#eva heresy
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odeada · 10 months ago
editing vtubers like youtubers during that 2014 era (happy April fools !!!)
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Eva Heresy | DemoLynne | Beau
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pandora odeada | Mike Outrun2019
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Amalthea GalaxiaCornus | T.K. of RedVioletTV
17 notes · View notes
bestworstcase · 1 month ago
Thank you so much for the further explanation, I think most if not all of your speculation is incredibly sound! But just so I'm not misunderstanding your point your argument is that The Monarch at The Crossroads is The Wheel correct? Or are you arguing that the Monarch is a Hod from Stone that has otherwise not been explicitly named? And The Black Dove refers to not The Monarch himself but a Name of the Monarch who would eventually ascend to become the Hour known as the Ivory Dove? At the risk of causing further confusion and or time lost on wild speculations, how do you think that tracks with the information we got in Hol in relation to a certain Black Wolf and Rowena, and how this all might relate to The Wolf Divided and Ys? Regardless your enthusiasm for the lore of these games is so commendable and inspiring!!!! So again thank you for your response. It certainly gives me a lot to think about!
i'm normal ab the wolf-divided come closer
OUGH okay so. the six attested gods-from-stone—wheel, flint, tide, seven-coils, horned-axe, & the egg unhatching—do seem pretty inarguably to have been the only gods-from-stone at least insofar as 'from stone' is taken to be a discrete category as opposed to a catch-all for the pre-lithomachy ruling hours usurped by the gods-from-blood and light. my thesis broadly is that the gods-from-stone originated from the wood and the house of the moon—that is (in biblical terms), the pillars of the earth.
the gods-from-stone are of particular importance vis-a-vis the events of the lithomachy for obvious reasons; however, they were not the only hours around during that time. the Nowhere-hours existed as well. disciplines of the scar hushery commit makes the implication that the mansus exists at all because of conflict between the gods-from-stone and the Nowhere-hours:
The Mansus is the fortress in dream raised by the gods-who-were-stone. Nowhere is the inevitable scar beneath it. Monstrous, the gods-from-Nowhere; but cruel, the gods-who-were-stone.
similarly, the priest can give this sermon:
'In the House of the Sun, the dance of the angels of Glory does not cease. Those who were cast down, wave or wound or snow, are gone from the House, and as long as their parts in the dance are filled, they may never return. Therefore let us join hands, and add our little steps to the dance.'
two of these are unambiguously gods-from-Nowhere—snow, and the blackbone—while the third is evidently the giribrago, who seems to reside in the glory based on what very little we can glean about him. and these are all hours who were 'cast down', which is the same sort of language used elsewhere to describe the extirpation of the gods-from-stone.
and of course even in the present, we find Nowhere-hours exerting influence and wielding in some cases considerable power beyond Nowhere; the mare-in-the-tree, for example, is both the third hour of calyptra and the sister when the sister-and-witch are not conjunct (with the applebright being the witch in relation to the mare).
likewise the vagabond has gone Nowhere and i would argue that she ought to be considered a god-from-Nowhere as well as from flesh for several reasons (the traveler is always returning and is thus, in a way, always nowhere; her painted river flows up into the mansus from nowhere; neither the vagabond nor nowhere can truly be kept out).
the point being that the Nowhere-hours may exist outside the laws governing the, for lack of a better term, gods-from-somewhere, but their exile is imperfect and likely always has been—just as alukites are monstrous outlaws but the ligeians wield immense power as Names of the Twins and holders of the keys, the gods-from-Nowhere are an exiled class of abyssal gods but some have been quite successful in establishing footholds of power in the upper realms.
it's just that this is impolitic to acknowledge, in-universe. the Nowhere-hours don't count, and things like (for example) the malachite's liaisons with the mare-in-the-tree are regarded as anomalous and kept secret (even if poorly) because they are forbidden.
hence: the monarch-at-the-crossroads is/was a god-from-Nowhere contemporaneous with the gods-from-stone. as i said, broadly my theory is that the gods-from-stone ruled over the house of the moon,* the woods, the bounds, with the house of the sun being its enigmatic reflection—before the dawn, night, so to speak. given that context, it makes sense to me that the house of the sun might have been ruled by a Nowhere-hour.
