#executive coach dc
dei360 · 1 year
What We Want Our Future Leaders To Know
What will make a future leader successful? I explored this in my piece, *Portrait of a Future Leader, published as part of Upwork’s Work: Reimagined series on Medium. Really getting down to the nitty-gritty of how major workforce trends will affect leaders was exciting. But I don’t know everything.
What will make a future leader successful? I explored this in my piece, *Portrait of a Future Leader, published as part of Upwork’s Work: Reimagined series on Medium. Really getting down to the nitty-gritty of how major workforce trends will affect leaders was exciting. But I don’t know everything.
I would love for you to weigh in— what’s one quality a future leader absolutely must have?
It turns out we have some of the same ideas. Here are five qualities that I believe are imperative for future leaders, and the valuable perspectives of my peers.
1. High Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
What does a leader with a high EQ look like? They’re curious about people they don’t know, aware of their strengths and weaknesses, skilled in active listening, and aware of their own emotional states, enabling them to respond rather than react.
The qualities that indicate a high EQ are also valued by my peers.
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The qualities that indicate a high EQ are also valued by my peers.
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I appreciate Susan bringing up compassion, a quality that in the past may have been viewed as a weakness in leaders. A teenager recently asked me how to improve his EQ. I told him to practice kindness and compassion.
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You may be asking, isn’t a high EQ important for our current leaders? Yes, it is very important. But in the future, organizations will not be as centralized, and hierarchy will diminish in importance. Leaders will be constantly creating and dismantling teams to complete projects, which requires a strong understanding of building and maintaining relationships.
Another important part of relationship building and maintenance is being a proponent of a purpose-driven strategy and culture.
2. Proponent of a Purpose-Driven Strategy and Culture
The purpose at work is a major driver for the future of work. Leaders will measure success on more than profit and loss.
Last year, Aaron Hurst, author of The Purpose Economy, wrote in The Guardian that we’re “experiencing the rise of the fourth economy in our history, in which a sense of purpose is recognized as a critical human need and driver of innovation.”
He explained that this critical human need was sacrificed in the industrial and technological economies in order to maximize efficiency and scale.
So how does a future leader create a purpose-driven strategy and culture? It starts with valuing more than just profit. He or she must also prioritize the personal development of employees, along with the sense of purpose that each employee embodies, all while continuing to focus on tangible deliverables like targeted goals and bottom-line commitments.
Personal development is also a key to being a successful future leader. The desire to learn is a must.
3. Lifelong Learning
We’ve all witnessed how quickly technology has changed the fabric of our world. The increasing global pace of growth only adds to that rapid-fire change. In order to keep pace, a leader must be constantly learning. Whether this happens in the form of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) or peer-to-peer information exchange is irrelevant. What matters is that the leader of the future wants to learn on a continual basis and prioritizes this need for education.
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I agree with Kathleen. Yet many leaders say they don’t have time to learn new skills. So how can organizations instill a sense of constant learning in the cultural DNA? This is an important question to answer as we move into the future of work.
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Learning goes beyond mastering the latest technology trends. The demographic makeup of the future workforce is going to be different, requiring leaders to learn to be more culturally aware and able to eliminate bias and discrimination.
4. Diverse to the Core
Future leaders are not straight, white, and male by default. So say goodbye to ‘pale, male, and stale’ and hello to diversity.
Today, only 3.8% of the CEOs at Fortune 500 companies are minorities. This, is despite minorities making up a full 36% of the American workforce. In the future, what we consider minorities will be the majority of consumers, clients, employees, and leaders. This requires that the leaders of the future understand their diverse employees and consumers.
5. Entrepreneurial Mindset
Our new workforce will function as more of an ecosystem than a pyramid, so leaders of the future need to have an entrepreneurial mindset; they need to be agile and innovative. Their ability to pivot, pull teams together quickly, and exhibit out-of-the-box thinking will influence their success in a decentralized structure that is constantly evolving.
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Jennifer and Paul make a good point. Part of being entrepreneurial is pulling together people who will fill the gaps in your abilities, inspire you, and take you to the next level. There is no room for feeling threatened in the future of work. Entrepreneurs need to be too good to ignore.
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Outside of the five qualities I believe exemplify our future leaders, Mike brings a valid quality to the table.
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Leaders of the future will be facing an exciting and ever-evolving workplace and economic landscape. If they do not believe in themselves, they will become daunted by all of the change happening around them. A leader needs to create a vision that people believe in and want to contribute to. That takes confidence.
There’s a tsunami of change ahead but the changes will deeply enrich the culture of organizations. With a high EQ, purpose-driven motivation, a love of learning, a deep interest in diversity, and an entrepreneurial mindset, the leaders of the future will surely thrive.
Now it’s your turn.  What’s one quality a future leader absolutely must have? I can’t wait to continue the discussion.
Let us share experiences. Leave a comment below, send us an email, or find us on Twitter.
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centerforhci · 1 year
Leadership And The Lost Art Of Listening
I heard Richard Branson on the Diane Rehm show, and he spoke about something extremely important for successful leadership: listening. I find Branson’s comments on listening to be spot-on:
“I think not enough business leaders know the art of listening. They love to hear their own voices. And I was fortunate to learn from a young age that other people — by listening to other people, you learn an awful lot more than by listening to yourself.” — Richard Branson
From my experience, listening is a lost art. This holds true particularly for leaders and entrepreneurs.
Why don’t leaders listen? Though Branson jokes that they love to hear their own voices, there are two main reasons. For one, we are never taught how to carefully listen. And secondly, society sets leaders and entrepreneurs up to be expected to have all the answers.
In this clip from my interview with Cornell University, I talk about the three levels of listening, and how leaders can develop relationships and trust if they are able to use all three. I also talk about how important it is for leaders to ask questions. Asking and listening go hand in hand.
Do you find that you are good at fully listening to others? Is listening to a challenge for you? I’d love to hear your ideas about why listening may be difficult for leaders. Also, if you have experience working on your listening skills, let us know what steps you have taken.
Read the full transcript of Richard Branson’s interview on the Diane Rehm here.
Leave a comment below, send me an email, or find me on Twitter.
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rafecameronssl4t · 3 months
Thunderstruck || NFL Player!Rafe Cameron X DCC!fem!reader
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Summary: As a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, fraternizing with the players was strictly off-limits. However, being the team’s coach’s daughter afforded you certain privileges, and you were able to pull a few strings for Rafe.
Warnings: nothing really
Word count: 1,599
A/n: if this does well, might do more nfl!rafe x dcc!reader :) send me any requests!!!
MASTERLIST (nfl!rafe x dcc!reader au masterlist)
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divider by @yoonitos
As the music blared through the stadium, you stood front and center, commanding the field with every precise movement of your iconic routine to AC/DC’s Thunderstruck.
The crowd’s energy was palpable, a roar of excitement that matched the electric rhythm of the song. Dressed in the iconic blue and white uniform of a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, you knew all eyes were on you the second you all moved into formation.
As a four-year veteran of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, the dance felt like second nature to you. Your smile never faltered as you executed the routine flawlessly. The first game of the year was always memorable, with the excitement in the stadium buzzing through the air.
Fans were filled with anticipation for the Cowboys’ upcoming season. As you executed each precise kick, turn, and cheer, you felt the collective heartbeat of the stadium pulsing in time with your own.
Adrenaline coursed through your veins as the spotlight followed your every move. The crowd’s roar echoed in your ears, a testament to the excitement of the first game of the season.
Rafe had just joined the Dallas Cowboys after being offered the spot, and tonight was he debut with the team. As he jogged onto the field, the energy of the stadium washed over him. Amidst the chaos, his eyes were drawn to you.
