#expositions Paris
nemfrog · 3 months
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Palace of Electricity sculpture. L'Exposition Universelle de 1900 : détails de sculpture. 1900.
Internet Archive
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angelitam · 2 years
Expositions parfumées à Paris
Expositions parfumées à Paris
Deux expositions dédiées aux parfums ont lieu à Paris. Expositions Mise à l’honneur de parfums Art Déco dans deux expositions parisiennes. Expositions parfumées à Paris Entre les deux guerres, l’euphorie est à son comble dans la capitale. Les arts sont bien présents, tout comme les innovations. Une nouvelle architecture aux évolutions stylistiques se dessine. Les artistes – architecture, mode,…
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frenchcurious · 1 year
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Construction de la Tour Eiffel à Paris, France en 1888, un an avant l'Exposition universelle de 1889 dont elle était le symbole principal. - source Memorable Videos.
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timetravelbypen · 2 years
*stumbles upon @jstor article about lesbian bars in Belle Epoque Paris that leads to other JSTOR articles in the sources*
JSTOR you are my favorite and I love you forever that is all.
(Here’s the article if anyone else is curious.)
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paingoes · 3 months
Destroyer - Blood Ties
Paris clutched his head, his nails tapping patterns against his skull. It made a thick, hollow sound in his ears. Not pleasant, but he had to keep his own motion up. He hasn’t slept all week.
“Just bring him up,” He called to the guard, “Whatever the protocol is. I don’t give a shit.”
His guards left dutifully. Paris stood up from his desk, moved to pace the floors. He was still working out of his own bedroom. He didn’t have the heart to go into the master bedroom just yet. A lesser man might’ve found this undignified, but Paris had worked out the opposite conclusion. He really didn’t give a shit, Paris. He had other things to worry about.
The deadliest weapon this side of the galaxy knocked at his door.
Paris opened the door with the same violence of action he did practically everything with. Delta flinched back from the sound. Simon stood beside him, only to be instantly dismissed. Paris pulled Delta into the room and immediately slammed the door shut.
Delta knelt down without being asked. It was for the best, really. He felt unstable. He did not want to fuck around with Paris.
Paris, luckily, seemed content just to have him there. He went back to his business without much more acknowledgment of Delta, flitting in between the bedroom, the bathroom, and the closet. The room was truly overflowing with junk. No wonder Paris was so frenetic. He clearly didn’t know where to start.
Delta played with loose strands of carpet.
Paris was standing in front of his bathroom sink, splashing water into his face. He rapped his knuckles against the porcelain, then up by his head.
“You can talk, you know!” He cried out.
Delta looked up. Paris didn’t enter; he wasn’t even sure he was speaking to him. It was only when Paris crossed the threshold again, still barely looking at him, that he decided to take the risk.
“I was sorry to hear about your father, Paris.” Delta said quietly.
Paris froze. He let out a soft sigh. “Yeah. Me too.”
It was quiet.
“Stand up,” Paris ordered him. Delta did so. He held still as Paris’s hands moved to his collar, undoing his shirt. He stripped the suit off so that it hung idly by Delta’s waist. Tugging his wrist, he spun Delta around. Delta felt his fingers tracing his spine. Paris examined the fading burn scars up and down Delta’s shoulder-blades. Apparently satisfied, he ordered Delta to redress. Paris’s gaze was intense, cold. Delta was careful to avoid meeting it.
He didn’t have a choice, though. Paris tilted his head up to force eye contact. It was a bad thing; Delta knew he was being studied. He was watching Paris watching him. But from years of training, he had no reaction. Without warning, Paris slapped him hard across the face. He reeled. As he straightened, Paris took a fistful of his hair close to his scalp and forced him up against the wall. Delta winced, exhaled, but did not speak. Paris’s gaze remained analytical; his anger seemed forced.
“Don’t be cute,” his grip tightened, “You’re mine now, by right. You are going to show me the same respect you showed my father and I expect you to behave as you’ve been taught. You won’t speak until spoken to. You’ll do as I say, when I say it. And you’ll take any punishment I give you without complaining. Do you understand?”
