#evil malcom is in my brain
jacalliope · 4 months
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Evil Malcom if he existed
I imagine he'd workshop a way to make it easier for him to move around while still being evil [and to rest his arms for a while] so he made the "Spider Chair"
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year2000electronics · 3 years
what are the other Gordons + Neo + Spork ruled by? I love these funny little guys and the minds youve given them <3
well of course ‘ruled by’ is really just a fancy way of saying their core motivation their raison d’etre etc so i’ll try my best
swap is largely motivated/driven by a hunt or be hunted mentality he is both the predator and the prey in that he knows someone can take him down if they’re strong/smart enough but is also the final boss so his eternal quest for normalcy while also maintaining the guise of a security guard/justice protector figure is kinda like. that instinct of wanting to blend in while also establishing his own power. mostly rn though he’s working on embracing humanity bc he’s actively choosing to be as squishy and weak as the others bc that’s the way to feel those good good feelings
malcom is driven by nothing mostly at least in the beginning, he’s like a car stuck in a roundabout bc his nature is very cyclical thanks to the routine he fell into and not regarding himself very highly or having second opinions etc. then he kinda fell into this martyr motivation where he feels like he still has something to atone for, on the surface one might assume it’s bc of the video game but a present theme throughout malcoms character in ep 2 is fear and self doubt so it’s also a little bit of atoning for Himself. just in general. but now he’s working on casting aside both that shield of ‘but what i did-‘ and just feeling better about himself
players driving force is individuality and forging a path for himself as he wasn’t really supposed to Become Awares, he deals with that a lot just because he hasn’t seen too much of the world so he’s still trying to answer that ‘who am i’ question from ep 1 where he’s a ‘hidden side note’ to the epilogue where he worries there is no answer to ep 2 where he gets mistaken for someone else and needs to fight back because of it
doc is. well he’s pretty self explanatory. he’s kinda like gordon b where he’s very mushy and emotional about people he loves but doc is very risky and desperate. doc is the type of person to let the world if it means the group of people he loves could be safe. i’d say docs big arc was in ep 1 as that specific trait of his gets taken heavy advantage of and then in the epilogue there’s a crossroads bc someone he loves is working with doc’s main obstacle, and in ep 2 he’s really close to breaking this habit bc the ‘risk’ they took was a decoy that he told everyone about immediately so everyone could work together
freeman’s definitely more of a passive character in ep 1 but i’d say his driving motivation even if he doesn’t know it is regaining his memories and identity- unlike player he’s not forging it he has to rediscover it and make peace with the fact that the man he used to be was a purposely muted corruption of the true self- in ep 1 it’s mostly subconscious but the epilogue has a bit of those growing pains with him getting an outfit but not sure whether to keep up a more formal appearance and ep 2 now has him actively pursuing answers and acting on a hunch even if he can’t remember why
neo is probably one of the more simpler characters bc their main motivation was Play Video Games and his grand goal is just for him and his friends to be happy. generally neo’s life goal is to live as 100% his authentic self and he often helps others around him unlock their own way of expressing themselves
spork likes to say they’re driven by logic but they’re kinda the left brain to gordon b’s right brain where they’re more analytical and cool about it but they’re 100% driven by emotions. the ability to be proud of oneself ofc, and their repeated stating that they’d never go evil genius specifically bc gordon b and josh, hell that can be traced all the way back to y2k when spork very clearly lets benrey stay bc he’s charmed them but they claim that it’s to see what interesting things might happen. it’s the reason they took care of gordon knowing he might be conspiring against them in ep 1, and the reason they got a chill down their spine talking to the pink weasel in ep 2. gordon b freeman and valentine have quite the torrid history.
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tikkunolam-bitches · 4 years
Random characters that give me similar vibes
Feel free to add, this is me blowing off my hw so I hope u enjoy
Smarter then they look
Kevin (Up), Goose (Captain Marvel), Mona Wu (DCs legends of tomorrow)
Badass women I would die for
Peggy Carter (Agent Carter), Sara Lance (DCs legends of tomorrow), Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel), Daenerys Targaryen (Game of thrones)
Confused besties
Daniel Sousa (Agent Carter), John Watson (BBC Sherlock), Gary Green (DCs legends of tomorrow)
SELFISH smart/ manipulation, ‘I play all sides that way I always come out on top’
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls), Crowley (Supernatural), Petyr Baelish (Game of thrones)
SELFISH smart/ manipulation, plays one side
Cersei Lannister (Game of thrones), Mapleshade (Warrior cats), Malcom Merlin (Arrow)
Self LESS smart, fighters
Dipper Pines (Gravity falls), Ray Palmer (DCs legends of tomorrow), Nate Heywood (DCs legends of tomorrow), Zari Tomaz (DCs legends of tomorrow), Sam Winchester (Supernatural), Five Hargreaves (Umbrella Academy)
Self LESS smart, commanders
Sherlock Holmes (BBC Sherlock), Jayfeather (Warrior cats), Tyrion Lannister (Game of thrones), Nick Fury (Marvel), Mycroft Holmes (BBC Sherlock), Martin Stein (DCs legends of tomorrow), Ford Pines (Gravity Falls)
We just wanna be parents
Kara (Detroit Become Human), Mando (The Mandalorian), Pogo (Umbrella Academy), Hank (Detroit become human), Grunkle Stan (Gravity Falls)
The ones keeping the hero’s from getting killed
Inspector Lestrade (BBC Sherlock), Gideon (DCs legends of tomorrow), Ava Sharpe (DCs legends of tomorrow), Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Chloe Decker (Lucifer)
Brutes with feels they refuse to admit
Mick Roary (DCs legends of tomorrow), Diego Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy)
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls), Trixie (Lucifer)
Drunk British brains
John Constantine (DCs legends of tomorrow), Rip Hunter (DCs legends of tomorrow), Lucifer (Lucifer)
Batshit crazy
Charlie (DCs legends of tomorrow), Maze (Lucifer)
Identity struggle hero’s
Dean Winchester (Supernatural), Bucky Barnes (Marvel), Connor (Detroit become human), Arya Stark (Game of thrones)
Chaotic neutral
Thanos (Marvel) Elijah Kamski (Detroit become human)
Evil turned good
Damian Darhk (DCs legends of tomorrow), Nora Darhk (DCs legends of tomorrow), Leonard Snart (DCs legends of tomorrow), Markus Pierce/ Cain (Lucifer),
Revolution/judge, jury, executioner
Markus (Detroit become human), Oliver Queen (Arrow), Castiel (Supernatural)
Die in a hole
John Winchester
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lilspice05 · 4 years
Review time loves
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Hey my lil Spicers, I know it's been a while and you've been waiting for me to post. So this week we are going to be doing something a little bit different. I'm going to be doing a movie review on a really old movie that actually has been banned in England and a few other countries for how outgoing it is. 
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Which is why for this week's blog I had the pleasure of watching the crazy, out of the world, and all out weird movie called A Clockwork Orange directed by Stanley Kubrick. This film is actually based off the 1962 novel written by Anthony Burgess and took place in England. This movie itself focuses on multiple issues that society had around the 70's such as drugs, unfair laws, and high crime. Which is based on all those issues plus religion and how everyone has a devil and god side inside of them and depending on how we are winded up like a toy is the side we choose. The director's purpose of making this film was to get not just society but every person to start to realise what was right and wrong. Now I myself had been told by other people that before watching expect something weird and just plain strange. Well I definitely wasn't disappointed as their were scenes of weird men and women sitting in a bar with mankins all around drinking milk, dicks and vagins all on the walls, a woman killed with a giant dick, and even when Alex the main character played by Malcom McDowell is being tested to show he’s cured had a man yelling at him to lick his shoe and a naked women shoved into his face. I will say this as well if you are not a fan of nudity and or rape, violence, or even police brutally then this is not the movie for you. However, it is a really good movie for adults or people who want the real truth about society and it’s dark side. As Alex himself is the narrator throughout the film giving a deeper meaning. With saying that  scene that really couldn’t get out of my mind even as you are reading this was when the main character Alex was strapped down in the chair and had his eyes forcefully held open with surgical tools. They did this to the main character as an experiment to try and expel the ‘evil’ out of him, but in the process they were doing some terrible things themselves. The scientists or people who were in charge of the experiment made him watch a series of short films, twice daily. These films included rape in the form called ‘in and out’ by the main character Alex, scenes from World War II, people dressed in all white like his old so called ‘friends’ used to wear. Those so called ‘friends’, Dim and Georgie back played by Warren Clarkeand and James Marcus back home had stabbed him in the back and left him alone to deal with all the consequences of their crimes that they were accomplices too. All of these films related to Alex and really messed with his mind throughout the film. He was also given drugs that caused him to feel nauseous throughout this process so his mind would form a pattern relating to seeing these events and how he actually felt. Those in charge of the experiment were brainwashing Alex into believing that he was actually nauseous whenever he was faced with ‘evil situations leaving him vorable. The scientists even accidentally made his brain form a pattern between the music playing during these films as well and he became nauseous later on in the movie when he heard a song by Beethoven play, which happened to only be the 9th. The brainwashing changed Alex’s life and he was not prepared to go back out into the dark world that was out waiting for him. His family basically forced him out of the house, he got beat down in the streets, and then his so called ‘friends’ returned with badges and they were now cops. They took him into the woods and nearly killed him and left him to die. By the end of the movie, enough was enough for Alex and he decided he no longer wanted to live with his mind being in the state he was in and he jumped out of the window in what looked to be like a 3 story building. While this fall did not kill him, it relinquished him of his burden that the scientists had put on him. His injuries had practically erased those patterns that had formed and his mind was once again free. Alex was no longer trapped with the burden of feeling nauseous whenever something bad happened in front of him. Leading towards the end of the movie where he just finally just flips a switch and becomes the person he was before. 
