#even jokes hurt my feelings
ruggiethethuggie · 2 years
Man I would love to do the tag thingy, but you guys are all roasting each other and I’m scared my feelings gonna get hurt 😂🥹
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exilepurify · 1 year
it’s been four months since December 2022 and I’m still not over the fact that Reigen was apparently so haunted by guilt from that one time in S2E2 where he scolded Mob for eating too many french fries that it showed up in the super emotionally charged eyecatcher montage during the series finale.
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I wonder if reigen will ever find the closure he needs to free himself from the poltergeist of regret that obviously follows him around as a result of this incident. the confession incident really had reigen re-evaluating everything from the past three years.
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There’s a general consensus that above all else Jason should be homicidal again. However I think what’s also very important is that he should be a fucking hoot.
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There’s nothing not funny about this entire bit.
1. He couldn’t give less of a shit about explaining that he’s single-handedly trying to stop a terrorist attack. Obviously cause he’s short on time, but even if he had all the time in the world he would still be this indifferent towards explaining himself to cops.
2. This bomb is seconds away from exploding but he’s at most mildly annoyed like he’s in the office doing some menial task.
3. The perfectly timed British jokes.
4. Circling back to number 1 on the list. After he throws the bomb into the water he just dips. For all they know he’s the (weird) terrorist. (But as long as everyone’s okay he doesn’t care! The beauty of Jason Todd everybody).
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This one is funny (but it’s also true)? Like yes … that is exactly what you are. (A sweet, kind-hearted goodboy learning how to effectively poison people, shoot guns, and blow shit up with all manner of explosives like a certified pro).
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Red Hood: The Lost Days #5 (2010-)
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Red Hood: The Lost Days #4 (2010-)
“Not so irritating for an American” is a far more impressive title than “genius” if you ask me. Although I think Jason balances both pretty well.
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batbrainrot · 4 months
guys please tell me those batman #148 leaks of jason dying again are fake. tell me they're fake right fucking now i can't fucking do this shit right now i'm off my meds
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carma-tjol · 5 months
misc thoughts on the retcons
I can’t tell if the pacing is bad or if that’s just me getting disoriented by the past several months telling and retelling the same story.
While the fight between Flash and Sonic ended up more like the webcomic story wise, I didn’t enjoy it the same. The webcomic had a tension to it. It felt distinctly lonely and melancholy. But reading the manga redraws now, I feel kind of similar to how I did with the psychic sisters arc where it seemed like a “fixed” version of the webcomic?
Like, the story is still the same but the character dynamics are altered in a way that doesn’t make sense. They all get along a bit too well. Which would be fine if the story or enough dialogue was adjusted that it made sense, but that’s a step they skipped over.
For the retconned chapters, the emotion ONE and Murata were trying to communicate was different from the webcomic, but ultimately more successful for its place in the context of the manga. Between Flash and Sonic there was still pain and words left unspoken, just in a way that felt fitting. VS now it’s like they’re trying to communicate the webcomic tension but without any of the hard hitting moments where it felt like time slowed down that made the webcomic successful.
Anyways i know the arc isn’t done yet. There’s still time for it to pick up. I’m just feeing irritated and really don’t want to end up feeling more disappointed than I would otherwise because I have to compare whats now canon now vs what was retconned. (considering I liked the retconned version and felt it was successful to begin with 😭)
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tcfactory · 5 months
Okay smartass how would you fix Bingqiu if you had your way?
If you actually want to know you could do to be less of a rude little shit about it, anon, but all right.
This is not about 'fixing' anything. Bingqiu is a wildly popular ship and a lot of people enjoy the exact kind of delusional insanity these two have about each other and that's honestly great. Love it for them. Not my cup of tea though.
I think the easiest and fastest way to make them sort their shit out and maybe put them in a position where I might actually be interested in what's going on with them is to take the protagonist halo away. Maybe the System short circuits, maybe it just gets automatically turned off after the extras, don't know don't care.
