#ewan and hayden dueling on mustafar
artist-issues · 1 year
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There’s that indescribable thing about watching the fight scene in Revenge of the Sith, where it feels so tense but so dramatically desperate. I don’t know how to describe it except I never got the feeling that the two characters were desperate to kill each other or even win the fight.
It always felt more like Obi Wan was fighting to stop Anakin from taking one more step into the Dark Side and Anakin was fighting Obi Wan to let out all the pent-up frustration he’s been feeling since he was a Padawan.
It’s more like two brothers who can’t figure out how to communicate, and everything’s come to a head, so they just start whaling on each other, as much out of confused love as it is resentment. I feel like I’m not putting it into words right, but there’s definitely something desperate in there that I can’t articulate, which no other movie scene does.
(I mean obviously at the end of the fight one of them is going to have to face killing the other, but that almost feels like…the pretense for the fight? not what each of them is truly fighting for?)
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fantastic-nonsense · 1 year
honestly we really should talk more about the fact that the Mustafar duel didn't use stunt doubles and wasn't sped up in any way. Hayden and Ewan were just that good at dueling each other
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The Mustafar duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Anakin Skywalker is the greatest if not my favorite lightsaber duel of Star Wars if not my favorite fight scene in any movie.
It’s the most tragic, most epic & most heartbreaking duel between brothers/ best friends. Also this duel has a killer score with #battleoftheheros
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mrs-mandalorian · 1 year
"Send me to kill the Emperor. I will not kill Anakin... He is like my brother. I cannot do it."
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nerds-yearbook · 4 months
The final film of the devisive Star Wars prequel trilogy was released on May 19, 2005. Of the first 6 Star Wars movies, Revenge of the Sith was the first Star Wars movie to be rated PG-13. It was also the first Star Wars film to not recieve a nomination of Best Visual Effects. The original cut of the movie tied directly to the end of the Genndy Tartakovsky animated Clone Wars (2003 - 2005) shorts and showed Shaak Ti (Orli Shoshan) being executed after failing to protect Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). The animated shorts also introduced General Grievous (Matthew Wood) and explained why he had respratory problems. The title was simular to the original title of episode 6 Revenge of the Jedi (1983), which was turned to Return of the Jedi as Lucas felt revenge was not a Jedi trait. The title was changed late enough that it altered the title of Vengeance of Khan (1982) to Wrath of Khan as Star Trek producers felt Vengeance sounded too close to Revenge. Lucas finally worked in a Wookie planet battle that was originally in the script for episode 3 Star Wars A New Hope (1977) and reworked as Ewoks in Return of the Jedi. Originally, George Lucas planned to write and direct the first movie and then story and executive produce episodes 2 and 3, like he did with 5 and 6, but after the panning the first prequel got, he wrote and directed 2 and 3 himself. The movie had the key points of ending The Clone Wars, turning Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen and James Earl Jones) into Darth Vader, the fall of the Jedi and the Republic, the creation of the Empire, the revelation of the Emperor and his disfiguration, the duel between Vader and Obi Wan (Ewan McGregor) that disfigured him, the death of Padme (Natalie Portman), the birth of Luke Skywalker (Aidan Barton) and Princess Leia Organa (also Aidan Barton), Luke's adoption by Owen (Joel Edgerton) and Beru Lars (Bonnie Piesse), Leia's adoption by Bail (Jimmy Smits) and Breha (Rebecca Jackson Mendoza) Organa, Yoda's (Frank Oz) exile to Degobah and Obi Wan to Tatooine, and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) getting his memory wiped. The movie introduced the planets Utapau, Mygeeto, Felucia, Saleucami, Kashyyk (though technically this first appeared in the Star Wars Holiday Special - 1978), and Mustafar. Action also took place on established planets Coruscant, Naboo, and Tatooine. Noteable deaths in the movie were Count Dooku (Christopher Lee), General Grievous, Padme, Agen Kolar (Tux Akindoyeni), Saesee Tiin(Kenji Oates), Kit Fitso (Ben Cooke), Mace Windu (Samuel L Jackson), Boga, Ki-Adi-Mundi (Silas Carson), Aayla Secura (Amy Allen), Plo Koon (Matt Sloan), Stass Allie (Nina Fallon), Zett Jukassa (Jett Lucas), Whie Malreaux (Coinneach Alexander), Bene (Olivia McCallum), Cin Dralling (Nick Gillard), Nank Tun, Passel Argente (Marty Wetherill), Po Nudo (Paul Nicholson), Poggle the Lesser (Richard Stride), Rune Haako (Jerome Blake), Rute Gunnay (Colin Ware), Nute Gunray (Silas Carson), Tikkes , Cat Miin, Shu Mai, San Hill, and Wat Tambor (Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood). Characters that continued on to the original trilogy were Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, the Emperor, Yoda, C-3PO, Tarkin (Wayne Pygram), R2-D2 (Kenny Baker), Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), Owen and Beru Lars, Mon Mothma (Genevieve O'Reilly), Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa. Critically, Revenge of the Sith is often called the best of the prequel trilogy and was the highest domestic grossing film in year release of 2005. ("Revenge of the Sith", Star Wars Movie Event)
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rockifresa · 8 months
English interview
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English interview
Hayden Christensen Reflects On The Star Wars Prequels: ‘Those Movies Have Held Up Well’ – Exclusive
Talk about pressure. There are few villains in cinema as iconic as Darth Vader – recognisable from the briefest glimpse of his distinctive helmet, or the merest mechanical hiss of his respirator. So when Hayden Christensen signed on to play Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequels, he took on a formidable task: presenting the man behind the mask. Across Episode II – Attack Of The Clones and Episode III – Revenge Of The Sith, Christensen showed us how exactly how the galaxy’s brightest hope turned from the light and plunged into total darkness – and through that time, his own Star Wars experience was a mix of light and dark too. After weathering years of criticism, he’s now been wholeheartedly embraced by the fandom.
