#every time i tag something as de i am forced to see the tag:
clickityweasel · 2 years
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serious detective work means interviewing EVERYONE, including inanimate pieces of evidence
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Danny runs for Mayor P.2
kgned3Part 1
Some more snippets of the Gotham Mayor Danny AU!
Danny would absolutely try to hire some of the Rouges as his Mayoral Cabinet, I can just imagine Waylon Jones, the Killer Croc, in a Suit and Slacks sitting in a the Mayors Office while awkwardly holding his resume.
Danny: So, Mr. Jones, why do you think we should hire you? Waylon: Well sir, I have something of a reputation and I feel like I would be an amazing Bodyguard. Danny: OK, one question though. What is your opinion on Clowns? Waylon: I don’t like them. Danny: Hired!
Danny: Now, Mr Nygma, what do you think you would bring to my office? Edward: Well sir, I am fairly well known for my expert planning and timing skills. Also I can give you fun riddles whenever you want! Danny: Hmmm, that’s definitely a good point. One question, if needed, will you attack a clown on sight? Edward: Yes? Danny: Hired!
Danny: Now, I can see that you used to have a very reputable resume Mr. Dent. Harvey: Thank you sir. Danny: I can’t see any reason to refuse your application, but I do have one question. Do you like Clowns? Harvey: Uhm...yes? Danny: I am sorry dir, but I am going to have to reject your application for a job in the Mayors office. Mr Jones, please escort this man out 
Danny would absolutely do an amazing job in decreasing the crime rate, just by virtue of the fact that his very presence is destabilizing the Curses put on the City.
But at the same time, his policies are also very efficient, based on Gen Z Humor/Ideas
Danny: As my new Law states, every year the most rich person in the City will be forced to give up 70% of their assets to Charity. You can avoid this by donating as much as possible in the weeks leading up to the Sacrifice Day, whoever donates the most is exempt from the choosing even if they are the Richest, we will then move on to the second Richest, and so on Reporter: Sir, isn’t this just the “Winner Of Capitalisms” Prompt from Tumblr? Danny: Yes.
Batman: Why did you just pass a Law that states that all Vigilantes are given the right to kill? Danny: Because I accidentally hired every villain in Gotham, so now there is nobody to try and bribe me. And if nobody tries to bribe me, then nobody realizes that I will only accept bribes if the Joker is dead, like I said in my Campaign. I know that you guys have a no-kill rule, but I know at least one of you who would jump at the chance  Batman: *realizes that Dick has already killed the Joker once, Jason is actively attempting to every day, Tim is chaos incarnate and would do it to feel included, and Damian just really wants to let loose* Well played...
Danny: Vlad, I am serious. Leave me alone or I will put you in Soup Jail for 3 months! Vlad: FINE! I’ll just go possess another Billionaire to force them to give me their company again Batman, listening from outside the window: What the f-
Danny in every conversation with the Batfamily: I re-respect your decision to not tak-take a life...but I must insist you kill the Joker...for the good of the peephol-People! He is not a good inf-influence on this city and he must be des...troyed. Batman: *Wondering why he sounds like he is reading from a script* Um, I don’t think thats a good idea? Lady Gotham: *Standing behind Batman with some Cue Cards, trying to communicate with her Knights through Danny* *Thumbs Up* Danny: Also I wanted to say that you need to- oh um, ok- to get over the deaths of your parents and grieve in a healthy way instead of adopting every child you see. You are doing a great job kid, parentheses, do not read this par- Oh-Oops. Batman: Hm. I’m not even going to question that anymore.
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smoooothoperator · 3 months
What Was I Made For?
10: Clair de Lune
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers
Warnings: flashbacks are in italics
a/n: Hiiiiiiii what do you think Dafne will do??
if you want to play a game and ask things about Dafne
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Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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The boy I met in Greece.
Was I too young to think he was my first love? Six years is enough?
If there’s something that sets me apart from my sister Erica, it’s my lack of social skills. I was the one hiding behind my parents during introductions, the one who avoided problems to stay safe. Because avoiding problems means you don't have to expose your heart or confront others, right?
During those weeks in Greece, he was my voice. He stood by me, talked for me, and defended me. He was the first person I wanted to see when I woke up and the last before I went to bed. He stayed with me while I read, ordered my ice cream, and made me feel like I could be myself.
Until it happened.
That day, he wasn’t the same. He was quieter, barely smiled. He skipped breakfast, ignored me, and slept in the car. At lunch, he barely ate, and on the beach, he stayed in the shade.
I should have seen it. I should have noticed he was sick. But instead of facing the problem, I ran away.
That’s what I always did. That’s why the boy I loved became someone I hated. I was blind and too scared to confront the issue.
He called me a coward. And why deny it? I am. I make mistakes. I run from situations I can't handle. I push people away when things get tough. That's what I did with Charles, with Sebastian, and when I found out I was pregnant.
I ran away.
But I can't do it anymore. I have to face life, solve my problems, and fix my mistakes.
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Charles insisted on staying with me in the villa. He left only for a day to grab things he needed and then came back the next day. I had a whole day for myself and my cat.
“What do you think about him, hm?” I sighed, rubbing my cat Athena's head. “An asshole, right?”
She looked at me with her ears turned back, like she disagreed with what I said.
“Oh, let me guess. He gave you your favorite treat and now you adore him, huh?” I smiled, rubbing her head.
I sighed, placing my hand on my belly and looking up at the ceiling.
A chance. I gave him a chance. But how will this work? I don't think I'm ready to forgive him, even if he proves he’s changed. How can I trust him? He might be the father of this kid, but that doesn’t erase the fact that the moment we conceived this baby was the worst day of my life.
“Knock, knock.”
I sighed, smiling weakly when I heard my sisters’ voices coming in. They walked into the house with bags in their hands, smiling.
“How are you doing?” Soleil asked, sitting next to me.
“Are you asking for the baby or for the one that made it?” I smiled weakly.
“Both,” she sighed, looking at our older sister. “He cares for you, Dafne…”
“You told him to come. Why?” I sighed, looking at Erica, who sat next to me, holding my cat on her lap.
“Because it was necessary,” she said, rubbing Athena’s head. “You two have something in common, and it’s not only your careers. That kid needs to grow up with a father. And you can’t run away from your problems all the time.”
“I know-”
“You’re twenty-six, Dafne. It’s about time you two talk about the past and clear things up! For God’s sake, he searched for you everywhere!”
“I know!” I sighed, looking at her. “I know. We talked.”
“Oh,” both my sisters frowned.
“I gave him a chance,” I sighed. “I know I can’t do this alone. I know I need him. It’s just… how can I trust him again? How… He promised me he’s going to change. But what if he doesn’t? What if now he’s telling everyone that I’m pregnant and that I won’t come back?”
“Come on, he’s stupid, but not that much,” Soleil laughed softly. “He cares for you. If he didn’t before he found out you were pregnant, he won’t do it now.”
“Which is why we came here…” Erica sighed. “You… you have to say something to the world, Daf. Everyone is asking where you are. Fred hasn’t heard anything more about you. I’m sure he’s already closing a deal with another driver.”
“It’s for the best,” I sighed, rubbing my belly. “I don’t think I’ll be able to come back after this.”
“And then what are you going to do? Retire?” she sighed.
“I…” I swallowed thickly, feeling a knot in my throat and tears welling up. “I guess…”
“Come here,” Erica sighed, opening her arms and letting me lean on her. “Everything will be okay, yeah? We will be here for you. Mom and dad will be here for you. Charles… Charles will be here for you.”
“How did we end up like this… How? Why?” I mumbled, letting the tears flow silently down my cheeks.
“Maybe because you two are meant to be, hm?” Soleil sighed, leaning on me and hugging me too. “Maybe because your story didn’t end that day in Greece. Maybe you two were meant to be, and now a little version of you two is giving you a chance to be together again.”
We stayed in silence for a few seconds before laughing weakly again.
“That was so poetic,” Erica chuckled.
“I was inspired,” she joked, making us chuckle lightly again.
I smiled weakly and sighed, holding their hands and squeezing them tightly. If I retire, what will happen to them? They worked with me, they were my team, my biggest support…
“You two should find another driver to work with,” I whispered.
“What? No!” Soleil frowned. “I was your trainer. I can’t be with someone else.”
“Listen to me, okay?” I smiled weakly. “I’m sure you will find a new driver. Go try F1 Academy; the girls would love to have an experienced trainer. Please?”
They looked at each other and sighed, hugging me tightly. I have to accept my fate, that I can’t go back to karting because I have a kid to take care of.
“Maybe you’re right,” I sighed. “Maybe our story didn’t end in Greece. It was only on hiatus.”
I sighed, placing my hand on my belly and rubbing it softly. I should tell the world that I’m going to retire, and if I tell the truth, it would be best for me and my baby. But I have to talk with Charles about it because it’s something that concerns both of us.
“Do you think he feels the same?” I sighed.
“He wouldn’t have come if he didn’t,” Soleil whispered.
“He does care,” Erica said, brushing my hair. “But it’s something you two have to talk about. Only the two of you know how you feel, what you want.”
“I just want to stop feeling that pain every time I look at him,” I sighed. “I want to stop the stabs I feel in my chest every time he looks at me and talks about me. I just want to go back in time to Greece and live in a loop there.”
“Then fix things,” Erica said, encouraging me. “Fix things, tell him what you’re telling us now.”
“It’s not that easy, Eri,” I sighed. “I don’t trust him. I can’t even let him touch my belly. I feel so… I don’t know, betrayed.”
“It will take time,” Soleil sighed. “But hey, you have five months until the baby comes. You have enough time to fix everything.”
“He will go to the races,” I sighed. “He can’t be here all the time.”
They sighed and nodded, hugging me tighter, staying with me for the rest of the day, keeping me company.
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After my sisters left after dinner, the house was silent again. It reminded me of the day I came home after that race, of how vulnerable I felt.
It was so cold. No matter how many layers of clothes I was wearing, I was still shaking.
“Dad said that the wood is outside,” Erica said, walking back inside the house with the last suitcase. “You know how it works, right?”
“Yeah,” I sighed, looking at the fireplace, clenching my jaw.
“We can stay if you ask us, you know?” Soleil sighed, sitting next to me on the couch. “You don't have to do this alone.”
“I need it,” I whispered. “I need to be alone, just for a while… I need to think.”
“We will come here once a week, okay?” Erica said, sitting on my other side and holding my hand. “To bring you things, hm? Just… don’t push us away.”
“What did Mom and Dad say?” I whispered.
“Well… they will support you, Daf,” Soleil said. “It was a shock at first… but… who is the father?”
I swallowed thickly, looking away. The father? Someone I hate, someone who only brings me trouble. Someone who only knows how to hurt me.
“Not who I wished,” I mumbled.
“Who?” Erica frowned but immediately understood, I think. “Oh…”
“Exactly,” I sighed. “Oh.”
They stayed silent, hugging me tightly, comforting me without saying anything until it was time for them to leave.
I watched the car drive away, wrapping a blanket around my shoulders. It’s so cold outside; December is cold in this house.
“What am I going to do now?” I mumbled, placing my hand on my stomach, swallowing thickly when I felt the bump.
How could I have never noticed? I’m three months pregnant. How? I missed three periods. Was it because I focused too much on my season? And I never had morning sickness… at least not always, and I didn’t think it was because I was pregnant.
I sneezed softly and immediately walked inside the house, shivering. I grabbed some wood and placed it in the fireplace, lighting it and moving the wood until it burned.
I looked at the fire, taking deep breaths and closing my eyes when I felt the warmth kissing my cheeks. I followed the flames with my eyes, watching their hypnotic dance and feeling my mind relax immediately.
That’s what I need. Peace, loneliness. No one to disturb me. Just me, my cat, my piano, and my baby.
I shook my head, taking a deep breath and standing up from the couch, brushing away the memories that were coming back.
The piano was there, against the wall with the cover down. It’s been a while since I played it. I always did it with my dad when we came here in the summer, when I was a kid.
But now it felt like it was calling me, asking me to play it, to fill the silence of the house.
Slowly, I made my way to the piano, my heart beating a little faster with each step. I paused in front of it, hesitating. Taking a deep breath, I lifted the cover, revealing the old white and black keys. Even if they were dirty, they seemed to glow with a gentle invitation.
I sat down on the bench, my hands trembling slightly because of the cold as they hovered over the keys. My mind drifted back to the countless times I played here, watching and listening intently as my father played, how he smiled and closed his eyes every time he gave us a little concert.
Without thinking, my fingers found their places on the keys, and I began to play. The opening notes filled the room, soft and delicate, like a whisper. My hands moved with a mixture of uncertainty and muscle memory, but always touched the keys with security.
As the melody unfolded, I closed my eyes, letting the music guide me. The familiar patterns and rhythms started to flow more naturally, my fingers dancing over the keys with increasing confidence. The room around me disappeared, and my mind only focused on the music I was making, not hearing the front door opening or the meowing of my cat.
The final notes lingered in the air, a delicate echo of what once was. I sat there for a moment, letting the silence envelop me, my fingers still resting on the keys. A tear escaped and rolled down my cheek, but I didn’t wipe it away. Instead, I smiled softly, feeling a sense of peace I hadn’t felt in a while.
“Clair de Lune.”
I gasped, flinching when I heard his voice. I heard him walk towards me, leaning on the wall next to the piano. He was smiling, looking at me and my hands.
“I didn’t know you played the piano,” he said, surprised.