It wasn’t just your position at the front and center of the formation that caught his attention, but the confidence and skill you radiated. Intrigued, he turned to one of his teammates. “Who’s that?” Rafe asked, nodding in your direction.
Chris, his teammate, followed his gaze and smirked. “That’s Y/n. Coach Johnson’s daughter.” Rafe’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “The coach’s daughter?” Chris chuckled, giving Rafe a friendly slap on the back. “How haven’t you seen her around, dude? She’s one of the hottest girls on the cheer team.”
Rafe’s eyes remained fixed on you as you executed flawless high kicks and sharp turns. There was something about you that captivated him, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. You moved with a grace and precision that spoke of both natural talent and relentless hard work.
As the routine built to its climax, you prepared for the iconic jump-split. The crowd held its breath, and then erupted in cheers as you all landed perfectly. Chris leaned in, shouting in Rafe’s ear over the deafening applause. “Remember, you can’t be seeing any of them, right? Especially Y/n. It’s part of the contract.” Rafe chuckled, giving a resigned nod. “Yeah, yeah, I know.”
But as he watched you take your final bow, the applause still ringing in his ears, he couldn’t shake the feeling that you were someone worth breaking the rules for.
After the game, you and your teammates strolled through the bustling hallway, still basking in the post-performance adrenaline. You and the other cheerleaders were busy toweling off the sweat from the night’s game, the familiar routine a comforting end to a high-energy evening.
Spotting your dad leading the Cowboys team towards you, you waved excitedly and jogged over to him. His face lit up with pride as he greeted you with a side hug, his voice filled with warmth. “Hey, kiddo! You were amazing out there, as always.” He leaned down to kiss your forehead, and you couldn’t suppress a delighted giggle.
“Thanks, Dad,” you replied, your smile mirroring his. As you walked alongside him, discussing the game and upcoming plans, you couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. A subtle sense of curiosity drew your gaze over your shoulder, where you locked eyes with an unfamiliar guy.
Your dad noticed your glance and affectionately patted your side. “That’s Rafe. You know, the really talented guy I offered the spot to from the Outer Banks?” Around him, the other players playfully slapped Rafe on the back and teased him with knowing grins.
Rafe grinned sheepishly, accepting the good-natured ribbing from his teammates. Turning back to face your dad, you hummed in response.
“Where is Y/N?” Kelli’s voice echoed through the pre-game excitement backstage, cutting through the chatter and preparation of the cheerleaders lined up, ready to go onto the field. Panic surged through you as you hurriedly made your way over, adjusting your hair and straightening your top.
“I’m here! I’m here,” you called out, slipping into position just in time. Kelli, raised an eyebrow, her keen eyes taking in your slightly disheveled appearance. Kelli stepped closer, her demeanor stern. “Sweetie,” her hand reaching up to gently touch your face. You looked at her in confusion as she rubbed your chin, then showed you her thumb smeared with your lipstick.
“I—” you began to explain, but she shook her head, “Not right now,” she hushed firmly as she brushed away stray strands of hair that had fallen across your face. “Have fun out there, ladies!” Kellie called out, her voice projecting over the backstage buzz.
With a deep breath, you led the charge onto the field, the exhilarating pulse of Thunderstruck fueling your every move. The routine flowed flawlessly, each kick and turn executed with precision. The cheers of the crowd blended with the music, creating an electrifying atmosphere that drove you to perform at your best.
Later that night, after another Cowboys victory, you found yourself in the locker room, wiping off your makeup. One of your teammates, Kelcey, approached you with a curious expression.
“Hey,” she greeted, smiling as you returned the gesture, glancing at her through the reflection in the mirror. “Did you hear what happened after tonight’s game?” she asked, sitting on the bench and swinging her legs.
You paused, turning to face her. “No? What happened?” you asked, intrigued. Kelcey looked around briefly before leaning closer. “Y’know that new player? Rafe Cameron. Well, he showed up late on the field and Coach Johnson was furious,” she explained.
Your mind raced. One thing your dad valued the most was punctuality. “I think Coach was even threatening his spot! What was he thinking, he’s only been on the team for a week!” Kelcey shook her head in disbelief.
As you stretched in the locker room, your dad walked in, his authoritative presence immediately commanding attention. “Hey, kid,” he greeted, pulling up a chair to sit facing you, his expression a mix of warmth and concern.
“Hi, Dad,” you replied with a smile, continuing your stretches, hoping to appear nonchalant. His gaze lingered on you, scrutinizing every detail, his face unreadable.
“Everything all good?” you asked, sensing his unease and hoping to dispel it. He cleared his throat, “Yeah, everything’s fine, sweetie,” he said, but the smile on his face didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Listen, Kelli mentioned you were running late before the game. You’re never late, Y/N.”
You chuckled, trying to ease the tension with a light laugh. “Dad, I scuffed up my boots, so I had to fix them,” you lied smoothly, hoping your tone was convincing enough. He nodded slowly, though skepticism lingered in his eyes. “Really? Because you know what’s funny? Rafe was late to arrive on the field too.” He chuckled, shaking his head slightly as he leaned back in the chair, studying your reaction.
You threw him a look, feigning innocence. “What are you trying to say?” “That’s just a coincidence, right? I don’t need to be worrying about my daughter and one of my best players, do I?” He raised an eyebrow, giving you a pointed look that made your heart skip a beat.
You forced yourself to maintain your composure. “No, Dad, you don’t need to worry,” you assured him, hoping he wouldn’t see through the façade you were putting up. Your dad sighed and gave you a look you knew too well, a mixture of concern and fatherly protectiveness. “Sweetheart, I’m not stupid.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at his words, feeling a pang of guilt. “Dad, I never said you were—” But he cut you off, leaning forward slightly. “Rafe is a good-looking guy, I get it. And well, of course, you’re a stunning girl who happens to be a cheerleader for his team, so naturally—”
“He’s a really nice guy, Dad. And he cares for me, I know he does,” you said quietly, your voice almost a whisper, your eyes fixed on the ground to avoid his piercing gaze. Your dad watched you in silence for a moment before sighing deeply. “Is that what you want?” he asked, his voice softening as he looked at you intently.
You looked up at him and nodded your head, your heart pounding in your chest. “Yes, it is.” Your dad stood up and walked over to you, his demeanor shifting to one of tender support. “Well, I want you to be happy, okay?” He smiled at you warmly, his hand coming up to gently cup your cheek. You leaned into his touch, feeling a wave of relief.
“Thank you, Dad,” you smiled gratefully at him. You pulled him into a hug, and he kissed the top of your head, his embrace comforting and familiar. “You’re looking more and more like your mother every day, y’know,” he whispered, his voice tinged with nostalgia. “Whenever I see you out there on the field in your uniform, I have to double-look because I think it’s your mom.”
You both chuckled softly, a stray tear escaping and running down your face. Your dad pulled back slightly, using his thumb to gently wipe away the tear. “Try not to be late next time, yeah? Don’t want Kelli on my back.” You chuckled and nodded, feeling a sense of peace settle over you. “Got it, Dad.”
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captainkirkk · 5 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
What Does it Mean When Your Son Comes Home with Plans for a Death Ray? Asking for a Friend by PrinceJakeFireCake
Basically the title.
Excerpt: “What does it mean when a young man comes home with plans to create a death ray so he can frame Luthor for plagiarism?” Bruce asked anyway, because maybe one of them knew.
There was a long silence. Bruce waited patiently.
“What?” Clark and Diana asked, at the exact same time.
“You know what? Never mind,” Bruce sighed, wearily. “He’s probably just at that age."
