#even though you crashed on my google docs
davidchiemcore · 2 days
transcript for DRDT Prologue Episode One! going to make this a series where i (hopefully) write down all the dialogue for drdt, if i dont get burnt out. at the end, ill post a google doc with them all together
???: ……
???: Fuck!!
???: Fuck, fuck, fuck, this really hurts…
???: Ouch, I really wasn’t expecting her to attack me like that.
???: I made a massive mistake to trust them. I can’t rely on anyone.
???: All by myself, I have to end the killing game.
???: And even if I can’t do that…
???: I have to kill Teruko Tawaki.
???: No matter what.
Prologue: Distrust and Despair
Teruko: …I had a weird dream.
Teruko: Huh? Where am I?
Teruko: When I opened my eyes, I found myself resting on a bed in an unfamiliar place.
Teruko: This looks like some sort of hotel room.
Teruko: Wait, how did I even get here? I have no recollection of coming here.
Teruko: The last thing I remember was–
Teruko: Ah! I was going to the entrance ceremony of Hope’s Peak Academy!
Teruko: But this doesn’t look like Hope’s Peak at all, much less any sort of school. Just what is going on?
Teruko: …
Teruko: No use staying here, I suppose. I think it would be best if I left this room and tried to find out more about this place.
Teruko: I stepped out of the room and found myself in a hall with 15 other doors exactly like the one I left.
Teruko: Do all these doors lead to rooms like the one I just left?
Teruko: They all have nameplates on them. The one I came out of has my name.
Teruko: Teruko Tawaki… That’s me.
Teruko: I don’t recognize any of these other names, though.
Teruko: I tried each door. They were all locked. Seems I’m also locked out of the room I just left.
Teruko: No good, I guess.
Teruko: I should keep exploring.
Teruko: AH!!
Teruko: I walked to the end of the hallway and rounded the corner, when suddenly–
Xander: AUGH!!
Teruko: *CRASH*
Teruko: I crashed into another person pretty roughly, knocking us both to the ground.
Teruko: O–ouch! That really hurt…
Xander: …
Teruko: Are you alright? Sorry for knocking you over like that.
Xander: …
Teruko: Ah-! You’re bleeding! Are you okay?
Xander: Oh. Yup. I’m fine…
Xander: Heh heh……
Teruko: E–eh??
Teruko: All of a sudden, he collapsed.
Teruko: Um–Hello??
Teruko: No use… He’s unconscious.
Teruko: …
Teruko: I can’t believe I accidentally knocked someone unconscious within minutes of being awake. I feel bad…
Teruko: I should find something to treat him with. Maybe there’s a medical room around here.
Teruko: After a little bit of searching, I stumbled upon what looked to be an infirmary.
Teruko: Let’s see. There’s bandages, gauze, various medicines–perhaps some ibuprofen?
Xander: Yeah, that would sound pretty nice.
Teruko: Alright, I see–
Teruko: Wha–AH!
Xander: Oh, sorry, did I scare you? I didn’t mean to sneak up on you like that, really!
Teruko: Y-you! Were you just pretending to be unconscious??
Xander: Err, no. You did actually knock me unconscious. Well, I’m fine now.
Teruko: Oh. And, your eye…
Xander: Like I said, I’m fine now. Don’t worry about it.
Teruko: Are you sure? You were bleeding; that doesn’t seem like an injury to brush off.
Xander: Like I said!! Totally fine! I’m a tough guy, I can handle it.
Teruko: I’m still really sorry, uhm… uh, what’s your name?
Xander: Oh! Ack, how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself. I’m making a terrible first impression.
Xander: Alriiight! The name’s Alexander Matthews. But you can just call me Xander, it’s much cooler sounding. I’m the Ultimate Rebel, nice to meet you!
Ultimate Rebel - Xander Matthews
Teruko: Ultimate?
Xander: You must have heard of Hope’s Peak Academy, right? An exclusive school that only accepts students, known as Ultimates, who possess extraordinary talents.
Xander: It just so happens that I’ve been accepted there! Pretty incredible, huh?
Teruko: Ah,you’re a freshman of Hope’s Peak? I am too. We might be classmates.
Teruko: I should introduce myself as well. I am Teruko Tawaki, the Ultimate Lucky Student.
Ultimate Lucky Student - Teruko Tawaki
Xander: So you’re the Lucky Student, huh, Ms. Teruko? You’re the one who’s got accepted by the lottery.
Teruko: Oh, right. That’s correct.
Teruko: Unlike the rest of the students of Hope’s Peak, my talent of luck is a little unconventional, so I hope you won’t find it too strange.
Xander: Strange? Why would I find it strange?
Xander: Everyone who’s got accepted into Hope’s Peak is given an incredible opportunity to build their own skills and talents so that they can later shape the world!
Xander: Even if you were selected by lottery, not scouted like normal students, you still have got just as much potential as every other Ultimate to develop into an even more amazing person!
Xander: As you know, everyone who graduates from Hope’s Peak goes on to become incredibly influential and important. That’s why being an Ultimate, no matter what kind, is a huge deal!
Teruko: I’m well aware of that. It’s just that… for me, it’s more than just lacking a talent.
Teruko: I’m cursed, you see.
Xander: …Cursed?
Teruko: Cursed with horrible luck.
Teruko: No matter what I do, I always become victim to misfortunes and accidents. I often fall or break things, or worse, injure myself. So do those around me.
Teruko: No doubt, your recent injury is probably as a result of the influence of this curse.
Xander: I see, that makes a bit of sense. It must be difficult living like that, I’m sorry to hear that.
Xander: And yet, despite that, you’ve still been selected to be the Ultimate Lucky Student. Maybe it was some twist of fate.
Xander: Even misfortune can be overcome or adapted, so I would take the fact that you’re here at this academy as a good sign! So, don’t give up hope!
Teruko: Ahaha… Aren’t you full of energy.
Teruko: By the way, just what kind of talent is “Rebel?”
Xander: Oh, are we discussing my talent now?
Xander: To be frank, I’m actually sort of pissed at the Academy for having given me this title. Calling me a “rebel” just makes me seem like some sort of unruly, lawless kid, which I am *definitely* not!
Xander: It's almost an insult to all the hard work I’ve put in throughout my life!
Teruko: Hard work put into what?
Xander: Revolution.
Xander: Simply put, I’m the sort of person who feels very strongly about everything. So whenever I see something that feels wrong to me, something unjust, I’ll do whatever I can to fix it.
Xander: For example, exposing corruption. I’ve got quite a number of corrupt government officials jailed. Society is messed up, and it’s up to me to change it.
Xander: Of course, in order to make any sort of impactful change in this world, you need to break the existing rules. That’s what got me the title of Ultimate Rebel, I suppose.
Teruko: Wow, I’m not quite sure what to think of all that.
Teruko: Or even if I can believe the things you just said.
Xander: Hey! You better not be accusing me of lying!
Teruko: But at the very least you seem to be very passionate and energetic.
Teruko: Moving on… Do you know anything about this place? I seem to have woken up here without knowing how I came here. And I was supposed to be going to the entrance ceremony of Hope’s Peak.
Xander: I was just about to ask you the same thing!
Xander: Have we both got kidnapped, or something?! If that’s the case, I’ll be pretty pissed at whoever’s responsible.
Xander: Err, sorry for getting worked up again.
Xander: But yeah, it looks like we’re in the same situation. Woke up in a mysterious room without knowing how we got here.
Teruko: What a perplexing situation…
Xander: No use just standing here. I’ve got an idea. We should look around, see if there’s an explanation somewhere. At the very least we can examine our surroundings for clues.
Teruko: Right. We may find something new.
Teruko: These large doors are conspicuous. We should check inside.
Xander: Fine by me!
Teruko: Xander kicks the door open forcefully.
Teruko: You could have just…
Teruko: Used… the… han..dle…
Teruko: Eh?
Teruko: We found ourselves in a large room full of chairs and a large, ominous screen at the back. But more importantly…
Xander: There’s other people here?!
Teruko: 14 other people stood in front of Xander and me.
David: Ah, have more people arrived?
Ace: Maybe they’re our fucking kidnappers! We should ask ‘em a few questions!
Arei: Are you two freshmen of Hope’s Peak Academy as well?
Xander: We are. Is this our class?
Whit: Whoa, new people. You guys got any idea what’s going on?
Charles: Don’t be ridiculous. I sincerely doubt that these two can bring any new information to the table on our situation.
Teruko: So, it seems our whole class is here.
Xander: Just what is going on? Have the rest of you blacked out when you were entering the Academy?
Levi: Yes, that happened to the rest of us as well. Our situation is awfully strange.
Veronika: Maybe the Academy is trying to surprise us! Wouldn’t that be fun?
Hu: If you two are in fact our classmates, why don’t you introduce yourselves?
Hu: I know this situation isn’t ideal, but at the very least we should be acquainted with each other before we try and figure out what’s going on.
Teruko: Ehm, introduce myself? In front of all of you?
Teruko: Wouldn’t it be better if I just talked to you individually?
Eden: That’s okay, then introduce yourselves to us one by one.
Charles: Excellent, another 10 minutes of time wasting. Why don’t you two take your time blabbering about insignificant things, it’s not like we’re in a potentially life-threatening situation.
Teruko: …Yeesh.
Xander: Hey!
Xander: Let’s talk to everyone together. That way we’ll both be way less nervous if we’ve got a friend by our side.
Teruko: …
Teruko: Thank you, Xander.
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b1zmuth · 4 days
You, ''Me'', and the fucking cat! | Satan X Reader
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SC \\ replacement (To like the slightest degree), jealousy, angry MC, crackhead energy, whatever was that fever dream called the obey me anime, fluff, CAT!!!
Plot: You turn into a cat, and basically get replaced in some odd fashion. 
Today was an ordinary day.
It was the same as all the other ‘’ordinary to the point it's insufferable’’ days, filled with silence and the occasional joke thrown your way, darting glances towards you and those god-awful poorly hidden whispers- basically, everyone was tiptoeing around your general presence, attempting to not set off the ticking time bomb that was a mere step in the wrong direction from going off.
Now, to give credit where it's due, you DID bring this on yourself, considering your recently declared mass ignorance streak of everyone in the House of Lamentation.. And when you said everyone, you really meant EVERYONE- even Cebererus wasn't spared from your wrath and backhanded responses.
Even then, it still didn't justify anything that the brothers had done to you yesterday- leaving you a sopping wet mess due to their shitty April Fools “joke” that left you sulking in ''your bed'' for hours on end… or well leading up until now, where you sat on top of the table in Solomon’s dorm- where the owner of said room laughed at the current absurdity of the situation, despite the glares your eyes shot at him.
You licked your paw in an unamused fashion, trying to ignore Solomon’s cackle session at your unfortunate situation.. he somehow still didn't get with the program- shutting his mouth already.
