#everyone should flirt with yaz
nightmanatee · 2 years
my hc of the day: the girl who lives between two heartbeats, the one who became so much alike the doctor, the one who has her own tardis, a lot of time of her eternity and a big heart (bc she's like 12; bc 12 has a big heart) just gathers all the companions that the doctor left behind - every each one she can get.
so clara invites yaz within the second or the third sentence. "oh you can pilot the tardis? fuck YEAH we needed someone who can do that". "bill and your puddle girlfriend? feel free to drop in at any time". "river? hello sweetie. need a lift somewhere? go on there then". "martha hi!!! how's your husband? do you want to see the future again? cool!" "susan, romana II, tegan and nyssa, mell and ace! go on, you're always welcome here!"
she! just! keeps! being the doctor! healing all those who don't want to just sit there and move on (or the ones who are *this* close to move on and just needed one last adventure (OR the ones that just need that *specific* flavour of tea that is not in this solar system. how can clara blame them, huh?)).
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I just watched Space Babies and the Doctor!!!! mentioned!!! visiting!!!! Starfleet!!! AAAHH Here is some ‘The Next Generation’ crossover !!!!!
Data: “Taking into consideration the previous situation, how you were instrumental in the survival of the ships crew and the ship itself, I will waiver in my typical fortitude. For this one instance, yes, Doctor, you may be Sherlock Holmes.”
Doctor: “Man, I love replicators so much!!!”
*Pans to the fam + the the entire bridge crew wearing fezes*
*Troi getting a massive headache every time she’s in the same room at the Doctor.*
Troi: “You.. should really talk to someone..”
Doctor: “Ya that’s not really an option for me”
Yaz: O_o
Doctor: “Uhg that ship is so aesthetically displeasing. A square? Bad. Space ships aren’t meant to be rectangular. Look at all of the corners and edges. It’s just bad. Bad ship. 1/10”
Everyone in the room: … … …
Doctor: “Oi! Mine’s different!”
*Teaching a hyperfixating Data 276 different Gallifreyan card games*
Data showing up at the next poker night: “Hi guys😈”
*The Doctor nearly falling over from gender euphoria after getting called ‘an exceptionally handsome women’ by Lwaxana*
*Lwaxana picking up on it and flirting, hard, right in the Doctors weak spots all night*
*Lwaxana picking up on Yaz’s raging jealousy and then trying to play matchmaker*
Deanna: “Mother, please, leave then alone, we are trying to stop this planet from going to war with the herd of space worms entering their solar system”
*Taking Data, Picard, and Dr. Crusher to see an original Shakespeare production*
*TARDIS materializes on the bridge for the first time*
Picard *shuddering*: “…Q..?”
*Geordi completely forgetting what he is doing in a very high stakes situation because the Doctor used the sonic and it looks so unbelievably pretty through his vision*
(Had to include my Alien Tastebuds headcanon)
Doctor: “YES finally a good meal! :D Klingon cuisine is my favorite! Ryan, don’t eat that! That plant is poisonous to humans and would probably taste like rancid ectoplasm to you. Yes, it does go bad, don’t ask. More, please, Worf!!”
Worf: “You ravange your plate like a true Klingon warrior, as though each meal shall be your last.”
Doctor: “Well it’s heavenly compared to human food!! So bland…”
worf: “I can understand, I was raised on human cuisine.”
Doctor: “Graham has made nothing but pizza for a week! Blah! Can you imagine?!”
Graham: “I’m perfcting my recipe!”
Ryan: “I don’t mind it one bit :)”
Riker: “Let’s cook together sometime, ‘matey’!”
Deanna: “Will… no..”
Feel free to add on!!
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finalgwen · 4 months
I'm going to go on a little ramble about representation in Doctor Who because tonight they managed to make me feel a way I haven't felt since 18 June 2005.
So let's start there, with the last time we got to see the Doctor and a male character have a romantic kiss. On family tv in 2005, with kids across the country watching. Two years before that, it was literally illegal to mention LGBTQ+ people in a positive sense in UK schools. Section 28's shadow lingered for a long time, I don't think there was any palpable change to the curriculum in those two years. But RTD gave us Captain Jack and that kiss, and he did so explicitly for the purpose of representation, saying 'It’s time you introduce bisexuals properly into mainstream television'.
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Then after that kiss, Jack dies. Tale as old as time for queer characters. But then... He doesn't. He comes back to life, and refuses to die from that point on. A writer that saw too many brilliant gay and bi men disappear from his life (as It's A Sin brings into stark contrast) gave us a queer hero whose power was that he couldn't die, and I still marvel at the power of that.
(... And then sadly the elephant in the room, John Barrowman refused to learn about what's appropriate on set and kept doubling down on why his behaviour was actually just fine and dandy, and so we'll likely never see the character again, which sucks given how much he meant to bi kids growing up in that era.)
So anyway, Doctor Who moves on as it always does. We get Torchwood and a gloriously bi team there, but safely away in the adult television space. RTD era Who keeps on mentioning queer characters but we never get anyone quite as in your face or central to the plot as Jack. River Song briefly mentions flirting with everyone in the same 51st century way, but then stays mostly focused on the Doctor on screen.
Then Moffat era Who comes about and Season 5 doesn't feature a single queer character except River's reappearance. Even Moffat realised how much he'd fucked up here and course corrected. So things get slightly better with Vastra and Jenny (two prominent lesbian characters, only one of whom gets non-consensually kissed by the very male Doctor, yay) and eventually Clara, a canonically bi companion. It's only mentioned in little side snippets about kissing Jane Austen in unseen stories, but it's there? You can't deny she's bi, even if it never really informs her story. And then Bill, who's actually genuinely handled pretty well as a lesbian character, I think Moffat tried and things like getting a gay date interrupted by the pope are genuinely funny gags. Wish we got more of an actual dynamic between her and Heather though.
Then we get the Chibnall era and we do get queer characters here and there, The Witchfinders casting of Alan Cumming as James I is very good, and Praxeus has a quite sweet central gay relationship. But then there's Yaz.
See, Yaz is in love with the Doctor, apparently anyway, it's never mentioned before Revolution Of The Daleks when they became aware of the fan headcanon, and after using Jack to point to the similiarities between them in his last appearance, they kinda kept it on the backburner after that, so it's all very hastily resolved in one conversation in Legend Of The Sea Devils and they never kiss or get to display much affection.
So really we've had two eras where the main character representation has been piecemeal, there's certainly stuff there for queer fans to cling onto, in the same way that we've torn apart the classic era for hints of gayness. But Nyssa and Tegan weren't really for us, and neither is most of this. Even at its best it feels like straight writers realising it's a thing they should include but without any real passion for it.
And along comes Rogue and we get a full fledged romance, a dashing hero stepping into the Doctor's world and them instantly clicking and flirting, the chemistry palpable, all leading to a heartbreaking conclusion where they actually get to kiss before the end, and the chance of more to come in the future. No little one liner where Rogue says 'I like guys btw but anyway moving onto the important stuff'. No nods and winks and jokes about long tongues. Actual text, more development in an episode than Yaz and the Doctor managed across an entire run.
The writers of this episode are Kate Herron and Briony Redman who used to work on Loki, the one with the one side conversation about bisexuality that's a nice nod but never really builds to anything, that RTD famously called a 'craven, feeble gesture'. So they came in without the shackles of the MCU and did it right, and I love them for it. They tried to give us what representation they could, and with a producer that wants the same, we got something authentic.
Authenticity matters when it comes to representation, it can't just be to tick a box, and it really feels like this was for us. Something that might lead to the same brain explosion in a queer kid watching Doctor Who that Parting Of The Ways did in 2005 for me.
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head-wonk · 6 months
here's my take on Thasmin that we see in the show:
Yaz not initially really crushing that much on The Doctor, more bewildered, impressed in awe
She begins to crush on her,
The Doctor recipricates a bit but is also MAD buzy with her whole identity crisis, she clearly dosent have the space to give anything back
but Yaz wants to help her, everytime she sees 13 pull away she grows more desperate to help her and then suddenly
they have to spend 10 months apart, this is where the big proper crush hits
then Flux is all about her finally trying to come to terms with that crush
then 13 sort of realizes, OH SHIT this cute girl who is absolutley BRILLIANT loves me, fuck oh fuck, ive been flirting and i care about her and i cant hurt her like ive hurt everyone else
and so she wants it to end peacefully, its like she comes to terms with the ways the doctor has preciously treated love interests and is finally doing the right thing
and I think thats fucking beautiful. some relationships are not meant to last forever. but Yaz will be a stronger person for the rest of her life BECAUSE of the way thirteen wrapped things up the right way
also they should have kissed under the sea and held hands ty ok bye
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13thdoctorposts · 1 year
Best Friend making small talk: So what is your favourite episode of Doctor Who.
Me: hmmm… that’s a hard one… the woman who fell to earth was an incredible first episode, Jodie brought all the energy of the Doctor but was so totally her Doctor and I knew the moment she jumped that crane and said those iconic words for the first time ‘I’m the Doctor’ that she was my Doctor… But then they capped of the season with their first returning enemy in such an interesting way and we finally got to see the Doctor up against one of her greatest enemy’s. She was sooo the Doctor in this episode, it was just so good… but then Rosa, Demons of the Punjab and It takes you away we’re such the emotional heart of series 11 such stand out episodes about racism, partition and loss and grief.
But then you have Spyfall part one, the opener of Series 12 and it was a non stop ride, it was funny, the Doctor in a Tux … there’s no words for that look, you have Yaz stepping up and leading a mission with Ryan by her side and the revelation of the Master being back it was an incredible opener, then we got Nikola Teslas night of terror and it’s so good, and you can see the doctor has found someone who’s just like her and her joy of being in his company and it’s just a wonderful episode, and her speech to Yaz in the end… chefs kiss, but then you have Can you hear me and we get a really interesting story on mental health and we get to see further into Yaz’s back story and the depression she deals with and it’s just a really Great episode, but then you also have the Haunting of Villa Diodati… the Doctors interactions with Lord Byron always make me laugh and then the complete shift in her when she realises there’s a cyberman, that was powerful and then ending the episode on a speech about having to make difficult choices and how do we get to decide who’s lives are worth saving, then there’s the Timeless Children and Yaz just super steps up she’s the first through the portal to save the Doctor and when the Doctor leaves to sacrifice herself Yazs reaction is heartbreaking, but then there’s the special of the season which is another fun episode with the Doctor in her element taking on the daleks but the heart of this episode is Yaz, seeing her heart break and dedication to getting the Doctor back, her talk with Jack about her feelings, such a great episode.
Then you have flux which is essentially a 6 hour movie, and even though the pandemic separated the Doctor and Yaz we got some of the most important founding moments of their relationship and some of my favs though out the series.
But then you have the last 3 specials Eve of the daleks has Yaz admitting her feeling for the doctor, it was so incredibly special, and although the doctor doesn’t do it verbally you can tell from the way she looks at Yaz she feels it to, and that takes us into legends of the sea devils which has the doctor admitting her feeling for Yaz, flirting with Yaz and also having a sword fight it’s such an incredible episode, and lastly we have the regen episode which had the highest highs and lowest lows, you get a bunch of returning characters, the villains, the master at his best, Yaz is the hero of the story saving the doctor twice, carrying her to the TARDIS, flying the TARDIS and taking control of everyone while the doctor Is incapacitated and this is by far her stand out episode even though she’s had some amazing moments, the problem with the episode is that the Doctor regenerates at the end with out hugging or kissing Yaz good bye so it’s an incredible episode that in those final moments was a bit hard to rewatch.
Best Friend: so… probably not the question I should have asked.
