#even through the hiatus and the uncertainty
branded-rose · 6 months
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Adam sat upright in bed, a shout on his lips that dropped off as his wings shot out, smacking his lieutenant in the head and nearly pushing her off the mattress.
Lute met the rude awakening with all the urgency it deserved, springing up and drawing her fists in front of her defensively as Adam let loose a string of profanity.
She quickly drew up the blind to let light into the room before she darted around the bed; her eyes scanning the room quickly for signs of danger even if she knew there shouldn’t be anything. 
It was Heaven. What threat would there realistically be?
When she was satisfied she returned to the bed, about to ask her superior officer what sick joke he was pulling when she stopped.
Adam was pale, his hands trembling as he brought them up to wipe cold sweat from his brow. A string of curses still fell from his lips, albeit strained.
She tentatively reached a hand out, placing it gently on his shoulder.
“Uh… Sir?”
Adam flinched, turning his head to meet Lute’s concerned expression. He forced a smile and shrugged, trying his very best to play the whole thing off.
“What? Just a nightmare. Geez you’re acting like we’re being attacked or something. @#$%#@ relax.” He forced a laugh and wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.
Lute fell silent a moment, examining her commander closely. It wasn’t often she saw him so… uncertain. So shaken. Even in times he was unsure of himself he typically covered it up with bravado.
She scooted closer, pushing on his shoulder to encourage him to turn so she could realign some of the golden feathers in his wing that had dislodged when he’d struck her.
“What was it about?” Her fingers very delicately and precisely moved over the wing, sliding the feathers back into place and easing any discomfort. Something that was visible as she watched Adam’s posture relax.
“Just… human stuff. You wouldn’t get it.” He ran a hand through his messy hair.
“I was human once too.”
“Yeah well-“ He scratched the back of his neck, agitated. “-You wouldn’t get it. And besides that was @#$%#@ forever ago.”  
“You were an angel hundreds of years before I was.” Lute retorted.
“Yeah… and? What’s your @#$#@% point?”
The exorcist felt her eyebrow twitch, yanking on his wings to pull him towards her.
“You’re not the only one who understands the horrors of living.”
Adam paused for a long moment, considering his lieutenant’s words ever so briefly before turning so their faces were just inches apart. 
His expression softened. “I thought you were ‘reborn’?”
“I was.”
“So then when was the last time you had a nightmare?”
Lute’s jaw opened only to close again. She hadn’t had a nightmare in decades. Or if she had she couldn’t recall what it was exactly. Certainly nothing to startle her awake.
He turned away from her, pulling back briefly to rub his face.
“That’s what I thought. Must be nice.”
She watched him for an additional moment before she got up and closed the blinds, allowing the room to fall back into darkness.
“You should go back to sleep.” She uttered softly, her chin grazing against his shoulder.
“Hmm? Oh… yeah.” He waited for her to get comfortable before he drew close, his arms and wings wrapping around her small frame, almost protectively.
Lute settled into the embrace, familiar and warm as it was. She couldn’t help but smirk softly as she rested her chin on top of his head, his ear against her chest.
“Hey… Lute. You… won’t betray me or whatever, right?” He muttered softly, his tone laced with uncertainty.
Lute’s brows furrowed slightly, confused by the suddenness of the question.
“Of course not, Sir.” Her grip on him tightened ever so slightly, a small smile on her lips.
“…I wouldn’t dare.”
Idea/prompt from the amazing @kimik0hippie! Seriously, their stuff singlehandedly inspired me to come out of my 800000 year hiatus and actually do illustrations again. So please go check their art out. ;D
Adam & Lute © Vivziepop/A24
Artwork © Branded-Rose
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talkdutchtome · 8 months
You Should Have Said No
chapter seven - enchanted
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pairing . . . max verstappen x reader / pierre gasly x reader )
summary . . . when your fiancé cheats on you, you strike up an unusual friendship with one of his closest friends, who just so happens to have had a crush on you since he set eyes on you. chaos ensues.
inspired by the works of miss taylor swift )
genre . . . angst )
song . . . enchanted - taylor swift )
warning . . . cheating, mental illness, angst, eventual smut, poorly translated french and dutch, swearing, mention of parent loss, emotionally abusive parent, slight social media au, kendall jenner as fc (potentially more i’ll add as i go along)
a/n . . . so i took a bit of a hiatus, but upon returing i found i had written this chapter months ago and for some reason never published it, so here it is, more to come in the coming days )
Max Verstappen was usually a picture of confidence, there was very little that made him nervous; after all he spent his life driving at 200 miles an hour. Max was consistently cool, calm and collected no matter what he was doing, that’s just who he was. But as he stood in front of your apartment door, he felt a chill of uncertainty deep within. He had rehearsed his words a thousand times, but now, as he prepared to knock on the door, all eloquence seemed to escape him. Could he do this? Should he do this? Even though his friendship with you was still fresh, it had come to mean a lot to him, and if he did what he wanted to do, he was well aware that he could lose the newfound friendship. “It’s now or never” he spoke out loud to himself before finally gathering the courage to knock on the door. When the door swung open, revealing you stood there in your pajamas holding a rather large glass of wine, Max couldn’t help but second guess whether he should be doing this.  
“Hey Max, I-” you started, trying to find a way to apologize for kissing him and then completely ghosting him immediately following the kiss, but was interrupted by the Dutchman’s voice cutting through. 
“Wait, Y/N. Just let me get this out” His words hung in the air, heavy with anticipation, and you watched as he took a deep breath to steady himself. It was evident in the way his hands trembled that this was not an easy moment for him. Despite his anxiety, Max looked directly into your eyes, his sincerity shining through. 
“30th of September 2017. That is the day that you and I met, I remember it like it was yesterday. Pierre and I knew each other from karting but when he got his seat at Toro Rosso, and you came with him to the Malaysian GP, we met each other for the first time. When I saw you for the first time, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life, and when I got to know you, I realized that not only were you the most beautiful girl, but you were also the kindest and funniest girl too. But you were with Pierre.”  
For a second Max stopped, wondering if it was too late to run away and pretend that this never happened. He couldn’t bring himself to look you in the eye, afraid of what he would see. You were frozen, slowly taking in every word he said.  
“You were with Pierre, and I knew I needed to respect that. So, I ignored everything I knew I felt for you. I kept you at arms length as nothing more than Pierre’s girlfriend because I knew the more I got to know you to harder it would be to ignore how I felt. And I was right; because as I've spent more time with you, it’s made it impossible for me to pretend that this isn't how I feel. I know this is selfish of me, I know that the last thing you need right now is me making things more complicated for you after everything you’ve been through, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that kiss. I can’t pretend anymore. You deserve so much more than how Pierre has treated you.” 
Max's confession hung in the air, and as he finally looked into your eyes for the first time since he started speaking, his own were filled with trepidation. He feared that he might see disgust or anger in your expression, but what he found instead was a bewildered look, a mix of surprise and confusion. For a moment, silence prevailed as you tried to process the whirlwind of emotions that his words had stirred within you. Max, sensing your confusion, stammered out an apology. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have put you in this position." He took a step back, as if ready to retreat and give you space to collect your thoughts. "If you want me to go, just say the word." 
You shook your head, still unable to find the right words. "No, Max, please stay," you finally managed to say softly. "I just need a moment to process all of this." You motioned for him to come back inside, and as he entered your home, the air was filled with a sense of uncertainty.  
Max stood there, his gaze locked onto yours, and it was clear that he was waiting anxiously to hear what you had to say. You could see the nervous anticipation in his eyes, the way his fingers slightly trembled. It wasn't just your feelings that were in turmoil; Max's emotions were on display as well. 
"Max," you began again, your voice wavering with raw honesty, "I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel anything for you. But I’m just so confused." Your gaze dropped to the ground for a moment before returning to meet his earnest eyes. "I met Pierre when I was 13 and we’ve been together since, he was my first and only everything. So even though he hurt me more than I knew was possible, those feelings don’t just disappear” 
You continued, trying to express the jumble of emotions swirling within you. "I like you, a lot. And the time we’ve spent together has been great, but I'm in a place where I have no idea what's going to happen with Pierre. It wouldn't be fair for me to lead you on when I'm still grappling with my own emotions." 
Max nodded, his understanding gaze unwavering. "I get it, Y/N," he replied softly, his voice filled with empathy. "I don't expect you to have all the answers right away, and I don't expect you to suddenly be done with Pierre. But I also don't want to give up on the potential of what we might share." He took a deep breath, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "So, if you're willing, could we start by going on a date? No expectations, no pressure. Just two people getting to know each other better." 
Your heart swelled with a mix of emotions, but you needed to make sure he understood the complexity of your situation. You searched his eyes for any signs of hesitation and, finding none, you mustered a small, genuine smile. "Okay, Max," you replied, “If you’re sure you’re okay with me not really knowing what I’m doing, then I’d happily go on a date with you.” 
As Max heard your tentative agreement to go on a date, a radiant smile spread across his face, illuminating his entire expression. It was as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and his eyes sparkled with genuine happiness and relief. His excitement was palpable, and it showed in the way he couldn't contain a small, triumphant chuckle. 
Max's voice, once tinged with nervousness, now carried a buoyant enthusiasm as he said, "Thank you, Y/N. I promise there's no rush, no pressure. We can take things as slow as you need. I'm just grateful for the chance." You truly didn’t know what was going to happen, you liked Max, but you loved Pierre. Things were pretty much as complicated as they could be, but Max had made you feel like it was okay that you were confused, it was okay that you didn’t know what you were doing.  
Content that you had agreed to go on a date, Max stood up to leave and as he reached the door, you noticed a moment of hesitation in his gaze. It was as if he was contemplating something, and for a brief second, you thought he might lean in for a kiss. Your heart raced at the possibility, but then you saw the doubt flicker in his eyes, and his lips curved into a warm, sincere smile. He decided to step closer and envelop you in a gentle hug. 
The embrace was warm and comforting, and as Max held you, you couldn't help but feel a wave of happiness wash over you. There was something undeniably exciting about the prospect of this new chapter, despite the complicated circumstances that had led to it. The mix of emotions that had coursed through you during the day seemed to have settled into a pleasant anticipation. 
As you climbed into bed that night, you were amazed by the unexpected shift in your mood. Instead of feeling worried or stressed about the uncertain future, you were filled with excitement and happiness. Max's genuine interest and the possibilities that lay ahead left you with a sense of hope and a newfound joy that you hadn't anticipated. 
Taglist - @lordperceval-16 @omarsiglia @tom-rec @hiraethrhapsody @barnestatic @ironmaiden1313 @dudenhaaa27 @aundercover @amalialeclerc @icarus-nex @reidsworld @simxican @idkiwantchocolatee @ruleroftheuniverse @faithm120601 @eugene-emt-roe @bicchaan @leclercdream @be-your-coffee-pot @pjofics @yunnie-f1 @girlintheredscarf @larastark3107 @rosalysaoirse @mycenterfold @janeholt3 @daddyslittlevillain @gaslysainz @princessria127 @laneyspaulding19 @fangirl125reader
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gepardling · 1 year
I saw your blog and I love your writings sm🫶 Glad to see a fellow Gepard simp (JGKFKRJSHA HE'S SO HOT)
Going to my request, if you are fine with smut requests, is it okay for me to request husband!Gepard and spouse!gn!reader, featuring breeding kink and manhandling? It's up to you how you want to write how the story goes, surprise me 👀
Anyways, make sure to take care of yourself as well, stay hydrated, and thank you sm!!
happy anniversary w/ gepard.
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desc. : im so srry for my mini-hiatus, my schedule is spaghetti ;p my mind was lowkey still buzzing abt the museum event, n i needed a good hook for da story okay !! to me, marriage means becoming a family, so i used dat to set the scene :) am also working on improving gn!reader smut so i hope i did good here ( wc : 1.9k )
tags / cw : nsfw, gn!reader, pretty fluffy i think, oral, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it!), top!gepard, bottom!reader, aftercare, manhandling, breeding (I HOPE I DID THESE RIGHT, I'M SUCH A VANILLA PERSON), not proofread !
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Gepard couldn’t help but wonder if he was cut out for fatherhood, given his past encounters with children. It seemed that whenever he interacted with little ones, they either burst into tears at the sight of him or found themselves quickly bored by his serious demeanor. As such, he had never entertained the idea of having a family of his own – not until he met you, at least.
You had a habit of taking Gepard’s entire world and turning it upside down, making him question everything he thought he believed up until that point. This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, and he quickly found himself drawn to your open-mindedness. Spontaneity was something that Gepard lacked in his life, and you delivered everything he needed and more. 
It wasn’t long before the two of you had married, and everyone knew it was a long time coming. No one could soften up the strict Captain like you could, especially when you manage to catch him off guard. Just the other day, Gepard's heartstrings were thoroughly scrambled when he saw you guiding a group of children through the museum. The way you handled the kids was beyond Gepard, and you taught history in a way that they understood, even enjoyed. 
After another one of your museum shifts, you and Gepard were relaxing at home. It was the evening of your first anniversary, having been married for a year. Gepard was immersed in a book, your head rested on his shoulder as you arranged your thoughts. Which is what brought you to this point. Here, in your shared home, you decided to finally raise the question. 
“You know,” you began softly, your voice carrying a mixture of wonder and uncertainty. “I can’t help but imagine… What if we had children?” Gepard’s demeanor instantly shifted, a fleeting tension washing over his body. Sensing his unease, you hurriedly backtracked. “I’m sorry, you don’t want to… And that’s okay!”
But before the words could fully escape your mouth, Gepard’s reassuring touch met your hand, his eyes filled with warmth. “No, not at all,” he assured. “You simply caught me off guard…” There was an excited tone to his voice, but some uncertainty still lingered deep beneath the surface. 
A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you absorbed Gepard’s response. “I think it would be amazing,” you uttered, a dreamy lilt decorating your tone. Gepard’s fingers gently traced the wedding band adorning your finger, and he was instantly reminded of your wedding, how radiant you looked as you stood before him. The image of you, eyes filled with unwavering devotion, etched itself permanently in his heart.
Your gentle laughter caressed his ears as your hand cupped his cheek, pulling him back from his daydream. “Don’t worry, we can wait until you’re ready,” you replied, softly pecking him on the lips. “There’s no rush, after all.” But between your gentle touch and his devotion towards you, all this family talk was getting Gepard a little hot beneath the collar.
He was sure you were aware of it too – your touches growing tantalizingly slow as your lips lingered longer and longer on his. With that same old mischievous glint in your eyes, you took the book from Gepard’s hands and set it on the table across from you. You snaked your arms around his neck, gently shifting yourself into his lap.
"What are we still sitting out here for?" You whispered, forehead pressed against his own. "It's our anniversary after all." Gepard's hands slowly came to rest on your hips, a rosy hue spread across his cheeks. You brought your hands down from his neck, opting to work open the first few buttons of his shirt. Dipping your hands beneath the fabric, Gepard shuddered lightly at your cold touch.
He moved his hands from your hips to your wrists, gently gripping them. "Not on the couch," he breathed. Of course, same old Gepard. That's one rule that's never changed for the whole three years you've been with him. You gave him a quick peck on the nose, followed by a mock salute. Gepard smiled in return, uttering "Your form is off," before scooping you up in his arms. 
Your surprise was quickly muffled by his lips on yours, his kiss filled with love and devotion towards you. He made quick work of whisking you off to the bedroom, lightly tossing you onto the soft mattress of your shared bed. You could barely sit up before he was leaning over you, covering your body with his large frame. 
"We're not on the couch anymore, are you happy?" You teased, smiling up at him mischievously. Gepard only rolled his eyes in response, lowering his head to kiss you once again. It was deeper this time, only growing more heated as your hands continued to undress him. Before you could undo his belt, his grip on your wrist stopped your ministrations. 
"Allow me," he replied, moving to undress you instead. He wedged his knee between your thighs, pushing them open before laying between them. He kept his arms wrapped around your legs, preventing you from closing them again. When he dipped his head between your thighs, you could only gasp at the feeling of his mouth on your heat. 
Gepard had more than enough practice over the last few years, and that much was evident. His skilled tongue worked across your sex, rolling over your most sensitive parts. The sensation of his hot mouth caused little stars to spot your vision, nails gripping the sheets so tight you were sure you'd rip them. Your gasps were like music to his ears, only fueling the fire deep within. 
His slicked fingers worked you open, gently scissoring your hole. Your back arched at the feeling as Gepard carefully prepared you, sparks of pleasure dashing across your body. But as the buildup started to reach its peak, mere seconds before your vision could go white and the fires of release consumed you, the sudden loss of his fingers and mouth left you cold and empty. The sensation immediately dissipated, fading into obscurity. 
Your breathing was ragged as your body attempted to come to terms with the orgasm you never had, blinking away the stars that dotted your vision. "W-Wait," you whispered, raising yourself onto your elbows. "Why'd you st-" But just as the words were about to leave your mouth, Gepard had turned you around onto your stomach, hand resting on your upper back. His free hand hurriedly worked to release his cock from the confines of his pants, as he pressed gentle kisses to the skin of your shoulder blades. 
Before you could complain again, he sunk his member deep into your heat. The weight of his body suspended above yours only added to the pleasure, slowly thrusting in sync with the rhythmic contraction of your walls. Each thrust was coupled with the soft grind of his hips, slowly working you back up to your pleasure point. He took his time, butterfly kisses dotting the back of your neck and ears. 
"Gepard…" You sighed, to which he replied with a soft hum. While you sincerely enjoyed his languid pace, you needed something more to soothe the ache in your loins. You pressed back against him, breathing a quiet “Faster,” to which he replied with a chuckle. Gepard slipped two fingers between your lips, hushing you with quiet whispers. 
You swirled your tongue around his digits, the cool metal of his wedding band contrasting the warmth of your mouth. When he pulled back his hand, a small whine escaped your lips, but your breath soon hitched in your throat as he suddenly increased his pace. He kept his hand pressed down on your lower back, preventing you from bucking back against him as he took you at his own pace. 
The way his cock slammed into you left you gasping for air, brushing against your deepest pleasure points. The heat was rising exponentially, drawing the knot in your belly tighter and tighter with each thrust. Gepard’s lips met the back of your ear, gently pressing kisses to the side of your head. As your cries intensified, you buried your face in the closest pillow you could reach, desperate to muffle the throes of your passion. 
But Gepard didn’t like the way you tried to hide, and he was quick to swipe the pillow from your hold. He pulled out in the process, and you whined at the sudden loss of contact. The heat from your core dissipated once again, and your orgasm fizzled out of reach a second time. Before you could make your disdain known, his hands gripped your hips to turn you around onto your back. 
