#except I had no idea how to do the wings haha
new-revenant · 4 months
sorry I stumbled across your teddy Danny au on the tag and just saw the ask about him eating and why can't he just phase the food into his body? and it getting absorbed somehow. like a single cell organism almost. like imagine a little teddy holding a chicken wing to it's little mouth and it just going right through the fabric and reappearing with a piece missing a second later.
I saw that there are power restrictions at play but maybe since it's food it could be an exception because of like. survival instincts and stuff. but I don't know the details about how his powers are locked away so maybe I'm saying nonsense.
sorry if this is annoying I just had a thought and had to share
Don’t worry, you’re not annoying at all. And tbh, I did not think of that haha. And I also don’t know the restrictions of his power lock, because I am/was making stuff up as I got more asks.
I just never pictured him eating I guess. Just lounging around more or less? Since he isn’t just possessing the stuffed bunny, he’s stuck in it. And it doesn’t have a mouth or any digestive track, so why would he need to eat ya know? Or get tired or need to do any other bodily functions.
But I really do love everyone’s ideas and takes for this AU. There honestly isn’t any real canon, but there is my canon and I may like some ideas more than others. But if you want Danny to just absorb food(you’re idea is really funny btw), then that’s your canon! And I love it! It’s so cool and I love people interacting with my stuff and getting their own ideas-the joy of creation!
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offtorivendell · 9 months
The Weaver's Song
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Disclaimer: well I thought I had time to edit this properly and tidy it up, but joke's on me, apparently the entirety of HOFAS has leaked in Portuguese over night. That'll teach me (haha, never) to leave something in my drafts for months. So this may or may not be correct, and YOU might know that, but I'm not going to read the whole thing until I have the original version.
If someone has already posted this theory, I'm sorry!
Spoilers: this contains information from ACOTAR, TOG and CC series books 1 and 2. Please do not discuss spoilers in the comments until after HOFAS has officially been published, or in the reblogs without warning (and ideally a read more option)!
This may be fanciful, but I think I may know what The Weaver was singing about in ACOMAF... it was a metaphor for Prythian history and Void travel.
“There were two sisters, they went playing, To see their father’s ships come sailing … And when they came unto the sea-brim The elder did push the younger in.”
Theia's two daughters, as @silverlinedeyes has posted before, she thinks the second daughter brought Truth-Teller back to Prythian through a rift - though was there a third, unknown sibling, as @wingedblooms and I have theorised?
Playing - playing music? Music as the universal magic/language? Urd’s music?
Whether or not they're also Fionn's daughters, if literal, the ships could be people travelling through the Void/Rift to Midgard… the Feyre, the Nesta, the Elain come to mind, except maybe the Selene, the Eos and the Helios?
The Haldren Sea sounds like it could have a rift/portal in it (similar imagery to the Court of Nightmares/Hewn City). Port/portal?
Did Helena push her younger sister into the rift, to make her return through the Void and save Prythian from the Asteri, per @silverlinedeyes?
If this was then case then Helena knowingly sacrificed herself.
“Sometimes she sank, and sometimes she swam, ’Til her corpse came to the miller’s dam.”
Did she travel through multiple worlds until she reached Prythian, similar to Aelin as the red star? Or was this after returning to Prythian and living her life she then travelled again across the murky realm?
Miller's dam - dam could be their mother? The Mother? Silba?
A dam is also a body of water. The Cauldron?
Miller is one of the oldest human professions - milling grains for bread.
Miller is also a type of moth - moth wings at the HOW library, with their Cauldron/bowl-type statues at the entrance?
What if the Void/Cauldron is the Miller, and Chaos/Cauldron's water is the Dam?
What if the Void/Cauldron is the earth, Chaos/Cauldron's water is the dam, and the Miller is the hypothetical third sibling?
How do the underground waterways and/or the pool of Starlight in the Spring Court fit in?
“But what did he do with her breastbone? He made him a viol to play on. What’d he do with her fingers so small? He made pegs to his viol withall.”
The viol is an instrument; is the language of the universe a song? This would support my idea that Singing is a language of the gods, and Sight/messages from the gods could be a form of Singing.
Breastbone, spells and bonds are threads, viol strings? Pegs tighten/tune the strings. Witchy and sorcery spell vibes, but also hello PUPPET VIBES. Who is/will the Cauldron using as a puppet?
“And what did he do with her nose-ridge? Unto his viol he made a bridge. What did he do with her veins so blue? He made strings to his viol thereto.”
Nose - smells, Azriel can smell the Elucien bond… because it's discordant (theory on the way)? Amren could smell Feysand’s bond, how?
Bridge - I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection … that knife. Paint that when we get home. - ACOWAR, chapter 69. Truth-Teller connecting with the Starsword.
"A violin bridge is a maple piece that sits atop the violin and lifts the strings above the fingerboard in a way that allows you to play both single notes and double stops. It transmits the string vibrations to the soundbox (body of the violin)." It's a conduit. Could Carranam be relevant here?
Blue - Azriel's siphons, the veins in Elain's eyes in the tent scene when she Looked for the Suriel. Can she see the threads?
Viols have six strings - three brothers and three sisters?
“What did he do with her eyes so bright? On his viol he set at first light. What did he do with her tongue so rough? ’Twas the new till and it spoke enough.”
Eyes bright - like Elain's when she's in pain? Pain is a link to the divine, do her eyes go bright when she's using her magic?
Eyes at first light - Sight/Singing at dawn? Eos?
First light - firstlight?
To set at something, to go after it… with an instrument playing him through the Void? Someone is after the firstlight and will go after it. The Asteri and Bryce. Mystics? Elain?
Till - as in the soil/gardening? More likely a boat's till/tiller; did Theia's second daughter’s tongue become the rudder that allowed “the Miller” to steer his way through the water/Void/space between… Lightsingers? Mystics? And there were three ships named after Feyre, Nesta and Elain Archeron.
Mor speaks the truth, Elain speaks what she Sees.
“Then bespake the treble string, ‘O yonder is my father the king.’”
“Then bespake the second string, ‘O yonder sits my mother the queen.’”
“Then bespake the strings all three, ‘Yonder is my sister that drowned me.’”
The father/king and mother/queen have been separated, and are in different locations.
Different worlds?
Fionn/the father/king is in Prythian.
Theia/the mother/queen "sits" somewhere else… a hell/Hel realm? Sits on a throne?
The sister/Helena is in Midgard.
I really think that the Weaver was singing to nobody/Feyre about Prythian's ancient history, along with the crossover - and potential instructions on how to navigate the Void to "go to Hel" - all the way back in ACOMAF! When she just happened to be collecting a six pointed star sapphire ring (six strings?) for Rhys?
Will each sister become a magical, Singing tiller for the bat boys' wings (as rudders), guiding them through the Void? It gives a whole new depth of meaning to Papa Archeron's fleet going down in a storm!
This also fits for Vassien, with Lucien being the magical tiller and Vassa as the firebird. And even possibly More and Emerie, if her wings get healed, or she gets her own Pegasus! Could it parallel the way they had to fly through holes in the Wall back in the OT, before Hybern destroyed it with the Cauldron (which just happens to contain Void)?
Will they be the light in the dark?