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If you're still here after reading all of that and slowly processing how much this film takes you through, I have to say it's a 4 out of 10 on the scale for me. It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen but it also wasn't the best either.It was actually in my top 10 worst films though. It was just too weird for me as it was totally out of my comfort zone and differently could have been filmed in a different way to portray some of the problems as I said above differently. Also not to mention it made a renfence to being gay and how bad it was back then it was frowned upon. That wouldn't really be expected in this day of age as everyone has their opinion. That's why I wouldn't recommend this movie to really anyone unless for an example of what not to do. 
Well i’m little Spicers, it's always the best writing for you guys and gals and i hope this review gives you the insight that you needed on a film that no one really knew was still around. As always have a spicy day and I love each and every one of you. 
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jack-the-bear · 5 years
Ok, so y’all know the Hairbrush Song from Veggietales, right?
You know, the one that goes “oh where is my hairbrush, oh where is my hairbrush, oh where oh where oh where is my hairbrush?!”. I just imagined Gil, Dani, and JT angrily marching through Paul’s evil lair singing that tune, but instead of asking where their hairbrush is, it goes something like this: “oh where is Malcom, oh where is Malcom, oh where oh where oh WHERE is Malcom?!”
Idk I’m crazy tired and my brain just spit that out 😂
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musikat18 · 5 years
Marry fuck kiss etc. etc. Legends "villains" style to make it difficult: eobard, Damien, EVIL Jack Harnkess (Malcom), Captain Cold, and brain washed Rip Hunter
*flails* o shit ok here are all these people now. Hello all you people. *rubs my little hands together* Time To Sort Some Motherfuckers.
Marry: Malcolm, because I already picked him by making him a Dumbass, so we might as well just hand this one to him.
Fuck: Brainwashed!Rip, I guess. By default. I don’t particularly want to have sex with any of them so I guess this is it.
Kiss: Damien, but like, on the cheek, because that’s my dad.
Cuddle: Leonard, I guess, but like only inside that big-ass warm Aesthetic Parka.
Kill: Eobard Thawne, rest in peace you little shit
(Send Me Five Names To Marry, Fuck, Kiss, Cuddle, or Kill!)
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keldae · 7 years
Favourite Ships
Tagged by the (evil evil evil!) @greyias ! Hmmmm, where to start....
- Faramir/Eowyn from LOTR is ALWAYS my very first OTP and I love them, and will fight anyone who tries to pair either of them with Aragorn or Legolas.
- To absolutely nobody's surprise, Theron Shan/Female Jedi Knight from SWTOR. Xaja and Theron have consumed my brain.
- Jyn/Cassian from Rogue One. Happily-ever-after AUs are my lifeblood and I will forever be bitter that the ship wasn't canonised before they died.
- Jace Malcom/Satele Shan. FIGHT ME.
- Atton Rand/female Jedi Exile. First introduction to the Old Republic era was with that pairing! It's closely followed by Male!Revan/Bastila Shan.
- Ninth Doctor and Rose. Nine is always my favourite Doctor.
Tagging @lumielles @cinlat @inyri @aspyforthethrone !
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eve-the-egg-lover · 7 years
Sith, Spies, and a Whole lot of Lies
Chapter 2
*Yay, chapter 2!! It’s shorter than the first, though I don’t know if this will be it’s normal length. Anyways, enjoy :) 
For the first few moments after their eyes met, neither Rya, nor Theron moved a muscle. They just stared, eyes locked, mouths open, frozen in time. That was until the Director reminded Theron of his still open comm channel.
“Theron Shan, what the hell was that!? I swear, if you just started a gang war I’ll…”
“Call you back.” Theron spoke, adding in a whisper, “Disconnect.”
With the director’s interruption, time seemed to flow once more, along with all the dangers that came along with it. Rya sprung to her feet, igniting her blood red lightsaber, and Theron whipped his blaster from its holster.
She looked the same as she had on Rishi. Long, golden blonde hair tied in a bun, pale skin flushed with just a bit of pink, ice blue eyes piercing as she refused to even blink. Stars, she was beautiful.
Sometimes, Theron had imagined them meeting again. Sure, lots of them involved a lightsaber at his throat, but the sudden heat from the blade made him realize how easily she could end his life right then and there. The question was, would she?
              Pulling her lightsaber had been purely instinctual. A foolish instinct here, but standing face to face with Theron made her do and say a lot of foolish things.
              “Theron.” She put sternly. “Put the blaster down.”
              “Not until you deactivate your fancy glow stick.” Theron responded, not wavering from his stance.
              Gritting her teeth, Rya let her grip relax, the blade deactivating with a hiss. Theron lowered his blaster, leaving them suddenly very alone. The air was still thick with tension and from her current position, Rya could escape through the alleyways… but Theron would most certainly give chase.
              “Rya…” Theron broke the awkward silence. “What in the nine Corellian hells are you doing here?!” His voice rose with every syllable until he was practically shouting.
              It was understandable. If she were to ever stumble upon Theron on Dromund Kaas… actually, she had no idea what she’d do. She at first suspect he was doing work for the SIS, just as he was probably suspecting she was doing work for the Empire. Which she was (not that telling him would help her case). Telling him “I can’t tell you” would pretty much tell him I’m doing work for the Empire, and lying she wanted to see him would… well, that was all she had. Unfortunately for her, there was no way she could make it convincing.
              “I…. uhhhh…. I was just site seeing.” She spluttered. Stupid.
              “Wow. For a crafty Sith Lord, you sure have a way with words.” Theron narrowed his gaze, shaking his head from side to side.
              Rya swallowed, racking her brain for something else she could say. Her previous elatedness at seeing Theron had all but disappeared, the understanding of how complicated she’d suddenly made the situation dawning on her.
              “You shouldn’t have followed me. I could have killed you.” Rya said suddenly.
              Theron’s caution turned to outright anger. “Following you? I was trying to help you! I’m assuming that weird man has something to do with why you’re here!”
              Rya sighed. So it had been just another bar patron. Gritting her teeth, she ran her fingers through her hair, the loose wisps that had escaped her bun ghosting over her hands. She’d just exposed herself to the last person she’d wanted to see on Coruscant, all because she’d been overly paranoid. “Great.”
              “What did you say?” Theron returned, his hand moving back towards his blaster’s holster.
              “You weren’t supposed to know I was here.” Rya answered. Not the best choice of words.
              “That doesn’t help your situation.” Theron grumbled, crossing his arms and glaring. Sighing, he put a gloved hand up to his forehead. “You know I’m going to have to turn you in right?”
              Rya paused. And he caught it. Just a flash in her eyes for the briefest instant.
              Theron had always found it strange. Rya, she’d never been like the other Sith. Even Lana, as strange as she was, had never been quick to admit when she was afraid, or when she was uncertain. Nor was she ever willing to show gentleness or kindness. A weakness for Sith he supposed. Rya on the other hand… well, maybe she didn’t walk into fights with her heart on her sleeve, but she most certainly was not afraid to show such “soft” emotion. There was a tenderness to her that whatever training Sith went through hadn’t seemed to have been able to beat out of her.
