#even if it was Takeru who started it
mtndew-gamerjuice · 11 days
Oh my god the new Kagurabachi chapter just explained why the Sazanami kids are all registered into the storehouse at birth. Today's chapter explained that because of how simple the "registration" for the storehouse is, anyone with an aptitude for sorcery can resist it. So the Sazanmi's are registered at birth so that they cant resist even if they wanted to. Such a great way of subtly showing us how deeply rooted abuse and brainwashing is in this family. Now I dont know which two options would be sadder:
1. The kids can resist the registration as adults after learning sorcery, but have been so deeply brainwashed they can never want to.
2. Because the sorcery was registered so early in life, they cannot remove it due to how deep in thier psyche the sorcery must be.
Takeru is a bloody genius man, showing that abuse is hard to recognize and break away from, especially if its all you have known. Even Hakuri stated last chapter, even after Kyora declared they no longer shared a connection, Hakuri realized that the abuse from his family did connect him to his father, but this time he used that connection against him to infiltrate his warehouse.
Dont even get me started on Chihiro this chapter. After Kyora says that he would be satisfied as long as he tried his best to achieve his goals, Chihiro hits him with "Your best would have been believing in Hakuri". He cares for those around him so, so much, and seeing children suffer at the hands of thier father, especially having a father who did nothing but love him, must really strenghten his resolve to cut down Kyora.
I am once again reccommening you all go read Kagurabachi. The art and action are masterfully executed (Takeru loves his circular motion), and the writing and themes are some of the strongest Ive seen in a shonen in a long time.
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versegm · 1 year
Really cool shit about digimon 02 is how a huge chunk of the show have characters constantly talking about how killing is bad and all life is precious and you should find nonlethal ways to deal with your enemies and all that jazz, but the literal second Takeru and Hikari find themself away from the group (see: Dagomon episode) they just start killing people. No question of morality they don't even pause or bring it up they just straight-up murder bitches. It really hammers home that Daisule & the gang are kids having a whimsical fantasy adventure as heroes called from another world, while Hikari and Takeru are extremely traumatized isekai protagonists who spent a seizable portion of their childhood fighting demons in hell where a "kill or be killed" mindset was the only viable option, and that means the Takari & the rest of the 02 gang have WIDELY different ways of reacting to the world around them.
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princedetectives · 8 months
in my last post i mentioned at the end how goro akechi's "detective prince" outfit looks a hell of a lot like naoto's persona. well im still thinking about it. sit down
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like. when you see them side by side the resemblance IS pretty uncanny isnt it? im not crazy??
my thesis: akechi's detective prince outfit is a mix of symbols he sees as upholders of justice. aka, his role models. aka, mainly naoto and the neo featherman rangers. you know, because he's a nerd.
the latter is even more obvious in robin hood. i could swear it's canon but i for the life of me cannot remember where from. but i KNOW he is a featherman fan. it makes sense, watching a show where heroes of justice fight against evil and forming an image of justice based on that. it's further supported by his weapons, described as kids' toys. it's very likely his image of justice was formed when he was pretty young, the perfect age to form role models like this. this resemblance has been pointed out before im sure youve heard it
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but i digress. you know who ELSE is a featherman fan?
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(really really cute that both of them are featherman nerds. comes with being a detective prince i suppose)
that's already a pretty strong link between them -- i bet featherman ranger influenced naoto's persona, too. at least a little bit. but the resemblance to the cartoon isn't as strong with naoto. it's there, but the bird-like theme can also be explained by yamato-takeru's mythology (when he died, he turned into a great white bird and flew away).
so naoto's persona is mostly original. which means the resemblance can only be explained by respect for naoto. and i guarantee you he doesnt even realize it. (unless he's seen naoto's persona before, which might be true if you want to get funky with AUs, but probably not.) and you might look at me and think the link is kind of farfetched... but come on. the resemblance is too much to ignore to me. and even if it wasn't intentional it's interesting and fun to look at it like it is.
but what does this mean
as i mentioned in my last post, akechi's status as the first detective prince is vital to his self-image. self-image affects metaverse appearance deeply, ESPECIALLY with akechi, since his personas work differently than everyone else's. it feels easy to write this off as "oh it's just his public mask" but remember both detective prince and black mask and equally essential.
and again, it's not like naoto's popularity gets in the way of his. akechi has garnered respect on his own (or by shido's tampering, but that's a whole other can of worms). even so, the detective prince name is directly congruent with his predecessor. naoto's shadow looms over it. it's only natural that his "detective prince" form, as i've been calling it, reflects this. it's a LEGACY!
of course, naoto definitely wouldn't have a metaverse outfit like this, even with the same influences. crow is uniquely akechi, because the detective prince title is just as much his as it is naoto's.
p.s. i usually avoid the existence of persona x detective naoto as much as possible but.. but the new persona he gets there... i couldnt help but notice....
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okay, genuinely don't get me started on this one LMAO
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
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Digimon Adventure subtext analysis: The other family angle
Years ago, I had already tried to conduct an analysis on how Taichi, Hikari and Koushirou were set up in a way that displayed the importance of family within their bond [I, II, III]. The conclusion there was that, by closing his own family-related arc, Koushirou was capable of supporting Taichi and Hikari's (also indirectly family-related) struggles in the Dark Master's arc as well. In a very similar vain, it can be argued that Sora, Yamato and Takeru were set up similarly. The hypothesis here is that, by mirroring Sora's and Yamato's (and Takeru's) familial issues, they're capable of supporting each other in the final arc as well.
Let's see how these familial parallels and similarities play out:
While it can be argued that the majority of the characters keep their family-related trauma to themselves, in Sora's and Yamato's cases, it has the biggest effect on the group dynamic as a whole. Because while Taichi, for example, starts to get reckless in order NOT TO get reckless and protect everyone he loves, Sora's and Yamato's instinct is to pull away from everyone and everything to protect them, even if they may declare the opposite to be true. (Mind you, that is actually some kind of behaviour Taichi will adopt in Tri onwards as well, but that shall not be the point of this analysis.)
The most obvious parallel between them is that they have rather disruptive family lives. While Sora's parents aren't divorced, they're still not living together and her relationship to her mother is rather rocky, filled with misunderstandings based on expectations and different views on life. Yamato's and Takeru's parents are divorced and Yamato has a rather difficult time approaching his mother himself, telling her how he really feels about it all, etc. He tends to surround himself with an aura of coolness and aloofness, even though the viewer quickly learns that he is very emotional and is just trying to bottle it all up.
In the novels it is implied that Sora may have known that Yamato and Takeru were brothers from the very beginning - so her deflecting or not prying further into their lives at the start of the series, especially when Taichi and Koushirou are speculating about their relationship, makes sense. Because she understands that they need space.
And Yamato returns the favour later on, letting her cry it all out; when Sora is experiencing her outburst of emotions in her Crest episode, the viewer learns that she has been doing the same thing as Yamato: bottle it all up. In the same way, they are both prone to wanting to figure out how to deal with their "inner states" by themselves, they're both not particularly good at talking it all out - and so it shouldn't be surprising that they understand that aspect about the other and give each other time and space to breathe. It's not something everybody in the group understands, but it is a very distinctive parallel: Sora basically explains to them that she kept away from the group because she hadn't figured herself out yet. Thus, Sora explaining Takeru that Yamato needs time to do some soul-searching himself is a direct follow-up response here. She sensed Yamato's need to do this on his own and followed it up by the promise that Takeru would be safe in his absence.
Takeru is a good keyword at this point as well, because similarly to how Hikari was a focal point in the other analysis, he is the key factor that makes the family angle so apparent. Yamato may be the one to give Sora space - but Takeru is the one who tells Sora what she desperately needed to hear. He wants to keep the family together at all costs, he is fed up with separation scenes, so he doesn't want her to leave again, sees her as "family", wants her to know how valued and loved she is - and so, Sora is the one who reassures Takeru when Yamato is on the brink of leaving himself, believing that, eventually, everything will turn out fine. It may look like nothing more than repetitive behaviour at first - but it is a circle of learning and trust instead, to rekindle and have better family dynamics in the future.
It's due to their strained relationships with their parents, their masks, their coping mechanisms that Sora and Yamato think they don't have what it takes to activate or even deserve their respective Crests. Love and Friendship - they don't know what it means for them personally. It's why they're so prone to being engulfed by darkness, why their dark caves are dangerous manifestations of their declining mental health, self-doubt and fears.
That is why the soul-searching is needed, repeatedly so. It's why they understand each other's need to be left alone - which is something we will see throughout the entirety of the Adventure series for both of them. But it's also why they need Takeru's softness and Taichi's persistence (as well as Jyou's support and Mimi's reassurance at different times) to get it back together again. They have to be reminded that they don't HAVE TO be alone in all this (even if they often choose to).
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They know, deep down inside, that self-pity and giving in is not an option. They do ask themselves why they got into this situation, why they were chosen in the first place - but they also learn, through their experiences (and their respective bonds with and urge to support Taichi) that they're the ones who have the choice. To fight or to stay away - it's going to be their choice, again and again.
In the novels, the sight of Sora and Takeru together, right after he broke out of his own cave of darkness, even reminds Yamato of his mother, indicating that the entire journey is helping him to come to terms with slowly wanting to reconcile with her.
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In general, Sora's role in the Dark Master's arc is mirrored by Koushirou's - they're support systems for the Yagami siblings (and Taichi and Yamato in combat), but Sora in particular is also often put together with the younger siblings, protecting them (enforcing her motherly role) or actually fighting alongside them (in more equal matters). In addition, she is acting as a bridge between the Takaishida brothers, especially in the final arc in which she is the one who throws Yamato's keychain at Takeru, thus helping him to overcome his own insecurities as well and eventually activating his Crest of Hope himself.
Long story short; Sora had already been on her way of reconciliation with her own mother and, after everything she went through, was able to reassure Yamato that he could go on to find his own path as she did hers before, believing that he could do it too. In return, Yamato had been put - and eventually also put himself - in the position to pull Sora out of her own state of darkness as well. Because he had been there himself, he was finally able to put things into words. Because, at this point in time, they're both incredibly similar - and may have gained what it takes to make up with their mothers.
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sterkeyra · 13 days
Side Character Election - Story Prompts
As the Side Character election is over we are already aware of the winners and the 10 stories that we are going to get. However, among the election options, there were quite a few interesting plot prompts! Some are a bit like fanfictions, others feel like trolling, but some are also interesting because the plot prompt alone tells us more about some characters. So I thought I'll combine all the stories that we will get and those that we could have gotten
Top 10
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These are the character prompts that will get a story! You can look forward to their stories soon!
Takeru Momose Her Love in the Force "What if you fell in love with Momose instead of Tsugaru?"
Hayato Miyayama Her Love in the Force "What if you didn't date any of the instructors and started to fall in love with Miyayama?"
Toru Kyobashi Metro PD "What if I became Chief Kyobashi's secretary for a limited time?"
Daisuke Chiba Her Love in the Force "Will Chiba's love finally be returned!? Or…? A bittersweet unrequited love story of his youth."
Mitsuharu Kyogoku Romance MD "Unpublished story about Kasumi and Mitsuharu during their medical student days"
Ryosuke Inui Kissed by the Baddest Bidder "What if you and Inui fall in love?"
Zack Thompson Masquerade Kiss "xx Year ago. When Zack was still young, he actually got to work together with a CERTAIN person?! A hidden story from Zacks past. (Story without MC)
Takatomi Jinguji When Destiny Comes Knocking "Upon receiving a revelation from the Moeki Shrine, you decide to play pretend lovers with Jinguji. Every date with this hidden high-spec guy is a first-time experience. Could this person indicated by the gods possibly be your destined partner?"
Daisuke Agasa Metro PD "Story about falling in love with the master of Monkey Station"
Eito Ichinomiya Kissed by the Baddest Bidder "What if Eito met the child of another bidder? The next generation will have a spectacular crossover"
Not-Elected Story Prompts
These are the characters that haven't been chosen, so they sadly won't get a story. I'll still list the prompts because some are quite interesting and tell us more about the characters, or the routes if they would have ever gotten one.
Also it might inspire someone to write fanfiction, and maybe just maybe they will be more popular if Voltage did another side story election. I will group the prompts by title and have a miscellaneous section at the bottom.
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Robosuke (Meguros Robot) Oops I Said Yes "I am alone at home with Robosuke (?!). I'm trying to get Robosuke to tell me Meguros secret"
Ryo Hayase Oops I Said Yes "What did he think of your as he developped feelings for you in Togo's Main Story Season 2? Experience it from His Pov"
Tadashi Daimon (Togo's brother) Oops I Said Yes "While Togo is away, his older brother Tadashi suddenly comes over for a visit. He tells you stories about the time when Togo was still a child"
Mamoru Yushima (MCs Junior Colleague) Oops I Said Yes "What kind of life would await you, if you accidentally got married to Yushima, who always wished to get married?"
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Kaito Ichinomiya Kissed by the Baddest Bidder "Kaito, the middle child, is not as cute as he looks but also... What if you spend a day alone with Kaito?"
Yu Ichinomiya Kissed by the Baddest Bidder "Yu is just like Eisuke, he even looks like him?! What if you spend a day alone with Yu?"
Koichi Samejima Kissed by the Baddest Bidder "What if you and Samejima fall in love?"
Erika Matsuda Kissed by the Baddest Bidder "Erika actually worked for a different companies hotel before she changed to Tres Spade a long time ago. Find out about her unknown surprising past."
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HUGO Masquerade Kiss "The story "HUGO's Secret" will explore the father-son conflict between HUGO and Shigematsu"
Caleb Townsend Masquerade Kiss "A secret story about Calebs past when he met Chad."
Josh White Masquerade Kiss "A story about how the members of the Garden of Eden (GoE) try to stop Kazuomi from being taught a bad habit"
Theo Maria Bertolucci Masquerade Kiss "Theo hosts a party for Kei that is limited to MCs ex-boyfriends" (Kei's route)
Louis St. Alfans Masquerade Kiss "A story about Louis becoming "family" with Kei and Kai by visiting the amusement park together." (Story without MC)
Takumi Shiba Masquerade Kiss "This is a story about Takumi Shiba vs. Kei Soejima where Takumi is struggling with all his might to defeat Kei."
Kai Soejima Masquerade Kiss A story about going on a mock date with Kai, because he never had a proper date. He ends up getting a little nervous (Kei's route)
Kengo Katayama Masquerade Kiss "A story of the past when Yuzuru, the founder of SHIBA, scouted Katayama." (Story without MC)
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Tamotsu Suwa Romance MD "What if you get injured and have to do rehabilitation with Dr. Suwa?"
Kappei Maekawa Romance MD "A story about being indebted to Dr. Maekawa for a day" Taku Tsuchiya Romance MD "What if you had decided on cardiac surgery instead of joining the ICU?"
Mizumi Shirayuki Romance MD "Why does Shirayuki-chan love being kind? A close-up documentary story."
Theo Wilson Romance MD "What if you were Theo's assistant in a hospital in Thailand?"
Asuka Shinozaki Romance MD "A story about how the friendship with your classmate developed during your college days"
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Noa (future Tsugaru?) Her Love in the Force "How does Noah feel about Tsugaru and you? A story about a little boy's first love (?)" Shirogane Her Love in the Force "What is the relationship between Gin and Noah? The story reveals the surprising contrasts of the iron-faced man."
Taketo Oishi Her Love in the Force "A love story where you are approached by Oishi, who has fallen in love with you as his senior"
Chaen Her Love in the Force "A story about Chaen being obsessed with you as a public safety detective, and him trying to make you his own in every way possible".
