#even with regular breaks and group projects/discussions
learned another lesson of don't judge a book by its cover today
so i signed up for this one thing that's like, social work, in a way, not gonna get into specifics, but that first meeting was today to get it all cleared up n stuff. and there were professional social workers there explaining everything who're gonna be going along with us bla bla bla, and with one of them i was a little wary bc, white old man, you know, though he was really nice with older people it's always a bit tricky to figure out if i can tell them i'm genderqueer?
anyways, i didn't get myself to say my whole "not a girl so he/she/it idc" stuff when we introduced ourselves but i did write my name tag as "biscuit (he/she/it)"
and then later during a break, this guy (?) asks me if, personal question but if he may ask, if my parents are or were punks too. so we get talking about that, apparently he hangs out with various punks (i could def hear that in his speech once i knew tbh) and stuff, and then he notices my name tag.
and then. And Then. he and the other social worker who was sitting nearby like, asked a bit about my gender, listened to my rambled explanation of how i just don't feel like a girl anymore, and they both understand that essentially i'm just me, and the man is like "so your gender is just human" which, yeah :D
and then he goes on that if he could, he'd have his id just say "human" as gender bc really that's nobody's business but his own. and then makes a joke abt how having a rainbow flag outside his house in a small village with conservative farmers is An experience, like when someone asks if he's "gay now" and he just responds "haven't i always been?" and they stare at him in shock
and i, for one, could not he happier. now, mind, i have no idea if he's queer or an alley or just plain cool as fuck, but i know i feel very safe there (the entire group was super chill actually) and his stories are like. fucking superb
also he went to my school so that really just proves how superior it is
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fyonahmacnally · 9 months
Hands On Experience (Kara's First Job)
Based on a tumblr post - read here.
It’s been a long week for all of them, even longer since they’ve all had a chance to unwind and relax in general, much less as a group. Between their regular jobs, their vigilante shifts, and just life in general, months have passed since their last girl’s night. Fortunately, tonight is the remedy to that problem. 
They’re all sitting around Lena’s living room, snacks, wine, and other spirits spread across the coffee table in front of them. Kelly, Alex, Nia, Sam, Andrea, Lena, and Kara are regaling each other with stories of their youth and the trouble they managed to get into. Hearing some of the stories from Andrea about a teenage Lena has everyone laughing and somewhat surprised. The normally straight-laced and stoic CEO was quite rebellious in her teen years. Who knew? Kara sure as hell didn’t. 
As the night continues, the alcohol flows freely and the conversations ebb and flow into different topics. Kara thinks they’ve finally ventured away from the stories of their younger years and she breathes a sigh of relief. She never really did anything rebellious, she has always been more of a good girl, a rule follower. She couldn’t really get into trouble while trying to hide her identity. The two weren’t compatible.
But…not many people know about her first job. The one she got right after graduating college to pay for her first apartment in National City. It’s not something she tells many people. Especially since it came about by accident. She’s not ashamed of it, she’s just not sure how people will react to it. The times it has come out in conversations, reactions have been mixed. Plus, she sighs internally, if Alex is around, she always pushes her to tell The Story™ about the break-in. It isn’t something she likes to share.
Again, not because she is ashamed, it’s just that the way she got the job comes up and okay, that part is embarrassing. People usually laugh, tease her about it. And okay, she can see how it might be objectively funny, but she just…whatever. She’s a grown ass woman now. 
Still, she doesn’t want to tell The Story™ in front of Sam, Andrea, and Lena. She already gets teased by Alex about it and she knows Sam and Andrea won’t let her live it down. And Lena, Rao. They’ve been dating for a few months now and have had sex so they’ve discussed things. Kara knows Lena was a little surprised when she brought so much knowledge to those conversations, but she’s never asked about it.
In fact, of all the people currently sitting in this room, Alex is the only one who knows The Story™. Maybe Kelly because they talk about everything, but yeah. It’s not a story anyone else in the room knows and Kara wants to keep it that way. She’s managed it for years, maybe her luck will continue.
Just as she begins to relax, thinking she has managed to dodge the story and keep her secret for another day, she hears her name. When she shakes herself from her inner dialogue, six pairs of eyes are on her. 
“What?” Kara asks, looking from face to face before her eyes land on her sister. Her shoulders sink. She knows that look, that’s The Story™ look. Fuck. She is not going to be able to escape it, but she has to try. “Did I miss something?” 
Alex grins, a mischievous glint in her brown eyes. “We were just talking about our first full-time jobs. Andrea was under the impression that working for CatCo is the only full-time job you’ve ever had.” She tilts her head and smirks at her now nervous sister. “I corrected her, but that story is so much better when it comes from you. Care to share, Kara?” 
She sighs and drops her chin to her chest, this isn’t what she had in mind when she requested a Girl’s Night with her friends. Not even close. To be fair, she’s a little shocked Alex hasn’t somehow forced this story out before now. She is also definitely not drunk enough for this conversation either, so she makes a decision.
Kara bolts up from her seat, glass in hand. “If I am telling The Story™ I need more alcohol.” She sends pleading eyes to her girlfriend before turning to make a quick exit to the kitchen, Lena following close behind.
“Hey.” Lena’s soft voice, full of concern, breaks the silence. She walks around the island to stand next to her unusually quiet girlfriend. “Are you okay, Darling? If you want me to kick everyone out for the evening, I will. I can have Frank take everyone home.” She smoothes the now prominent crinkle between the blonde’s eyes, waiting for a response.
“No, it’s fine. This was bound to come up in conversation eventually. Honestly, I just hoped it wouldn’t be tonight.” She lets out a long sigh before burying her head into Lena’s neck, breathing in her comforting lavender scent.
Lena wraps her arms around her favorite person, placing a soft kiss to her temple before pulling her close. “You know, I always assumed CatCo was your first job too. We’ve never really talked about it.” She feels Kara pull away with a slight grimace on her face. Their eyes meet and Lena raises a brow at the Kryptonian.
Kara shrugs. “It’s what most people assume. I just don’t correct them.” She chuckles as she pulls the Aldebaran rum from the cabinet and pours a very full glass. Taking a big gulp, she winces at the slow burn moving down her throat. “I suppose I should get this over with, huh? Let everyone get their laughter and teasing quota in for the evening.”
Green eyes watch her curiously, taking in this peculiar behavior from the blonde. She’s seen Kara wary of things, but she’s not sure she’s ever seen her like this. It isn’t apprehension, it seems to be more like resignation, but she’s not sure what to make of it. 
“Kara, you don’t have to tell anyone anything. If this makes you uncomfortable, we can put a stop to it. Just say the word.” Lena says, a fiery determination on her face. 
A warm bubble of affection bursts in Kara’s chest before genuine laughter escapes her mouth. She smiles and kisses the dark-haired woman right on the enticing pout in front of her. “No, no. It’s fine. It’s an objectively funny story, just a little embarrassing. Besides, I’m also curious as to how you will react.” She waggles her brows and places one more soft kiss to Lena’s lips before dragging them both back to the rest of their friends.
The blonde takes a deep breath and reclaims her seat on the couch, Lena’s warm presence next to her and the warmth of the alien liquor in her system finally giving her the courage to expose her current biggest secret.
“My first job was at a sex shop called Cherry Poppins Toys & Trinkets.” She pauses for what she knows will be gasps of disbelief, glancing around the room at the faces of some of her closest friends. True to her assumptions, most of the eyes staring back at her are wide and disbelieving. The only exceptions are Alex, Kelly, and surprisingly, Nia.
Nia tilts her head to the side and takes a sip of her drink before she leans forward, a knowing smile on her face. “Well, there are several things that make a lot more sense now.” The brunette giggles. “When I came to you about that article I wrote a couple of years ago about spicing up things in the bedroom, you knew way more than I expected you to. Now I know why!”
Kara sighs in exasperation. “I’m not nearly as innocent as everyone seems to think I am!” She scoffs, cutting her eyes at her sister in anticipation of what’s coming.
Alex lets out a really loud guffaw, her laughter jostling Kelly and making the rest of the group snap their eyes toward the redhead. “Oh Kara…my dear sweet sister. We all know you aren’t so innocent now, especially since dating Lena, I’m sure.” She smirks at the raven haired woman next to her, chuckling at the middle finger flipped in her direction. “But, please enlighten our friends on how you got that job.” She sips her scotch before leaning back into the cushion, snuggling into her wife’s side.
If looks could kill, Alex would be dead. She’s sure of it. The look she’s getting from Kara is filled with malice and daggers. She just smiles and winks at the blonde. Her mind is at peace, watching Lena absorb this story is worth every bit of ire from her sister. So, she relaxes and waits. Her part of the story will be here soon enough. 
After looking around the room at her friends one more time and get a reassuring squeeze from her girlfriend, Kara begins her tale:
“I was looking online for jobs. I had just graduated from NCU and gotten my first apartment. At that point, I was applying for almost anything because I just needed something to pay rent. I came across this ad for retail sales at Cherry Poppins Toys & Trinkets and thought, why not? How hard can it be to sell toys and trinkets?”
She pauses her story to take a drink of liquid courage, noticing the half smirk on her girlfriend’s face. Shaking her head, she continues:
“A few days later, I got a call from the manager of the store to come in for an interview. The instructions were to go to the back door of the building so I didn’t know what kind of things were being sold until later. I genuinely thought it was toys and trinkets…you know, like a Schwartz toy store.”
The uproarious laughter at that statement yanked her out of her story and she covered her face with a grumble. Lifting her face, she glares at her sister before turning to the rest of the group. “Look, if you guys want the rest of the story, you’re going to have to stop interrupting me. This is serious!” She harumphs and crosses her arms, making the group laugh even harder.  She rolls her eyes and sits silently, waiting.
“Okay, okay. Settle down, let her finish.” Sam chimes in, wiping the tears of laughter from her face before settling back in next to Andrea. The couple share a soft smile before returning their attention to Kara.
“Are you sure you’re done?” She flicks her eyes between everyone before dropping them back onto her hands actively twisting in her lap. “Anyway, I went in for the interview…”
“I opened the back door and stepped inside to what seemed to be a storeroom. It looked pretty normal. Boxes, shelves, labels, nothing to indicate anything outside of the toy store I imagined. The manager, John, came out to greet me and took me into his office for the interview. 
Now, what happens next was a little odd to me at the time and looking back it was obvious, but I was 21 and still not used to Earth’s customs so I just rolled with it. John brought out this…apparatus that was a very lifelike replica of a bare bottom.”
Kara growls as another round of belly laughs interrupts her telling of The Story™. This time she doesn’t say anything. She sits, silently waiting for the laughter to subside. Once it is quiet again, she makes eye contact with each of them trying to convey her frustration.
“Alright. Let’s get ourselves together and listen.” Lena clears her throat, quickly wiping away her own tears of laughter before she continues. “Go ahead, Darling. Finish your story, we’ll do our best not to interrupt you again.” Green eyes glare at the rest of the group before gently squeezing Kara’s leg in encouragement.
She sighs, throws her head back and stares at the ceiling before finally continuing, hopefully finishing this time.
“John had me…spank the bare bottom several times. I wasn’t sure what he was looking for at first, but later he told me that I kept my composure better than anyone else before me. I realize now it was because people probably laugh their asses off. For me it was pretty confusing because I assumed it was for some lifelike doll…which, looking back, I suppose it was.”
