#exercise is stupid and i hate it
rinskiroo · 3 months
I downloaded the Nike Training app because I read that it was "best free app for beginners" and they do have a lot of quick, easy to get into work outs that don't require equipment or going to the gym. I started a "beginner friendly" program, 30 days, 3 10 minute work outs a day.. the first was fine, I'm not bad at squats for my general state of being since having covid, BUT THE SECOND. Maybe if I seriously got back into working out for like the next year I could move my body that way. WTF Nike. I was seriously getting so angry at this stupid app and their "beginner" program like hot chick just stopped explaining which muscles to work to get your arm to move that way and I was like... do you want me to die? Break my neck right here in my house while no one is home? So I closed the app and did 10 minutes with Yoga with Adriene who is *the best* and felt a bit better about having done something at least.
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eryanlainfa · 5 months
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I hate his hair
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tiefling-queer · 5 months
so many people would rather shit themselves to death than bother reading anything about landback and making any attempt to understand decolonization.
ending apartheid in south africa didn't result in a genocide of white settlers and their descendants. freeing palestine isn't calling for another genocide of jewish settlers and their descendants. landback isn't a call for mass genocide and deportation of white americans back to europe.
your paranoia about the expected retribution should the indigenous peoples your illegitimate nation oppresses have their land restored to them is unfounded and racist.
your brain is poisoned by this conception that a hierarchy must exist and if youre not at the top then you must be at the bottom. and especially for white people, who cannot imagine being anywhere other than the top (hence why white people subject to other forms of oppression often perceive that oppression as being the worst form of oppression, rather than as a different facet of the same overarching systems that deem us unfit), the idea of being oppressed by groups that youve been taught your whole life, subconsciously or even consciously, to see as lesser and animalistic fills you with fear.
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solradguy · 11 months
It's fun dressing cartoonishly masculine. I need to put a steel chain on my leather jacket that matches the spikes and compliments the cyborg demon skull painted on the back
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bunnihearted · 1 month
my upstairs neighbor is actually fucking insane and idk how im supposed to keep living like this 🙃
#it sounds like he's moving stuff and renovating constantly every day#like .... this is not normal and NO ONE would be able to be ok with living like this when it's been over a year of this#it's like that chinese torture method#when you're locked in a room and they let a bucket drip constantly non stop every day#the same noise all the time you cant escape will affect your psyche very negatively#like i cant escape because inside my own home i have to listen to some fucking crazy person#move stuff around all the time#and like i know he does illegal work and has a workshop up there but no one cares#like even if i'd contact the landlord office they wont care or do anything#so im just forced to live beneath some pos who makes noise... all day... everyday. it drives me crazy#like maybe some of y'all think im whiny or stupid or exaggarating but THIS IS NOT NORMALLLLLLLLL#you're not supposed to hear your neighbor have a workshop from home everyday all day#those noises drive me insane i cant live like thissssss i hate it#i dont like being a snitch or whatever but i've started to consider reporting him for the illegal work he does#but im not gonna bc they wont do anything#ppl are allowed to do whatever they want 💗#but if they drive you insane and you snap suddenly YOURE the bad guy and will end up in prison#everyone are insane i hate everyone im going crazy i fkn hate him so much#sometimes i consider just doing the deed and k wording him#then at least i will never be homeless bc i can live in prison. and i'll always have food lol#and i can exercise and write and read... learn languages. yeah sounds cool
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dootznbootz · 5 months
opinions on helen of sparta being compared to prey animals? blink blink
*blink blinks back* Then immediately sits like this because of the question.
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It's a good question that I'm happy to answer! It just makes me mad.... I sincerely hate the wording of "prey" being used to describe her.
I can...see how people in ancient times may have used that word and still meant it in how she is a victim... but modern-day English-speaking people calling her that??? (considering how in different languages the word "prey" could have different meanings.) I'll just say that as someone who has been "prey" herself at one point, I REALLY hate that word as a descriptor. Just say victim or survivor. 👍
Honestly to call ANY victim "prey" is so fucked up. "Prey" to me, feels like "it's meant to happen." "Prey" are part of the food chain and so that's what happens. And to compare that to abduction and SA? Almost as if "that's our place"? It also kind of implies something being "eaten" or killed... Helen SURVIVES. She's traumatized and definitely needs healing and support but it's not like she can't find joy or peace ever again. Prey just feels so fucking gross.