Clone Wars
: (Is to) :: (As) by TamerLorika
Cody's General was a perfect example for the men. He ate regularly. He was punctual with his medical appointments. Kenobi socialized with his officers, hosted curated office hours for the rank-and-file, walked the field hospitals during engagements, and made time every Centaxday to review escalated grievance reports.
He was there for his men—but always at the exactly appropriate arm’s length away and half step ahead.
Cody notices that Kenobi's regard for himself is always clinical and utilitarian. As he ponders a way to break the stalemate, he begins to learn more about the lightsaber that is so often in his hands, and how it relates to the subject of Kenobi's own soul.
The Exception by Threebea O (ThreeBea)
Cody gets a new Jedi assigned to the 212th Attack Battalion after he is forced to execute his last one. He has enough experience to know how this new Jedi will behave.
But the Sith Slayer proves himself to be the exception to all of Cody's expectations.
Cody leads his unit, fights a multi-front war, and tries to figure out JM-031.
All for the Game
No straighter path than to struggle by otatop
Neil is sick and it's fine until it's not.
There's a lot of soup.
if you saw my darkest parts by KweenDay
When you meet your soulmate, you share your dreams. Even the bad ones. Especially the bad ones.
Jeremy knows he's met him—his soulmate—when he starts sharing his dreams. But those aren't just any dreams. They're all dark and violent, nightmares that make Jeremy suffocate. And Riko Moriyama is in all of them. Jeremy narrows it down to one person—Kevin Day. Except, Kevin already knows his soulmates (plural?), and Jeremy isn't one of them. So why is the universe fucking with him? And why is Jean Moreau looking at him like that?
//Soulmate AU in which you share your soulmate's dreams after you meet them in person.
soleil / sans soleil by electric_typewriter
Jean is slowly learning how to live as a Trojan with the support of his teammates friends. There are better days, and worse. A bad day leads to a conversation with Coach Rhemann. Some uncomfortable questions have to be asked.
Luo Binghe's Guide to Winning a Bride by Meriglass
Five years have passed since the events of the Immortal Alliance Conference, and Luo Binghe is nowhere to be seen. Shen Qingqiu is beginning to fear the worst. That his dearly beloved, golden halo protagonist really did die in the Endless Abyss. Otherwise, why wouldn't he have come to enact his revenge by now?
Meanwhile, Luo Binghe is alive and well. He's just sulking in the Demon Realm.
In which Shen Qingqiu is kidnapped and placed as the official bride prize for a demon battle tournament, and it's up to Luo Binghe to enter undercover in order to save him.
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nerdraging4point0 · 7 months
Power Play // Chapter Two // Hockeyplayer!Noah AU
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Tropes and tags: RPF:AU hockey player romance, angsty romance, hidden relationship, forbidden relationship, smutty, MF, multiple POV. 
Content Warning: angsty romance, hockey player shenanigans, locker room talk, smutty, aggressive hockey players, PinV, MF relationship, possessive male, protective male.
This work below is fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction.
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Active taglist: @ladyveronikawrites @tearfallpixie @beaker1636 @circle-with-me @synthetic-wasp-570 @itsjustemily @thesazzb @vinyardmauro @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @mountains-to-move @sundamariis @caitcoreeeee @crimson-calligraphyx @letmeadoreyoux @starsomens @artificialbreezy @lma1986 @iknownothingpeople @lilrubles @shilohrosechicken @missduffsblog @jessicafg03 @thatchickwiththecamera @mysticdoodlez @chels3a-smile @sinkingteethinwhitenoise @deathblacksmoke @roley-poley-foley @ravieisunhinged @dethronetheveil @to-be-written @somewhere-diamond @somebodyels3 @sacredthefran @cncohshit @flowery-mess @graveatspeople @cncohshit @nerdywitch20 @sundamariis @srorgana1 @malerieee @bloody-delusion-expert @sammyjoeee @deathofpeaceofmiiind @hayleylatour @deadboltsblog @broken0mens
The Uber screeches to a halt outside the fortress-like walls of the Rooks' practice facility, and I scramble out clutching my visitor's pass. After a few tense moments convincing the stone-faced security guard I'm not a crazed fan, the gates swing open. I stride up to the front doors, emblazoned with the iconic blood-red chess piece flanked by two onyx knights - the Santa Monica Rooks logo.
Though they only joined the NHL a couple years back, the scrappy expansion team has already captured the hearts of LA hockey fans - including my dad, former assistant coach for the Kings. When the Rooks came calling, offering him the head coach position, we were over the moon. Now I never miss a game even if it’s just on the TV.  I know the players by name, the chants by heart. This team is family.
And today, I got a glimpse behind the curtain.
The frosty air envelops me as soon as I step foot in the rink, sending a shiver down my spine despite my long sleeves. I cross my arms, bracing against the chill. As the team takes the ice to warm up, my eyes follow their every move with a nostalgic fondness. The sound of skates carving into the fresh sheet, the slap of pucks hitting boards - it all washes over me like a warm blanket. I let out a contented sigh, transported back to simpler times when I would gaze upon this familiar scene as a wide-eyed kid. 
 The players glide across the ice, circling each other in a blur of black and red during their warm-up laps. Legs churned in rhythmic strides as they maneuvered the puck through the cones. The only sounds were blades carving arcs and pucks slapping plastic. Every movement was executed with precision—their concentration evident as they tuned out the world, zeroed in on their drills. At the other end, some stretch and joke around, loose and relaxed. The heavy guitar riffs of AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" blast through the speakers—dad's preference, as always. I can't help but smile. This ice, this team, this music...it all feels like home.
From my spot high in the stands, I admire my dad's confident presence on the bench, his gaze intent as he surveys the players before him. Wearing the team's fleece zip up over his well-muscled frame, the dark fabric accentuating his rugged features. A beanie sat jauntily atop his artfully graying locks, complementing his trademark goatee, still as impeccably groomed as ever. He exuded an air of casual confidence - the easy charisma of a man who gets things done with style. Arms folded, he exchanges nods with Jack, leaning in to examine the clipboard that holds the secrets to today's strategy. Never did make it to the big leagues, but he just loved the chess match, the cat and mouse of setting up the perfect play. The thrill of that last second stretch pass springing the winger for a breakaway. The subtle joking with the refs, giving as good as he got. Win or lose, we lived for that locker room camaraderie. Yeah, he was born to bleed the colors, even if the pros weren't in the cards.
I make my way down towards the gleaming glass, the barrier between me and the warriors below, scanning the colorful jerseys for familiar names. There's number 42, Sanchez, the promising new center we acquired in the off-season. And McClain, number 18, our stalwart in goal, broad-shouldered whether in pads or street clothes.
Two skilled players glided smoothly across the ice, giving each other a friendly shoulder nudge and helmet tap as brothers in arms. Ruffilo sported jersey #22, zipping down the right wing with nimble speed and agility, always quick to jump on a scoring chance. Alongside him skated Sebastian, wearing #13. As right defenseman, he partnered on the blueline with the venerable Karlsson (#62). Together they formed the league's dream defensive pairing, scouted eagerly by rival teams year after year, yet steadfastly loyal to their coach through it all.
"Sarah!" My dad's voice thunders across the rink, making me jolt in surprise. I bolt toward him, nearly slipping over my feet in my excitement. Jack grabs my arm to steady me as we scramble into the box where Dad waits with open arms. I fling myself at him, breathing in the comforting scents of cinnamon and Old Spice that mean home. Though it's been months, as soon as his strong arms fold around me, no time has passed at all. I cling to him, my protector and hero, never wanting to let go.
“You're just in time,” he says with a glint in his eye. ‘We were just about to do a practice run. See how the team looks for the game tomorrow night.” 
