#( shortly before her death her owner showed her best friend/lover her wolf )
demcnwrought · 2 years
( i've been thinking about doing a trial write of a much older oc of mine. she's a wolf with firepowers who's basically a summer spirit and she's a lot like toothless from httyd but idk i kinda wanna try writing her. lol )
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corinthbayrpg · 4 years
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NAME. Rafael Yilmaz AGE & BIRTH DATE. 118 & October 9th, 1902 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him SPECIES. Werewolf OCCUPATION. Owner of Meat I Live For FACE CLAIM. Berk Cankat
( tw: serial killer, war, death ) Rafael Yilmaz was born on a stormy October night in the year 1902 in a rundown house in Ankara, Turkey. He was the second son to parents who didn’t have much but each other, and were constantly moving from one place to the next. Rafael’s father came from a long line of werewolves, and his last pack had been slaughtered by hunters. He ended up being the only one to survive. Ever since he had been on the move; not because he actually had any real reason to believe that the hunter was still after him, but because paranoia had gotten the better of him. He saw threats behind every corner, and thought it was best for them to constantly move from one place to the next. The family had four children in the end, after Rafael two daughters were born. All four children were equipped with the werewolf gene and handled it very differently. Rafael’s older brother was controlled and disciplined. His sisters both hated the gene and called it a curse, while Rafael simply had fun with it. As a teenager he had trouble staying in control, but he learned quickly how to shift at his own will. That is, as long as he’s in a good mood. Bad moods or anger can quickly take away any control he has on his shifting.
The family moved every few years thanks to their father’s paranoia, making it hard for the four Yilmaz children to really make friends outside of each other. Eventually, when Rafael was twelve, he even decided Turkey wasn’t save enough anymore and smuggled them out to Europe. It didn’t help that here they were outsiders at all times; speaking a different language, looking differently. Outside of Turkey, everyone looked at them as if they knew they had monsters brewing underneath their skin. They were usually crammed into tiny apartments or houses, four werewolves with big tempers suffering from puberty. But their father always had a good hold on them and taught them how to control their senses and urges. At least he did until he was gone. The family happened to be in Austria when the first world war arose. Their father was called into battle, and only a few days later they got the news that he had died in combat. None of the children understood how their father could have died in a normal human battle, but they never got a body to confirm what had killed him in the end. Especially Rafael’s older brother always suspected another hunter to have gotten to their father, but Rafael himself tried not to think too much about the reasons. It was bad enough that their father was gone, and he had never been someone for conspiracy theories.
Their very human mother was horribly overwhelmed with the task of four children, no idea where to go next, and hardly any money. Rafael’s older brother tried to help her as best as he could, but especially Rafael made their life a living hell. His brother dragged him along wherever he went as to have an eye on Rafael, but he still managed to do stupid things left and right. His big brother was the reason they both ended up joining the military shortly before the second world war begun. At the time they lived in Britain, and his brother’s promise that they were the best fighters anyone could find was the only reason they were allowed to proof themselves. And they were good. Rafael didn’t like the fighting, but even he couldn’t deny that they were some of the best fighters around. Soon they were known along their comrades as an unbeatable duo. Anyone was happy to welcome them into their unit, thinking they would protect them and turn everything around for them.
But Rafael’s brother should soon follow their father’s demise. Late at night, with rain pouring from the air, bullets rained down on them that weren’t normal bullets. Rafael understood too late that they were made of silver, and he watched his brother die in his own arms, pierced with one too many bullets to recover from it. He was dragged away from his brother’s body with bloody hands and screaming so loudly the enemy could hear him behind their lines. Afterwards, Rafael changed. He still didn’t like fighting, but he was more furious with it, as if trying to get revenge on his brother. He had more trouble staying in control of his shifting too, and barely managed to get to the end of the war without anyone noticing. When the end of the war was announced, everyone around him celebrated, but Rafael couldn’t. He didn’t go home either, unable to face their mother and explain to her that he hadn’t been able to save his brother. Instead, he followed in his father’s footsteps, becoming a lone wolf that traveled the world – not necessarily out of paranoia, but because he was followed by guilt.
He kept in touch with his mother and sisters throughout letters, and learned that she had settled down in Greece shortly after the war ended. There she met a man who was known for running one of the best Gyros’ places in town. It was a dream come true for his mother, who had always loved cooking, and quickly became one of the main reasons the restaurant was so successful. Reading her letters made him happy, and he knew it would only stay that way for her if he didn’t pull her back into his trouble. So he stayed as far away from his mother as he could, and tried to find love elsewhere instead. He was still good at worming himself into other people’s hearts. He switched his lovers as often as he switched his home. He wasn’t particularly picky either. In a time when it wasn’t anywhere near normal, he still didn’t care about the gender of his partners, or whether they were werewolf, witch, human or whatever else walked the earth. He was always protective of them, and he fell in love often and hard, but never managed to stick with it when he moved on to another place. It was how he got himself a job though.