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SJM you wicked bloody genius, this cannot be a coincidence. 🙏🏻
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damnation-if · 3 months
Care to tell some facts about the ROs?
ough... i always find 'facts' asks intimidating because i'm never sure if the facts i'm producing are any good haha. hopefully these aren't too boring!
they enjoy gardening; they never stay in one place for long but whenever they move they have to lug around all their collection of exotic orchids and rare plants. they especially like cross-breeding orchids to create new strains (they also play music for their plants)
they dated a vampire for a while in the past (the vampire sort of considered them his thrall) but got kind of bored of it... they're less bored with being a warlock so far
if the MC chooses the travelling entertainers background, they've actually met Arianis once before in the past
he didn't originally have his wings; Twilit had to make them and graft them onto him, and because his unique nature is resistant to chaos and change, his body is still dealing with trying to reject them even after millennia
Twilit and Newyneth are who he would consider his "best friends;" he considers himself kind of an unofficial uncle to their children (which is just Suchebh in Twilit's case)
nobody in Hell, including archdemons, wants to get on his bad side
like the other concubi, she was "born" in the mortal world; she in particular was created partially-accidentally by a weird sex cult that wanted to summon a demon but had no idea how to do it and just kind of messed around until they managed to call enough chaos into the metaphorical Shape of a person and she was born
she was the last concubi to come into existence (before MC) - once the gods realised that humans could accidentally create demons, they created the Inquisitors to hunt down humans consorting with demonic magic
she doesn't remember much about her early days except for constant feelings of terror, but it left her with a kind of wistful nostalgia for the mortal world that she can't do much about
they're not really fond of Beds, due in part to the combination of a lot of their anatomy (they can't lie on their side for example because of their horns), so they kind of sleep belly-down on top of a big heap of cushions when they have to sleep
they're Not into bondage shit at all because their creator kept them chained down in a cage until he would release them to kill people for him... they don't find it sexy at all lmfao, only traumatic
they were built purposely with a body temperature much lower than other demons so that they can survive travel into the mortal world (i may have mentioned this one already, i can't remember lmao)
they don't have a Bad relationship with Twilit per se, but they do constantly feel like they have to compete with them for notoreity and find a way to get out from underneath their shadow (Twilit is more or less oblivious to this)
they would Never Ever admit it, but they're definitely at least a little jealous of the relationship that some of Newyneth's children have with her, which makes them do catty or manipulative things sometimes
they are actually the person who braids Malkorath's hair for them
like several of the other archdemons, their true form is actually hidden somewhere in the mortal world (it would take too much effort and be too provocative for the gods to go about removing them), but unlike the other archdemons theirs is not split into pieces (though they did transfer it out of Hell in chunks lmfao)
they have a Decent relationship with some of the more neutral gods, but they're definitely considered a wild card by the more militant ones... they are absolutely considered unpredictable and hard to handle
they are generally very proud of Suchebh in their own way, but they're quite bad at expressing that in a way that Suchebh understands smndfgb
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cbedfordart · 1 year
Hey! I’ve been following you for a while and I really love your art, it’s absolutely stunning and I love the way you paint and capture anatomy. I know this is a bit of a broad question but I was wondering if you had any tips on getting better at painting digitally and studying anatomy, maybe more specifically blending, colour picking, and structuring anatomy in a way that looks somewhat realistic?
Thanks and I'm glad you enjoy my work long enough to be following me for this long! I definitely love drawing a naked body that's for sure haha. In terms of tips for getting better there's a few things I can mention but it's going to fall broadly in the general answer of "study", because this is the most sure fire way to be able to understand what it is you're trying to emulate in your art. There are different ways to study, and they teach something slightly different. For example, doing studies from life (live drawing classes) help me understand movement in a way studying from a photograph cant, simply because you're seeing the same model in different poses in real time, you can see how the fat and muscle moves around as they shift to different positions. So they're not technically moving the whole time, but you're still seeing some movement there, and understanding what sticks to what while it rotates and bends. Studying from photographs can help give you time to do some real deep dives and investigate where different bones/muscles sit while someone is in a particular position. There's also the opportunity for understanding how shadows may be formed by the body as typically photographers are more conscious of how the subject may be lit than what may be available in a live drawing class. Beware though, as more things are photoshopped than you realise, not all photos represent reality. Especially glam and fashion photos. It doesn't mean its bad to want to have these effects on your work but just be conscious they might not always be anatomy accurate if that's what you're striving for. I sometimes make a conscious decision to go against what is anatomically correct for a certain effect myself. A book I have been recommending for years for anatomy is Dr. Paul RIcher's "Artistic Anatomy". It's great for understanding muscle structure intimately - it's designed specifically for artists, but with the idea of trying to stylise the diagrams as little as possible for the sake of understanding the human form. There's a lot of great info and detail in here, but beware, there is not a lot of variety in body structure (at least not in the edition I have which is missing female anatomy I think already so I'm not sure what else I don't have in here). So you'll be able to understand function a lot from here but you wont be able to learn a lot about fatter body types sadly.
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Colour picking is probably the most difficult for me to explain easily, as I have spent a long time winging it, then studying it, then being really experimental with it. I could write a lot a lot about this but to spare making this post any longer I'll refer to another fun book just for getting started on some frequent and common terms called "Color and Light" by James Gurney.
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I also love that he uses like, dinosaurs for everything in here lol. It's a great starting point that can give you some go to ideas that you can then experiment from there. It's not very authoritarian (or at least that's what I feel), and doesn't push anything forward as a hard and fast rule, just showing what affects some colour combinations might instil in someone.
As a whole, I've gotten better at painting digitally by studying traditional painting techniques. They theories are basically transferrable one to one with some few exceptions. I tend to blend my colours by simply using a soft round brush in Photoshop with a low opacity. Much the same way I would with a real canvas, with a large round brush and diluted colour. I hope this answers your questions in some way. I tried to be not too specific only because this answer would be at least another 30k words lol because this is something i think a lot about! I love technique! If I ever stream again, feel free to pop in and ask more questions where I might be able to show some stuff in real time! Not sure when that will happen though!
Also the way i do stuff isn't a "correct" way either. I like painting from imagination so this is how I make that work. Some people like to only work with references for every piece, and that is a completely legit way to create stunning art as well. Good luck!
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 months
Hello it’s crucifixion anon here. I’m really glad you liked it knjslmk but also you picked up on everything I was thinking about so perfectly?? I wasn’t sure if I got it across well I’m so happy :D I feel like I got a good grade in toxic yaoi and the teacher drew a smiley face on my essay
“Crucifixion as castration” YESSSS THIS IS EXACTLY THE IDEA I HAD!! L disfiguring Light by destroying the thing he takes the most pride in. A grotesquely archaic karmic punishment. Leaving his mark in such a way that Light will never be able to act as Kira without utterly humiliating himself and cursing L’s name as he does it, or relying on someone else do it for him. Hell maybe Light would even try using his toes. That’d make L very happy.
As a real attempt at preventing Light from killing anyone in the future it won’t do much because, like you said, if he did get the Death Note back he’d still find a way without use of his hands, but it’s a symbolic and emotional way to cripple him. It would be an especially hard blow to Light, who so badly needs to appear perfect in every way that to have such a (WARNING INTERNALISED ABLEISM AHEAD) glaring imperfection in his body might devastate him.
I think any atticwife Light AU- will forever be calling it this thanks to you- should have L damage Light’s hands in some way, whether by just breaking his wrists or amputating his arm to the elbow, because how else do you show your victory over Kira, short of killing him? If you cage a bird, you clip its wings. If you keep a housecat you trim its nails. It’s not an act of hatred, or even a punishment, it is simply a necessary sacrifice of one of the traits that makes them special and wild so that you can hold them close, forever, and be safe from them as they are from the cruel world they came from.
(Light can thrash against the bars of his cage all he wants, he’ll never fly again even if he breaks through.)
And although this is more negotiable if the alternative is hot enough, I do believe L wouldn’t do anything to Light’s feet, not just because “haha foot fetish” but to show he doesn’t have to take away Light’s ability to run for good. Light has no way of escaping now, of course, but even if he did where would he go? Who would worship him, now that L has taken away the hands of God and ruined him? Who is going to admire him now that he’s just a helpless, mutilated boy (WARNING ABLEIST LANGUAGE IS USED INTENTIONALLY HERE FOR CHARACTER PURPOSES DON'T KICK ME OUT PLEASE)- who, except for L? His normalcy has been damaged too much for him to fit in with his peers, his innocence has been sullied too irreparably for his family to trust him, Misa probably isn’t doing much better than he is, so L is the only one who can accept him, now. That’s his life sentence. And one day, when he realises that, maybe L can actually let him use those feet as he pleases, because it won’t matter either way.
