#everyone else gets to have their problematic band i want mine
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gffa · 1 year ago
Over the last week, I decided to go ahead with bookmarking all the fics I've recommended over the years on AO3 since I abide by tumblr poll results always (and man pour one out for all the fic that never made it to AO3 or has since been deleted, sooooo many gems lost to time!) and it was a bit more than the ~3,000 I was expecting:
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Hopefully, this will be easier than browsing the hundreds of recs posts I've made, since you can filter for any of the author's tags now! These are mostly focused on Star Wars and DC fandom, but I did my time in the anime mines and occasional tours through some TV fandoms or movies. You can dig into everything unfiltered and start your own filtering, or the bigger fandoms you'll find:
MAJOR FANDOMS: Each of these should have 100+ at minimum and, in the case of Star Wars, literally almost half of them are in that fandom. Look, Star Wars fandom might be a trash fire in a lot of ways, but it is ON FIRE with some good fic. (Older bookmarks not guaranteed to match my current sentiments, especially re: the Jedi, but they did catch my fancy at that point in time!)
STAR WARS: - All Star Wars -OR- All Star Wars minus the Obi-Wan/Anakin ship - OR- Nothing BUT Obi-Wan/Anakin
BATMAN/DC: - DC can sometimes be tricky, but you can do a Batman* search and get most of them (though, sometimes Nightwing* or Young Justice* or Superman* will catch some of the others). Honestly, though, you might want to just do a search for what character or dynamic you like and have fun from there, because otherwise you're getting a face full of my Dick Grayson Is The Center Of The Universe And I'm Making That Everyone Else's Problem agenda. ;)
MARVEL/MCU: - Marvel* will probably get most of the various properties, though you may want to filter for Defenders* or Guardians of the Galaxy* if you're interested -OR- Marvel* without the Thor/Loki - These focus a lot on the Thor* fandom if you want to witness the results of like 8 years of constant voracious reading in that fandom (Minus the ship), because, seriously, I read a LOT of Odinson family fic. - Bonus, just do a search for Maximoff* to find some really good X-Men: First Class-verse because, listen, I have been ALL ABOUT the Maximoff twins since long before the movies or MCU brought them over and I will DIE ON THE HILL of "Marvel, make Magneto their bio-dad again or I'm never reading another comic of yours ever".
TOLKIEN/LORD OF THE RINGS/SILMARILLION/HOBBIT: - Tolkien* -OR- Hobbit* -OR- Lord of the Rings* searches will turn up most of my Elf-hunting, I primarily focus on the Sindar Elves, but look I can't resist my problematic Feanorian faves or that I will die on the hill that Fingolfin is the best ever. (You have NO IDEA how sad I am that so much fic on Stories of Arda or FFNET is not easily bookmarked on AO3, sob. I externally bookmarked a few of the bigger ones, but sooo many shorter faves are missing from my recs tag.)
CLAMP: - X/Tokyo Babylon legitimately bums me out because it's not a huge fandom and yet so much of what was written was pre-AO3 and lost when CLAMPesque went down or was never brought over from Livejournal, yet this fandom (well, the Seishirou/Subaru pairing) still burns brightly in my heart.
MINOR FANDOMS: Ones that probably only have under 100 bookmarks (often around the 20-30 bookmarks range), but will at least give you a place to start! ANIME/MANGA: Bleach | Cardcaptor Sakura | Dragonball | Finder no Hyouteki/Viewfinder | Katekyou Hitman Reborn! | Kuroko no Basuke | One Piece | Sailor Moon | Madoka Magica | Naruto | Princess Tutu | Trigun | Weiss Kreuz | Yuri!!! on Ice
BOOKS: Chrestomanci | Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
DRAMAS: Nirvana in Fire | The Untamed -OR- Modao Zu Shi
TV SHOWS/MOVIES: Community | Game of Thrones -OR- ASOIAF | Good Omens | Hannibal | Highlander | The Old Guard | Our Flag Means Death | Stranger Things
VIDEO GAMES: Dragon Age: Inquisition | Final Fantasy 8 | Genshin Impact | Okami
BANDS: Arashi
All right, whew, that was actually a fun project, despite how much work it was to hunt down a lot of older faves to see if they were on AO3, hopefully you'll find this useful!
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#Thoughts Musers?#Mine are a bit mixed: apprehensive yes and also totally understanding that#(as someone FROM Asia—where they NEVER usually tour—they would want to avoid a situation where they stopped from playing)#along with bits of ‘shame that Muse feel the need to comply; just seems so un-Muse-like’#Muse band#musers#wotp tour#Muse Kuala Lumpur#Muse#muse band#2023#muse live#Wonder which song too
So full disclosure: I am in Kuala Lumpur right now because this is probably my best and only chance to see Muse live. And it's not just because I'm Asian; I'm from a very specific nationality whose movement in and out of the country is very tightly regulated and monitored (unless you're rich). We have one of the weakest passports in the world, and western countries like the US and UK are extremely strict about who they give visas to. You could be financially independent, acclaimed and successful in your field and still not get a visa for even a brief 3-day work conference in Cleveland. I spent the last couple weeks an anxious wreck because I have no idea if I could even make it to Malaysia... all because I have no idea whether the immigration officer I'll run into at the airport is gonna be a power-tripping douchebag or not.
I mention this because I'm bothered by the mismatch of privilege whenever these kinds of issues come up. It's not just this show or the 1975 incident; it came up back when Muse toured China in the Drones era too.
It's easy to lean back and boycott Band X when you have the luxury to pick and choose which artists are worth your time, or won't go against your principles. Is it a hypocritical money grab to agree to a gig even if it goes against the messages you espouse in your music? Sure. Is it bad to capitulate to the demands of controlling governments just for the sake of putting on a show? Sure. But do Malaysians who enjoy Muse deserved to be punished for the conservative values of a government/culture they didn't choose to be born into? Well...
Inevitably all this circles back to the kind of "no ethical consumption under capitalism"- style moral accounting The Good Place exists to dissect. We all make compromises when it comes to the things we consume or patronize, and we have different thresholds for what our personal values can and can't tolerate. People still buy smartphones and Shein clothes. They still listen to Chris Brown and Marilyn Manson and a whole ton of "problematic" musicians. They still look the other way when a celebrity they like does something horrible.
Policing every single thing other people like based on how moral or "problematic" it is may seem noble, but it is both an exhausting way to live and a gateway to a ton of insane gatekeeping/purity culture logic. And that goes double when your lived reality exists on a different plane from someone else's.
The Muse fandom is not a monolith. Not everyone holds the same values and principles... nor the same freedom to actually exercise them. We can argue 'til we're blue in the face about whether they're morally compromised by virtue of being an international stadium act beholden to higher powers. Or we can argue over whether role-playing political ambiguity deserves to be punished to the degree of, say, domestic abuse or sexual assault or open racism. Either way there's still gonna be some random kid who can't watch his favorite band for reasons completely unrelated to these culture wars.
Because unless all this Matty Healy discourse is actually going to uplift Malaysia's marginalized LGBT community through direct activism, all of this is just posturing by privileged white people and their enablers in an ethical pissing contest. Unless you're working to fight world injustices in a way that's not just "getting angry on the internet", you're not a better person for saying Muse are hypocrites for performing in a shitty country full of people who never asked to live there (or in the case of Southeast Asians, probably can't leave even if they wanted to). "Let he among us without sin" and all that.
I don't really know what my point is here. If you think one censored song is worth cancelling Muse over, that's up to you. Maybe if I could actually afford to go to more shows I'll even agree.
Muse have “pulled one song from their planned KL setlist owing to its title” following Matty Healy in Malaysia-gate. Huh.
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danswank · 3 years ago
yeah!! i think that’s the worst thing about cancel culture. it never cancels people who deserve to be canceled. there are literal rapists and pedophiles who still have careers, yet they focus on canceling someone who made an insensitive and uninformed joke 7 years ago without knowing any better at the time. and if that person shows that they’ve become educated, learned why the comment was wrong to make in the first place, and have moved past making comments like that again, twitter is essentially like “lol we don’t care you’re still a piece of shit no matter what.” there’s a difference between irredeemable offenses and making inappropriate comments because you’re uneducated at the time of making them. there’s a difference between someone who is openly homophobic and racist and has made it very clear that’s how they feel, and someone who made an off-handed comment that they didn’t realize was a slight microaggression that they now know not to make. twitter doesn’t draw a line; all of those people are grouped together in their book. bottom line is don’t just take a twitter thread or post on any platform about why some creator sucks at face value. do your own research. assess the situation from an unbiased pov. don’t jump to conclusions based on what the hivemind is saying.
you’re so so right anon. i believe in pointing out when people have said or done something wrong bc how else are they gonna grow? but it sucks because once the twitter mob takes hold of it it becomes straight up bullying and harassment and nothing they ever say will be good enough. then you don’t even get to see the growth because you bullied them off of social media.
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witchcraftingboop · 5 years ago
Re: Jbird & RainS. (Briar) Discourse
Previously, I have spoken with the person who made very serious allegations against JBird, calling him a racist, that were then used by others to spread slander against him. They have since apologized and admitted that JBird isn't a racist, and I genuinely think there was a stark miscommunication that went on to prompt such a claim. I don't want to name them or involve them here, since I do believe they've already reflected enough on the situation at hand, and is still deeply considering the multi-faceted hornet's nest of problems they've stumbled upon.
However, in light of the blatant dismissal and refusal to submit actual proof against the two, I feel as if I should share the information I offered this person before.
If you are basing your arguments against Jbird and Briar off of the previous, separate Discord group discussions of Trio & co. - screenshots of which have been, and continue to be spread years later, by Prim - then I especially implore you to be open to what I have to say. As a third party to this continually and rapidly spiralling debacle, I feel like there's not much I can say or do to assist my friends in being heard, but I feel as if I ought to try. Prim's following is large and actively prepared to follow her "do not interact even to ask questions" policy, so I worry it may be too late already. But I am not without hope or faith.
Tumblr is, unfortunately, a place where hate spreads rapidly, and while I do love the broad community it fosters, I am also aware that, even with the best of folks, it is hard to see the side of someone you've already decided is guilty and not worth approaching for an explanation.
First and foremost, I believe in innocence until proven guilty.
Now then! Onto my offered commentary/input! (Sorry to prattle on so much.)
To start, thedesertgod, also known as Trio, did go through and look for her personal information, which is messed up. But that person has already apologized, if I'm remembering correctly, and left Tumblr. And the other main user who helped spread information about Prim being a race faker also admitted wrong and left. The others in the chat, particularly Mystic and Ronan appear to just be making jokes and stating factual informative summaries, respectively. E-muete also said "ok no" after the Dolezal comment, which is a common "no that's too far a comparison/joke/statement" substitute among their forums and chats and often means they don't actually agree with what they themselves said. Ruby also politely reminds Trio that it's impossible to tell someone's race off of their appearance alone. So what I see here is definitely problematic, but entirely on Trio's part. I'm not saying it's not screwed up to find pictures of someone's parents and debate their race, but the persons who did those things have already left the Tumblrsphere.
Unfortunately, the people you've pointed out don't have a good history with Prim even before the whole "Trio nitpicking her race" thing. Prim used to follow more than a few of them and use their posts to fuel her platform, oftentimes creating uninformed mish-mosh articles with a voice of authority that simply wasn't warranted. As I'm sure you're aware, it's hard enough dealing with people stealing your content word for word, but to attempt to steal your knowledge? Your initiations and rites of passage? And use them to sell yourself as a master of a breadth of practices? The tradcrafters of that particular circle decided to band together and block her from interacting with them directly for that very reason. And because of that, Prim started telling her followers that they are all racist and elitist and ableist and gatekeepers. These terms over the years have become almost like triggers in that once they're said, everyone seems to put on a blindfold and fall into a frenzied rage. And to be fair, Prim is far too quick, in my opinion, to bring up racism as the reason others disagree with her. Most times, I've noticed at least, that if she calls someone racist or says they're unsupportive of POC, she nearly immediately brings up BLM activism in her posts or reblogs. I'm not saying I necessarily support calling all of her activistic inclinations performative, but where the tradcradt group she calls racist is more than willing to talk of and show proof of their contribution, Prim never has and avoids it if asked. I can see both sides, really. But the fact remains that calling someone performative in their actions, does not a racist make. Neither, in my opinion, does interacting with people who are assumed (without real and concrete proof) to be racist.
I can appreciate where you're coming from; honestly, I can. People have grown accustomed to hearing the prefix trad- and preparing for the worst. Racism is a systematic and prevailing problem in the society all around us, so it makes sense to be on the lookout for it. You want to protect yourself and your community. I can understand your sentiments perfectly. But I cannot support "guilty by association" viewpoints. As a WOC who grew up in some rough areas, I have seen boys killed under that very same reasoning. Jbird is a good friend of mine, and I have never questioned his morals or ethics. I have seen no sign of my being looked down upon for the color of my skin, nor anyone else who runs in that very same circle.