At your gasp of surprise, his hands met your knees, pushing your thighs up against your chest. He buried himself back in your core, and the roughness of his actions made you wail into your palm. Gepard lowered himself to your face, prying your hand away with his own to clash his lips against yours. You reciprocated the kiss, interlocking your fingers with his. He swiped his tongue against your lower lip, to which you opened your mouth, your tongue meeting his. 
When he pulled back, your lips chased his, breaking the delicate string of saliva between you. Your chest heaved as you tried to regain your breath, tiny tears dotting your vision. You felt like you were melting in his hold, the heat of the moment escalating far beyond your limits. Your sighs were like music to Gepard’s ears as he made love to you, consummating your marriage a second time.
The hand from your thigh moved down to your abdomen, pressing into the skin to feel the way he moved inside of you. He gripped your hand tighter, slightly increasing the pace to chase his orgasm. His cock glided effortlessly, bruising your deepest parts as you sang him praise. The pressure rose even higher in your core, building on your previously denied release. 
Amidst his passion, Gepard managed to grunt out a quiet “Where do you want it?” ghosting his lips along the side of your face. You managed to compose yourself just enough to answer, barely squeaking out “Inside,” before another moan tore itself from your throat. Gepard’s hands came to rest on your thighs again, burying himself impossibly deep in your core.
The sensation of his load warming you from within sent you over the edge as well, whispers of his name escaping your lips as your nails dug into his arm. Sparks of electrifying bliss enveloped your body, walls clenching around his cock. Gepard rode out his high, gently grinding his hips against yours. His lips met yours again, this time kissing you much softer than before. 
When he pulled away, some of his cum dripped from your core. You finally released your iron grip on his hand, sitting up to meet him at eye-level. “Why don’t we go get cleaned up,” you asked, your hand cupping the side of his face. Gepard hummed in approval, turning his head to place a kiss on your palm. 
“I think a bath would do,” he spoke, pulling you off the bed and into his arms. Though you weren’t really sure how much cleaning you’d actually get done. All in all, any time you got to spend with your beloved husband was a win in your books.
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(melts) i saw a ballet concert, had my hair done, went out w/ my dad nd played league wit my friends. nun of these activities allowed me 2 write my smutty smut dis week waahhhh hopefully back on schedule now :') i tried 2 write dis extra long as an apology, also referenced multiple online sources 4 gn!smut 2 attempt 2 educate myself........
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grayhyacinth · 1 month
Random Act of Kindness Day
Hello! It's been O-O Like six years since I last posted a work? A lot has happened during my long hiatus (writers block). But, I hope that this is a fun, new beginning.
Disclaimer: This work is with an assumption that Dipper and Mabel are older, but is still set in the current timeline of Gravity Falls (if that makes sense).
Links: ao3, tumblr, masterlist
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The warm sunlight filters in through the cracks of the blinds, shining down onto your face. Your legs move against the soft sheets, scrambling away from the warm light and back into the cool, dark shade. You feel the accidental touch of another's limb entangling with yours, and suddenly, the awareness of a nearby person kicks in.
Your eyes open begrudgingly. Blinking away the sleepy fog, the hazy outline of a breathing figure becomes obvious. Bushy brown hair, tousled in every direction, and a red shirt peeking out from beneath the cozy blanket—it’s Dipper.
His back is turned towards you, but you could tell it's him even in the dark.
A slow smile spreads across your face, your eyes softening as you watch your boyfriend sleep peacefully. A part of you is tempted to pinch him awake.
Reflecting on the previous day, you realize that your stay at the Mystery Shack is likely to extend longer than expected. The dragon that terrorized Gravity Falls and subsequently reduced your home to ashes with its fiery breath has made sure of that. It'll take at least a miraculous week for the construction workers to rebuild your house. Adding to the uncertainty, your aunt and uncle, with whom you were spending the summer, are still out of town and won’t return for a few more days. The only explanation you could recall for their departure was something about Las Vegas—perhaps they were seeing a show?
Lost in thought about your temporary situation, you barely notice Dipper shifting beside you. He turns to face you, rubbing his swollen eyes. His gaze drifts from your distant stare to the slight purse of your lips.
"You're awake before me…"
His somewhat raspy voice pulls you back to the moment. You refocus on him, a light chuckle escaping as you tease, "Morning, sleeping beauty. How was the sleep?"
Dipper groans, rubbing the bridge of his nose with one hand, while the other remains tucked under the pillow, acting as an extra cushion. "Ugh… seriously?"
You laugh, satisfied with his reaction. "What? I'm just surprised you slept in. Usually, you're up at the crack of dawn, either heading off to the basement with Grunkle Ford or helping Grunkle Stan with the Mystery Shack." Your eyes flick to the clock on his bedside table. It’s midday—meaning we both slept through the entire morning.
Luckily you skipped eating Stan's pancakes. The idea of eating one of his arm hairs gave you shivers.
"Hmm," Dipper hums thoughtfully, preparing his throat to respond. "Well, someone had to take down that dragon. And it definitely wasn't you." With a mischievous glint in his eye, he reaches out and lightly pokes the tip of your nose.
"Haha, hey!" You laugh, swatting his hand away playfully. "It wasn’t you either! If I remember right, a certain Grunkle with a pot belly climbed onto the dragon’s back and punched it in the face until it plummeted into the canyons beyond Gravity Falls."
Dipper shrugs nonchalantly. "Someone had to tell him what to do. I used the journal to figure out the dragon’s weakness. That’s what led to Stan recklessly defeating it."
"Okay, okay," you concede, sitting up and raising your hands in mock surrender. "Fair enough. You're the hero, Dipper."
A smug grin spreads across his face, a self-satisfied smile that stretches from ear to ear. "That's right, (Y/n)."
You swing one leg out of the comfortable bed, the sticky, humid air in the attic making it increasingly uncomfortable to stay under the covers. Yet, despite the heat, a part of you longs to retreat back into the cozy embrace of a lazy afternoon. But the thought of wasting away a perfectly good summer day doesn’t sit well with you.
Before you can fully escape, Dipper scrambles forward, catching your waist with his arm and pulling you back toward him. "Where do you think you’re going?" he teases, rubbing his nose playfully against the back of your shirt, bunching up the fabric.
A blush creeps onto your cheeks as you grab his forearm, trying to pry him off. But to your surprise, his grip is stronger than you expected. "What are you doing? Let go, Dipper!"
Dipper lets out a soft noise of defiance, clearly agitated by your unusual willingness to leave his embrace. Normally, you would do anything to stay near him for longer than ten minutes, as he would usually be too flustered to stand beside you without almost exploding. Now, he buries his face deeper into your back, inhaling the scent of your shirt while mumbling incomprehensible words.
You twist slightly to get a glimpse of him. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice the tips of his ears are bright red, and a flush of color highlights his cheeks. Why was he clinging to you so desperately? You sigh gently, your tone softening as you ask, "What's wrong, Dipper?" You run your fingers through his messy brown locks, ruffling his hair. Despite the occasional knot, it’s incredibly soft to the touch.
"Let's just…" he mumbles again, his voice barely audible as his nose nuzzles against your hip. His arm tightens around you, pulling you even closer.
You swallow thickly and look up at the slanted ceiling. If this is some kind of blessing, waking up to a clingy Dipper, then you ought to thank whatever higher power is responsible. You also hope your dead relatives are averting their gazes from this private moment.
Taking a deep breath, you lay back down and adjust both of your bodies on the twin bed until you're facing each other. His legs instinctively intertwine with yours, and just as naturally, his hands find your waist, while yours cup his cheeks. Now that your eyes have fully adjusted to the dim light, you notice the drooping eye bags beneath Dipper’s swollen eyes. It looks like his thoughts kept him up last night.
"Dipper…" you murmur, rubbing his face soothingly. You're careful, pressing lightly against his pale skin. "You can tell me what's wrong, you know? Whatever it is, it’s okay to let me know what's upsetting you."
Despite the reassurance in your voice, Dipper hesitates, weighing whether to open up. It’s not fear holding him back; it’s the worry that you might see him differently. All summer, he’d been crafting an image of himself that he hoped would impress you—from hunting monsters to showing off his latest inventions. The last thing he wanted was for you to think less of him for being a bit vulnerable.
"I thought…" Dipper swallows hard, blinking a few times as he gathers his thoughts. "I thought I was going to lose you yesterday." His words come out gruffly, almost like an old man grumbling to himself, but there’s a tremor in his voice. Saying it aloud makes his fear feel both foolish and painfully real. Maybe you mean even more to him than he realized. "I thought that dragon was going to eat you, (Y/n). Or worse, you could’ve fallen from a million feet in the sky! I should’ve been there for you. I should’ve done something sooner."
You feel him clench your shirt, his fist trembling slightly as his breath hitches at the thought of losing you. Your expression softens, and you gently brush your fingers against the corners of his eyes, smoothing out the wrinkles. "Dipper… Aww… you know, we’ve been in much scarier situations, right?"
"Yeah, but the dragon literally picked you up with its sharp fangs and started flapping its wings!"
"Like a giant bat?"
"…Yeah… like an impossibly ginormous bat," Dipper sniffles, ducking his head lower. His eyes and the upper parts of his cheeks are hidden in the shadow of his hair, making it difficult for you to see his expression.
You can sense the weight of his fear, the way he’s been holding it all in, trying to be strong for you.
"Well," you begin, careful not to coddle him in a way that might make him feel ridiculed, though he was undeniably adorable in this moment. "Just like those bats you scramble to catch in Stan's kitchen, I knew you'd come to save the day." A gentle smile spreads across your face as you squished his cheeks and then pulled him into a deep embrace.
As you press against him, the familiar scent of clean laundry and pine trees fills your senses, a surprisingly comforting combination that always reminds you of Dipper. For someone who often fumbles through awkward moments and sweats through tense situations, he actually smells pretty pleasant. Perhaps it’s that ever-present vest that usually traps the worst of it, but right now, in this quiet moment, he’s almost intoxicatingly comforting. Ugh… that sounds weird.
You pat his back soothingly, your hands moving in slow, rhythmic circles as the creaks of the wooden shack and the distant, boisterous shouts of Dipper’s relatives filter in from outside.
But then, the tranquility is interrupted by a loud, unmistakable grumble from Dipper’s stomach. You pull away just enough to meet his eyes, your own widening in surprise.
"…That did not sound human," you quip, laughter bubbling up from your chest.
"Haha… sorry, (Y/n)," Dipper mumbles, his face turning an alarming shade of crimson as he sits up, sheepishly clutching his stomach. "That’s… embarrassing."
"Pfft…" You stifle your laughter, finding his awkwardness endearing. It’s a relief to see him returning to his usual self, though a part of you still worries that the earlier sadness might creep back in if you’re not careful. "Come on, let’s get something to eat, Dipping Sauce."
The nickname rolls off your tongue effortlessly, and before Dipper can muster up a protest against the new name, you’re already on your feet, heading for the door. His half-hearted objections follow you, but you’re too quick, slipping out of the musty attic with a change of clothes in hand.
Just across from the bedroom door is a small, worn bathroom. You step inside and lock the door, twisting the handle a couple of times to ensure it’s properly secured. In this old, creaky house, you’ve learned to be cautious—the faulty locks have nearly resulted in more than one embarrassing incident. You didn’t need a repeat of someone barging in on you in a moment of privacy.
As you glance at yourself in the mirror, you can’t help but smile, a mix of affection and amusement lingering from your interaction with Dipper. There’s something about this place, despite its decay and oddities, that feels like home—or maybe it’s just the people in it that make it feel that way.
On the porcelain sink sits a pink cup adorned with colorful stickers, filled with three toothbrushes: a blue one for Dipper, a purple one for Mabel, and your own. Hanging on the hooks on the wall is your towel, and then a vibrant, multicolored one, and another, more subdued in color. As you glance around, you realize how seamlessly you’ve settled in with the twins over the summer. The cozy familiarity of the bathroom feels like a small, comforting victory.
You finally take a good, long look at yourself in the mirror. Your face is a bit puffy from oversleeping, and your hair is a tangled mess from constantly shifting around the bed in search of a cooler spot during the night. Sighing, you reach up to open the mirror's door, revealing a hidden medicine cabinet. Three bright yellow sticky notes catch your eye.
The first reads: YOU'RE DA BEST! The second says: SMILE Someone LOVES IT! The third states: U R MY FAV PERSON!
The large, eccentric letters and the myriad of smiley faces, hearts, and stars bring a smile to your face. Mabel’s penchant for spreading positivity is evident, even when she’s not around. It’s a small reminder of her vibrant spirit and how much she values the little things that make life bright.
Singing a song, you freshen up for the day ahead. After changing into some flexible clothing, you double-tie the laces of your sneakers—just in case running from a monster becomes part of today’s agenda.
Tucking your pajamas under your arm, you open the door and are greeted by an unexpected sight. Dipper is sitting on the floor beside the bathroom door, his nose buried deep in Journal 3. The soft glow of the morning light filters through a narrow window, casting a warm hue on his focused expression.
"Dipper!" You exclaim, startled by the sight. "What are you doing out here?"
"Oh um…" Dipper snaps the book shut and looks up at you, his face a mix of guilt and awkwardness. "Just… you know… waiting for you?" He hesitates, his eyes darting to the left as if searching for a more convincing excuse.
"…You know, that's kind of weird, right?"
"Umm… haha… yeah… I wasn’t actually waiting for you," he stammers, standing up abruptly and shuffling away. The tips of his ears flush a vivid shade of red. "Just needed a place to sit. Definitely wasn’t listening to you sing earlier or anything, haha."
You blink, taken aback by his strange reaction. He blinks back at you, looking equally bewildered.
You open your mouth to respond, "Dipp--"
Suddenly, he cuts you off, turning on his heel and dashing down the hallway. "You know what! I think I just heard Stan call for me! What’s that, Stan? You need help with the Mystery Shack?" His voice grows increasingly frantic as he hurries away, and soon, you’re left standing there, confused by his sudden flight.
You tilt your head, a mix of confusion and amusement on your face. "Huh… that was…" You slowly said, wondering what might have set him off. Perhaps he’s just hungry or disoriented? After a moment’s thought, you shrug it off and head back into the twins’ room.
The sight of the room never fails to catch your attention, no matter how many times you see it. Mabel’s side is a riot of color and creativity. The walls are covered with a vibrant array of stickers, photos, and posters, each one adding to her charm. Her pink bedding is decorated with a cheerful yellow flower on the headboard, giving her bed a whimsical touch.
However, Mabel’s natural disarray is evident. Her bed is a jumble of sheets and pillows, and the floor is strewn with toys, sweaters, and other belongings. It’s a vivid testament to her vibrant personality but also a stark contrast to the neatness you’ve come to expect elsewhere.
You can’t help but smile as you take in the scene. Despite the clutter, the room radiates warmth and character. It’s clear that Mabel’s creative spirit knows no bounds, and her space reflects her energetic and carefree nature.
As you settle your dirty clothes into the laundry bag, you catch sight of a small, hand-drawn poster pinned to the wall. It’s a whimsical doodle of a unicorn with a rainbow mane, surrounded by hearts and stars. Beneath it, in Mabel’s characteristic scrawl, is a note that reads: Be awesome today!
That’s too cute.
Turning your gaze to Dipper’s side of the room, you find an equally personal space. His walls are decorated with a more restrained collection of posters and maps—mostly sketches of mythical creatures, cryptic symbols, and adventure-themed designs. There’s a large, hand-drawn map of Gravity Falls pinned above his desk, with various notes and markings indicating mysterious locations and possible leads.
Dipper’s bed is neatly made, with a plain blue comforter and a couple of well-loved pillows. The bed frame is tucked against one wall, and next to it stands a wooden table cluttered with research materials: a stack of notebooks, a magnifying glass, and a few stray paper clips. On the wall above his bed, there’s hooks with binoculars hanging down. One corner of the room is dedicated to his growing collection of journals and reference books.
Despite the empty room, it felt like the twins were still there bickering.
Smiling, you spun on your heels and bounced down the staircase, humming a tune that matched your upbeat mood. As you entered the living room, you were greeted by the sight of Mabel, who was knitting away on the yellow-striped armchair while Waddles snoozed contentedly on the armrest.
“Mabel! How are you?” you called out, your voice warm and cheerful.
“(Y/n)!” Mabel’s voice rang out, filling the room with her boundless energy. “Wanna see what I’m doing?” Her eyebrows shot up in excitement as she thrust her arms out, revealing the project in her lap. The green knit was a large sweater, adorned with a huge yellow heart on the front. It was only halfway finished, but already it radiated Mabel’s signature charm.
“Aww! That’s so cute, Mabel! Who’s it going to be for?” you asked, genuinely impressed.
“It’s for Stan!” Mabel’s excitement caused her to nearly leap from her seat. “It’s so soft! Do you think he’s going to like it? I even made a matching one for Grunkle Ford.” She dramatically produced an identical sweater from behind her, its vibrant colors contrasting with the green of the first.
You felt a pang of hesitation. Mabel’s innocent enthusiasm was endearing, but you had to be honest. You gently took her hand and, with a serious expression, said, “I hate to say it, but I don’t think Stan or Ford are the type to wear sweaters. I mean, Stan can barely wear pants, and Ford… well…” You glanced around to ensure no one was within earshot. Leaning in, you whispered, “He’s kind of weird…”
Mabel blinked, her eyes wide with surprise. You held your breath, hoping she wouldn’t be too disappointed.
“My Grunkle isn’t weird!” Mabel exclaimed, her face turning from shock to fierce determination. She pushed you away, and then suddenly stood on the couch cushion, her two hands firmly planted on her hips. She was gripping her needles tightly. “He’s just… quirky! And Stan is awesome! They’re gonna love these sweaters, I just know it!”
“L-Look, Mabel!” You quickly stood up, backing away slowly as if trying to distance yourself from an impending storm. With both hands in the air, you tried to gesture away her frustration. “You see—”
“He is not weird!” Mabel’s voice was filled with indignation, her face flushed with a mix of anger and hurt.
“Woah, woah…” Dipper appeared in the doorway, sandwich in one hand and the other extended in a placating gesture. “What’s going on? Mabel… put the needles down.”
Mabel glared at you for a moment before reluctantly setting the knitting needles aside, her defiant posture faltering. You sighed in relief, glancing at Dipper with a mix of gratitude and embarrassment.
Dipper stepped closer, taking a bite of his sandwich before speaking. “So, what’s all this about?”
Mabel took a deep breath, wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand. “I was knitting sweaters for Grunkle Stan and Ford for Random Act of Kindness Day!”
“Random Act of Kindness Day?” Dipper asked, his brow furrowing in confusion as he took another bite of his sandwich.
