#everyone thinks they're dating
cvldbones · 1 month
you were never not mine
Everyone they meet assumes that Bellamy and Clarke are dating. And, really - they're not.
There are so many things she does not understand about Clarke at sixteen. It feels like overnight her daughter turned into someone new, someone she didn’t understand, and Abby woke up in this new version of her life without an instruction manual.
So, yes, there are so many days that Abby Griffin feels a bit adrift, when it comes to parenting this new version of Clarke.
Until she meets Bellamy Blake.
Clarke joined the debate team when she started high school, at Abby’s probing; she needed extracurriculars for her college applications, and her daughter’s stubbornness was a weapon she could wield very effectively in a debate setting. Bellamy was an older student, a junior to Clarke’s freshman, and Abby had met his mother a handful of times through her clinic’s doors. So that first year, his name features in her stories just like her other friends, and Abby thinks little of it.
Her daughter’s sophomore year, though, something changes. Clarke is partnered with Bellamy for their debates that year, and the two of them seem to have become the de facto leaders of the small group. He starts showing up around their house, staying for dinners, picking Clarke up on the weekends for non-debate things. When Clarke talks about him, her voice has gone warm, rather than tinged with irritation as it had been.
Abby Griffin may not understand her daughter as well anymore, but she remembers being sixteen, too.
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Jonathan: I just realized I had a bad childhood
Argyle: I know
Jonathan: What do you mean you know?
Argyle: People who have a good childhood don't look like you
Argyle *hugs him tightly*
Jonathan: Thank you. For being my best friend
Argyle: It's no problem, brochacho. I love you man
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lgbtlunaverse · 10 months
Obsessed with characters who portray themselves as worse than they are. Who are lying to everyone including themselves about it. People generally assume if someone's lying about themselves they're trying to look better but sometimes they're trying to look worse. They attribute agency to where they had none, add intent to accidents, try to convince everyone that this is something they did instead of something that happened to them.
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klementinen · 2 years
i'm ready to commit a hatecrime two of my queer friends have been seeing eachother for nearly half a year at this point & the only thing that hinders me from saying they're dating is that they're both too chicken to act on it 😐
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snekdood · 7 months
so uh
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for 1. most people are gonna take advantage of black friday and wont see your specific niche tumblr post, I hate to say it
2. the us isnt running out of money for war any time soon, so...
3. this is just antisemitism???????? all we need is some (((echoes))) around the us and israel and then I'd have no reason to suspect otherwise from op...............
#why in tf do you think they care that much about getting your money rn and not before in any other war?#does it. mayhaps. have something to do w jewish people being involved now?#our tax dollars go to the govt regardless and has been for years and we already have an obscene amount of funding for military shit#preeetty sure they're not concerned about getting a couple hundred tumblr users money...#and also pretty sure one could only believe that if they're paranoid about jewish ppl.................#hard not to put two and two together and figure out op is prolly antisemitic and hopefully they just dont realize it#i say hopefully they dont realize it bc thats better than someone who knows and is pretending to be a leftist still.#if anything this pause happened bc its thanksgiving and biden doesnt wanna think about it over the holidays. thats p much it.#thats the only amount of conspiracy theory im willing to believe in this situation lmao.#but that ^ still assumes that biden has some sort of control over this that he really doesnt#and i dont think netanyahu cares that much about thanksgiving tbr...#it sounds more like to me that op is seeing this from a very american centric pov and assumes everyone celebrates thanksgiving#or cares enough about it to remember the dates.... i dont think this is as planned as op is making it out to be and any insinuation#that it IS planned sounds like conspiracy theory talk to me personally. i dont think biden is hittin netanyahu up and going#'hey thursday is thanksgiving and would be the perfect time to pause so we can (((get peoples money))) out of them#asiftheUSdoesnthaveplentyalready' like i just really dont think that convo is happening lmao.
