#it doesnt take itself seriously.
lusalemaart · 10 months
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a heem heem
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puppyeared · 24 days
i feel like im not making any sense but does anyone else feel like there are stories that let u run with them and ones that spell everything out for you
#im reading that post that says artists are directors of audience reaction and not its dictator:#'you cannot guarantee that everyone viewing your work will react as you are trying t make them react. a good artist knows that this is what#allows work to breath. by definition you cannot have art where the viewer brings nothing to the table ... this is why you have to let go of#the urge to plainly state in text exactly how you think the work should be interpreted ... its better to be misinterpreted sometimes than#to talk down to your audience. you wont even gain any control that way; people will still develop their opinions no matter what you do#im thinking abt this again cuz i was thinking maybe the thing that lets adventure time work so well the way it does is cuz it doesnt#take itself too seriously that it gives the audience enough room to fuck with subtext and then fuck with them back yknow. i think it was#mentioned somewhere that they werent even planning to run with the postapocalyptic elements that are hinted in the show but changed their#mind after the one off with the frozen businessmen and dominoed into marcy and simons backstory. on the other side there are stories that#explain too much to let the story speak for itself and i think it ends up having to do more with the crew trying to lead ppl in a certain#direction than expand on what they have and i see a lot of this with miraculous. like when interviews and tweets are used as word of god in#arguments and it becomes a little stifling to play around with it knowing the creator can just interject. u can say its the crews effort to#engage with its audience but it feels more like micromanaging. and none of this is to say there ISNT room for stories that spell things out#theyre just suited for different things. if sesame street tried abstract approaches to themes and nuance itd be counterproductive#a lot of things fly over my head so i need help picking things apart to get it- but it doesnt have to be from the story itself. ive picked#picked up or built on my own interpretations listening to other ppl share their thoughts which creates conversation around the same thing#sometimes stories will spell things out for you without being so obvious abt it that it feels like its woven into the text. my fav example#for this might be ATLA using younger characters as its main cast but instead of feeling like its dumbed down for kids to understand why war#is bad its framed from a childs point of view so younger audiences can pick up on it by relating to the characters. maybe an 8 year old#wont get how geopolitics works but at least they get 'hey the world is a little more complicated than everyone vs. fire nation'. same for#steven universe bc its like theyre trying to describe and put feelings into words that kids might not have so they have smth to start with#especially with the metaphors around relationships bc even if it looks unfamiliar as a kid now maybe the hope is for it to be smth you can#look back to. thats why it feels like these shows grew up with me.. instead of saving difficult topics for 'when im ready for it'#as if its preparing me for high school it gave me smth to turn in my hands and revisit again and again as i grow. stories that never#treated u as dumb all along. just someone who could learn and come back to it as many times as u need to. i loved SU for the longest time#but i felt guilty for enjoying it hearing the way ppl bash it. bc i was a kid and thought other ppl understood it better than me and made#feel bad for leaning into the message of paying forward kindness and not questioning why steven didnt punish the diamonds or hold them#accountable. but im rewatching it now and going oh. i still love this show and what it was trying to teach me#yapping#diary
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thepixiedreambitch · 7 months
Say what you will about reboots and prequels, the new Willy Wonka was a very fun watch. I think it was full of whimsy and love. I enjoyed that the power of friendship and love was what made them happy (and helped them achieve their dreams) in the end. And I thought the whole movie was funny. There were no ironic jokes or fourth wall breaks, no subverting of expectations. You got exactly what was expected! A silly movie for kids, and it was nice.
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yousaytomato · 2 years
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I finally finished @thebibliosphere 's Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites and Crewel Intentions
Crewel Intentions however is just a short story and not available in print, and because I often struggle to read digitally I thought I'd print it out!
I honestly didn't intend to get so fancy with it but my stapler was too small and I tried tape but it looked ugly so... I made a whole little booklet for it!
I literally followed a wikiHow on how to bind the pages and it was so easy... this has opened up a whole avenue of booklet making opportunities for me...