A lot of Shen Qingqiu's self delusions are fueled by his unshakeable belief that Luo Binghe, being The Protagonist, is Perfectly Fine the way he is. Binghe is the Protagonist, so when there are no character development or obligatory angst events going on he is happy and healthy and a slightly charred good boy and Shen Qingqiu is The Happy Wife who dotes on his hubby and Everything Is Right In The World. Endless honeymoon with their responsibilities only coming to bother them every once in a while. And it makes it way too easy for Binghe to cover up that he's still hurt, still unstable and still insecure by what went down because Shen Qingqiu is willing to take him at face value when he presents his insecurities as just being shameless neediness for his husband. Of course he happily indulges Binghe! But that isn't really helping with the core of the problem now, does it?
Like, Binghe takes steps towards ensuring Shen Qingqiu's mental wellbeing even at the cost of his own as soon as Maigu Ridge is over when he takes him back to the sect. Shen Qingqiu tries too, in his own way (the entire segment in the tombs is all about him putting himself in very real danger for Binghe's sake) but at the same time, this is a guy who completely missed the writing on the wall that Bingge was deeply unhappy in PIDW. As long as he can hold onto his internal picture that The Protagonist Suffered A Lot But He Is Fine Now I don't think he can really offer the right kind of emotional support for Binghe to actually heal from what happened to him and move on to a healthier frame of mind.
If you take the protagonist halo away, then first of all Binghe can, you know, suck a little. Or a lot, actually. The world not making excuses for him and him being a little defanged would be good for him. He gets really nothing he actually wants from being the protagonist - Shen Qingqiu will love him anyway. Mobei-jun will still stick around to back him up and help him out, because he's still Shang Qinghua's favorite fictional son and Qinghua is happy to see Binghe happy, just, you know, somewhere way over there where he can't get jealous tsundere over Cucumber bro and maybe murder him about it. Sha Hualing is still going to be his buddy because he's her best source of human trivia and the writing inspiration for her girlfriend. Not having to be demon emperor and getting more time to spend with his husband would be a relief.
But he would have to be more aware of other people because he's not above them anymore. Maybe even forced to make a few new friends to get by. And his mask will fail and Shen Qingqiu will have to see him for what he is: just Luo Binghe, still hurt and still confused half demon, who loves him very much, but can't make sense of him and is afraid that he will be left behind or pushed away without explanation again and that's kinda Shen Qingqiu's own damn fault.
And Shen Qingqiu can't hold onto his delusions about The Protagonist. He can't willfully ignore that things are not fine with Binghe because he's not the Protagonist anymore and the world only allows that special privilege for the Protagonist. Binghe is just a guy now and he has so many heart demons he needs help with. His trauma from the abyss or Xin Mo can't be brushed off with 'oh that's just part of his blackening he's fine now' anymore. And it might need a little bit of adjusting to internalize that these problems have always been here just below the surface, but Shen Qingqiu genuinely loves Binghe and would want to help him become happier and more stable in any way he can.
Binghe becoming part of the world in a way that's one person among many - building a support network! maybe befriending new demons or actually getting to know and making up with the QJ disciples or finding common ground with LQG and becoming sparring buddies - rather than a protagonist in a sea of NPCs is a lot more interesting to me than whatever he has going on at the end of canon. And Shen Qingqiu can be there with him on that journey, because he already started unlearning the sense of unreality the System conditioned into him, but he still has a long way to go.