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go bestie expose your feelings about the ending😔✌️
before i say anything, these are my OWN opinions! no one take them as me speaking for everyone. you can either respectfully discuss in the reblogs/replies or make your own post if you disagree that much, thank you!!
everything else is under the cut bc oh gosh this is actually pretty long lmao (dw, I have a TL;DR at the end)
let me start with the LOWS of the episode and work my way to a more positive light :)))
first off, we had no resolution to the fob watch/timeless child arc. I can still understand this bit because it's part of the mystery, but it feels like there's so much plot whose ends they still haven't tied together. did she just drop the fob watch containing ALL HER PAST MEMORIES inside the TARDIS and ignore it?? did the doctor really not tell yaz about the memories? did she do that offscreen? like- what? they set up so many plots and didn't even end up continuing them like they deserve
next is how they handled sapphic ships, specifically lesbian ships. I don't know much about the classic companions but from what i've seen, tegan and nyssa are supposed to be together and ace is lesbian-coded, but what we got was retconned tyssa and ace flirting with graham?? and I also disliked how they implied that tegan's life was so dull after being left by the doctor.
they also didnt resolve thasmin at all like?? they gave yaz SO MUCH character development and it looked like her relationship with 13 was gonna have a better resolution because of how they added more of it in EOTD and LOTSD but no?? what happened to "I want to tell you everything" and "if it was gonna be anyone it would've been you"? they just ended it with a nod and walking away silently? now here, I can understand that they both don't want to say goodbye (the doctor bc she hates goodbyes and yaz bc she's holding out hope that they may see each other again) BUT we deserve more than just that. (maybe this is bc I was imagining a killing eve s3 finale-esque goodbye wherein both yaz and the doctor stop in their tracks and turn around for a final goobye kiss, but that's on me lmao)
in addition to that, why is it that the first sapphic doctor is the only one who didn't get a kiss in her entire run, when she had so much chances to kiss yaz? and please don't say "we know it's confirmed to be romantic so we don't need the kiss" bc we have had enough shipping based on subtext and post-show confirmations. i agree that physical touch doesn't define a relationship but can't we have it this once? would it be so hard to give us this on their final day?
finally, imo they hardly gave enough time for jodie to say goodbye to her role properly. it would still have been ok if the episode was only filled to the brim with classic who nostalgia, but then they made her regenerate to 10. instead of giving her (the first female doctor) or ncuti (the first black doctor) the spotlight, they decide to bring back the most popular (and most used) doctor, david tennant. don't get me wrong i LOVE david as a person, but there's a difference between bringing someone back for a cameo and overusing them. with all honesty, I'm tired of him and ten 🤷.
and not only that, they took their most popular (white male cishet) doctor, aka the one that most if not all NMDs compare jodie to, and put him at the end as a cliffhanger? like he was the one they should have been waiting for? they must know that they're diverting people's attention away from appreciating jodie's ending and ncuti's beginning. I keep seeing stuff on twitter like "finally, the good doctor who! they're gonna restore doctor who back to its formal glory! this will prove that the female doctor was a mistake!" which is UTTER BULLSHIT
now here are the HIGHS of the episode because there were a lot of them too:
I LOVED how this episode gave closure to some of the classic companions, aka tegan and ace. I squealed when ace called the doctor "professor" and I'm glad they didn't shy away from showing that a previous companion was (rightfully) upset with the doctor. and all the callbacks! the nitro 9, ace's jacket, and her bat, too. don't even get me STARTED on the "support group for former companions" because that was amazing. IAN WAS THERE?!?!? and it gives such a good open end to them, not only for future projects but also for fanfiction lmao.
the plot of this episode was impressive and fun. its length contributed significantly because it defo wouldn't have worked if it wasn't as long. I really wasnt expecting it to make as much sense as it did because it was a great undertaking, but I'm glad it did. it showed the best parts of chibnall's take on doctor who (utilizing iconic classic who elements well and his own take on history).
THE CHARACTERS!!! gahdamn I loved how they gave the characters their own jobs that only they can handle, like kate and tegan with the cybermen (bc of their history with them), ace with the daleks (same reason, her history) and yaz saving the doctor (bg their PARALLELS here I wanna bawl).
I was also obsessed with the master in this episode!! Sacha played him as such an unhinged little pathetic brat man (affectionate) but he also proved that he was more than capable of delivering powerful scenes. compare the humour of the rasputin dance sequence vs the master so desperately wanting to be the doctor because he feels lonely. he's one of the consistently great things about this episode. i will be hearing RA RA RASPUTIN on repeat in my head for the foreseeable future (as well as thirteen's theme 😭😭😭).
Yaz taking charge!!! my little badass who's grown from being unsure about facing a potential threat in s11 to kicking (the master's) ass, saving ace, flying the tardis like it was nothing, and reversing a regeneration?!?! and not to mention Mandip's acting. she's proven that she has the range of badass action, deep emotion, hilarious comedy, and just raw heart. she's amazing, showstopping, phenomenal. and out of my favourite companions, yaz is the one I connect to the most, both with her struggles (in her mental health, in growing as a person, and in learning she's queer) and her strengths (hopefully her heart, her love for friends, her courage), so to see her grow at the same time as I have is so special to me.
finally, people may disagree with me on this, but I love thirteen's regeneration speech, due to the fact that she did not do it on her own, she didnt just talk to herself on that cliffside (that was just the last bit). most of her speech was to YAZ, her companion, her friend, the one who's supposed to be the viewer's stand-in. her entire message of "goodbyes only hurt because what came before was so special, and it's been so special. no body else got to be us, no body else got to live our days, no body. and my hearts are so full of love for all of you" was not just the doctor to yaz, but jodie and mandip to us. and idc if yall don't like her last words, "Tag, you're it" is SO THIRTEEN and is instantly iconic.
TL;DR I disliked: the abandoned fob watch plot, how they handled sapphic/lesbian characters, the way they hinted at thasmin but never properly resolved them, nostalgia overtaking Jodie's time to say goodbye, and yet another doctor played by david tennant, who I think is overused I LOVED: the closure this gave to tegan and ace, both of them and kate being given unique spotlight, the Former Companion Support Group™️, Sacha Dhawan as the Master, Mandip GIll as Yaz, seeing how much yaz has grown, Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor, aaand 13's regeneration speech (which was directed to yaz and to us, not just to herself)
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kits-ships · 1 year
filling out the entirety of this ask game for Olive because i love having fun and getting silly
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1. what are the basics of your self-insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.?
Name: Olive Madison Birthday: Sept 14, 1947 (Jumped 44yrs into the future) Height: 5’3 Current home: Maine Birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio
2. when in canon does your self-insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
Between ‘The Ark in Space’ and ‘The Sonatran Experiment!’ The Doctor drops off Harry + Sarah Jane to do whatever they need to do and goes ‘ok I’ll pick you up in a day!!” 
But, when he’s by himself, the TARDIS dumps him in the middle of Ohio and he finds Olive injured after a protest. They go on a single adventure after the Doctor patches her up before she becomes a companion. <3
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self-insert?
Olive is very sisterly/motherly towards other companions, so she’s generally well-liked by them. Some are confused as to why she married the Doctor, others feel the need to stand up for her when she can’t do it herself, and others are like, “How did you get the Doctor to even flirt with you? Hold on, let me get out a pen and paper-”
Some of the villains are intrigued by her, while others only see her as something they can use to manipulate the Doctor. The alien villains in particular see her as weak because she’s a human- including the Master- but he quickly regretted underestimating her after he tried to kidnap Olive and she bit the ever-loving shit out of him.
4. would you be considered a main character, side character, villain, or something else?
She would be a main character for the twelfth season but, after that, she’s a side character with a few appearances a few times each season. There are a few AUs where she might appear more often than that, though!
5. does your self-insert have any special powers or abilities?
No, not really! She majored in botany and minored in culinary arts, but that’s about as far as her ‘special abilities’ go. I’ve considered having the Master try to turn her into a Time Lord as well, but I like that she’s just a lil human :3
6. does your self-insert have any pets?
Olive had a long-haired, black cat when she was little. It grew up alongside her until she was sixteen!
When Olive graduated college, she adopted a kitten named Celeste a month or so before she met the Doctor. Celeste got to live in the TARDIS for a bit and even came to the future alongside Olive.
In a Doctor/Olive/Master polycule, the two Time Lords adopt two ragdoll kittens for Olive! I haven’t named them yet.
With Olive/Master, they come across two orphaned kittens that Olive bottle raises. The Master named them Artemis and Apollo.
7. would any other characters (besides your f/os) have a crush on your self-insert?
I don’t think too much about this, but Harry and Bill might have little puppy crushes on her that they never act on. River having a crush on her would be cute, too!! (Jack has a crush on everyone so he doesn’t count.)
8. what is your self-insert’s orientation?
Olive is bisexual and polyamorous!
9. who are your self-insert’s closest friends?
Excluding the Doctor/Master: Sarah Jane, Jamie, Donna, and Yaz.
10. how do the other characters feel about your self-insert and f/o’s relationship?
Copy and pasting from before: Some are confused as to why she married the Doctor, others feel the need to stand up for her when she can’t do it herself, and others are like, “How did you get the Doctor to even flirt with you? Hold on, let me get out a pen and paper-”
When she’s with the Master, they’re worried and confused. Did he hypnotize Olive? Is she safe? Should they try to help the Doctor win her back? Only Graham ever gets to see how happy she is with the Master after she showed up at her house one day.
With the Doctor/Olive/Master, they are so confused, but they do their best to trust Olive and the Doctor when they say that he’s changed for the better. Still, though, they’re a bit wary of it all.
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self-insert wear?
Olive enjoys wearing sweaters, t-shirts, jean shorts, skirts, and short overalls! Her style focuses on being comfortable and being able to garden in outfits without ruining them entirely. She also likes to wear sandals but will put on a pair of boots if she really needs to.
12. how would the fandom view your character?
I like to think that they’d see her in a similar light to Rose and River! You either really like them or you pretend they don’t exist so you can focus on shipping Thoscei.
13. does your self-insert have any information about their family?
Olive does not get along with her parents. They took care of her physical needs when she was little, but were not affectionate or very empathetic. When she went off to college, they tried to get her to major in financial accounting so that she could follow in their footsteps, but Olive just moved out and cut ties with them. Her parents had even offered to pay for her classes if she switched majors, but she didn’t wanna!! She wanted to study plants and bake cakes, goddammit!
14. what hobbies does your self-insert have?
She likes to bake, garden, and dabbles in various forms of fiber arts! Olive also enjoys fostering animals.
15. how does your self-insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
Olive is just there to help the Doctor and be cute.
16. freebie! name a fact about your self-insert that you want everyone to know.
I don’t always draw her as such, but Olive is a redhead! Her hair is a very dark copper color but she always assumed it was just brown. It was Donna who pointed it out to her and Olive was so confused. 
(I think an explanation for this would be books and audio dramas describing her as a brunette despite the fact that she’s a redhead.)
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jd-205 · 1 year
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Yaz Şarkısı episode 3
Below are my thoughts about episode 3, again with major spoilers included.
(More like an incoherent rambling than thoughts but it is what it is lmao)
This time my notes are more or less in chronological order just as the episode progressed.
Overall thoughts:
Yaz and Kemal actually look kinda cute together. Their together scenes were cute.
I also like Yaz and Murat together though, so like... I'd be alright with either outcome given decent circumstances.
The more i see the more i adore Yaz and Murat. YazMur is probably the way to go. The way they're looking at each other omg. At this point i prefer YazMur over YazKem for sure!
Murat is my favourite character and probably the only character towards whom I have no negative emotions at all. Efekan is very talented actor. He can show wide range of emotions only using eyes which i always love.
Some of the scenes were actually funny.
Chronological order:
• What the hell is wrong with Emine and her problem solving methods always including a gun?!?! I mean, how can you do that? Adults usually,... I don't know... TALK before taking out a fucking weapon! On the side note: I don't know the process of obtaining a gun in Turkey but here you must pass a psychological tests to be eligible for a weapon license. And Emine for sure wouldn't pass that...
• I know we shouldn't sympathize with Neri but like..., she had every right to call police. I mean if you were at someone's house and heard a gunshot out of nowhere wouldn't it be the logical thing to do when you have no idea what's happening and are scared for your life? Maybe she could withdraw the lawsuit, it would probably be the right thing to do but like. I was kinda okay with the outcome, Emine doesn't have a weapon anymore which makes everyone in her proximity automatically much safer lmao (I'm only half joking now... I'm seriously glad she's not armed anymore).
• Aslı is really getting on my nerves. Girl, Kemal doesn't want to have anything with you, just accept that and move on. She is really really really awful person. All the stuff she does to Yaz and then she acts as her best friend, I wish she will suffer consequences of all her awful actions. And how she's always touching Kemal, aaahhh, if it was the other way around it would be immediately called workplace harassment. Just, i hate her.
