#exp talks?
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the-experience-eclipse · 1 month ago
another cycle
another finale
another failure
why am i like this
the loneliness is just gonna keep spreading the exp guy is supposed to evolve on experience but it looks like theyve made no progress at all..
what must one do for fate to let them have their moment? what must it do for its effort to be acknowledged, not overshadowed by someone else?
maybe theyre supposed to live in shadow.. the experience eclipse
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felassan · 6 months ago
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ffwix · 1 year ago
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//EXP 1182, he’s similar to EXP 1160 (Dogday) but only by looks, and just like EXP 1197 he isn’t human.//
//EXP 1197 grew attached to EXP 1182, they knew each other before death. Which is why they get so along with each other, though EXP 1197 can become quite violent when 1182 is removed from his quarters.//
EXP 1182 isn’t aggressive, in fact he’s loyal and playful but when hungry, he becomes aggressive and hostile.
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toanw · 5 months ago
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a couple of alchepre designs I haven't posted yet!! the mascots (sylph, gnome, undine, and salamander), latecomer villain (inanis), and big good (queen beryl splendor prima)
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riftdancing · 4 months ago
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She's on her way to a 24 hour EXP party she has no idea will change the rest of her life...
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sad0nion · 10 months ago
been thinking about Mary Ann a lot and her motivation in going along with the whole plot of everything and having to chose to die or live but have a rage crystal and I really think it was a no brainer for her because like. only one of those options allows her to keep playing quokki pets.
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jklpopcorn · 10 months ago
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crying and sobbing i was supposed to draw doodles of my ocs but instead all there is is Siffrin
they're so shaped i have to draw them
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100% :)
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svtskneecaps · 2 years ago
dude i fucking love how this server has communication as its premise and built into its fucking core. i fucking love that. bc it's one thing to be like 'this server is about multilingual communication and cultural exchange!!' bc that could present in any NUMBER of ways but like. with the federation and the eggs and a common shared goal they all decided WE ARE A TEAM. and like, ok,
when baghera was sus of jaiden because of the thing when pomme died and jaiden had been the reason baghera left her side for the only time that day, i wasn't even worried. i wasn't worried bc i was like "we just wait. because i know they will TALK TO EACH OTHER." and I WAS RIGHT. TWO DAYS LATER IT WAS ALL CLEARED UP AND BAGHERA WAS HELPING HER OUT WITH CUCURUCHO
and the ordo theoritas is functionally a secret organization. it would be SO EASY to gatekeep the lore, on grounds of "the federation is always watching and anyone could be a spy" and yet the ordo theoritas says that, like bad SAYS THAT, says OUT LOUD, "anyone could be a traitor" and then turns around and goes "hey person i've had a few days' worth of conversations with, here's a detailed rundown of everything we've learned about the island's mysteries, and the secret location of the ordo base". SOFIA was supposed to be secret from everyone, and for a little bit she was. but now like, the ordo theoritas is showing her to everyone. it would be SO EASY to hide things and to gatekeep things but they just. don't do it. here's the supercomputer!!!! don't forget to grab her waystone so you can come back anytime!!!
bad learns something. "i need to tell forever/cellbit/baghera". forever figures out a new way to protect the eggs, and he gets it to everyone within days. cucurucho tries to have a secret conversation and the entire server knows about it almost instantly and there are three people buried in the walls reading the subtitles and giving each other meaningful glances
i love it. i love it. miscommunication plotlines drive me up the fucking wall and the fact that i wasn't even SCARED when jaiden and baghera could easily have angled into an angsty tangled web of that and instead just MET WITH EACH OTHER AND EXPLAINED EVERYTHING AND CLEARED THE AIR ALMOST IMMEDIATELY was so fucking breathtaking. and this is a multilingual server. this is a MULTILINGUAL SERVER. i love it. i love it so much i want to cry. it's a server for communication and people Communicate, it would have been SO EASY to slip into monolingual factions and stick to the familiar but they DIDN'T. they DIDN'T. WE GET TO HAVE A THEORY TABLE WITH SO MANY LANGUAGES SITTING AROUND IT. we get to have conspiracy walls in every language!!!! idk sometimes i forget how fucking CRAZY all this is, like the scale of what they've accomplished
so yea thank you to quackity and the qsmp admins for this, and thank you to the streamers for hearing 'this is about connections' and taking it ENTIRELY to heart, and also thank you to whoever the fuck decided to give quackity's school class the job to look after a fucking egg to learn about parenting. bc holy shit. holy shit.
