover. Of course, to do this in the most peaceful way possible, we’d had to make some difficult choices with respect to what kind of content we could allow in a public/gen space like the awards, especially after the concerns that were expressly raised to us earlier this year.
The simple fact of the matter is that the awards would not have allowed us to tag things appropriately, so we wouldn’t be able to prevent people trying to avoid certain content from accidentally stumbling into it. Triggers are no joke, and what hurts one person is subjective to their experience entirely, so we wanted to be as empathetic as possible to the entire audience. Voting to assess whether the “majority” would be willing to keep a controversial trope in would not have worked; even if it is only a small group of people getting triggered, their sentiments and hurt are just as valid, and we didn’t think it was up to us to decide what someone should or should not feel about certain content. Our stance on this was never meant to judge/shame/ridicule/exclude any writer or story. It was only a matter of what content was safe for us to include that could be celebrated in large spaces.
Unfortunately, all of these efforts were taken in the wrong sense, and instead of building a more positive space, that I’d set out to do, the awards have brought in more discontent.
To anyone reading this, I think it would help to consider, for one second, the level of exposure that the awards' host has to bear in tying their name to the event at a time like this. I was prepared to deal with some heat, because no matter what decision we made, we wouldn’t be able to satisfy everyone. And yet, it has now escalated to a point where the efforts from us no longer feel appreciated or worth it.
We might put up the nominations we receive until the 21st of Nov as rec lists for you to keep handy and cherish. But beyond that, we cannot continue this in good spirits anymore. Hope you understand.
Sorry to everyone we have disappointed.
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calzonekestis · 2 years
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I want to talk about Grace Van Dien. I know, you’re shocked.
You may know her as @quirly​, or as Chrissy Cunningham from Stranger Things.
 It’s not her first role by any means, but it’s probably given her the biggest exposure of her career. It’s exposure she’s earned, all on her own mind you, through her own talent.
Despite what people will say, it’s not because of nepotism and the fact that her dad (who is amazing, mind you) is *checks notes* a character actor who is best known for a 90′s cult classic. 
We won’t say anything about how there’s a fellow cast member who is the child of two Academy nominated actors and no one talks any shit about her - bc I don’t want to drag her into this or imply she isn’t talented/got her job through nepotism. Just. Double standards.
There’s so much love for Grace and the character of Chrissy. She’s touched by it. Overwhelmed by it. She’s trying to enjoy it, because some people - most people - are lovely. Still, there’s a vocal minority determined to sour the experience for her.
Throw misogynistic insults at her. Call her a p*do for endorsing a relationship between two fictional high school seniors - who had only a maximum 2 year age difference. People are telling her she can’t enjoy it.
 That it’s cringe. It’s problematic. It’s wrong.
That because there is a maximum age difference of 2 years between two legal able to consent high school seniors - she’s condoning and enabling p*dophilia. That’s. Digsusting. Harmful. We don’t even have time to get into how disgusting and harmful that is not just to her but actual victims of CSA.
IDK what these people’s problem is. At least, I would like to say I didn’t. I’d like to say it didn’t come down to just simple shipping bullshit, actor obsession, and misogyny... but it does... and it’s unhinged. The bullies are the unhinged ones, make no mistake. It’s certainly not Grace - she’s been the absolute sweetest. If i were her I would have snapped loooong ago.
She’s proud of the role Chrissy. She should be. An amazing character who we only had for a short while, but we felt the tragedy of her loss and the impact she left behind were felt all because of Grace and her endearing performance. 
It was someone we never saw before, again that we only spend so little time with - yet we care about her. We care that other characters care, we believe that they care. It all could have fallen apart without the right actress in the part. Grace was the right actress....but apparently she’s committed the scandalous crime of enjoying her own experience. Not just the work, but she has the audacity to be touched by all the love and responses to the character and her relationships.
Like. That’s all she’s done. She’s shared cute fan art people have made and talked about her character and her relationships - because she is so touched by people responding to it. 
She deserves to enjoy that. She should enjoy this.Some petulant people are determined to make that difficult for her.Now, not only are they coming for over fictional bullshit -  they’ve started to make horrifying and defamatory claims, attack her character and integrity, make sexist remarks and questioning her intentions towards her friend and colleague.Who I will say - she has only ever mentioned in the most respectful contexts? 
To say “he’s kind”, “we’re proud of the work we did together”, and “we hung out a few times with our other friend Mason (Dye, Jason) and other than that she’s not said a word about him or other ships and she’s just... stayed minding her own business?
Yet some people are so… threatened, I suppose? By their casual friendship? Grace’s mere existence as a woman in their entertainment, on the internet. In the world. Who is just out here trying to live and enjoy life.She got her hair done the other day. She wanted to show off, because she felt it was cute. Apparently people,took issue with her outfit. A simple but indeed cute look. One she’s rocked before. One that everyone’s rocked before. It’s the most unassuming and casual look ever. Right? Wrong. Apparently a simple white shirt and jeans was her attempt at copying her aforementioned friend/costar and an outfit he wore at a prior convention.                 n
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Cause he invented that look, don’tcha know? And Grace has nothing better to do than  keep up to date on a buddy’s wardrobe choices.
The bullying she’s received has sadly been going on for a while, but this was perhaps the most… random thing that she got hate for.
That she got threats for.
She just wanted to post a selfie, guys. Before she played some Valorant with friends on a stream. She felt good about herself, and... people latched onto that and were absolutely Awful. Instead of being able to enjoy that little thing, something that has nothing  to do with Chrissy or Eddie or Stranger Things or Joe - she had people threatening to end her life. Encouraging her to do it herself.
Because they don’t like a fictional relationship, between two fictional characters. Because they don’t like the fact she knows and is friendly with her costar, who they like. And I guess in their warped minds, they need to protect him from her? Even though she is just out here vibing, and they’re the ones who are being unhinged, stalkerish, and making people feel unsafe?
Again. Death threats. Over an outfit she’s worn before. That everyone has worn before. Again, I love Grace - she’s great - but by her own admission she doesn’t give a fuck about fashion so much as comfort. The notion she would intentionally copy such an non-distinct outfit... that she would want to, and that she’d put in the effort...
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Apparently this is in an irrational belief that people have convinced themselves of, Jason Carver style.
That apparently she’s obsessed with her costar, because she thinks their characters would have made a cute couple. Never mind the fact he does as well, and has said so many times over - more times than her at this point - while also praising her as an actress and person.
So uh. He’s not creeped out by her. He doesn’t feel unsafe or uncomfortable in regards to her. She’s his homie. Who would be angered and disgusted by all this treatment she’s been getting.
It ain’t gonna make him appreciative, he ain’t gonna fuck you, if anything your behavior is a massive turn off because I get the feeling he doesn’t like broken human beings who lack any sort of decency.
It’s interesting to note that Joe has not gotten any hate for any of this.
Maybe because he’s not as active on social media. Maybe because he’s a man. It is a Mystery!
Instead, he’s been treated like a naive little infant. These people say “he doesn’t know what he is saying!” and planned to ambush him at a convention to tell him how awful his friend is and the idea of a fictional relationship between their characters is... we need to protect him from her.
For his part, he won’t be going to the German Comic Con - so people’s plans to “confront and educate him” shan’t come to pass. Sadly, there was an issue with his passport vs his visa and it won’t be worked out in time.
Grace will still be there, though. If you’re going, you should say hi. Give her a hug from me.
I hope that no one is mean to her, there was talk of making it an unpleasant experience - but I hope that’s. all it is. I hope she feels safe and loved and appreciated by all who come to see her - and knows that we’re appreciative of her taking the time to see and engage with us.
Talk.I hope she has a lovely time, because she’s a lovely person. I hope she’s not made to feel unsafe.
Because that would be horrible - obviously.
No one deserves to feel unsafe.
Certainly no one deserves to feel unsafe she played a character. Worked with an actor. Dared to enjoy both experiences, and is appreciative of the love and creativity of the fandom.Dared to wear an actor she’s worn before. That everyone has worn before. I guess the likes of Bruce Springsteen stole Joe’s look when he did Born in the USA? Bastard traveled back in time to do it, and everything. Look, he’s even got a guitar - why is he trying to copy Joseph Quinn? The Boss is so creepy and obsessed y’all.
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It’s. Patently absurd, which isn’t to understate how not funny it is.So. My dear friend @meraxes-dancing​​ designed this shirt.
I think we should sell them. I think we should donate the proceeds to an anti-bullying charity in Grace’s name/honor… but in order to do so, we would need a rough estimate of how many we would sell.
If it costs more to have them printed and shipped than we would make selling them… tbh I think might as well just forget the cute idea of making petty shirts and I’ll just make my own private donation.
So TLDR. I wanted Wanted to call attention to the Bullshit, and maybe get a feel for if this is something that could be worthwhile. If there’s enough of a response, I’ll try to figure it out - and will post an update when should I actually manage to do so~
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kate-likes-this · 4 years
Pedro for So It Goes (09-16/16)
By David Benioff • Photographer: Victoria Stevens • Styling: Ashley Pruitt • Grooming: KC Fee  Related: photoshoot / list of articles 
We jumped at the chance to listen in as Game of Thrones co-creator David Benioff got the low-down from actor Pedro Pascal ahead of the launch of Season 2 of Narcos on Netflix. The pair let us in on how Pascal ended up on Game of Thrones, walking the line between reality and fiction in Narcos and working on upcoming Chinese epic The Great Wall.
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DAVID: Hi Pedro. So what’s the best way for us to destroy your career once and for all?
PEDRO: I figured you would know, that’s why I asked you to do this interview.
DAVID: I feel like some good anti-semitic commentary could do it.
PEDRO: I’ll leave that to you.
DAVID: I can’t do it, I’m Jewish! Shall we begin at the beginning, Pedro? Tell me – how did you escape from Orange County?
PEDRO: Well we moved there in ’86 or’ 87, I was turning 12 and I had to attend Corona del Mar High School from 7th to 12th grade. I don’t know how else to tell it other than the 7th and 8th grade being truly dark years in sunny Orange County –  which inspired a blossoming drama nerd. After the 8th grade, I just didn’t fit in. My sister did though.
DAVID: I know your sister, she’s really fun and cool.
PEDRO: I wasn’t fun and cool. Or I just didn’t know how to fake it yet.
DAVID: I’m picturing one of those California schools where everyone’s beautiful, and everyone’s tanned and you – were you a punk rocker back then?
PEDRO: No, I was just the kid crying because, like, Empire of The Sun didn’t get nominated for Best Picture… everyone was like, ‘What the fuck is wrong with you?’
DAVID: Which is a crime, by the way, it’s one of Spielberg’s best movies.
PEDRO: I was the one buying the soundtrack, and people would catch me on my walkman listening to that weird Danish song from Empire of The Sun. So my mom found out about a performing arts programme – Orange County School of the Arts – that you had to audition to get in. I ended up going to high school in Long Beach and commuting like 40 minutes every day and essentially spending four years outside of Newport Beach in a more middle-class kind of environment. I got into NYU – I begged my parents to let me go, and I won that fight so I ended up in New York in ’93 and sort of got stuck here.
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DAVID: So what happened in ’93? You started getting jobs, did you get an agent quickly? What was the path?
PEDRO: I started auditioning right away and I signed with some representation while I was in school. I graduated and I didn’t get hired for anything at all – I was a waiter, I was getting fired left and right. Despite not fitting in in Orange County, it had definitely made me quite sheltered. Seriously, I got fired from maybe 17 places in about a year and a half.
DAVID: All restaurants?
PEDRO: Restaurants, cafés, coffee shops…
DAVID: Was it incompetence, or being rude to management, or showing up late? What got you canned?
PEDRO: All of the above. Incompetence mostly.
DAVID: And was it around this time that you met Sarah Paulson [American Horror Story]?
PEDRO: Yeah, she was one of my first friends in New York. That’s where I was really lucky, in New York I made a sort of family of friends right away. It definitely built a great foundation in New York City and they’re still my friends to this day.
DAVID: So, aside from Christian Bale in Empire, who were the people you were watching and thinking, ‘Fuck, I wanna be like that guy?’
PEDRO: I was watching everything. I started to consume voraciously very early as a viewer and a reader. It’s funny, as an actor, once you get some exposure people ask you what are your interests? What do you do? And you feel like such a loser, because you’re like I don’t do anything! I’m not athletic, I haven’t developed any intense interest in, like, scuba diving, or spelunking – I still just watch TV and read books and that’s how I was as a kid. When I couldn’t make friends in Orange County, I started reading and renting videos voraciously. And I got into the classics, I had an early obsession with Marlon Brando, James Dean, and reading American and English playwrights, like Pinter. Which, come on, I didn’t understand at all. But it was still very entertaining to imagine myself as one of the characters on the stage. So Empire of the Sun was only one of a basket of Spielberg movies that totally shaped my imagination.
DAVID: Are you campaigning for a job with Stephen Spielberg right now, or…?
PEDRO: (laughs) Definitely
DAVID: Nah, after he hears the anti-Jewish stuff, it’s over. Not gonna happen dude.
PEDRO: Just keep trying to force anti-semitism on me.
DAVID: So now, you’re in New York, getting fired from 17 different restaurants. What was your first big acting break?
PEDRO: That’s what’s funny, I never got a big acting break I guess, in the way that that seems to be understood by the general public. I stuck it out in the theatre and wanted to follow in the footsteps of the people I was inspired by. I was attached to the idea of someone who came from New York theatre – Al Pacino, Meryl Streep, Robert DeNiro, that whole crew. Unfortunately that romanticism kept me in New York, killing myself trying to pay rent. Finally I got an off Broadway play at Theatre Club – where your wife, Amanda Peet, had her play introduced. I’d say that I stopped waiting tables by the time I was 30? Kept things going, did all the Law & Orders, all the cop shows, The Good Wife, and managed with cheap rent to keep the theatre thing going.