Speaking to Empire in a major new interview – and original photo shoot – for our 25th anniversary celebration of the prequel trilogy, Christensen opened up on his time in the galaxy far, far away. “It’s been a remarkable experience. And just a very heartwarming one,” he tells Empire. “The journey that I’ve been on with Star Wars over the last 20 plus years... it’s been a wild ride, and where we’re at now is really meaningful to me.” While the backlash against the prequels was difficult to take, he’s pleased to see how beloved all three films are today. “I think that those movies have held up well over time,” he says. “It feels like vindication for the work that we did. Everyone that worked on those movies thought that we were part of something special. We all wanted to do our very best work, and we cared a lot about it. And so to see the response from the fans now, it’s very cool.”
That response includes excitement from younger fans – who are always thrilled to meet the man who… well, murdered all the Jedi younglings in Revenge Of The Sith. “There was a lot of talk about us doing that scene, and I love that George did it. It was a bold move. And it’s shocking,” the actor says. “Kids seem to forget about that scene when they meet me! There’s not any fear or intimidation. They’re just excited to meet Anakin.”
Having ridden out the stormy reception to the prequels – and returned to the Star Wars galaxy in recent years for appearances in Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka – Christensen reflected on the advice that he would give to his younger self before stepping into Attack Of The Clones. “Even though I was a bit overwhelmed, I was also a confident young man, and I wanted to make my mark. But I guess if I were to have some advice for me during that general time in my life, it would be: ‘Patience’,” he decides. “Because my journey with the character and with Star Wars has at times been a bumpy one... but I’m in a good place with it now. And so that’s why I say patience.” In 2024, there’s undoubtedly balance to the Force.
Read Empire’s full Hayden Christensen interview – and see more images from the shoot – in the Star Wars prequels 25th anniversary issue. Also inside the magazine, we speak to Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Liam Neeson, Ian McDiarmid, Samuel L. Jackson, Brian Blessed, and more about starring in the films; we revisit iconic sequences with producer Rick McCallum, stunt co-ordinator Nick Gillard, and concept designer Iain McCaig, breaking down the Podrace, the Geonosis arena battle, and the Mustafar duel; we get a closer look at rarely-seen concept art from across the trilogy; we speak to designer Ellen Lee Moon on the story behind her legendary Phantom Menace poster, and much, much more. It’s the ultimate look back at the trilogy that changed everything.
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thefandomchaos · 2 years
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I’m bored so instead of doing 30days I’m going to answer this now because I’m bored-
1) Anakin Skywalker, but I can’t really choose just one favorite.
2) Ezra Bridger, I love that blueberry cinnamon roll so much
3) Kallus or Thrawn. Kallus changed sides at the end but his one of my favorites, and Thrawn is just a amazing villain. He studies his enemy, down to cultural stuff.
4) it would be unfair to pick Anakin again so this ones goes to Obi-Wan, our favorites negotiator.
5) R2-D2, he is best droid, in every single appearance, his hilarious and sassy even in Binary
6) guessing this mean like- flying ship- and it’s going to the Millennium Falcon because that piece of junk is iconic
7) Dooku or Assaj, both are really interesting to me, I loved seeing Ventress story and I’m excited to explore Dooku’s in Tales of the Jedi.
8) Return of the Jedi, is amazing and has a satisfying ending. Vader redemption + Badass Luke. The Ewok’s are adorable, Han and Leia relationship is everything, Luke and Leia relationship as well. 10/10
9) Revenge of the Sith. It my favorite over all movie. I loved seeing Anakin’s fall, his relationship with Padme and Obi-Wan, the fall of the republic, the birth of Darth Vader. Everything is amazing, and don’t get me started on the Duel on Mustafar.
10) He is just so precious I can’t-
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11) I warn y’all- BATTLE OF MUSTAFAR- Iconic, one of the best duels- Props to Ewan and Hayden to learning this iconic moment and all the trainers. They anticipate each others moves from the teacher spent together, there is so much anger, hate and pain. The cinematography is fantastic that when I watched it I was just awestruck. Every single moment from beginning to end is amazing, the choreography is amazing, the acting is amazing. 10/10
12) Anakin and Obi-Wan during the Battle Over Coruscant. From start to end. I loved seeing there banter and how you can see the years of relationship and fighting together. I wished a lot of the deleted scenes were kept because it would be even funnier.
