#everyone of them fired immediately
mikereads · 6 months
Blair is rehearsing for Romeo and Juliet with a boy and he brings her home. He tries to kiss her but she pulls away saying she is busy with doing her poem assignment. He insists reciting a poem “let me count the ways” (🤮). Thankfully they are interrupted when the lights get turned on. Blair assumes everyone is asleep but is mistaken. She says they are just rehearsing and shakes his hand goodbye.
The episode is called “Emily Dickinson”. Mr.Bradley says the girls may not like poetry because it’s “flowery” aka gay! He asked Blair if she has hers done and she lies she does. Late Tootie asks her if she’s finished yet and Blair says no she just needs some inspiration. She teases Blair about the boy she saw but she shrugs her off still not inspired even after they kiss. She then picks up a book of Emily’s poetry. Aka the episode title. She teases she can’t be much based on her hair but once she reads a poem it’s a different story. She reads Beauty crowds me. Tootle doesn’t get it but Blair does
“I just have to get inspired, poems by Emily Dickinson”.
“Its a beautiful poem. You know she writes the way I’d write if I had the time.”- Gay!
In true sitcom fashion this gives her the idea to change a few lines and plagiarize it. Passing it off as her own by giving it a Blair touch. Tootie says it’s a bad idea but Blair doesn’t listen. She makes an excuse it’s okay since shes already dead- teen logic. When she first picked up the book she pretended she wasn’t familiar with her but she knows she died in 1886. More on that/ Blair is someone staying up late and reading Emily Dickinson poems alone under the covers, lesbihonest!
Blair feels guilty when she gets an A+ and everyone gets bad grades. Yes it’s to show plagiarism is wrong but also how did a English teacher who teaches poetry not recognize an Emily Dickinson poem that a teen girl slightly altered - no wonder he is fired before s2!
“So what are you going to do now Miss. Emily Dickinson,”- Tootie, I agree Blair is gay like Emily Dickinson.
“Poetry is like love it is better the second time around.” Blair x Jo!
Blair says she couldn’t sleep and Mrs, Garett asks her if it’s about Jason(?) she says no she has been busy thinking about Emily Dickinson, gay. She confesses she copied the poem and is convinced to come clean since she feels quite ugly for stealing. Jason then comes over and says he wants to kiss some more but Blair is preoccupied and not interested. She wants to come clean for what she did but Mr. Bradley says she can leave so Jason pushes her out the door.
Aka Jason is 17/18 not sure but he is doing college applications, Blair is 14, EW!!!!! 🤮
He then tries to wrap his arm around her and kiss her pulling all the “moves” but Blair isn’t interested. She is actually quite annoyed. When he leans in to kiss her she pulls away and turns her head having him kiss her cheek instead which is still to much.
“I’m leaving” “I know” That is her response she wants him gone, mood! Then makes fun of saying he’s going to college not war calm tf down. He says it twice insisting to kiss her which is just disgusting. He’s a creep, goodbye “doughboy” mood
“I’m sorry Jason I’m just not into this.” Gay!!!! Actual dialogue need I say more!
He still insists saying he is into (EW, no means no asshole ) but Blair says no she’s not and that she feels guilty. He asks her why they haven’t done anything. She says she has and he thinks she means something else (again the perceptions) but Blair clarifies she means cheating on her poem. He says it’s not a big deal he is cheating to get into Yale. (Which for Blair in later seasons is a big no-no the way she sees Ivy League schools.) He tells her to come here and pulls her towards him. She does try to kiss him but still isn’t into it. She cuts it off again saying sorry she needs to do her poem. The OG washing my hair excuse to get away from a guy and she runs inside. To confess she cheated and that she may be gay like Emily but she can’t write like her- sort of.
She wins a poetry contest third place but again how??? How did no one realize it was plagiarized. I mean Emily Dickinson is one of Americas greatest poets, one of the worlds greatest and changed poetry forever! How?????
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This is Blair on a date what a very heterosexual thing for a girl to do on a date. Loll a very not gay girl who doesn’t suppress thoughts of hugging and touching girls. How strange- lolll I had to. I mean she doesn’t look miserable at all (sarcasm)
The first line of her poem is how she doesn’t like what she sees when she looks in the mirror….- gay!