• I have a mixed feeling towards Defne, i don't know. Sometimes she seems as a chill and kind person. But on the negative note, how she was flirting with the guy, like he said he didn't want to join the party and he didn't want anything to drink. Defne should just accept no as an answer and not push harder. Then she spills tea over everything. They spent whole night fixing everything she ruined because of the tea escapade. The guy tells her it would probably be for the best if she doesn't walk around his desk in the future (given the stuff that happened) and he's the bad guy? Like... How? In the scene both Aslı and Defne gave signs of toxic behavior imho.
• Poor Murat!!!!!!!! Murat, my dear, you deserve someone better than Yaz, someone who will truly love you and appreciate your efforts! He was done dirty. I mean, sorry to break it to Yaz, but people on average just can't lie their way out of everything without wink of an eye. Yaz started the game of fake marriage proposal. If we put Murat's love to Yaz aside, he wanted to help his friend and played along. They start to be in a mess because of all the lies and when he wanted to tell his MOTHER truth after she FAINTED before, he is the bad guy? Yaz, you should be thankful Murat plays along with you! Show some respect and be thankful! He tried his best and unfortunately it just didn't went according to Yaz's expectations and she's angry at him that his mom made a conclusion Yaz must be pregnant if they want to marry asap. That's bad, I agree, but 1. he couldn't say otherwise beacuse she passed out from shock again and 2. Yaz's lie started the game so Murat really isn't the one to blame.
• I disliked how Yaz went to breakfast with Kemal rather than dealing with all the mess and leaving Murat behind.
• WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YAZ'S FAMILY?!?!?! WHY THE HELL DID THEY KIDNAPPED MURAT?!?!? WTF?!?! Again, I truly don't understand Emine's concept of problem solving... She thought she would stay in jail so she made her relatives kidnapp her son-in-law? Does it make any sense?
• Murat, please, turn around and RUN! Run away from Yaz and her toxic family.... If someone kidnapped me I would never forget and I would probably also not forgive.
• To be fair, Murat should have said to his mom that Yaz is in fact not pregnant. Like why would he let his mom think that? No reason for that. Fake wedding is one thing which is like... kinda easy to cancel but a BABY? That's not so easy to lie about. If he didn't want to tell his mom the whole truth (because he wants to help Yaz (but it does him more harm than good imho) but okay understandable) he DEFINITELY SHOULD HAVE told her that it was a misunderstanding and Yaz is not pregnant. No reason to make even bigger mess of the situation than it is.
• I'm so glad Murat stood up for himself! You go, my dear! Tell Yaz that she needs to value your efforts!!!
• I'm so happy Murat also saw right through the fake facade of Aslı. The only people who still thinks she is a genuinely nice person are Yaz, Defne (and probably Fadime). Hopefully Yaz will soon also realize what kind of person Aslı really is.
• I'm glad Murat and Yaz reconciled and that Yaz acknowledged her mistake(s). That was very cute scene.
• Yaz again left Murat behind and went away with Kemal. Even though she promised Murat they would go to his mom together. Her actions are kinda saddening. Once again, poor Murat.
• I don't like Sema at all... At all...
• I HATE unnecessary shirtless scenes (which are pretty much all of them lmao), but like I'm not exactly the target audience so it is, what it is 🤦🏽‍♂️😂.
• Yaz really is egoistic af. (Kemal also though.) Murat was so right during his argument with Yaz. No one thinks about him or take him into account. I wholeheartedly agreed with every sentence he said. He is damn right!!! They both are in a difficult situation but Yaz started the game.
• Don't even know what to say about the end tbh. I truly don't know. I think it will be for the best if the truth came out, rather sooner than later. So I'm kinda okey with that. Hopefully they will find out Aslı is behind everything and at least fire her. At least...
Final note:
As someone on twitter mentioned, it would seem logical to me, if YazMur were the way the story unfolds. Like Yaz is in love with this idea of Kemal, the perfect Kemal, which is only her dream though. In reality he's nothing like in her fantasies. So it would be great if she found out that she's in fact not in love with the real Kemal and will realize Murat, who's truly in love with her, will make her happier in life. I want Yaz to fall in love with Murat very much!!!! Let's break the cliches and stereotypes and make Yaz and Murat a happy lovely couple.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
“My Fairy Abogado” *Part 4*
If anyone ever wants me to put the English translations of the Spanish I use in here, please let me know.
Or are you all just googling them?😂
Tag List:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
“What the hell did he want?” 
Beto’s voice startled you from behind. 
“Beto! Language!” You scolded him, trying to shake off the fear in your voice.
“Whatever, I think we have bigger problems,” He rolled his eyes.
“What did he want?” he pressed you. 
“Nothing! Just...nothing,” you waved it off.
“It wasn’t nothing-- it was about that abogado, wasn’t it?”
“Rafael? Why would the Diablos hate Rafael?” Chloe chimed in.
“Because he sent one of them away for a very long time,”  Beto answered her.
“Yay! I knew he was a good guy!” 
“Yeah he won’t be, if he gets us killed,”
“BETO!” You threw your hands over Chloe’s ears. “Stop. You’re going to scare her,”
“Well she should be scared, if you’re willing to risk our lives because some abogado made goo goo eyes at you!” 
“That is NOT true, and you know it,” you snapped.
“Yeah Rafael is going to help us get Mami and Papi back, Beto!” Chloe yelled, making you remove your hands. 
“You can hear us?”  You asked, she nodded. 
“What do you want Chloe, do you want mami and papi back or do you want your life?” 
“BETO, Seriously,” You hit him on the shoulder.
“Don’t listen to him Chlo, he’s being dramatic,” Yaz finally piped up.
“I swear it’s like you are a woman sometimes,” She added.
“Well look what I live with!” He gestured to all three of you. “And I’m NOT being dramatic,”
“YES, you are,” You grabbed a mop and a bucket.
“Nobody is hurting us, and we’re not talking about it anymore,” You warned him as you put the mop in his hands.
“Chloe, Yaz-- wipe down the counters and windows for me, yeah?” You handed them two rags as they begrudgingly agreed. 
“Ok I’ll be right back-- ASH!” You called over to Ash at the hostess stand, she was on her phone per usual.
“Watch them for me,” You motioned between the three of your siblings.
“Watch them? You gonna start paying me for babysitting too?!” She yelled back. 
“I don’t need a babysitter, I'm 15! I’m a man!”
“Yeah a man CHILD,” Yaz laughed.
“I’ll show you man child--” Betro grabbed the mop and put it up to Yaz’s face, making her scream in disgust. 
“Ewwwww! Beto!!” She screamed as Beto chased her with the mop.
“See what I mean?”  You put your hands together in a begging stance.
“Five minutes,” She rolled her eyes.
“Thank you!”
You went to the back, dialing Rafael’s number.
“That was fast,” You heard him smile through the phone.
“H-How did you know it was me?” 
“Call it lawyer’s intuition,” 
“Yeah well apparently your intuition didn't think about hanging around a Diablo’s territory,”
“They came in here after you left,” 
“What did they say?”
“They know you got one of them sent away,” 
“Shit--I should’ve figured that. After I gave Maria that money it figures she probably went to a Diablo dealer--” 
“Wait, did you just say you gave her the money?” 
“You gave Ash’s mom money to go kill herself?”
“I didn’t-- it wasn’t like that!” He was frantic.
“Then how was it, counselor?” 
“I...I wanted her to calm down, so that she would be able to testify. I just wanted her to be calm. I didn’t...I didn’t think…she’d...” He trailed off, on the verge of tears.
“But she did,” You scoffed. 
“Look don’t you think I carry that around with me every day? You know that’s why I give Ash the money I give her! I thought you said she told you that,” He replied angrily.
“No, she told me that you knew who gave her the money. I don’t think she knows you’re actually the one who killed her,” 
“I didn’t kill her!” 
“Yeah you just gave her money to do it herself,” 
“Did you call me just to guilt me about the biggest mistake I’ve ever made?” He gruffed.
“No…” you sighed. “I’m sorry…” You felt a pang of guilt; you knew he was a good guy, he probably felt guilty about Ash’s mom every day and here you were shoving it in his face.
“I’m just scared,” You bit your lip.
“Did he threaten you?” 
“No, he offered for all of us to go out for some coffee later-- OF COURSE he threatened me!” You threw your hands up as it was totally obvious.
“Dammit, I’m--I’m sorry, Y/N,” He sighed. “I should’ve thought about that when Ash invited me to dinner at your place,” You could picture him pacing in his office.
“So you regret coming down here?” You asked softly.
“No! Not at all. Do...do you regret meeting me?” You could hear the fear in his voice.
“No!” You immediately answered, but then paused. “I mean, not really,” 
“If you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have a target on your back right now,” 
“Oh please Rafael, you lived here. There’s ALWAYS targets on people’s back, no matter who they know,” 
“That is true,”
“But--” you sighed nervously. “He--He did threaten the kids, and my family, if you came down here again,” 
“Fuck…” He muttered. 
There was a long pause, so long you thought he might have hung up.
“...You need to come here,” 
“I’m sorry, what?” You almost lost it laughing.
“I can’t protect you from here!” 
“I didn’t ask you to protect me!” You half laughed.
“Then why are you calling me?” 
“I called you to say stay away from us,” You sighed.
“...Do you really mean that?” You could picture his puppy dog eyes as he spoke.
“Rafael, look-- I already told you. I have to put the kids first-- I can’t put their lives in danger just because your smile makes me weak,” 
“...Does it now?” You could hear him smirking through the phone.
“Shut up, you know what I mean. I can’t put what I want before them,” You replied in a flush.
“But you said they need their parents,”
“They also need to LIVE,” You scoffed.
“Please, Diego is all bark and no bite. I grew up with his brother, they’re full of shit,” 
“Well I’m sorry I don’t have the luxury of taking that chance while I sit in my ivory tower,” You said sarcastically.
“....That’s not fair. I told you how hard I worked--” 
“Yeah and I’m happy for you! I’m glad that you got out of here, I really am. But I’m still here,” You ran your hands through your hair. 
“That’s why I’m saying come to me!” He argued.
“Are you not hearing me? I run a restaurant, Rafael! I have kids to think of! I have a LIFE here. I can’t just run away with you,” 
“I didn’t mean it like that,” He sighed. “I meant bring the kids,”
“Did you? Because I think you know that’s impossible. Where are you gonna put all of us? You’re going to rip them away from their home? Their friends? Their life? And and then, then when we’re gone they’ll just go after Mari, or worse Ashtawnja! Or do you want her blood on your hands too?”
“...That’s the last time I’m going to let you bring that up again, or I’m hanging up.” He growled.
“Fine, you’re right. But you also know I’m right-- you can’t save everyone, Raf,” You blinked back tears. “But you can save us by staying away,” 
“I...I can’t do that,” He muttered.
“YES, you can. And you better because I swear to God Rafael if you show up here and the Diablo’s take it out on me or my family I will NEVER let you out of the guilt from that,”
“Just...Look just...just let me come and talk to--” 
“NO. No, okay? Just lose this number,” You hung up abruptly.
You put your hands over your face as you slumped down the wall slowly, silent tears falling down your face. You hated having to tell him to stay away from you, that was the last thing you wanted. But you knew it was for the best. 
Little did you know, Rafael wasn’t that easily deterred. 
It was late, you had closed hours ago and the kids had been asleep even longer. You couldn’t sleep, you were thinking about Rafael. Suddenly, a knock on the back door of the restaurant knocked you from your guilt. You grabbed one of Beto’s old little league bats and crept downstairs, as the knocking continued. You crept closer, and swung it open, waving a bat in the intruder’s face.
“DON’T FUCK WITH ME!!!!” You screamed, only to miss the guy and fell flat on your face.
“....And what exactly were you going to do to a Diablo with a bat in your shorty shorts and a tank top, hermosa?” 
You turned to see Rafael dressed in street clothes. His usual pristine suit was replaced with a leather jacket and jeans that showed off his amazing ass, topped with the black fitted tee showed off the fact that he may be older, but he took care of his body. VERY well. He was decked out in tons of gold chains and rings, you were half shocked he didn’t have a fake grill as well. 