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don1t1red · 7 months ago
Honestly, one thing about DotO which always bothered me is how Billie seems to be so lonely in her journey. And not in a way of "she is a lone-wolf" but in a literal sense of loneliness and not-belonging. It almost feels like it is her first day in Karnaca, a city where she doesn't know a single thing or person. Which isn't true. I know that a lot of people have already talked about this, and so I won't jump into the depth of criticism. Treat this post as a bunch of thoughts which occurred to me in my first playthrough.
Firstly, there is no recognition from different people. Stilton, for example. In DH2 she was ready to battle her way to his house and help him, she payed with her blood, her eye and her arm. And yet in DotO we don't see any valuable mentions of this man. Yes, we have a photo in her cabin but that's it! Nothing more nothing less, just a photo which exists in the cabin only to show us, the player, the Void rifts. Almost like it was never meant to actually represent their relationship, just a funny mechanic of the game.
Maybe I don't understand her character to that extent but when I firstly played and heard Billie's monologue about the state of the Dreadful Whale, I had a thought. Was there no one who could help her with that? And my first thought was Stilton, especially after I saw their photo together. But alas she didn't mention anything like that which was completely fine… till the The Stolen Archive mission. With a plot progression things became absurdly stupid. Billie learns that the cult uses Shindaerey as their hideout. And what is Shindaerey? It's a literal mining quarry.
And so you want to tell me that Billie who I know, cunning Billie, who was, by Daud's words, extremely good at unsolving mysteries, won't at least ask Stilton about this quarry? She won't ask a mining baron of Karnaca? Really? Give her skills some credit! I'm not asking for a 5 minute long cutscene but at least a small panel in the pre-mission briefing where Billie talks to him about that, and where we can see how worried he is for her. She is not alone and, no matter what, there is still at least one person who remembers her, sees her and wants the best for her. But again, for whatever reason Billie has no valuable connections in this game, it seems. So it didn't happen.
Two other people about which I keep thinking about are Thomas and that person who borrowed Billie's skiff and returned it during the Follow the Ink mission.
If that note from a certain T. was actually from Thomas I can't think of good enough reasons not to include some of the letter which might happen in between them during the events of the game. Thomas knew that both Billie and Daud were in Karnaca but he didn't know that Daud had died. And honestly an unfinished letter from Billie to him where she tries her best to write about their master's death but just can't - would be absolutely gut-wrenching and insightful. Also it could be interesting to see the difference in how Billie is talking about this event and how she is living through it in reality. Because - obviously - people's internal and external dialogues would be different and seeing that difference in Billie would help us, the player, to understand some shapes of her character.
Or maybe Thomas would learn about Daud's death himself somehow, maybe he could recognize Billie's work as she goes though the city to uncover its secrets. And, finally, it would be simply fun to find a small lootstach from Thomas on one of the missions, accompanied with a letter from him. How is he now? What are his thoughts about Billie? How do her actions are seen by the common folk? Or by the gangs? After all, a good character is not only divided by how the story sees that character but also how this character sees themselves and what other people in the story are thinking about this character. And, as I already said, this small letter exchange between Billie and Thomas could cover up those aspects.
And so we are left with only one character whose presence and absence in Billie's story bothers me. That person who borrowed the skiff. Because the skiff was Billie's main link between the shore and the Dreadful Whale. We learnt from DH2 that in any port there would be a “fee” for leaving the ship there, later, in DotO she complains that hiding her ship wasn't an easy task. So whoever borrowed it must be a good friend of Billie, as absence of the skiff puts her in a bad and potentially dangerous situation. Besides there is a note by a certain M., which talks about meeting with Billie later. I was kinda excited to see who this person might be. Someone whom I already know? Character from the first game? Maybe from the second one? Would it be a howler or black market dealer? Would they give me some special mission akin to one that Emily can get in the Royal Conservatory mission? Well, should I say that I was left wondering as there was not a single special NPC which met the criteria.