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Blood Moon Kings of Paradise "Blood Moon kidnaps you when you got divorced and are heartbroken. During our escape, he gives me the love life I had dreamed of. A story of a wanted man and a love that defies the world."
Kasatsubaki Satsuriki Kings of Paradise "A romance between two divorcees, where love and physical relationships are kept separate. Tsubaki's overwhelming love fills your void, but with the appearance of your ex-boyfriend Taki, a love triangle emerges… Which man will you choose?"
Tomohiro Fuyuki Kings of Paradise "A story about two people who once drifted apart. Despite numerous difficult times, I can't forget his smile. A story of a remarried couple where the former husband had a change of heart and transforms from the worst to once again being your beloved."
Sydney (Tenshi Sakuto) Kings of Paradise "You used to really dislike reptiles. However, after living with Taki, you start hearing Sydney's voice?! You'll hear her true feelings for the first time… A story of female friendship."
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Akito Sakamaki Metro PD "What if I had a fateful encounter with Mr. Sakamaki?"
Koichi Minase Metro PD "A story about his date with Tomomi Minase"
Tomomi Minase Metro PD "A story about her date with Koichi Minase"
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X PLUST "After falling for the bold fanservice of the flashy and somewhat dangerous X, you wake up in his bed the next morning…?! A forbidden love story between him and you begins with a XXX relationship."
Ys PLUST "Ys is reliable enough to lead ThrONE, that consists of very skilled musicians. However, you witness his true nature. A story about saving YS's past and heart through love."
Zeus PLUST "An unexpected day-zero marriage with your crush?! You start a pretend-newlywed life with Zeus for the sake of him composing music. As Zeus's doting intensifies, the fate of this limited romance becomes uncertain."
PLUST Manager PLUST "The manager of PLUST is always working hard. You work together with him on a marketing plan for PLUST, but when you see his true self for the first time it sparks romantic feelings."
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Shizuo Furuya Liar "What if I had forgiven my ex boyfriend for cheating on me back then? The story of an eventful date with my boyfriend when we got back together"
Mr. Takuro Irresistible Mistakes "Researching the unknown ecology, daily life, and his past… Shall we explore the true face of Takuro-san, who quietly supports and cheers on your love from beside you?"
Fuzzy Pirates in Love "Fuzzy's matchmaking story?! While watching the happy MC, Fuzzy realizes it's her turn to have a happy ending and she travels around the world to find her soulmate."
Natsuo Umesaki Bad Boys do it Better "Natsuo is a beautiful, tall dormitory leader with a loud voice. Ume-chan is like an oasis in a dormitory filled with rough boys, however when you catch a glimpse of his "Natsuo" side, you unexpectedly fall in love for the first time."
Yuki Tsukishiro Our Private Homeroom "What if you fell in love with your classmate? A sweet and sour story unique to high school classmates.
Tatsunoshin Uzuki Loves Hella Punk "Love Story with Uzuki" (Separate Setting from Tengokus)
Momogo Sato Dreamy Days in West Tokyo "A story about Momogo watching over the love life between you and Ichigo"
Bianchi Our Two Bedroom Story "A story in which you, a new editor at Seasonelle, start to fall in love with Bianchi at Jinbuono."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My thoughts
The Masquerade Kiss stories are quite interesting and some seem to tease more about the story or relation to other characters! You can tell by the amount of context of Blood Moon and Kasatsubaki, that this is most likely how their routes would have been like if they weren't cancelled. Especially Blood Moon sounded interesting to me. Together with Chaen they might be one of the few Yandere types in the app. Chaens prompt holy moly. I would have been very intrigued how that would have played out. I'm curious what else they have planned for him. Also why can't Chiba just be happy. He got a story but it looks like he is STILL in the unrequited love dilemma :') Also happy to see more content about Mitsuharu! Though i wish it was a what if story with MC or maybe a story with Sen, as we already know a bunch about Kasumi and Mitsuharu, but that's complaining on a high level. Any Mitsuharu content is good content! Speaking of Plust, i was surprised by the sudden amount of steam when you jump to X (gosh he sounds like twitter)! Almost like MC became a groupie ohmy! I can only imagine the drama. The manager being a place short of Tomohiro is almost insulting xD It seems like PLUST or Throne in that matter did not appeal as much as hoped. I still hope we get to see more of it! It's even funnier that Furuya of Liar is that popular even though he is just as much cheating scum like Tomohiro. I guess people actually wanted to see a redemption arc for him?
Another story I would have loved to see is Fuzzys? Because I love her a lot and i want her to be happy as well. It would have been so funny to see how she hunts for men! Also Tatsunoshin! OHMYGOD There were so many good options!!
Now onto the winner I COULDNT BE HAPPIER IT'S MOMO. Sure a CG would have been nice but i keep my hopes, up that we might get one with Tsugaru together eventually or maybe we would even get his own route! But... BUT... they just had to have Tsugaru comment on his win. And he says he's pleased, so Momo is also happy that he entered. PLEASE he's about to get your girl haha Agh. This will be a very interesting story. I really wonder how they'll handle his girlfriend and Momo connection to Tsugaru. I GOT WAY TOO EXCITED ABOUT THIS ELECTION. I am a side character afficionado. Also Miyayamaaaa!!! Last but not least: Where's Tokyo Love Hustle at :') I'm not sure if I'm happy that the rest of the cast is not listed as side characters (would mean their routes got cancelled) or if i'm sad because we might have been able to get some more content with it if they were?
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tobiasdrake · 4 days
Digimon Adventure 01x22 - Whispering Little Devil, PicoDevimon / Forget About It!
Previously on Digimon Adventure: Taichi went home and ate watermelon. It was a nice break, but Monday is always around the corner.
Back at the office, Taichi and Agumon set out to find out what's become of the other Chosen Children.
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Taichi calls out into the desert for the rest of his group, but nobody answers.
Taichi: HEY!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!? HEEEEEEEEY!!! ...nobody's here. Agumon: I wonder where they've gone, Taichi?
Suddenly, his Digivice activates, showing him the direction of something nearby.
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Taichi: The Digivice is reacting to something.
Testing the Digivice by scanning it back and forth, he finds he only gets this reading when facing one way.
Taichi: It's only reacting when I turn this direction. Agumon: Everyone must be over there.
While Taichi and Agumon settle for following the beeping, Tai tries to sounds like a confident professional by the time-tested means of bullshitting.
Tai: Okay, I've got a lock! North-Northwest, just a couple of clicks! Agumon: Very impressive, Tai. You really sound like you know what you're doing. Tai: ...I just watch a lot of TV.
Nothing about the Digivice's readout gives any indication of distance or compass direction, but that's fine because Tai is clearly talking straight out of his ass. XD
In case that wasn't already evident, the dub adds some silence-destroying dialogue to follow up on it while they walk.
Agumon: Just what is a click? Tai: I don't know, but we're getting closer! Agumon: I hope so! I'm hungry!
Agumon, Tai would appreciate it if you stopped asking questions. He was trying so hard to look cool and you're ruining it.
Taichi and Agumon opt to follow the Digivice's beeping and see where it leads. Before long, they find the edge of the desert.
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Taichi: I didn't know there was a river around here. Agumon: If there's a river here, we must be near the edge of the desert. (Taichi and Agumon look up from the Digivice and gasp) Agumon: There's a bridge! Is that the ocean? Taichi: It's not the ocean! It's a lake! Agumon: There's something near the lake!
Meanwhile, their dub counterparts are so taken aback they can barely even describe what they're seeing.
Tai: Look at this place! Where are we? Agumon: I don't know, but it's the most beautiful place I've ever seen! Tai: Come on!
It's always so rare for the dub crew to talk less than the original.
The boys sprint to the lake, and the beeping from the Digivice grows stronger.
Taichi: The signal's close by! It's getting stronger!
Arriving at the water's edge, they discover an unexpected sight.
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Agumon: It's Tokomon! Taichi: Tokomon! Hang in there. (scoops up Tokomon) Are you okay? Tokomon: (drowsy) Taichi... (waking up suddenly) AGUMON!? YOU'RE ALIVE!?!? Taichi: Of course we are. Agumon: More importantly, were you beaten by an enemy, Tokomon? Tokomon: No, I wasn't. I just fainted because I was hungry and tired. Taichi: Where's Takeru? And everyone else? Tokomon: Takeru is with PicoDevimon. Taichi: PicoDevimon? Who's that? Tokomon: PicoDevimon is... uh.... Taichi: Tell me everything from the beginning. What happened to everyone while we were away? Tokomon: Okay. After you two vanished....
Already, we're off to an alarming start. Takeru's with someone called PicoDevimon? You don't even need to be familiar with the V-Pet to know that name is bad news. It's in the Devimon.
Over in the dub, Agumon forgets what show this is and plays Who's That Pokemon.
Agumon: Who is it!? Who is it!? Tai: It's Tokomon! Agumon: TOKOMON!!! Tai: Hey, what happened little guy? (scoops up Tokomon) Are you alright? Tokomon: (drowsy) ...not exactly....
The dub inserts a commercial break here, and then we come back to Agumon thinking we're still in the File Island arc.
Tokomon: (drowsy) You look like Tai... (waking up suddenly) You are Tai! You're alive! Tai: Yeah, the last time I checked! Agumon: I'll bet a Black Gear Digimon got you, right? Tokomon: No, if it were something simple like that, I wouldn't feel so bad. Tai: Where is everybody? Where's T.K.? Tokomon: I don't know. He's probably off with his new friend! Tai: New friend? What new friend? Tokomon: I think you better ask T.K.! Tai: I would but he's not here and you are. Now start at the beginning, Tokomon, and tell me exactly what happened! Tokomon: Well, you were gone an awfully long time. Tai: We were? How long? Tokomon: We looked high and low for you... I did most of the low part.
Apart from Agumon being high I guess, I really like this exchange. Tokomon holds back on saying the name of T.K.'s new pal. Also, Tai gets to interact with the fact that he's been missing for a month and a half; A detail that flies right over his head in the original.
Also, that last line from Tokomon got me. XD
Tokomon goes into flashback, explaining the fates of the other children. We find them late at night making camp in the now Etemon-free desert, making plans for where to go from here.
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Sora: We search! We keep searching until we find Taichi and Agumon! Yamato: It's impossible. We've already been searching for a month and a half. There's no trace of them anywhere. Koushiro: Gennai-san! He might know something! Let's look for Gennai-san! Jou: We don't even know where he is. How would we begin to find him? Mimi: I just want to go home.
The dub cuts out Sora's first line.
Matt: It's no use. We're practically lost ourselves. Mimi: Ohhh... Personally, I've been lost ever since I got here! Izzy: What about Gennai!? Maybe he can help us find them! Joe: Yeah, and where do we find Gennai? I think one wild goose chase is enough. Mimi: This is the most depressing campout ever.
That's a weird-ass decision to make, because Sora's unrelenting determination to find Taichi feeds directly into the next scene. Plus side, I really like Joe's version of his line. It serves up the snark without compromising his character or the meaning of his line.
Unable to decide on a course of action, the group fractures. Sora and Piyomon are the first to go, departing late at night while everyone's asleep. Tokomon wakes up just in time to hear them approach.
Sora: Takeru will cry if we don't tell him. Tokomon: (rousing) ...huh? Sora: Shhh. The two of us are going to look for Taichi. Piyomon: Take care of yourself, Tokomon.
The phrase Piyomon uses here is "Genki de ne." It's a long-term farewell expressed when you don't know if you'll ever see that person again, and don't expect to any time soon.
Sora and Piyomon aren't coming back. After a month and a half of fruitless searching, the rest of the group is ready to write Taichi off. Sora isn't, so she and Piyomon have elected to go their separate ways from everyone else.
In the dub, it's not so clear why they're leaving like this because Sora didn't get to have an argument with the others about it.
Biyomon: Won't T.K. be upset? Sora: Maybe, but he'll be safer here. Tokomon: (rousing) Hmm? Sora: Shhh. We're going off to find Tai on our own. Don't wake anyone. Biyomon: We'll see you later, Tokomon.
This also doesn't quite capture the gravity of Sora's decision. In the original, they tell Tokomon what they're doing because they want him to inform Takeru. They're not coming back, and they don't want him to have to wonder what happened to them. Here, that's replaced with "T.K. can't come because it's safer here."
Similarly, "See you later" doesn't quite capture the tone of "Genki de ne." They make it sound like they're just popping off to do some scouting.
It seems that Sora vanishing overnight was the straw that broke the camel's back for group cohesion.
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Tokomon: (V.O.) After that, everyone left one after another. The only ones who stayed together were me, Takeru, Yamato, and Gabumon. Takeru: Hey, Onii-chan? I wonder where everyone went. Yamato: Don't worry about them. They can take care of themselves. We don't have enemies like Devimon or Etemon anymore. Takeru: Onii-chan, let's go back! Let's go back and look for Taichi-san! Yamato: We've already looked everywhere! Just give up! Takeru: But.... (cries) Yamato: Don't cry, Takeru. I'm sure Taichi and Agumon are doing fine somewhere. Takeru: They're alive, right!? Taichi-san is alive!? Yamato: Yeah! We'll see him again some day. Tokomon: Isn't that great, Takeru?
Overcome with emotion, Takeru hugs Yamato's legs and weeps.
In the dub... Sora just got lost, I guess, and then everyone split up to look for her. Rather than the team falling apart, they just all got lost.
Tokomon: That's how it started. First Sora left. Then we all went in search of Sora. Then someone said maybe we'd cover more ground if we split up so Izzy and Tentomon went off one way and Joe and Gomamon went off another. And pretty soon, only Matt, T.K., Gabumon, and me were left.
I guess Mimi got swallowed by the desert or something. Well, if it was going to happen to someone....
T.K.: Why did everybody go away? When you're lost, you're supposed to stay together. Matt: We just had different ideas of what was the best thing to do, T.K. We've looked everywhere, T.K. If they were anywhere in this area, we would have found them. T.K.: We could have missed something! We've gotta keep searching! Come on, Matt! Come on, Matt! If we hurry, we can still catch up to someo-- Matt: Hey, it's hopeless, alright!? We've already done everything we could! T.K.: (cries) Matt: Oh, come on... Don't cry. I didn't mean it. Don't worry, wherever Agumon and Tai are, I'm sure they're perfectly alright. T.K.: Really, Matt? Any minute now, they'll be coming back, right? Matt: And they'll bring a bunch of presents with them! Tokomon: Oh, wow! You think so? T.K.: (hugs Yamato's legs) I hope you're right! I sure miss my friends!
I'm not 100% sure if they're searching for Tai or searching for the other members of the group that split up. T.K. talks about "catching up to someone" but Matt topic-shifts to Tai so fast it gave me whiplash.
I'm sad that the dub dropped Yamato's point that we live in a world of peace right now. With Etemon dead, Server Continent seems to have been liberated. Evil forces have not reared their head in a month and a half. That's interesting exposition that didn't make it across.
Matt turning Tai into Santa, however, is hilarious. He definitely thinks Tai's dead. There is no way he'd make that unbelievably patronizing promise if he had a smidgen of hope left for finding Tai alive. XD
A short time later, Yamato and Takeru make a discovery.
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Takeru: That's... Could that be an amusement park!? Gabumon: Yeah! We can have fun! Yamato: (thinking) That place looks safe.
In the dub, Tokomon takes this opportunity to drop some more narration.