“I told you, there are things about me you don’t know,” I sighed, looking away.
But then I flinched again, feeling a sharp pain in my stomach, making me stay silent and place my hand on my belly.
“What? What happened?” Charles frowned, moving fast and kneeling next to me. “Dafne.”
“The baby…” I mumbled.
“What? What happened?” he asked, panic filling his voice.
Without thinking about it, I grabbed his hand and placed it on my belly, ignoring the alarms in my brain.
Then again.
“Is that…” Charles mumbled, shocked too.
“A kick,” I whispered, looking into his eyes, feeling his warm hand on my belly. “It… it’s the first time the baby kicks.”
“Oh God,” he whispered, and I could feel the adoration in his voice. “God, Dafne… play again. Please, play the piano.”
I looked at him, smiling slowly and turning again to face the piano, playing another song, with his hand still on my belly, rubbing his thumb softly, and soft butterfly kicks in my womb.
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@racinggirl @elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni @itsjustkhaos @scaramou @tapedeck-hearts @apollosfavkiddo @sltwins @glitterquadricorn @ladystardust05 @theseerbetweenus @vizzzashley @auawdo @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @leptitlu @green-thots @caterinemirandax_
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rebelwrites · 2 years
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Winner Takes It All || Seven Fraudulent Activities
Charles Leclerc x Valentina Hendrix (OC)
Winner Takes It All Masterlist
Summary: It’s Christmas Eve and things are starting to heat up and not in the good way.
Warnings: mentions of being arrested, GTA and assault.
A/N: I am so sorry I have made you wait so long for this part 🥺 hopefully the ending makes it up to you ❤️
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get back to sleep, every time I closed my eyes it was like a movie playing on repeat in my head.
The night Charles walked out on me.
It had been a while since I had been prisoner to this memory but being back around him caused it to resurface.
Kicking the duvet off I swung my feet around letting them land on the floor, my toes wiggling in the fluffy blanket that laid on the hardwood floor of one of the guest rooms. Running my hand over my face, I let out a shaky breath. This was one of my favourite times of year and he was spoiling it.
The smell of bacon and coffee drifted through the crack in the door causing my stomach to growl, Pascale’s Christmas Eve breakfast was one of the best meals I ever had tasted, she made everything; pancakes, waffles, fresh pastries, you named it she probably had it on the table. The sound of Charles’ laughter echoed through the house, causing my chest to tighten and tears to burn my eyes.
Fuck why was this so hard?
“Hendrix, tu ferais mieux de ramener ton cul ici avant que je ne mange toutes les crêpes. Hendrix, you better get your ass in here before I eat all the pancakes.” Arthur shouted up the stairs.
“Je jure devant Dieu que si tu manges toutes les crêpes, je te décapiterai bébé Leclerc. I swear to God that if you eat all the pancakes, I will decapitate you baby Leclerc.” I shouted back, quickly wiping my eyes before grabbing my Alpha Tauri hoodie forgetting it now had my number embroidered on the back, before running down the stairs
Taking a deep breath before I walked into the kitchen, I plastered a fake smile on my face as I made my way to the coffee machine, silently thanking that someone refilled the pot.
I stayed silent as I poured the drink, I was trying hard to bite my tongue as Becky was moaning about something that wasn’t on the table. Rolling my eyes before wrapping my hands around the mug.
“Maman, have you got any-“ I asked, scanning the table just to make sure I hadn’t seen them hiding away.
“Top cupboard above the fridge sweetie.” She smiled back at me, responding before I could even finish my sentence. “Bought them yesterday especially for you and hid them from the vultures.”
My heart swelled at the fact she remembered how much I loved them even after all the years that had passed.
“This isn’t fair, you buy her stupid caramel waffles yet there’s no grapefruit or dragon fruit for breakfast.” Becky screeched, causing me to wince.
I could see Charles pinching the bridge of his nose at his girlfriend's outburst.
“Firstly I’ve told you about your tone when you speak to me.” Pascale growled, gripping her knife and fork with so much force I was worried she was going to bend them. “And secondly, Valentina is and will always be my daughter so shut your mouth before I kick you out.”
I had to pull my first to my mouth to try and hide the chuckle that had escaped, I had a snarky comment sitting on the tip of my tongue and even though I was ready for a fight I decided to keep my mouth shut for once. Pascale threw a wink my way which I returned by blowing her a kiss before jumping on the counter top letting my ass land with a thud.
“You need a hand there Nugget?” Pierre hollered from across the table.
All eyes were on me as I pushed myself to my feet, once I was steady I leant up into my tiptoes letting my finger pull the cupboard door open. This was something I had perfected over the years.
“I’m good.” I smirked, reaching up into the cupboard blinding snaking my palm against the wood until I found what I was looking for.
“Little bear,” Lorenzo asked, causing me to glance over my shoulder. “Why are you wearing an Alpha Tauri hoodie with your race number?”
“Fuck,” I mumbled, hoping my lie was good enough “because it was a gift and you know manifesting and all that shit.” I hummed, jumping off the counter landing on my feet.
I noticed that Pierre, Pascale and my parents had to hide their proud smiles from everyone else. I was thankful that they were all keeping this a secret for now.
Lorenzo cocked his brow at me, like he knew I wasn’t being honest with him. Rolling my eyes at the oldest Leclerc I took my place at the table instantly loading my plate with pancakes, bacon and maple syrup, my mouth instantly watering.
“Like she’d ever be able to get into F1.” Becky scoffed, not even trying to keep her voice down. “I know you boys want females to get into the sport but she aint it.”
Once again I felt my blood boil, my grasp on my knife tightened, who did this bitch think she is? There was no way I was holding back now, not now she had come for my career.
“Come back to me when you have fucking won the W-series world driver championship, twice.” I spat, slamming my cutlery down on the table causing Arthur to jump slightly at the contact. “Oh that’s right you are nothing but a grid girl, using your body to get through life and to steal people's boyfriends.” I didn’t care anymore. I wasn't going to sit here in a place I classed as another home, a place I had so many memories only to be torn to pieces by some slag.
Kicking my chair back I stood to my feet, grabbing my stroopwafels and coffee. I needed to get out of the room before I showed this bitch who Valentina Hendrix actually was.
“Bambino, what about breakfast?” Dad asked, causing me to glance over my shoulder as I reached the back door.
“Ho perso l'appetito. I have lost my appetite.”
It didn’t take long before I was joined outside by Lorenzo. He silently pulled me into a bear hug and I could feel my resolve starting to crumble.
“Lor, I don’t know what to do.” I whispered, scared if I spoke any louder then I would break down. “It’s been four fucking years, yet right now if feels like everything happened yesterday.”
“Petit ours, tu n'as pas vu Charles depuis que tout est arrivé. C'est tout à fait normal de se sentir comme ça. Little bear, you haven't seen Charles since everything happened. It's perfectly normal to feel this way.” He hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “I know it’s easier said than done but you gotta ignore them and focus on the time you have with us instead.”
“She is practically rubbing it in my face.” I sighed, pulling away from the hug, reaching for my mug of coffee.
“I know, we can all see what she is doing, well apart from Charles but he can be stupid at times.” Lorenzo said with a slight chuckle in his voice. “I know exactly what you need.” He smiled, shoving his hand into his hoodie pocket, slowly pulling out a set of car keys.
My eyes went wide the moment I saw them, I knew exactly what car they belonged to just from the keyring that was hanging between his fingers.
“You still have my ST?” I asked, slightly shocked that this car was still here.
“Of course.” He smirked.
“I thought Charles would have sent it to be scrapped by now.” I mumbled, taking the keys from him. I hadn’t seen this car in four years. It was the car I used in Monaco but when everything happened Pascale let me keep it locked up in her garage.
“Maman fell in love with the car, so we may have acted fraudulently, got her added into the insurance along with changing the bank details for the payments so she could drive it.” He laughed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “She refused to let anyone else drive it, kept up with maintenance and even kept your modifications saying that it was her way of still feeling close to you.”
Tears burned my eyes, and in this moment my heart was full. A lot had happened in the last four years but one thing that hadn’t changed was the love that Arthur, Lorenzo and Pascale still had for me. No matter what life threw at me I would always be family.
“How the hell did you manage that?” I questioned, raising my brow at him. “None of you sound anything like me.”
“Somehow Arthur can do a brilliant impression of you, it’s actually scary come to think of it.” Lorenzo laughed softly before pausing for a second. “Now I think we could all do with a morning at the track.” He smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “Somewhere that you can release some of this anger legally, the last thing we need is you getting arrested again.”
Summer 2012
I should have thought this through, but once again I flew by the seat of my pants, throw in a little peer pressure and you could get me to do anything. Which was the reason why I was currently sitting in a police cell, surrounded by nothing but metal and coldness. I knew the friends I had weren’t the best but as a fifteen year old I didn’t care. Just like in the moment I didn’t care that we were committing GTA and assault whilst intoxicated.
Once again Charles was right, the people I was hanging around with suddenly would land me in shit.
Running my hands over my face I realise how badly I had fucked up. My knuckles were starting to sting from the cuts across the skin, dropping my hands I ran my eyes over the state of them. They were already starting to bruise from what I could see from the dried blood that covered my skin. My parents were going to kill me and from my moment of stupidity I was going to have a criminal record for the rest of my life so I might as well kiss my dreams goodbye because who in their right mind would want a driver that has a record.
“Princess,” a familiar voice echoed around the room. “What’s going on?”
The moment I saw Jules standing on the other side of the metal bars I broke down sobbing, hiding my head in my hands as embarrassment and regret took over.
“Uncle J, I am so fucking sorry.” I said between sobs, refusing to look up at him. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”
A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he started to speak again but this time it was too low for me to hear. The next thing I knew the cell door had been opened and Jules was crouched in front of me, resting his hands on my knees.
“Everything is going to be okay, little one.” he whispered, wrapping his arms around me as I sobbed into his hoodie.
“I’m going to have a criminal record” I sobbed, clutching onto the material.
“Not if I have anything to do with it.” he whispered, pressing a kiss against the top of my head. “Now let's get you out of here and get a large black coffee into you, we can’t have you going home in this state.”
Present Day
The moment I was back behind the wheel of my old car nothing could wipe the grin off my face, it was clear that Pascale was a little speed demon at heart considering the fact that the ST was a lot quicker than the last time I drove it four years ago.
“Buckle up.” I giggled, smirking at Pascale before dropping my hand to the handbrake once I had pulled into the track car park. Once I had done a quick check that there was nothing around I yanked the handbrake up, causing the car to spin before quickly and smoothly started doing donuts on the dirt causing dust to smother the car.
After I had a bit of fun in the ST I parked the car before quickly clambering out the red little beast. Leaning against the front wing of the car everyone was cheering and whistling apart from Becky who was scowling.
“Some things never change.” Dad grinned, pulling me into his side, pressing a kiss against the top of my head. “Should have known you would be trouble the moment Jules taught you how to drive.”
“Such a child.” Becky scoffed, folding her arms across her chest.
Pulling away from Dad I slowly walked over to her, squaring up with the dumb bitch. Anger was soaring through my veins as I stretched my fingers out by my side before balling them into a tight fist. Everyone had taken a few steps backwards now, including Charles. They knew what was going to happen and all knew better than to try and intervene.
“I have had enough of you.” I growled, narrowing my eyes at Becky. “Even before you stole my boyfriend you always pissed me off, thinking you were god's gift to the drivers on the track. But news flash darling you are nothing but a dirty little slag.”
“I can end your career you stupid bitch.” she laughed loudly, which just irritated me more. “You may have two championships but we both know I am the real winner here. I am the one hanging from Charles’ arm not you so I would suggest you would back the fuck off.”
I couldn’t hold back any longer, I had wanted this moment for a while now so I was going to enjoy this. Becky didn’t know what came for her as my fist collided with her face with so much force I could hear her nose crack, the sound alone caused a huge grin to form on my face.
“Valentina,” Charles exclaimed, causing me to roll my eyes. “What the fuck?” he muttered as he rushed over to his girlfriend’s side.
“I should have done that fucking years ago.” I smirked.
“Tu as changé. You have changed.” he said, raising his voice.
“Pas grâce à toi, connard. No thanks to you, asshole.” I spat, glaring at the person that my heart called out for all of the time. “Tu sais quoi, j'emmerde cette merde. You know what, fuck this shit”
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@chibsytelford @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @stillbreathin @angywritesstuff @miamedyu @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @micks-afterglow @livo67 @buendiabebeta @pleasedontfollowinlost @ferrarifwendvale @hungryhungarian @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @sunf1owerrq @queenslife @panicforspec @inesramoss30 @justme2042 @liv67 @sessgjarg @derpinathebrave @idkiwantchocolatee @littleobsessionsandlifeslessons @alynoa @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @organasith @inchidentwithmax @raaaaabzzz @teamspideyman
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ybcpatrick · 2 years
*shakes tin* hey any peterick recs in these trying (waiting for fob8) times?
i'm gonna use this ask as my official reclist. here we go, under a read more:
a lot of these are by the same author(s), so i've grouped those together. these fics are all my besties and i have reread them all at LEAST five times. some many, many more! PLEASE HEED ALL RATINGS AND READ THE TAGS THOROUGHLY BEFORE YOU PROCEED, SOME OF THESE ARE HEAVIER IN NATURE.
According To Your Heart (It's Our Time Now) by fanatic_by_definition (31.9k, Explicit.)