“Yes, Random Act of Kindness Day!” Mabel’s voice trembled slightly, but her determination remained. “It’s tomorrow, and I wanted to do something nice for Stan and Ford.” She sat down on the edge of the couch, looking utterly defeated. Waddles, sensing her distress, waddled over to nuzzle her side, offering his comforting presence. “B-But (Y/n) says that they wouldn’t like it.”
The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of Mabel’s disappointment hanging heavy in the air. Dipper set his sandwich down and approached Mabel, crouching beside her.
“Mabel,” he said gently, “I think (Y/n) was just trying to be realistic. But honestly, I think it’s really thoughtful of you to make these sweaters. They might not wear them all the time, but they’ll definitely appreciate the gesture. It’s the thought that counts.”
Mabel looked up at him, her eyes still shiny with unshed tears. “You think so?”
Dipper nodded, offering her a reassuring smile. “Definitely. And I’m sure Stan and Ford will be touched by your kindness. Besides, it’s not about what they wear—it’s about knowing you care.”
Dipper glanced over to you with a look of concern, his worry evident in the furrow of his brow.
You quickly stepped in, your voice firm but reassuring. “I never said they wouldn’t like it! I just mentioned that they might not wear it.”
After a brief pause, Dipper’s expression softened as he considered your perspective. He gave a reluctant nod of agreement. “Yeah… I’m sorry, Mabel, but I have to agree with (Y/n).”
Mabel’s face remained etched with frustration, tears streaming down her cheeks as her emotions ran high.
“Wh-What I mean is,” Dipper’s voice wavered slightly, a trace of panic coloring his words, “let’s think about it. Have we ever actually seen Stan or Ford wear sweaters? Especially bright green ones?”
Mabel blinked, her anger giving way to confusion. “No…”
“Then…” Dipper extended the word, taking a cautious step closer to his visibly upset sister. “Maybe we can help you come up with another gift idea?”
The room seemed to hold its breath as Mabel’s features softened, the earlier anger dissipating into a mixture of sadness and contemplation. Dipper managed a small, half-hearted smile, a gesture of both apology and reassurance.
You decided to chime in, trying to break the tension with a hopeful tone. “What would they like then?”
The three of you fell into thoughtful silence, pondering what Stan and Ford would truly appreciate for Random Act of Kindness Day. Stan had a well-known affection for money, while Ford’s interests leaned heavily towards his eccentric, nerdy pursuits. The possibilities seemed both endless and implausible.
A golden statue with laser eyes? A goose that pooped wads of cash every time you fed it a screw? The more you brainstormed, the more convoluted and impractical each idea appeared.
Mabel, regaining her composure, gave a small, thoughtful nod. “Well, Stan does love money, and Ford… he’s always talking about weird science stuff. Maybe we could come up with something that combines their interests?”
Dipper’s eyes lit up with a spark of inspiration. “We could go find something in the woods? Ford could research it and Stan could turn it into an attraction.”
“Oh! Great idea, Dipper!” Mabel bounced with enthusiasm, her earlier frustration melting away. “I’ll make them flower crowns and turn them into pretty princesses.”
You raised an eyebrow at Mabel’s statement but decided to focus on the more pressing matter. “Monster hunting…? While I love to agree with you, Dipper, we’d need to be careful. Last time we ventured into the woods, it didn’t exactly go as planned.” You were making a point to the time Dipper, Mabel, and you set out into the woods for what was supposed to be a straightforward search for a unique artifact that Ford had mentioned in his research. According to the old legends, the mirrorstone reveals a glimpse of alternate realities or possible futures. Though, it looks like a plain, unassuming rock. Ford thought it could be a fascinating addition to his collection, and Stan would surely enjoy the story behind it.
However, as you ventured deeper into the cave, you began to notice strange occurrences—whispers in the wind, eerie shadows flitting between rocks, and the sudden chill in the air. Unbeknownst to you, the "mirrorstone" was guarded by a mythical creature known as the Shadow Serpent, a guardian of the forest with the ability to manipulate shadows and create illusions.
As you approached the cave, the shadows around you seemed to come alive, twisting and writhing into serpentine shapes. The Shadow Serpent emerged. The ordeal left you all exhausted but triumphant. But, while you managed to retrieve the rock, which turned out to be even more beautiful than you imagined, the experience left the three of you exhausted.
Dipper nodded, understanding the concern. “You’re right, we need to be careful. But what if we keep it safe and still make it fun? We find something interesting in the woods, and Mabel can still make the crowns. It could make the whole thing more special—and we’d have a good excuse to explore a bit”
Mabel’s eyes sparkled at the idea. “That sounds awesome! We could find something magical and then give it a special place with the crowns.”
You smiled at the compromise, feeling reassured. “That sounds perfect. Just as long as we stay careful—I’d rather not have another run-in with mythical creatures.”
You pulled Dipper aside, lowering your voice. “Hey, thanks for earlier. Mabel was really upset, and you handled it like a pro.”
Dipper blushed slightly, scratching the back of his head. “No big deal. I just didn’t want her to stay upset. And, honestly, exploring Gravity Falls never gets old.”
You smirked, nudging him playfully. “Well, with you around, I guess we’re always in for an adventure. Or at least, a grand tour of ‘Things That Can Go Horribly Wrong.’”
Dipper chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Hey, if you’re going to stick around for all the chaos, I guess I should warn you—my tours come with a no-return policy.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Sounds like a deal. I’ll just make sure to bring extra snacks and a sense of humor.”
Dipper grinned, giving you a friendly bump. “Perfect. We’ll need both. And maybe a few emergency supplies, just in case.”
As you all geared up, packing essentials and making sure to bring plenty of supplies, the anticipation of the adventure grew. The idea of finding something both incredible and fitting for Random Act of Kindness Day became an exciting prospect.
With the sun filtering through the trees and the crisp air hinting at adventure, the three of you set out into the forest. The peacefulness of the woods was a stark contrast to the thrilling escapades that lay ahead. Birds chirped cheerfully overhead, and the rustling leaves provided a calming backdrop to your journey.
As you trekked over fallen branches and through the underbrush, you chatted excitedly about the possibilities. Dipper and Mabel shared their theories about what the enchanted grove might hold—a squirrel with a tiny top hat and monocle, who speaks in a posh British accent and gives out riddles; or bioluminescent flora that light up the forest with a mesmerizing, otherworldly glow You joined in with suggestions of your own, a staff with a clock-like face that can briefly slow down or speed up time. Maybe finding it could lead to you sleeping in for an extra hour.
The forest seemed to envelop you in its embrace, with the dappled sunlight creating shifting patterns on the forest floor. Mable picked various flowers along the way. Anything that seemed interesting or pretty, such as flowers that glowed in the shade, or a normal daisy. But as the hours passed, the peaceful ambiance gave way to a more ominous feeling. The trees grew denser, the shadows deeper. The path, once clear and inviting, became increasingly tangled and overgrown. Even the sky changed shades. It was once clear and blue, but now storming clouds blanketed the sun.
Dipper paused, consulting his map and muttering to himself about landmarks. “Where even are we? This doesn’t look right…” He avoids stepping on a peculiar mushroom with thorns sticking out of it.
Mabel, her enthusiasm undeterred, continued to weave her flower crowns, her eyes occasionally glancing around for inspiration. “I can’t wait to see what we find! Imagine if we discover something truly magical!” Her large doe eyes sparkle with interest, innocently admiring the sights before her.
“Mabel, stay close,” you advised, trying to keep your voice steady despite the growing unease. “We don’t know what’s out here.” You raised your bat, ready to face whatever might emerge from the underbrush.
After a tense moment, a playful squirrel burst from the leaves, its tiny eyes wide with fear at the sight of the humans and their defensive stances. You all breathed a collective sigh of relief, the tension breaking into nervous laughter.
“That’s one way to lighten the mood,” you said, shaking your head with a chuckle. “I was almost ready to face a dragon or something.”
Dipper laughed, adjusting his grip on the journal. “Yeah, I’d say we’ve had enough dragon encounters for a lifetime.” He tucks his hat lower upon his head, securing the band for fear of losing it.
Mabel giggled, still clutching the flower crows. “If only we could find a dragon that’s friendly and loves flower crowns!” Despite her statement, you sense that she wasn’t willing to sacrifice the gifts to escape a giant lizard.
“Now that would be something,” you agreed with a grin. “But let’s focus on finding something less fiery for the day.”
The forest seemed to hold its breath as you continued, every rustle and snap magnified in the stillness. What had started as an exciting quest was turning into something more intense, with a palpable sense of anticipation hanging in the air.
Suddenly, the trees parted to reveal a clearing bathed in an ethereal light. In the center stood a grove of ancient, gnarled trees that arched together to form a natural gateway. The sight was mesmerizing but also a bit unsettling. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, hinting at the enchantment and danger that lay ahead. Various circles of mushrooms and pops of colorful flowers decorates the green grass.
It was like a true depiction of spring.
“Flowers!” Mabel dashed forward, her excitement momentarily overriding her sense of danger. Her hair flew behind her as she sprinted towards the vibrant scene.
“Mabel, wait!” Dipper’s voice trembled with concern as he scrambled to catch up to his reckless sister. He glanced at you with wide eyes, the urgency in his expression clear.
You followed closely behind, casting wary glances at the arching trees and the shifting shadows, ready for anything that might leap out to capture the three of you.
Mabel collapsed into the fluffy grass, her hands eagerly plucking various flowers to add to her nearly completed flower crown. Her eye for aesthetic was impeccable as she created a crown that was not only beautiful but also unique. “Look at all these amazing flowers!” she exclaimed, beaming with pride. “This is perfect for the crowns!”
Dipper, catching up, bent over to catch his breath. “Mabel, this place is incredible, but we need to be careful. We don’t know what kind of magic or creatures might be here.”
“Relax, Dipper!” Mabel said, waving him off with a carefree laugh. “It’s just flowers and mushrooms. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“Let’s stick together and stay sharp,” you advised. “We’re here to find something cool, not to get into more trouble.”
“Oh quite spoiling my mood, (Y/n)!” Mabel shoos you away, frowning. “You didn’t like my sweaters and now you’re trying to ruin my flower crowns? Don’t you even want to give Stan and Ford anything?”
“Mabel that’s not what I—”
She turns away sniffling. “Whatever. Dipper! Tell (Y/n) that I don’t want to talk to her anymore.”
“Umm…” Dipper looks at you, cautiously hesitating as he decides between you or his sister.
“You know what?” You huffed and walked away, waving a careless arm in the air. “I told you. I was just offering some advice and you’re the one who took offense to it. It’s not my fault you didn’t consider Stan and Ford’s preferences in your gift.”
“What’s that suppose to mean—”
You refuse to hear the rest of her protest as you went further and further away from the twins. Who cares what Mabel thought? You were only trying to be helpful. Stan and Ford deserve a gift that they both like. Not something that Mabel thinks they’ll like.
As you neared a creak of gushing water. The refreshing sounds eases your concerns and you stopped, pausing to consider why you were so angry. “Ugh… What am I even doing?” You mumble exasperatedly, sitting down with a plop. You dip your hands into the fresh water, admiring the way it effortlessly washed away the dirt on your palms. “Mabel’s gift isn’t my gift. I shouldn’t have taken her considerations for others so personally…”
A butterfly fluttered before you, its wings a mesmerizing blend of blue and purple, shimmering in the sunlight as if defying gravity itself. You were captivated by the way its colors shifted with each flap, and instinctively, you reached out a hand to touch it. But just as your fingers were about to brush against its delicate wings, a high-pitched scream shattered the peaceful moment.
“Mabel!” Your heart leaped in your chest as you tore your gaze from the butterfly, dashing back through the underbrush toward the sound. Branches snagged at your clothes, and the forest seemed to close in around you as the scream echoed again, spurring you forward. It was unmistakable—Mabel was in trouble.
You burst into the clearing where you'd left Dipper and Mabel, expecting the worst. But what you found was far from what you imagined. Mabel was there, unharmed, standing amidst a cloud of glittering dust, her eyes wide with wonder. A pair of pixies were hovering above her, playfully tugging at her flower crowns, while Dipper had his backed to to you, shouting and jumping in delight.
The scream, you realized, had been one of delight, not fear. Mabel was giggling, twirling in the grass as the beautiful beings danced around her, their tiny wings leaving trails of shimmering light in the air. They were beautiful, with their iridescent wings and cherubic faces, but there was something unsettling about the way they moved, the way their eyes sparkled with a mischievous, almost malevolent, light.
"Mabel!" you called, trying to keep your voice steady. But she was lost in her own world, completely enchanted by the creatures.
You approached Dipper cautiously, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. He jumped, startled out of his intense focus. When he turned around, a grin spread across his face, wide and almost delirious. "(Y/n)! There you are! Aren’t they amazing?" His voice was pitched higher than usual, his excitement palpable.
"Umm... what's going on?" you asked, taking a step back. Fear laces your senses your boyfriend’s unusual state.
"These are Glimmerlings!" Dipper exclaimed, holding up Journal 3 and flipping to the entry on the creatures. He began to read aloud, his eyes wide with fascination. “They’re tiny, about the size of a hummingbird, with wings that shimmer in every color of the rainbow. They look harmless, almost angelic, but they’re actually really dangerous.”
As he read, you couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of dread. The Glimmerlings were indeed beautiful, but Dipper’s words painted a darker picture. "They’re fond of stealing small, precious items—things with sentimental value—and hoarding them in their nests. But what’s worse is their ability to create powerful illusions, leading people into traps or making them lose their way in the woods."
You looked over at Mabel, who was now stumbling toward the edge of the clearing, the Glimmerlings hovering just out of reach, giggling as they lured her deeper into the forest. Her hands were empty. Panic flared in your chest. "Dipper, how do we avoid getting enchanted? How do we know if we're already under their spell?"
Dipper glanced at you, the seriousness of the situation finally sinking in. "Probably when we start seeing things that aren’t there... or if we start following them without thinking." His eyes widened as he realized Mabel was already under their influence. "Mabel! Wait!"
Without another word, you both sprinted after her, but the forest seemed to close in around you, the trees growing thicker, the path more treacherous. Mabel’s laughter echoed eerily through the trees, but no matter how fast you ran, she seemed to slip further away.
"(Y/n)... give me... a second..." Dipper gasped, finally stopping to catch his breath, his hands on his knees as he tried to regain his composure. You stopped too, collapsing to the ground beside him, your chest heaving as you struggled to breathe.
"How could she get so far away?" you groaned, wiping sweat from your brow.
Dipper shook his head, still trying to catch his breath. "I don’t know... Maybe the Glimmerlings are speeding her up somehow?"
"Or maybe it’s just Mabel being Mabel," you muttered, though you couldn’t shake the feeling that something more sinister was at play.
Dipper pulled out the journal again, flipping through the pages with shaky hands. "Okay, here it is... To break free from their illusions, we need a loud noise or a bright, concentrated light. A whistle or a flashlight should work."
You slipped off your backpack and began rummaging through it. Pulling out a flashlight, you held it out to him. "This should do it."
Dipper smiled, albeit weakly. "Nice, (Y/n)! But we still need to figure out how to get the flower crowns back."
He skimmed through the journal again, nodding as he found the right passage. "We can create a decoy—something shiny or magical. If we throw it near their nest, they might go after it, and we can grab the crowns while they’re distracted."
You pondered your options for a moment, tapping your index finger against your chin. “How about,” you suggested, “We shine the flashlight on the Glimmerlings first to break any illusions, then run back to the meadow, find the nest with the flower crowns, and throw the flashlight to distract them?”
Dipper nodded, but something in the back of your mind nagged at you, a lingering doubt that you couldn’t shake. The forest seemed to grow darker, more ominous, and you realized that the trees around you appeared to be closing in, twisting into shapes that made your skin crawl. The path ahead was barely visible, just a thin trail through dense, gnarled branches that seemed to reach out toward you.
You glanced at Dipper, but he didn’t seem to notice the impending doom. Maybe it’s just exhaustion or the fact that the moon has finally risen while the three of you were trapped in the forest?
Dipper reaches a hand out to help you up. “Let’s go find Mabel, (Y/n).” His grip on your hand tightens, refusing to let it go.
“Yeah…” You smiled weakly. You couldn’t shake the feeling that something was watching you. As the two of you walked, hand and hand, over and under various obstacles, it seemed as though everything was trying to corner you into a singular space. Like you were walking in circles. What made it even more odd, was the fact that not a singular bird chirped or crowed in the wind, or bugs echoing their calls. It was completely silent.
You tug at his hand. “Wait a minute,” you said, your voice trembling slightly as you looked around. “Something’s not right…?” You couldn’t believe yourself. But your instincts told you that the prying eyes that watched you with delight wasn’t normal, and neither was this odd forest.
Dipper’s eyes widened as he took in your words, and he quickly lets go to flipped through the journal, scanning the pages with growing urgency. “You’re right… this doesn’t make sense. The Glimmerlings create illusions, maybe…”
You both fell silent, the air around you heavy with an eerie stillness. The trees loomed closer, their shadows stretching out like dark tendrils. The overcast sky was barely visible. Panic started to bubble up inside you as the realization hit: you were already under the influence of the Glimmerlings’ magic.
“Dipper,” you whispered, your voice tight with fear, “we need to snap out of this, now.”
Dipper fumbled with the flashlight in his hand, his fingers trembling as he turned it on. The beam cut through the darkness, but it barely seemed to pierce the suffocating gloom around you. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest. Mabel’s laughter, faint and distant, drifted through the air. She sounded so far away, but something about the way her voice echoed didn’t feel right.
“That’s it!” Dipper exclaimed suddenly. “The illusions—they’re warping our perception of distance and direction. We’re not as deep into the forest as it seems.” Immediately, Dipper shined the light up, and the darkness seemed to flicker, like a screen glitching before resetting. The twisted trees and suffocating shadows wavered, then began to dissolve like smoke in the wind. For a brief, disorienting moment, the world around you warped and shifted, and then—
The illusion shattered.
The dense, menacing forest melted away, replaced by a much more normal sight of trees and rocks. Even the sunset sky became visible. There were Glimmerings floating above the two of you, they screeched in pain as they struggle to remain stagnant in the air against the light. They began to fly further and further away as Dipper waves the flashlight, disappearing beyond your sight.
Relief flooded through you, and you let out a shaky laugh. “Nice one, Dipper! You saved us from glittery doom.”
Dipper grinned, a bit of his usual confidence returning. “Hey, I’ve got a thing for solving supernatural problems, remember? Besides, someone had to keep us from getting lost in fairyland.” His hands were sweaty and so he hid them behind his vest to wipe them.