Listen, David, I become very inarticulate talking to you because I know you’re smarter than me. It was a big mistake to have this interview. In fact I’d like to cancel it right now and get someone else. Can we get Dan [Weiss, Game of Thrones]? Wait no, get me one of the kids. (laughs)
DAVID: Anyway, as this is happening… do you have some friends who are starting to succeed or fall by the wayside?
PEDRO: Well, Sarah [Paulson] was one. She got her first job and she never really stopped. She got a guest spot on Law & Order which amazed all of us – we couldn’t believe it. To me that was a very early success that I envied and that inspired me, but I bet if you talked to her she’d say things are finally coming together this year. Which is insane, but I bet that’s how it feels. My first off Broadway play in New York was with Oscar Isaac, freshly out of Juilliard. He seemed like a comet to me, totally leaving me behind. Shooting with Leo DiCaprio, Ridley Scott, then you talk to him now as well and he’s like, ‘Yeah, this year things are coming together.’ This is going to sound so corny but it’s extremely comforting when people you care about are successful. Whether it’s happening to you or not, it feels good when it’s happening for someone you love and respect.
DAVID: Gore Vidal said, ‘A little part of me dies every time a friend succeeds.’
PEDRO: Yeah, but not the two friends I mentioned. (laughs)
DAVID: Did you ever have doubts? Did you think about going and doing something else?
PEDRO: I think it came down to a very simple thing – realising that I’d stuck at something for so long, I’d made the grind and the uncertainty into a familiar thing and it wasn’t too scary any more. The desire to do it started to shape my identity at such an early age, starting with that childhood fantasy of wanting to be in a Spielberg movie – literally lying and telling people that I was the silhouette of Christian Bale in the Empire of the Sun poster. Which is part of why I didn’t make friends.
I started to realise that I didn’t know how to do anything else… That I was fated to be that 73-year-old in the Law & Order casting room furiously trying to remember the words for a 4-line role. That still very well could be me.
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DAVID: How did this Game of Thrones thing come about? The people want to know. It’s an interesting story.
PEDRO: I was helping this kid that I was mentoring, and he put himself on tape for this amazing part on your show, which I was already watching. I was initially curious because the script contained one of the most important spoilers for most of us. Some of us kept punishing ourselves by watching your show to see if something terrible would happen to Joffrey. But I had that satisfaction ripped away from me when I was helping this kid tape and reading for Oberyn. As I kept reading, it’s embarrassing to admit, but I connected to it so completely that it lit this crazy fire in me. I felt instantly attached to the character so I was totally focussed on my representatives getting me the material and taping an audition. I was pretty convinced that because I wasn’t known and didn’t have a European passport, that there was no chance. So I called the first friend I made when I moved to New York and was 18-years-old, Sarah Paulson, one of my closest friends, who is best friends with your wife Amanda. I called her and told her that I’d just put myself on tape for this part that no one’s gonna see. She didn’t even let me finish asking – she insisted that I send her the audition and she and Amanda showed it to you that night.
DAVID: Even after we hired you, you didn’t believe you had the part? I kept hearing back from Sarah [Paulson] – ‘He doesn’t think he has the part.’ We were flying you to Belfast for a costume fitting and you still didn’t believe it.
PEDRO: This is great because it backs up my story… no one had told me! Maybe my agents were nervous, I obviously was nervous and I found it a little hard to believe. Having been in the game as long as I have, there have been a lot of close calls and I could tell the good ones from the bad. And the kind of parts that could change things. It obviously had so much to do with how popular the show is, but it was such a good part – thrilling and terrifying at the same time to be able to get a part that good. They don’t come around very often.
DAVID: There’s no one like Oberyn on the show and he does his own thing. That was something you brought beautifully to it. When you came to that first meeting, you still didn’t think you had the part and I guess we hadn’t signed the deal yet but you would’ve had to get up, pull your pants down, and shit on the desk not to get that part because the audition was so strong. I was still hearing through Sarah that you didn’t think you had it…
PEDRO: Come to think of it, I did pull down my pants and shit on the desk.
DAVID: We weren’t going to tell that story though…
PEDRO: When you sent me to London and were pouring goop on my head and making a cast of my shoulders, head, face, I still didn’t believe 100% that I had gotten the part.
DAVID: You did get the part. What was your first scene?
PEDRO: My first scene was with Peter [Dinklage]…
DAVID: I remember we were shooting abroad and I was watching the dailies so I emailed you and you were like, ‘Thank god, I thought I totally blew it.’ Maybe that’s your secret – if you ever realise how good you are, it’ll ruin you.
PEDRO: I still don’t believe you and it’s an illness – a psychological illness. I remember panicking a bit on my first day because there wasn’t any way I could fulfill the potential of that scene having come to it so early and then you emailed me. You didn’t say ‘great job’ but I’d say you’re a pretty busy man with a pretty large cast and complicated locations and you took the time to write me a very generous note that settled me into the whole experience. I’m very grateful.
DAVID: Well I know it can be intimidating working with Peter. People don’t know about his violent side…
PEDRO: It’s tough when he throws benches at you and stuff like that.
DAVID: So moving on into the real life drama of Narcos. How did that come about? Did Eric Newman just see Game of Thrones and think, ‘Shit, I need that guy,’ or did you audition?
PEDRO: I think someone at Netflix saw the scene that we just talked about. Eric, our executive producer on Narcos, was initially extremely disappointed that I was available. He, anticipating the big fight with the Mountain while trying to cast his show, was extremely upset that I was available to play Javier Peña. A bit of a spoiler. It came at me very fast and it was the first time I’d been offered something without having to audition for it. There was only about 12 hours to decide whether to do it.
DAVID: How closely does your character adhere to the real life person [DEA Agent, Javier] Peña?
PEDRO: I think he actively keeps his real experience there secret – whether that’s because he did more than what we’re telling? Or less? I want to be able to interpret a character that was actually there on my own terms as much as possible. The things that are the most interesting to me, and the audience, are ways to move through [the story] with more ambiguity; without seeing things in black and white. More than good guys fighting bad buys. With the show, they’re making a very authentic visual experience. In the playing of it, you’re very much a piece in this visual landscape and I think you would stand out if you tried to control it.
DAVID: Have you ever gotten feedback from him and he’s like, ‘Oh, I’d never smoke with my left hand,’ or something like that? Or is he hands-off?
PEDRO: He’s totally hands-off. We call each other and he’ll be like, ‘This cute girl at the Mac store asked me if I could give you her number when she found out you were playing me in Narcos‘, ‘This cute girl at Starbucks asked…’
DAVID: He’s just telling all the girls that he’s been immortalised on Netflix.
PEDRO: He’s been very supportive and available at any given moment to talk about it – he’s so chilled. I think we could take it in any direction with the character – put him in a wheelchair, make him a serial killer, and he’d be like, ‘Yo man, it’s just TV.’ Cause he knows no one really knows what happened.
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DAVID: So now bring us to China and another director you were very excited about working with. Tell us the story of The Great Wall.
PEDRO: So, as we’ve covered so extensively in my movie nerd-dom, I was introduced to Zhang Yimou pretty young. I saw Raise The Red Lantern and The Story of Qui Ju and Shanghai Triad in the movie theatre. So I didn’t take my agents very seriously when they brought up the project that was me, starring alongside Matt Damon in this huge Hollywood and Chinese cinema collaboration. I was wrong – it turned out to be true and they offered me the part. I went to China for nearly five months and shot the movie with Zhang Yimou, Matt Damon, Willem Dafoe, and Andy Lau.
DAVID: Was that terrifying? To be directed by one of your idols?
PEDRO: I was really nervous at first but I wrote him an email. I felt like I had to confess – it felt stupid to play down that I’d never imagined I could work with someone I admired to that degree. I think I saw Shanghai Triad like, four times in the movie theatre – I took my mom, I took my friends. He was a filmmaker that I really studied and prided myself on knowing. It was the 90s and he was making some of the best independent films that are out there. Then suddenly everyone was like, ‘Have you seen Hero?’ and I was like ‘DUDE, I’ve seen SEVEN movies before Hero!’, you know? So I wrote to him and told him, and when I got to China, one of the producers gave me an envelope – this beautiful envelope and I pull out a response from Zhang Yimou that he had hand written in Chinese characters on this elegant paper. It was like a piece of art. I have it framed, actually. It was him thanking me for my note and for being involved in the movie. The guy’s a class act. He’s as kind as he is talented. So he beat you and your email…
DAVID: I was going to send it to you in Chinese characters but then I realised I didn’t know Chinese and it would have just been gibberish.
PEDRO: The only way you could’ve won is by sending a singing telegram.
DAVID: So five months in China sounds almost as good as three months in Belfast. Not quite, but any adventures there you can tell us about?
PEDRO: I travelled around like a tourist whenever I got the opportunity. We spent so much time shooting and I got to pal around with Matt Damon because as everyone knows, he’s a real jerk (laughs).
DAVID: Yeah, famously terrible.
PEDRO: A notorious bad guy in the industry. He and his wife adopted me into their family and took me through the experience and I had the time of my life. We were tourists together whenever we got the chance – we went to Hong Kong and I went to see some friends in Bangkok. I can’t tell you about that weekend.
DAVID: When you’re talking to Matt Damon, are you ever not thinking, ‘Here I am, having a conversation with Matt Damon.’
PEDRO: It took a while. Initially, in getting to know him, the jet lag helped – I was so out of it. Matt came to say hi, and we were doing all these scenes together so he just said, ‘Hey man, let’s be friends,’ and I was just like… Okay sure! Whatever you say!
DAVID: Is it fair to say you’ve supplanted Ben Affleck as Matt Damon’s best friend?
PEDRO: Yeah. I’ll make room for Ben, I guess.
DAVID: You and Matt need to write an Oscar winning script to really make Ben jealous.
PEDRO: That would be the next thing… To end my career instead of anti-semitism.
DAVID: So when is The Great Wall out?
PEDRO: February!
DAVID: Originally when you were cast as Oberyn, there was controversy that you weren’t Latino enough. What do you make of the controversy around Matt Damon in this film? Is it about him being a white guy?
PEDRO: Yeah, him being a white guy is very…
DAVID: Incontrovertible? No one can deny that Matt Damon is a white guy.
PEDRO: No one can deny that. It’s not an issue of him not being Latino enough, that’s for sure. But his being white has very specific context in terms of the plot. I think that the arguments should be made after the movie comes out, instead of a one minute and 20 second trailer. I’m sure very good arguments can still be made from both sides in terms of ethnic representation but this is a Hollywood creature feature combined with epic Chinese cinema and it’s ultimately helmed by this visionary director who is Chinese.
DAVID: One of the greatest living directors.
PEDRO: Shall we say, the Spielberg of China?
DAVID: And if he wants to work with the whitest guy in Hollywood, who’s to say no?
PEDRO: Exactly! (laughs) This is a Chinese crew, and there are big Chinese stars and newcomers playing heroic roles in this movie. What people are given is just a film that’s called The Great Wall with Matt Damon, and basing the argument on that. But the movie needs to be seen.
DAVID: Yes, that sounds like good reasoning to me. I do think it’s hard to deny that you’re not Latino enough though. So you’re born in Chile and your parents had to flee after the CIA-sponsored coup – if the coup hadn’t happened, you would just be Chilean. It’s almost like the CIA fucked everything up. What do you think about that?
PEDRO: Are we actually giving credit to the CIA?
DAVID: Maybe you would’ve never become an actor and all the things that led to Game of Thrones may never have happened.
PEDRO: I would have made it happen. I would have crawled from Santiago, Chile all the way to you, to knock on your office door and be like, ‘I will be your champion.’
DAVID: Where is your character from in The Great Wall?
PEDRO: España. Which is exactly where my ancestors were from.
DAVID: No one can argue with that. Where’s Matt’s character from?
PEDRO: He’s English.
DAVID: Does he have an accent? Is he speaking Chinese in the movie?
PEDRO: No, he’s not speaking Chinese. He is English – it’s 1100 AD so whatever that accent is.
DAVID: He has an Old English accent? This is sounding pretty awesome. I don’t think anyone would know how that would sound. Probably it sounds just like Matt Damon, that’s what I think.
So, have we covered all the bases? Have I left anything out that you want to talk about? Your political stance – does everyone know about your pro-Trump agenda? What’s it like being one of the few Hollywood actors who supports Mr. Trump, can you tell us about that?
PEDRO: (laughs) My combover is very much modelled on the earlier part of Trump’s hair career. What are you going to do, David? Are you going to move if Trump –
DAVID: This is a Pedro Pascal interview! No one’s interviewing me here, buddy. So I’ll be asking the questions.
PEDRO: Do you really think it’s not going to happen?
DAVID: I really think it’s not going to happen.
PEDRO: I just got into an argument with a stranger literally five minutes before you called. I was getting coffee and they asked my name so they could put it on the cup and call my name when it was ready. And he was like, ‘Oh, vote for Pedro,’ – first time I’ve heard that. Then he was like, ‘Yo, I’d rather vote for you than either of the two candidates that we’ve got.’ I was like, ‘Dude, really?’ – this was a mixed race guy making the coffee – I was like, ‘Do you really believe that? Do you dislike Hillary so much that you would consider voting for Trump?!’ And that sort of reignited my terror. It feels like such a no-brainer, but here’s this hard-working mixed race guy at Starbucks who is undecided! That scares the shit out of me.
DAVID: Well I hope you talked some sense into him.
PEDRO: He just kept saying, ‘I don’t know about Hillary,’ and I said, ‘What don’t you know?’ ‘Oh, I just don’t trust her,’ but he didn’t have any real answers about what makes her different from other politicians that you do believe in and do trust.
DAVID: That feels pretty good, I think we covered everything.
PEDRO: I think we covered too much.
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The Serpent and the Emmys
Although it will be some months yet before the 2021 Emmy nominations are announced, that hasn’t stopped people who making predictions. In fact there’s a whole website, Gold Derby, dedicated to this. With that in mind, the site just ran a story - click here - on potential Emmy contenders in the limited series category. And, perhaps not surprisingly, Jenna Coleman’s The Serpent is listed as a possibility (even if only to the extent of the site saying it will be eligible, but a name drop is a name drop). The site invites people to make predictions, though you might need to download an app (not sure).