FOB decide to make a loosely-inspired-by-true-events music video for The Kids Aren't Alright, and Patrick is having some trouble with certain aspects of the script. (Personal note, for me? This is THE Peterick fic of all time. THEE. Peterick fic. Of All Time.)
plain as they can see by fanatic_by_definition (3.6k, Teen and Up Audiences.)
Curled up in the van in the wee hours of the morning, Pete introduces Patrick to The Nightmare Before Christmas. As the story plays out before him, Patrick starts to notice... parallels.
The Last (Only) Thing I Want To See by fanatic_by_definition (13.5k, Explicit.)
Pete and Patrick haven't spoken for a year. After finding out the blizzard of the century is rocking Chicago, right before Christmas, Patrick attempts to check in on Pete. But when the line goes dead, something inside of Patrick snaps; so begins a tumultuous journey from LA, back home, and back to everything he thought he'd permanently destroyed.
I am a collapsing star with tunnel vision but only for you (I will protect you) by TooRational (15.3k, Mature Audiences.)
After Pete has a terrifying injury while performing, Patrick goes a little crazy. Through the journey of getting Pete back to health, Patrick is forced to confront himself, and his long-term emotions.
the afterlife (i never really lived) by TooRational (2.9k, Teen and Up Audiences.)
The polaroids from Coup De Main's article give Patrick three things: major anxiety, a boatload of embarrassment, and a wake-up call in regards to how much he's let go unsaid between himself and Pete over the years.
the tale of two hearts (reunited) by TooRational (5.5k, Mature Audiences.)
After a year away in service to the Queen, Peter finally gets to return home, where his beloved husband is waiting for him. In the tumultuous reintroduction to peace, Peter shatters; Patrick catches the pieces before they hit the ground and begins the repairs.
Destiny (noun): the hidden power believed to control future events; fate by TooRational (8.3k, Mature Audiences.)
The force they call Kismet takes a momentary interest in two men, who are soulmates in every universe they've existed in. In one of these, the dominos fall in just the right way, and romance blooms.
the distance between us (sharpens me like a knife) by TooRational, intocooperstown (9.9k combined, three works in series, General/Teen and Up Audiences.)
For years, Patrick has kept a careful distance from Pete; he never lets him too close, never lets them touch. He hates himself for it, and for the ways he has allowed it to hurt them both. Through the series, Patrick fights to shatter his personal space bubble, and learns what it means to be brave.
Guided to You by intocooperstown (18.7k, Mature Audiences.)
Pete and Patrick are dead. They are dead, in a pristine office, sitting before a magnificent, otherworldly creature. The creature tells them they are soulmates, and they will spend the rest of eternity together. That's confusing for a lot of reasons, but if it means being with Patrick, Pete will take it.
Write It (better than you ever felt it) by ForbiddenToast (8.3k, General Audiences.)
Finding the right words can be hard. When Pete chooses to read someone else's for a while, the spiral into his own psyche isn't exactly easy, either.
Invasion Of The Photographs by ForbiddenToast (6.3k, Teen and Up Audiences.)
Pete buys a photo album. Then, an avalanche of old photos swallows the living room whole. A concerned Patrick charges into a battle on memory lane, working to get to the heart of Pete's latest obsession.
feels like home by lye-kisses (5.2k, Teen and Up Audiences.)
Spend a day with Pete and Patrick. Pure domestic bliss.
a bright tide by whatimages (2.6k, Teen and Up Audiences.)
Drifting around each other on a beach in Australia, Pete and Patrick contemplate themselves and iron out the details. A pocket of time, spent together, as they always are.
Got Me Staring Odd by glitterandrocketfuel (6.5k, Mature Audiences.)
A touching, sensual, and incredibly romantic exploration of gender, and Pete's relationship with it. Where cracks form in Pete, Patrick's hands are there to soothe.
get us right (quitters never win) by blooms (4.7k, Explicit.)
Pete is a telepath, Patrick is an empath. Patrick hadn't ever encountered someone whose feelings were as vibrant and defined as Pete's; when guilt over something begins to eat Pete alive, Patrick has to dig deep to find out why, and how and help.
precipitous by sceptick (1.9k, General Audiences.)
Short and sweet, a glimpse into the wee hours of the morning of February 4th, 2013. It's Pete and Patrick, Patrick and Pete, alone together, on the edge of something new.
and beyond these, here's the link to my AO3 bookmarks, because there are even more fics I didn't mention here! but all of these are my absolute top tier favourites. I live and die by these bad boys.
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ferretrade · 11 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Thanks to @merlyn-bane for tagging me! <3
1.) How many works do you have on ao3
Currently 56!
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
At this moment, it's Star Wars all day every day. Specifically into the prequel era and Star Wars Rebels related stuff.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Twenty-Two - an Enjoltaire fic I wrote when I was 20 so let's not talk about that
it's a gift to be truly known - skybridger fic, I'm thrilled to see it this high :')
held like a dream - codywan, interesting it's done better than the others
Lost in the Supermarket - another enjoltaire from the wee age of 20, don't look at me
beholder - codywan, I do really really love this one
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, mostly! I don't always because it gets mixed up with my anxiety and I feel overwhelmed and pressured. So I live by a policy of "respond if I am feeling it, if not nbd."
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I genuinely can't think of anything that has an angsty ending. Angsty middles, sure, but I'm a happy ender. I guess it's like poetry, it rhymes (shatterpoint lineage fic) is a little bittersweet?
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hard to choose? I've written some pretty sappy fluff. I've decided on frame the halves, call them a whole (codywan) because you get a good, way pre-O66 fix it that means no one I like died PLUS force sensitive clones! :)
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
I don't believe I ever have!
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Haha yes. It's generally queer and pretty tame in terms of kink.
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nope, never have.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so! My fics are pretty mid-tier at their highest popularity so I don't think anyone really cares to lol
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes and I'm still so, so flattered and thrilled by it. :''') I believe I had one (or even two???) old Les Mis fic translated before, but I don't see it linked on ao3. And then there's this absolute beauty:
Comme de la poésie, ça rime
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not technically, but Haley and I have a draft we lovingly refer to as only fan-akin, doc titled (by Haley, credit where due) "the west wing but if sam married the hooker and became president instead of dropping that storyline and leaving after s3"
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
Maybe probably Billy/Teddy from Young Avengers. They're my boys!!!
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Baby girl, I have WIPs you don't even know. I wish I could write the jedi temple epic I wanted to, but my thoughts and feelings have changed so much the whole concept has collapsed and what I have is too messy to use elsewhere. And then there's the courferre soulmate fic I dearly meant to finish and just never will since the interest dried up.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. That's the easiest part for me to write.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
Uh well first of all, actually getting myself to write is a big fucking challenge of mine. But really, the spacial stuff and descriptions kill me. Please know that if you ever read non-dialogue, non-thought parts that you like, it probably took me like 10 writing passes to get it just right. I live in a state of editing and reediting.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I just don't! I am willing to add in as much as I know or easy words-- like a bonjour or, if we're talking Star Wars, sprinkles of words like vode. But if someone is talking in sentences, I will straight up do "Sabine said something in Mando'a" or "Stop that, Sabine told him in Mando'a." Easier for me that trying to do bad translations.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Young Avengers!
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
This is ever changing. While I probably go back and read it's a gift to be truly known the most, I love a single slow desire for it being the best, biggest world building I've done. Plus it's f/f and I need more of that in my writing life
I think everyone ever has been tagged already, but if not! Tags for you: @afoundling @happybean17 @tired-bshocked @goddammitjim
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bedofthistles · 1 year
There, nothing else to be done
“Princess, what are you going to do now?”
This is the part of the story where all the dust settles, when the battles come to an end, and the war is finally won. Supposedly. 
One marriage is hardly enough to put to rest all the hundreds of years of hatred. No, there were plenty of little things to fight over.
The official border of where Merryweather property ended and the De Noir line began, whether or not they could reach an agreement on sharing the seaport, starting a reasonable trade between the two families, and, of course, the future of both families. 
Sir Benjamin was not going to be given a bad deal on anything, and the Coeur De Noir was still inclined to more dishonourable business practices. 
In the month since the curse, and the lead in to the long anticipated wedding, the two Lords of Moonacre were usually found in each other’s studies. 
And neither could stop their families from tagging along. 
The Coeur De Noir arrived at Moonacre Manor with daughter and son in tow. Likewise, Sir Benjamin dismounted his steed in Castle Black's courtyard the same moment Maria did. 
Let’s go by one, shall we?
While Maria Merryweather had become an honourary part of the De Noir family, the Coeur De Noir still had to face the backlash of his Clan. 
The Curse had not come to pass and the Valley would remain divided. Many of the De Noirs were disappointed, some ready to arm themselves and go to Moonacre Manor and conquer it for themselves! They had yet to realise that their two families would forever be tied. 
Likewise, Sir Benjamin had to go to his tenants and announce his engagement, and it went something like this.
“The people of Silverydew!” From atop his steed, because he knew the minute he was on his two feet, he would buckle and far into the mud. He was nervous, what can he say? “I would like to cordially invite you all to-”
“Ah, we’ve heard this before!” An old crone shouted, waving him off before returning to whatever work she was doing. 
“Let me guess, another De Noir?” A man crossed his arms, and the people around him guffawed. 
“What did she say her name was this time! Mair?” And they laughed together. “Better double check that this time!” 
“Oi, what’re you doing getting married as old as ya are? Let us young boys marry some of the girls!” 
“I am not that old!” Sir Benjamin snapped out, despite the many things he could, and should have said. “Would you listen? Before I disinvite you!” 
Which, of course, earned some sarcastic ‘oohs!’ from the crowd. 
“I am marrying Loveday De Noir, to unite our two families and end the turmoil of the valley!” 
They quieted. 
And then they rioted. 
All they knew about the De Noirs was every despicable rumour that had reached their ears. Not that they had ever faced the De Noirs, as none ever ventured into the forest, but they still had their opinions. 
They, of course, had all met Loveday years before, either seeing her walk in the streets with their Lord, or in person when she came up to them, striking up a lovely conversation, and buying some thing or another, even if she didn’t truly need it. But, just as any De Noir, she had been a liar, hadn’t she?
“I heard the reason her hair is so floofy is to hide the horns!” 
“Don’t be ridiculous! Although, I heard the Coeur De Noir was hiding a tail!” 
“They can fly! I’ve seen them in the skies! With wings like bats!” 
And suddenly, the people of Silverydew got away from themselves, describing monsters instead of people. If the Coeur De Noir had heard he, of course, would have smiled. He was always fond of his own mythology, and a terrifying beast was sure to precede any truth about him in the history books! 
Sir Benjamin, despite having just caused a riot, forced Atlas to turn back around and return to the Manor. 
Ms. Heliotrope fainted at the sight of Maria on the night of the 5,000th full moon, and immediately began to fuss over her as soon as she came to. She wanted Maria to return to her studies as soon as possible, and make up for the lost time, but Maria had gotten used to her freedom, and more often than not, snuck out before Ms. Heliotrope could find her. 
Digweed and Marmaduke were finally able to introduce themselves to her formally, both reminiscing about the months before her birth, when they were deciding which foods the little babe would take to. They, of course, never found out, but they were eager to get to know as much about her as possible. 
Wrolf remained in his lion form, and while it took some time for them to figure out the large black lion was indeed Wrolf, and he had not eaten the hound, he was welcomed into the Manor and into the family as if he were that same dog. And, while he kept to his own devices, he could be found by Maria’s side most of the time. 
Then of course were the De Noirs. Each had gotten used to the Moon Princess’ presence. The cook had to scold himself for picking strawberries, the maids stopped themselves short of returning to Maria’s room to change the bedding, and the boys mindlessly strolled into the family wing as if to take their shift in watching over her. 
Richard himself had been whistling, tossing an apple into the air, a hand in his pocket, as he turned down the hall and ran straight into the Coeur De Noir. 
“Ah.” He said. “You.” The Coeur patted himself on the back for not outwardly calling him the annoying one. 
“Sir.” Richard said, as he took a bite of his apple. 
“Just where are you going?” The Coeur, with that deliciously evil voice of his, leaned down into he was eye level with the boy.  
“It’s four, sir, I was-”
The Coeur quirked a brow.
“Boy, I would suggest running off and fulfilling some other duty, rather than standing in an empty room.”
Richard gulped, before nodding and running off. 
Which leads to Robin De Noir. 
One might have said he no longer resided at Castle Black, save for crawling back in the kitchen door late at night, or the days when the Merryweather’s were already at the Castle. 
When asked, David, Henry, and Richard lied, and told the Coeur Robin was hunting in the forest. Though they all knew no one believed that. 
How could they? 
No, what Robin was doing was stalking Moonacre Manor. 
As he was now. 
Robin smirked as he crossed his arms, neck craned as he watched Maria climb further up a large oak tree. 
In the early morning light, when mist still clung to the ground, Robin had been a few paces away from the Manor, covered by the trees, as he bemusedly watched Maria tear out of the Manor and, more or less, launched herself into the oak. 
Robin chuckled, about to walk up to her, when he saw the old governess pop her head out of the door. 
“Maria! Maria!” She called, and even headed in the opposite direction to look for the Moon Princess. 
Maria scurried further up the tree and settled onto a high branch, and Robin was sure she was waiting for her governess to give up before she came down. 
So, why not make her a little anxious? 
“Princess,” He called, his lips flickering into a grin when she startled. “What are you going to do now?” 