‘’Hehe, he- haha! This is just too- haaaa!- funny! Tell me the story again, please?’’ Solomon laughed like it was going to be his last, which further fueled your immense hatred for the slick bastard- your mind racing to figure out what would be the best torture method for his ass- ‘’So, before you start telling me how you got yourself into this… situMEOWation! how's life living on the short side? Y’know, as a CAT! Ha!’’
You were going to kill him one way or another that's for SURE.
‘’Meow meow meowww! Meow meow!’’ (I’ll gouge your fucking eyeballs out if you laugh one more time you shitty excuse of a cook!) you hissed at the god-awful cook who laughed even harder this time, having to compose himself before he fell off the couch- ‘’Oh, this is the funniest thing I've ever seen- it's even better when I know what you're saying! Haha!’’ ‘’meow meow!’’ (incompetent fuck!)
Solomon finally stops laughing and turns to you with an amused look on his face, his smirk being the telltale sign of his desire for the full story…
So, this whole problem started when you were in your room secretly planning a nice, luxurious retreat to Istanbul with Satan as a surprise date in your planner- Noticing Mammon who came in your room and started talking to you- ‘’Oi human! Needa’ wear something light to dinner, Lucifer says you will get your hands messy! And doncha’ keep me waiting!’’- you finished up your plans got redressed fairly quickly and started rushing down for dinner only to be met with a dark, like SERIOUSLY dark dining room and radio silence to top it off. ‘’The hell?’’ you said, turning your head in every direction in a confused manner, your eyes darting around- eventually getting used to the pitch-black darkness that consumed the room, which still didn't help much but you just shrugged it off, and shook your phone to turn on its flashlight to be met with a damn near petrifying sight- four gigantic ass spiders-looking THINGS on the roof of the dining room which also, damn near shaved off 15 years off of your lifespan, and it only got worse from there as the 4 ‘’shadows’ started jumping down from the roof… With guns???
Damn! All of that boy kissing really did come to bite you in the ass because there was no way in hell the big G was going to let you slide with YOUR record. Fuck!
‘’Well damn, this might be how I go out, to some fuckass spiders- yeah right, hell to the naw!’’ you thought before making a mad dash up the stairs, hearing the repeated thumps of feet trailing behind you, the sound of your own blood rushing past your ears, the delicious feeling of adrenaline coursing throughout your body made this whole chase a little bit fun..?
Well, it was fun up until you nearly got cornered by three more of the ‘’shadows’’, mindlessly ran into about two walls, and got some varying degrees of carpet burn from sliding across the rugged floor so many times- your screams echoing throughout the halls, NOW the situation had totally went from 0-100 real fast.
But never mind that! Where in the world were the brothers? You had JUST seen and talked to Mammon no less than five minutes ago, right? There is no way that all seven could have disappeared with a trace within a matter of mere minutes?
Well, you kept on running until you finally found a lit room… And then your legs gave out from underneath you- and you somehow slid across a. Soapy floor? What the hell?
‘’SQUUUUIIRRTING CONTESSSSSST!!!!’’ you heard multiple voices around you scream before you were blasted by multiple streams of.. ‘’Water’’, you think, and having buckets of that same ‘’water’’ being dumped all over your already sopping wet body- and then to make matters worse, the millisecond you got up you were pelted with numerous water balloons that sent you right back down for the count- with the same voices bursting out with cackles and giggles at your expense.
I mean, to give credit, your assailants finally got the memo that maybe you were dead due to drowning in some mysterious liquid, and a yellow blur pulled you up before you were pelted with MORE FUCKING WATER BALLOONS- oh yeah, you had to be fucking livid now, looking aligned to someones abandoned wet dog after all.
Oh, and livid you were! Enough to start flipping tables and chairs, turning the now revealed seven brothers into a humanized game of bowl, hanging three of them from a chandelier and giving two a swirly-whirly, leaving poor Lucifer and Satan staring at you in genuine fear and holding up their hands defensively whilst slowly walking backward- ‘’YOU!’’ You yelled, pointing a furious finger that switched between pointing at both demons before you spoke up again, your feet picking up pace and the distraught faces of both demons turning more scared with each step- ‘’I ALMOST DROWNED! MY PHONE? SHAMISLED! MY NOSTRILS? SHOT. MY HAIR THAT I SPENT AN HOUR DRYING AND FLUFFING OUT? DONE-ZOS! WHAT IN THE HELL COMPELS YOU TO DROWN SOMEONE IN WATER AFTER HELPING THEM UP?!’’ you screamed at the two before stopping dead in your tracks, just mere feet in front of them before you started having a stare-down contest with your two unwilling contestants before they nervously tried to plead the fifth with you, only to be met with a loud ‘’STAY!’’ and the loud thumps of their bodies hitting the floor.
‘’Uuuuuuuuurgh..’’ ‘’Nghuuuugh…!’’
‘’Meow meow meow meow, meow! Meooooooooow, meowww.’’ (And that's how I ended up ignoring all of those damn brothers, who almost drowns someone in.. whatever that ‘’water’’ was and then laughing when I got pelted with even MORE wate-’’ ‘’HAAAAAAAAHAAhhhheeeehe!! AHAaaa!’’ ‘’Heheeeee…. Oh uh.. continue, please..’’
So, after you eventually stormed up to your room after spamming ‘’Stay’’ on Lucifer and Satan, you tried to get somewhat dry and marched right on over to Levi’s Room, snatching up Crowe and marching right back on over to your own room before starting your devious plan; turn all of the brothers into cats of course! At least then they would be bearable to be around after the shadoozy they just put you through 15 minutes ago! What a fantastic plan! What could possibly go wrong?
‘’Crowe! I want you to turn something into a cat.’’ You said, hoping that Levi had autopay still enabled on Crowe.
‘’Hello, LEVIACHAN, what would you like to be turned into a cat?’’ Crowe responded, your giddy smile growing with the thought of the brothers getting their justified punishment, right up until you heard Satan calling your name out- ‘’Shit! Did Crowe hear that?’’
‘’Understood, autopay is enabled, beginning transaction soon.’’ You let out a loud groan, mentally cursing Satan for opening his mouth the second you decide to use something as sensitive as Crowe. Fuck!
‘’MC! Were sorry! Can we talk..please?’’ Satan yelled from somewhere downstairs, his voice getting louder- signaling his ascent up towards your room- ‘’Payment confirmed, LEVIACHAN, thank you for using Crowe’s Digital Transformation System. . . . . . A bright white flash quickly illuminates the room, both blinding you and ripping a poorly-hidden scream from your throat, before dissipating and alerting your unwanted guest. . . . As much as you loved Satan, you were SO going to kick his ass the second you got your body back, no! You were GOING to kick his ass as soon as he walked in! Wait, you could do it in the hallway too! Even better.
If only you could reach the door that was taunting you about your new, fuzzy, form.
Well, shit. Now not only were you stuck in this cat form, but your entire revenge plan also went straight out the window- I mean there wasn't jack your minuscule ass was going to be doing to a 6’1 demon who LOVED cats. You might as well just go ahead and call it quits, because this would be your unfortunate new life.
And just as you were sulking, deciding on what cat food you would have to set as your worst-case scenario- O-Great-Lord-O-Cats waltzes into your room, looking somewhat distressed as he frantically looked around for your (human) body, only for his greenish-yellow eyes falling on your adorable cat form- ‘’Oh! Where did you come from, little one? And how did you get inside?’’ Satan asked you, his large hands picking you up and holding you, one hand lifting up to pet your soft fur and eventually scratching behind your ear- but not before swiping a
‘’Never mind that, you must be hungry.. And angry at that..’’ He looked at you with a saddened face, seemingly to completely have forgotten about the very much HUMAN scream that came from your room, and that flashbang of a transformation that he had to have seen- my god, you really didn't think that Satan wanted you gone that much for him to overlook that gigantic red flag.
You wondered if someone were to wave a 50ft red flag in front of his face would he still just ignore it to care for a cat.. Probably so knowing him.
And to your shock, all the rest of the brothers were sitting at the dinner table eating, before they watched Satan walk into the room with yet another cat, before turning back to finish whatever they were doing at the table- I mean it was already confusing that Satan didn't say anything about the recent events, but for all seven brothers to not even spare a cough or a sniffle when your scream rang out and Satan came down with a CAT and not YOU.
‘’What for dinner.’’ Satan asked nonchalantly, setting you down on the dinner table, to which you stared at him with a confused look- ‘’Devildom Stir-fry with Toxic Chameleon’’ someone from behind you said, your furry face now scrunched up in contemplation- ‘’there is no way in hell they served a dish that only demons could eat, did I give them all brain damage? no.. no. did they forget me?’’ You thought to yourself, being so lost in thought that you didn't hear Satan excusing himself from the table to ‘’go get something’’, or really to notice the disappointed sighs of the brothers around you.
You felt a pair of warm, slender hands pick you up and carry you to a nearby seat, setting you down on their lap and petting your fur softly, and as you looked up- you saw Asmo pouting above you.
‘’You know, I feel sooooo bad for making our sweet MC angry… dinners so boring without them.’’ Asmo sighed, picking aimlessly at his plate after he passed you to Belphie- ‘’Agreed, I didn't think they would take it so seriously’’ Belphie hummed before turning you into his personal pillow, smooshing his face inside of your soft fur.
‘’I believe Lucifer told you to at least warn MC that they would be getting wet, right Mammon?’’ Levi retorted at the now worried Mammon who just responded with ‘’Y’know, who tells a person to change clothes because they are going to be getting wet in the dining room, huh?!’’ he pointed his fork towards Levi who scoffed,’’ YOU, Mammon! Are you seriously that dim-witted to not warn someone about a water fight?’’ he glared right back at the elder sibling- searching his pockets for his DDD.
‘’Either way, MC doesn't want to speak with us, they even hid in their room when I came to find them.’’ Satan responded, his tone slowly going more upbeat as he saw you desperately trying to claw your way from underneath Belphie- who awoke with some ‘’gentle’’ persuasion from Satan.
Belphie’s chair quickly tumbles to the ground, with him flying to the floor with it -’’ Y’know, you DIDN’T have to shove me out of the chair! Evil bastard!’’- ‘’tough luck, I need to put this collar on Satan’s Angry Kitty, and you're in the way!’’ Satan shrugged at Belphie, picking you up and returning you back to his seat at the dinner table.
Hold on a minute, he said a-what-now?
‘’Woah woah woah! Slow down! Did you just say you need to put a collar on that CAT who’s name is Satan’s Angry Kitty? Belphie pulled himself up off the floor, looking at Satan with a questionable look on his face ‘’Thats such a cringy name lool’’ Levi giggled to himself as he watched you desperately try to run away from Satan’s hands- ‘’Even the cat thinks the name is weird LMAO’’
Who in their right fucking mind names a cat that? I have to stop picking the freaklicious men to crush on- because this is just plain ridiculous!
‘’What a kinky name for a cat, Satan!’’ Asmo said in a sing-song tone, his smirk never faltering.