Also, if someone calls victims "prey", I hope they know that Moose, Elk, Boars, Bovine, ZEBRAS, etc. are technically "prey". And these are VERY aggressive animals while still being "prey" for some other animals. And also that doesn't mean that "Oh, they're powerful! Clearly they should've been able to stop it." That's victim blaming :P
She is a clever, determined, caring woman who was ripped from her home for YEARS because Paris was a dipshit who decided he needed the prettiest woman in the world despite already having a wife. He didn't care about the fact that Helen didn't want to be there and was already married. He is so selfish that he will not let her go back even when THOUSANDS have died in the war! EVEN HIS BROTHER HECTOR AND PRIAM DO NOT BLAME HER! Granted, we do not know if Aphrodite would have let him undo their deal of "I want the prettiest woman" if he DID end up feeling bad for Helen and he wished to let her go home (I doubt it based on his personality though).
"Oh, if she is so independent/strong, then why didn't she just kill Paris and leave?"
AGAIN! Victim blaming!!! First thing, people who ask that have media literacy that is piss on the poor. You also have no idea about the political implications that would have happened if she DID kill Paris. She literally cries about staying there and argues with Aphrodite about seeing Paris, only to get strongarmed by Aphrodite as, guess what? A GODDESS WILL ALWAYS OVERPOWER A DEMIGOD. (This isn't Percy Jackson where he "killed" Ares as a 12 year old (Percy, you were my childhood, but that's bullshit.))
Even confined in Troy, she ARGUED with APHRODITE about going to see Paris! She is not some meek woman who just does as she's told with no pushback! She argued with a GODDESSS! Very few survive doing that!!!
She's not "Prey to fate", she's a "VICTIM of Fate".
#Thank you for the ask anon!!! :D It's a very fun question! I just really don't like the word of 'prey' being used to describe her.#...#Yes. there's poetic shit with writing. but if I heard someone say 'Helen is prey to Paris' I would be miffed and think that person's stupid#Prey just feels like 'one and done. You'll be a victim from now on and nothing else. You have no life after this.'#I mean you can probably say that if you simply mean that Paris is an abuser I guess. but...idk homies. I just really hate Helen being calle#that you know?#as if she could never be anything but prey in a way. as if she herself has never been the one pulling the strings or the trickster#Helen isn't a rabbit in an eagle's talons about to be eaten. She was a PRISONER. Who still lives and thrives afterward.#idk I'm probably looking too far into the word 'prey' and what it means to ME as an animal lover and survivor but it just feels#really bad to me. like wrinkling my nose and thinking 'out of all the words out there. that's the one you use?'#*sighs*#probably got quite fired up about this :P#ask#anon#yes I plan to write Helen as a big buff cheeto puff but again. she could never fight a goddess no matter how strong!! she's Mortal!#end of story!! I just want to write her that way as A.) it's fun. B.) Sparta upbringing.#(I got SUPER into ancient athletes stuff. (look up Pankration. it's so cool) and since I really love writing women. I just...like it :D#And no. everybody is strong in their own way even if they don't physically fight. I have plenty of women who are not fighters#but still have their own strengths and personalities and silliness#Leda actually doesn't like the 'exercising lifestyle of Sparta'. Ctimine loves running but that's it. Anticlea is the one who taught#Odysseus how to carve wood and is a 'trickster' but she's not really into athletic stuff. (she actually has a heart condition later on)#there's more too it but...tags are already long as hell#Mad rambles#shot by odysseus#my headcanons#kind of#If Helen is prey then she is “prey” like those clever mother birds who pretend to be injured to get predators away from their nest.#*shrieks into a pillow* I'm fine now :D
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lusalemaart · 10 months
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a heem heem
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fuckdamn · 22 days
i went for a run todayyyy
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wipples · 4 months
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What is it like to lack a sense of agency?
What is it like to have it?
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clockworkrobotic · 1 year
😩 muscles hurry up and heal so I can go to da gym again
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supjello · 4 months
would i recommend watching tombstone? no. would i recommend watching a smash cut of doc holliday's scenes? yes absolutely.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Why do doctors suggest yoga as exercise for people with POTs? As if being upside down and stretching isn’t going to actively trigger the condition? Do they want us to die? Is that the plan here?!?!?