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aka-indulgence · 1 year
AAUOUHGHGHG I SAW THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE!!!! AND I LOVE IT WITH MY LIL HEART ;W;;;; I love the relationship everyone has with each other in the movie, Mario and Luigi are good bros, Peach is a nice gal, Donkey Kong and Mario are funny together, Bowser is intimidating and hilarious at the same time… hhhgghg (cries) I actually clapped in the movie because all the game stuff they put in the movie made me happy ;v;; my favorite part has got to be Mario and Luigi together orz they’re so good they love each other so much it makes me Emotion
P.S. i really want the movie ost asap because I adore all the game themes they put in it ;v;
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waywardsalt · 4 months
im thinking about possession aftereffects that linebeck experiences immediately after the events of phantom hourglass, so here are bullet points i have down for my own ideas
he’s out cold for roughly five days after the fight. he’s conscious for a bit after being freed, but it doesn’t take long for him to collapse once he’s transported back to the great sea. link finds him when he reaches his ship to see him again (he takes a lifeboat or w/e from tetras ship its a whole thing and not the point) and ends up having to take care of him for those five-ish days.
while he’s out cold, he develops a bad fever, and has a good few physical injures from being possessed; all of his wounds from being possessed manifest as burns, the worst wounds bring cauterized and mostly closed, while smaller ones are still open wounds. the largest wound is a large burn covering most of his back, which is cauterized by the time he passes out, and then there are smaller, still open burns on his upper arms and legs. (the smaller wounds are manageable by link when he follows some medical instructions, [there are some medical books on the ship] the larger one is also manageable, but takes a lot longer to properly heal).
(link asks tetra and her crew to stick around for a while to keep linebeck stabilized while he’s unconscious. when linebeck wakes up, tetra and her crew are good to leave because then linebeck can better report what’s going on, and knows how to handle injuries).
linebeck’s fever persists after he wakes up, and he experiences… pretty much every fever symptom, with especially bad chills and full-body aches. the aches are really bad for the first few days after he wakes up, he’s extremely physically weak and shaky for a while, too. that weakness and shakiness get better with time, but he doesnt go entirely back to normal without actually moving around and doing things to build that strength back up.
he’s delirious and struggles to stay awake for those first few conscious days, too, which makes that weakness and shakiness worse; he struggles to eat and drink water, and struggles to string together thoughts or words to talk to link, and both of them figure out pretty quickly that they’ll have to wait a bit longer before so much as an attempt to coax him out of bed can be made.
beyond existing problems with food, linebeck struggles to keep anything down while he recovers, and becomes ill pretty much every time after he eats anything, so a bucket is kept near his bed. with water, he obviously needs to drink a lot of it considering that he’s feverish, injured, and vomiting frequently, but while he’s sick he has a bit of an irrational fear of water (along with an irrational fear of air and the wind, which makes him hesitant to go outside while he’s sick).
he’s generally pretty irritable, which isn’t particularly new, but it makes him prone to refusing help with certain things. he’s less irritable when tired and just resting. he’s also especially nervous, and despite the overall fatigue, he struggles to sleep for very long while he’s sick, and as said before, is often delirious and even confused when things are bad.
along with the other difficulties eating, linebeck has a hard time swallowing for a bit, and salivates a lot more than normal while he’s sick. he is soooo fucking dehydrated the whole time and that really doesn’t help.
while the weakness and shakiness stays for the entire time he’s sick and even a bit afterwards, for the first few days after he wakes up he’s stiff and also experiences some muscle spasms and numbness in his limbs, and has a hard time keeping his balance the first few times he gets out of bed.
once the sickness clears up fully, linebeck has to still be careful with the scar on his back; it’s sensitive to touch for a while and hurts when exposed to the sun or air for too long and when he stretches his back too far, but eventually just reaches the point where it’s a bit sensitive but is otherwise just a large scar.
obviously he’s also going through the wringer in an emotional and mental illness sense too but those would require a whole new bullet point list.