What I see is what I see in a lot of faces on this hellsite: hurt. Before Trio and after Trio left, the tradcraft community has been slandered and ostracized. They have shut themselves off to outsiders for the very thing you've done to Jbird just yesterday. They hold their secrets closer than most other communities now because persecution is seemingly forever at their door. On Prim's end too, there has been struggle and pain and needless arguing and hurt. If those you approach seem prickly, it is often because the world has roughened their edges, not because they personally are against you.
I asked for a couple examples from the group and one person (I'll keep them anonymous because I didn't confirm they'd like their name here) said: she has talked about saint magic (trio), hadean pamphlet (trio), hubris (Ruby), fairies, trad craft shit (Mahigan among others), etc etc
From what I personally have seen, her most recent was the Witch Fire podcast. A few tradcraft blogs had a debate/discussion about Witch Fire and its traditional eurocentric foundations in witchcraft not that long ago, and then Prim decided to put out a podcast that was so uninformed, I'm still worried about how younger or newer witches might be hurt by it.
Unfortunately the tradcraft community is vulnerable to that kind of thing [being called names or falsely accused] and an easy target. That's why being called those kind of harsh words - like gatekeeping, elitist, racist, and ableist - are met with so much anger from them. I take it very seriously because I've seen the kind of whiplash it has, especially on such a closed off group.
[A Reply.] Yeah no, Prim "apologizes" by talking about how she's been previously given a hard time with interjections of "but please don't go around spreading hate" and never directly apologizes to the tradcrafter in such posts. Unfortunately, her "apology" did more harm than good. I was hoping she'd just ignore it but . . . This tends to happen too 🤦‍♀️
I think that if both sides were able to approach it as openmindedly as you have, there would be a lot less drama and in-fighting on this app 😩 I really did enjoy talking with you though!
That just about covers everything I'd like to say on the matter.
I do not condone spreading hate, just as I don't condone misinformation or blind allegiance to what one person says. So if you can respectfully and openmindedly address your questions/comments/concerns, I don't see why you can't interact with Briar, Jbird, or myself. I understand it's easy to get caught up in the first perspective you're given, but it is my hope that Witchblr as a whole can be more open to hearing both sides of the story. Blindly blocking and cancelling certain bloggers is something I don't support nor encourage. I understand Prim must be tired of addressing all of the drama that churns around her, so I won't speak as to what her reasoning could be for suggesting such a solution. I'm simply stating what I hope for the community as a whole.
| | Note: The statements above were written early (I think, my sense of time is off) yesterday, and as of yet, I have still seen no concrete evidence that Briar or Jbird have ever made racist comments. On Briar's part, I have seen her observation that activism on a performative platform such as Tumblr can come off as performative, but she never once said she doesn't know or see why Prim would support and promote BLM activism. Something I think was misconstrued and lumped all together to sound as if she thought Prim were faking her contributions altogether. | |
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nona-gay-simus · 4 years ago
Top 6 Book Ideas I Will Never Write
Unlike my previous posts, this one IS in order from 5: just wouldn’t work to 1: straight up problematic, wtf past!Téa?
I’m not patting myself on the back because I won’t write these (especially the more problematic ones), I just want to share some of the bad ideas I’ve had as a teenager in hopes of entertaining y'all
6. Submissive Rich CEO gets Dommed by his Wife.
What was the story about?
Pretty much what it says on the tin.
Why I won’t write it?
This one was the epitome of 'just vibes, no plot'. It's about a guy who gets dominated by his wife. That’s literally it. It’s not even a romance, they were already dating/married by the time the story starts. I suppose I could've made it Erotica, but I think I’d just get bored. Sex without context is not very sexy to me.
5. Following Six Protagonists Through College
What was the story about?
It was a contemporary new adult novel following six points of view through their college life and relationships - both romantic and platonic. 3 couples: m/m, m/f and f/f, who also had platonic reltionships with each other, like two of them were brother and sister, two were best friends, other two were rivals etc. Think of it as one of those ensamble cast movies like Love, Actually, Valentine’s Day, or He’s Just Not That Into You, but in book form.
Why I won’t write it?
It just wouldn’t work. 6 POVs are far too many to give everyone a differemt voice and a satisfying arc and nobody wants to read (or publish) a 180k contempoorary novel. I could also never decide what the platonic realtionships between the protagoinists would be; nor was everyone equally developed. 
Now, some of these characters I might write about in the future (I had an idea to just take the brother and sister and have the novel follow them, and their two POVs), but the story in its original form will never manifest.
4. Singer Gets Back Together With Her Ex Boyfriend
What was the story about?
A conteporary adult romance. Britney, dated JD when they were teenagers. Years later she’s forming a band with her twin sister and best friend and they need a guitarist and a songwriter, so she meets with JD to offer him the position. After many trials and tribulations they get back together.
Why I won’t write it?
I’m honestly just... not very interested in these characters anymore. They started from old bandfic of mine (except JD wasn’t the main love interest. He was always an original charcater and I just started thinking: what if he really IS the love of her life?).
Some of these concepts made into an old draft of my current WIP ( my current draft is way different) and I wrote a short story about them (that will never see the light of day), so I think I’m good.
Goodreads showed me like 30k titles musicians, so I’m sure something like this already exists.
3. Secretary/Boss Romance
What the story is about?
Adult Conteporary Rom-Com. Maya, an out-of-the-box thinker gets hired to be the PA of a young, hot genius multi-millionaire and throughout the course of the story they fall in love. Possibly some BDSM elements.
Why I won’t write it?
Because there’s literally so many stories with this exact concept, I don’t know what else I could add to this trope. Plus, the power-dynamic is kinda a skewed one way. He’s richer than her, he’s her boss, he’s a man, he’s physically bigger... Even if i made it so she’s the Domme, not the sub (unlike my original idea where she was the sub, but I could mix it with number 6), he still has a lot of power over her. Maybe in the era of #MeToo is not the time for something like this. Plus, I don't think these characters were ever developed enough in my head for me to care enough to write a full book.
Now, there was another version of this, where Maya was a lesbian and te guy is pansexual, and the story is focused on ther platonic friendship instead of a romance, and maybe I’ll write that one, but probably not. 😂
2. Musican’s Ex Girlfriend Gets Pregnant, Hides Kid
What was the story about?
Adult Contemporary Rom-Com. Famous musican has a dysfunctional on-off reltionship with a woman for two-three years, until she gets pregnant and dumps him for real, without telling him she's pregnant. Years later, she contacts him again, revealing the kid. Now that they have both matured, they bond over their daughter and eventually get back together.
Why I won’t write it?
I like the idea of dysfunctional relationships in theory and I am trash for the trope of having people realize they are not right for each other at this time and break up despite being in love, only to get back together once they are mature enough to handle a relationship.
However it's a very hard line to balance, between “just dysfuntional enough to be entertaining” and “toxic and/or abusive” and I realized everyone in this particular story is an asshole.
The guy just wouldn’t take no for an answer while pursuing the main chick, even though she said “no” on at least 3 different occasions, and even slapped him once; and she was an asshole because once they were together, she was always unermining his confidence and emotionally abusing him.
Also, I just think there are certain things you can’t come back from (at least in a contemporary romance, where the characters are meant to be likeable) and hiding a child from someone is one of them. Why would anyone root for a relationship where the MC didn’t even trust the guy to be a good father?
Plus, I don’t think this is a very original idea. Attractive straight white people being assholes to each other, stories a plenty.
1. Interracial Black/White Romance in the 60s
What was the story about?
Young Adult/New Adult Contemporary/Historical Romance. A rich white girl in the American South falls in love for the Black gardener and the two run away to a state where interracial marriages are legalized.
Why I will never write it?
It’s very much not my story to tell and it’s pretty problematic concept-wise. 
I’m not Black (nor am I even American) and a story like this requires deep intimate knowedge about Blackness in America and probably an OwnVoices author. Also, I’m pretty sure that the vast majority of Black people don’t want to see themselves represented as servants falling in love with their white Masters/Bosses or their children.
I came up with this idea as a teenager, after first learning that interracial marriges were not legal in the states until the late 60s and at the time I was very interested in the concept of forbidden love. Mostly because I was queer, but I didn't realize that at the time.
And as i started learning more about race, I realized that this idea hat is just offensive, at least coming from someone like me. I do want to represent PoC in my romances, but I want to do it in a respectful manner. I'm sure there are plenty of interracial romances that explore race, written by BIPOC and I'd rather rec those than write an offensive, racist story like this.
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andrea-lyn · 5 years ago
Yay birthday prompts! How about a vampire slayer fusion? Pick your poison-- Liz, Isobel, Maria or Jenna as the Slayer, with Michael or Alex as her Watcher, and the other as a vampire-- and if the Watcher and the vampire happened to fall in love, well, wouldn't THAT be interesting?
“Hello?”Liz wanders into the library with her books in hand, wondering why there’s nonoise. Most days, Guerin’s in here with his books, bent over one of them withhis tortoise-shelled glasses, lecturing Liz on the latest slayer lessons orwhatever else the thirty-seven-year-old Watcher thinks she needs to learnabout. He’s also typically bickering and bitching at her friends for clutteringup his library and making it noisy.Today, there’s nothing. It’s almost like Guerin’s ideal library state, onlyhe’s not here to see it.Maria gives her a shake of her head, peering from behind Liz’s shoulder. “Thisscreams murder scene,” she says.“If he’s been offed, who’re they gonna replace him with? Another stuffygenius?” Kyle snorts. She doesn’t pay attention to their bickering and sniping, moving deeper insidethe library. Liz catches movement out of the corner of her eye, sleek andsmooth. “Hello?” she calls out, not sure who else is in the library. Herattention slides back to Maria and Kyle, digging out her stake and approachingcautiously.The shadow moves swiftly, the pages of books fluttering as her warning, and Lizspins, stake raised and poised to strike.It’s only her incredible reflexes that stops her from killing an ally – even ifit the strangest ally she’s ever had. “Slayer,” Alex comments evenly.