(*i consider the meniscate to be a god-from-stone as well as from light for this reason; she presides over the house of the moon now and she "was born in the moon from light")
there are a handful of references to the house of the sun during this period (e.g. in the book of dissolution) and all note that it was different in some fundamental way.
now consider that:
one tradition holds the mansus to be a fortress raised by the gods-from-stone in the course of their conflict with the Nowhere-hours.
the wood, the bounds, and the house of the moon are all conventionally figured to lie beneath the house of the moon, between Nowhere and the mansus.
it is the gods-from-blood and light who are said to have opened the ways into the house of the sun, and nearly every attestation of the gods-from-stone locates them in the woods or the bounds.
…so it actually makes quite a bit of sense for the gods-from-stone to have been in conflict with a Nowhere-hour whose domain existed above theirs—the Sky. the firmament. the Thirty Birds who had dreamt themselves out of Nowhere to become the Monarch-at-the-Crossroads. (in the allegorical sense this also tracks: one builds a house to protect oneself from the wind and the rain.)
and this loosely follows the biblical order of creation: first the separation of day from night, then the parting of the waters, then the formation of the earth, then vegetation, then celestial bodies, then birds and fish, then the beasts of the land. the monarch-at-the-crossroads in this reading represents the parting of waters; and the gods-from-stone presided at the emergence of land from the sea (flint, tide, seven-coils), the growth of the wood, the creation of celestial bodies (wheel and egg unhatching, sun and moon). and then the lithomachy begins with the birds of the air and the fish serpents of the sea.
now all that said
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one thing i think worth keeping in mind with regard to the Nowhere-hours is that they are, in effect, chthonic powers – they are not dead per se in the sense that the gods-from-stone or the sun-in-splendour are dead, but they also do not seem to be considered alive per se (and certainly if "the oldest living hours are the gods-from-blood" then the Nowhere-hours who are older must necessarily be unliving.)
death is down – death is Nowhere – and 'dead' is also not an immutable state of being but rather seems to be understood as the act of descent itself (cf the major forge victory: "I  am Nowhere. Nowhere is lit by lamps of black nephrite. In Nowhere, we hear the voices prophesying. In Nowhere it is very cold. But it is always possible to be deader." – if death is down then "deader" implies "deeper"). and because the passage from life to death can be figured as a threshold, the sanguine exception applies – the door must open both ways, that is, the dead can rise back into life.
we can find any number of examples demonstrating this principle (the thunderskin, the sister-and-witch, elegiac winter-long…) but it's also interesting to consider with regard to the Nowhere-hours. what does it mean to be from Nowhere? a thing that begins in the depths and seeks to rise can't be dead (because it hasn't ever died) but it also isn't exactly alive. i think – and this is very tenuous, i don't have firm textual evidence – that the Nowhere-hours may be sort of reverse-psychopomps, in that rising from death is possible fundamentally because the Nowhere-hours are down there and striving in the other direction.
now, the serpents & venoms hushery commit:
In the dawn times the sun was lower, so we gave it our blood. From our blood it knew us, and so it was kinder. Its serpents brought us its poisons to drink, and so we died. But we only died a little, and so we dreamed, and returned the next day to give it our blood again.
infers an equivalence between death and dreaming – and that suggests some interesting things about how the monarch-at-the-crossroads came to be as per the sky determination 'we came from nowhere': the Thritige-kind "dreamed themselves out of black glass, to be their own Monarch." this is, as i noted previously, overtly drawn from 'the conference of the birds' and the last thing the birds in the poem must do to achieve enlightenment or reawakening as the simorgh they seek is self-annihilation. death here is figured as metamorphosis.
likewise in the secret histories, the Thirty Birds dreamt themselves out of Nowhere, and dreaming is figured as a kind of dying; thus, the monarch-at-the-crossroads became so by rising-from-death. but the Thritige-kind weren't really alive to begin with because they came from Nowhere, and i think this is the key. the monarch never died, but he came to life from death.
who leaves a place without entering it?
put a pin in that for a moment. let's talk about rowena and the black dove. and henavek.
first point: like vak, henavek is a god. (conversations on this subject between yvette and arun indicate there is one tradition which regards vak and henavek as sister and brother, and another – or possibly the same – that they're lovers.) denzil "refers to it as 'Tavas Mytern' - perhaps 'the King Tongue' - and speaks not of 'it' but of 'him', as if the language were a living king indeed."