I am sorry I ranted much longer than I was intending to there but ANYWAY I’m SO happy you caught the bit about the blood on the sheets being a perversion of a virgin on her wedding night because I was going to write that directly and then thought it didn’t flow. We are so in sync fr I can just mentally project my intended symbolism
Light’s first night nailed to L’s bed as a twisted recreation of a honeymoon night. Their whole relationship as some distorted reflection of a normal relationship: Lind L Tailor was their confession, the handcuffs were their engagement, and L’s victory was their wedding. That first night, with Light bleeding out and vulnerable and rawer than he’s ever been and L treating him like a saint after stripping him of his godhood, is the beginning of their new life together, and the greatest gift they could give each other. An act more intimate and irreversible than wedding vows. “Till death do us part”, except they both know it’s true, and even death wouldn’t part them now that Light will be reminded of L every time he’s forced to kill someone with his teeth, forever.
Ok seriously, I did not intend for this to be so long and I'm really sorry for clogging your inbox so much after you just cleared it all jnklsdfg. If you don't wanna reply that's fine, you can probably guess who I am if you want to chat instead o7
kicking my feet. this is such a nice msg in my inbox to look at. i love looking at this and reading this and thinking about this. every time light picks up a pen and is reminded of L, an indelible mark. GOD. GOOD SHIT. GOOD SHIT!! god. clipping his wings. fuck yeah. in my other atticwife aus for different fandoms i defaulted to breaking legs/knees but oh, light, you can't run without your hands, you can't kill without them....yummy. yummmmmyyyyy. god i love the idea of physically disabling light, who is, you know, perfectly athletic honors student. the humiliation of a body that won't listen to him. the anger. the rage. the grief. something taken from him that the death note can't give back. you only have one body, light yagami, and someone has violated it utterly.
even death wouldn’t part them now that Light will be reminded of L every time he’s forced to kill someone with his teeth, forever.
I'M FUCKING HOWLING. WAIT. HOLD ON. light yagami reduced from the impersonal, dignified killing-with-his-hands to killing with his teeth. the animal symbolism of it all. domestication as ripping someone from their facade of dignity and humanity and forcing them into killing with their teeth. fuck. i'm gonna think about this forever. thank you so so so much???
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we-cool-beans · 1 year
Excuse me! Will the wings au ever get a fic??? I don't know if it'd ever been mentioned and I was curious since it's one of my favs
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Ehfbwjdbjs?!! Wah! Thanks so very very much that makes me so happy to hear ;u;
As much as I would love for that to happen, I am not the best writer in the slightest haha.
It was meant to be a fic to start off though! With a completely different idea! But the longer I tried to plot it out, the more I got different Ideas for this current au and decided to scrap the first draft 😅
If anyone wants to make a fic of the wings au, you are more than free too! I would sob and cry immensely and cherish the fic to the ends of time as well lol!!
The original wings AU idea is under the cut if anyone is interested :)!
Its the basic plot of HLVRAI, except Benrey has always been a winged alien species.
In his more human form, he just (very very uncomfortably and at times painfully) keeps his wings under his uniform. Boss fight Benrey has a completely different form (spoilers for future wing au stuff I am still working on)
Fic would have started off a looong while after hlvrai, Benrey respawns in the middle of winter and wanders to Gordons house. Gordon finds him absolutely messed up (im a sucker for “benrey respawns with his final boss injuries and Gordon/science team has to help him heal” aus haha) and basically passing out in the snow, taking him in to help warm him up.
Gordon tends to Benreys wounds until he wakes and tries to keep him warm. Benrey begins complaining about being uncomfortable and needing to “stretch”, Gordon has no idea what in the world this means, but encourages Benrey to do so, mainly due to mostly forgiving Benrey and wanting to try to fix their relationship.
Wings reveal happens, Gordon tries to keep his calm but is also loosing his mind trying to comprehend that Benrey had this under his vest. The. Entire. Time.
Benreys wings are obviously very messed up. Gordon had a pet bird growing up who had issues preening itself, so he knows how to preen wings as well as a human could, so he helps Benrey fix up his wings. Gayness ensues :)
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i-did-not-mean-to · 11 months
Secret Meetings
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@cilil Here is the result of so many late-night discussions...Firebird, another ship you've injected into me with a long, scary needle haha
I hope this is to your liking <3
Characters: Eönwë x Gothmog
Words: 2 410
Warnings: tension, trauma, attempted masturbation, a handjob, and an abduction, NSFW
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“This is a terrible idea,” Mairon hissed, eyeing the Balrog in front of him with evident dismay. “Why would you heed the call of that feathered fool?”
Rolling his eyes, Gothmog shrugged lopsidedly; he had come to inform his superiors of his appointment, not to ask for their permission. The perimeter was safe, and all the regular guards were at the ready—there was consequently no reason for him to stay in Angband when he was needed elsewhere.
“Let him have fun,” Melkor intervened, hanging off his throne in a contortion that was both exceedingly enticing and truly alarming to his lieutenant and lover. “It’s so boring here anyway.”
“He might have important information,” Gothmog grunted, trying to save face.
“You’re going to fuck the bird—you know it, we know it, everyone except Manwë knows it,” Thuri commented in a bored tone, making Gothmog jump. He had hitherto not noticed his colleague, hanging from the rafters, and—with her in the mix—he could but accept his defeat and slink out of the fortress in mortified silence.
In his heart of hearts, he was torn—he had never actually done the deed of which they all spoke so flippantly, but it seemed easier to just let them labour under that misconception than to explain what was really going on.
In truth, he had clandestinely met Eönwë—herald to Manwë, the Relentless—more than once, and he had always been struck by three things: firstly, the bird was mouth-wateringly appetising, secondly, he was incredibly skilled in warfare, and thirdly, Eönwë was suffering from an insidious, evidently crippling kind of trauma.
Even now, Gothmog could not fully comprehend what folly had moved him to offer his help initially—he surely had never expected Eönwë to take him up on the offer—but he had always known that he would heed the call if it ever was to come.
Of course, he also did agree that it was potentially reckless and definitely dangerous to meet an avowed foe without the support and reinforcement of at least a few of his minions.
Nevertheless, he didn’t want to spook Eönwë, and so he sallied forth bravely, once again failing to realise that he was being followed by the sneaky, lethally silent bat; Thuringwethil was often exasperated by his antics, but she was also a true friend and would never have allowed him to put himself in peril without back-up.
“Bird?” Gothmog called as soon as he reached their secret rendezvous spot, hidden between forbiddingly jagged rocks and dense, dark trees. “Are you there? What’s the matter? Did the pile of shit your Master calls a tower collapse?”
He sniggered at his own joke but was startled out of his merriment by the sudden appearance of Eönwë, looking absolutely wretched. His clothes hung limply off his muscular frame as if he had been doused in water before taking off, and his sensual, full mouth was downturned and tense.
“What happened? Are you all right?” A different kind of alarm made Gothmog’s scales tingle as he took in the picture of abject misery before him.
“You are an amoral demon, right?” Eönwë asked, his voice so absurdly hopeful that Gothmog was not sure how to answer. Despite the words being undeniably insulting, it was clear that Eönwë was hoping for a confirmation.
“One might say that,” Gothmog finally replied cautiously. “Why? Are you in need of amoral deeds?”
When the winged hero merely nodded, the fire spirit almost burst into flame out of sheer confusion and astonishment.
“I am in a…tough spot,” Eönwë muttered, looking at the ground beneath his feet as if bowed by unbearable shame. “The predicament has gone on for quite some time now, and I really don’t know what to do anymore.”
On account of the considerable size difference between them, Gothmog decided to sit down on the cool, rocky ground to be less threatening—he certainly did not want to give Eönwë the impression that he was judging or patronising him for whatever absurd confession he was about to let loose.