She laughs at her younger self. In hindsight, this story is pretty damn funny. If it were one of her friends, she’d probably be laughing hysterically as well. This line of thought seems to release something inside her and she smiles. The rest of the story should be easy.
“At this point, I still didn’t realize that it was a sex shop. I hadn’t seen the store and nothing about the storeroom indicated otherwise. Granted, I should have realized that spanking a prosthetic ass was a dead giveaway, but I’m an alien for Rao’s sake. I’d never seen anything like that in my entire life!
So, you can imagine, on my first day when I walked into the store, I was shocked. It was wall-to-wall dicks, vibrators, and all sorts of contraptions I didn’t know existed. Most of the day was spent with some shade of rosy embarrassment from head to toe. As much as I wanted to turn tail and run right out of there, I needed the job so I stuck it out. I learned a lot about sex and people in those two years I worked there.”
She grins at her friends, pausing briefly to wink at Lena. “Now, the really crazy part of my time working there happens about six months before I started working at CatCo…” Kara briefly glances at Alex before continuing her story.
“It was a Friday morning. We didn’t typically open until noon because the weekends were our busiest days with the latest hours. By this time, I was the assistant manager at the store so it wasn’t uncommon for me to open the store or close up at night. John and I had become friends at this point too so work was actually a lot of fun. Anyway, he had to drive up to our distribution center to sort out a shipment that had gotten delayed and left me in charge. 
Since we opened at noon, I would usually get there around 10:45 to get things ready. However, on this particular day, one of our alarms was triggered. I got a call from the security company that an internal motion sensor was activated. It was shocking because we had very good security and had never had an issue. After telling them to call the police, I headed to the store.
Now, in order to understand the story, I need to tell you the layout of the store. Upstairs was where most of the really risque, more fetish and BDSM stuff was kept. No one was allowed up there without a member of the staff accompanying them. The bottom floor was where most customers stayed.
The layout of the first floor consisted of five zones. Imagine it from left to right. Zone 1 was all the porn DVD’s. Zone 2 was all of our lower end sex toys, all the more tame offerings in the lower price ranges. Zone 3 was the higher end sex toys and more…advanced offerings. It was where the realistic asses were kept.”
She smiles and looks around at her friends, once again winking at her girlfriend. They are all grinning and seem to be amused by her story. Taking a sip of her rum, she sits her glass down, presses a soft kiss to Lena’s cheek and keeps going.
“Zone 4 was the checkout where we spent most of our shift. And finally, Zone 5 was all the wearables - we called it the ‘lingerie, leather, and lace’ section. Each section had a camera directly focused on it as well as various other cameras throughout the store. There were motion sensors that were active when the store was armed and alarms on all the doors. Another bonus is that we weren’t far from one of the local police precincts.
To say that John and I were shocked about the break-in is an understatement. In the 18 months I had been there, we hadn’t had any issues and John said he’d never had any in the 3 years he’d been there before me. This thief was very savvy. They broke one of the windows on the lower level close to the lower end toys in Zone 2. For some reason, the alarms were only set to go off if the upper windows were breached and not these. 
When the thief got in, they pretty much had the run of the store as long as they stayed clear of the motion sensors. Based on what I saw when I got there to meet the cops, the thief was initially after the DVD’s. Unfortunately for them, we keep the discs in a locked cabinet behind the checkout so the cases on the display are all empty.”
Kara chuckles and glances over at Alex, both of them have an amused twinkle in their eyes. She smiles at her sister and proceeds.
“The crook was clever, they were wearing a full bodysuit to cover their face and all their skin so their identity was well masked. When we watched the security footage back, it was evident that when the thief couldn’t get the DVD’s they decided to randomly grab whatever they could. However, instead of going for the high end toys and wearables, the sports car equivalent of goods for sexual pleasure, they stuffed as many of the cheapest, flimsiest dildos, foulest bottles of lube, and random edible things into their backpack. They did all that without triggering any alarms too. It wasn’t until they were climbing out of the broken window that they nicked one of the motion sensors on some of the more expensive products and kicked off the alarms. 
Once that alarm was triggered, I got the phone call and dispatched the police. By the time I got to the store, the woman my sister was dating at the time, who was a detective at the precinct up the street, was there waiting for me. Maggie and I were working through what was taken and documenting all the goods stolen. I still laugh about how many times Maggie had to write the words dildo, edible underwear, and lube in that report. 
What I didn’t know at the time was Maggie texted Alex to let her know the store had been broken into and Alex was making her way there to check on me. Maggie and I had been there for about 30 minutes before we heard a commotion outside the door.” 
She grins widely and nods her head at Alex, giving her permission to take over the telling of the story.
“I love telling this part of the story.” Alex beams, placing her empty tumbler on the table in front of her and leaning forward on the couch. The redhead claps her hands together as she dives into her part of the story. 
“I parked at a restaurant a block or so away. We went there a lot so I knew the owner and I figured we could grab some lunch once everything was squared away. As I was walking toward the scene, I saw this guy running toward me like a madman. There are things flying out of his backpack and he seems like he’s running from something. I pause for a minute and step to the side, not wanting to get taken out by the guy. 
That’s when I realized he was leaving a trail of dildos, lube, and edible underwear in his wake. It was like a tsunami of cheap sex aids covering the sidewalk around us. I had already grabbed my badge so I just called out for him to stop and flashed it up at him. Within seconds, the guy was on his knees in front of me, his palms up and sobbing out ‘It was MeEeEnnE!!! I stole the diLDoS!!!’”
The entire room erupts into laughter. There isn’t a dry eye in the entire place. It’s how this story always ends…lots of laughter and disbelief. When it all eventually dies down, Kara notices that Lena has gotten very quiet and she has a contemplative look on her face. Her plump bottom lip is trapped between her pristine white teeth and there is a faraway look in her malachite eyes.
Nia is the first to speak, pulling them all out of their brief silence. “Okay, I can’t believe you didn’t tell us that you worked at a sex shop before, Kara. This is pertinent information that you’ve been holding back!” She scoffs at her friend. “Also, that was the dumbest thief I’ve ever heard of. He took all the cheapest shit you had instead of the good shit. And…there’s a 24 hour coffee shop right next door to Cherry Poppins! He could have stayed there until the coast was clear and made off with his stash. What. An. Idiot.”
“Seriously! That’s where Drea and I usually go after our Poppins shopping trips.” Sam chimes in, shaking her head in disbelief before catching what she just revealed. She quickly clears her throat and changes the subject. “You’ve been holding out, Kara. You could have given us recommendations! You probably know more about this stuff than Lena does.” She smirks at her friend before looking at Andrea with a wink.
Andrea grins. “Yeah, Lena has been our go-to all this time and you’re the actual hidden expert sitting right in front of us.” The brunette looks over to her childhood friend and laughs. She nudges Sam and whispers, “She’s having some thoughts right now, connecting some things.”
They both giggle and watch as Lena’s hand drifts up to her still captured bottom lip, brushing lightly back and forth against the soft skin. Her green eyes are still glassy and staring past the room currently occupied. Right as they are about to say something, Lena speaks.
“So, this whole time, you’ve been holding out on me?!” Lena’s voice comes out far more breathy and deeper than she wanted. Her eyes suddenly focus intently on Kara’s. “Wait! This makes so much more sense now. This is why you know so much about the…”
“NO!!!” Alex screeches. “Do. Not. Finish. That. Sentence. Lena. Luthor.” She points a menacing finger in the direction of her friend, her sister’s girlfriend. 
The rest of the room laughs, but all of them notice the look of wanton desire on the CEO’s face, the way she is not so subtly devouring Kara with her eyes. It slowly becomes evident that they need to get out of this apartment before they see something they can’t ever forget. 
Lena slowly moves her gaze from Kara over to Alex before a devilish smirk plays across her lips. “Then I suggest you say your goodbyes, Agent Danvers.” She languidly licks her lips and lets her eyes track down Kara’s body again before looking back at the rest of their friends. “All of you should probably call it a night. I have some things to talk to my girlfriend about and we don’t need an audience.”
She pauses for a moment, quirks her brow, and looks directly into cerulean eyes with a smirk. “Unless you’re into that? Seems there’s quite a few things I don’t know about you…yet.”
“Yep, Yes! Okay.” Alex says, bolting up from the couch. “I think it’s definitely time to go.” She grabs Kelly’s hand to pull her off the couch and is quickly followed by Nia. The three of them grab their belongings and dash toward the door.
“Just leave everything, we will clean up tomorrow. Frank is waiting downstairs to see you home.” Lena smiles, her eyes drifting over to the remaining two people occupying the adjacent oversized chair. “That’s your queue to make your way down to the guest apartment. Don’t worry, the penthouse is sound proof so you won’t hear anything.” 
Andrea and Sam both laugh. Having known Lena the longest, they are familiar with her antics. They both roll their eyes as they stand and gather their things to head to the floor below and the apartment they are staying in while visiting National City. 
“I would say have fun tonight, but I don’t think that’ll be an issue.” Sam winks, pulling her girlfriend toward the door. “We’ll see you guys for brunch tomorrow.”
As the door closes behind them, Lena turns and straddles Kara’s lap. As her lips hover just above the blonde’s, she rubs her nose against her girlfriends and takes a deep breath. “I think we have some things to discuss, Miss Danvers.” Kara grins and lifts them from the couch, drifting toward the bedroom. “You’ve certainly been holding out on me and surely you have things to show me.”
And that’s how Lena found out Kara once worked at Cherry Poppins Toys & Trinkets.
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teapartyprincess4two · 3 months
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Okay, someone commented this on my last post & I’d love to continue the conversation.
Reminder: this is just an opinion and I don’t mean to offend anyone 💗 I am not offended or bothered by this comment, I just want to share my opinion. We can all have civilized discussions and it’s okay to disagree!
1. Very true! He HAS claimed to be the founder! They even refer to him as the founder of the brand on instagram posts, promotional videos, and on the update messages they send. But I also don’t understand how him not actually being the founder affects anyone. Literally at all. The world kept rotating, our hearts are still beating, literally no one is going to die over this. It’s fine.
2. Prices vary for multiple brands, not just his. It’s up to you whether you’d like to splurge on something nice or not. Personally, I couldn’t justify the purchase because it’s CHAPSTICK. But, I do spend more money on other items such as foundation (Rare Beauty) or even lipstick/lipgloss (Fenty Beauty). At the end of the day, when you add this item to your cart and type out your card information, it’s your choice whether you actually purchase it or not. Sure he’s advertising his product, but never is he forcing you to finalize your purchase. I’d like to add that you’re paying for the brand and the name associated with it, but if you would just like a chapstick. Just a regular ole chapstick. They sell some (like I said) at CVS and Walmart that do the job just fine.
3. Nowadays it’s very difficult and rare for ANYONE to have a completely original idea. I’m sure he never claimed to have INVENTED chapstick. Instead, he INNOVATED on a preexisting concept alongside a group of professionals (cause let’s be honest you need a team to guide you, especially when it’s your first project) to reimagine and conceptualize his idea. There are actually a variety of aspects that make his product unique. For one, it’s bigger than most chapsticks you find at the store. Secondly, it comes in extremely unique flavors. And lastly, it dispenses differently. So, no, he didn’t “create it all on his own,” but I’m sure he put in the necessary amount of brain power to MAKE it his own. Let’s take a look at other brand owners such as Selena Gomez and Rihanna. Selena and Rihanna didn’t INVENT makeup, they just made their products unique and that’s what people fell in love with. These celebrities have teams working alongside them to fulfill these dreams and ideas, but still work as the FACE of the brand. Nick did and is doing the same thing.