Of course, we’ve been down this road before; Jenna has done Emmy-worthy work in Doctor Who, Victoria, and The Cry before this, so there’s no guarantee. However, Who’s eligibility has been debated for a while (though Peter Capaldi did make the Emmy "long list” for either Series 9 or 10), Victoria is an old-fashioned costume drama for PBS and that sort of thing is no longer considered “Emmy bait” the way even Downton Abbey of a few years earlier was. The Cry was a co-production of the BBC and an Australian network and barely got any US exposure at all and may not have been eligible anyway (I’m willing to be corrected). The Serpent, however, is a co-production with Netflix which is considered an Emmy darling alongside HBO. As such, while the show has yet to officially make its US bow, when it does it will probably generate a lot more attention than The Cry was able to muster on the relatively little-known Sundance Now streaming service or, frankly, even Victoria on PBS, despite its high ratings there. (I sound like I’m knocking Victoria - I’m not, but the fact is a decade ago PBS would have aired The Cry and The Serpent on Masterpiece Mystery - simply due to increased competition and embrace of streaming, it’s not the "Emmy guarantee” network it was when it aired Downton or Sherlock so the fact Victoria was pretty much ignored didn’t come as a surprise.) The Serpent could change the playing field.
So while I remain skeptical of the show’s chances as my respect for awards has dipped lower every year, I do think there’s a better chance for Jenna to get at least a nomination with The Serpent than there was for her previous TV work. We’ll find out in August, anyway.
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
I’ve written this hc before, but I’ll repeat since it’s Sexual Sunday. .  .
Lourdes got Shaw into kink. Thanks, lady. No, seriously. I think that is most likely the case. We see from Shaw’s background that he was just a working-class kid in a Pittsburgh steel mill, it’s unlikely he knew anything about that then, especially since that was in the 50s when even just understanding vanilla sex would have been unlikely because Sex Ed sucked then.  Then, when he got his scholarship to Stevens Institute (yes, we know which college he went to) he’s described as never partying like his peers, but constantly studying, literally called “ascetic” which means “ characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence” meaning I don’t think he was getting laid in college AT ALL, let alone in any “unusual” way.  Shaw graduated in presumably his 20s, he made his first million at age 30. According to Lourdes, she met him while he was still poor. But Lourdes herself was rich when she met him, presumably coming from a wealthy family, and she was already a member of the Hellfire Club herself. And while she did not have an Inner Circle title, she does seem to have carried both considerable influence and knowledge about the real truth of the place. Influence in that she was able to TRY (though not succeed) in stopping Shaw’s name from coming up for nomination as the Black Bishop once he *was* in, and knowledge in that her reasons for doing so were that, as she described it, “the Hellfire Club changes people. . .corrupt them. . .destroys them.” and she didn’t want to see that happen to her beloved Sebastian. Which I kind of love because it means this more experienced woman was trying to protect the virtue of this then-innocent man, how often do you see THAT in media?  So, Lourdes has obviously seen the dark side of the Hellfire Club up close and personal before Sebastian even joined, and while BDSM and kink do NOT automatically go with that, she probably did have exposure to it before Sebastian did at the least, and I headcanon she’s the one who eased him into it, as he was in all likelihood completely naive to it when they met (as hard as that is to imagine now) In other words. .  . . Good going, Lourdes. Thanks a lot. Now we all have to suffer
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verycleverboy · 4 years
Welcome to October 7th.
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(cough cough)
Where we are today:
After spending the weekend at Walter Reed Medical Center for treatment of his COVID-19 infection, President Donald Trump returned to the White House yesterday afternoon, where he is expected to continue treatment under quarantine.
The slim hopes there were that Trump would calm down and take his current situation seriously--and yeah, I know, but some people are just born suckers--were exploded yesterday when Trump's first full day out of the hospital was highlighted by an almost incoherent tweet storm, followed by a declaration out of nowhere that long-stalled talks over a second stimulus package were dead until after the election, and everyone had been instructed to dedicate their undivided attention to the Supreme Court nomination. The response was instantaneous: one spur-of-the-moment tweet shaved 600 points off the stock market before closing.
He walked back the stance slightly later on, saying he'd be willing to sign off on just the personal stimulus checks, part of a piecemeal approach that Democrats have repeatedly said was a nonstarter. For those who were depending on extended unemployment relief or waiting for a federal lifeline for their small businesses (or even larger ones, in the case of the airlines), the message from Trump and his party, with 27 days until the election, is what it's been all summer: Help isn't on the way. You're on your own. Please suffer quietly while we play confirmation games in the Senate.
The above would appear to demonstrate that the President’s emotional state is even more unhinged than usual, and the speculation (not to mention a certain style of headline) has been zeroing in on the manic episodes that are a known side-effect of the steroid treatment Trump has been taking. The impression is that there’s still a lot that’s being kept from us, and the main thing the West Wing has been open about since the President’s diagnosis is that they have no intention of being open about anything related to the current state of affairs.
Physician to the President Dr. Sean Conley maintains that Trump’s recovery is continuing in a positive direction, but the memorandum begins with the one line that has been casting a long shadow over any hope of honesty:
“I release the following information with the permission of President Donald J. Trump.” 
In 2015, Trump’s personal physician Dr. Harold Bornstein released a hyperbole-laden assessment of the then-candidate’s health status: “If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency." Like Conley’s status report, there we no real negatives. The main difference was that Borstein’s letter sounded a lot like a Trump-penned press release. 
Borstein later revealed there was a reason that letter sounded so Trumpian. "He dictated that whole letter. I didn't write that letter." 
Folks, this could be some hard-earned paranoia talking, since there’s no major reason to assume that a Borstein level of hijacking is happening with Conley, apart from his Walter Reed declaration that he was intentionally skewing towards optimism over the weekend while dodging (and sometimes backtracking on) a lot of key questions. But if some of us feel like we smell a rat in a sunshine-and-rainbows status report, it’s because that rat was caught in this particular corn crib once before.
HIPAA rules entitle every American citizen to a certain expectation of privacy when it comes to medical records. If you want to allow even another member of your family to be able to talk about your condition with your doctors, you have to sign off specific names. That means the onus of allowing transparency in the case of Donald J. Trump, a man whose health (for better or for worse) has international implications, falls on the full consent of Donald J. Trump himself. But since Borstein’s revelation came days after members of the Trump Organization seized his Trump-related medical records in what he characterized as a “raid” on his office, it’s safe to assume that’s not going to happen....not until it’s too late, anyway.
The Trump/Pence team continues to openly mock the medically-recommended safety measures that, had they been applied consistently, would've kept the President out of the hospital. Trump is still making the claim that COVID-19 is no worse than the flu, which by any metric is demonstrably false and highly dangerous, while Pence and his team made a last-minute attempt yesterday to flex on the previously agreed-to plexiglas guards in front of the podiums. His debate with Kamala Harris is scheduled for tonight.
Since Trump loves Citizen Kane, while not necessarily understanding that Kane isn't the hero of the movie, let's end this wall of words with a quote that he probably hasn't figured out yet either.
“You're the greatest fool I've ever known, Kane. If it was anybody else, I'd say what's going to happen to you would be a lesson to you. Only you're going to need more than one lesson. And you're going to get more than one lesson.”
Will Trump's next lesson come from the disease or the electorate? Either way, we're in for a long, dark October. Stay warm, everybody.
First Lady Melania Trump, who did not join her husband at Walter Reed, continues to rest at the White House during her recovery.
Other confirmed positives for COVID-19:
(This is not intended to be a complete list, and is based on news reports concerning those who are known to have been in contact with other infected individuals in connection with recent events. Status changes and additions since yesterday’s megapost will be listed in bold. Updated throughout the day as new information becomes available from the CNN, NBC News, and CBS News live update pages, supplemented by other sources.)
White House
Hope Hicks: Began showing symptoms on Wednesday, tested positive on Thursday morning. Was not in attendance at Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination event on September 26th.
Nicholas Luna, personal assistant to the President: Luna is a “body man”, whose duties require him to be in close proximity to the President at all times.
Kayleigh McEnany, White House press secretary:  She was not aware of the Hicks diagnosis when she addressed the press on Thursday.
Stephen Miller, Senior Advisor to the President: Was already working remotely and self-isolating, announced positive test on Monday. His wife, Katie Miller, is Vice President Pence’s director of communications, had coronavirus several months ago.
Chad Gilmartin and Karoline Leavitt, members of Kayleigh McEnany’s staff.
Assistant White House press secretary Jalen Drummond: Another McEnany staffer who tested positive Monday morning
Unidentified staffer: Military personnel directly assigned to support the President in the Oval Office and residence, diagnosed over the weekend per CNN.
Three initially unidentified members of the White House press corps and an unidentified staffer who works with the media. Per the White House Correspondents’ Association president Zeke Miller: Individual #1 attended a Sunday briefing and tested positive on Friday after exhibiting symptoms on Thursday. Individual #2 (later confirmed to be Michael Shear of the New York Times) was part of the press pool which traveled to last Saturday’s Pennsylvania rally; also exhibited symptoms on Thursday and tested positive on Friday. Individual #3 was in the press pool for the Barrett Rose Garden event and also travelled with the press pool on Sunday. #3 exhibited symptoms on Wednesday and tested positive Friday afternoon. The press at the Barret event were confined in a crowded “penlike enclosure” behind the invited guests (per Washington Post).
Campaign personnel
Chris Christie: Attended the Barrett nomination event and was part of Trump debate prep. Christie, whose asthma puts him in a higher risk group, checked himself into Morristown Medical Center as a precautionary measure.
Kellyanne Conway: Attended the Barrett nomination event and was part of Trump debate prep. The initial news came in the form of a string of snarky Tiktok posts on Friday from her daughter Claudia, followed much later by a confirmation from Kellyanne herself.
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel: Isolating at home since September 26th, tested last Wednesday.
Bill Stepien, current Trump 2020 campaign manager: In the White House on Monday, in Cleveland for Tuesday’s presidential debate, traveled with Trump and Hicks aboard Air Force One afterwards.
US Congress
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI): Per CNN: “Johnson was not at the Amy Coney Barrett ceremony because he was quarantining from a prior exposure, during which he twice tested negative for the virus, according to the spokesperson.” He was exposed “shortly after” returning to Washington.
Sen. Mike Lee, (R-UT): Attended the Barrett nomination event.
Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC): Attended the Barrett nomination event.
Admiral Charles Ray, Vice Commandant of the US Coast Guard: Recently attended several meetings with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Nearly all the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including chairman General Mark Milley, are in precautionary quarantine.
Gen. Gary L. Thomas, assistant commandant of the US Marine Corps
University of Notre Dame President Rev. John I. Jenkins, CSC: Attended the Barrett nomination event. Jenkins was told that he didn’t need to wear a mask to the event after he and other guests tested negative at the White House.
Thirteen employees at Murray’s restaurant in Minneapolis: Catered a party attended by President Trump on September 30th, although none of them were in close proximity to the President.
Confirmed negatives:
(Because of the nature of COVID-19, this list is subject to change.)
Mike and Karen Pence: The Pences have been testing daily since the announcement of the Trumps’ diagnosis.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner: Recently traveled with Hope Hicks
Barron Trump
Eric Trump: At debate.
Lara Trump: At debate.
Donald Trump Jr.: Flew on Air Force One to Cleveland debate, did not fly back.
Mark Meadows, White House chief of staff
Pat Cipollone, White House counsel
Dan Scavino, Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Director of Social Media
HHS Secretary Alex Azar
Attorney General Bill Barr
Defense Secretary Mark Esper
WH Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany
Justin Clark, deputy campaign manager
Rudy Giuliani: Was in Trump debate prep.
Jason Miller: Was in Trump debate prep.
Alice Marie Johnson: Flew on Air Force One to Cleveland debate.
Judge Amy Coney Barrett: Barrett and her husband had coronavirus earlier this year and recovered, per AP News.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA): Tested out of "an abundance of caution” because of Steve Mnuchin meeting earlier this week.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH): Few on Air Force One to Cleveland debate, did not fly back.
DNC Chairman Tom Perez: In front row for Tuesday’s debate.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO):  Attended the Barrett nomination event, was seen there without a face covering.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): Precautionary quarantine because of close contact with COVID-19-positive individuals.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE): Precautionary quarantine because of close contact with COVID-19-positive individuals.
Sen. James Lankford (R-OK):  Precautionary quarantine because of close contact with COVID-19-positive individuals.
All of the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Status unknown as of Tuesday midday:
Kimberly Guilfoyle (at debate)
Alyssa Farah, White House Director of Strategic Communications
Robert O’Brien, national security adviser (tested positive for coronavirus in July)
Tiffany Trump (at debate)
Derek Lyons,  Counselor to the President
Sen. Chuck Grassley, (R-IA), Senate pro tem: Declined to be tested, claiming physician’s advice as his reason; attended a meeting Thursday with Sen. Mike Lee.
30-50 donors who were in close contact with President Trump during an in-person event held at Trump’s Bedminster golf club on Thursday night. According to the official story, the event was held hours before President Trump’s positive test came back, but Hicks’s positive came back immediately before he left (although for a variety of reasons, the validity of that timeline is up in the air).
And because they’re stuck in this story, too:
Joe and Jill Biden: negative, committed to regular testing on all campaign event days.
Kamala Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff: negative
Previous megaposts, in case you’re a masochist: October 2 3 4 5 6
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/invincibility-punctured-by-infection-how-the-coronavirusspread-in-trumps-white-house-the-washington-post/
Invincibility punctured by infection: How the coronavirus spread in Trump’s White House - The Washington Post
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Spirits were high. Finally, Trump was steering the national discussion away from the coronavirus pandemic — which had already killed more than 200,000 people in the United States and was still raging — to more favorable terrain, a possible conservative realignment of the Supreme Court.