The sharp trill of the coach's whistle pierces the rink, all eyes snapping to attention. "Alright team, gather round!" Jack bellows, his commanding voice echoing off the cold walls. "We've got a big game tomorrow and it's time to show me what you've got!"
The players scramble into position with new urgency, skates carving trenches into the ice. McClain slams into the net, face set with determination. Sanders follows suit on the opposite end, glove hand twitching with anticipation. Sebastian and Karlsson take their posts, sticks poised for battle.
"Let's run this play again - I want to see crisp passes and quick shots. And remember..." Jack pauses, scanning the tense faces around him. "Leave it all on the ice."
He blows the whistle once more. A flurry of movement erupts as the puck drops, skates tearing over the frozen surface. Shouts fill the frigid air as the team throws themselves into their practice, driven by the coach's steely presence and the promise of tomorrow's game.
The players are focused as they glide across the ice, passing the puck back and forth. Karlsson taps his stick, signaling to Sebastian. They move into position, ready to intercept the other team's attack. The center charges towards the goal, but Karlsson swoops in, poking the puck away. It slides to Sebastian who spins and dishes it off to Sanchez. Sanchez pivots and streaks towards the other end, driving for a counterattack. The scrimmage is intense as the teammates coordinate, aiming to sharpen their skills. Their precise passes and defensive maneuvers showcase their dedication during this hard-fought practice.
Sanchez fires a blistering shot that beats Sanders, the puck rocketing into the net. Sanchez triumphantly throws his stick skyward, but Coach quickly shoots him a warning glare - "One goal does not win a game." As Sanchez skates by, his piercing hazel eyes scan over me for a brief minute, before nodding to my dad. All business, Coach commands respect on the ice. My gaze follows him to position, where I notice Sebastian also watching from his position, momentarily distracted until Karlsson’s stick slap grabs his attention. The intensity radiates as both teams bear down, hungry for the next goal.
The players scramble up and down the ice, sticks clacking as they chase the puck. "Stay in your lane, winger!" Coach bellows, face red. "Defense, keep that blue line secure!" Sanchez barrels through, shoving past his own teammates to get to the net. Coach fumes. That hothead is sparking fights even among his own guys. "Sanchez! Cool it or you're benched!" Coach yells. Sanchez seethes, eyes blazing beneath his helmet. That punk better listen, or this practice will get out of control fast.
Sebastian swoops in and makes a clutch block, gliding on his skates backwards around the net and back into position as smooth as butter. Celebrating with a hearty stick-slap with Karlsson as they criss-cross on their way back to their spots. Just another day at the rink for these puck-stopping pros.
“Karlsson  and Sebastian are the league's top players right now,” my dad says, gesturing to the dynamic duo. “I’m fortunate to have them both.”
He goes on to provide insight into each player. Karlsson, a skilled Swede, transferred here a year ago and immediately found chemistry with Sebastian. As we discuss the roster, my dad analyzes each player's strengths and weaknesses. Ruffilo, for example, is quick and agile but weaker skating left. Sanchez has blazing speed but his ego can be a liability. Meanwhile, Sanders rarely sees ice time as McClain's backup. He remains quiet and reserved as a result.
My dad's wealth of knowledge about the team is clear as he gives me an in-depth scouting report on the players - their stats, records, backgrounds, and areas for improvement. His insightful descriptions provide a comprehensive view of the roster.
The boys look exhausted as they skate back to the bench, chests heaving as they try to catch their breath. Jack blows the whistle, signaling the end of the scrimmage. I take in their flushed cheeks and panting faces glistening with sweat. Sanders' sandy blonde hair is matted to his forehead, hazel eyes glazed over with fatigue. Sanchez wipes his brow, dark hair slick against his olive skin that contrasts sharply with his black and red jersey. Golden eyes meet mine briefly before glancing away. McClain rakes a hand through his unruly copper curls, mopped haphazardly on his head. Forest green eyes are ringed with dark circles beneath a smattering of freckles on his cheeks.
Ruffilo and Karlsson skate over to the bench, exhausted. Ruffilo’s shoulder-length black hair, normally pulled back in a tidy bun, is a mess of flyaways and frizz from his helmet. His piercing blue eyes stand out against his tan, sweaty face. Karlsson tosses his helmet aside, releasing his ash blonde hair which is only half pulled back after a grueling workout. Sweat drips down his forehead as he tries to catch his breath.
i'm so caught up staring at the team that I don't even notice Sebastian glide up next to me. He stops hard, ice shavings dancing around his skates. With his helmet off, I finally get a good look at his face. His dark brown hair falls loosely across his cheeks. His eyes are a soft brown too, and his slender nose and exotic bone structure give him an alluring look I can't place. His full lips are parted as he catches his breath, a barely-there mustache and goatee framing them. I'm transfixed, taking in every detail of his handsome face. Hockey has never been so distracting.
"Alright boys, tomorrow we face the toughest team in the league. They've got size, they've got skill. But you know what we've got? Heart. More heart than any team out there. When you step on that ice tomorrow, I want you to remember who we are. We're the Rooks. We never back down from a challenge. We never give up when things get tough. We pour our souls into this game because we love it. We play for each other, as brothers. Tomorrow when that puck drops, I want you to leave it all out there. Skate hard. Hit hard. Play your hearts out, men. I believe in each and every one of you. Now hit the showers and I will see you bright and early tomorrow." 
The players glided by, tapping fists with my dad as they headed off the ice. But my eyes stayed locked on Sebastian. He leaned off the boards and skated backward, gaze still holding mine even as he spun and drifted after his teammates toward the locker room. There was something magnetic about him - an intensity that pulled me in and wouldn't let go.
My dad wrapped his strong arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close. "What do ya say we grab some dinner and chat?" he asked with a smile. I clung to his waist as we strolled out of the chilly rink, past the rows of locker rooms, to his cozy office. He rifled through papers on his cluttered desk, gathering his things before we headed out.
"Dad, why'd you want me to come down here today?" I asked. "You said you had something important to tell me."
He paused, keys in hand. "Let's talk over dinner," he replied, his eyes downcast.
I pressed further. "Why not now? Just tell me."
At that, my dad's shoulders slumped. His face fell. I knew then that this was big news - maybe as big as when he and Mom divorced.
"Well," he began slowly, "Jack's niece is going on maternity leave. We had another one lined up, but he took a position elsewhere. We're in a real bind trying to find a replacement nurse on such short notice to help care for the players."
He looked at me hopefully. I could tell this was difficult for him to ask, but nurse or not, I was ready to support my dad no matter what.
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Noah's POV
The pads hit the floor with a thud as I stumbled back to the locker room, feeling about as graceful as a newborn giraffe. The boys were already going on about the coach's daughter, the new eye candy on the bench. Fiery red hair that melted into platinum strands, curves that went on for days - she had the boys drooling before she even opened her mouth.
"Dibs!" Sanders called out, grinning. "Maybe she can give me some one-on-one coaching after practice."
"You couldn't catch her if she was standing still, man," Nick laughed, peeling off his sweaty jersey.
"Let McClain take a shot," Pierce chuckled. "Red on red - I like those odds."
McClain just smiled and tossed his gear in his locker. Yeah, she was a distraction all right. Hard not to stare when she was sitting there looking like that. Had the boys fumbling more than usual out there today. But I gotta keep my focus. Eyes on the puck at all times, even with a smokeshow like her watching from the stands.
I fling my stick and helmet into my locker, peeling off my sweaty jersey and pads. Jolly plops down on the bench behind me, the team still chattering away about her.
