#everyday gospel Bible
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Thankful that God has chosen to include me in the covenant promises he made to Abraham. Our hope is anchored in God; alone.
#quiet time#faith#love#god#thankful#jesus#bible#prayer#christianity#scripture#Genesis#everyday gospel Bible#ESV
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"pues Tu amor vale mĂĄs que la vida!" (Salmo 63:3)â
A ti, cuyo dolor lo escondes detrĂĄs de una mĂĄscara.
A ti, que sientes que no encajas en ningĂșn lado,
que te sientes desechable,
que sientes que no puedes ser amado o aceptado,
que te sientes profundamente insuficiente e inadecuado.
A ti, que deseas ser amado, ser visto, ser entendido, ser cuidado;
a ti, que te dejaron de lado, que eligieron a otro en tu lugar, que amaron a otro en tu lugar;
a ti, que tienes miedo de que te dejen, de que te abandonen, que piensas que tu valor se basa en cuĂĄn elegible eres.
 A ti, que no dejas de pensar en tus errores del pasado,
que no dejas de recordar el rechazo, que no dejas de palpitar dolor a donde vayas;
a ti, que preguntas incansablemente "¿por qué?",
"¿por qué tuvo que pasar eso?
¿por qué tuve que obrar as�
¿por qué vivà esas cosas?
¿por qué no puedo ser perdonado?
¿por qué fui herido?
¿por qué nunca me vieron?
¿por qué tuve que herir tanta gente? ¿hubo realmente necesidad de eso?,
¿qué es lo que estå mal conmigo?"
 A ti, que te preguntas si realmente Dios es bueno al permitir tanto dolor, y tanto rechazo, y tanta amargura, y tanto odio.
 Ăl se sienta contigo, y sabe y conoce a profundidad cada una de tus heridas,
de tus huidas,
de tus amarguras,
de tu culpa y vergĂŒenza por el pasado,
y ha guardado cada una de tus lĂĄgrimas en Su frasco,
y las conoce, a todas ellas.
 Ăl sabe tus quebrantos, sabe que has intentado inĂștilmente armarte y curarte.
Sabe que no importa cuĂĄnto lo hayas intentado,
cuantos trabajos o logros o amistades o relaciones o risas,
sigues en el mismo lugar de querer huir y de pensar que Ăl es el problema,
porque el peso de esta vida
y sus preguntas
es demasiado.
 No tengo las respuestas a tus "Âżpor quĂ©?", tampoco a todas mis preguntas, pero Ăl es bueno, y se ofrece a sĂ mismo como la respuesta en un mundo caĂdo, de quebrantos, de lĂĄgrimas, de mĂĄscaras, de "estoy bien" cuando el dolor arde y carcome.
 Ăl sabe que, si el dolor y los recuerdos se pudieran quemar, tĂș irĂas inmediatamente a tirarlos todos para que los consuma el fuego.
 Pero el Rey hizo algo mejor, mucho mejor.
Ă©l vino a cargar con tus errores,
tus faltas,
tus dolores, tu pasado, tu presente y tu futuro
en la cruz.
Ăl vino a dejar en claro que Ăl no es el causante del mal, porque Ăl mismo lo cargĂł en Su cuerpo para vencerlo para siempre con Su amor, Su perfecciĂłn y Su bondad
y dar salvaciĂłn a todos los que lo reciban por fe a Ăl.
Ăl muriĂł para elegirnos, a todos los que crean, para que sean parte de Su nuevo Reino, dejando nuestros antiguos caminos y siguiĂ©ndolo a Ăl,Â
en una relación de amor eterno con nuestro Señor y Creador,
porque tenemos un vacĂo del tamaño de Dios: fuimos creados para Ăl.
 Ăl no causĂł mis dolores, ni los tuyos, por mucho que luchemos para tratar siquiera de entenderlo. Ăl ha escuchado los gritos desgarradores preguntando "Âżpor quĂ©?" en medio de la noche. Y la respuesta es, porque nuestra historia no estĂĄ completa aĂșn. Ăl permitiĂł que todo eso pasara para ver a JesĂșs, conocerlo, y saber lo que hizo en la cruz.
 Ăl venciĂł el pecado y la muerte para que podamos tener una relaciĂłn de santidad (un alma limpia y sanada para Dios) y vida.
 "Pecado" literalmente significa "fallar el blanco". Desde que Adån y Eva se rebelaron, vivimos en un mundo que falla el blanco del amor y la bondad de Dios,
y busca la vida tratando de acertar en otros blancos que nunca satisfacen, en los que seguimos fallando constantemente.
El pecado simplemente significa estar separado de Dios, y eso es lo que testifican nuestras angustias: un mundo separado de Dios sĂłlo produce dolor, sĂłlo produce muerte, sĂłlo produce desesperaciĂłn.
 En JesĂșs, podemos tener la certeza de que Ăl venciĂł todo lo que nos separa de Dios,
acertĂł en el blanco en el que todos fallamos para que podamos tener vida: Dios.
En JesĂșs, podemos tener la seguridad de Ăl no es el problema, sino la respuesta que estuvimos buscando, pero que nos encontrĂł primero.
Su gracia nos alcanzĂł primero.
 JesĂșs viviĂł en este mundo con todo en Su contra, esperando causarle penas y dolores, y Ăl los ha vencido.
 JesĂșs te ve, te abraza, te invita a Sus brazos de amor.
Dios dio a Su Ășnico Hijo por amor, eligiendo inmerecida y amorosamente a personas que no habĂan sido elegidas ni amadas por nadie mĂĄs;
concediendo Su identidad a personas que no encajan en ningĂșn lado;
concediendo sanidad del alma a aquellos que la tienen quebrada;
concediendo perdĂłn, restauraciĂłn y reconciliaciĂłn a aquellos que son aplastados por la culpa y la vergĂŒenza de sus delitos y faltas;
siendo el Gran Amigo de los abandonados
y el Salvador de los perdidos;
concediendo Su presencia a aquellos que alguna vez estuvieron solos, que no fueron vistos por nadie, e incluso cuestionaron Su existencia;
concediendo descanso y Su suficiencia a aquellos que estĂĄn cansados de tanto luchar, de intentar, y de saber que no son suficientes;
JesĂșs es el lugar a donde pertenecen todos aquellos
que no pertenecen a ningĂșn otro lugar:
los pobres en espĂritu, los quebrantados, los pecadores, los adoloridos, los cargados.