Tokomon: (V.O.) I knew Matt was just kidding T.K. about the presents but that didn't matter because just then.... T.K.: Ohh! Look, Matt! Is it real? Everybody's gonna love this place! Tokomon: (V.O.) But Matt didn't seem too excited. It was like there was something on his mind that he couldn't stop thinking about.
While they have a look around the amusement park, T.K. eradicates the silence.
T.K.: Look at this! No lines! ...actually, there are no people here at all. Maybe they forgot to tell us that they're closed.
Sorry, T.K., but we're about seventeen episodes too late to start expecting to find other humans here.
Yamato takes Takeru into the amusement park and leaves him on the swan boat dock.
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Takeru: (teary-eyed but determined) I'm okay! I can wait! Yamato: Good boy, Takeru. Takeru: But hurry back, okay? Yamato: Yeah. I'm just going to check things out. It shouldn't take more than two or three hours. I'll be back before you know it. Gabumon: Tokomon, be sure to take good care of Takeru. Tokomon: Right! (Yamato and Gabumon board the swan boat and pedal away) Takeru: Onii-chan! Come back soon! Gabumon: We're counting on you, Tokomon!
He'll only be a couple hours. He'll be back before you know it.
The dub conversation is identical until Takeru and Gabumon's last lines, which are swapped out for an exchange with Matt.
T.K.: Don't worry! We'll be waiting right here! Matt: Great! And remember, it's an amusement park! So, like, amuse yourselves!
They do not. They do exactly what T.K. said they would and wait on the dock.
And wait.
And wait.
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Takeru remains on that dock until the sunset. Tokomon goes out and gathers fruit for Takeru, bringing it to him on a leaf.
Tokomon: Takeru! Time for dinner! Takeru: (downtrodden) Onii-chan is late.... Tokomon: Time for dinner.... Takeru: I'm not hungry.
When it gets late, Takeru goes to bed on a bench with a leaf for a blanket, muttering the word "Onii-chan". Tokomon tries to lay down with him, but Takeru rolls over away from him.
The dub stretches this to a shocking length of time.
Tokomon: (V.O.) Hours went by and still no Matt. Tokomon: He'll come back, T.K. T.K.: (downtrodden) I wonder what's keeping Matt.... Tokomon: You've got to eat something. T.K.: He should have come back by now. Tokomon: (V.O.) We waited at the park for almost a week. T.K. spent the whole time staring out at the water except when he just couldn't stay awake anymore. He waited and waited.
Holy shit, a week? The malevolent forces about to descend on T.K. need to get their fucking act together. That's unacceptable.
The next day, Takeru's back out on that dock staring out into the distance and crying.
Takeru: (sniffle) Why won't Onii-chan come back? (crying) Tokomon: (arriving with a twig and some berries) Takeru! Takeru: Onii-chan! Onii-chan said he was just going to look around! He said he'd be back soon! (breaks down and starts bawling) Tokomon: Don't cry, Takeru!
That's when company arrives.
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PicoDevimon: Oh my, what do we have here? Hello, I'm PicoDevimon. Tokomon: PicoDevimon?
Narrator chimes in to give the rundown. PicoDevimon is a Child-stage Virus-type Small Demon Digimon. He's the little shitweasel of his evolution branch, attained by making zero effort and not taking care of him at all. So, y'know, super trustworthy; We should hear him out.
Narrator: PicoDevimon. A small Child-stage Digimon shaped like a bat. PicoDevimon: Oh? Are you the ones who defeated Etemon for us? Takeru: Yeah.... PicoDevimon: Thank you! Peace has been restored to the world because of you! But why were you crying? Takeru: Onii-chan won't come back.... PicoDevimon: What? That's terrible! Don't worry, I'll go look for him. What's your brother's name? Takeru: His name is Yamato. PicoDevimon: Okay! Wait right here! (flies away) Tokomon: I hope he finds him! Takeru: Yeah!
Godspeed, PicoDevimon. We look forward to your entirely believable story.
Over in the dub, his name is DemiDevimon. Which is honestly a better name than PicoDevimon. It rolls off the tongue super well. PicoDevimon is a beacon of politeness. A suspiciously sweet little cherub who'd neeeeever be up to anything foul. DemiDevimon is a lot more rough around the edges, while playing that up for sympathy.
DemiDevimon: Hey, what's all this squawkin' about!? DemiDevimon's the name; Mind if I drop in? Tokomon: DemiDevimon!? I've heard about you! DemiDevimon: Oh, great! I'm flattered! Tokomon: Don't be. Nothing I heard was good. DemiDevimon: Okay, okay. I admit, I used to be a bit of a wise guy but that's only because I was working for Etemon! But now he's kaput thanks to you guys, something for which I'm eternally grateful! Personally, I never liked the guy. T.K.: You seen my brother out there? He's in a boat. DemiDevimon: Oh, is that what's got you down, squirt? Well, you've come to the right Digimon! What's his name, your brother? T.K.: His name is Matt. DemiDevimon: Got it! Let me see what I can do. Back in a flash! (flies away) Tokomon: Well, maybe he has changed.... T.K.: You think?
On the one hand, it's hard to swallow T.K. being as taken in by this guy as he's going to be, when he's clearly stated to be a villain right up-front. But on the other hand, he has "Devimon" in his name and looks like Devimon, and that didn't stop Takeru.
Also, T.K., it's been a week. He's probably not still in the boat. ...or, if he is, then we may have a new reason for why he never returned.
Takeru and Tokomon remain on the dock, staring out at the lake again and waiting to hear word.
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The sky shifts color from an early morning green to a midday blue. Then, after what must have been hours, PicoDevimon returns.
PicoDevimon: Sorry to keep you waiting! Takeru: Where's Onii-chan!? Did you find Onii-chan!? PicoDevimon: Yes, I did. Tokomon: Where was he? PicoDevimon: Yamato gave me a message for you. Tokomon: What is it? PicoDevimon: Yamato said he never wants to see you again. He said he really, really, really hates you! He doesn't want to be your brother anymore. Takeru: (tearing up) That can't be.... Tokomon: Takeru, don't cry! PicoDevimon: Oh, Yamato also said this: He really hates what a crybaby you are!
Quite reasonably, Takeru is devastated by "Yamato's message". He flees into the amusement park, bawling his eyes out and screaming.
Takeru: I... I... I HATE YOU TOO, ONII-CHAN!!!
Meanwhile, in the dub, I guess they didn't notice the subtle sky change. DemiDevimon just does loopies in the air and then immediately comes back.
Tokomon: (V.O.) I couldn't believe that one of Etemon's creepy henchmen was being helpful. But, sure enough, just a few minutes later.... DemiDevimon: Sorry to keep you waiting! T.K.: What about it!? Did you find my brother!? Did you find him!? DemiDevimon: Sure, I did! T.K.: Is he on his way back? DemiDevimon: Well, that's the bad news, kid. T.K.: What!? DemiDevimon: It kills me to have to be the one to break this to you, but your bro ain't coming back. In fact, he never wants to see you again! Said he was tired of babysitting a crybaby. T.K.: No way! (tearing up) Tokomon: It can't be true, T.K.! T.K.: (sobbing) He called me-- DemiDevimon: Crybaby, yeah. That's what he said! He called you some other stuff too but I don't want to repeat it. Anyway, he's gone. T.K.: (bawling) DemiDevimon: Aw, don't take it so hard! T.K.: (runs off crying) YEAH, WELL I HATE HIM TOO!!!
This yarn he's spinning was never credible, but DemiDevimon's flippant attitude and villainous background nonetheless manages to make it even less credible.
While PicoDevimon floats into frame giggling to himself, just in case it isn't clear that he's full of shit.
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Evening of the second day without Yamato arrives. Takeru sits by the river, despondently throwing rocks into it. Tokomon tries his best to console his Partner.
Tokomon: Hey... Yamato would never say that about you. ...hey, Takeru!
Takeru doesn't respond. He holds his head in his hands and shuts down completely.
The dub decides to go all-in on calling T.K. a crybaby.
Tokomon: Come on, Matt would never say stuff like that. Besides, we've been working on the crying thing and you're getting better; You really are!
PicoDevimon lies and claims Yamato called Takeru a crybaby, and the dub team promptly goes, "I mean, he is a fucking crybaby." Americans.
Tokomon next tries to confront PicoDevimon.
PicoDevimon: What did you want to talk about? Tokomon: Quit lying to Tokomon! PicoDevimon: Lying? The hell have I lied about!? Tokomon: YOU SAID YAMATO HATED TAKERU!!! PicoDevimon: And how is that a lie? Is there proof that it's a life? (PicoDevimon flaps up onto a tree branch above) PicoDevimon: If you've got proof, show me. Tokomon: I don't, but-- PicoDevimon: Ha! Then you're accusing me without justification! You know what? That's called defamation. You're pushing false judgments circumstantially! Should we take this to court and see if you win?
Tip: Anyone who responds "Where's your evidence?" when accused probably die it. As a general rule, innocent people react to accusation with consternation and outrage while guilty people fish for information to find out what you already know.
Counterintuitively, it is less suspicious to fly off the handle and punch the accuser in the face and more suspicious to calmly and civilly ask for proof.
DemiDevimon takes a different approach.
DemiDevimon: Hey, Flops! Tokomon: You have to stop lying to T.K.! DemiDevimon: Lies? Whatever could you mean by that? Tokomon: You take back all those lies or you'll be sorry! DemiDevimon: My my, those are bold words coming from a pink gerbil with an overbite! Besides, you have any proof that I'm lying about it? Huh? Tokomon: Well, no.... DemiDevimon: There you go. You're just assuming the worst because of my background. That's not fair! It's prejudice, that's what it is. Just because I'm not a cuddly butterball like you, then you think I must be a bad guy. That's so, I don't know, superficial. Luckily, T.K.'s more enlightened!
Somehow, this is even more obnoxious than PicoDevimon's screed. I feel you, Tokomon.
Either way, PicoDevimon is shamelessly Lawyer Speaking here, which is unbelievably damning. Too bad Takeru isn't worldly enough to grasp that nuance; PicoDevimon's provocations hit home, pushing Tokomon into losing his temper and lashing out with a big pink bubble.
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Just as planned, Takeru saw that.
Takeru: (running up) What are you doing, Tokomon!? Tokomon: What do you mean? Takeru: You attacked him for no reason! PicoDevimon: Takeru, don't be mad at Tokomon. He's just jealous that you and I are getting along so well, and he reacted childishly. Isn't that right, Tokomon? Tokomon: Hmph! Takeru: What's with this attitude of yours!? Apologize to PicoDevimon! Tokomon: NO!!! I REFUSE!!! Takeru: APOLOGIZE!!! Tokomon: NEVER!!! IF YOU THINK I HAVE TO APOLOGIZE TO HIM THEN I'M LEAVING!!! Takeru: Yeah? Then leave! Tokomon: You want me to leave? Takeru: Go ahead!
Tokomon takes a few steps away from Takeru, then turns back.
Tokomon: I'm really going.... Takeru: Fine! Oh, also! Since we don't have enemies anymore, I don't need THESE!!!
Takeru pulls his Crest and Digivice from his pocket and furiously hurls them across the beach, then runs off into the woods.
Takeru: Let's go, PicoDevimon! Tokomon: TAKERU, YOU IDIOT!!! IDIOT!!! (breaks down crying) IDIOOOOOOOOOOT!!!
Another cruel victory thanks to the power of childhood gullibility. PicoDevimon's deception succeeds with flying colors.
Honestly, it's not surprising that Takeru lost his shit like this. If you recall from his last spotlight episode, Takeru loathes violence. For him, it's only to be used as a last resort. Unfortunately for Tokomon, it remains ambiguous whether or not he recalls that, since it's from his past life.
This is pretty much identical in the dub up until T.K. throws the Crest and Digivice.
Tokomon: I won't be coming back, you know! T.K.: You don't see me crying about it! And I don't want these stupid gadgets either! Bleh! (throws them) Tokomon: Ahhh! T.K.: Come on, DemiDevimon! Let's go ride the roller coaster! Tokomon: That suits me fine! Goodbye! (breaks down crying)
Here, they once again scrub the mention of the fact that we have no more enemies to fight. I guess they just don't like that plot point.
The end of Tokomon's flashback brings Taichi and Agumon up to speed.
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Agumon: So that's why you were here alone. Tokomon: Mmhmm. Taichi: I'm worried about Yamato, but we need to see Takeru first. Tokomon, take us to the amusement park where Takeru is. Tokomon: On it!
Following Tokomon's lead, Taichi and Agumon make their way to the amusement park.
The dub never gave a timeframe for Tai and Agumon's absence, so Agumon takes a wild guess.
Agumon: You see, Tai? We go away for a couple of days and everything falls apart. Tai: Hmm... First let's find out what T.K. is up to, then we'll look for Matt and the others. Take us to him, Tokomon! Tokomon: You got it!
Agumon, did you miss the part where T.K. was here for a week? Even if the month and a half hasn't been brought up, you're still undershooting with that couple of days estimate.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the woods, a pair of Gazimon plot their revenge. Or... consider it, at least.
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Gazimon 1: How do we get revenge for Etemon-sama? Gazimon 2: (entertained) Could we even? Those guys are tough. Gazimon 1: Yeah, we might not be strong enough. Gazimon 2: Give up! Give up! We're not obligated to go that far. Gazimon 1: Yeah. Come to think of it, he was always walking all over us. Gazimon 2: Anyways, you feeling hungry? Gazimon 1: Yeah, I am. Gazimon 2: Oh! These mushrooms look good! Let's have some!
Honestly, fuck 'im. He was always a dick to them anyway. Remember that time he yelled at them for participating in his musical number?
We're all better off without the Digimon King.
While the Gazimon pig out on mushrooms, PicoDevimon plays with the despondent Takeru.
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PicoDevimon: WAHH! So much fun! We're so high up, it's like walking through the sky! Look, the lake stretches out so far! ...You're not having fun, are you? Takeru: Not really. PicoDevimon: (thinking) How irritating. He's still worried about Tokomon. (speaking) Hey hey, Takeru! Wanna go driving? Takeru: Okay.
Over in the dub, DemiDevimon has a dubious challenge to offer.
DemiDevimon: Hey, T.K.! I bet I can spit farther than you! T.K.: Hmm... Tokomon's awful small to be out on his own. I hope he's okay. DemiDevimon: Grrr... Forget about him, will ya? Come on, let's try the highway! T.K.: ...alright.
I bet you can't spit farther, DemiDevimon. Because that window has glass in it.
Cut to Takeru on a bumper car track, still looking completely depressed.
PicoDevimon: Go! Go! Drive! Drive! Isn't this fun? Isn't this exciting!? Next is the roller coaster!
Cut to Takeru and PicoDevimon riding a roller coaster shaped like a steam train.
PicoDevimon: Preparing to depart! (coaster goes over the bump and begins its descent) Yahoo! Having fun? Takeru: Sure. PicoDevimon: (thinking) Damn it. He's not enjoying it. This is bad. (speaking to Takeru) Hey, Takeru? Are you still thinking about Tokomon? Takeru: Who cares about him!? I was just wondering if he's okay by himself... But not because I care about him! PicoDevimon: (thinking) He still can't forget about Tokomon. I've got to do something. (speaking) Hey, Takeru, I just remembered I need to go do something. Takeru: What is it? PicoDevimon: Oh, nothing major! I'll be right back!
Excusing himself, PicoDevimon departs the roller coaster in the middle of its run. As he leaves, Taichi and Agumon enter the amusement park with Tokomon riding Agumon's head. They following the radar from the Digivice to Takeru.