"You know how it is, bro. The ladies, they always want a piece of the Jolly." He waggles his eyebrows and flexes, his accent making it sound more ridiculous.
I grab my towel and crack it against his back. "Yeah, yeah, keep dreamin' there, stud."
We were all a bunch of goofs when Naomi first started working here, even though she was Jack's niece. We'd give her a hard time and chirp her whenever we got the chance. But once we found out she was married and had been around for a few months, we eased off and let her be. I was sure this chick would be the same, if she stuck around. She didn’t seem like the hockey type.
The steam embraces me as I step into the showers, washing the sweat from my aching body. But the heat isn't enough to penetrate my sore muscles, throbbing from another grueling practice. My mind races, already on the ice for tomorrow's season opener on home ice. I know once I'm out there, stick in hand, the roar of the crowd drowning everything else out, the nerves will fade away. But right now, they're killing me. I close my eyes, let the hot water massage my shoulders, and visualize our victory.
We were so close last season - just two wins away. But this year, this is our year. I'm not settling for anything less.
That is, as long as Sanchez can get his head in the game. Don't get me wrong, the guy's got skills. But that ego of his just grinds my gears, you know? He's always showboating out on the ice when he should be focusing on the play.
It's gonna cause problems, I just know it. I gotta get him to tone it down and be a team player. Otherwise we can kiss that cup goodbye again. And I'll be damned if I let that happen. This is our time. I can taste it.
Nothing can distract me from that, not even her.
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oliveroctavius · 1 year
"the loss of the long form serialized storytelling in comics in favor of writing for the trade has done so much damage to character relationships"
Yeah, but also:
Almost all Marvel/DC writers are still paid by output on a project by project basis. At ~$100 a page, that's $25,200 a year for a 21 page monthly book, no benefits, very rarely royalties for book sales. The incentive is to work on multiple titles as fast as possible. Any back research for character detail is a labor of fan love: that's unpaid work, and dealing with maybe 2-3x as many back issues as a writer in the 80s would have.
The (few) salaried writers are "exclusive": they can only write for that publisher's books. If their bright idea doesn't fit into an existing character's arc, they can either pretend it does, or pitch it as something new which (if accepted) will be company owned intellectual property. The "best" industry jobs are the ones with the least creative control. Forgive me if I don't believe the best creative minds end up there.
For the last couple of decades, there’s been a particular model to sustainable careers in comic book writing. First you do work at some of the smaller independent publishers to get the attention of the Big Two (DC and Marvel), then you transition into writing for the Big Two and work your way up the ladder to the highest profile book you can muster, and then you use your larger platform from your superhero work to draw folks back in to your independent work, often using the money from those big superhero books to subsidize your own books before they turn a profit. (James Tynion IV on Substack in 2021)
Miniseries/TPBs have serious upsides to those who can't afford to be continuity geeks. It's a graphic-novel sized contract guaranteed to get your name in front of a lot of eyes. It's a low risk gig that can still offer a rare level of arbitrary creative control.
"the main universe is meant to be a collaborative front"
The first and foremost thing the Marvel or DC universe is "meant" to be is a marketing tool. Creators who care have done beautiful and interesting things with the concept, but the fundamental unit of story in the MarvelDC model is the (copyrighted) character.
It's really the IP that sells. I'm the ultimate example. I came to Marvel with little experience as a writer in the early '70s and replaced Stan Lee on Spider-Man. It didn't hurt the sales. (Gerry Conway to Business Insider in 2021)
Henry Ford couldn't be happier: creative workers swapped out like cogs without disturbing the story-producing machine. A comic is more like a novel than a movie or TV show: a creator can do it solo, if given the space and time. The unique and fun "collaborative" element of superhero comics are a well-executed coping mechanism for decades of exploitative labor practices.
In the above case, Gerry Conway had a single decade to catch up on and was coached by the previous writer(s) directly. The weight of publishing history on individual writers is always growing heavier, TPBs or no.
If TPBs really are are giving creatives the control to screw over the IP for their own short term interests... that's sad from a fannish perspective but from an industry perspective, uh, yeah, screw 'em. If "playing super nice with continuity" was meant to be standard, then deadlines and compensation should represent the work that goes into that.
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airsllides · 7 hours
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airsLLide No. 3630: C-FTMP, McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32, Air Canada, Toronto, August 31, 1989.
In 1966, Air Canada was the first airline outside the US to fly the DC-9 after taking delivery of the first of 15 DC-9-10 series aircraft. They were soon outnumbered by the larger DC-9-30 series aircraft that would globally also become the most successful of the original DC-9 variants before the MD-80 family.
Seating 92 passengers (12 in Business Class called Executive Class with AC, and 80 in Coach), the DC-9-32 was Air Canada's workhorse on domestic and North American services that didn't generate enough demand for the larger Boeing 727-200 with 132 seats (or even 144 for some aircraft in single class layout).
The DC-9 also was the aircraft of choice for the shuttle services in the city triangle Toronto - Ottawa - Montreal where they ran on an almost hourly intervall between the respective city pairs. In total, Air Canada employed 50 units of the -32, starting with initial deliveries in 1968 and retiring the type in 2002.
Worth mentioning here, by the way, is Air Canada's truely comprehensive approach at providing historical information about aircraft specifics of the past, fleet developments from the airline's origins until today etc. It can be found on a dedicated, historic section of its official website, together with current information helpful to the aviation ethusiast, such as lists linking aircraft fleet numbers (fin numbers, in AC terms) to aircraft tail numbers (registrations) and such. A big thank you here to Air Canada and the folks responsible for curating such a wealth of information!
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Game 27 Cut and Dried Sat, August 17 2:00pm EDT Minnesota @ Washington
Starting: WASH: Atkins, Austin, Dolson, Samuelson, Sykes MINN: Carleton, Collier, McBride, Smith, Williams
1st Quarter Devastatingly, CBS has deprived the world of the commentary legends Christy Winters Scott and Meghan McPeak. Already I hate this game. How does it make sense to bring in new commentators for every broadcasting network that has rights to a smattering of games? Home commentary crews know their teams best and know their FANS best. It feels wrong to be at ESA and not hear McWin. Karlie hurts her knee right away WTF. We've had a couple early giveaways but the Lynx haven't capitalized. Shakira with a block. Stef is rebounding well. Shatori absolutely WORKS against Williams but doesn't get the net in the end. Stef goes for 3 to give us a 7-2 headstart. McBride and Collier go back-to-back with tough buckets but Stef goes again from deep. It's the Stics vs Phee so far tonight. Oof we were 11-6 and now it's 11-16…. Shatori shakes again and this time she bakes as well. Unfortunately, we don't get to hear The Coach Christy enjoy it. Not gonna lie, Shakira looks out of sorts, not great ball control, lack of awareness, miscues. NONE of these things are typical of her game at all so I have to put it down to missing 19 games. 16-22.
2nd Quarter A couple misses from the Lynx have brought us back within four as Shakira does some sort of magic to keep the ball in her hands and finish underneath. She's sorted it out, it seems! Shots are coming late for both teams now as defensive schemes work better. With that comes more fouls on and off ball. Juhasz and Ariel both have nice 3s. In my opinion, JVL is playing better person D than pre-Olympics. She does get beat by Williams, but Court put in work. Earl just DANCED beautifully for 2. Stef checks back in after a long bench spell and immediately goes for 3 to tie it. Most Likely to Tie the Game with a Three: Stefanie Dolson. Williams is going off with the midrange jumpers. Shatori says me too. Tori steals. Commentator can't say Thibault. It's a hard name no doubt but it's a name that's been in the game for decades… Name mispronunciation by announcers always gets me. Jado finds Stef who passes back in to Jade on the drive, kick out to Ariel for 3—rebounds her own and scoops to Shatori who drills the trey. It's basketball, babyyyy. We're in the lead! Carleton kills the crowd with her response. Court is still cooking. The Lynx pull back in front after a couple Mystics fouls. 39-45.