One hand tethered to the branch, the other pressing to her heart, Maria urged her heart to stop galloping, before she glared down at him. “Shh!”
“Oh, but Maria!” He called loudly. “What are you doing up in that tree!” 
“Robin, I swear-” Maria quieted, and Robin turned his head just in time to see the Governess rounding the other side of the Manor. 
She smiled at Robin and waved - despite the fact he had kidnapped her pupil, she had grown fond of him over the weeks, and found him to be a polite young man, despite Maria’s arguments that he was anything but - before hiking up her skirt and making her way to him. 
“Woohoo! Mr. De Noir! Tell me, I was just looking for Maria, you didn’t happen to see her, did you?”
Robin straightened his spine, and held his hands behind his back, like a proper gentleman. “No, ma’am, I can’t say that I have. I was just on my way to the Manor to speak with her.”
“Ah.” Ms. Heliotrope sighed in defeat, before patting his cheek. “Such a nice young man! Well, if you do see her, please come find me! She has been putting off her studies almost as soon as she returned to me! I can’t have her mind becoming dull, hmm? How would she find a suitable husband then?”
Maria rubbed her forehead in irritation, and Robin did his best not to burst out laughing. 
As soon as Ms. Heliotrope turned her back, Robin began to climb into the branches of the tree, so soundlessly, Ms. Heliotrope did not seem to register the action. 
“Oh no, you don’t!” Maria whispered to herself, as she too began to climb the branches. But, they became too thin, and her dress and boots were too difficult to climb in. Robin gained on her, and before she could get any farther, he grabbed her ankle. 
Maria bit her tongue to stifle her scream, but it gave Robin just enough head way to climb up next to her on the other side of the trunk.
She glared, and he smiled. 
“So, what’s this I hear about you skipping lessons?”
“I’m still smarter than you.”
“No doubt about that, but not for long.” 
Maria rolled her eyes. 
“And how are you to find a husband if you’re-”
“Watch your tongue!” Maria snapped, as she kicked his boot, displacing it from its position on the branch. It was not enough to make him fall, but he did lose a bit of balance. 
“Manors!” He scolded, clicking his tongue. “And I thought it was a lady I kidnapped.”
“Well you thought wrong.”
Robin raised his brows.
“You kidnapped a princess.” 
“The true Moon Princess. Do you finally believe us?”
Maria rolled her eyes. “Of course not, but I do rather like being a princess.” 
“Your refusal astounds me.” Robin shook his head. “You saw the Castle after we returned! I was dead!”
Maria huffed. “Don’t joke about that. You did not die, you- you were just-”
“Well, maybe I’ll only call you Princess, once you believe it.” He said. 
“How can I!” Maria laughed. “You’re all insane.”
“Well, come on then, my lady, unless you want to spend all day in this tree.”
Maria rolled her eyes, but let him help her down, and soon, they were off, running into the forest. 
From her spot in the Manor, Loveday smiled. 
To her knowledge, Maria had not been a prisoner at Castle Black, as much as she had become their dictator. Even her father acknowledged that he let Maria do things no one else was allowed to do.
She never would have believed that peace between the two families would be achievable, and yet it had come to pass. 
More importantly, however, was what Loveday saw in her younger brother. 
Soft eyes, easy smiles, and a blooming love. 
Her father and betrothed were in the room across the hall, going over some final details about the division of the sea port, but she was thinking well beyond that. After all, what better way to inscribe peace? And perhaps, they could unite the land, and it would not be Merryweather and De Noir, but one family. 
Of course, she was getting ahead of herself, uniting Moonacre under one family would surely be an issue for the next generation. 
Still, as the door to the Sir Benjamin's study opened and her father stepped out with her betrothed, Loveday bounced out of her seat. 
“Good morning, Father, Benjamin.” She grinned, and both men sighed. “I couldn’t help but notice that neither Maira nor Robin are present.”
“Maria is in her lessons, with Ms Heliotrope.” Sir Benjamin said, a slight warning in his tone.
“Oh? Ms. Heliotrope couldn’t find her this morning, and asked to find her should I see Maria.” Loveday bit her lip. “And I believe, Father, that Robin came with you, did he not?” 
“Yes, I think he did.” The Coeur, too used to his daughter’s schemes, smiled, and let it pass without argument. 
“And, as I was sitting at the window, I could have sworn I just saw them leaving into the woods. Together.” Loveday bit her lip to contain her grin, but it was monstrous at this point.
She had come to love Maria dearly as a daughter. She was kind, funny, she rolled her eyes when she thought no one was looking, and as much as Ms. Heliotrope instilled in her proper etiquette, Loveday could see a headstrong and independent young woman behind the veneer. 
She also spent some time getting to know the man her baby brother had become. 
Somehow, even without her presence, he had become the soft-hearted man she had been attempting to raise. She may have only been his older sister, but without mother, and she in her early twenties, she had dismissed the idea of a nanny, picked him up from his cradle, and claimed him as her own. 
Loveday had been too afraid to return to Castle Black, and so returning to Robin was out of the question. 
Loveday watched as Sir Benjamin’s face twitched. 
“Alone? Without a chaperone?” 
Loveday nodded. “Yes, although you have nothing to worry about!” 
“Yes, my son will protect your niece.” The Coeur said.
“Protec- that is hardly my concern! Someone needs to protect my niece from him!” 
Loveday rolled her eyes. “Oh, what do you think is going to happen? Maria is very responsible.” 
“Respon- what of that boy? Hmm? He’s a De- I mean.”
Sir Benjamin’s eyes flashed between the two De Noirs, and he clamped his mouth shut. 
“My son is a gentleman!” The Coeur gave a wolfish grin. “Nothing will happen, you have my word.”
“Yes, although-”
“Although?” Sir Benjamin crossed his arms at his lovely bride to be.
“Although.” The Coeur De Noir nodded his head. 
“They are quite the stunning match, do you think not?” Loveday’s face was sure to split with how wide her grinning had become. 
Sir Benjamin fumed. “She’s a child! I- I will not even be considering matches until- later! Much later!” 
“Sometimes,” The Coeur began. “Betrothal contracts can take some time.”
“Years.” Loveday said, 
“Hammering out every little detail. It would be… prudent to get an early start.”
“Such wise words, Father!” Loveday nodded. 
Sir Benjamin glared at them both. “You would plan a marriage contract between- those two without even consulting Maria?” 
“Sir Benjamin, how modern of you.” The Coeur praised. 
“Actually, I think just by looking at her it becomes apparent her mind on the matter.” Loveday said. 
“She’s not- she’s-” Sir Benjamin huffed. “No! My Maria- will not be married. Ever! She will stay right here. With me.”
Loveday rolled her eyes, as the Coeur did his best to hold in his laughter. 
“You would prevent a happy union? Just because you don’t want her wed?” Loveday raised a single brow at him.
Sir Benjamin pursed his lips. “Yes.” 
And the Coeur could not hold back his laughter any longer. 
Loveday and Sir Benjamin’s wedding was beautiful.
They had agreed to marry in the amphitheatre, to bring to completion the happy ending, and it seemed the most neutral of territory for both families. 
Maria watched it all quite happily. Sir Benjamin had kissed her cheek before meeting his bride at the stair steps, and together they walked to the cliff’s edge.
With De Noir’s on one side, and Merryweahter’s on the other, it did not feel like a battlefield, as she half expected, but like a proper wedding. 
The sun began to set behind the trees, and the moon rose out of the sea just as the ceremony began and Maria sighed happily at the romance her Uncle had been blessed with. 
“Don’t they seem happy.”
Maria did not jump, not anymore. She was too used to Robin trying to scare her, she had almost adapted a sixth sense whenever he was near. 
He appeared like he had for her birthday. Groomed and dressed up, as handsome as it made him, Maria couldn’t help but prefer the worn jerkin. 
Maria rose up on her toes to ruffle his hair. Smiling when she disarmed his confident look. Curls fell over his brow, and he looked closer to himself. 
“Yes, now, be quiet. It’s rude to talk.” Maria settled back into place, her hands clasped in front of her. She smiled, and kept her eyes forward, even as she felt his eyes burn into her. 
There was a rambunctious cheer as Sir Benjamin and Loveday kissed. 
Perhaps not an end to the bitterness, but certainly the start of a new chapter. 
The party dispersed back to Moonacre Manor to take part in the first celebration. 
The Merryweather portion. 
As neither Sir Benjamin or the Coeur De Noir could agree on which traditions should take place, Loveday settled the argument. Two parties. 
This of course led to the need to show each other up. 
Moonacre Manor had been decorated as it never had been before, Sir Benjamin spared no expense on musicians, floral arrangements, and had even hired a whole team for food preparation. Much to Marmaduke’s opposition.  
Likewise, the Coeur De Noir outdid himself. Course after course, the finest spirits he could afford, and entertainment that amused them all. Fire Breathers, ribbon dancers, even a jester that wasn’t half bad. 
For the wedding, Loveday had worn a white gown, and had not changed out of it for the Merryweather ball. However, the next day she had worn a proper De Noir bridal gown, made from velvet and dyed a brilliant red close to the colour of blood. 
Maria herself wore her blue dress to the ball, and, at Loveday’s suggestion, a red dress that belonged to the Moon Princess herself. 
Or, in Maria’s mind, a distant ancestor of the De Noirs. 
Sir Benjamin and Loveday danced nearly every dance together, their eyes hardly parted, and their hands always touched. 
Maria herself danced with any and all who asked, but usually it was Robin.
The first dance she had, she shared with a young merchant’s son from Silverydew. After that, however, she did not dance with any one from the Merryweather side. 
David, Henry, and Richard were allowed, of course, but if anyone, with the slightest look of intent, tried to walk up to Maria, Robin appeared before her and took her off to the dancefloor before they got too close. 
“You know, this is hardly appropriate!” She said, at the Merryweather ball. “I can’t dance with you all night, it's rude to all the other gentlemen here.”
Robin picked up his head and looked around. “Where? I don’t see any gentlemen. Besides, you just danced with Richard.” 
Maria rolled her eyes. “Yes, you however are taking up my entire dance card!”
“You don’t have a dance card, therefore, I can disregard that.” 
“My metaphorical dance card.” She amended. “Besides Mr. Smith-”
“Was that his name?”
“I haven’t danced with anyone! David, Henry, and Richard do not count.” Maria lifted her chin. “You have been stealing all of my time! And I would like to dance with someone else.”
Robin tightened his grip on her waist and hand, not hard enough to hurt of course, but just enough so she could not slip out of his grasp. “Am I not a good enough dancer?”
“You’re a fine dancer, but I would like to have more than four partners.” 
“Really? That’s rather promiscuous of you.” 
Maria scoffed, though she did not make any move to step away from him, or even stop dancing. “It is a ball and party, I am allowed.” 
“Maybe I shouldn’t let you attend anymore balls then.”
Maria narrowed her eyes, “Oh? I didn’t realise you got any say in what I do or not do.” 
“I am your keeper, Princess.” 
“Keeper? And I thought you weren’t calling me princess anymore?”
Robin shrugged. “It suits you.”
Maria smiled, though she was not done with him yet. “Thank you for the dance, but this will be your last.”
“Oh I think not. I’ll keep you right here all night if I must.” 
“And how are you going to do that?”
“I could tie you up again, it worked well for me before.”
Maria smiled at his insolence, “Would you like to take a walk in the gardens?” 
“Of course, Princess.” 
And don’t worry about what happened between them in the garden, it was nothing too substantial. Just know that no one saw neither of them return until well after the party had ended.
The next night, Maria did her best to dance with all the young De Noir gentlemen she could. (The term gentlemen is applied very loosely, here. Maria could not help but find him in the crowd after each one had taken up her hand, and sent him a victorious smirk. 
She had only succeeded because she kept her eyes on him, her new found Robin-sixth-sense never allowed him to slip out of her sights. But when her partner had been switched with Richard, Maria knew she was in danger. 
Richard spun her around and round in circles until the Castle hall became a blur of black and red and white. When he finally stopped, she was so disoriented, she had no way of telling of what was up or down. 
As Maria whipped her head around, Robin was no one to be seen. 
“Richard, what-?”
“Princess, I have to ask, is it true that you threw the pearls away?” He asked.
Maria rolled her eyes, as she had already told him this and he was clearly distracting her. “Yes, Richard, right into the sea!” 
“And when you came out of the sea you were on top of a white horse with a horn on its forehead? A Unicorn, one might say?”
Maria sighed, yes, she had woken up on the back of a horse with a horn on its forehead, but she was unconscious! Anyone could have pulled her out, and tied what was obviously a fake horn to its head. Strange, but that did not mean it was magic.  
“And yet, you still don’t believe there was a curse?”
“Richard, if I ever believe in curses, call a doctor, because I will have lost my mind.” 
“Sure, Princess.”
Maria rolled her eyes, but her head had stopped feeling so dizzy, so she chanced a look around. Only, Robin was nowhere to be found. Where on earth had he gone? 
“May I cut in?”
Richard giggled, and Maria sighed as she was passed off to David. 
“David, where is he?” Maria asked, with a single brow raised. 
David shrugged, but led her through the steps.
What she had not realised was that Richard had led her to the very edge of the grand hall, and David was carrying her the rest of the way. When he let go of her hand, she was at the door, with Henry waiting on the threshold, his arm extended to her. 
She looked back over her shoulder, finding her Uncle and Loveday engrossed in themselves at the head table. She smiled, her absence would not be noticed. 