 Cuando nuestros instintos humanos quieran desgarrarse y habitar en nuestra vergĂŒenza,
y quieran acariciar nuestra lĂĄstima y autocompasiĂłn
y consentir el dolor
recordemos que tenemos un Rey y Salvador
que vino a esta tierra
para salvarnos,
para llevarnos a Dios,
para deleitarnos en Aquel que nos amĂł y se deleitĂł en nosotros primero y compartir Su amor,
para que sepamos que el Reino se inaugurĂł por causa de Cristo
y que la gracia nos ha elegido.
Que hay esperanza para los desesperanzados,
vida para los desahuciados.
Seas considerada la "buena persona" o la "mala persona" o cualquier tipo de persona,
la gracia de Dios por medio de Cristo te ha escogido,
y todo lo que tienes que hacer es aceptar ese regalo de deleite, de gozo, de amor
que empieza aquĂ en la tierra y se consumarĂĄ en la eternidad habitando en Su Presencia
donde los dolores de este tiempo, en Ăl, tienen un propĂłsito mayor: conocer a JesĂșs mismo, y compartir Su luz y amor con las personas de alrededor.
Porque Su amor vale mĂĄs que la vida. No necesitamos nada mĂĄs, porque nuestro mayor deleite es Dios.
Salmos 56:8: TĂș llevas la cuenta de todas mis angustias
 y has juntado todas mis lågrimas en tu frasco;
 has registrado cada una de ellas en tu libro.
 Salmos 42: 1-3, 5: Como ciervo sediento en busca de un rĂo,
asĂ, Dios mĂo, te busco a ti.
Tengo sed de Dios, del Dios de la vida.
¿Cuåndo volveré a presentarme ante Dios?
DĂa y noche, mis lĂĄgrimas son mi alimento,
mientras a todas horas me preguntan:
«¿Dónde estå tu Dios?»
¿Por qué voy a desanimarme?
 ¿Por qué voy a estar preocupado?
 Mi esperanza he puesto en Dios,
 a quien todavĂa seguirĂ© alabando.
 ¥Ăl es mi Dios y Salvador!
 Salmos 119:65-72. 65 Señor, tĂș has tratado bien a este siervo tuyo,
conforme a tu promesa.
66 Enséñame a tener buen juicio y conocimiento,
pues confĂo en tus mandamientos.
67 Antes de ser humillado cometĂ muchos errores,
pero ahora obedezco tu palabra.
68 TĂș eres bueno, y haces el bien;
¥enséñame tus leyes!
71 Me hizo bien haber sido humillado,
pues asĂ aprendĂ tus leyes.
72 Para mà vale mås la enseñanza de tus labios,
que miles de monedas de oro y plata.
 Salmos 119:75-77: 75 Señor, yo sé que tus decretos son justos
y que tienes razĂłn cuando me afliges.
76 ÂĄQue tu amor me sirva de consuelo,
conforme a la promesa que me hiciste!
77 Muéstrame tu ternura, y hazme vivir,
pues me siento feliz con tu enseñanza.
#gospel#jesus#jesuscristo#evangelio#amor#love#Bible#jesusaves#bibleverse#god#godislove#dios#diosesamor#salvation#everyday life#cotidiano#psalms#brokenhearted#joyful#joy#Christ
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CFM - January 6-9: Understanding Doctrine and Covenants Section 1
This weekâs focus is on the January 5â12 Come, Follow Me study of Doctrine and Covenants Section 1, also known as the Lordâs preface to His revelations. It emphasizes the themes of divine authority, repentance, and the Restoration. Key takeaways include: The Lordâs Voice: Why this section serves as the preface to modern-day revelation and its relevance for our time. Repentance and Obedience:âŠ
#Application of gospel principles#Applying Come#Bible#Building faith through Come#Call to Repentance and Obedience#christ-centered living#Christianity#Come#Dispensationalism and Restoration#Divine authority in the Doctrine and Covenants#Doctrine and Covenants Section 1#Encouraging gospel sharing with authenticity and love#Exploring chiasmus in Doctrine and Covenants Section 1#faith#Follow Me#Follow Me January 5â12#Follow Me lessons to everyday life#God#How Doctrine and Covenants Section 1 guides modern faith#Insights on prophetic counsel from Doctrine and Covenants Section 1#Jesus#Latter-day Saint apologetics#Latter-day Saint scripture study#Mindful scripture study for Latter-day Saints#Modern-Day Revelation#Preparing for Christâs Second Coming#Prophetic authority and the role of prophets#Prophetic guidance in modern times#Repentance and Godâs mercy#Restoration of the Gospel
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jessup diggs - some headcanons
jessup has a decent sized family. heâs the oldest of all his siblings (heâs got 5 of them!) and his mama stays home with all the kids. she makes a little money on the side selling little blankets and other items that sheâs able to sew. his daddy works down in the mines.
the rules for the mines were a lot more lax during this era so people were able to go down in the mines when they turned 16. jessup joined his daddy in the mines as soon as he was able to. it worried his mama to death, but with this many mouths to feed there just wasnât another choice.
jessupâs biggest fear was for his younger brothers to have to drop out of school and join up in the mines. after he was reaped, all he could think about was his brother jed. jedâs a year younger than jessup and would have to go down into the mines once jessup was gone.
jessup had awful night terrors about his brother getting hurt in a mine accident while he was at the zoo. he didnât tell lucy gray about any of it because he figured she didnât need more to worry about.
he didnât know lucy gray personally before they were reaped but of course, 12s a small place so he knew of her- even saw her sing a couple times before. he didnât dislike lucy gray, but a part of him (that he wasnât proud of) resented that her family was able to make such an easy living with singing while he had to work himself to the bones in the mines just for his family to still struggle to survive. he never, ever would have voiced that to anybody though. his mama always told him never to judge because you never knew the full story of what someone was going through. thatâs also why it was easy for him to take to lysistrata.
i canât help but think some parts of christianity survived in district 12- at least during this time. his mama is a huge believer in her faith and talked about it all the time. they didnât have bibles or anything because all that had been long destroyed but they passed down what they could (by katnissâs time, it had died out due to people dying so early and not being able to spread the gospel.)
his daddy wasnât as attached to the gospel as his mama- but that wouldnât stop him from grabbing jessupâs hand and praying with him everyday before they went down in the mines. his daddy was sure that prayer would keep any harm from coming to them in the mines.
before the games- jessup asked lysistrata to hold his hand and pray with him.