Attendees were so confident that the contagion would not invade their seemingly safe space at the White House that, according to Jenkins, after guests tested negative that day they were instructed they no longer needed to cover their faces. The no-mask mantra applied indoors as well. Cabinet members, senators, Barrett family members and others mixed unencumbered at tightly packed, indoor receptions in the White House’s Diplomatic Room and Cabinet Room.
Five days later, that feeling of invincibility was cruelly punctured. On Thursday, counselor to the president Hope Hicks, who reported feeling symptoms during a trip with the president to Minnesota on Wednesday, tested positive for the virus. Early Friday morning, Trump announced that he and the first lady also had tested positive and had begun isolating inside the White House residence.
On Friday, Lee, Conway and Jenkins announced that they, too, had tested positive, as did Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), who was at the ceremony, and Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, who had recently spent time with the president, including at an indoor fundraiser last week. At least three journalists who had been at White House events in the past week also reported testing positive on Friday. And White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said he was bracing for additional infections among administration officials.
By Friday afternoon, Trump’s condition had worsened, officials said, though they maintained he was “in good spirits.” The president had a low-grade fever, a cough and nasal congestion, among other symptoms, according to two people familiar with his condition who, like others interviewed for this story, spoke on the condition of anonymity to candidly discuss a sensitive matter.
Trump was transported about 6:16 p.m. Friday to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for further treatment out of what the White House described as an abundance of caution.
As Trump’s condition deteriorated during the day Friday, the president and his team ultimately made the decision to send him to Walter Reed preemptively — and, from a public relations perspective, when he was still able to walk to Marine One on his own, according to one outside adviser in frequent contact with White House officials. They feared the possibility of a further decline, and what that might mean, both for the president’s health and his political optics.
The White House outbreak thrust Washington into a state of heightened alarm Friday, with uncertainty one month before the election about the health of the president, whose age of 74, as well as additional co-morbidities — obesity, high cholesterol and slightly elevated blood pressure — increase his risks of a negative outcome.
Though White House officials have begun contact tracing to try to identify the origin of the outbreak, it is not publicly known whether the Rose Garden announcement of Barrett’s nomination was a superspreader event.
Still, the jarring contrast between the carefree, cavalier attitude toward the virus on display in the Rose Garden last Saturday and the pernicious awakening that occurred Thursday night resembles a Shakespearean tragedy.
The White House’s handling of the period between the first known symptoms — those of Hicks on Wednesday — and the president’s infection, which was confirmed about 1 a.m. Friday, is what experts considered a case study in irresponsibility and mismanagement.
Administration officials at first were not transparent with the public, and have not been forthcoming with detailed information about Trump’s condition since. Meadows told reporters Friday morning only that Trump was experiencing “mild symptoms” and would not elaborate on what those symptoms were.
“I’m not going to get into any particular treatment that he may or may not have,” Meadows said.
On Friday afternoon, the White House distributed a memorandum by White House physician Sean Conley describing Trump as “fatigued but in good spirits.” Though Conley listed the drugs he had administered, he provided to the public no measurements of the president’s condition, nor did he nor any other knowledgeable source submit to questions from journalists.
‘Losing their minds’
Inside the West Wing’s narrow corridors, where staffers for months have worked in proximity largely without masks, what had long been an atmosphere of invincibility turned into one of apprehension and panic. “People are losing their minds,” said the outside adviser.
First, aides fretted about their own risks of exposure. If the president got infected, so might they.
Then they considered the political implications, coming so close to the Nov. 3 election. “We don’t want to be talking about coronavirus and now we’re talking about coronavirus,” the outside adviser said. “The hit writes itself: He can’t protect the country. He couldn’t even protect himself.”
Then they considered the reality that the president could actually get very sick. Trump was unusually quiet Friday, not appearing before cameras nor even calling into Fox News Channel by phone, as he does from time to time.
Vice President Pence, whose doctor said he tested negative for the virus Friday morning, worked from his residence at the Naval Observatory for the day. But other White House officials did not take the same precautions.
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, the president’s daughter and son-in-law who both are senior advisers and have interacted with Trump and Hicks this week, tested negative on Friday, said White House spokeswoman Carolina Hurley. But she declined to answer questions about whether the two planned to self-isolate, and Kushner was seen at work in the White House on Friday.
Meadows, who also has had regular interaction with Trump and Hicks, did not wear a mask when he briefed reporters outdoors on Friday morning. Asked why, the chief of staff responded defensively, “I’ve obviously been tested. We’re hopefully more than six feet away.”
It was unclear where or how Trump contracted the virus, but his travel schedule has been robust all week. He visited five states between Sunday and Monday and interacted with hundreds of individuals.
The first sign of symptoms inside the presidential bubble came on Trump’s trip Wednesday to Minnesota, where he attended a campaign fundraiser in Shorewood and an evening rally in Duluth.
Hicks, who spends more time with the president than most staffers, tested negative for the coronavirus on Wednesday morning, but started to feel ill during the Minnesota trip. She self-isolated aboard Air Force One for the flight home that night, although some other aides on the trip were unaware she had done so. Hicks took another test Thursday morning, and the results came back positive.
Meanwhile, Trump’s voice sounded raspy at times during his rally performance in Duluth, and he delivered a shorter speech than is typical, clocking in at 46 minutes compared to other recent rally speeches that have stretched well past an hour.
On Thursday, Hicks’s diagnosis was kept secret from the public and even from some of her own colleagues. Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany did not know Hicks had the virus when she briefed reporters about 11 a.m., but learned midafternoon, as the president was preparing to depart for another campaign fundraiser, this one at his private golf club in Bedminster, N.J.
By then, word about Hicks’s condition had begun spreading among Trump aides. Some staffers suddenly started wearing masks, a sign that something was amiss. A few senior aides were pulled from the Bedminster trip, including McEnany, who had been around Hicks extensively that week and was replaced by one of her deputies, Judd Deere.
Other aides on the trip were Johnny McEntee, Tony Ornato and Brian Jack. None wore a mask on Air Force One, but they did aboard Marine One, considering the helicopter has far tighter quarters than the airplane.
“Trump thought he could go to the fundraiser and keep it secret that Hicks  had it,” Republican donor Dan Eberhart said.
Trump’s decision to proceed with the fundraiser after the known infection of Hicks, someone with whom he had extended recent close contact, went against the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other public health authorities.
“They knew she was positive and they still let Marine One take off with the president. Why didn’t they ground him? That was the break in protocol,” said Kavita Patel, a practicing physician and former health adviser in the Obama White House. “The CDC’s protocol clearly states that as soon as anybody, i.e. Hope Hicks, was confirmed positive, anybody she came into close contact with for at least 48 hours prior should have at least isolated.”
In Bedminster, Trump held a roundtable fundraiser indoors where donors were sitting around the table with him. Masks were not worn in the room. The president then went outdoors to address a larger group, and some of those attendees wore masks, people present said.
Many of the attendees were elderly, a mix of real estate figures and Trump friends, including Keith Frankel, a vitamins executive who had worked with Trump on hydroxychloroquine, an ­anti-malarial drug Trump had falsely touted as a coronavirus cure.
“It was mostly the same stuff you hear him say on TV,” Frankel said of the president’s remarks, describing them in an interview late Thursday before Trump had tested positive.
En route back to the White House, Trump acknowledged Hicks’s diagnosis to his traveling team and said he was going to be tested, people with knowledge of his comments said.
News of Hicks’s infection came late in the evening — not in a public release by the White House, but rather from a Bloomberg News report, which White House officials quickly confirmed. About 10 p.m., Trump called into his friend Sean Hannity’s show on Fox for a pre-scheduled interview, where the host asked him about Hicks contracting the virus. Trump said he had taken a test and was awaiting his results.
“You know, it’s very hard,” the president said, his voice again sounding raspy. “When you’re with soldiers, when you’re with airmen, when you’re with Marines, and I’m with — and the police officers. I’m with them so much. And when they come over here, it’s very hard to say, ‘Stay back, stay back.’ It’s a tough kind of a situation. It’s a terrible thing. So, I just went for a test, and we will see what happens. I mean, who knows?”
In another breach of standard protocol for controlling the spread of the virus, not everyone who had come into contact with the president was immediately notified by the White House’s contact tracers. Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, who had been helping Trump with debate preparation earlier this week, said Friday afternoon that he had not been contacted. In addition, at least one journalist who tested positive after traveling with the president this week also had not heard from the White House as of Friday afternoon.
‘No one was distanced’
As White House officials worked to trace the origin of the outbreak, they became concerned about a series of events Saturday: Barrett’s Rose Garden announcement and the private indoor receptions surrounding it.
A feeling of invincibility from the virus was pervasive. Guests were administered rapid coronavirus tests upon arrival and waited in a room wearing masks, according to Jenkins, the Notre Dame president. Then, he wrote in a statement Friday, “we were notified that we had all tested negative and were told that it was safe to remove our masks.”
Once escorted outside, guests mingled in the Rose Garden shaking hands and hugging, then took seats positioned closely together. Jenkins said he regretted “my mistake” of not wearing a mask and shaking hands at the event.
The mixing continued at indoor receptions to celebrate Barrett, which two White House officials said Friday have caused deep concern within the president’s circle. They were attended by Cabinet members, senators, Barrett’s family, family members of the late Justice Antonin Scalia and other guests, including Fox News host Laura Ingraham.
“They were all mingling without masks and in close quarters,” one of the officials said. “No one was distanced.”
Rochelle Walensky, chief of the division of infectious disease at Massachusetts General Hospital and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, said a negative test is hardly a guarantee of immunity.
“People believe that if their test is negative, then they should be fine and the truth is that means you’re fine today,” Walensky said. “It doesn’t even mean you’re fine tonight, as the Thursday testing demonstrated.”
On the Friday night before the Barrett announcement, Trump attended an indoor fundraiser at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, along with McDaniel, Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia, lobbyist Brian Ballard and a coterie of Trump aides and allies.
McDaniel, who then spent two days with the president before beginning to show symptoms earlier this week, tested positive for the virus on Wednesday. She told the president about her infection on Friday morning, although she had notified some White House officials before then, according to two people familiar with the situation. She attempted to reach Trump sooner but did not get through to him and spoke instead with a White House doctor.
Trump’s non-socially distanced interactions continued throughout the week. After the Barrett announcement, Trump traveled to Middletown, Pa., to hold an evening campaign rally. On Sunday, he played golf at his private club in Northern Virginia, held a news conference at the White House and hosted a reception for Gold Star parents. On Monday, Trump spoke in the Rose Garden to update the nation on the coronavirus.
All the while, Trump held debate preparation meetings with Christie, Hicks, Conway, personal lawyer Rudolph Giuliani and a handful of other advisers. Neither Trump nor Hicks showed symptoms or wore a mask, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions.
“He was totally like himself,” Conway said. 
Trump traveled Tuesday afternoon to Cleveland for his first debate with Democratic nominee Joe Biden. The candidates’ podiums stood 12 feet 8 inches apart, roughly double the recommended social distancing space of six feet, according to Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., co-chair of the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates.
Fahrenkopf said the commission adopted changes to the routine because of the pandemic, including killing the typical meet-and-greet backstage. Everybody in the debate hall — other than Trump, Biden and moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News — was required to test negative for the virus and to wear a mask.
“The first family came in wearing masks, but they took them off,” Fahrenkopf said. “The rules said you had to wear a mask.”
Trump’s schedule continued apace Wednesday and Thursday. When he spoke about the virus in the Rose Garden on Monday afternoon, the president all but declared victory over the virus.
“Tremendous progress is being made,” he said. “I say, and I’ll say it all the time: We’re rounding the corner. And, very importantly, vaccines are coming, but we’re rounding the corner regardless.”
He could not have known then what was yet to come.
Amy Gardner contributed to this report.
2 notes · View notes
thehours2002 · 4 years
leftists crying about john lewis endorsing biden... instead of calling him a sellout maybe you should pause and consider for a moment or two why this civil rights icon is not endorsing bernie sanders. he might actually have a good reason! such as, bernie’s staggering failure at courting black voters of the south and building coalitions in general, or bernie being the ONLY dem nominee to skip the bloody sunday rally with lewis last month, or national polls that consistently show biden winning over trump in a wider margin than sanders (that’s the bottom line for all of us—except leftists who desperately want to claim the moral high ground by not voting), or bernie’s jeopradiziation of the viability of downballot democrats in red and purple districts, or that he didn’t show up for any of the coronavirus votes and swooped in at the last minute to give a preachy speech to the people who were actually there doing the work like other candidates who dropped out (klobuchar, warren, harris, bennett, booker, etc.) or, that he just had a heart attack and refused to release his health records (despite promising to), leaving lewis less able to judge his ability of getting through even a single term, or his incompetent campaign staff that spends more effort getting in fights on twitter than getting bernie more exposure in the press, or the fact that he voted against russian sanctions, or the fact that his staying in the race in 2016 after he was mathematically eliminated from winning the nomination and poisoned the water against hillary, or the fact that he publicized his endorsement from the racist, transphobic dirtbag joe rogan, or, or, or...
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vizhi0n · 5 years
long ass post ahead
It’s always really funny to watch MCU fans (and comic book/pop culture) fans in general scramble around to defend Disney/Marvel whenever a filmmaker like Scorcese and Francis Ford Coppala criticize those films and studios - and I’m speaking from someone who is a fan of comic book film - but like....there’s this wild af dissonance where ya’ll act as if comic book movies are still the underdogs and still being “beaten down” by the industry, as if Joker didn’t just have the biggest October box office opening of all time and Endgame is still coming off being the highest earning film of all time. 