You leapt to your feet, trying your best not to stare. If you didn’t have kids upstairs you would jump him right there in the alleyway. 
“...Is that how they dressed when you lived here?” You smirked, trying to hide the fact that you were incredibly turned on. 
“Oh come on, you know I look sexy,” He winked. “....Or at least your nipples do,” 
You glanced down at your pretty thin tank top to see your nipples standing at full attention. You clamped your arms around your chest quickly, feeling your face growing hotter by the second.
“...It’s cold out here,” You scoffed, but you knew you were totally busted. You hurried him inside, locking the door behind you.
“Okay sexy flirting aside, I told you not to come here!”
“You said the abogado couldn’t come here, so he didn’t,” He presented himself.
“Oh right, so you think you came here under the radar in that outfit, do you?” You half laughed.
“Well that and the fact that I came down here on my bike and not in an Uber,” 
“On a bicycle Raf, seriously?” You were now snickering. 
“No, smart ass. My BIKE,” He nodded outside. You cracked the door open to reveal a black motorcycle. 
“You, ride a motorcycle?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“I do,” He smiled. 
“You are full of surprises, counselor,” You smiled as you bit your lip.
“Keeps it interesting,” He smirked, pulling on your tank top. 
“So....does this mean I can ‘fraternize’ with this Rafael?” 
“Rafa,” He corrected you, rolling the R. “And he can protect you,” 
“I never said Rafael couldn’t protect-- is that why you did this?” You suddenly felt guilty for making him think he couldn’t be who he was to be with you.
“Rafael can protect you with restraining orders and lots of legal bullshit-- Rafa can protect you, the way you need to be protected right now,” 
“And how exactly is that, ese?” You raised an eyebrow.
He smiled slightly and moved his leather jacket, revealing a Glock in his belt. Your smile quickly faded, pushing him angrily.
“What the FUCK, Rafa?” You hissed, trying not to wake the kids. “You brought a gun into my house?!”
“I thought that’s what you wanted!” 
“You thought I wanted another cholo? This place is crawling with them, Rafa. I want the nice, handsome man that came in here the other day,” You pulled on the collar of his leather jacket.
“No you don’t, you told him to leave you alone,” He looked down and away at the floor in sadness.
“I…” you put your hand over your head, running your fingers down through your hair. 
“You’re right. I did,” You couldn’t fault him for listening to you, kind of. 
“So...you gonna let me protect you or what, carino?” 
You thought about it, milling it around in your brain. You glanced upstairs towards the kids, then looked at this new “Rafa”. 
After about a minute, you walked up to Rafa, pressing your body against his. 
“Alright guapo, you can stay,” you smirked. “But THIS, can’t,” You pulled the gun from it’s holster. 
“Fair enough,” He nodded and then went outside to lock the gun under his seat compartment. When he returned, he had a huge mischievous smile.
“So does that mean we--” He started to talk but that jacket with those abs couldn’t hold you back any longer. You grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him into your face. He responded by picking you up, you wrapped his legs around his chest as you two continued kissing. You fumbled with his jacket, trying to rip it off his body. 
“Easy hermosa, this jacket’s $200,” He chuckled, calmly sliding it off his arms and tossing it on your back table. He continued to kiss you, going for your tank top to pull off when…
You both immediately ceased the making out and turned to see a sleepy Chloe, standing at the top of the stairs staring at the two of you. 
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ichabodcranemills · 3 years
You can answer this privately (or even not answer it at all) if you want, but I would love to hear your thoughts on the Flux finale!
Hi! Don't worry, I don't mind talking about it all :D
So. I have a lot of mixed feelings about this finale. Overall, it was a very enjoyable episode, but as a finale after such an amazing season? It was a bit of a letdown. Flux is up there with s10 as my favourite season, and it deserved a better ending.
The three Thirteens were such a clever way of fixing everything without having any of the teams Doctor-less (and the Doctor flirting with herself!!! Skin cleared, crops watered, etc, etc. I absolutely loved it! This might have been my favourite thing in the episode).
Thirteen in general was great. Sassing the Grand Serpent, her conflict with Swarm and Azure, her joy upon meeting everyone. Her talk with Time!!!!
Other honorable mentions: Jericho and everything about him, companion!Karvanista mention, the Master tease.
And now for the bad parts, under a cut bc it's gotten long.
My biggest problem was how so many things and characters kind of served no purpose. I never wanted Bel and Vinder's baby to be the Timeless Child (as I said, I think that would've been depressive). But they're really just aliens from an unrelated world? And they were in the Academy??? For real, there's an Academy and it's not related to Gallifrey AT ALL?
What about the Grand Serpent? Two hearts, psychic shit going on, a silly chosen name and he IS NOT a Time Lord?
Kate. Love Kate, loved seeing her. But there was also no... point? I don't really like speaking like that, as if a character being there and being brave is not relevant enough (I mean, this is Doctor Who, the whole point of the show is ordinary people performing exceptional acts) but her presence actually made no difference to the plot. Any other character would've been the same. I don't even know why the Grand Serpent was so interested in her if the human resistance wasn't shown doing anything at all.
And why was Diane so important? Karvanista will seriously just be left behind without having any honest conversation with the Doctor at all? And that was the end of Tecteun?? For real, she was really that easy to kill?
Even Swarm and Azure were a bit... brushed off quite easily? I love their themes and their 'evilness' and even their demise at the hands of Time, but what about their whole dance? What was the deal with Azure's imprisonment?
I'm assuming some stuff will still be fixed with the specials, but like, for real? I'm done with Tecteun and Bel and Vinder. I don't really care about them anymore, I wish we had seen a better resolution for them IN THE SEASON. These were things that were wrapped without answers, does that makes sense? It's how I feel it.
And a big issue I've had is that the universe is still destroyed and no one seems to care about it. I've seen people online saying that the damage was reversed by Swarm and Azure, since that was part of their evil plan, but hmmm. That was never explicitly said and that's a BIG DEAL stuff that should, absolutely, have been explicitly explained. Again, something I'm not going to completely criticize because I think the specials will deal with, but it should've been addressed in the episode.
I don't want to be overly negative, especially because I do not agree with a lot of criticism of this season (basically people saying that nothing served any purpose), but I wish things had been better connected and better wrapped.
I think a lot of the issues I had this episode had to do with the time restrictions and things imposed by COVID but my overall impression was that the season built up to something grand and the final chapter was something of an ordinary DW episode. So it's 10/10 for the season, and 7/10 for this episode.
I also have shipping thoughts and Yaz's thoughts, but this is too long already, so hit me up if you want to hear them 😉
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capybaraonabicycle · 4 years
A Family Wedding - Part 4
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Rating: Teen
Summary: Jenny meets her mums’ friends and the wedding is drawing to an end
Warnings: Some innuendo and the dagger makes another appearance, also consummation of alcohol
Words: ~3000
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Eventually, they made their way back to the party. The Doctor wanted to introduce her daughter to some of her friends and the Ponds had agreed that her and River couldn’t completely ignore their duty as hosts. Thus, Jenny spent the rest of the very long night talking to an endless number of people who were important to her mum in one way or another.
Bill and Heather immediately decided they were basically cousins and had to get together for space trips some time. Bill wrote her number onto a napkin and made Jenny promise she would get a phone so they could stay in contact. She also talked a lot about the eyebrows-version of her mum, saying it was a shame Jenny missed him. But at least now she got two badass mums and according to Bill, that was pretty perfect when it came to parents.
Missy, her mum’s best woman, casually mentioned she should abduct Jenny, as it would be the perfect leverage over her mum. This remark made Amy threaten her with the cake knife while Rory protectively put his arms around Jenny. Missy made a point of ignoring Jenny’s grandparents, promising Jenny would meet one of her regenerations again soon.
“Your mum is obsessed with me, Honeybunch” she said, trailing her nails over the blade of Amy’s knife thoughtfully, “I’m sure she will come running again with you in tow to foil my next brilliant plan. She can’t let me be on my own for a second. It’s quite embarrassing, really.”
She gave a little dramatic sigh at this, pushing the knife away to move past Jenny. “She just loves me so much.”
Kate Lethbridge-Stewart and Petronella Osgood were luckily part of an earlier version of UNIT than the one, Jenny had enraged. They were fascinated by her and she had to describe in great detail how the machine worked that had birthed her.
“Now, Kate” the Doctor warned her when she walked by and overheard, “Don’t you dare try building that device. I will come and destroy it, I promise you.”
Prompted by Jenny’s heartbroken gaze she explained why she was against the machine, recounting how it had been used to produce soldiers, dispensable to die in a day.
“Maybe I should build one then, the next time you are not traceable, Doctor” Kate joked to the Doctor’s affront, “Just so you’ll come running.”
Clara tried teaching Jenny the names of her Gallifreyan relatives. Apparently, she had met some of the Doctor’s family when she had been something she called an ‘echo’. It was quite confusing, really, because the Doctor kept contradicting her and neither of them were really sure how many siblings, nieces and nephews Jenny had in total. It was still great fun to see them argue whether the people they remembered actually existed and how they were related to her.
Captain Jack Harkness got as far as introducing himself to Jenny, when the Doctor already shot in between them.
“Back off my daughter, Jack” she growled, pressing both her palms into his chest to physically keep him from touching Jenny.
“Your daughter?” Jack asked, his eyebrows wandering up to his hairline.
“My daughter, Jenny” her mum presented proudly, just to return to her strict voice the next second, “And you are not to flirt with her.”
“I was just saying ‘hello’!” Jack complained which made her almost strangle him.
“Ianto Jones” the man next to Jack presented himself to Jenny very softly, considering the wrestling couple with quiet confusion and some distress, “His boyfriend.”
“Ah” Jenny said, grimacing, “So sorry for this.”
That made Ianto smile.
“Right back at you” he murmured.
Martha and Mickey found Jenny, when she was sharing a piece of wedding cake with River, expressing their relief that Jenny seemed welcome in the family. They talked about Donna for a while and Jenny learned that their friend had lost her memories after saving the Earth from Daleks.
Her mum recounted how when the Doctor first met her, Donna had been there, too. They exchanged a few stories about her, unanimously deciding they would have loved to know her better. Martha and Mickey said they sometimes checked up on her.
"Only from afar, though" Martha sighed. "She can't see us or else her memories might get triggered."
She and Mickey then told Jenny about their job, how they were freelancers now, hunting hostile aliens.
"Sounds fun" River commented and Jenny had to agree.
"You could join us some time" Martha offered, "Both of you."
"Really?" Jenny asked delightedly, grabbing River's arm in excitement.
"Of course" Mickey grinned, "It always pays to have some backup."
They added their phone number to Bill’s on the napkin and promised to let Jenny know the next time they had an interesting assignment.
“How is everyone immediately adopting me?” Jenny asked Yaz, Ryan and Graham, when they had proclaimed her part of the ‘fam’ as soon as they heard she was the Doctor’s daughter.
She had already gotten the invite to travel with Bill and Heather, Clara and Me and to live with her grandparents, Martha and Mickey, Jack and Ianto, Sarah Jane Smith and even the Paternoster Gang, although she had tried to avoid them after the pudding incident.
"The Doctor is family" Ryan shrugged. "Which means you're family, too."
The other two nodded in agreement.
“And we all know you can use the support with her being your mother” Ryan continued with a low chuckle, and Jenny stared at him with wide eyes.
“It’s nothing bad” he hurried to appease, “The Doctor’s great, she’s just…”
“The Doctor” Graham finished, and Ryan nodded as if all was said now.
“She’s a little chaotic” Yaz tried to explain.
Graham snorted, “Yeah, right, a little.”
“And irresponsible” Yaz added, “And most of the time you can’t understand a thing of what she’s doing or saying. And the things she does…they tend to go wrong.”
“But she’s wonderful” Ryan said and the other two nodded again.
“‘Brilliant’” Graham said with a low chuckle.
“She’s the best person I know” Yaz ended with a smile and Jenny found herself returning it.
“And you’ll have River and me travelling with you” Yaz concluded, gently nudging her with her elbow, “We’ll take care of you and among the three of us, we’ll also manage to take care of her.”