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miusato · 3 months
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Lmao so I finally done drawing a lineup of P3 cast in my Highschool AU. Call them wokesona or something ahskskskskasosk
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ki-flor · 8 months
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Yeah them:
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iwaoiamiright · 22 days
iwaoi would be big on the “keep you private but not a secret” thing actually. when they're finally dating, I think around age 28? let's go with that. iwaizumi is already the athletic trainer for japan and oikawa is the setter for Argentina, they finally had the Talk™ after Argentina vs Japan match and things got heated and emotional after they were catching up post match. now that they're finally together, they post clasped hands on their social media with sappy captions whenever they meet, subtly mention “my partner" in interviews or with the teams. oikawa's internet presence is much larger so his followers know he's seeing someone. everyone is nosey as hell about it and the jnt keep trying to get iwaizumi to tell them who's oikawa so smitten with. Hinata is the first though. he and tobio follow oikawa's social media and seeing the onslaught of sudden romantic posts makes them both a little disappointed. they had always thought oikawa and Iwaizumi shared something special, something that might turn into romantic later on too. but oikawa's in Argentina and it seems like he's quite fond of whoever he's currently seeing.
“do you know who it is?” Hinata asks iwaizumi when he's stretching. he's been so curious for so long, trying to see any disappointment,bitterness or sadness in iwaizumi's face. but it's the opposite. iwaizumi's face lights up, he smirks.
“you want to know who's dating oikawa?” he asks, his smirk growing. Hinata doesn't like it. was he wrong all along? did iwaizumi not like oikawa-san like that?
“he's been posting a lot. he must really like this person." Kageyama asks, walking over. Hinata knows he was just eves dropping on them since the beginning.
“hm ...he really does." Iwaizumi says happily and walks away.
Hinata frowns. when he had met oikawa in Brazil and spoken to him, the setter had brought up his childhood with Iwachan a lot. Hinata could tell he was so fond of iwaizumi san. and considering how well the two were connected, it was only a matter of time before they decided to be involved romantically too. or at least he had thought. he looked at kageyama to see him frowning too.
“he's not bothered at all." He says to kageyama,who nods.
“but he reacted so differently when oikawa-san posted a picture with his friend." Kageyama said.
A few months ago, before the Japan vs Argentina match, iwaizumi had come to work, particularly grumpy. he'd made everyone do twice the regular amount of exercise and snapped at anyone protesting . Hinata had decided to grab the bull by the horns and asked iwaizumi if something was on his mind. iwaizumi had said he was worried about the upcoming matches and left it at that, a resolute pout on his face the entire day. kageyama had later showed him oikawa's Instagram where he had posted a picture with the Argentinian athletic trainer. they were possibly out getting drinks together. oikawa was draped over the trainer's shoulders while he held oikawa's waist. both with dopey grins on their faces. the caption said how they'd both gotten drunk and tried to recreate some pose but failed. it was a good laugh. but iwaizumi hadn't liked or commented on the post. iwaizumi was by no means chronically online but he always left likes on the jnt's posts and oikawa's. hinata met kayegama's eyes in understanding. he took kageyama's phone and marched over to iwaizumi, kageyama trailing behind him.
“iwaizumi-san have you seen oikawa-san's new post?” Hinata said, shoving the phone into iwaizumi's face so he couldn't even avoid it if he tried. the effect was incredible. iwaizumi became cross eyed for a bit, looking at the screen, then shoved the phone away. he glared at Hinata, his jaw tightening then closed his eyes, willing himself to be calm.
“aren't you supposed to be running laps?” he growls at Hinata who only smiles.
“i just finished!” he says proudly.
“well. if you have time for social media ,you have time for more exercise. Run a 100 more laps, and take kageyama with you." Iwaizumi says, dismissing them both and walking away to check Bokuto's form.
Hinata only cackles, amused at Iwaizumi's reaction as he sits down to text oikawa.
“compared to that reaction, this is nothing.” Hinata says as he observed iwaizumi. he seemed normal.
“the whole team's so nosey about who you're dating." Iwaizumi tells oikawa later that night as they're on call. Oikawa laughs delightedly.
“Shoyou has texted me twice so far asking who it is. I just sent him winking emojis" oikawa said, demonstrating a wink and a smile.
“when should we tell them? I think kageyama and Hinata are quite disappointed you're dating someone else." Iwaizumi said, his smile widening.
“hmm. I think we should let them figure it out on their own." Oikawa said.
“and if they don't?”