3rd Quarter Karlie Samuelson is not returning to the game. GREAT start otherwise to this half for the Stics. Forced turn, perfectly executed O, another turn off hot D. Tough break after having the ball swatted away multiple times the Lynx land a 3. Now Collier gets one. She's 8 of 11 lol. DC is now trailing by 11. Yikes, an incredibly sloppy sequence here. Aaliyah comes in and scores then plays great D on Phee….to no avail. Fortunately, Stef was due for another 3. Oh my god Napheesa. She's going to be Finals MVP when the Lynx win the Championship. Minnesota are lights out this quarter. Yet, no timeouts from Eric. Hmmm. Ok as I say that it happens. Well, the Lynx missed only 3 shots this whole quarter. 56-78.
4th Quarter Kayla McBride hits a 3 right away. Austin has a nice pass block leading to a turn but we can't capitalize. It's a 25-point Minnesota lead and this is hard to watch. I'd call it our worst game of the season but I actually think our games where we led going into the 4th and lost were worse. Stef has 2 more 3s and she's 8 of 8. So they bench her. Aaliyah gets a steal but misses the bunny, an unfortunate theme for her tonight. We've narrowed the deficit to 16 at least. 83-99 final. Minnesota absolutely outplayed us.
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corporatecoachcar · 2 months
Book our Corporate Executive services in Washington DC.
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anthonybialy · 5 months
Consistency’s Downside with Playoff Outcast Buffalo Sabres 
Remember the eclipse?  That celestial ballet from way back last week featured an exhilarating example of getting in the way.  Obstacles aren’t as satisfying for a team that never overcomes them.  Unlike the Moon blocking the Sun, darkness around the Buffalo Sabres remains.  A few stunning minutes of visible corona was more than the roster offered during yet another dang bleak campaign.
If the Sabres hated their fans, nothing would change.  The fact they’re presumably trying hard to finish in the top half makes cheering in Hell even more agonizing.  The ice keeps melting.  If Sabres fans on an alternate DC Comics  Earth are coping with active contempt from a diabolical owner, the resulting sense on this version of our planet is identical.  Fan Appreciation Night gets funnier every year.  I don’t appreciate them.
Extending their own unprecedented mark surely must be an accomplishment.  We should feel elated when our beloved club doing something no other has ever done.  They don’t keep bad records, right?
A high quantity of an item may or may not be desirable.  I wish there were some way to make life less ambivalent.  Paula’s sometimes sells a baker’s dozen of the universe’s best donuts for the price of a regular one.  See: that’s a welcome 13.  By contrast, missing the playoffs that many times in a row may not quite be lucky.
A league set up so half the teams move on features one consistent outcast.  This seems like a good time to point out the Sabres seized the right to keep playing during their third ever season.
This failed enterprise violates the first rule of business, namely the need for spending money in order to make it.  Trying to run a team on the cheap leads to false economy.  Dedicated potential buyers are ready to drop a fortune on the right to sit and watch for a few hours.  All ownership has to do is invest enough to make a competitive product.  Only hiring staffers who accept coupons is ultimately not a good value.  Customers stop buying the product in case Sabres executives still don’t grasp why shortsighted saving fails to pay off.
For a multibillionaire, Terry Pegula is one lousy entrepreneur.  Making taxpayers fund his football venue is as close as he gets to shrewd maneuvering, and forcing New Yorkers to invest makes him a shameless welfare deadbeat.  Keep working to afford a personal seat license that costs more than a Mini Cooper for the right to pay for the seat itself.
Stealing joy is not a crime, which is why Pegula has avoided probation.  He’d make taxpayers post bail.  It should be exciting to head to a game yet hasn’t been since around the introduction of the iPad.  Forced thrills define a relationship that used to create happiness in the MySpace era.  Vague memories of enjoyment are the sole reason to administer a dose of voyeuristic masochism.  The fact there are any season ticket holders left is a testament to unabashed loyalty paired with unsubstantiated hope.
Is the Sabres Store still open? I want to get a Donny Meatballs shirt before they sell out.  I was a Granato hipster who thought he’d fail from the start. Realistic fans could wish for promising results while suspecting they were never pending.  The difference between wanting something to happen and knowing it won’t sums up the team.
There’s no rule against letting an intern change lines.  The Sabres have come close to proving such.  The innovative franchise’s solution to ending playoff banishment was hiring a first-time NHL head coach whose specialty is developing players who aren’t old enough to buy lottery tickets.  If that sounds ridiculous, wait until you hear about the NHL general manager whose last gig was running a hockey school.
Granato is gone from a job he never should’ve held. A firing will have to count as progress. There’s still a looming sense of dread despite taking an important step. In Return of the Jedi, the Rebel Alliance celebrates blowing up the Death Star even though the entire Empire fleet remains. The Sabres are similar, only still surrounded by ineptness.
Obvious ideas may be the best ones.  Kevyn Adams wants a coach with experience, unlike him. I suppose he’s right in the same sense forwards should be able to score and goalies ought to stop pucks. I don’t know why the idea of a worker who’s proven he can do the job is only occurring to him now. The evaluations should continue, including of the evaluator. Ask Adams how much time he spends on TPS reports.
Cause and effect combine to be mean.  Losses count for a trifling reason like not playing particularly inspirationally.  Why should a team never get to compete for a trophy just because others accumulate more points?  The elitist system seems arbitrary.
Similarly, you hurt the dear feelings of humans presently connected to the Sabres when you notice when the cool kids stopped inviting them to postseason parties.  A franchise that at least featured bouts of semi-success under previous owners turned into an insurance write-off as soon as Pegula got to guide it.  He has the worst luck.
So, this is the result of the plan to end the worst playoff outcast streak in league history.  You’d think those responsible might feel a bit more desperation.  But there’s apparently no reason to panic because they’ve played around a thousand embarrassing games.  Kyle Okposo got a special night for that very reason.
Sports teach how intentions mean nothing without actions.  Useful lessons aren’t always fun.  Ask the owner if he wants to win and he would say yes.  A lie detector that worked would back him up.  But intentions don’t lead to a Sweet 16 appearance.  Ralph Wilson would’ve also claimed he was committed to victories as he tried to pay players with change.
Every conversation about the Sabres revolves around the fact that no other NHL team has ever failed like this.  Virtually all lamentations are justified.  They truly have been as bad as claimed on social media for this long.  Singular woe is the reward for fans who decline repeated dares to quit.
Rotten culture starts at the top.  That means ownership, since Terry seems confused.  Trading everyone should compete with firing everyone.  But personnel transactions won’t necessarily fix a toxic work environment.  Nothing changes, by which I mean the boss.
We won’t wake up until those in charge do.  The dream of an organization steered by a rich fan with the desire to win has become an endless nightmare.  You know a team’s pathetic when missing the playoffs yet again may be the best-case scenario instead of pretending everything’s swell following a first-round exit.  One more freaking failed season may finally force a team that needs an intervention to acknowledge hitting rock bottom.
But simple improvements like hiring experienced hockey people then letting them work without interference remain elusive.  The drought was unacceptable a decade ago, yet we’re sold the same paltry crops.  The owner won’t fire himself.