Liz rolls her eyes. Alex Manes might be a vampire, but after he’d been turnedby his father, his mother had instantly ensured that his soul had been put backin. In over eighty years, she’s fairly sure the worst he’s ever done is ruin acouple of Michael’s ties with his teeth – and no, she really doesn’t want tothink about the weird part where her Watcher is dating a vampire.“Alex,” Liz replies, eyeing him. He was turned in his mid-twenties, but hisgeneral aura of youth means he can come and go as he pleases at the high schoolwithout anyone thinking it’s weird. “Where’s Guerin?”The dark look on Alex’s face should be scary, but she knows him. She’s seen himfeel bad about draining a rabbit for its blood, because the thing was so cute. “That’s what I came here to ask you about. Why the hell is my husband actinglike his fool seventeen-year-old self?”Liz gapes at him.There’s a few things there to process. “Husband?” Maria blurts out nearby.“Dude, you were with him at seventeen?” is Kyle.Liz focuses on the more problematic part of all this. “How do you know Michael’sacting strangely?”That’s how they get dragged to the Wild Pony, where a local band is playingtonight. The floor is packed with adults making out, grinding, and wearingridiculous clothes. Liz stops for a moment to try and forget the image of theirprincipal doing body shots off the mayor’s assistant, wondering what the helldrug everyone is on.Alex keeps walking through the crowd to get to the back of the club, whereGuerin has been cuffed. Or, he was, because now he’s sprawled on the couch witha pair of unlocked handcuffs attached to his wrist, a bobby pin sticking out ofhis teeth, and him wearing a mischievous smirk. Gone are the glasses, his curlsare wild, and he’s eyeing Alex with intent.“You’re not supposed to leave me after you get me locked up,” Guerin says.“Guerin,” Alex says calmly. “Your slayer is here.”“Hey sweetheart,” Guerin says instead of paying attention to Liz, patting thespace beside him. “C’mere and do a shot with me.” He grins as he tips his headto the side, curls falling with the movement as he eyes Alex with intent.“Remember how much you like it when you drink me after I’ve had some tequila?”Liz shoots Alex a disbelieving look, like she can’t believe that at any point,he’d been charmed by this. From the long-suffering look on Alex’s face, itseems like he doesn’t need the ball-busting. She also gets the feeling that ifhe could blush, he would be.“What the hell is going on here?” Maria asks.“That’s what I want to know,” Alex says sharply, leaning down to grab somethingfrom out of Michael’s hand. “Guerin,” he says evenly.“Manes,” Guerin replies cheekily, tangling their fingers together and yankinghim into a straddle in his lap. Liz instantly tries to avert her eyes becauseno, no, no, no, that’s her Watcher, that’s not someone she wants to think of asbeing sexually active in any way, especially not with a vampire, nope. “Comeon, sweetheart, just drink a little.”“Do not do that,” Liz snaps. “One look at his face in vampy form and he’ll bedead, Guerin.”“Spoilsport,” he mutters.Liz shakes her head, deciding there and then that she’s never going to complainwhen Guerin gives her an assignment or loads too much responsibility on hershoulders. The thing in Guerin’s hand looks like a chocolate bar, of all things,which Alex sniffs, recoiling before he puts down the chocolate, as if it’sburned him. “Someone’s enchanted this,” he says, a look of disgust on his face.“Whatever it is, it’s clearly making the adults of Roswell act like thesimpering idiot children they are.” He looks down at Guerin, shaking his head.“I was a fool when I was younger.”“You were my fool,” Guerin says sweetly. “And I was the luckiest teen in theworld when you kissed me inside the museum and gave me a home for the firsttime.”Whatever qualms Alex might be having about Guerin’s personality reversion, thatclearly pierces through. Suddenly, Alex doesn’t have any resistance as heslides down into Michael’s lap, straddling him as he wraps his arms around hisneck, making out right in the middle of the Pony.“Ugh,” says Liz.“I don’t know,” Maria replies, “I think it’s sweet.”Liz doesn’t want to even think about Guerin as anything remotely close to asexual being, which is why she can’t bear to look at this. It’s lucky thatsomething distracts them almost instantly. “I recognize that wrapper.”Liz could kiss Kyle for the way he distracts her from watching her Watcher makeout with a vampire (it’s like a car crash, she can’t look away). She seizes onhis comment, looking at him picking up a wrapper from the ground. “What? Whatis it?”“It’s the candy from the fundraiser the football team was having,” he says. “Ijust sold all mine to Guerin, because he said he’d buy it all if I shut upabout the football team’s stats and got back to research.”“So we need to figure out where it came from!” Liz is so happy for a lead thatshe could cry. She looks back, trying to decide if she should try and split upGuerin from Alex, but they’ve progressed to dry humping, and Liz is starting towonder if Alex didn’t eat some of the candy after all.The sooner they fix this, the sooner that’s fixed.Though, if they’re married, she has to wonder how much of this happens behindclosed doors and they’re just normally mature enough to know better than to dothis in public.She decides she’s not going to bother dwelling. “Come on, let’s go.”Once they get into their research, it doesn’t take long to turn over a fewstones with the few adults left. Isobel had sniffed with annoyance when theyturned up to her place and asked if she’d eaten any of the chocolate.“If I’m going to break my diet and eat chocolate, it’s for good stuff, notthat,” she says, flicking the candy bar, but squinting at it. “I think thiscompany just bought the warehouse outside of town, though,” she says. “Youmight want to start there. It’s definitely witchcraft,” she guarantees. “I’llbrief the other Watchers and see what we can do about containing Michael.”“Thank you,” Liz says emphatically. “Seriously, thank you.”Once they get to the warehouse, the rest falls into place after some old-schoolspying and eavesdropping. It turns out that a witch with a grudge against theWatchers in Roswell had enchanted the candy, intending to turn her and all herfellow adults into irresponsible idiots while he worked his magic and tried tomake a power grab.Noah Bracken hadn’t been too happy when Liz broke up the coven in the middle ofa spell to amp up the power of the chocolates.“You made me see my Watcher’s nipples,” is her annoyed snap, when Noah asks whyshe won’t let him get away with it. She grabs the bust of Janus that thewitches have been channelling the spell into, smashing it to the floor in athousand little bits that shatters the spell just as quickly. She’s not sure what to do with a witch, but she doesn’t get a chance to figureit out.  Noah and his coven flee in thechaos before she can call Guerin and ask for help. Given the derision on Noah’sface when she’d mentioned Watchers, Liz suspects that it won’t be the last theysee of him. Maybe next time, Liz won’t be so traumatized as a result of his revenge scheme.*The next morning, Guerin’s back in the library. He’s wearing a turtleneck and apair of sunglasses, scowling like the crotchety old Watcher Liz knows andloves. “Had a fun night, Mikey?” she asks sweetly, teasing him with a name thatshe knows he despises. She leans over to flick at the turtleneck a little.“Maybe a little nibble or two got you on the neck?”“How much do I have to pay you to never mention what happened again?”Liz shakes her head. “Trust me. After today, if we never talk about it, I’ll bethe happiest slayer around. Now, can we please go back to killing things thatgo bump in the night instead of you bumping them in your Chevy?”That is the absolute last she’ll say about it, she swears.Or maybe it comes up once more, because when Alex turns up to talk about thethreat of the coven in the town, he’s not wearing a scarf, which meansshe sees all the marks on his neck. “I didn’t know vampires could bruise from ahickey,” she blurts out, forgetting the whole ‘moving on’ part.Alex stares her down, unflinchingly. “My husband has very determined teeth andI’d like to never talk about it again.”“Next time, wear a scarf,” Kyle complains from where he’s buried his face in abook. Guerin smiles at Liz as he wraps his arms around Alex’s neck from behind,nuzzling one of the marks as he whispers something against the cool skin thatshe suspects might just be, I love you, I’ll take care of you, I’ll make itall up to you.Just this once, she’ll let him have it without teasing him relentlessly. Tomorrow’s a new day, though, and there’s plenty more to tease him about then.
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alightwhendarknessfell · 5 years ago
Let’s Talk
I’ve thought a lot about the situation concerning Ashley/Black Veil and the greater issues at hand here over the past few days. I’ve also spoken with a lot of people about things. 
Personally, this situation has turned into something that is causing myself to lose sleep and become very anxious. The likelihood that Ashley actually gets formally reprimanded for his actions is low just based on how cases like this typically go, and it’s quite clear that while people now know the type of person he is and that his career in music is over, those who still support him will continue no matter what. He will more than likely dwindle into irrelevancy and probably end up in jail for drinking and driving eventually. 
I have personally witnessed how this has affected the people involved, some of which are even close friends of mine. I believe that Twitter is great for some things, and catching people’s attention and spreading information is one of those things, but it can also be an incredibly toxic place. As a victim of sexual assault myself I feel for every one of the victims and fighting with people every day on Twitter who are willing to go to disgusting lengths to defend monsters like Ashley is exhausting. In my personal opinion at this point I believe people’s mental health is being harmed by the back and forth (not speaking for everyone, but I have personally seen how this is affecting people’s lives). And I don’t know how much more good can come from more Twitter arguments. 
With my MCAT approaching I need to get myself in the right head space and jumping every time my phone goes off because is it someone attacking me? Is it another victim? Is it someone in pain? That’s not a good head space. I also see the conversation at times going in a direction that I am not comfortable with or that I do not have enough information to put myself in. 
I do not want to out victims or people that do not want to have their story out there. I do not want to hunt down people and make them relive their trauma or pressure them to speak when doing so could cause a significant disruption to their lives. I’m not saying that is what is happening but I just don’t want it to A) come off that way or B) become that. In addition to that, it is very clear from a legal standpoint that Black Veil cannot say what people want them to say without breaking the NDA (at the benefit of Ashley). Ashley has retreated to his subscription only accounts and so that kind of leaves everyone at a stand still. This situation is incredibly complicated and perhaps in time there can be a conversation had but I just don’t think that time is right now. 
Speaking broadly, I will say that I am not for the cancellation of entire groups of people based of the actions of one person. I believe doing so can bring down innocent people or even potentially other victims. Should there be some punishment for succumbing to the bystander effect? I think that is fair, I think you can’t make blanket one size fits all statements but inaction can hurt too. And I think you should try and gather as many facts before deciding on any form of punishment for actions or inaction. Should you give people the chance to own up to their shortcomings and change for the better? I think so. Should inaction receive the same punishment as actions? I don’t think so, I think doing so allows the truly evil to fade into the background and minimizes their actions. 
I want to see significant change in the music industry with not only more protection for fans but for musicians as well. I see young kids, sometimes not even 18 thrown into an industry that has a habit of making monsters and addicts. The amount of leeches that feed and prey on these young musicians and don’t give a second thought to if that harms them is a big issue. Stop normalizing alcoholism and addiction. Stop watching your bandmate drink themself into a blackout every night.  Don’t create situations where a power dynamic allows people to get away with criminal actions. Check your bandmate when they say or do problematic things. I think there’s been a culture of ‘everyone looks after themselves’ but that’s clearly not working. I think if you are a band and you want to continue into the future that attitude has to change. The past can’t be changed, but the future sure as hell can. 
Beyond that, fan safety needs to be a priority. COVID-19 will change concerts and live music. And honestly, good. There should be more sanitation precautions when you have thousands of people packed together. The Route 91 mass shooting changed security at shows, and good, people should be searched for weapons. 
I think there are ideas that could prevent or reduce the situations in which sexual assault happens to fans. I think these should include things like ID scanners operated by individuals not employed by the band. No one under the age of 21 (unless they are direct family, significant other or a member of the band) be allowed on the buses. Venues need to do better ID-ing every single person that enters the venue. Tour managers and tour organizers need to do more to ensure that there are strict rules enforced as far as conduct. There needs to be a zero tolerance policy for giving alcohol/drugs to people underage and sexual misconduct. That will not prevent everything but it will make it safer and hopefully start to change the culture. 
I do not believe that every single musician is a pedophile. I think there is a disturbing number of them and I think there is another group that gets off on the power dynamic of 16-18 year old girls who worship them and that ability to control. I think there are decent people who have failed to speak out and protect their fans due to fear of their job/reputation/etc and this should serve as a notice that that’s got to change. 
This conversation tends to be very female centric but men can also be sexually abused. That’s not okay either. Band members can be sexually harassed and abused as well. It’s not okay to grab at them on stage or yell obscene disgusting things. It’s not okay for your bandmates to pressure you into drugs, sex or drinking. I will also say that physical violence is not okay. Not towards fans and not towards fellow bandmates. There’s a lot of toxicity and it’s all gotta stop. 
I will leave it up to people to make their own choices as to who they want to support or not support, I won’t tell anyone what to think. I will say that I believe it is best for this discussion to change on my blog as far as answering asks assigning blame or innocence to certain people. I stand by my accusation that Ashley Purdy is not only a sexual predator but a predator in general. But going forward I will be very selective in my answering of or posting of this topic. 
I am more than willing to continue the conversation of the issues in the alt-rock scene at large. I would love to hear people’s ideas on what can be done or just your thoughts. But for my own legal protection and sanity I would prefer that it not become specific to certain people/bands. I am open to private discussions about that and you can send in asks for only me to read but know I think this is the best move going forward. Obviously, other topics are all open and you can comment about anything else but it’s just... been a lot these past few days. 
Obviously, if something new comes out or if future incidents occur (not necessarily concerning Black Veil/Ashley but any band/person/etc) there could be more specific discussions but while I might personally believe or think certain things if I don’t have physical evidence that I am free to share (without harming the source) I don’t think it’s fair for me to open up a free for all. 
I hope that is okay with everyone. After my test and things in my life are back to a more ‘normal’ state I have further things I would like to discuss and post in regards to making my blog a more positive environment while of course still having conversations about ‘hot button’ issues, and a place where people can have discussions/comments and still speaking out when shit is fucked up. But perhaps in a way that doesn’t make me appear so hateful, because that is not who I am as a person. 
That all being said, if you are at all struggling because of the discussions being had right now. Please reach out to someone. That could be a therapist, doctor, friend, family member, counselor, etc. If you are dealing with trauma please consider seeking counseling to help you process and deal with what happened. If you feel you have evidence of criminal activity I encourage you to make a police statement or at least document it the best you can. 
I will end with this. I turn 25 this year and the past year of my life I have grown up and matured more so than I have ever before. I have learned a few things that I would like people to at least give thought to...
Please are a contradiction. Every single person has something for which they hypocritical about. Anyone who tells you differently is lying. There is no pure person, there is no one who is free of mistakes there is no one perfectly pure and consistent in ideology. It’s okay to get new information and change your opinion. No one person can change the world and evil will always exist. You will drive yourself crazy trying to eliminate all the bad out there. At the end of the day all you can do is try and help more people than you hurt. 
There are very few black and white things in life and you can’t always classify people as purely good or purely bad. People can change and that can be for better or worse. People have free will but they are also the product of their environments. It is easy to point a finger and say YOU/THIS is responsible and destroying this will right the wrong. It doesn’t. I think cancel culture can do good but it can also be toxic. Not just for the people ‘cancelled’ but also for the people doing the canceling. 
Don’t over analyze any of this or try and read between the lines, just think about it. 
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summerseachild · 6 years ago
Summersea’s GoT Season 4 Rewatch 2019
Otherwise known as: “The Long Slow Slide to D and D Running Out of Material from the Books”
1. The visuals of Ice getting melted down are SO PRETTY (while RoC plays on the background 😎 living my best Lannister Life over here.)
2. Jaime getting the sword and trying NOT to be Lord of Casterly Rock and HOLY SHIT TELLING TYWIN NO and getting away with it.
3. Tyrion is trying so hard to greet the Dornish politely... poor guy.
4. It’s pride month so I’m just pointing out that Oberyn is soooo biiiii and This Bi Girl loves him. And him playing with the flame and Ellaria trying to stop him from killing the Lannister who insulted him... I just love their dynamic.
5. Drogon is just a big happy dragon-Cat and in Dany’s first appearance of this season. He PURRS.
6. I love Jaime and Cersei’s scene with Jaime’s new hand. They snipe at each other, but it is SO how they interact.
7. Jon and Sansa reacting to Robb’s death :(
9. TREAT THAT BOOK MORE CAREFULLY JOFFREY YOU LITTLE SHIT and treat your uncle more nicely too. Jaime looks a little taken aback at what a little turd his oldest has become, but handles it well I think.