13) this is hard because their is so many good options. But I have to go with either “This is where the fun Begins” or “I have the High-Ground” because I loved playing those scenes out in my room
14) there is a lot of scenes that make me Happy, So is hard to pick. So instead- going with one that constantly makes me laugh. Clone Wars, S3ep18, when they’re trying to escape and the magnet thing goes off and all their weapons go up- I always laugh at Anakin getting beamed up because is something nobody expected and It’s just hilarious to me
15) Any moment of Order 66, every-time is mentioned or I have to relieve it, I constantly hate it because it absolutely breaks me. It’s so sad and depressing and then you see everybody who survived it living with the trauma- is just horrible
16) I don’t have much but Ima just show one thing- My funko’s
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17) Probably the Duel of the Fates moment. Great battle and we get to see the start of the Sith and Obi-Wan starting to become to character he is.
18) Obi-Wan and Anakin VS Dooku. We really get to see how powerful Dooku is while fighting two skilled Jedi as if nothing and later fighting his former master and getting away. Also you get to see the growth of Anakin and Obi-Wan later for ROTS
19) Hard choice between the battle on Mustafar or The Battle over Coruscant. But I think I have to go with the latter.
20) Blowing up the Death Star + Han coming in to help. Is just the best scene for me
21) All I have to say, Vader reveal
22) Vader Redemption + self sacrifice. Also getting to see Force Ghost Anakin
23) I wish that instead of Padme rushing over to Anakin after they fought Dooku in AOTC it was just him and Obi-Wan. Because Obi-Wan has to be worry for him! His Padawan just lost his arm! I wish we saw that instead of Padme rushing in. In other words, I wanted what we saw in “Galaxy Adventure”
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24) Palpatine. I get that’s the whole point but everytime I see him or his mention in anything I get so angry and quietly cuss him out. (No hate towards the actors at all-)
25) I haven’t read any yet, but I do have Rogue Planet that ima read soon so-
26) “Hello There” is just the best line-
27) “do or so not, there is no try”
28) “don’t choke on your aspirations” My dude did the best dad joke-
29) I don’t know is this really count but- best memory for me is getting to watch all the movies and some of the series with my older brother. His the once who convinced me to watch Star Wars and is now another thing we can bond over.
30) Is just something to iconic and fun. I can constantly re-watch and never get bored- and there is still new things happening. Most characters are incredibly written and the story building is amazing.
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anakinh · 7 years
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Hayden Christensen on his lightsaber training
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lordvaders · 5 years
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‘The biggest challenge is just the length of it. It was 12 minutes long and George wanted to show it in its entirety. So we had to teach those two actors a 12-minute fight that traveled a kilometer.’ - Nick Gillard, Stunt Choreographer.
‘I’m pretty sure we didn’t do any speed-ups on anything with Ewan after Episode I because he just got to be so fast. It became a point of pride for Hayden that he wanted to be as good as Ewan at doing that.’ - John Knoll, VFX Superviser.
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gffa · 2 years
With OBI-WAN KENOBI to premiere in just a few days and with all the incredible interviews with Ewan and Hayden, I have really been back in an Obi-Wan & Vader mood, so join me in crying about these two idiots and how much their story is a love story, in whatever form that takes. This set of STAR WARS recs focuses on Obi-Wan and his relationship with a fallen Anakin, whether that be a confrontation that goes a little differently or Vaderkin running around with That Face causing trouble or dream connections or Force ghosts who deal with Vader’s actions or alternate universes where they’re stuck together after Mustafar, all of it aimed to be set on the relationship between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader because apparently I like crying and having my feelings hurt. Cry with me, you guys! STAR WARS FIC RECS: OBI-WAN & VADER RECS: ✦ Cold by Yesac, obi-wan & anakin, 5.4k    Luke wasn’t the only one that Obi-Wan visited after he died. ✦ Answers by Selena, obi-wan & anakin, 1.9k    Vader broods on Obi-Wan Kenobi. ✦ hey sister, do you still believe? by snicklefritz, obi-wan & ahsoka, 1.5k    Four years after Order 66, Obi-Wan has an unexpected (but not unwelcome) guest on Tatooine. ✦ Everything You Wanted by obaona, obi-wan & anakin + background anakin/padme, 11.3k    A RotS AU. Anakin is now Emperor and has captured ObiWan. But things are never that simple … ✦ Surrender to the Light by Raven_Knight, obi-wan & anakin & luke & qui-gon, 1.1k    Ben Kenobi knew exactly what he was doing when he saw Luke watching his duel with Darth Vader. ✦ They rhyme by thedunesea, obi-wan & anakin, 5.2k    Past and future, darkness and light, despair and hope meet one last time. ✦ Nothing Grows by