3. I think it was obvious that his brand and product is owned by a company. Unless Nick and his brothers had enough money to literally build a whole factory, gather materials, and then go through the process of hiring an entire staff of employees before ever actually creating and finalizing a marketable product, then yes it’s obvious the product is owned by an outside company. Everyone needs someone to help give them a kickstart, almost like a ‘sponsor.’ Surely none of us believed Nick was actually cutting pineapples and creating chapstick flavors in a secret lab.
4. I can’t speak on the ‘false claims’ this company has made, but even then: a lot of companies find loopholes. Either that, or they lie by omission. And a lot of companies OWN other companies. It’s just business.
5. If you feel personally exploited by Nicolas Sturniolo (he’s literally just a YOUTUBER) because you VOLUNTARILY purchased overpriced chapstick, then I’m sorry to break it to you but you have 1st world problems.
At the end of the day I’m just here to write and read fanfiction and these are just OPINIONS. Take them how you will, disagree if you want to, but cancel culture is gross. Let’s focus our efforts on positive things & if you truly feel the need to scratch your cancelling itch, cancel someone who actually did something wrong. Lol just love each other guys.
I’d like to close this off, and officially end this topic of conversation with this: It’s just chapstick guys. Just chapstick.
Meep moop
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
Sully family Modern au Headcannon
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Avatar modern au masterlist
What the sully family is life in the Morden au with the reader. This will going into some Information of what the sully family life will look, like in a modern au, that reader will not included in this one might be added later on.
Military dad makes sure his family is safe and everything is going well in the home.
He works with young recruits that come wanting to become soldiers or warriors, he does this with tsu'tey as they are in changer of a few groups of teens and young adults.
He has this runs he had started doing with tsu'tey and tonowari, but soon added their sons when they become older enough to join. He is best buddies with both tsu'tey and tonowari.
He will help the kids and his wife with anything they need him to do for them, and he will not say no.
He had good cooking skills and will cook meals for his wives and kids. He will also cook some of the meal when the family go on their camping or rv trips, as he will always have some recipes chosen. He very good with grilling and barbecue meals for the family.
He not very close to his father and mother for personal reason but has a best relationship with his twin brother Tommy. It sometimes a swore topics to discuss with the kids when they started asking questions.
He had changed his career once he become a father wishes to be there, for his wives and kids to make sure he a good father and not a bad father.
wonderful relationship with all his kids but has some times when he will bump heads with them, on some topic and definitely knows lo'ak is his twin.
She a hardworking mom and will deal with anyone who make her mad or insults her wife and kids when Jake not around.
She helps run a clinic that her parents own she will also help at hospital when she called by them. She had become friends with ronal when they were doing internships, they didn't get along well but soon grew close.
She also has this nurse volunteer program she runs with her mother and ronal, that kiri and tsireya attend to and help their mothers. The program was something she enjoyed doing with her daughter, and tuk will help sometime but not all the times.
She will drop everything do help with husband/wife and kids with anything they need or ask her for help on. As this will give her time to bond with them and get time with them due to her busy schedule.
She an amazing cook and when you or jake not cooking she will be preparing all the meal for the family, these were during the times when she was not busy with her work or projects.
She has a good relationship with her mother and will always go visit them on her or with the family. Similar to Jake there are some family matters that swore topic for her mother that attracted to her father and sister.
When she become mother her view on life changed as she now knew, her life will be changing once the kids came into her life and changes will need to be made.
Wonderful relationship with the kids but seems to have a close relationship with her first born child neteyam. There are times when she will bump heads with the kids about any small or big matter, that she wouldn't see eye to eye with them.
A very smart kid who get A's and B's and on the honor toll as well but he still take time, to be a regular teenager and take breaks form his studies. His favorite subjects in School seem to be math and history.
His hobbies are : archery, listen music/collect records, and mountain climbing, reading books.
after school actives : homeworker helpers and honor roll community
He is also very helpful around the house due to him being the oldest, even due you tell him you are fine he will still help around the home. He will help his siblings with their homework and babysit tuk when parents are gone. Him and his siblings will help clean the home during cleaning week.
He will always make sure to spend time with his family and friends, always doing anything his siblings/cousin or he asked to do. He has very close relationships with aonung that has spark many thoughts. He will always defend his siblings and cousin from bullying, even his friends as well.
He has some awards that he has in his room from his competitions that he won or school awards, so do all his siblings as they love displays them in their rooms. You had even held him find a way to show off his collection of record and anything else he liked. Jake and neytiri loved see you and him listening to music.
He has perfect relationships with everyone in his family and outside of the family, but there are times when everything will not always be perfect and there were some issues. When that happened his will give himself space and relax until he was ready to speak and face, anyone as he didn't want to yell at anyone. You had taught him this and he used it when he got older.
She is A and B student and very smart as well, she also on the honor roll with her brother. She spend a good amount of her time being a teenage girl but making sure to stay on her studies as well. Her favorite subject in school are science and arts.
her hobbies are : gardening, collecting crystals/candles, and arts, remarking old clothes into something new.
after school active : gardening club and nature hike club.
Kiri is always every helpful around the as like her older brother, she will baby sit when neteyam was busy with his after school actives. She will make sure everything is in order when she in changer something she learned from you. She will help with cleaning the dish even due you told her she should be doing her own thing, like her brother she will still help no matter what you say to her.
Like her brother she has some awards and collection of crystals and candles, with some books that talk about crystals and tea in her room. You enjoyed her little hobby and thought it was cute Jake and neytiri thought it was wonderful how you and kiri bonded over her collection.
Kiri has a wonderful relationship with everyone in the family, and outside of the home she felt like she was one of them. She seem to be close to you verse Jake and neytiri at times, as when a bully told her she was adopted she came crying to you and then you made it all better. There are times when she will get in fights with her parents and siblings like any other teenage her age and like her brother as well. When kiri mad she will burn some beautiful smell candle and meditation for a whole while playing some music, she will do this until she feels better and ready to talk again.
Lo'ak is a smart boy and not that many given him creed for being that smart, he not on honor roll like his brother and sister but still get good grades. His favorite subject is Pe and chemistry in school.
his hobbies : playing sports/extreme, skateboarding, and video games, mountain climbing.
after school active : mountain climbing club and skateboarding team.
Lo'ak is also helpful around the home as he always love helping his mama around the home, like his sibling you will tell them to be kids but that didn't work on him either. Lo'ak will baby sit tuk and he is a good babysitter he will also take out the trash and recycling for the family. He is a good helper and baby sitter like his older sibling even due he didn't do the same thing as them, he was still an amazing helper.
Like his older siblings lo'ak will have his awards and collect in his room, as he loved display them to anyone who came by and saw them. He had his skateboards on rack that his dad set up for him, so he will keep them safe and no on the ground. You and bond with lo'ak over his love for sport even due you couldn't understand them like Jake or neteyam you, still love he had something that bad him happy.
Lo'ak ahd a good relationship with everyone in the family and love being with his family. Like his older siblings there were times when he bump heads with a family member, and that will be mostly Jake then anyone else. When he was mad he will take his skateboard with a ball sometimes and leave the house for a time being, until he can clear his head and feel better. Once he was better he will come home and speak with who ever he got in fight with that time.
Well she in elementary School so she doesn't have that much to worry about like her brothers and sister. She does have a favorite subject in School and that arts and craft time and classwork time.
Her hobbies : arts and crafts, dressing up, tea parties with his parents and siblings, and mama/mom helper.
after school active : Girl Scouts and after school club
tuk is helper around the home even due she very young, she can still be helper to the family. Even due she given as easy task she still taker her roll serious and will complete it. She will mostly set up the table for dinner and bring stuff to room she had been tasked to, she really love doing that as it made her feel like a big kid. When you will tuk she didn't need to all task she was given but she will say she, wanted to be like her older siblings and your helper so there was no denying that for her.
Tuk had a good relationship with everyone in the family as she love everyone so much, even the family member outside the homes and her siblings friends. There will be time when she will get mad or upset when it came towards anyone, she will hiding away from anyone and not come up until she was ready to talk. You knew of her hideout spot as you found it many years ago, and will bring her snacks like you did for all your kids when they were mad about anything. Once she was good she will come out of hiding and speak her mind and why she was so mad or upset, soon making everything better in the home.
If you will love to see what the sully family home looks like please tell me and I will get everything read with some detail as well. If you wish to see the other couples modern au life here in the book please tell me as well, so I know which ones I should be working on next.
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novlr · 10 months
so, i'm FINALLY finishing out this story younger-me had! I'm super excited about it!!!!
however, I do worry: I was in a fog for the 7 years between when I abandoned the project and when i picked it back up. I REALLY don't want that to happen again when i finish this project!!!
Any advice for dealing with either that feeling, or figuring out a new story to tell after?
It is an astonishing and fulfilling achievement to finish a big writing project. It’s the grand finale to months or even years of diligent work, late nights, and endless edits. But once the dust settles, many of us grapple with a common conundrum: how do you maintain the writing spark and motivation to continue on to our next creative project?
Take time to celebrate your achievement
Don’t be afraid to take a break and celebrate your achievement. This is not merely a matter of pride, but a crucial step in the creative cycle. Give yourself permission to bask in your success, acknowledge the hard-won lessons extracted from the process, and allow them to sink in. A well-deserved break not only marks the end of one chapter but also gives you the chance to find excitement in applying the things you learned along the way.
Find new sources of inspiration
To capture the spark you need to start on a new writing project, you must explore a wide range of places to find a fresh wellspring of inspiration. Dive into books, devouring both familiar and unfamiliar genres, and read voraciously. Step out of your usual surroundings and let different environments stimulate your senses and creative thoughts. Indulge in diverse creative pursuits beyond the realm of writing to spark original ideas and approaches that can enhance your storytelling.
Set new goals and challenges
Reignite your excitement by setting new writing goals and challenges after completing a project. Generate ideas through writing prompts, or writing games. Try your hand at writing in a genre that feels unfamiliar and step out of your comfort zone. Consider taking part in a writing contest or join a writing community to refine your skills and meet other writers. But most importantly, establish regular, manageable writing targets to maintain a steady routine and celebrate yourself every time you achieve a goal.
Join a supportive writing community
A network of motivation and feedback is crucial, and building a supportive writing community can provide that. Engage with writing groups or online forums to create connections with fellow writers. These relationships offer a platform for discussing new ideas and share your experiences. Your writing community keeps you connected to the writing world, but can also inspire new work and collaborations. A strong community serves as a foundation for encouragement, critique, and the shared celebration of each other’s successes.
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crooked-haven · 1 year
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Not all stories have happy endings | Jeon Jungkook Oneshot
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➭ Paring: Jeon Jungkook x (F) Reader
➭ Genre: Angst (16+)
➭ Warnings/Tags: Sad Au, Heartbreak, Sad Ending, Ceo Boyfriend Jungkook, Age Gap, Yelling, Cursing, Lying, mentions of pregnancy, small violence (Jungkook breaks glass)
➭ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are purely coincidental. Also this is my story so please don’t steal!