Henry led her out into the darkened hall, but she did not have to guess where they were going, as she and the Coeur had gone down this hall many times before.
Maria thanked Henry when they reached the door, and when she opened it, the greenhouse was lit up with moonlight. 
Maria found her way to the stone bench where Robin sat.
“The party is inside.” She said, her smile meeting his own when he turned towards her.
“Yes, but I’m still debating whether or not you should be there.”
“Oh?” Maria crossed her arms. “Because I’m promiscuous?”
“Yes, and I much prefer having you to myself.”
Maria shook her head. “And yet you have not. I’ve danced with at least ten others. Your awful friends not included. I’m rather thinking of going back now, and having some more partners-”
But before she could say another word, Robin leaped up, and took hold of her. His hand around her waist, his other unbound her arm from their crossed position and he led her into a new dance. 
Maria jolted, her free hand clasping his shoulder as she turned her eyes to their feet. 
“It's a De Noir dance, you won’t know it.” Robin tapped her chin, encouraging her to look up. “Let me lead.”
And she did. 
There was no music, and the steps were rather complicated. At one point they separated and returned, Maria spun into his chest and looked sheepishly up into his eyes. He did not laugh, or tease her in any way, but simply smiled. 
They stopped, and Maria felt her heart begin to pound in her chest. 
“Princess, I-”
But she stopped him, pushed to the tips of her toes, she leaned up and kissed his cheek. 
In both their opinions, the De Noirs threw a much better party. 
Maria used to be a sheltered London Lady, born and raised for polite society, proper and rather unfit for the countryside. She grew up in the month from her father’s death leading up to the breaking of the curse, not that she would ever believe she had broken any curses. She had found freedom in the forests of Moonacre, a more attentive father in Sir Benjamin, and a rather odd extended family in the De Noirs. 
She fell in love with Moonacre Valley, no matter which side of the border she was on, in Castle Black halls, or sleeping in Moonacre Manor’s tower, Maria found a home and a family. 
As the years passed, she became a fierce advocate for both sides. She helped the tenants of Silverydew come to terms with the fact that the De Noirs were not devils - devilish as they may be - and the De Noirs found new purpose in guarding the forest rather than frightening everyone away. 
She was beloved by both families, and no one could deny that she was Princess over all of Moonacre. 
Talk of magic made her roll her eyes, the mention of curses made her scoff, and if anyone asked about pearls, she laughed them off. 
Unless, of course, it was Robin. 
Though he only broached the topic of pearls once, many years later. 
He handed Maria a long, black box, and while he tended to bring her presents like a faithful crow, she was used to them being unwrapped and small. 
“What's this?” She smiled fondly. 
“Open it, Princess, and find out.”
Maria wasted no time in releasing the bow and pulling off the lid. She gasped, as inside was an exact replica of the pearls she cast into the sea. 
“Oh Robin, I completely forgot about the pearls!” Then, she moved her hair over her shoulder, and he clasped them around her neck, kissing her shoulder as he did.
“Only you would completely disregard magic pearls.” He said, and she laughed, before saying there were never magic pearls. 
Of course, what no one realised over the course of hundreds of years, was that the Merryweathers and De Noirs were not born enemies. They were made. And, if anyone had taken the time, they would have seen how well matched the De Noirs were for the Merryweathers. 
As Family, as friends, and as lovers. 
And yes, Sir Benjamin did eventually give in and allowed the marriage contracts to be drawn up between his daugh- niece and the Coeur De Noir’s son. But only after Maria herself had stormed into his office, crossed her arms and glared at him so furiously he was terrified she herself would cast a curse over him. Pearls or not. 
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s10e3 soul survivor (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
(i feel like eugenie and brad episodes have been on the better side of things generally? that's why i tag the writers in the post so i can theoretically go back and get a ~feel~ for how i felt in an organized fashion esp since i can't remember episodes names/numbers for shit)
priest blessing?? whatever the blood to de-demon dean also inexplicably has an accent
dean, i'm begging you, please bring your voice back up a smidge. also i really thought the demon arc was longer! probably because fic is fleshing out all that potential they left hanging
oh, jackles directed this one. he shoulda given himself notes that he's... coming across very forced in this little chat in the chair. :S
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oh, sam. padalecki's been coming through on the worn down and emotional
DEAN Sam, I know you think you’re gonna try and fix me, but … did it ever occur to you that maybe I don’t want to be fixed? Just let me go live my life. I won’t bother you. What do you care? SAM What do I care? DEAN You think I’m just gonna sit here like Crowley? Getting all weepy while you shoot me up? Well, screw that. I don’t want this! SAM Yeah, I pretty much figured that out
dean's turn with the soulless(ish) desire to stay as such
speaking of forced, this weird romantic-ish tension they're trying to do with hannah and castiel is weird
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margiekugel's got a neon sign and everything, fancy
Margiekugel is a beer from Wisconsin created for the show that is named after Production Designer Jerry Wanek's mom (see Leinenkugel).
okay so i thought the whole deal for the dude's wife/crowley wanting dean to do it was strange, well. okay, sam. but we know scruples go out the window when dean needs saving
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cracked me up. lurking in the bushes yelling out a correction. also, jared, i can see your gum, dude -_-
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i'm kinda seething along with sam because like yeah dean's trying and probably succeeding at getting under sam's skin but he's also saying stuff that isn't true and you know what a fucking uptight ass i am about things like that :p
DEAN Let me ask you this, Sammy: If this doesn’t work, we both know what you got to do to me, right? You got the stomach for that, Sam?!
or we could shaun of the dead the situation
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LOL i was wondering if there was a throne. also, i paused twice because i thought the background hell-wailing in the show was one of my kids upstairs crying for me 🥴 almost a third time but i stopped myself
CROWLEY I was thinking of better days. DEMON Yes—your sabbatical. CROWLEY My what? DEMON Uh, we were worried, of course. Your misadventure with the older Winchester was quite the topic of speculation. Uh, if you’ll forgive my boldness… I could now be your wingman.
i'm just. having a hard time believing crowley was really that starry eyed over demon!dean? he's a permanent flirt but also very practical and not exactly sentimental. oh, is he still doing the human blood thing? i haven't really wrapped that into my little character model in my head for him :p
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forced to have a semi-scenic stop and chat
this is so strange. he's not interested, she's making good points but then gets all grabby and close like she's gonna go in for a kiss or something
DEAN You notice I tried to get as far away from you as possible? Away from your whining, your complaining. I chose the King of Hell over you! Maybe I was just … tired of babysitting you. Or always having to yank your lame ass out of the fire since … forever. Or maybe … Maybe it was the fact that my mother would still be alive if it wasn’t for you. That your very existence sucked the life out of my life!
very effective at pushing every sore spot and insecurity. sadly didn't get much feeling out of me other than stress on sam's behalf. i fear they've broken some of my emotional attachment to the show somehow
DEAN You never had a brother! Just an excuse for not manning up. But guess what: I quit. SAM No. No, you don’t. You don’t get to quit. We don’t get to quit in this family! This family is all we have ever had!
only way to quit is to die. but even then it's probably not gonna work
self immolating demon, ok. that seems very specifically not demon like, in the slightest???
CASTIEL Just … I’ve been around humans for long enough to see how easily distractions occur. HANNAH “Distractions.” CASTIEL Emotions, feelings … They’re dangerous temptations.
and they're going to try to help save dean because... nothing to do with emotions or feelings on castiel's part? what. just because you're not interested, don't go blaming it on having ~distracting emotions~
is it time for hannah to die? is she gonna... reup castiel's grace?
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how old is that pie??? ew.
it's the mushy familiar music again, but this time... strings? so we've had piano twice (that i noticed), some horn-ish thing and now like.. cello?
i do appreciate that we have more pictures, with bobby and the boys as grownups together too. and it's sweet that they can just use s1 happy behind the scenes type pictures and make it sam and dean
oh, crowley can steal some grace so we don't have to have a moral crisis
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(mushy music came back briefly during the chat through the door before dean broke it down)
so i did know about the hammer via fic. jackles seemed to be having fun being on his little merry violent hunt. made think (the little i know) of his character in the boys
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CASTIEL Well… I see his point. You know, only humans can feel real joy, but … also such profound pain. This is easier.
(mushy music AGAIN [piano variation] at the end of dean and cas's conversation)
DEAN What did Sam say? Does he want a divorce?
very normal joke (??) to make about your brother, especially when you basically had a handfasting ceremony in a church along with the other 10 years of things like that. but we're the josie grossies for shipping it. uh huh
CASTIEL I’m sure Sam knows that whatever you said or what you did, it wasn’t really you. It certainly wasn’t all you. DEAN I tried to kill him, Cas. CASTIEL Dean. You two have been through so much. Look, you’re brothers. It’d take a lot more than trying to kill Sam with a hammer to make him want to walk away. DEAN You realize how screwed up our lives are that that even makes sense?
that "you're brothers" feels tacked on to make it seem less weird
DEAN I’m glad you’re here, man. CASTIEL Hey, maybe you should um … take some time before you get back to work. Allow yourself to heal. It’s, uh … I don’t know. The timing might be right. Heaven and Hell—they seem reasonably back in order. It’s quiet out there.
does that means it's time to trigger another apocalypse? surely need at least 3 running subplots as well. i have no idea actually, i avoid too plot specific stuff of the later seasons in fic these days so i'm not sure what's on deck
they could have milked demon!dean for more in a lot more fun ways (which i surely would have complained about, "don't tempt sam with demon blood 😭") for longer, remain surprised how quick they wrapped it up. they dragged out lying about stabbing jewel staite for HOW MANY EPISODES???? lol
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unforth · 2 years
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I posted 1,378 times in 2022
363 posts created (26%)
1,015 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,376 of my posts in 2022
#art - 435 posts
#unforth rambles - 374 posts
#spn - 122 posts
#tgcf - 104 posts
#cql - 87 posts
#meme - 84 posts
#dmbj - 82 posts
#random - 81 posts
#destiel - 70 posts
#svsss - 57 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#dear tumblr thank you for treating me like a fucking adult and letting me call bullshit and swear like the new york city native i am
My Top Posts in 2022:
My five year old just said "don't they know lava is good? It makes new islands" while watching Moana and with a single sentence completely changed how I see a movie I've watched about a billion times.
450 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
Every time I see a "Wei Wuxian isn't morally gray!" post I kinda want to interpret it as "He's morally black!" Because the alternative is to believe that so fucking many of you read "Wei Wuxian forced Wen Chao to self-cannibalize his legs" and went "this is a morally white action because I like Wei Wuxian and I don't like Wen Chao and also Wen Chao was mean first" and like literally drive me to despair that I share a fandom with so many people who think that's completely okay because Wen Chao was a bad guy so any level of harm to him is justifiable.
589 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
Heyo Danmei Fans and Twitter Refugees!
Do you love danmei? Do you love fanart?
Hi, I'm unforth, and I also love danmei and fanart, and I wanted to just make a huge gorgeous pile of art and roll around in it so I've made and run for years eight, yes eight, side blogs of danmei art, all with the kind of organization and searchability that twitter can only dream of.
So, if you want to flood your dash with fanart (or if you're an artist and want a little assist getting more eyes on your work now that you're posting here - you can DM me or @/me), why not consider giving a follow to...
Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/The Untamed: @mdzsartreblogs
Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official's Blessing/Eternal Faith: @tgcfartreblogs
Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong/Scum Villain's Self-Saving System/Scumbag System: @svsssartreblogs
Erha he Ta de Bai Mao Shizun/The Husky and His White Cat Shizun/Hao Yi Xing and Yuwu/Stains of Filth: @erhaartreblogs
Daomu Biji/The Graverobber's Chronicles/The Lost Tomb/Too Many Other Names to List: @dmbjartreblogs
Zhenhun/Guardian: @zhenhunartreblogs
Tian Ya Ke/Faraway Wanderers/Word of Honor and Qiye/Lord Seventh: @tykartreblogs
Literally Everything Else I Can Find (especially works by Meng Xi Shi, works by Priest, manhua on Bilibili, books by Fei Tian Ye Xiang, books by Please Don't Laugh (so yes, baihe too!), and so much more): @cnovelartreblogs
All blogs run on a queue; I post at a "the queue will last for 7 days" rate that changes more-or-less every day and varies from 30 to 40 posts a day (mdzsartreblogs) down to 1 to 2 posts a day (zhenhunreblogs) and everything in between.
Note that these spaces are all ship and let ship, don't like don't interact, and pro-kink. (I won't reblog everything, but I do reblog almost everything, and even if I'm personally too uncomfortable with something to reblog it - I SUPPORT YOU.) I tag extensively - you can check the pinned post on each blog for currently used trigger warnings (they're consistent across all the blogs) and many of the other tags I use for characters, ships, etc., and I strongly encourage you to use the tags to find That Rare Thing You Love, and also to blacklist anything that's not your thing. Antis kindly fuck off challenge.
Welcome to Tumblr (or welcome back, as the case may be), don't be a stranger, like and reblog works to support artists, and have fun!
(help signal boosting much appreciated. <3 )
668 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Saw a pic that reminded me of my favorite head-canon-i-forget-isnt-canon for TGCF.
Hua Cheng chose the San Lang form because that's how he wishes he looked when he first met Xie Lian. Like, Xie Lian is 17, a prince, an amazing martial artist, dressed in the finest robes in the kingdom of Xianle which specifically esteems luxe stuff. And fucking Hua Cheng has to meet him as a ratty little bandaged boy who just fell off a building. Way to fuck up the meet cute huh?