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lboogie1906 · 6 months
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Joshua Isaac Smith was (born April 8, 1941) in Garrard County, Kentucky. Growing up in Loveland, Ohio. He earned a BS from Central State University. He worked as a high school biology teacher in DC and taught Biology and Chemistry at the University of Akron, where he studied law. He became a manager at the New York division of Plenum Publishing Corporation. He served as an executive director of the American Society for Information Science. He attended management courses at the University of Delaware and Central Michigan University. He founded the computer firm Maxima Corp in 1978. By 1993 the company had revenues over $41 million and had been ranked by Black Enterprise magazine at #33 in its list of minority businesses. In 1996 the company had expanded to operate in 14 US states, employing 800 members of staff. He serves as a trustee on several boards and has been a strong advocate for African American entrepreneurship. He became the “leading spokesman for African American businessmen under the Reagan and Bush [George H] administrations”. He was appointed by President George H. W. Bush to be the chair of the Commission on Minority Business Development.
He was appointed chairperson of the State of Maryland’s Task Force on Minority Business Reform, advancing to serve as an advisor to the Maryland Governor’s Commission on Minority Business Reform. He serves as chairman and managing partner of the Coaching Group. Other directorships include CardioComm Solutions Inc., Caterpillar Inc., Federal Express Corporation, and The Allstate Corporation. He has been a director of Caterpillar since 1993. In 2008, he launched a weekly radio show Biz Talk with Josh Smith, which ran on CBS Radio.
He was named an outstanding alumnus by the Loveland Schools Foundation. He donated $1 million to his alma mater Central State University. The university renamed one of its buildings to Joshua I. Smith Center for Education and Natural Sciences to honor him. He received the Thurgood Marshall College Fund HBCU Alumnus of the Year award at the 26th TMCF Awards Gala.
He married Reverend Jacqueline Jones-Smith (1979). #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha
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centerforhci · 2 years
Why I’m A Hypocrite And My Challenge With Mental Energy
I’m a hypocrite. There, I said it.
Leadership, both personal and professional, is an energy game. But it takes more than physical energy for peak performance. Leaders need abundant physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy to manage their stress and perform their best. And just like professional athletes, leaders need to train properly, regularly and on purpose to achieve the results they’re after. I help leaders do just that in Lunch & Learns, half-day workshops and even 8-week online courses.
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So here I was—teaching leaders how to balance their energy—yet grinding my teeth at night. Waking up in the middle of the night with my heart racing, thinking about work and then getting up at 3am to answer emails. Snapping at my team for no reason, putting undue pressure on them.
I’m Good at Talking the Talk, But I Haven’t Been Walking the Walk
I was not walking the walk and practicing my own teachings. It was time to step back and assess what was going on. I was totally out of whack! So I did an energy assessment of myself, just like I would for a client.
My Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Energy Level Assessment
• Physical: I eat well and exercise regularly. My recent check-up showed that I had the physical energy of someone a decade younger.
• Emotional: My EQ is fairly high. When I’m not stressed, I can manage difficult situations and people with empathy and patience.
• Spiritual: I know my values and refer to them regularly.
• Mental: I have the attention span of a flea; I can’t focus on anything for more than a few minutes, and my brain is on constant overdrive. No surprise that this is my weakest area. In fact, my husband calls me a shark, because I literally can’t sit down for more than an hour without jumping up to do something.
I Have the Attention Span of a Flea
Hmmm.. this is going to be a challenge. Ask me to run a marathon and I’ll train daily for it. Tell me to go gluten-free and I’m on a baking frenzy. Offer me the chance to work with emotional teams and I can’t wait. Tell me something ‘can’t be done’ and I will find a solution or at least a work-around. Yet, invite me to sit and read a book? I read the first chapter and then the last chapter (no joke) to save time. Buy me a cuppa? I’ll start getting antsy after 30 minutes. So working on my mental energy to improve my focus is going to be hard.
Very hard.
My Shark-Like Behavior Was Impacting My Family and Team
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Yet I had to do it. Not only was my shark-like behavior impacting my sleep, it was also impacting my team and family. In addition, I felt like a total hypocrite. It’s like Ellen Page saying she had to come out while filming Freeheld; I can’t teach energy management and not practice it myself.
So where to begin on this journey?
I Started With My Limiting Beliefs
First, I had to look at my limiting beliefs, or the things I thought were true that held me back from changing my behaviors. In general, our society is addicted to activity, and rewards constant busyness. We applaud the person who pulled the all-nighter; we recognize the person who stayed late to get the job done. Yet there is no such fanfare for the person who leaves at 5pm; in fact, those people are ridiculed in certain organizational cultures as weak or not team players. In addition, it’s frowned upon to take all your vacation time or take any downtime at all.
This perception is problematic for many reasons but one of those reasons is factual. The University of California put out some interesting research on the upsides of downtime. The research says:
“You can’t think without space. If you’re always doing something, there’s no way to get anything new into your mind; there’s no way to reach new conclusions.”
Why? Because unstructured time stimulates the ‘default mode network’ part of the brain, where creativity and problem solving happen. When we perform any task at all, no matter how small, our brain switches to the ‘executive network control’, which is related to deductive reasoning. So it’s when we sit back and let our minds wander, that the creative ‘default mode’ kicks in.
Even Though I Fully Knew the Benefits of Downtime, I Was at Super-Shark Speed
My limiting belief was that ‘downtime is for wimps’. The research proved me wrong. My mind was buying into the idea but my body was resisting. Even though I fully knew the benefits of downtime, I was at super-shark speed, racing around the house to get things done.
What would I tell a client in my position? I’d tell them they needed to practice downtime.
I’m a kinesthetic learner, which means I need to touch something to learn it well. So I had to find a role model to physically, literally show me what down time looks like. I had no idea how to ‘do’ downtime.
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Thankfully, I didn’t have to look too far: my husband. He cherishes his downtime; I don’t mean just an hour here or there. He is fully committed to detox Sundays, where he just kicks back and reads the newspaper…the old fashioned thing made from trees. He totally unplugs and sometimes won’t even get in a car.
I Started My Practice Small, Slowly Building Mental Muscle
So I started small. I sat down for 15 minutes to read a magazine. Then I got up to plan my work for the week. Then I sat down for 20 minutes to close my eyes on the couch. Then I jumped up, feeling guilty that I hadn’t wrapped the holiday gifts. Then I allowed myself to watch a TV show, once all the ‘work had been done’. Little by little, week after week, I taught myself to chill. Stare out a window. Pet our cats. Listen to music. Snuggle in bed with our daughter. Sit on a plane without compulsively checking email. It was torture. I wanted to jump out of my skin. I wanted to do something, anything, please give me a task! Yet, I knew that I was slowly building a muscle, just like going to the gym.
I Taught Myself to Chill
And the impact was clear, both at home and work. At home, I was more patient and easier to be around. I stopped grinding my teeth and actually slept through the whole night. At work, I started enjoying writing again. It was no longer a chore. The ideas flowed out of me and actually became my most popular leadership posts, such as this one on surfing and this one on EQ. And my best product ideas and client ideas came from daydreaming out the window.
The best part? I no longer feel like a hypocrite. I’m a leader who inspires other leaders to manage their energy, all of it, for peak performance.
Do you think you need more practice managing your physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual energy? I’d love to hear what challenges you have and how you face those challenges.
Leave a comment below, send me an email, or find me on Twitter.