As a matter of fact, he had heard the most nonsensical and alarming things from the winged Maia before—from letting his Vala do unspeakably questionable things to him to being afraid that someone might steal his soul if he enjoyed a kiss too much—so the Lord of Balrogs was struck dumb by this new, entirely unexpected peak of naïve idiocy when it was finally put into words.
“I…can’t get it under control,” Eönwë murmured sorrowfully, pointing at his groin. “I just feel—strange the whole time, and I…am afraid that someone will notice and—”
The distended breeches—looking suspiciously soiled already—unambiguously told a tale of woe and discomfort which drew a clucking, empathetic sound from the tight throat of the Balrog; he was no stranger to the painful throes of unwanted and untimely arousal, and his heart went out to the disconsolate bird.
“Did you try to…you know…take care of it?” Gothmogh then asked sheepishly, mimicking vigorous masturbation.
“Yes, but I think I am not doing it right—it’s not working! Can I show you? Maybe you’ll have some pointers for me.”
The tremulous note of reluctant trust and utter despair in his voice made Gothmog suppress a guffaw of disbelief; instead, he nodded very seriously and leaned back on his elbows, schooling his face into a mien of benevolent neutrality.
He had never seen Eönwë entirely naked thus far, so the vicious, almost angry struggle of the herald with his own fine garments was another welcome but highly disconcerting surprise.
As soon as he had cast off his raiment, Eönwë proceeded to encircle his half-hard cock in a vice-like grip and tug at it brutally.
Jumping to his feet, Gothmog closed his own clawed fingers around the white-knuckled hand. “Slow down, bird. Do you want to tear it off?” he said, trying to make his voice sound playful and light.
“Maybe,” Eönwë groaned. “It has certainly caused me enough trouble to warrant such a drastic step.”
With a regretful, reprimanding shake of his impressively bulky head, Gothmog pried Eönwë’s cramped fingers off his by now fully erect cock and lifted them to his fiery maw.
“Look here, bird, you have a lovely body there. Truly, that is a truly admirable, charming form which perfectly complements your sweet nature,” he cooed, pressing little kisses on the trembling hand of his inveterate enemy. “You are so much closer to the other Valar—I’d recommend consulting Yavanna, Vána, or even Aiwendil about this. Maybe, it’s just your…well…season.”
Huge, blank eyes gazed into his pleadingly, and Gothmog felt his heart mellow.
“Now, I understand that this is not a nice state to be in—especially after everything you’ve told me about the expectations and rules of your home—but if you’d let me, I can try to help.”
“Yes,” Eönwë almost sobbed. “Yes, I thought that you might be able to assist me. You’re—you don’t care about these things, do you?”
It was an insult, an accusation, and a touchingly vulnerable plea all at once.
“Tell me what it is like,” Gothmog asked gently and accepted without protesting when Eönwë wrenched his hand free and turned around as if he was unable to bear being perceived during the stammering, halting explanation of absolutely natural and normal experiences of carnal lust.
“I just—I wake up and it is there, this need, this yearning, and I don’t understand. It’s like being expected to know the answer to a question that has never been put to me, and it annoys me. Throughout the day, I feel as if I am about to burst into flame—no offence to you—and yet I am so paralyzingly cold all the time. Something is missing, and I know I need it, I’ll die if I don’t find it, but I don’t even know where to start looking or what I am seeking.”
Humming in sympathy, Gothmog pondered these words for a long moment.
He had the overwhelming urge to speak to his masters for—while Melkor knew and understood needs and impulses better than anybody else—Mairon would know exactly how to proceed; he was a prodigy in the making and pursuing of plans.
Unfortunately, neither one of them was available, and so Gothmog simply followed his instincts.
“Let’s start with the easiest part,” he rumbled comfortingly and pulled Eönwë onto his lap and wrapped his solid, warming arms around that shivering frame. “Better?”
“Yes,” Eönwë admitted. “You are so hot—warm, I mean, but also—”
He hiccupped frenetically. “See? I am doing it again! I am bad—all my thoughts and actions are despicable!”
“Don’t worry, so am I,” Gothmog laughed and carded his sharp claws carefully through the dense, fluffy feathers covering Eönwë’s broad wings. The full-body shiver and suppressed moan this tiny caress provoked emboldened him, and he repeated his movement with a little more pressure. “Do you feel closer to that answer now?”
“Maybe a little?” Eönwë squeaked in a breathless voice as his head tilted backwards to come to rest against Gothmog’s smouldering, gem-covered shoulder with a muted thud. “I should not enjoy this—”
“But you do? Tell yourself that I am just one of the terrible, wicked defilers Manwë always warns you about,” the Balrog whispered, denying his own deeper, better nature in the name of bringing succour to one in need. “None of this is your fault!”
“Will you steal my soul if I let you kiss me?”
“Yes, but just a tiny bit. You know, we Balrogs love evilness so much that we will suck it out from others to have more of it,” Gothmog fibbed even as he snaked his hands around Eönwë’s torso to let his gleaming claws rake across the taut skin of his stomach all the way up to his woefully neglected, oversensitive nipples.
“You may then,” Eönwë moaned, arching into that first touch with self-forgotten eagerness and twisting his head—taking full advantage of his nature’s mobility—to welcome the searing, blinding kiss that was pressed upon his trembling lips.
“Let’s try this again,” Gothmog groaned, willing his own cock not to breach containment in some ludicrous way that would freak Eönwë out.
Then, taking that shivering white hand into his own, he guided it towards the gently swaying, abundantly leaking cock and wrapped Eönwë’s fingers around it loosely once more.
“This is not your enemy,” he hummed. “I am.”
“I don’t like this,” Eönwë cried, jerking his arm to pull back. “This is wrong—I don’t want to do this.”
Then, a mere moment later, he added pitifully, “Can’t you…do it?”
No, Gothmog had never penetrated Eönwë, and—by the way this meeting was going—he would not do so anytime soon either, but he obliged happily, replacing the reluctant hand of righteous justice with his despicable paw of depravity.
“Nice and slow,” he said as he started pumping carefully. “You are good; thus, you deserve to be treated well, even by yourself.”
For some reason, it was tremendously important to him to get that point across. Once he got back to Angband, he would scour the few resources they had at their disposal and maybe even throw himself at Thuri’s mercy for information, but, for now, he would simply try to quench the torturous fires roasting his little bird alive.
Small gurgling sounds of dismay and involuntary rapture escaped Eönwë despite his best efforts to withstand and defy the menacing wave of red mist burgeoning in his befuddled mind.
One hand stroking a shivering wing and the other curled carefully around Eönwë’s cock, Gothmog peppered tiny, nipping kisses—the only concession he made to his disavowed desire for the creature writhing in his lap—onto that gleaming, overstretched throat, thrumming with mounting tension.
“It’s all right, bird,” he promised. “I am exactly the kind of demon who’d take advantage of your rare moment of weakness.”
Ground to dust under the pressure building in his core, Eönwë whined softly. “No,” he then said in a rough pant. “No, you’re helping me. You’re being—hmmm—so good to me. This—it’s the answer.”
For the first time since this whole ordeal had started, he felt light enough to take flight without wearing himself out—his whole body felt tense and powerful, warmed to the core by the heat emanating from the Balrog’s embrace, and Eönwë’s confused, contradictory senses told him undeniably that he was finally safe.
With a resonating shout, he bore down on Gothmog’s groin with all his weight as he came undone, spraying hot seed across their entangled legs and the unforgiving, uncaring ground.
Of course, he knew nothing of the agony he had put the other through when he collapsed against a rock-hard chest and tucked his golden-haired head under an angular chin like a fledgling taking refuge from a storm.
“Well done, bird,” Gothmog crooned. “Are you feeling better? Do you think you can go home and sleep? If you ever need me again, I am just a message away.”
He smiled wistfully at the barren rock and the ominous trees—he was far from satisfied, but his heart was at ease.