(This same episode has now separately claimed that the beeping on the Digivice is bringing them to other Digivices and also to other Children. So I guess both ping the radar. That's super convenient.)
The dub follows the rails right up until DemiDevimon says he has to leave.
DemiDevimon: Hey, I just remembered there's something I've gotta take care of. I'll be right back! T.K.: You're leaving me too? DemiDevimon: Just for a minute! Trust me! You just stay and have fun.
I love T.K.'s response here. He's vulnerable right now, and has an Abandonment Issues response to DemiDevimon having to go. As well he should, given how thoroughly he's been abandoned. That's such a strong characterization choice.
Taichi finds Takeru sitting alone in the food court.
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Taichi: My Digivice is reacting. Agumon: Takeru must be nearby. Taichi: Takeru, where are you? Agumon: TAKERU!!! Taichi: TAKERU!!! (hearing their voices, Takeru gets up from the table he's sitting at) Takeru: T-Taichi-san! Taichi: Takeru! Takeru: You're alive! Taichi: I won't die that easily! Takeru: Thank goodness! (throws himself at Taichi) I'm so glad you're alive! I was worried! I was so worried about you! Taichi: I'm sorry for worrying you.
Takeru is relieved beyond measure to see Taichi alive.
The dub alters the meaning of the Digivice's beeping.
Tai: Huh!? Why's it going off!? Agumon: Could be trouble! That's what it usually means! Tai: Never mind that now; Look who I found!
Uh. No, Agumon, it does not "usually mean trouble". The Digivice has never once started beeping to pre-emptively alert a DigiDestined of hostile Digimon lurking nearby. That'd be a great feature to have, but no.
Once Taichi's reunion with Takeru is finished, it's Tokomon's turn.
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It does not go well.
Takeru: Tokomon, you're back. Tokomon: I am. Takeru: Did you realize that what you did was wrong? Tokomon: I did nothing wrong! Takeru: Tokomon! Where did you get this kind of attitude!? Taichi: Now, now. Tokomon told me everything that happened. This isn't a time for fighting among friends. Let's go find Yamato and the others! Takeru: No! Taichi: Why not? Takeru: They all left me. First was Sora-kun. And then... And then in the end, even Onii-chan.... Taichi: I'm sure they had their reasons-- Takeru: No! Everyone hates me! They hate me because I'm a kid and I cry easily! Taichi: I don't know what PicoDevimon told you, but Yamato would never hate you! Takeru: You think so? But any time you and I get along, Onii-chan gets this mean look on his face. Even when I told him we should go back and look for you, he was against it! He started hating me because I kept talking about you, Taichi-san! Taichi-san, I want to be your little brother! (Takeru lunges and hugs Taichi again) Taichi: Uh... That's.... Takeru: Can't I? Taichi: No, I mean.... (thinking) This is a problem.
Oh, Takeru. He doesn't hate you because you've been bonding really well with Taichi since we got here. He resents Taichi for being better able to communicate with you. He expressed those feelings in the trolley back in Seadramon's episode, but Takeru wasn't around to hear it.
Taichi's bond with Takeru makes Yamato feel inadequate as an older brother.
T.K. brings this up too, but he's more aggressive about it.
Tai: Whoa, man! I don't know what this new friend of yours has been telling you but I happen to know for a fact that Matt does not hate you. T.K.: Well, you might not be saying such nice things about him if you knew that I wanted to keep searching for you but he didn't! It's true! He's really jealous of you, Tai! Haven't you ever noticed that he gets all upset when you and me do stuff together? And he hates it when I talk about you! Tai: Huh!? T.K.: Do you think I could be your little brother instead! Please! Tai: I don't think it works that way! T.K.: Why not!? Tai: It just doesn't, that's all! T.K.: WAHHHHH YOU DON'T LIKE ME EITHER!!!
While Taichi struggles to figure out how to even respond to this, Tai trips over his own words and falls flat on his face. Good job, Tai.
While Taichi and Takeru are talking this out, PicoDevimon discovers the mushroom patch.
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PicoDevimon: Hehehehe... (spots the mushroom patch and Gazimon) Huh? Aren't you Etemon's followers? Gazimon 1: Etemon? Gazimon 2: Who's that? Gazimon 1: Do you know? Gazimon 2: Nope. Gazimon 1: By the way, who are you? Gazimon 2: Who am I? I forget. PicoDevimon: What's wrong with you? (takes a closer look at the patch) These are Mushrooms of Forgetting. One bite of these and you forget your past memories. I see, you must have eaten them. ...oh, wait, that's it! If I make Takeru eat these....
Whatever PicoDevimon ran off to go do, he changes tactics and decides to try this instead. The Gazimon's fuck-up gave him a great idea.
DemiDevimon greets the Gazimon with:
DemiDevimon: HEY!!! What would Etemon say if he saw you two lounging around like that!?
The familiar way with which he berates the two Gazimon for their laziness seems to confirm that DemiDevimon is one of Etemon's too, as previously suggested. Whereas the original takes a moment to recognize them as members of a rival faction. Which they are.
PicoDevimon makes his way back to Takeru.
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While PicoDevimon is transporting the goods, Taichi urges Takeru to listen.
Taichi: Whatever the case, let's go find Yamato and hear what he has to say for ourselves. Takeru: Okay.
Taichi's finally broken through Takeru's despair by offering one thin thread of hope he doesn't have to commit too hard to.
Over in the dub, Tai has inexplicably agreed to T.K.'s terms.
Tai: So I'll be your big brother but just temporarily until we find Matt, okay? T.K.: Okay.
Where Taichi's broken down Takeru's resistance, T.K.'s gone the other way and broken Tai's.
Just then, PicoDevimon returns with the basket.
Takeru: Ah, PicoDevimon's back! Taichi: That's him? PicoDevimon: (thinking) Not only is Takeru here, but so are Tokomon and a couple others.
PicoDevimon sets down the basket and addresses Tokomon.
PicoDevimon: Hey, Tokomon, have you been well? Agumon: HEY!!! PicoDevimon: (jumps, startled) Agumon: We have a question for you! PicoDevimon: Who are you people!? Taichi: I'm Taichi. This is Agumon. Agumon: What did Yamato tell you!? PicoDevimon: Yamato, you say? He said he didn't want to be around Takeru anymore. When he told me that, I tried to persuade him by telling him that he shouldn't say things like that about his little brother, but Yamato wouldn't listen. Agumon: Is that the truth? PicoDevimon: No lie! Taichi: Can you take us to Yamato? PicoDevimon: Of course! But it's a little far. Taichi: I don't care! PicoDevimon: Very well, then. Oh, hang on! Would you like something to eat before we go? Taichi & Agumon: (holding their stomachs hungrily) To eat...? Takeru: I'm kind of hungry.... Taichi: I guess we should eat, then. PicoDevimon: Here are some delicious mushrooms. Help yourselves!
Just like that, the trap is sprung. Taichi has PicoDevimon cornered on the Yamato issue, but in a moment, it's not going to matter.
Accepting PicoDevimon's deceitful offer, the kids prepare to eat the poisonous shrooms.
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Agumon reaches for the basket, only for Taichi to stop him.
Taichi: Wait! It will taste better cooked.
Putting those acquired survivalist skills to use, Taichi and Takeru put together a makeshift grill. They skewer the mushrooms and set them to roast.
Takeru: Oh wow, it smells so good! Taichi: (fanning the flames with a leaf) They're not done yet. Agumon: Oh, wait for me! I need to run to the bathroom! (runs off) Taichi: (calling after) IF YOU DON'T HURRY UP, YOU WON'T GET YOUR SHARE!!!
Asshole! Tai and his bad french accent are more considerate
Tai: Voila! Les mushrooms de la barbecue! (fanning the flames with a leaf) Zey'll be reddy in just a minoot! Agumon: Oopsy-daisy! Gotta use the little Digimon's room! (runs off) Tai: Don't forget to wash your hands or claws or whatever they are!
They're both, Tai. The claws are the sharp nails sticking out of his hands. He should make sure to wash both.
Agumon runs off to the bathroom, but he makes a discovery: The same mushrooms are growing around the bathroom too.
Agumon: Bathroom, Bathroom-- Eh? The same mushrooms are here too? ...ah! Bathroom, bathroom!
Agumon scurries into the bathroom while Taichi finishes the roasting. Taichi hands the first shroom over to Takeru to try.
Taichi: This looks about right. Here, have one Takeru: Sure! PicoDevimon: (thinking) Hehe... They don't know a thing.... Takeru: (hesitates, looking over at Tokomon who's watching) What? Tokomon: (turns away suddenly) Nothing!
Takeru tries to take a bite, but Taichi snatches the mushroom out of his hands just as his jaw clamps down on thin air.
Taichi: Oh, wait! I forgot to add seasoning.
Cue comical face vaulting from PicoDevimon, who's been waiting with bated breath.
Tai's even worse at cooking the mushrooms than Taichi.
Tai: Okay, T.K., you're first! Tell me if it's too hot. DemiDevimon: Hehehehehe..... T.K.: Want one? Tokomon: I wouldn't touch it! (T.K. tries to bite in but Tai snatches it) Tai: Hang on, this one didn't get cooked on one side!
This error might make a bit more sense than Taichi's error, as the survivalist nature of their situation makes it unclear what seasoning he has on-hand to add.
While Taichi and Takeru briefly postpone their fate, Agumon receives guidance from an unexpected source.
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Emerging from the bathroom, Agumon decides to try the mushrooms by the sign.
Agumon: Are these mushrooms really edible? (picks one) Sora: (from nearby) Don't eat that! If you eat those mushrooms, you'll lose your memories! Agumon: Who's there? ...that's strange. But if what that voice said is true... (panics, dropping the mushroom and sprinting away) TAICHI'S IN TROUBLE!!!
As Agumon flees the scene, Sora and Piyomon peek out from the bushes. Just in case Sora's voice wasn't recognizable enough.
Dub Agumon plans on eating the signpost mushrooms instead of Tai's.
Agumon: No offense to Tai but I prefer mine raw. Sora: (from nearby) Don't eat it! They're the Mushrooms of Forgetfullness! They'll make all your memories disappear! Agumon: Who's there? I know that voice; That's Sora! If what she said about these mushrooms is true that means-- YAAK!!! (panics, dropping the mushroom and sprinting away) DON'T EAT THE MUSHROOMS!!!
Plot schism here, as Agumon pegs Sora's voice instantly. By the end of the episode, his Japanese counterpart still doesn't know who called out and warned him.
Back at the grill, Takeru and Taichi prepare to finally eat.
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Takeru: Itadakimasu! (tries to bite, but it's too hot) Taichi: Too bad, too bad. It has to cool first. (blows on Takeru's mushroom for a couple seconds) There! That should do it. Takeru: Thank you, Taichi-san! (finally bites down) Agumon: (running full-tilt towards them) DON'T EAT THEM!!! DON'T EAT THOSE MUSHROOMS!!! Taichi: Don't worry, I left some for you. Agumon: NO!!! YOU CAN'T EAT THEM!!!
Agumon yanks the mushroom out of Takeru's mouth and snatches the skewer in Taichi's hand.
Agumon: Don't! Taichi: What the heck!? Agumon: (offers the skewer to PicoDevimon) You eat it! PicoDevimon: ... Agumon: Go on! Eat it, PicoDevimon! (Agumon throws the skewer, striking PicoDevimon in the face) Agumon: Of course he won't! If you eat those things, they'll erase your memories! Taichi: For real!? Tokomon: Is that true, PicoDevimon? PicoDevimon: Y-You see--
At this point, PicoDevimon is cornered. There's no way out of this one.
This is the end for PicoDevimon's deception.
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With PicoDevimon cornered, Tokomon piles on the accusations.
Tokomon: What you said about Yamato was a lie too, wasn't it!
PicoDevimon tries to fly to safety, but Agumon grabs him out of the air.
Agumon: You lied about everything, didn't you!? PicoDevimon: Yes.... Takeru: That's mean... That's so mean! (runs to Tokomon) I'm sorry, Tokomon. I treated you so horribly. Tokomon: I understand. Don't worry about it. Takeru: Tokomon.... Tokomon: (lunges for Takeru's arms) TAKERU!!! Taichi: I guess this misunderstanding is cleared up. Here, these are yours. Takeru: Thank you!
Taichi returns Takeru's Crest and Digivice to him. Suddenly, his Crest begins to glow.
PicoDevimon: Oh no.... (bites Agumon to force him to let go) I'll be in trouble if you have those! Give them to me!
Here, PicoDevimon slips about his true intentions. His job is to separate Takeru from his Crest and Digivice. This isn't quite as clear in the dub, which covers the same territory but more ambiguously.
DemiDevimon: That's not good! (bites Agumon) HEY!!! Who gave you the idea that Crest was yours!? Hand it over, you little squirt!
This could be interpreted as DemiDevimon simply being pissy that T.K. got his stuff back, rather than having premeditated the separation of him and his stuff.
PicoDevimon lunges for Takeru, trying to snatch the Digivice and Crest with his talons. Tokomon leaps from Takeru's arms to bite at him and chase him off.
Tokomon: I'LL PROTECT TAKERU!!! Takeru: (thrusts his Digivice forward) Tokomon!
At long last, Tokomon's ready to get back up to regular strength. TOKOMON SHINKAAAAAA!!!
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Agumon and Patamon go for PicoDevimon at once. PicoDevimon's able to swat Patamon away with his talons, lobbing him into the Teacups ride. But this distraction buys Agumon an opening to nail him with Baby Flame.
Once he reorients himself, PicoDevimon returns fire with his signature move, Pico Darts. He sprinkles the park below with these sinister syringes. One strikes a flower, which withers into ash.
The dub cuts out the Pico Darts in their entirety. Doesn't even show a glimpse of it. This is probably because they're clearly shaped like syringes. I'm not aware of trying to stab someone with a syringe being on the Censorship No-No List but I wouldn't be surprised by it.
The Pico Darts force Taichi, Takeru, and Agumon to scatter. PicoDevimon uses that opening to go for Patamon, grabbing him by the ears and flinging him onto the roller coaster track.
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Patamon finds his footing on the track, but PicoDevimon follows up with a wing bash. The hit sends Patamon tumbling through the air down the track.
PicoDevimon catches up, grabbing Patamon by his hind legs and dragging him along the track. As he flies, he mockingly cheers.
PicoDevimon: Isn't this fun? Doesn't it feel exciting? (PicoDevimon carries Patamon up to the Ferris Wheel) PicoDevimon: Up we go! It makes your eyes spin!
Patamon cries from the pain, but PicoDevimon keeps it up. He slams Patamon into the glass of a Ferris Wheel car, letting go of his legs. Patamon falls on his head on top of the car below, then bounces onto the one below that.
Sprinting to the Ferris Wheel with Taichi, Takeru calls up at his Partner.
Takeru: PATAMON, DON'T GIVE UP!!! (Patamon gets his second wind, lifting into the air to confront PicoDevimon again) Takeru: KEEP IT UP, PATAMON!!!
This gets drastically chopped up in the dub. First off, they carve out more of the action. Both the scene where PicoDevimon drags Patamon along the roller coaster and PicoDevimon slamming Patamon into the Ferris Wheel are removed, though they keep Patamon falling onto the two cars. So I guess DemiDevimon just dropped him.
Further, they change out Takeru encouraging Patamon to fight with T.K. begging Patamon not to fight.