➭ By: Serendipity_haven (Taexxgukkie & Crooked-haven)
Word count: 1k
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-Author's Pov-
You woke up next to no one. Again. It was recently like that, you of course had your suspicions on whether or not your boyfriend of 4 years was being loyal to you. He was a CEO at Jeon company and he met with quite a lot of people on a regular basis, even his secretary was a young attractive female, she was in his age group, rather than you as you were a good 6 years younger then Jungkook, but love is love and you both don't mind the age gap.
It was currently 9:44 am. You knew he wouldn't be home for hours on end so you decided to make him lunch and surprise him with it.
-time skip lunch time-
You finished up preparing a nice healthy lunch for your boyfriend and stopped when your lie came back to your head. Jungkook thinks you're pregnant, which wasn't a total lie to begin with but you did have a false positive, you don't know how to tell him so you have kept it in and it's been a few weeks. You feel so guilty about it but you hope he understands. You plan on telling him at lunch today.
-Time Skip to building-
You walk into the elevator and push the number 9, that's the floor his office is on. You wait and wait listening to the awkward elevator music until it dings signaling you the doors are open. You walk out, take a deep breath and walk down the hall to your left. You were shaking, you were nervous and you were worried that this lie would ruin your relationship, but it had to be said. You couldn't go any longer with the guilt eating you up second by second.
You were going to knock, but when you saw the time you knew he was on his break already, so you just walked in and spoke happily.
You: "Hi baby! I brought you some lunch for today."
You walked over to his right side seeing he was still working on paper work even though it was his break. Overworking himself was almost like a skill he had. You set down the small containers in front of him and hugged him around his back still not getting any attention from him whatsoever.
You: "Baby take a break you need one." You spoke softly in his ear and kissed his cheek. He stiffened and sighed out of annoyance.
Jungkook: "No, thank you for the lunch you may leave now I'm busy."
His coldness did sting a little but you smiled and tried to look past it.
You: "No Jungkook, I have some things that I need to discuss with you."
He harshly looked up at you, and you're now sitting in the small seat across from him.
Jungkook: "Can't it wait until I'm home?!" He snapped causing you to flinch a little.
You simply shook your head no, giving him a look that made his features soften, but only for a split second before they turned cold yet again.
He sat there staring at you waiting for you to hurry and get it over with, you took a deep breath and started to speak.
You: "So...you know how I showed you those pregnancy tests?" He looked bored.
You: "Anyways...I am not actually pregnant kook..." You said it quickly, part of you hoping he didn't hear it so you could just run far away, but luck wasn't on your side, and you received Karma.
He stood up abruptly and slammed his fists on his desk, causing the glass like surface to shatter a bit. He ignored the pain shooting to his knuckles and yelled at you with dagger like eyes.
He was cold yes, but he never ever rose his voice at you this loudly. You looked down trying to evade his glare, and that only added more fuel to his fire.
Before you could even stand up properly, Jungkook immediately spoke in a harsh tone causing an immense amount of pain shooting right to your heart and head.
Jungkook: "You know what since you're admitting that you lied to me, then that means I can admit my lie to you! I never loved you, and I've been cheating on you." He spoke those words with almost no emotion in his eyes. He didn't care about you anymore. He didn't love you anymore.
With that confession from him, you slowly stood up and nodded. Your heart already shattered into a million broken little pieces but what could you expect? You already admitted to him that you were not the best to be with. He is Jeon Jungkook for fucks sake. The multi millionaire that runs the biggest company in all of Asia. You were just a pesky fly in his way of happiness.
So you did what you thought any logical person would do. You walked up to him and hugged him. Holding in your sad filled tears you hugged him and thanked him for being in your life, for loving you that small bit of time he did. You almost gasped when you felt arms hug you back, until they weren't actually hugging you, they were just moving you off his body so he could shove you away yet again.
You spoke softly, still trying to suppress your tears.
You: "You may not love me but I'll always love you Jeon Jungkook. "
And with that you left, you left so he could move on and be happy. Deep down inside you, you knew you'd never find love and happiness again.
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Woah that was a sad one, so sorry for being depressing but I really did like this. Most Wattpad fanfics focus on the imagination of love, and not what could have happened in sad terms.
Anyways I hope you all have a fantastic day/night and see you soon don't forget to leave a heart~ <3
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heckcareoxytwit · 7 months
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The Formerly-Dead X-Men (consisting of Frenzy, Cannonball, Jubilee, Dazzler and Prodigy) land into a timeline where it was it had the worst kind of robot attack by the Ultrons - both regular-size and giant-size like Sentinels. Frenzy notes that Prodigy must be in agony being around all these minds but though he doesn't know why he feels fine and his powers are completely under control. It's possible the shard in his chest is alleviating the symptoms of his unlocked powers. Jubilee is like that's reassuring and super ominous at the same time. They are almost crushed by the foot of an Ultron-Sentinel but Frenzy and Sam work together to take it out. Prodigy absorbed so much from Cyborg-Moira that he's not sure what timeline they're in so he runs towards a newsstand. He learns from a newspaper that Simon Trask was killed and immediately knows where/when they are. Even though AU Moira MacTaggert did kill the AU Trask family in the timeline, it did not stop anyone from producing mutant-hunting robots.
Then, the group hear the mental voice that sounded like a distress call and Jubilee notes that it wasn't Rachel Summers, it was someone else. The Formerly-Dead X-Men find that the person responsible for the mental distress call was AU Emma Frost. They find this reality's Emma, bloodied and holding one of her students who is unconscious (or dead). Emma starts to collapse and Jubilee breaks her fall, holding her. She asks Emma what happened who is starting to turn diamond for the first time. She's weak and doesn't recognize them. Prodigy says the only impressions he's picking up from her are of the Massachusetts Academy. Jubilee tends to her and asks her what they're up against. Dazzler is concerned they're already changing too much of the timeline by intervening. Emma says she'll show them what has happened.
They find out that AU Emma was present in the meeting with AU Henry Gyrich and AU Hank Pym discussing about the human-and-mutant relations which had gotten worse since the assassination of Trask family. AU Hank Pym wasn't sure about using Ultron as a new forms of Sentinels. AU Emma was against the idea while Henry Gyrich the mutant hater has vouched for the Ultron-Sentinel idea. Unfortunately, the meeting is cut short when Cyborg-Moira appears out of nowhere to kill Henry Gyrich and this prompts the Ultron-Sentinels to attack anyone in its path. The Formerly-Dead X-Men recognize her from AU Emma's telepathic projection but don't understand how she got to this timeline. Frenzy asks Prodigy to scan his mind to see if this happened before in any of Moira's lives and he sadly says no, that Cyborg-Moira just changed everything and he feels it's all their fault for changing the path to begin with. Jubilee cries as AU Emma dies in her arms. The Formerly-Dead X-Men vow that they must find Moira MacTaggert and stop her at all costs.
Dead X-Men #2, 2024
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aishangotome · 3 months
Main Story Chapter 16-11: Before the Storm (暴雨來臨前) | Light  and Night 光與夜之戀
Chapter 16-09
It was another hot and long summer.
I walked into Wan Zhen and happened to run into the administrative woman explaining the precautions to a group of new interns. She introduced me to them as the person in charge of Pristine.
"Hello, senior!" I don't know who in the crowd took the lead and shouted, and the rest of the people followed suit, unable to hide the longing and shyness on their faces.
I smiled and nodded at them. "Senior", this feeling is really wonderful. it should have been a year ago that I stepped into Wan Zhen like them, uneasy and full of longing for the future.
Time passed so quickly, the girl who first arrived and was a little reckless and curious about everything became a lot more relaxed and comfortable.
The people around me stop and go, come and go, some will never see each other again - the constant is always change. I don't know where I will be in the future?
I turned around and walked towards the office.
Pristine's production has come to an end and has entered the new stage.
Just after its launch, the main model was sold out of stock. Not only did it have a high degree of discussion on various platforms, but its first-day sales even directly rushed to the first place in the fast-selling category.
The company held a grand celebration banquet for our project team, and the atmosphere of joy filled the A group office every day.
However, the success of this season means that the pressure of the next season will be greater. After a short break, all of us put our energy into the design of the next season's new products.
Everything was progressing smoothly, and in a blink of an eye it was time for the weekly regular report.
Because the design center is now directly under Evan, I have to have a weekly meeting with him.
I clicked on the work software, and I was about to confirm the time of the regular meeting when I suddenly saw Evan's message.
Evan's Message: I have something to do today and I won't come to the company, so the regular meeting will be postponed.
His words, concise and to the point businesslike. I froze for a moment before I hurriedly replied "Okay."
Since I rejected Evan's offer to take me home last time, I have been trying to stick to the plan of not having any unnecessary contact with him outside of work.
And Evan, as if he had a good understanding of me, did not ask a word more than work, and became polite and unfamiliar. Later, he became busier and busier, and he basically didn't even show up for regular meetings.
It seems that we have really become the most ordinary of employees.
At the same time as I breathed a sigh of relief, my heart seemed to be empty.
Did he understand my thoughts and cooperate with me? Or did he also feel that getting along with me would bring him extra trouble, so he went with the flow and avoided it?
I don't know the answer, I only know that because of the sudden distance between us, the speculation about our relationship on the company forum gradually disappeared.
I see him less and less in the company, and the news about him comes from hearsay. I heard that he won a new cooperation project, heard that he was absent from work these days because of illness, heard...
Pristine's results are bright, Lu Ting has not taken any action recently, and under several factors, Evan's support rate in the company has climbed steadily.
This seems to be the best situation. As long as we continue to maintain the status quo, the election will most likely be successful.
But why don't I seem to be happy? Instead, I was occupied by a sourness. Isn't this the result I want to see?
My thoughts were stuck, and I couldn't draw the feeling I wanted. I put down my pen, and my thoughts gradually drifted away.
Mao Ge: Why are you so distracted?
Returning to the present, Mao Ge was looking at me worriedly.
Mao Ge: Have you had too much pressure recently?
You: Maybe.
Mao Ge: I've been drawing from last week until now, and my brain will explode if it keeps running for so long.
Mao Ge: It's better to change your mindset and find some physical work to do.
It's true. Even if I continued to think about it, I won't be able to keep focusing on drawing. Instead, my mood will just become more irritable. It would be best to find something else to do to get away from this stubbornness.
Just in time for this season, several sample clothes have arrived, and there will be a meeting with the marketing department in the afternoon to discuss the marketing direction, so let's send them over first.
Physical labor is best for stress-relieving, so I ran back and forth a few times and helped with transferring the items. Although I was not tired, I did sweat a little.
Mao Ge: Why don't I get the biggest one? Although it's not too heavy, the shelf may be too tall for you.
I picked up the box and tried it, and the highest point was just below the line of sight. I made an OK mouth shape to Mao Ge and walked towards the elevator.
Ding—the door opened.
When I saw who was standing inside, my feet froze, and I suddenly felt like I was being played by God. The person I thought I wouldn't see just appeared before my eyes.
You: .. Mr. Lu?
The man glanced at me, not surprised, and just stepped back to make room.