Icarus_is_flying, obi-wan & anakin & luke, 23.9k    Vader captures Obi-Wan and an infant Luke and whisks them away to his castle on Mustafar, desperate to reclaim some version of the family he lost. With Luke struggling to thrive, the Jedi and the Sith must strike an uneasy truce to keep the boy alive. But the ground between them is salted, and nothing good grows grows on Mustafar. ✦ Grace by dismantlingsummer, obi-wan & anakin, 2.3k    Shortly after Mustafar, Anakin realizes what he has done. He finds Obi-Wan to beg for death. ✦ Fire and Ice by Yesac, obi-wan & anakin + padme & luke & leia & cast, 111.9k    Anakin wins the duel on Mustafar, but doesn’t kill Obi-Wan. Along with Padme, Obi-Wan finds himself living in a chaotic world where the man he thought he knew has become the thing he swore to destroy. Can Anakin be turned back? If so, what then? ✦ untitled by phosphorescent-naidheachd, obi-wan & anakin, ~1k    All you really need to know is that Obi-Wan’s ghost is in the slow process of haunting Vaderkin back into the Light during the original trilogy. ✦ Until Their Dying Breath by Down the Rabbit Hole, obi-wan & anakin, 1.1k    Vader’s ghosts are complicated. Set between The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi. ✦ we could be so close, like brothers by nspx, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & bail, 3.8k    In which: Obi-Wan thinks, questions, blames himself; Qui-Gon offers moral support; the memory of who Anakin once was tortures Obi-Wan, and most importantly; in which they meet again, two halves of one whole, in the Netherworlds. ✦ A Time For Change by TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel, anakin & leia & obi-wan, 3.6k    Vader might be a Sith, but he has never been interested in the wholesale destruction of the galaxy. This new battle station, however… if Sidious begins destroying planets, where will he stop? How many lives will be sacrificed upon the altar of his absolute power over the galaxy, before he decides that he is done? ✦ Back Drifting by puts foot in mouth, obi-wan & anakin, de-aged!obi-wan, 20.4k wip    After falling on Mustafar, Obi-Wan awakens to the dubious reality of being trapped in the cloned body of his child self, and now has to cope with the reversed father/son relationship fostered upon him by the new Sith Lord.Darth Vader redemption story. ✦ Not Placid Stars But Singularities by iceplanet, anakin & cast (obi-wan & luminara & ahsoka & darth plagueis), 6.2k    In the weeks after Mustafar, Vader must come to terms with his new body and the remnants of his past. In the process, he has a few conversations that he does not expect. ✦ Wrong Number by Siamesa, obi-wan & anakin & luke & yoda & owen/beru, 3.4k    In hiding on Dagobah, the Lars family aquires a holocom. Things go horribly wrong. ✦ Deja Vu by SkippingSteppingStones, obi-wan & anakin & luke, 2k    When Darth Vader is roused from sleep by a sob he feels strangely connected to, he is compelled to find its source. ✦ A Walking Shadow by lilyconrad, obi-wan & anakin & padme & luke & leia & palpatine & cast, 74.6k    It is five years into the Empire’s ascension, an order built on the blood and bodies of the Jedi. None survived, they say, and the handsome, icy profile of Lord Vader plastered across every Imperial city leaves no room for doubt in the minds of many. But Vader knows there is at least one left, one that escaped him on Mustafar all those years ago. ✦ Or Else Into the Light by RageSeptember, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 3.1k    A collection of vignettes detailing how the Chosen One returns. It is rarely easy. ✦ My Gift is My Song by thetorontokid, obi-wan & anakin & luke & rex & cast, 1.9k    Obi-Wan’s gift to Anakin is a Mandalorian lullaby. ✦ Dragons in a Heart by elizabeth66, obi-wan & anakin & bant, 1.1k    Anakin had only been at the temple for a few weeks. Everything was so new, and cold, and loud. He didn’t have all the possessions that had cluttered his room back on Tatooine. He had one thing, though. Some knight had given Master Obi Wan a small stuffed toy to give to Anakin, saying that even though he was old, kids still loved toys. Vader can’t control the memories of a better time. ✦ And If You Close Your Eyes by Be_Right_Back, obi-wan & rex & ezra & cast, 5.3k    Rex finds out from Ezra that Obi-Wan is on Tatooine. He has go to see for himself. ✦ Frozen fire flowing through my veins by Tomicaleto, obi-wan & anakin & shmi & padme & palpatine, 1k    It’s over. The Republic has fallen, the Empire taking its place. The Jedi Order has fallen with it, Lord Vader raising from the ashes. ✦ desecrate my lungs by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & padme & cast, 16k wip    Time-travel fix-it in which Mustafar haunts Anakin decades after it happened and years before it would. ✦ drowning. by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin, 1.2k    Darth Vader is drowning in the darkness. When the light reaches out for him, he holds onto it with newfound desperation. STAR WARS FIC RECS: OBI-WAN/VADER RECS: ✦ Betrayal: A Love Story by Shiny_n_new, obi-wan/anakin, 2.7k wip    A week after he kills Obi-wan Kenobi, Vader realizes he is being haunted. ✦ Replaceable by ibex_ascendant, obi-wan/anakin, mildly nsfw, ~1k    He buries hands of flesh in thick, auburn-colored hair. He knows this