#ask to tag#loz#legend of zelda#linebeck#phantom hourglass#this kinda just turned into early post ph chapter notes and you know what? i really needed it to be that way actually#post bellumbeck wounds manifest as burns bc i think that purple… ooze? from bellum is like fucking acid#also magic shit yadda yadda bellum burns those he possesses cuz like. melt skin so it fuses to whats touching it. yknow#salty talks#why does tetra’s crew leave when linebeck wakes up? linebeck wants them to leave and he wants to keep secret the fact that he got possessed#hes lucky that link doesnt say anything and lucky that tetra never saw any of it#he uses the story that he just got attacked by bellum and knocked out while link fought bellum#i might just leave his long term bellumbeck aftereffects at. huge burn scar on his back and some fun magic stuff#cuz he does go through all of this shit and survives what is basically literally fucking rabies its a lot of rabies symptoms#its like. mixture of real sickness/disease and Burn Wounds with a dash of. hmm what would he be experiencing as like#his body gets use to actually being in control of itself after that control is forcibly and violently hijacked by something else#also theres just some nasty shit in his blood/body in general which is why he vomits most of the time. get that shit outta here#also this whole scenario is ig a fun reversal since all of ph link is the one who gets injured/sick snd linebeck has to take care of him#so. switch things around. link is Going Through It as well this is DISTRESSING for him but he feels better while talking with linebeck#link being present seriously tipped things in linebecks favor. if he was alone he wouldve still survived. it wouldve fucking sucked tho#wouldve been really really hard but with enough effort and will to live linebeck could survive on his own thats important#seriously considering adding that at his worst he has seizures but i dont know enough abt those rn so maybe layer
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variousqueerthings · 11 months
*sighs in post mildly broke containment again* there's nothing wrong with reading willow as a lesbian, this is a piece of fiction, and the post I made took on a jokey tone for a reason and is ultimately more about underlying bi-erasure on tv than anything else kaybye ✌
#im watching btvs#jeepers creepers but btvs is bringing out the *taking it all very seriously in a very morally high-and-mighty kind of way* crowd#and i dont mean about shit that matters such as discussing racism or misogyny in fandom#just about whether you agree or dislike someone's read of a situation - move on my friend if you dont agree#i mean i could go on a rant about HOW the show portrayed willow-the-now-lesbian#(and while im at it why i hc buffy-the-apparent-heterosexual as bi too but nobody has disputed that part oddly enough)#but that would be an effort im truly not interested in expending on this day and possibly never and has been written before#im mostly just live-blogging and moving on#if im writing anything fanfic-wise it'll be about kendra and that'll be my full fandom contribution#ok but the ONE thing i'll mention is the fight willow has with tara which is one of the rare Ls for tara#where she basically admits that she's afraid this is a phase because willow has loved men/been with oz#and that's just an interesting fight from a meta perspective because the idea that bi women have to *choose a side*#and are consistently questioned and doubted by their lesbian partners#is a core element of biphobia within a gay relationship that many people can attest to#hell it's a big part of bisexual rep that is conscious of itself that at some point there's a plotline where the person is questioned#about their true loyalties and asked to take a side#btvs ofc is NOT conscious of this underlying tension and in fact i would argue is agreeing with tara that this is what needs to happen#for several other reasons as well#but literally people have WRITTEN about this im not saying anything bold and controversial here AND it doesnt take away#from lesbian willow reads to acknowledge the flawed approach of the show to her sexuality like come on#willow rosenberg
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konfizry · 3 months
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you know unlike the end-game anime cutscene that im uhh ambivalent about at best, i find this particular shot's blatant horniness unironically enjoyable
i feel like it walks the tight rope between raw and distasteful just right and the result has that twinge of tongue-in-cheek-ness that is really welcome here? like yeah you grab that mighty, hot, steamy, turgescent rod, Alphen. you grab that
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7amaspayrollmanager · 7 months
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So you're saying it sucks
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bloodanddiscoballs · 9 months
Kim is a,fascist
are you stupid
#actually you perfectly articulated why i believe tumblr DE fans to be incredibly annoying and foolish#like im gonna explain more on this here in the tags#this is what i mean by the fact that i think not everyone should play this game#its a very complicated story and it requires you to really pick things apart and pay attention#and have really in depth uncomfortable conversations#many of those being political#its not an easy game to dive into and it takes a shitton of concentration and the willingness to put yourself in a space where youre ok wit#having really uncomfortable discussions and challenging your world view#and if you are not used to doing so without having basic kneejerk reactions to things and are someone who just doesnt allow themselves to#STOP AND FUCKING THINK#then DE is not going to be a game that will have any impact upon you#like yeah its got funny moments and people love to call it the funny communism game#but that is seriously such a pathetic way to look at a story that discusses the EXTREMELY COMPLICATED impact of systematic issues#like its a story that is not American or Western Centric made and that in and of itself is very important#the formation of the RCM is the specific way it is to have complicated conversations#so that one can hopefully avoid making really fucking stupid comments like the one you sent here#which btw reeks of you being American jsyk#anyway if you played this game and this was your take away just block me already#youre not someone who thinks#thats very clear#once you idk actually play the game and wanna have in depth conversations with me lmk#disco elysium
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twipsai · 8 days
listen. say what you will about 06, but i would take so many 06es before i take ANY forces. i have so much more respect for 06 than i do forces and this is a hill i will die on
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therukurals · 21 days
what are your thoughts on the new season of bridgerton?
it doesnt have the grip on me it did that season 2 had but i also do not feel anything by luke newton's performance as colin bridgerton. i think nicola coughlan is a delight and great in this role, just a pity that she was paired with a human equivalence of a hospital saltine cracker. i found francesca and john's storyline and performance much more interesting and love that we are getting a sapphic twist!
i enjoy the family and side characters more and the show is really hilarious to me, im glad we got more mondriches and i hope the show actually does them justice but the showrunners and production fumble with their actors of color and storylines. but its messy, dramatic ensemble shondaland production so its got all that without the talent of shonda actually running it. she got me to sit through scandal and had me hooked! idk about the other showrunners ability to tell stories and do justice to characters tbh
also my favorite part was that the whole whistledown dramatics in the last two episodes kept being cut with benedict and his queer sexual escapades and that juxtaposition had me cracking up.