‘’Of course, I named the cat that- they remind me of MC, and it would be weird to name a cat that randomly appeared in MC’s room after them, no?’’ Satan laughed, covering your claws with his thumbs- ‘’Oi! What makes you think that the cat belongs to YOU? If anything I say I should get to name the cat! I was MC’s first man after all!’’ Mammon leaped from his seat pointing the finger at Satan and quickly pointing his finger at everyone else at the table.
‘’You would KILL that poor furry feline with your incompetence! I think that I, Asmo, should take care of them! At least they wouldn't end up being sold off to those witches you are so fond of!’’ Asmo put a hand on his chest, smugly making a comment towards Mammon, only to be cut off by Belphie- ‘’Nuh-uh! No way in HELL should an animal be left in your care! You're too self-absorbed to even give a second thought about it! Leave it in the care of ME and BEEL.’’
‘’And you're so sure that you could take care of it huh?! Beel would eat the poor thing as a midnight snack and your napping gramps ass wouldn't even know until a week later!’’
‘’Loool you guys are so pathetic, clearly the otaku could take care of a simple cat- unlike the rest of you normies!’’
‘’Oh COME ON! Your an OTAKU for fucks sake! You’d be too busy busting it to your figurines and those games your always playing to even notice if the cat got eaten by Henry!’’
‘’Who are you calling pathetic?! I was the first one to discover the cat, so I get naming privileges! All the rest of you clingy fucks can suck it!’’
‘’You all are being childish, none of you are even competent enough to care for this feline- so just go ahead and give it to me!’’
. . . . . . . .
It took a lot more arguing, flipped tables and chairs, plates, forks, food, and YOURSELF, being flung around the room before you were finally able to get Satan to calm down and pay attention to you- ‘’HURRRRRAAAAAUG- oh! Satan’s Angry Kitty! You seem like you want my attention.. You want my attention don’t ya? Awwwwwh! You really are just too cute!’’ He cooed at you whilst holding you in his arms before retreating to his room and setting you down on his bed.
I mean, seeing him in his demon form was really interesting since he seemed to get even dreamier when he was being nice in said form- and it was even better that he was lying down on his back and holding you up in the air, still cooing at you about how cute you were- ‘’you know, MC was planning on taking me on a secret date to this place in the human world called ‘’Istanbul’’..’’ ‘’Meow meow meow!’’ ( Damn it! You just had to look through my notebook!’’)
‘’I mean, I was planning on asking them out on a library date, I was really worried if they weren't going to feel the same about me, but thanks to you sitting right next to that notebook I got to know that they do like me back! What a helpful kitty you are!’’ He booped your small button nose, to which you tried to reciprocate the action by booping him back, but failed.
Now, it was only a matter of time before Satan swiped that planner of yours- it DID have the title as ‘’Satan X Me (heart heart heart)’’ but even then you did it as a funny haha joke, and now its come back to bite you in the ass. Dammit.
Unfortunately, he sat you back down on the bed and got up to go retrieve a book from one of his shelves, coming back and fully laying down on his bed with you resting on his chest.
You curled up into a ball on top of him, placing yourself where you could read the book with him, peacefully enjoying the steady beat of his heart, and his soothing breathing- ‘’How much longer do you want to stay as my little angry kitty, hm, MC?’’
Wait what?
He laughed, ‘’Don't act coy with me MC, I've already known that you were transformed into a cat. So, let me ask you again; how much longer do you want to stay as Satan’s Angry Kitty?’’ he narrowed his eyes as he spoke, watching your bewildered expression. (really he was watching your ears)
And did Jesus come to save you he did, having all six of his brothers burst into the room- teasing you about being Satan’s Little Kitten- and a mix of ‘’APRIL FOOLS’’ having you make a hasty retreat for the door, a mad dash to the dorms where Solomon was- because staying in that house another SECOND would have had you dead on the spot.
‘’Meow meow meow meow, meow meow.’’ (so yeah, here we are. I would have done anything to be in my human form when he told me that! Do you know how hot it was to be called his kitty whilst he was in his demon form AND laying on his chest?! Do you, Solomon?!) You meowed at the sorcerer, who laughed again- ‘’and now your just being thirsty for him, classic you.’’ Solomon responded flashing his bright smile at you.
‘’Meow meow meow..’’ (coming from the fruitastic maestro sitting in front of me I take that as a compliment.)
‘’Would you like for me to turn you back now? You know, so you can continue salivating at the mouth over Satan?
‘’Meow!’’ (yes!)
Solomon giggled at your enthusiastic response before he turned you back into the human- ''It's a wonder that he hasn't shown up here to come and get you-'' and he was swiftly cut off with a suspicious knock at the door to which you answered it… and it was Satan, holding a beautiful bouquet of your favorite colored flower, a giddy smile on his face, and a small ginger cat perched on top of his shoulder- ‘’Heard you had an interest for me, Kitt-’’
‘’let me stop you right there buddy, we need to sit down and have a talk about this nickname situation!’’ You giggled at the somewhat taller male who laughed right with you as he lowered his shoulder so you could grab the cat that was on it.
‘’Where do you keep on finding all these cats?’’ ‘’I don't know, I'm just a cat attractor, you know this already, hun.’’
A/N: This was just wow. somehow this beat my diavolo x reader fic with a 1500 word difference.. atp every fic I write gets LONGER.. smh
Ngl this one drained me, so OMNB(+SWD) headcannons r next, so if you enjoyed this fic please like and drop a suggestion for the headcannons! oh yeah, and thank you to everyone who enjoyed my DXR fic! i really, really, appreciate it!! :)
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Bizmuth 24' | Biz's Workshop
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carryonthroughtheages · 2 months
Important COTTA Announcement
Hello Friends and History Lovers. 
I’ve been procrastinating making this announcement for the last couple of months, mostly trying to convince myself that I need not make it. I've actually had this sitting in my Google Docs, waiting for the right time to break the news.
However, as we are now in May, and time is coming where normally I’d make the official COTTA announcement. I can’t put it off anymore. Besides, there is no right time to break the news.
After four amazing years, I am saying goodbye to Carry On Through The Ages. As much as I have loved and enjoyed spreading the love of history and plugging our Carry On characters into different historical periods, I find I no longer have the time nor the mental spoons to take on another year of COTTA by myself. 
I am not completely gone from the Carry On fandom. I am still hanging out in the periphery of the fandom, but there are other things in my personal and fandom life that I am very excited for. And when push comes to shove, I had to let go of something, otherwise I’d crash and burn. As much as it hurts, I’ve decided that COTTA had to be it. 
What does this mean?
Well, I won’t be deleting the tumblr, first of all. There are reblogged stories and art that exist there. 
I won’t be deleting the Discord server for COTTA. There were some amazing discussions and research done within the channels, that I can’t find it in myself to erase them. I encourage people to still use it for history talk and nerdery, even though COTTA is done. 
The AO3 collection will not be deleted, so don’t worry about your fics and art disappearing. 
It’s been an amazing past four years, and while we were a small event, we were a dedicated group of nerds who loved history so much and wanted to share that with the rest of the fandom. From the bottom of my heart, I thank each and every person who has shown support for COTTA. Whether by reblogging announcements, signing up and participating in the fest, or providing support for fellow writers and artists, you have all meant so much to me. 
Thank you. 
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lanafofana · 1 month
To soothe, Ignites
It's been three days since i had this thought hit my brain like a freight train and ive been chewing on it ever since in a google doc and anyway here you go
Pairing: Halsin x (female) Tav
Warning: the weight of burgeoning, unresolved tension
Summary: It's just a nice friendly, platonic massage, what's the worst that could happen?
Rating: M just to be safe. Nothing really overly explicit
Halsin rubs the back of his neck and leans back a little, stretching, a faint frown on his weathered face. Across the camp, Tav watches discreetly over the edge of her book. It’s not the first time she’s witnessed him absently soothing an ache at the end of the day. 
It occurs to her that, for being such a large man, he must get quite the cramp in his neck from always having to bow his head to talk to her and her companions. Someone calls to her and she turns away, distracted from the vein of thought. 
It isn’t until later, after they’ve eaten their dinner and people have started to drift back to their own tents, she picks up the thread again. First watch is barely a chore at all with how her mind, resistant to settling down for the evening, spins through a dizzying whirl of thoughts. 
Generally she stokes the fire with naught but a book for company, occasionally walking the perimeter of camp and puzzling on the mystery of the Absolute. Tonight though, the cult is a distant problem, distant as their destination in Baldur’s Gate anyway. With Ketheric defeated and another long stretch to their journey waiting for morning to begin she finds her mind wandering to topics much closer at hand. 
The elf was a powerful druid. His command of the druidic arts was a sight to behold though she only caught glimpses of it during the assault on Moonrise. Of course, she vividly remembers the warmth of his healing magic mending her seconds after an arrow had caught her between the ribs. It had been quick. The pain had torn through her concentration like a blaze of hellfire. She had crashed to her knees, the taste of iron and mortality on her tongue, her vision blurring with shadows. She’d barely had time to suck in a wet sounding wheeze when his hands had been on her, nature’s divine magic enveloping her entirely. 
“You’re all right, lass,” he’d said firmly, as if so secure in the inevitability of her being alright that he would brook no argument on the matter. From her or her fatal injury. The pain had reduced to a manageable ache and she’d sucked in a lungful of air greedily, hardly aware of it when he’d dragged her back to her feet. Until she’d seen the bugbear running up behind him, bloody axe raised high, and then she’d shoved him away and instantly thrown herself back into the fray of violence. 
The archdruid had proven himself more than just a valuable ally, but a good companion too. Perhaps even a friend. He’d always been polite and sincere, if a little distant. More attentive to his god, paying an impressive amount of time dedicated to his prayers and meditations rather than the camaraderie and dramas of their little camp. Still, even if he did not seek out her or anyone else’s companionship he was always willing to sit with her during her watch when she sought out his. Putting down his book or whatever he was doing with that scrap of wood he was always carrying and putting the full weight of his attention and focus on her entirely. 
Since reuniting the two halves of Thaniel’s spirit it seemed to Tav that Halsin also seemed more whole. As if a missing piece of his own spirit had finally slotted back into place. His smiles seemed warmer and his attention more focused outward than in. 
As if summoned by the force of her thoughts, Tav caught movement from the corner of her eye and was surprised to see the druid himself emerge from the gloom of the forest. He was on his way to his own tent but paused when he saw her in the glow of the campfire. 
“Good evening,” he greets, approaching. He’s doffed his shirt, a common habit of his in the evening but the glow of the fire gives the planes of his chest an otherworldly glow. 
Tav feels the corners of her smile lift, the clattering of her thoughts stilling. “That it is,” she agrees. “For once.”
With the shadow curse lifted she can finally spy the twinkling of stars between the boughs of the trees. When a breeze flutters through camp it feels like fresh air being breathed into the land instead of a death rattle come to herald some horrific doom. 
Halsin, following her gaze to the sky, smiles and nods in assent. “And for many more nights to come, I believe.” 
Lost in thought he doesn’t feel her gaze as she takes the opportunity to openly study him. He looks well, not relaxed per say, but a little stiff. Absentmindedly the druid raises a hand and rubs at his neck, cocking his head as if to relieve a persistent ache and Tav comes to a sudden decision.