#i feel like a lot of very real hurt and mental scarring Binghe suffered just get brushed aside as 'oh it's just part of his blackening'#like the aftereffects of Xin Mo alone would deserve a mention but Binghe Has The Love Of His Life Now So Everything Is Fine#also I think people really undersell how hard SQQ can delude himself when he tries#he already had practice in it convincing himself that he's absolutely het and not even a little gay at all#but then the System really fucked up how he sees the world#made him see things structured completely around the arc of a harem and then romance protagonist#and neither of those frameworks ALLOW him to see how mentally scarred LBH is by everything#like he would occasionally get a moment of 'oh LBH might actually need more friends he looks lonely hanging out with just me and NYY'#but then his idiot reader brain reasserts itself and he convinces himself that it's FINE because the protagonist can't be maladjusted#I joke a lot that Binghe is a red flag and that's Shen Yuan's favorite color#but it's more a case of “you say that it's a red flag but I won't see it because the narrative can't allow it to be red”#Shen Yuan's attachment to the source material and the roles he constructs based on it are actively harming both of them#and I don't feel like it really makes things better that by the end he moved himself from the role of the Villain to the role of the Wife#they are still roles that impact how he interacts with reality n still constrict how well he's able to understand or be understood by Bingh#tl;dr.: Shen Yuan needs to become less of a delulu millennial trashfire bc it's holding both of them back from healing#anyway these are my unfiltered Bingqiu thoughts take it or leave it
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found--family · 6 months
am i the only one who sensed some jilted lover vibes from jensen? 
#burcon#cockles#thoughts#at the start of the panel and through a few particular interactions he seemed very standoffish#he was giving a little bitter and hurt and perhaps even resentful - maybe he only learned of misha's gf#at this con too! maybe it was news to him. on top of not seeing misha for months i can understand#if he was feeling a bit neglected and out of the loop. there's also the matter of misha's gf not being#in a poly thing with jensen and dee like vicki was ie. what she has with misha is seperate so i'm sure#that's another difficult thing to deal with knowing their time together is strictly separate#i've no doubt he wants misha to have a partner and be happy but there's an adjustment period#letting new people into your life and whoever misha's partner is now or in the future is going to#affect jensen on a personal level and moreover his relationship with misha. it's all very intriguing#and while i like what little i've seen and heard about this woman for misha i just think no matter who#she is it's going to take a toll on jensen's relationship w misha. i thought it was plain to see on jensen's face#during their panel: numerous moments where he was giving a poker face that wasn't covering a laugh#but instead like he was trying to smooth out his bitterness. or so my eyes and brain and heart tell me.#just various moments where things looked uncomfortable and jensen making off-colour jokes that didn't land#and which furthermore were barbed and snarky - not in their usual banter way but like he was lashing out#and using the excuse of chaotic panel convo to explain away his comedic pitfalls. but again maybe i'm#looking to much into it? idk. there are some lovely moments! fun and caring moments - but they#mainly came from misha's direction ngl. it seemed like misha was trying hard to keep the peace#while jensen was just running his mouth on comments and jokes that kept not landing - for me#everyone on my dash is loving their dynamic this panel - and i want to feel that love! it is possible that#learning misha has a gf has skewed my perception a little like i'm putting context onto moments#i otherwise wouldn't. but i also think i would've laughed and generally felt better watching their panel#if that was the case. idk. whatever the reason i do think something was OFF between them on stage#and it was coming from jensen from the start. misha picked up on it partway though but things felt#a little strained throughout. like jensen wasn't looking at misha as much as usual or reaching out for him#misha tried to salvage and not react to things. but both their answers to the last Q were passive aggressive af#and when they left the stage together they weren't close or touching or chatting like they usually are...
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scoobydoodean · 12 days
to be honest I read the poll question wrong and clicked 100% 🫣when you don’t start any of the drama
Okay well we can be fair and say sometimes I do start the drama it’s just that I do it by posting my own original posts on my own blog that no deancrit is forced to read but that they sometimes read anyway and
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nordfjording · 1 month
I get the whole thing about self-deprecating jokes and things not being laughing matters and there are some really fine lines there. And that this is probably some cultural or generational thing, snd so on.
But there's something so deeply normalizing and freeing about taking the piss out of something that feels like it should ruin you.