You smirked, nudging him playfully. “I’ll give you that. But let’s not celebrate too soon. We still have to find Mabel and get those crowns back.”
Dipper’s smile faded slightly as he nodded, the weight of the situation settling back in. “Yeah, you’re right. She couldn’t have gone far—probably just ahead.”
You both pushed forward, urgency driving you. “Come on, Dipper, we’re almost there.”
Just as the trees gave away to an opening, your heart nearly stopped when you spotted Mabel—she was standing less than ten feet away at the very edge of a steep cliff, teetering dangerously close to the brink. The Glimmerlings fluttered around her. their eyes were upturned in delight, trying to coax her into the deadly drop below.
“Mabel, no!” you shouted, sprinting toward her with all the speed you could muster. Dipper was right behind you, the flashlight’s beam bouncing wildly as he ran.
“Mabel, stop!” Dipper yelled, his voice cracking with panic.
But Mabel seemed entranced, her eyes glazed over as she reached out for the Glimmerlings, oblivious to the danger she was in. The creatures snickered and fluttered just out of her reach, luring her closer to the edge.
You knew you had to act fast. “Dipper, shine the light on them—now!”
Dipper skidded to a stop just a few feet from Mabel, aiming the flashlight directly at the Glimmerlings. The beam of light caught them in mid-flight, and the effect was immediate. The creatures shrieked in high-pitched, unearthly voices as the light struck them. They scattered in all directions, their shimmering wings leaving behind trails of glittering dust as they fled.
The moment the Glimmerlings’ hold on her was broken, Mabel stumbled forward right over the cliff, her eyes widening in shock as she realized how she was going to plummet down straight to her death. You lunged forward, grabbing her arm and pulling her back to safety, your heart racing as the adrenaline surged through your veins.
“Mabel!” you gasped, holding her tight. “Are you okay?”
Mabel blinked, dazed but unharmed. “(Y/n)? Dipper? What just happened?”
Dipper was panting, his face pale with fear, but he managed a shaky smile. “You almost took a very bad fall, Mabel. But we got you.”
Mabel’s eyes filled with tears, and she hugged you tightly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… I just wanted to play with them. They were so pretty.”
“It’s okay,” you murmured, smoothing her hair. “We’re all safe now. But let’s get out of here before those things come back.”
A long moment passes as the you held Mabel tightly. You couldn’t believe that you almost lost her. This is probably how Dipper felt when the dragon whisked you away in its jaw.
As you and Dipper helped her up, one of your arms wrapped securely around her waist while Dipper’s other arm supported her shoulder. Mabel wasn’t injured, but the near-death experience had left her shaky and unable to walk steadily. The three of you made your way back through the forest, and it quickly became apparent that there had never been a beautiful clearing with arching trees—it was all an illusion conjured by the Glimmerlings.
Just as you helped guide Mabel over a fallen tree trunk, Mabel gasped in surprise. Startled, your head whipped around, expecting to find a Glimmering, but there wasn’t one in sight.
“W-What is it?!” Dipper’s voice cracked with panic.
“The flower crowns!” Mabel suddenly pulled away from the two of you and pointed frantically in the direction you had just come from. “Those pesky fairies took the flower crowns I was going to give to Grunkle Stan and Ford…” Her lips pursed in a shaky pout, eyes wide and brimming with tears.
“Oh… it’s just the flower crowns.” Dipper sighed in relief and gently grabbed Mabel’s arm. “They’re just flower crowns, Mabel. You can always make more.”
“No! They were flowers from our adventure! I can’t just give them any other flower crown!” Mabel protested, her voice cracking with emotion. She shook off Dipper’s hand and prepared herself to climb back over the trunk.
A part of you wanted to rip out your hair at Mabel’s stubbornness, but you also understood. To Mabel, her Grunkles were irreplaceable, and they didn’t deserve substitutes or replacements.
Dipper groaned, rubbing the space between his brow as he tried to think of something comforting to say.
You reached out to Mabel and pulled her into a hug. “I think…” You breathed in her scent—a sweet mix of sugary but warm vanilla. “Those sweaters you made for them will mean more than some dirty flowers from the forest.”
Mabel sniffled, still not reciprocating the hug. “But you said they wouldn’t wear them…”
You paused, realizing how your earlier words had hurt her. You pulled away slightly, cupping her cheeks in your hands and rubbing your nose fondly against hers. “Who cares what I think? Beautiful sweaters from their favorite niece will last longer than flowers that’ll decay in a few days.” You smiled warmly at her. “Besides, Dipper was right. It’s the thought that counts.”
As Dipper approached, he hesitated for just a moment before stepping into the hug, his arms wrapping around both you and Mabel. "You know, (Y/n)'s right. Those sweaters are awesome, Mabel. Stan and Ford are going to love them."
Mabel sniffled again, a small smile breaking through her pout. "You really think so?"
You nodded, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "Absolutely. And even if they don't wear them all the time, they'll always treasure something made by you."
Dipper added with a grin, "Plus, I bet they'll rock those sweaters when no one's looking."
Mabel let out a small giggle, wiping away her tears. "Maybe I'll make matching ones for Waddles too."
You laughed softly. "Now that would be a sight to see."
Dipper groaned. “Waddles in a sweater? Don’t you think it’s kinda weird to make sweaters for a pig?”
Even as the three of you laughed merrily, the embrace lingering as you held onto each other, the warmth of the moment made the chaotic adventure feel worthwhile. The tension of the day seemed to melt away, leaving only the comfort of being together. The birds finally cawed as they flew from tree to tree, squirrels danced in circles as they fought over nuts, and the bugs crawled along the dirt in search of food. It was a completely normal and unassuming hug.
Then, out of nowhere, you heard a loud, unmistakable sound of a fart.
“Oops! Sorry…” Mabel grinned, looking both sheepish and proud. “It’s my body’s way of saying it’s dinner time!”
“Ew, Mabel!” Dipper groaned, taking a step back with an exaggerated look of disgust. “Seriously?” Despite his protest, his eyes sparkled with laughter, unable to hide his amusement.
You tried to stifle your own laughter, teasing, “Shouldn’t it be your stomach making noise? Not your butt?” You couldn’t help but chuckle, relieved to see the Mabel you knew and loved was back to her usual self.
Mabel just shrugged, completely unbothered. “Hey, when nature calls, I answer! Besides, it’s a gift.”
“A gift?” Dipper raised an eyebrow, pretending to be horrified. “What kind of gift is that?!”
“Yeah, we’ve had enough surprises for one day,” you added, shaking your head with a grin.
Mabel giggled, wrapping her arms around both you and Dipper again. “I love you guys, even if you can’t appreciate my talents!”
After the laughter died down and the three of you finally released each other from the hug, the forest around you seemed to settle into a peaceful quiet. The chaos of the day felt like it had been left behind in the clearing, replaced by a warm, contented silence.
Dipper was the first to break the quiet, looking around with a thoughtful expression. “We should probably start heading back,” he said, glancing up at the sky. The moon was out. “We’ve had enough adventure for one day.”
You nodded in agreement, feeling a twinge of tiredness in your legs. “Yeah, let’s get out of here before something tries to eat us.”
With that, the three of you began making your way back through the forest. Dipper walked ahead, occasionally turning around to make sure his two favorite people were following, while Mabel chattered happily about all the things she wanted to do once you got back to the Mystery Shack. You listened with a smile, glad to see her enthusiasm hadn’t been dampened by the day’s events
Eventually, you could see the familiar outline of the Shack in the distance. The sight of it brought a wave of relief—finally, you were almost home. As you approached, you could hear the faint sounds of Stan and Ford arguing inside, their voices rising and falling in what sounded like a heated discussion. They paused abruptly when they spotted the three of you through the window of the gift shop, safe and sound, and their expressions shifted from concern to a mix of relief and confusion.
As you reached the patio of the tourist gift shop, Grunkle Stan rushed out, his arms wide for an embrace. He pulled the twins into a tight hug. “You three had us worried sick! What were you guys doing out there?”
Ford followed shortly behind, his hands in his pockets and his glasses perched high on his nose. His expression was a mix of sternness and concern as he glanced between you and the twins. “And where have you three been?” he asked, his voice carrying a hint of reprimand.
You glanced sheepishly at the twins, who seemed momentarily frozen with fear. You could practically feel the weight of Ford's gaze. “Um…” you began, trying to choose your words carefully. “You know… exploring…? In the… woods…?”
Stan held the twins out at arm's length, his face etched with a mix of relief and exasperation. His voice was higher than usual, laced with a note of panic. “Kids! Didn’t I tell you how dangerous it is out there?!”
Dipper and Mabel both looked down, their expressions a mix of guilt and fatigue. Stan’s eyes softened just a bit as he saw how exhausted they were, but the worry remained in his voice.
Ford stepped in, his eyes narrowing slightly behind his glasses. “Exploring can be risky. Especially this late in the day. Who knows what could have happened?”
You took a deep breath, stepping forward to ease the mounting tension. “We did run into a few... complications. But we’re all okay now. And, um, we have quite a story to tell.”
“Grunkle Ford, Stan! Don’t be so hard on us.” Mabel steps out, hands behind her back as she gives him the largest eyes in the world. “We were only trying to have fun.”
“There are better—safer, ways to have fun.” Ford’s scowls, clearly not falling for her puppy eyes.
Dipper pitches in hastley. His arm is around Mabel’s shoulders and he then reaches out to grasp your hand. “Next time, we’ll be more mindful of our safety. Promise.”
Ford and Stan raises an eyebrow at you and Mabel, expecting a unanimous agreement. The moment you and the brown haired girl echoed “Promise,” Stan’s shoulders relaxed a fraction, though his concern was still evident. “Just... next time, listen to the warnings. I don’t want to be dealing with any more close calls.”
Ford gave a reluctant nod, his stern expression softening slightly. “We’ll talk about it more later. For now, let’s get you all inside for a shower and dinner.” They stood ushered you guys inside, and then followed suit.
After the three of you got cleaned up, the aroma of Stan’s cooking wafted through the air as the group settled around the dinner table. Stan had outdone himself with a hearty meal of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans. A difference from the usual ice cream for dinner. The comforting smell mixed with the sounds of plates clinking and utensils scraping as everyone took their seats.
Stan poured himself a generous serving of gravy and glanced at Dipper and Mabel. “So, what exactly were you kids up to today? You looked like you were through the wringer.”
Dipper exchanged a glance with Mabel, a subtle signal passing between them. Mabel’s eyes darted around the room, and she quickly shoved a forkful of mashed potatoes into her mouth, her cheeks puffed out and her eyes slanted sideways.
“Yeah, um,” Dipper said, his voice slightly strained as he took a large bite of his meatloaf. It seems like he also thought stuffing his face would avoid the question, because when he realized that his silent Grunkles were awaiting a reply, he choked out a reluctant response, “You know, just some harmless wandering around.”
Ford raised an eyebrow, leaning in with an analytical look. “You didn’t get up to anything too... unusual, did you?”
Mabel, caught between chewing and swallowing, managed to mumble through her full mouth. “Nope, nothing unusual at all! Just saw… dirt… and trees...”
Stan’s eyes narrowed slightly, not entirely convinced.
Dipper gave an awkward chuckle, clearly uncomfortable with the way Mabel answered the question. “No, really. We’re fine. Just had a few... challenges, but nothing we couldn’t handle.” He glances over to you, his eyes pleading for help.
Just as your fork pierced a slice of meatloaf, it slid off your fork and clattered to your plate. You cleared your throat and interject. “So! What were the two of you up to today?”
Ford and Stan seemingly buy into the switch in discussion, and the conversation shifted to less intense topics—like the latest gossip from town and upcoming events.
As the meal wound down, Stan cleared the table, grumbling good-naturedly about the absence of dessert, while Ford retreated to his laboratory with a napkin filled with jot down inspirations he found during dinner. The twins and you gathered into their bedroom, the comfortable space filled with the soft glow of a lamp.
Mabel, pulled out her knitting supplies and set up a cozy corner on her bed. Her fingers moved swiftly and skillfully, the rhythmic click of the knitting needles filling the room as she finished up the identical sweaters.
The tinkering sound of needles clicking together as they tied strings of yarn filled the room. Occasionally, the turn of pages from Dipper notebook and the soft murmurs beneath his breath would join along. You were busy rustling a random shopping bag filled with ribbons, stickers, markers, and plastic gift bags.
As she worked, she chatted animatedly, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "So, what do you think we should give Stan and Ford? I mean, the sweaters are awesome, but we need something to go with them."
You sat cross-legged on the floor, organizing a small assortment of colorful ribbons, preparing to cut them, while Dipper lounged on Mabel’s bed beside her, flipping through a notebook filled with ideas. The room was warm, lit by a soft glow from a string of fairy lights draped across the walls.
“Okay, what about this?” Dipper began, his eyes brightening as he looked up. “I was thinking of setting up an outdoor spot with blankets, snacks, and a small fire pit. We could roast some marshmallows over a campfire and share stories under the stars.”
Mabel’s fingers never paused as she worked on the final touches of the sweater. She glanced up with a wide grin. “Ooo, sounds like someone’s trying to impress a certain someone,” she teased, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Hey, I can’t help it if I have great ideas,” Dipper shot back, feigning innocence. “Plus, I thought you loved s’mores, Mabel.”
His sister giggled, playfully nudging Dipper with her elbow. “Only if you don’t burn them like last time. Seriously, how do you mess up a marshmallow?”
“Hey, that fire was really unpredictable!” Dipper defended, turning towards you with a mock pout. “Back me up here, (Y/n).”
You laughed with Mabel, glad that their playful bickering was lifting everyone’s spirits. As Dipper looked at you with those wide, expectant eyes, you couldn’t help but tease him a little.
“Well, Dipper,” you began, tapping your chin, “I think you might have been a bit distracted... but not by the fire.” You smirked, enjoying the way his cheeks turned slightly pink. “But hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?”
Dipper rolled his eyes playfully. “You’re supposed to be on my side!”
Mabel snickered, nudging him. “Looks like you’ll have to redeem yourself with those s’mores, bro.”
You grinned, deciding to shift the conversation to your own idea. “Speaking of redeeming ourselves…” You reached into your backpack and pulled out a small glowing leaf you’d been keeping aside. “Hmmm… I wasn’t exactly prepared for Random Act of Kindness Day, but I did find these bioluminescent plants in the forest earlier. I thought it’d be nice to make glow-in-the-dark muffins with them.” You held up the leaf, its ethereal glow illuminating your face. “Plus, I’ll wrap them up in cute little bags tied with ribbons. It’ll be like giving them a piece of the forest night sky.”
Mabel’s eyes widened with excitement. “That’s so cool! Imagine the look on Stan and Ford’s faces when they see them!”
Dipper smiled, his earlier embarrassment forgotten. “Glowing muffins? Now that’s something they’ll never see coming. You always find a way to surprise me, you know that?”
“Flattery will get you everywhere,” you replied with a wink.
Dipper’s face flushes red, but his grin widened. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
With that, the sound of crickets chirping in the night and the exhaustion of the day's adventure began to settle in. The soft rustling of leaves and the gentle sway of the curtains created a peaceful atmosphere. You could barely keep your eyes open, signaling that the gates of dreamland were opening wide. Slowly, the moon reached its peak in the sky, casting a silver glow over the room as the three of you tucked yourselves into bed. Mabel snuggled up alongside Waddles, her soft murmurs barely audible as she drifted off to sleep. You nestled into Dipper’s arms, feeling the comforting weight of his embrace. It was soft, warm, and familiar—everything you wanted it to be and more.
The soothing snores combined with the occasional creaks from the old floorboards, lulled you deeper into your dreams. The night passed peacefully, with the warmth of Dipper’s body against yours grounding you in the safety of the Shack.
When the first rays of the sun crept through the curtains, gently warming your face, you stirred awake. Groggily, you opened your eyes, allowing them to adjust to the dim room. As you rolled them around to moistened the socket, you felt the stare of another. Your gaze flickered over, finding yourself face-to-face with Dipper. His eyes were already open, a lazy smile tugging at the corners of his lips. As he noticed you waking up, his mouth parted slightly in a silent “oh.”
It seems like he’s been caught admiring you while your eyes were closed.
“Who’s the sleeping beauty now?” he teased, his smirked with amusement.
Your face softened as you mumbled something incoherent, not quite ready to leave the warmth of his embrace. You tucked yourself in further against his chest, the scent of pine and a hint of his laundry urged you to linger in the moment a little longer.
“What was that?” he asked, his voice a gentle rumble that echoed through his chest. His hand moved up to the back of your head, fingers threading through your hair in a soothing motion.
“Ugh,” you grumbled, feeling the warmth of his laughter vibrating against you. “You’re such a dork, Dippin’ Dots.”
He chuckled, the sound low and comforting. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
You couldn’t help but laugh along with him, the soft morning light making everything feel a little bit more magical. Wrapped up in each other, the world outside the Shack felt like it could wait just a little longer.
Unfortunately, before you could fully bask in the peaceful morning, the door burst open with a loud bang. Mabel, brimming with energy, dashed into the room and leaped onto the bed, her laughter ringing out like a bell. "Rise and shine, lovebirds!" she declared, tugging at the blankets and yanking both you and Dipper out of bed.
"Mabel!" Dipper groaned, rubbing his eyes as he tried to resist her enthusiasm.
"No time for sleeping in! We've got a whole day of kindness to spread!" Mabel insisted, her voice filled with excitement. She grabbed your hands and pulled you both up, practically bouncing with eagerness. "Come on, come on! We’ve got a lot to set up before everyone arrives!"
As you stumbled out of bed, still shaking off the remnants of sleep, Mabel’s infectious energy was impossible to resist. After speed running your morning chores, the three of you quickly got to work, setting up the cozy outdoor spot Dipper had planned. Blankets were spread out, snacks arranged in baskets, and the small fire pit was prepared for marshmallow roasting later in the evening. Your cooled muffins were placed inside personalized bags set on a picnic table, each tied with a colored ribbon representing a person.
By the time Soos and Wendy arrived, they were tasked with the leftover decorations. The two of them shared their own acts of kindness. Soos, ever the handyman, had crafted personalized wooden trinkets for everyone, each one etched with a special memory he shared with the person. Wendy, with her cool and laid-back style, had put together a mixtape of everyone’s favorite songs, perfect for playing in the background as they all spent the day together.
You guys shared a casual chat, catching up on the missing times and events. You and Dipper were sitting on a log, blowing up balloons while Soos was balancing himself on a ladder, trying to hang up a banner.
Soos grinned broadly, his eyes shining with excitement. “Dudes, this is like, the most epic Random Act of Kindness Day ever! You guys really know how to throw a party. I’m totally gonna eat those glow-in-the-dark muffins later. They look like they’re straight out of a video game!” He rubs his stomach, almost stumbling a bit as he leans too far forward.