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wingsofwater · 1 year
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⠀heir of grief
[ID : a bust drawing of Winter the icewing, a scaled dragon with an icy spiked mane. he is looking off to the side with a tearful snarl, his wing over his head. there is a crackled halo behind his head, framing his face. the image is drawn in muted shades of sage green and taupe with bright yellow eyes and halo, and is partially confined to a beige diamond in the background. END ID]
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lpsgirl109 · 5 months
It always astounds me when people call characters who are victims of abuse dumb and terrible for not hating their abusers and still listening to them. "Ugh why would Peril want to keep working for Scarlet after book 1 she's so stupid, she should just keep her!!" "Harry’s so awful he keeps wanting to avenge Norman despite knowing he was criminal he's such a bad person" They Were Manipulated Jennifer their abusers raised them in such a way that made them idolize them and have a hard time seeing them as bad people I don't understand how you managed to miss that important aspect of the character entirely it's starting to feel you like you are ignoring it intentionally because you don't like them
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weee another fantasy au snippet <3 a little shorter than usual cause that's what the scene is <3 shorter <3
Something is wrong with Wally. 
It’s not serious, or at least Barnaby doesn’t think it is. If he didn’t pay such close attention to his buddy, he’d never know that anything was amiss at all - Wally has an excellent straight face. But not so excellent that Barnaby can’t read him.
There’s a different curve to his smile these days. It’s sort of pinched, sort of sad. It matches a look in his eyes that puts Barnaby on edge, if only because that deep, dark pensiveness is so wildly out of place on Wally’s soft face. 
It scares him. Something is off.
What is it?
Barnaby taps his claws on his middle as he stares at the tent roof, thin enough that firelight from outside bleeds through. Despite the late hour, his eyelids feel magicked open. The other side of the tent yawns empty, and that is precisely the source of Barnaby’s insomnia. 
Everyone is asleep except for two - and Barnaby is only awake because of one.
With a deep sigh through the nose, Barnaby sits up and clambers out of the tent. He shivers as he stands up and crosses his arms, rubbing at his fur. The night sky is clear, but the breeze cuts him through to the bone. It isn’t even winter yet, sheesh…
The campfire casts a fuzzy outline of red-orange around Wally. He doesn’t turn away from the embers as Barnaby shuffles behind him, and Barnaby doesn’t have to look to know that he’s staring directly into the low flames. He tweaks Wally’s raised hood as he passes, just to make sure Wally knows he isn’t alone anymore. He spaces out, sometimes. 
“Can’t sleep?” Barnaby asks as he takes the log next to Wally’s rock of choice. Wally just hums, and Barnaby frowns.
There’s that look again.
With how Wally is perched, his legs drawn up and arms folded on his knees, his smile is hidden. It’s unsettling. Barnaby scans Wally from the corner of his eye, taking in the tension in his shoulders and the nearly invisible pinch of his nonexistent brows. 
“Yeah, me neither,” Barnaby says. Another breeze, another shudder, and a quick glare at the stars. 
Should he press? The obvious answer is absolutely not, but… Barnaby isn’t sure how much of this - thisness he can take. He has no idea what to call it. A mood? It’s too serious to be considered a mood. All Barnaby knows is that when Wally is like this, something itches under his skin. 
Tonight would be a perfect opportunity to ask. Everyone else is fast asleep. Wally isn’t putting up the fronts he usually does. The knowledge that this Wally, the Wally all covered up and curled in on himself, is as vulnerable as anyone will never see - it makes Barnaby want to reach.
“Hey,” he murmurs, nudging his knee against Wally’s boot, “I’m starting to worry for the fire with how you’re glarin’ at the thing. What, did it emberass ya? Give ya the coal shoulder?”
Wally doesn't laugh, but his gaze softens. Barnaby curses himself.
“Not that there’s anything wrong with glarin' - I’m sure the fire deserves it,” Barnaby is quick to add. “But really… is everything alright, kid?”
“Yes,” Wally says, but it rings like an untruth. It's just something he’s saying because it’s what he always says. Everything is always fine with Wally. 
“You know you don’t gotta pretend with me. There’s somethin’ bothering you, I can tell.” Too far, too much, Barnaby is sure. He shouldn’t be so pushy.