So when he gets a second third fourth look ive lost count okay chance to meet his idol he's had 800 years to imagine how he wishes it could have gone. And he ends up having two competing fantasies:
Fantasy 1: the suave mysterious stranger who sweeps Xie Lian off his feet and leaves him wanting more.
Fantasy 2: the sweet good-looking boy next door, about the same age, knowledgeable enough to impress this prince who's strengths are physical and social.
And Hua Cheng, being the extra ghost king he is, decides - ¿porque no los dos? - and enacts BOTH those fantasies.
(Something something not all eggs in one basket?)
And that's why San Lang Looks Like That.
905 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sometimes I think this is the darkest timeline and then I see the New York Times literally sharing Goncharov fanart
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(art is credited to Elena Asofsky, no idea what their Tumblr name is, sorry. Article is here.)
...and I realize that the timeline can always get darker. (but it will never be as dark as the end of Goncharov, wtf was up with that?)
3,224 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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J'ai publié 1 761 fois en 2022
C'est 1 761 billets de plus qu'en 2021 !
147 billets créés (8%)
1 614 billets reblogués (92%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 745 billets en 2022
#sylki - 203 billets
#loki series - 152 billets
#lovie - 150 billets
#sylvie - 132 billets
#loki show - 116 billets
#loki - 108 billets
#mcu sylvie - 104 billets
#mcu loki - 101 billets
#pro sylki - 96 billets
#loki and sylvie - 87 billets
Tag le plus long : 140 caractères
#the fact she looks like a normally proportioned woman and the hulk transformation makes her look like a supermodel that hasn't eaten in 3 da
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
i have terrifying statistics for 2021.
in 2021, 0 cishet people have been kicked out of their home by their parents for being cishet.
0 straight people in the world couldn't marry each other because they were straight.
0 cishet people have been seen as criminals by they countries for being cishet.
0 cishet people have been killed or ashaulted because they were cishet.
0 cishet people have been bullied and harrassed for being cishet.
It is so terrible. We need a Heterosexual and Cisgender Pride.
744 notes - publié le 26 août 2022
Stop fanfictions and posts where Achilles calls Patroclus "Pat". Achilles would never call Patroclus "Pat". Achilles is the only person in the world to pronounce the name Patroclus well, to detach the syllables well, not to say it at full speed until it is just an almost inaudible word. He pronounces it with love and care, and Patroclus loves it. So Achilles would go on forever, pronouncing his name as if it was his favourite word - and it probably is. No diminutive. Just Patroclus.
847 notes - publié le 25 octobre 2022
I was on Tumblr's Heartstopper tag and my six-year-old cousin came and sat next to me. she started looking at my phone ("Marion, je veux regarder avec toiiiiiiii !") and inevitably, there were pictures and gifs of Charlie and Nick (💙) kissing, and the same for Tara and Darcy (🧡).
after five minutes, after several gifs of Nick and Charlie, she asks me "are they two boys?". I tell her yes. she answers "but they kiss?" and I say yes, because they are in love. "boys in love with each other?". "yes, there are plenty of boys in love with each other in the world". "Oh, I didn't know". several minutes passed in silence. then, after a gif of Tara and Darcy, she says to me "and there, these are two girls in love with each other?" and I answer yes. she told me that she believed that girls were necessarily in love with boys and vice versa. I explained to her that there were also boys who liked boys, girls who liked girls and people who liked both. she said "oh okay" then spent the rest of the hour, until lunchtime, cheering and smiling at every Heartstopper post we saw. she let out "ohh so cute!" and insisted on putting likes under the photos and gifs of Tara and Darcy and Nick and Charlie herself.
there is nothing complicated in explaining homosexuality and bisexuality to children.
857 notes - publié le 24 juillet 2022
if you think forcing an 18yo to come out before he is ready is activism, then just go fuck yourself. you're not helping the community, you're not helping anyone. you're just a bully.
3 483 notes - publié le 2 novembre 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
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Istanbul, Turkey, September 21, 2022 • Beirut, Lebanon, September 21, 2022
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Paris, France, September 25, 2022 • Berlin, Germany, September 23, 2022
Voir l'intégralité du billet
4 586 notes - publié le 26 septembre 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
I am sorry for the post in french haha, I'm french so that's why it wrote it in french
It makes me laugh that my own blog is in my most reblogged blog because I often reblog my own posts lol (to add something, reply to reblogs or just because it took me time to write and actually want more people to see it)
Billets = post in french, étiqueté = pinned, billets vedettes = most popular posts, créé/reblogué = created/reblogged, publié = posted.
I am proud of the blogs I reblogged the most, because they all are amazing ^-^
And I am also proud that Sylki related tags are the tags I used the most hehe ! (I expected queer tags to be in the list but I think it's because I reblog queer posts very often without tagging them). Proud of my most popular posts too ;)
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keicordelle · 1 year
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An Arrangement of Convenience, Ch. 2
Fandom: FFXIV Rating: E Pairing: Estimeric Word Count: 1.4k Tags: Pre-Canon, Temple Knights Days, Friends with Benefits, First Time Together, Awkwardness, Relationship Discussions, Establishing Boundaries, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Consent, Oral Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, POV First Person, POV Aymeric de Borel
Summary: Before they were the Lord Commander and the Azure Dragoon, they were Temple Knights. Before they were lovers, they were friends. Before their feelings grew into something more, they came together when there were no other options, in an arrangement established entirely out of convenience and mutual attraction.
Aymeric knows full well he's not the only man in the world attracted to other men, but he never expected his best friend to reveal that not only is he aware of Aymeric's preferences, but he shares them. When Estinien proposes that they might find pleasure with each other when the need arises, the offer seems to come straight out of Aymeric's fantasies. If they could maintain such an arrangement without ruining their friendship, it would be everything he'd ever dreamed of... But if they couldn't, he risked losing the only friend he'd ever had who saw him as more than a novelty. Because once he said yes, one way or another, everything was sure to change.
I spent the next two days thinking of nothing but Estinien's offer. I had done as he'd suggested and taken care of my body's demands before I'd returned from my bath, spilling myself into my hand with more force than I ever had before, and yet every time my thoughts circled back to the brush of his hands down his chest or the white patch of hair in the hollow under his arm or the weight of his gaze on me, I found myself just as hard as I had been with him before me, which was not at all conducive to thinking clearly about his suggestion.
Estinien carried on as if nothing had happened between us, every bit the friend he had been up to now. I found it was not as difficult as I'd feared to treat him normally in turn, and if I occasionally pictured the skin I knew to be hidden under his armor when I looked at him, well that was not anything especially new. It was simply that now I knew for certain that he had a scar across his left side and that his nipples were a rather pleasant shade reminiscent of cinnamon - and, more importantly, that he welcomed such thoughts.
In the evening on the second day, I gathered my courage and approached him while we readying for bed. "I'd like to take you up on your offer."
He looked up from oiling his armor, needing no clarification as to what offer I meant. "Are you certain?" he asked, eyeing where my hands wrung themselves. "I would not wish you to do anything you'll regret later."
I forced them still. "I am sure. As long as our friendship remain intact, I see no reason why two friends can't help each other with their physical needs." I still worried that we might tarnish our relationship, but if he could make such a proposal and still look at me the same way afterwards, then I could learn to do the same. "And don't worry, I'm not some repressed virgin whose purity you must worry about sullying," I joked. "Despite what some of the others say."
He snorted. "If I thought you were a virgin, I would never have proposed such a thing. So much the better that we both know what we like, and might explore new territory together, if you wish. Although," he added with a wry grin, "seeing as how you were wound tighter than the string of your bow the other day, I'd argue that perhaps 'repressed' is an accurate term."
Read the rest on Ao3!
0 notes
w-stote · 2 years
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J'ai publié 723 fois en 2022
C'est 600 billets de plus qu'en 2021 !
27 billets créés (4%)
696 billets reblogués (96%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 36 billets en 2022
#19天 - 2 billets
#rant - 2 billets
#asexual - 2 billets
#i am just irrationally angry at the moment - 2 billets
#i am into something i think - 2 billets
#genshin impact - 2 billets
#me rambling - 2 billets
#for writing purposes - 2 billets
#19 days - 2 billets
#the silmarillion - 1 billet
Longest Tag: 63 characters
#the only thing i can do is wait on the phone that never answers
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
Ok so everyone know about the meme that every popular artist has their NSFW art side account. And in my mind it makes sense. NSFW shit is usually weird position and nude character involving more than one character so of course drawing lot of that can improve your art... So I kinda wanna try that.. like the NSFW side account thing to help me with my drawing skills. Because why not? Anything to improve my skills. But then I remember I am a most-of-the-time-sex-repulsed asexual. I might have a problem with that idea...
5 notes - publié le 7 août 2022
7 notes - publié le 1 janvier 2022
Ayaka and thoma being best friend
I think its already well established for the one that doesnt ship ayaka with thoma that like... they are both fruity, but what about the fact that thoma is pratically Ayaka's maid and that Ayaka is pretty lonely? Well let's combine the two together! Thoma has become over the time Ayaka's confident and closest friend.
headcanons under the cut :3
i dont think there is a precise moment that Ayaka and Thoma became best friends.. or even friends.
Like the Kamisato family "adopted" Thoma when he was still young and Ayaka was still a kid too.
So they pretty much grow old together. At first it was a really distant relationship. The one of a child learning to be a noble and the one of a childe learning to be a servant.
But then Ayato started to make sure that Thoma still had fun
he is still a kid/teen after all
Then they started to talk a litle bit more... and more importantly play together...
the other maids and servants where always speaking about how cute they were together and how well mannered Thoma was around Ayaka
in fact the well manneredness came from a place of not wanting to hurt Ayaka. He had no trouble to see her strentgh and that she could take Thoma's full force.
but Ayato was scary when his sister was hurt
playing over the time started to change into training.
technically being a servant Thoma didn't have the "right" to train at the same level as the Kamisato heirs.
but again Ayato played his card and made sure that Thoma was well educated and trained
Thoma was grateful and he did his best to learn as much as possible
he even started to get ambitious. and thats how he became a housekeeper as well as a fixer
(sorry for the outburst i am just very excited about this part)
OK so over the years Ayaka realised how lonely she was with no friends and just her duty and limited power in her hands
Thoma comforted her many times when the pressure was too much or that the solitude was unbearable.
she helped him too, making sure homesickeness was healed by importing mondstat specialities or bringing him wherever he wanted to go in inazuma
but they didn't really called themselves friends.
that made people speculating things... two young persons being so close to each other and not calling themselves friends? must be romantic feelings involved.
but then Ayaka met the traveler
she realised what friendship meant and that Thoma and her were friends.
She started to be more honest with Thoma and talking about things she only thought in the past...
like gossips she heard.. or secrets she found in the archives of the kamisato's
Thoma fueled the rumors she provided with things he heard on the street or with the other housekeepers
At some point they started talking about love. But not between them
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13 notes - publié le 26 mars 2022
Ok so everyone is screaming about tianshan and like i get it BUT LEARNING ABOUT JIAN YI'S FATHER IS MORE IMPORTANT FOR ME!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YEARS
23 notes - publié le 3 décembre 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
Chiluc hc part 4? :)
(I had an writer block for the past 2 month I am trying to beat it into submission)
I have this idea of Diluc going to Snezhnaya to beat some fatui everytime a mild inconvenience happen in his life or in Mondstadt in general
Adelaide is sick? That's the fatui's fault
The grape harvest wasn't that good? Elzer is ready to see Diluc leave to kick some fatui's ass
Flora didn't sell enough flower? Must be the fatui
Bennett has been missing for 5 days? Those damn fatui!
The stray cats in the city had not been fed enough?! Diluc is already in the snow fighting some fatui.
Needless to say. Diluc is more often that not in Snezhnaya
And the fatui's after the 3rd wave this MONTH are starting to not have enough men to fight him.
So they turn to the Tsaritsa
She has someone in mind to take care of this strange man screaming vengeance in the Snezhnayien tempest.
(she knows damn well it's diluc because of dottore talking to her about him)
She has a harbinger that has the fighting spirit of one hundred men and the battle capabilities of fifty generals.
So she send him the moment she hear about the stranger coming back
Childe was thrilled to have a fight that left him breathless and heartful.
He never won. But somehow, the stranger left every time after winning.
He didn't fight or killed anymore fatui.
Once the harbinger was down and ready to use foul Legacy, Diluc would pull a trick that made Childe impossible to move long enough for the red haired man to leave the battle ground
Only to come back weeks after
Since the first fight, Childe could reach out to those red locks only in his dream.
Until he could. For real.
Those red hair falling all around them. Creating a curtain of intimacy in the little bedroom of an inn lost between two icy mountains.
It is funny when Childe remembers it.
That night. Something had shifted during combat. The blow against him were hitting harder than usual. He knew something was askew
But how could he stop himself?
Finally his opponent that won all the previous fights was hitting like never before.
How could Childe not fight back as hard and as ferocious as dying lion?
So Childe fought back like the dying lion he wasn't.
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39 notes - publié le 10 juillet 2022
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Betrayal (2)
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Part 1
Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Crossover of Spooks and Pilgrimage (Modern AU)
Pairings: Lucas North x OC/Raymond de Merville x OC
Warnings: Love triangle. Angst. Language. Smut. Cheating.