#jessup diggs#tbosas#previously i didnât think there was religion in 12 but iâve decided thatâs itâs just such an integral part of the appalachian culture#i donât think thereâs churches or nothing like that and definitely no bibles#itâs all passed down word of mouth#iâm not religious at all so i cannot give more specifics jsjsjsjs#i didnât like how it looked i added photos#appalachian nonsense#?#eh yeah i think it counts well enough#heâs very similar to panlo to me#they would get along so well
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Pay close attention...The Bible says the first time GOD destroyed the earth by water and he promised to never do that again. I wonât even pretend I understand all of the book of Revelation, but I do understand that I do wish to spend eternity in Heaven. I have been hearing about the second coming of Christ and the events unfolding since I was a child. The "Mark of the Beast" Artificial Intelligence, microchips, no cash/digital currency, total government dependency/control. No one can comprehend how bad it will be, but we see it happening, bit by bit, on the news everyday. While the devil is preparing people for the Anti Christ, GOD is preparing people for the Rapture. I donât know when the rapture will take place but I know that Iâm not planning to be left behind when that trumpet sounds! I also believe right now that GOD is giving us a chance to turn our lives around and live according to His will. We need to get the Gospel message out! Until the good Lord calls me away from this world to go home, I want to make it clear that I believe in Jesus Christ as the one and only true Lord and Savior. Despite the fact that I am human, and I fail a lot, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD. I have accepted Him as my personal Lord and Savior!
This is the best challenge I have seen on Facebook, so if the Holy Spirit moves you and youâre not ashamed, just COPY, and make this your status update. Iâm a believer in GOD The Father, Jesus The Son, - AmenđđŒđđœđđœđđœ
#biblestudy#bible reading#biblia#bibledaily#biblequotes#christianity#holy spirit#wallpaper#faith#salvation
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can you show us how you bible study and how you incorporate Christianity into your daily life?
what bible i use - how i read the bible - how i study/comprehend.
â° what bible i use
the great adventure bible
â° how i read the bible
following the "bible in a year" series by fr. mike schmitz - naturally, i started in the book of genesis.
then i read the gospels. evangelists, the first eyewitness accounts of jesus' life on earth. read john first. then matthew, mark, and luke.
from there on, i read the bible in order.
â° what and when:
i try to read the bible everyday. before i start the morning (usually by the bible app and after work or studying continuing where i left off.
my daily bread (am)
a focused read (pm)
i also attend bible studies with my friend(s) and church leader. (once a week or occasionally)
â° how
technique: my main bible is in RSV-C but KJV is also a favorite of mine. it's also the most accurate. the verses that i usually have from memory are in KJV. i often go back and forth with verses i want to ingrain in my mind or want to figure out, in both translations.
often times, i understand it more if its in kjv.
system: i have tabs, i write in my bible, i highlight verses that stick with me, i have a journal
church: i have tabs, i write down notes, when i attend sermons, i take notes and write down the bible verses they reference that really resonates with me.
during the bible studies: they figure out what verse/topic they want to teach me and they write the notes for me too. i take the paper home with me.
â° how i incorporate christianity in my daily life
2 things. prayer and refinement.
i pray everyday, in almost every moment. and in at least one of those prayers, i am always asking God to show me ways I can be like Jesus, to see it in other people, to give me opportunities to showcase my faith in Him.
i ask myself all the time: if someone were to speak to me, to know me, would i be reflecting Jesus?
if i am rude, judging, holding a grudge, being angry, etc - i imagine Him standing right there in front of me and telling me how to react and deal with my current conflicts. and i go from there.
i learn, i make mistakes, i remember that Jesus died for me and everyone here so i do my best to understand i am flesh.
i make mistakes but i am also always, always forgiven. because that is Love.
â° other thoughts:
a lot of people will tell you to start off with the gospels because they are the eyewitnesses of jesus when he was on earth and documented what they could. it's an amazing way to see how jesus lived, what he said, how he lead and helped others, etc.
but i'm happy i started with the book of genesis. it's the beginning of the world, God love in the purest form and it was just Him. i found it adorable to be honest. His own little creation.
hope this helps!!! <3
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1,600-Year-Old Fragment Identified as Oldest Written Account of Jesus Christ's Childhood
A recently deciphered manuscript, dating back to the 4th or 5th century and stored in a university library in Hamburg, Germany, has been identified by researchers as the earliest surviving account of Jesus Christ's childhood.
"Our findings on this late antique Greek copy of the work confirm the current assessment that the 'Infancy Gospel of Thomas' was originally written in Greek," said papyrologist Gabriel Nocchi Macedo from the University of LiĂšge in Belgium.
The papyrus fragment, dating back more than 1,600 years, had gone unnoticed for decades at the Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky State and University Library, until Macedo and Dr. Lajos Berkes from the Institute for Christianity and Antiquity at Humboldt-UniversitÀt zu Berlin identified its true origin.
The small fragment, which measures just over 4 inches by 2 inches, contains thirteen lines of Greek letters from late antique Egypt. The content was originally thought to be part of "an everyday document, such as a private letter or a shopping list, because the handwriting is so clumsy," said Berkes. "Then, by comparing it with numerous other digitized papyri, we deciphered it letter by letter and quickly realized it could not be an everyday document."
The researchers believe the copy of the Gospel was created as a writing exercise â given the clumsy handwriting and irregular lines â in a school or monastery, which would make it a much earlier surviving copy of the gospel than the 'Infancy Gospel of Thomas' manuscript from the 11th century.
"The fragment is of extraordinary interest for research," said Berkes. "On the one hand, because we were able to date it to the 4th to 5th century, making it the earliest known copy. On the other hand, because we were able to gain new insights into the transmission of the text."
While the words in the document are not from the Bible, they describe a "miracle," according to the Gospel of Thomas, that Jesus performed as a 5-year-old child as he moulded soft clay from a river into sparrows and then brought them to life.
By Sheri Walsh.
#1600-Year-Old Fragment Identified as Oldest Written Account of Jesus Christ's Childhood#Infancy Gospel of Thomas#papyrus fragment#ancient artifacts#archeology#archeolgst#history#history news#ancient history#ancient culture#ancient civilizations#greek history#jesus
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Christians, if you havenât read it yet, you need to read Dane Ortlundâs Gentle and Lowly.