is a dream. ✦ my heart is an echo chamber by Burning_Nightingale, obi-wan/anakin, 3.4k    Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader don’t meet again until their final confrontation on the Death Star. Not in person, at least. ✦ Take Me Away From Myself by dirkygoodness, obi-wan/anakin, 14.3k wip    Obi-Wan can’t leave Anakin to burn on Mustafar, but taking him and fleeing might not have been the best idea either. Anakin struggles between himself, between Vader and Anakin, all the while Obi-Wan tries to keep Anakin out of Palpatine’s hands. ✦ Reunion by writegowrite, obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    It has been nine minutes since Darth Vader arrived on the Rebel reconnaissance ship. ✦ Vader Remembers by fn_6969, obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    Anonymous prompt: “fic idea- darth vader thinking about obi-wan oh no” ✦ all spaces are liminal by Kierkegarden, obi-wan/anakin & sidious, & cast, nsfw, sith!obi-wan, 35.9k    Three years after the fall of the Republic, Obi-Wan Kenobi hasn’t come any closer to making peace with his new life. Three years after the fall of the Republic, Vader wants the gratification of forgiveness. Three years after the fall of the Republic, time doesn’t bend or break or alter. It simply rushes past those who cannot learn to embrace it. ✦ Return to the Point of No Return by cthene, obi-wan/anakin, time travel, touch starved, 26.7k    He turns around, his tunic soaked with blood, and holds the gorgon’s head up by its wispy hair. “Anakin, please-” “Don’t beg me, Master,” says the last of the Sith, tenderly reaching to cup Obi Wan’s hot cheek with a gore-stained hand. “Command me.” ✦ Sear me by thedunesea, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, bittersweet themes, 9.8k    “So here we are, a failed Jedi, a Sith, and our imminent deaths. I leave it to you to choose how we will meet our demise, whether fighting or doing something else entirely.” ✦ Neutron star collision by thedunesea, obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & yoda & bail & cast, 55.7k wip    In the aftermath of Order 66, Anakin Skywalker’s miraculous survival after his confrontation with the new Sith Apprentice Darth Vader ignites a sparkle of hope in the remaining Jedi, in the fledgling rebellion and, above all, in his former Master, who had thought he had lost everything to darkness. But darkness is generous, and it is patient. ✦ Prompted - Chapter 3 by intermundia , obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!anakin, 3.5k    A collection of short fics and ficlets written in response to prompts :) – 3. raisedSith!Vader / flirty!Obi-Wan (Praise a Sith back to the Light AU) ✦ Prompted - Chapter 5 by intermundia , obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, spanking, rough sex, 2.3k    5. suitless!Vader / resentful!Obi-Wan (Spank a Sith back to the Light AU) ✦ The Red Right Hand by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, dark themes, read the tags, 5.6k    Darth Vader makes a grave mistake and must pay for his betrayal against his master. Some punishments must fit the crime,especially against the Emperor of the Galactic Empire. ✦ to touch the light, darkest by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.9k    Obi-Wan begins to fuck Vader back to the light ✦ to hold until brightness by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.4k    Obi-Wan feared that it drew out the darkest in him, to bring Vader to these flashes of light, but it was a trade he would make again and again without hesitation. ✦ to reach for the sunlight by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.4k    Obi-Wan continues fucking Vader back to the Light. ✦ War Drums by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin & quinlan & shmi & cast, time travel, 30.8k wip    In 32BBY, ten-year-old Anakin Skywalker wakes up as Darth Vader, his mind overwritten by the consciousness of his future self. In one day, Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi loses his Master, gains the confusing and concerning friendship of a 46-year-old (ex-)Sith Lord trapped in a child’s body, and is pulled along on his desperate mission to save the galaxy. ✦ behind closed doors by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.7k    Or, sometimes Obi-Wan and Vader play a game. ✦ Second Chances by Driverpicksthemooseic (Ratkinzluver33), obi-wan/anakin & han/luke & leia + cast, de-aged fic, 106.3k wip    Leia wasn’t convinced inviting evil incarnate to join them in fighting the Empire was exactly one of Obi-Wan’s brightest ideas. ✦ this is who he is now by obikinn, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.3k    Obi-Wan’s mind is all fizzy and incoherent, blending together the visions of Anakin and Vader until it’s just him, in all of his twisted glory. It has only ever been him. ✦ And Back Again by DreamingMoonlight, obi-wan/anakin, vaderkitty, 6.6k    Darth Vader is on Tatooine with a mission and cannot be stopped. Not until the Witch of the Junland Wastes stands in his path and changes the course of his destiny. ✦ (Un)happy Reunions by izazov, obi-wan/anakin, 4k    After defeating his former Padawan but sparing his life on Mustafar, Obi-Wan had hoped that their paths would never cross again. He should have known better. FULL DETAILS + RECS HERE!