Wendy, leaning casually against a tree, nodded in agreement. “Yeah, you guys nailed it. This whole setup? Super chill vibes.”
She gave Dipper a playful wink, smirking. “You’ve got some serious planning skills, Pines. Maybe you should do this more often.”
“Haha…” Dipper shares a shy smile. He rubs the back of his neck, glad that his idea brought smiles and laughter. “Honestly, I couldn’t do this without you guys.”
Suddenly, you hear the distant sounds of voices approaching. With upturn eyes of delight, you gesture for everyone to get into position.
“Come on! Hurry! Hurry!” Mabel urged gleefully, practically bouncing on her toes as she tugged along Ford and Stan. Both men chuckled behind her, trying to keep up with their energetic niece.
Stan’s voice called out, full of warmth and curiosity. “Alright, alright, we’re coming! What’s all the fuss about?”
Ford, adjusting his glasses and grinning, added, “I have to admit, you’ve got my curiosity piqued. What’s this all about?”
The moment they rounded the corner, a burst of excitement awaited them. Dipper and Wendy blew party blowers with wide grins, while you and Soos threw handfuls of confetti into the air. Mabel let go to run over, joining you. “Surprise!” you all shouted in unison, your voices echoing through the clearing.
They stood there. Shocked. Stan’s eyes widened in delight as he took in the scene—an outdoor setup complete with blankets, snacks, and a small fire pit ready for marshmallow roasting. Ford’s stern expression softened, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Pausing for a moment as tears welled up in their eyes.
It seems like their hearts were soaring.
“Do you guys like it?!” Mabel exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy. “This is like the best surprise ever isn’t it?!”
Stan, ever the tough guy, tried to hide his emotion, but the gleam in his eyes gave him away. “You kids really went all out, didn’t ya?”
Ford nodded, looking genuinely touched. “Indeed. This is… quite something…”
Wendy laughed, giving Soos a high-five. “Aww guys!” She shoots finger guns at the old men. “Ford and Stan, you two deserve all this and more. It’s like you’ve got your own personal fan club now!” Gesturing at the scene, it really does seem like a party.
Stan chuckled, trying to keep his cool. “You know, I might have to admit this is one of the best surprises I’ve ever had. You kids really do know how to make a guy feel appreciated.” He seems to want to say something more.
Ford, noticing Stan’s struggle to find the right words, placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “It’s clear how much thought and care went into this. It’s not just about the gifts or the festivities—it’s about the thoughtfulness behind them.”
You all stood there, basking in the warmth of gratitude and love. It seems like no one knew what to do next.
Seeing the tender moment, you decided it was time to shift gears. With a spark of mischief in your eyes, you stepped forward and flashed a bright smile. “Alright, now that we’ve got the heartfelt stuff out of the way, how about you two join us in the fun? We’ve got games, music, and of course, lots of snacks. What do you say?”
Mabel’s grin widened as she picked up on your cue. “Yeah, we’ve got a whole evening planned. And trust me, it’s going to be a blast. Plus, we can listen to the tracks Wendy made!”
Soos literally jumped in, adding his own enthusiastic flair. “I call dibs on those marshmallows and muffins!”
With everyone now gathered around, the night sky glittering overhead, the mood was set for a cozy, celebratory evening. As the fire blazed wildly, its warm light dancing across everyone's faces, everyone sat down on the logs, ready to enjoy the festivities.
Time passes and everyone bellies began to bulge from sweets and treats. While the fire crackled, the group exchanged their gifts, and laughter filled the air. It seemed like Mabel hadn’t just made sweaters for her Grunkles; she had crafted identical ones for everyone! As you all shrugged on the bright green attire, it felt like you were part of a colorful, quirky family of green people.
Your glow-in-the-dark muffins were a hit as well. Everyone enjoyed the sweet flavor with a hint of tang. It even looked cool as they shone in the dark night. Though, you swore that Soos ate too many and his eyes began shining like flashlights.
Mabel leaned over, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she observed Soos. “Soos, are you sure you don’t have superpowers now? You’re looking pretty electrifying!”
Soos, trying to look serious but failing miserably as his eyes flickered like strobe lights, replied, “I dunno, Mabel. I didn’t realize these muffins came with a side of superpowers! If I keep eating them, I might start charging my phone just by standing near it.”
The group burst into laughter, the playful banter adding to the joy of the night.
Dipper chuckled, glancing over at you with a smirk. “Looks like you’ve got a new competition for the most glowing personality in Gravity Falls.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Well, at least we know Soos won’t be getting lost in the dark anytime soon. Just hope he doesn’t start glowing in his sleep!”
Lastly, Stan and Ford had their own acts and gifts to share. Stan handed out coupons with a large step forward and a flourish, proudly declaring, “Get ‘em while they’re hot! Free knick-knacks for everyone!”
Dipper had a stupid smile as he blankly looked at the coupon, and then stared at Grunkle’s Stan’s proud expression. “Wow… I am never going to use this.”
It seems like everyone simultaneously agrees silently as they shoved the piece of laminated paper into their pockets. As for Ford’s gift, Ford begins with a warm smile, “I wanted to add my own little touch to the evening.”
As Ford hands out the personalized stargazing charts, each one meticulously wrapped in celestial-themed paper, Stan unwraps his with a bemused expression. He glances at Ford, raising an eyebrow.
“Look at this,” Stan says with a playful smirk. “My brother, the ultimate nerd, giving us star maps. Did you expect us all to become astronomers overnight?” He nudges his twin brother until Ford’s glasses falls crooked to one side.
Ford adjusts his glasses, his smile unwavering. “Well, you don’t have to keep it, Stan. I just thought it was a nice touch to remember the night sky from a special day. There’s even a booklet with some fun facts and a few anecdotes.”
Stan chuckles, shaking his head but clearly touched by the gesture. “Sheesh! Alright, alright. Guess I’ll just have to figure out how to use this thing now.”
Silence falls upon everyone as they continues to admire their stargazing charts, murmuring interesting facts and observations they found. Stan suddenly brightens up with a mischievous glint in his eye. He clears his throat, preparing to deliver his punchline.
“Hey Ford,” Stan calls out, practically to no one as he faced forward, “Since you’re so into the stars now, I’ve got a joke for you. Why did the astronaut break up with his girlfriend?”
Ford seemingly wants to groan, but he smiles knowingly and curiously says. “I don’t know, why?”
“Because he needed space!” Stan says with a grin, clearly proud of his joke. He swings a hand to smack his knee loudly, clearly delirious by his own joke.
The group bursts into laughter, and even Ford can’t help but chuckle, shaking his head in mock exasperation.
Out the corner of your eye, you notice that on your chart there was the Big Dipper. Just as you reached out to trace it with your finger, the actual Dipper clears his throat beside you. He’s not directly looking at you as he asks, “Do you have a moment, (Y/n)?”
You tilt your head, curiosity piqued. “Sure! What’s up?”
He gestures with his thumb towards a secluded spot under a tree, away from the lively group. “Can I talk to you over there?”
You glance around and notice that no one seems to be paying attention to the two of you. They seem too caught up by Stan’s awful jokes. “Uhh… okay?” You follow him, slipping away from the laughter and chatter. As you walk, the warmth of the party fades, and the chilly night air makes you shiver. You pull your sweater closer, glad that it’s well knit to keep the cold out
Once you’re a few feet away from the group, Dipper takes a deep breath, clearly gathering his courage. The cool breeze rustles the leaves overhead, adding a subtle background to his nervous fidgeting. “So, um…” Dipper kicks a small rock with the tip of his shoe, his cheeks flushing slightly. “I got you something. I know it isn’t much, but I thought you might like it.”
He shyly pulls out a small, intricately crocheted keychain from behind his back. It features a charming mix of a crocheted Waddle, a tiny plastic pine tree, and a sparkling shooting star. Each piece combined to create a personalized keepsake that perfectly encapsulates the twins.
Dipper’s cheeks turn a deeper shade of red as he looks away, mumbling, “I thought it might be nice to have something to remind you of… well, of us.” He gestures to his sister and then himself.
You’re touched beyond words. You take a moment to admire the intricate details of the keychain, lifting it up to eye level, and feeling a rush of affection in your chest. It was like a bundle of nerves collecting into the pits of your stomach. “Thank you, Dipper. It’s perfect. I love it.”
His nervous smile softens into a genuine one as he meets your gaze. “I-It’s nothing. I’m glad you like it.” The tips of his cheeks and ears were lightly dusted with the shade of pink.
As you and Dipper make your way back to the party, you notice him glancing at you with a playful twinkle in his eye. “You know, (Y/n),” he begins with a smirk, “if you keep looking at that keychain with that much adoration, I might start getting jealous.”
You raise an eyebrow, a mischievous smile playing on your lips. “Oh, really? And why would you be jealous of a little keychain?”
Dipper chuckles, shrugging dramatically. “Well, it’s not every day that you get overshadowed by a tiny Waddles and a plastic shooting star. I’m starting to feel like I’m in the shadow of a bunch of craft supplies.”
You laugh, leaning closer to him. “Don’t worry, Dipper. You’re always the star of my show. Even if your competition includes a crocheted pig.”
Before Dipper can respond, Mabel’s voice rings out, cutting through the playful banter. ““Hey! You two lovebirds! Come here!” Maybel shouts enthusiastically. She’s jumping up and down with a camera in her hands to capture your attention.
You and Dipper glance at each other, your smiles widening. “Looks like we’re needed,” you say, taking his hand.
“Guess the star has to share the spotlight,” Dipper replies with a wink as you both head back to the group.
Mabel, standing in the middle of the gathered crowd with her camera, waves enthusiastically. “Come on, come on! Everyone gather around!”
You and Dipper make your way back to the campfire. Ford and Stan stand in the back behind a long, thick log, the former adjusting his glasses and the latter with his arms crossed, trying to look nonchalant but clearly enjoying the moment. Soos is to Stan’s right, grinning ear to ear, while Wendy crouches down to sit next to you, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
You take Dipper’s hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Ready for this?”
“Absolutely,” Dipper says with a grin, squeezing back as Mabel directs everyone.
“I’m going to take a picture! Everyone say, ‘Random Act of Kindness Day!’” Mabel calls out, setting the camera on the make-shift camera holder using yarn, popsicle sticks, and glitter. She tiptoed to start the three-second timer and as the seconds ticked down, she grabs Waddles, who happily snuggles in her arms with a loud oink, and rushes over to sit next to her brother.
Ford flashes a rare hint of a smile while Stan grins from ear to ear. “Ever notice that posing for photos is like holding your breath? The longer you do it, the harder it is to remember why you’re smiling.” He mutters, though his eyes betrays a glimmer of delight despite his smile dropping momentarily.
You shoot him a look of concern. Man… and you thought Grunkle Ford was weird.
The camera flashes brightly, the sound of laughter and cheers filling the air as everyone enthusiastically shouts, “Random Act of Kindness Day!”
The photo prints out and gently falls onto the forest floor, the paper swaying slightly as the wind picks up. Mabel shoves Waddles into the secure arms of her brother, her shoes crunch on the fallen leaves as she leaves to eagerly picks up the photo, her smile wider than ever.
She waves the print triumphantly. “Another one for the scrapbook!” she exclaim.
You watch as Mabel’s excitement is mirrored by the rest of the group. With the photo safely in hand, she turns to show everyone, her enthusiasm infectious. They crowd around the jumping little girl, amused by their expressions or asking for a redo. Even Waddles is oinking excitedly as he wiggles out of Dipper’s embrace and runs around the group.
Soft brown hair touches the tip of your head as Dipper leans in closer to you, his voice low and playful. “So, how does it feel to be part of such a perfect day?” His eyes are twinkling.
You smile, leaning your head against his shoulder. “It feels pretty amazing. Especially with you by my side.”
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Mini & Moni Music was... interesting, kind of concerning? We really know so little about the members - especially if you're like me and don't watch all the lives and documentaries, and read every book or interview. Even if I did all that, though, I wouldn't know much. The more honest they are, the more obvious it is they're "hiding" so much from us and how little we know them. This honesty unintentionally increases the disconnect between us and them, throwing every memory of them in a different light. A lot of the intimacy we feel/felt isn't real because, sometimes, when they look happy they're actually struggling while we enjoy ourselves and their "happiness".
The thing about RM for me is I've struggled to understand him, even if I probably have more in common with him than other members. The way he expresses himself is very opaque to me. I lack the sensibility, or context, I guess, to understand his thought process.
This special content between Jimin and Namjoon was a bit sad. RM doesn't seem happy. Every year, I feel like he reveals that he wasn't happy in the previous year. Has there been any year where Namjoon didn't suddenly reveal he'd been struggling? Because last year he made it seem as if he'd been doing pretty well, and I guess he was better at some point, while working on RPWP, but he'd been having a really rough time. Hearing him say he had to distance himself from BTS in order to heal (I think in 2023, after Indigo, but also applies to chapter 2 in general?) and Jimin saying the members thought he liked them less now... was sad.
RM really had(s) been struggling with the group. I know Hobi really wanted a chance to do something solo, but Festa dinner still feels mostly like it was brought on by Namjoon. I'm pretty sure Jungkook, Jimin, Jin, Suga, and V would've been fine carrying on with group activities with little to no solo activities, and Hobi only wanted a chance to do something different, not necessarily a big break from the group (I think; I haven't watched a lot of chapter 2 solo content, maybe I'm wrong). But RM was truly "done", to the point where the members felt him pulling away from them... RM popping up during one of Jungkook's live and their whole interaction kind of takes on a new meaning. Jungkook had been really happy to talk to Namjoon, and Namjoon said he missed Jungkook and that they needed to hang out. At the time maybe RM had already created distance between himself and the members so they missed each other a lot and there was a kind of uncertainty in their relationship.
I believe in BTS, but this content has made RM, the leader, seem the least excited about BTS, which may be untrue - contradictory and conflicted feelings can coexist. I kind of became concerned about how they'll return as a group (and what that will sound like...) if RM just looks so burnt out and even regretful about many things in their past (like his seriousness before). I know that each member struggled a lot, and for every hard moment there is a good one RM remembers, but I hope that when he comes back he learns how to enjoy being in the group again (or maybe for the first time; maybe he never really knew how to love the group without feeling weighted down by it). Like he says, RM speaks for the group. Most of Festa seems like him speaking for the group while the group itself didn't share his feelings completely but wanted to support him. It's ironic because RM said he feared that the group only represented his thoughts and not the group's, but I really want to know what the other members think. Suga, for example, has always blamed their hiatus on the enlistment, whereas Namjoon has made it clear that wasn't the main reason.
I don't know, I know the group has been through a lot, including the time they almost disbanded (I say almost, but how close were they, truly? Thinking heavily about something and having the intention of doing it are quite different), but this made me lose confidence in the group a bit, at least in RM. In the eyes of the members he's equated to BTS, but it seems like he's drifted apart from them. That's life, but as a fan it was hard to hear. Maybe they all feel the same, and I'm putting it all on Namjoon... This conversation with Jimin was very negative, but that's not the whole truth, and I shouldn't forget that.
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plasticflwrs · 9 months
★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ DISCOGRAPHY — Under the cut, you will find an IN DEPTH look into the career of South Korea's favorite idol band, Plastic Flowers. Beginning in 2016, they would rebrand after failing to make a profit in 2017 and find true success with TEETH in 2020, just a few months before their 16 month hiatus would begin. In 2022, they came back stronger than ever with I'M ALIVE and have consistently topped the music charts since. They are known for their promotional style which revolves around a spring and fall release each other, amounting to about 16 releases across singles, minis, their three full studio albums. Despite their constant stream of releases, the quality never suffers despite being completely self-produced since all five members are now involved in the writing process.
★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ TRIGGER WARNINGS — Death of a parent, descriptive mention of eating disorders + treatment ( 2021 section ). If this piece is too triggering, please DM and I can give you a summary of what happens!
★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ THE YEAR IS ... 2016 !
Compared to their underground counterparts, idol bands have been relatively successful in the past as seen with FNC's trio of FT Island, CNBLUE, and N.Flying along with JYP's newest venture, Day6. However, Plastic Flowers would fall under the radar due to the influx of third generation groups debuting between 2014 and 2016 with all three of the major companies debuting at least one new group during that time. Plastic Flowers would debut as four members with SALEM, DAL, JIHUN, and GWYN on May 15, 2016 with the lead single SCARED from their single album LET ME GO. While the two songs were praised by music critics, it failed to reach the general public. Along with their other single album, it would sell 46 copies total within the year and has never been reprinted. Original copies of the album are priced very high on second-hand selling websites and no "real fans" currently own a copy. LET ME GO and MENTALISM were even taken off of all major streaming platforms until fans demanded for it's return in 2022.
MV VIEWS: 1.2 million.
In their debut, Plastic Flowers explores themes of fear and insecurity through the song SCARED. The lyrics suggest hesitant to approach someone and an inability to express oneself freely, with most fans interpreting this to relate to Salem's original group THE BIG GLOOM, which she left the year prior. The phrase why are you scared? repeats throughout the song and highlights a sense of frustration with the fear and reluctance in their relationship, despite attempts to change. The narrator yearns for reassurance and validation, seeking comfort in the hope that their fears and uncertainties will fade away.
This line-up would release their second and final single album MENTALISM in November of 2016 with the title track MOUSE. This would be a continuation of their previous release, in terms of themes and inability to perform well on music charts. Though Mouse is beloved by fans now, it made no noise in 2016 and remains their worst performing single of all time, selling even worse than their debut single. Mentalism marked their first attempts at performing at small venues like bars and other restaurants, however, due to Oliver's age, they were often denied by the promotional teams. They would return to busking and posting covers in hopes of gaining more fans. At the end of 2016, it was announced by Superbloom Media would be placed on INDEFINITE HIATUS as they evaluated where to go forward. DAL and JIHUN would leave not long after, moving to larger companies and debuting in traditional idol groups instead.
MV VIEWS: 3.9 million.
In 2024, MOUSE is often compared to their later b-side BRAND NEW CITY from their 2023 album OHIO IMPROMPTU. Both discuss the sense of dread from being in one's prime and dreading what comes later. Mouse is described as what happens after the narrator of Brand New City moves and realizes that they need to find a way to survive, that simply moving was not enough to change their feelings and create happiness. The narrator vows to "find love / and find a way to survive here", giving them a new sense of hope for the remaining time that they have and will move on from the silence.
★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ THE YEAR IS ... 2017 !