              Her voice was barely above a whisper when she spoke. “You must know what would happen to me should you do that.” She chuckled, her throat clenching a bit.  
              Theron swallowed. Unfortunately, he did know what they would do. Some flashy war trial where she’d be paraded around by the Senate, blamed for everything  she may or may not have had a hand in doing, before being executed. Malcom would probably have a hand in it, she was a war criminal after all. And then when that was all said and done, she’d either be locked in the deepest depths of Belsavis to rot or be executed.
              He could not deny what she had done. She’d killed so many from the Republic. She’d destroyed the War Trust, intentionally broken the Treaty of Coruscant, and reignited the war. Hundreds of thousands were dying because of her actions. Why was he even contemplating this?
              His mind wandered to Jyvora. He could still hardly believe the Jedi Code spouting girl was a former Sith Lord. Not to mention Rya’s sister. She’d committed atrocities in the name of the Sith and the Empire as well. The difference was, she defected. She gave secrets in exchange for a chance to start over as a Jedi in the Republic. Something told Theron Rya wouldn’t agree.  
              “You’re right. I do know what they’d do to you.” Theron admitted, shifting his weight to his left leg. “And you know why.”
              Rya looked to the ground this time. All early traces of her anger dissipated. “I know.” She laughed. “Guess the Coalition on Yavin IV or taking down Revan wouldn’t help my case.”
              Theron chuckled in response, but quickly stopped himself. Sighing, he ran a finger through his hair.
              “I can’t let you do that Theron.” Rya finally spoke, crossing her arms. The more they talked, the higher the chances she’d let her emotions win. She needed to leave now.  
              “And I can’t let you harm the Republic.” He responded, his eyes closed.
              “I’m not here to do that.” Rya attempted to assure in vain. She knew she could not hurt Theron to escape, yet her feet were glued to the floor.
              Theron chuckled. “Sure. Because you think I’m stupid enough to trust a Sith.”
              Rya furrowed her eyebrows. “You trusted Lana.”
              “Yeah, and look where that got me.” Theron grumbled.
              “You trusted me.” Rya pointed out. “You said on Rishi you knew I’d come and get you.”
              Theron grumbled something, placing his hands on his hips, his eyes seeming to take an awful lot of interest in a soaked flimsi on the ground.
The silence that passed between them gave Rya a chance to think. The logical, ultra-heightened part of her mind battled against the emotional torrent flooding her system. She hated the profound impact simply speaking to Theron was having on her. She was a kriffing Sith Lord, not some giggly actress from Vette’s holo-vids. Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. She clenched her fists at her sides. Passion only worked if it was short lived. What she felt for Theron on Rishi when he’d been captured had driven her to wipe the Revanites guarding the compound from the galaxy. Had given her an incentive to defeat Revan at all costs. That passion had fueled her, delivered her to victories doorstep. But passion fades with distance. So why did she still feel this way? It was taking all her self-restraint to deny she felt anything for Theron. Kriff, if he had been an Imperial it would have made everything so much simpler.    
“I’m not asking you to trust me Theron, I don’t expect you to. Just know, if you try and stop me the whole galaxy will suffer.” It was all she could do to keep her raging emotions in check. Playing at Theron’s feelings was manipulation, plain and simple, but it was all she had. Going any further, using what had happened between them was her last resort.
              Theron laughed. “You know, lying to me only makes this worse.”
              “I’m not lying Theron.”
              “Of course not, because Sith always tell the truth.” Theron had begun moving towards her, but she refused to back down.
              “Not every Sith is evil, Theron. Look at my sister. You trust Jyvora, she was Sith.” She pointed out as Theron glared.
              “Jyvora left the Sith because of their twisted ideals you still serve.”
              “How do you know I still serve the Empire?” she spat, suddenly realizing how close Theron had come.
              “Isn’t it obvious? Why else would you be here?”
              Even in the dark, Rya could feel the emotions rushing over Theron like a tidal wave. The one, dim light in the alleyway cast shadows over Theron’s face. Rya could see the hazel of Theron’s eyes, the outline of his broad shoulders, his soft brown hair, the feint shimmer of his implants. The only other time she’d seem him this clearly was on Rishi. Then he had been bruised and bloodied, vulnerable. He’d winced a little every time he moved, his pride and confidence damaged. But here… now… towering over her, there was no inkling of that man. The anger from their argument made his eyebrows furrow, his nose scrunch just a little at the top, his lips downturned into a grimace. Lips that hadn’t wanted to leave her own when she gave him what he’d never realized he’d wanted. They had been soft and gentle, even in their hasty eagerness. Lana and Jakkaro’s long prep time had given them a lengthy opportunity to  “get to know one another.” The memory of what Theron and she had done on Rishi caused her face to flush considerably, and she was suddenly grateful for the darkness of the alley.
              Theron hadn’t even realized he’d been walking towards Rya until he had to look down to meet her eyes. The dark hid her features, but Theron knew she still looked the same. Sharp cheekbones, an upturned nose, clear skin, and ice blue eyes, her features unchanged from any kind of dark side corruption. He’d learned of Sith who used Sith alchemy to keep their features eternally youthful, but he simply could not fathom Rya taking such drastic measures. And yet, he knew the skin beneath her clothing was scarred from years of combat. On Rishi, he hadn’t taken the time to study them all, but he remembered a few. The slashes on her arms and the bite marks on her back from a Nexu. The raised skin on the side of her abdomen from being impaled by a collapsing pipe when her former master tried to kill her. The four gashes on her back from a Teratanek she had fought on Korriban.
              He felt the blood pounding in his ears as he took his time studying what features his eyes could make out in the dark. The softness in her eyes and the slight flushing of her cheeks told Theron Rya was doing the same. It amused him he was not the only one so distracted.
              He hardly remembered Rya reaching up to press her lips softly against his. Or when he’d wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her a little so she didn’t have to stand on her tiptoes. He could feel her thin fingers running through his hair, her warm breath on his face when they momentarily broke apart to breathe. She tasted of alcohol, a burning, bitter taste of something so strong and intoxicating with just a hint of sweetness, so like her. Oh kriff, Theron what are you doing? He thought to himself as his lips left hers and began a trail down her jaw to her neck.                  
              “Theron…” Rya let out a breathy moan as Theron nipped at her neck, his arms pressing her to him. Her mind was racing, heat building in her core. Stars, she wanted him. But she also didn’t want to catch whatever strange disease was lurking in the stagnant pools of water. “Theron,” she said again, trying to get his attention. He pulled away, breathing heavily. She could feel his need pressed so close to him. “Theron, not here.”
              “My place.” Theron whispered huskily, leaning down to kiss her neck again, but letting his grip on her loosen.
              Rya couldn’t stop herself from thinking what a terrible, terrible idea this was. But the warmth of Theron’s hand when he took hers in his own quieted her mind. Right now, there was no Empire, no Sith, no spies, no war. It was just them.
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depizan · 7 years
SWTOR for the ask
Yep, that got long...
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Not counting my own, I assume. Well...I really like most of the female companions, actually. Of those that I trust wouldn’t put interesting substances in my drink, Elara is probably the most well rounded. The male companions somehow don’t stand out as much (except when it’s in a bad way), but I do like Vector a lot. And Blizz. And there are some better done NPCs...oddly, most of them spies.
Least Favorite character: Hmm...Skadge or Space Voldemort? That’s a tough call. They both seem like escapees from particularly unpleasant tabletop roleplaying games. Just Skadge is a player’s terrible character and Space Voldemort is the GM’s terrible GMPC. Skadge is more pointless, but also more avoidable, while Space Voldemort at least has plot (even if it’s badly written), but is completely unavoidable unless you avoid the expansions entirely. Which might be a good plan, anyway.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): I haven’t played all of the romances (most of the romances?), but... Elara/Trooper is well done, and so, though I’m not quite sure I’d call it a romance, is Kaliyo/Agent (though, as Kaliyo is VERY CLEARLY BI, she should’ve been romanceable by f!Agents as well.) Uh... I’ve read some fanfic with other acceptable romances, even some I don’t like in game. (And haven’t played the other romances I’ve heard will not make me wonder if the galaxy has restraining orders.)
Character I find most attractive: Again, not counting my own, I assume. Hmm... I don’t know. Again, it’s a galaxy with a tendency toward aesthetically pleasing people. Maybe Kira? ???