That book actually changed the entire way I see Jesus, in the best way. For many years, I would read the gospels and just not feel like Jesus was THAT loving. Maybe itâs bad, but it was very hard for me to see that. At the minimum, I thought, âWhat if I or others imagine Jesus to be more loving than He is?â I struggled with feeling like the descriptions I read or saw or heard of Jesusâs love from other sources didnât match up with the view I got from reading the gospels. He did loving things, for sure, but how did He FEEL about people? What was He like in everyday interactions? And, by extension, how does He really FEEL about ME?
There was a disconnect.
And I am not saying that you need to go to extrabiblical sources to get information. Thatâs not trueâthe Bible and the gospels give us every bit of information that we need. But sometimes other sources can be helpful in opening our eyes to truths that are already there.
For me, Dane Ortlund went so in-depth about Jesusâs statement that He is âgentle and lowly in heartâ that it allowed the riches of Jesusâs love as revealed in the gospels to sink in for me. I âgotâ it for the first time. Itâs like he overwhelmed me by throwing the truth at me over and over and over again until it shifted how I thought about Jesusâs love.
Please give this book a shot. I have heard from so many other Christians that this book was immensely helpful to them. Take it from me and from them. You wonât regret reading it.
#Posting this largely because I am thinking about rereading it#Christianity#Bible#Dane Ortlund#Gentle and Lowly#Jesus#I have comforting quotes from this book saved on my phone and Iâll sometimes go back and reread them
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Countries that are no more: Republic of Venice (697AD-1797AD)
The first in a series I hope to feature on providing high level overviews of countries that existed and were influential to history or obscure and lost to most memory in time. The first up is the Republic of Venice.
Name: Serenisma Republega de Venesia (Venetian). In English this translates to the state's official name The Most Serene Republic of Venice. Also referred to as the Venetian Republic, Republic of Venice or just Venice.
Language: The official languages were the Romance languages of Latin, Venetian & later Italian. The regional dialect of Vulgar Latin in Northeastern Italy known as Veneto was the original language of Venice. This evolved in Venetian which was attested to as a distinct language as early as the 13th century AD. Venetian became the official language and lingua franca of the everyday Venetians and across parts of the Mediterranean although Latin would still be used in official documents and religious functions. Overtime, modern Italian was spoken in Venice though the Venetian language remains technically a separate language in Italy's Veneto region and the surrounding areas to this day.
Minority languages across the republic's territory included various Romance languages such as Lombard, Friulian, Ladin, Dalmatian and non-romance languages such as Albanian, Greek & Serbo-Croatian.
Territory: The republic was centered on the city of Venice founded in the Venetian lagoon on the north end of the Adriatic Sea to the northeast coast of the Italian peninsula. It also included the surrounding regions of mainland northeast Italy in the regions of Veneto and Friuli and parts of Lombardy. This became known as the terraferma or the mainland holdings of the republic. It also possessed overseas holdings in modern day Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece & Cyprus.
Symbols & Mottos: The main symbol of Venice was its flag which had the famed Winged Lion of St. Mark. This represented the republic's patron saint, St. Mark. Mark the Evangelist after whom the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament in the Bible is named. Mark's body and holy relics were taken by Venice and said to be housed in the Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's Basilica) in Venice itself. Variations of this flag differed during times of peace & war. During peace the winged lion is seen holding an open book and during war flags depicted the lion with its paw upon a bible and an upright sword held in another paw.
The republic's motto in Latin was "Pax tibi Marce, evangelista meus" or in English "Peace be to you Mark, my evangelist."
Religion: Roman Catholicism was the official religion of the state but Venice did have minorities of Eastern Orthodox & Protestant (usually foreign) Christian denominations at times in its territory and it also had small populations of Jews and Muslims to be found in Greek and Albanian territories during the wars with the Ottoman Empire.
Currency: Venetian ducat and later the Venetian lira.
Population: Though population varied overtime for the republic due to a variety of factors such as war & changing territory and disease & its subsequent effects. There was rough population recorded of 2.3 million people across all of its holdings in the mid sixteenth century (circa 1550-1560). The vast majority of its population was found in the terraferma of northern Italy and the city of Venice itself with its concentrated population on the islands within the Venetian Lagoon. The Greek island of Crete and the island of (Greek speaking) Cyprus were the most populous overseas possessions of the republic's territory. The rest of the population was found its various holdings in the Balkans mostly along the Adriatic coastline.
Government: The republic followed a complex mixed model of government. Essentially it could be characterized as a mixed parliamentary constitutional republic with a mercantile oligarchy ruling over it in practice. It had no formal written constitution, and this led to a degree of evolution without exactly defined roles often in reaction to happenings in its history. The resulting government became more complex overtime as institutions became increasingly fragmented in their size, scope and duties, some almost obsolete but still retained and others not fully defined. Yet, the republic managed to function quite well for most of its history. It incorporated elements of oligarchy, monarchy & limited democracy.
It's head of state and government was known as the Doge which is akin to the term of Duke. Though this similarity of name ends there. The Doge was neither similar to a duke in the modern sense nor was it meant as a hereditary position. The doge was rather a lifetime appointment much like the Pope for the Roman Catholic Church. Furthermore, doges were elected by the ruling elite of Venice, namely its wealthy oligarchy merchant class. The doge didn't have well defined & precise powers throughout the republic's 1,100-year history. It varied from great autocracy in the early parts of the republic to increasing regulation and restriction by the late 13th century onward. Though the doge always maintained a symbolic and ceremonial role throughout the republic's history. Some doges were forcibly removed from power and post-1268 until a new doge could be elected, the republic's rule transferred to the most senior ducal counsellor with the style of "vicedoge". After a doge's death following a commission was formed to study the doge's life and review it for moral and ethical transgressions and placed judgment upon him posthumously. If the commission found the deceased doge to have transgressed, his estate could be found liable and subject to fines. The doge was given plenty of ceremonial roles such as heading the symbolic marriage of Venice to the sea by casting a marriage ring into the sea from the doge's barge (similar to a royal yacht). Additionally, the doge was treated in foreign relations akin to a prince. It's titles and styles include "My Lord the Doge", "Most Serene Prince" and "His Serenity". The doge resided in the ducal palace (Palazzo Ducale) or Doge's Palace on the lagoonfront in Venice next St. Mark's Basilica and St. Mark's Square.
