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varangian-wyzahrd · 5 months ago
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There are Reanimator (1985) references in Deadlock, the early access Valve game.
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barbatusart · 11 months ago
bit of thinking outloud but for my current tactician run im doing a special wyll origins playthrough im calling the Evil Wyll Run & it’s given me a lot of food for thought about his character (or at least the freedom of psychological movement + exploration afforded to an origin run!)
wyll spoilers abound we’re entering the wyllenium here
wyll always felt a bit underwritten to me - i know that’s partially because there was that big kerfuffle in the 11th hour with changing his whole story and personality on top of having to recast his VA, and frankly hats off to both original VA lanre malaolu & new VA theo solomon for their hard work - both brought tremendous performances, & i sincerely hope mr malaolu was paid well for his work & time even if his voice wasn’t used in the final cut (i would also say warlock as a class itself felt a bit underdeveloped but im 100% OK with chalking that up to me the player not understanding how to play warlock effectively yet lol im more of a fighter barbarian Hit Stuff guy)
but honestly this feeling of being “underwritten” combined with a character with a long history of heroism in his pocket made wyll really interesting to me even in my tav playthrough. for all his accomplishments he still feels like a blank everyman, or like he’s someone who fully believes he’s the main character who doesn’t “need” to do any extra work on himself - and honestly he feels Very much like he could be The Main Character. once his backstory of the son of the duke was revealed too i immediately got the sense of like, rich boy trying to prove his worth beyond his wealth and status by striking out & becoming that hero, or that Prince Charming. basically that perfect happily ever after somebody. and im of the opinion that you don’t get mixed up with a cambion in the first place unless you’re either the kind of naïve “everything will just work out” immature that tends to comes with his status as the son of a noble, or you’re hungering for power. depending on playstyle he’s very easily both of these things
on the naïve front (ie a good wyll playthrough) if anything he feels very believably immature, & from that perspective the events of the game feel as though they’re the prequel to the actual start of wyll's story where he finally finds himself & learns what kind of man he really is. we just dont get to see it alas, but i really enjoyed the thought exercise of somebody still grappling with overcoming his own immaturity. he feels like someone who can still grow and that his tale is just beginning
Evil Wyll (meaning any time mizora shows up he drops everything to enact her instruction & hasnt once tried to find a loophole out of his contract) which ive come to be far more fascinated by is someone clearly vying for power, which is interesting because his noble status would’ve given him all the power he wants had he Played Nice. to me it speaks of someone who wants to be able to take what he wants from life without it being handed to him, which contrasts in a really fascinating way with entering into a warlock pact at all. maybe he thought it was better that it be a decision he made as opposed to nobility given to him by his family ties, maybe there’s still that pollyanna sentiment of “it’ll just work out & ill live happily ever after.” again maybe both. maybe in a sense the fiend, as he calls himself, is a good excuse to shuck off any poor decision he makes or any genuinely heinous thing he does under mizora’s instruction - an identity he uses as power fantasy (and very much in tandem/interchangeable with the blade of frontiers power fantasy) until it means taking ownership for any of his misdeeds, and then a scapegoat.
may be a bit incoherent but im only now hitting act 3 in my origin run & im Really enjoying this difficult characterization ive cooked up for myself lol
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industrations · 1 year ago
Unblock me
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evyltalks · 11 days ago
coming here the second i saw ur new sirius fanart and telling u i'm in LOVE!! everytime u post i jump in my seat with joy and excitement, i adore your art! just wanted to tell u :) also u encapsulated sirius perfectly imo
SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP THANK YOU!!! this is literally the best thing to hear omg. so glad my sirius agenda is being well received. seriously it means the world that you love my art!!
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itsbenedict · 2 years ago
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Hero oh Hero is a really good webcomic with some exquisitely terrible ladies in it. it updates daily and fires on all cylinders and not enough people are reading it with me
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icharchivist · 1 year ago
the descriptions to the 6 dragons battles in Relink on Maniac caught my eyes because of the mention of dragon apostle and i thought i'd look into them because damn
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"Mighty Skyfarer! Prove yourselves within the heart of fire"
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"I await the soldier of heart and mind amist the sand"
(unsure??? about dylos here but this seems the most likely reading)
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"Only the swift may enter my altar of wind! Claim your place!"