Character I would marry: N/A
Character I would be best friends with: I don’t know. Most of the non-dangerous, non-let-me-get-my-mace companions seem like they’d be cool to hang out with. And I’d like to think I’d get on with at least some of my own characters.
a random thought: Please, Bioware, give us the option to turn off your horrible graphics update so I can actually play the game again. Please? The pre-KoFEET character models aren’t detailed enough for the wrinkle invasion not to be thoroughly uncanny valley. At least to me. It borders on that horrible old animation style with the live lips. Only with wrinkles. (And, yeah, with the right body types, species, or makeup, it works fine. Sadly, none of those are of help to me.)
An unpopular opinion: I can think of at least two popular male companions that strike me as less romantic and more “please get off my ship now.” I also dearly wish they hadn’t gone all anime ages on a lot of the companions. It makes their backstories hurt my brain. Then there’s that little problem of the Republic NPCs tending to be staggeringly incompetent and/or prone to random and inexplicable bouts of evil and somehow none of this has any of the fallout it seems like it really, really should. No, the Republic doesn’t need to be perfect shiny good, but half the time it’s such a mess that I can’t work out how anyone in universe could possibly not notice. Like, the people in the Empire notice the evil, they just don’t see it as evil, or think it’s necessary. Over in the Republic it’s like...has your drinking water all gone bad??? Though, actually, hell let’s go for the big unpopular opinion - I don’t actually like the Charcoal Gray/Black morality. I’d rather shift the entire morality up several notches and have neither the Republic nor the Empire be as terrible as they are in game. And then stick with the Cold War premise. That was interesting and different. And sustainable as a game setting.
my canon OTP: Uh... Mako/Torian? Trooper/Elara? Kaliyo/mayhem? Or does this mean my canon specifically? Because my canon and game canon are not entirely the same thing.
Non-canon OTP: Or does this mean my canon? Though the only romantic OTP in my own canon is Mako/Savler. (Yeah, if Havoc Squad ever makes an appearance, Tevin and Elara are a thing, but that’s even more background.)
most badass character: I think Jace Malcom might get the most epic non-Force User bit in the trailers. In game...I’m not sure. (And, of course, in the tie-ins there’s Theron I-Inexplicably-Take-Out-Sith-Lords Shan.)
pairing I am not a fan of: Oh dear. Well...some of the pairings I generally don’t like have been done well in people’s fanfic. I’m still not sure what the hell Bioware was thinking with some of them, but... That said, I have no idea if either DS!Jaesa/SW or Agent/Hunter can somehow be redeemed in fic because I am not touching either with a ten foot pole. Whatever floats other people’s boats and all, but they can have those boats aaaaall to themselves.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Everyone in KoFEET? Setting that aside... General Garza should not have been giving highly illegal and evil orders. WTF, writers? She can be a Did What I Had to Do sort without resorting to that. Take a look at the writing for Keeper, then keep in mind that Garza is in the Republic, and adjust accordingly. Governor Saresh. Have her be being a hardass about the reconstruction of her own planet, not a rakghoul infested cesspit that’s been abandoned for centuries. Boom. Reasonable character. Too many of the characters on Coruscant to go into here. Not so sure you should’ve gone for the whole Depraved Bisexual thing with Hunter, especially considering the reveal. For that matter did the unnecessary and illogical Imperial baddie in the Smuggler story need to be making rape threats? (Did he even need to exist? Signs point to no.) While on that topic, Rogun the Butcher’s Heel Face Turn makes slightly less than no sense and he would’ve been a perfectly acceptable actual bad guy. Again, the whole Dubrillion thing with Risha feels tacked on and wrong. Did anyone’s characterization make much sense past a certain point in the Bounty Hunter story? Please, someone instruct General Failfish, I mean Var Suthra in the fine art of how top secret things should work and also in the concept of background checks. The list goes on.
favourite friendship: Uh... setting aside my own characters... I really, really like Vector’s friendship with a male Agent. It is just wonderfully supportive and neat. (And rare in fiction.) Havoc Squad comes together rather well. If you excise a certain person, so does the Bounty Hunter’s crew. The Jedi Knight and Kira can also have a really good friendship. And, oddly enough, so can Vette and a f!Sith Warrior. (Possibly a m!Sith Warrior, but I don’t know how that is exactly in game, having not played one.)
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: I think I’ll second your idea that we save Vette from the Empire.
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theenetflixnerd · 7 years
I shall RISE at DAWN to wage the WAR for the PLANET OF THE APES!!
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First off I’ma start by admitting that these films are completely and utterly out of my usual choice of entertainment .... (Hence why it has taken me 6 years to actually watch them! Yes - that’s right I only watched them ALL for the very first time this week!) .... and boy have I been missing out!! 
The hype around the latest release in this incredible series (WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES (2017) roused my interest and by chance I came across a marathon of the previous two films (RISE (2011) and DAWN (2014) ) and thought “Why not?” ... I honestly think it took all of the first 15 minutes of RISE for baby chimpanzee Caesar to completely steal my heart! I was instantly cooing and in love with this adorable little cutie. I was immediately hooked and couldn’t wait to continue the rest of the series to follow the unfolding of Caesar’s beautiful story.
How would I describe this franchise in three words? MIND-BLOWING , HEARTWARMING and beautifully TOUCHING! (Ok, ok it’s more than three- but even these don’t really do it justice!)
Now’s where I leave my “SPOILERS AHEAD” warning as I proceed dissect the franchise. So please - if you haven’t watched these films - don’t ruin their genius for yourself - go and watch them PRONTO!! ... You’re welcome.
Of course, Caesar (my personal ‘monkey of the movie’ in RISE) is no ordinary Chimpanzee. Scientist, Will (James Franco), is experimenting with a cure for Alzheimers to help his father, which they’re testing on chimps (one part of the movie which is 100% against my personal ethics! I am an animal lover through and through and can’t stand lab-held animals, zoos, or circuses!) ... one of their test subjects, Bright Eyes, starts going a little crazy and beserk which leads to her ultimate demise, and while clearing out the lab - having had their funding suspended - they discover it wasn’t the drugs that had made her vicious, but she was protecting her new born baby (Caesar).  Will takes the cute baby chimp in to raise it himself, and steals some of the drugs to test on his Alzheimer suffering father. It’s promptly discerned that the ALZ-112 drug was passed on from Bright Eyes to Caesar as he shows signs of hyper-intelligence from just a few days of age.  For five years they live a happy life together as Caesar continues to grow into a strong, healthy, intelligent ape with the loving care of Will and his Ill father. (The drugs worked to help his father get better, but only temporarily before the deterioration continued at a rapid rate)
While trying to protect his deteriorating owner, Caesar get’s a little violent, and is taken to be locked up until court orders deem him safe to return. This is a major turning point for Caesar - as it is the first time he comes face to face with the fact that not all humans are good - and the ‘mistrust’ seed is initially planted.
Caesar at first struggles to fit in with the other apes. He misses his home. There is a heart-wrenching scene in his lock-up where he finds a piece of chalk and draws the attic window from Will’s house on his cell-wall. Queue my tears. Ahw. He’s adorable! Rocket (another Chimp), the strongest ape in the lock up, fights for dominance but Caesar soon makes friends with ex-circus Orangutan, Maurice, who is also able to communicate by sign-language. (Which Caesar had learned from Will). The longer Caesar is left in lock up the more his mis-trust grows and he realises - HE IS APE - he doesn’t feel that he belongs with the humans - he uses his smarts to assert his dominance over Rocket - break out of his lock up and steal the ALZ-113 (new development of ALZ-112) from Will’s house, to smarten up his new found friends and lead the revolution! The apes overthrow the lock-up security and lead a rampage of destruction on the golden gate bridge.
The apes find their refuge, and place to build their home in a beautiful forest / wild-park near the bridge, and when Will asks Caesar to come home , the two part tearfully as Caesar tells him CAESAR IS HOME. Ugly crying again. Whoops.
This is only the beginning and things get even better in the second instalment (and my favourite) of the series (DAWN). [Side note: I’m actually kinda glad I could just binge them all now and not have to wait for 3 years to continue the story!). My personal ‘monkey of the movie’ for ‘Dawn’ has to go to Koba, a bonobo , yes he is the evil villain, but he is fantastically written, and has some incredible scenes in this film. More on that in a sec.