both commits for henavek get at the 'as above, so below' conceit ("what starts in the roots, ends in the sky" and "what starts in the sky, ends in the earth"). this is a thematic idea that comes up again and again in relation to certain particular hours but the most salient repetition is the birdsong commit for leaves & thorns:
The gardener's first lesson is this: look up. What starts as weather ends in the world, what starts as sky ends in the soil. This is what the birds know, and the birds know most things first.
now. the monarch-at-the-crossroads is the thirty birds is the sky, the winds—the breath. one tradition holds that speech, that language opened the way into dreams; speech is the first wound and first weapon and first key. and this is, evidently, not a metaphor, or at least not wholly metaphorical, given that ebrehel… exists. ebrehel is 'the word of god.' ebrehel, gatemaker, scarsword, is the shapt of an hour. ebrehel was to be borne by a king against the city unbuilt, it's associated with the presence of worms, and the exile finds it in the church of st marzanna the white—which is either an epithet for snow or a name of hers, or both.
it follows for ebrehel to be the monarch's shapt – it opens the way for worms in the same manner the thirty birds dreamt themselves out of nowhere, and the connection between speech and breath and the winds is intuitive. thus my inclination is to identify henavek, the king-tongue, with the monarch-at-the-crossroads.
which brings us to the black dove:
Coquille asks Yvette what she knows of the line of Kelemdu, the 'Black Dove'. Yvette describes a Henavek folk-tale in which the Black Dove is assigned the wardenship of the Moon-marches by Henavek himself - a folk-tale associated with Brancrug.
Serena and Yvette discuss the death of the Marcher Lord Gwilym Ddu, 'Black William', in which the nuns of St Brandan's might - might - have been implicated through their dealings with the old powers of the hills… Yvette brightly suggests there might have been some linguistic confusion between 'Gwilym Ddu' and 'Kelemdu', the Black Dove... but Serena puts her finger to her lips.
(<- cf 'ud rocashaas' and 'annals of st brandans')
the backstory here vis-a-vis rowena and kelemdu gets laid out by connie after the affair of the rising while (if given 'a pale lady and a prince of wines'):
Eva Dewulf was a many-times-great daugher of Rowena of Ys, and of Kelemdu the Wolf. Yvette, we suspect, is a daughter of Eva's line - descended both from Ys and from the Dewulfs.
so. one of rowena's epithets is "wolf-wife" and if kept on as secretary persistent she'll reference "my kelemdu." connie believes that only one of them was immortal when rowena gave birth. the story yvette recounts of kelemsu's appointment to wardenship of the moon-marches by henavek aligns with the black dove being a name of the monarch-at-the-crossroads; rowena seems to have gone long later than that – perhaps even as late as 600 AD, but i personally am in the camp of rowena being, or having been, queen lagiah and in that case she might be the first alukite. (but not the oldest. important distinction.)
which is to say, if connie's putting the pieces together right, rowena bore kelemdu's child when she was mortal and later devoured that child after growing long – but not before that child had children of her own. and then however many generations later, giles dewulf ran off with hafren waters.
yvette's insinuation that kelemdu may have been identified with black william is not, i think, altogether baseless. ud rocashaas:
An anonymous confessional account of unsanctioned activities by the nuns of St Brandan's. The title is a Henavek phrase that might be translated as 'the spirit flees the shadowed places.' The author writes guiltily of her dealings with hill-children and Carapace-relics - she suggests she herself has a connection with one of the Carapace-kinds. Most of these dealings are trivial, but she claims to have arranged the death of the Marcher Lord William de Braose, called Black William... De Braose' wife, Eva, evidently seeks the Abbey's help to free her from her hated husband. Subsequently he is found in the bed-chamber of the wife of Llywelyn the Great, Prince of the Welsh, while attempting to negotiate the marriage of his daughter (also Eva) to Llywelyn's son. Llywellyn takes this badly, de Braose is hanged, the elder Eva inherits his estates and makes a substantial endowment to St Brandan's. In the author's telling, de Braose was 'innocent of all but cruelty' and the adulterer found in the bed-chamber was a shape-changing 'undergoer'...