While the doge remained the symbolic and nominal head of the government, the oligarchy remained supreme overall. The supreme political organ was the 480-member Great Council. This assembly elected many of the office holders within the republic (including the doge) and the various senior councils tasked with administration, passing laws and judicial oversight. The Great Council's membership post 1297 was restricted to an inheritance by members of the patrician elite of the city of Venice's most noble families recorded in the famed Golden Book. This was divided between the old houses of the republic's earliest days and newer mercantile families if their fortunes should attain them property ownership and wealth. These families usually ranged between 20-30 total. They were socially forbidden from marrying outside their class & usually intermarried for political and economic reasons. Their economic concerns were chief to the whole of the republic and most centered on Eurasian & African trade throughout the Mediterranean Sea's basin. Members of these families served in the military and eventually rose to prominent positions of administration throughout the republic.
The Great Council overtime circumscribed the doge's power by creating councils devoted to oversight of the doge or executive and administrative functions (similar to modern executive cabinets or departments) whereas the doge became more and more a ceremonial role. The also created a senate which handled daily legislation. They also created a Council of Ten set to have authority over all government action. Other bodies were formed from this Great Council and others overtime. This resulted in intricate and overlapping yet separate bodies which found themselves subject to limitations with various checks on virtually each other's power. Essentially running as committees or sub-committees with checks on another committee's powers. These bodies weren't always completely defined in their scope and overtime their complexity led to battles to limit other's power (with limited success) along with gradual obsolescence and sometimes slow grinding administration.
Military: The military of Venice consisted of a relatively small army and a powerful navy. The famed Venetian Arsenal in Venice proper was essentially a complex of armories and shipyards to build and arm Venice's navy. The arsenal in Venice has the capacity to mass produce ships and weapons in the Middle Ages, centuries before the Industrial Revolution allowed for modern mass production in economic and military applications. Venice's military was designed towards protecting it possessions both in Italy and its overseas territories. The primary concern was to secure Venice's trade routes to the rest of Europe as well as Asia & Africa. It faced opponents' overtime ranging from the Franks, the Byzantine Empire, Bulgarians to other Italian city-states, France, Austria, the Ottoman Empire and Barbary Corsairs along with European pirates in the Adriatic and Mediterranean. It played key roles as a naval transport in other powers including throughout the Crusades. It also played a key role in the infamous Fourth Crusade which culminated in the Sack of Constantinople in 1204 AD, an event which fractured the Byzantine Empire into a half-century of civil war between successor states before a weakened revival in the mid 13th century. The Byzantine Empire would linger until the 15th century when the Ottoman Empire finally conquered its last remaining portions. Many attribute this loss to in part to its weakness still resulting from that 1204 sack lead by Venice. The Venetian military would exist until the republic's end when The French Republic's Army of Italy under Napoleon Bonaparte conquered the republic, a conquest in which the Venetians surrendered without a proper fight.
Economy: Venice's economy was based largely in trade. Namely control over the salt trade. Venice was to control salt (preservative of food) production and trade throughout the Mediterranean. It also traded in commodities associated with the salt trade routes to Eurasia and Africa. These commodities could include other foodstuffs (grains, meats & cheeses), textiles & glassware among other items.
Lifespan: 697AD-1797AD. Though the exact founding of Venice itself hasn't been determined. It is traditionally said to have taken place in the year 421 AD. At a time when Roman citizens in northeast Italy were escaping waves of Germanic & Hunnic barbarian invasions that contributed to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. The going theory is that these Romans evaded barbarian attacks by building their homes in the Venetian Lagoon by hammering wood stakes to form a foundation which sunk into the muddy shallows and petrified. Upon which they built their homes and created a cityscape marked by streets and canals interlaced. Venice remained a community of fishermen and merchants and was nominally under the control of the surviving Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire). It avoided barbarians overrunning the land but also was removed enough from Constantinople that it was relatively autonomous and became strategically important as a port. Other islands in the lagoon also banded together with Venice in a loose confederation of sorts by the 6th and 7th centuries which increased economic productivity and security for the city. The first doge was said to have been elected in 697 AD under the name Paolo Lucio Anafesto, though there is dispute about his historicity. Anafesto supposedly ruled until 717 AD. This is traditionally regarded as the foundation of the Republic of Venice.
Venice's third doge was Orso Ipato who reigned from 726-737 and he is the first undisputed historically recorded doge whose existence was confirmed. Orso also known as Ursus was known to strengthen the city's navy and army to protect it from the Lombard Germanic invaders who had overrun and ruled Italy by that time. Though nominally part of the Byzantine Empire, by 803, the Byzantine Emperors are said to have recognized Venice's de-facto independence. Though this view is disputed somewhat, it nevertheless remained virtually independent until its collapse in 1797.
Venice also partook in the slave trade of non-Christian European populations from Eastern Europe and transferred them to North Africa, selling them to the Arab and Berber (Moors) of the Islamic world.
As the 9th century progressed, the Venetian navy secured the Adriatic and various trade routes by defeating Slavic and Muslim pirates in the region. The Venetians also went onto battle the Normans who settled in southern Italy and Sicily in the 11th century.
Venice provided naval transports for Crusaders from Western Europe starting with the successful First Crusade.
The High Middle Ages (1000AD-1350AD) saw the wealth and expansion Venice increase dramatically. However, over this period Venice gradually came into mixed relations with its former ruler the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empire endured corruption, civil war and foreign invasion which saw it alternate between periods of waning power and restored power. Venice provided the Byzantines with an increased naval force when needed and many trading commodities. In exchange for this, Venice was granted trading rights within Byzantine territory and a place within the "Latin Quarter" for Western Europeans in Constantinople. The Byzantine populace though calling themselves "Romans" having taken on the political & cultural institutions of the Roman Empire which lived on in the East long after the Western half's collapse, were in fact mostly Greek by ethnicity, language and culture. Their religion was the Eastern Orthodox or Greek Orthodox branch of Christianity which was often at odds with Roman Catholics of Western Europe. Resentment at the religious and cultural differences along with the economic displacement the Venetians and other Italian merchants from Genoa & Pisa had caused in Constantinople's maritime & financial sectors contributed to the 1182 "Massacre of the Latins" in which the Byzantine Greek majority of the city rioted and slaughtered much of the 60,000 mostly Italian Catholics living within the city. Thousands were also sold into slavery to the Anatolian Seljuk Turks.