Evan: What floor are you going to?
He asked politely, his expression indifferent.
You: 12th floor, thank you.
I hesitated for a moment, but still walked in.
Didn't you say you weren't coming to the office? How could I run into him…. Did he lie to me?
My chest felt like it was blocked by something.
Don't think too much, maybe he just finished his work quickly and came back. Don't ask unnecessary questions, I told myself.
The elevator doors slowly closed in front of us.
I've never felt time move so slowly.
From the 36th floor to the 12th floor, it should only take a few seconds. But at this moment, two people, a small space, time seemed to suddenly freeze.
I tried to think about the unfinished design draft from earlier to get through this long silence.
However, God seemed to think that teasing me once wasn't enough, the elevator car suddenly shook and stopped, and the two numbers "20" on the display kept flashing.
You: ....!
The all-too-familiar scene made my body react before my brain could catch up. When I came to my senses, my hand was tightly gripping Evan's sleeve, and the suitcase had long since fallen to the ground.
I looked up in a panic, wanting to ask him if he was experiencing the same thing as a year ago. I remembered him telling me later that the elevator had been deliberately sabotaged.
However, I was met with a smile that was both unfamiliar and distant.
Evan glanced at the sleeve I was clutching, seeming to hesitate, but in the end, he didn't say anything. He simply used his other hand to press the call button on the wall.
With a buzz, the light on the intercom turned on.
Intercom: Sorry for the inconvenience, the elevator just experienced a brief interruption and is now back to normal.
The numbers on the display resumed scrolling, and the elevator smoothly descends.
Evan: The elevator is fine now, so you can let go now, right?
Though a smile remained on their face, their voice was flat and emotionless. That complete indifference made my heart sink.
I moved my lips, taking a while to find my voice.
You: "Um, sorry."
He shook his head without speaking, hands in his pockets, eyes fixed on the distance. Clearly, he didn't care about what just happened.
Finally, the elevator stopped. The doors had only opened halfway when I couldn't wait to get out. I can't explain why, but I felt extremely embarrassed.
However, maybe because I was rushing, I slipped as soon as I stepped out of the elevator.
You: Ah!
Luckily, the box cushioned my fall. In the split second before I fell, I braced myself with my hands and managed to keep my balance. But even though I didn't fall, my knee still hit the ground.
Thud! Even through the fabric, it still hurt. I endured the pain for a while, trying to figure out how to get up, when I suddenly felt someone watching me from the corner of my eye.
I turned my head. The elevator doors hadn't closed yet. Evan was standing to the side, his eyes fixed on me.
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☼ Light: Ask for help
☾ Night: Don't ask for help
☼ [Light: Ask for help]
I don't know if I had a look of asking for help, I guess I must have.
But all around was silence. There were no footsteps, no sighs, no voices, none of the sounds I expected. He remained standing there, his expression unchanged.
Evan: Can you stand up?
I was stunned for a moment, then realized he was talking to me. Of course, there was no one else here. But a dull ache suddenly rose in my chest, as if I had finally received the delayed pain signal from my knee.
You: Yes.
Kneeling for too long had made my legs numb, but nothing made me feel as bad as this sentence. I gritted my teeth, braced myself with my hands, rolled over, and slowly stood up.
Evan: Good.
Evan nodded and pressed the elevator button.
Evan: I have something to do, I'll go first.
I didn't even see his face, only his back disappearing behind the elevator doors.
☾ [Night: Don't ask for help]
I opened my mouth, but quickly turned my head away.
Forget it, it's not a big deal. I've persisted for so long before, there's no need to look for him for this trivial matter now.
However, even though I thought so, there was a hint of anticipation in my heart that I couldn't ignore.
At this moment, the sound of cloth rubbing sounded in the silent corridor. I was stunned for a moment and turned my head to find that Evan had put the clothes that fell out back into the box.
Evan: If there's nothing else, I'll go first.
The elevator door closed slowly, I looked at the clothes in the box, lowered my head, the boredom and sadness in my heart almost overwhelmed the pain from my knees.
Finally, I supported the ground with my hands and stood up little by little.
Back in the office, I sat down and found that my knee was scraped. I pressed on the bone and it didn't hurt, so it shouldn't be anything serious.
But the dull ache in my heart wouldn't go away.
I couldn't tell when it started, but the "distancing" act between Evan and me had unknowingly become real.
He didn't actually care about distancing himself from me.
I shook my head with a bitter smile and limped slowly to get some medicine.
Bad luck never comes alone. The place where the first aid kit was usually kept was crammed with junk. I couldn't find it after searching everywhere.
I leaned on the cabinet, lost in thought for a while. When I snapped out of it, I didn't know what I was thinking about, maybe nothing at all.
I opened the food delivery app, about to place an order, when Mao Ge suddenly walked in, holding the missing first aid kit.
You: You took the first aid kit?!
Mao Ge: Yeah, admin told us to restock some medicines. And Jiang Lai got a cold recently, right? What's wrong?
You: I fell down.
Mao Ge: Don't move, don't move. Let me help you to your seat.
Mao Ge: I told you I'd carry the box, but you insisted. Do you need to go to the hospital?
You: It's not a big deal, just need some medicine.
After helping me to my chair, Mao Ge suddenly remembered something.
Mao Ge: Should I say you're unlucky or lucky?
Mao Ge: The medicine admin restock happens to be iodine, gauze, and bruise spray.
Mao Ge: It's like they knew you fell.
I opened the first aid kit, but Evan's indifferent face uncontrollably appeared before my eyes.
You: I guess I'm just... unlucky.
The noon bell tolled over the city.
Lu Ting sat in the car heading towards Wan Zhen, his face livid as he stared at the astronomical figure on the fabric purchase contract in his hand.
He had assumed that Evan, for the sake of the brand's reputation and support rate, would definitely be willing to swallow the cost of that batch of fabric, so he planned to make him bleed.
And indeed, he did so, relentlessly raising the price against him in the auction.
But unexpectedly, at the last moment, after he had raised the price tenfold, Evan gave up and somehow managed to get ready-made fabric from somewhere else.
He actually spent a fortune on a pile of scrap metal!
Recently, there was also a company of unknown origin acquiring Wan Zhen's shares. Everything was going wrong, and Lu Ting angrily kicked the back of the front seat.
The driver slammed on the brakes, fearfully lowering his head, waiting for Lu Ting's instructions.
In the deathly silence, a monotonous sound came from overhead. Lu Ting rolled down the window and listened to the last two tolls, like a countdown to a death knell, gradually calming him down.
So what if he won this round? Evan didn't know yet that he had already suggested to the head of the family to use Y/N's body as the new vessel.
He guessed that the head of the family had already had this idea, and all he did was add fuel to the fire.
Lu Ting: Return to the Lu family castle.
Let's start with what he cares about most now. After so many years, he seems to have forgotten the taste of loss.
When Evan arrived at the Lu family castle's basement, it was already past one o'clock. He remembered the last time he was here was years ago, when the head of the family changed bodies.
The stairs extended downwards, seemingly endless. Step by step, he moved away from the world of light.
The inability to walk was a sign that the vessel was collapsing. It seemed the head of the family had a new plan. This time, he was called here, probably for this matter... Suddenly, Evan stopped in his tracks.
A strong sense of foreboding made him immediately look up. The entrance closed shut at that moment, with a loud bang.
There was no turning back.
Statues lined both sides of the path, their eyes open, glaring angrily. The blue light shone down on them, as if they were about to come alive at any moment.
The thicker the fog, the stronger the smell of blood.
Evan saw the old man sitting in the leather chair ahead. He respectfully lowered his head.
???: You're getting later and later.
Evan: I had some personal matters to attend to, which caused a delay.
???: You should always remember your duty.
???: You've done well from childhood to adulthood. What's the reason for your recent repeated mistakes?
Evan: It won't happen again.
Evan's expression remained indifferent.
???: I called you here today because I have a task for you.
???: I've found a suitable vessel. All you need to do is bring her here.
Evan: It sounds like I know this new vessel.
???: Y/N. Of course you know her.
Evan was taken aback, a clear hesitation on his face. The old man recalled what Lu Ting had told him earlier, the rumors about Evan and Y/N having a close relationship at the company. This displeased him greatly.
???: Or, can't you do it?
Evan: No, as long as you need her, I will definitely bring her to you.
Evan: But... Uncle must have found many suitable vessels for the head of the family. Why are you particularly interested in her?
???: You've spent too much energy on the company. It's time to learn about the blood clan's past.
???: Do you remember how the blood clan left the seabed?
Evan: You said that most of the gods suppressed under the sea left by voluntarily accepting divine punishment.
Evan: They are the ancestors of the blood clan.
Evan: And those gods who refused to accept divine punishment are still imprisoned there.
???: But there's one more thing I didn't tell you.
???: The power of the seabed barrier is weakening. A tsunami twenty-three years ago further loosened the barrier.
???: At that time, some gods escaped to the human world.
???: And Y/N, she possesses the power to destroy the blood clan's self-healing ability. This is the power of the gods.
Evan: Are you saying she's a god? But from my interactions with her, I don't think she knows about this.
???: It is indeed strange. Gods don't lose their memories when they come to the human world.
???: And from the looks of it, it seems like she only recently acquired that power and doesn't know how to control it.
Evan: Do you need to arrange for someone to investigate?
???: No need. Whether it's the spirit clan or the blood clan, there are very few left who know about these things.
The old man let out a long sigh.
???: No matter what secrets she has, as long as she possesses the power of the gods, she will be a perfect vessel for the blood clan.
Evan finally seemed to understand and nodded.
Evan: I understand.
Evan: However, you may need to give me some time.
Evan: Before bringing her here, I will first extract her soul while she is unguarded, so as not to damage the vessel and affect your subsequent use.
The old man was extremely satisfied with Evan's obedience and humility.
???: I'll give you two weeks. Don't disappoint me.
Outside the door, Lu Ting heard everything. He turned and left thoughtfully. By the time Evan came out, there was no one in sight.
The car drove along Huinan Road towards the suburbs. As the traffic light changed, Zhou Yan stepped on the brakes.
He glanced at the rearview mirror. Evan's brow had been furrowed since they left the castle. He figured the old head of the family had given his young master a task that was both impossible to refuse and extremely cruel.
Zhou Yan had seen this expression many times. In fact, this expression had been on the young master's face since he was very young, and there was even a time when he lost all other expressions.
But as he grew older, such occurrences became less frequent, and in recent years, they had almost disappeared.
Besides, having followed the young master all these years and seen him do all sorts of cruel things, what else could make him like this?
Zhou Yan couldn't find the answer, and he didn't know how to ask. Suddenly, he saw Evan in the mirror smile slightly.
That smile instantly transported him back many, many years ago, to the time when the young master first volunteered for the trial.
When he arrived, corpses were scattered everywhere.
The sun was about to set, losing its daytime ferocity. The blood-red light made it look particularly gentle. The young master stood before the setting sun, staring at his palm, lost in thought.
He cried out in fear, and the young master turned around. A smile slowly spread across his clean face. He didn't understand, but a smile meant happiness, so he smiled along with him.
In Zhou Yan's memory, the young master was happy that night.
But was he really happy? He suddenly felt that his memories had deceived him, and the words he wanted to ask became awkward. Zhou Yan tried many times, but in the end, he changed the subject.