DemiDevimon: You know, you really should consider renting yourself out as a football. T.K.: HANG IN THERE, PATAMON; WE'RE ON OUR WAY!!! DemiDevimon: (drops Patamon onto the Ferris Wheel) T.K.: STAY THERE!!! WAIT FOR US!!! (Patamon gets his second wind, lifting into the air to confront DemiDevimon again) T.K.: PATAMON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!? Tai: Let him do what he's gotta do. I've got a feeling that he's gonna be alright!
That feeling is called listening to the Japanese soundtrack. Tai can hear Show Me Your Brave Heart blazing right now through his earbuds, even if no one else can.
Spurred on by Takeru, Patamon lunges aggressively at PicoDevimon, headbutting him and sending him tumbling through the air. He follows up with an Air Shot, slamming PicoDevimon against the track.
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Dropping onto the track below, Patamon lobs another Air Shot into PicoDevimon, launching him up the track while grinding on his ass. Patamon concludes with a third Air Shot, which flings him from the track and off across the forest.
PicoDevimon lands in the lake with a splash.
Despite the cuts earlier, the dub retains DemiDevimon's comeuppance in all its violent glory. Including the headbutt. I guess its' only the violence against Patamon that they objected to.
Reminds me of how they trimmed down Etemon kicking our boys' asses in his finale. I don't think the dub team likes it when we're losing.
With PicoDevimon defeated, Takeru and Patamon make amends.
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Takeru: Patamon! Thank you! I'm so sorry for everything that's happened. Patamon: I told you, it's okay! Besides, I was able to evolve again because of you, Takeru. Let's be friends again, okay? Takeru: Okay. I need to apologize to Onii-chan later too. Patamon: That's right! (leaps into Takeru's arms for a hug)
The dub boys adorably bring the mushrooms back into this.
T.K.: You were awesome, Patamon! Now I feel even worse about the way I treated you. Patamon: We promised we'd always be friends and the first rule of friendship is forgive and forget! Let's forget it ever happened, okay? T.K.: Okay. I'll pretend I had a bite of that funny mushroom. Patamon: Me too, Ahahaha! (leaps into Takeru's arms for a hug)
Aww, that's cute. Sad they couldn't work Matt in there but overall I like the callback.
From the bushes, Taichi watches the reunion with Agumon.
Taichi: Let's leave them alone for a bit. Agumon: Yeah. Taichi: Anyways, that was a nice save you made, Agumon! Good thing you figured out what those mushrooms really were. Agumon: Actually, a voice told me. Taichi: Whose voice? Agumon: I don't know.
I'm sure Sora will appreciate knowing that her voice is so unmemorable. It's been more than a month and a half for her but it's been like an afternoon for Agumon.
For reasons I cannot fathom, Agumon doesn't tell Tai that it was Sora even though he knows that.
Tai: Aww, that's kinda cool, isn't it? Agumon: Yeah.... Tai: And it wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for you, Agumon! By the way, how did you find out about those mushrooms anyway? Agumon: Uh, voice in my head. Tai: You're kidding! Agumon: No!
...it was a voice from the bushes, Agumon. Not in your head. Also you know whose voice it was.
I said earlier as a joke that Agumon is high but I think he legit spent this whole episode stoned.
While Taichi and Agumon puzzle over that, PicoDevimon pulls himself out of the water. Before he can even gather his thoughts, a swarm of bats appears, forming into a humanoid shape.
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PicoDevimon: I-I'm very sorry! The Crest of Hope has regained its light!
Though Takeru's Crest is the second to shine, it's the first to be identified as a Crest of Thing. Up to this point, they've just been called the Crests, with no clear indication as to the differences between them.
His Crest is fairly straightforward in translation. Kibou de Monshou or the Crest of Hope. Kibou is a fairly straightforward term for "hope" with little nuance.
This lays bare what PicoDevimon's been doing all this time. His mission was to darken the Crest of Hope by plunging Takeru into despair. To isolate him from Yamato, to isolate him from Tokomon, so that he loses all hope entirely.
DemiDevimon says the same but adds:
DemiDevimon: The Crest of Hope has regained its light! I failed! But I'll make it up to you! I'll work overtime! And on Sundays!
I mean. He works for a vampire so the capitalism metaphor is appropriate.
While PicoDevimon reports his failure, Taichi catches Takeru up on what he's learned.
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Taichi: I don't know how they're doing it, but the distortions from this world are affecting the real world. That's why we need to fix them before we can go home. To do that, everyone will have to combine their strength. That includes you, Takeru. Takeru: I'll do my best! Taichi: That's the spirit! Now, let's go look for the others! Takeru: Yeah! Narrator: Taichi and the others left on a journey to find their friends. But what could have happened to Yamato and Sora?
We close on this ominous note from the narrator. A new journey has only just begun.
Though the narrator leaves us on this ominous question, the dub goes for a Moral of Our Story approach.
Tai: I guess it doesn't take a mushroom of forgetfulness to make us sometimes forget who our real friends are. T.K.: Yeah... Sorry, Patamon.... Patamon: It's forgotten, remember? T.K.: That's right, I forgot! Hehe!
Digimon Sez: Don't take your friends for granted, kids! Always be appreciative of what you have! And remember to floss.
Assessment: Been a while since Takeru got a focus episode. His episodes are few and far between.
As a foil to Patamon, PicoDevimon feels awkward because. Like. You would think Takeru would have some hangups about any sort of Devimon. He had a really bad experience with one. Moreso than any of the other kids.
You'd think that watching Angemon die would give him pause about blindly trusting any sort of Devimon. But I guess a month and a half of peace was enough to lower his guard that much.
In any case, the Vamdemon arc has officially begun. Chosen Children vs. the Nightmare Soldiers, let's go.
Up until the heavily hacked up final battle, the dub for this one was pretty good. It had a few changes I wasn't fond of, such as losing the timescale for how long Tai's been gone. But I feel like this one had more positives than negatives, and did a good job of staying on-rails for several scenes too.
It's certainly a welcome change after the last couple of episodes.
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aoki553 · 4 months
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GRGRGRGRG FINALLY AN OPPORTUNITY TO INFODUMP ABT HIM!!! tysm @makifishcake and prepare for a long ramble abt best boy ever (to me) and why saijun is real... let's start with an introduction to a canon crossover character only The Loser (me) cares about! this is gonna get messy in writing near the end cuz its like 3 am for me rn.
Kouno Jun is one of the two protagonists of Asou-sensei's older work, Our Hero Studies and is one of Haganeno Ken's students at Holy Lance Academy (a private school that either exists the same town as Saiki or some neighboring one)
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The only translated OHS chapters so far show us who Jun and Haganeno are as characters. Kouno Jun's a generic tsukkomi high school student with normal teenage boy interests and crushes... he's baby and a total boyfail.
Jun likes video games (Kaisou Monogatari, an in-universe franchise), ramen, melon soda and Yayumi - the class rep. Pretty normal dude that's just being constantly bothered by his classmates and the teacher he hates...
...and then there's Haganeno Ken - THE delusional cosplayer hero wannabe teacher with huge interest in roleplaying and RPG video games, who immediately takes a liking to Jun, mainly for his name (his name means shield, while Haganeno's mean sword. you see where i'm going?)
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most of the ohs panels will be machine translated cuz i have no strength or motivation to continue my actual translation work ngnhnh one day maybe... 😔
He may look like a generic high school shonen manga protagonist, but it's actually really charming to me how adorable he can be despite the boring presentation lolol HIS CRUSH ON YAYUMI IS SO CUTE UGHNHNH
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And yeah of course he shows up in Saiki bc WHY WOULDNT HE???
Asou-sensei put him there twice. In the Christmas chapter where he's walking with a girl (MOST LIKELY YAYUMI), sees Kusuo sitting alone and being like "haha that's so sad to be lonely on christmas lmao"... EXCEPT ITS HILARIOUS CUZ HE DOES THE SAME THING IN HIS OWN MANGA'S CHRISTMAS CHAPTER.
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and in the Hero Studies crossover chapter, right at the end as an unused character. (wouldn't make sense to have two tsukkomis there tbh so i get it lolol)
Same thing happens in the anime except Jun in the Christmas episode wasn't animated like he's an actual pre-existing character, except just a background character so he looks different but has the same jacket with his initials so its definitely him.
so here's all his screentime:
his terrible sense of style was referenced by Takeru at one point as well. yes, Jun dresses terrible and he has outfits much worse than this. hes a loser and i love him
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okay but what's with the saijun thing? orz
basically its a silly ship me and my lovely sweetest gf (@lu-kario ) came up with and it kinda stuck around. "omg haha what if the two protagonists from different manga dated" but yeah it became an actual thing with thought out scenarios between us.
Me saying it'd be like satousai but Kusuo finds someone "normal" with actual personality would be not giving this ship enough justice. I can't tell much rn cuz I forget 90% of the stuff i make up unless i write it down BUT all i'll say is that
I like to imagine Jun and Kusuo having a calm and nice relationship, lots of quality time spent playing video games or going out to get some ramen together. Kusuo gets to have someone more usual by his side and Jun isn't likely to be bothered by Ken when Kusuo is around (:3).
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and yeah, they do get another scene together in volume zero! how lovely! the christmas episode is also one of the reasons i find the ship cool but even despite the sillies having canon scenes and illustrations together i like it simply for fun.
canon crossover ships are cool and epic
my final words: go read ohs its fully in japanese online and 5 chapters are in english so far.
seriously go read it the fandom doesn't exist its really lonely.
and if you care abt our hero studies u can motivate me in the ask box, gimme a kick on the butt so i go and translate this work again after like a year or more of hiatus
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genichisojo · 5 months
Kagurabachi's Popularity: Familiarity Through Structure
Having a degree in writing and media is so fun because I can write an essay on why Kagurabachi can be defined as well written through craft standards and attribute its popularity overseas to its structure, which is framed similarly to western movies.
And I am!
After this interview confirmed that Takeru Hokazono, author of Kagurabachi, is a huge fan of western films, I went back to this idea I was playing with in October when KB had less than ten chapters. I had been reading since day one, and I knew it was good, and other overseas fan knew it was good. But what made it so good to us, overseas?
I made a quick thread on it on my Twitter account (that I never posted) where I mentioned Blake Snyder's Save the Cat book on script writing and story structure. I also brought up characterization and how it would've been really popular in my comic book class from undergrad. This thread discussed both Chihiro and Sojo, and the quick yet steady pace of the manga has given us more characters and moments to pinpoint. To not overwhelm myself, I'm not going to discuss the craft of characterization (maybe another time), and I'm not going to do a beat sheet for Sojo. For now, I'll try to stay under the first arc to map out why Kagurabachi has so far moved like a high budget film in manga form. So, spoilers ahead!
A quick lesson on Save the Cat, its three main characteristics are: Three act structure Fifteen plot beats Mostly applied to American Hollywood films
One of the biggest things I noticed right away was the resemblance a lot of the chapters, even the story as a whole, had to Snyder's beat sheet. This beat sheet that comes from Snyder's book is somewhat of an industry standard, so a lot of movies, even those that preceded Snyder, go through this structure of Act 1, 2, and 3. Snyder just identified the parts and broke them down to fifteen beats. Plus he dubbed the save the cat moment:
A decisive moment in which a protagonist demonstrates they are worth rooting for. Having the protagonist save a cat can be literal or figurative.
This was something KB needed and did have to have us warm up to Chihiro who post time skip, just gave gloomy orphan energy in the previous chapters. Here, Char would be our cat. Chihiro chose to save Char and chose to protect her, and continued to fight for her until she was rescued. He made this choice even before it's revealed that Char's mother died for her, something that would parallel Chihiro. This is what got readers to see him three dimensionally after being introduced to him. He's still the caring little 14 year old we saw at the start, who continues to take care of the innocent despite the tragedy he's been through. It is only natural for us to care for him, too.
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Above are the fifteen beats of Save the Cat and although KB on occasion doesn't hit all fifteen exactly as specified, especially final image as it's continuing, the song and dance is quite similar. Here are examples of The Dark Knight (2008) and Inglourious Basterds (2009), two movies that have inspired Hokazono's work.
Before Chihiro meets Char, we get his opening image of him and his dad forging which is works well as the entire story revolves on the consequences of them creating weapons. We get the set up to his world where he lives with his dad who made famous katanas that wield the power to end a war. The theme is stated, and it's not kept a secret: The katanas they make are weapons made to kill people. Are they willing to carry the burden? In another variation of this question, is Chihiro willing to carry the burdens unintentionally passed down by his father?
The catalyst is his father's murder that catapults him into seeking revenge and recover the katanas.
Now, for the rest of the story, this structure can be applied to the first 18 chapters or even 1-3 chapters at a time which in my opinion, is kind of insane. There's story telling inside the story telling, and these moments are both subtle and grand, signs of a strong and captivating writer. Hollywood would kill for a script like this these days. In order to get you to believe me how prominent these beats are, I'm going to do arc one and Daruma's story. The main story line should be around act one and two right now as of chapter 20, if we want to get down into it, but if anything, this feels like it's moving like a second "movie."
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Overall, this structure that comes from Hollywood movies can be identified in multiples parts of Kagurbachi's storytelling. I was going to do beat sheet's for Char and Sojo's stories as well, but I think this is enough of an example of a bigger picture versus smaller. Although other mangas also fall into three act structures, as most story telling does, KB masterfully uses the 15 beats to its advantage. I believe the familiarity of this pace is what hooked oversea audiences, and aside from that, the characters that quickly capture us.
Very quickly, because I don't want to make this about characterization, Chihiro is well written through his past, who he chooses to kill and save, his dialogue that can be surprisingly vulnerable at times, and his cool façade that melts because of how hot he truly runs. He is also straight up a badass. We get handed Char's background in an "all is lost" segment as well as some lore that can present her as a resource for the main cast. We see Azami's phone background photo that's minimum 3+ years old- a government employee with a soft spot for his friends, one who he is still clearly grieving. We get one tiny yet so fucked up bit of Sojo when we see him get a flashback where he's a child and his single dialogue of "I truly love Kunishige Rokuhira," that launched his type of villainy in the maniacal fanboy category. Who does it like that? Nobody but Takeru Hokazono.
Thank you for reading this essay! I do have two other essays drafted, one on Sojo's possible return (I'm a delusional Sojo fan) and just his overall significance and impact as the first villain even if he doesn't return, and on Hiyuki plus servant leadership versus self service.
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watcher-servant · 6 months
Rusted Arc: Summoning
In the summoning room of the storm border lies Ritsuka Fujimaru, Mash Kyrielight, and Kadoc Zemlupus were looking at the shield of galahad. Due to recent events, it was vest to try to summon another servant recently they had managed to get a sort of break due to a Guda Guda event and even summoned a new servant as well Yamato Takeru. For a moment, the trio were confused on how similar they were to King Arthur, but after 2 weeks, Yamato is fully accepted and even has a rivalry with Artoria but mainly in eating.
Now, this was different. Something was wrong. Something was coming was another singularity, a calamity, or was it similar to a lostbelt. They didn't know, but having another servant wouldn't hurt. "Sure about this, we already got a good group of servants," Kadoc asked his fellow master, the black haired young man letting out a breath as he only focused on the shield. "Yeah, I'm sure. Plus, who knows, maybe this servant could give us something unexpected," Ritsuka replied, holding out his arm as lights started emitting from the center of the shield. The balls of light started to slowly spin, going faster and faster, becoming a single ring of light turn to 4.
In the center of the light Ritsuka could see something a island that resembles something from Nursery Rhyme's book cover, ranging from multiple colored vegetation, talking animals, a purple blue cat, a dark beast wearing a mask, a blacksmith that seem to made of metal and wood and finally comes upon a sight. He was seeing a knight in rusted armor lounging near a big jackalope, and as if on instinct, Ritsuka reached out to the knight. The helm of the knight would look up, seeing the light a beacon reaching out for help. With hesitation, the knight got up as the jackalope followed close behind.