“The hell you will,” another voice cut in. “The bird is in heat—everyone can smell that from a mile off.”
“Thuri,” Gothmog screeched, startled and distraught. Of all the citizens of Angband, she was the one he did not want to be caught by with his pants down.
Eönwë as well bristled and dazedly groped for his weapon which he had discarded rather carelessly at the beginning of this most healing of experiences.
“Relax, chicken,” Thuri laughed. “Winged solidarity here. Gotty, listen, you cannot send him back like that. It will get a lot worse before it gets better, and he’s been one miserable sentient drumstick since he arrived here despite your ‘help’.”
“What do you propose then?” Gothmog snarled—the outburst would have been much more threatening if he had been standing rather than cradling a boneless Eönwë on his burning lap.
“In the name of the Dark Forces of Angband,” Thuri declared, her eyes flickering with delight, “I officially take Eönwë, Maia of Manwë, hostage. Come, bird, Gotty will draw you a hot bath and get you some nice seeds. And then, I hope, he’ll fuck you silly, because whatever this pity play was, it was painful to watch!”
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Thank you so much for reading <3
-> Masterlist for November
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megabonniex · 17 days
Toon XML's Finishing extraction quote: "Woohoo! One down, more to go!" "I did good something!" "I can't wait for rap battle against someone!"
Toon XML's Activating ability quote: "Shoo, shoo! Back away from my friends!" "Better stay away from us!" "Not so fast!"
Toon XML's Descending to the next floor quote: "I'm so happy!" "I want to cheer anyone up!" "We'll never give up!" (If player doing solo as Toon XML, it replaces "We'll" with "I'll")
Toon XML Interacting with Toons:
Astro: Hey, xml? XML: What is it? Astro: When how you always stay happy at all times..? XML: Well, I had a good dream! Astro: Oh... I see
XML: I love your music! Boxten: Thanks..? XML: Maybe you can use your music for rap battle! Boxten: Rap battle? Is that fun? XML: Yup! It's really fun! Boxten: Oh! I can't wait to try it!
XML: Hey, brightney! Brightney: Hm? Yes, xml? XML: If you feel down, tell me to bright you up! Brightney: Is that puns..? XML: Yes, it is light puns! Brightney: Ah! Haha! Good one!
Goob: Hello, xml! XML: Oh, hey there! Goob: I heard you like hugs! Wanna hug? XML: Omg, yes!! I want hug!!
XML: GASP! So adorable!! Pebble: Arf arf! XML: Who's good boy? You are good boy!! Pebble: Bworf!!
Razzle & Dazzle
Razzle & Dazzle: Awww! Look at him, he's good angel boy!! (What if he was terrifying..?) XML: Hello, razzle & dazzle! How was your day? If you feel sad, I can try to cheer you two up! Razzle & Dazzle: We're doing great! He's just sad at all times! (I'm always sad...) XML: Oh, I'll try to my best for cheer dazzle up!
Poppy: Hey, xml! Are you hungry? XML: Of course, you should go buy something from restaurant! Poppy: Good idea! I know you have favorite food! XML: Oh! What is it..? Poppy: Pepperoni pizza! XML: Holy, you DO remember my favorite food...
Rodger: Say, XML... You have a wings... Can you try to fly? XML: Of course, I can! I'm angel! Rodger: Woah, I never seen that... I could add it to research XML: Huh..? Rodger: That's what detective do XML: Woah!
XML: I love your tail! Scraps: Oh, thanks! XML: And... Dress is pretty fit for you! Scraps: Wow, I never thought angels being nice to me...
Shrimpo: XML!! XML: Huh, yeah..? Shrimpo: PUT YOUR STUPID HALO AWAY, IT'S TOO BRIGHT!! XML: Hey..!! It's not stupid! And it's not glowing too! Shrimpo: YOU ARE TOO DUMB TO REALIZE XML: I'm gonna tell her about this!!
Tisha: Aww! You are so cute! XML: Hello, tisha! Tisha: Your clothes looks so clean! Same with your wings too! XML: Heh, thanks! I always keep it stay clean to avoid getting dirty! Tisha: Amazing!
Teagan: Hey, xml. Wanna have a tea party with me after this? XML: That's sound fun! I'll ask her about this! Teagan: Who..? XML: My girlfriend, girl! Teagan: Oh! That's sound great choice!
Toodles: Your wings are pretty cool! XML: Thank you! Toodles: And is your halo are glowing..? XML: Yup! It's for blackout only! Toodles: Wow, you can keep me safe from darkness!
Vee: I have one question, xml! XML: Yeah, what is it? Vee: What is 9 + 10? XML: uhh... 21? Vee: That's incorrect! Of course, you don't know what math is... XML: What?! I can't understand math! Vee: ...That explains
Girl (1)
Girl: Extracting ichor was relief! XML: I agree! We should go to park for date! Girl: After this? XML: Yup! Girl: Great idea!
Girl (2)
XML: Every toons are really nice! Excepts for shrimpo... Girl: What shrimpo did do to you? XML: He calls me dumb! Girl: That's very rude! I'll better go to see him if he's here!
Girl + Shrimpo (Bonus)
XML: Why is shrimpo here..? Girl: Don't say his name before he gets your-- Shrimpo: XML!!! Girl: ...Attention XML: Huh? Shrimpo: YOU ARE STINK, XML!! XML: That's not very nice... Girl: Do you want to mess with me?
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ask-ikevamp-faust · 2 months
My dear Faust, you’ll be pleased to know that a faint blush actually colored my cheeks when I read your correspondence. You somehow managed to make my “Ice Queen” moniker endearing… I have to admit that I find you quite entrancing.
I certainly do my best to lead well during emergencies, but I certainly can't claim to be perfect. However, I've found that offerings of coffee and homemade fudge brownies tend to soothe over any accidental offenses.
Also, I’m flattered that you suggested I help you with the children at the church, and I would absolutely love to. I’m certain I could easily put together some crafts for them or even teach them a small music lesson. Funnily enough, I used to help a local church with their children’s programs quite often, but I had to stop when I developed…. conflicting feelings about the religion.
That same struggle with religion is actually what some of my tattoos represent. For the gothic cathedral window on my thigh, my inspiration was the “your body is a temple” Bible verse. I decided that I'd give myself tattoos in the same way that a church has stained glass windows.
I also have vampire bat wings under one knee and barn owl wings under the other to toy with demon and angel symbolism. The bat wings represent those who are falsely demonized for their natures, and the owl wings symbolize wisdom and dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. Many other of my tattoos have stories, and I'm sure you'll uncover them as we continue our correspondence.
Kinbaku is an excellent starting point. Fortunately, I am flexible so that should allow us to easily explore a wide range of gratifying positions. Do you have a color of rope picked yet? If not, I’ll suggest green to match with your eyes.
- L
You would be correct, I’m pleased to hear I had such an effect on you. I trust that I’m conveying my affection for you accordingly. I wouldn’t want you to doubt or believe that things are one sided. If you don’t mind, may I continue to call you My Ice Queen? I assure you it’s affectionate, not intended to insult. Also please satiate my curiosity, why do you find me so entrancing?
Haha yes I know. But perfection is not goal, working towards better everyday is the goal. That’s a perfect soothing method, I believe Charles uses something similar with Lord Vlad except with strawberries. You have not committed any accidental offenses towards me but I’d still enjoy trying any of your homemade delicacies. Do you know how to make anything else?
I’m sure the children would love small music lessons. Are you skilled in that department? If there are any remaining mixed feelings about religion then I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Don’t worry, It was only a small suggestion. A selfish one more than anything haha. Thank you for sharing the meaning behind the stained glass window tattoo, it’s interesting. Do you feel empowered after getting that tattoo? Or is it more like a reminder of that struggle? Forgive me for intruding, my desire to learn more about you has me asking so many questions.