note that translation of the title – the spirit flees the shadowed places – and the author's implied connection to "one of the carapace kinds." which kind? well, she tells us in the title; the kind that fled the shadowed places. the kind that dreamt itself out of Nowhere. yvette, who speaks henavek and is well-versed in the folklore of bancrug, is – i believe – making this connection because kelemdu, or a remnant of kelemdu, was involved in arranging the disgrace of gwilym ddu.
there are also some eyebrow-raising similarities here in what went down between eva dewulf and abraham wheelock and, notably, connie will only mention kelemdu if you give her 'a pale lady and a prince of wines,' the one book about eva dewulf that provides a detailed account of her relationship with wheelock. so there is some sort of real connection here that yvette has noticed.
now this incident – the death of black william and subsequent patronage of st brandan's by eva de braoise – is also mentioned in the annals, along with the construction of the winter tower and the death of abbess nonna…
…who was devoured by black elie.
the relevant texts here are 'the most sorrowful death of lady nonna' and 'the shadow in the stair' with circumstantial support from elie's books ('commandments for the preservation of all that exists', 'a journey to the grove', and 'the secret colours'), tied together by this pair of conversations:
Stanislav asks Douglas about the death - reputedly murder - of the Abbess Nonna, almost six hundred years ago. Douglas acknowledges it's technically within the Bureau's jurisdiction; and that the Bureau doesn't recognise any statute of limitations short of eternity; and adds that he has a great deal on his plate; but promises to look into it, and asks Stanislav some incisive questions about rare poisonous herbs.  Douglas has been looking into the six-centuries-past death of Abbess Nonna. He's questioned unspecified sources that he doesn't share with Stanislav, and concludes that Nonna was possessed by a Name of the Blackbone and 'put down' by her sistren - 'nasty business, but best thing for it.' He and Stanislav discuss the herb-mixtures that might have laid her open to that possession.
…and elie herself. if the institute allies with ys:
'My first calling: to preserve what exists. My second calling: to preserve what exists as it is. An alliance with Ys will do little for the second; but it is necessary for the first.'
if it's foe is nowhere:
'I was called on to extract a Worm from the spine of a shepherd. It had been in there almost twenty-eight days, but it showed no signs of development. I have learnt of other such cases: the Worms are weakening. I will not speculate as to why. I do not trust it yet.'
if its agenda is peace:
'For so long I have striven to keep the world afloat. So many times, my efforts have been undermined by treachery. This Institute has done nothing like that… yet. I dare to hope.'
serena says she's nectar-long, which might seem like an odd pull for name of the blackbone—except that the blackbone has associations with earthquakes and nectar is the aspect once called blood, which (as i discuss here) seems to have been a grail-precursor and thus associated with the sea. and while black elie is apparently free now, the details of her biography and present interests align with the prophecy of the weaver's tale:
There is a prophecy among weavers: of one who will unwisely seek to find the future in a tapestry of her own hair. Her house will grow dark, shrouded in the labyrinths of her tresses. Pilgrims will seek her in the cellar of her house, where she will plead with them to cut her free. They will always fail, and she will always devour them. At last one will come who will ask instead to stay with her. Others will join them, until the house becomes a palace and the palace a city, below the world, where all are welcome and in the tapestry all truths are revealed.
we know (from her 'commandments') that elie was entombed in an 'unmarked sepulcher' and also (from all three of her books) that elie had a keen interest in prophecy; the killasimi text (textile?) 'one thousand threads' supports reading elie (the prophetic 'matriarch of the well') as the weaver in the prophesy.
and the description of the "tenebrous spirit" which possessed lady nonna, which ernestine peterhans later nicknamed the donkerling and douglas identifies as a name of the blackbone, aligns precisely with the prophesied behavior of the imprisoned weaver: she will plead for freedom and devour all who try to set her free, until at last one asks to stay with her. and then they'll raise the city unbuilt.