“Come. Sit,” she gestures to the space before her by the fire. Halsin gives her a quizzical smile, his brows furrowed. “You’ve been worrying that neck of yours like a dog with a bone, let me help.”   
“It is nothing to be concerned about,” he tries to defer but Tav is adamant. 
“Nonsense. Can’t have my favorite archdruid suffering,” she teases. “Not when I have the means to alleviate it very easily. Come.” She reaches down from her perch on the log they’ve been using as seating and pats the ground between her feet expectantly. “Allow me.”  
Hesitating for the span of a breath Halsin relents, sitting himself before her. At her feet he spies a book and picks it up curiously. “A travel guide?” 
Tav hums and widens the gap between her knees, gently guiding him closer for a better reach. Despite the cooling autumn night air his bare skin radiates heat and she tries not to think too much about any other circumstances where her legs might bracket his body so close to hers. Or of his proximity to her own budding source of heat. Swallowing, mouth suddenly very dry, Tav refocuses on the task at hand. “Would you like to read it? Probably not much new information for you but the author’s particular, ah, outlook is quite something. An entertaining read if not a wholly informative one.” 
Halsin chuckles, opening and scanning the text. “Thank you, I’ve found my own reading material quite exhausted of late.” 
Brushing his tawny hair off his shoulders, Tav tsk’s with mock reproach. “You should have said, I’ve quite the collection now. When you’ve finished with that one, let me know.”
“You are incredibly generous,” Halsin murmurs but it’s so low she can’t be sure if she was meant to hear it. 
At first it feels clumsy as she maps out the expanse of his wide shoulders. In truth, it’s been a very long time since she’s done anything like this for someone but, much like picking up the sword again after a decade or so of neglecting the craft, her hands seem to know their way around better than her mind. With dextrous skill she gets to work, alternating between using her thumbs and the heel of her palms to glide over thick muscle, coaxing each gnarl to release. 
The camp is quiet, the rest of her companions lost to slumber, and she quickly loses herself to the lull of the crackling fire and the delicate flutter of turning pages as Halsin reads. They don’t speak but the silence is comfortable, easy. 
With each rigid cord of muscle she rubs into submission the druid relaxes a little more, the occasional sigh reaching her ears that makes her smile with smug triumph. When she finds a particularly persistent knot she increases the pressure of her stroke eliciting a grunt. 
“Gods, sorry,” she murmurs hastily, easing her touch to rest lightly against his warm skin, feeling her cheeks flush with chagrin at her over enthusiasm. Halsin merely shakes his head. He turns his face to eye her with a gentle smile, the hazel of his eyes dark against the backdrop of the firelight.
“Nothing to apologize for,” he assures her softly. “I am quite unharmed. Continue if you wish.” 
Trusting he’s not merely humoring her she resumes her ministrations with more care. She devotes her attention to increasing the pressure when necessary with exacting precision. Working her way across his shoulders until she comes to the tight line of muscles branching up his neck. Each stroke is steady and firm. 
Between the monotony of the movements and the intensity of her focus it’s some time before she realizes he hasn’t turned a page in a while. His shoulders are lax and when she strokes a thumb up the nape of his neck he leans into it, only slightly, as if unconsciously. 
Tav is not unaware of the intimacy of the moment. She’d put her own lustful thoughts in a box and buried it deep in the back of her mind since his gentle rebuffment of her clumsy advances at the tiefling party. An entire age ago from this moment, but it springs open now. 
With a detached sort of curiosity, as if she is watching her hands from outside herself she runs deft fingers through his hair and scratches at the delicate skin at the base of his scalp. He shivers and releases a sound that is more akin to a sensation rumbling up from his chest and buzzing along her fingertips like electricity. It feels like crossing an invisible line. 
The druid and the ranger still, as if both caught together in a web they don’t quite know how to navigate. He doesn’t move away and, pulse suddenly hammering in her throat, Tav rests her hands on the top of his shoulders gently. She drags the pads of her fingers down his back, skimming the warmth of his body and he exhales heavily, a sound that travels up Tav’s spine with expectation. An ache begins to bloom inside her core, a greedy hunger that flexes and curls under her skin with intoxicating heat and intent. 
“My my, isn’t this cozy?” 
The dulcet tone of Astarion’s voice breaks the delicate thread of something that had risen up between them like the sharp crack of a snapping live wire and Tav jerks her hands away guiltily, embarrassment drowning out the previous brief flickerings of passion. 
“Astarion,” she greets and hopes he doesn’t pick up on the breathless waver in her tone. No such luck, his red eyes practically gleam in the dim evening light as he takes them in by the fire. She clears her throat, her scattering thoughts tangling in on themselves while she looks for solid ground. “What are you–”
“Second watch, darling.” The vampire’s expression is too sharp, too knowing. “Off to bed you pop. Our fearless leader should be well rested for the journey ahead.” 
Halsin stirs from his place on the ground, shifting and rising as if lumbering out of a trance. “Of course,” he says and offers his hand to pull her up from the log. “It’s later than I realized. Forgive me.” 
Whatever spell had enthralled them is broken and the look in his eye is friendly, polite. It burns more than the embarrassment had. Her hand is still in his and she withdraws it, feeling uncertain of her footing and hating it. 
“Gentlemen.” She feels like she’s still mentally gathering the parts of her that had spilled out and stuffing it all inside a deep dark hole inside herself. An easier task if she also didn’t feel like instead of flesh, her entire person was made of sticky goop. “See you in the morning.” 
“Sweet dreams, dear,” Astarion calls out to her, something in his dark voice suggestive. She raises a hand without looking back and beats a hasty retreat. 
The air is cold now, especially away from the fire. Curling up in her little makeshift tent, Tav does little to resist the memory of being wrapped in the warm glow of the druid’s body heat. She stares at the ceiling of her little world and wonders what the hell was that. 
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vindikaetion · 8 months
Trick or treat!! 🍬🐜…🐜…🐜….
Hehe you get TREAT! :)
I've had this in my google docs for a a few months while I work on a few other projects, so thought I might share. This is for @alkalinefrog 's Spiderman AU, which you can find here! <3 (Go check it out rn the art is SO GOOD)
"How good are your reflexes?!" Hiccup suddenly shouted, cutting off the weird sort of stand-off between Spiderman and Hiccup's kidnapper.
The white eyes of Spiderman's mask squinted. "Superhuman?" he replied in confusion.
Okay, that somewhat alleviated some of Hiccup's concern over his absolutely batshit insane plan. Somewhat, being the key-word, because he was about to place his life in the hands of the quipping superhero who Hiccup's boss thought was a menace.
"No funny business," the man growled, tightening his fist. Hiccup let out a choked grunt as all the air in his lungs was forcibly pushed out, but he mustered all his strength and coherency to keep his hands covering the exposed circuitry. "Unless you want to meet the pavement face-to-face."
"Counting on it," Hiccup wheezed. Before the man could have a chance to prod him, Hiccup ripped out one of the many wires that programmed the suit to keep him hanging.
If anyone were to ask after the harrowing experience, Hiccup would tell them that he had very bravely kept his voice calm and even. The truth was, the moment gravity took hold and he went plunging to the ground, Hiccup shrieked;
"You better catch me!"
A beat passed, then two. Hiccup kept his eyes shut, every inch of his body tense. It would do little to help if Spiderman was unable to catch him, but human instincts cared little for realistics.
Hiccup had one other near death experience in his life. It was the same brush with death that had claimed his leg, and it oddly felt a lot like this. Weightless, with every sense focussed and sharp. As if an eternity decided to stand still in this very moment, with the sounds of sirens and shrieks in the air. Though it lacked the sound of honking and metal crashing, it was startlingly similar.
Except this time, instead of a solid impact sending his world into utter darkness, a firm yet soft body collided into his.
Hiccup's stomach lurched as the world suddenly swooped, forcing another shriek past his lips. Arms tightened around him.
Someone laughed beside his ear. "You're seriously crazy, but can't say I don't respect it."
Hiccup could hear the twipping of Spiderman's webs shooting between buildings and the relief in his voice. The most prominent sound was the wind whipping past their cheeks, but he couldn't bring himself to open his eyes.
"Thanks," he squeaked. He chanced opening his eyes, just to let out a rather embarrassing sound. All his pride went out the window, cinging to Spiderman with as much strength as he could muster in his scrawny body, eyeing the rapidly approaching ground in alarm. "Can't say I ever want to do this again, though."
"Great!" Spiderman said joyfully. "That makes two of us."
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damistrolls · 5 months
A Very Long Time Ago
a few days ago i started a fic about nobody and maledict as kids and ive finally finished it <3
i hope u enjoy
(google doc link)
Thump thump thump CRASH–
Volare watched out of the corner of his eye as the white-haired troll bounded across the leafy forest floor after something, occasionally plowing into trees and then hastily scrambling back to his feet to resume the chase. He only had mild interest in the situation, too busy with his carving knife and bit of bone in his hands to pay his acquaintance too much mind. 
Volare looked over to see the troll practically launching himself off of the tree he had just collided with. 
“You’ll lose another tooth, Mith,” he warned. It would fall on deaf ears, of course. He’s never seen another troll so wild and untamed. Volare would compare him to an animal, but that would be an insult to animals. Animals aren’t depraved like he is. 
Thump thump LEAP– 
Mithyt suddenly launched himself over Volare’s legs, startling him enough to make him suddenly nick the head off of the charm he was carving. 
“Mith!” Volere gasped, scrabbling for the bit of bone that’s almost definitely lost in the leaves now. He looked sharply at the feral troll, who was crouched over something on the ground, tail swishing. “What’s wrong with you?” 
Mithyt got a better grip of whatever was in his hands, and stood up, turning to shove it in Volere’s direction. The young clown leaned back just in time to avoid kissing a huge toad. 
“Ugh, get that out of my face! You ruined my charm.”
“That?” Mithyt gestured towards the poor, beheaded squirrel charm in his hands. “It looks bad.” 
“Yeah, because you made me screw it up.” 
“No, not the headlessness, it just sucks. You’re not very good at that, are you?” 
“What do you know? You couldn’t even carve a cube if your dumb life depended on it.” 
“Well I can still tell when things look a bit shit!”
Volare held a hand out to put a barrier between himself and Mithyt’s mouth. Between him whistling his S’s and spitting his T’s, it wasn’t really something he wanted so close to his face. He’s far from a germaphobe, but that missing tooth gave Mithyt a splash zone, and he’d rather not be in it. 
“What do you want with that thing anyways?” Volare asked, gesturing towards the frog with his carving knife. “You’re always out catching things. Bugs, lizards, and other little creatures… It’s weird.” 
“What? This? I’m gonna eat it, obviously,” he replied, as though Volare should have known already. Volare grimaced. 
“That’s really gross.” 
“Well I’m gonna cook it.” 
“That’s not the point. Why can’t you be normal and go to a restaurant, or cook real food from the store?” 