Delta was pressed tight against the wall. Paris’s body didn’t quite touch his, but blocked off any possible movement. His hand was still wrapped up in Delta’s hair, knuckles digging into his scalp. Whatever. Those were the same rules he’d already been following.
“Yes, sir.” He kept a level tone.
Paris slapped him with his free hand. “Try again.”
“Yes, Your Highness.” Delta choked out, pain radiating through his jaw.
“Good,” Paris pulled him forward and then down, forcing him onto his hands and knees. Delta fell roughly to the floor, trying to regain his breath, before crawling back upwards into a kneel. He brushed his own hair out of his face, lightly touching the tender skin where he’d just been slapped - twice.
Paris walked away. Delta relaxed, slightly. He wasn’t truly phased by the roughness; he’d been expecting it. It was just what people did when they wanted to show they meant business, as cursory as any other introduction. As long as he gave Paris no reason to repeat it, he should be fine. He waited eagerly to be dismissed.
But unfortunately, Paris kept talking.
“We aren’t staying here. I’ve already got a ship chartered. The war is coming to us and we need to be proactive. They’re going to train you to deploy more frequently.”
This did not bode well. Those powers were a bad thing to use, a display of force that was seldom ever necessary for the job. It was risky, but it was extremely inexpensive. Exactly Paris’s style. He went on.
“I don’t think the security measures they’ve been using for you thus far are necessary. I don’t mind you having free reign of the ship. It’s not like you can walk off it.”
Delta looked at him quizzically. He had never been outside the castle for more than a months span. Now it seemed as though he’d never return. But he’d have free reign. That much was unimaginable. Paris looked to him for a reaction. Delta’s ambivalence must’ve shown on his face, but Paris didn’t press the issue.
“That’s all. You can go now.”
Delta stood up wearily, head spinning. He walked out of the room half in a trance. Simon was waiting down the hall; the older man perked up as he saw Delta approaching. No doubt, he saw the inflammation on the left side of his face.
“All good, kiddo?” Simon asked with truly eked out enthusiasm.
But Delta was at a loss.
(Part IV)
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teleclub · 5 months
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"All Sunsets Risen" in Paris, Justin Liam O'Brien, Precisionism (Semiose, Paris - May 04, 2024 - June 15, 2024)
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jeanfrancoisrey · 11 months
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Bustier de Madonna par Jean-Paul Gaultier…
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bizarreauhavre · 8 months
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Paris, 23 juillet 2023.
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taishou-kun · 2 years
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Sada Yacco 川上 貞奴 Kawakami Sadayakko (1871-1946) in a poster for the 1900 Paris Exposition by Alfredo Müller - France
Kyoto Institute of Technology
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heronchildlove · 6 months
James and Matthew having a series of dates at the Exposition Universelle (World Fair), tho.
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thelordedward · 11 months
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Exposition Rothko - Fondation Louis Vuitton Paris
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serenagaia · 10 months
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francepittoresque · 10 months
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EXPOSITION | Le Trésor de Notre-Dame de Paris : des origines à Viollet-Le-Duc ➽ https://bit.ly/Exposition-Tresor-NotreDameDeParis Tandis que les travaux de restauration de la cathédrale entreront dans leur dernière phase, le musée du Louvre consacre une exposition inédite au trésor de Notre-Dame de Paris. Avec plus de 120 oeuvres, cette exposition offre un condensé de l'histoire de ce trésor, en les replaçant dans le contexte de son histoire millénaire : depuis ses origines au Moyen Âge jusqu’à sa renaissance au XIXe siècle et son apogée avec Viollet-le-Duc sous le Second Empire
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frenchcurious · 1 year
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L'inauguration de la tour Eiffel lors de l'exposition universelle de 1889. - source Danny Fernandez Jimenez.
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eupat · 2 months
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weirdowithaquill · 6 months
Hello Weirdo! I hope all is well on your end✨
Coming off of reading “The Ffestiniog engines,” I was actually a bit surprised at how some aspects of Duke’s treatment/relationships with his classmates (Those are NOT his siblings dammit) matched with some stray headcanons I came up with for if CR no. 123 (The ‘Caledonian Single’) was a character in the RWS/ERS-verse.