Comments from MS and FFC shouldn’t bother ya’ll, yet ya’ll get SO defensive as if comic book films aren’t dominating popular culture and mainstream media. And seasons directors and writers like FFC and MS have every right to criticize their own industry (an industry they’ve been in longer than the MCU has existed, and an industry that they’ve navigated and know more about than any of ya’ll rushing to Marvel’s defense) and they have every right to criticize Marvel and comic book films (just like anyone else fucking does) - especially when these same films and  are backed by studios that are slowly making it harder and harder for new ideas to be released into the mainstream market. It’s getting harder and harder for non comic book or non IP movies to be made and get major exposure because the only thing these studios are interested in are superheroes and remakes (because of this new market of comic book fans who think it’s illegal for anyone to criticize their precious IPs.)  and it blows my mind that comic book fans (MCU fans specifically, because ya’ll are the loudest voices right now) have the gall to sit there and say ‘well, Hollywood just doesn’t appreciate the art of Marvel and superhero movies.” 
“Well, the MCU and super hero movies get shunned at the Oscars!?!?’
Despite the fact that...they don’t get shunned at the fucking Oscars. Most of the nominations for Marvel and other major blockbuster films are in the technical areas - sound design, visual effects, etc. because that’s what 90% of these films are anyway. Visual effects spectacles. And they don’t have to be anything else, and it’s frustrating how the people that work on those technical aspects are told “well, Infinity War only got nominated for visual effects and not Best Picture or Best Director. So frustrating...” no. It’s not frustrating for the fucking hundreds of people that work on visual effects and sound and costume and makeup. It ain’t frustrating for them. It’s just frustrating for you because you still want to feel like you’re some oppressed nerd and that mainstream doesn’t “understand” you.
22 notes · View notes
blackuigryphonvr · 5 years
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#PokemonGo #Niantic #Wayfarer #Abuse #CyberBullying I’m currently suspending ALL of my nominations for PokéStops in South Field, and my local area due to a pattern of very bad abusive behaviors collectively done towards me from a group of local individuals whom I’ve actually never ever done anything, but are trashing me behind my back.
I DO NOT APPRECIATE players ganging up on my nominations and ABUSING Niantic’s system to accuse me of being a Nazi and committing a crime! How dare u! It’s like I’m having my own version of the Warren/Sanders back-stab!
WHO in their right mind would ACTUALLY BELIEVE that I’m a Nazi?! WHO would ACTUALLY believe that I would ABUSE Niantic’s system to harm others in my community?
This has been a constant pattern of behaviors of a number of things dating back to June, and this confirms a lot of things I was already catching onto, and suspecting. This also strongly confirms my #1 suspect, and I already suspect up to 9 other persons as well as alt accounts.
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Do u have any idea how much research I put into this spot since 2018? I didn’t just pull this out of my ass. It’s not only historical but prehistoric. There is NOTHING DIFFERENT about THIS SUBMISSION than all of my others that went through.
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But I’ve noticed that whenever I publicly divulge where and when I’m submitting nominations and mention it publicly on social media, or the local Discord thread, those locations get rejected for reasons that make no sense at all.... but, the ones that did make it through were ones I never told anyone I was doing.
Before Wayfarer even went live, I had reservations about sharing my intel, which I’d been gathering since 2018 hoping to turn into a PokéStop eventually... but, I decided it was better to let go of it, so that others could do it. I gladly, And freely gave out my details, added info to Google & Yelp and even went to long lengths of so much research to share which maps to check, which historical archives to use.
I noticed that much of the ones I openly shared with others often got stupid reasons for rejections. So, we had to come up with better methods to submit nominations with less room for potential rejections like having cultural n historical information or good photography exposures. But, when they didn’t tell others they resubmitted, it got accepted.
Also, I was very vocal about my plans and wishes for which locations I’d been scouting out the best locations for Community Days, especially Public Parks! As a Mom I care about a safe place to play, free parking, and safe access.
I recall feeding my intel to others, publicly, and being told by a head person (whom I trust) that my info was being shared with someone whom wanted to do those locations. Specifically, South Field And Stella Tirrell Park.
I wanted those spots to become high quality places to play Community Day, but I HAD A STRONG INKLING that these places could become a PokéGym since there was an older PokéStop there. I told people this. Yet, no one bothered. Months blew by, and nothing...
Well, I finally hit Level 40 at the end of 2019 so I hustled to get my submissions done. It took days for me to plan out which ones I wanted, and which ones would be more likely than others to go through. But my Stella Tirrell submissions were screwed. I thought it was very strange.... but I still had 1 that go frozen in the cue. That one didn’t even go into voting until last week. And because no one was actively trying to screw me, it went through and now Stella Tirrell has a PokéGym.
But, also, I turned the Jet into a PokéGym in South Field. I did the work. And it paid off.
But I never told anyone that I was doing those.
Well, someone assumed it was another player. So I asked who they thought did it.... and THAT was the person at the top of my list as a suspect. This person also is very well liked and many people believe this person to be a nice person.... I know this because I also fell for the “nice guy” act until their behavior shifted by June. This person was also the very first local player I ever met at a Raid, and used to say hi to me driving around at night in places I was playing the game. This person has been so overtly passive aggressive towards me, and also tries to play it off at other times like it’s fine. But the cold shoulder treatment is so overt when they show up to Raids. Acting nonchalant but also actually repulsed by me, or that I don’t exist. Or: sure! I’ll help you.... sorry, I have to leave. Over and over!
Well, after mentioning a number of things recently ( if u scroll through my posts) u can see what I had to say about my recent successes getting 2 new PokeGyms myself that were MAJOR. Stella Tirrell and South Field. Any of these local players could’ve submitted any of those nominations but never bothered to BECAUSE the intel came from me.
So, when that nomination FINALLY wet into the VOTING on Thursday Night, by the morning it was screwed.
When I checked the email and saw the reasons why, I WAS FLOORED!
This was NOT just some instance of a lazy person reviewing and just picking any reason. It says “the Niantic Community of Players” decided this.
Think about that.
Multiple people went looking to find ANYTHING matching the locations where they knew I wanted PokéStops and meticulously went through ALL of the rejection reasons and SPECIFICALLY picked to accuse me of committing a crime!
Not claiming my photos were bad.
No. They accused me of abusing Niantic’s system to commit a crime to harm people in my community.
Well, I let others know in my community, and on social media.
I find it to be very strange than within a few hours a different PokéStop nomination went through in South Field. It’s just so strange!
Dude! Just play fair!
Even if I didn’t like someone, Or didn’t approve of them, I WOULD NEVER EVER ABUSE NIANTIC’S system to hurt Another player, or try to destroy their credibility to submit a PokéStop nomination. I would NEVER stoop so low as to lower my self worth enough to be THAT MALICIOUS! I have self respect. And a person that has self respect is respectful to others, and treats others with dignity.
I also wouldn’t go out of my way to try and kick people out of the game, or stop them from ever playing the game again, or stop having access to the Discord server.
There’s definitely been some very bad things done to me that qualify as bullying. I don’t like it. But, I don’t want to kick them out of the game permanently, or have them banned from the Discord server. I’m not evil like u are. I also know that some of these people are kids. But, it’s pretty messed up when it’s adult men. U literally shame yourselves.
Just because I’m getting old, don’t have my own car, am jobless & live in poverty, and I can’t memorize every name of every single Pokémon ever, or can’t memorize every single PVP Combo or Raid Couter doesn’t mean I’m stupid. I’m not a male player, and I can’t change my gender because I’m a woman -an aging woman! I’m not young. I’m not sexy. And u hate me for some unknown reason. But u really need to check YOURSELF !
This was TOO FAR!
There was NOTHING wrong with my nomination. I looked up so much information about South Field Naval Airbase from multiple sources. I have read through so much archival data. I’m so much more informed about this area than anyone else. But anyone could do this if they just bothered to! Like, JUST READ! I’ve been working on this since 2018! It mattered to me. But also, other people were HAPPY and THANKFUL for the work I did. But I can’t write an encyclopedia as a nomination.
I did a Good thing.
Nobody likes BAD DEEDS nor those whom do them.
If u think that those of u whom all actively decided to attack me using Niantic’s system are people that u could trust, or whether they trust u, think again. They will ALWAYS remember that u all got together to attack my reputation, and it will always be in the back of their mind. Eventually, someone will always either screw u, or it will backfire in some way. Their is no honor among criminals, thieves, gangsters. If they can do it together with you against me, what makes u think at some point they might not do it to you the moment it suits them? Or, they will always assume u did these kinds of things.
Just don’t do it.
You know it’s wrong.
Just stop it, and move on.
You really need to think about what kind of person you really are, what your values are, and what kind of person you are vs what kind of person you SHOULD be.
If u have been putting up a front of who u want people to think u are, and I know you are, then u need to get to the root of why that is.
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seenashwrite · 5 years
The Fall ‘18/Winter ‘19 Edition of…
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It’s a better-late-than-never situation, but it’s finally here!
*~* New to The Nail? *~*
The Nail isn’t about perfection. It isn’t about award-level contenders. It isn’t for highlighting certain genres of fics or specific ships. It’s about seeing real effort and hard work radiate off of the screen - the sole focus is quality. Character dimension. Writing with clever readers in mind. Well-built worlds. Killer starts and clutch endings. Crazy crisp dialogue. Incredibly tight plotting. More shows, less tells. Big emotion.
Find past editions HERE. Find what factors are considered when constructing this rec list, and learn how to get your recommendations to me HERE. Find info on the structure of these rec posts HERE, with answers to FAQs such as “Why did someone make up a title for my piece?”, and more.
>> The Basics On What’s Below <<
- All from the world of SPN (unless otherwise noted, i.e. cross-overs), across all genres; these are organized by length for the most part, so you’ll need to click thru to see if it is a theme of your preference; I aim to not have too much that’s of the same genre/length in a given edition, and limit the times a writer can appear on a given list (if they had more that fit the bill, I’ll chuck ‘em to next edition’s list); when applicable, unique projects, original stories, and any anecdotes/personal essays/family stories/etc. are near the end.
- You’ll see icons throughout…
If it has NSFW elements / walks an NSFW line - ⚠️
If it features / blatantly alludes to a specific ship - 🚢
If it has less than 100 notes (at time of this post) - 📌
And that last item is very important.
- A main priority of The Nail is to have at least 50% of these one-and-done SPN stories (so, drabbles and one-shots) be those which have less than 100 notes (give or take a few self-reblogs by the writer, and not counting mine) in each posting, and for this edition, out of 36, these comprise 26 so the goal was met!
Highly encourage you to at minimum hit the heart, ideally reblogging along with a note of feedback if you enjoyed. To do my part, I’ll be queuing these low-note fics one per day after this edition is published.
- Reblog of this rec list by “big blogs” (let’s say 1K followers and up) is especially appreciated, and not for my sake; it’s to get these wonderful writers with low note fics as much exposure as possible.
- Writers, make sure you scroll - you may be on here more than once!
- “Notes from Nash" at the very bottom of the post.
- For your mobile convenience, here’s The Nail Master Post of Editions
- And finally, shameless plugs....
 See Nash Write: Master List
You Totally Made That Up podcast - @youtotallymadethatup
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Note: Just a line or two excerpt to paint a little picture - no specific feedback on these drabbles because each writer nailed it in the entirety - all are poignant, well-structured, thoughtful, and they did it all in a limited amount of words. Well done, all of you. 
181 words
The Wishes 📌  -  @sixtysevenandwhiskey 
It’s a lot of nothing, until nothing is all there is.
182 words
Stars 📌  -  @covered-byroses
She loved looking at the stars.
223 words
Storytelling 📌  -  @always-keep-writing
He shouldn’t be surprised that it ends up being a story.
230 words
A Long Forty Years  -  @babybluecas
Sometimes, he’d wish he was so much older.
352 words
Control 📌 -  @idreamofhazel
If only Dean knew the other, more biting things he holds under his tongue.
370 words
His Hair 📌 🚢  -  @gabrielfallstonight  
He often wondered if, by spending as much time on Earth as he did, he was growing almost human.
427 words
Topper  -  @alleiradayne  
Coffee. He just needed a cup. Or four. Okay, maybe the whole pot.
483 words
Tedium 📌  -  @smi727  
This situation was something Michael simply could not abide.
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555 words
Kids These Days 📌  -  @revwinchester  
A little behind-the-scenes interlude wherein Dean has an interaction with some kids in town. In medias res, OCs developed in a short amount of space, thoughtful/nice message without being preachy.
560 words
Four Months Expired (But Still Good) 📌 🚢  -  @bendingsignpost
A delightful scene based on a premise that could've gone saccharine but stays the just right amount of sweet and humorous.
(I cannot tag this lovely, if someone would be so kind as to try to do so in the comments, it would be appreciated!)
570 words
Black 📌 - @sculptorofbeginningslibrary  
An introspective look at Dean in the time between waking up with his demonized soul and when he left the bunker; doesn't merely recap what we know; nice take on the physical changes; excellent characterization.
633 words
Smoked  -  @ameliacareful
A snicker-worthy tale of what should be an ordinary shopping trip, but as we know nothing can ever be simple for the brothers; well-structured, solid characterization, concise  descriptions that put you right there with them.
(I cannot tag this lovely, if someone would be so kind as to try to do so in the comments, it would be appreciated!)
664 words
Last Night  -  @atwistoffate
A brief interaction between you and Dean that is a perfect balance of snarky and cute, and (thank Chuck) Dean is portrayed realistically, and I personally salute the writer for not uttering a single Y/N or sweetheart (it can be done, folks). I'd also be remiss not to highlight this beauty: “You know what? I don’t even care,” Dean says, caring deeply.
714 words
Stay  -  @there-must-be-a-lock
Absolutely beautiful moment between you and Sam that doesn't get weighed down by over-dramatic pining, in part thanks to a sandwich. In medias res; descriptions that paint the picture without diving too deep; lovely from beginning to end.  
812 words
Carolina 📌  -  @atc74
A first-person, introspective tale of an interaction Dean has with a stranger. In medias res; sets the stage from the opening paragraph, putting you right into Dean's shoes; well-developed OC in short amount of time; great closing lines.