Jenny was just talking to a head in a box and a nice couple owning an antiquarian bookstore, when her mums approached her. They were exchanging conspirative glances and the Doctor was hiding her hands behind her back, so Jenny immediately decided whatever they were up to was more interesting than the blonde guy’s obsession with easter eggs. She excused herself and made her way over to her mums.
“River said you might still feel insecure about whether the TARDIS is your home” the Doctor said without greeting, “So, I got you a gift.”
She revealed a tiny package from behind her back with great flourish. It wasn’t much bigger than her thumb, obviously wrapped in leftovers from her own wedding gifts. Without knowing what was inside, Jenny decided it couldn’t have been more perfect.
“Thank you” she beamed and hurried to open her present.
Unfortunately, that was almost impossible for the amount of tape her mum had used. Now that she paid attention to it, it became apparent the Doctor had fought quite the fight against the tape - strips of it were also sticking to her suit jacket and her forearms. One even made its way into River’s hair and Jenny dreaded the moment she would find out about it. Luckily, she missed it when she wordlessly reached into her hairdo upon seeing Jenny struggling. She pulled out the mini dagger again, handing it over to her. With its help, the tape and wrapping paper soon were torn, and a silver key fell into Jenny’s hand.
“It’s for the TARDIS” the Doctor explained. “Now you can come and go whenever you like and stay as long as you like.”
“And once I’ve shown you how to fly her you can also use it to take the TARDIS out on your own whenever you like” River supplemented, and the Doctor glared at her.
“Don’t you dare encourage Jenny to steal my TARDIS!” she grumbled, “It’s bad enough when you do it.”
Then she turned and beamed at Jenny again. “But yeah, pretty much: Welcome to the TARDIS!”
Jenny felt herself tear up a little, clutching the key tightly. It was real! She had a family and a home and she was welcome.
She pulled both her mums into a hug, smiling when they embraced her tightly.
“Thank you so much” she murmured.
Suddenly, an aggressive flash blinded her.
“Oops, sorry” Bill said, lowering a vintage looking camera from her face. “It wasn’t supposed to do that.”
She fumbled with the flash a little bit until Heather took over and switched it off. When Bill raised her gaze again and noticed the whole family was still staring at her, she blushed.
“Don’t mind me”, she said. “I’m just repaying a favour. Have been taking pictures all night. You will want something to remember this day by, Doctor. And yeah, I recalled what you did for me with my mum and thought…I should do that for you, too.”
She smiled sheepishly and the Doctor looked like she was about to melt.
“That is a lovely idea, Bill” River found, pulling Jenny and the Doctor close again to pose for another shot, “You know what? We should get my parents and do a proper family photo!”
“Did I hear family photo?” Jack said, miraculously turning up behind Bill with Ianto in tow. “Can’t do that without uncle Jack!”
“Oh, they most definitely can” Missy chuckled, appearing next to him. “This is not about you, puppy. It’s just for real family members. Like me.”
She pushed past him, positioning herself next to the Doctor and facing the camera with a thin but content smile. “I’m ready when you are, Loves.”
“Uh, yeah, that’s not happening” Jack decided, joining River’s side and slinging his arm around her waist, pulling Ianto with him into the frame.
While Bill shot the photo, Jenny could see more guests taking notice, some approaching them fairly quickly.
“Seems like everybody wants to have their picture taken with you” River whispered to her and Jenny chuckled.
“I am 100% certain it’s about you and mum” she answered although she couldn’t deny she felt important in the middle of the frame that more and more people crowded into.
“You should be in the picture, Bill” the Doctor called out when Sarah Jane was ushering a couple of teenagers and a metal dog to sit down in front of them. “If anyone’s family, it’s you! Just give the camera to Nardole.”
“Yeah, thank you, Ma’am” Nardole frowned. “Always a pleasure to know how much you appreciate me.”
He still took the camera from Bill and she and Heather hurried to the space the Doctor and Jenny cleared between them. It was a little tight now as Missy refused to budge but Jenny just threw one arm around River and the other around Bill and smiled for the photo Nardole shot of them.
It took a while until everybody who wanted to be in the photo had found their place and someone had tracked down a waitress to take the picture. In the meantime, a lot of quirky photos were shot by and of various combinations of the Doctor’s friends. Later they would be glued to the walls of the TARDIS hallways and Jenny would come back to them often to trail the faces of her mums’ loved ones and remember the night.
There would be a picture of Mickey and Martha kissing with Amy photobombing behind them, a picture of Wilf and Rory having exchanged their suit jackets and beaming like idiots and a picture of Jenny, Bill, Heather, Nardole, Yaz and Ryan in a group hug that Graham took as a very blurry selfie. There would be a picture of when Jack had decided to hoist Jenny onto his shoulders and another one of when Clara, Ryan and Yaz had followed suit, respectively carrying the Doctor, Graham and Bill on their backs with varying degrees of success.
Then there would be a picture of Jenny with her namesake which had made them giggle way too much, and another picture that the other Jenny had taken of her with Vastra and Strax, because ‘no-one would see the difference’. Which was an even sillier joke but made Jenny understand how much she liked the Paternoster gang after all. Especially because Vastra and Jenny had promised her fencing lessons between the shots.
There would be a picture of her mums kissing both of Missy’s cheeks simultaneously while Missy wore a decidedly unimpressed expression, a picture of Kate, Osgood, Martha and the Doctor trying to evoke an air of semi-professionalism as ‘UNIT-representatives’ that was completely ruined by the mess of people goofing around behind them and finally the Pond family picture River had asked for. They had to take three versions: one featuring Missy, one Jack and one on which both had begrudgingly left them alone.
But Jenny’s favourite photo would always be the one they took in the end, before everybody dispersed and went on to enjoy the party. The big group photo, with her mums in the focus and everyone surrounding them. The photo they took while she was standing right beside them, between her grandparents, Rory’s arm around her shoulder and Amy’s hand in hers and the happiest smiles possible on all their faces.
Then it was finally time to leave. Almost all the guests had gone and Clara and Ashildr were collecting the last of them in their diner-shaped TARDIS. All that was left now were Jenny, her parents and her grandparents.
“We’re taking…the kid…with us” Amy said. She was slurring and Jenny presumed she had found another bottle of vodka.
“No, why?” the Doctor complained, clutching at Jenny’s arm. She seemed a little drunk as well, although Jenny couldn’t fathom how. There had been next to no alcohol in the pink drinks. “I’ve let you have her the whole evening already.”
“Jenny will come visit us soon” Rory tried to reassure Amy. His ductus was considerably clearer than hers, but he was swaying a little as well. “She has promised, remember?”
Jenny’s hearts swell a little when she understood Amy must have recounted their discussion on the balcony to him. They’d been talking about her!
“We’re still -taking her” Amy decided, “Or do I needo…- do I need to remind you …what happened in our wedding night?”
“I did” River supplemented smirking. Rory went very pale while Jenny shrieked, hiding her face in River’s shoulder.
Her mum chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“Go with your grandparents, Love” she advised, pulling her into a hug and kissing her cheek, when Jenny looked up at her, “Have a splendid night at their place and we’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Thanks, mum” she grinned, returning the kiss to the cheek. Then she turned around to the Doctor.
“We’ll come pick you up first thing in the morning” her mum said, holding her tightly, “I promise.”
“I know” Jenny murmured, amazed by how sure she was of that now, “Have a good night, mum.”
“Oh, she will” River said. The Doctror spluttered and Jenny tensed.
“Mu-um!” she complained, giving her a stern glance. Still, she couldn’t help smiling, when she added: “I hate you!”
River threw her head back laughing.
“No, you don’t” she said.
“We’ll be there tomorrow” the Doctor repeated when she let Jenny go.
“For once…-I am hoping, sh-she will be a month late” Amy murmured, pressing Jenny to her side and thus swaying her lightly.
“How about breakfast at the Ponds together? As a compromise?” the Doctor offered, and Jenny nodded quickly.
“That sounds perfect” she said, and her mum beamed at her.
“Breakfast it is, then” she decided, “Don’t you lot worry, I can bring the custard creams.”
“Yeah, give us till noon, though, Doctor” Rory mumbled, “I’ll need a lot of sleep now.”
“We’re not goingdo - going to sleep” Amy complained, “We’ll have an afda-afterparty. Movies,… facemasks, goss-gosspip.”
She pulled a face at her own slurring which made Jenny chuckle.
“Yeah, you don’t really b-believe that either” Rory commented, gently taking her arm and steering her towards Clara’s TARDIS. He stopped himself to yawn loudly and reach for Jenny’s hand. “Let’s get all of us to bed.”
They waved goodbye and then Jenny took Rory’s hand and followed her grandparents to the diner. Before they passed the TARDIS, she turned around one last time, seeing her mums standing in the ever-setting sun on Darillium. They were facing each other, River’s hand cupping the Doctor’s cheek, the Doctor’s hands on her shoulders and talking in quiet voices. They seemed perfectly comfortable with each other, exhausted, but happy, like they had finally arrived home after a very long journey.
‘We all have’ Jenny thought, when they started slowly kissing and she turned around to her grandparents again, ‘We’ve all come home now.’
Hey :) Thank you so much for reading this series! This is the end, at least of the wedding and of the story, but I’m sure Jenny is about to have many adventures with her mums. Thank you so much to everyone who has left comments, you are all incredibly kind! <3
And thank you so much @elsaistherelifeonmars​ for letting me play with your story! <3
This fic is inspired by ‘The Wedding of River Song’. Go, check it out, if you haven’t already :)
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doctorthasmin · 4 years
“Just be quiet little buddy, don’t want to wake Yaz up.” The Doctor whispers, shuffling Gary onto the bottom of the bed, the newest furry member of the fam, a striped Gerbil.
“I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again, Gary’s not allowed to sleep with us.” Yaz calls out from her cocoon of sheets wrapped tight against her.
“You’ve gotten good at faking sleep Yaz, Gary isn’t she good at faking sleep?” The Doctor coos, scratching his head as she slips him into his little nest of blankets. She turns the light off and begins sliding under the covers wriggling until she feels warm, before reaching out to entangle herself around Yaz.
“How you feeling chuck?” The Doctor whispers into Yaz’s hairline, kissing it softly enjoying the smell of her peach shampoo.
“Well my boss hates me, my mother is starting to ask questions I don’t have the answers too and my dad cried in John Lewis yesterday over a baby grow.” Yaz groans, sliding her arms around the lanky Doctor burying her head into her neck, she must be at repairs again smelling like oil and faintly of burnt copper.
“Okay that’s a lot to unpack Yaz, why does your boss hate you?” The Doctor says, blinking owlishly, locking her ankles together around Yaz’s legs, she could koala hug this woman into the next century.
“He thinks he’s getting tossed about with all these ‘special assignments’ I’m on, he’s told me there’s nothing he can do but he can’t hire a new officer in to replace me until I make a move official. I keep telling him I can’t tell him much, but I feel bad.” Yaz hums.
“Do you want a move? Cos I can sort that you know, I know people, well to be honest it’s more like people know me, but it pays to know the woman with this Tardis.” The Doctor brags earning a giggle as she strokes soothing circles on Yaz’s back.
“Thanks, but that’s probably a decision for the future. Which brings me to my mum and dad.” Yaz breathes, rolling over to lie back and meet the Doctor’s hazel and gold eyes.
“I love Najia and Hakim, why is your dad crying over baby wear?” The Doctor asks, brushing a strand of errant hair from Yaz’s face. Yaz catches her hand, kissing the palm, smiling reflexively as the Doctor does.
“They love you too. Do you know Sonya can’t have children?” Yaz asks, randomly watching as the Doctor furrows her brows before shaking her head.
“No I didn’t. Is that why your dad is sad?” The Doctor asks gently, tracing the outline of Yaz’s jaw with her index finger.
“No, well not anymore, we found out when she was a teenager, Sonya mourned that loss, but she’s okay, she’s going to live the life she wants too regardless.” Yaz says, smiling as she remembers her sisters strength, day in day out.
“I’m lost, Hakim was crying over baby wear yesterday, did you slip me something I’m not comprehending.” The Doctor jokes watching as Yaz rolls her eyes, before turning onto her side to meet the Doctor’s gaze.