But instead of clamming up, Wally’s eyes flicker down and away, guilty. The bloodhound in Barnaby perks up its ears. It’s all he can do not to point and shout AHA!, because that would assure that Wally would put up the same masks around him that he does with everything else. Vindication wars with his concern, as if he thought he might have been imagining the funks Wally has been slipping into.
Those too-long periods of silence that no one notices because Wally isn’t much of a talker. Moments of utter stillness that no one notices because Wally is always so stationary. The way he doesn’t drink in every new thing with a hunger like he usually does, as if Wally has been starving his whole life.
Those passing glances where his pupils seem too big, the blackness of them infinitely deep as if someone could fall into them. Maybe Wally is. Barnaby doesn’t want him to.
“You don’t gotta say a word,” Barnaby says, wishing the campfire log was just a smidge closer to the rock. “I just want ya to know that I see you, and I’m here. Whatever’s goin’ on in that pretty head ‘a yours, I’ll be right there for whatever you need. I got your back, Walls.”
Wally’s smile peeks over his arms for a moment - he always has liked being called pretty, or handsome, you name it. Barnaby preens over being able to coax him even the slightest bit out of the pit he’s slowly spiraling into. He’s winning big at the whole ‘best friend’ thing, Barnaby thinks - a complete natural.
For a long while, Barnaby doesn’t care to keep track, they sit in companionable silence. The fire cracks and pops when Barnaby adds a chunk of wood to it, coaxing it into a flame that actually takes the bite out of the breeze. Crickets chirp in the forest around them - something howls far away. 
The tension doesn’t leave Wally. In fact the longer they sit, the worse it gets. Barnaby keeps his mouth shut and eyes on the fire, the woods, the stars - anywhere except Wally. It’s the kind of tension that makes him suspect that Wally is gearing up to speak. Sometimes it feels like there’s a sinkhole of silence that opens up whenever Wally has something of his own to say. 
Reviving the fire was either a smart move, or a dumb one. It depends on how quickly Wally thinks of how to share. Without the brisk chill of night keeping Barnaby fresh-faced, sleep is finally starting to sink into him with the fire’s warmth. He briefly considers sneaking into Howdy and Sally’s tent to sneak an energy potion from Howdy’s pack. Pros, he’ll certainly be awake for Wally. Cons, he’ll be awake long past Wally’s spiel, Howdy will have a fit over missing an item, and Sally will have a bigger fit over Barnaby sneaking into her tent when he inevitably comes clean. Also, the potions don’t taste great. Or maybe he should fetch his pipe-
“I think. I don’t…”
For a second, Barnaby misses that Wally spoke at all. He double-takes when the half sentence registers, casting a quick look to Wally. Okay, no, don’t do that. Focus on the fire. Be casual - give him space. Barnaby nonchalantly pokes the coals with the fire stick.
Wally sighs - such a small sound that the crickets almost drown it out. But Barnaby has big ears, and they perk up. When does Wally ever sound frustrated? Curse him, but Barnaby finds it novel. Wally shifts on the rock, curling up impossibly tighter and turning his head away. Barnaby watches the back of his hood. 
“I don’t think I’m a good person,” Wally admits in the smallest, deadest voice Barnaby has ever heard. 
“What?” Barnaby says, or he means to. The air in his throat doesn’t quite form sound. He turns to Wally and clenches his paws on his knees to keep from reaching, floundering for words. 
How could he - why would he - who told him that he - 
“What do you mean?” Barnaby says, a disbelieving chuckle slipping out. “Wally, kid - you’re the best guy I know. You’re my best guy. Out of all the ways I could describe you, a bad person isn’t one of ‘em.”
Wally whips his head around, his eyes flashing - Barnaby tenses his entire body to keep from recoiling, though he can’t keep his eyes from widening.
For a second there he thought… he thought he saw… it must have been the firelight reflecting in Wally’s dark eyes.
Wally’s intense gaze pierces straight into Barnaby’s soul. He feels flayed raw and seen in a way that makes him want to run. But there’s something else. Something scared. Wally is searching for something, and Barnaby doesn’t know what or how to give it to him. His claws splinter bark.