(eva dewulf is the one who asked to stay with her. but we don't have time to unpack that rn so let's just leave it at "the wolf-name coelle drowned herself" and "rowena implies drowning is a fundamental aspect of wolf-ascension" and "the blackbone gets namedropped in 'the crossing to moon' for a reason" and "who was teresa looking for in port noon in 1932")
final point, black elie has the aspect fear: nowhere ("This one understands the all-consuming horror of the gods-from-Nowhere") but that in itself is ambiguous – is it feeling all-consuming horror about the Nowhere-hours, or understanding the all-consuming horror felt by the Nowhere-hours, all of whom seem desperate to escape Nowhere? – and thus not necessarily in contradiction with elie being the name of a Nowhere-hour.
wheeze. ok
the point of all this is to get to cygnifer <3
the other eye of the serpent:
In which the heresiarch Cygnifer attempts to resolve certain mysteries of Lightning. Cygnifer considers Lightning to be 'the division, the connection, the joined serpent.' The Serpent's Eye is said to be the Sun - but as the division and connection, it must have a second Eye. Cygnifer considers and rejects, three times, the hypothesis that the Moon is the Serpent's other eye, insisting that it and the Sun do not share a nature. (This, as much as the Serpent business, is what got him burnt by the Church.) He proposes that the Serpent's teeth are towers, that the Serpent's mouth is a gate, that the Serpent is the 'devourer of Ys'... and 'therefore' that the Serpent's other eye is amber.
some facts.
the spider door is also known as the serpent gate (and 'the wrong door')
anbary & lapidary ("'Lightning is a little life, and jewels are its eyes'—Eva Dewulf") aspects sky/forge, same as the sky determination; anbary means lightning.
the wolf-divided is represented by the tower card – traditionally depicted as either a lightning-struck tree or lightning-struck tower. see also: orthos wood, tower revek, & the furious tantra.
the wolf-divided is 'the wound of the sun's division', but the received and shuritic versions of the book of suns intimate that the wolf existed in some form before the lithomachy.
the wolf-divided is associated with wind and the smell of ozone – lightning – and with shipwrecks (cf the mausoleum of wolves, "a faint descending howl, like metal tearing in the hull of a ship") and drownings (coelle, name of the wolf).
there's a snake ->
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some more facts:
wolf-snow?? wolf-snow it's right there. snow that eats flesh.
"Death alters; Snow endures" (husher, on putrefactions & calcinations)
'Here is your paint,' whispered the Wolf to the Pale Girl. 'Here is your knife-for-scraping. And here is your face.' (a child's treasury of golden afternoons)
snow – not the elegiast! – is the patron hour of hush house.
'chione at abydos' was published by an 'apollo fireweaver' in 1892.
sir david greene, eighth librarian of bush house, embezzled funds from the nocturnal branch and eloped with an 'a.f.' in 1903.
'abydos unveiled' ("An oil painting of a city foundered in snow. Behind its bleakest tower, a sickle moon rises.")
nix abolix. fucine for 'snow unmaketh'. lmao
ok. ok.
snow is a Nowhere-hour. Nowhere is an abyssal cosmic ocean and it's also death. every other winter-Hour is associated with the sky somehow – the elegiast is an aviform hour, the horned-axe has horizon and dusk/dawn associations as a threshold guardian, rags and the madrugad are from light. how come snow is from Nowhere?
and, in the same vein, how is it that the lightning is "the serpent that devoured ys" – that is, the sea? why is the wolf's howl the sound of "metal tearing in a ship's hull" and why is it that drowning is how the wolf's names ascend?
and what happened to the monarch-at-the-crossroads? well
points at fucine the queen's weapon
There is a story known to smiths: of a Queen whose realm was invaded by a great army. When she learnt that there were nine invaders for every defender, she ordered her army to surrender its swords. Night and day her smiths laboured to melt down the swords to bronze, while her generals threatened mutiny and the enemy advanced unhindered. They used the bronze to cast a Bell, but each time the Bell was rung, it cracked and had to be recast. At last on the night before the invaders reached the city, the Queen surrendered her crown to the casting. When at dawn the smiths rang the Bell, it cracked the moon like an egg and drove the sun from the sky. The invaders fled. But the Queen without a crown was no longer any queen at all.
this is about ys:
Ys, by her arts, found the strike-tone that shakes the Hours. For this reason among many of the Hours discourage traffic with Ys. But a bell cast with this secret could speak the Ys-note...
and here's memory: storm:
There are storms great enough to shake the moon from the sky, and one's thoughts from one's skull.