This event lingered in Venice's memory as its trade in the city was reduced for awhile. Though trade resumed between the Byzantines and the West again shortly thereafter, the event soured the perception of the Greeks to Western Europeans. This along with a subsequent power struggle for the throne of the Eastern Roman Emperor fell into Venice & Western Crusader's hands in 1202. Looking to originally ferry Western Crusaders to the Levant against the Islamic Ayyubid Sultanate of Egypt & Syria. Events transpired that devolved into Venice conspiring under its doge Enrico Dandalo along with other Western leaders and a Byzantine claimant to the throne that resulted in the first successful sacking of Constantinople in 1204. The city was ransacked, some Greek citizens murdered by the Crusaders & classical works of art destroyed or looted (most famously the four bronze horses of St. Marks in Venice) and politically, the Byzantine Empire would be temporarily fractured between competing Greek dynasties while the Crusaders along with Venice created the short-lived Latin Empire, which controlled Constantinople and its environs while Venice also acquired Greek territories which it was to hold for centuries. Venice also came into conflict with the Second Bulgarian Empire at this time as its support of the Latin Empire of Constantinople encroached on the Bulgarian's land. Eventually by the mid 13th century the Latin Empire (never fully stable) collapsed, and the Byzantine Empire was restored until the mid-15th century but forever weakened as a result of the 1204 sacking of its capital.
Venice reached trade deals with the Mongol Empire in 1221. As the century wore on, it also engaged its rival in Western Italy Genoa in some warfare.
The 14th century is generally regarded as Venice at its peak as it faced down Genoa in a number of battles and came to be the most dominant trading power in the Mediterranean, though it was impacted by the Black Death plague. Nevertheless, into the 15th and even 16th centuries, it partook in a number of wars which saw it gain territory on the Italian mainland, establishing its terraferma domain.
By the 16th late 15th and into the 16th century new threats had emerged such as the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman capture of Constantinople in 1453 is seen as the end of the Middle Ages as the last political vestiges of the Roman Empire vanished from the world stage. However, a number of Byzantine Greeks escaped on Italian ships during the conquest of the city and others escaped Greece in subsequent years. These refugees brought with them artistic and cultural heritages that reemphasized the classical forms of Ancient Greece and Rome and lead to the Italian Rennaisance in art & other forms of culture. Ideas which emphasized humanism and spread to elsewhere in Europe overtime.
While there was a cultural flourishing in Venice and elsewhere due to the Rennaisance. There was also the first signs of economic and political decline as well from the 16th century onwards. The Ottoman dominance in the Eastern Mediterranean meant the traditional trade routes to the East were cut off by an often-hostile Muslim power. Additionally, other maritime powers in the West namely Spain & Portugal had recently begun exploring the continents of South & North America and in time France, England & the Netherlands would join in them. This decline in Eastern trade and the newfound trade routes dominated by other European states in the Americas and Asia (by way of rounding Africa) would render trade with Venice gradually obsolete. Venice would still maintain what trade it could in the Mediterranean, but it also focused on production and placed increasing importance on its Italian mainland possessions rather than just its declining position overseas in Greek territories, including the loss of Cyprus to the Ottomans in 1571. Though the Venetian navy with other Christian powers won the notable naval victory against the Ottomans in 1570 at Lepanto.
It was also involved in the Italian Wars between various rival city states and the power struggle between the Papacy, France and the Hapsburg realms of the Holy Roman Empire and Spain.
Other factors that impacted the declining trade in the 17th century included an inability to keep up in the textile trade elsewhere in Europe, closure of the spice trade to all but the Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, French and English and the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) which impacted Venice's trade partners.
Ongoing wars including a 21-year siege of Crete by the Ottomans saw further losses. Although Venice partook in the Holy League headed by the Holy Roman Empire (under Hapsburg Austria) which saw some minor temporary gains from the Ottomans in southern Greece before losing them again in the early 18th century.
War and loss of overseas territories along with a stagnant economy was slightly offset by a somewhat strong position in northern Italy. Nevertheless, its maritime fleet was reduced to a mere shadow of its former glory and it found itself sandwiched still between Austria and France. Over the rest of the 18th century, economic stagnation and social stratification remained prevalent while Venice remained in a quiet peace. However, the French Revolution reignited war in Italy and while Venice remained neutral, it would soon get caught up in events.
The Austrians and the Piedmontese (Italian) allies were beaten by the French Republic's Army of Italy headed by an up-and-coming general named Napoleon Bonaparte. Bonaparte and the French army crossed the borders of northern Italy into Venetian neutral territory to pursue the Austrians. Eventually half of Venice's territory was occupied by France and the remainder of the mainland was occupied by Austria. By secret treaty the French and Austrians were to divide the territory between themselves (Venice was consulted in the matter). Bonaparte gave orders to Venetian doge Ludovico Manin to surrender the city to French occupation to which he abdicated his power. The republic's Major Council met one last time to officially declare an end to republic on May 12th, 1797, after 1,100 years. Venice was placed under a provisional government and ironically the French looted Venice stripping it of artworks to grace the Louvre Museum in Paris along with the Arc d'Triomphe, taking the famed four bronze horses of St. Mark's to adorn the triumphal arch in Paris, the very same horses Venice had confiscated from Constantinople in 1204. It was a symbolic end to the republic, the irony of which did not escape commentators at the time. Following Napoleonic France's final defeat in 1815 the horses were returned to Venice and St. Mark's where they remain today. Venice itself was given over to the Austrian Empire.
The Republic of Venice has a historical legacy in terms of its economic accomplishments through control of trade and its innovative mass production of ships, armaments & trade commodities. It also holds a political legacy worthy of study given it was a unique and enduring polity for 1,100 years. One that maintained a complex and at times chaotic form of government that still managed to function and endure for centuries.
#military history#middle ages#venice#venetian republic#italy#politics#political history#trade#economics#governance#commerce#ottoman empire#spain#byzantine empire#napoleon#doge#republic
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The "Three Hebrew Children" Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego who refused to bow the knees to the idol of gold and worship it, were cast for their defiance into a fiery furnace that burned with incredible intensity.
The man who threw them in died because he came too close to the flames. But these men of faith were unhurt by the fire, and the preincarnate Jesus Christ walked with them in the midst of the furnace. Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ will be with us when we take a stand for Him in faith. When we defy the world's standards and refuse to fit in with the surrounding culture, we may pay a price. But we, like Daniel's three friends, must resolve not to bow to false gods and idols even if He does not rescue us from resultant suffering or even death. Even if we die for Christ, we know that He can and will always deliver us and we trust Him and that He will work all things together for our good.