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sportsgr8 · 7 months
IPL 2024: Russell Is My Idol; I Want To Win Games For KKR Like He Does , Says Ramandeep Singh
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Kolkata Knight Riders: Ramandeep Singh, the seam-bowling all-rounder, who will be plying his trade for the Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) in IPL 2024, said he is eager to team up with Andre Russell and wants to win games for the two-time champions in the way the big-hitting all-rounder does. Ramandeep, who plays for Punjab in domestic cricket, made five IPL appearances for Mumbai Indians – with his most notable contributions coming in the form of 3/20 against SRH and 2/29 against DC. After being released by Mumbai, Ramandeep was roped in by KKR ahead of IPL 2024 season at the auction in Dubai last year. "I’ve been following Russell right from the start and have seen how he creates an impact in the T20 format with bat as well as ball. Whenever I bat, I try and think what Andre would do in this situation and then look to execute that. As far as the bowling is concerned, Russell bowls the most difficult overs for his team and he’s won so many games for KKR. I hope even I’m able to win matches for KKR like Andre," said Ramandeep to KKR Knight Club. Talking about how he got to know KKR picked him, Ramandeep said he had a hunch about being picked by the franchise. "I was following the auction on TV but once my name came up, I switched off the telecast thinking we’ll see what happens. In some time, I started getting calls and messages from my family and friends that I was picked by KKR. "I hoped that KKR would pick me and I was glad that it happened. I’ve heard a lot that this is one of the best franchises in terms of supporting the players on improving their skills and having quality practice sessions. So, I'm very happy to be picked by KKR." He hopes that the KKR stint in IPL 2024 propels him to represent India in future. "I’m very excited. Knowing that many KKR players have represented the Indian team recently fills me with confidence, because the ultimate goal of any cricketer is to represent the country. "I’m hoping to perform for this franchise and go on to fulfill my dream of representing the Indian team. I’ve already had a great time at KKR Academy, working with Abhishek Nayar sir. He’s one of the best coaches going around in India so I’m very happy to be working with him. "The support that Eden Gardens shows towards KKR is second to none and I’m very excited to experience the cheers of the fans. The support and the backing KKR fans have for this franchise is incredible and I want to perform for them and help KKR propel towards glory," he concluded. KKR will commence its main pre-season camp in Kolkata ahead of the 2024 edition from March 15. Their IPL 2024 campaign starts against 2016 champions Sunrisers Hyderabad at their home ground Eden Gardens on March 23. KKR squad for IPL 2024: Shreyas Iyer, Phil Salt, Rinku Singh, Angkrish Raghuvanshi, Sherfane Rutherford, Manish Pandey, KS Bharat, Rahmanullah Gurbaz, Andre Russell, Nitish Rana, Venkatesh Iyer, Anukul Roy, Ramandeep Singh, Varun Chakravarthy, Sunil Narine, Vaibhav Arora, Chetan Sakariya, Harshit Rana, Suyash Sharma, Mitchell Starc, Dushmantha Chameera, Sakib Hussain and Mujeeb Ur Rahman Read the full article
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Washington, D.C. queer café and bar As You Are. is currently having a fundraiser to help them stay open after some financial setbacks. It's such a special space for the LGBT+ community in D.C., and since I've seen many people on tumblr talk about how we need spaces like this, it would be really nice if you all could share and donate.
Here's the message from the founders on their GoFundMe:
Hello Friends, As You Are. (AYA) DC is in need of urgent support. Many of you may already know who we are and for those of you who don't, we are the only Queer safe space of our kind to our knowledge. AYA is a cafe, bar & dance floor that hosts diverse programming nearly every night of the week including; social sport leagues, Queer youth socials, weekly karaoke, book clubs, open mics, Queer author events, dance parties, and much more! My wife Jo, and I are the co-founders of this Queer haven in Capitol Hill, DC and our entire team is a part of executing the mission of AYA existing to hold and cultivate a safe space for the LGBTQIA+ community. While this community is our priority, everybody is welcome to join us in lovingly celebrating our magnificent Queer culture. We have faced some particularly tall and costly hurdles that have set us back significantly since the beginning. As we are tapping every resource we can imagine with creativity and open minds we need urgent assistance. The funds raised will go toward catching up on overhead costs and debts incurred during a slow season at the close of last year. While AYA has seen a significant increase in customer traffic and revenue that is promising moving forward the funds raised will be applied immediately to saving AYA from closure. As You Are is the fruit of our community's labor, love, and loyalty. Together we have built a safe haven for so many from every part of the LGBTQIA+ community and our allies. Our team is committed to keeping the Queer community safe through fierce protection of the atmosphere and culture, diversifying our menu and programming to serve people from all walks, and keeping our space and services accessible and affordable. The team at AYA is made up of deeply invested Queer people that represent across many intersections and have contributed to the culture in ways there are not words to describe. Many of you know and love them, I know Jo and I sure do! We would be remiss not to shout them out and thank them for making AYA what it is with their love and due diligence. If you're in a position to help, we would be so grateful. With love, always, Coach
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makilalatv · 1 year
Makilala TV Ep 125 | Filipinos of Staten Island
Guest Panelists Ederlinda Paraiso Miranda Executive Chair, PICOSI & President, SIPAG-NY
Joanne Cordero-Retino Treasurer and Director, Entertainment for PICOSI
Krizel Tobias Mendoza Director, Vendors of PICOSI
Rachelle Ocampo, EdM (lead) Public Health Professional
Jen Furer Author, Mentor & Fitness coach
Cristina Dc Pastor  Community Journalist
Produced by Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) Zenaida Mendez, Director, Executive Producer Fredy Pinto, Production & Studio Manager Technical Crew: Tiffanny Hill Rock Carla Robles
Special Thanks:
Opening Song, “Middle C” Copyright © 2011 Jon Furer CJ Solutions Inc  All Rights Reserved Closing Song, “MakilalaTV” Copyright © 2014 Bassment Productions L.L.C. All Rights Reserved
Cablecast Schedule:
Cablecast Schedule Manhattan Neighborhood Network - THURSDAY 2023 | Sept 14
MakilalaTV Ep 125  Yr 11 Ep3
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Cheap Limo Service DC Offers Party Bus Rental DC as Well
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With One of The Largest Fleets of Limo and Buses, No Other Limo Company Compares. Looking for an affordable limo service in DC? Look no further! Cheap Limo Service DC offers cheap limo service options that don't compromise on quality. Enjoy a luxurious and comfortable ride in our stylish limousines, all at competitive rates. Book your budget-friendly limo service with us today and arrive in style!
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It’s easy to assume that a company with the name like Party Bus DC is only going to specialize in party buses. That may be true for some small, relatively new companies, but for this one, they have been family owned and operated since 1994. For more than 25 years they have been providing the best transportation, including for those looking for a limo service DC.
In reality, this company has one of largest fleets of limos and buses. We have stretch limousines, gorgeous Lincoln Town Cars and other sedans, Hummer limos, party buses, executive minibuses, coach buses, and more. We also have some of the safest drivers in the industry.
Our drivers are put through a rigorous interview, a background screening check, safe driver training, and random drug testing to ensure continued safety.
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This company also has the latest GPS navigation technology installed in every single one of their limos and buses. That means for those looking for a Party Bus Rental DC, they can sit back, work, relax, make phone calls, or do anything else they want and rest assured knowing we will reach the airport on time.
This company also monitors all incoming flights to ensure somebody will be there to greet the passenger when their flight arrives, even if it gets in several hours late due to mechanical issues or weather delays.
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We provide immediate billing, short notice availability, and 24/7 customer support. For those who know anything about the transportation industry, they realize that 24/7 support is not that common. If anyone is in need of a Cheap Limo Rental, for an airport trip, anniversary dinner, prom, a wedding, or anything else, they should make Party Bus DC their first call at (800) 371-1434. They can also visit out website to make a reservation or learn more about the services we offer by visiting.
Source: https://cheaplimoandcarservicedc.blogspot.com/2023/06/Cheap-Limo-Service-DC-Offers-Party-Bus-Rental-DC-as-Well.html
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