and – last piece – there's sabazos, a phrygian sky-god associated with sabazine (whose commits concern port noon and sabazine), and whom yvette may discuss with arthur:
Yvette raises the subject of Sabazine again with Athur. She has been reading of the god Sabazos, who brings madness by deploying the weapons of speech-in-silence. Arthur has heard of these techniques, and very cautiously shares a very little… [Lesson: Sharps]
and what are sharps commits about? speech tearing open the way to dreams. so that makes a clear connection to ebrehel and to the monarch-at-the-crossroads, but the idea of 'speech-in-silence' is of winter and specifically in the vein of snow's tradition that speech is a wound.
historically sabazios is fairly obscure, but one of the icons associated with him is a hand with a serpent twined around the wrist. the greeks associated him with zeus and dionysus, and strabo linked him to zagreus – whom the secret histories identifies with the thunderskin.
the thunderskin is also identified with marsyas, the musician satyr whom apollo flays alive to punish his hubris.
now, apollo wasn't associated with sabazios, but he was a god of music and poetry and prophecy (among other things), later associated with the sun. wolves, various birds (ravens, crows, swans, and hawks), and serpents were all sacred to him.
in one myth, apollo sends the white crow corvus to spy upon coronis and, when the bird reports her unfaithfulness, apollo turns its feathers black in rage; the beachcomber – a god-from-flesh depicted as a black crow and described as a "voyeur" who tells tales of the forbidden liaisons between the mare-in-the-tree and the malachite, and in orthos wood:
This is the great oak where the masked Crow once roosted. Lightning has split it from head to heart, and the tree is charred and rotting.
…the cultist's expedition finds the charred, lightning-struck remains of the beachcomber's nest. and besides the black dove, the monarch had a name called the white crow.
in essence, before the lithomachy began, i think the monarch-at-the-crossroads ruled the lower skies—the firmament, the house of the sun. and another god-from-Nowhere (who may be identified as or otherwise a patron hour of ys; generally i just call her the Sea) ruled over the sea—Nowhere. birds of a feather, worms of a scale.
'the dream of the conspiracy of the lower skies' implies that the hours' fear of the crime of the sky is not abstract:
Damaon suggests that the Hours have constrained their rivalry to avoid a war within the House of the Sun. He identifies the 'Fear of the Crime of the Sky' as the reason that Hours do not satisfy other passions. He speculates on the horrifying possibilty of Hours turned alukite. 'What then would they devour?'
– that it has happened before. the 'crime of the sky' is the crime that the sky committed. the moth is the thought that was shaken from the monarch's skull; the red grail is the blood that was spilled; the forge is the fire of the moon that fell from the sky when the monarch and the sea came together.
(on the forge being born from a fallen moon/meteor impact, see the star-shattered fane and line that up with what we know about the unwise mortal and the flint and the egg unhatching.)
there is always an element of violence involved in the crime of the sky – union through the creation and consumption of one's offspring – and this is the point where it gets a little strange, because gods-from-Nowhere aren't really alive and can't really die, as such. death alters; Snow endures. and Lightning is 'the division, the connection, the joined Serpent.' i think the Sky and the Sea ate each other and in doing so became the Serpent, who is both of them.
and then, during the intercalate when the forge of days divided the sun-in-splendour, the Serpent was divided and became snow and the wolf-divided. both of whom are still the serpent, who is still the monarch and the sea. because Nowhere-hours don't die, they change. and – remember that i said this:
who leaves a place without entering it?
of the monarch-at-the-crossroads ascending from death without ever having died. well. that is one of the chandler's enactments.
the chandler's wish:
The author makes a passionate argument that the Hour named Chandler is in fact the oldest, even though he does not exist, because he is - supposedly - the culminating event of a plan that precedes even Grail and Moth.
sometimes the chandler is attested as male, sometimes female. they both do and do not exist; the chandler is the culminating event of a plan set in motion before the grail and the moth existed. the chandler will arise through the second dawn.
what precipitates the second dawn? the wolf-divided eclipses the other solar hours – feasts upon them – and through their deaths, becomes whole again. snow awaits the sun in the mausoleum of wolves. the sky and the sea become the serpent becomes the wolf and snow become the chandler.
last thing. the monarch is identified with sabazios, whom strabo associated with zagreus – the thunderskin.