In September 2017, Plastic Flowers would return with an almost completely new lineup composed of SALEM, JUNYEONG, MINGHUI, SERIN, and OLIVER. Oliver would drop his initial stage name, Gwyn, during this rebrand for an unknown reason, though he still uses it to produce for other groups. They would release ROCKSTAR from the album SOCIAL REJECTS to limited success. They would sell 99 copies of their third single album, doubling the previous records set by LET ME GO and MENTALISM. Superbloom Media would also shift their promotional style in favor of the more traditional idol route, getting them performances on Music Bank and The Show for three weeks.
MV VIEWS: 3.4 million.
ROCKSTAR moves away from their traditional melancholic sound for more critiques of the social landscape. Rockstar explores themes of frustration and defiance in the face of judgement and control from others. They are seen as a suspect, watched closely, and labeled as a hopeless murder by those around them. Similar to their other tracks, this is believed to have been written after the conflict with The Big Gloom and is Salem's take on it. Those around the narrator continuously reject and oppose them, leading to a growing sense of resentment with the world around them. The chorus emphasizes the narrator's resolve to stay true to themselves because they believe they are doing nothing wrong. This song would be revisited in 2024 and a re-recording with new pianist Oh Deurim would be included in their third studio album RUTHLESS ROCKSTARS as a b-side.
With a small but mighty fanbase under their belt, Plastic Flowers would return in December 2017 with their first mini-album NORTH STAR, which had five songs including the title track FREEDOM. This release would double their catalogue and allow for slow growth across the next few years. THE BIG GLOOM, composed of the four original members, would also release their newest album over Soundcloud that same day, leading to tensions amongst new and old fans as the debate of what Salem should have done returned. Rather than alienating the old fans, they went back to their old sound to prove that nothing has changed and Plastic Flowers will only be a better version of her previous band. NORTH STAR was promoted similarly to their previous single album with performances on all major South Korean music shows and even an appearance on The After School Club to connect with international fans.
MV VIEWS: 6.7 million.
FREEDOM returns to their original sound with the themes of liberation and desire to break from societal constraints from ROCKSTAR still following them. Freedom opens with lyrics expressing uncertainty about what to sing about, overwhelmed by the abundance of refrain in the world and emphasizes their understanding of the path that they have chosen. The narrator proclaims that they have finally found their own way and the metaphor of cutting the moon and devouring the night suggests a rebellious mindset, choosing to defy expectations and live freely. Freedom encourages fans to let go of the norm and find their own path, breaking from societal expectations for their own happiness.
★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ THE YEAR IS ... 2018 !
2018 would cement Superbloom's promotional style for Plastic Flowers as they release an album in the spring and fall, the seasons in which they have found the band to be most popular in. The first release of 2018 was HIGHER & HIGHER, their second mini-album with the lead single LET'S GET LOST. This release continued their momentum forward and there was nothing out of the ordinary during this era. They were slowly being included in more variety shows, as seen by their joint appearance with Day6 on Weekly Idol and their first invitations to a major award show with the Golden Disc Awards and Seoul Music Awards. They were not nominated or even performed, but their photos from the red carpet got people talking about the unknown group.
MV VIEWS: 5.7 million.
By now, Plastic Flowers had also shown what their lyrical concept would be as they created another song about escaping hardships of life and embarking on a journey of self-discovery. The narrator has a desire to let go of the past and leave behind anything that feels uncertain in LET'S GET LOST. The verses encourages themselves and their companions to leave behind their negative experiences as they "open the curtains" and lock the door behind them. Later lines capture the excitement of encountering new experiences and embracing the unknown, showing their growth away from the past that seemed to follow them and rising above.
LOVE ME? would be the last Plastic Flowers album fully written and produced solely by SALEM and Superbloom's in-house production team. All of the members were growing interested in producing their own music, especially the two youngest members—Serin and Oliver. They had submitted drafts to Superbloom for Love Me?, however they were not chosen. Interviews this era were a bit tense because of this and Salem wanting to keep her creative control over the group. Superbloom would also give Plastic Flowers their first reality show, FLOWER SHOWERS, which followed them around and tried to show fans the "real" members.
MV VIEWS: 6.3 million.
TWENTY-ONE revolves around the themes of heartbreak, disappointment, and the realization that a once-special relationship has come to an end. The lyrics depict the emotions of someone who believed their relationship was unique and meaningful, only to discover that their partner does not feel the same. This is famously thought to be about former bandmate YING SHUHANG, more commonly known by his stage name IRUM. Throughout high school and much of their career together, they dated and broke up around the same time Salem left to join Superbloom Media. Through this song, she is coming to terms with the relationship being over after asking "why don't you adore me?" over and over again. She uses the concept of sleep and going to be bed to bury the past and move on from the relationship, showing that she would be ready to move on once she wakes up.
★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ THE YEAR IS ... 2019 !
Plastic Flowers would release HYPOCREEP in March 2019, right before OLIVER was set to appear on the new survival talent competition show SUPERBAND, produced by JTBC. Despite the sound change, Hypocreep was met with positive reaction from fans and is their first mini-album to sell over 1,000 copies in the first month. It is often seen as a turning point for the band as their releases following would follow a similar sound and is the first song to credit another band member besides Salem, that being OLIVER. This would be the first of a long partnership between the two that would eventually fizzle out during their 2022 hiatus. Hypocreep is also one of the most popular songs for other idols and bands to cover given the technical requirements of each instrument.
MV VIEWS: 7.4 million.
HYPOCREEP expresses frustration towards people who are hypocritical and fake, particularly those who are thirsty for drama and attention on the internet. The singer identifies as a "hypocreep," which is a term they use to describe themselves as a different breed of person who is hyper and freaky. The singer acknowledges that they may be seen as strange or abnormal to others, but they do not care because those same people secretly wish they could be like the singer.
While Hypocreep opened the door for other members writing, THE CHAIN would be the first time another member would sing on a Plastic Flowers track. The Chain is a duet between Salem and Oliver and would mark the beginning for a lead singer change. It was under the direction of Kim Yuchan, a first generation soloist, and he advised the change since Oliver was well liked by the general public after Superband. THE CHAIN still remains a fan favorite song and would give the band their first award show nomination on Show! Music Core, much to the band's surprise. Most of the members recall this era as the first time they actually felt loved by the audience and could see people singing along.
MV VIEWS: 10.2 million.
The main message of THE CHAIN is that relationships can be enduring, even if they have difficulties. The first verse describes the struggles of having a relationship and feeling powerless to their partner's actions. They discuss the idea that a love can endure even in these moments of darkness, as the lover is trying to tell the other that they would never break the chain that binds them together. There is a strong guitar and bass solo--played by SALEM and OLIVER--that represents the strong connection between them that won't be broken so easily. The end is a plea to stay together, to keep the chain together, and not run into the shadows away from each other.
★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ THE YEAR IS ... 2020 !
Fans of Plastic Flowers fall into two camps for their 2020 releases: either loving it or hating everything it stands for. Due to it's "inappropriate lyrics" FOR YOUR LOVE was banned by all the major South Korean music shows and would be promoted in a series of live concerts instead. They would instead promote READY TO FLY as their title track for this era, saving the performances of For Your Love for their smaller performances. Not long after the conclusion of For Your Love's promotions, Superbloom Media would confirm SALEM and OLIVER's relationhip, which had begun at the end of the year prior. This would be another reason why people did not like the song as it showed their relationship was taking away from making songs about important topics, not just each other.
MV VIEWS: 29.2 million.
FOR YOUR LOVE talks about the desire to please and satisfy someone in a romantic relationship. The lyrics in the verses describe the singer's intent to be the first thing on the person's mind and engage in sexual activity with them. The chorus reinforces the theme of doing anything for the person they love. The bridge highlights the singer's willingness to give everything they have to their partner and the importance of communication in the relationship. The outro repeats the sentiment that the singer is willing to do anything for their partner's love. 
TEETH, and it's accompanying album LOVESICKNESS, continues with the themes from FOR YOUR LOVE. Unlike the previous song, it was actually allowed on music shows and was loved by their fanbase for the aesthetics that came with it. Due to the show going semi-viral on TWITTER thanks to a tweet by a poppy asking "what business Plastic Flowers had releasing" the song, LOVESICKNESS sold over 10,000 copies by the end of the year. This would also be the final time they were promote prior to their 16 month hiatus, making it special to their fans. Teeth would later become a sleeper hit by going viral once again and entering the top 10 on the Circle Chart after being used on an OST.
MV VIEWS: 229.6 million.
The major themes of TEETH relate to toxic and tumultuous relationships, with the lyrics depicting the ups and downs of being someone that can be both loving and hurtful. Written completely by OLIVER, many fans have begun to debate the real meaning of the song as it relates to his former relationship with Salem. In TEETH, the protagonist realizes that the person they are with is full of contradictions as they compare their lover to a pair of teeth. The lover's heart is described as having teeth, meaning that while they may talk sweetly, they can also hurt and bite. The relationship is very complicated, in which both parties are hurting each other but can't let go with the narrator realizing that they are losing themself by the end of the song and maybe even the relationship.
★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ THE YEAR IS ... 2021 !
The GOODNIGHT era was spent dreading what would come next for Plastic Flowers. It was obvious that the members were losing steam as shown by their smaller performances and the constant cancellation of their performances at their bar, Cheeky's. The release of 403 only made that worse as they went back to the melancholic sound and promotions outside of music shows were cut short. In fear of losing the band, Poppies made sure that it sold well, achieving a record-breaking 14,000 copies in the first month alone and securing them more music show nominations. However, it seemed that nothing they were doing was enough as Plastic Flowers slowly slipped away from the public eye.
MV VIEWS: 122.9 million.
403 focuses on liberation and moving forward from a difficult past. In the verses, detachment and release from pain and regret is encouraged alongside the image of taking off one's shoes and lying on the floor as an escape. The narrator wants the listener to forget about the past and focus on the possibilities of the future, becoming an active participant in their life rather than remaining passive. There is a reoccurring theme of breaking free as shown through the lyrics "get up in the morning" and "get out of deception", indicating the need to rise above negative situations and leave them behind. It suggests that nothing valuable can be obtained by staying where they are currently and encourages them to let go and move on.
Despite GOODNIGHT selling well, Plastic Flowers were put on an unofficial hiatus two months after it's initial release. Superbloom would be intentionally vague about the details behind the scenes to keep everything under wraps, however, sasaengs exposed the truth. Not only were they on hiatus to "fight burnout", but Oliver had returned to his hometown of Boston after the death of his father and Jiyeon had been checked into an eating disorder treatment by their manager, Cheon Garam. During this time, Salem and Oliver would also BREAK UP, creating a new tension within the band. The band's social media—both company owned and personal—would go completely dormant from March 2021 to April 2022, leaving many to believe that the group would never return and would be lost just before they achieved stardom.
★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ THE YEAR IS ... 2022 !
Just when most fans began to lose hope for Plastic Flowers to comeback, Superbloom did the unthinkable: dropping a new set of teasers for a full album called INTERNET BLUES. During this time, it was also revealed that MINGHUI had left the band and was replaced by Timefighter contestant OH DEURIM, who had failed to make it into the debut line-up by one place. According to Minghui, he left on good terms with the members but could no longer handle the idol life anymore. Despite how protective poppies are, they surprisingly welcomed Deurim with open arms and wanted to see what she could bring to the table. INTERNET BLUES would be released on May 5, 2022 with the title track I'M ALIVE, which secured them their FIRST WIN and first NOMINATION at a major award show after selling 100,000 copies.
MV VIEWS: 392.9 million.
I'M ALIVE is an uplifting song that talks about the feeling of overcoming challenges and persevering through tough times. They promise that even in the midst of uncertainty and darkness, the singer declares that they will keep themselves alive. The chorus serves as a mantra of sorts as the singer repeatedly affirms that they are alive and won't give up. The idea of "highlight" suggests that even in the bleakest moments of life, one can find something beautiful to hold onto. The bridge encourages listeners to keep searching, keep breathing, and keep alive. It's a call to action to hold onto life and never give up. 
Plastic Flowers would return to their original promotional schedule with the release of PSYCHO, the title track for their first studio album, CALL ME CRAZY that November. The studio album was celebrated by all fans as it finally meant that Plastic Flowers were confirming that they were here to stay despite their earlier issues. The members looked so much more alive this era and they even held their first FAN SIGN, which went as well as expected. The members had fun with their fans, but hated the constant requests for cuteness or prying into their personal relationships. They would hold their own formal CONCERT, with over three thousand people in attendance.
MV VIEWS: 323.4 million.
PSYCHO explores themes of obsession and dependency in a relationship. The lyrics depict a protagonist who is deeply infatuated with someone to the point of being obsessed, as represented by the repeated phrase "I can't stop thinking about you." The protagonist seeks answers and validation from a doctor, indicating a desperation for a solution to their intense emotions. They recognize their own exaggerated behavior, acknowledging that they may appear crazy or "psycho" to others. The chorus reinforces the protagonist's obsession, stating that they cannot live a day without thinking about this person. It conveys a sense of dependency and the idea that the protagonist's life revolves entirely around the object of their affection.
★ ⠀⠀ ! ⠀⠀ THE YEAR IS ... 2023 !
Coming into 2023, Poppies were promised many exciting things from the band. In March, Oliver's solo BURNOUT SYNDROME with the lead single STARTING LINE would be released to overwhelming success, cementing his popularity with the general public and showing everyone that he was here to stay. Though fans were happy for him, the same could not be said for his bandmates as SALEM and JUNYEONG began a smear campaign that lasted throughout the entire promotional period. Oliver would ignore any questions about the situation and chose to move on from it instead, celebrating his own achievements rather than focusing on those around him. In June, the band would come back as five to release LOVE AND WAR with the lead single of the same name, which became their best selling record at that point at just under 1 million copies.
MV VIEWS: 748.3 million.
WAR tells the story of a broken relationship, in which the narrator realizes there isn't much to save if they cannot stop fighting. They are beginning to realize there isn't much to save and they have lost their love for each other, leading towards a state of emptiness or insignificance. The song's title WAR comes from the lyric "war of attrition without benefit", highlight that this war between the lovers is doing nothing to help with their current problems. The narrator wants to call a ceasefire, but it seems that their relationship's end if inevitable. Written by Oliver, many fans believe that this song was written about the end of his relationship with Salem, which has never been confirmed or denied by Oliver or Superbloom Media.
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hunterscabin · 1 year
This Baby Will Have A Father Part I
Summary: Y/N is an actress on Supernatural. After becoming pregnant, her boyfriend leaves her, not wanting anything to do with the baby. Unsure of what the future holds, her male co-stars show her that she’s not alone. 
Pairings: Reader x SPN Cast
Warnings: Unplanned pregnancy, nervous reader, fluff
Word Count: 1.3k 
Author’s Note: I only have two parts of this story written, and unless it gets major traction, I’m not sure I’ll be writing more. I didn’t want to be a tease and leave y’all hanging, but those who’ve responded said they don’t care and would like to read anyway. Let me know if I should keep going! 
Tumblr media
Filming had only resumed one week ago, and you were already having difficulty hiding your pregnancy. Hiatus had come at the perfect time, right when you were really starting to show, but now that you were in your fifth month, loose sweaters and baggy shirts were no longer able to conceal your constantly expanding stomach. You had told wardrobe and the show’s producers, but the life growing inside of you was still a secret to most of the cast and crew.
It had been a hectic day on set, and you were beyond grateful when Bob called for lunch. You saw some of the guys head into Jensen’s trailer and figured now was as good a time as any to tell them you were expecting. Before you could lose the gumption, you marched up to the door, pausing only briefly before knocking.
“Hey, Y/N/N!” Jensen smiled as he opened the door and stepped aside for you to come in. A loud roar of laughter filled the air.
“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”
“Not at all!” Jensen picked up his plate and pulled out the chair he had been using. “Have a seat.”
Along with the featured cast, many guest actors were in town to shoot a special episode. Jared and Misha were sitting at the kitchenette table with Rob while Alex and Rich enjoyed their lunch on the sofa.   
“I think I’ll stand. Thanks, though, Jay.” The palpable apprehension coursing through you was in stark contrast to the lighthearted atmosphere in Jensen’s trailer, and your mood didn’t go unnoticed. 
“Everything okay, Y/N?” Misha asked. Before the break, most of the cast had noticed and even discussed your unusually reserved and distant nature. Misha wondered if your current trepidation had anything to do with your pre-hiatus behavior.
“Yes.” You answered with uncertainty.
You had shared your pregnancy with some of the women in the cast earlier that week, and while their support and advice had been immensely heartening, it was emotionally exhausting going over your story again and again. You thought it’d be easier telling all the guys at once. Now, as your eyes scanned the room, you grew increasingly anxious seeing everyone’s attention on you. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, after all.
“I have some news to share.” you said hesitantly.
“Good news, I hope?” Rob cautioned, his voice full of anticipation.
“Great news, actually.” You took a deep breath, uncrossed your arms, and opened your sweatshirt. “I’m pregnant.”
You smiled tentatively, not knowing how everyone would take the news. After what felt like ages, Alex stood to place a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“Congratulations, Y/N/N!” He beamed, kissing you on the cheek.
Rob and Rich were close behind, both of them pulling you into a warm hug.
“How far along are you?” Rob smiled as he leaned out of the embrace. He held you at arm’s length, taking in the sight of your bump.
“I’m just over five months along.”
“You look great!” Rich exclaimed.
“You really do.” Rob affirmed, giving your shoulder an encouraging squeeze. “I’m amazed you were able to hide this from us for so long. Now that I know, I can’t believe I didn’t see it before!”
“The ladies in wardrobe were very helpful.” You smiled coyly.
You were relieved that Rob, Rich, and Alex seemed genuinely happy, but you couldn’t shake the deafening silence radiating from the table behind you.   
Jared, Jensen, and Misha still hadn’t said anything, so you turned to face them. When your eyes met theirs you could see their shock. They were the big brothers you never had, and you told each other everything. The most painful part of keeping your pregnancy a secret was lying to the three of them, but you had to process your own feelings before telling everyone else. You never imagined you’d find yourself alone and pregnant. In an instant, you went from being a responsible twenty-something who made all of the right decisions to a statistic mothers tell their daughters to scare them into abstinence. It had taken you months to come to terms with your new future. You had no idea how the boys would react.
“Do you know who the father is?” Jared questioned, breaking through the nervous silence.
“Jare.” Jensen chastised, reaching over and smacking Jared upside the head.
“It’s okay.” You flashed them both a soft smile, trying to ease some of the tension. You knew Jared didn’t mean any harm; it was a legitimate question that came from a place of sincere curiosity and not of judgment or ridicule. You hadn’t mentioned to them that you’d been seeing someone for a few months prior to getting pregnant. Your male cast mates tended to be a little too overprotective in the boyfriend department, so you didn’t usually go out of your way to share stories about your dating life.