Summary: Amy Holland is Lucas North's girlfriend of six months. Amy is aware of his job as an MI-5 agent and supports him. However, Lucas' cousin, Raymond de Merville, has always loved Amy and uses their one night stand together as leverage for something more.
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in. I'm gradually removing people from my tag lists who do not interact.
I don't normally write about cheating as it's just not something I particularly feel comfortable with, but I really wanted to write something with these two in this situation, so I hope that this came out well.
The character of Amy Holland is from all of my Spooks fics with Lucas.
It had happened again.
Amy woke to see Raymond lying next to her, facing her, but with his eyes closed, still asleep.
She remembered when he had come, over her, dominating her. He whispered that he loved her, and then that whisper turned into a loud groan. Everything was caught up then in that moment as he let his climax wash over him. Even as he lay beside her afterwards, he nuzzled her neck and then kissed down her chest, exhaling loudly, savouring that little time he had with her.
Amy got out of bed and wandered into her kitchen, flicking on the kettle. On the way and she had pulled out an old pair of pyjamas from her laundry pile, and put them on quickly.
Shame racked her again. It felt like poison seeping through her veins into every single crevice of her body, gnawing and whispering, reminding her of how much of a bitch she was. Getting caught up in the moment seemed to be becoming quite the recurrent theme for Amy.
At the dining room table and Amy sat with her first cup of tea of the day and sobbed. The right thing, of course, would have been to tell Lucas. By playing this game, she was making him a fool. She was letting Raymond continue being the cruel bastard he had always been, not only hurting his cousin, but also her. However, Amy know that the sole blame didn't lie with Raymond; he was correct when had said he'd not forced her to sleep with him. All of that had been her own personal, yet stupid, choice.
"That's twice. I'd say you're getting quite attached to me now," Raymond's amused voice came.
Amy looked up, her eyes red and sore.
"Don't tell me that you're feeling guilty all of a sudden?" Raymond scoffed. He sat down opposite Amy, with a smirk on his face.
"Stop being fucking cruel," Amy hissed.
"I never forced you to sleep with me," Raymond replied, leaning in. He said it again, highlighting just how disgusting she was also being. No force on his part, so that meant she wanted it all. Everything he had done to her in the bedroom and she'd wanted it.
"Some way to show a person you love them. You're just possessive, admit it. You don't love me. If you loved me, there's no way you'd come out with half of these hateful comments."
"I'm being the realist here, Amy. There's something between us. There always has been since we first met, and you're too full of guilt to see that. I satisfy you, physically."
Tears carried on falling down Amy's cheeks as she realised that all the words he was speaking were true. There was a force between her and Raymond; it was powerful, immovable. He had a dark edge to him that attracted her, beckoning out her own repressed dark side.
Raymond got up and walked behind Amy, like a predator circling prey. He reached out, his hands drifting down her arms. His fingertips ever so gently brushed her forearms. He positioned his head at her neck, his breath wafting against her.
"Stop it," she whispered.
"You feel it?" Raymond asked. He closed his eyes and drew in her scent. "You feel that between us?"
"Please, stop it," Amy begged.
"I'm not doing anything. I'm recognising what's there."
Amy's self control snapped and she whipped her head around, catching his lips against his. Their kiss was hard, possessive.
Raymond shoved Amy against the table, his lips still locked against hers. He picked her up, positioning her on the table and dragged her pyjama bottoms down.
Everything was happening so fast. Amy didn't have time to breathe. Raymond was on top of her, his breath all over her. Then she felt him force her legs apart and position the tip of his erection next to her.
Raymond let the lust take control and he began moving, pushing himself completely inside her. He stopped for a second, holding her body on the table. Then he withdrew, almost completely, but not quite. Then he slammed into her.
Amy cried out in both shock and pleasure. While pinned to the table, she felt nothing but wave upon wave of intense heat mounting in the very base of her gut. Every time Raymond slammed back into her and the wave got higher.
With each thrust, there was the slapping of skin. Groans filled the kitchen, along with pants and exhales.
Raymond continued slamming into her, over and over, grunting as he did.
Finally, Amy came. White light burst before her eyes, shockwaves racked through her and she shook from her very core. She called out his name as the climax took her upward, soaring on the height of pleasure.
Then it was Raymond's turn. He moaned against her neck, pushing in hard one last time where he stayed, letting that last wave wash over him like a tsunami. He gripped her tight, allowing every last drop of his seed to fill her.
"I love you," he whispered. "Don't lie and tell me you didn't feel something there." He was panting now, and for a second, remained still on top of her.
Amy knew full well that there was something between them both. On instinct, without consciously realising, she kissed his head.
Raymond smiled to himself, trying to recollect the last time a woman had held him after sex like this. Never. It was because he had never allowed himself to be held. There had never been a woman that he felt any deep connection with, in such a manner as this. Amy was all he thought about. She consumed him.
A few seconds later and they both parted. Amy dashed to the toilet and sat on it for a few minutes, staring at the wall. What was she doing? Just to ease an itch and find some physical gratification, she was risking her whole relationship with Lucas, who had been her support and happiness the last six months. She was risking that for a selfish bastard who never saw beyond his own wants and greed.
Raymond maintained that he loved her; he'd told her at least three times now since the evening previous. But how could he love her and continue to treat her and Lucas in the way he was?
Should she come clean to Lucas and explain just how devious his cousin really was? Surely it'd mean losing him. The first time that Amy had slept with Raymond, letting the tide of lust wash her away, and she was certain she had lost Lucas.
Once Amy had emerged from the toilet and gone back to the kitchen, she remained in the doorway. She watched Raymond from behind as he prepared two fresh mugs of tea. Just another kind gesture to benefit him. Amy doubted that any of Raymond's kinder gestures were ever purely altruism. There was always a reason he did the things he did. A pay off was waiting at the end.
Amy disappeared back out of the kitchen and walked into her bedroom, grabbing her phone from the bedside table.
Good morning, angel. Hope you got home safe. I love you.
Her whole body turned into a deadweight and the phone slipped from Amy's grasp. How could she do this to him?
"Lucas texting you?" Raymond asked, coming into the room with two mugs of tea.
Amy sniffed away tears. "Maybe." Then she spun around on the bed and glared at Raymond. "You're really fucking enjoying this, aren't you?"
"I'm enjoying this no more than you are," Raymond replied. There was a cold edge to his tone. Amy had expected him to blow up at those words, but instead he had remained calm.
"We need to stop this."
"I told you. You tell him or I will."
"Do you really expect me to fall into your arms after the way you're treating me?"
"I get what I want, Aim. And right now there's only Lucas standing in my way."
"I'm sure I get a say in this as well," Amy growled.
Raymond merely smirked and looked down at Amy who was sitting on the bed before him. He towered over her and reached his hand to her cheek and cupped it. As always, he felt that shiver beneath his touch and watched her close her eyes. "Your reactions, Aim. You don't see yourself."
Amy bolted to her feet, shoving him away. "Leave, Raymond. I'll tell Lucas, and I'll also tell him how much of a backstabbing, devious bastard you are."
"There were two of us in bed last night, two of us on that table this morning. Admit to him what you've done and the fact you can't keep your hands off me," Raymond scathed.
Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @middleearthpixie @guardianofrivendell @meganlpie @knitastically @asgardianhobbit98 @spidergirla5 @luna-xial @sunflwrnsunnieshine
Richard Armitage tag list: @cryptichobbit
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unohanadaydreams · 3 years
This was originally an ask I answered quite a while ago that I’ve gone back and edited. It went from 1k to 1.6k words so it’s been significantly reworked, so much so that if you’ve read it before, it’s enough of a new piece that you’ll hopefully enjoy reading it again! I’ve edited the original ask to reflect all changes, but believe me--it’s been through a transformation.
But, yeah, I’ve gotten quite a few asks for hurt/comfort Ukitake so this is an offering for all of you!! He only suffers a lil bit. <3
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so close and yet so far from death [1.6k]
Jushiro Ukitake x Reader:
Falling to her knees, Kiyone pressed her blubbering face against the thin door. “He won’t tell us! Not a thing,” she said, like she was struggling to contain a sob.
Sentaro’s arms circling around her waist, he tugged her to a stand.
“We tried our best.” Despite his eyes holding yours, it seemed more a reassurance for the down trodden Kiyone leaning against him.
Your smile was soft when it lifted.
When had they ever failed at keeping their captain first in their hearts and minds?
“Of course, you did,” you said, trying to infuse your thanks into a tender tone. “Thank you for your efforts.”
Relieving them from their post with a squeeze to Sentaro’s shoulder and a ruffle of Kiyone’s hair, you pressed on.
And immediately crouched to the floor, your fingers smoothing over the warm knit blanket tossed in the entry way, your heart squeezing.
Oh, Jushiro.
You smothered your face in the blanket. Breathed in his scent. Desperate to collect yourself with arms full of buttery soft yarn. You waited, crouched and tense, for the knot of tears that pricked at your throat to loosen and dissolve away.
The growing sadness only made the tears spill. How hypocritical of you--wishing  Jushiro would see more than pity in your actions, while you paused here…pitying you both.
With a soft determination, you nodded, brushed tears from warm cheeks.
“Right!” Using the momentum of your renewed hope, you hoisted yourself up, wrapped the blanket around your shoulders, and toed off both your sandals. Your thoughts of ‘poor Jushiro’ left in the doorway with them.
The blanket hugged you, warm and comfortable as you padded across the tatami mat to the backyard. You might have paused longer without the yarn-spun shield--near dead, with Fall smoothly moving to embrace Winter, the garden looked unwelcoming.
The chill of stepping outside slapped at your exposed face in uneven bursts of wind, but you persisted, fingers foisted in the blanket.
You seemed to spot him all at once, as though the slump of his frame had camouflaged him. His bleak mood folding him into the similarly blanched surroundings.
He was without his captain’s coat. The thin, faded kimono he often wore to bed was all that shielded him from the wind’s bite. Strands of his long, bone white hair lifted, like the wind was a mouth, tugging.
You kept your feet steady despite the worry, unsure if the deep concern you felt would cause him to flee; a deer bolting at the first crunch of underbrush.
“Jushiro,” you said. Your voice tensed his shoulders, caused his head to jump as though roused from thought.
Your arms de-tangled from the wool and draped it over his shoulders before you sank beside him. “Your lieutenants are sulking like puppies, you know.”
“Hm. They should be used to it by now,” he said in a melancholy tone that you struggled to hear. Jushiro never spoke about the silly tag team who constantly trailed him like that.
‘Patience be damned,’ you thought. Groaning loud and forceful you smacked your cold hands against your equally frost licked cheeks. “I can’t do it!”
Jushiro finally turned to you, eyebrows raised.
“I can’t stand seeing you so down on yourself,” you carried on, the steam of your outrage warming you, causing your breath to puff in white clouds. “And I’m not leaving until you talk to me!”
He winced, a bitter twist raising his lips at the sight of your hand grabbing for his. “I couldn’t get through the proposal.”
“It was just bad timing.”
His gaze retreated, moving to track flashing scales of sluggish, well-fed koi instead.
“Yes, exactly,” Jushiro croaked. “What if it’s always bad timing? Will you be so understanding when it’s our wedding day that I’m coughing up blood at?”
Your hand tightened around his, rubbing at his pale, thin fingers. “Of course,” you said, trying to contain your frustration. “Jushiro, I love you. I love all of you. Not just when you’re healthy or when life is easy.”
His dark brown eyes met yours for a breathless moment before his hand squeezed back and he laced your fingers together. “You deserve someone like that, -chan. Someone healthy. Who makes life easy.”
You couldn’t have shaken your head with anymore force, wishing you could smash your forehead against his and force every ounce of your feelings through his thick skull. Jushiro’s determination to upend your point tightened your throat.
“No,” you said, voice quivering in frustration. “I deserve the man who proposed to me because he loves me so much he wants to spend his life with me!! I--”
His arms were tugging at your back before you could speak further. Your deep, shuddering breath sucked the cotton fabric against his chest to your lips as you began to cry in earnest.
There was nothing to do but say it once more--”I love you, Jushiro. I do.”
“Oh,” he said, so mournful in his regret. “My dear.”
“Am I?,” you sobbed. “Then why can’t I be your wife, too?”
His hair tickled at your ears as it cascaded over you, his chin sharp against your scalp. “You are--oh, you are.”
He called your name, then again, and again, each utterance more bare than the last. “It’s just like me to forget how far pride forces you from others, isn’t it.”
Jushiro’s lips pressed to the top of your head, the chill of his own tears pooling between the kiss. The proof of his hurt did nothing to satisfy you. But your crying slowed, your arms hugging him, hands meeting behind his shaking back.
“Yes, but you understand now, don’t you? You’re not a sickness I need shielded from.”
Arms almost crushing, he held you tightly, for long minutes that were marked only by soft crying and whistling wind. “Thank you,” he managed after his body had grown steady.
Your tears wet his kimono in a warm pool of relief as he rubbed firm circles against your back. Your hands clutch at his sides, pressing to feel the warm of his body.
“Forgive me, please. I’m just so used to...”--Jushiro grappled for words and you waited for him to wrestle the correct ones down--”keeping it hidden. Only being sick behind closed doors, away from everyone, and coming back when it’s through. There doesn’t seem to be any room for that kind of separation in marriage.”
“No,” you agreed. “I wouldn’t want there to be.”
Tentative, almost too low for you to hear anything but the vibration of his chest, he said, “I don’t want it to be that way either.”