Zhou Yan: Boss, the fabric incident this time dealt a heavy blow to Lu Ting.
Zhou Yan: Currently, the total share acquisition is 9.65%, 0.95% higher than Lu Ting's.
Zhou Yan: Your reputation and support rate in the company have also surpassed his.
But he soon realized that Evan was just staring absentmindedly out the window. He didn't care about these things.
Zhou Yan: By the way, the iodine and other things you asked me to prepare earlier have been delivered to the administration department.
Zhou Yan: The design center has also been notified to pick them up.
Evan: Hmm.
A very soft reply, but Zhou Yan knew that Evan was listening to him attentively.
Zhou Yan: The stock price rose by 3.98% in a single day. I think Pristine played a big role in that.
Zhou Yan: Miss Y/N contributed greatly to this season's success. You always have the best eye for people.
Zhou Yan: Sometimes, looking at Miss Y/N, I even feel like I'm seeing the young master from the past.
Evan, who was flipping through financial reports, looked at Zhou Yan in surprise. Zhou Yan immediately realized that he had almost lost his composure.
Zhou Yan: I apologize, I shouldn't have said that.
Evan: Why?
However, Evan didn't ignore it as he usually did. Instead, he asked him very seriously, even a bit confused, why.
Evan: Why do you think she's like me?
Zhou Yan: You once said that she was being followed at the café in the beginning, similar to what happened to you back then.
Evan: So that's it.
Evan chuckled, but Zhou Yan inexplicably felt that he was actually sad.
Zhou Yan: Miss Y/N is very insightful. She seems gentle and soft, but she's actually very determined.
Zhou Yan recalled his few interactions with Y/N, carefully counting them. He didn't notice that Evan's hand, which was turning pages behind him, had stopped.
Zhou Yan: She has a clear goal, and once she sets her mind on a path, she'll follow it through. There's nothing that can sway her.
Zhou Yan: If there's anything else--
The light turned green, and the car could have easily made it through the intersection, but Zhou Yan stopped for no apparent reason. He looked troubled, as if something was on his mind but he couldn't quite articulate it.
Zhou Yan: Y/N, she...
The sentence trailed off, and Zhou Yan eventually shook his head, unable to find the right words.
Zhou Yan: Sorry, Boss, I can't quite explain it. I just feel like there's more to it.
Evan: It's okay.
The green light saved Zhou Yan from further explanation. He breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the rearview mirror again, only to see Evan engrossed in some documents, as if nothing had happened.
The car pulled over at the alleyway of Huinan Road. Zhou Yan hurriedly got out, only to find that the familiar shop was gone.
Zhou Yan: Young Master, Zhou Weicheng is missing.
Evan: Have you been in contact since your last meeting?
Zhou Yan: No. He was sent away by my grandfather when he was very young, and we don't have a close relationship.
Zhou Yan: We only met again when he became that person's assistant.
Zhou Yan: Maybe my father knows his whereabouts.
Evan: Be sure to find him.
Evan: He should be able to tell me about the "God."
Zhou Yan: Yes. Shall we return to Wan Zhen now?
Evan nodded, but as he opened the car door, he suddenly realized he had overlooked something. There had always been a man with a blurred face standing between him and Zhou Weicheng.
Even though they weren't close.
He didn't deliberately try to forget, he genuinely couldn't remember.
Evan: Let's not go to Wan Zhen yet. Head back to the Lu family castle.
A sudden, inexplicable anticipation rose within Evan. He thought, perhaps that person could give him an answer that satisfies both sides.
Chapter 16-13
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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bluiex · 1 year
Warning: This massive fucking wall of text contains discussion of war, violence, seperation from one's family, implied/assumed child death, implied death overall, Entire Villages Burning Down, explosions and people injured in explosions, mild gore if your imagination is vivid though i tried not to describe it too gruesomely, a bit of internalized ableism regarding large injuries prosthetic use, and ✨PTSD symptoms✨! Proceed with caution, fellow blockmen enjoyers.
doc lived a majority of his life in a simple little village in a distant server, working on mechanical projects and tinkering for people. he's very autistic and very undiagnosed.
asp he met a lovely individual- an eagle avian- and they had a kid, that kid being doccy
doc still remembers the way his heart /soared/ when doccy took their first wobbly steps, a few hours after birth
he can also still remember how about a w33k later his heart sank when he saw his name on the draft list
his child isn't even a full 7 days old and he's already being told he's going to war, to fight for a government that's never done a god damn thing for him
he can't say no. he has literally no choice, so his community, who he's all close with, swears to him that they'll make sure his child knows they're loved- that their papa is away for a while but that he'll be back
he's just a regular foot soldier, and that's fine by him. he frequently ALMOST gets in trouble for fucking with machines he doesnt have the authority to be messing with
keyword almost because they always realize 'ah. hes fixed the crucial flaw we couldnt figure out.'
one day he's out on the field being Actively Shot At, and a machine nearby breaks down
it provides excellent cover so he runs to go fix it
and forgets that the fuel tank being shot is also a risk
the fuel tank is shot and the machine fucking explodes
it takes hours for anyone to find him, and when he is found, he's damn near dead already. the left side of his face has been practically flayed off by a piece of metal, and his right arm is just... fucking mangled
they bring him to the triage tent, blah blah blah have to amputate his arm + remove his absolutely brutalized eye
so when they send him home- he is far too damaged to fight- and he finds his cozy little village practically incinerated, still smouldering, corpses everywhere,
he cant even be surprised
but his heart shatters when he finds the little butterfly plushie that his neighbour made for doccy
he wanders, pretty much fucking entirely dissociated, for days on end, until a group of vagrants picks him up. he's so dead silent they assume he's a mute [doc having verbal shutdowns as a result of stress so real]
the first thing he says after Several days,
is his child's name, clutching that little plush butterfly in trembling hands
someone can tell he's grieving, and coaxes him into talking abt his kid
and then someone interrupts halfway with
and doc very rapidly goes from being almost too quiet to hear,
to extremely loudly stating that THEY WILL HELP HIM FIND HIS FUCKING KID.
now, doccy's not even 3 months old yet
theyre just so fucking lost and confused and scared. they joined the first group of people they could, thinking in 2.75monthold logic that 'everyone ive ever met is papa's friend. i have now met these people. they must be papa's friends. im staying with them now'
when doc and doccy find eachother again he just breaks down sobbing, and the moment doc can, he gets the FUCK off of that server and takes doccy with him
he jailbreaks his comm to ignore whitelist functions, private server protections, etc., and server hops relentlessly until he can find a safe place to stay- which is how he comes across hermitcraft, around early S3
the moment he's on server he's being absolutely swarmed by hermits wanting to know who he is, what he wants, how he fuckin got in
and he's entirely ready to fight all these people off and get the hell out
but then someone spots doccy and everyone immediately pauses
and they start to notice the way doc's entire posture reads as someone with no intent to harm
they see the wild, yet unfocused look in his eye, how fresh his scars clearly are, how clumsily he weilds his prosthetic arm
they take stock of how every time he moves, it is to achieve one if thr33 things:
making himself look bigger
k33ping the hermits away from him
k33ping doccy close to him
they all pretty quickly realize 'this guy n33ds somewhere safe to live'
keralis lets Doc stay in his home while he settles in. eventually he moves out,
into a literal hole a little ways away
and from then on, it's history, they all lived happily ever after*
*doc has major ptsd. there are some days where the idea of being too far from doccy terrifies him. he struggles with his prosthetic for ages before he says 'fuck it' and builds his cybernetics. some days he regrets that decision, as he would like nothing more than to strip the metal from his body. some days he would rather be incomplete, than a twisted amalgam of man and machine.
the first time he hears any talk of war on the server, he panics, and tries to leave. they have to explain to him that 'war' just means 'we get silly'.
he struggles to bond closely with the hermits. some nights he dreams of tragedy. he dreams that he finds his new home scorched into nothing.
but that is what it is. home.
OKAY THATS MY DOC LORE. hehehehhehehehe. bluie ik ur in a state where long sends are A Lot so dont worry abt trying to get to this, just take care of yourself, alright?
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iamshay · 16 days
This post been private for a year. Open it now.
I've been busy with life and work, working on a lot of art projects.
I want to address some people on Kick and talk about what kind of person they really are.
When I met these people on Kick, I was already an affiliate on the platform. Someone named "Kevin," as he is an admin.
The issue came about when my VODs were not being posted after around 13 hours. So, I decided to open a ticket on the official Kick Discord server.
I explained the problem to Kevin, and he accepted my ticket. He told me that he would enable VODs for me early, even though I hadn't reached 75 followers yet. Kevin probably thought I would reach the required number quickly since I stream for more than 5 hours. 13 hours now that vod it delete dual expired time.
After that, I started networking with kick community on discord.
One of them in this circle of people was "LaurenShayala," who was the first to tag me on their Discord server.
We were discussing reporting anyone on the Hot Tube section who breaks the terms of service. LaurenShayala was worried that I might report her since her content involves twerking for subscribers, and she often has explicit content. She was also one of the first to follow me on the platform. You can verify this by searching my name on Discord.
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I hope this clarifies things. As you can see, during the time and date mentioned in that message, I was already an affiliate. From my perspective, it seems like she is a manipulative liar, given her behavior of deleting her VODs. This action makes sense since people would undoubtedly find incriminating evidence linking those dates and times together. Therefore, every time she twerks for subscribers now, she promptly deletes her VODs because she knows it goes against the platform's terms of service.
I have already spoken with a lot of people who used to drop into her stream regularly, but they don't go there anymore because they have seen what I have seen. She constantly social climbs, and when I was harassed, she quickly jumped on a podcast without even planning beforehand or considering the situation.
I called her out on Twitter because she is such a phony person. She consistently attacks people, tagging Trainwreck and Eddie, but the truth is, she harassed Eddie for months until he felt compelled to follow her. She constantly tags them and behaves like a sycophant, just like her group of friends. I will address her more down below. the blog I got by name in order. I already air out those who harassed me. on here.
Please when you go below blog there is where harassment took place. You don't fucking need to raid someone to harass someone but send your community throws my stream is harassing too. They need to search the dictionary. The video is age-restricted click "watch on Youtube" and click that it will take you to the youtube video.
Furthermore, none of these people got verified through regular means. Instead, they either obtained verification by befriending admins or vouching for each other on Discord. there used to be vouching discord channel only open for verified people.
The fact is, some people publicly revealed that these individuals are asking for vouchers in their Discord DMs to get verified. They called me entitled when, in reality, I was the only one being outspoken and expressing my opinion among them. I mentioned that it seems like some of them might be using view bots to attack legitimate streamers, and those who got verified through vouching shouldn't have received it that way. Because they didn't earn it naturally.
My comments seemed to have hit a nerve, as they took them as a personal attack, which suggests they might be engaged in such practices. Their reaction strongly indicates that my observations hit close to the truth, and they may be involved in seeking vouchers for verification in an inappropriate manner.
Igypc: She pretends on Discord as if she has a different persona than what she portrays on this platform.
Here are more receipts. I sent her the evidence, and later, she went back on her words without these boys actually showing her any proof. However, I have posted on my blog all the screenshots from our DMs, which clearly show that I never harassed or attacked them in any way.
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here is from her alt account.