“Mum and Dad love you, really they do, but they’re raising concerns about my future, my job, my...future family.” Yaz says slowly, watching as the cogs turn in the Doctor’s mind. She swallows, biting her lip before fixing her eyes back on Yaz.
“What do you want Yaz? For your future.” The Doctor asks earnestly, framing Yaz’s face with her hands admiring her beauty.
Yaz thinks for a moment before breaking out in a smile. “I want you, I want the Tardis and maybe in the future, a ceremony to make it a bit more official for those we love. If we find someone young who needs taking care of, I wouldn’t be opposed to that either.” Yaz suggests, watching as the Doctor’s face cracks into a great grin.
“Thats what I want too Yaz, can Gary be the ring bearer? Or better yet should we introduce him to Hakim, I’m sure he’d be a great surrogate grandchild till we find the real thing.” The Doctor suggests, her grin fading as Yaz leans in and kisses her ever so softly, pouring all her love and “butterflies in the tummy” affection she has for the Doctor.
“I thought you’d say it was impossible to plan a future with you, or that maybe they were right that I should make a decision about spending more time on Earth, in the present.” Yaz confesses, worrying her lip before the Doctor gently frees it with her thumb.
“A friend once said, tomorrow is promised to no one, and she was right, but I won’t live in fear of it. For as long as you want to travel the stars, we will. And if you want to spend more time in your time, we will, after all I don’t know if you know this but I have a timeship she’s very nice and she likes you a lot.” The Doctor flirts, winking as she rolls over dotting sweet kisses all over Yaz’s face and neck.
“You’ve given me the stars and you’d still slum it down here in the 21st century if I wanted too?” Yaz whispers, her heart beating fast.
“Well you’d have to keep us Yaz, I don’t think I’ve ever done a honest days work.” The Doctor jokes, before helping as Yaz reaches out tickling her.
I needed some sweet thasmin fluff today, hope everyone enjoys ❤️
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thoschei-rights · 5 years
Season 12 but The Master kept pretending to be O??
Basically self-indulgent Thoschei with a twist.
lots of typos bc?? i aint got time to go correct stuff yet? I will later?? 
So Spyfall is resolved, The Kasaavin are banished back to their realm and the Fam and Doctor are clueless as to the true mastermind, Barton taking the fall while the Master continues to pose ad O, having decided he’s enjoying the game of tricking her too much.
Perhaps among their texts they’ve grown close, or perhaps the brief time together in the outback led to events?? ;) But either way, he changes his mind mid plan and continues to act human.
Since he never leaves the message or has the confrontation in Paris, the doctor remains unaware of Gallifrey’s destruction. The fam wait off on asking their questions since she isn’t off with them.
Orphan 55 happens, and while the fam go do their shit, O stays with the Doctor bc admit it, she was like oh ;-; when everyone went to explore. My poor baby. So they hang out together before everything goes to shit, how cute?? Things get resolved, but with the revelation of one of earth’s potential fates, and the potential that the doctor lied about knowing, the fam decide to ask to know more about her. She shares what she believes its true at the time, being born on gallifrey and being a timelord, O looms in the background looking awkward bc he knows none of that is true and he feels horrible keeping the truth from her, it makes him as bad as the rest of the time lords- but he is selfish and he doesn’t want to stop what he’s doing, he’s started to really enjoy her company, its everything he’s ever wanted, every star.
And then it’s ruined when Yaz asks to see her own planet. Blissfully unaware of its destruction, she takes them, and so they’re right there with her when she sees, opens the doors to the rubble, the dying flames- and oh god. The fam are horrified, she’s horrified, O has to fake it, while being utterly glad those nasties are dead- maybe he gets to sneakily comfort hug her??? like she’s trying not to tear up even after that whole shit show of the confession dial, it was her home??so yeah he’s like hugging her but he’s so angry bc they dont deserve her tears?? 
The doctor is off after that, and the fam know why, and none of their words of comfort do much, because sure they’ve just witnessed the death of earth too but that is just one timeline, can be completely avoided, while gallifrey is gone forever, and she believes she’s once more the last of her kind. it hurts.
they visit tesla all the same, and when that big ass scorpion looking alien (bc im sorry i didnt like the episode and i’ve forgotten her name so....) mentions dead planets, she can feel the fam stiffen, as though the doctor is gonna blow at any minute, but she keeps calm, tries to bury the rage, but O can tell, can tell by the way her arms shake, hands clenched into fists in her pockets- and it hurts him to see her like this- the longer he spends around her, pretending to be someone he’s not, he’s just realizing more and more what a dumbass he is and that he’s still as in love with her now than he was all those years ago in the academy- none of the truth will change that-
and then boom the shit show with the judoon occurs and suddenly O is confused af because that Lee guy could ONLY have been him. Who else on gallifrey was stupid enough to hide out with the doctor, marry them and die for them?? him because he’s a dumbass? but he’s a dumbass who definitely doesnt remember this memories?? which theoretically in the doctors timeline should have been sometime after the division? or during? he’s not sure? but to his knowledge he shouldn’t have been alive at this stage? and now he’s not sure what the fuck HIS own life is too? did they take his memories from him too? has he lost part of his life? suddenly the truth doesnt seem as known as he thought- so while the doctor is reeling from the information of Ruth being her somehow? O is having his own mental crisis because what the fuck did they do to him too? what is he missing?? 
praxeus continues as similar as it did originally, O is only the tiniest impressed at Yaz, ever since Spyfall he’d sensed she was the human with the most potential to not be utterly worthless so he’s glad at least one of the doctors latest pets seems to have some initiative?? but yeah i dont wanna change much about praxeus? its not important- except the doctor saying she’s a romantic and the master wants that? wait what- he’s conflicted about his own thoughts? he wanted to break her, destroy her with the truth? but he also just wants to wrap her in his arms? make everything as okay as he can? what the fuck is even happening with him? jsut your usual ‘im a mess’ vibes lmao
when can you hear me? rolls around, it happens in a similar way, i dont wanna get to into it because i dont wanna think too much...the episode was weird, it was just weird-- i cant?? although maybe bc that zellin and the lady whose name i forgot...but they were immortal right?? maybe their species is the doctors species?? huh? huh? think about that- but don’t think too hard bc i hate that theory and i’m gonna pretend i never had that thought- lets just ignore can you hear me even though the end made me cry for yaz bc lol relatable sis, relatable. do whatever you want for this bit fam, idc.
Anyyyyyway. the bit I’m waiting for... Villa Diodati ;) O is ready to smack Byron round the face, fingers itching towards the tce everytime he tries to flirt with the doctor. the lone cyberman appears and wopdie doo earth is going to be destroyed and the doctor is about to do something stupid, thinking there is no other way? the master is like um lol change of plans i dont want the cybermen to win, look how in pain my baby theta is?? i gotta help?? oof? and idk, his patience is like nope all gone? and he whips out his TCE on the lone cyberman and boom. crisis averted? except now the doctor is looking at him in horror and shock and- she realizes who he is then and there, and normally he’d made a big drama out of his, throw in some words, a speech about how easy it was to deceive her, how he destroyed gallifrey- about how he was under her nose this whole time- but he doesn’t, instead he meets her gaze and can barely manage to whisper an “im sorry” and wow shit i wasn’t gonna write that version, i was gonna have feral confrontation but now im stanning a sad master who just needs a hug and some therapy because nothing makes sense, he thought he had everything figured out but he doesnt and he just wANTS HIS FRIEND BACK uiferkghlujkfaghjfkgladhfajkg; i m fine 
i dont know what i wanna do after this point? it could go a lot of different ways?? but thoschei rights bitches. could go angst confrontation and then she abandons him in whatever century that was set bc wow i studied frankenstein in school but i couldnt tell you what century the author is from bc im dumb? 18th? maybe idk that seems likely? or 19th? but anyway yeah or maybe she’s just relieved someone else is alive? or is she shouting for answers or?? i dunno.... but woop ??? 
wow this turned into a big mess but hopefully you can kinda see where i wanna head with things? after this he’d probably show her the truth? i dunno how that’d go down, but he’d be there with her?? But anyway, this idea is free for anyone to write, but holla us a link and I'll give yall a free promo at the end of this post!!
Versions of this that yall Lovelies have blessed us with:
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noforkingclue · 4 years
13 x reader aka disaster lesbians finally getting to properly kiss after months and months of awkward touching and silly flirting?
Title: At Last
Neither of you really noticed how your relationship changed from friends to whatever this was. If you had to put a guess you would have to say it was that time when the TARDIS almost crashed…
“What’s going on Doc?” yelled Graham
The TARDIS was currently spinning around. You, Ryan, Yaz and Graham were holding on for dear life while the Doctor was struggling to maintain control.
“Not sure,” yelled the Doctor, “I’ll let you know once-“
Suddenly the TARIDS lurched to the left. Everyone cried out and ended up in a heap on the floor. You were closest to the TARDIS and had hit your head on it.
“Y/n!” you heard before everything went black.
When you opened your eyes you saw the Doctor’s face above yours. You tried to sit up and the Doctor quickly put an arm around your waist to steady you.
“What happened?”
“You hit your head.”
The Doctor gently touched the side of your head. Her hand gently traced down the side of you head. When she came to your chin she lightly moved your head to the side.
“I don’t think you have concussion,” she said, “But I’d be much happier if we went to the med bay to get you properly checked out.”
“Err, right.”
The Doctor’s face was so close to yours you could feel her breath on your cheek. It was making you hard to think.
The Doctor stood up and held out her hand which you took. You stumbled and the Doctor quickly caught you.
“Easy,” she said smiling, “I’ll help you.”
As the two of you made your way to the med bay you missed the looks Ryan, Yaz and Graham were giving each other.
 The next time was in the kitchen. You had walked in just in time to receive a face full of flour. You wiped the flour from your eyes before opening them and finding a very apologetic looking Doctor.
“Dare I ask what you’re doing?”
Uh oh.
The Doctor was not a good cook. She couldn’t even make a decent cup of tea.
“I wanted to treat you guys!” she said looking hopeful, “Thought it might be a nice treat!”
“Right. Would you like some help?”
You weren’t going to put your friends through trying to stomach some of the Doctor’s cooking.
“Nah, I’m fine.”
“Come on. It’ll be fun! Besides, you also do so much for us.”
“Well if you’re sure.”
You rolled up your sleeves and walked over.
“Of course I’m sure.”
The two of you spent the next hour making a Victoria sponge. You had decided that it would be a simple recipe would be best despite the Doctor’s protests. Once the cake was in the oven the two of you relaxed with a cup of tea which you made. The Doctor looked over and started laughing.
“You still have flour in your hair.”
“Do I? Shit?”
You tried brushing your hair to get it out.
“Is it out?”
“No. Here, let me.”
The Doctor reached over and brushed the remaining flour out of your hair.
“There,” she said, “Much better.”
The two of you remained like that for a moment. The Doctor’s hand still in your hair, you fixed on her eyes. Slowly, her hand moved to the back of your head and the two of you started leaning in and-
“Hey guys, something smells great!”
The two of jumped apart, red faced. Ryan had walked into the kitchen and headed over to the oven.
“Who, err, made it?” asked Ryan suddenly concerned.
“We both did.” You said quickly and smiled when you saw Ryan relax.
“We should get started on the buttercream.” you said to the Doctor.
“Right, of course.”
As the two of you started cooking again Ryan left the kitchen with the suspicion that he might’ve interrupted something.
 “What do you think?”
You stepped out of the closet and spun around. You were wearing a dark red skater dress. It was just you and the Doctor in the TARDIS at the moment.
“Looking good!” said the Doctor
“Of course. Anything you wear looks good on you.”
You blushed and looked away. Since the kitchen incident yours and the Doctor’s relationship had definitely gotten… friendlier. There were more touches, more gazes across the console just more of everything.
“Thanks Doc,” you said, “But can you help me get the zip. I can’t quite get it up to the top.”
“Of course.”
The Doctor jumped up from where she was sitting and practically ran over to you. Your breath hitched when you felt her hands touch your back and do the zip up the rest of the way. The Doctor’s hands made they were to your shoulders and remained there. You looked over your shoulder at her. Neither of you spoke. You were both lost in each other’s eyes. The Doctor’s gaze slowly dropped to your lips.