Thank God for His strength and guidance when we are faced with sin. Thank Him for His mercy and grace. Through Bible study and prayer, God reveals His wisdom and guides us to see opportunities to grow closer to Him and grow spiritually. He gives us direction to live our lives according to His Holy Word and will. We must make God top priority everyday! May we be motivated to spread God's Holy Word and Gospel Truth to all the Earth, knowing that it is the only hope of all those lost in their sins. Let us not hold out a false hope for men to be saved without the Gospel, but instead, strive to do our part to get the Gospel out to a lost and dying world.
Leaning on Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ through prayer and His Holy Word and Spirit strengthens us and our knowledge and wisdom about God and His Gospel Truth, exposing these imposters. May God help us to seek and lean on Him daily to gain the strength, wisdom and spiritual discernment needed to expose Satan and his imposters who seek to destroy us and God's ultimate Truth. Everyday, we must remember to share Jesus Christ's Gospel Truth with the world and to thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the grace that He poured out for us on the cross at Calvary. He has freed us from the burdens of sin and from the eternal damnation of Hell. In all we say and do, may all praise, honor and glory always be given to Him and His Kingdom of Heaven.
With renewed minds, hearts and wills, let us serve Him humbly and faithfully out of pure love and grateful rejoicing. May He remind us of His presence and to remain at peace, fully knowing that all will be well because He is always with us. Let us seek Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ today and everyday with all our heart and being, looking for His love, light and will for our lives with each step we take. Let us seek to please Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds and seek to advance His Kingdom of Heaven and His glory with our lives. Let us seek Him from a pure and humble heart, and when we so seek, we believe Him and His promise that we will find. May He help us all to be more sensitive to the teaching ministry of His Holy Word and Spirit, relying on Him and allowing Him to speak to us and guide us every step of our Christian journey.
God gave us the Holy Bible - His living and Holy Word - to let us know of Him and His abiding love and care as well as guide and prepare us for all our lives. May He help us encourage one another as we continue our walk with Him and our duty to Him daily. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for being present for all our new beginnings and all our lives. May He redirect any anxiety we feel as He provides countless opportunities for growth and change. May we humble ourselves before God always, asking Him to forgive our sins and make our hearts and lives anew through His Holy Word and Spirit. May He help us make Him and His Holy Word top priority, so we can grow spiritually and grow in our relationship with Him as we apply it to our daily lives. Thank God that we can focus on Him and everything about Him, for that is what keeps us sane and at peace. May our words and actions always be a reflection of Him and His Holy Word and Spirit and will.
May He help us to always walk in His grace and Holy Spirit, not by our own measure. May He give us the humble humility to know that our freedom and eternal salvation is found only in Him, so that His grace may sustain us, and we may never lose sight of His love and light and mercy. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him and to serve Him. May He equip us to do all that He has called us to do so that as He works through us, He may use us to produce fruit, to reach others, and to encourage all brothers and sisters in Christ. May He work all of these things in us and through us for His Kingdom and His glory. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all His creation, for His miraculous ways and for everything He does and has done for us! Keep the faith and keep moving forward in your walk with Jesus! He loves us and He knows what is best for us. Seek, follow and trust in Him - Always!
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Word and for sending His Holy Spirit so that we might have His grace, not only to awaken us and transform our hearts in our spiritual rebirth and guarantee our eternity with Him, but to also call upon Him whenever we are in need. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all the reminders of His love and mercy and faithfulness within His Holy Word. He is bigger than any challenge or circumstance in our lives. Knowing this within our minds and our hearts, nothing can deter our faith in Him and His Truth. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful LORD, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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Its not what it is outside the church that is a danger but the most biggest danger is from inside the church. Paul warned us so much about those who will sneak in the church and lead people astray with a false gospel.
The biggest thing us Christians need to be solid in biblical doctrine. Read ya Bibles. Read it everyday. Doesn't need to be 4 hours a day but something like 30 to 40 minutes of close reading a day works. Find sound teachers and read good books over all kinds of subjects concerning Christianity.
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My 2025 reading plan-cum-bible
Love Paul David Trippâs devotion, always focusing on Jesus as the centre of Godâs story.
#quiet time#faith#love#god#thankful#jesus#bible#prayer#christianity#scripture#2025 Reading plan#ESV#EVERYDAY GOSPEL BIBLE#Paul David Tripp
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How are we doing out there ? Cause âseasonal depressionâ ainât no joke! Iâd know. Sometimes I can pinpoint the reason but sometimes sadness would just completely overtake my body and I wouldnât know why. Although I havenât suffered from it this year, Iâve suffered from it most years prior to, since Iâve been an âadultâ. For me, Iâd say it usually starts in September. But Iâve learned that everybody is different. The appearance and vibe of fall/winter is beautifulâŠ..until it isnât. Fall can quickly turn into a sad and depressing moment. Something about the cold, leaves falling, rain, snow and most definitely the time change that has the power to alter my mood. So what do I do when I start to realize the shift in my mood? First off, I try to spend time around loved ones. Whether itâs physically or even over the phone. I love to spend time alone but when my mood isnât at its best, I like to be around some love. Another thing that helps me is taking a break from life and going outside to do absolutely nothing. Sit outside, inhale some fresh air and just observe the world around you. Maybe even bring your bible or a book. Traveling is another thing that boosts my mood. Yes, this is a costly fix but itâs a fix worth mentioning nonetheless. Booking a flight ainât never hurt nobody! Iâm a huge music girly so listening to gospel and inspirational/motivational music is one of my go toâs also. Try eating better. 25 & up crew!!!! What we are intaking in our body daily plays a part in our mental health. Trust me! Create a routine daily that includes the things you enjoy and do it everyday until you shake that feeling. Fight that feeling every time it tries to sneak up on you until you shake it. Even the happiest of people have their days.
Signed one of the happiest girls in the world,
Brittany C
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After you fail
You and I will fail. Itâs going to happen.
Whether we did it to ourselves. Or someone else is to blame. Or it just happens.
You and I will fail. Itâs just part of being human. Itâs nothing special.
But what do you do after you fail is what counts.
Because no matter how it happened, what we do after we fail is our moment.
We have the power to choose how we respond after we fail.
And there are a lot of ways to respond to failure. Some of them are worthless. And then âŠ
There are certain Bible verses that, for whatever reason, just stick with you.
âThe stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.
This is the Lordâs doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.â
Jesus quotes this in todayâs Gospel. For me, itâs one of those verses that sticks. It keeps coming back to me.