Your different wing tattoos are quite clever. The symbolism is strong and easy to understand. The ideas of good vs evil, angels and demons, is such a fascinating discussion topic. Though, people usually aren’t honest during such discussions. Owl wings were a perfect choice for wisdom and knowledge, in many native cultures they are always the chosen ones to represent exactly that. Now, how much more will you indulge me? Which story will you share next?
I’m happy to hear about your good flexibility. Is it natural or do you work towards it? With yoga or dance, something of that sort? As for the color, I’d like to send an order to custom make a rope with a color that compliments you. I want you to feel beautiful during our sessions. Of course if you’d like something to represent me as well, there are other accessories we can browse.
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outeremissary · 5 months
14, 25, 26?
Thanks for the ask!! I'm sorry if these aren't going to be super thrilling answers, but some stuff I just don't hear much or don't remember well. ^^;;
14. Any favorite motifs
Haha. Have you noticed. That I like angels. And birds. And wings. And radiant light. And feathers. Do you think that's noticeable in what I draw. Kingmaker has really spoiled me for these- there are so many legitimate reasons to draw them, and I still feel like I'm not doing enough here. At the least, I feel like there's a lot more that I could be doing thematically that I'm not. But I think it's telling that as soon as I started regularly drawing Not Kingmaker stuff I just kept going with the wings- sometimes for Real Reasons, and sometimes... not really. It's my natural state. And I will draw More Wings in the future. This is a promise. I will continue to think about them and hopefully do more interesting and thoughtful things with them, haha.
And I also of course love flowers... I'm not a flower language knower, but I looooove drawing flowers and floral motifs.
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
Last summer while recovering from surgery I took an actual real figure drawing class, like in a real studio downtown with real people and real models. I had a lot of trouble adapting to the materials, the scale of the drawings (big...), and the idea of shading as one of the earliest parts of a sketch. I remember speaking to the instructor after class once about having trouble, and he was pretty nice about stuff even if it didn't help me all that much except to reduce the stress a little. But in that conversation I remember him saying my art (of which he had only seen the model drawings) had a comic book quality. That really surprised me, especially considering the context! I was trying very hard to do realism the best I could there, and besides that I have just never spent a lot of time with American comic books. Even the artists in that sphere who have styles I find really compelling and want to learn from are just not in my mind when I draw almost ever, and they certainly weren't when I was trying to sketch the model! It was interesting to hear though- one way or another, the graphic background I do have comes through that strongly both in how I interpret things into work that's not meant to be stylized and in how I work. I guess it stood out for better or worse that I leaned so heavily on lines ^^;;
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
I remember back in 2021 I did this sketch of Nyrissa and Tristian (I swear it is in fact from 2021 despite the post date. my art was slightly better and definitely more accurate to the game in 2022.) where Nyrissa had a hand under Tristian's chin, forcing Tristian to look her in the eyes. I don't really remember what was on my mind drawing that. I think consciously I was just looking for a typical domineering villain pose that seemed fun to draw- I like the idea of the power dynamic between them and I was interested in how that relationship had shaped the Tristian we see in game. Just doing a little thing to put that master/servant dynamic on paper was satisfying for me. Of course, the second I showed it to other people all the responses were like "this is so horny. you can't show me an image this horny." or "this is so horny, I don't know who I want to be." And at the start I think I was always like "noooooo it's super normal!! it's not horny at all!!!" But I think deep down it probably was a horny drawing, whether I did that consciously or not... And I've definitely leaned into that Vibe since then when I draw them together, haha.
That's not a very good story, but honestly I think I just have not seen a lot of interpretations of what I draw that were so different from what was on my mind that they were memorable. ^^;; I don't have a super great memory for this kind of thing though
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Another AU idea, you say? Hmmm, what's it about? Shout into the void for us hehe.
Also, the ideas switch in your brain seems to have been permanently left on. It could've picked a time you weren't so busy lol.
Haha, you a real one for this, bestie. And yeah, my brain could have picked a better time, but it always does this so I am...unfortunately, used to it.
Anyways. This is gonna be long, so it's going under the cut
So, the new au I originally had planned was an Android Au, sort of like Detroit Becomes Human, you know? Where Chen Yuzhi would be an android that has to work with Jiang Yuelou, who's a cop and hates androids. But then I realized I sort of already did that idea when I wrote The Demon and the Angel and I'm like...I don't really want to write the same story again and I don't know enough about androids/robotics to make the story...believable? Like, I haven't actually played Detroit Becomes Human, I just know about it from tumblr and from youtube gameplays. So...scrapped that idea.
And then, and then! My brain was like...how about that Demon-Dragon King au you did a while back with Demon-Dragon King!Jiang Yuelou and God of Healing!Chen Yuzhi and I'm like...you fucking right. Except I changed it to where Jiang Yuelou is now just a dragon who offers protection over a land and so every year, the kingdom sends up a girl to act as a sacrifice so that the dragon will continue to give them protection.
However, that whole system is completely dashed when Chen Yuzhi, a humble doctor, actually finds a dragon in a clearing while searching for herbs and roots to use for his medicines and realizes that the dragon's wing is torn. He takes a step forward and the dragon tells him to go away but he offers to stitch the wing for him. The dragon allows him to do so and after the wing is stitched, the dragon leaves (without saying thank you because you know, dragons).
Anyways, Chen Yuzhi goes back to the kingdom after he gets what he needs, only to be dragged to the palace and told that the dragon itself wants him to be its sacrifice. Chen Yuzhi is a little shocked and everyone is just sort of...agreeing with this and he's like "Don't I get a say?" and an elder just backhands him for being insolent and uh...oof. The sky starts to rumble and the ground shakes and then a person appears and they are not happy. They're like "you dare hit my consort" and everyone's just like whom the fuck until they realize, oh shit the dragon. So the dragon goes over and helps Chen Yuzhi up and then glares at the elders, warning them that if they ever hurt Chen Yuzhi again, he's raining fire down upon the kingdom.
They then leave and Chen Yuzhi is like "you're not...actually gonna rain down fire, right?" The dragon just sort of laughs and says no, he won't, not if Chen Yuzhi doesn't want him to. Chen Yuzhi then asks his name and the dragon replies that he doesn't have one, so Chen Yuzhi gives him one: Jiang Yuelou. Jiang Yuelou is rather happy with the name, just as a mother with a sick baby comes running over to them and asks Chen Yuzhi to take a look at her child.
So he does and Jiang Yuelou follows, leaning against the frame of the door as Chen Yuzhi tells the mother to come back in an hour, that her baby will be better by then. The mother agrees and leaves, causing Jiang Yuelou to look at Chen Yuzhi in confusion and ask if it would have been better for the mother to stay. Chen Yuzhi just laughs and says he doesn't want the mother to see what he's about to do before he places two fingers to the baby's forehead and heals it. Jiang Yuelou is shocked and demands to know what he is, only to have Chen Yuzhi laugh and assure him that he's human. Jiang Yuelou just gives him a look and tells him that humans can't heal people nor can their eyes glow. So what is he. Chen Yuzhi smiles and tells him that he's a god, of sorts. A healing god. Jiang Yuelou is shocked before he smiles, rather happy, because he was afraid that he was going to outlive Chen Yuzhi but seeing as that he's a god, he's not so worried.
They have other conversations, like about the sacrifices that were sent every year (Jiang Yuelou tells him that dragons don't eat humans and that he sent the girls to live in other countries or other lands so that they wouldn't have to go home and face the shame from the elders as the elders would blame them for bringing misfortune upon the land because they came home), about Chen Yuzhi being his consort (Chen Yuzhi is his first and only consort and he won't take another), and other things.
And then shit starts to get angsty when a princess from another land comes to offer herself up as the sacrifice to the dragon, only to find out that the dragon has already taken a sacrifice/consort. The princess (Zhao Moqing because who else would it be) is not happy and demands to know just who the person is that the dragon chose and the king tells her Chen Yuzhi. She then orders her servants and guards to find him and bring him to her.