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
Obi Wan Kenobi episode 6 (that I’m gonna ignore as the whole series LOL)
I'm truly grateful to Disney that Hayden and Ewan were brought back to Star Wars and I don't think anything will change this statement. But I'm also so SO GLAD the Obi Wan Kenobi show finally ended and hopefully ended for good. No sequel(s), please, I barely survived this six episodes’ lack of common sense, narrative wise and unnecessary drama that doesn’t add much to established Original Trilogy, including the two duels between Obi Wan and Vader, dragging 10 years old Leia into pretty traumatic mess and Bail having like zero understanding how secrecy works? Sorry, not what I need in my (star wars) life. 
Seriously, though the Obi Wan Kenobi TV series has its good moments and elements (hello, Third Sister, to some degree), it is another reason why Disney!Star Wars doesn't work for me. And yes, I'm aware that some previous animations, movies and other media weren’t always the most coherent sources in regard to logic and world-building (I mean especially TCW / Sequels, bear with my bias), but the whole deal of Obi-Wan's need to sacrifice himself for the rest of group so their ship had time to run away is so SO STUPID. There is a reason why TIE fighters are stationed on big ships, ya know? Tie squadrons should be on the enemy ship's tail from the start (and before anyone will tell me that Vader may have wanted to get Obi-Wan alive then shooting from main turbolasers would not work either. TIEs actually could disarm/damage the ship so that it can be boarded to take people in custody). Even when Obi played the decoy, Vader didn’t need to choose between Jedi and the “rebels” (not mentioning him choosing to destroy a civilian ship would be actually a better choice to hurt Obi-Wan, if he was willing to massacre a village just to get him last time?). Vader could board his own TIE / Lamba class shuttle and simply go after Jedi while leaving rest to the navy. I’m pretty surprised he wasn’t in TIE personally shooting the enemy ship but I guess, that way Obi-Wan would not have a chance to survive LOL.
Anyway, the start of Obi and Vader duel was pretty nice but then the show of course needed to go with destroying Vader’s mask and armor and I guess this was supposed to be the oh so big emotional moment? But that shock value meant something to me after the first or second time I saw unmasked Vader (and the first time was Purge comics, I think?) but after years of Disney/Marvel maiming Vader on every fucking occassion, I feel only irritation, leaving bad taste in mouth. Ahsoka did so in Rebels. Obi did it here. Comics did damage to armor like, at least once per every Darth Vader run lately? It doesn’t feel special. It feels like just standard Wednesday for Vader at this point. And after this supposed emotional closure in which Vader… suddenly doesn't blame Obi-Wan for Anakin’s death/own suffering??? (“I am not your failure, Obi-Wan. You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker. I did.) in contrast to the previous episode (I am what you made me?) but it doesn’t lead to anything really? I mean, yes, of course, they couldn’t make Obi Wan killing Vader in this scene but him walking away and leaving (again) dangerous Sith to terrorize galaxy for the next decade is so… I’m lacking a word for what it is. It only makes me feel definitely sure Obi Wan and Anakin should have never met between RotS and ANH and the last two duels were unnecessary and done only for drama. I understand why Kenobi didn’t (couldn’t) kill Anakin on Mustafar but here, him walking away and dooming galaxy is just so, dunno, selfish and fucked up?. But yeah, why not, the new hope (Luke) will be there to ask to finish the job LOL.
(Oh, and don’t let me start about how Disney/Marvel use Vader’s amputated, wounded body for shock value and the feeling of horror. I’m really, really tired of new canon maiming Anakin on screen and comics pages time after time.)
I also finally figured out why seeing Vader sitting on the throne bugged me so much. In previous episode(s?) it felt unusual (unnatural) for him to sit in anything beside his meditation chamber, or even to want to have a throne. But this time, when he is speaking to Darth Sidious, his Sith master? Vader sitting doesn’t make sense. Vader was usually kneeling or simply standing while talking to Palpatine. Here, him sitting set him as either equal or at a better position than Sidious and this doesn’t feel right at all.
Okay, I was ranting long enough to draw the picture that Disney!star wars doesn’t work for me, not in the context of established sources like the Original Trilogy. The Obi Wan Kenobi TV show demands of me too much mental gymnastics to believe in its narrative or logic, or even care emotionally for what is happening. I guess, if that was a stand-alone, not connected to anything else than RotS series, my feelings would be different but alas, it is as it is. 
For those who enjoyed the show, I’m glad for you. Me myself is going to simply ignore it as much as possible, as I’m ignoring lately a lot other pars of new lore like chips in clone brain, domestic abuse in regard to Anakin and Padme, TCW’s portray of Anakin, Mandalorians with aristocracy and Darksaber as their main power symbol. Yeah, lately I’m pretty good at ignoring stuff.