10. Jaime and Brienne trying to sort out how to keep his vow to Catelyn 🤣
12. Sandor Clegane saying FUCK THE KING gives me such satisfaction
13. I should not be so happy about Arya re-enacting the time when Polliver
14. But I am happy that Sandor got his chickens
1. So I had forgotten that the girls who were in the scene where Theon gets cut are Myranda and the girl Ramsay is hunting later. I remembered how much I hate the Myranda thing real quick, though.
2. I love Tyrion being understanding of Jaime’s disability because HE WOULD BE. Also Tyrion pouring wine on the table to be like “look spilling is no big deal” is PRECIOUS.
3. Bronn knocking Jaime around while sparring is a great source of joy to me.
4. Theon finds out that Robb is dead when he’s got a RAZOR TO RAMSAY’S THROAT I can’t with Alfie’s face.
5. Every time I see Joffrey chop that book in half I want the purple wedding to be right now.
6. Tyrion trying to make Shae leave :...(
7. KEEP AWAY FROM SHIREEN, RED WOMAN, said Davos probably a lot
8. Question: why don’t the direwolves being food BACK to the hungry humans? Especially when Bran can warg into them?
9. So I want to go through every frame of that vision Bran has with the weirwood because the one we haven’t seen before is a Dragons over King’s Landing. Those ARE THE ROOFS YOU SEE IN THE NEXT SHOT FOR THE WEDDING.
10. Haha oh right this IS the purple wedding ep ooops I’d almost forgot. Not sorry for wishing death on Joffrey but sorry for Cersei’s sake and everyone else it fucks over.
11. Loras having eye sex with Oberyn cracks me up I mean they both have eyes and good gaydar... (bi-dar? queer-dar?)
12. Is Margaery... flirting with Brienne? Or is that just Margaery’s personality?
13. JAIME’S FACE when he sees Brienne and Cersei talking is SO FUNNY he’s like shit shit shit DANGER
14. What did Qyburn DO for Cersei that she is recommending to other women? She told him symptoms were gone in a previous ep in a weird mysterious way... did he help her end a pregnancy?? How long has it BEEN since Blackwater? This never comes back again but I’m super curious. 
15. Oberyn has zero chill around Tywin and I love it.
16. Margaery looking like she is is going to murder someone during the war of the five Kings show is A Mood. (I mean... there IS about to be a murder.)
17. I don’t think the Tyrells planned it but Joffrey being a shit and making Tyrion touch his wine goblet and SANSA TOUCHING IT TOO played right into their hands.
4x03: oh brother here comes altar sex
1. I want very much for Hector Barbossa to be waiting at the top of that ladder for Sansa after approaching the ship and the creepy fog. But no it’s Petyr Baelish. Ew.
2. Hello new Tommen! Good to see you again after Karstark killed your identical cousin! Also Tywin being like GOOD KINGS ARE SMART AND LISTEN TO THEIR SMART ADVISORS. (That moment when a sitting US president needs to listen to Tywin. Scary?)
3. Altar sex has not aged well for me. I’m not a J/C shipper who thinks they’ve got a healthy relationship that’s all sunshine and kitties. I know the two of them have a messed up dynamic, but this scene misses the mark in so many ways and I hate it. I wish they would have left it out rather than done it wrong. (Also I think it was a tryout for me for “can you get a valonqar scene right?” And the answer was a resounding NO.)
4. Speaking of healthy relationships though Sam and Gilly are cute and sweet and awkward and everything that is good and pure in this world.
5. And so is Davos telling Shireen about his smuggling adventures.
6. Oberyn sat his beautiful self right in the middle of the Kinsey scale and said THE VIEW IS GREAT HERE. What an icon. Also offering Tywin fricking Lannister a seat on the bed where you were just having sex with like FOUR DIFFERENT PEOPLE was A Move.
7. Tywin TELLS OBERYN ABOUT DANY and Oberyn looks like this is the first he’s heard of it.
8. Tyrion saying goodbye to Pod gave me a decent sized lump in my throat.
9. Daario taking down the Champion Of Meereen with one thrown dagger and one slash of a sword is sexy as fuck and I don’t care who knows I think so.
1. Missandei teaching Grey Worm and just hanging out with him is so important to me this time around.
2. Jaime and Bronn are weird friends and I kind of love it.
3. The Kingslayer Brothers: coming soon to a stage near you. I’d buy that band’s shirt.
4. Olenna Tyrell is a STONE COLD LADY and I love that about her. She protected her granddaughter and I respect that.
5. That is A LOT OF WINE IN THAT GLASS Cersei my love. Also Jaime TRYING to convince her Tyrion didn’t do it hurts me. He loves them both so much, but they all hurt each other.
6. Ser Pounce is a big fluff like my Freya!
7. OATHKEEPER AND THE WHITE BOOK AND THE ARMOR. Brienne’s face is so pure when he gives it to her.
8. I had near forgotten all of this stuff at the wall with Olly and Jon and the cannibals and the mutineers at Craster’s and waiting for Mance’s army. (We know where my heart is though, don’t we...)
9. SIT DOWN LOCKE. I forgot that human shitstain showed up at the wall looking for Bran.
10. We didn’t need the mutineer plot. What did it add? What did we learn about the world or its people? Nothing we didn’t already know. What. Was. The. Point. We’d already seen the walkers and knew about the babies, we knew the world was violent and classist. WE KNEW.
11. I love when Summer is like HELLO BROTHER GHOST OH NO A TRAP
12. The white walker riding across the frozen lake... what a gorgeous image, and the ice henge...
1. I’d say long live King Tommen, but I’d cry.
2. Cersei is beauty she is grace she wants to punch Margaery in the face. (But actually is acting like she might need Margaery to help Tommen? That scene was hard to read.)
3. Meereen has a lot of cool geometrical carvings.
4. Dany thinking about what kind of ruler she wants to be and what responsibilities she has to the people she freed? THAT IS WHO SHE IS, D AND D YOU DICKS.
5. Sansa’s like “greeeeeaaaaat another creepy little kid” when she meets Robin.
6. And Lysa lets it ALL OUT about what Petyr has had her do... wow.
7. Cersei is going along with the Tyrell marriages way too easily what is her game.
8. Tywin is... almost treating his daughter like someone he can trust and have a conversation with? What is this?
9. And then there’s the stupidity about the mines running out. Wtf.
10. Arya is a little drama queen with saying the Hound’s name last while HE WAS LISTENING.
11. Lysa is SO DAMAGED. Poor Sansa.
12. Aw Brienne you don’t know what a loyal kid you’ve got in Podrick give him a chance.
13. Arya practicing water dancing is so cool.
14. Cersei and Oberyn talking is actually really interesting. And they talk about Myrcella :....( and Oberyn is TELLING THE TRUTH about her being happy.
15. Cersei got her A BOAT for her birthday because she LIKES THE OPEN WATER I had forgotten that and I am freaking out for fic reasons because of fics I haven’t written yet that involve Myrcella being good at boats.
16. Geez Pod I don’t know how to skin a rabbit but I know you need to before you cook it. And... does Brienne actually need help with that armor, or does she realize Pod needs to feel useful? I’m going with the second.
17. I had forgotten how creepy Jojen’s visions were.
18. Bran warging into Hodor and killing Locke is... problematic, but Bran had every reason to think Locke was going to kill him. Good fucking riddance.
19. Jon being happy to see Ghost XD
20. So... there’s just a troop of Crasters daughters out there still? Idek.
4x06 the laws of gods and men (and by men we mean Tywin)
1. Braavos is so pretty! I love her. I love her canals, I love the Titan, I love the domes, I just love her.
2. I remember when people lost their shit over Mark Gattis being in this episode. He is quite good here, and Davos is quite clever.
3. Salador’s joke about the red shirt is FUNNY and I’m not afraid to say so.
4. No one wants to see Ramsay having sex.
5. EVERYONE wants to see Yara giving a great speech.
6. She... ran from some dogs when she was burying her axe in dudes’ GUTS five seconds earlier? LAAAAAAME. Yes yes she also saw how fucked up in the head Theon was (more awards Alfie deserved and didn’t get), and she did want to lose any more people when he wasn’t willing to come but the way this was cut it reads like she was all OH NO DOGS which is the stupidest thing ever. 
7. NOOOO POOR GOATS. I get that dragons have to eat though...
8. I cannot believe Dany didn’t take the time to FIND OUT WHICH MEEREENESE WERE LESS TERRIBLE. They would have been fucking allies. BUT NO LET’S JUST CRUCIFY PEOPLE WITH NO IDEA OF THE NUANCES OF THE LOCAL SITUATION. What stupidity.
9. At least she’s trying to learn??? She’s so small on that throne in a huge room. What a great shot.
10. Oberyn is a bisexual who CANNOT SIT IN A CHAIR NORMALLY. I am not complaining.
11. I cannot see the scene of Jaime and Tyrion walking down into the courtroom for the trial without giggling at the memory of the outtake where they dance like dorks into the room and down the aisle.
12. Jaime looking at Tyrion like YOU ARE NOT HELPING YOURSELF is a mood.
13. How did they get the poison necklace? Didn’t Littlefinger throw it in the Blackwater FAR off shore? A bit AFTER he killed Dontos? How does Pycelle have it here? Maybe they washed up together? Maybe D and D forgot Petyr tossed it in the bay? WHO KNOWS???
14. Jaime trying to convince Tywin one last time and offering to leave the kingsguard in exchange for Tyrion HOLY SHIT I FORGOT HE DID THAT. Cersei never would have spoken to him again if he’d left her and married and gone back to the Rock and given Tywin what he wanted. Jaime KNEW he was screwing over a relationship that means SO MUCH TO HIM but it’s TYRION’S LIFE we’re talking about here. That’s how much he loves his little brother. 
15. Tywin is like DONE so fast Jaime barely gets the offer out lol
16. And it all would have worked if Shae hadn’t walked through those doors.
17. Do we know WHY Shae agreed to testify to this? What did Tywin offer her or threaten her with?
18. WHAT ARE YOU DOING LITTLE BRO WHY ARE YOU SAYING THIS?! is Jaime’s face all the time this scene.
19. Tyrion’s “confession”is such a piece of acting wow Peter enjoy your Emmys.
1. Jeez Tyrion didn’t know Jaime COULDN’T save him. He had no idea that losing his hand had affected his abilities that badly. That... hurts.
2. Arya, Sandor, and the dying farmer is such a great scene... And Arya only killing that asshole only after Sandor learns his name for her so she knows the name of the man she’s killing.... A++ would watch again.
3. Everyone LISTEN TO JON he has seen things none of you have.
4. Tyrion finding out Bronn has been bought is so very upsetting but I love this scene.
5. But really though once Tywin named The Mountain champion, anyone who Tyrion asks to be his champion at this point he’s basically asking to die.
6. Dany’s like “well I guess fucking Daario isn’t going to cause a political disaster at least.”
7. I had forgotten how fascinating Selyse and Melisandre’s interactions are.
9. Dany is capable of nuanced thought when it comes to innocence and guilt of whole groups of people and WE JUST SAW IT with how Jorah changes her mind and I’m JUST SO ANGRY.
10. That is the only time we get the story of Sandor and the fire from his own mouth and I did not mean to be this moved.
11. Hot Pie talking about food (oh yeah and Arya) is so precious. And now I want steak and kidney pie. With gravy.
12. “Using honest feelings to do dishonest work is one of her greatest talents.” The truest thing Tyrion has ever said about Cersei.
13. What a great snow castle. Too bad Joffrey part 2 knocked it down.
14. Ew ew ew Petyr kissing Sansa is so skeevy and gross.
15. “A great deal might change between now and never” is a great line though.
16. I hate Petyr but it’s good he pushed Lysa out the Moon Door before she killed Sansa.
1. Jon and Co all reminding Sam that Gilly is a survivor is so great. Brotherhood at its best.
2. Missandei and Grey Worm are young people with old souls and their relationship is precious to me.
3. Alfie is SO GOOD at showing how deeply Ramsay has him under his control even when he’s alone with the Ironborn.
4. Petyr is part Braavosi? Fascinating.
5. Sansa TOLD the Lords of Vale who she was??? Her testimony is such a good bit of acting on Sansa’s part. It’s a lie hidden in a lot of truth, and she was QUICK to think it through and come up with it.
6. Jorah telling Dany about the pardon is a scene that breaks my heart. 💔 She is HARSH here but I love the full blown Targaryen on display.
7. Roose being like TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE like the Lion King cracks me up so hard.
8. I will never give Ramsay the Bolton name in anything I write as long as I am a fan of this show out of pure hatred. He is Ramsay Snow forever and always.
9. I remember I was so worried that they were going to have Petyr try to sexually assault Sansa. OH I WAS A SWEET SUMMER CHILD.