So the guards go and do that and when a guard finds Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou heading home for the evening, and the guard asks Chen Yuzhi if he's Chen Yuzhi, which he tells him that he is. The guard then tries to grab him (stupid idea, really), only to have Jiang Yuelou grab his arm and squeeze, shattering every bone in it (because dragon strength). Chen Yuzhi quickly heals the guard and tells him to get lost before Jiang Yuelou does something worse to him before he and Jiang Yuelou have a bit of an argument about Jiang Yuelou being a little too overprotective. The argument quickly ends after Jiang Yuelou admits that Chen Yuzhi is the first person he actually wants to take care of and protect so that's why he's being so overprotective and Chen Yuzhi's like huh...that's new (he's so used to protecting/healing others that he's not used to someone protecting him).
Anyways, I haven't finished outlining/writing the rest of the au but basically Zhao Moqing does end up kidnapping Chen Yuzhi and torturing him (because she's supposed to be the sacrifice, not him) and then Jiang Yuelou comes and saves him (because of course he does. No one kidnaps a dragon's consort and thinks they're gonna get away with it). Jiang Yuelou does destroy Zhao Moqing (I don't think I'm going to have him destroy the kingdom, too many innocent lives and Chen Yuzhi wouldn't want him to do that) and somehow I'll finish it off all fluffy and cute.
But yeah, that's the new au. I really hyperfixated on this one, which is why it's much more detailed than the Mafia au and the Soulmate au that you asked about before...need to jump back on those...after this one is done.
But thank you again for asking!
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selenityshiroi · 1 year
I'm getting super close to the end of FFXVI story, I'm pretty sure, and I'm getting so anxious because a) I love these characters and I have no idea as to their fates and b) the combat is probs gonna be hard amd I don't wannaaaaaaa
The mobs have been getting tricky and I'm really wishing I'd grinded a bit. I guess I could go off and grind but I also REALLY want to finish the story so I can check out fandom.
So...I'm at the tower in Ash hunting down Barnabas and I guess I'm gonna get Odin from him before confronting Ultima.
Still use Phoenix for everything except staggers but I am super fond of Bahamut and Wings of Light
I mean...do a few precision dodges and BAM level 3 Megaflare in the enemies face
I got it up to level 4 without realising just now and it was still going on well after the enemy died lol
I am super sad that I left my wife behind and then my brother left me behind
My support squadddddd
Even Gav had to take care of the lady so just me and the pupper
Also I'm amazed that this game did 'I have your wife' TWICE
But at least the second time led to them actually getting over themselves
(It did not have to be naked SE...but I guess you guys already had the M rating and at least there are probably less 'did they or didn't they' questions)
Maybe they'll do it again for under the highwind haha
Or just drop another 'they fucked' achievement which made me laugh when it popped up
Anyway...the FFXIII Trilogy plot influences are super heavy and unsubtle
There is a reason I refer to Ultima as Bhunivelze 2.0
Also Clive is apparently Hope which is also hilarious because of how much (unjustified) hate Hope gets
(BTW Hope is a fantastic character and if you think differently I just assume you never got past the first 3 hours of FFXIII)
I really, really want Clive and Joshua to make it out alive
Jill is off my worry list now that she has been left behind...so I'm sad that she's not here kicking ass with me but relieved
I also am pretty certain Clive is gonna survive
Because a) he promised Jill they would have a future after and b) he told Gav he's not done with the Cid name
Narrative hope
Joshua, though...I was certain he was doomed after I realised he was still alive...then I thought he had a chance. Now I'm on the fence again.
But I'm leaning more towards yes, he'll live
BTW the active time lore spoiled that Barnabas is gonna die
(Not that it isn't obvious)
But there is an entry already about the evil Ultima spell thing going on 'despite barnabas's death'
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wikiangela-fanfics · 2 years
Fictober 22- 2. Nobody warned you about me?"
Fandom: marvel
Ship: sam x bucky
words: 750
Note: Honestly, these prompts are just me writing down whatever comes to my mind, not caring if it makes any sense whatsoever, and I'm having fun with those lol I'm not even sure the prompt fits here but this is what happened idk haha
He stared at the man in front of him, trying to place him, to remember… He was sure they met before, he looked familiar- DC. He met him in DC. They fought. He was with Steve. He wasn’t sure he remembered Steve. He read about him and himself at the museum, but he didn’t know what he learned and what were memories. He knew his name was James Buchanan Barnes, but he went by Bucky. That, he found out at the museum, too. He was confused a lot lately, the more he learned and the longer no one messed with his head. Some memories came and went, he remembered things and then forgot again. It was confusing.
Now, the man in front of him. He didn’t look like anyone else who knew who he was. Most people had fear in their eyes, some immediately fought him, some tried to run. Except Steve. And this guy. He wasn’t scared at all. He seemed tired and exasperated. Strange.
“Man, you’re not easy to find.” he said, leaning against the doorway, like this was a casual conversation. He had to know who Bucky- who the Soldier was, right?
“You shouldn’t be here.” Bucky responded quietly. “Nobody warned you about me?” he asked tentatively, already calculating all the possible ways to escape. Preferably without hurting the man. He didn’t want to hurt anyone else. He didn’t think he wanted to, at least. A part of him wanted to kill him and run, but he resisted the urge. For now. He didn’t want to, but who knew for how long he would remain himself, or if he was even himself right now. Maybe the Soldier would take over and kill him. He had no idea how all this worked. He didn’t want to hurt anyone else… 
“Oh, I got a warning.” he smirked. Huh. “I know what you’re capable of. I’m not scared, though.”
“Do you want me to be scared?” he raised his eyebrow.
“I don’t know.” he answered truthfully. Then, as he kept staring at him, something clicked. “Oh. You’re the guy with wings.”
“Yeah.” he fucking chuckled. “That’s me. I’m Sam, by the way.” Sam added, then frowned. “You don’t-? Are you okay?”
“I don’t know.” Bucky repeated. He had no idea who he was, his memory was all jumbled, he wasn’t sure what was real and what was just put in his brain, he remembered and forgot stuff all the time, it was all so weird. So, he was probably very much not okay.
“That’s fine. I bet it’s gonna take time. And a lot of therapy, probably.” he added the last sentence quietly, but Bucky heard it anyway. Sam moved away from the doorway, closing the door behind him, and coming over to sit at the table. He moved so confidently, as if he knew this place well, and as if they were just old friends chatting. As if Bucky couldn’t kill him in one swift move. “We should probably talk.”
“About what?”
“Steve and I have been looking for you for a while.” he started, but Bucky interrupted.
“I’m not going anywhere.” He didn’t know what they were going to do to him if he went back. He barely remembered his childhood and Steve, and chances were he’d forget what he remembers soon. The memories were there, but they weren’t solid, and it was so frustrating. “And no Steve.” he added after a pause. He wasn’t ready. Steve knew the old him. The old him who was dead. He wasn’t the same guy, and he wasn’t sure how Steve would treat him or react to him. Besides, again, his memory was tricky.
“Okay.” Sam nodded a couple of times, clearly in thought. “Okay. We don’t have to do anything rash. But, well, I found you. So what are we gonna do about it?” he asked in a tone that suggested he really did want to discuss it and get Bucky’s opinion and he wanted to know what Bucky wanted to do. He couldn’t remember – ha, funny, he couldn’t remember shit nowadays – the last time someone asked him that. He couldn’t remember the last time someone cared what he thought.
Slowly, carefully, his eyes not leaving Sam’s relaxed posture, he took a seat opposite him. Sam treated him like a human being, despite knowing who he was and what he did, or at least some of it. Bucky could entertain this conversation for five minutes before fleeing once more.