As soon as it appeared, the look fades. Barnaby can take deep breaths again, and he lets go of the log. Wally blinks slowly and lets his sleepy gaze slide back to the fire. “I don’t know… maybe.”
Barnaby carefully lays a paw on Wally’s back. “You’re a good person, Wally. I don’t know who told you otherwise, but don’t listen to ‘em. You’re a fantastic friend, an even better best friend, and I gotta say - you make a pretty bang-up wizard. You’re the most.”
“I’m the most?” Wally murmurs, sounding surprised. He makes a sound that might be a laugh, might be a scoff. “No… you’re the most.”
“Tell ya what- we’re both the most.”
Wally casts him a sideways look, but doesn’t protest further. He hums.
“C’mon, lil’ wizard,” Barnaby says with a pat to his back, “let’s give the fire a break and turn in for the night.”
Just as he was starting to relax, Wally shies away from his touch, curling up like one of those shelled bugs Frank likes so much. “I think I’ll stay up a little longer.”
Barnaby swallows down the hurt and pulls away. “Alrighty. Don’t stay up too late - we got a day tomorrow.” 
“Ha. I know.”
With that, Barnaby stands. He gently squeezes Wally’s nape through the hood as he passes, and breathes a silent sigh of relief at how Wally leans into the touch.
All’s forgiven. Though he isn’t sure what for… whatever Barnaby said or did wrong, he’s just glad Wally doesn't mind.
Barnaby clambers into the tent and another shiver ripples through his fur. All the darn heat leeched out of it... He wraps himself in his thin, too-small blanket and shivers as hard as he can manage to generate some kind of warmth. It’ll heat up soon, he just has to wait. Wally usually casts a little sun spell on cold nights, but Barnaby can do without. Even if the tent gets comfortably warm, Barnaby isn’t sure if he’ll sleep.
Wally didn’t believe him. 
And Barnaby doesn’t know how to make him believe.
How could he think that he isn’t a good person? Barnaby meant what he said - Wally is the best person he knows. Wally is kind, patient, and just - just - him. There isn’t a single bad thing about him. Barnaby is so proud to call him his best friend. 
There has to be something that started this. A moment that made Wally doubt himself. Did someone say something? Not anyone in the Neighborhood, they all love Wally to pieces. He’s their wizard! He’s saved their lives and countless others, and their group simply wouldn’t be complete without him. He rounds them off with an artsy flourish.
So. There’s no reason that Wally should be feeling like this. But that look in his eyes… the guilt… there’s something else going on. Something deeper than just ‘I’m scared I’m a bad person.’ 
Something is wrong. 
Firelight flickers outside the tent, and Barnaby watches it until it goes dark.
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blluespirit · 7 months
I sort of like the thought that Zuko and Aang take the Sun Warriors' warning not to tell anyone about the dragons a little more seriously… and they keep it between them. Of course, they trust Sokka, Toph and Katara. Of course they know they wouldn’t tell anyone, but now three people (including Iroh) know the truth about Ran and Shaw. And that’s three too many when you’re trying to keep a secret.
(and there are other people at the temple as well - like Haru, Teo and The Duke - who, while trustworthy, aren’t as close to them as the others, and when it comes to secrets with as much consequence as this one, you can’t afford to take any chances.)
Furthermore, the culture within the Fire Nation since Sozin’s rein has been warped. The culture is not to respect the dragons as the original firebenders, it’s to conquer and kill them. It’s the ultimate proof of your strength as a firebender. All it takes is one mistake before rumour spreads, and people go looking for the ultimate hunt. It’s not something Zuko or Aang can risk.
Whether Katara, Toph and Sokka (and Suki) ever find out the truth is up to you. But post-war, after Zuko returns from a strange, poorly explained trip with a dragon, and eventually develops the ability to use rainbow fire, either the others have some questions about Aang’s knowing look, or they are finally let in on a monumental secret.
