#exalted RPG
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tacticiankate · 1 year ago
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finally finished this - my changing moon lunar, Lustrous Emerald Demise :)
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karagna · 1 year ago
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The queen "A Resplendent Eclipse Heralds the Arrival of the Heavenly Celestial Daughter" and her High General in Command, Andreus.
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halfbloodfanboy · 7 months ago
Solar Archery Capstone:
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Sidereal Archery Capstone:
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Abyssal Archery Capstone:
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dice-wizard · 9 months ago
Okay Exalted Tumblr, I think we need to start up a sibling rivalry with Vampire Tumblr. Maybe all of WoD Tumblr if we're feeling spicy but Vampire fans first and foremost.
They're our weird older sibling or like super goth cousin who's cool to hang out at the family gathering and will totally let you smoke and not tell your mom.
Idk how we go about this. I just think we should. But I want it to be loving! This is not at all malicious!
@raiasintended I know you have that menace in you help me out here
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chosenofthegods · 8 months ago
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artbydungeon · 3 months ago
Praise be to the grill!!!
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Happy Calibration @paint-lady! I was very excited by your open brief for the God of the Grill. They sound fantastic and I very much got carried away with creating this. If you’re interested in the process and some WIP images, continue reading below the cut. And as always - thank you @shiftingpath for hosting the Exalted Secret Santa art exchange.
So I actually did quite a lot of research to get here. I started off looking for deities I could draw inspiration from. I had Hestia in my brain, as Goddess of the hearth, but I didn’t really want to go the Greek pantheon way this time. I ended up finding Kojin, a Japanese God of the hearth and deity of the cooking range. The sentiment of taking something dangerous like fire, and using it for the good of humanity, felt like such a strong vibe and I wanted to apply it to the God of the Grill. So Kojin was my starting point.
Kojin has 8 heads and 4-6 arms, which looks awesome, but also was something I didn’t want to just copy without there being any meaning behind it. I figured since the God of the Grill isn’t a powerful God, he could stick with 2 arms. As for the number of heads, I liked the idea of 5 - one for each direction of Creation. I reasoned that 4 of those heads could be a more human-look for the God, each reminiscent of one of the 4 threshold directions (and it also leaves the door open for him to have many other faces!). The 5th look I wanted to be his God form, and I wanted to make sure that it used fire in some way.
I tried a few different things with the heads, but I wasn’t liking anything. I ended up putting the other heads on his body as faces, like little gemstones instead of fancy jewelry. This felt like something which fit my style more and less like an existing deity squeezed into this idea. It was during this time as well I wanted to dress the God of the Grill in a South of Creation style, and I looked into the big glam energies of Bollywood for more style inspiration.
Finally, I wanted to add a few less human-like elements as paint-lady mentioned in the journal post that the God should reflect their charge. So details like the coal on the chest and the hair billowing like smoke came in. Being a foodie, I imagined this God would be on the plus side body wise, so I also took a bit of a swerve back into Japanese references and looked at some sumo wrestlers to try and get the bod type I was searching for in a reference.
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Now that I’d actually got the character design down - it was time to actually do the piece! I settled on a simple floating pose because I live for those when it comes to beings with essence, and surrounded the God deliciousness.
Here's the WIP images of the final piece:
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And that's everything! I hope you like what I did with this character!!
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mechanicalriddle · 3 months ago
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WHEW, last part of my break & happy to announce my Exalted Secret Santa entry for 2024 is finally complete.
I have been plugging away at this for the past few weeks; decided to focus on some of my weak spots (backdrops & intricate detail) and push myself out of my comfort zone, and I'm really happy with the result! I hadn't gone into it trying to do a woodblock print-themed thing at FIRST but it just kind of. organically turned into that. neat!
Also I decided to include TWO characters because im a colossal sicko for solar/db homo drama (though i suppose this is pre exaltation, haha)
Anyways I really hope you enjoy!~ Let me know if theres any tweaks or anything like that you'd like.
Zhyt'va and Twisted Vines for @leodicapricornn!
(courtesy ping for @shiftingpath as well)
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jellisdraws · 6 months ago
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“Speak softly lest my fangs find you.”
Recent comm of a badass Saurian character and his signature weapon, Mancatcher. Lineart is below the cut!
I have a few slots available for commissions!
Anything I can’t post here is on my Patreon, Patreon.com/JellisDraws
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f00liage · 4 months ago
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old work, an abyssal named Envoy that i never used. she was a warrior who was so severely humiliated by her death lord that upon turning abyssal the lord made her into an emissary, forced to deliver the warning of death and never performing violence itself.
she just wants to kill so badly!
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heedra · 4 months ago
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yeah. I'm playing Exalted rn.
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sunsetconcert · 5 months ago
every time i think about playing exalted and how fun it seems my mind goes to the 600+ page core rulebook that i would have to read and my soul immediately recoils with horror
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tacticiankate · 8 months ago
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Exalted doodles from a little while ago - had a fancy party so everyone got a dance with Emerald (except the zenith caste who was busy going into limit break and causing problems on purpose) 🦚🌙
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karagna · 1 month ago
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Back when things were sooooo good for them
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spectrolitha · 5 months ago
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Quartz Crumbs of Wyrm's Teeth and First Among the Chickadees
Quartz and Chickadee, an Abyssal and a Lunar, fight about whether or not the world is worth saving almost every time they meet. Almost every time.
(Some more lore under the cut):
Quartz Crumbs of Wyrm's Teeth (he/him) is my Dusk Abyssal in servitude to a Deathlord. You may have seen him on my blog before. He's pretty much with the bad guys and is one of those himself.
First Among the Chickadees (she/her) is my Changing Moon Lunar. She is traveling with some Dragon-Blooded (loooooong story) trying to prevent Deathlords from another attempt to take over Creation. She is also tied to Quartz via the Solar-Lunar bond.
Their bond, as usual, means they have difficulty ignoring eachother; however their view on life is completely opposite. Usually this means that every time they meet a shouting contest begins, which looks roughly like this:
Quartz: you don't get it, the world is rotten and nothing but suffering is left!
Chickadee: no, YOU don't get it! That's how YOU perceive the world, but there's more to it than suffering! What about simple life pleasures? What about lying in grass? What about talking to friends? You're the one who is taking your own joy away!
And so on and so fourth. These two can go on and on. It's kinda funny, actually. While their companions seriously fight eachother with, y'know, weapons (while also exchanging pleasantries and having small-talk about the weather, because that's their way of doing things), these two are just standing there and arguing.
But as you may see, this time it was not a case. Something really messed up should have happened for Chickadee to accept consolation from her enemy – at least, that's what Quartz is worried about.
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someguysart · 5 months ago
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Week 3: NPC - Chejop Kejak
Get in the warstrider, Shinji.
Made as part of theuncrucified's Exalted Art Challenge
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