Dawn takes place 10 years after the end of RISE, and by now the chimps have built their own beautiful colony in their forest, Caesar is leading the Ape community with pride along side his family of his wife, Cornelia, and son, Blue Eyes (I love how this has a connection to his mother, Bright Eyes).The ape colony also contains the symbol of Caesars ‘attic window’ etched into surrounding rocks in various places, which I think is a beautiful and heart-warming tie-in to RISE.  It comes to light the the release of the ‘ALZ’ drugs during the fight have affected the human population adversely and many have died - up till now the survivors and apes have been getting along peacefully, but it’s ruined by a breach of trust which starts when humans venture into the ‘Apes’ home territory and shoot at Rocket’s son, Ash. Caesar has experienced the ‘goodness’ of humans, and does not want to risk his Apes in a war against the human race, Rocket, Maurice and most of the others stand loyally by their leader,  Koba however , having spent his life being poked and prodded in laboratories, cannot bring himself to let go of his hatred and distrust for humans. He goes a bit rogue, and in one of the most entertaining film scenes ever, tricks two dumb humans by some silly entertaining antics, before ultimately killing them and stealing their guns.
In the meantime, Caesar and one of the ‘good’ humans, Malcolm have come to an arrangement to benefit both the humans and the apes , and they achieve their desired goals, the humans getting their electricity fixed and Caesar’s sick wife (having just given birth to a second son) getting the medical attention she needs to get better. As the peace is aheived, Koba arrives, silently carrying his stolen weapon, and shoots Caesar (from afar) to raise distrust of humans within the tribe and Ceasar ‘dead’ the apes now start following Koba into war against the humans! Koba locks up Caesar’s faithful follwers (Rocket, Maurice and Luca) and Blue Eyes starts to realise Koba is not to be trusted, who also kills his best friend, Ash who refused to kill a human.
Malcolm and his family find the badly wounded Caesar still alive and take him to his original ‘home’ - Will’s house, with the attic window - to help him heal up. While stealing Medical supplies to help Caesar, Malcom runs into Blue-Eyes and tells him his father is alive. Blue-Eyes goes to see his father, and Caesar tells him it was not humans, but Koba who shot him. They devise a plan to save the locked up Rocket and Maurice and ultimately kill of the evil Koba ... but sadly, the war is just beginning.
This brings us to WAR, and another time jump (I can’t remember if it specified exactly how big the time jump was, and although Caesar’s youngest doesn’t seem to be too much bigger, Caesar himself appears to be getting on in years). The war is still raging on and it’s sad to see the hurt, loss and destruction. Caesar’s little family is adorable as ever! and he continues to try to lead the Apes with minimum violence against the relentless human troops. Rocket and Blue-Eyes return to give news of having found a new safe haven for the apes to relocate their ‘colony’ - they begin preparations to leave - but Caesar feels it’s bit soon - that night ends in utter tragedy - as due to a betrayal, soldiers infiltrate the Ape’s territory and a major , although completely unnecessary cause of more ugly crying, Caesar’s wife, Cornelia and Blue-Eyes are killed. ( Yes, I’m a basket-case, don’t judge me. Humans are awful!! #teamape ).
 Caesar’s hatred now sets in as he sends his colony off to safety and proceeds on his mission of revenge against the Colonel (played by Woody Harrelson, who I have to say, I really admire as an actor, even if I hate his character in the movie).  This leads into one of the most touching scenes in the movie where Rocket, Luca and Maurice follow him and refuse to let him go it alone. Luca’s role: to protect Caesar, and keep him alive, Rocket, because he knows what it’s like to lose a son, and Maurice to make sure that Caesar returns to lead his colony. This little display of animal’s loyalty just touches my heart to much, it’s a quality I so dearly admire and really wish humans were better at it. It had me tearing up (again) with pride and awe. #SQUADGOALS
They discover a mute girl, who Maurice decides to ‘adopt’ as his own (good old, sweet heart Maurice) and later come across a hermit chimp, who used to live in the zoo, and due to his dealing with humans, calls himself ‘Bad Ape’ ... how cute and sad it that? He’s seriously so ugly looking, yet adorable at the same time.
They soon discover the ‘border’ where the soldier have captured the ape colony and are using them to work without food and water. Caesar is capture, and Luca dies in a rescue attempt. (so much death!) ... The colonel and Caesar have words, and it is brought to light that the Colonel fears the disease which is slowly making human intelligence regress, and thus the spread of ‘mute’ people, as they no long have full capacity of brain functionality. He (colonel) had killed his own son due to this.
The little mute girl, Nova, gives Caesar some food and water while he is captured, and to save her from being caught, Rocket comes to the rescue and allows himself to be captured as a diversion. Rocket was my personal ‘monkey of the movie’ in this third and final instalment of the series. His loyalty, strength and good heart are overwhelmingly touching! Together him and Caesar along with external help of ‘Bad Ape’ and ‘Maurice’ devise a plan to break the apes out.
A war begins, as other troops come to kill the Colonel (because of his willingness to kill sick humans)... but turns out he himself got the disease, Caesar doesn’t go through with killing him, seeing he can’t speak, but leaves the gun for the Colonel to kill himself. 
After an intense escape, surviving being shot by an arrow and a massive avalanche , Caesar leads his tribe to their new home, and dies a peaceful death alongside his close friend and advisor, Maurice. . . and damn, them tears are back again.
THANK YOU to the INCREDIBLE Team(S) who put these MINDBLOWINGLY BRILLIANT films together!! I’m sad they’re over but I’ve enjoyed every moment. The character development was OUTSTANDING! And I loved the realism of CAESARS heroic story - the hero can’t always survive! 
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swashbucklery · 7 years
I watched the second episode of this ridiculous thing so here you go: The Last Episode of Arrow Season Five, Summarized By Someone Who Has Seen Maybe One Season Of Arrow In Total.
PREVIOUSLY ON ARROW: this happened. Also Talia Al Ghul is a person who exists, and idk some other stuff probably.
So anyway, everyone is on Lian Yu, because nothing bad ever happens there. Oliver is really mad because he has to Rescue Everyone, and His Son Is There, so he makes some dubious moral choices b/c He Has To. Namely: releasing Slade Wilson and some other white dude with evil boomerangs from Island Super Jail.
Some other stuff happens. Nyssa is there, and her clear disdain for Malcom Merlyn and Oliver and all of their dumb white man decisions is clearing my skin, watering my crops, etc. Her hair is also fantastic.
Nyssa finds some of Oliver’s friends? But they’re in cages? And it looks super easy to free them but spoiler: it is a trap. Talia and Adorable BB Canary (who I now love, because I read the wikipedia summary of her villain origin story and it’s basically just that she thinks Oliver sucks, which is also my villain origin story, so I can relate) are there. They fight and everyone gets away except for BB Canary, who Oliver locks in a cage even though she is adorable & clearly has some stuff to work through, she is a very young person. He spins some BS about he’s going to come back for her against his better judgement, after he rescues his pals. Like, he deserves a gold star for not leaving a teen girl locked on an island to starve to death? Whatever.
OH BY THE WAY: the League of Assassins set is on Lian Yu! But this is a different one, it’s not Nanda Parbat, it’s an Ancient Temple that happens to look extremely similar for no reason at all. Other New Canary is there, with the other new Arrow character who wears a hockey mask sometimes! Oh and Quentin Lance. They are all Kidnapped and for various reasons, New Canary cannot use her metahuman powers just yet.
Other stuff happens. Most importantly, Malcom Merlyn “dies” by sacrificing himself on a landmine, in order to save Thea, and she feels real conflicted about it. Although you never see a body, so: did he really? I guess that depends on whether or not John Barrowman wants to do another guest arc next year.
Also, Oliver’s kid’s mom ships Olicity.
We all end up at The Other, Smaller Nanda Parbat, where stuff happens and Nyssa gets to fight Talia in a glorious blaze of sword fighting, Katrina Law is fantastic. A L S O did you all know that Talia left Nyssa when she was a kid, knowing that Nyssa’s father would resent her for her gender and treat her terribly for her entire childhood? B/c that’s a thing that Nyssa just mentions, and I have a billion million feelings about it, how dare.
Whatever you do, don’t think about Nyssa learning about Sara and her relationship with her sister and comparing that to what Talia did to her. Don’t do it.