#it’s a kids show so i think for that reason it was played for laughs about keeping the dragons a secret is not necessarily a bad choice...#the show does that sometimes where it says something off hand and then leaves me lying face down contemplating ✨the consequences✨ of that#but there are some… implications there about being too loose lipped with the truth in leading up to the end of and immediately post#war fire nation. just because zuko understands the spiritual significance of a dragon it does not mean the rest of his people will. actuall#its more likely that they'd reject zuko's opinion considering that he's basically coming into power and then telling everyone that#they've been lied to their whole lives. the fire nation is drowning in propaganda. for a lot of people this opinion of dragons and#firebending's true nature being violence and destruction is all they know. fire is LIFE but to most people that's an alien concept#and in terms of keeping secrets - it’s not even a matter of trust it’s a matter of too many people knowing#you might not even realised you’ve revealed some incredible information to someone who has the means to spread it or pursue it#so… i think zuko would be hyper aware of this. since he grew up hearing stories about the 'glory' of dragon hunting#and since iroh has also made a concerted effort to keep this information hidden i think it makes sense he’d be very hesitant to let it#get out to the public#aang would agree i think esp if zuko explained the importance of hiding them even from loved ones#ALSO random but it also makes me wonder what the fire nation said about roku in wake of the war#he had a dragon but he didn’t kill it. he didn’t ’conquer’ it#sozin would have had to work his ASS off to reframe history as him being the more… loyal(?) patriotic (?) of the two#did he frame it as roku didn’t have the courage to kill a dragon??? that he lacked the strength of a true firebender?#the avatar works hard but sozin's propaganda machine works harder 🧍‍♀️#zuko#aang#avatar the last airbender#zuko & aang#jack talks#sun warriors#book 3#what is it with me having a whole separate post in the tags 👁️👄👁️
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
Hey. Hey. Speaking of Kaveh being like Kaeya mischaracterizations, I've come to a realization.
People say they want Kaeya and Diluc to be shippable instead of siblings because they want the dynamic, but the dynamic they describe isn't even theirs to begin with half the time; it's Kaveh and Al Haitham
huh anon yeah you might be onto something. admittedly i dont know exactly what the k*el*c people see as super romantic in the dynamic because i dont ever look at what they do i just block on sight. but if they want a friends to enemies to lovers sort of thing, then yeah kaveh and alhaitham have it all. to play devils advocate for one second though i guess you could argue that, oh, kaeya and diluc have a much more serious falling out and theres more angst and the stakes are higher all throughout their stories compared to kaveh and alhaitham who are just living in a college/university slow burn au, and thus the comparison made is stupid or whatever, i dont know. but im not the devils advocate and i dont care. so yeah i do think you're onto something
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fayesdiary · 1 year
Marni's one of those characters whose death and aftermath were handled really well and have no complaints about, but at the same time I can't help but wonder what could've been if she lived
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warlordfelwinter · 1 year
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we were having a laugh in the group chat about modern au Celeste being faerunian tiktok famous for his unhinged ddr content and, really, in a modern au, Celeste would absolutely be an influencer i realized. he would accidentally get a million followers on every social media and not realize that was unusual. he's got fans that are constantly furiously trying to figure out who the fuck Patience is and have convoluted conspiracy theories about it bc he's nowhere else online and everyone thought Celeste was single until he posted one random picture of them together and refused to elaborate
so, yk, after we joked about it too much i had to doodle him a fantasy insta
the seven people he follows are: Nyalori (whats_a_username - she doesn't understand how technology works sjfldsgn), Corivier, Zem (Corivier runs an account just for her like those cat accounts), Jezzara, Mattrim, Grace, and Volo
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fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
The sims 2 is so funny because you can do everything right, you can make your sims study cooking and go to work on time and micromanage everybody so that they don’t die in stupid ways, and then the goddamn nanny burns your house down