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driftingmoonmenace · 2 years
Hi hi!! I’m curious - what’s your writing progress like? I’m trying to write some stuff (though I’m also,,, very nervous haha) and I’m not sure how far ahead and/or how concretely to plan. Do you have something you like writing the most? (Like scary, heartfelt, sick scenes, that sort of thing!) 🌻
Hello!! 👋😊
First off, OOF I totally relate with being nervous when it comes to writing!! I'm very much a beginner so I tend fret over if I'm doing things right a lot. 😅
I'll say with Chasing Lights, for example, I have a very vague, rough idea of how I want the story to go. So I know what I'd like to happen for the beginning, middle, and end, but I don't really have much of the actual details figured out pertaining to them or how to get to them. I'm just kinda winging it from Point A to Point B tbh. I also type out spur-of-the-moment inspired scenes that I'd like to throw into the story if I can find a way to fit them in. I feel like I should have way more planned out than what I have atm, but I'm just gonna see where the story takes me in the end!
(I'll say that roughly a month and a half ago I had the first 5 chapters planned out, except I've completely changed how the story starts two weeks before I posted the first chapter that renders most of it useless. So now I have 0 chapters planned and only vague ideas of how to get to the next plot point. LMAO)
As for things I like writing the most, I've noticed I have a lot of fun writing high tension/action and also tender heartfelt scenes!
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finsterhund · 1 year
Oh shit a new episode of the Ahsoka show came out while I was on my camping trip...
Spoilers under break.
Still genuinely confused about Sabine being force sensitive. It kinda feels like the show is too???? Idk maybe Luke took to everything so fast in A New Hope because he was a Skywalker but Sabine is really struggling????
Jesus Christ this episode continues to just show the New Republic as stupid bureaucrats. :( "You're wasting resources trying to find this missing kid, even though it's specifically to track down Thrawn being alive also because he's a threat." Bruh. I looked up to you guys when I was little you're breaking my heart.
Jacen is sweet. They made him look a bit more on the human side though? Why isn't he being trained? He's a good age to start considering how old Anakin was and also probably actually force sensitive.
Yeah Sabine is straight up "I don't feel the force" Ahsoka is like "not everyone can handle the discipline it takes" like bro you were trained since you were an infant!!!!
Okay so now Huyang is like "the Order wouldn't have accepted her" so he just straight up lied to Sabine in the last episode. Mean.
I see where the writers are going now. But Ahsoka isn't being smart about it. I really am clashing with this writing. What's basically "plot armor" except it's a "character being made to be stupider than they canonically should be" called?
THE RETURN OF TEARSTAINS WHITE DOG!!! MY BLORBO!!! In a little fighter ship aaaaaa fuck why has this character grown on me so much in such a stupid fucking way bro
God a part of my brain has retroactively decided that Hati is a lichthund and her ship is actually some sort of SW canon compliant synth wing alternative. It makes her feel a lot more realistic tbh. God I'd never want my hounds to be an actual canon SW race because that'd mean Disney would own them now but I haven't actually thought about them ACTUALLY seriously literally showing up in a piece of SW media for AGES.
Okay so I've had an internal running joke where I just go "haha lichthund" every time Disney has someone do something that doesn't make sense under normal pre Disney canonical circumstances but would be a possibility in my own work. ie: hyperspace ramming: this is a very lichthund thing to do fyi they're fucking obsessed with that, surviving lightsaber stab wounds in vital places: sounds like somebody's part lichthund to me, etc. It's a joke, it's coping, it's genuinely silly, but now I'm actually taking it seriously. FFS.
The idea of a lichthunde who relies entirely on their synth wing is hilarious to me though. Maybe in this hypothetical lichthund-Hati is physically disabled, or spent most of her life clipped or something.
Oh shit I think Morgan is actually force sensitive. Unless that's all just Hati doing the telepathy. Because it still really fucking feels that Hati isn't force sensitive.
God I can't stop reinterpreting her as a lichthund. This is actually helping me suspend disbelief.
Bro Ahsoka leaving the ship and jumping around in space. Only Ahsoka in this situation could make sense but it still is weird to see. She's wearing a suit thankfully. I know Disney has had people survive outside of ships without them before but I don't like that. I've seen Jedi in space suits in the CW cartoon before and clones wearing spacesuits so I'm not bothered by that but I don't think lightsabers are supposed to handly firepower from ships? Only the fact that she was Anakin's Padawan is making me accept this. Because this sounds like something stupidly dangerous and excessive that he would do. I can fucking hear Obi-wan ribbing them both about it.
Wait why can't Ahsoka propel herself back to the ship using the force? So Leia can do this unconscious but Ahsoka can't? Disney...
Hati apparently being force sensitive and not being able to hit Ahsoka with her ship guns makes sense with my stupid little game where she's a lichthund because manually having to control a gun rather than her own biological weapons would be fairly dysmorphic tho so...
Like the live action purgill designs. Flying around them was cool.
Still cursed with the thought of Hati being a little white fluffy tearstained lichthund that has body dysmorpha though. Fuck I want art of this so bad. Just this fucked up little lichthund (Indigo sized) with wings permanently held resting folded using front legs to man the ship steering looking around with a constant semi deer-in-the-headlights expression. This is canon to me.
Was able to flow along and understand a lot better than the first two episodes. Still not sold on the series but if this turns into the lichthund blorbo development experience I won't be mad.
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krosie1995 · 2 years
I’ve started telling more people in my family that I’m gay.
I can’t lie, after having more in depth conversations with my mom early this year it really turned me off to telling more people in my family.
Not getting the reaction/support I was hoping for was kinda a let down, but that’s my own problem. It is hard for me to grasp that my mom, one of the people I tell all too…I can talk to her about anything EXCEPT this aspect of my life. It’s hard because this part of my life is what is making me the happiest.
I can’t keep this in anymore, so I moved on to more family members cause how much worse can it be than my mom not supportive of me right? Literally couldn’t get worse lol. So I told my aunt about her and how I have this grand plan of asking her out on Friday, and introducing her to my family (not on Friday, lol you know what I mean). I asked for advice and she gave it to me. But more importantly she told me she would always be there for me and ultimately she wants me to be happy. And it’s clear to everyone how elated I am!
I was filled with joy to hear the words that came out my aunts mouth. Idk what juice I was sippin on the other day but I had this sudden urge to tell my dad. I met him in Lakeland for dinner and drinks and just spilled all.
It’s a weird topic because a lot of people know about me being gay because of glory. Well idk about it being known for a fact but everyone had their assumptions. We were so young and so incredibly obvious that we were crushing on each other. My mom asked me 8 years ago at a Buffalo Wild Wings (lol I could take you to the exact booth this happened) if I liked girls and I said NO! I look back and I’m like why Kelsey why did you say that. And how would have things played out differently if glo and I just owned up to it and said we were in love?
But it was so different back then and glo and I had no idea what was really going on. It was such a confusing time because we had no idea what our sexuality was or what we were or anything. If we didn’t have the answers for ourselves how were we supposed to talk to our families about it and feel confident in what we are telling them.
Anyways, my father. I know he knew about me but I never told him myself. So I told him flat out… “I like girls”. And we continued to have the best conversation I could have ever hoped for. Not going to go into details also that would be a lot to type out haha. But it ended with the biggest hug and him whispering in my ear “Be you kels, be the best version of you. If you’re happy, I’m happy”
I got into my car and cried for 30 min. I felt such a weight lifted off my shoulders. I was just wondering why I didn’t do it sooner.
I’ve told some more people too and everyone is supportive. I have yet to tell my grandparents yet. I’m afraid of what they will say or how they will treat me. I don’t want to bring Jess around if they are going to be rude, but my aunt told me to not put up with that shit. If anyone disrespects me and mine….we are leaving. I’m not to disrupt my own peace.
As afraid as I am, I’m not letting it hold me back from living my truth. Jess is the most amazing person. So selfless and transparent and loving. And it’s so nice to feel a healthy love that is fully reciprocated, no games or back and forth. We just click, I love spending my days with her. I can’t let my grandparents judgement hold me back from showing off this one of a kind love.
I just hope my family will see how amazing she is and more importantly how great we are together. No matter what the outcome is, I feel great. It is nice to get this off my chest. It’s only up from here, right?
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