“You do looking stunning like this.” Said the Doctor
“Flattery will get you nowhere.”
“It’s gotten me this far.”
Silence fell between the two of you again, neither of you sure in what you should do next. Eventually you coughed.
“I should go do my makeup.” You said pointing at the door.
“Oh, right.”
“Unless you want me to help pick out your outfit.”
“Nah, I’ve got this. Besides I want to surprise you.”
You smiled awkwardly before dashing towards the exit. You didn’t stop until you were in your room. You slammed the door shut and slid down onto the floor. Once your heart beat had slowed down you were able to think more clearly.
What just happened there and did you really want to find out?
 “And you just pull this leaver and there we go!”
The Doctor had finally relented and agreed to teach everyone how to fly the TARDIS. It had taken months to everyone pleading with her and putting forward strong cases for why it would be a good idea to have more than one pilot for her to agree. She had decided to do one on one lessons before everyone will try and fly it together.
Today it was your turn. The Doctor’s hand remained on top of yours and you had just successfully taken off. You turned your head and grinned at the Doctor and jumped slightly when you saw how close she was to you.
“You’re a natural.” She said
“I had a very good teacher.”
You felt the Doctor’s fingers entwine with yours. Your breath hitched but you didn’t break away. You enjoyed the warmth that you were receiving from her.
“Look, y/n, there’s something I need to tell you.”
“Yes, Doc?”
The Doctor started to lean in. You felt her lips brush against yours as she said,
“I lo-“
“Hey, how’s it- whoa, sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt!”
Both of you jumped apart and turned around to see Yaz.
“Is everything alright?” asked the Doctor sounding annoyed
“Well, I just wanted your advice on something but it can wait.”
“No, no, let’s deal with it now.”
The Doctor patted your shoulder and walked off. Yaz looked at where the Doctor had gone before turning around and mouthing ‘sorry’ at you before rushing off. You groaned and ran your fingers through your hair. So close and yet so far.
 You knocked on the Doctor’s door later that night. Honestly you weren’t expecting an answer so you were surprised when the Doctor suddenly opened her door. You were standing in front of her in oversized pyjamas while the Doctor had only taken her coat off and rolled up her sleeves. It didn’t look like she was getting ready for bed.
“Can we talk?” you asked, “If now’s a good time?”
“Yeah, I think we need to.”
The Doctor stepped aside and you entered her room. You shut the door but remained near it while the Doctor walked further in.
“What’s wrong?” she asked
“It’s about what happened earlier.”
The Doctor stiffened.
“I’m sorry,” she said not turning around to face you, “I shouldn’t have done that. It was-“
“What I meant,” you said quickly, “Was that if you wanted to have another go I don’t think we’re going to be interrupted.”
The Doctor looked over at you sharply.
“Do you mean that?” she asked walking over to you
Immediately the Doctor had you pinned against her door, kissing you. You could feel the want, the passion behind it and you managed to free your arms so you could wrap them around the Doctor. The two of you only broke apart when the need for air was becoming unbearable.
“You have no idea,” panted the Doctor, “How long I’ve been wanting to do that.”
“I think I have some idea.”
The Doctor grabbed your hands and dragged you towards her bed. She quickly pinned you against it.
“I want you to be with me tonight.” She said
“Good, because I want to remain here.”
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foxcantswim · 5 years
Timeless Jealousy
13th Doctor x Reader https://archiveofourown.org/works/22981072
A/N: Apologies if this idea has already been done! I also understand that this episode is set in the 1800s... So I can't promise that everything fits in with this time period.
Reader gets jealous after seeing Byron flirt with the Doctor...
You knew what Byron was playing at. And you didn't like it. Not. One. Bit.
You refused to dance, watching the Doctor and Byron getting just a little bit too close. You gritted your teeth, fists clenching.
"So... that was marvelous. Is anyone up for, I don't know, I'm spit-balling here, how about writing the most gruesome, spine-chilling ghost story of all time?" the Doctor quickly stopped the dancing, wanting to get straight down to business.
Yaz had come over to make sure you were okay, you nodded and assured her that you were fine. You both headed over to the Doctor. The Doctor began to speak, but your thoughts managed to drown out the Time Lord's words. You were focused on Byron who was on the other side of the room.
"Excuse me, Doctor. You broke a rule. Next, you'll be snogging Byron," Yaz stated. That made you flinch slightly. Just the thought made your blood boil.
"I was trying to get them back on track. Something's wrong here. This night, Byron challenges Mary, Polidori and Percy Shelley to come up with a ghost story-" the Doctor spoke. You caught onto Byron, he had been glancing at the Doctor every now and then.
Yaz nudged you to break you away from your stare, "Keep an eye on 'em," she said to you as the Doctor made her way over to Byron, "You and I both know how Byron can get."
She knew about your little crush on the Doctor. Well... 'Little' is an understatement. You decided to deny your crush again, "I don't need to keep an eye on them. The Doc can do what she want-"
"Shut up, (Y/N)," she rolled her eyes, "No matter how much you deny it, anyone can see it."
Well, the Doctor can't see it. Always so oblivious.
Yaz's eyes drifted towards the door, "Don't worry. You two will be fine," she assured before giving you a comforting pat on your shoulder, she then went to leave the room.
You tried to focus on the sound of the sonic screwdriver, anything to divert your attention away from Byron.
"She walks in beauty, like the night," Byron muttered.
The Doctor continued, "Of cloudless climes and starry skies."
"I'm intensely flattered you're familiar with my work, Mrs Doctor..." Byron grinned. You glared.
"Just Doctor is fine. I'm quite into Shelley's stuff too. He about?" she replied. The tension in the room was thick, and you were the cause of it. You were giving off a slight threatening energy which Byron had clocked onto. He knew that he infuriated you. And he decided to continue.
"(Y/N)?" the Doctor questioned.
Your attention quickly moved from Byron to her, "Y-Yeah?"
She stepped closer, a look of concern clearly present within her eyes, "You haven't spoken much today. Everything all right?"
You nodded, "I'm fine. Well... As fine as I can be in a place like this," you stated as a shiver ran up your spine.
"You sure?" she said, clearly not convinced.
Nodding again, "Cross my heart."
She shook her head, not accepting that answer. Stepping forward, she caught you off guard and grabbed your hand, "Give us a minute," she looked at Byron.
He gave a questionable look before standing aside. The Doctor dragged you out the room and into the hallway. She quickly released your hand before retrieving her sonic screwdriver. She stood close and began to scan you, practically backing you into a wall, "You've been off since we arrived..." she said as a red tint graced your cheeks. The Doctor then shone the sonic into your eyes, trying to get any sort of reading.
"Tryin' to blind me there, Doc?" you squinted, trying to tilt your head away.
She still had a look of concern on her face as she put the sonic away, "Something's bothering you," she decided, "Don't try to lie your way out of this one. I need you to be one hundred percent whilst we're here. Can't have you faltering."
You sighed, "It's noth-"
"(Y/N)," the Doctor glared, "Something is bothering you. You are never this quiet."
"Okay, okay," you said, trying to ignore the little space between you two, "I just... I don't like the way he's looking at you."
"Who?" she said, completely oblivious.
"Byron," you said with venom.
She sighed, before a playful grin replaced the frown, "Ah... I see. Don't worry about that," she stepped back, "We promised not to mess with history, and that's what we're doing."
That wasn't exactly the answer you were hoping for... If this didn't mess with history... Would she be interested in Byron. You shook your head, trying to get rid of the thoughts.
The Doctor's smile remained on her face as she reached for you hand again, "I'm not interested in him, okay?" she assured before dragging you back into the room.
You stayed behind the Doctor as you ran towards the drawing room, Byron was on your heels. You all arrived to see a... hand? Everyone managed to get the hand away from Ryan, Fletcher dished out the final blow. Dust now covered the carpet where the hand used to be.
"Great shot!" the Doctor announced before she made her way over to the remains. You and the rest of the 'fam' knew what was coming next. The Doctor leaned down to take a sample and lick it, "Hmm. 14th. No... 15th century-" the Doctor trailed off.
A smile spread across your face, finding all of the Doctor's little weird quirks fascinating.
"She licked it!" Claire exclaimed.
The smile on your face didn't last long at all, "She is the most baffling creature I've ever been acquainted with," Byron breathed out with a smirk. You glared once more... If looks could kill.
"If you ask me..." Yaz began as you all made your way towards Byron's chambers. The Doctor was up front with Byron, leading the way. You had stuck at the back with Yaz, "You should just tell her."
Rolling your eyes, you scoffed, "Imagine that. Me with an all mighty Time Lord. Never gonna happen," you were surprised that Yaz could hear you over the loud crash of lightning.
"Yaz is right," Ryan said, almost appearing out of nowhere.
Yaz smiled, "Never hurts to try."
You suppressed a groan, really not wanting to be a part of this conversation.
Everyone rounded a corner and soon they arrived. Walking into Byron's chambers made your skin crawl... Anything that related to him was bad in your books.
"It's a collection," Byron explained as people gathered in the room.
"Of what? Dead stuff?" Ryan questioned.
"Relics of war."
The Doctor began to wave the sonic screwdriver around the room, scanning for any abnormalities.
"From my travels..." Byron continued, "Reminders that we tread on the dust of empires. Crops now grow where blood was split. An innocent fascination, I assure you."
Anything he said really seemed to tick you off... You weren't jealous. Definitely not. No. Never.
You noticed the Doctor's face light up, she put on some headgear she had discovered, "What do you think?" she said, practically showing off her new helmet.
"Suits you," you offered her a warm smile, she smiled back in return - seemingly glad that you liked it.
"Well, he just turned sort of zombie and went into one," Graham said with concern.
"What do you speak of? What is a zombie?" Byron questioned.
The Doctor explained, "Kind of a dead person walking, but it won't be that."
"Hey, Doc?" you said, trying to get the woman's attention as she spoke to Graham via the fireplace chimney.
"How do you know?" Byron wondered.
She replied, "Because Polidori isn't dead, for a kick-off."
"D-Doctor?!" you said, your voice starting to tremble more as you noticed Polidori's figure walking in through the wall.
"Mrs Doctor!" Claire tried to get her attention too.
"Really, just Doctor is fine..."
"Doc, Polidori!" you said, now that she was listening. The blonde turned quickly to see him looking like a ghost.
Byron had decided to hide behind Claire, "Begone, demon!" he exclaimed. You glared at him in disgust before looking back at the Doctor once more.
The Doctor took a cautious step towards Polidori, "Doc-"
She cut you off, looking towards you, "It's okay," she assured before looking back at Polidori. The Doctor then raised a hand to check for a pulse, "Pulse? Check. Breathing? Check."
Byron's voice filled the room, "May I just say..." he started, "You are quite lovely in a crisis."
"No-" both you and the Doctor said. The Doctor looked at you in shock, you did your best to avoid eye contact. Byron and Claire looked between both you and the Doctor, unsure of what to say. Byron ended up smirking, understanding the situation quite clearly.
Claire decided to break the silence, clearing her throat, "So... He could just be- be asleep, correct? He walks in his sleep!"
Byron scoffed, "One does not sleepwalk through walls."
The Doctor quickly diverted her gaze away from you, "H-He doesn't just go through walls. He was downstairs a second ago," she looked at Byron, "What you said before..."
"About being lovely?" he smiled, glancing over towards. You bit your tongue.
The Doctor was growing annoyed, "Back a bit."
"Way way back," you added, glaring daggers.
Byron chuckled, "What a feisty one you have here, Doctor," he said, pacing the room.
"Byron-" Claire began to warn before he hushed her.
"We haven't got time for this," the Doctor groaned, "By-"
"Don't you see, Doctor?!" he said, "I can't think in these conditions. What with your pet staring at me all the time."
"You little sh-" you muttered before the Doctor cut you off.
"I would really appreciate it if you didn't talk to my friends like that," she said, clear anger lacing her voice, "We're trying to help."
"Help?!" Byron said, "All she's done is look at me as if she wants to kill me!"
The Doctor looked at you before you could stop yourself from glaring at Byron once again, "(Y/N)?" she asked, "He's clearly done something to upset you," she stepped closer, "What is it?" The Doctor wasn't too fond with having Polidori in his current state just standing there but she had to get to the bottom of this. Claire kept her eye on the unresponsive man.