Oliver sneaks in a thing that means New Metahuman Canary Dinah can use her scream and everyone is no longer locked up and everyone punches everyone in the face. Also Oliver does a LOT OF YELLING because if there’s one thing that always works to defuse a really tense, high stakes situation, it’s SCREAMING YOUR OPINION WHILE HOLDING A WEAPON.
So this is the core dilemma of the episode: Chase/Chace apparently wants Oliver to murder him, b/c somehow this will prove a point about how Oliver is a shitty person, because one time Oliver murdered his father? But Oliver is NOT a shitty person b/c he now refuses to kill people? He USED TO kill people but now he DOES NOT WISH TO because he is a GOOD PERSON for very minimal definitions of “good person.” This is undercut somewhat by a) all the flashbacks where he is seen murdering people, and b) all of the random goons he has knocked unconscious b/c I know that seems like it’s harmless on TV, but traumatic brain injuries are real and damaging and I guarantee you he’s given someone a skull fracture in this episode alone. “Not murdering” is relative I guess.
But anyway, Oliver “doesn’t kill people anymore” so he won’t, but then if he doesn’t, Chase/Chace will kill his son? But if he DOES, Chase/Chace has rigged things so that he will literally blow up all of Lian Yu at the moment of his death, and literally every major Arrow character is currently on that island. Oliver is forced to choose, or at least the show is framing it that way.
Rather than taking advantage of the fact that he has two supergeniuses, a police detective, a trained soldier, three assassins, one viligante, and a metahuman canary friend RIGHT THERE who could maybe help him, Oliver tells them to go away and leave the island b/c he’s gonna handle this ALONE. They’re all, “hey, we have useful skills and could perhaps collaborate on this issue,” but Oliver REFUSES because he just NEEDS TO KNOW THEY’RE SAFE and buddy you have been trying this literally every episode I’ve seen and it has yet to help anything.
Spoiler: his pals cannot leave the island, but now they have wasted all of their Helping Oliver time trying to leave, and everyone is SOL.
So anyway Oliver ends up on a fishing boat and Chase/Chace is there. He tries to negotiate by using his favourite tactic, which is punching Chase/Chace in the face and screaming at him. This does not work, as it has not worked the last 30 times he’s done this in the past two episodes alone. I haven’t the foggiest why.
After that doesn’t work, Chase/Chace brings out Oliver’s son? And then Oliver is faced with his Terrible Choice which he’s not really locked into because he had tons of other options up to this point and kind of chose to paint himself into this corner, so is this situation really Beyond His Control? Whatever. Anyway, Chase/Chace gives Oliver his son and everything’s gonna be fine, and it’s actually real sweet b/c Stephen Amell conveys some genuine emotion over being a parent and that’s nice. However, then Chase/Chace kills himself!!! A dishonest evil genius!!! Who could have forseen this!?
As advertised, literally all of Lian Yu explodes. The whole island. Seriously. In theory: everyone dies. In reality: What does this mean? Will they really kill off the entire main and supporting cast of this series except for Stephen Amell and some kid? WHO KNOWS. Enjoy the hiatus, but also if Nyssa died on that island I will literally explode. JUST LIKE LIAN YU.
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year2000electronics · 4 years
Saw the detective pikachu ask and immediately ascended, what if malcom went missing and then player goes on a quest with this pikachu and the evil corporation thing is black mesa... bro what if the other gordons are like "what the fuck dude that pikachu's clearly malcom" but players like 😔I miss him more every day. bro my brain's goin now you can't do this to me
gordon b: he keeps saying “your mom” it’s obviously malcom
player: but malcom isn’t pikachu :/
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Chapter 1:Sleep Away Camp
Donny: Hey so I’m Donny and I’m from earth. Brookhaven, Ga to be exact. However, that’s not where we are now. Let me back up so you're not completely confused here. My full names Donald Archer the 4th and I’m a Freshman in high school. I needed a summer Job to keep me busy. So me My best Friend Sierra and My cousin Kimber decided to try being camp counselors for underprivilege children. Sierra’s Twin brother and his friends tagged along due to the alone in a cabin with no real adult supervision part. Cue the slasher movie music. So let’s get back to me I’m 15 a Scorpio with medium brown hair. I’m also a cock sucker. Maybe being a camp counselor was a bad call for someone so vulgar. I enjoy fall winter and yeah that is about it as far seasons go. My favorite color is green and I have an older sister named Dana. The pretty blonde Victoria secret model is my cousin Kimberly or Kimber for short. Her favorite colors Pink so you may catch her wearing a lot of it. Her parents are never around so she spends a lot of time at my house or alone in her pool house. She me and Sierra are really close Her dad Malcom is my mom’s brother. Next off we have Sierra Cotton. Sierra is of black heritage and is the snarkiest girl I know. We became friends instantly in 6th grade when she and her twin brother Chris moved from Queens, New York. Her favorite band was Flyleaf. So we bonded over our love for their totally not Christian music. Remember how I said some of his friends tagged along. Well Sierra’s mom thought she could pull a fast one and get the house to herself for four weeks. SO  she easily talked the pot head Chris into going. Chris and me are cool with each.  Sierra is older than Chris by a couple of minutes so she’s always a bit bossy with him. She embarrasses him around his two friends Joaquin and Grayer a lot. Which leads us to our resident asshole in black Joaquin Baldwin. Yes he’s a Baldwin. He’s attractive cunning and all the things I myself look for in a male sex partner but he’s a mean-spirited bully and I hated him. I wished the black plague on him.. He and I were acquaintances at one point until he moved away to some place called Oildale in California.. When he returned all his hair had grown out and he was totally weird but not on crack. He and Chris never met prior to Chris moving to Brookhaven but he quickly reconnected with Grayer and thus they formed a masculine 3 some. Next, we have Grayer Osbourne. Grayer is the resident pot head he’s big into conspiracy theories and is your guy if you want to score some weed. He and Kimber were once extremely close but following Kimber’s sister’s death had a falling out. Grayer is extremely nervous at times so his weed helps him with his anxiety inability to not freak out.. Our final member of the team is our wild card a complete stranger to us in the beginning. Her name was Heather and she was an 8th grader and daughter of the owner of Camp Knot Krystal Lake. We were tasked with picking her up so that all the counselors could arrive together. So we all piled into a van and headed for Heathers. Joaquin and Grayer brought the weed.. We pulled up to Heathers 30 minutes after leaving My house. Her house is a medium sized one in a subdivision. She comes out in high wasted jean shorts a hoodie and a brown shirt with brown boots. Her hair is long wavy and pushed to the side. She’s 5/3 and skinny with pale skin. She sits next to Kimber who is wearing a hot pink cardigan, a flower dress pink ballet slipper. Her hair is ash blonde with pink tips .It’s wavy and down but the sides are pulled back. Sierra is wearing a Misfit’s tank top a mini skirt thigh high black socks, a black choker and combat boots. Her hair is jet black and in braids. Joaquin has a mohawk a black sweater with the sleeves rolled up black skinny jeans and combat boots. Next to him is Grayer who is rolling a few joints. He has shoulder length red hair and freckles he’s pale as snow. He’s wearing a black Bring me the horizon shirt. Black skinny jeans and checkered shoes.   Donny is wearing a Egyptian printed shirt and a brown vest Khaki skinny jeans and beige shoes. Next to him is Chris who is wearing a red flannel shirt Jean shorts and red slipper shoes. After they get started on the road for a little they begin to talk. Joaquin: So I hope everyone likes Metal cause um yeah I don’t really care what you like. My car my rules Chris: Fuck you too. He turns the radio on. News Reporter: Hurricane Lucy has turned into a category 5 and Is headed toward Florida. Meanwhile China is experiencing extreme heat changes. In Australia it’s snowing. It’s almost like the movie The Day After Tomorrow. All over the globe things are going bad. Donny: That movie was terribly inaccurate. Joaquin: Yeah well so is just about everything Hollywood puts out. You comfy can you read the map?
Donny: Yeah I’m fine.