10. Arya laughing at the news of Lady Arryn’s Death is an immensely human reaction and I love that she just CANNOT STOP.
11. I know people hated that scene with Jaime and Tyrion talking about beetles but I have two takeaways: first, a septon tried to touch Jaime once???? Headcanon: Little Jaime looked that septon dead in the eye and said “my father wouldn’t like that” and it never happened again. The septon was summarily replaced. Second: Jaime has never thought about ANYTHING in his whole life as deeply as baby Tyrion thought about beetles.
12. Oberyn is so fun to watch fight and Jaime agrees with me.
13. You don’t need him to confess Oberyn really you don’t you GOT HIM my beautiful prince.
14. How did the Gods make their will known if BOTH champions killed each other dead, huh Tywin? (The Mountain is... less Dead?)
1. Sam mulling over the legalistic interpretation of their vows and Jon trying to explain what sex and love are like are both SO CUTE.
2. I love that everyone around that fire has heard the “Tormund fucked a bear” story and I’m kind of sorry Ygritte didn’t let him finish.
3. Maester Aemon revealing his Targaryen identity was lovely. Also Sam Cussing to get Gilly in the gate= AMAZING
4. Alliser Thorne ADMITTING HE WAS WRONG? I am dead of shock.
5. Sam and Pyp talking about fear and bravery is... so darling.
6. They have A GIANT RIDING A MAMMOTH and I will forgive a small amount of nonsense for giving me that image.
7. See Alliser looking at the horn blower like REALLY? IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE OF MY SPEECH? Before they realize it’s the horn at Castle Black is PRICELESS.
8. Speaking of which I may not like Alliser but he gives a good “let’s not die” speech.
9. Bless Grenn for getting Janos Slynt off the wall.
10. Pyp dying in Sam’s arms was not something I was ready for.
11. You’ve heard of horsepower... now get ready for MAMMOTH POWER (wildling used mammoth salesmen probably)
12. Sam remembering that being NICE to Olly when asking to go up the wall rather than just screaming at him is... telling.
14. Ghost is going to EAT SOME WILDLINGS
15. Ygritte :...(
16. How is Tormund even ALIVE??? He’s like a frickin PIN CUSHION.
17. “They held the gate” is a line that will make me cry now. Grenn and co. Didn’t let that giant through :...(
3x10: back when D and D remembered the Children existed that one time
1. Jon deciding single-handedly that he’s going to KILL Mance Rayder. Boss move.
2. Oh FFS. Pull the stick out of your ass Stannis and let Mance be.
3. Qyburn is like “out of my way bitch I’m doing necromancy”
4. Cersei telling Tywin the truth to get out of Marrying Loras is... still... making my jaw drop and I KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO DO IT. And there’s ACTUAL EMOTION on Tywin’s face and EVERYTHING SHE SAYS ABOUT PAYING SOME REAL FUCKING ATTENTION TO HIS FAMILY IS TRUE
5. Ah yes “Jaime writes his family’s dialogue” part one. I CHOOSE YOU OMG AND SEX IN THE LORD COMMANDER’S OFFICE I CANNOT BELIEVE WE GOT THAT. Even if I’m still on the fence about whether Jaime would be ok with doing it THERE I’m mostly on board because she JUST TOLD DAD THE TRUTH AND TOLD HIM HE WAS THE ONE SHE WANTED AND I DON’T KNOW WHO LET THE SHIPPERS WRITE THIS SCENE BUT YAY.
6. Dany is still learning all kinds of nuance... I feel like the year contract thing was an attempt to balance her need to be a liberator and the reality on the ground?
7. You are telling me that the Dany who was that upset at Drogon eating ONE child let him burn a WHOLE CITY? I call bullshit.
8. Also this is a CLASSIC example of “one sibling does something wrong and the other two get punished for it” poor Viserion and Rhaegal.
9. Maester Aemon knows how to give a mass eulogy.
10. MEANWHILE NORTH OF THE NORTH HI BRAN meet the hugest weirwood in Westeros AND SOME ICE ZOMBIES
12. If the children can do that WHERE ARE THEY LATER
13. holy shit bloodraven is creepy
14. Arya and Brienne meeting :) so cute
15. And Sandor being like YOU ARE TOO NAIVE TO PROTECT HER is cute in its own way.
16. Wow Brienne and Sandor really knock the shit out of each other how are they still alive.
17. Sandor saying awful things to Arya to make it easier for her to kill him was tragic and you can see the desperation in his eyes even as he says the worst of it.
19. I Had forgotten how rough that last conversation between Tywin and Tyrion was and how devastating those performances are.
20. Varys being like oh fuck those bells I’m going too... prescient.
21. Love the music with Arya on the ship to Braavos!
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paaradoxum · 6 years ago
BakuTodo rec fic list
So, nobody asked for this, but I’m gonna do it anyways ‘cause I need to show everyone my BakuTodo top favorites of all times in no particular order  (this list only includes top!Bakugou and bottom!Todoroki for those that are NSFW). I’ll only post here fics from AO3.
Rating: G
→ But The Sunshine Makes Me Bloom by deplore. Here some art inspired by the fic. (I love both fic and art ;_;)
The thing is that Bakugou knows how difficult it is to kill off a desert plant like aloe vera, which makes the Todoroki’s unassuming expression cut at Bakugou’s pride all the deeper than if he’d had openly looked down on Bakugou for managing the near impossible. Bakugou scowls as he looks at Todoroki looking at the poor, dying plant, and finds himself momentarily distracted from his silent complaining (just judge me already, dammit, it’s not like I don’t know this is pathetic) at the way that Todoroki juts his lower lip out slightly as he examines the aloe vera. Bakugou doesn't even bother to hide the fact that he’s blatantly checking Todoroki out as he rakes his gaze across Todoroki’s face and –
“Can I take it out?” Todoroki asks, breaking Bakugou’s concentration.
“What?” Bakugou says, having not actually paid attention to what Todoroki was asking.
→ Just One of Those Nights by MeikoAtsushi.
This was just one of those nights. One of those nights, where the illogical seemed plausible and all natural, as if nothing else could’ve been more obvious.
Which was precisely why, Todoroki could be hardly perturbed by the presence of a certain Bakugou Katsuki in front of his door, wearing his default scowl, looking as if he had tons to say.
Rating: T
→ The indelicacies of nitroglycerin by yeetin.
“Don’t you think Bakugou is pretty?”
Todoroki looked up, after having apparently caused the untimely deaths of his three friends. Uraraka was doubled over, clutching her throat as bits of food sprayed from her wheezing mouth, Iida had somehow mini-Recipro Bursted his way through the floorboards and was struggling to get back out of the crater, and Midoriya… Midoriya looked like he needed an ambulance. Or an immediate blood transfusion at least, his face was so white.
→ Everyday by justhavesex (SO hilarious, must read).
Todoroki doesn't know what exactly he's done wrong in his life to somehow accidentally start dating Bakugou Katsuki, but he has. Yup, has he ever.
→ The Make-Out Box by @capncapnk​
If there’s one thing that Katsuki hates, it’s parties. If there’s one thing he hates more than parties, it’s his friends thinking that goading him will get him to do what they want.
To be fair, it usually works, but there isn’t a goddamn person here he cares to swap spit with. He gets that they just graduated, it’s exciting or whatever, but is a make-out game necessary to celebrate that?
→ The Plants Are Waging War by Lillabelle.
Todoroki considered himself to be many things. He was calm and rational at all times- “The plants are waging war in your garden again.”- Except when that asshole was outside the same time he was.
Bakugou Katsuki, early 20s, went to the same high school as Todoroki but they never talked, and stupidly attractive. All wrapped up in some stereotypical bad boy personality minus the part where the guy was actually charming.
→ Changing Constellations by @castiiron​
“I have better fucking things to be doing than burning in the midday sun with your stoic ass for company.”
Todoroki hummed. “You liked my stoic ass once, if I remember correctly.”
“I have refined my taste.”“Yes, how is Kaminari treating you, Bakugou?”
Rating: M
→ For Your Safety by llyn.
Todoroki needs Bakugou's protection on his trip overseas. He just doesn't know it yet.
→ Casus Belli by @zuko-of-asgard (it’s not really clear yet if this is BakuTodo or the other way around, but I’m assuming it is BakuTodo and it’s so good. In-Progress 27/?).
It had started off innocently enough Shouto supposes, raise a bunch of dragonlings who had taken a liking to him and followed him wherever he went, what he hadn't expected was for these dragonlings to ACTUALLY be Half Dragon-Half Humans who could transform once they reach maturity. Perhaps if he'd known this beforehand, he would have been able to avoid the trouble this information brings later on.
→ what love is (i think) by @capncapnk​
“You should go to bed. I can take it from here.”
“That’s certainly the plan after this,” Todoroki responds, putting the bag into the evidence kit for future examination.
“You know, mine’s not too far from here—“
“I’m going to be frank with you, Bakugou,” Todoroki cuts in sternly, preventing him from finishing his sentence. “I find it hard to believe you manage to get anyone in your bed with the garbage that comes out of your mouth.”
Rating: E
→ Grit Through the Pain by @wolftree​ (This is the best thing ever ;_;)
The college stoner band boy AU that nobody asked for, including but not limited to: smoke rings, stick 'n poke tattoos, feather boas, bad makeovers, too much banter, and a healthy amount of being slapped around.
→ Smokers Club by llyn. (So, so, so good, I love every single BakuTodo from this author)
Katsuki and Shouto smoke cigarettes on the fire escape while their friends party inside.
→ The Snow King and the Special Favor by llyn.
In which Shouto is the second-most problematic son of a famous record executive, and Bakugou is a joth coke dealer in Gucci slides who wears sunglasses at night, like an asshole.
→ nothing lingers passively. by iimo. (In-Progress 7/8)
A faint tickling sensation under the bridge of his nose was all the warning he received before Bakugou gripped the lapels of his uniform and hauled him in. The scent of the Alpha's peaking rut shot through him like a bullet, ricocheting off his insides and settling to quiver at the bottom of his gut, still warm.
Cross- eyed, Todoroki wrinkled his nose where it nearly met his classmate’s. He should have expected that reaction, honestly.
Alpha Bakugou Katsuki is allergic to suppressants, and Todoroki Shouto is a Beta with a grudge. Together they strike a deal that swiftly becomes more than either of them had bargained for. 
→ Burn me or Freeze me by passthemocha. (HOT)
Bakugou and Todoroki bring some rope to bed. A good time ensues.
→  Vanity's Fair (if you wanna stroke ur boyfriends ego) by hellaradholly.
When Shouto and Katsuki end up in each other's bodies from a quirk accident, Katsuki decides to make the most of the situation.
→ Silver Lining by @itsclowreedsfault​
"Shit," Bakugou says, again. To be honest, that seems to be his standard reaction to every fucked up thing that keeps happening on what's pretty much turning out to be the worst day of his life.
If he knew he'd be going from facing a burglar and nearly dying to having an angel appear at his place, then to finding out said angel has been kicked out of Heaven for his sake and feeling guilty as fuck about it even though it isn't even his fault to begin with, all in the space of an hour, he would've never gotten out of bed that morning.
→ until the sinking sun by theformalweather.
In the silence that follows, in their stunned stillness, Bakugou presses his lips to Todoroki’s neck and whispers, “Marry me.”
→ We'll get there by CloversDreams.
"Not him. Make a different friend." Katsuki had seen just how Izuku batted his eyes at Shoto and the way he always found an excuse to be closer to him than necessary. He didn’t care for it one bit. It had been the last straw when he'd actually touched him earlier.
"Well I don’t exactly love how Kirishima hangs all over you all the time either." Shoto admitted as he looked away from him and his cheeks darkened.
Special mention to  playing with fire by @ninannarambling​. It’s a BakuTodoBaku and this is seriously the best thing ever. Thank you for my life.
I’m gonna end this here now ‘cause I am so sleepy rn. Will add more later. I hope you enjoy every piece of art!
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stripestheboar · 7 years ago
Ooooh my stars can you do more PTA Sans scenes?! I absolutely adore that AU!!
Sorry this took so long. Weeks of sickness is getting to me. Not to mention making up jokes can take hours.
Sans: *comes in* okay, what’s going on? Frisk has been late to five doctor’s appointments because the teachers won’t let them leave until i come get them.
Helen: *motions for him to sit down* I’m afraid we just can’t trust your child to leave the class anymore. He keeps writing fake notes just to get out.
Sans: *blinks and sits down* fake notes? whoa whoa, what? that doesn’t sound like them.
Helen: *nods* Yes, he’s quite the troublemaker. Not being her father, it’s clear you don’t know him as much as you thought. He makes fake doctor’s notes, clearly written by him.
Sans: well, how do you know? I always write their notes since Tori’s teaching.
Helen: Well, for one, it’s all types up lowercase. Probably so we don’t recognize her handwriting (he doesn’t seem too bright).  
Sans:… typed?
Helen: Mmhmm. Typed up on a flimsy piece of paper. All lowercase and with bad spelling and grammar. And in Comic Sans no less! *slowly coming to realization* If he really thinks the teacher and…. I are dumb enough to let… that… pass…. *blinks*
Sans: *sighs* y’know, it’s pretty hard being a married working mother when you’re single, unemployed, a skeleton, and most importantly a dude, but damn it, Helen…. Frisk and i donated fifty cans to the food drive. i think we deserve some respect here.