“You know this is as close to the city as I go. Why would I go out there when the forest’s got everything I need?” he asked, plopping down on the ground so he could retrieve a jar from his bag and open it with one hand. He ended up holding the jar with his filthy gremlin feet while he unscrewed it, and Volare didn’t know whether to be impressed by his ingenuity, or disgusted by his… well, his everything else. 
Volare looked at the other purple for a few moments, before he got distracted by his mutilated charm again, looking down and turning it over in his fingers with a frown. 
“I guess I don’t blame you. There isn’t much for me out there. It’s like every single person expects something different of you… If I don’t show up for church, they bother me about it the next time I come, as if it’s something I have to do. I mean, I’m almost five sweeps, I think I can decide for myself whether to come or not.” 
“Pshh… Why do you even go back to the city?” Mithyt asked, dropping the toad into the jar, and then the jar into his old leather side bag. 
“Well, unlike you, I like my creature comforts. I want a real hive, with a nice bed and an AC. Plus, I can only handle so much of you.” 
Mithyt shrugged it off, and grinned that big, incomplete grin of his. He looked like such a doofus. It would almost be charming if the guy wasn’t such a shit. 
“Oh hey!” Mithyt practically jumped up, pushing his scruffy, unkempt bangs back, allowing Volare a glance of his eyes. “When are you turning five?” 
“Next perigee. Why?” 
“I don’t really keep track of my own, but I know it’s three perigees after yours, so you gotta remind me!” 
“Remember for yourself. How do you know I’ll even come back to remind you of anything?” 
“You’ll come back.” Mithyt laid against a tree opposite to Volare, and pointed a finger at him. Or more like pointed a long, disgusting nail at him. “You like me!” 
“I hate you less than everyone else. There’s a difference.” 
“Nuh uh. You totally like me.” 
“I like that you don’t expect anything of me. I like that I can have company that doesn’t care what I do. But you? I could live without you. If anything, you’re the one who likes me.” 
Mithyt laughed. Volare could feel his face grow hot with rage, and he was glad his paint concealed the purple running to it. 
“Don’t laugh at me! If you didn’t like me, you wouldn’t always be trying to get me to stay.” 
“What if I’m just trying to trick you?” Mithyt got on all fours and crept up towards Volare, grinning wickedly. “What if I’m trying to lure you to my hut, so I can cook you up in a stew with frogs and bugs?” 
“… I wouldn’t put it past you.” Volare eyed him cautiously. 
That wasn’t the kind of trick Volare was afraid of, though. It was rather that… he didn’t want to find out that Mith was toying with him. He hated to admit it, but Mith was the only person he really talked to. As frustrating as the other boy is, he would hate to find out one day that it was all just some big joke at his expense. Worst of all, he could genuinely see it happening. 
Volare chucked his mutilated charm into the woods, and then stood, brushing the leaf litter off of his pants. 
“Whatever. Dad’s expecting me back soon.” 
“Like you care.” Volare tossed his bag over his shoulder, and returned his carving knife to its casing at his hip. 
Mithyt didn’t have any further comments, and simply began digging at the dirt with his nails as if the clown wasn’t even there. Volare wanted to reassure himself that Mith cared and was just putting up a front like he was, but… The distance felt tangible today. He couldn’t shake the feeling that if he brought it up, he’d get laughed at. 
Volare tightened his grip on his bag strap, and left. 
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regalbootie · 2 years
On the down low
Summary: Larissa and reader have a relationship but it is not very well known and an old flame of Weems shows up and is very jealous.
Rated: Mature for future chapters and a little bit of spicy in this one 😋 we got some fluff in here too though
This was written on Google docs and a very crappy laptop so it's not very good and rushed incase my laptop died but looking at other options to write on so I apologise that this isn't very good 🥲
Tumblr media
Larissa had never really liked to make a big deal about things that did not include her precious Nevermore academy, she cared for it as if it were her own child. So it was not common knowledge for those outside the academy that she had been happily married for the past year.
She had finally met the love of her life y/n, it took her a long to heal from her past with a certain raven haired roommate but when she first laid eyes on you every worry melted away and every scar over her heart healed.
Today was your first anniversary, Larissa had tried so hard to not have too many meetings but when the Addams family informed her of the date they would be arriving she could not move the date, she had bad history with the Addams family but she could never turn away a outcast that needed a home. So here she was waiting for the family to arrive who was already late, she kept checking her watch checking the time and becoming increasingly aware that she may be late for her anniversary plans.
Thankfully before all her patience had dried up she could see the black hearse rolling through the gates and she plastered on her biggest smile as the car rolled to a halt. The first to emerge from the hearse was a small teen, clearly Wednesday. Next was her brother, the father and Larissa’s breath sucked in at the sight of her old roommate. Her dress was so tight that Larissa was in awe of how graceful she was still able to get out of the car.
Trying to gain her senses before the family arrived to her office she took her seat at her desk and lovingly gazed at the picture she had of her and you on your wedding day. She had a whole big special night planned, god knows that y/n wasnt very good at planning things and was always so forgetful, something that she found very adorable but had you pouting when your attempts of planning things did not work out too well.
Larissa’s thoughts were cut short when she heard a knock at the door and her receptionist announced the Addams family arrival as if she didnt already know. “Come on in” she calls out and soon the family enters her office and Morticia is in awe looking around reminiscing of her school years, once everyone takes a seat the discussion of wednesday begins and Larissa is occasionally distracted by the sight of Morticia adjusting herself in her seat, Morticia casting a knowing glance, flashes of nights in their dorm room flashing behind both womens eyes.
Snapping back to the present when over the intercom her receptionist announces “Principle Weems, Mrs Weems is here to see you” Larissa could hear in the background the sound of a comotion and could only smile at the thought of what you could be up too. Before she could reply Mortica says “oh how lovely, your mother comes to visit you at work” smirking from ear to ear at her little dig, “No actually its my…” the sound of a chase and “come back come back!” could be heard outside the office doors and then a crash.
In comes y/n crashing through the door with something fuzzy wrapped up in your arm. “Got yah!” you shout as you hold onto the little puppy that was already wriggling out of your arms. The receptionist comes in after “i am so sorry Principle weems your wife was trying to catch the puppy and tripped!”
Larissa in a flash of light was by your side “darling are you ok!?” she said as she scanned over you for any injuries,she didnt even register the shocked family all still sitting. She helps you to your feet as you giggle at the puppy giving over enthusiatic kisses over your face “im ok honey, but im afraid my planned surprise has failed” you fake a pout and Larissa cant help but softly kiss them and pet the little pups head. A throat clearing cough can be heard from behind your wife and you gasp.
You did not expect someone to be in the office as Larissa had said she would be finished around this time. You see the one and only Mortica Addams with a look of what you can only describe as jealousy and you smirk. After all this time Gomez finally chimes in with “oh so you’re one of those lebanese?”
Laying your hand over your wifes heart and a dead pan face you correct “it lesbian” you never did like Gomez, he never was the brightness buld of the bunch even back in school. Wednesday smiled at you and you could see a look of admiration on her face as she watched the loving embrace you were in.
“Ah i remember you! y/n you used to follow me around school all the time!” mortica rose from her seat grinning, “actually i was following Larissa” you corrected, “I was trying to gain the courage to ask her out, but if i remember right, anytime I got close to her you would always assume i was trying to ask you out and you would send me away” a red hue of embarrassment burned across the mothers face and you couldnt help but grin and could peep a very happy Wednesday at seeing her mothers embarrassment.
“I am so sorry for interrupting your meeting, its our anniversary today and i thought Larissa had finished for the day so i came by with my gift” rubbing in you and Larissa’s happiness. “Well my love, i shall meet you at home for our plans later” you raise your eyebrows in a comedic way. You lock eyes with Mortica for a second and then pull your wife into a kiss which pulls a squeak for your lover that makes you smile. “Bye everyone! And welcome to the family Wednesday” you walk slowly out of the office leaving the occupants still in shock, one shamed Mortica, one very happy Wednesday and one horny Larissa. (Gomez was still trying to wrap it around his head that its lesbian and not lebanese)
You felt very proud of yourself and turn to blow a kiss as you round the corner to you and Larissa’s quarters to get ready for tonight. You enter the quarters setting the pup into his new bed that you got for him and he instantly falls asleep as he had used up all his energy playing/running away.
You move to the bedroom and a wicked idea comes to you. Moving to the closet you pull out a bag that you had hidden away and pull the contents out onto the bed. There lay the brand new lingerie you had purchased, you had purchased two different sets one scarlet red just like Larissa’s signature lipstick and one blue like your lovers eyes. Pulling out your phone you take pictures of the two options and send them directly to your wife.
*which one do you think you would like more, my love* grinning and biting your lip you watch as the message goes from sent to read.
Larissa heard the bell from her phone as she led the family through the halls and to Ophelia hall she apologized as she checked her phone giving the excuse of expecting important calls and emails. Her cheeks nearly go as red as her lipstick, quickly typing her response.
*either will do as it will not be on your body for long y/n* putting her phone away and continuing her speech on her great Nevermore, it didnt take long for Morticia to take over and talk about her and everything she had done and achieved. Rolling your eyes another bell and she checks her phone this time it was a picture of you in the blue set and Larrisa’s mouth hung open and another bell this time it was the red set. She gasps a little and furiously types “red, the red one” being so consumed by taking in the image on her phone Larissa did not register that mortica had come to her side and saw the image.
Making Larissa jumped pulling the phone awayfrom view, rushing past the angry/ jealous ex roommate to the dorm door where the rest of the family was waiting, Larissa introduced Wednesday to her roommate, smiling as the werewolf introduced herself and tried to bring her heart rate back to a normal speed.
More bells could be heard from her phone but Larissa knew better to open them as she had a feeling at what you were up too. “Well why dont you get settled in and say your goodbyes miss Addams and your dorm mother will be by soon to see you” Larissa smiles at the young woman and rushes past Morticia and down the hall and straight to her quarters.
Busting through the door she growls “you will be the death of me woman” and pounces on you who was laying there shocked on the bed in a seductive pose for the camera.
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cricketnationrise · 6 months
3:00am, haus kitchen
@darthlivion/@transwicky - tumblr apparently ate your ask, but luckily I copied it into a google doc! have some olliewicks words for your table 💜🦗
want your own ficlet? my followers can prompt their own with these guidelines
The Haus is still for once.
The kegster had wound down around one in the morning, the last hangers on gently but firmly ushered out the door by the lethal combination of Bitty’s implacable Southern manners and the looming presence of Ransom and Holster, standing just behind him. Even the most devoted partiers caved in the face of such a menacing one-two punch. (Everyone also knows that Bitty’s the scarier part of that combination—Holster and Ransom are just the muscle.)