A bright flash would blind Kadoc, Mash and Ritsuka as in the command center of the storm border it was making note of a new servant being summoned already cataloging them as the emblem of what seems like a gentleman or smiling mask. "Wait, did he summon someone?" Da Vinci said, seeing the archive being updated registering the servant. Unknown to those in the summon room the presence of the new servant was felt across the base particularly affecting the servants of the Pretender class as a eloquently dressed man with butterfly wings let's out a laugh, a woman wearing black and red look up with slight interest, a girl with black and blue hair looking up from her magazine and goes back go reading not caring.
Back in the summon room, the mist would clear as appearing before the trio was a knight in rusted armor kneeling down as if they just landed from a long jump or swearing a oath. "In accordance to your call, I have been summoned to help protect humanity. Servant class: Pretender, tell me master what story you are trying to tell, " the knight said in a deep, tired voice as he gets up his blue eyes shining beneath the helmet. "I...what do I call you?" Ritsuka asked the knight, who started to take notes of his surroundings. "The rusted knight or RK if it makes things easier for you." RK replied. "Do you know our mission Mr.Knight?" Mash ask taking note if the weapon on the knight's back.
"I know enough. Humanity is in danger, and due to that, multiple servants are called to help. Though I will admit.....never thought I be summoned after.....Iori," RK said with a sullen tone with Kadoc, making note of the name but keeping it to himself. "I need to take this off. It gets stuffy in buildings," RK said as he took off his helmet, revealing his blonde hair with streaks of grey, a full beard, and deep, azure blue eyes looking at the trio. "Arthur?" Mash and Ritsuka asked, their heads tilting to the side. "That's not my name, and who's Arthur?" RK replied as the door to the summoned room opened, revealing a small girl in a black Gothic Lolita dress with braided grey hair holding a holding a big book and her purple eyes shining with glee seeing the knight.
(To be continued.....most likely in small posts)
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digitalgate02 · 3 months
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It's a miracle i managed to color this one because I was also almost not coloring everything in it LOL
So here's the baddies' outfits... On Daisuke. Yeah. If you read the previous post about this AU, you will remember he just starts as one of the lackeys of the big bad (which is Daemon and the Demon Lords) -- but the twist here is that... He wasn't aware of this at all, he believed the lab he was working at was some sort of digimon vet clinic/lab.
Well, you can see the color palette for the outfit is using the same ones from Daemon’s cloak :) 
And why the heckie does he appear wearing that getup in a vet clinic/lab? Well, he didn’t know either, but they claimed that it was for protection against certain digimon abilities (a lie, yeah) – but it makes no sense when he gets in touch with Chibimon and the digimon is not even that dangerous as he was told about. The digimon are some sort of critters from another world like in the canon, but I'm picturing them like the critters from Gaim (the Inves), as in, having their own world and the humans using them for some selfish purposes (eh, this is a bit of Cyber Sleuth/Hacker’s Memory too… Yup)
Oh yeah, Daisuke is not working alone in the “vet lab” apparently. He got coworkers. Some are nice, some are just so ready to dunk Daisuke into the trashcan because of him fooling around (he only does that when he’s BORED, y’know?? his job is really BORING!!) but I’m not sure who they are, if they are my OCs or if they are other characters from the canon or even from… the franchise in general. The other kiddo in the getup screaming at him there is… [drum rolls]
Himekawa Maki.
I know, this sounds really funny to think about… I want to just re-use all my ideas for Maki and Daigo so bad you can’t even. And I think I’m de-aging her a little and she’s only 3 years older than Taichi/Yamato/Sora/Meiko/Menoa here. She and Daigo are the same age tho.
Maki is Daisuke’s supervisor btw. Daigo… Well, he does not work here, but I’ll leave him for another post in the future.
And speaking of Daisuke’s circle of friends, who’re none than the same group he got in the canon universe… They all want him to quit that job for his own sanity. Ken, Miyako and Iori are way more vocal about this, meanwhile Takeru, Rui and Wallace try their best, but are not muuuuuuuuuch vocal. And Hikari? Hikari’s a mystery. She doesn’t like him working for that “vet clinic” and then thinks he should quit, but she’s the least vocal about it. I wonder why…
He didn’t quit it yet BECAUSE he claims he needs the money and this is the only job he got.
(and yeah, Daisuke’s backpack has a certain hedgehog’s keychain.)
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awritersstuff · 4 months
" I promise"
Guess who is back ! 🤪
A smoky fic that took me 2 hours to write .
Warning - a random oc ,a lot of pet names and a little change in og plot ( not little)
If someone would have told you 1 year before that you will a happy life with smoky, you would have kicked there asses . You knew smoky as the leader of rude boys one of the 5 groups of SWORD but You didn't really cared about SWORD and kurya being the youngest amamiya and a very good doctor your only goal was to find your oldest brother takeru with your other older brothers masaki and hiroto. So you traveled with your brothers to find the oldest amamiya. But you never thought your whole life would change when you found a injured little boy trying to hide in a corner of a dead end of a street . You didn't really care but being a doctor didn't really helped the situation. So you did what a doctor should do you gently picked up the child and gave him a  rescuing smile ,the little boy was too injured to protest . You toke him to a convince strore and started treating all his injuries when his stomach loudly growled.  he shyly held onto his stomach and looked at you . You gave him a sweet smile "it's not a shame to be hungry, that's a basic human need , you know what I am also hungry let's go eat something " . You toke the boy to a small dinner and as soon as the food arrived the boy looked mesmerized "can I really have it ?"  he asked as he was not confirm if he was allowed to eat that food " yes its all yours " you said giving the boy a small smile . The little child became very exited he was about to take a bite of the food as he suddenly stoped like he rememberd something " why are you helping me I don't know you , you don't me , then why " you looked at him in pure shock how can a small child be soo hostile,  but you smiled a little before speaking again " Okey then let's become friends I am yn amamiya and I am new here , it's  nice to meet you " the boy a bit taken aback at first but then he gave you nice smile and introduced himself "I am haru and it's nice to meet you too , yn "  as haru started eating his you asked him " so , where are you from haru , you know I can drop you there " haru looked at you "nameless town" he said his mouth still filled with food . ' No wonder you look so thin' you think to yourself. After finishing your food yn took her bike and went to nameless town.  As they entered the roads she could already feel some eyes on her , as she dropped haru off the bike she looked up in the sky . She could see a back of a man leaning on the railing of a very high building,  yn had a fear of heights so she herself couldn't even imagine standing there . As you turned to take your leave from the town , only to be blocked by a group which you assumed to be the rude boys." What is the amamiya sister doing here ?" Yn turned as she heard a cold voice. A boy with unruly hai stepping down from the metal steps "so, you are smoky "
If someone would have told you will live a happy life with smoky 9 months ago you would have given them a weird look, because how do they know about you and smoky. Even your brothers didn't know that just often you visited nameless town and spended your time with rude boys and the children there . Masaki will be more then pissed when he will find out that instead of hanging out with him when he asked.  You were with your "really good friend" smoky (as smoky told lala) on top of the highest building of nameless town looking at  the city lights as he made you realize how beautiful  his home is "there is nothing more beautiful than home and family"  in smoky's words . But that was a event of 2 months ago right now was a total different story . Smoky was on the bed, shivering from all the pain as you were treating his injuries. 
If someone would have told you that you will live a happy life with smoky 6 months ago you would have busted into tears.  Smoky's condition was getting worse day . Nothing was helping and the wound on his back was also getting worse . After returning from little Asia and losing takeru,  your two brothers got into trying to expose kurya with there previously enemies kohaku and tsukumo  . You still don't understand why masaki decided to trust them but you believed your older brothers.  As for you , you never really thought that you will lose takeru but here we are but now your only goal was to save smoky and the other victims of the disease.  You already lost a brother and losing Smoky,  you swore to yourself that you will , no must save smoky.
"You will live a happy life with smoky" hiroto said to you 3 months ago while you were sitting beside smoky, who was on the hospital bed still not awake. But all you do was give your brother a weak smile. It has been 2 months since the downfall of kurya.  The war was over but still it felt like you are not free.  You still rememberd the day when you reach just on time to help smoky, you don't even wanna imagine what would have happened If you were late , even by a second.
" are you going to stare at me whole night, anjel?" a very familiar voice broke your thoughts as you realized that you were staring at a sleeping smoky  for what it felt like hours . Smoky  lightly turned  his head to the clock on the bed stand and again at you " go back to sleep anjel you have to go to the hospital tomorrow " saying that he hugged you close to his chest " I love you" you said softly,  smoky only replied " go to sleep,  anjel" and a little smile tugged on his face . It still felt like  a dream finally being able to see him smile calmly after being through soo much , everything was finally okey . " your stareing again anj-wait why are crying,  baby " smoky was concerned seeing tears in your eyes "do you need something, honey" smoky asked as he tried to get up from the bed but hugged him even tighter " just don't go , stay with me " you said still crying " I am here and always will  be , my love " " lier , you were about sacrifice your skinny ass just some months ago " you fought back through tears hearing your words smoky let out a heartily laugh as he added " I will my love  , I promise "
Thanks for reading 😊
Love you, byeee 💜💜
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hinataxsunshine · 9 months
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2.01 — a reunion at last
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“Is.. something supposed to happen?” He muttered, his one still good eye glancing around the empty area. He winced as his hand reached up to brush against the still bleeding scar, and frowned. He needed to get this cleaned up, as soon as possible.
Hinata couldn’t even start to process what was happening next. Cars surrounded them, and at first Hinata had thought that it was the game.. but then he realized that he recognized those cars. It was the rest of the.. surviving beach members.
The remaining people who had survived the massacre that was the 10 of hearts. His heart ached at the thought.. but he wasn’t able to dwell on it long before suddenly one of the beach members were riddled with bullets. And then another.
“That’s an Anti-Tank rifle so—“ Chishiya has spoken up next to him, hands in his pockets as he started walking back. But the white haired male was interrupted by the car exploding next to the two, “..I’d forget about hiding behind cars”
As people ran— as his friends ran, Hinata just froze. His legs stopped working , and his eyes had been trailed on where the gunshots were coming from
He knew he needed to get out of there
Knew that if he wanted to keep survive, he needed to turn around and get the fuck away from whoever was shooting at him
But did he want to keep going?
Aguni had told him to live for him and Takeru. To keep Aisaka safe and make sure they made it out. But Hinata didn’t even know if Aisaka had made it. He hadn’t seen the younger girl since the chaos started. Since before Aguni had deemed everyone as the witches.
Someone grabbed his wrist, and before he could turn and question who it was— the person pulled him along. Hinata felt his legs wanting to give out, but he kept up. Following after the mysterious person. He couldn’t quite tell who it was yet.. he was still getting used to seeing with one eye.. and admist all the chaos it was hard.
For what felt like forever, the two ran. Ran until they found a forest. That’s when Hinata’s mysterious savior stopped and pulled her hand away. Hinata pants softly, putting his hands on his thighs for a second and caught his breath. He stood up, brushing himself up and turning to finally take a good look at whoever saved him and—
“Aisaka?” He breathed out, eye widening as he finally recognized who had grabbed him. He immediately wrapped his arms around the younger girl and held her close, putting a hand on the back of her head and the other holding her waist. It the way Aguni used to hug him, and what usually comforted him. So it was natural that he did the same for her. “Oh my gods.. I’m so glad you’re okay—“ he got out, before pulling away
He cups her cheeks and immediately started making sure she didn’t have any injuries. He didn’t even care about his own right now.
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plentyoffandoms · 11 months
In the Boardroom. (18+)
Warnings: Some swearing. Descriptive sexual acts. Oral sex (male receiving). SMUT UNDER THE CUT
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Am I late to this fandom? Oh hell, yes, but the show was so good.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @mkagemtr 2nd gif @deathinbordeland
Takeru Danma & Keiichi Kuzuryu.
Main Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous TV Shows Masterlist
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Takeru Danma
I tried to keep my breathing under control as I heard the doors open to the boardroom. I knew Danma had some serious shit to talk about today, but I all I could think about him in my mouth.
I couldn't see anything besides his knees down, and I had to stop myself from giggling as he pulled out his chair and sat in it, leaning back to give the impression that he was calm, but everyone single person in this room knows for a fact that he could blow his top over the simplest thing.
And I am looking forward to that.
He was still a bit too far back for me to do anything, but I waited to make my move.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally pulled his chair close enough to place his hands on the table.
Just as his palm smacked the table, I made my move. I placed my hands on his bare legs, and I moved my hands up towards my goal.
His voice went higher just a tad, and then he cleared his throat.
I heard Kuzuryū chime in, and at that moment, I made eye contact with Danma. I held my finger to my lips to make sure he didn't make any noise.
I went back to what I was doing and my hand cupped his hardening cock through his boardshorts, which I love and hate at the same time.
They look good on him but there is no slit for me to pull his cock through. I will just have to wait my time, but until then, I kissed the tip of his cock through the fabric.
I opened my mouth and wrapped it around the head and started to suck on the head gently.
"Let me see the list of people who are due." Danma said. No one seemed to notice how his voice was slightly laboured.
He stood up just enough to reach for the list, but it was enough for me to pull down his boardshorts and watch as his cock slap against his lower stomach.
I quickly wrapped my mouth around the leaking tip, and I had to stop myself from groaning at the taste and feel of him in my mouth.
I took him inch by inch in my mouth until he was fully in my mouth. I was about to pull back when I felt his hand on my shoulder and gripped it. His signal not to move.
I breathed through my nose as best as I could, not wanting to piss him off even more than he is now.
I know he wants nothing more than to grip the back my head and fuck my face until I have tears streaming down my face.
But I couldn't wait anymore, or I would pass out. I pulled away from him, trying not to gasp for air too loudly.
"What is that noise?" An asked.
"Nothing. Continue." Danma said before anyone could ask anymore questions, but I also know that the continue was to me as well.
I went back to work, bobbing my head up and down. My chin dripped with my spit as I stopped caring if anyone heard me, all I needed was his cum.
I could tell he was close. His breathing started to pick up. His hands were clenched into fists on his thighs. His chest was glistening with sweat as he held himself back from finally finishing.
"Get out." He suddenly said.
"But," some of the members started to say.
"I said get the fuck out!" His hand slammed on the table, making me jump slightly. "You have until the count of 5." I didn't stop blowing him as the chairs scrapped along the floor, as the other members left the room quickly. The door slammed behind the last member, and we were finally alone.
He pushed the table away and sat back in his chair. I felt him place his hand on the back of my head, and I stopped moving, knowing what was gonna happen next. He was brutal as he fucked my face. I could hardly see through the tears, and my jaw was sore.
"Fuckin' take it. Isn't this what you wanted, huh?" He asked just before he stilled, and he started to cum down my throat, with a loud groan I tried to swallow as fast as I could, but there was so much of it, it started to spill out of the corners of my mouth.
I continued to suck as he finished. I didn't stop until he pulled my mouth off of him. "Take the back way to my room." He said as I finally stood.
"Don't clean yourself. Make sure you are in position."
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Keiichi Kuzuryu
I have been cramped under this table for the past six minutes, waiting for them to enter the room. More specifically, Kuzuryu.
The same Kuzuryu who blushes whenever I do anything remotely sexual outside our shared bedroom. His face is going to be redder than a tomato.
I just hoped I had picked the right seat.