This unique engine was initially built as an exhibition piece to represent the Caledonian Railway and its Chief Engineer at the International Expo of industry, science and art. So that means looking fancy and maybe pulling some coaches for show. And that got me thinking……if the engine is sentient, how would that affect it?
Like I was thinking, would this guy get lonely? He doesn’t have any siblings, and his intended purpose might’ve resulted in him getting isolated from the rest of his relatives and most other engines. And given that he wasn’t built to work, would said relatives think poorly of him? Kinda like the same mindset the rest of the George Englands have towards Duke being built to win a competition. Like “While we’re out here actually doing the work, he was built to just sit there and look pretty for the humans.” Might also result in him having poor mental health. And since he was constructed during the Victorian era, when attitudes towards that sorta thing were not very charitable…..I don’t think any mental health issues he may or may not have would be taken seriously, especially if like in your book about Duke’s origins, owners believe in the notion that “Engines should be seen and not be heard.” I can also kinda see him not having the greatest social skills around other engines?
But hey, no. 123 did eventually gain fame during the Race to the North in 1888, and even after grouping, proved to be a fast and reliable engine when put into regular service, and was the last Single-type express engine running in the UK. So I guess he got the last laugh.
Or maybe this is just me being unnecessarily angsty about an engine 😅
"I hope all is well on your end" - well... I got sick literally the same day I got this ask and spent the last 3 or so days in bed. Whoops...
Anywho! Caledonian 123 is such an interesting locomotive, and I feel like you've really given a lot of thought to how the poor engine being the only member of their class would affect them - though if I may, I'd like to throw out a slightly alternative idea.
Stick with me!
Ok - so CR. 123 was built in 1886 for a major international exhibition being held in Edinburgh. And back then, these international exhibitions were big deals for railway companies. The LBSCR sent multiple engines abroad (such as LBSCR Edward Blount) to win medals at these international exhibitions. And while the Edinburgh exhibition wasn't quite as big or grand as the Paris exhibition, it was a matter of railway (and national) pride for the Caledonian to send a locomotive.
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This all wouldn't mean quite so much if CR. 123 hadn't won a gold medal at said exhibition, which would have - to the Victorian engines - been paramount to winning the train Olympics. CR. 123 instantly becomes the biggest star on the line (much to the enragement of the 66 Class 4-4-0s that felt like this 'modern relic' shouldn't have represented the railway).
This stardom is only improved when CR. 123 becomes practically the only Caledonian engine upholding the railway's honour during the Race to the North of 1888. Due to their fast speed and surprising strength (they could climb to Beattock Summit, which is the highest point on the entire WCML), they would only improve their image. After all, both the exhibition and the Race occur within two years of each other, and would probably have defined Caledonian Railway spirit for a generation of engines.
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Then, they go on to become the favoured pilot engine for the Royal Train, which often travelled via the Caledonian Railway to get to Balmoral Castle - which would have been the highest of honours during the Victorian era.
And so CR. 123 becomes something of a Caledonian Railway star.
Note I said Caledonian Railway.
Once the Grouping happens, Caledonian engines were some of the first on the chopping block on the LNWR and MR dominated LMS. And while the Midland engines (which would've included the Johnson Spinners at this time) would have been more amenable to CR. 123 than the LNWR, by the time 1930 rolls around and CR. 123 is put into service as a regular engine again - they're all gone too. It's only the newer, bigger, English engines.
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And I think it's in this time period: 1930 to 1935, when CR. 123 is painted in LMS black and running regular services as an outcast on the network, that they suffer from mental health issues. Especially cause this is the Great Depression era, when the elegance and showmanship of the Victorian railways is long gone and replaced by efficiency and hardline competition.
CR. 123 would likely gain a lot more popularity in 1935 when their image is revamped by the LMS (which is about to preserve the old engine) to become a symbol of the West Coast - East Coast rivalry.
But that's just my thoughts! CR. 123 is such a beautiful and fascinating engine, and this ask made me do some research into them (and by extension World Expositions - did you know that the LBSCR B1 Edward Blount and the Eiffel Tower both won gold medals at the same Exposition Universelle of 1889?)
Thank you for sharing your headcanon, and for putting up with mine!
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