Helen: Well I’m head of the PTA, so there really is no-
Sans: how many cans did you donate, Helen?
Helen: That doesn’t really matter-
Sans: how many, Helen?
Helen:….. *looks down* Four.
Sans: really? wow. i would’ve though you would’ve had the time to donate more with how much time you spend bitching about my kid.
Sans: *hands Frisk money* here’s twenty g. vending machine is around the corner. don’t go around spending it all in one fuckin’ place. now run along, ya little shithead.
Frisk: *snatches up money and runs off*
Daniel: *walking when Frisk suddenly races past him* Hey, watch where you’re going. *sighs* Little shithead.
Sans: *suddenly next to him* uh, what the fuck did you just call my kid?
Daniel: What? You call them that all the time!
Sans: yeah, it’s okay when i say it because they know i still fucking love them. when you say it, you actually fucking mean it.
Daniel: then maybe you shouldn’t speak to your child that way.
Sans: then maybe you should mind your own fucking business or else!
Daniel: Or else what? It’s your fault you don’t love your child enough!
Sans: *stops* oh… you fucker… *chuckles evilly* i’ll show you love, asshole. *disappears*
The Next Saturday 
Daniel: *helping his young son onto his bike* Alright, Cody, today’s the day you’re going to learn to ride like all of your friends. *hands him his helmet* Now, it may be scary at first, and you may fall down a few times, but remember that I will be here to help you-
Cody: *puts on helmet* It’s okay, dad! I already know how! *rides off on his bike perfectly with a smile*
Daniel: *shocked* What? How did he-? When did he-?!
Sans: *rides by on his tricycle* ha ha asshole! i taught your kid how to ride a bike! you’re never gonna get that back! *rides off into the sunset*
Maria: *smiles and takes it, shaking off how weird it is* Aw, thanks, Sans. I really appreciate it. Cindy had fun selling to all her friends.
Linda: Bones? Don’t you think that’s kind of weird?
Linda: It’s just kinda weird with all the bones. What’s with you monsters and your obsessions with bones? Or is that just a skeleton thing?
Gloria: *aside to her friend* As you’ve proclaimed fifty times this meeting.
Gloria: Wait- what?
Gloria: Six hours of setting up? Look, I don’t have time for that.
Gloria: I still can’t make it. I have a busy schedule. Can’t we use some of the money from the fundraiser to hire a few people to do that.
Gloria: E-excuse me?!  
Gloria: You are not touching my son. Look, my schedule is packed tight and there’s nothing I can do about it.  
Sans: *sits down in front of the desk* so what’s the deal, Suzanne?  
Suzanne: *folds her hands* I’m afraid it’s about Aliza.  
Sans: what’d she do this time?
Suzanne: *pulls out a hand-drawn picture of King Asgore getting stabbed by a little kid* The teacher showed me this. Aliza drew it in her spare time; she’s starting to really scare the other children.
Sans: *looks at it and laughs* ha, that’s just Asgore, the former king, being slain by a human who condemned us to rot in the Underground and starve to death.
Suzanne: Why would she draw such a thing?!
Sans: the kid’s growin’ up. soon she’ll be old enough to follow the last one’s footsteps and slay the Undyne. i think it’s kinda her dream at this point. little rascal. kids, amaraite?
Suzanne: You-you actually encourage your child this to do this?!
Sans: hey hey, calm down. don’t worry, Tori and i have already sat her down and had the talk with her.
Sans: college comes first.
Lillian: Oh, hey, Sans. How’s Kate doing in class?
Sans: *smiles* she’s doing very well. however, i have a few… concerns.
Lillian: *sits down* Concerns? What’s wrong? Is she misbehaving?
Sans: well… somewhat. she’s been spreading around very foul language as of late. swear words and the like. do you know where she could be hearing these words?
Lillian: Oh dear! I have no idea where she could have picked this language up. I’ll give her a grounding when she gets home. How bad is it?
Sans: she’s been saying these words every chance she gets. *turns around* Katie? can you come in, dear?
Kate: *pokes her head in and giggles* Fuck!
Lillian: Hey! Watch your fucking mouth!
Sans: *silent*…..
Lillian: What?
Sans: Lillian do you even have ears?
Karen: Did I hear right? You’re signing up to be the Sexual Education teacher.
Sans: you heard right, babe. i thought that if it should be anyone, it should be someone with tons of experience and a scientific background.
Karen: That’s….. extremely problematic.
Sans: i kinda get where you’re coming from; you don’t want someone like me teaching your children. trust me, they’re in no better hands than mine.
Karen: Says the one with dozens of past sex partners and only one boyfriend.
Sans: says the one with three marriages and four children and yet somehow clearly not getting enough sex in her life.
Sans: and pfft. “dozens?” you underestimate me. smh, boo, smh.  
Martha: My child just had a cold, is all.
G: no, he has the flu. he needs to stay home. i thought i told you to get him vaccinated.
Martha: Oh what do you know?
G: *hands her his PhD*
Martha: *tears it up*  
G: *pulls out another* i know what i’m talking about, Martha.
Martha: Wha- *tears that up as well*
G: *pulls another PhD out* i’ve won this game before, and i’ll win it again.
Martha: *snatches it up and crumples it* How do you have so many?!
G: i made sure to print, like, fifty before i got here. *pulls out two more*
Martha: *smacks them away* You’re insane!
G: *pulls out four more* you can’t fight the inevitable, Martha.
Martha: *backs away* What are you doing?!
G: *pulls out thirty more* *PhDs are all she can see* i’m gonna vaccinate the fuck out of your kids Martha, and they will live a healthy life.
Anna: -and that’s why I believe every child should be given gluten-free lunches. This is what we should be spending our funds on, not a play about peace between humans and space monsters. It has good intent, yes, but these lunches are far more important!
Sans: *has been silent this whole ten minute period*
Anna: Sans? Are you even listening to me?
Sans: of course.
Anna: Your thoughts?
Sans: just missing the sounds of the cold vacuum of space. that’s all.
Elizabeth: *lying in bed, asleep* *eyes shoot open when she hears a creak*
Sans: *slowly rises from the ground and out of the darkness* greetings human mortal. my faithful messenger, Frisk, has told me of your ways. what is it you desire, human mortal?
Elizabeth: *eyes wide, shaking and sweating in fear* M-more coin f-for the schoolhouse? A-and a new writing slate?
Sans: very well. the contract has been sealed. you have five.
Elizabeth: F-five? Five what?!
Sans: no… make it four. *slowly sinks back into the darkness* *appears next to Frisk* this is probably the best thing i’ve done in centuries. alright, who’s next on the list?
Beatrice: *grabbing some brownies from the food table* *turns around and shrieks in surprise and drops her paper plate*
Sans: *breakdancing right in front of her*
Beatrice: *sternly* Sans, for the last time, I’m not changing my mind. We’re not wasting our funds on a dance club when they’ll never use it as a future skill.
Sans: *continues breakdancing*
Beatrice: Sans, you can’t keep doing this every time I refuse-
Sans: *breakdancing harder*
Beatrice: S-Sans, I-
Sans: *breakdancing intensifies*
Beatrice: S-stay away from my family-!
Sans: *just breakdancing* *only breakdancing*
Frisk: *made a science project featuring Geno and Sans, and how their existence proved the theory of multiple timelines*
Geno: *hops off the table once the science fair ends, pulling sticky notes off of himself*
Sans: *doing the same* first place, kiddo. we’re proud of ya.
Frisk: *smiles proudly*
Helen: *approaches and crosses her arms* Well it’s quite and achievement for an idea so absurd.
Geno: *pulls the last sticky note off of him* Excuse me?
Helen: *turns her head* I just believe Frisk is too much of an… overachiever. We already know he’s saved the world. Why should he rub it in everyone’s faces when he clearly has an advantage over everyone else.
Geno:… lady, i stand here as living proof of the existence of both multiple timelines and universes. i spent countless lifetimes within the Void in endless loneliness and agony, only to be released by this special kid right here. they deserve every award they get, especially when second place was an airplane model built by you, not your kid.
Helen: *cheeks turn red* What?! These are just harmful accusations!
Geno: Helen, i’m a firm believer that people truly can change, but we saw you double dip with Maria’s salsa at the meeting. we know you’re that kind of person.
Sans: *looks through the plans* Wait… we’re getting rid of the computer lab? Why?
Sharon: *looks over* Hmm? Oh, that’s just a request for now. We need it approved by the administrators. Children need to tear their eyes away from a screen and hold something real.
Sans: How else are they going to get all the information they need? They’re too young to earn smartphones.
Sharon: The library, of course.
Sans: Okay, yeah, but kids are only allowed to check out two books at a time. Why should they spend so much time trying to find a book with the information they need when the world’s database is at their fingertips?  
Sharon: *sighs* They don’t need a screen to figure things out. They spend too much time on the internet.
Sans: They need computers to do the proper research from multiple sources, as well as print out papers. Research could be conducted within minutes, not hours.
Sharon: She can do that at the library. *scoffs* Of course you would be all over technology. You’re a robot. What makes you think you’re smarter than a loving parent?
Sans: Sharon, I have more processing power than modern day’s best calculators, and yet, somehow your bullshit still isn’t adding up.
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snoopyrps · 6 years ago
hello lucky !! we hope you’re having a fantastic day, and that this ask finds you well !! us at touringhq were wondering if you could give us your opinion of us ?? we’re about the story of twelve recent college-aged friends who are faced with a choice they never expected; do they jump onto the opportunity to fulfill a childhood dream and tour with warped tour as their old high school punk band, or do they turn towards a life of monotony and job security, and leave music behind ?? thank you !!
of course !! i,, love doing opinions tbh. under the cut !!
Tumblr media
url: ok, so my first thought related to how simple it is. i like that it gets to the point, namely because there have been some rps in the tags that i’ve gotten one impression of when it wound up being completely different ( i thought a small town rp was a boarding school rp for a very long time ). i think that’s generally going to be the first thing people look at. i don’t know how everyone else feels about really general urls, but i know what this is about off the bat and y’all also already have all of your pages linked using it SO.
graphics: i never talk much about graphics, namely because i can barely figure psds out, but i like the color scheme ! that’s gone over some more in the theme subsection of ‘accessibility’.
theme: i’m not one to really judge on themes –– as you can see, mine is very simple and i haven’t changed my header color to make it… more visible… in six months. that being said, i can still confidently say that i do like your theme and the color scheme. i really like the font ? i don’t know why but ? my compliments to the creator. accessibility – navigation: the links at the bottom are super easy to find – love that. the arrows ( or ‘next/back’ ) aren’t where i was expecting them to be, so i had to do a little bit of scouring, but overall: easy to find. navigation page itself is SO EASY. the pretty navigation pages of this day and age are nice, do not get me wrong, but the navigation page itself is so easy to navigate. accessibility – misc. comments: i don’t have any visual impairments, so i can’t speak on that matter, but i do feel like i could add on that i get overwhelmed by various themes VERY easily ( e.g. a friend of mine rec’d an rp to me and wound up having to link me to its mobile page ). the cool colors ( combined with the pastel warmer ones ) –– my compliments to the chef.
plot: i’m over here geeking out tbh. i… have never had a band… rip… but, boy, if i don’t act like i do ! ok, anyway ! i think that, overall, the plot is clear. it’s very easy to grasp and the tl;dr at the bottom really does sum everything up. the only tip i would give is mentioning when they went to high-school/the grade(s) they were in, that way people have an age range, and possibly mentioning the band name too ? 
rules: i think you about covered it all. the only tips i would have would be translating ‘72 hours’ to ‘three days’ for dumbasses like myself whose highest grade on a pre-cal test was a 34 ( then went to summer school and finally got those credits, but only passing with the bare minimum ). 
skeletons: i think you have a really good balance of characters in there. i really like the diversity you guys already have with your own characters, as well as the diversity you’re demanding for the singer, the drummer, the manager, and the groupie. i also like how you’ve kept the descriptions simple ! i would still recommend putting a hard age range on –– at least for the band members, as 20+ could be anywhere from 20 to 54 to 85 to me continuously using hyperbolic examples to get my point across. pinterest & playlists: awesome add-ons ! the one question i would have for the playlists –– and i totally get that you can’t really… answer it… in that link… but: are they based on the type of music the character listens to? or are they meant to sum up the character?misc. comments: “evans… and not remo.” - me, looking at the drummer’s pinterest, offended that my favorite brand has been tossed aside for its rival in the snare picture without the vic firth drumsticks. “no semi-hollow body guitars… i see…” - me, the biggest stan of semi-hollow body guitars, looking at the guitarist’s pinterest and pretending semi-hollow bodies are actually often used in punk. 