#AN NPC CAUSED THE FIRST FIRE IN MY NEW NEIGHBOURHOOD I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS#so i’m playing the prosperity challenge right. which is basically where you randomise some families and play them in rotations#i’m on the third family atm and it’s a single mom with a teenage son; child daughter and twin toddler boys#she has an ltw to become media magnate but i got her a job as an EMT in the meantime because it didn’t show up in the paper#and hired a nanny to take care of the kids while she and the oldest son were out#nanny was fine at first. she just made sugar cookies and made sure the toddlers didn’t get taken away by social services which i massively#appreciated. but then my sim came home from work and immediately got a promotion#to paramedic; which meant she had to switch over to nights right away. so the nanny came again a few hours later and immediately proceeded#to set my kitchen on fire#thankfully they have a smoke alarm but she sent the two older kids into aspiration failure. SHERYL WHEN I CATCH YOUUUU#bizarrely the person who is absolutely coming in clutch for this family is none of the family members and nor is it the nanny#it’s gerald who is the grandpa of a different family i created in the neighbourhood. he works with the mom (although he’s an intern now)#and she brought him home from work and he has just been here all night#it’s 4:20am and he’s sat playing with one of the toddlers helping him learn words with his bunny 🥹#gerald we looooove you. platinum aspiration for gerald. GOOD THINGS FOR GERALD#the most annoying people in this challenge so far are sheryl the nanny who burns stuff down and jackson; a kid in one of the other houses#who keeps calling everyone at 2am even if he barely knows them. and also at 10am on school days#jackson’s mom also irritates me because she came to pick her daughter up who was just playing chess on a porch at 8pm; bothering nobody#but doesn’t stop jackson from spamming everyone with calls. where is the logic#personal
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jrueships · 1 year
not stef reposting a meme of his tantrum moment at the London game with a laugh emoji 😭
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enbyboiwonder · 2 years
Y’know, when Lee came and found me and told me to give over any data disks and especially any weapons I find in the mines for destruction (and of course it was the fucking church who found me first and not the research center. Luckily though I found the research center soon after. The church ain’t getting shit), I thought I’d be finding old nuclear warheads down there or something. The first time I found a glowing purple dot on the scanner, I assumed it was a weapon, and when I pressed A, I thought it had taken me to the entrance or something and I couldn’t mine in that area anymore. I didn’t realize it had taken me to an unused room with a few monsters to kill and a few chests to loot (and I could go right back and keep right on mining), and I also hadn’t uncovered enough to see that it was a pipe. I realized the second time, though.
No, it’s the triple barrel snakebite, a.k.a. the poison blaster, as I like to think of it. The day after I first pieced one together and tried it out, I received a cease and desist letter from the church (and lost nonexistent favorability points w Lee and Nora lmao). lol how ‘bout no.
Anyways, fuck the church.
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I have officially beaten FE Engage! Overall it’s a great game. I really enjoyed the gameplay this time, though a few chapters and paralogues were pretty frustrating. This was definitely the hardest FE game I’ve played (although ironically I found the final battle to be fairly easy), and mostly that’s a good thing. The extra challenge made it more satisfying when I came up with winning strategies. The story and characters were pretty good too! I definitely think this game has gotten unwarranted hate. Anyway, since I previously made a tier list showing my perception of the characters as units, here are some actual stats from the ending showing how right (or wrong) I was:
There was a 3-way tie for who made MVP the most between Alear, Yunaka, and somewhat to my surprise, Alcryst. They each were MVP 4 times. Clanne, Celine, and Alfred were right behind them, each being MVP 3 times.
Alear was unsurprisingly the fighter with the most battles (199) and wins (123). The benefits of being locked into EVERY story & paralogue chapter, I suppose. Her most used Emblem was Sigurd.
I talked at length about how good my Alfred was in the other post, and his stats back it up. He had the 2nd most battles (180) and tied for 3rd on wins (92). Most used emblem was Ike.
Similarly, Yunaka, who I thought might have the most battles and/or kills, had 166 battles and 92 wins. She was great, just not able to outdo Alear’s protag privilege or Alfred seeing a lot of action through Ike. She used Lyn most.
Alcryst had 150 battles and a whopping 107 wins. The boy killed. A lot. His most used emblem was Leif since I appreciated being able to switch weapons and fight back if attacked up close as well as potential Luna procs on Quadruple Hit.
I seriously undervalued how much use I got out of Clanne. He was 5th for both battles (127) and wins (89). Even though he’d fallen off by the end due to subpar magic attack, he did pretty well in early and mid game. His most used emblem was Micaiah.
As for other notable fighters, Citrinne, Diamant, Fogado, Rosado, and Kagetsu each had 100+ battles and 60+ kills. Everyone else either only achieved one of those feats, or neither. So these 5 finish out the “top ten” for my units, I guess.