“they'll find out after the wedding invitations" oikawa said. iwaizumi huffed a laugh. keeping the team guessing was really fun after all
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kuroo-hitsuji · 9 months
Thinking about how Diavolo planted an entire fucking tree, in his fucking hidden childhood hangout spot (protected from anything and everything else in the forest that may try to get to it, mind you, so that is just about the most well-protected tree in the entire devildom--), and of course made sure it grows some of the most Quality apples in hell... Exclusively because he wanted to show Lucifer Devildom apples. What the fuck. That is the gayest thing I've ever heard. And then you find this all out specifically because he turns your little apple picking date with him into Fawning-Over-Lucifer hour, I--
He's pining so fucking hard, man. They're literally so fucking gay. The fact that these two motherfuckers basically canonically have the longest slowburn in fucking History is eating me alive orz
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iwasbored777 · 10 months
I feel like everyone who knows Miles and Gwen thinks that they are/were together at some point and no one believes that they were never anything more than friends and they're like "oh so they're trying to keep their relationship a secret ok I'll just pretend that I don't see how obvious it is that they're secretly a thing" and so everyone goes along with it
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asjjohnson · 2 years
Random Danny Phantom thought.
Danny and them are sitting around somewhere and Dani's there, and Tucker warns Dani to never search for ghost stuff online because the Guys In White monitor that type of thing. And Sam mentions how, a few years before Danny got his powers, she'd done a search for something about spirits and then had to prove to them that she wasn't a ghost or had ties to any ghosts.
And Danny's like, "Wait, they do what? Because every time I get frustrated with my powers, I start searching the web for help with them. ...Never find anything useful, though."
So everyone stares at Danny for a moment, and Tucker asks how he's not in a lab right now.
(A week earlier at GIW headquarters, an agent at a computer mentions to his co-worker that someone just searched for 'how to ghost' from a certain IP address. His co-worker says it'll be coming from Fenton Works. One of the Fenton's kids does that exact same search every so often. It sounds like they're following in their parents' footsteps and searching for how to hunt ghosts. The Fenton kids and Valerie Gray are both on a list for possible recruits.)
When Danny's eighteen (and still has his secret), a Guys In White agent approaches him, and Danny blurts out that no, he's not a ghost.
The agent says he didn't ask if he was...? And then goes on to invite Danny to join the GIW.
So then... Danny might end up deciding to join the GIW. With them never realizing they have a ghost working under them.
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princsstwilightsparkl · 4 months
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saying "if aroace people can date, then can lesbians date men?" is absolutely aphobic narrative btw!
#sorry just have to say this lol#so tired of people generalizing all aroace people as romance averse#its absolutely erasure of the rest of the spectrum#the top tweet isnt so bad depending on who theyre talking about#if a character ACTUALLY is canonically romance/sex aversed then yea its weird to erase that#but if they're canonically AROACE and you go 'erm that character cannot date or have sex🤓☝️' ur being aphobic as fuck#the 'shown no attraction to anyone' part kind of throws me off there#i hate when people say 'well this character didnt have feelings for anyone in the one year time span of the show so theyre romance aversed-#and nobody can ship them or else i'll harass u and subtweet u!1!!'#like. a characters life may not involve sex or romance at all fucking times. that does not make them aroace.#ur headcanon- even if you think its based on a logical conclusion- is not reality#sometimes yall just be making shit tf up#complaining about 'fanon' as if ur not the one pretending ur hc is real and treating everyone else like theyre the bad ones#but if that tweet is just saying that IN ADDITION to theyre canon identity then yea. thats valid.#their* </3#obviously the reply is fucking disgusting#i couldnt reply directly cuz my twitter is priv#people will say this kind of shit to ME- AN AROACE PERSON#u preach about aro/ace erasure but when an actual aroace walks in you tell them their way of being aroace is wrong#not everyone is the fucking same.#non-partnering aroaces deserve more rep but telling partnering aroaces that their way of being aroace is wrong is genuinely horrific#like actually fuck u#aromantic#asexual#aroace#arospec#meowing (yapping)
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fractiflos · 8 months
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666writingcafe · 5 months
A Surprise Visit
Author's Note: This is the official start of my season three rewrite. To quickly recap how I ended season two, MC basically convinces Solomon to live with them in their home instead of the two of them going their separate ways. That's number one. Number two is I'm axing the whole babysitter gig setup, because I feel like it's a bit unnecessary (and weird).
So, without further ado, the first part of lesson 41 is under the cut.
Solomon looks over my shoulder and examines the potion I prepared in the cauldron.
"Nicely done," he remarks. "Just the right shade of blue."
"Thanks," I reply, quickly glancing up at him.