* glanced over characters and taken fcs, but figured there was nothing to give an opinion on.
banned faceclaims: this is just a quick one… but i… honestly… appreciate y’all banning bts. i feel like everyone needs to stop brushing off their problematic behavior ( especially some of the individuals’ like kim namjoon’s ), but that’s a topic for another time. i also like that you allow people to ask. i’m completely fine when a roleplay doesn’t, of course –– i understand the logic, but it’s nice to give people some answers.
application: the big one ! it looks like a basic semi-appless application, so that’s all good with me ! i feel like ‘the basics’ section is a little open-ended, but that can definitely be a good thing for a lot of people and can tell you how one person thinks versus another. i also know it’ll be harder for others who are used to more “give us 2/¾+ paragraphs about ____” or “list 2/¾+ headcanons for _____” or “list 2/¾+ possible connections for _____” etc. tl;dr: this subsection of my opinion was useless adfjl
faq: so you know i went through and read all of them ! ok, ignore my earlier age range comments – i would delete them, but i think i’ve made them a few times and i… don’t want to go back up and find them. anyway ! i still might think about putting the direct age range for band members on their skeletons, but that’s my only further suggestion ! that being said, i’d also recommend looking up the ages of suggested fcs, just because i saw some suggested early-30s fcs for characters in bands, but that’s it !
pinterest: do i love it ? yes sir’ee, i do ! i skimmed through ‘the before’ and ‘the tour’ and it really gave me a feel for that sort of ‘rag-tag team of kids actually tries to make it,’ which seems to be the foundation of this roleplay. playlist: i kind of have the same question as i did for the skeletons – is this what they sound like or what’s sort of supposed to sum all of them up ? going through it and looking at the bands/songs y’all chose, i’ve got a feeling it’s both which works very well, but i’m a curious sob.
misc. tips: i did notice one thing: for the most part, y’all use the same tags. there’s obviously nothing wrong with that – you want to reach your target audience – but i would suggest branching out into other areas that apply. i assume it’s going to be very writing-based – if i’m assuming correctly, i’d suggest ‘lsrp/lsrpg’ ( but only for Official Promos bc that tag is Fancy ) ; i’d definitely suggest ‘fame rp’ ; i’d also suggest the regular ‘rp’ and ‘rpg’ ; i’d limit the use of ‘rpc’ due to some members of the rpc not liking seeing promos that aren’t shoutouts/opinions in the tag ; i’d also limit the use of ‘small group rp’ – i’d still use it, just not as frequently as it seems you guys are due to it not being a super popular tag.
further questions: how will this run ? like, will it be a limited time deal, only running until the tour is up, or will you find ways to keep it running past ?
overall: i really like this ! i only had a few questions when i went through all of the pages, what as opposed to as many as i… do sometimes have and feel like it would be too critical to ask because no one asked for your opinion, lucky! i think it’s beautifully diverse. i love the amount of thought you guys clearly put into it. i had fun critiquing pinterest’s choice of drum heads (granted… i think the other picture is ambassador vintage remo…). i may even fool around and look at it further, this time from a potential applicant standpoint. 
9/10 !
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hornyliverpudlianputz · 6 years ago
Ok so guys. A coworker of mine has noticed I’m on a Queen kick (bless him, he is the epitome of “cool old guy”, he’s seen the movie and loved it) and mentioned that Brian May had been interviewed on NPR’s Fresh Air recently about his new 3D book and Bohemian Rhapsody coming out. I was intrigued and looked it up. (Link here, there is a complete transcript if you need/want one just scroll down. They interviewed Rami as well, separately, link for that here which also has a transcript but is also problematic towards the end.)
And like. The interview was good for the most part but then the interviewer (Terry Gross) decided to ask some “hard hitting” questions about how “homophobic hard rock fans” received the band name being “Queen” and how they felt about Freddie. And Brian being Brian not only completely destroyed her trying to make Freddie out to have been “hiding” he also showed again why I genuinely adore this band. Excerpt from the transcript to follow, I have bolded the parts that I want to talk about:
“GROSS: But let me just ask you the question. Freddie Mercury was either gay or bisexual. I'm not sure how he would have described himself. But he didn't really talk about that.
MAY: He would have said, I'm gay as a daffodil, darling (laughter).
GROSS: Would he have said that?
MAY: He did say that.
GROSS: Would he have said that in public?
MAY: He did say that in public. Freddie was not one to mince his words.
GROSS: (Laughter) So - but the name of the band - like, there's so many homophobic hard rock fans - there were in the '70s and '80s.
MAY: How did they feel about Freddie? Well, you know, it's strange. I think it was a sort of an undiscussed thing for such a long time, you know. And really, you know, the truth of the matter is nobody should care. Why should anybody care what sort of sexual persuasion people have? You know, he never hid the fact that he was turned on by men instead of by women. But strangely enough, I don't think it was always the case because I used to - you know, in the early days, we used to share a room. So I know who Freddie slept with in the early days, and they weren't men (laughter). So - but I think it sort of gradually changed. And I have no idea how these things work. But it wasn't really anybody's business but his, you know. And we never talked about it as if it was anything important. Why should it be important? We just made music together.
As for the fans, I don't know. You know, it was never really discussed. But I remember doing a promo tour for this song that we did which was called "I Want To Break Free." Now we made a video for that which was a pastiche of an English soap called "Coronation Street." And we dressed up as the characters in that soap. And there were female characters, so we were dressing up as girls, as women. And we had a fantastic laugh doing it. It was hilarious to do it. And all around the world, people laughed. And they got the joke, and they sort of understood it. I remember being on the promo tour in the Midwest of America and people's faces turning ashen. And they would say, no, we can't play this. We can't possibly play this. You know, it looks homosexual. And I went, so?
MAY: But it was a huge deal. And I know that it really damaged our sort of whole relationship with certainly radio in this country and probably the public as well.”
Two things. The first, from the first paragraph. People have been asking this question for 40 goddamn years and Brian and Roger (and John for all I know, I’m not familiar enough with the history) have kept giving the same goddamn answer but people don’t seem to believe them: the band could not have given one flying shit that Freddie was queer. Not. One. And somehow this is astonishing to people. Do your fucking research.
And the second, at the end of the second paragraph. Look at his response to the criticism “We can’t play this music video of you all in drag because it’s gay.” He didn’t say “well it’s not gay because...”, he didn’t try to explain the joke that apparently everyone else in the world got, and he didn’t try to distance himself from the implication that by dressing in drag he himself was gay. He said, essentially, why does it matter. In the 1980s.
This. Ladies, Gentlemen, Queen fans. This is how you ally. Get on his fucking level.
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yourkeeperoftherunners · 7 years ago
Chance [6]
Tumblr media
Plot: AU You were born in tragic circumstances, exhibiting a hyper-awareness to your surroundings and situations growing up. For a while you blamed the fabled figure in the hooded cloak with the scythe for robbing you of your picture perfect life, until you encountered him years later. Turns out he’s not the only one and there’s a logical explanation for why you turned out different from your peers.
Rating: PG-13 (Language, death during childbirth, grim reaper mythology, discussion of body anatomy, jealousy)
Characters: Reaper!RM x Female Reader feat. mention of the other members
Notes: A dream I had last night, plus a comic featuring a grim reaper giving a mother in childbirth a few more minutes to live and a comic about death taking the breath away from a girl served as the inspiration for this story. I know assigning Reaper mythology to the band isn’t a new concept but after seeing the last two inspirations, it got me thinking about the cases where those figures aren’t trying to harm the individual but they express some emotional difficulties carrying out their jobs because it is difficult.
[5] | [7]
“Of course.”
You stood next to him, leaving a bit of space between you as the waves crashed onto the shore. The cold water rushed around your ankles and you watched the water recede for a little bit.
The reaper adjusted his sunglasses and shot you a sideways look. “I’m...sorry for seeming like a recluse Y/N, but it’s hard for me to tolerate your friend back there.” He paused, pressing his lips together for a moment before he continued. 
“He’s not a bad guy, but honestly he’s kind of –”
“A headache? He’s not for everyone,” you confessed. “Relax Mr. Jealous, I’m not interested in him. He’s actually the one who likes me, but I hardly know him.”
Namjoon raised a brow and he lowered his sunglasses with his index finger at your comment.
You snorted as you crossed your arms over your chest. “Come on you didn’t know this Mr. I–Know–a–Lot–About–Your–Life–Already? Tae told me that the guy’s had this one-sided crush on me even though we never interacted much beyond a friendly hi in the halls. Well today, I don’t think I’d date him, or even hang with him alone after everything that’s happened. He’s kind of in my business and I really can’t stand that.”
“Oh...” the reaper murmured as his lips parted slightly.
“While we’re at it, I’m not into Jin romantically and don’t bother to deny it,” you added, "I remembered you bristled when we first met and I joked about wanting him as my reaper,”
Namjoon reddened and mumbled that he didn’t mean to look jealous. “Honestly, I’ve never, well...I’m new to experiencing jealousy and stuff. I’ve not handled many girls in my job – mostly a lot of guys, elderly people, and some really bad types.”
“No reaper girlfriend to take the edge off?” you teased back.
“Huh? Oh no, no, no! I mean, I’ve worked with a couple female reapers, but most of them don’t think of me in that way,” he admitted.
You crossed your arms over your chest and looked him straight on. “Care to tell me how you knew I was here? I get the feeling this isn’t a coincidence running into you.”
Namjoon sighed as he removed his sunglasses and placed them in the pocket of his shirt. “Would you mind if we went somewhere else to talk?”
“I...um, didn’t mean to cut your beach day short,” Namjoon sighed as you headed for the car.
You shrugged your shoulders as you tried to locate your car with the key. It was a shame to leave before the sun went down, but you wanted answers. Your friends were wistful about you leaving early but you were relieved to put some space between you and Hoseok, especially after your outburst. He gave you some space once you returned to the group, but tried to offer you a hug after saying goodbye to your friends. You simply patted him on the back and told him good luck in his third year of performing arts college.
“Is Yoongi going to be okay getting home?” you asked.
“Yeah, hyung is probably going to portal home or if he plays his cards right, he’s probably going to charm your blonde friend into letting him hang out longer,” Namjoon confessed. “He’s got a soft spot for really sweet, obedient types.”
You snickered at the thought of Jimin melting at Yoongi’s smile, agreeing to do almost anything the reaper asked of him. Once you located your car, you unlocked it and climbed into the driver’s seat.
“Where to?” you asked as you started the car.
Namjoon slid into the passenger’s seat and buckled his seat belt. He adjusted the shoulder part of the seat belt as he offered up his place.
“Um you live around here?” you asked, shooting him a sideways glance.
“Ye-yeah, well it’s an old place my dad secured because he loved the area,” Namjoon mumbled. “Jin, Yoongi, and I share it now, but it should be just us. I mean, unless you can think of another place you’d prefer?”
You looked over your shoulder for cars driving behind you and slowly backed out of your spot. “We can go there.”
“Were you expecting it to be messy?” Namjoon groaned as he looked back at you. “C’mon!”
“Hey in my defense, I imagined the only reason why you mixed up your socks was due to a messy place!” you shot back.
“Actually Jin threw his stuff in the dryer with mine and...yeah you know the rest,” Namjoon sighed. He gestured to the living room, pointing to the sofa while he entered the kitchen next door. He opened the fridge and called out drink options for you to enjoy.
“Just water please.”
Namjoon pulled a glass from a cupboard and filled it with a pitcher from the fridge. He closed the door and walked back, holding out the glass to you.
You thanked him before taking a tiny sip and holding the glass in your hands. You watched as he took a seat across from you on a stool from the kitchen, fingers gently grazing his chin.
“So...why did your dad save my mom? Did she know about him?” you asked after a long pause.
“She never knew him and he never made an effort to reveal himself to her,” Namjoon replied, “but he was never the type to interact with his assigned humans. He’d only show up when it was time and try to take them away without making a big deal or causing too much stress and pain. But your mom –”
“She was special in some kind of way?” you guessed.
He chewed on his bottom lip, thinking for a few moments. “I think...he grew fond of your mom. See, he saw her when she was your age when he had to handle a classmate of hers with a drug problem. The council told him that his next assigned human was at the same party and he saw your mom showing compassion for someone outside, think someone stood up that person? Well anyways, he was kinda concerned he had to do a two-in-one deal that night, but the council told him she had some time left – they only wanted to let him know that he could see the next one.”
Namjoon shifted in his seat, fingers lacing together in his lap. “Now normally he’d wait until it was closer to the actual time, but he couldn’t help but watch over your mom as she grew up.”
“Your dad had a crush on my mom?” you asked before taking another sip from the glass.
Namjoon nodded and you tried to picture someone like him, shyly observing your mother from a distance.
“It was...unheard of back then,” Namjoon confessed. “He never said anything to anyone else, except me, but most reapers didn’t get attached to their assigned humans. But he knew he couldn’t court your mom and convince her to be his – he didn’t think it was possible.”
You nodded before finishing the rest of the water. Remembering what Namjoon said about you during your first encounter, you prompted him to explain why it was a big deal about you being hyper aware.
“I said he transferred some of his abilities to you by extending your mom’s life clock,” Namjoon said. “In turn, that allows you to pick up on details about people and their fates. Maybe not as far out as when they’re going to die, but enough to see the end result of their actions. I guess you could say that makes you –”
“I’m part reaper now?” you finished. “I mean, I’ve been part reaper my whole life?”
