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jarael · 10 months ago
Happy anniversary of the day of your birth!
Thank you so much!!
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jakey-beefed-it · 1 year ago
15 Questions, 15 People
Tagged by @inqorporeal
1. Are you named after anyone? Kinda! I have a great-grandfather with my first and middle name, but my Mom only picked it because she liked the sound and didn't have any particular feelings about the guy. I was nearly named after my father, as in a 'junior', but he convinced her that was a bad idea.
2. When was the last time you cried? I teared up at my wedding Happy tears, of course.
3. Do you have kids? Unless Frisbee, my 9 year old orange tabby, counts, then no.
4. What sports do you play/have played? I played soccer and t-ball as a child, football for a hot minute and wrestling for three years in high school. I've also tried out like six different martial arts before dropping them but that sounds way more impressive than it is considering I learned basically nothing. About the only physical activity I get anymore is walking places and/or climbing the stairs at my house.
5. Do you use sarcasm? Who, me? Never.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? General size, I'd say. I'm slightly on the tall side and very fat, so if someone is taller or bigger than me, or like ridiculously tiny, I notice.
7. What’s your eye color? Dark brown.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Enh. I love well-done horror, but a lot of it is schlock. Similarly, I love a good catharsis, but a lot of 'happy endings' are also schlock. Still, catharsis is more important than a 'happy' ending imo, and so I guess I pick scary movies on principle.
9. Any talents? I have a knack for most of the arts in that I pick up basic proficiency faster than many, but I still gotta work my ass off to improve beyond that. Similarly decent with words but my writing is an ongoing effort to improve.
10. Where were you born? California, about 40 miles inland from Los Angeles.
11. What are your hobbies? TTRPGs (running generally, playing when I get the opportunity), Warhammer (building, converting, painting, playing), video games, writing
12. Do you have any pets? The aforementioned 9 year old orange tabby, Frisbee.
13. How tall are you? 6'0"
14. Favorite subject in school? English, History
15. Dream job? Would love to make a living at writing or one of my other hobbies, but honestly anything that let me faff about in a creative flow with music going would qualify as a dream job. If I must interact with other humans for money, then I'm best in a teaching position where I can indoctrinate the youth in leftist thought teach literary/media analysis, critical thinking, history with all its beauty and ugliness on display, and basic fucking compassion.
tagging @motheatenscarf, @petepaintswarhammer, @caphayzardous, @lifeattomsdiner, @rabidchilde, @adhdgrapher, @copperforge, @lesabear, @emzawheezy, @fuukonomiko, @imperatorsapphiosa, @notcuddles, @oolathurman, @wtf-skittens, @wolffyluna as always, only if you feel like it
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swtorpadawan · 2 years ago
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The masked Sith Lord paused at that, regarding Mortis, then turning towards the seat in consideration. Finally, he turned back to address all the assembled members of the Council.
“My lords, I��m… I’m truly honored.” He finally spoke; his voice was clear through the filter of the mask, though it was rather lighter than one might have expected from a young Sith Lord who had dared so much. “I was not expecting this at all.”
The words were humble.
None of the Sith present believed they were sincere, but such was to be expected.
Tagging! @pentacass @starknstarwars @jbnonsensework @lesabear @hydrospanners @dream-of-tanalorr
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fancyfade · 4 years ago
lesabear said to your post 
“you were only 99% evil, that’s basically like being a good person!”      
pretty much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lavampira · 5 years ago
Happy anniversary of the day after the day before the day you were born!
lol thank you so much!! 🖤
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badsithnocookie · 5 years ago
lesabear replied to your post: “anyway i am Not a fan of the way that the jaxo thing plays out ingame...”:
Yeah I honestly think Jaxo is awful when playing a male trooper - her entire character is reduced to "Really wants to sleep with you" and she gets catty toward Elara as well.
oof. i still haven’t recruited elara yet but already did the CompHet quest on coruscant, so at least i might be spared that?
things which could be improved immeasurably if you removed the comphet and the misogyny, exhibit n
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clevermird · 1 year ago
That's an interesting sentence for sure!
I've been editing most recently, so here's where my cursor was when I opened this post to respond:
Meiko’s head popped over a rock on the far side of the gully and the girl whipped around to stare at her.
I'm not going to be able to come up with 22 people to tag, but let's hear from @kmlaney @knamil @datamodel-of-disaster @bastardsunlight @christinethalassinou @frauzet and @lesabear - but only if you want to, of course!
WIP Game
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
I was tagged by @randomfoggytiger. Thanks!
My dreams are larger now.
Tagging @nobodysuspectsthebutterfly @storybycorey @weshallflyaway @baronessblixen @ladytp
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breadedsinner · 4 years ago
Happy Anniversary of the Day of your birth!
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Thank you!!
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visionmarred-archive · 5 years ago
@lesabear​ replied to your post “should this be the face of Disney’s canon Jedi Exile? is he broody and...”
needs a scar to symbolize his internal scars, but one that still leaves his brooding good looks intact
:o you’re correct why didn’t I think of that!!
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“this scar........... I earned it at Malachor V............................... the same place my wife got fridged.......................................................”
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depizan · 5 years ago
lesabear replied to your post “Oh no, the Tumblr update got to me. D:”
I ended up just turning it off. I have no idea what the staff are thinking
You can turn it off?