“I do.” you confirmed. 
“Does he know?” Jared followed up.
“Now that deserves a hit.” you joked, raising your eyebrows and nodding your head toward Jared. As if rehearsed, Jensen brought his hand down across the back of Jared’s head, ruffling his hair in the process.
Everyone snickered, but their laughter quickly faded when they noticed your somber expression.
“He said he isn’t ready to be a father,” your hands instinctively moved to your stomach, “and he doesn’t want any part of this.”
“Y/N, I didn’t…”
“It’s okay, Jare.” you assured, cutting his apology short. Your heart fell at the sight of his sheepish face. The looks of pity you received when telling your story never got easier.
Jensen walked over and placed a hand on the small of your back. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your temple. “Are you okay?” he asked, unsure of what else to say.  
“I am.” Jensen looked at you suspiciously. “Really, I am.”
Your response was truthful. Life circumstances had taught to be strong and capable, and while you knew it would be the greatest challenge you ever faced, you felt prepared to handle life as a single mother. You were built for it.
After a moment of contemplation, you let out a deep sigh. “I just feel bad this little one won’t have a father.”
Your voice was almost a whisper, but everyone in the room heard your concern. A shadow of sadness cast over their faces, each of their hearts quietly breaking at the thought of you and your baby on your own.
“Y/N, you don’t have to do this alone.” Misha reached across the table and took your hand in his. “I will always be here for you.” His blue eyes were full of kindness. 
“We will always be here for you.” Jared emphasized, standing to pull you into a hug.
Their sentiments were beyond touching, but you knew the inordinate amount of work that went into raising a baby, and it was a responsibility you had come to accept alone. You were never one to burden others with your needs, and all of these men had their own families. The last thing you wanted was to interject into their already busy lives.
Not wanting to fight their well intentions, you simply said “Thank you,” and leaned further into Jared’s comforting embrace.
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The second you closed the trailer door behind you, everyone let out an audible sigh.
“That explains a lot.” Alex said.
“I’m really worried about her.” Rob confessed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Me too,” Jensen agreed, “She has such a hard time asking for help, and she’s definitely going to need it.”  
“We have to show her we’re serious about being there for her and being a part of this baby’s life.” Misha asserted.
A broad smile spread across Rich’s face, and he stood up from the sofa.
“I think I have an idea.”
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Part II
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pandorasword · 11 months
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
❅ Before the fall
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❅ KBS news:
Good evening I'm Kim Ji-yeon and today January 9, 2023, we bring you urgent and concerning news about one of the most prominent figures in the K-pop world. Chaeri, the popular member of the internationally acclaimed K-pop group BTS, was involved in a snowboarding accident while spending her free time on the slopes during the group's temporary hiatus.
According to reports, Chaeri was snowboarding alongside a small group of friends, including her cousin Kang Haerin - emerging member of the KPOP group NewJeans - when the unfortunate incident occurred. However, the exact nature and extent of her injuries remain unknown.
Emergency response teams were swiftly deployed to the scene, but the resort's remote location and inclement weather conditions have complicated the situation. As a result, updates on Chaeri's condition are still pending.
Fans around the world are expressing their deep concern and rallying together to support their beloved idol. On social media, the hashtag #StayStrongChaeri is trending as the global K-pop community unites in solidarity.
In this moment of uncertainty, it's essential to respect Chaeri's privacy and allow her agency, Big Hit Entertainment, time to provide accurate information to the public.
We'll be diligently monitoring the situation and will bring you updates as soon as they become available. Our thoughts are with Chaeri, her loved ones, and her devoted fans during this worrisome time.
Please stay tuned to KBS for the latest developments on this developing story. Thank you for joining us, and we'll continue to keep you informed as events unfold.
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❅ Haerin and Namjoon texts:
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❅ KBS news:
We have received reports that Chaeri has been transported to a hospital following her snowboarding accident. 
BTS members and Chaeri’s father were spotted at the medical facility, making people question once again the severity of her condition.
BigHit Entertainment's silence doesn’t help, as the public craves answers about their beloved celebrity's well-being and the true nature of the incident.
NA: From conspiracy theories to heartfelt prayers, fans and non-fans alike are seem to be unable to think of anything else on social media.
Chaeri's status as a global star has turned the hospital into a media circus, with fans camping outside, eagerly awaiting any glimpse of hope or news.
We'll be keeping a close eye on this developing story, and as soon as any official information emerges, we'll bring it to you.
Stay tuned for further updates, and join us in sending thoughts and prayers for Chaeri and those close to her during this tense period.
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❅ Aurora's impact in the event
The Mountain-Wandering Influencer: Aurora 
In the vast world of social media, there exists a wandering soul who roams through snow-capped peaks and unimaginable mountain landscapes. This person is Aurora, the influencer who knows the heartbeat of the mountains better than anyone else. Through her adventures, she takes us on an endless journey through the wonders of the world, from freeride landscapes to the comforts of mountain lodges.
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With a glance at her stories, it seems there isn't a mountain Aurora hasn't climbed or a trail she hasn't traversed. She lives the rush of snowboarding down the slopes and the warmth of a cup of hot chocolate in her mountain cabin. Oh yes, the cabin: her home, where her faithful companion, a domesticated wolf named Accalia, resides.
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But let's get to the heart of the current events. Aurora became known not only for her stunning shots but also for being one of the first sources of information about the incident involving BTS's Chaeri. Yes, it was her, through her Instagram profile and her tweets, who informed the world even before the news agencies had a word to say.
Her tweets describing the scene and her concern for Chaeri went viral, gaining followers at a rapid pace. With each update and detail shared from her mountain location, her following grew. Aurora not only shared the news but made us feel like we were right there with her, on the slope, in the midst of the tension.
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Her passion for sharing and informing had a significant impact on the K-pop community. Her story showcased the power of social media in connecting people in crucial moments. And this is how Aurora Frost, the mountain-wandering influencer, demonstrated that a simple post can unite hearts and souls in a way no other means of communication can achieve.
Hello. This is BIGHIT Music.
We would like to share with you important communication regarding our artist, Chaer. We are aware that many of you have been affected by the news of her accident and we wish to provide updated information about her health status.
On January 9, during a snowboarding session, Chaeri was involved in an incident. The incident resulted in a fractured ankle, a partially dislocated wrist, and other minor injuries. Immediately following the incident, rescue teams and medical squads were activated, providing necessary care and transporting her to the hospital for a thorough medical evaluation.
Currently, Chaeri is receiving the necessary medical care and attention. Doctors are closely monitoring her health condition and planning her recovery path. Her health and well-being are our top priorities, and we are doing everything possible to ensure she receives the best care. 
We kindly ask for your understanding in respecting Chaeri's privacy and that of her loved ones during this sensitive time. We understand that many questions may arise, but please await further updates from us or official representatives.
We will strive to provide further information as soon as we have updates on Chaeri's condition and her recovery journey.
Thank you for your understanding and constant support.
❅ KBS news, a few days later
Breaking News: BTS's Namjoon Speaks Out on Chaeri's Accident
Good evening, I'm Park Min-ji. As the world anxiously awaits updates on Chaeri's condition, we've managed to get exclusive insight from BTS's leader, Namjoon, also known as RM.
Sources close to the group have confirmed that our team was able to approach Namjoon for a statement on Chaeri's current situation. In a brief but heartfelt response, Namjoon conveyed, "It's been a really tough time for us. Chaeri is not just our bandmate; she's our sister. We're all praying for her recovery, and we're just grateful that she's alive. We're just trying to be there for her and her family right now."
This statement provides a glimpse into the emotional struggle the BTS members are facing as they navigate this challenging time. The global K-pop community continues to rally around Chaeri, sending an outpouring of support and well-wishes.
As we eagerly await further updates on Chaeri's condition, BTS fans worldwide are holding onto the hope that their beloved idol will recover swiftly. Stay tuned for more developments, and we extend our thoughts and prayers to Chaeri and the entire BTS family during this trying period. Thank you for joining us, and we'll keep you informed as the situation unfolds.
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❅ How BTS help Chaeri
Jin, despite having just enlisted, obtained a special permission to visit Chaeri in the hospital as soon as possible. Several years earlier, Jin himself had been the one to teach her how to snowboard, nurturing her passion for the sport.
He couldn't believe that the accident might be attributed to any negligence on her part. Driven to unveil the truth, he took on the role of an advocate, actively working to expedite the investigation into the incident and urging the agency to initiate legal proceedings against the resort.
Even though the time spent with Chaeri in the hospital was limited, in skillfully offered solace through gentle gestures like a comforting kiss on the forehead and the reassurance of brotherly caresses, nfusing her with the courage needed to navigate the demanding journey of recovery.
Forced to depart early, Jin maintained his genuine concern for Chaeri's well-being through messages and phone calls, demonstrating his commitment to stand by her side even from a distance.
Yoongi was used to scold Chaeri for her eating habits. The girl went from often treating herself to junk-food snacks at all hours of the day and night - then complaining of stomach pains caused by the mix of sweet and salty foods - to almost starving for days whenever she worked too hard and forgot to eat.
Everyone knew it: the band members, the fans, the staff.
But when Chaeri was injured and had to rest, Yoongi always brought her something to feed her every time she visited. It didn't matter if it was a milka chocolate bar, a whole pizza, stuffed burgers from the most famous fast food restaurants, or anything else. Yoongi just wanted to make her smile.
He knew that Chaeri's recovery would also depend heavily on her mental state, and he wanted to do everything he could to alleviate the stress and anxiety that came with being injured and unable to perform.
Hoseok was always the one to lift Chaeri's spirits whenever she was feeling down, and her injury was no exception. Despite his busy schedule, he made it a priority to visit her in the hospital and the dorm every chance he got, bringing along gifts and telling her funny stories to make her laugh.
But it was during the physical therapy sessions that he truly shone. He would sit beside her, offering words of encouragement as she worked to regain her strength and mobility. And when Chaeri would become frustrated at her slow progress, Hoseok would take her hand and remind her that recovery was a marathon, not a sprint.
Together, they would do exercises and stretches that felt impossible at first, but gradually became easier with each passing day. And as Chaeri's confidence grew, Hoseok felt a sense of pride knowing that he had played a small but important role in her journey toward recovery.
Jimin was the one who made sure that Chaeri never lost her passion for music during her recovery. He knew that losing your sense of purpose could be just as detrimental to your recovery as physical injuries. So, he would bring his guitar to her hospital room and serenade her with songs from their repertoire, sometimes even allowing her to sing along if she felt up to it.
Despite the pain of her injuries, Chaeri found solace in the music and the company of her bandmate. They would write silly lyrics and melodies together, to make days a little funnier
Jimin's infectious energy and positive attitude were contagious, and he helped to remind Chaeri that one setback didn't define her career or her identity. With his encouragement, Chaeri was able to find joy in the small victories of her recovery and remain optimistic about her future.
During Chaeri’s recovery, Taehyung noticed that her creative spirit couldn't be confined by the situation. One day he suggested her to focus on her fashion brand, using that time to breathe life into new projects.
Taehyung, with his innate passion for art and design, immediately got to work with Chaeri. They spent hours together sketching, discussing styles, fabrics, and colors. Together, they experimented with new ideas and concepts that would make her fashion brand even more distinctive.
They sat side by side for hours, immersed in creativity, with the sound of brushes and pencils filling the silence of the hospital room.
This collaboration not only led to a new fashion collection but also created a deeper bond between Taehyung and Chaeri, based on shared passions and mutual inspiration.
Together, they overcame not only the injury but also turned a challenging time into an opportunity for growth and creative realization for Chaeri and her fashion brand.
Namjoon, recognizing the emotional toll Chaeri's injury might be taking on her, became a steady pillar of support throughout her recovery. Understanding the unique challenges that come with being a global superstar forced to step back temporarily, he made it a priority to address not just the physical aspects of healing but also the emotional well-being.
During his visits, Namjoon would bring carefully curated playlists designed to soothe Chaeri's soul. He believed in the healing power of music and saw it as a way to transport her mind to a place of comfort and tranquility. 
In addition to music, Namjoon brought along a collection of movies—films that ranged from heartwarming classics to motivational documentaries. He understood that sometimes a good movie could provide a much-needed escape, allowing Chaeri to momentarily forget the challenges she was facing and find inspiration in different stories.
Beyond entertainment, Namjoon engaged her in thoughtful conversations about life, dreams, and the challenges they both had overcome. He shared his own experiences with navigating the pressures of fame and reassured her that taking the necessary time for recovery was not a sign of weakness but rather a testament to her strength.
His thoughtful gestures and genuine conversations created a safe space for her to express her real concerns and fears.
During Chaeri's recovery period, Jungkook went beyond providing emotional support and pleasant distractions; he also demonstrated practical commitment to facilitating her daily life. Taking on the role of a true friend and confidant, he became a constant source of comfort.
Jungkook volunteered to move back in with Chaeri in their old dormitory, as his idol activities were temporarily halted. His daily presence not only relieved Chaeri's loneliness, but also allowed Jungkook to be there for her at all times.
Throughout the day, Jungkook took care of practical tasks such as preparing meals, ensuring Chaeri had everything she needed, and assisting her with daily activities that her condition made challenging. This caring attitude underscored his tangible commitment to making Chaeri's healing journey as smooth as possible.
In addition, Jungkook continued to engage Chaeri in enjoyable activities, such as movie nights, gaming sessions, and simple conversations to divert her thoughts from the incident. 
His dedication to being there for Chaeri in every aspect of her daily life was evident.
taglist: @alixnsuperstxr | @bts-dream | @enchantingbrowneyedgirl | @ycuvi | @cosmicwintr
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beautifulpersonpeach · 11 months
Maybe I'm just emotional because of all the news, but you emphasizing 'like they always said they would' really got me.
The entire time I've been a fan I've always felt they are as honest as they can be about the group. They maintain their privacy and hide the hard times etc, but they are as straightforward about the group and their direction as they can be. The only time I've ever felt myself waver from that was the hiatus announcement. I think that was down to the way it was announced and how even at that time they were still skirting enlistment talk so couldn't be fully upfront. It was the only time I questioned if I'd been lead on a bit about them wanting to remain a group. It was very shortlived and all through Chapter 2 they've done nothing but reaffirm what I'd always felt about the way in which they communicate with us. If you actually listen to what they say and take what they say in good faith then they are doing exactly what they said they would. Nothing should be a surprise really, especially after a literal contract renewal.
I'm feeling sad, but actually this announcement has been the least hard for me. I think it was expected and knowing it's all at once, having a clearer timelime eases the remaining uncertainty. I am looking forward to whatever surprises we've got coming, the chaos Jin and Hobi being in charge will bring, and looking forward to the time they can do whatever they want group/solo work etc without all of this hanging over all our heads.
This is everything. Thanks for sending this in.
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darknesseddiem · 7 months
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𝐀𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬'𝐬 𝐕𝐞𝐢𝐥: 𝐄𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Amidst the dawn of creation, when deities strode the earth as equals among mortals, humanity thrived in serene unity, untouched by the grasping tendrils of greed that would later mar the landscape. Stirred by the inherent goodness of their subjects, the divine council elected to endow them with a peerless boon: a guardian, a celestial warrior sculpted by the ethereal hands of the gods, ordained to safeguard the vulnerable and uphold equity amongst all.
Yet, the idyllic tranquility swiftly dissolved into a harrowing nightmare. With no need for celestial intervention, humanity succumbed to the seductive allure of avarice and pride, exploiting the guardian-warrior as an inexhaustible wellspring for their desires. Gold, jewels, fineries—all were but a whispered command away, conjured effortlessly by his boundless power.
Thus dawned the era of enslavement, a grim testament to humanity's descent into moral decay, as the defenseless fell beneath the yoke of callous overlords devoid of empathy. As calamity flourished and the divine pantheon grieved the degradation of their once-beloved charges, a decree resounded through the hallowed halls of eternity: the token of gratitude and trust bestowed upon mortals would be reclaimed and returned to its celestial sanctum.
Yet, the gods failed to anticipate a pivotal revelation: the guardian-warrior, born of their divine essence and combined prowess, surpassed even his creators in strength. Fearing his uprising following their futile attempts at annihilation, they decreed the most severe of punishments: eternal imprisonment.
Unaware of the extent of his own power, the warrior endured a punishing ordeal, encased within a sarcophagus of obsidian and unyielding stone, assailed by the venomous embrace of serpents and scorpions, his form suffused with chilled mercury—a spectral warden, condemned to an eternity of solitary confinement.
A formidable curse, imbued with the arcane power of millennia past, was woven into the fabric of his sarcophagus, its hieroglyphs serving as a dire warning to any who dared disturb the seal imprisoning the warrior, lest they unleash unfathomable chaos upon the world once more. However, amidst the shadows of time, an ancient prophecy, shrouded in the enigma of celestial movements and cosmic whispers, stood poised to redefine the very tapestry of humanity's fate.
In the heart of an unprecedented archaeological endeavor, an intrepid explorer embarks upon a quest of unparalleled magnitude, driven by the tantalizing allure of uncovering secrets buried deep within the sands of antiquity. Yet, intertwined with her journey lies a prophecy etched into the annals of time itself—a prophecy veiled in mystery, its origins lost in the mists of history, foretelling a cataclysmic confrontation between forces ancient and divine.
As the threads of destiny unfurl, two diametrically opposed forces emerge from the annals of legend: one heralding the dawn of salvation, the other portending an abyssal descent into darkness. Amidst this cosmic conflict, the archaeologist finds herself cast as a pivotal figure, entwined in the struggle between light and shadow, tasked with deciphering the enigmatic prophecies that hold the key to humanity's ultimate fate.
In this crucible of uncertainty, where the past converges with the present and the future hangs in the balance, the question lingers like a specter haunting the recesses of the mind: Can the immutable laws of destiny be defied, or does the intrepid explorer possess the audacity to chart a new course for humanity, rewriting the very fabric of existence itself?
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: +18 MDNI, violence, torture, Eddie has a demi-god name, etc. More will be added later.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: It's been a while since I had this idea and after my hiatus I finally had time to write, I hope you like this baby of mine just as I already have a huge affection for this story. Thank you for your support, I'll be back soon!! TAGLIST IS OPEN.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏𝐤
𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫.
If you like my works, support me with a small 𝐊𝐨-𝐅𝐢!!