The bitter truth was, Rafael had always adored music. His father taught him how to play the guitar when he was eleven, and regretted it later on. It was a passion no one expected Rafael to hold. He wouldn’t talk about anything but the fact that he wanted to be a musician one day. His father told him his ideas were awful, and that music could never be a real job. He was turned down again and again by his father, but the idea of making music for people’s pleasure had always lingered at the back of his mind. He still played, holding the guitar of his father dear to his heart, and even sometimes played small acts to earn some money. But he knew he’d feel even more guilty if he pursued a ridiculous music career when his father wanted something else for him. And so when he ended up in bed with the chief of police of Brussels in 1959, he scored himself a job at the local police. No one expected much from him, but Rafael quickly showed that he was useful. He was one of the first people to have an idea who Le tueur fou (the “Crazy Killer”) might be, a serial killer who killed several people in Belgium from 1954 to 1981. But he couldn’t stay until the killer was caught. Both his itch to move on, and his slowed aging process meant that he couldn’t stay long anywhere. Rafael used his stance in critical crime cases as recommendations to get himself from one police station to the next across Europe. Never the one to catch the killer, but always the one who almost caught them.
It nagged at his ego that throughout the years, he was never rewarded for actually catching a killer, forgotten behind the scenes because of who he was. Because throughout the years, he investigated several of the worst crimes humanity had seen. After leaving Belgium, he moved to Italy and investigated the Monster of Florence there. He was also part of the investigation of the Beast of Harkstede, a murderer of five women in the Netherlands, and of the Beast of Bastille when he lived in France in the 90s. With each case he got more restless, and no lover or hobby could change that for him. He was known to be charming, flirtatious, and a good cop – but also as moody and impatient, and simply never the one. He struggled a lot with his shifting during the times when he was the most frustrated, and it ended in some less pleasant shifting situations.
In the end, Rafael ended up in Greece not out of free will. He had been trying very hard to stay away from it after his mother settled down there. But one night he was woken by his phone ringing, and his youngest sister telling him that their sister had been killed by another hunter. She had moved to Corinth Bay with her husband, also a werewolf, after their mother had died of old age. They had taken over her house and over the gyros restaurant she and her husband owned, making the town their new home. Rafael had never visited them or seen their restaurant other than on photos, and he also never met the two children they had. One year ago then, the pair had been killed by a hunter, though their children were left unharmed. And for some reason Rafael could not understand, she had chosen him in a will she created thirty years ago as the one to take over what she left behind should she ever die. Rafael hadn’t even known his sister had a will, and hardly understood why she wouldn’t have changed said will when she had children. His youngest sister liked to say she had seen something more in him, but Rafael didn’t trust that idea. Still, he followed her wish, because it would have felt like betrayal not to do what she wanted him to.
He left behind his life at the time and moved to Corinth Bay over night. Suddenly, he was faced with a very different life than he ever had. Here he was, in a house that was big enough for a proper family, and he was suddenly stepping into the footprints of two parents who had been made for the job, while he had never even considered the idea of being a parent one day. He’s struggling to figure out how to handle two teenagers who are surely trying to get him killed. His seventeen year old niece has an awful music taste (in his opinion), drives her scooter too fast and in general likes to get herself into too much danger. His sixteen year old nephew on the other hand is strongly struggling with his werewolf genes, his sexuality, and how to get popular in school. It’s a world Rafael can’t understand, as he never lived such a mundane life. He wanted to get himself into the police office once more, but didn’t do it in favor of taking over his sister’s gyros restaurant. The truth is, he eats more at “Meat I live for” than he actually helps out, but when he has good days he loves it. On most days, however, he misses being a cop and investigating bad guys a lot. In his free time he sometimes tries to solve the murder of his sister and her husband, but he hasn’t really gotten anywhere, as he is already too busy with his normal life. And with everything that has started happening in Corinth Bay lately, Rafael is even more frustrated and wary – worried for the children he’s looking after, and worried about himself. And wondering why on earth his sister would pick a place crawling with supernatural creatures to settle down.
+ adventurous, freethinking, intuitive - obsessive, strong-willed, thoughtless
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