“So, if you understand” you sniffle, muffled by fabric and skin and salty tears, failing at light-hearted. “Are we still getting married?”
Jushiro pushed at your shoulders until you felt the wind drying your tears in a cruel chill. His thin hands cupped your face, thumbs swiping at the damp tracks trailing your cheeks. You did the same for him. “-chan,” he sighed, tender and reassuring. “Would you marry a silly man like me? Through all my sickness and little bits of health?”
Puffs of visible warmth formed between your faces as you chuckled in pathetic, wet hiccups. “Yes. For the second time, yes.”
Jushiro relaxed fully in one large breath as he leaned forward to kiss you, both of you unbothered by the mingling tears wetting your faces or the briny taste of them shared between your tongues.
His hands cradled your back and pressed you fully against him as he deepened the kiss, his head canting to the side. The blanket fell from his shoulders. Tumbling from your reach as you locked your arms around his neck.
Your lips detached from Jushiro’s as a thump sounded from the porch, Shunsui’s voice registering seconds after.
“Well, what did I say, you two?”
Quick enough to bring spots to your eyes, you turned to see Sentaro’s body lying prone against the wood, his fingers shielding a blushed face. Both he and Kiyone looked mortified, yet unable to look away as Shunsui glided toward you.
“C-captain we-we just,” Kiyone said, her teeth chattering in anxiety as she squashed her face with clutching hands, fingers wide enough to allow her eyes an unobstructed view.
“We came to celebrate the newlyweds,” Shunsui interrupted, smoothly raising a large, elegantly decorated bottle of unopened sake. “But don’t let us interrupt you just yet. Sake’s always sweeter with a view, after all. And something tells me it was just getting good.”
Jushiro inhaled deeply as he hugged you close again, but his brown eyes were light, twinkling with humor. “I should thank you to keep that particular gaze away from my future wife.”
Freeing your head with a twist, you eyed Shunsui with a dramatized sniff, your own arms tight around Jushiro’s body. “Sorry, but that was the end of whatever show you were hoping for!”
Shunsui flopped boneless to the porch. With a wink, he began pouring booze into large drinking saucers and you couldn’t help but grin. “Maaa. Just my luck.”
“We’ll be going now, captain!” Kiyone bowed dramatically, tugging at Sentaro’s uniform with enough force to tug it loose from his obi, as she backed away. “We’re so happy for you!”
“Congratulations, captain! I’m the happiest I’ve ever BEEN for you!”
“Everyone’s going to be so excited!!”
“Kiyone! How dare you?! I would NEVER spread this information without our captain’s permission!”
“Wha--no! Captain, I meant when they find out! I would hate even MORE to spread your private information around.”
Your laughter warmed everything inside you. Jushiro’s arms holding you helping just as much.
Thanking them, you and he dismissed them with fond smiles that they took with them, their bickering explosive with relief.
As Jushiro pressed his lips to your cheek and led you to the porch, you were glad for both his and Shunsui’s hand helping you to kneel. Your soul felt so light, without them, you’d surely float away.
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
Me at some people right now
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Here’s some tips for people who consider themselves anti-rw//de.
1. Filter out the RW//DE tag so you don’t see RW/DE posts. This is your responsibility. If it makes you feel attacked to see criticism of RW//BY then prevent yourself from seeing it. Nobody needs to shut up or soften their tone for your comfort. Sometimes even when you don’t seek out RW//DE posts and even when only the correct tags are used, posts will still show up in the main RW//BY tag if people do things like type ‘RW//BY’ without the dashes. That’s a bug in their system, that has nothing to do with us. So filter out the RW//DE tag and you’ll be much, much less likely to see those posts. I would also recommend filtering out tags like ‘RW//BY criticism,’ ‘anti-RW//BY,’ and ‘RW//BY bashing’ to further avoid these sort of posts.
2. Block RW//DE blogs. Sometimes Tumblr will show you ‘recommended blogs’ that are actually the opposite of the things you want even if you have tags filtered out. Once again, that’s a bug in their system, that has nothing to do with RW//DE blogs. However, sometimes RW//DE posters will post RW//DE content with the main ‘RW//BY’ tag or without using the ‘RW//DE’ tag or other filterables. That sucks and I think ‘pro’ and ‘anti’ tags should always be used so people can filter out. However, the response to that shouldn’t be ranting about how all RW//DE posters hate every single RW//BY fan and are trying to force people out of the fandom, when it takes you three seconds to block the person. There are like ten to twenty five frequent RW//DE posters at any given time, you will run out of blogs to ever even see. I personally have blocked likely over two hundred anti-RW//DE blogs and am still getting hate, so if I can do that and still not complain about every single RW//BY fan, then you guys can block the maybe twenty five of us that exist and then just go about your RW//DE free business please and thank you.
3. Don’t make puppet accounts to stalk the people that you claim are ‘trying to force everyone to hate RW//BY’ when they’ve already blocked you. If blogs have a. asked to be left alone. b. actively tried to avoid the fn//dm, c. said repeatedly that they don’t care if others like RW//BY, or d. specifically gone out of their way to try and make it so you personally can’t interact with their stuff, stop trying to interact with their stuff and stop claiming that they - included in statements like ‘RW//DE posters’ and ‘the HT//DM’ - are the ones seeking out members of the fn//dm and trying to force people to not praise RW//BY. How hard is it to just follow the literal tumblr rules and just let people block you? For people that claim to be harassed, some people out here are sure doing a lot of stalking. Please stop stalking.
4. One of the things with anti-rw//de people is that they claim that they’re fine with criticism and critique, but that the rw//de posters and ‘HT/DM are just all such evil cruel liars that they’re forced to defend poor sweet capitalist corporations and the majority straight, majority white, majority male writers who definitely never did anything bad or problematic at all. So here’s a hot tip; STOP TELLING PEOPLE TO USE THE RW//DE TAG if you’re going to immediately lump them in with those people you hate so much. If you see criticism that isn’t tagged as RW//DE, don’t get mad at people and order them to use the RW//DE tag.
5. STOP GANGING UP ON PEOPLE FOR EVEN THE BAREST FORM OF CRITICISM JUST BECAUSE YOU DON’T PERSONALLY AGREE WITH IT, which is something really evidenced in the fact that when RW//DE posters started doing a ‘nitpick November’ game where we posted a bunch of personal opinions or very small criticisms of stuff that didn’t matter that much, anti-rw//de people still harassed us and bullied us and called us ‘pathetic’ and told us to stop being such vile haters wasting our time. Y’all have people in your fandom who have out and out said that they’re ‘no longer taking criticism,’ if you’re so against hiveminds, make an active effort to make people feel comfortable criticizing the damn show even when you don’t personally agree with everything they say.
6. Take the L every once in awhile, for real. No, not every criticism people have against RW//BY or MK//EK is wrong. No, not every criticism people have against the FN//DM is wrong. If you can’t say “yeah, that was fucked up” about some of it, than you are just fooling yourself. If someone says that Miles Luna called Tifa Lockhart a prostitute in a clearly meant to be derogatory way, then said it was because of her outfit, and then lied about it, and your answer to that is either to completely ignore it or wrack your brain for a way to defend it, you are a clown. Take the L. If someone says that Miles Luna said that he wished he’d ‘stuck to his guns’ and did ‘bury your gays’ with Pilot Boi simply because he was popular, and your response is to either ignore it or wrack you brain for a way to defend it, you are a clown. Take the L. If someone points out that Kerry Shawcross said that Ironwood’s new prosthetic symbolized him losing his humanity, and your response is to either ignore it or to find a way to pretend that he actually said ‘Ironwood’s lack of thought and rushing into things is a reason he became a villain’ than you are a clown. Take the L. If someone says “it’s a bad thing that the ‘civil rights / racism allegory’ storyline focused much more on taking down ‘the bad kinds of Faunus’ and taking down ‘the bad civil rights groups’ and taking down the ‘people that fight for their rights in too radical of a way,’ than it ever did on actually showing people fight for their rights,” and your response is either to ignore it or get angry and call them Adam apologists and claim that there are other civil rights groups that we just don’t see that are actually great and that it’s not a problem at all that we never see them because Adam totally was just usurping the cause of the White Fang for his own power and yes for some reason that needed to be ninety percent of the ‘civil rights / racism allegory’ story... You are a clown. Take the L. If a Jewish person says “this fn//dm needs to stop throwing around words like ‘nazi’ or ‘genocide,’ they need to stop using the holocaust to prop up their hatred of a fictional character, they need to stop making light of the horror Jewish and Romani people faced in order to make a point, goyim do not get to ‘make jokes’ or ‘make satire’ about that suffering, and also Coco Adel being based off a nazi is messed up, and also Camp Camp is even more messed up,” and your response is to either ignore it or accuse the Jewish person of antisemitism for daring to point any of that out... You are worse than a clown. Take the damn L.
Some of you anti-rw//des are such overly-defensive people. You can like RW//BY. I have yet to see anyone tell you that you can’t. But by God, please just take note of the above. Because some of y’all fall hard into being horrible people and legit lean into bigotry sometimes in your haste to condemn any and all criticism and defend literally everything in this famously flawed show by famously flawed writers who work for a famously flawed company. Filter the RW//DE tag, block blogs you hate seeing, don’t stalk people, don’t tell people to use the RW//DE tag, actually let people criticize RW//BY even when you don’t agree, and learn to take a loss and say “Yeah, that was pretty fucked up.”
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Hurt // Headcannons
words // 950
warnings // nothing really, maybe a curse word. generally its extremely fluffy
pairing // Måneskin members x GN!Reader
author's note // honestly I had a lot of fun writing this one. I went to the roof (lol) and got really inspired so this got written very pleasantly and I hope you like it
request // yes, here
summary // How Måneskin reacts to their s/o getting hurt
Damiano David
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he will always ask how you are, no matter the injury
"amore, are you alright, did you hurt yourself?"
that's the go to phrase
if it is something small, say a little cut or something, what he does depends on you
he will always have a pack of band-aids close by
especially if you are a clumsy person like me
will literally put a bandaid on your injury like you are the most fragile thing on the universe
if it is a bigger injury he will obviously be more concerned
will try to make sure you are alright, and he will be quick to take you to the hospital if it is serious enough
in case he was the one to cause you pain, after making sure you are alright, I have the feeling he is the type to beat himself up about it
"how could I be so careless, fuck! if I paid more attention this wouldn't have happened"
overall, he would go into fluff mode in seconds
generally Damiano will try to be calm and collected, at least on the outside
he will think about every single little detail, to make sure that you are not hurt, or make sure of noticing any symptoms that lead to a need of hospital, before taking you to it
Thomas Raggi
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i feel like Thomas wouldn't immediately notice that you have gotten hurt
i also feel like most of the times it is him that accidentally hits you when he has those energy bursts
no but like, I can see him dancing with you, like he does, and just hitting you in the face lol
but thomas feels like a very sappy lover in general so when he notices, or you tell him, he will be by your side in an instant
"ok, here is some water, do you need ice? some cream? a kiss?
he says that last one with this very awkward "smile", like please don't kill me
if the injury is more serious, he might be a little more excessive than damiano and all but drag you to the hospital
if you don't need the hospital you will have to non stop reassure him of that for half an hour before he just sits down with you, to hold you instead
"I told you Thomas, the hospital is not needed. I'm fine. You see? it's cleaned up and everything and the bleeding stopped. Now turn the car around."
he will stop to buy you some comfort food 100%
man's got a venus in pisces (yes I am fully driven to write these according to their venus signs) so I bet you his love language is acts of service
will do EVERYTHING to reassure you and make sure you are alright
although he might be a little bad at it lol
but over all he is just an absolute sweetheart
Victoria De Angelis
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victoria will be c o n c e r n e d
she has a venus in aries, just like me, she doesn't know what the fuck to do
i feel like she will need you to tell her what is happening
she will ask how you are, what you feel, if you're hurt, if you need anything but she will not push you in fears of being overbearing
if you tell her you don't feel good or if you are very obviously hurt she is quick to be touchy
she will rub your back or the part that hurts you if needed
she will kiss you to calm you down if you need her to
aaaalways carries some form of first aid kit if you are a clumsy person
"So you just had it in your purse right now? How long?"
"eh, a few months"
is always equipped for your little injuries
for some reason I feel she would be really good at tending to injuries and comforting you when cleaning them up
"I know this stings, baby, but I need to clean it. we don't want you to get an infection"
will cuddle you for hours if that's what you'll need
secretly, her first though is a hospital even if you got the tiniest cut on your finger from cutting potatoes or something
also will make tons of jokes
"yeah well, you won't need to get your finger cut off, so I'd say it's a win!"
Ethan Torchio
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he will be the calmest of the 4
will be very tender but will not show a trace of emotion, really
like he will be too calm
already has memorized where everything is so he is very quick to clean a wound and patch you up
he gives off vibes of a person that is always prepared for something like that
already has all the hospital routes memorized since you guys moved in together, or before even going on vacation
always has a little first aid kit in easy access
he is prepared for a n y t h i n g
and it has nothing to do with whether you are clumsy or not
"hey, it's ok, it's ok, I got you, I got you"
like I can hear him say that, in his very calm voice, while holding you
will be very attentive to make sure not to hurt you more while trying to assess the injury
doesn't have trouble forcing you to the hospital if he has to.
"Y/N, you fell off the ladder, from 3 m high, on your arm, that you can not move right now. Damn right you need a hospital, get your ass in the car"
10/10 would want Ethan to comfort me when I am hurt lol
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast
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