Jack had been in bed by ten. Shitty and Lardo had disappeared to the reading room around midnight. Holster had piggy-backed Ransom up the stairs to the attic just before the Frogs left, Chowder held up between the ever-bickering Nursey and Dex as they stumbled back to their dorm. He and Ollie were the only ones crashing at the Haus tonight since tomorrow was their designated Bake Tester/Bitty Bonding day. Ever since Bitty had moved in, Ollie and Wicky and Bitty had to schedule their trio bonding time. It was depressing, having to schedule what was once as easy as calling across the hall from their dorm to his, but now they were guaranteed first crack at Bitty’s baked goods.
Ollie himself had conked out on the couch before the frogs left. Normally Wicky would be right there with him, buried in a blanket nest on the floor, but he’s too fucking wired. He wishes he could say it’s the result of whatever Shitty had dumped in the tub juice this time around, but he knows better. He’s not thinking about the why though. He can’t. If he looks at it too closely, he might explode.
So he cleans instead.
Wicky picks up solo cups and empty cans and soggy confetti (who let Shitty have access to a bunch of party poppers?). He sops up puddles of mystery liquid and gathers lost hoodies and hats and socks (Socks? Who is going barefoot at a kegster?) to put in the box of the porch once the sun comes up. The set of car keys he finds, he pins to the corkboard—Ransom or Holster will know whose keys they are and can get them back to their owner. Wicky wipes the stickiness off the kitchen counters and table and sweeps the floor. He’s just bagging up the trash when a soft, concerned Wicky? comes from the doorway.
He spins to see Ollie in the doorway, looking adorably confused as he hides a yawn in his shoulder.
“Thought you were asleep, Ollie,” he says, quietly so he doesn’t wake the rest of the Haus.
“I thought you were gon’ sleep. What’re you doin’?”
“Just too amped from the party, I think. Got a jump on the clean up. Figure Bitty would appreciate—”
“Wicky.” Ollie cuts him off, mid-ramble. “Was it— Are you—” he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Should I back off?”
Wicky’s mouth goes dry. Apparently Ollie doesn’t want to let him continue to ignore the root cause of his restlessness. Rude of him, but it sort of sounds like—
“Back off?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. You were right there next to me on the dance floor.”
Wicky gulps. “You— you weren’t just…”
“Jesus fucking christ, Wicky. I wasn’t just anything when I pulled you against me by the back of your neck. I wanted you pressed as close as possible. I thought you wanted that, too.”
“But it clearly made you uncomfortable enough that you’re cleaning at three in the morning, so. Do you want me to back off?” Ollie repeats, meeting his eyes squarely.
“Just, to confirm, or whatever. You were flirting with me tonight?”
“I’ve been flirting with you for weeks, Pace.” He rubs the back of his neck uncomfortably. “Or trying to anyway. I couldn’t really get a read on whether you were flirting back or not. Tonight was a chance to see if you would.”
In the quiet that stretches between them, Wicky can’t hear anything but the thundering of his heartbeat in his ears. Ollie has been flirting with him. For weeks. Flirting with him.
“I’m really gonna need you to say someth—mphff.”
Wicky cuts Ollie’s words off with a kiss. He pulls Ollie as close as possible, deliberately mirroring their positions from earlier tonight. He’s got one hand on his waist, the other cupping the back of Ollie’s neck, holding him firmly in place. He’s not sure how long they kiss for, only that it feels fucking amazing, his best friend matching every movement of his mouth. It feels sheets warm from the dryer—safe and comfortable, lived in.
He kind of never wants it to stop.
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townofcrosshollow · 1 year
How to Keep Your Twine Project Safe
It is a tale as old as time. The app crashes, your cache is cleared, your laptop breaks, and hours or days or weeks of work is lost. It's a terrible experience, and you never think about what to do in that situation until it happens to you- and by that time, it's already too late. So here's your prompt to get ahead of things and keep your project protected before something goes wrong.
So here, I'll be going over some layers of security you can use...
1. NEVER use the web app
I know this one's gonna be controversial. I know, a lot of people use the web app! It exists for a reason! But if you do, you're leaving your work very vulnerable.
When you use a local installation of Twine, your files are being saved to local storage. That means that everything is saved on your hardware, and with the exception of a freak event, it's not going anywhere. Don't get me wrong, those freak events aren't rare enough to dismiss (we'll talk about that later), but it's not quite as bad as the web app.
Instead of saving your files locally, the web app saves your progress to your browser's cache- the same thing that saves your cookies and keeps you logged in on websites. If your cache is cleared for any reason, your games will be gone.
2. Write your documents in a separate program
Chances are, if you're using Twine, there's a lot of stuff you can do outside of Twine before moving it into the program itself. A common practice is to write prose in a separate program, and then move it all into Twine when you're finished and write the code in Twine. This is a great way to back up your work, because if Twine has an error, you'll still have all the source files to reconstruct what you had before.
I'd recommend trying to use a stable program to write in. That means something that saves locally and doesn't frequently crash. In other words, do not use Google Docs. Instead of Docs, try one of these:
Microsoft Word (expensive, subscription, but stable)
LibreOffice (free, stable)
Scrivener (one time purchase, stable)
I can not stress this enough. Back up your damn work. Back it up in multiple places if possible.
"Oh, but I'm using Google Docs, it's already backed up!" NO. No it is not. To keep your work truly safe, you need multiple copies hosted on multiple pieces of hardware. If one of those is a Google server, great! But if it's just one, that means that one single failure in that hardware (or the software associated) will mean everything is lost.
You can back up your files from the Twine program by going under the Build tab and selecting Publish to File or Export as Twee. Saving that to your device is already better than having it saved by the Twine app, but you'll be even safer if you back that file up to an external hard drive (or just a cheap USB drive) and a cloud hosting service like Dropbox or Google Drive. To make it extra safe and minimize lost progress, make sure you replace these files regularly.
That seems like a lot of work though, right? Yeah. So here's my final piece of advice...
4. Use Git
Git is how I've been backing up my latest project, Signal Hill. It's intimidating at first, but there are simple and easy ways to use platforms like Github to keep your work safe and fix big errors. To teach you how, I've created a whole separate tutorial, which you can find here.
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2. Writing Set Up: Where to Write Your Draft
Before you even start writing, you’ll need to find a writing program/medium you feel comfortable working with. 
I promise you—from start to finish—you’ll look at your draft for a couple of hours at minimum, so I suggest you choose a program/medium that aligns with your individual needs. Now it’s time for you to identify what those needs might be. 
Here are some options:
Creativity strikes while you’re cuddled up in bed or on your commute to work? 
Try writing on your phone/tablet (unless you’re the one driving, of course!)—you can use pre-installed apps like Pages (iOS) or your Notes/Memo app. You can also download free writing applications like Google Docs. Google Docs works on and offline on basically any mobile device, which is great for when you’re on the go! 
You prefer writing/typing on a computer? 
There are many desktop writing programs like LibreOffice (free for Windows, Mac and Linux), MS Word (needs to be purchased/subscription-based), countless online text editors or the browser version of Google Docs. 
You need to physically feel the words flowing through your body? 
Well, imagine you’re a classic author and write them down by hand on generously perfumed paper (preferably with royal blue ink)! Of course, you can also use Post-it notes or that coffee-stained notebook from 2013. Regular paper will do, too, though it’s obviously not as cool. 
Of course, there are many more options to choose from, but since you’re just starting out, I suggest you try free and more readily available programs first. Everything has its pros and cons, but digital writing is generally pretty clean-cut and saves you the trouble of digitising hand-written drafts (which you’ll need to do if you want to share your writing online! Unless you want to share scans of your beautiful handwritten writing, of course!). 
But before you settle for one (or more!) program/media of your choice, you might want to consider a few things: 
Is your writing easily accessible to you? → Can you add to your draft whenever and wherever creativity strikes? 
Does your writing program save your progress automatically? → You don’t want to lose hours upon hours of work because you forgot to save your progress! 
Is your writing secure? → Is your writing uploaded to a cloud? Will you still be able to access your writing if your computer crashes or you lose your login data/ phone/notebook? Can you easily create external backups of your files?
It really doesn’t matter what you need to write down at this early point. Be it an idea, rough outline, dialogue, stream of consciousness, mind map or a finished draft—you just want your entire writing process to happen in a secure, accessible location that you feel confident working in. There is no perfect writing program; whatever program works best for you is the best program for you! 
For example: 
I almost exclusively write on Google Docs since it meets all my personal writing needs: It’s a free cloud service that syncs my files all across my devices (phone, laptop, tablet) regardless of where I am. It has an intuitive interface with all the basic writing/formatting tools I need. 
Once a month, I download my most recent drafts as “.docx”-files and back them up on an external hard drive—so even if I can’t, for whatever reason, access my Google Docs account, my files are still secured in a different location. 
Sometimes, I make use of handwritten notes, too—though I keep losing them or can’t decipher my handwriting…This seems minuscule or even funny, but it’s hard to come back to an idea when you’ve literally lost the physical manifestation of it! 
Next: The Idea: Coming Up With and Developing Your Idea (with examples)
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neteyammeowmeow · 6 months
I just remembered I also wrote a Deepseaenergy fanfiction earlier in May this year :3 I discovered it laying in my google docs... It's just Benthomaar, Lloyd, and their kid: Jinhai (if you don't know, they're a shapeshifting azure dragon :3)
It's called ummm... "Domestic Bloydfam... Sheds a tear" yeah 🐳🐳
Dayspring came early at a leisurely pace.
Benthomaar slowly opened his eyes, still feeling as drowsy and exhausted as the evening before. His head felt like a terrible, aching migraine that urged him to return to his slumber.
Though the streams of soft morning light filtered through the casement far before his senses reached him, it wasn't the chirping of birds or the distant crashing of waves that woke him, but the oddly strange weight on his chest.
The flurry of colours waving by just the corner of his sight quickly caught his attention, though he realised immediately that those colours belonged to a wagging tail's end, and the odd weight on him was none other than–
"Jinhai, get off your baba's chest." Scolded a tiredly voice from beside him.
Benthomaar chuckled, turning his head to the side, smiling immediately when the sight of his beloved greeted him.
Though strands of his light blond hair were unkempt, his eyes gazed back wearily alongside the expression that very clearly meant he had woken up not too long ago– and, as amusing as he seemed, he somehow still captivated Benthomaar (was there ever a moment where he didn't?)
However, their contact was cut short, just as Jinhai suddenly began pawing on his baba's silken cloth, their claws were sharp enough that it seemed they were going to tear the fabric apart.
Benthomaar huffed at Jinhai's sudden gestures for attention. It was funny that whenever Benthomaar tries to be closer to Lloyd– may it be even a simple glance or even trying to reach for a graze of a hand– whenever Jinhai is near, they would interfere and nudge Benthomaar as if they wish to drive him away.
Perhaps since Jinhai is a dragon, they found familiarity and comfort in Lloyd (who was more or less the same kind). Benthomaar speculates that is where Jinhai developed the instinct to keep Benthomaar away.
However, much to his misery, Lloyd finds it cute, and even mentioned that Jinhai's antics reminded him of Benthomaar when he was younger– often trying to put a hand to shield Lloyd even when there was never any danger (much to Benthomaar's flustered embarrassment everytime he tried to deny).