I maintain that Hortensia is an MVP in her own right as a healer, but tragically the game doesn’t track that so her stats are poor since she didn’t fight much. Seadall was also essential to my team.
Finally one last fun statistic - the EMBLEM that achieved MVP the most was Sigurd. He contributed to 7 wins. I guess it’s not surprising considering he was the “most used” Emblem for 3 of my heavy hitters - Alear, Kagetsu, and Rosado.
#fire emblem#fire emblem engage#fe17#i'm honestly not surprised sigurd is the big winner among the emblems in terms of MVP and who was used most#(technically a couple other emblems had 3 characters but only sigurd had 3 PROMINENT fighters for me)#i love to stick him on someone who can either dodge or tank a few hits and nyoom them into enemy territory#so whoever wears sigurd often ends up handling a good chunk of the map by themselves#my biggest complaint remains that there are no paired endings. i want to play matchmaker. :/#but aside from that i actually quite enjoyed the characters and story. and not all supports are great but some are AMAZING#easily on par with or even better than the best that previous entries had to offer#anyway i'll probably start a 2nd playthrough immediately. i'm antsy to put everything i've learned to use#reclass anna and clanne. save-scum the arena. take advantage of the new support options from the beginning#i'll probably play on hard again but classic this time since i have had a chance to try everyone and will know what's coming#hopefully i'll get at least a few different units in the endgame.#it's really hard to justify using lapis when kagetsu is SO GOOD (and also i love him). & etie basically NEEDS to reclass to stand a chance#but maybe (hopefully) the next run will be better for amber and framme and anna. and i'll give bunet a chance this time#you know a game is good when you beat it and IMMEDIATELY are thinking about and excited for the next run
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demcnwrought · 2 years
( i've been thinking about doing a trial write of a much older oc of mine. she's a wolf with firepowers who's basically a summer spirit and she's a lot like toothless from httyd but idk i kinda wanna try writing her. lol )
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jayswing101 · 2 years
#warning for tag rant / sad feels incoming#in august i started going to a local youth group finally#ive been following them online and wanting to participate for over 3 years but was just too anxious until this summer#and going to the gatherings every friday night was so so good and i made a bunch of friends there that i absolutely adore#but today i found out that my work and the youth group have a negative history with each other#the founder of the group asked to talk to me bc she saw on my works website that i work there#and basically the old director of the organization i work for did some real sketchy stuff and hurt people in my youth group#since 2020 they've been keeping their distance from my work and they kinda feel betrayed that i work there and didn't tell them#and i get why she feels like that but it hasn't ever come up before#no one's asked where i work#and i didn't know about what happened between my work and the group so it wasn't like i was deliberately hiding things either#but now. fuck. idk what to do#bc i know i don't work at the same org as the one that hurt them in 2020#the old director was immediately suspended as soon as his actions were uncovered and there was a whole investigation#everyone who took part in those sketchy things the director did was also fired - even board of directors members that were involved#they published a report about it and theres still a 3rd party lawyer monitoring current anonymous reports from community for accountability#also even if the org was still the same as back then i can't just leave my job#my minimum monthly loan payments are 500$ a month and i can barely pay that as is#and i truly believe in what my work is doing and how we're helping youth and community#i do believe we're doing good work#but i also believe the youth group founder when she says she was deeply hurt by past actions and that she doesn't trust our org#and I've never felt more at home than spending time with the other youth on Fridays#so like. it's a whole mess and it's so complicated and idk wtf to do#like. even if i did quit work - would i even still be welcome at group?#if i am still welcome how many other youth would i make uncomfortable?#if i don't quit work but i stop going to the youth group - how many friends will i lose bc they feel betrayed i picked my job over them??#will i even be able to like. continue supporting the group from the background by donating beadwork or visiting the store?#i thought things were finally going well - i had a community for the first time and a job i liked and was making decent progress on my loan#but of course that was too good to last#if it had to end - i just wish I'd never had that taste of happiness and stability at all
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zickmonkey · 4 months
My cousin went missing and just last night was found deceased (I know none of the details, like if it was suspected foul play etc) but my heart aches for his sister. More than anyone else.
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flowachild · 4 months
okay so I’ve decided it’s more productive to look for a higher paying full time job than to look for a 2nd job
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