I was once again doubting I had the right seat when the doors opened, and I could see the flip-flops and sandals of the Executives, but Kuzuryu was wearing normal shoes. I have no idea how he gets away with wearing normal clothes while the rest of us are forced to wear bathingsuits.
When I complained to him about it once all he did was smile and say, "I like you in your bathingsuit." I have been putty in his hands ever since.
I slightly cheered to myself when he sat down right in front of me.
"Let's get this over with." I rolled my eyes at the sound of Niragi's voice. It's not like he has anything else to do. Not his turn to play. The Beach has been quiet for the last few days.
I waited for the perfect time. I had to wait until he was just distracted enough that I could suprise him.
I knew Kuzuryu was sitting there with his elbows on the table, his hands grapsed together in front of his face as he listened to each member talk.
He chimed in whenever he deemed it appropriate to add to the conversation. I knew I couldn't wait much longer, so I just went for it.
I touched the inside of his thighs, just ever so softly. I felt him jump slightly as I applied a bit more pressure.
I then heard and saw a pen being dropped on the ground next to his chair and he leaned down to grab it.
He made eye contact with me, and all I did was wave. Kuzuryu gave me a pointed look and I knew what that ment.
Don't do what you are thinking of doing.
And sat back up, his back even straighter I can imagine. Mira spoke up, and I tried to tune her out, but I knew Kuzuryu was distracted enough, so I placed my hands on his zipper and slowly pulled it down and reached in the slit of his boxers and pulled out his hardening cock.
I stroked his cock until it was fully hard and took the head in my mouth and softly sucked. I wrapped my hands around his cock and started to pump him as I sucked just the tip.
He loves it when I start off like this. Kuzuryu is usually lying on our bed, his eyes closed, and one hand on my head and the other doing something else.
I felt his hand on the back of my head, and to my suprise, he started to push my head down. I relaxed my throat and started to breathe through my nose as he just held my head against him.
I tapped his leg after a bit and pulled back once he relaxed his grip on my head. I took a deep breath and took him back in my mouth, and started to bob my head.
I didn't stop. Not even when I knew he was close. His leg was bouncing up and down. I gripped his balls in my hand and started to play with them.
I saw his stomach clench, and felt the first rope of cum hit the back of my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could. Making sure none spilled out.
"I'm bored. We can finish this later." The Hatter said as his chair scrapped against the floor.
The others followed except for Kuzuryu, who was still half hard in my mouth as I continued to suck him off.
"Kuzuryu, stay here and work on those reports about the rooms." The Hatter said as he stood at the door. I heard everyone else leave and just before he closed the door, I heard, "Hello YN."
Part 2 with Niragi, Chishiya & Aguni (18+)
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idlerin · 1 year
nonsense — 12. i despise you
five years ago still,,
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“quit whispering in my ear, people are starting to stare,” you whisper to oikawa who was sitting next to you, arm lazily placed around the back of your chair. maybe they weren’t just staring at the both of you because of the whispering. you were already standing out being the only one in black in the midst of the white aoba johsai uniform.
“hm?” he hummed directly in your ear, which made you shiver involuntarily, you only hoped he didn’t notice, but of course he did. you see the teasing smile he held, something you were oh so familiar to.
the both of you were currently in his school, because that’s where the joint assembly was held, you had the choice to come here by classroom assignments or by club, you chose to come by club because then there would be less people crammed in the bus.
“i despise you,” you say to him when he starts playing with your hair. the amount of staring got worse. he was popular! did he forget about that? it’s like you could feel the harsh glares of the jealous girls wishing they could be in your position. they could take it! gladly!
but then you don’t really mean that, do you? shut up mind!
“okay, [name]-chan,” he says, eyes at the front as if he was listening to whatever the speaker was saying, honestly, you weren’t too, maybe you’ll ask your classmates tomorrow or something.
you’ve known of oikawa tooru since junior high, he was already popular since then (has this man ever lived when he wasn’t popular?). he was that cool and attractive senior everyone had a crush on, even you were enraptured, he was just so charming, but then you quickly realized that most of his smiles were fake the day you confessed to him, sorta.
it was the last day before his batch's graduation, he was surrounded by people like usual while you were anxiously carrying out a gift (it was milk bread, since you learned from a senior that it was his favorite food) to confess to him with. you tried to find a moment where you could be alone with him, it was difficult, since people kept approaching him left and right and you weren’t about to just walk over and hand him a gift, how embarrassing that would be, you didn’t even think he knew who you were.
but eventually, he was left alone, and you were there from afar watching how his cheery smile fell from his face and what’s left was a tired expression. you were taken aback since you never saw your senior look so gloomy. you hesitantly stepped closer, not saying a word and handing him a gift.
he looked up at you at first, confused, then you watched his mask slip on again as he gave you a smile, “oh? what’s this?” he took the gift gratefully as you froze in his presence.
“i-i’m your number one supporter,” you bowed, face heating up because you stuttered. a lot of people have probably said that to him.
“you’re… [name], right?” the way he spoke your name made your heart beat obnoxiously faster. he knew your name! oh my god he knew your name! how did he know your name? “you’re from the journalism club, i see you around our games documenting it, thank you for the praises for our club!”
“you’re welcome,” was the only thing you could say as you stood up straight again. “i’ve also seen some of the shows you’ve been in so far, i think you’re really talented,” your face was impossibly redder. “t-that’s all, thank you, goodbye,” you say and run away, you hear him call out another thanks but you didn’t have the courage to look back.
you thought that was the last you’ll see of him, since you didn’t end up in the same highschool anyways, and your tiny little crush on him had faded. that was until you showed up at the house of the little boy named takeru you were supposed to be tutoring and jumped when you saw his figure sprawled on the couch. you continued tutoring takeru peacefully and ignored oikawa tooru. the last time you saw him was embarrassing, you think he’s forgotten about you already, you hoped he has.
but when you were on your way to leave he waved a complacent goodbye, “have a safe walk back home, [name]!”
and all of that lead you here to this moment, the assembly had ended and you were being dragged around by oikawa tooru to his classroom because he forgot something in there and decided you should come with him. now you were sitting on one of the classroom chairs— it was a really nice desk, why couldn’t karasuno get a clean not-carved by students' desk.
you watched as oikawa pokes his hand inside his desk among the countless school supplies he left there.
“what are you trying to find?” you ask, head laying on the desk.
“my pen! the one you gave me,” he said, “here it is,” he says triumphantly, showing you the pen with a crow design on it, yes you gave the captain of aoba johsai karasuno merch, what about it?
oikawa leans back on his chair, stretching, “god, i’m tired.”
“has your schedule been packed this week too?” you ask, face scrunched up, you were worried of course, for the past year, you’ve been exposed to oikawa’s rather hectic life, you try to remind him all the time to watch his health.
“yeah, glad i have the weekend off though,” he sighs, he then stood up from where he sat, walking in front of you, blocking your view of the board, “do you want to go eat out?”
you pause, looking up at him, “are you asking me out?” your face heated up at the thought, you just blurted that out without thinking, you were just supposed to ask that in your head.
oikawa notices again, of course he does, he notices everything. he leaned down a little, a hand on the back of your chair, the other on the desk, "[name]-chan, it seems like you're starting to fall for me," he smirks, he was teasing you like usual.
you try to give him a deadpan face as you curl your hand around his tie, tugging him down close to your face, you felt his breath hitch, now he knows how it feels, "and what if I am?” you say boldly. inside you were a complete mess, because why were you confessing, why were you confessing.
alone in this big classroom with just him and you, the warm hues of the sun filtering from the glass windows, from this angle, oikawa’s face was just so close, you realize you were still holding onto his tie so you let go of it abruptly.
you watch as oikawa gulps, “i like you too, [name],” he says it softly. it wasn’t teasing anymore, and now the two of you were incredibly red.
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masterlist — previous | next
✦ fun facts !
[name] meets the other boys shortly after this
oikawa and [name] dated for a year and a half!
[name] is a tsundere, if it isn’t obvious enough lol
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nonsense ! an oikawa tooru social media au
synopsis. you were oikawa tooru’s #1 fan, until you became his #1 hater. you hated him so much you went viral on twitter (accidentally) and literally became known as “the oikawa tooru hater”, doesn’t help that he keeps fueling the fire by subtweeting you. everyone is all in for this new drama. what isn’t known to the public, is that this particular drama’s been on hold for three years (him being your ex and all).
a/n — god i love writing fluff
taglist is open ! + @kawaii-angelanne @ceneridiankaa @kittycasie @rukia-uchiha-98 @polish-cereal @kellesvt @rockleeisbaeeee @kashxyou @imsoluvly @jjulliette @tooruchiiscribs @littlefreakjulia @gomjohs @qualitygiantshoepsychic @mellowknightcolorfarm @konzumeken @migosple @kuroogguk @sangwooooo @katsu-shi @wolffmaiden @rijhi @2baddies-1porsche @yeehawcity @aishkaaa @crueldinasty @rintarousprincess @yyuiz @epeec28 @llamakenma @penguinlovestowrite
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bagerfluff · 11 days
Anything For You
Older Takaishi Takeru x Male Reader
Prompt - "I'd do anything for you"
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“You idiot”, Takeru said.
You didn’t say anything back. You just watched as Takeru bandaged your wounded. You were sitting on the couch as Takeru kneeled in front of you.
Surrounded by medical supplies.
Takeru was right now wrapping up your chest. There were bruises and cuts all over it. “Why?” Takeru asked for the fourth time.
Again you didn’t say anything. The reason that you were bloody and bruised, covered in blood and bandages.
It happened about an hour ago.
A Digimon had come through a Digital Gate and you and Takeru were the only ones free that could take care of it.
You two had got the Digimon back though the gate, but not at the expense of some injuries.
Takeru was in the way of some fallen debris, so you pushed him out of the way. Takeru had also gotten hurt because of Digimon's attack. That pissed you off, you couldn’t save him from that.
That’s how you got like this. It wasn’t so bad that you had to go to the hospital, but Takeru insisted on taking you back to his house to patch you up.
You wanted to follow the Digimon through the Digital Gate, you wanted to destroy it. It had hurt Takeru, his right arm had bandages wrapped around the top of it.
There was even a little blood seeping through the bandage. You started at it as Takeru wrapped up your chest. “You call me an idiot yet you're the one who didn’t move even though you knew stuff was falling on top of you”, you quipped back.
Takeru rolled his eyes and stood up. “You could have gotten really hurt”, Takeru said sternly. You picked up your shirt and put it back on, groaning at the pain that shot through your arms.
You leaned back on Takeru’s couch, your Digimon jumping on your lap. You hugged them close to your chest. “Why?” Takeru asked again, starting to pick up everything.
You didn’t say anything, just watched as Takeru picked everything up. You knew that answer to that question. It was because you cared about Takeru. You loved Takeru, you’d do anything for Takeru.
He was your best friend and you loved him. You didn’t want him to get hurt. You’ve seen him get hurt many times in the past, not again. You would rather you get hurt than Takeru, you hated seeing him in pain.
You saw how Takeru fell on the ground clutching his arm as Angemon and your Digimon lead the Digimon through the gate. After you made sure Takeru was alright you wanted to follow the Digimon.
You wanted to get on D/n's back, go into the Digiworld, and get rid of it.
But Takeru had stopped you, you were so close but he told you to stay, that everything was fine. No, everything wasn’t fine, Takeru was hurt.
Something had to pay.
You didn’t care what happened to you, as long as Takeru was fine. You thought all of this as you watched Takeru clean up. “Cause”, you stood up, taking your Digimon with you. Takeru looked at you waiting for your answer.
“I’d do anything for you”, you told Takeru.
Takeru blinks at you a few times. “Really?” Takeru asked, turning his body at you. You could tell that Takeru was skeptical. His eyes showed that he didn’t believe you.
You stared into Takeru’s eyes. You felt something come over you, just the way Takeru looked. His hat ditched on the table, so you could see his messy blonde hair.
His blue eyes bored into yours with curiosity and worry. You felt protectiveness wash over you. You glanced at Takeru’s upper arm, blood stained bandages and burns under it.
Your heart told you something, but you didn’t know what. What you did now was, “yes”, you answered, not a lie in your voice. You’d do anything for Takeru. “Then stop putting yourself in danger, I would have been fine, Patamon would have gotten to me”, Takeru said.
Patamon made a noise of agreement from the arm of the couch. You could tell that Takeru was really worried about you. You could see that he really thought you could have been hurt worse, or died.
You placed your Digimon down on the couch, right next to Patamon. You nodded and walked closer to Takeru, pulling him into a hug. You knew that Takeru cared about you, you were his best friend.
You’ve known him since before he first went to the Digiworld. “Okay”, you said. You’d listen to Takeru. He asked you to stop so you would stop, but something told you, maybe your heart, that you’d do it again.
You still wanted to destroy that Digimon, they deserved it. Nobody hurts Takeru, not if you had anything to say about it. “I have to go”, you picked D/n back up, “my parents are probably worried”, Takeru nodded
A smile on his face. It reminded you that you’d do anything for that smile. “Okay, see you tomorrow”, Takeru said, Patamon on top of his head waving goodbye.
You left Takeru’s apartment, with no intention of going back home.
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“Are you sure you want me to do this”, Your Digimon asked.
They were at the champion level, on top of the passed out Digimon. The same one that had come though the Digital Gate. You watched from the forest as they fought and as D/n won.
You had found the Digimon eating in the clear, ordering your Digimon to attack. They did, quickly getting on the ground, passed out. You started at it, they didn’t even care.
They didn’t apologize, didn't show remorse for what they did. “Yes, destroy it”, you said. No emotion in your voice. Your Digimon turned back to the Digimon and attacked.
You watched with a smile as they screamed and turned to pieces. Back to being a Digiegg. Your Digimon dedigivolved and ran back to you. “Can we go home, I’m hungry”, they said while rubbing their eyes.
You smiled down at them, “sure, I’m hungry too”, you turned around and started walking. They were gone now, they would never hurt Takeru again.
Maybe they can tell their friends what happens when anyone dares mess with who you love. You knew that if anyone knew you did this they would yell at you.
So you made D/n promise to keep it a secret. They said they would at the promise of chocolate. That was fine.
You knew what you did was wrong, but you didn’t care. They deserved it, they hurt Takeru. They should know now, everyone should know.
You’d do anything for Takeru.
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tobiasdrake · 27 days
Digimon Adventure 01x04 - Scorching Heat! Birdramon! / Biyomon Gets Firepower
Previously on Digimon Adventure: The kids spent their first night on File Island, accidentally assaulted a sea dragon, and then slept in dirt. Also, Yamato loves his brother very much.
Now it's Sora's turn for a spotlight episode.
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As the kids make their way through the woods, they hear a loud rumbling sound like a train coming from the sky. Looking up, there's a mysterious flying disc.
Yamato gets the best look at it, identifying it as some kind of gear. Sora suggests flying saucer, while Mimi splits the difference offers gear-shaped meteorite. Jou doesn't know what it was; He just gets a bad vibe from it.
In the dub, Matt suggests some kind of aircraft. Sora's the one who pegs it as a gear, while Izzy takes it as clear visible evidence for his alien theory. Joe agrees with Izzy and riffs on the show's art, declaring "They hit us with an antigravity way to make us all crooked; Or maybe that sign's just crooked?"
The conversation is interrupted when Takeru trips on a vine and hurts his ankle. Wilderness travel sucks.
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Taichi and Yamato both rush to Takeru's side, but Taichi gets there first. One detail I really love in this scene is that Takeru visibly turns his head to talk directly to Yamato when he cries that his fall hurt.