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difeisheng · 2 years
the fact that ewan and hayden really did do most of the mustafar duel themselves without stuntmen is kind of insane to me
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shatouto · 4 years
i have to wonder if ewan and hayden ever accidentally hit each other in the face for real while practicing the mustafar duel choreo
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meandmyechoes · 2 years
Kenobi general thoughts:
I don’t actually hate it. The show is just as I expected: average. One thing (possibly the only thing) I find refershing is finally some thematic costuming, for example, Leia’s colours in the first episode and Obi-wan’s evolving robes. The set design is rather lackluster given the congenital insufficiency of the Volume and a live-action TV budget. They don’t or can’t do that ‘(habitat) planet’ anymore and gives each one a unique landscape a la character. I suppose Daiyu had all the budget but a sufficiently-not-discount-Coscuant couldn’t excite me personally less (hometown pride).
Another thing to praise is they held back on the cameos. At least this time I feel all the callbacks actually make sense instead of just being Easter eggs. I guess with baby Luke and Leia and a entire show surrounding legacy characters you don’t really need to get more cameo-savvy. I love the Quinlan callback effectively coveys his fate and faith in dialogue over an appearance, sets an example for ‘em all. The choreography callback to the Mustafar duel references the same characters’ past— that's shown in the same season! instead of something to read in spinoff #16. Jabiim is disappointing, but kind enough of them to include, even just for symbolism. That said though, I bet a Hondo appearance will help with the criticism, and a minor Fulcrum/Ashla reference would be really niceb(pretty sure the Vader-Ahsoka lightsaber parallels aren’t intentional—oh wait they carbon-copied Twilight of the Apprentice).
The plot holes are very hard to ignore, but they did get the Anakin-Obi-wan relationship right. I’m glad that part of the fandom is fed. but you could almost argue Part IV is a waste in abandoning the trauma recovering in favour for an action-packed heist? I just feel like in struggling to balance between action (mainstream/casual fans) and emotion (meta/rcharacter fans), it fell short on both ends and left me wondering all the time, in every direction, it could’ve went further.
I maintain my judgement the story is better suited for a tigher-paced, higher-budget (in aliens! and set design!) film. Either way the auidence will have less reflex time to drag at your plot holes.
My verdict is, it is a very niche show. Those who’d like it will love it and those that hate it despise it. Mean enough, you can call it a fanfic. But then all these ideas about Obi-wan’s guilt and Anakin’s obsession and what not, aren’t they already explored, if not better, in fanfiction? Isn’t it old news to the supposed target audience? In that sense I don’t see how exceptional the execution of this show is save for Ewan and Hayden’s performance and ‘canonictiy’. But as long as they are happy, I’m not complaining. I’m not as invested in these two characters so I need more time for it to sink in.
This once again sparks the question looming over modern Star Wars: Who do you create for, and How to tell a story already bookended?
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crediblenerds · 3 years
When Obi-Wan Met Vader After Mustafar
"Obi-Wan Once Thought As You Do." - Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
In response to the above screenshot of an article written by someone on Screenrant.com, I have to say there is more evidence than not that Obi-Wan did try to save Vader after their duel on Mustafar.
With dialogue from the Original Trilogy and from what we’ve seen in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, we can draw connections that Obi-Wan and Darth Vader have met since the events in Episode III. This coupled with the casting announcements from the upcoming Disney+ series: Obi-Wan Kenobi where it was announced that Ewan McGregor AND Hayden Christensen will be back together only strengthens this argument.
Let’s start with the dialogue.
1 - “You should not have come back” - Darth Vader to Obi-Wan Kenobi on the Death Star in Episode IV: A New Hope.
Ok, so when this was first shown in 1977 and all the way to the release of 2005’s Revenge of the Sith, the meaning was wide open. Now, however we have a timeline of events to match it up to. In Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan beat Darth Vader and left him without any limbs, I don’t think Vader is too keen for a rematch with Obi-Wan based on that outcome. Plus it implies that Obi-Wan has been on the Death Star before. Did Obi-Wan try to sabotage the Death Star at some point in the past 19 years? Maybe the reason it took so long to build is because Obi-Wan and some Rebels were involved in sabotage missions to slow down and destroy the progress? But either way, Vader seems pretty confident in his duel on the Death Star with Obi Wan despite being manhandled on Mustafar in Episode III.
2 - "Obi-Wan once thought as you do." - Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Vader says this in response to Luke telling Vader that there is still good in him and that Vader should come with him, come back to the light side. Why would Vader say something like this unless Vader and Obi-Wan had similar discussions? We know that in Episodes 5 and 6, Obi-Wan has given up on Anakin/Vader and knows he won’t turn to the light side. Why was Obi-Wan so adamant that Luke must kill Vader in order to win? This leads us to believe that Obi-Wan had already tried to turn him to the light side at some point after their Mustafar duel. During the Mustafar duel, Obi-Wan was sent to kill Anakin as he “has become a danger to himself”. Padme realizes this when Obi-Wan seeks her out in her Coruscant penthouse to try and find out where Anakin had gone to. Obi-Wan didn’t go there to try and convince him to repent of his sins and come back to the Jedi. At least in that moment.
What we will see in the Obi-Wan Kenobi Series
I believe we will see Obi-Wan seek out Vader in the Disney+ series and will try to convince him to turn back to the light side. I believe we will will see flashbacks of Obi-Wan and Anakin in their Jedi heyday, and that is one of the reasons why Hayden Christensen is back, but that we will also see Vader helmetless as Obi-Wan confronts him.