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twig-gy · 7 months
okay but whenever proshippers say [thing i have literally never heard anyone say or consider saying] that’s really gross which is why i hate them
#literally don’t mind this post it’s just me being unnecessarily salty#like bro what. where are you getting this info. what tf are you talking about#give me a single example#feels like everyone hates proshippers for the most inane reasons#okay i’m just going to scream now bc i’m frustrtaed#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAA#that isn’t very cathartic in text#it’s just like. so annoying. that’s not what ‘all proshippers’ think wtf#feels like ppl will go on this webbed site and say ‘dni proshippers. i hate them bc every single one thinks all dairy should be eradicated’#WHY. WHAT. SHOW ME THE DAMN BIBLIOGRAPHY#also my own sister has a dni proshippers on her thing. because she’s a minor????? what?????#well not minor anymore ig#she’s an actual real adult now what will she do……….#but anyway what am i supposed to do with that. she’s my goddamn sister. no i’m not gonna stop interacting with her bc of her dni#i hate breathing exercises they feel so trite like stupid breathing is going to fix all my mental issues?????#and then when it works it feels like it vindicates everyone#who instantly told me 2 do that when they heard abt me having any kind of issue#aghhhhh that thought Does Not Help#so when i do it i try to think of my choir teacher instead#yknow i used to show songs to him after class and then he’d comment on it and we’d talk about various song things like friends#it was nice. no one has really talked to me abt music like that before or since#and i miss it#i love music so much#theres nothing else quite like it. that’s true for all artforms but#what else can make you feel something so simply so easily?#when i make music i wanna be able to control my audience’s mood like that#sometimes i try for atmospheric pieces ones that really embody like a setting#like the glowing cave one!#when i’m not doing that i usually have a specific thing i’m trying out#like slides or chords or varying length of notes
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depresseddepot · 2 years
the way i try so SO hard to gain even a crumb of body neutrality only to then see some shit on twitter that remind me that oh yeah. a distinct portion of the population genuinely believes they are being discriminated against when they have to look at or be within 50 feet of a fat person
#the amount of times ive heard my skinny friends call themselves fat and disgusting to my face without considering the implications#i saw some tweet that just like. had a fat person in the video and ALL of the responses were men making fun of her#like. yes i realize my life would be so much better if i was born with a faster metabolism. thank you for reminding me#yes i realize i am not treated seriously because i am fat#that sort of incredulous look skinny people give you when you have the audacity to sit near them on the bus or ask for directions#like they're shocked you weren't some round thing that was in their sights for 2 seconds to make fun but disappeared#i am trying very hard not to let it get to me but when so many people seem to think the same thing it feels stupid#likei know i dont see people the way allosexuals do but are fat people really so disgusting that they feel like they can say shit like that#its so so frustrating#if i am going to die alone because of my own failings i can learn to accept that#but if i die alone because i can't find anybody that doesn't think fat people are worthless then what is the fucking point lmao#''people irl dont actually think that'' i cant count on 1 hand the amount of skinny people who have lamented about their weight to my face#someone brings in cookies to work and as im eating one someone skinny says ''well. i really don't need the extra calories so ill pass''#someone skinny checking out diet/exercise books because they ''REALLY have to lose some weight''#no they aren't talking about me/to me but how detached from your surroundings do you have to be to shit on yourself for your weight#like. even if i was skinny they're still talking about how gross and ugly they are around kids#''love your body and your self!!!1!!1'' okay then stop calling yourself disgusting regardless of how much you weigh.#you can think if if you want but god that 12 year old girl in line behind you is going to remember that forever#she is going to internalize ''oh okay. thats what a disgusting body looks like''#andthen she'll grow up and hate herself and continue the fucking cycle#just stop. stop talking about your weight around kids. i dont need 60 yo women telling me they're gross when they weigh maybe 150 lbs#i know this is super unhealthy but i literally cannot wait until i can move out and isolate myself from society#because every second i try to engage with it is literal torture#yall are so mean for no reason#i dont really have much to live for#but it would be helpful if skinny people didn't constantly reiterate that there's no point to living if you aren't skinny#im so tired#vent
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arodrwho · 1 year
also GOD my BOSS wants me to PRESENT SOMETHING during a MEETING as a stupid STRETCH GOAL. like ma'am. please. i'm dying here
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bigbangbuffer · 9 months
…i think I have a social media addiction ._.
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