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Everyone always forgets when the Grandship's leitmotif also gets a turn. The phase that hinges on the Linked Horizons™️ helping each other, primarily through the other parties other ships drops the boat's leitmotif before the party's.
And That Person's Name Is... followed by a snippet of the fucking victory jingle to let you know you've got this. It's more than just dropping the special move themes.
still chasing the high of that part in Bravely Default where you get far enough into the Ouroboros fight and Serpent Eating the Horizon suddenly starts playing past its loop and into the leitmotifs of the main party....
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wait they're actually calling it the Nintendo Sputch??
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You've gotta hop on poobchat, poobchat has it for you.
I wish chat platforms would collapse faster. it's gonna be an enormous pain when discord inevitably capsizes (as is tradition) and whatever half-functional startup offering comes next has to pass three more ephemeral migration cycles before we figure out which one it even is
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This scene is gonna go crazy in FF7 Remake 3.
On the PS1 they just play her plinky-dink character theme again but you know a moment like this is gonna deserve its own remix to fit the scene.
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tumblr post: I contain within me several distinct personalities that act somewhat independently
the tags: #omg #i know op didn't mean it this way but #funnier as a system
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There's an extended showcase of the game (check ATLUS' youtube) that includes a developer interview that explains that the new title ("the mystery of" instead of "vs") is to clearly communicate that it's an updated version (backporting some elements from the second game) that can be enjoyed by new fans.
And that making RAIDOU the main title is because they noticed that fans overseas, speaking languages other than Japanese, tend to call them "the Raidou games" instead of considering them a part of Devil Summoner, so they wanted to lean into the marketable, known name.
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rhythm heaven groove wishlist:
they release the soundtrack so I can buy the music
an actual rhythm-based difficulty curve like rhythm heaven fever
…that difficulty involves later games having really complex rhythm ideas rather than early games just being nothing
the localization team like. tries
they don't add mechanics that make it any more like a conventional rhythm game than it already was
no controller gimmicks. at least not in the main campaign
rhythm toys? please?
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And isn't that what we all want as Fire Emblem fans? To be disappointed?
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Nintendo announces that Kaga Fire Emblem fans need not despair, they've been pardoned, and a hero's welcome and an FE4 remake await them at the capital.
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what proportion of the posts you think about making do you actually wind up making?
It's a good 90%, probably.
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turning your girlfriend into a nendoroid and your favorite accessory WILL snap in half while you try to assemble her
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It was honestly really hype when Triangle Strategy's True Ending namedropped the game's direct inspiration like this.
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FE4 remake that runs at 30fps and struggles to transition from map to zoomed in battle scenes.
fe4 switch remake but it comes out 9 months after the sputch launches
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sorry, I was about to send you an ask, but then I realized it might have come off as rude, so instead I'm just going to say I hope you have a good day
Hmmm, okay. [Drops you into the dungeons]
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So like to simplify the absolute logistical nightmare that is FE4 Gen 2, the developers took some shortcuts for the game with regards to determining endings and such.
Like, Altena can't gain Love points with anyone, if they both survive she'll end up helping Leif restore Thracia no matter what. [suddenly much less canon evidence voice] Perhaps she's a massive brocon, who's to say?
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Quan and Ethlyn manage to survive the encounter and a poster advertising Stamp the Dog flies past the camera to let you know the worldlines have diverged.
A Fire Emblem 4 with modern production values would be fucking insane because they'd punctuate Eldigan's return and Quan + Ethlyn getting jumped in the desert, with 3D cinematics.
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