sabazios is strongly associated with zeus, apollo's father; apollo is the serpent, lightning, who scorched the white crow's feathers black.
apollo flayed marsyas. marsyas is the thunderskin. why is he called the thunderskin?
sabazios was also identified with dionysus: zagreus was sometimes identified with the orphic dionysus, child of zeus and persephone.
marsyas was a devotee of cybele who challenged apollo to a musical competition and lost. secret histories traditions hold that the thunderskin was sacrificed by the red grail for ambiguous purpose – to appease the horned-axe, to protect her, to challenge the twins' dominion over the heart principle, to seal the pact of the triple knot. 'apollo and marsyas' implies that marsyas was flayed before he became a name of the red grail.
The Skin of Marsayas gives oracles, and is later smuggled to Phrygia, where the priestesses of Cybele use it for a drum. At the climax, the striking of the drum drive would-be violators of the priestess to suicidal madness. The opera ends with a wistful hymn from the youngest priestess on the beauty of mountain pines.
when did the crime of the sky become a crime? serena can raise this question:
Fraser and Serena speak of Antaios, who might have been a child of Name-emanations of the Flint and Wheel. Fraser wonders why, if Antaios' forebears were immortal, they did not suffer the urge to devour him. Serena provokingly asks when he thinks the Crime of the Sky first became a Crime... 
now consider this: marsyas was a poet and musician who went long beneath the serpent – apollo, who flayed him and came to regret it. he then became a devotee of the red grail, one of the three offspring of sky and sea who had slain the wheel, the flint, and the tide.
the name-emanations of the wheel and the flint bore offspring with each other without being inflicted with the all-consuming hunger for their offspring because, serena suggests, they did so before the crime of the sky was outlawed. the hunger is the punishment.
the horned-axe demanded restitution for the slaughter of the wheel, the flint, and the tide. so the red grail sacrificed the thunderskin, who loved the malachite, and the malachite gave him up. at this point the thunderskin was certainly long and may have been a name; the malachite likewise had ascended to hourhood. and the thunderskin was both a (symbolic) child of the sky-sea union – having gone long under the serpent – and devotee to one of the real offspring. and he loved the malachite, with whom he might have produced offspring.
he was a proxy for sky-and-sea, for the serpent and its offspring. the crime of the sky became a crime through this treaty between the red grail and horned-axe and malachite, which established the law and its punishment – the insatiable hunger to both punish the parents and insure the offspring's demise, so that the violence enacted upon the wheel, flint, and tide could never happen again.
(the skin-drum of marsyas drives would-be violators of cybele to suicidal madness – the thunderskin beats to protect the skin of the world – the red grail compels those who commit the crime which created her to devour their offspring so that she will never be slain by the child of two gods, as she herself did to the tide. this is the reason for her involvement in the intercalate as well.)
he's the thunderskin. the skin of the serpent who is lightning, killed in effigy. and then he returned from death through the peacock door – vak – to preserve the law.
killasimi the weaver's tale is about black elie (and eva dewulf). killasimi the carpenter's tale is about governor collers.
deep mandaic the jeweler's tale is about the monarch at the crossroads (the butterfly-keeper) and the unwise mortal (the jeweler) and the egg unhatching (his egg). deep mandaic the chandler's tale is about the chandler (obviously) and her witness and the red grail but to be more precise it's about how the chandler is in fact the oldest hour.
fucine the queen's wound is about snow and the sky. fucine the queen's weapon is about the serpent. both of these are the same story. sabazine the fisher's tale is about ys. sabazine the sailor's tale is about noon. all of these are the same story.
ramsund the falconer's tale and the thief's tale are two halves of a secret.
ericapaean when i get you…
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mycrayolamarkers · 8 months ago
Oras Karerax (Mr.Eeyore)
Mr. Eeyore might have a grumpy face but is he really nice!- Eva
Oras is a quiet man who is usually very serious but ever since he met Eva, he finds himself frazzled and plush out of his comfort zone often.