What? I forgot about someone? Deirdre? Oh, right. Deirdre. The best person in Billie's life and the worst death in Billie's memory. Right. It's almost too easy to forget that she exists, as Billie talks about her approximately two times in the game? More or less so. Should she talk more about her? Maybe, I don't know. But I remember thinking about using the rat charm in the Void or in the quarry. I thought that in the Void I could hear the real Deirdre speaking, this idea gave me chills back then. To adjust to the voice of your loved one's from rats, only to hear her cursing you for all you have done or to call you from beyond. I thought that she would appear somewhere in the Void, just in the corner of my vision. But again it didn't happen. And I don't know for better or for worse. As in the current state if you want to completely strip her out from the game - you won't lose a single thing. After all, a rat charm is just a rat charm, and so is a voice in it, as it never changes and never really speaks to Billie, it was never a personal matter.
Overall, I don't want to be another person who throws rocks at DotO as, honestly, I like Billie and I'm just… sad, I guess. I'm sad that the game about such a character fails to make me think more of her. I'm sad that the plot of this game was kinda ruined with a terrible script. And, at the end of the day, I'm just sad that Billies didn't get her chance to shine in her own game.
But nonetheless I still like Billie and, at least, her sarcastic comments on the surrounding was always a delight to hear, so I'm gonna replay this game one more time in vain hopes to find what I see in it.
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months ago
MC Exp = Lazarus Water
Skulk Catalyst ends up in the pits of Ra's place and/or wherever else ya want and all hell breaks loose because invasive species in the LOA Base of the literall bossman
(for any readers confused, check the minecraft.wiki 's pages on Skulk Catalyst and The Warden)
((If you want you can make this D.P. as well and make it so Exp = Pit Juice = Ecto which as a whole 'nother layer to the madness))
I am vibrating, because I absolutely adore this whole idea. The chaos. The body horror. The Potential for how it could all go. Even more chaos? The whole trope of portals opening up in the Pits, but lets make it to Every Pit suddenly having a catalyst. It's not just Nanda Parbat, but there's suddenly sculk in the Alps, the Himalayas, Infinity Islands, Gotham- It's in a lot of places. And it's spreading.
Forget zombie and vampire apocalypses, it's going to be like the Quiet Place but worrying about vibrations and scent as well as sound.
And if Ectoplasm equals the same, well. I wonder if perhaps that is what forms the Wardens. Souls trapped inside, like malformed remains of cores as bodies are twisted apart into something new.
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commander-wame · 2 months ago
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some may know that ive never before seen succesful tripple wurm in all my years. well. until today i guess. on NA.
its only fitting the gecko character gets the wurm ig
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xxplastic-cubexx · 5 months ago
Hi pookie your art is holding me together through my divorce (so cherik coded) how are you on this fine day?<3
My night has gotten infinitely better because of this ask thank you so much i wish you luck on. The divorce
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sitizelter · 4 months ago
La fin d'une époque.
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fuji-iri · 1 year ago
// undertale yellow neutral route spoilers
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quick question!
which character has the most messed up distorted sprite in the meta flowey fight and why is it starlo (i jest)
no but really. i feel like his distorted ver is so different?? from the others??
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instead of his face straight up being blocked out / erased it’s just,,, completely covered in vines. his whole body too if you look closely. the only distorted version that does something similar is gardener (which makes sense because of the plants and everything else in her design), but my question is why starlo out of all people, and why is it to this magnitude? also weirdly enough, i think as a still image starlo’s is the least glitched out compared to the other heavily distorted characters that appear in the neutral route boss fight
obviously there are other clearer ones like dalv, el baliador, etc but those are more off-putting. starlo’s just looks really abstract and messed up (in a really good way)
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guhamun · 2 months ago
Although I love my canons, Jianyu is always going to be >>>>> compared to them on here to me fdsfdfs. I haven't had a chance to ramble about my favorite oc since like 2015, and so I'm going to ramble on and on about him every now and then be it in concerns to verses or just his regular ol' lore as I can finally do that and feel comfortable doing it.
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librarycards · 1 year ago
people will see someone with serious ocd talking about a very frightening symptom and be like “that’s psychotic”
And it’s like. um. lol! yeah
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