Takeru tries to be tough, saying he can take it and it doesn't really hurt that much. Sora assures him that it's okay to be honest about his pain, and gives Takeru confidence to withdraw that retraction. It does hurt. Patamon, way too late on the uptake, suddenly screams "ARE YOU OKAY, TAKERU!?" and Tentomon calls him out for being slow.
The dub cuts this whole discussion of Takeru's pain. When Tai picks him up, he chastizes him because "That could have been a snake!" T.K. apologizes for being clumsy, then asks Biyomon if the island has snakes on it. She assures him it doesn't; There's just giant killer bugs and stuff, no snakes. Patamon then boldly proclaims that he'll fight those Digimon to protect T.K.
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From here, we get into Sora and Piyomon's conflict for this arc. As the group discusses where we even go from here, Piyomon begins nuzzling Sora and declares that she'll be perfectly happy as long as she's with Sora.
Sora does not take this well. "Even if you're 100% happy, it'll be troublesome for me. I can't be held responsible." Piyomon doesn't understand what she means by that and eagerly asks her to explain, because she wants to know everything about Sora. Sora tries to wave off her questions; That was not an invitation for further conversation.
As the kids start walking again, Tentomon explains to Koushiro that Piyomon are highly social Digimon. Behind them, Piyomon takes Sora's hand while they walk and sings, "Sora~ Sora~ Sora~!" While Piyomon physically clings to her, Sora wonders to herself whether she's going to be able to get along with a "mushy Digimon" like Piyomon.
The dub cuts all of this. As the kids discuss where to go, Tai suggests looking for signs of intelligent life. Biyomon takes offense to that, asking Sora if Tai just insulted the Digimon. Sora assures her that Tai didn't mean it like that, then spends the rest of her dialogue explaining how important it is that they stick together and work as a team to find their way out of here.
As the kids start walking, Matt imitates a tour guide and introduces everyone to "The Forest of Irrelevant Road Signs". Sora rolls her eyes and complains internally, "We're lost and these guys are making jokes!"
Good news is, the kids finally find their way out of the Forest of Irrelevant Road Signs. Bad news is, the Desert of Inexplicable Telephone Poles seems much worse. I vote we stay here.
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A quick cut shows us the gear crashing into a nearby mountain shaped like a layered sponge cake, because File Island is weird. In the dub, the kids see and comment on "the flying saucer again", with Matt proclaiming that it's "heading for a close encounter!" But this shot is for the audience's benefit, not theirs.
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Walking through the desert, Koushiro compares it to the African savannah he saw on TV. This prompts discussion of whether they'll run into lions or giraffes, but the Digimon assure them there are no such animals here. Only Digimon.
Yamato asks Koushiro if the African savannah has phone poles in it. My heart goes out to him for that question. Like, you can hear the hopefulness behind the question, like maybe they've finally pegged where they are. But no. There are no inexplicable telephone poles in the African savannah.
Jou, however, takes the phone poles as a sign of hope. We flash back on the pay phones and the trolley. If there's so much stuff here then there must be people. Behind him, Tentomon whispers to Koushiro, once again reasserting that there are no people. Only Digimon.
In the dub, they head into the desert to purposefully follow the phone poles, then use the rest of their dialogue to complain about the heat. T.K. whines that he can feel the heat coming up through his socks, so Matt suggests putting his shoes back on. Mimi then complains that the desert air is bad for her complexion, providing the others another opportunity to yell at her.
Dub Sora points out that the phone poles aren't connected to anything. Izzy takes that as a chance to theorize that they're some kind of alien devices.
For the flashbacks on the pay phones and trolley, Dub Mimi abruptly asks, "Hey, remember those phone booths and the street car?" but she's not going anywhere with this. "I was just wondering if anyone else remembered!" This provokes Joe into suddenly proclaiming that everyone is doomed and the heat is baking their brains. Behind him, Tentomon whispers to Izzy that they need to find shade for Joe.
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Amid all this, Mimi has an idea to help them navigate the desert. Remember that compass from the survival kit she stole from her dad? Mimi remembers.
The dub plays this for a joke. "You won't believe what happened to my favorite watch. The sun melted the numbers right off!" The way she delivers this suggests Mimi herself might be cracking a joke, but the way the dub treats her in general leaves it kind of ambiguous.
They also seem to think this is a different compass, as Tai cracks a joke about Mimi having "a lot of compasses for someone who hates hiking". No, Tai. She has the one. From the survival kit she stole from her dad.
Holding the compass out flat, it begins to spin wildly and can't find a direction. So. That sucks. Koushiro assesses the sand they're walking on and realizes it's actually powdered iron, which is throwing off the compass. So much for that.
Next steps: We should probably find water before we all dehydrate. Seems like that would probably have been a good thing to think about before beginning a death march through the desert, but these are children.
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Here, the Japanese crew start suffering from the heat, joining the dub crew. Gomamon proclaims that he needs ice or, at least, water. In the dub, Izzy lands a good joke by explaining that he's taken a soil sample, measured the barometric pressure, and analyzed the relative humidity to come to the conclusion: "It's really, really hot."
Mimi takes off her hat and gives it to Palmon to protect her from the harsh sun. Dub Palmon gets in a crack about "If this goes on too long, I'm going to look like a wilted salad."
Mimi's kind gesture surprises Sora, who starts to say something but then stops herself. Piyomon then starts in, calling out Sora's name like a child trying to get her mom's attention until Sora finally snaps at her. Sora yells at Piyomon to quit clinging to her, because she's tired and thirsty and can't take it anymore.
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Feeling guilty for hurting Piyomon's feelings, Sora takes it back and agrees to let Piyomon keep walking with her. Piyomon forgives her instantly, hugging her legs and proclaiming, "Sora, I love you!"
Once again I want to take a moment and comment on the art, as the decision to center Mimi and Palmon with their clear, visible gesture of care for one another on full display in this shot is perfect.
Though I also want to note that, while Sora's behavior towards Piyomon is hurtful and that's what drives the plot of the episode, it should be taken with the perspective that they just met yesterday. Piyomon is being pretty clingy. There's nuance here.
Again, the dub cuts Sora and Piyomon's emotional conflict out of the scene entirely. They use the screentime to make jokes. Matt cracks, "Now you know why they call them SWEAT socks!" while Mimi gets in a stellar crack, pointing out that this "beach" would be a lot more popular if it had a couple more things like an ocean. XD
When Biyomon stops walking in visible distress, it's because she's tired and needs to rest. Sora suggests pretending that it's raining, which gives Biyomon so much encouragement that she runs up and hugs Sora. She loves the rain so much.
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Breaking out his telescope, Taichi finds the most wonderful sight in the distance. That's not just an oasis, it's a full-blown village. This is the brightest moment since the kids arrived on File Island! Let's get over there!
Jou triumphantly declares victory; He knew there'd be people here! Mimi's thirsty, Takeru's hungry, everyone's excited for an end to the desert.
Dub Tai and Joe are both more interested in the water than the village, but Izzy's interested in the village; He's the only one that suggests there may be people. Mimi wants shade, while T.K. is "hungry enough to eat broccoli!"
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Meanwhile, the gear finds its way to its target. Slamming into this man made of fire, it grotesquely digs into his flesh and buries itself in his body.
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The village... isn't exactly what they anticipated. The kids quickly realize that they will not find shelter here. The huts are like two feet tall and populated by dozens of Pyocomon.
This revelation naturally leaves Jou distraught; No people, once again. Mimi thinks it's cute, though; It reminds her of a faerie tale. Dub Joe's upset because they won't fit into the huts, while Mimi wants to take a Pyocomon home with her to put with the rest of her plushies. This gives them yet another chance to shit-talk her, with Matt wondering aloud if Mimi even hears the same things the rest of them do while Izzy accuses her of being an alien spy.
The dub is so mean to Mimi.
In fact, Piyomon used to be one of those Pyocomon, and takes the opportunity to catch up. While Sora listens in and seems genuinely touched by how much Piyomon cares about her. We watch her frown turn to a smile as Piyomon brags that she evolved because of Sora and she's learning new words from Sora.
But then Piyomon says she evolved to "protect Sora" and that offends her. Sora grumpily mutters to herself that Piyomon's too lovey-dovey to protect anyone. But then she flashes back on Greymon and Garurumon's evolution, realizing that something similar might happen to Piyomon if she's put in danger. That brings the smile back to her face.
The dub keeps most of this, but Sora isn't as mean about the "protect Sora" remark. She sounds more curious about what that means, then thinks about Greymon and Garurumon and she gets it. Grinning, she proclaims, "We're lucky kids!"
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The Pyocomon offer to prepare a feast in the kids' honor. Koushiro briefly considers what the food will be, but his thoughts are interrupted when Takeru finds the water!
Tentomon explains that this isn't just any spring; This water comes from Miharashi Mountain, that odd layered mountain that the gear flew off to. Dub T.K. observes that it's a volcano, but the Yokomon assure him that "the heat boils away all the germs".
At this point, we see the gear finish burrowing into the fire man from before. Then the attack begins.
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The kids try the lake that the derelict boat was sitting in, but it's completely dried up. They move to a well in the village, but fire pours out of that as well.
They quickly assess that this must be related to that gear they saw flying to Miharashi, seeing as it's the water source for everything here. The Pyocomon offer context that Meramon lives on Miharashi and he's supposed to protect it. How could something have happened?
Like Seadramon, the dub makes Meramon out to be more vicious than the original. Here, the Yokomon speak of Meramon with terror, saying they don't dare visit the mountain because of how dangerous he is. "He burns up everything he touches!"
Taichi scouts the mountain with his telescope and finds no answers, only a bigger question: Why is Meramon descending the mountain and coming right for us?
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Meramon irrationally screams that he's on fire and burning up, while the narrator officially introduces him. He's an Adult-stage Data-type Digimon. This is where the dub got "He burns up everything he touches", but the narrator clarifies "in battle".
In the dub, Palmon handles his introduction but all she offers is that it's weird for his own flames to be causing him pain like this. Accurate, but also self-evident.
Also, while he's clearly out of his mind and screaming about burning up and being in pain in both versions, Dub Meramon starts throwing out violent taunts like "You're gonna need more than sunscreen to stop me!" that imply more deliberation in attacking the village.
Both versions do start laughing maniacally as they approach the village, however, so the dub isn't wrong with their take. The gear-infected Meramon isn't coming this way by chance.
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Evacuating the village, the kids usher the Pyocomon to take cover inside the wrecked ship. But while they're helping these Pyocomon, Sora's struck with a horrifying realization: Piyomon's still up there, at the top of the cliff that the lakeshore's become, guiding the Pyocomon. She won't leave until the rest of her village are safe.
The intensity of Piyomon's peril sends Sora racing for the cliffside to come get her, but she's too late. While the Pyocomon all make it out, Meramon catches Piyomon on the cliff's edge and takes a swipe at her, sending her tumbling down the cliff. Sora catches her at the bottom, and the two share a moment as Sora expresses how worried she was for her friend.
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But, up at the top of the cliff, Meramon prepares to attack. As he forms a fireball in his hand for his Burning Fist attack, Piyomon flies back up to defend Sora.
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Piyomon's signature move is Magical Fire, a green spiral flame that proves absolutely ineffectual against the ever-burning and Adult-stage Meramon. The dub calls it Spiral Twister. Meramon shrugs off the attack and blasts Piyomon out of the sky with his Burning Fist.
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The others offer cover fire with such moves as Baby Flame and Petit Fire, all of which Meramon absorbs and grows larger. It takes the kids a moment to realize that fire isn't going to work out here.
The dub here offers a reminder that Meramon's a victim in all this. Dub Meramon exclaims, "Why do I suffer so!?" which Tai overhears and wonders the same; He wants to help Meramon but they don't know what's afflicting him.
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As the now-colossal Meramon descends into the lakebed to assault the ship and kids, Piyomon picks herself off the ground. Seeing Sora in Meramon's path, she finds her second wind and refuses to give up.
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The dub takes the focus of that moment off of Sora. Biyomon exclaims, "We're all in trouble; Meramon cannot be allowed to win!" and then digivolves because "My friends need my help now!"
Birdramon's name at this point is fairly self-explanatory. She's a Bird Dragon Digimon.
Returning Meramon to the lakeshore, Birdramon tanks multiple Burning Fists before returning fire with her own signature move: Meteor Wing.
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This does not get a dub name; At least, not in this episode. Whoever did the script for this episode seems to have not liked the whole attack-calling thing, as both Meramon's Burning Fists and Birdramon's Meteor Wing go completely unnamed. Meramon's attack calls are replaced with exertion grunts, while Birdramon's is replaced by high-pitched bird cries. Later episodes will have Birdramon call Meteor Wing by name, however.
Somehow, despite Meramon absorbing fire moves and growing stronger, hitting him with six massive fireballs does the trick.
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Meramon doubles over in pain, returns to normal size, and ejects the gear from his back. The gear flies up into the air, then explodes in a puff of smoke. The kids all see the black gear, but they don't really understand what they're seeing. Still, Yamato wonders aloud if the gear was the problem here.
As usual, the dub kids are quicker on the uptake. Izzy and Tai both agree in much more confident terms that the gear drove Meramon mad. Matt relates; "If you had a big black gear stuck inside of you, you'd act a little crazy too."
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Sora and Piyomon reunited, and Sora's overwhelmed with gratitude for Piyomon's protection. When Piyomon declares, "I love you, Sora!' again, it's met with an appreciative smile.
This moment's gushier in the dub, because Sora never had any reservations about their relationship to begin with. She spends her lines gushing that Biyomon's always there for her and that she's super proud of her.
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Offscreen, the lake fills back up with water. The Pyocomon return to their village and unpack what happened with Meramon. He's as confused as they are. Still, they have no hard feelings over it and ask him to continue protecting Miharashi as he always has.
Despite the dub making the Yokomon terrified of Meramon and portraying him as a violent, territorial menace, this scene is played straight. "You're needed to protect Mount Miharashi!" they say of a 'mon they previously said burns up everything.
In any case, Meramon returns to his mountain and the water is restored. There's just one thing left to do: Let's get to that feast!
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All the grain and birdseed you can eat!
The kids quickly agree that this is not people food. But also that they're starving and desperate, so dig in, everybody!
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To varying degrees of acceptance. Mimi, in particular, cries out that she wants to go home, giving everyone a chuckle.
Ironically, the dub makes Mimi the most gracious. "Be polite and just eat it; A gracious guest never insults his host's cooking!" she says from offscreen, criticizing the others for their reluctance. Joe, meanwhile, refuses to eat, saying he's probably allergic anyway.
We close on Sora contemplating Piyomon, acknowledging that she really did evolve to protect her, just like she said she would. Dub Sora, again, had nothing to learn in this episode so she closes with the observation, "For being so little, she sure has a huge heart."
Assessment: The dub butchered this one. The previous episode seemed to be going a different direction with Matt, seeming to make him more abrasive to T.K. so he has room to grow. This one does the opposite; They erased Sora's entire character arc. Which is. Y'know. The plot of this episode. So.
Sora having trouble with Piyomon's displays of affection is our first glimpse at a deeper turmoil that will become important in later episodes, so I'm not happy about having that removed.
I do, however, like the mid-fight reminder of Meramon's affliction. And the dub also landed some solid jokes too; I particularly liked Matt sarcastically calling their surroundings the "Forest of Irrelevant Road Signs", conveying that he's starting to get irritated by the bizarre and inexplicable geography of File Island. So it does have a couple things going for it in this one.
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