841 words
Strange Gifts 📌 -  @lastactiontricia  
Michael gives you the "gift" of knowing your potential fates. In medias res; great structure/descriptions that convey the mood without being belabored; clutch open-ended ending.  
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1.1K words
Syruped and Feathered 📌 -  @mrswhozeewhatsis
A snicker-worthy on-the-hunt tale where you and the Winchesters get in a... well... a sticky situation. Ahem. Sorry, couldn't resist. Oh, and there's a surprise guest star that'll make you grin. In medias res, nice flow, creative use of prompts.
1.2K words
Don't Panic 📌  -  @koedeza
Beautifully written, somber tale about what eventually happens in the lives of hunters. In medias res, excellent structure/flow, fantastic characterization, clutch ending. Keep an eye out for this writer - they are consistently solid and do not disappoint.
1.3K words
'Til It All Falls Apart 📌  -  @lipstickandwhiskey
Angst done right in this story about what Dean might've gone through after Michael was cast out. Good flow, no laborious explanations of what we already know, reasonable actions/reactions from all.
1.4K words
Bite Me, BitFit 📌  -  @shy-violet-soul
Exactly what you think from the title - a funny story about Dean's battle with healthy living. In medias res, nice structure, great characterization, several killer lines.
1.4K words
Eggshells 📌  -  @hunenka
A coda to Nightmare Logic, this tackles Dean's internal processing of life as he now knows it, Sam in charge and what feels like a million people in his home. Beautifully written, Dean is as accurate as it gets, excellent flow, plausible scenario.
1.7K words
Told You So   -  @there-must-be-a-lock
How to do hot and sultry without smut - read and learn. This is a story about what should have been just an ordinary post-hunt night back at the bunker, when it turned to something more. Great opening paragraph, easy flow, trifecta of snarky-sweet-sexy.
1.8K words
Brother 📌  -  @sixtysevenandwhiskey
An exquisite look - to use the writer's words - at Dean over the years, through Sam's eyes. Excellent structure/verbiage, no unneeded repetition of things we already know, good use of song inspo, plausible within canon, feels genuine throughout.
1.8K words
The Lie 📌 -  @sophisticated-angel
Stunning tale (and add this to the pile of "Why the hell doesn't this have more notes?!" stories) about what happens to those who are left behind after a loved one dies - but as always in the Winchester world, nothing can ever be routine. In medias res, creative plotline, moving and heart-grabbing that leaves you with both a sense of rightness and a sense of unease.
2.9K words
The Unexpected Guest  -  @crispychrissy 
Per the writer's summary - "A day of researching takes a turn when you see something from your past that leads to some interesting discoveries." But, wait - this is so much more. Pay attention as you read, because the writer has left you clues along the way (starting with the title), and it's done quite deftly. In addition - nice blending of humor and drama, time taken to research the creature featured clearly evident, clutch ending.
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3K words
Easier To Be Me 📌 -  @alleiradayne
A Sam + Reader story labelled "floof" by the writer, but it's sweet without bending saccharine; in medias res; great opening/closing lines.
[Nominated by @atc74 who said - “So I have read a couple things of hers, this I read a while ago, but it deserves some love, because it is just that good. Hope you like it This was so wonderful. Well written and beautiful."]
3.1K words
Teeth 📌   -  @lastactiontricia
Do you want to read something spooky that’s based on a true story, with a fantastic plot that has roots in a true story, which features well-developed characterization/accuracy in characterization, and is - in case I didn’t mention it - based on a true story?!
Read this. Find you a cozy corner, grab the drink of your choice whether it’s bourbon or hot chocolate, wrap up in a blanket, and Read. The. Story. It is unique, it is well-written, quality top to bottom, and it’ll give you the feels, tips to toes. Stop wasting your time on the same ol’, same ol’.
(Part of a collection, all are fantastic, so see also: Halloween Horror SPN One Shots Masterlist)
3.3K words
Lay Me Down 📌  -  @stusbunker
A solid case fic here that balances itself with some cheekiness thrown in amongst the drama (and a bonus for me, not a "Y/N" in sight - it can be done, folks). In medias res, moves at a quick clip, great line here: "The spell spread quickly, like spilled water on a tabletop..."
4.9K words
Shadow's Edge 📌  -  @saenalife 
A story of what happened one night when a routine retrieval of an item goes sideways. In medias res, excellent opening line/paragraph that perfectly sets the scene/mood (I mean - "Dark seems like too shallow a word for this. It goes beyond the absence of light - more like the light has never existed here at all..." - hello), creative plot, great structure (specifically: flashback/forward done right), and bonus kudos for switching things up with a feature not seen with regularity, that of a gender neutral lead.
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5.6K words
The Wonders of Modern Technology ⚠️ -  @littlegreenplasticsoldier
If you aren’t familiar with Greenie, she’s another one of those rare writers ‘round these parts who gives us consistently solid stories with a unique style that’s all her own, and this one is no exception, a humorous tale of a piece of equipment that doesn’t exactly malfunction, but we’ll just say there’s, ah, user error [wink]. 
5.7K words
Like Ocean in the Desert 📌⚠️  -  @saenalife
Borrowing the writer's summary - "Baby needs some work before Dean can get back on the road. He went to the salvage yard for parts, but what he found was a human connection." In medias res, well-developed OC, nice premise, great structure/flow.
[Nominated by @littlegreenplasticsoldier who said - "Here’s a prime example of notes misaligning with quality. Pfft. Criminal. This is the third time I’ve read this."]
6.4K words
The First Bite 📌  -  @shy-violet-soul
A story from the way-back-when, and as for feedback, I’ll let the curator take it away....
[Nom'd by @mrswhozeewhatsis who said - "Confession: I love Weechesters. So, this fic was already up my alley from word one. Add in pie mentioned just in the author’s note, and I was already a happy camper! Imagine my surprise when I was sniffling halfway through because wee!Dean was just killing me! The OCs are very well fleshed out, without being distracting, and the whole story was just so well-written I finished it just wanting to hug everyone. The grammar and other technical stuff was at least flawless enough that I didn’t notice it, and the whole story just unfolded in front of me like a cootie-catcher. I think I’m in love, and I might go read it again, even though I should be writing. *swoon*"]
6.8K words
Gutted  -  @idreamofhazel
A case fic with some Dean + Reader sweet-n'-sultry on top. Nice opening paragraph that sets the tone, solid characterization, very creative plot/creature featured, excellent structure.
6.9K words
About Dean's Dreams   ⚠️ -  @fanforfanatic  
This writer has yet to disappoint - and this story is damn near pristine from start to finish. It’s an actual, on god, Dean-in-character dive into the woman of his dreams. Sound fluffy or angsty? Nope. You’re wrong. It isn’t either. What it is, is just right. I’m not telling you any more - when you next have time to sit and read and really absorb an introspective Dean piece, make this your first choice.
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Say hello to a new (-ish!) writer, @salt-n-burn-em-all !
Doors 📌
You will not believe this is just her 2nd SPN fanfic - captivating and moving, and even if you're swiping a tear away, I think you'll find yourself with a smile at the last three words.
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East of Nowhere ⚠️  -  @thecleverdame 
You and Sam are strangers trapped in a desolate mountain town where you live alone, isolated from the outside world, for five years.
Very creative scenario that takes you on an intimate journey and - most importantly - has quite the satisfying reveal.
How You and I Will Be  -  @katehuntington  
When a hellhound case in the mountains goes sideways, Dean and you find yourselves trapped in a small cabin, miles from civilization. Rescue is on its way, but will it be in time?
Opening paragraph sets the scene perfectly, you'll find yourself there immediately, and it's a plausible scenario of a hunt gone wrong. (We do love our case fics here at The Nail!)
If This Is A Dream  🚢 -  @wendibird 
Sam receives a tip about a restless spirit haunting a particular patch of woods in South Carolina - one who has asked for him by name. He must now deal with the thought of putting to rest someone he once cared for, but will things go that simply?
Phenomenal opening line/paragraph that puts you in Sam's headspace from the jump, and boy howdy can we all empathize with him, and it's a plausible scenario, one I personally haven't seen tackled til this.
Men of Cold Cases  -  @smi727
Sam had uncovered hundreds upon hundreds of cases the Men of Letters had never closed, [and the] idea was to investigate what those stodgy old nerds never got around to. Given the cases were at least 60 years old, the chances that any were still active were slim to none. They should all be milk runs…
Fantastic concept, completely original, and well-written to boot. Bonus? The writer has based the plots on actual cold cases and mysteries, and provides you links to the stories behind the story so you can learn more.
The Ellison Lane Legacy  -  @sixtysevenandwhiskey 
Sam finds a case. You’re reminded of a past you want to forget.
Cheers for a well-rounded original female character who is tough and vulnerable all at once. Interesting and creative story that's heavy, yes, but thanks to skilled writing the flow keeps it moving vs. getting mired down.
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Wrath 📌  -  @waywardjoy
Shakespeare gets a run for his money here with a small fic inspired by some of his words. Beautifully composed, from the title to the usage of the lines, flows like a dream, evokes big emotion, and puts you right there in the action, breathtaking from start to finish.
The Runaway Vessel 📌  -  @butiaintgonnaloveem 
A creepy re-working of a popular children's story that will stay with you after you read it. Killer first line, clutch ending, and a detailed, stunning piece of artwork to boot from @lostmymuseagain, what a match made in heaven. This one dug deep, and definitely read like a cautionary fairytale about fate and choices that grandparents would tell/read to the children on a dark night around the fire, give ‘em a bit of a chill in spite of it. 
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Ring-A-Ling  -  @winchester-writes & @littlegreenplasticsoldier & @mrswhozeewhatsis
To think, it all started with an innocent post about a tiny bell - get ready to laugh.
Ten Years Gone  -  @cinnamonanddean  
This is a short-and-sweet, most worthy exception to a The Nail rule that no RPF will be on the list, wherein Jensen reflects upon his time on the show.
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Carriers  -  @violetwolfraven 
Daddy Loves To Be Murdered   -  @gabesnonnie 
Slay Ride  -  @bendingsignpost 
The Awakening  -  @rmeisel 
The Chosen One  -  @copperbadge 
The Night  -  @later0varies
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Bedtime Stories & How Chad Got His Name  -  @lostmymuseagain (also see the artwork related to the Chad story here)
The Author  -  @thebibliosphere
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Notes from Nash
The document with my little summaries and personalized feedback for each of these got eaten - basically, I had to re-do the list and time’s been scarce, so forgive me for the lateness.
Also, there was a good handful of stories that disappeared due to what I presume was the purge/people deleting or losing their blogs. I did make effort to check AO3 but I’m afraid some stellar work has been lost for good.
There were a lot of repeat writers and folks I’m friendly with in this edition, more than I typically feature - I strive to highlight mostly lesser known writers and, as noted, mostly fics with <100 notes - but they earned it (and I even chucked a few more from some of these peeps into the folder for the next edition, that’s how hard they’re rockin’ it). That’s why it’s so important y’all let me know about the unsung writers and their undiscovered jewels - submit the story links and your reviews to me (links to your reblogs with your comments is perfectly fine) any ol’ time. 
That’s it! What’re you waiting for??? Get to reading!
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88 notes · View notes
birdlord · 5 years
Everything I Watched in 2018
I neglected to write this list up this time last year, so I’m catching up! 2019 is soon to come.  Every Movie I Watched in 2018
The number in parentheses is year of release, asterisks denote a re-watch, and titles in bold are my favourite first watches of the year. 
01 So I Married an Axe Murderer (93)* possibly the most early/mid-90s film ever made. Centre parted hair, slam poetry, pre-tech boom San Francisco, Steven Wright cameo?!
02 The Florida Project (17) first theatre movie of the year came early!
03 The Long Goodbye (75)
04 Call Me by Your Name (17) I and some friends made an effort to see movies we thought might be oscar-nominated this year, so there’s a few of those coming up. 
05 LA Story (91)* a forever rewatch
06 Personal Shopper (17) Feels like there’s a thin veil between K Stew and the characters she chooses.
07 I, Tonya (17)
08 Comfort and Joy (84) 80s Glasgow!
09 Faces, Places (17) made me want to pick up a camera again
10 A Futile and Stupid Gesture (18)
11 Creed (15) not for me. 
12 Black Panther (18)* I found this lost a lot of its lustre the second time around. 
13 Ghost (90)
14 Youngblood (86) Rob Lowe and Patrick Swayze hockey movie filmed in 80s Toronto? Sign me up!
15 The Living Daylights (87)* basically sometimes I want to see a Bond film, and really any of them will do. 
16 Brigsby Bear (17)
17 The Ice Storm (97) 
18 Disclosure (94) strong competition for Most 90s Movie, this time set in a Seattle CD-ROM company. One of those movies I remember staring at the cover of, in the movie rental place. 
19 Saturday Night Fever (77)*
20 Barry Lyndon (75) God, the look, the costumes, the performances! This killed me dead.
21 Fried Green Tomatoes (91)* Another forever rewatch!
22 Howard’s End (92)* rewatch prompted by watching the new series version. 
23 Sense & Sensibility (95)* keep those costume dramas coming...
24 The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (01)*
25 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (02)* 
26 Breakfast at Tiffany’s (61)*
27 Paterson (16)
28 Three Kings (99)*
29 The Talented Mr Ripley (99)* 99 was a good film year...I’ll go to this version of Italy anytime. 
30 The Equalizer (14)
31 Paddington (14)
32 Paul (11) the initial charm doesn’t carry the movie through til the end.
33 The Virgin Suicides (99)*
34 Friday the 13th (80)
35 Sea of Love (89)
36 Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (18) a great opportunity to shed some tears in a movie theatre.