Lloyd scolded again, shaking Benthomaar out of his thoughts. However it seemed that Lloyd's stern expression mattered less to Jinhai, who was deeply focused on scratching the smooth material of Benthomaar's clothing.
Lloyd sighed, while Benthomaar grinned. Using Jinhai's concentration as an advantage for surprise–
"Got you!"
Jinhai squeaked in surprise, their baba's hands suddenly grabbing their torso and lifted them up into the air. Though their paws tried to hold onto the silk, they failed miserably, and ended up kicking their paws around, squawking and protesting to be put down.
Benthomaar chuckled, lips curled into an amused expression. "Good morning, Jinjin."
Jinhai pouts, puffing their snout, but Benthomaar knows better than they're only trying to pretend to seem upset. Their eyes were far too wide with a blank stare that reminded Benthomaar of little fish.
Lloyd shifted, moving closer to rest his head on Benthomaar's shoulder. He felt Lloyd lightly shaking his head at his antics alongside an amused sigh.
Benthomaar gently leaned over and lowered his head, just enough to give Lloyd a gentle peck on the forehead. "Good morning to you too, ἀγαπητέ.(dear.)" He muttered.
Lloyd, however, as opposed to Benthomaar's acts of affection, instead huffed and shed away from his gestures in mock disgust.
"Ugh, your morning breath is terrible. Wash your teeth first…" Lloyd scoffed.
Benthomaaar pretended to seem hurt, furrowing his eyebrows–but unfortunately couldn't hide the humoured grin rising on his expression. He giggles and nuzzles his nose against Lloyd's neck, happily ignoring Lloyd's protests.
"You won't even let your dear husband kiss you first thing in the morning? That's so mean," Benthomaar sighed, "I thought you loved me!"
Suddenly, Jinhai rumbles, rapidly shaking to get away from Benthomaar's grasp.
This time they managed to escape because of their baba's distraction, so they ended up sliding from his hands and falling right onto their baba's torso with a rough landing– mostly intentional revenge.
Lloyd only snorts. "That's what you get for trying to kiss me with your bad breath."
"Jinjin, do you really want to side with your dad on this one? You know… He won't give you any hugs forever…" Benthomaar whispered the last half of his sentence with a dramatic tone.
Jinhai perked up, tilting their head.
"That's not true–" Lloyd denied, "well… If you keep doing it then maybe I won't give you hugs… And kisses… Forever."
Lloyd, however, chose to ignore Benthomaar and instead directed his terribly sharp stare at poor Jinhai, who had an even lesser clue on what was going on.
"Jinhai, don't ever side with your baba, no one gets any hugs or kisses before they're tidy and clean." He says with a very serious tone.
"Awww." Benthomaar sniffed.
"What– Bentho!"
Lloyd yells in surprise all of a sudden when strong hands gripped on his waist and pulled him into a tight embrace.
"Ugh, seriously?" He groaned exasperatedly. Though Benthomaar could care less and gives him a soft kiss on the cheek, grinning all the while.
Jinhai squeaked, trying to climb over Benthomaar's torso after being pushed aside.
"Sorry, Jinjin," Benthomaar chuckled, turning just a bit and enough to grab Jinhai and bringing them into the hug, and also giving them a kiss on the bridge between their eyes.
Jinhai chirps happily, much of a contrast to Lloyd's tired grumbling.
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zeltqz · 9 months
niyaaaa do u have any tips for people who wanna get into fic writing? 👀
i don’t really get how the whole posting format for fics works on here tbh 😭 and like your info area it’s so cool
YEAH OFC!! btw dm me your username so i can follow and support you <3
tip 1- the posting format isnt that hard to get used to actually its just you create a tumblr text post and then copy and paste your fic onto it, add the tags and stuff then post it. if you want to add banners, headers and stuff to make it look better then go ahead, just add images to the text post
tip 2- the info area is the same as above, just add pictures of your choice etc to the text post, add your information, name, age, fav things etc and then to link posts to your post, highlight where u want the link to go, then copy the link of the post u want linked then press the hyperlink that looks like two chains linked together when you highlight the text if that makes sense? sounds like a lot but its rlly not i promise haha
tip 3- always type your fics on other apps like word or google docs since they have an auto save feature!! i dont reccomend typing your fics on tumblr since one if the app crashes, it doesn't automatically save your work so everything you wrote will get deleted (some versions of tumblr do have autosave, my laptop has it but my phone and iPad doesn't, so i dont rely on it)
tip 4- idk if you want tips on actual fic writing or just how to get your fics onto tumblr but ill help you with that anyway. with me when i write fics i always imagine it out in my head. theres some of my fics where i just went with the flow and wrote wgatever came to mind and those are the fics i hate the most because they dont rlly make sense to me. theyre always so random and it just seems rushed and bad.
i picture my fics like a scene in my head and whatever i want the character to do, think, say or feel i write that shit down asap. i use other online sources to help get more descriptive like the emotion theasurus <- honestly one of my favourite things to use ever, they have so much body language to use for every emotion in the damn book
dialogue is also something i find difficult. i've improved i personally feel like but its still hard for me especially if im writing a new character. i never want to make the character seem OOC so i do lots of research before hand. i normally use the wiki to read up on a characters personality.
for example i'll use ran for this since he's like 99% of my account lmao. in the wiki, he's described as "naturally whimsical toward others which makes him inscrutable" though ran doesnt have many scenes in the manga (which i hate bc i love him sm) its impossible to actually write him down to a tee so i use that naturally whimsical description to make him playful, charismatic, carefree etc, going off what little information i have with him.
getting a characters personality down is what can make or break a dialogue. for me when im reading a fic of a character and their dialogue is so OOC it puts me off and i dont even wanna read. so i apply my same fic icks to myself and think if I don't like seeing this and that in a fic, why would I incorporate those in my fics and have ppl get put off it if they have the same fic icks as me?
hope that makes sense!!
tip 5- dont rush yourself at all. i used to rush a few of my fics and i just ended up hating it so much after and fought bck the urge to delete them so many times but then i'd see people's comments and realise i was being too harsh on myself. i'd keep them up but i'd just hate seeing them get attention.
rushing only makes you hate your work and the quality of your work will decline if you are not in the right headspace.
thats also why i have the don't rush me thing in my rules because not only is it annoying to see people constantly asking for updates, it also makes me mad because i know i'll just put out a piece of garbage if i did rush.
also another tip don't give yourself deadlines!! if you know your writing consistency can be a little sloppy, don't tell your followers that you're going to upload every so and so day. if something happens and you miss the deadline, you'll feel bad and rush something out and most times out of ten, a rushed fic doesn't do well. so take your time and don't rush.
tip 6- dont listen to what other people say or feel obligated to write something you don't wanna. establish your boundaries!! for example, from day one i started this blog i said im accepting requests but i will not write anything to do with non-con, incest or minors. i made sure that was out there so i wouldn't feel uncomforable writing anything i wasn't comfy with.
there are people on this app that may like your writing and request you to write something for them. you are not obligated to write anything for anyone! don't feel like you have to just because they asked nicely.
if you want to accept requests you can im not saying you shouldn't, im saying don't feel like you have to. you always have a choice. its your blog.
tip 7- remember this isn't a job. you're allowed to take breaks, allowed to have a personal life. don't feel like you need to be updating every day. i used to think i was obligated to be uploading consistently at least every week because i was obsesssed with engagement and seeing peoples comments and was scared if i took a break ppl will unfollow. now i honestly don't care. i'm not active as much as i used to because of school and that's fine! if ppl want to leave, let them. don't feel like you're forced to keep being active in order to keep your follower count stable.
tip 8- this app can get really toxic sometimes. luckily enough i've only had one toxic anon in my inbox and i've been on this app for a year. some people have so many, some ppl get harrassed etc. if that happens to you just be prepared since there's no actual way to find out who's behind anons. you can turn off your anon options which means if ppl want to inbox you something then their account will be showing. some people arent comfortable with that and that's fine! i keep mine on because i want people to feel comfortable on my page.
just remember though if you ever feel like this app is getting overwhelming take breaks! for the sake of your mental health take breaks. i know so many writers on here that took breaks and came back healthier and stronger.
i feel like this tip goes for social media in general. as much as i love social media im aware how unhealthy it is. breaks are so important for you. remember that.
i can't think of anymore tips right now but if i have some more i will edit the post and add it on.
if u have anymore questions about the tumblr posting format dm me and ill help you out :))
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sunnyisinsane · 9 months
Being here after what happened feels wrong, what happened was wrong. I should've left after that but I had the bright idea of sticking around.
"Oh Spirit, here." I look up at Stein, he's walking around the couch I'm sitting on and sets down a stack of books on the coffee table.
"Hey wait, are those?" I mumble out and lean over the table.
"yep, it's only a few of them, the rest are in some boxes. I figured these will keep you from going bored. You forgot to grab them after you left me, I didn't have the gaul to return them." The man awkwardly sits next to me from a distance he breaths out heavily and continues on.
"i even tried reading them, I missed you that much. I couldn't finish even one though, not my kind of genre." I feel my face flush with embarrassment when Stein says that.
I pick up the first book. It's the first twilight book. I had the entire fucking series of books.
"promise me you didn't read this one." I look up at him and he looks uncomfortable.
"not my genre,"
Looking back at the book I start remember old moments here sitting on this couch reading books. Oh my god I remember putting myself in the place of the main character is genuinely getting giddy when anything romantic happened.
"I'm going to grade some papers, you sit here, I can't concentrate with you near me."
Stein goes to stand up but I grab his arm.
"stein, I'm still worried about you, could we....just so I can feel that you're breathing, you're safe."
I can't say what I want to say, I'm just hoping he understands what I'm asking.
"...fine, I don't mind. It'll be nice...yeah?" Nodding, I let go of his arm, happy with his answer.
I feel his soul and mine spark it doesn't take much concentration for us to balance and get on the same wavelength. He leaves to the next room, I can still feel it, the beating of his soul, his heart and his mind. It's nice.
Picking up the book I cringe a small bit. This is probably going to still hold up with how much I liked this book or make me hate myself more for ever reading it.
We didn't talk much while resonating, just the occasional "what chapter now?" And "did maka get a good grade?" But when I finished the book I immediately ran into the room Stein was in and cut him out of his focus.
"stein it was BAD."
He raises an eyebrow, then looks down at the book I was holding.
I raise the book up, distraught and embarrassed. "Why didn't I just look at porn magazines like normal teenagers?!"
"you did." He interrupts and I wave him off.
"not my point,"
"It couldn't have been that bad, you still enjoyed it as a kid." He swivels around in his chair, attention fully on me.
"Well kid me was stupid! He didn't have good opinions like he does now!" All Stein does is smirk at my complaints. He stands up and takes the book from my hand.
"I remember opening this and reading some of it, I didn't see the appeal but it was so *you*"
I suddenly feel offended.
"What the hell does that mean?!" His smile is still there and he looks down at me.