Chris: They put things out? I thought they were all remake happy this decades. Grayer: that and super hero movie after superhero movie. He switches the station to another. “Faith No More-Epic” begins playing everyone stays quiet until they exit the neighborhood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsqhV8kDkBw Kimber: So Heather, what does this camp look like? Sierra: She just wants to know how hard she will have to rough it. Heather: Well we have no wifi but the cabins have air condition and basically anything you could ask for.  We have nightly camp fires with the kids and for the most part it’s a pretty easy job. Just do activities with the kids and hang out. Kimber; Sounds better than sitting in the pool house all alone all summer. Heather: you’re parents not in town? Donny: Are aunt Colleen and Uncle Malcolm ever in town? Heather: You two are? Donny: Cousins. Joaquin: Twinkie eyes on the map before we get lost. Heather: are you sure you don’t want me in the front I’ve been going every summer since I was 6. He ignores her and keeps driving. Grayer: Uh Heather you smoke? Heather: Weed? Yeah a little here and there why? Chris: He’s always looking for new clients is why. He’s not smart enough to low key advertise. Kimber: Must be the weed killing all his brain cells. Grayer: That is a myth browski. Heather: So how do you all know each other? Chris: Sierra here is my twin sister, Kimber as you already know is Donny’s cousin. Grayer and Joaquin are friends of mine from elementary school. Sierra is friends with Kimber and Donny so it’s kind of like a big group that kind of exists without ever really being around each other. Sierra: What he means is we know of each other but we rarely chill unless to smoke at Kimber’s.  Do you have any siblings? Kimber nudges her. What? Oh shit I forgot sorry. Heather: it’s fine yeah his name was Austin but he went missing two years ago. Kimber: Yeah we kind of did the research on the place afterwards. Heather: Oh So you heard about the freshwater sharks then? Kimber: Fresh water sharks? Joaquin: She’s kidding blondie. Kimber: Oh right anyways umm yeah where did you get those shorts? Heather: Forever 21 at Lennox. Kimber: we must get some and soon. Grayer: I am going to pass the blunt to Joaquin first since he’s driving then he’ll pass it to Donny and so on or whatever. Heather You want to join us? Heather: Sure .Kimber what exactly do you have in that big purse of yours? Kimber: Oh umm you caught me. My whole closet basically. I brought some Jeans my pink cow girl boots a crop top. My curling and flat Irons tanning lotion. A Bathing suit My makeup bag a Mirror candy and a lighter in case I want to smoke later. Heather: You fit all that in that bag Sierra: She’s very resourceful. She’s also got suit cases. Heather: I only thought to bring playing cards Uno and the basics. You know we have consoler t-shirts we wear right. Kimber: Really? They come In pink? It’s my favorite color. Heather: Neons yes. Joaquin passes the Joint to Donny who is reluctant to take it. Joaquin: Hey twinkie hurry up and take it before I get burned. Donny: Are you sure? Joaquin; What you scared it’ll be like kissing me? Donny: No It’s just you barely smoked it Joaquin: Dude take it now. He burns his finger. Great now I’m burned dude just look at the map and get me there. I’m might wreck now that I have to drive one handed. They continue smoking until everyone is hungry and they stop at a Taco Bell for lunch. The Boys sit together while Heather the girls and Donny all sit together. Grayer: So Kimber is looking good. Joaquin: Dude just try and fuck her already, this crush has been going on for over 10 years. Grayer: Has not and you can’t just go up to a girl and be like hey let’s fuck. Chris: has so. And Uh Joaquin you’re one to talk you have something to confess? Joaquin: What do you mean? Chris: You specifically asked for Donny to sit up front with you. If you’re gay dude it’s cool. Grayer: Just don’t be a bottom. I hear that it hurts. This one dude got set to the hospital with rectum bleeding. Joaquin: Aint no dude putting anything up my ass. If you must know it’s because he’s the only one of you I know can read a damn map. That heather girl is too much of a know it all for me. Chris: I dare you to go over and kiss him. Grayer: No dude no! That is way wrong. Joaquin: Twinkie! He yells across the Taco Bell. The girls look over Sierra gives Chris the evil eye. Chris:  Sorry He umm yeah. Joaquin: Donny I uh I like your face. Want to suck them together. Kimber: He’s good but you can try the whore house we saw on the way here. Joaquin: Funny. The girls turn back around. Sierra: I got an Idea. Kimber: what? Sierra: Let’s pour a laxative in their drinks. My mom packed me some incase I got constipated. She pulls out a thing of Milk of Magnesia. Donny: apparently you get constipated Kimber: I just got the irony of this conversation. Heather: I’ve never had the shits from Taco Bell. Donny: Can you pour a whole bunch in Joaquins? Sierra: certainly. The boys all 3 get up to go to the bathroom shortly after giving Sierra the chance to spike their drinks. They all hop back in the van  afew minutes later. Mid conversation Joaquin begins to feel the effects. Joaquin: ah shit my tummy hurts I’m gonna have to pull over. Grayer: Dude mine too hurry up. Chris: Wait a minute my drink looks kind of milky! Sierra. Joaquin: What? Chris: She spiked our drinks. Joaquin: With what? Chris: The laxative my mom gave her. Kimber hands Grayer some toilet paper. Kimber: Have fun. Chris: You are so dead! Sierra: I never confessed to anything. The boys quickly run out of the van to shit the girls wait a little but then decide to leave and see what is taking so long. A Storm seems to be approaching. Heather: Did it suddenly get cold to you guys? Kimber: now that you said something yeah. Donny: Kimber is that bag not extremely heavy to carry? Kimber: Kind of but I had to pack a lot of stuff for reasons. They finally reached the boys who are playing in a lake. Sierra: how cute they’re bathing together. Joaquin: Only because you gave us the shits. Kimber: Aren’t you worried something might bite off your manly parts. Joaquin: It’s called wearing underwear. Heather: did you guys check for leeches? Donny: Clearly they haven’t seen stand by me. Grayer: Shit dude it’s fucking cold. I think I’m going to head out. Joaquin: Pussy. Grayer: suck my dick. He quickly swims to the edge of the lake and gets out to sit with the girls. Kimber notices blood coming down his leg. Kimber: Grayer oh my god check your pants I think you’re bleeding. he reaches into his boxers and spots a leech on his penis. He rips it off and begins screaming like a girl. Kimber runs over to him to calm him down. It’s ok. It’s ok. Sit down I’ll um get you a band aid. Donny: Hey there are leeches in the water get out! Joaquin and Chris do so and find a ton of leeches on their body,  They spend the next 20 minutes picking the leaches off. Joaquin: We don’t have to be at the camp site until tomorrow right? Heather: I mean My dad’s expecting us but no we don’t set up until tomorrow why? Joaquin: Let’s uh you know camp out. Kimber: are you crazy have you seen the discovery channel. Heather: No why? Kimber: The mer-fish it like totally eats people. Heather: You’re kidding right? Joaquin: we have sleeping bags I don’t see why not. Plus, I don’t feel like driving anymore. Chris: I’m in. Sierra: how fun camping with a bunch of boys. Grayer: I’m in if Kimber is. Joaquin: of course, you are. Donny: I’ll stay. Kimber: Ok fine just let me get my sleeping bag. that night everyone is hurtled around the fire smoking a blunt. Heather: So I called dad and he was worried but said to have fun. Kimber: you guys realize this is how every Friday The 13th movie starts right. Joaquin: Nobody have sex and will be fine. Donny: we smoked weed so we already broke a horror movie don’t. Joaquin: shit you’re right. It’s getting cold out. Chris: whoa look up at the sky. It looks like. Sierra: a circle right above us. Grayer: you think it’s aliens. Chris: Illuminati confirmed. Kimber: Is this really all boys think about? Sierra I’m afraid so. Joaquin: as opposed to what girls talk about make up and marriage. Kimber: So what you don’t plan on getting married? Joaquin: I don’t plan on dating, relationships are pointless. Heather: My parents have been together for 25 years so not all of them. Joaquin: That’s good for them, Not everyone is so lucky. Chris: and this has nothing to do with your abusive step father. Grayer: Ah shit you had to do it. Joaquin jumps him and they begin to fight. Sierra: is this really necessary? Donny: it’s a straight guy pride thing. Kimber: I didn’t realize they had that with the amount of girls they brag about sleeping with. Sierra: and then they want to call us sluts. Heather: They don’t plan to do this in front of the children, right? Grayer: These two you never know. The fight goes on until Joaquin punches Chris into the water and starts to drown him at this point everyone steps in to save Chris. Kimber: So now that you’re all wet and covered in leeches again can we please eat? Sierra: Eat what? Donny: You mean you didn’t pack food either? Grayer: I have gummy bears. Kimber: You have edibles not gummy bears. Joaquin: You have a pole and some wire? Heather: Why so you can fish? Joaquin: Shit no so I can strangle and beat Chris to death. Chris: He’s kidding. Joaquin: Try me again Bro. Chris: Truce I promise never to bring up your countless issues again. Joaquin: Oh fuck off. A gentle breeze begins to