37 Star Wars: The Last Jedi (17)*
38 Wild (14)
39 Housekeeping (87) love me a Bill Forsyth, as you can see. 
40 Predator (87)* if it bleeds, etc
41 Close Encounters of the Third Kind (77)*
42 Fever Pitch (05) the US remake...
43 Fever Pitch (97) ...the UK original 
44 Bridget Jones’ Baby (16)
45 Stand by Me (86)*
46 Three Identical Strangers (18) 
47 Mission Impossible: Fallout (18)
48 Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (11)*
49 Election (99)*
50 The Killing Ground (17) utter brutality in the Aussie bushland
51 Eyes Wide Shut (99) never saw this at the time, and thought Nicole Kidman’s perspective was more important within the film but GUESS WHAT, IT ISN’T
52 Repulsion (65)
53 Crazy Rich Asians (18)
54 Halloween (78)* the start of Spooker Season
55 A Star is Born (18)
56 The Hunger (83)
57 Annihilation (17)
58 Scream (99)*
59 Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (98) this was...terrible
60 Halloween (18)
61 Deep Red (75) one of the better Argentos, imo, but no Tenebrae
62 Dead Ringers (88)
63 Rocky Horror Picture Show (75)*
64 Silence of the Lambs (91)*
65 Nosferatu (22)
66 The Italian Job (69)
67 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (01)*
68 Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (02)*69 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (04)*
70 Gangs of New York (02)* Wow, I hated this! If I never see sweaty Leonardo DiCaprio again, it’ll be too soon. 
71 Shirkers (18)
72 Terminator 2 (91)*
73 Little Women (94)*
74 The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (18)
75 Life Itself (18) this movie has left my mind ENTIRELY, wow did it even happen?
76 National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (89)*
77 Home Alone (90)*
78 Gremlins (84)* turns out I’d forgotten more of this than I remembered??
79 The Shop Around the Corner (40)
80 You’ve Got Mail (98)*
81 Mr Smith Goes to Washington (39)
82 Widows (18)
83 Roma (18) I did see this in theatre, so the surround-sound experience was in full effect. 
84 Ghost Stories (17)
85 200 Cigarettes (99)
I had no idea I’d watched so many movies from 1999 this year! It was certainly not done on purpose, but that year had some great movies. Spooker Season was a particularly strong one this year, too, with ten horror/spooky movies over the course of October. It’s always interesting to me to see how many comfort viewings vs more challenging fare that I manage to watch in a given year (probably correlated to how many times I was sick and/or had a rough work day). 
Every TV Series I Watched in 2019
01 The Crown S2 - the difficulties of royal marriage are a strong theme in this season, but there’s also some great sister-sister material between Elizabeth and Margaret. 
02 Lady Dynamite S2 - too weird to live, I guess?
03 High Maintenance S2 - this is the second HBO season, and the first one that really tries to grapple with high-level world events, in this case Trump’s election, spoken about as if it was a natural disaster.
04 Queer Eye S1, S2 - I’d never seen the original series, so this was my first exposure to the concept. It aims for pathos, but you have to accept a pretty rosy world to get into it. Easier to enjoy before any of the boys had book deals/got Milkshake Duck’d.
05 Love S3 - still watching for Bertie, I love her.
06 Collateral - thorny British political police procedural, ultimately pretty forgettable, barring Carey Mulligan’s performance. 
07 Alias Grace - the Atwood adaptation that people *weren’t* talking about. It’s great, though!
08 Atlanta S2: Robbin Season - Atlanta got weirder, more idiosyncratic, and even better in its second season. 09 Barry S1 - Barry got a lot of plaudits this year, and while I really liked the cast, and the plot was engrossing, something didn’t stick for me, and ultimately I didn’t watch the second season. 
10 Howard’s End - it is a truth universally acknowledged that most books are better adapted as a miniseries than a single movie. Not that I hate the ‘92 movie, but this gets deeper into the class relations than it ever could. Plus: TIBBY!!
11 Killing Eve S1 - the series that hackneyed “smart, stylish and sexy” critic descriptions were made for.
12 Detroiters S2 - pouring one out for my fave pals, who never got a chance to make another season of this little darling (though there were a couple of episodes in this season that didn’t do it for me). 
13 Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat - perhaps the only adaptation of a cookbook that I’ve ever seen, and certainly one of the best food shows ever. 
14 Big Mouth S2 - More of the same, so if you could hack it in the first season, then keep it up!
15 Bodyguard - another in the sexy/dark/procedural vein, with bonus Scotsman from Game of Thrones.
16 Utopia/Dreamland S1-S3 - an Australian comedy series about a government infrastructure department, which has apparently spawned real such departments in the country, even though it doesn’t come off all that well. The first title is the Aussie one, it’s known as Dreamland everywhere else. 
17 Baroness Von Sketch S3 - Canadian series that I actually watch are rare as hen’s teeth, so I was delighted to find a woman-centric sketch show that has kept me laughing. Plus, sometimes I see my neighbourhood? That’s fun!
4 notes · View notes
dickmedownmendess · 5 years
The Chosen Two
This has been on my mind for the past week so I finally decided to write it. Hope you guys enjoy! (Also hopefully it doesn’t get removed like my last one *wipes away tears*)
Pairings: Connor x OC
Words: 3.k
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Glasses clattered together as conversation filled the luxurious venue. Numerous college students scattered the large room, holding champagne glasses containing God-only-knows. 
          “Either I’m extremely tipsy or just generally nervous, but I think I’m going to barf.” I mutter to my best friend, Avery, as we stood close to each other in the midst of everyone.
Tonight was an award ceremony for UCLA’s School of Film, Theatre and Television. I was nominated for many different categories in the film category, and with the competitive nature I possessed, I desired to win every category I was in. The most important award I was in the running for was Film of the Year which, if won, gives the opportunity to display your talents publicly, while also gaining the exposure to jumpstart your career. 
         “Oh quit it, you’ve done so many talented videos and photo shoots, it would be discrimination if you didn’t win at least one of them.” She ensures confidently. I eyed her quizzically, a humorous smile spreading across my lips. 
         “Discrimination?” I repeat in a laugh. She was always a little melodramatic in her motivational speeches. 
         “For sure, it would be discrimination against a bad bitch honestly.” We both laugh, clinking glasses in agreement to the statement. 
Once it dies down, I scan the room for the one, and the only person that has been heavy on my mind since nominations were announced. 
         “Listen, my type isn’t surfer-white-boy, but that Connor Cashier guy can get it.” Alex whispers to me, her eyes fixed on what I assumed, Connor. Following her gaze, I also looked at the man of the hour–and also the cause of my nauseate. 
He dressed in a grey tailored suit, the jacket opened to reveal a checkered button-up that complimented the suit, and overall posh look. He raked a hand through his prim hair, chuckling at something someone was saying to him. A crowd gradually formed around him, but he remained placid, not an utter amount of uneasiness in his demeanor. 
         “Connor Brashier is my worst nightmare right now.” I admit, Alex looks away from him to give me a perplexed frown. 
         “And why is that? The boy looks like he weighs no more than 90 pounds wet.” 
My gaze lingers on him, momentarily lost in how well composed his film he admitted was. It captured all the aesthetics of nature, it made the viewers look at nature past just its beauty. He raised awareness of our effect on nature, all while tying a story plot to it. He filmed it across many beautiful nature spots in the States (only because it was prohibited to use out of state content). 
He was basically the poster child for the film major, most underclass students looked up to him, like he was a mogul. 
What made it all the more frustrating was how well he handled the popularity. It was always so mysterious. He didn’t smile too much, and he wasn’t smug about his accomplishments, there weren’t any troubling stories about him, mostly just allegations of who he sleeps with and the typical rumor subjects. He simply focused on his filming and chilled with his friends in downtime. 
I didn't realize how long I was staring until his eyes meet mine, the blues in them so intense, they practically shined under the starlight. I quickly avert my gaze back to Alex, sighing. 
          “He’s just so talented. And like–I don’t know. I’m just afraid he’s going to win and continue to get the exposure he basically already has.” I confess, toying with a ringlet of hair out of habit when I’m nervous. 
          “You’re downplaying your own work D, you personified California, and filmed them around California. And told a story. Who the hell thinks of that? You articulated on every detail, I had to use my brain. You know I don't like doing that. Your film is stunning. And if it couldn’t get better, you did it all on the price of your own money. I doubt rich boy Connor can say that.” She states matter of factually, sass lacing her words. I blush, genuinely warm by her, comical, but uplifting words.
          “You’ve always had a way with words, that’s why you need to win that journalist of the year award.” I hug her. 
          “Oh honey, I’m not worried about a stupid award, that’s just justification for objectifying our talents to a mere thing that’ll wind up in our attics...or a box, or a trash...or even a–” 
          “Ladies and gentlemen if you could find your seat at your designated tables. We will start the ceremony shortly.” The president announces into the microphone. Alex huffs, giving a small eye roll. I snicker patting her shoulder. 
          “See ya later journalist of the year.” I tease with a wink. Backing away, I don’t watch where I’m going and stumble into a body. Their hands instinctively grabbed my sides to hold me up. The piquant cologne was the first thing noticed before I even turned, but once I became motionless. 
          “Sorry, Danielle right?” I looked up and blinked mute. Lost for words mostly because I was baffled at his voice, I don’t think I’ve ever heard him talk—and I’ve definitely had to do a project with him in the past, so that says a lot for the amount of dialogue he uses. Straightening up, I recover smoothly flipping my hair off my shoulder. 
          “Yes, sorry about that.” I give a wry smile, he merely smiles back in response nodding his head. 
We both walk to the same table, he glances over his shoulder noticing me, automatically pulling out a chair for me before taking a seat of his own a few chairs down. I smile at the unexpected gesture, he winks back taking a swig of drink in his seat. 
Looking around the table, it registers that the people seated here are also nominees for the best film. I didn’t even feel threatened by them, and a hinted ounce of guilt surface while I smile at them. Champagne glasses accommodates the table, and I grab one, taking a swill of the bitter drink. 
They didn’t hold back on the alcohol at all. 
Promptly, the different professors of the theatre major began presenting awards. As much as I wanted to be entertained by the witty commentary, the heavy weight of my eyelids kept me blinking, while shifting in my seat, I lightly swayed, grabbing hold of the table to stabilize myself. 
How much did I drink? I wonder, glancing around the table to check if anyone witnessed my drunkenness. Catching the striking eyes of Connor, he smirks, his chest noticeably bouncing in a silent laugh. I giggle as well, looking away and excusing myself from the table. 
My heels felt 10 feet tall as I walked to the bathroom, but I did it effortlessly, disguising how tipsy I truly was. Once in the comforts of the clean bathroom, I look at myself. 
Shouldn’t have done that. 
The world spun, and I was suddenly a lot cuter than before. 
         “Ah shit, I’m drunk.” I murmur, then giggle because in my consumption of the many glasses of champagne, I also swallowed the tickled bug. Wetting a napkin, I patted my eyes, endeavoring to clear up the swirl in her eyes, while not messing up the makeup job Alex did. She made me look stunning, alcohol-aside. “If all fails and I don’t win a damn thing, at least I look cute...right?” I say to myself, while examining my face. Before leaving the bathroom, I pee out a small portion of the liquor, tugging the end of my bodycon dress down on my thighs after I flush and leave the stall. 
Stumbling out of the bathroom, I exhale heavily glancing at the ongoing dull ceremony, then towards the exit where Connor leans on the wall hiding, his back faced me, head pointed down. The liquor confidence ushered my legs to move in his direction, I cleared my voice. 
Mid-exhale, he looks over his shoulder at the sound, the mango smoke blowing into my face as he continues to blow out. I wave it away, snickering. 
          “Is this ‘something to take the edge off’?” I quip, observing how his porcelain face reddens around his structured cheeks, plush lips turning up in a smile. Extending the vape to her, she contentedly takes it. 
          “Something like that. I knew it was going to be long and boring, but that in their is worse than watching paint dry.” He explains watching as I take a drag off the vape. His eyes fixates on my glossy lips, the ghost cloud floating into my nose, before I release the cloud back out on his face. The soft smile doesn’t falter in his features as it does. 
          “It’s so boring I got drunk...on accident.” I add, earning his chuckle. He shrugs his shoulders in a way to say ‘I feel that’. The crowd clapped loudly gaining their attention as all of the theatre winners stood on stage receiving the applauds. I look back at him, his long, shiny hair falls over his forehead until he combs a hand through it to push it back. “You know, honestly speaking–thanks to the cheap champagne–I will confess, you’re the most intimidating person I’ve met. And I’ve met...menaced people.” He quirks a perfectly shaped eyebrow at her. 
          “Well without alcohol I can say the same about you.” I raise my eyebrows at the newfound information. I thought I was transparent: I smile at everyone I pass, and social when needed. “You just carry yourself in a way that I see through that sweet, school-girl façade. As cliché as it sounds, there’s more to you that you let on.” He mirrors my reaction as I tilt my head with a smirk, interested by his explanation. 
Before she was able to reply, a professor of there’s, headed to the bathroom—sees them, “Connor, Danielle, will you make your way back to your seats please. We don’t want to gather a social group back here.” Connor and I straighten up like seized burglars. I nod my head, peaking over to Connor swiftly, to see him still holding the smirk. 
The ceremony continues as we returned to our seats. They were several awards into the Television portion, I peered over to see Alex collected a couple of the “objectifying” awards. As though feeling my gaze, she looks at me, rolling her eyes with an expression that mentally says “shut up”. I giggle blowing a kiss. 
          “And the Kelly Hollywood Television ‘best journalist’ award, this student showed diligence, dedication and always a jovial attitude in whatever she does, the award goes to...Alexandra Smith!” 
Everyone applauded, but I went out of the way to stand, cheering loudly as she narrowed her eyes at me on her way up to the stage. 
         “That’s my bit—girl!” I chirp correcting myself before I acted my true—goofy—self. I could tell I gained eyes from my peripheral while I pestered my bestie, but Connor’s gaze was most capturing, as they scanned down my legs, over my butt, and up till they reached to meet mine. I blushed looking off, pulling my dress down again as I sat again. 