Itâs part of Psalm 118 (a powerhouse Psalm, for times of trouble and for everyday). And itâs a go-to for me when I fail. Because itâs the reality check and itâs the plan.
The reality check? When we fail â and we will fail â weâre not done. Not as far as God is concerned.
If we let Him â if we trust God, if we let God lead â God will take us in our failure (even the most personal form of failure â rejection) and rebuild. Thatâs the point of a cornerstone â itâs the foundation that you build on.
And the plan? No matter how we fail. Or how many times we fail. God is still ready to rebuild.
With us as the foundation, the cornerstone for the good work that He wants to do in and through our lives.
The key to the whole thing is the second line, âThis is the Lordâs doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.â
Godâs rebuilding is marvelous to behold. A life transformed by God is literally awe-inspiring.
The thing is, itâs got to be Godâs doing. This isnât something that you and I can do on our own. If weâre trying to rebuild after a failure by ourselves, it wonât be long before we find ourselves back where we started.
Itâs got to be Godâs rebuilding. Not our rebuilding.
That starts with trusting the rebuilding to God. And that can take some courage. Because it means letting God lead.
It means giving up our illusions of control.
In order to receive something better than we could ever imagine.
Todayâs Readings
#Fail#Failure#Response#Choice#Rebuild#With God#God#Jesus#Catholic#Christian#Church#Moments Before Mass
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Ok but this trump brain rot is SO weird right?
. I make a comment about how women choosing to be celibate is the best thing and that they should kill their rapists on ig and I get so many maga men in my dms angry and triggered. Hit dogs holler, I guess
Now my brother is the same and acting like trump is going to save âhimâ like, weâre canadian?? And my friend in Norway saw a guy waving a trump flag until he was kicked out of the country for harassing a lot of women who had him reported. He was American who fled the us but came to Norway??
NOT YOU casually admitting you post death threats on IG ???!!! đ didn't you get censored??
but yeah, moids are soooo transparent. The other day I was on a live tiktok arguing that women could be married and still don't want have children and moids on the chat were seething like "urghduur do you even know what's the point of marriage is???" and I was like "where did you read on the Bible that the point of marriage was popping as many children as possible?" we're not on Adam & Eve time anymore, we don't have the mission to physically reproduce to populate the earth. Our role as Christians is to reproduce through spreading the Gospel & saving souls. There's literally no point popping babies if they're become lost souls. Plentiful of non Christians do that already... Moids are obsessed with controlling women and imposing narrative they're making up in their own head.
and non Americans being sooo invested in those elections are so weird. Like yes, the USA is a superpower but in the end of the day, your local parliament has more power in your everyday life than the US president ever will. (I'm french and the French presidency is infamous for being incredibly powerful)
I watched this whole election like a lolcow thread. All the people who took it seriously truly missed the plot.
Those "patriots" from european countries looking up MAGA when a true actual patriot/nationalist should defend their own country interest FIRST and not eat the boots of the yankees that wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. I remember USAmerican redditors expecting Europe to go to war against Russia... for what? watch the whole continent burn while you're looking oversea? YOU go to war to Russia!!
Anti American nationalists make much more sense imo And that's also how I know that Q anon was a deep state psy-op to rally foreign nationalists in favor of the the USA (posing MAGA as the savior of the world or whatever bs they believe in)
There won't be world peace as long as the US is still alive, I wish more people would realize that.
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Certainly! Hereâs an overview of Saddleback Church that you can share with others, reflecting its mission, community, and impact:
### Welcome to Saddleback Church
#### Background and Vision
Saddleback Church, founded by Pastor Rick Warren in 1980 in Lake Forest, California, has grown into one of the largest and most influential churches in the world. Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ by spreading the Gospel, making disciples, and loving our neighbors. We believe that everyone is on a journey of faith, and weâre here to support that journey in a welcoming, inclusive environment.
#### Community and Fellowship
At Saddleback, we embrace diversity and welcome people from all walks of life. Our congregation is a vibrant community of families, singles, young adults, seniors, and individuals from varied backgrounds. We emphasize building deep relationships through small groups and fellowship opportunities.
- **Small Groups**: Our small groups offer a space for members to connect, grow in faith, and support one another. Whether it's through Bible studies, prayer meetings, or shared interests, these groups foster community and connection.
- **Events and Gatherings**: Throughout the year, we host a variety of events, including retreats, family activities, and seasonal celebrations, that promote fellowship and spiritual growth.
#### Worship Experience
At Saddleback Church, our worship services feature uplifting contemporary music, engaging sermons, and an atmosphere that encourages spiritual growth and connection with God.
- **Dynamic Worship**: Our worship includes a blend of music that resonates with our community, led by talented musicians and worship leaders.
- **Inspiring Messages**: As the pastor, I aim to deliver messages that are rooted in scripture and relevant to everyday life, empowering individuals to apply Godâs Word in practical ways.
#### Mission and Outreach
We believe that faith is best expressed through action. Saddleback Church is deeply committed to serving others both locally and globally.
- **Local Outreach**: We participate in various community service initiatives, partnering with local organizations to address needs such as food insecurity, homelessness, and health care access.
- **Global Missions**: Our church is actively involved in missions around the world, from disaster relief to long-term partnerships in various countries. We aim to share God's love with those in need and make a lasting difference.
#### Resources for Growth
Saddleback offers numerous resources for spiritual development, including:
- **Sermons and Teaching**: Access our sermons online, allowing you to engage with Godâs Word at your own pace.
- **Books and Study Materials**: We provide a variety of resources, including books authored by Pastor Rick Warren, that cover topics such as purpose-driven living and spiritual growth.
#### Get Involved!
We invite you to become part of our community! Whether you are new to faith or looking for a place to grow deeper, Saddleback Church welcomes you.
- **Service Times**: Join us for our weekly worship services, and experience the joy of a collective faith.
- **Newcomersâ Orientation**: If youâre new, we have orientations designed to help you understand our beliefs, get connected, and find your place within our church.
#### Conclusion
Saddleback Church is more than just a place of worship; itâs a community committed to loving God, loving people, and changing the world. We invite you to join us on this journey of faith and fellowship!
Feel free to adjust any section or add specific events, stories, or aspects that reflect the current activities and missions of Saddleback Church!
#decor#plants#home#dungeon meshi#pink#naruto#cute#kawaii#nature#flowers#god#god works in mysterious ways
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