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varicspidey · 8 days
how horrible am i from a scale from 1-10 for making a joke about a sensitive topic that i didn't realize was bad but if i say it was an accident it'll sound worse because then it'll seem like i don't care about the topic
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wyllsravengard · 14 days
eight years in november and somehow i do not love him any less and i cannot imagine ever falling out of love either
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snekdood · 24 days
make your mean spirited jokes about men all you want but byeeeeeeeeee
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sapphic-luthor · 1 month
A lot of “behind the scenes” stuff really colored fandom sentiment towards certain characters, Winn is hit hardest because the actor said some pretty off key stuff during one of the cons (Mon els actor too) so it’s pretty clear that’s the reason, because let’s call a spade a spade, Alex was way more “problematic” than anyone could ever claim Winn to be (which was not very). But in general “ship wars” (rolling my eyes real hard here) always bring out the most unreasonable in people so…
yeah i remember everybody talking about that comic con situation like it was some enormously traumatic incident and i was like damn jeremy jordan must have spit in our faces and called us dykes!
and then i watched the video and was like lol. wait this is The Unspeakable Incident????
meanwhile that one girl was getting a cease and desist letter from melissa’s legal team for calling her homophobic because she laughed at the joke like good LORD was it wild times
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domainofstatchi · 1 month
Sometimes I'm reminded just how much of a deity of violence I am.
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9x07 · 2 months
how many times do we need to learn as people that irony and hyperbole can be harmful because 'jokes' aren't easily distinguished from genuine thoughts and feelings until we stop rewarding people for speaking or posting about violence
like even if you're joking/don't actually believe that/think whoever you are insulting is bad/immoral/fictional therefore deserves it - ad hominem attacks always do more harm to the people who share those characteristic then the individual you intend to cause harm to or discredit
#discourse#long post#its genuinely erased so much of my enjoyment of 911blr knowing i have to check accounts or risk seeing bullying/hate#l like its an odd feeling to know that so many people in the same fandom as you actively hold hate or find hate funny against your communit#like tired of people saying others are too sensitive because we dont want to hear or see a person say they want to hurt themself or others#like sorry i put in the work everyday to not let my mental health backslide and to enjoying being alive and accept my queerness#while others seemingly have not#and i know the content i post/share is not all in the same circles as that certain blog and i hate that it still grinds my gears but#its so frustrating to see the cruel glee people have#saying things they would never say to anyone's face irl and only to other blindly devoted/similar bullies#like do these people realise that they are on a razor's edge between 'ironic jokes' and just outright bigotry and threats - like do they#literally the only thing seperating That and conservative bigots is that the bigots are honest about their hatred towards minorities#like a lot of people in the fandom seemingly still need to deal with a lot of intenalised homophobia/racism and just outright hate-#especially regarding queer men and men of colour#because i can not be emphasise enough#It is NOT GOOD OR HEALTHY to be a fully grown adult that actively derives joy from the idea of enacting hate crimes#like you can hate tommy you can want him off the show even want him to die like weird but go off#but its such a next step to unprompted talk about [a character i dislike/hate/dont ship/disrupts my fanon endgame] in derogatory ways -#with rhetoric that straight up is out of terf/rel. right/homophobic/racists bigots and evokes violent hate-crimes......#well i feel sorry for those people cause what a miserable life to spend so much of it unable to enjoy your own life that you target others#anyways I know this is too long but I'm just a very tired man who has studied history and education and working with kids i have seen it -#too many times- harmful words coming from harmful environments or creating harmful actions and thereby perpetuating the cycle of violence#also not super relavent but as Latino Australian i am genuinely appauled at how many people have in their bio they are also Australian-#while actively liking/reblogging and engaging with post that find homophobic violence a funny haha joke - as if activist in our country -#aren't actively trying to dismantle homophobic and transphobic laws regarding issues like conversion therapy#like I know professors that actively got fired for being gay while teaching in religious education context - and its still happening!#so for people to forget so quickly what progress has been made and how much it took and how easy it is to loose - disappointing#(and its the same people who wanna pretend mardi gras is nothing but a party as if 78rs didn't risk their jobs/safety/lives)
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thefrogdalorian · 4 months
This vile sickness which has plagued me has caused me to lose all sense of taste so now I think Guns For Hire is a bad episode of The Mandalorian...
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