He nodded, unlacing his fingers. “That’s why the council was unhappy with him for meddling. Now, a few people have done what he’s done, mostly for a cleaner death, but they only do it for a couple of minutes and it’s a single person.”
“But I hadn’t been delivered yet,” you added.
“Yeah and it affected you because you survived and would live past your mother,” Namjoon replied. “Plus the length of time had a lot to do with it – he gave her almost a half hour so she could deliver you and hold you one time. Now, if he had been a problematic reaper, they would have taken away his immortality and wiped his memories. But it was the first time he ever did it, so I think that’s why he only got a warning. He chose to retire early, which everyone seemed okay with. Well, maybe not those closest to him, but the council moved on and let him be.”
You played with the glass in your hands, feeling sorry for Namjoon’s father. Hearing this from his son certainly made you soften your harsh opinion of him prior to all of this; you assumed he was a heartless being robbing you of a picture perfect family. But knowing this and remembering that your dad said the delivery was very risky, it was inevitable.
“Were you the original reaper assigned to me? Please don’t get offended – it’s a question.”
“Yes and the council wanted me to confirm how much of my father’s abilities you inherited,” Namjoon admitted. “I only told them that it was small stuff like random guesses at a party and they’re not concerned about you.”
“You sure you didn’t lobby for me because your dad liked my mom and maybe you liked me?” you joked.
The reaper blinked and sputtered as he got up off the stool, taking the glass from your hands. He struggled to form a coherent reply to your question as he made his way to the kitchen to put the glass in the dishwasher. “Look, I never did any of that! They just gave me your name and information and said I was the one responsible for you. I mean, I liked what I’ve seen and observed so far, but I didn’t do anything to get you as my assigned human!”
You laughed as you studied his flushed face, shaking your head lightly. “It’s too bad you’re sort of dead, I know tons of girls would be throwing themselves at you.”
“Wait what?” he asked, whipping his head over his shoulder.
“Oh come on, you’re handsome, you got that cool, dark vibe going on in your outfits, and the dimples are adorable,” you replied. “I can think of a couple who’d be down to bone you.”
Namjoon raised a brow and pouted. He returned to the living room and placed his hands on his hips. “Are you saying I’m bony? Hey, I may not look it, but I do go to the gym every now and then!” He held his arms out and met your eyes.
“Come here – hug me and you’ll see for yourself,” he sighed, motioning to you. “Nothing bad’s gonna happen, I promise!”
You sighed as you stood up, walking over to Namjoon and allowing yourself to be wrapped in his arms. You snaked yours around his torso and he gently pulled you flush against his body. His warm, clean scent engulfed you and you closed your eyes as it filled your nostrils. Your head rested against his broad chest, your body pressed against a flat stomach with slightly defined abs and something else quite big and prominent.
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celebrpanonymous · 2 years ago
Hi there. Admin KJ of cityofdreams here, as well as a creator/admin at an old group called hollywoodland-hqs and a member of so-so-scandalous (I went by Katie then). In other words, I’ve been in this community for a very long time now, and I’ve watched toxic and problematic behavior firsthand. It’s the reason so many of us banded together to get scandalous closed down, and in turn opened hollywoodland. Now, I don’t claim to be perfect, nor would I ever. I’ve made mistakes countless times over the years as a member and as an admin. In our time of running cityofdreams, and previously when we took over theglamorouslist, we always admitted our faults openly for everyone to see whenever we were approached with them. Anyone removed from our groups has always been for being a danger to other members of the group or for repeated rule violations where we gave them chance after chance to correct. We don’t remove anyone without proof or valid reason. There are even people that some of us don’t get along with that are in the group, because we separate ourselves as admins from ourselves as members and allow a space for everyone so long as they are active, welcoming, inclusive, and kind. We never use our power as admins to remove anyone or do anything to people we don’t like. There are six of us on the admin team, everything is done by a majority vote and no one person has more say than anyone else. And even with doing so, we are still not without our faults and we still make mistakes that we always try to own up to and correct. We’re always just trying to do the best we can to make our group a safe haven in the Hollywood rpc, somewhere that anyone can go and feel welcome and included. By no means are we perfect, but our intentions are always good and we strive to hold ourselves accountable and to the same standards that we ask our members to.
Now, as far as Harley is concerned, I can’t speak on anything except for what I’ve gotten to personally see and experience for over a year now. They are dedicated admin, who works countless and most times thankless hours to make sure this group is always active, whether that’s being on the main as much as possible or their character blogs. Over the course of the last year+, I’ve also shipped with them, written countless platonic relationships with them, and even chosen to go with a different ship that wasn’t them. And throughout all of those things, our friendship has maintained and they’ve never once treated me poorly for not choosing them or anything else they did or didn’t like. I can’t say what did or didn’t happen in the past, however, people should be allowed the space to grow, mature, and change. Which is something that the rpc seems to never allow anyone the chance to do and always hold mistakes they made in the past against them. The Harley I know today is nothing like what is being described, they are a caring and loyal. And have grown to be such a good friend of mine. If someone had issues with them in the past, then maybe that's a situation they should handle privately and with Harley directly like a grown adult. Instead of hiding behind a computer screen and the anonymous button to spread hate that no one can confirm or deny the truth of.
The problem I have with this account and all of the others like it is that you say your goal is to call out the toxic/problematic behavior of groups or people even though that is exactly what you and all of the people sending in anons are doing. All you’re doing is displaying the behavior that you’re trying so hard to fight against. If you really want to make a change and call people out, do it as yourself and don’t take the cowards way out. Anyone can submit anything to these accounts about anyone, whether it be true or false, and it’s automatically believed without a shadow of a doubt. It’s incredibly harmful and dangerous. If you have a problem with myself or my group, come to me directly because I’m more than happy to have open and honest conversations with anyone who feels they were wronged or hurt by something we may have done.
As stated above, I’m not without faults and neither is my group, mistakes happen and all we can do is learn and grow from them. None of that will happen with accusations being thrown left and right while hiding behind anonymous. If you want to make a change within the Hollywood rpc, then go about it the right way. There are a lot of things and people who should be called out, but only when done so properly and with proof. Hiding behind anonymous takes away the power and validity of any claims people make about anyone. I can assure you that my group is always willing to learn and grow, but we refuse to do anything when people attack us on anonymous either through our own ask or through these types of accounts.
@cityofdreamsrp responds again to other accusations sent in to this blog. As far as "hiding behind anon" and the point of "blogs like these" I've already stated we have different views on that subject matter. Thanks for your input, as I've stated it's important to get multiple sides.
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static-pallor · 6 years ago
I was tagged by @asbestoshazard ...and I’m a little grateful because I can’t recall the last time I wrote words that were mine and not in a work email. ;D
what’s the smell of your shampoo?
Kind of oat-y/Milk-y smelling. I use devacurl for the mop of mess on my head.
what’s your aesthetic?
personally - Black on black on black on black. Current "witchy" aesthetic really is on point with my vibe, honestly.
home - it's just a mix of everything my wife and I have accumulated over the years at this point. We bought a farmhouse that was originally two log cabins built in 1837. We are trying to figure out a way to compliment the farm house but not go full Joanna Gaines on it.
what’s your favorite time of the day and why?
Depends on the time of year for sure, I don't have a favorite for every season.
Fall/Winter - is sunset because it's always a rainbow of colors here.
Summer - Sunday mornings (or mornings when my wife and I have the same day off). Relaxing, no rush to do anything.
what do you most like about the beach?
Probably the same thing every one else likes. You get a sense of connection to the world when you are there. Finding a quiet, secluded beach is when I feel it most. You can just sit and stare at an ever changing horizon that is always churning and changing but as a whole is the same. Being around the wild life on a beach is also one of my favorite things. I got to snorkel for the first time in my life this year and it was a huge deal for me. The kid who wanted to be a marine biologist came back out.
what do you worry about constantly?
Am I doing the right thing? At any and all times. Am I filling my time with useless things like social media when there are other things to do? Is filling my time with social media really as terrible as everyone seems to think it is? Am I living my life as I should be? Am I too caught up in the big picture and not focusing on the things I should be?
what is a song you’ve cried to before?
All of "The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me" album by Brand New. Super problematic band, I know, but that album got me through a lot of tough times in my life. I can't listen to it now without going into an emotional funk, honestly. It only gets pulled out at times of wallowing in my depression.
31 and Falling by Chris Pureka. That always loosens something in my chest.
what are some relaxing tips for your followers?
Take a bath. Buy that bathbomb. Read your favorite book again. Indulge yourself just a little when you need to.
what are some things that make you tear up?
Anything? But seriously. Nice jestures make me tear up. I tear up when frustrated a lot. Movies and commercials always get me.
what is your favourite from each sense?
Sight - Watching my wife at a concert of a band that she loves.
Taste - Chocolate. Specifically Christopher Elbow chocolate. And the umami flavor you get from a steak.
Smell - little things that trigger memories I forget that I have. Burning wood stove and Wintergreen gum remind me of growing up and spending time with my grandparents in a small town in northern Missouri.
Sound - loud music venue going quiet at the first chord of a concert for the headliner. One of the best experiences of that is seeing Chris Pureka silence and everyone who can hear them.
Touch - when my cats go out of their way to rub against me. It's very comforting and nice knowing that they genuinely love me back.
what is an alternative reality you’ll like to live in?
The one where the current POTUS wasn't actually elected?
what are some troubles you face on a daily basis?
Am I really doing everything I can? Is this job enough for me? Am I running out of time to start a family? Should I really go back to school or will everything be okay in 6 months?
what is one scene from a book that makes you really sad?
I can't think of one right now. There are a lot of scenes in Haruki Murakami novels that just punch a hole right through your chest. Especially in Wind-up Bird Chronicle and Kafka On the Shore.
say something to your followers:
You're still here after the great Tumblr purge? Wow, yeah, me too. Been here since '09. How could I possibly quit now? 😂
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colorstreammind · 3 years ago
GVF fandom rant that probably no one's gonna read or agree with — I need to vent
Since this is the only fan account I have, I decided to rant a little, in English this time — that wasn't my goal at all when I got on Tumblr, I just wanted to read fics, post about the boys and say my personal things in my first language, but I've been feeling like this for so long now... Hope my English is alright
Heard from a friend that some US fans are priv quoting latin poc fans' tweets (so mature of them) and being xenophobic and racist... (Racism and xenophobia in the peaceful army? Nothing new, but it seems like I'm one of the victims this time) Seriously, I love GVF (I've actually been writing a looong text about how I had become a fan and have had the most amazing experiences so far, it's so long it could be a thesis lol) but I hate this fandom since the beginning, I never get involved in any of the feuds I usually see in my twt tl because 1. I don't actually know or talk to any gringas fans and it's not like my opinion ever mattered 2. I don't have a stan account there, I try to socialize and people never answer me or follow me back so fuck it 3. I never know enough about the subject they're talking about, and even so, with the little things I know I can realize 4. It's always so annoying. From my friends' pov and mine, it feels like if a gringo fan is feeling bored, they just choose the tinyest problematic thing and try and start a new conversation or get back to another unecessary disagreement just for show, or even worse, they say the worst things and end up being hypocritical, prejudiced... It's like they always need attention...
People can't make mistakes, they have to know everything, they have to be perfect all the time, and if they apologize in a way fans don't like, let them brace themselves for what's coming next... some fans think they have the right to demand anything from the boys or from mutuals, like "someone likes Danny, unfollow them now or I'll unfollow you" like who are you??? And don't get me wrong, I'm all about taking accountability but what is an unfollow spree gonna do for the cause you're supposed to defend?? I don't know if I was priv quoted because I don't hate Danny (I don't care anyway, if that's the case) or just because they are mean, immature people, but one thing I still can't understand is the years of cancelling Danny for some things he already apologized for, AAAND the most nonsensical thing is when those people demand that their mutuals unfollow other fans that like Danny, but still looove the Kiszkas, who are very good friends with him and his bandmates, and those same fans still stan and listen to GVF, I mean, they must know Danny is still profiting from all the streams, tickets and merch sales, as he's still a part of the band as important as the Kiszkas, right? So why the act?? Hate for hate? That's why I have "If you're a Danny anti, leave me alone" in my bio, if you're a fan and you want to interact with me, you can like or dislike who you want in the band and I'll treat you well like I treat everyone else, but don't come with that nonsensical cancelling bullshit on me.
When fans were using the #SpeakUpGVF and Josh wouldn't say anything anytime soon, I've read someone saying — just after they demanded that Josh spoke up — that they wished Josh died in a car accident, like what the fuck?? When he finally apologized and held accountability, people that were saying they couldn't stand it anymore, that they would deactivate and shit just switched to "I knew he would do the right thing, I love him again" all of a sudden... What's the point?? Besides, can't people change? Can't people with different interests coexist and interact without those kinds of arguments all. The. Time? Why aren't those people more reasonable and sensible?? That's not what the guys stand for. I'm so kind and patient all the time but I'm fucking tired, I felt like I should say something. I won't be surprised if this pops up in anti's tls and I'm the one who's getting cancelled next
It's so ironic that it's called the peaceful army and we can't have one peaceful day
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