#exhausted reviews
7nessasaryevils · 3 months
Ahhh my favourite day of the week! I wanted to watch earlier but today's been so hectic so this is a very late screaming crying throwing up review of Wandee Goodday! Let us begin!
- oh lovely... pain right out the fucking gate why won't you assholes let me breathe???? Poor Cher having to watch the men he loves fight 😭😭
- ohhhh that Cher Yei hug... (gwenchana count 1)
- both yak and yei breaking down in the arms of the men they love most... fucking hell we haven't even gotten to the opening credits! (Also Cher and Dee just silently comforting their boys... gods I'm soft 🥹🥺)
- Dee taking care of yak by physically comforting him and then making sure he eats is just so goddamn sweet... fucking asshole
- Dee pouting because yak says he loves granmama is so boyfriend coded im smacking my head against a wall
- oh wow this is a yei-pain centric episode and we are really putting my son through the wringer
- Cher and Dee becoming the in-laws we needed ♥️♥️
- fuck the simple domesticity of you and your partner working in silence each doing your own thing ♥️♥️♥️
- Dee verbally reinforcing his belief in yak (gwenchana count 2)
- oh gods I love him immediately asking why yak isn't doing the fight
- real talk: I get why Yei is so mad at his father... to be that young and lose your mom and then be told by the only other adult in your life that you are now responsible for your little brother, a business, and a legacy is a lot. The resentment he has against his dad is understandable and so is Yak's forgiveness for him. While Yei decided he didn't need his father anymore, Yak decided to stay connected to the only other parent he does have because in that way he's still connected to his mom. My babies have been through it 🥺
- oh look the in-laws are all meeting!
- while I love that we're showing off Dr. Dee... AUTOMATIC DISCREDITING SIR!!! How in the fuck is that doctor telling you - a nonmember of the family- about papa phadetseuk's diagnosis??
- HOWLING 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 are you two cursed to be stuck with my sons is such a sad thing to say I love it!!!
- Cher really said "I'm sick and tired of you idiots fighting I'm telling your dad!" 🤣🤣🤣
- yei's heartbroken face... oh gods why do these brothers always look so good when they're devastated?!?
- I'm so fucking fine look how goddamn utterly fine I am so so wonderfully fine (sobs in the corner)
- I love that we address how grief can break people in the worst way and that both papa Phadetseuk and Yei are taking accountability for the past few years
- this episode really was out to hurt and yet heal my little boxer family and I love it!
- awww cute yei and Cher scenes!
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- ohhh... here we go dee backstory time!! (Tiny Dee is precious and I am going to steal him my goodness)
- granmama and yak being besties is exactly what I needed in my life ♥️
- SAY THE DAMN WORDS WANDEE!!! Although finally understanding that you love yak is fucking great!!
And for next week!
Out fashionable grim reaper is back, my son gets hurt, and we have actual clowns!! Perhaps a little less pain than this week ♥️
The exhaustion has set in so I bid you all adieu!!
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I wish real life academia was more like The Magnus Archives because I'd much rather face otherworldly evils than have my research blocked by INFINITE PAYWALLS. Jonathan Sims might've suffered immensely and nearly ended the world but at least he didn't have to cite inaccessible sources.
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vimbry · 28 days
I'm impressed by how many angles tmbg can approach the theme of 'work sucks' and have it not feel like they're retreading old ground. every single one of them has something new to say, which becomes very depressing if you think about that for too long.
"put your hand inside the puppet head": thinking about a terrible job in hindsight rather than being in the thick of one, and the importance of keeping some perspective instead of falling afoul of romanticising the past, once the bad memories wane with time.
"snowball in hell": the lament of a tedious job that doesn't suit your needs. the past tense makes me think of it as the narrator reflecting on the day after clocking out for the night, and how pretty soon they'll have to face the monotony all over again tomorrow, just to stay afloat.
"someone keeps moving my chair": I dunno how accurate this is, but I've kinda been interpreting this one as illustrating the rigmarole of office politics. all the tasks and busywork and even worse higher-ups to answer to, all new ideas that get brought in and go nowhere - yet somehow, it's the most petty of annoyances that bother mr. horrible.
"hearing aid": there's an almost zen-like attitude towards the managerial pecking order here, which is also alluded to in "puppet head". both narrators mention fleeting sympathy for their awful bosses, knowing they're just as much a victim of a flawed system as they are, but not excusing their actions. I guess it's a vent about not letting the pressure get to you and doing nothing more than your set responsibilities, if even that. real "go out there and give it your 60%" type song from a totally checked-out character.
"minimum wage": a mockery of these types of jobs treating you like a mule (not only from the 'hyah' and whip noise, but the lyric being sung in the style of "mule train"), but oddly playful in a somewhat bitter way. it gives me the same kind of vibe as someone working an early student job they can afford to treat with a bit of levity, because they know they won't be here long enough to care.
"sleeping in the flowers": focuses more on the fantasy of being with a crush than work, but it's in there. the narrator would much sooner ditch their job, regardless of consequences, and spend that time with the woman they're in love with. this is the second song to mention an infatuation with someone working at a copy shop after "snowball in hell"; you could probably theorise that it's the same person.
"memo to human resources": their most serious and haunting song on the matter. the references to an attempt aren't subtle. the lyrics seem to function as both a metaphor of the narrator's state of mind and their plan, and a literal description of the day-to-day tasks that exacerbated their spiral. another double-meaning I like in its title is how it's a report of the incident, as well as a note.