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"Such frigid wills.... Join me on the top of the mountain of ice."
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"Thunder courses in your veins; our battle will illuminate the skies"
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"Peer into the abyss, though beware what gazes back."
tbh i did think this is just a winky winky reference to them but the dragon speech is really throwing me off....
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iwasnotaslasher · 8 months ago
If I had a nickel for every time Omid Abtahi plays a morally grey scientist eployed by Carlo Esposito for his evyl plans that ends up betrying him, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't much but it's weird that it happened twice.
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aokozaki · 1 year ago
Now, finally, the conceit of this idea is that it adds Regalia to Fire Emblem 5 that it's possible to obtain, but also possible to miss, in Fire Emblem 4.
I'm screwing with the logic a little bit because, for example, Valkyrie will still be passed down to the Gen 2 inventories even if nobody's able to use it due to classes. And, Gae Bolg always appears in your Gen 2 inventory even if you skipped the event to obtain it in Gen 1.
But I'm pretending this is a remake, so I can bend the rules where I want. Especially since it can lead to an entirely optional, ~emergent storytelling~ moment.
To recap, the idea is that these optional Regalia were skipped in FE4 Gen 1. And then in my version of FE5, if you then fail to complete whatever sidequest to reclaim the weapon, it'll end up in the hands of a Deadlord.
Deadlords themselves can be the reanimated, possessed corpses of named characters, if they died during the story.
Which is to say, that if you failed every single chance a certain character had with a certain Regalia Weapon...
...then there's at least one way that Brigid can reclaim the Yewfelle.
[speaking delusions into the air] FE5 remake and they outsource director's duties to Kaga as a freelancer... FE5 remake with FE4 Part 1 save import for some bonus dialogue here and there... all the possible Child Units are implied to be alive in Thracia, your parings just determine who's recruited in FE4 Part 2... Regalia Weapons available in Thracia only if you miss out on inheriting them into FE4 Part 2... Make Crucader Scrolls work like Crest Stones for this purpose... but, they lose their Growth Bonuses if held with a Regalia equipped... all is in the name of raw kino overcomplicated mechanics...
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varangian-wyzahrd · 2 months ago
Happy birthday, horses.
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barbatusart · 10 months ago
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mental shock, relentless and leaning, compiling the list
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lacnunga · 5 months ago
How did we let ME transcribers get away with writing 'euil' and 'evyll ' in the same sentence
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vellichorbindery · 1 year ago
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Commission for @vellichorbindery (inspired by a scene in one of her fic "So It Goes…" on ao3)
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randomnameless · 9 months ago
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itsbenedict · 2 years ago
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hero oh hero just dropped a 40-page update and Evyle de Vilette is officially the best character
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princessofmistake · 8 months ago
Una campana le rintoccò sul cuore. Sentì ch'egli l'afferrava per mano “Vieni” Tutti i mari del mondo le s'infrangevano sul cuore. E lui la trascinava dentro, la voleva annegare. Con ambo le mani s'aggrappó alla cancellata. “Vieni” No! no! no! Era impossibile. Le mani strinsero frenetiche le sbarre. E dal fondo dei mari ella alzò un grido d'angoscia. «Eveline! Evyl» Lo vide correre di là dai cancelli, chiamandola perché lo seguisse. Gli gridarono di andare avanti ma egli continuava a chiamarla. Volse allora verso di lui la faccia pallida, passiva, come un povero animale impotente, e i suoi occhi non gli diedero alcun segno d'amore o di addio o di riconoscimento.
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malorydaily · 1 year ago
Armstrong notes the contrast between Morgause’s liberal sexual behaviour and the passive nature of her mother, Igrayne. She suggests that Igrayne ‘stands out as the exemplary female in Malory’s text, quickly and silently adapting to the needs and wants of the men who fight over and exchange her.’ In Malory’s world of chiding damsels, adulterous queens and spirited female wooers, including the two Elaynes, Igrayne’s comparatively passive character seems to be the exception rather than the rule in Le Morte Darthur. If readers were to follow Caxton’s advice, to ‘doo after the good and leve the evyl,’ it would seem unbalanced indeed if Igrayne should be the only example of ‘good’ womanhood available for female readers to emulate.
– S.M Wyatt, Women of Words in Le Morte Darthur
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