"I can't explain it, you're full of surprises. It just, felt like you. You'd read books, you'd get excited about it and I'd just watch you not understanding why you like something so abnormal!" I feel hot again and Stein looks up from the book, his glasses tilting down from his nose.
"you have problems."
He then waves the book to make a point, "we both have problems."
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afniel · 4 months
Great (?) news: the sequel is long enough that it is now beginning to break the Google Docs Android app ever so slightly.
If the last one is any indication, this will continue and has a few phases:
65,000-80,000 words: The app crashes more and will frequently claim it can't open the file upon trying to come back to it after looking at other apps. It doesn't actually lose any data, though, it's just nerve-wracking. (<- You Are Here and by you, I mean me. Me are here)
80,000-95,000 words: The app will open the file VERY slowly, and may in fact simply crash on attempting. It can lag so hard it borks my entire phone for a few moments and it will just stop accepting input universally until it sorts its shit.
95,000+ words: The file will load super quickly! Somehow! Even though it just lagged the app to death literally fifteen minutes ago! After some magic threshold it just stops doing that. However, the ability to swipe-backspace via GBoard is COMPLETELY broken forever at this point. Attempting will not delete anything...visibly, anyway. It may or may not be invisibly deleted, and the predictive text will behave as if it is, but trying to type or otherwise enter anything is a total roll of the dice as to what will happen. It might enter the text as requested, but not delete anything. It might delete way more than intended and not enter any text. It might delete a single letter and enter a random chunk of the newly entered text. Who knows! Not me.
So...uh...exciting that it's longer than every Narnia book already! Kind of ass that I am back in Crashing My Goddamn Phone territory. I told myself that THIS time, I was going to format it into individual chapters and avoid having this happen, and guess who has two thumbs and did not do that. It's me. I did not do that and also as of yet have two thumbs.
I could still do that, but also, I spend so much time reading back that it would actually make things kind of dick to deal with, so honestly I'll probably just deal with the crashy app and carry on. I have debilitating chronic pain and difficulty walking but one of my main hobbies is still taking miles-long hikes. I taught junior high for a couple of years and not even in my native language. I play retro SaGa games. I manually uninstalled a virus once because my antivirus found it but couldn't kill it. You cannot comprehend what kind of patience I have for stupid bullshit. This is like nothing to me.
(What I really need to do is slap it all into Scrivener, but check me out forgetting to do that, and then I couldn't get to it from my phone anyway if I did.)
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critter-core · 8 months
Quick Chips Lore Infodump
This is thrown together on a google doc and now I'm smacking it onto tumblr so I'm sorry if it seems messy. That's cause it is lol
Not gonna tag anything cause I'm lazy so whatever lol
Eh, actually, I'll at least put the foodie tags ig lol
So Chips’ general story has always been that he inherited his ship from his parents in their will when they passed away due to the sea.
To go into more detail, Chips was on the ship with them when they died, so it’s kind of traumatizing to him a bit. They were sailing the seas, delivering an important package to Big Mama.
Let’s go back a bit though. 
Chips’ parents were mutated when the oozesquitos were released, and although they were both rather terrified, especially because they were being illegally sold as exotic pets, they did manage to escape. 
The two parents were a family before, and even had their own kid (who was like 15 when he got mutated, just so that he stays around the mad dogs’ ages), but were being sold to different owners. They were carried on the same ship though, so when the oozesquitos struck, with many different exotic sea creatures fleeing, they ran into each other during the chase, and it was true love at first sight.
For simplicity’s sake, the mom is Sea Salt, and the Dad is Vinegar (I’ll come up with better names later but I like chip jokes so this is the name for now). Sea Salt was a lighter pastel yellow color, and Vinegar was a darker orange color. I’ll make refs later.
So yeah, anyways, they escaped, and when they learned of the Yokai world, they chose to live in the Hidden City instead, since it’d be safer for them and their kid, who they managed to find despite the chaos.
The parents took transport jobs for Big Mama, in hopes that they’d be able to eventually leave her business and sail the seas when they had money they could spend without worry. The parents often delivered packages or people who were to fight in the Battle Nexus…
It hadn’t been much time before Chips’ parents died.
He was still 15. It was a heavy storm, but they had to deliver a very expensive package to Big Mama, as usual. Chips didn’t know what the package was, though, and he had never really wondered until now. He did sneak a look to see it was a cage with a wild animal of some sorts.
The animal scared him, and when his mother caught him, she told him to never go near that cage again, and so he didn’t. But out of nowhere, a big storm brewed up, and the waves were shaking the boat back and forth. Eventually, some large waves crashed into the boat.
One wave too big, and the whole ship was shaken to its side. Chips and his parents all got separated in the waves, and he found himself washed up on the shores of the Hidden City. His parents weren’t there. It was a miracle that he survived, but he was terrified nonetheless.
A tall purple lady walked up, and it was then that he understood what the package was. There stood Big Mama, a very rich lady who was very popular in the Hidden City, both for her gold and her show.
She told him she never got her package from his parents. She did so through strange words he didn’t quite understand, but it began to make sense when he broke it down. She wasn’t happy. 
“You’ll do, turtley-boo,” She said, before ordering her henchmen to grab him. He fought and fought, but before he knew it, he was in their dungeons. He did manage to break out though, when there was sudden chaos. It was something about some mutant turtles breaking into Big Mama’s vault for some stuff she supposedly stole from them.
Chips would have been more curious about it if it weren’t for the fact that he was too preoccupied trying to escape while he could.
When he did, he was at first lost.
He didn’t know what to do. 
But then some strange frantic seagull yokai ran up to him squawking about something. (I headcanon a bullhop esc voice lol)
“You! You there! Oh thank goodness! I’ve been runnin around with my head cut off tryin to find you!” He snapped suddenly, before searching his pouch. “You are the child of Sea Salt and Vinegar, yes?” Chips nodded. “Ah, good. Firstly, I am sorry for your loss. Secondly, in your parents’ last will and testament, it states that they grant you their ship and all of the money they had amassed at the time of death.”
Chips was frankly speechless…
But this seagull wasn’t. He proceeded to drag Chips to a large Hidden City Bank (no, like, that was literally what it was called), and took him to a vault. Chips was greeted to a large pile of gold. Chips hadn’t realized his parents had amassed so much, and he wondered why they were still working for Big Mama when they didn’t need the money…
Nonetheless, Chips knew that even if it was a lot of money, he shouldn’t spend it all immediately. So instead, he leaves it in the vault. He was about to buy a new ship, since he lost the one they rode in the tsunami, but the seagull who had been accompanying him informed him that for his 16th birthday, his parents had a ship ready to give.
The two decide to ‘open’ the 16th birthday present early, and Chips is presented with a new ship. A large ship. A ship just for him. It’s a perfect ship, reflecting the older regal pirate ships that Chips had always dreamed of. It even had a wooden sea serpent figurehead carved to wrap around the front wood panel.
Needless to say, Chips immediately forgot about the whole Big Mama fiasco. He saw this ship and he declared that he would sail the seven seas, just as his parents have once dreamed of. Although the seagull (who’s name was revealed to be Peter) had a job as a messenger, they still continue to be friends and talk occasionally.
From here, Chips began to sail the seas, just as he wished. He even built a crew! Though the only ‘crew’ he’s collected were animals he saved from ships that were bringing over illegal exotic pets like him and his family, along with other stray pets that he just adopted. Any exotic animals in his crew were ones that chose to stay with him rather than return back to their native habitats.
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silverskull · 7 months
What made you start writing fanfic?
These asks do not always appear on my phone, and it sometimes takes me loading coal into the engine of my laptop and then navigating to tumblr dot com to find them...
I started writing (terrible) fic as a teenager back in my Stargate SG-1 days, because I fell in love with Sam and Jack, and had only recently discovered that you were allowed to imagine scenarios in your head and not just say your prayers when you went to bed at night. (I also had a brief Pokemon phase, but I’m not gonna even bold that one.) That fic all disappeared in a Blue Screen of Death home PC crash back in the day, and I gave up on investing effort into digital files until I had a more reliable backup plan. Despite that, I recently discovered (and discarded, with love) pages of A4 notes I wrote in secondary school that were actually just Harry/Hermione or Sam/Jack fic starters. Love the dedication - in fountain pen, no less! - from teenage me!
After college, cue LiveJournal! And Fringe! And community fic prompts! I loved it so much. I definitely wrote 3 solid fics for Peter and Olivia back then, but I was very at sea in real life, and I didn't keep it up. I uploaded them to AO3 in recent years, and I’m glad they’ve been saved for posterity. That show was very important to me too.
After LiveJournal died/sold out to the Russians, I gave up once again, and didn't even really read fic in any of my following fandoms. But then came The Pandemic, and Lockdowns, and lots and lots of time to rewatch my favourite shows, and my brain decided to fixate on The Rookie and Lucy and Tim. I am not sorry. I was struck with the disease and forced to stay at home and go on my little mental health 2.5km walk loops, and my mind started to suggest that I could write fic again. That I'd done it before. That the brain pictures could meld into a story, and that fic archiving (with the advent of AO3) was a lot more reliable.
So, a few lockdowns later, along came "In the Hole Together", a spec-fic for 422 that was founded on fan-detectivery and paracetamol. And when people actually got interested, I thought this was something I might be able to do.
And "Roots Won't Keep Me Warm" was born.
I've never ever written something so long, so detailed and so intense, and it became a personal challenge as much as a dedication to the readers that were following along. The only two rules I've set for myself since then are 1) Don't try to use song lyrics as titles anymore, Sil, and 2) Always finish a multi-chap.
The way my brain operates, I can only work on one fic at a time, so I never have written WIPs hanging around (though I have many, many head-plots, and some of them are even stored as bullet points in a google doc...). I hope that the one thing I will always do is finish out a fic to its conclusion, as it is absolutely an undertaking I most appreciate in the authors I love.
I had some extra time this (northern) summer (personal reasons) to devote to ChenfordWeek and finish my second Big Long Fic ("Shadows of Deception"), but it hasn't been sustainable since then, and it makes me very, very sad. I have been so harassed and harangued with real life, that I could barely even Do Imaginations for Chenford, and - to be frank - that has been critically depressing. It always has for me, since the days of SG-1.
I love writing fic, and I hope never to turn it into a job rather than a hobby, because that has never worked out well for me in the past. That said, I have you, Ms @queseraone, to thank for getting me to sit down and face the music this Christmas/Winter/Holiday season, and actually write some new Chenford content. And it is h a r d. It is hard to do the thinking and the linking and the typing. It is hard to find the time and the will and the motivation. It is hard to have a plan and then another plan and then discard it all when you actually sit down to type. But I am really happy to be doing it. I really am. 
And I can’t wait for @chenfordsecretsanta to arrive, and to share in the joy of a whole batch of new fics in our little fandom! To have something to look forward to that is closer than February 20th. To have someone believe in me enough to persist in prodding and poking me into committing to this challenge.
So thank you. Thank you, and I love you, and I appreciate you.
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