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shopwitchvamp · 6 months
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me the absolute first split second people are acting up in the shop
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eepyavasaesthetics · 4 months
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My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell
Check TWS before reading!
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eepyava · 4 months
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My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell.
When I tell you guys this book fucked with my brain and made me able to relate. Read TWs before you decide to read.
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dandelion-wings · 20 days
just read a delightful OT3 story in another fandom involving hot baths and massages, and now I am directly yoinking a bunch of its beats so I can tell myself a bedtime story about Lisa and Kaeya bullying Jean into a hot bath and massages. 10/10, do recommend
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cokedup112 · 6 months
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she is me i am her
I am trapped in my own brain
will i ever leave ??
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torrtimandi · 2 months
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Gaspard, Les Déferlantes Festival 11.07.2024
Photos by me.
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bad-tf-fic-ideas · 5 months
(231) Helex realises he is short on continuing professional development requirements for this cycle. This is typically not a huge problem, because the vast, vast majority of Decepticon officers do not give a fuck, including Megatron. But Helex's commanding officer is Tarn. There is no regulation about which Tarn is indifferent.
But there's just no way he can get in the hours before his commanding officer notices how behind he is... unless he comes up with something else to keep Tarn distracted.
The Peaceful Tyranny always runs within regulations. But Helex's willing to bet that Deathsaurus's warworld — housing five hundred separate sparks — can't practically do that all the time. So all he has to do, he figures, is find a few really serious hazards (or create some) to keep the commanders focused on bickering between themselves and delay his own performance review. Easy, right?
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alihylton · 4 months
Go tell people you like their work because some of us are very anxious and need to be reminded sometimes
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themotorvehicle · 6 months
got to the part in the 38 hour beverly hillbillies quinton/russ reviews video where russ’s wife/quinton’s mom is there and woooooow this family doesn’t miss
ms. reviews you are so cool 💅
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Holy fuck y'all i should NOT be awake 😭
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blinkbones · 7 months
not too surprising for the creature enthusiast and linguist* that i am but i really enjoyed everything that had to do with interspecies relations in spaceman (2024). spoilers ofc. i thought it was so efficient to combine the visual of a spider with a soothing voice. if the audience had only been me, i think i would have preferred a much more offputting voice and stranger speech patterns (if only an accent! gimme a weirdass accent), but for a movie meant to be seen by many people -- who are not all creature enthusiasts and linguists -- it makes sense to do it that way. i think the spider has a decent chance to gain the affection of all of its audience, despite being so nosy and many-armed. i was so delighted that the final hug was shown like any other hug, while not shying away from the foreignness of the creature. idk man, that's just my favorite thing; to find tenderness in the offputting. as for the movie as a whole, i think it's really quite decent. i enjoyed it even though the theme of the decaying marriage is very far from my own concerns. that's the beauty of good art, right? makes you feel different things, or through a different lens. The narrative structure was satisfying to see unfold; the water symbolism easy to piece together -- and that was relaxing for me personally lol
*asterisk because i have impostor syndrome and it feels extremely presumptuous to call myself a linguist when ive only been studying & working with language for the entirety of my adult life
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swaps55 · 8 months
2023 Year End Fic Wrap Up
Tagged by @cr-noble-writes. Thank you!
Words written (published or not, WIPs totally count too!):
Published: 65,113 Unpublished:  41,773 Total: 106,886
It feels like I wrote a lot less this year than previous years, but I think it’s less about word count and more that my two big projects, Fugue and Mezzo, sucked up my entire mental bandwidth and I just didn’t have capacity to kick out one shots like I have in the past. I have a bunch of ideas for fun one shots, but not enough time or energy to realize them.
Also, this number is by no means accurate. My Mezzo Leftovers document is sitting at 11.3k, and Fugue finished up with a scrapheap of 28.3k. Gosh, it's hard to believe Fugue was actually 2023. It feels like years ago. Just writing it aged me 10 years. XD
Smut scenes written (if applicable): None. Did I daydream frequently and in great detail about how Sam and Kaidan reconcile in ME3? Yes. Could I write it in my sleep at this point? Also yes. Did I write a word of it? No.
New things I tried: 2nd person POV, Mordin POV, and EDI POV were all new and very scary things I tried, and think were largely successful (jury is still out on EDI and Mordin because only my beta has seen it, but I’m pleased with them).
Fic I spent the most time on: Probably Mezzo, because I wrote more of it than Fugue in 2023.
Fic I spent the least time on: Probably Capriccio, because it was short and mostly wrote itself.
Favourite thing I wrote: Well…I wrote so little outside of the long fics, because they have sucked up all my time and spoons. Fugue is something I am so proud of, but Mezzo has been so fun.
Favourite thing I read: A Sip of Serenity was a Spec Recs Kaidan & Liara treat fic for me by @screwyouflightlieutenant and I love it with an unholy love. Also, Madrigal and Volta by @dandenbo are PHENOMENAL stories you should drop everything and read.
Writing goals for next year: Finishing Mezzo sounds ambitious, but I guess I can be ambitious in January. XD
Tagging...I don't know! Who hasn't done this? If you haven't, please do it and tag me, because I wanna see. @stormikins? @otemporanerys?
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daechwitatamic · 9 months
You can’t go to bed at 5pm, Jo. You can’t go to bed at 5pm, Jo. You can’t go to bed at 5pm Jo. You can’t go to bed at five pee em, Jo! You can’t!! Go to bed!! At 5pm!!! Jo!!!!
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