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𝐀 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲: Sutenankh, once revered for valor, finds himself ensnared in the ethereal confines of divine justice. As he awaits his fate within the celestial sanctum of Horus, his heart heavy with remorse, the gods decree eternal imprisonment. Meanwhile, a clandestine pact between Anubis and Horus births a prophecy of hope for a future liberator. Betrayal, anguish, and the weight of celestial retribution collide in a tale where virtue and destiny intertwine.
𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧: Ramses Thothmes, a wealthy Egyptian magnate, extends an invitation for a new excavation, promising untold secrets hidden beneath the desert's surface. As you convene with Thothmes to discuss the venture, a new figure emerges from the shadows – the enigmatic Colonel Duncan Smith.
Under Smith's watchful eye, the expedition sets forth into uncharted territory, where ancient ruins conceal dark secrets and lethal perils.
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nori-the-cat · 5 months
RII7E Seunghan Mini Reading (April 2024)
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Remember, tarot readings are open to interpretation, and this is just one perspective. Energy is always changing. Any situation in life is not going to stay the same for a long time. This is also for entertainment purposes. My reading is not a reflection of his life, energy, and future. Take this as a grain of salt.
Cards: the hermit, the chariot reversed, seven of swords reversed, knight of pentacles, three of cups reversed, the moon reversed, and six of wands.
Seunghan seems to be in a quiet, introspective phase (The Hermit). He's taking time away from the spotlight (withdrawn from the public eye) to sort through his feelings about the past events (scandals and hiatus).
There's a sense of uncertainty about his future career (The Chariot reversed). The pressure from fans and the unknown path ahead might leave him feeling stuck, unsure whether to continue with RIIZE or go solo.
However, there's a positive sign! The reversed Seven of Swords suggests a release from negativity and rumors. Perhaps the online scrutiny is easing up, giving him some breathing room.
The Knight of Pentacles brings a determined and focused energy. Maybe he's channelling this into his studies (like those university enrolment rumours!). Education could bring him a sense of stability and accomplishment.
On the other hand, the reversed Three of Cups hints at feelings of isolation and loneliness. Missing out on activities with RIIZE and being disconnected from fans could be weighing on him.
But there's hope! The reversed Moon signifies a clearing of confusion. Seunghan might be gaining a clearer view of the situation and his options.
The final card, the Six of Wands (upright), is a powerful one. It suggests victory and overcoming challenges. Even with the difficulties he faces, this card offers a bright outlook. With newfound clarity and focus, Seunghan might be working towards a positive outcome, even if the exact path remains unclear.
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zealouscanonindeer · 3 months
Uh I don't know how to start but here goes nothing... I've been away from the fandom and writing in general for a couple of months now(I wrote my last fanfic in jan)
I remember beginning to write a week into med school, navigating the uncertainty and nervousness of a new place. Writing, especially about OH made me feel like things would turn out well. Today I attempted the last exam of my year 1 I've officially cleared this year. And while I return back here, I smile with fondness at the person who entered into this world and the person I am now.
The reason I'm writing this is because through the course of the year, being as close to this world as I have been, seeing people around me and experiencing certain situations, I've been disillusioned to some extent. And while things are never so black and white, in my experience uptil now is, this system is not conducive to work place romance, especially with your boss. I've witnessed competition and the workload literally suck the life put of relationships. The workings of this place are so different to what I believed it to be.
Obviously I understand that one, OH is a fictional world and this is reality and two just a few examples do not make this a norm. This is simply what I have experienced and how it had made me feel.
Point of this rant is.. I don't suppose I shall continue writing OH anymore. I loved doing so and hold it all dear to me.. I just can't bring myself to believe in it anymore. I've been postponing writing this, thinking maybe id feel otherwise or I'll just continue my hiatus.
But the truth is I didn't wish to leave without a proper goodbye, I was embraced so lovingly by this fandom when I first joined and even though I won't be writing any more OH I'll always remain a part of this fandom, reading all the lovely works and supporting everyone here sharing with us.
So tagging you guys for the last time(hopefully tumblr tags are working)
@peonierose @coffeeheartaddict2 @liaromancewriter @jerzwriter @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @potionsprefect @kyra75 and anybody else who I have missed.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much.
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divinesangel · 19 days
So… is seunghan ever returning to riize?
— is seunghan returning to riize?
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it seems like there’s a chance for seunghan to return to the group and end the hiatus. he is trying to show the company that he can be reliable and stable, but the decision hasn’t been made yet. it feels like they’re still in the process of healing from the situation or scandal. i sense that the company might still be very disappointed in him because of what happened, and it seems to involve a woman? whether he was caught with her or if she played a role in the situation, it feels like both he and the company are disappointed that things have reached this point because of someone else. the company, in particular, seems to be struggling with accepting this and coming to terms with it. if you’re wondering whether he will return to the group this year, it feels like they’ve been considering it. the company has been thinking about what to do in his case because they feel like they need to make a decision, but the scandal still weighs heavily on them. they’re unsure whether bringing him back is the right choice, and that’s why they haven’t acted yet. it’s as if the scandal was just too much for them to handle, and they’re still questioning whether he deserves to rejoin the group.
the energy around seunghan feels unstable and uncertain because he’s currently going through a phase of loss. it seems like the incident that happened was something that completely shattered his world and surroundings, a sudden and drastic change. now, he’s trying to fix things, but there’s uncertainty about whether it’s even worth the effort. it’s as if he’s giving so much of himself to something that may not have a solution, like that feeling when you invest everything into something, only for nothing to happen, leaving you with a sense of loss and hopelessness. he wants to show others that he’s consistent and eager to move forward, but there’s a deep fear of failure and losing everything he has. for now, he’s staying strong and trying to maintain a positive outlook, expecting some sort of change. it feels like he’s been waiting for something to happen for a while, and there’s a desire within him to come clean, to expose himself, and maybe start over.
it seems like the waiting and uncertainty are really taking a toll on him. he’s feeling hurt and unhappy, because there are so many things he wants to do, but it feels like he’s unable to. if he leaves the group, it seems more likely that it will be his choice, not the company's. i sense there’s a chance he might leave because he’s growing tired of always waiting. it feels like he’s constantly waiting for someone from the company to approach him with an offer or a conclusion about everything.
as time passes, he seems to be focusing more on the future and what lies ahead. he’s very aware of his potential and knows he can achieve great things, which is why this situation is wearing him down. it feels like he’s walking on eggshells, hoping something will happen, but nothing is changing. he really wants to move into a better phase of his life and find the support he’s been needing, which he might not be receiving as much as he hoped for, or at least that’s how it feels to him right now.
when it comes to the idea of returning to the group, that’s where the confusion arises. he’s pondered it, but there’s a strong fear of judgment and public opinion. at the moment, he’s hiding from the world, so while the situation stirs some conversation, it doesn’t affect him as much. still, part of him wonders if coming back would be the right choice, and whether the company will even support that decision, given the reactions it might provoke. he wants to continue his career, but there’s a real risk that the company might not be on board. there’s a lot happening behind the scenes that you guys are not yet seeing (obviously). i feel like there are many conflicts within the company right now, and a lot of unresolved questions. despite the time they've spent on this, they still seem quite uncertain about what steps to take next.
when it comes to the actual question of whether he will return to the group, it feels like some more time needs to pass, as there seems to be some legal matters happening behind the scenes. i’m not sure if the company entered a legal battle or took some legal action regarding the scandal, but it seems that something involving the justice or legal system needs to be resolved first. i’m also sensing that a superior or higher-up will make the final decision about his return. it’s going to be a very carefully considered choice, and there’s still this energy of needing to think things through deeply before taking any action. i feel like the main reason nothing is happening at the moment is due to these legal matters. once those are settled, it seems like things will start moving forward for this idol.
over the next four months, it feels like he’s going to have the support of a feminine energy in his life, someone who will stand by him throughout everything. but i sense that he’s going to grow very tired of the situation. he seems frustrated with not being able to speak up or have much say in what’s happening, and this might lead him to reconsider many aspects of his career and his place in the group. i feel like he may even try to talk to the company about it.
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theflyindutchwoman · 2 months
I just wanted to drop a quick message and say how much I adore your Anatomy of a Scene series. I've only just gotten into this fandom in the past week or so, I guess the youtube shorts algorithm sensed I was overdue a new ship to obsess over. I watched all the Chenford scenes first, read a ton of fanfiction, and now I'm only actually just starting to watch the series properly - I'm doing everything backwards and it's equal parts reassuring and gutting. I know about S6 Chenford so I don't have that coming to me as a horrible surprise, but I also now have to bear witness to the historical archives of a fandom going through so many different emotions without realising what's coming for them. I want to shout at the past versions of you all to brace yourselves! Watching through the show from the start is pretty sobering too - I have to keep catching myself while watching the cute moments, to remember there's worse yet to come. Also being 'caught up' on a show still airing is the worst. I promised I'd never watch a show again until it finished airing after suffering through FitzSimmons angst week after torturous week for 7 years ^_^ my little shipper heart can't take the uncertainty. Anyway, ramble aside, your Anatomy series has been utterly beautiful and so insightful thus far. Your writing style, even for something like this, is so reassuring and eloquently gentle. Affirming things I'd already noticed, and gifting me the many things I'd missed. I know a S6 Anatomy will be...messy, but your insight into it (if you are doing one, it'd be understandable if you didn't want to) will always be a blessing. Here's to a better S7 for our little lovesick idiots who need copious amounts of therapy and cuddles (let's face it, the fandom needs this too rn. thanks, writers).
You're awesome <3
OMG, thank you so much! And welcome to the fandom! I hope you will join us in this little corner once you are caught up with the show - or before then. Things are a bit calm at the moment due to the long hiatus but don't hesitate to share with us your thoughts and reactions as you watch the show. It's always exciting to read comments from people who are discovering the show… it kind of feels like a trip down memory lane :) On the bright side, you have plenty of time to catch up before we go through the roller-coaster of s7 together!
Thank you so much for taking the time to send me this sweet message ᡣ𐭩 You absolutely made my day. I actually started them as a way to keep myself busy and help keep the fandom alive during last year's long hiatus. I can't gif or write stories so I wrote those. I just never expected that so many would read them - or to write so many, either. So thank you, that means a lot to me… especially because I haven't started writing anything for S6 yet… I want to. But I just can't bring myself to rewatch this season quite yet, it still feels too fresh. And to tell you the truth, I'm not really sure I have that much insights to bring… It's been a little daunting thus far and it's also why your message was a real balm for my heart ;)
YOU are awesome ᥫ᭡
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
I have some thoughts on Daryl’s arc that I want to share, but I’ll hold off a day or two because 1) it might get ugly and 2) I think Carol/Melissa deserve the spotlight a lot more right now.
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Just seeing her on my screen again is a huge relief after so much uncertainty over the past year and a half, and of course the performance is insanely good. What I'm most grateful for is the fact that Carol has a clear emotional drive. We don't have to analyze her micro expressions for hours or turn over every stone to get a rough idea of her headspace. She says it herself. She's looking for Daryl. She's already gone to great lengths to find him when he doesn't turn up at the time he said he would, and thanks to the teaser, we know she'll keep going as long as there's hope he's still alive. I want to see where her determination takes her (once she gets across the ocean I mean), and obviously I want to watch the inevitable reunion between her and Daryl. It's the most anticipated scene of S2, so it needs to be big. Like, unambiguous canon big. It's what the characters and the fans deserve.
Bear with me though because I do have some issues with Carol's first appearance in 106. “God, MT, can't you just look on the bright side?” I could, but then I’d have to lower my standards, which enables AMC to keep lowering their standards when it comes to telling Daryl's and Carol's story. Theirs has always been an inspiring one, not because of all the people they've saved or all the things they've blown up, but because of the emotional core. They're two lost souls who find each other after the world ends, raising each other up to become stronger than the people around them, the audience, and even they themselves ever imagined. Their story is deep. It offers hope to fans facing their own challenges in life, so it has to be handled with a lot of care. Cheap gimmicks are beneath them, but cheap gimmicks are what we get in this scene.
It's a little bit like S7 when she runs into a group of saviors on the road, taking them out with a gun hidden up her sleeve. It reminds me that this woman is one of the most resourceful badasses in all of TWDU. And as a Caryl shipper, it delights me to see her ride off on Daryl’s bike—also badass for the record. To me though, when the nostalgia/shipper's high wears off, these things feel like distractions. There’s not really a compelling twist, like for example, finding out that Carol stowed away on the boat Daryl was on and had been in France the whole time. There's not enough momentum to keep me hyped through the long hiatus. The teaser does the vast majority of that right now, which is cool, but I want to see that same effort to market the show to me in the show itself. I want good writing. I want the connective tissue. I want the payoff. Will we ever see how Carol learned to ride a motorcycle in the first place or do I have to fill in the blanks myself just like I had to do throughout most of S11? Will we get Caryl beats that outdo the extremely unnecessary and OCC nunbaiting beats?
I don't trust Zabel to deliver everything I'm looking for. I don't think he's very clear on who Carol is, what she represents to the fans, or what her relationship with Daryl represents to the fans. Melissa does understand all of that though, so I have hope her input will make a difference. I've said it many times, and I'll say it again. I'm so happy she's back. I'm happy she seems so excited to be back. She deserves everything she's ever wanted for Carol.
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whetstonefires · 3 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Tag Game
@kiragecko tagged me in! (17 is missing, gecko, did it come that way or was that you?)
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
167 on my main account, plus the ones posted to my personal anon collection under a pseud so as to archive my ffdotnet juvenilia without spamming my nice subscribers with stuff from 2004. Also I think three E-rated fics on the account I made just for that, for similar reasons? So like. 190ish? idk
2. what’s your total AO3 word count?
1,306,169 + 115,249 + the anon fics like hell am i doing that math
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Actively, right now? Mostly mdzs, little scum villain. Idk I have developed a compulsion. Got open fics I'm still technically working on for Batman and ffvii, too.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All the Roofs of Uncertainty Jason-centric Batman fic from almost 10 years ago, complete
in the shadows an unimaginatively titled batman AU where Batman is basically the feral imaginary friend of Bruce Wayne, who died twenty years ago, which I'm still updating occasionally but it's told in standalone vignettes so it's basically a complete fic at any given time
and judgment is just like a cup that we share a Scum Villain identity reveal fic where the main conceit was subjecting Shen Qingqiu to having the plot explained to the other characters by a third party who didn't give a damn. complete.
The Till-Then From the Ever-Since a sort of batfam...mass time travel/deaging premise?? long on hiatus but technically not abandoned.
the tune without the words one of my first fics on a03, i think; jim gordon and jason todd and secret ID related dramatic irony. oneshot.
5. do you respond to comments?
Regularly! Not reliably though. Often I forget, or don't have the spoons, or I notice that I'm not making progress on my fic because I'm writing replies instead and well. Probably the readers would not prefer that, actually.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't know?? I'm not even a good judge of what an unhappy ending is because I like 'em wide open and a lot of readers disagree. It's been 20 years I've been at this idk idk.
Wait I do know. I didn't post it because I was worried people would be mad at me.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Idk this either. I don't really classify them this way? The one I just finished, they keep the phoenix in a bamboo cage, is probably a contender? it ends on a note of laughter, with the canonical main pairing reunited, at home in their house, their relationship probably rather stronger for the trial it just went through, being affectionate, with no particular problems looming on the horizon.
8. do you get hate on fics?
Very rarely? There was memorably a person who went after me for mentioning in an author's note that, according to studies, having a gun present primes people toward violent solutions to problems, even solutions that don't utilize the gun, so having the hospital take Jason's guns away was psychologically important.
Mostly people just get weirdly condescending sometimes lmao.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Recently, yes! Uhm, kind, I don't know what classification system this is meant to refer to. I guess I write the kind of smut that uh, is invested in how desire intersects other forms to attachment and attraction to other people, and how communication works, or doesn't work???
Idk. I got into it in large part as a writing exercise because it requires describing physical positions in some detail without growing boring, and I've always been complimented on that in fight scenes and hugs and so on, so I wanted to see how far I could go.
10. do you write crossovers?
Occasionally? They're very hard to do to my own satisfaction, because the tonal and stylistic things that are normally easier to manage consistently in fic because you have a pattern to imitate all become freighted with choice.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of?? Uh, I think maybe some of my stuff showed up on one of those weird aggregator sites at one point, which I didn't like but don't qualify as stolen since they did leave my name on it, they just tried to imply I'd voluntarily posted it with them. Which is less stealing the fic to my mind than appropriating my fannish identity.
I did get some nice people telling me I might have an impersonator when I started crossposting fic to AO3 under a different pen name lmao.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Two batman fics into Chinese. I don't think they finished Roofs. I think there were a couple others but they're gone or not tagged as related works or something? Hm. Anyway very cool. Big fan.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really. I have a couple I brainstormed with other people, and me and @husborth kind of worked together on the empress padme AU which was her idea, but we coordinated very badly and kept stepping on one another's plans and gave up.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I...by the wordcount it's gotta be wangxian, right? I don't normally ship at all really. I was very pleased with my Harley/Jokester mirror universe ship though; they were so married.
I guess that's what I like in a ship??? Ludicrous devotion? Yeah if people aren't life partner goals I don't even care.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Um. The YuYuHakusho/Natsume Yuujinchou crossover. I did most of the brainstorming for that with my sister, who knows the natsume timeline better, and without her it was difficult to make satisfactory progress. I did try watching the anime but I have so much trouble watching that show in order. The continuity is so subtle.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I have a lot of these! Idk what they are right now. Feels awkward to try to isolate them.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Weirdly specific question lmao. Well, it all comes down to narrative distance, doesn't it? The effect you want.
An omniscient narrator is most likely to just report the content of a remark, and then add something about what language it was said in if relevant, but sometimes you want to create a sense of alienation between speaker and reader, and then the omniscient narrator would give a word-for-word report of what specifically was vocalized.
If you're riding a character for their point of view, how they report dialogue they don't understand becomes a characterization issue. Most people who don't speak a language are not going to pick up its syllables very cleanly; a person who does report words in an unknown language precisely is showing a lot about their capacities and attention. A character who attempts to note an approximation of the sounds they're hearing even though their phonetics are shaky and they can't identify the word breaks is different from one who just sums the unknown words up as 'incomprehensible,' unless the latter is a result of the narrative getting on with things because the specifics of the dialogue aren't important. And so forth.
There's probably not really a wrong way to approach this, just the right tool for the job.
Extended blocks of dialogue produced by google translate are probably rarely the right tool though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Inuyasha lmao. Or maybe there was a spiderman fic before I knew what fic was?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Dumb question, I refuse.
mmmmm tagging. I always forget everybody's tumblrs at moments like this. already tagged jd, who might not want to do it due to having deleted at least one account before so the numbers will be fake. @omokers @beatrice-otter @curlicuecal @brawltogethernow @audreycritter
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