The filming and photography starts as our professors did their introductions to the different categories. I sober up immediately as names began to get called for different awards. Connor earned three awards off of his photography, and I one. In the film-focused subjects I managed to be chosen for three awards. After grabbing my third award, I take a seat back at the table. Glancing over at Connor, he leaned back in his chair relaxed, one elbow is placed on the table, face leaning on it with his finger tapping at his pink lips. He gives a subjective smirk when our eyes meet, making me question the reason behind it. But I divert my attention as they go into discussing the film of the year. 
          “This year has been one full of ups and downs, rewards and disgraces, but what matters is at the end of the day all of you have made the staff, and UCLA extremely proud. The Film of the Year is an award granted to us by alumni, actor and filmmaker, Nicolas Cage. With the accomplishments he has, he wanted to pay tribute back to the School of Film, by allowing the winner to display their talents in a publication with the Cage Network.” Students all around erupt into whispers. Most coming from theatre and television side, who commented how they weren’t given this opportunity.
Sucks to suck. I thought giggling internally.
          “We will now play a snippet of all of the nominees.” The first few videos were executed well, very worthy of the award. Connor’s video comes on now, gaining everyone’s attention instantly by its electrifying music and vibrant effects just from the start. As his went off a few of his friends cheered for him, he sends playful winks to them before looking over at me. Ignoring him, I continue watching as my film shows. 
Nerves rumbled my stomach, the sudden doubt of the turnout on my film clouding my mind as I watched, critiquing it even in its published form. 
Finishing out the rest of the nominees, the screen went black and attention was back on the professor Knox. “All of the films were impeccable, the decision was extremely hard to make, so hard that we have a two-way tie,” we all commenced in disappointed-confused-chatter, “these two films chosen were remarkable, we deliberated indepthly on the scores and grading but they were identical in it’s punctuality and creativity.The winners are…” 
For a moment all sound mutes, only the echoing voice of professor Knox could be heard as he says, “Connor Brashier and Danielle Golding!” It felt like slow motion the way I slowly whipped my head to Connor. He wore a content smile, scooting out of his seat to go accept the award. Blinking back into the reality of things, I pushed out of my chair as well. 
My wide eyes flash to Alex as she’s practically yelling, “that’s my girlfriend!” She earned a few quizzical frowns, causing me to chuckle. 
Still baffled by the choice, I took my spot beside Connor as Knox commanded the rest of the award-winners to come up on stage. Connor and I held the award together, his fingertips pressed against mine as we pushed closer together to fit into the group photo. 
The president said his ending message, concluding the event. Loud chatter drowned out the music playing in the background as everyone regrouped with their people. 
As I made my way to Alex, people stopped to congratulate me, I bowed my head in gratitude, genuinely stunned at all my winnings. I knew I said I wanted to win every category I was in, but I still expected a few awards, not this many. And let me not forget to mention, I’m one step closer to the breakout I needed from winning this award...even if I was partnering on it. 
          “Congratulations biiitch!” Alex yells, an adult walking by scolds her language as soon as it came out. I guffawed nearly dropping all the awards. 
          “Congratulations to you, Ms. objectify our talents and in an attic somewhere.” I mock earning a slap to my bare arm. Playfully wincing, I continued laughing until her face went straight, a soft smirk replacing, her eyes directed to something-or-one behind me. Turning, Connor—and a crowd mixed of giggling girls and ‘star struck’ guys—stood holding the film reel trophy. 
          “I gotta say, that wasn’t the outcome I expected.” Before I respond, I look at Alex, who already knew what to do. She takes my awards informing she was going to take them to the car. 
Facing Connor now, I cross my arms over my chest and give him a quizzical smile, “what outcome were you expecting then?”
He shrugs his shoulders, “for you to win alone, I mean for an actual cinematographer, I’m grateful they found my film great, but you rightfully deserve it.” He acknowledge, extending it out towards me. 
          “I’m a videographer, so, I agree. But I can’t take away from your talents, it really was a tie breaking situation.” I assured with a subtle shrug, pushing the trophy back to him.
          “Connor, Danielle, can I take a photo of you guys?” The journalist asks. All work and no play around here, I guess. I think to myself until the feel of Connor’s hand snakes around my side, delicate and cautious as though I was going to break under his touch. He rested it right at the small of my back. An electrifying feeling coursed my body at the touch. I scooted closer to him, taking in his cologne I got a whiff of earlier this evening. Wrapping my arm around his waist, I tilted my head just enough it nearly leaned against his shoulder. Smiling, the picture was taken and the journalist walks off after thanking us. 
Before Connor release me, he leans his head down close enough that his lips brush the top of my ear. “Think about it, we can be taking pictures just like this on a red carpet someday.” And with that he releases me and sinks into the waiting crowd, engulfing himself in conversation with them. Not leaving me the chance to respond. 
And so I did, I thought about the red carpet pictures, and the bright lights. How I could be famous from my work one day—not that it was my reasoning for doing this, but it wouldn’t hurt to be noted for my hard work—I never thought I would be doing it with him, Connor Brashier, a guy that, before tonight, didn’t how he sounded when he talked.  But I guess if I’m going to be taking pictures with someone, he’s a good pick. I mean, he is easy on the eyes. 
Overtime, people leave, conversation dies down and the clean up crew makes their way in. I stood in the foyer lost in discussion with professor Knox as he told me the details of what was to come for the project. There were minor changes that needed to be made since it was the two of us, but the overall objective still remained the same. 
          “As brilliant as you two are behind a camera, I’m sure everything will succeed ultimately. We weren’t torn between you for no reason. You two bring the most publicity to our part of the school with what you put out. If you guys manage to have good chemistry, there will be a rule of awakening in the world of film.” His words struck me, the amount of confidence he, and apparently the rest of the staff, had in Connor and I. I would have never expected it.
He exits out of the building leaving me with my whirlwind of thoughts. I don’t know Connor. Sure, I’ve worked on mini projects with him, but they required little to no interaction–to add it was a year ago when we did that project. 
This was an entirely different echelon of work. This wasn’t a mere grade, this was meant to provoke feeling into the public, draw their attention and want more. We were basically selling ourselves to the world. 
Still lost in thought, I don’t notice, until the familiar scent fills my nose that Connor also entered the foyer. He was alone–for once–and his hands were tucked away in his pockets his doe-eyes and solemn porcelain face, it always seem as though he was mad, but his lips displayed a smile that decreased that idea. 
         “I don’t know you, and I know you don’t know me, but my gut is telling me this will be a great hit for us both.” Connor moves closer, but stays a safe proximity away as his eyes bore into hers. 
I’m not easy to fall for a pretty set of eyes, and a tempting set of lips but I think I met my match as I feel stuck for words. Clearing my throat I turn away from high slightly, “you think so huh?” 
          “For sure, I’m not trying to sound psychological, but you have an open mind, and a keen sense for capturing things in its raw form. You can’t make that. That’s natural.” 
          “Okay Dr. Brashier.” I flirt, watching his teeth bite into his bottom lip. “Well needless to say, with this project you’ll probably find out that side I don’t let on.” I lower my voice, lightly trailing a finger on his arm. 
          “Danielle.” Alex says at the door, almost on cue. 
Connor shutters, licking his lips as I walk away, keeping my eyes trained on him. “See ya soon.” I whisper at last. 
          “You are honestly too much.” Alex mutters once we’re in the car. 
Batting my eyes innocently I look at her, “what are you talking about?” 
          “Don’t hurt that boy, he seems so innocent.” 
Feigning offense, I purse my lips. “I’m only going to do what he allows, life doesn’t throw bubble wrap lemons at us right?” 
Alex glares at me, “bitch what?” 
           “Exactly.” I say final, knowing I was talking out of my ass, but I did mean what I said. I’m not here to hurt, but he knows what he can and can’t handle. This project could do either one.
I honestly planned to make this a one part imagine but now I’m leaning more towards a fic [and depending on if you guys like it I definitely will]. I haven’t thought the plot through completely though so...yeah. Hope you enjoyed this Connor!InASuit content (because I know I enjoy Connor in a suit, no matter how long ago it was). More to come :)
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Grammy-nominated metal band Ghost addresses ‘satanic’ accusations: ‘There are other music styles that promote a way worse lifestyle’
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Bombastic, theatric, operatic metal Swedes have become unlikely Grammy darlings, winning Best Metal Performance in 2016 and scoring two nominations at this year’s upcoming 61st Annual Grammy Awards for Best Rock Album and Best Rock Song. But not everyone’s a fan. “We obviously are a polarizing band,” Ghost’s fearless leader Tobias Forge — alternately known as the diabolical priest character Papa Emeritus or Papa’s panda-eyed successor, Cardinal Copia — tells Yahoo Entertainment.
Though Ghost’s over-the-top, presumably tongue-in-greasepainted-cheek satanic imagery has always drawn detractors, the band has finally started to gain widespread acceptance. Aside from its multiple Grammy nods, its fourth album, Prequelle, went to No. 3 on the Billboard album chart and made Yahoo Entertainment’s list of the top 10 albums of 2018, and that album’s monster single, “Rats,” spent an incredible seven weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard Mainstream Rock Songs chart. However, as Ghost’s fame has grown, so have some of the protests targeting the band — including a bizarre one that took place last year in Midland, Texas, during Ghost’s “A Pale Tour Named Death” U.S. arena trek.
Last November, Larry Long, the pastor of the Fellowship Community Church, said Midland needed to be protected from the supposedly devil-worshiping group, warning a local CBS affiliate, “This kind of band will bring spiritual influences into this area. We’re concerned about it, because we believe the devil is real, just as we believe God is real. … I think if [young fans are] singing along to those lyrics, who knows what in the world they’re opening their hearts and lives up to?”
Ghost’s Midland show went on as planned, of course. “At the end of the day, what [the Fellowship Community Church] caused was more tickets sold — so thank you very much,” Forge chuckles.
Still, although Forge says such outrage is “to an extent, amusing,” he adds, “To a greater extent, I think it’s sad. … I find it saddening thinking that there are people who don’t know f***ing bad from good and s*** from Shinola. I find it saddening that people would choose to stand out in the cold [protesting Ghost], thinking that they’re making a difference. I think it’s sad that people are wasting their time thinking that we’re bad for people, when actually what we’re really trying to do is make people happy and make people feel good about themselves when they come to our show and have a good time.”
Although certain PMRC-baiting shock-rockers that paved the way for Ghost — Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC, Judas Priest, Marilyn Manson — have been accused of encouraging suicidal or homicidal tendencies among impressionable fans, Forge believes that “dark music, everything from gothic to death metal and black metal and hardcore” can, on the contrary, be a source of celebration and even salvation. “There are definitely rock fans over the years that have done negative things toward each other and or towards themselves, but I don’t think that’s because of the music. That’s because they were in a bad place in their lives,” he stresses. “Actually, it might have even been the music that made them live so long, that kept them going. Hard rock, in general, does not promote that you should harm anyone.
“I definitely think there are other music styles that promote a way worse lifestyle, that you could look upon as being more negative,” Forge says. “Other music styles that promote a way of living that their fans will never have — when music is all about ‘making it’ and wearing ‘bling-bling’ and ‘all them bitches,’ and the idea that without that stuff you’re nothing — that is a bad influence for your fans. At least with most gothic or hard rock music, it’s about feeling good about yourself.”
Forge instead sees Ghost as following in tradition of “the big shock-rock bands of 1984” that his much older, punk-rocker brother introduced him to when he was growing up in a liberal, pop-culture-savvy home in Linköping, Sweden. “The artists I immediately grasped onto were when I was 3 years old,” Forge recalls. “[Motley Crue’s] Shout at the Devil, [Twisted Sister’s] Stay Hungry, KISS, stuff like that. My brother was so nice and just passed those records on to me, like, ‘Here, you’ll like this more.’ I played them all the time. Then it just blossomed from there.”
Now Ghost is being heralded as the imagination-sparking band that will serve the same purpose for today’s rock-starved youth. “I do believe that there is a glimmer of hope in what we do with regards to the fact that there are a lot of kids coming to our shows. We are the first band that they see live. That is a really good thing, thinking long-term,” Forge muses. “I don’t mind being that glimmer of hope. I do believe that the more exposure we get, the more time that we spend in people’s ears, I hope that the interest in analog rock will be kept alive or awoken or might find a way into kids of today. I guess we could be a little bit [for today’s young fans] what KISS was in the ’70s.”
That being said, Forge is reluctant to accept the pro-Ghost media’s proclamations that Ghost are the new saviors of rock ‘n’ roll. “I’d love for the mainstream music climate to steer back towards rock, and I’m sure it will at some point. But does that mean there will be image-driven shock-rock bands, as far as a movement? I don’t know,” he says. “I do believe that the rock bands that will be big in the future are the ones that are being formed by kids, the 18-year-olds, today, right now. They are the ones that will rock the future, because that’s how it always is. The bands that will be big in five or 10 years, when there might be a big domination of rock again, will be bands that we most likely don’t know as of right now.”
But those bands, as Forge hints, may very well be Ghost disciples, because today’s kids, despite the handwringing of concerned conservatives like Long, are loving Ghost’s epic live shows — in which a Pope-robed Papa Emeritus, flanked by horn-headed and occasionally keytar-wielding Nameless Ghouls, perform anti-authority anthems like “Satan Prayer,” “Depth of Satan’s Eyes,” “Death Knell,” “From the Pinnacle to the Pit,” “Witch Image Life Eternal” and the undeniably earwormy “Dance Macabre” in a rock ‘n’ roll church bedecked with inverted crosses. Such imagery and song titles may be alarming to some, but it seems the little kids understand.
“The biggest misconception [about Ghost] is that the lyrical content is being provocative because it’s about God. And it’s not. It’s not about God at all,” insists Forge. “It’s about man, mankind. I use language and analogy to make it seem that it is about other things, but the songs are usually, they are about very real things. Sometimes I think it’s almost laughable to the point of annoying that protesters are just picking up on the literal meaning.
“There are many misconceptions about who I am or how I think, and of course it’s annoying. But that is just part of being in a band nowadays. If I didn’t want any of this, I shouldn’t be in a band. But I want to do this. I want to rock.”
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