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What I find so amusing is how this girl can sit in front of a Discord call next to Sponge after what she has told me about him. With a straight face. These people are all fake and two-faced; they talk about each other behind their backs, and later, they pretend to be friends.
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She was the one typing this, not me. I only expected Zovo to view botting because, in our DMs, which I posted before on here https://shays.blog/post/711268874690183168/my-side-of-story-they-talking-about-airing-it
he claimed he was nobody and still got verified. Additionally, he was suspected of botting since he is friends with people who have coding She was the one who said this about her "friends" not me. I hope this shows more real true colors of who they are.
In this video, there is a group of friends who send direct messages to each other, obviously supporting one another. There seems to be no impartial party within the group.
They say I delete shit. I have not deleted shit you can see I have posted every dm between us.
They were being coached by Sergio and other admins. I was informed by a verified kick streamer that there was a meeting where the admins instructed them on what to say. Notice how this group of people quickly started talking about me behind my back through direct messages. Breezyy and Stormpoint were new to the platform, and now they suddenly claim to know me. I met Breezyy through another Twitch stream, and it seems like she befriends anyone who is currently trending or has clout. I never saw her in igypc's Twitch chat before, but suddenly, she was all friendly and supportive when Trainwreck and Eddie were involved, capitalizing on their clout. Interestingly, these so-called friends tend to appear only when there's clout involved; I haven't seen her in Cau7ion's Twitch chat anymore because she doesn't see much clout there.
It's funny this time shit was going their way right. being highly favored by kick staff cuz of all this dick riding. now present day.
Now kick just tired of their bullshit. And kick getting strict by the day. rules get added. and not supporting these people whom viewbotting and got boosted. Now they all crying.
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explainlearning · 30 days
College Study Group Planning: How to Prepare for Productive Study Sessions
College life is a whirlwind of lectures, assignments, and exams. To navigate this academic landscape successfully, many students turn to college study groups. However, simply forming a group isn't enough. Effective planning is crucial to maximize the benefits of collaborative learning. This article will guide you through the process of creating a productive college study group and leveraging tools like Explain Learning to enhance your study sessions.
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Building a Strong Foundation for Your College Study Group
The first step in creating a successful college study group is to establish a strong foundation. Here's how:
Choose the Right Members: Look for classmates who share your academic goals and have similar learning styles. A group of 4-6 members is often ideal for effective collaboration.
Define Your Goals: Clearly outline the purpose of your study group. Are you aiming to improve exam scores, understand complex concepts, or prepare for group projects?
Set Ground Rules: Establish expectations for attendance, participation, and behavior. This ensures everyone feels respected and valued.
Choose a Meeting Location: Select a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions. Libraries, study rooms, or even online platforms like Explain Learning can be excellent options.
Determine Meeting Frequency: Decide how often you'll meet. Regularity is key, but avoid overcommitting. A weekly or bi-weekly schedule often works well.
Leveraging Explain Learning for Your College Study Group
Explain Learning is an e-learning platform for college study groups that can significantly enhance your collaborative learning experience. Here's how:
Online Meeting Space: Use Explain Learning's virtual classroom features for online study sessions, allowing members to collaborate in real-time regardless of location.
Shared Documents: Create shared documents for note-taking, brainstorming, or project collaboration. This facilitates efficient information sharing and organization.
Interactive Tools: Utilize Explain Learning's interactive tools like whiteboards and quizzes to engage in dynamic learning activities.
Resource Sharing: Share study materials, links, and other relevant resources within the platform for easy access by all group members.
Creating Effective Study Sessions
Once you've established your group and chosen a platform like Explain Learning, focus on creating productive study sessions:
Develop a Study Schedule: Create a structured agenda for each meeting, allocating time for different topics or activities.
Assign Roles: Delegate specific tasks to different members, such as note-taker, timekeeper, or facilitator. This ensures everyone contributes actively.
Encourage Active Participation: Create an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas and asking questions.
Utilize Different Learning Styles: Incorporate a variety of learning activities, such as discussions, practice problems, and visual aids, to cater to different learning styles.
Regularly Evaluate and Adjust: Periodically assess the effectiveness of your study group and make necessary adjustments to improve productivity.
Additional Tips for Success
Take Breaks: Short breaks can help improve focus and prevent burnout.
Leverage Technology: Use online tools and apps to enhance your study sessions.
Celebrate Achievements: Recognize and celebrate your group's successes to boost motivation.
Stay Flexible: Be open to changes in your study plans as the semester progresses.
By following these guidelines and utilizing the features offered by Explain Learning, you can transform your college study group into a powerful tool for academic success. Remember, effective collaboration and a shared commitment to learning are key to achieving your goals.
A well-planned college study group can significantly enhance your learning experience. By focusing on building strong relationships, setting clear goals, and utilizing effective study strategies, you can create a supportive and productive learning environment. Embrace the power of collaboration and watch your academic performance soar!
Know more https://explainlearning.com/blog/college-study-group-planning/
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coconutsplit · 1 month
A creation journal is a tool used to document and reflect on your creative processes and projects. Whether you're working on art, writing, music, design, or any other form of creative endeavor, a creation journal can help you track your progress, overcome challenges, and develop your ideas more fully. Here's how to create and use one effectively:
1. Setting Up Your Journal
Format: Choose the format that suits your style. This could be a physical notebook, a sketchbook, a digital document, or even a dedicated app.
Organization: Decide how you want to organize your entries. You can structure it by project, date, or creative phase (e.g., brainstorming, drafting, finalizing).
2. Documenting Your Creative Process
Ideas and Inspiration: Record your initial ideas and inspirations. Include notes on where the idea came from, what excites you about it, and how you plan to develop it.
Brainstorming: Use the journal to brainstorm. Sketch, jot down word associations, create mind maps, or list out possibilities without judgment.
Research: Note any research you do, including resources, references, and influences. Document how this research impacts your project.
3. Daily or Regular Entries
Progress Updates: Write about what you worked on each day or session. What did you accomplish? What parts of the project did you focus on?
Challenges: Document any obstacles you encountered and how you dealt with them. This could include creative blocks, technical issues, or external factors.
Decisions: Record the creative decisions you made and why you made them. This helps you understand your process better and can be useful for future projects.
4. Reflection
Creative Flow: Reflect on your creative flow during each session. When were you most productive or inspired? What conditions helped or hindered this?
Learning: Note what you've learned throughout the process. This could be new techniques, insights into your creative style, or understanding your subject matter better.
Feedback: If you receive feedback from others, document it here along with your thoughts on how to incorporate it into your work.
5. Goal Setting
Project Goals: Set clear goals for your project at the start. What do you hope to achieve with this work? What are your deadlines?
Milestones: Break your project into milestones and track your progress toward each one.
Review: At the end of a project, review your goals. Did you meet them? What contributed to your success or setbacks?
6. Creative Prompts and Exercises
Prompts: Include creative prompts in your journal to spark new ideas. These could be from external sources or ones you've devised yourself.
Exercises: Document any creative exercises you do to warm up or explore new techniques.
7. Incorporating Visual Elements
Sketches and Doodles: If relevant to your project, include sketches, doodles, or thumbnails. Visual brainstorming can be just as important as written ideas.
Mood Boards: Create mood boards or collages that capture the aesthetic or tone you're aiming for.
Photos and Clippings: Paste in photos, clippings, or other materials that inspire you or are part of your research.
8. Reviewing and Reflecting
Project Reviews: After completing a project, use your journal to review the entire process. What went well? What would you do differently next time?
Growth Tracking: Reflect on how you've grown as a creator. What new skills or insights have you gained?
9. Sharing and Feedback (Optional)
Peer Review: Share parts of your journal with peers or mentors for feedback. This can provide new perspectives and ideas.
Discussion: Use your journal as a springboard for discussions in creative groups or workshops.
10. Personalization and Creativity
Customize: Make your journal a personal space. Use colors, stickers, different types of paper, or anything that makes it feel uniquely yours.
Express Yourself: Let your journal be an extension of your creative expression. Don’t be afraid to experiment and let your personality shine through.
A creation journal not only helps you stay organized but also serves as a valuable archive of your creative journey. Over time, it becomes a rich resource to look back on and draw inspiration from for future projects.
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theiibms · 1 month
Balancing Work and Study: Tips for Executive MBA Students
Pursuing an Executive MBA (EMBA) is a bold and transformative decision, often undertaken by professionals seeking to enhance their careers while continuing to manage their current roles and responsibilities. The journey of balancing work, study, and personal life requires strategic planning and effective time management. Here are some practical tips to help you navigate this challenging yet rewarding path: 
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1. Set Clear Goals and Priorities
Begin by clearly defining your objectives for pursuing an EMBA. Understand how this degree fits into your career aspirations and personal development. Establishing your priorities will help you allocate your time and energy effectively, ensuring that both your work and study commitments are aligned with your overarching goals.
2. Create a Structured Schedule
A well-organized schedule is key to balancing work and study. Use digital calendars or planning apps to map out your week, incorporating work duties, class schedules, study sessions, and personal activities. By dedicating specific time slots for each task, you can maintain focus and avoid last-minute stress.
3. Communicate with Your Employer
Open communication with your employer is crucial. Discuss your EMBA plans and how they may impact your work schedule. Many employers are supportive and may offer flexible working arrangements, reduced hours, or even financial support. Being transparent about your commitments helps manage expectations and fosters a supportive work environment.
4. Leverage Time Management Techniques
Implement time management strategies such as the Pomodoro Technique or time-blocking. Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and focusing on one thing at a time can increase productivity and reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed. Regularly reviewing your progress will also help you stay on track.
5. Stay Organized with Tools and Resources
Utilize organizational tools like project management apps, note-taking software, and cloud storage to keep track of your assignments and deadlines. Staying organized minimizes stress and ensures that you have quick access to essential documents and information.
6. Build a Support Network
Surround yourself with a strong support network, including fellow EMBA students, professors, and colleagues. Join study groups, attend networking events, and seek advice from those who have navigated similar challenges. A supportive community can offer motivation, share resources, and provide valuable perspectives.
7. Practice Self-Care
Balancing multiple responsibilities can be exhausting, so it’s essential to prioritize self-care. Ensure you get adequate sleep, eat a balanced diet, and engage in regular physical activity. Incorporate relaxation techniques or mindfulness practices to manage stress effectively.
8. Be Flexible and Adaptable
Flexibility is key when balancing work and study. Be prepared to adjust your schedule as needed and remain adaptable to unexpected changes. Developing a resilient mindset will help you navigate challenges and maintain progress towards your goals.
9. Utilize Efficient Study Methods
Adopt effective study techniques such as active learning, spaced repetition, and focused revision. Supplement your learning with online resources, webinars, and academic journals. Efficient study practices help you maximize your learning and manage your time effectively.
10. Reflect and Adjust
Regularly assess how well you’re managing your work, study, and personal life. Reflect on your achievements and areas where adjustments might be needed. Being proactive in adjusting your strategies ensures that you continue to balance your responsibilities effectively.
Balancing work and study while pursuing an EMBA is a demanding endeavor that requires careful planning and dedication. By setting clear goals, creating a structured schedule, and prioritizing self-care, you can navigate the complexities of your professional and academic commitments with greater ease. Remember that the journey is as much about personal growth and resilience as it is about academic achievement. With perseverance and strategic planning, you can successfully manage the demands of your EMBA program and emerge with valuable skills and experiences that will enhance both your career and personal life. Embrace the challenge, stay focused on your goals, and celebrate your progress along the way.