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weekend-whip · 1 year
It's not a oneshot because I have no self control—
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—buuuuut we're gonna have fun.
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butchpeabody · 5 months
giving hell show a watch and its confirming my feelings about it from clips ive seen: that this would be a good show if it was made by Literally Anyone Who Wasnt A Weird Pseudo Liberal. like aside from viv just being who she is the conservative shit bleeds into the concept and is really counterintuitive against the premise its kind of crazy. how are you trying to make something out of such an inherently transgressive premise and fucking it up THIS bad
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
top 9 albums you listened to this year? totally random question 🤪
Unlike last year I did listen to a lot of new music this year so 2022 albums this time weee it was even hard to pick a top 9 but in order of release (probably):
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Nilüfer Yanya - PAINLESS
Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers
Harry Styles - Harry's House
Steve Lacy - Gemini Rights
Joost - Fryslân
The Snuts - Burn The Empire
Louis Tomlinson - Faith In The Future
Little Simz - NO THANK YOU
ramble in the tags
#yeah i totally did not basically beg to be asked this thank you for taking the bait askldlsakjskl#albums of 2022#Nilüfer Yanya - PAINLESS only discovered recently and it sent me into a zone a Z O N E do get in there do it#ROSALÍA - MOTOMAMI when that one came out it was blasting in the house like this only for a good while#Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers I feel like I'm listening to something not intended for me but i should be hearing ?#like it just wrecks me from a place that was never there just unknown and i cant begin to imagine what it can do for people where its known#Harry Styles - Harry's House I THINK IVE SAID QUITE A LOT ABOUT THIS ONE ON HERE#Steve Lacy - Gemini Rights what in the masterpiece is this ??? like????? seriously? SERIOUSLY WHAT IS PUT IN HERE#Joost - Fryslân THIS IS MY BABY he makes this variant of dutch white trash music that is horrid in the most delicious way#unserious but THEN he comes in hard with extremely painful honest lyrics in between utter crap LIKE#love it when music doesnt take itself seriously and still has a huge heart and soul and this is that#this dude is making me cry singing about the grief of losing both parents and minutes later interpolating crazy frog.#The Snuts - Burn The Empire obviously introduced by Louis. I didnt really take them in properly till we saw them at#Lokeren. I did listen to some songs here and there.. Glasgow was a fav. and that was kinda it. but then they came with this album#i always feel regret when i start listening to an artist bc they impressed me live like i should have known before.. which is weird.#that happens. but hearing burn the empire live i was like FUCK and then i was hooked#Louis Tomlinson - Faith In The Future I MEAN YOU KNOW WE KNOW I KNOW EVERYBODY KNOW WE ALL LIVE IN A FITF#Little Simz - NO THANK YOU this one was released this week! still taking it in but like? FUCK? HELLO? fav: No Merci#honorable mentions (sorry):#Björk - Fossora how the fuck you make an entire album sound like a heavily distressed mycelium network beats me but call me a shroom (idk)#Taylor Swift - Midnights had a bit of a meltdown over this (understatement)#IDLES - Five Years Of Brutalism okay okay it's a rerelease but THERE ARE LIVE VERSIONS
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no-thanks-bro · 1 year
No but can we talk about how re4 is literally a Gothic novel brought to life in a video game and has so many elements of 18th century Gothic horror it literally feels like reading one?? The cults and spooky religious zealot stuff. The dungeons and twisty, confusing paths through the castle. Leon's perfect replication of the Gothic hero with his cheesy one-liners and sort of foolish bravery; Ashley's dramatic tendencies and concern over him, and especially her more demure personality in the remake; all the villains who are villainous and evil just to be villains; Luis as the perfect sort of savvy sidekick. There's a sort of sense of helplessness in the face of all these giant monsters and the unforgiving landscapes, and the horror that comes with your body giving out on you despite you trying desperately to control it that edges into the territory of sublimity. A lot of Resident Evil games tap into this, actually, which I really like as a horror concept and I think it adds a lot of weight to the narrative. Obviously, a lot of horror is derived from the Gothic, but this game in particular is an almost exact replica with modern elements thrown in. I find it interesting, and I kind of want to know where the inspirations for it came from!
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