blow. Kimber: You know second thought maybe this camping thing is a bad idea. Can we leave before mer-fish appears please? Joaquin: Yeah I think we should grab our shit and go. Donny: It’s 3 hours away and it’s already night. Joaquin: And you can sleep all day tomorrow. Heather: Nah my dad usually wakes us up early. Joaquin: Why did I want to do this. Chris: Not touching that one. Sierra: let’s just go. Everyone piles back into the van and they head off. Joaquin: So do I keep going on 285 or what? Donny: Huh? Oh right yeah will be there in about another 3 hours if you do. Joaquin: That isn’t what I asked Twinkie? Donny: Yeah 285 north. Joaquin: Great. How’s Uh Dana? Donny: who my sister uh she’s fine. Why? Joaquin: Small talk Idk everyone else asleep and this is a long drive. Donny: It’s just you never speak to me Joaquin: Aren’t you always with the girls? Donny: Yeah Joaquin: Well I’m not. I don’t like groups. Sure Chris and Grayer are ok but too many people and you’ve got a problem. Next thing you know the cops are involved Donny:That happens to you? Joaquin: I’m Sure you’ve hear about the parties me and the guys go to. Donny: Chris and I barely speak. Joaquin: Well yeah I get into a lot of cop trouble. it looks like it’s about to start pouring. Oh how I wish I was asleep right now. Donny: Same I hope we get our own cabins. Joaquin: Same Grayer snores like a mother fucker. Donny: Well that will be fine. Joaquin glances to the back of the van. Joaquin: Stop by my bed and I’ll make sure you don’t hear anything. Donny: lovely gay jokes Joaquin: Sorry, I can be a little mean sometimes, I’m just unsure how to talk to you. You seem so unapproachable. Donny: I’m unapproachable. You’re the broody sits in the corner sulking one. It’s extremely scary. Joaquin: and you’re the flamboyantly in your face talkative one whose an expert on every subject. All I’m saying is it’s hard to compete Donny: So because you think I’m smart you don’t talk to me. Joaquin: basically. But uh yeah I’m having trouble seeing the road. Donny: I think going straight sounds like a good idea Joaquin: let me roll down my window. He see’s the road clearer but he’s getting drenched. He swerves the van a little. Donny: Well that will wake them up. Joaquin: This weather is crazy. I should pull over Donny: Wait hold on. Joaquin: What why? Donny: That bright light ahead. Joaquin: What is that other driver doing on this side of the road? Don hold on I’m about to do some crazy shit they don’t allow in driving school. He swerves the car right into the light which turns out to be a space time portal. The car is suddenly floating into a dried up river basin. Everyone at this point is awake and concerned about their safety.
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My A.D theory
Since Ezra was young he showed signs of not being completely mentally stable. Throughout his teenage years, he committed some heinous crimes, such as almost killing his "love" Maggie. His parents, who are of course extremely wealthy paid off the people who he affected, to gain their silence. Malcom is actually Ezra's child, Maggie decided to give Ezra a chance to see if he changed, but she was frightened when she found photographs he stored of the liars. She escaped and made sure Ezra wouldn't look for her, by pretending that Malcom isn't his son. Ezra shortened his surname to "Fitz" to lose his bad reputation. He wanted to make a fresh start... his plan was ruined when he met Alison. He became completely infatuated with her, just like many people were. But Ezra was different, he had always wanted to be a writer, and now he'd found the perfect "character." Ali was beautiful, magnetising, a pathological liar with an interesting life. However her life wasn't quite interesting enough. So he started to play about with her life, and he started to enjoy it. He used it all for inspiration for a book. Ali got scared easier than he expected. When she faked her death, he actually believed she died. The insane side of him intensified, and he returned to his childhood home, feeling hopeless, ready to end his life. He stumbles upon a fact that will change his life forever... MELISSA HASTINGS is his twin sister. Melissa has been obsessed with the girls (Aria, Hanna, Emily & Spencer) for years; •watching their every move •completing extensive research into their families and lives •finding out the lies they tell Ezra and Melissa are angry with the world and with Rosewood that they've been kept away from each other for all their lives. So they team-up, to create a game. The A game. Ezra is the brains and the money behind the game. Melissa is the one who physically completes the actions. They need more people on their team. Puppets to control, to carry the tasks. They know nobody would willingly agree to join in the operation without eventually feeling guilty and revealing all. So, they make the NAT club (Jason, Garrett, Ian) feel guilty for Alison's "death" by making it seem like she committed suicide from feeling violated and disgusted after their stalker-y perverted videos. Garrett wants to come clean, and is immediately killed. Due to her obsession with finding out everything about Rosewood and the people in it, Melissa finds out that Mary Drake is Spencer's birth mother. So she visits Radley to meet her. Instead she finds Cece Drake. They connect, and Cece is eager to join the A team. Ezra mentally manipulates Mona into thinking that the liars and Alison are the most evil people ever. After a bit of work, she agreed to join the A team.
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thekeeganator · 8 years
Podcast recommendations
My name is Keegan and I’m a podcast addict. I listen to many on a regular basis, some times binging through seasons in a day or two. I LOVE audio information in the form of news and fictional stories alike. I'm sharing my favorites for those of you looking for more entertainment and/or enlightenment.
*Sciencey stuff:
The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe- -This is the one that started my addiction! -dedicated to promoting critical thinking, reason, and the public understanding of science through online and other media. The first episode of the SGU podcast went online on May 4th, 2005. It soon became a popular science/skeptical podcast, and remains one of the most popular science podcasts on iTunes.
Radiolab Podcast -A wonderful conglomeration of Science, Art, Sociology, Psychology and story telling. I got to see their live show a few years back, it was wonderful - Mission:Radiolab believes your ears are a portal to another world. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience
The Hidden Brain
TED Radio Hour
Howstuffworks NOW
MonsterTalk -
*Non-fiction but not so Sciencey:
Malcom Gladwell’s Revisionist History - a new podcast from Malcolm Gladwell and Panoply Media. Each week for 10 weeks, Revisionist History will go back and reinterpret something from the past: an event, a person, an idea. Something overlooked. Something misunderstood. http://revisionisthistory.com/
This American Life
Savage Lovecast http://www.savagelovecast.com/ - Love and sex advice from a married gay man. Inclusive of all genders and sexual orientations
Lore Podcast
*Complete fiction (mostly spooky, scary, creepy or sci-fi):
Scott Sigler -A great author of scifi and horror who hosts a weekly podcast giving away FOR FREE his novels in podcast form! Stories range from Galactic NFL teams to a race of creatures who live in the undergrund of a west coast city and those who hunt them, to alien contageons etc.
Nosleep Podcast - I love this one so much I PAY money to subscribe and get all the bonus content. - For the dark hours when you dare not close your eyes. Tales of horror to frighten and disturb. Join us as the sleepless hours tick past. Brace yourself… for The NoSleep Podcast. A multi-award winning anthology series of original horror stories, The NoSleep Podcast features a cast of talented voice actors, rich atmospheric music and sound effects to enhance the frightening tales.
Welcome to Night Vale
The Black Tapes
Alice Isn't Dead
The lift, an audio drama- http://victoriaslift.com/ -Multiple authors contribute amazing tales with a Twilight Zone vibe. Start with the Pilots at the ground floor and work your way up. Join Victoria as she leads visitors into the building and guides them to make a choice.
The Deep Vault
Darkest Night- LEE PACE NARRATES!! -this one gets pretty graphic, just a warning. Crazy corporation has scientists reviewing the last moments of multiple peoples lives, a different one each time. While a bigger story of the corps evil goals is happening
Small Town Horror Podcast
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year2000electronics · 4 years
This is stupid, but ever since I knew Kittle was named Malcom, I thought the spelling was really interesting, because my brain split in into mal, french for bad or evil, and COM, like the computer players in Mario Party, thus combining to make evil gamer, which is basically what he was. I just thought it was neat
oh that’s really neat! it was a ref to a friends character who also got stuck in gordons model and i used to joke malcom was an asshole version of him because of it so i switches the first few letters of his name around (chester mallory > malcom challender) but the mal COM thing sounds Way Cooler
(actually neo’s name was like this somewhat too! i named him after the neogeo but then i realized keanu reeves aka john wick was neo in the matrix and things work out
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