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arya-college-jaipur · 1 month
Balancing Work and Study: Tips for Part-Time MBA Students
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Pursuing a part-time MBA while working can be a challenging yet rewarding journey. The dual responsibility of excelling in your career and academics requires careful planning, effective time management, and unwavering dedication. However, with the right strategies in place, you can successfully navigate this demanding path and emerge with both a degree and enhanced professional skills. This blog will provide you with practical tips to balance work and study effectively, particularly if you're enrolled in a top MBA college in Jaipur.
1. Create a Realistic Schedule
Time management is the cornerstone of balancing work and study. Start by mapping out your daily and weekly schedules. Include work hours, class timings, study sessions, and personal commitments. Prioritize your tasks and ensure that you allocate sufficient time for each activity. A well-organized schedule helps you stay on track and avoid last-minute rushes.
Consider using digital tools like Google Calendar or Trello to plan your day. These tools can send you reminders and help you visualize your workload, making it easier to manage your time effectively.
2. Communicate with Your Employer
Open communication with your employer is essential when pursuing a part-time MBA. Inform your employer about your academic commitments and discuss potential adjustments in your work schedule. Many companies support employees who seek to further their education, and your employer may offer flexible work hours or reduced workload during exam periods.
If your MBA program includes evening or weekend classes, let your employer know in advance so they can accommodate your study schedule. A supportive work environment can significantly reduce the stress of balancing work and study.
3. Utilize Time Wisely
Maximizing the use of your time is crucial for part-time MBA students. Identify pockets of time during your day that can be used productively. For instance, use your commute to listen to lectures or catch up on reading. During lunch breaks, review class notes or work on assignments.
It's also important to make the most of your weekends. While it's essential to rest and recharge, dedicating a few hours to focused study can help you stay on top of your coursework without compromising your work responsibilities.
4. Stay Organized
Organization is key to managing both work and study efficiently. Keep your study materials, assignments, and work documents organized and easily accessible. Use folders, labels, or digital organization tools to sort your files.
Develop a system for tracking deadlines for both work and school. This could be a simple to-do list or a more complex project management tool. Staying organized reduces the chances of missing important deadlines and helps you manage your tasks more effectively.
5. Leverage Support Systems
Don't hesitate to seek support from your family, friends, colleagues, and peers. Balancing work and study can be overwhelming, and having a support system can make a significant difference. Your family and friends can offer emotional support, while colleagues and classmates can share insights, study tips, and resources.
If you're studying at a top MBA college in Jaipur, you may have access to academic advisors, counseling services, and peer support groups. Take advantage of these resources to help you navigate the challenges of balancing work and study.
6. Prioritize Self-Care
Amidst the demands of work and study, it's easy to neglect self-care. However, maintaining your physical and mental well-being is crucial for sustaining long-term success. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat healthily, and engage in regular physical activity.
Stress management techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga, can help you stay calm and focused. Remember that taking care of yourself is not a luxury—it's a necessity for performing well in both your job and academic pursuits.
7. Set Realistic Expectations
It's important to set realistic expectations for yourself. Understand that you may not always be able to achieve perfection in both work and study. There may be times when you need to prioritize one over the other, and that's okay. The key is to maintain a balance that works for you and allows you to meet your most important goals.
Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small, and be kind to yourself during challenging times. Remember that pursuing a part-time MBA is a significant commitment, and every step forward is a success in itself.
8. Choose the Right Program
Choosing the right MBA program is crucial for successfully balancing work and study. Look for programs that offer flexibility in terms of class schedules, course delivery methods, and assignment deadlines. The right program should align with your professional goals and personal commitments.
For instance, if you're considering pursuing your MBA at Arya College, inquire about their part-time options, evening classes, and online learning opportunities. A program that supports your need for flexibility will make it easier to manage your dual responsibilities.
Balancing work and study as a part-time MBA student is undoubtedly challenging, but it's also an opportunity for personal and professional growth. By creating a realistic schedule, communicating with your employer, staying organized, and prioritizing self-care, you can successfully manage both your job and academic responsibilities.
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Conquer Writer's Block: Practical Tips and Techniques
Writer’s block is a common challenge faced by many writers, from novices to seasoned professionals. It can be frustrating and demotivating, leaving you staring at a blank page without any ideas. However, writer’s block is not insurmountable. There are effective strategies to overcome it and unlock your creativity. In this article, we’ll explore ten proven methods to beat writer’s block and reignite your passion for writing.
Free Writing: Free writing is a powerful tool to combat writer’s block. Set a timer for 10–15 minutes and write continuously without worrying about grammar, punctuation, or coherence. Let your thoughts flow freely and unfiltered. This exercise helps you express your ideas without self-criticism, often leading to unexpected insights and breakthroughs.
Change of Scenery: Sometimes, a change in environment can stimulate new ideas. If you usually write at home, try going to a park, a café, or even a library. A different setting can provide fresh perspectives and inspire creativity. Nature, in particular, has a calming effect and can help clear your mind, making it easier to focus on your writing.
Set a Routine: Establishing a regular writing schedule can create a habit and make it easier to write consistently. Choose a specific time of day when you feel most productive and make it your dedicated writing time. Over time, your brain will recognize this routine and prepare itself for the creative process, reducing the likelihood of writer’s block.
Read for Inspiration: Reading is an excellent way to spark new ideas and gain fresh perspectives. Explore books, articles, or poems related to your writing topic or in entirely different genres. Pay attention to different writing styles, themes, and narratives. Often, exposure to diverse content can trigger your own creative thoughts and help you overcome writer’s block.
Mind Mapping: Mind mapping is a visual technique that helps organize your thoughts and ideas. Start with a central concept or theme and branch out with related ideas, words, or images. This method allows you to see connections between different elements and can help you develop a clearer direction for your writing. Mind mapping can be particularly useful for complex projects or when you have multiple ideas but struggle to structure them.
Writing Prompts: Writing prompts provide a specific direction or theme to focus on, making it easier to start writing. They can be found in books, online resources, or created by yourself. Prompts can range from single words to detailed scenarios. Use them as a starting point to ignite your creativity and explore new ideas. Prompts can also help you step out of your comfort zone and write about topics you might not have considered otherwise.
Take Breaks: Sometimes, stepping away from your work can help clear your mind and allow new ideas to emerge. Take short breaks during your writing sessions to relax and recharge. Engage in activities that you enjoy, such as walking, exercising, or listening to music. Breaks can help prevent burnout and keep your mind fresh, making it easier to return to writing with renewed focus and creativity.
Engage in a Different Creative Activity: Engaging in other forms of creativity, such as drawing, painting, or playing music, can stimulate your creative mind and provide new inspiration. These activities allow you to express yourself in different ways and can lead to a more relaxed and open mindset. When you return to writing, you may find that ideas flow more easily and naturally.
Talk It Out: Discussing your ideas with a friend, family member, or writing group can provide new insights and perspectives. Verbalizing your thoughts can help clarify them and reveal connections you hadn’t noticed before. Additionally, feedback from others can offer valuable suggestions and encouragement, helping you overcome writer’s block and refine your ideas.
Exercise: Physical activity has been shown to improve mood and cognitive function, making it easier to overcome writer’s block. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which can enhance creativity and problem-solving abilities. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a workout at the gym, incorporating regular physical activity into your routine can boost your overall well-being and support your writing process.
Conclusion: Writer’s block is a temporary obstacle that can be overcome with the right strategies. By experimenting with these ten methods, you can find the ones that work best for you and unlock your creative potential. Remember, the key is to stay persistent and patient. Every writer experiences blocks, but with the right approach, you can push through and continue to produce meaningful and engaging work.
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maharghaideovate · 2 months
International Students in Symbiosis University's Educational Administration Program
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Ever wondered what it's like to study with people from all over the world without leaving your home? That's what Symbiosis Distance Learning Centre  offers. Let's dive into how international students fit into this global classroom.
A World of Students in One Virtual Room
Distance education at Symbiosis isn't just about India. It's a global mix:
Student Origins: From Nepal to Nigeria, Canada to Cambodia
Time Zones: Classes happen round the clock to fit everyone
Career Backgrounds: Teachers, principals, education planners – you name it
Why International Students Pick Distance Education at Symbiosis
Study from Home: No visa hassles or moving costs
Flexible Timing: Fit studies around your job
Global Network: Make friends across borders
Affordable: International-quality education that doesn't break the bank
English-Taught: No language barrier for most
How Symbiosis Supports International Distance Learners
Distance education at Symbiosis isn't "you're on your own." Here's the support you get:
24/7 Tech Support 
Help with login issues
Troubleshooting for online platforms
Virtual Orientation 
Learn the ropes of online learning
Meet classmates and professors virtually
Digital Library 
Access research papers and e-books
Online journals from around the world
Online Writing Center 
Help with academic writing
Plagiarism checks for assignments
Virtual Student Lounge 
Chat rooms for informal discussions
Cultural exchange forums
Career Services Portal 
Job boards with international listings
Online CV reviews and mock interviews
A Day in the Life of an International Distance Learner at Symbiosis
Curious about the daily grind? Here's a snapshot:
Morning: Watch a pre-recorded lecture on global education policies
Afternoon: Join a live webinar with Q&A session
Evening: Collaborate on a group project via video chat
Night: Participate in forum discussions with classmates across time zones
Tackling Challenges in Distance Education
Let's be real. Distance learning has its hurdles:
Time Management: Balancing work, life, and study
Tech Issues: Internet problems or platform glitches
Feeling Isolated: Missing face-to-face interactions
But Symbiosis has your back. Their distance education program includes:
Regular check-ins with tutors
Tech support available round the clock
Virtual social events to keep you connected
Beyond Lectures: The Full Symbiosis Experience Online
Distance education at Symbiosis isn't just about watching videos. You get:
Virtual Field Trips: 360° tours of schools around the world
Online Guest Lectures: Hear from global education leaders
Digital Cultural Festivals: Celebrate diversity from your desk
Virtual Reality Classrooms: Cutting-edge tech for immersive learning (coming soon)
How Distance Education at Symbiosis Boosts Your Career
Wondering how online study at Symbiosis Centre For Distance Learning sets you up for success? Check it out:
Global Perspective: Understand education challenges worldwide
Tech Savvy: Master tools for online collaboration and learning
Time Management Pro: Juggle studies with work and life
Cultural Intelligence: Learn to work with people from diverse backgrounds
Future-Ready Skills: Prepare for the growing field of online education
Is Distance Education at Symbiosis Right for You?
It might be, if you're:
Looking to level up your education career
Unable to take time off work for full-time study
Interested in gaining a global perspective
Comfortable with technology and online learning
Self-motivated and disciplined in your studies
Ready to Join the Global Classroom?
Symbiosis distance education gives much more than a qualification. It is an entry route to join the global fraternity of educators from the comfort of one's home.
The modern digitized world calls for a lot of trans-border collaboration, and that is exactly what one is going to learn at Symbiosis University Distance Education.
Time to expand your horizons without expanding your commute. The world of international education is just a click away with distance education at Symbiosis!
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