Obi-Wan will confront Vader in an attempt to first turn him back to the light side, as this is a way for Obi-Wan to address his guilt that he probably has over Anakin’s failure. Then when that doesn’t work, they will have another lightsaber that will far surpass what we saw in Episode III. We will see a supercharged Vader vs a mature and more cunning Obi-Wan.
*Oh, and we will also get to finally see a Maul vs Vader lightsaber duel that fans have been drooling over since the Star Wars Tales comic came out back in the day. But I’ll leave that for another post.
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sparrowsabre7 · 4 years
Say Something Nice About Every Star War part 4 Revenge of the Sith
The opening crawl starts with a fun single exclamation. “War!”
The silent shot of the Venator class Star Destroyer over Coruscant*, followed by drums and then the interceptors flying over its bow and spiralling into chaos remains I think my favourite opening of any Star Wars film. Yes, A New Hope’s is more iconic and is still great, but ROTS’ is the perfect synergy of all of that.
I love the design of the interceptors, I like that they are almost like the bastard children of A-wings and TIE fighters. The ARC-170 is cool too, making that classic warplane noise with its engines.
The duel with Dooku parallels Luke vs Vader in Return of the Jedi very nicely. Anakin and Luke are both faced with the same decision, being goaded by Palpatine, but while Anakin gives in to his anger, Luke ultimately rejects it. 
“His fate will be the same as ours” is such a great foreshadowing line. Like sure, it’s weird Lucas dialogue, but it works here. 
General Grievous is a great design, though I wish he had been a bit more like his Clone Wars (Tartakovsky) counterpart. 
Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen are finally allowed to sell the friendship in this one. No more chiding master and unruly student, they work together well, they bounce off each other, we get the sense they are seasoned veterans now. 
We have another moment in Padme’s apartment where Anakin lays his feelings bare. It’s interesting that the two times he’s most honest about his emotions is when he’s in Padme’s bedroom. 
“Hello there!” 
Obi-wan’s pose in the Grievous duel.
Shorter than it should have been but the duel is still fun to watch
Anakin’s conversation with Palpatine in the squid lake opera is moody and atmospheric and Ian McDiarmid sells this moment really well. Yes, he’s being very blatant about his Sith knowledge, but I feel like that’s deliberate. He wants Anakin to figure it out, he wants him to come to him of his own accord. 
The Battle of Kashyyyk is very nicely laid out with the trenches and the droids emerging from the water. Just visually very interesting, a lot of stuff going on. 
The silent (or it was silent until the blu-ray release) scene of Anakin and Padme staring across Coruscant to each other is probably the most soulful and thoughtful scene Lucas has filmed since Binary Sunset. This notion of the separation between them and how this moment is not centred on love but uncertainty. I feel this would probably have hit better on Padme’s end if the Rebellion senators subplot was left in as that also contributes to their division.
I like the little flickshot hidden lightsaber reveal from Palpatine. Something about it just satisfies me. 
Mace Windu finally gets a duel, even if it is a little leisurely paced
Though it sort of stumbles in the final moment, all the steps to get to Anakin’s turn worked for me: it came from a place of good intentions, but those intentions were clouded by jealousy and fear. With the puzzle pieces put in place from Attack of the Clones it’s reasonable to me that Anakin would want to save his wife from death.
Circling back, I like that when Anakin says Padme will die, her first reaction is “and the baby?”. And Anakin doesn’t seem to care at this point, he’s so focused on keeping Padme, he doesn’t want to lose the thing he has, not what he might have. That right there points out this drive to save Padme is not driven so much by love, but by selfishness.
Order 66 montage is crushing and John Williams does not let up. 
Yoda riding Chewbacca’s back is funny. 
Ewan McGregor trying hard not to laugh at “killing younglings.”
The dual duels are both really fun to watch. No they don’t always make sense from a choreography point of view, but they are entertaining. 
Yoda vs Palpatine still makes the 7 year old in me go crazy.
Yoda’s “failed I have” sounds so broken. 
Though it’s cheesy as hell the whole lead up dialogue to Obi-wan vs Vader still hypes me up each time. 
“YoUr nEw EMpIRe!?”
Ewan sells the “your were my brother” dialogue, even though some of it is a little Lucasian.
Intercutting Padme’s death with Vader’s birth/Anakin’s death with the twins’ birth is a nice parallel. 
That *wheeze* THUNK noise when the helmet goes on. 
Padme’s funeral with the japor snippet is nicely framed
The Harry Potter scene at the end apes Binary Sunset in a satisfying way to end the Lucas saga that brings it full circle. 
*Does this actually make Coruscant the only planet to be featured in the opening crawl pan twice? I - Naboo, II - Coruscant, III - Coruscant, IV - Tatooine, V - I think nothing at first before getting to Hoth, VI - Forest moon of Endor, VII - Jakku, VIII - D’Qar, IX - Mustafar
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