Yay! Thank you.
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jarael · 4 years ago
@lesabear I definitely agree re: imposwtor and the Exile. Crapyshyn dropped the ball on them. It was probably the single most boring Star Wars novel I've ever read.
IDK about you, but I REALLY don't like how Imposwtor shits on Revastila to a Pub player in SOR. Like...it's probably the most popular ship for Revan no matter their identity. And Johnny Bravo Revan is just a boring character period.
I should probably actually finish KOTOR 1 and 2 huh
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jtavington · 5 years ago
lesabear replied to your post: I finished Silver Snow
The failure to make Rhea more of a character is something I don’t understand. Where are her supports with Catherine and Cyril to explain their attachment to her? Where’s the relationship building with Seteth and Flayn? Where’s her perspective on everything that’s going on?
My guess is that they ran out of money and time and that the game was already straining the Switch. It was delayed twice already and there’s heavy copy paste of assets. Which doesn’t change the experience and my wish for Rhea to be more of a presence and for CF to include a battle against Thales.
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knamil · 6 years ago
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Jedi Knight Amitia Khoury for @lesabear 
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jakey-beefed-it · 6 years ago
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
D&D Ask Meme:
My favorite class has historically been Paladin- there’s a lot to be said for a class that can literally do it all in terms of tank, damage, and some healing. It’s one of, if not the most self-sufficient class(es). Plus as a strong agnostic/weak atheist whatever you want to call it, there’s something fascinating to me about someone who KNOWS that there is a divine power guiding them toward righteousness, and not just, you know, the pangs of conscience derived from evolutionarily beneficial eusocial behavior instilling a certain baseline of common values. 
Lately though I’ve been really happy with barbarian, particularly barBEARian (bear totem tank)- it lacks the healing of Paladin, lacks the opportunities to really crank up the burst damage with smites (especially against fiends/undead), but it’s nigh unkillable by anything but psychic damage and with the opportunity to reckless strike all day every day its base accuracy and consistently higher (if not AS high as a Paladin can spike; it still averages better than non-smite damage) damage makes it extremely solid. Plus, that increased accuracy from getting advantage on all your attacks ALSO means you crit more often. And while it’s no Smite in terms of reliability, Brutal Critical is, well,
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I’ve also always liked wizard for the sheer toolbox factor- sure, you might be a squishy poindexter who has to actually WORK for their spells and can’t just swap them on the fly like a sorcerer, but with a day’s prep time you can solve damn near any problem. 
Warlock also allows for a LOT of really cool out-of-combat functionality between eldritch invocations and other class features, is a bit more durable than wizard/sorcerer, and while it’s not going to out-dps the magic missile gatling gun sorcerers anytime soon, it’s extremely respectable in combat with that there eldritch blast being your default attack. Seriously, doing as much damage as a two-handed longsword at level 1, and only getting better from there? At range? Potentially extreme range? And it’s magic damage (specifically force, which like, nothing resists)? Fuckin’ aces. After all that the class’s REAL selling point of built-in drama/backstory shenanigans/potential villain and/or big bad almost seems like the cherry on top of the eldritch sundae.
My favorite d&d races have historically been half-elves (you gotta love half-elves), humans (you don’t gotta love ‘em but at least you already know how to be one), and elves (the mechanical benefits are sick and the ability to play the smarmiest jackass is not to be sneezed at). But lately I have been on a tiefling kick. Because everything about the implied ‘you look evil and people assume bad shit about you- do you give them what they expect out of bitterness or rise above it?’ is compelling as fuck to me. Literally every time. For the same reason I am a big fan of orcs and half-orcs. I just want to be huge and have huge muscles and look scary but be nice and use my muscles for hugging my friends, and also slaying the occasional tyrant.
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tatiletotesamaze · 6 years ago
lesabear replied to your post: Is there only one chapter for Jedi Under Seige?
Yeah so far there’s just the one bit of story for each faction
It came out in October?
Well... lol
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kmlaney · 6 years ago
19. How do you keep yourself motivated? 20. How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?
19. How do you keep yourself motivated? Motivation covers a lot of ground. I have a hard time not coming up with ideas. Writing them down or otherwise exploring them is almost a compulsion. Finishing stuff is hard, though, between the brain telling me it’s stupid and a waste of time and the oo, shiny of a new idea. Since finishing is kind of long term and publishing is hit or miss (mostly miss but then self-promotion is hard for me) I’ve tried to reframe the goals. One, finding joy in the process as it happens and not only when the story is done. That way I can like any progress. Also making short chapters or episodes in a story helps since that’s a smaller bite. Two, being happy that potential publishers read my story. I get that’s kind of weird motivation, but I think shifting the goal to being less about something I can’t control (choosing to publish) and more something I can (if I send it they will read) helps.
20. How many WIPs and story ideas do you have? Oh dear sweet Jesus way too many. I have at least eight open projects (excluding fanfic I love but haven’t worked on recently) that are incomplete drafts, five complete drafts that need editing, eleven story seeds that are formed enough to start writing or at least moving from “note” to “WIP” stage, and I can’t count the number of “hey this sounds cool” notes that are otherwise undeveloped, because it’s late and I’m lazy tired.
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