"Nothing!" you exclaimed. The Doctor clocked onto your annoyance... "Absolutely nothing!" She also clocked onto the light sadness that glazed over your words.
"Come on, Doctor," Byron said, "We can solve this... Alone."
That was it. Byron was getting way too close to the Doctor. Thinking back on Yaz's words... You reached forward to grab the Doctor's coat, effectively pulling her closer. Your lips crashed onto hers just before she could protest her confusion. The lack of movement on the Doctor's end had you worried.
You could hear Byron's scoff of disgust and shock.
You were about to pull away, happy with your action - clearly showing Byron to back off. But, you were quickly pulled back by the Doctor who was now responding with eagerness - her arms had secured themselves around you.
"Erm..." Claire gulped, "D-Doctor, I-I don't want to... cut you short or anything. But shouldn't we be worried about Polidori."
The Doctor's face retreated from yours quickly, "Of course!" she exclaimed in triumph, her arms were removed from around you, "Why didn't I think of that!"
"Wh-What?" you stuttered, breathless.
"Have you figured all this out Doctor?" Claire wondered.
"Yes!" she said, excited.
Byron was now glaring at you this time as he spoke to the Doctor, "Well don't leave us in the dark. Enlighten us."
"Jealousy!" she shouted.
"J-Jealousy, Doctor?" Claire questioned in complete confusion.
You felt your cheeks heat up as a nervous laughter escaped, "N-Now... Come on, Doc... No time for joking around-"
The Doctor's brain finally caught up with all the recent events, her smile turning into a look of complete shock, "Ohhh... That's why you were acting like this."
She cut you off again, "You don't need to be jealous. Especially not because of him," she glanced at Byron.
"Can you two focus on the task at hand?!" Byron exclaimed, annoyed.
"I agree," Claire said, "Polidori is still... Not himself."
Everybody had regrouped in the drawing room after the Doctor had gotten everybody out of their endless loops, most were admiring the skull and hand under the glass that had been recently been captured.
Byron's eyes focused on the Doctor as she made her way over to you.
"Erm... Doc..." you started, leaning against a desk, "I wanted to apologise for my actions earlier. I just wanted Byron to stop interrupting the investi-"
"You have nothing to apologise for," she assured before a curious look appeared on her face, "Is that the only reason you did that? You weren't jealous were you?"
"Pfft, jealous? Me? Never."
"Terrible liar," the Doctor said with a soft smile. Her hand moved to gently cup your cheek as she kissed your forehead. Your heartbeat quickened in response, "Now once all the rubbish is over... and when we get back to the TARDIS we can talk about this."
"O-Okay," you nodded in agreement.
Just when you thought she was going to step away, she did the opposite. She managed to step closer and you soon felt her lips crash against yours, you felt relief wash over you as she portrayed urgency. Both of you knew that you had to deal with the problem at hand, which caused the Doctor to pull away. You missed the contact, but hopefully there would be time for this later.
Both you and the Doctor noticed Byron's glare, "I think it's Byron's turn to be jealous," the Doctor decided as she stood next to you and put an arm around your shoulders, you began to make your way over towards Byron and the others.
You were just itching to just get this over with. You were excited for what the future holds.
A/N: The sequel would just be Reader getting killed by Cybermen or something like that cuz I really like angst.
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whittakerjodie · 5 years
Can I Cut In? ( 13th Doctor X Reader )
prompt: “Heyo! I hope you're having a good day! I was wondering if I could request a jealous thirteen? Maybe an alien flirting with her while the fam is on a mission. Thanks!” Requested by @oster-hagen​
A/N: A Lot of these types of requests tend to make the flirt-er a jerk/predator figure, so I figured I'd give us a break and give us a nice, swell flirt-er that we all deserve. Much love, thanks for the request!!! this is probably my favorite thing I’ve written thus far
Words: 2k :O
Warings: none. Reader isn’t gendered but is said to be wearing a dress. 
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   Your muscles ached in protest as you tried to get the elaborate outfit on. Usually, you liked dressing up in whatever the TARDIS wardrobe could conjure up for you, but your most recent adventure left you more than worn out. Despite your current urge to throw yourself onto the nearest soft surface and sleep for however long your body would allow, you had places to be. A party was being thrown by the village you and the fam had saved as a way to thank all of you. It'd be rude not to attend. 
   Your eyes scanned your body in the mirror. You hadn't seen any materials or patterns similar to the ones you currently wore, so you gave yourself a long minute to admire them. The door to the wardrobe opened and you turned to see the Doctor standing there, taking in your appearance. You felt yourself shrink under her gaze, even if it was soft and appreciative. 
"Um... Your turn?" You asked, lifting your arms to show off more of the fabric.  
"Not quite" The Doctor replied, hurriedly turning to a different section of the room. "Suits are more to my liking." 
   You watched her busy herself with trying to find a suitable outfit, throwing clothes across the room left and right. You caught some in your hands but let others fall to the floor, unsure of if you should wait for her or not. You blushed at the thought of watching her get dressed and opted to let her have her privacy. You didn't know what to think of the eyes that you felt on your back as you walked out. 
"Wow... just.. Wow" Nora, one of the villagers that had been a big help to you and the fam, gawked at you. "I've always had a bias for my village’s fabrics but seeing them on someone such as yourself..." 
You felt the blood rush to your face and avoided the fam's quizzical looks. You and Nora had been paired together for this adventure, and she'd been nothing but nice (borderline flirtatious) all day. It was fun, and it felt nice to be appreciated that way. Nora held out her hand and you stared at it, not wanting to be rude. You placed your hand in hers and she smiled, leading you forward. 
"Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?" Yaz asked, watching the two of you walk off towards the party. 
"I really don't think the Doctors going to like this," Ryan said. 
   You sipped from the drink Nora had gotten for you. The warmth of it contrasted with the cool night air, making you shiver. 
"Are you cold?" She asked from beside you. She sat close to you, on a bench you'd found near a nice flower bed. You nodded and she unwrapped her shawl, draping it over your shaking shoulders. You sighed happily at the shield from the cold, thanking her. 
   Some ways away, on the trail you'd taken to get to the flowers, the Doctor was making her way towards the party. She watched Nora carefully give you her shawl, leaving her arm to rest over your shoulders. She stopped mid-step, feeling jealousy well up in the pit of her stomach. She'd noticed you and her joking around earlier, but she'd assumed it was more of a Jack Harkness situation, not something serious. She could hear footfall behind her and turned to see the fam making their way down the same trail. 
“Headed to the party, doc?” Graham asked. She gave a curt nod and turned sharply, stomping away. Ryan hit Graham on the shoulder and pointed towards you and Nora. You laughed loudly; every five seconds Nora seemed to have a new joke to tell you. It was a miracle that you were able to understand them at all, considering the entirely different lives you lead. 
   You didn’t know how long it’d been since you had a conversation like this. Most of your time was spent with the Fam running away from monsters or having short catch-up conversations that ended as quickly as they began. It was comforting to sit down and truly converse with someone. There was a song change in the distance, and Nora smiled brightly, pulling you onto your feet. 
“Come,” She said eagerly. “I want to get at least one dance in before you go.” 
   The party was at its height by the time the two of you arrived. Nora had repeatedly stopped along the way to pick a flower alongside the road. She’d gathered quite the collection, and they all currently rested somewhere in your hair. Your eyes scanned the room, looking for your fellow travelers. At a table overflowing with food, you could spot what you believed to be the Doctors blonde bob. You examined her suit; it was a three-piece but styled with a long jacket similar to the one she always wore. Its surface was covered in the same geometric pattern that everyone else wore, but it seemed to shine differently on her. 
“So.. about that dance?” Nora held out both of her hands as an invitation. You glanced at the Doctor again for just a moment before accepting her offer and letting her lead you onto the dance floor. 
“I don’t know how to do the dances they're doing,” You confessed, talking about her peers. They were all dancing beside you in a way similar to slow dance, but their steps and sways matched to the beat differently. 
“Then don’t do them. Show me how you dance on your planet” You blushed at her low tone and the idea of setting your hands on her waist. A pretty girl was a pretty girl, and dancing with a pretty girl was always a nervous (albeit wonderful) affair. You tried your best to push past your nervousness and showed her the basics. She put her hands on your waist and let you take the lead. 
   The Doctor turned as soon as she felt your eyes leave her and watched the two of you sway. She fought the urge to spring forward and take Nora's place, leading you in the dance instead. At least you looked like you were having fun, she thought. Or maybe that made it worse. She scowled and tried to focus on something else, each time failing and remaining glued to the two of you. 
   She’d thought she’d been making progress in showing more affection towards you. She’d given you an intricately beaded bracelet from a star system that reminded her of you. She’d given multiple compliments ranging from your laugh and hair to anything and everything about you. Maybe she’d messed up and made you uncomfortable? But the Doctor failed to identify anything that she could’ve done wrong. She also couldn’t wrap her head around what made Nora so much better than her. 
   You’d managed to match your swaying to the beat, despite its otherworldly origin. You were smiling at each other in a way that, in any other circumstances, would be heartwarming. But the Doctor was getting more and more restless by the moment, fidgeting where she stood. As the song continued the jealous fire within her swelled and swelled until she could feel it burning through any control she had. 
   Suddenly, she swiftly moved forward, reaching you in record time. The two of you jumped at the sudden intrusion, your hands falling from Nora’s shoulders. 
She nervously shifted, as all the planned words and actions had suddenly scrambled out of her mind. 
“Uh..” She turned to Nora. “Nora! You’re brilliant, good job today. But I really, really need to cut in. Could I? Cut in, I mean” 
   You felt your cheeks heat up and disappointment briefly passed across Nora's features. She glanced between the two of you and you moved to apologize but a light flickered behind her eyes, ignited by a sudden understanding. She nodded and stepped aside, quickly swept up by another party-goer. You wiped your sweaty palms against your dress hoping the Doctor wouldn’t notice just how nervous you were.
“I’m guessing you know how to slow dance the way we do?” You asked, voice cracking a little. The Doctor nodded and placed her hands on your waist. You jumped slightly at the warmth, your hands landing haphazardly on her shoulders. Slowly you two started to sway, getting back into the groove of the song. 
“I never got to tell you how much I love the dress.” The Doctor said gently.
‘And I never got to tell you how much I loved the suit” She seemed to relax more, relieved. You giggled. 
“Doctor, why did you cut in like that?” 
She tensed again, looking off to the side sheepishly. You trembled on the edge of making what you believed to be a bold assumption. 
“Was it Nora?” As you said the other alien's name, your eyes locked. Her grip tightened on your waist a little. “Doctor, it's okay if it was.” 
“It was” She admitted quietly. “Do you like her?” 
   You took in her uneasy expression. You didn’t need to consider the question much; Nora was wonderful and treated you kindly, but she wasn’t the Doctor. You’d likely never see her again after the TARDIS flew off to your next adventure. The Doctor was always with you, giving you gifts and saying wonderful things that made you hope for something more. You leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her cheek, feeling the skin warm under your touch. When you leaned back she was red, eyes as wide as saucers. 
“Not as much as you, Doctor. Don’t worry about other people.” You wanted to lean in and kiss her on the lips this time, but you felt too many eyes on you. The song ended and you let yourself fall out of the Doctors warm embrace. You squeezed her shoulder and pushed past the party-goers, buzzing back to the TARDIS. 
   The villagers all said their goodbyes before the five of you could leave. Just when you thought you’d gotten through every last person, Nora approached. 
“I just thought I’d say goodbye as well,” She said. She looked into the TARDIS, smiling sadly. “I wanted to let you know… I’m very happy that someone like you has found someone who cares for you as much as the Doctor does.” 
You felt your chest swell with different emotions as she took your hand in hers.  
“Hang on to her, traveler, and goodbye” 
   You watched her leave, happy that she wasn’t hurt by what had happened. Her words lingered in your mind and you glanced at the Doctor. She was hunched over the console, poking away at various buttons. You were beyond happy to have her. Someone who truly loved you. She met your gaze. 
You stepped forward, linking your hand in hers as she sent the TARDIS soaring back into the universe.
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