#they could style murat differently though i dont know something is kinda off always with him lmao
jd-205 · 1 year
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Yaz Şarkısı episode 3
Below are my thoughts about episode 3, again with major spoilers included.
(More like an incoherent rambling than thoughts but it is what it is lmao)
This time my notes are more or less in chronological order just as the episode progressed.
Overall thoughts:
Yaz and Kemal actually look kinda cute together. Their together scenes were cute.
I also like Yaz and Murat together though, so like... I'd be alright with either outcome given decent circumstances.
The more i see the more i adore Yaz and Murat. YazMur is probably the way to go. The way they're looking at each other omg. At this point i prefer YazMur over YazKem for sure!
Murat is my favourite character and probably the only character towards whom I have no negative emotions at all. Efekan is very talented actor. He can show wide range of emotions only using eyes which i always love.
Some of the scenes were actually funny.
Chronological order:
• What the hell is wrong with Emine and her problem solving methods always including a gun?!?! I mean, how can you do that? Adults usually,... I don't know... TALK before taking out a fucking weapon! On the side note: I don't know the process of obtaining a gun in Turkey but here you must pass a psychological tests to be eligible for a weapon license. And Emine for sure wouldn't pass that...
• I know we shouldn't sympathize with Neri but like..., she had every right to call police. I mean if you were at someone's house and heard a gunshot out of nowhere wouldn't it be the logical thing to do when you have no idea what's happening and are scared for your life? Maybe she could withdraw the lawsuit, it would probably be the right thing to do but like. I was kinda okay with the outcome, Emine doesn't have a weapon anymore which makes everyone in her proximity automatically much safer lmao (I'm only half joking now... I'm seriously glad she's not armed anymore).
• Aslı is really getting on my nerves. Girl, Kemal doesn't want to have anything with you, just accept that and move on. She is really really really awful person. All the stuff she does to Yaz and then she acts as her best friend, I wish she will suffer consequences of all her awful actions. And how she's always touching Kemal, aaahhh, if it was the other way around it would be immediately called workplace harassment. Just, i hate her.
• I have a mixed feeling towards Defne, i don't know. Sometimes she seems as a chill and kind person. But on the negative note, how she was flirting with the guy, like he said he didn't want to join the party and he didn't want anything to drink. Defne should just accept no as an answer and not push harder. Then she spills tea over everything. They spent whole night fixing everything she ruined because of the tea escapade. The guy tells her it would probably be for the best if she doesn't walk around his desk in the future (given the stuff that happened) and he's the bad guy? Like... How? In the scene both Aslı and Defne gave signs of toxic behavior imho.
• Poor Murat!!!!!!!! Murat, my dear, you deserve someone better than Yaz, someone who will truly love you and appreciate your efforts! He was done dirty. I mean, sorry to break it to Yaz, but people on average just can't lie their way out of everything without wink of an eye. Yaz started the game of fake marriage proposal. If we put Murat's love to Yaz aside, he wanted to help his friend and played along. They start to be in a mess because of all the lies and when he wanted to tell his MOTHER truth after she FAINTED before, he is the bad guy? Yaz, you should be thankful Murat plays along with you! Show some respect and be thankful! He tried his best and unfortunately it just didn't went according to Yaz's expectations and she's angry at him that his mom made a conclusion Yaz must be pregnant if they want to marry asap. That's bad, I agree, but 1. he couldn't say otherwise beacuse she passed out from shock again and 2. Yaz's lie started the game so Murat really isn't the one to blame.
• I disliked how Yaz went to breakfast with Kemal rather than dealing with all the mess and leaving Murat behind.
• WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YAZ'S FAMILY?!?!?! WHY THE HELL DID THEY KIDNAPPED MURAT?!?!? WTF?!?! Again, I truly don't understand Emine's concept of problem solving... She thought she would stay in jail so she made her relatives kidnapp her son-in-law? Does it make any sense?
• Murat, please, turn around and RUN! Run away from Yaz and her toxic family.... If someone kidnapped me I would never forget and I would probably also not forgive.
• To be fair, Murat should have said to his mom that Yaz is in fact not pregnant. Like why would he let his mom think that? No reason for that. Fake wedding is one thing which is like... kinda easy to cancel but a BABY? That's not so easy to lie about. If he didn't want to tell his mom the whole truth (because he wants to help Yaz (but it does him more harm than good imho) but okay understandable) he DEFINITELY SHOULD HAVE told her that it was a misunderstanding and Yaz is not pregnant. No reason to make even bigger mess of the situation than it is.
• I'm so glad Murat stood up for himself! You go, my dear! Tell Yaz that she needs to value your efforts!!!
• I'm so happy Murat also saw right through the fake facade of Aslı. The only people who still thinks she is a genuinely nice person are Yaz, Defne (and probably Fadime). Hopefully Yaz will soon also realize what kind of person Aslı really is.
• I'm glad Murat and Yaz reconciled and that Yaz acknowledged her mistake(s). That was very cute scene.
• Yaz again left Murat behind and went away with Kemal. Even though she promised Murat they would go to his mom together. Her actions are kinda saddening. Once again, poor Murat.
• I don't like Sema at all... At all...
• I HATE unnecessary shirtless scenes (which are pretty much all of them lmao), but like I'm not exactly the target audience so it is, what it is 🤦🏽‍♂️😂.
• Yaz really is egoistic af. (Kemal also though.) Murat was so right during his argument with Yaz. No one thinks about him or take him into account. I wholeheartedly agreed with every sentence he said. He is damn right!!! They both are in a difficult situation but Yaz started the game.
• Don't even know what to say about the end tbh. I truly don't know. I think it will be for the best if the truth came out, rather sooner than later. So I'm kinda okey with that. Hopefully they will find out Aslı is behind everything and at least fire her. At least...
Final note:
As someone on twitter mentioned, it would seem logical to me, if YazMur were the way the story unfolds. Like Yaz is in love with this idea of Kemal, the perfect Kemal, which is only her dream though. In reality he's nothing like in her fantasies. So it would be great if she found out that she's in fact not in love with the real Kemal and will realize Murat, who's truly in love with her, will make her happier in life. I want Yaz to fall in love with Murat very much!!!! Let's break the cliches and stereotypes and make Yaz and Murat a happy lovely couple.
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