"You know, you've done a nice job keeping up with everything I've taught you. You're certainly one of my better apprentices." I chuckle.
"I mean, I would like to not destroy my home."
"Or any surrounding ones." I turn my full attention to him, confused as to why he would say that. He merely shrugs as he adds,
"It's happened before."
"I see." Should I be worried?
"Anyway, you almost have the fundamentals down. Pretty soon, you'll be able to get your Sorcerer's License, and I can begin teaching you summoning magic."
"I'm sure the brothers would appreciate that."
"Oh, probably. They like you alright." His smirk indicates that he wants to start bantering with me. He does it on a daily basis, and I've gotten pretty good at coming up with good responses on the fly.
Suddenly, someone knocks on my door.
"I'll get it," Solomon states, patting me on the shoulder and kissing me on the temple before leaving the room. I take the opportunity to begin pouring my potion--a serum that causes people to change size--into the bottles Solomon set up in front of me.
Just as I finish filling the first bottle, Solomon returns.
"It would seem as though the brothers got tired of waiting," he tells me.
"What do you mean?" I ask, setting the cauldron down.
"Surprise!" Asmo pops his head in the room and waves excitedly at me.
At least, I think it's Asmo. His hair's a lot longer than usual, and his choice of makeup makes him look rather feminine.
As he steps into full view and reveals his outfit--a spaghetti tanktop, a denim miniskirt that barely covers his crotch, and strappy high heels--I realize that he's in drag. And it looks good.
Has he done this before?
"You alright, MC?" Solomon asks, walking over and touching my shoulder.
"I'm sure they are," Asmo answers before I can open my mouth. "They're just in awe of my beauty."
"Just the same as always," Solomon quips, causing Asmo to stick his tongue out at him.
"What are you doing here?" The question comes out a lot more quietly than I was expecting. Maybe it's because I can't stop staring at Asmo. For once, he's right; I am in awe.
"Here in your home, or here in the human world?"
"B-Both, I guess." Asmo clasps his hands together.
"Well, after you left, Diavolo started making plans for us to come visit you in the human world. He and Lucifer bought a property nearby, and we've been working on making it our own for a few months. We just finished last week." He briefly pauses. "I've actually been sent to pick you up and take you over there. That is, if that's alright with your teacher over there." He smiles at Solomon, who nods his head.
"I think we've reached a good stopping point for today," he replies, glancing over at me.
"Great! I'll help you pack." Huh?
"Asmo!" I call out before he can go too far.
"Yes, MC?" He bats his eyes at me, and I have to force myself to focus.
"As much as I appreciate the enthusiasm, I can't spend the night. I have to work tomorrow." Asmo stares at me blankly. "You know...the job that helps me pay my bills?"
"Oh right! You don't have to worry about that for a while." That can't mean what I think it means.
"Asmo...what did you do?"
"I didn't do anything. It was all Diavolo." He didn't...
"MC isn't like you guys," Solomon pipes up. "They rely on their job to make ends meet. It's not like they can just leave at will." This makes Asmo widen his eyes.
"No, no, no! It's not like that at all!" he exclaims. "MC, you still have your job. Diavolo just arranged for you to be on vacation until we returned to the Devildom." He walks over and clasps my hands. "I am so sorry for worrying you like that, MC." I sigh.
"That only covers part of it. What about--"
"Check your bank account."
"I got it," Solomon states, leaving the room and returning with my laptop. Once he pulls up my online account, he shows the screen to me, revealing...
"Is that four zeros?"
"It appears so, yes." He clicks on the checking account to view transaction details. "It looks like Diavolo's been transferring money to your account. At least, I assume that's who 'David Prince' is." Asmo nods his head.
"We thought it best to adopt human alias while we were here." Well, that explains the drag. "I decided to go with Azzy."
"The name suits you," I tell him, still staring at the screen.
I can't believe that Diavolo went out of his way to do something like this for me. It's not like I've ever expected him to provide for me or anything.
"So, am I good to start packing?" Asmo asks.
"Sure." I make sure to follow him as he enters my room. If I leave him unsupervised, there's no telling what he'd do in there.
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Little comic about my OC Nova (a Tailsmo fankid) when she was a baby:
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a-map-of-gays · 28 days
Once again thinking about BBC sherlock has the best representation of a queerplatonic relationship I've ever seen
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