Like: Nothing you need to know - Oras, teddy bears- Eva
Dislikes: word bearers, Eva wearing extremely bright colors
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This is what Mr.Eeyore looks like under his helmet. The key facial features for him are his thick eyebrows, light blue eyes, his facial hair (I don’t know what that type of beard is called. I guess Soul Patch? Please Free to correct me on what it’s called ). Mr.Eeyore stands at 8 ft 5. His hair is short but spiky which includes spiky bangs but the only long part of his hair is his side tails. (thanks to my emo and edgy middle school crushes. I still love ya Zack and Angeal but I did grow out of liking Indra and Sasuke.)
I wanted Mr.Eeyore to have more rounded features and a chubby but muscular build due to the fact, that Eva shared her candy and food with him and Mr.Eeyore couldn't bring himself to say no.
Post-heresy: Unknown
Post-heresy: unknown
Warp fuckerly: unknown
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flowers-of-io · 11 months ago
“Masks are meant to conceal, but they reveal more about us than we realize.” —Eva Levante
Read on Ao3
Enina and her Ghost sat on the patio of a small café in the Riverside district, watching the evening lights of the City flicker on the water. It was a picturesque spot: the river coiled here around a small peninsula, barely large enough for a few buildings stuck closely together, and two bridges reached out from it diagonally in opposite directions. The venue was almost empty this late into the evening, and nobody but them braved to sit outside in the damp October chill, but far out on the other bank silhouettes of people still moved against the pale lights of shopping windows.
A gust of wind tugged at Enina’s hair, blowing some of them into her face. She was a beautiful woman, with dark skin, full lips and green eyes framed by sharp, regal features. Black curls spilled freely over the scarf around her neck and the suede coat underneath. The hands she was warming around a mug of mulled wine were slender and long-fingered, several rings shimmering on them in the lanternlight. She looked just on the right side of unapproachable—like someone who could lounge on a divan in a dark corner, observing the party with sharp eyes, and nobody would dare to come up and bother her for the extent for the night, even if only to offer champagne.
All of this made her a perfect disguise.
“‘Remembering the dead’ my ass” Immaru said. “It’s not like Guardians need an excuse to shoot at things. It’s fucking stupid.”
Savathûn looked at him with amusement.
“Don’t you find it even a little fascinating how similar their views on mortality are to ours?”
“Duh, where?” He sneered, his (stolen) Almost Mighty Shell tilting to one side. “I don’t recall the Hive runnin’ around firing guns at pumpkins.”
“I’ve told you before about how the Hive see death.” She gently rocked the mug and watched a slice of orange rise to the surface and ruin the image of the Traveler-less sky reflected in it. “Our mythoi are not so different, at the heart of it. The Hive believe soulfire is the immortal part of a person, the connection to the Sea of Screams, but unlike one’s Ascendant form, it can’t be destroyed so easily. Death is only and forever an ending, but the essence persists… Funny, when you think about it, that something endowed to us by the worm gods is at the core of our faith in the afterlife.”
“Isn’t that heresy?”
“Don’t underestimate the Hive’s proficiency in warping the tenets of the sword logic to accommodate our existential fears,” her mouth quirked. “How different is our faith in one’s continued existence through their legacy from the Human beliefs in remembering as a way to keep the dead living on? The Unseen Sister is a comforting alternative to perpetual oblivion.”
“So you’re saying that Oryx’s soul, or whatever, is still somewhere out there?” Immaru said incredulously.
“Perhaps.” Savathûn raised the mug to her lips. “That is my sister’s copium of choice, anyhow.”
The Ghost rolled his eye.
“From what these two nerds have gathered, either Human myths are stupid as fuck, or they are stupid as fuck. Did you know they believe it’s Hive magic that’s creating those… Headless Ones? I don’t think that Fallen’s ever seen a Hive in her entire life.”
Savathûn cocked an eyebrow at him. “Well, dear. What can we learn from that?”
“That Guardians are only interested in loot and candy?” Immaru sneered.
“A culture’s ghost stories can tell us much about its people’s fears.”
“Yeah, and they’re afraid of four meters tall ghouls with flaming pumpkins for heads.”
“And Hive bodies,” she pointed out.
“...Fair point,” he acquiesced.
“I expected you to feel flattered by this,” Savathûn’s smile flickered deep in her eyes. “They’re afraid of us. What an advantage that is!”
Immaru grumbled, and there was the smallest hint of fluster in it. “Yeah, well. That was pretty obvious, wasn’t it.”
“Oh, my love,” she crooned in a honey-sweet voice, and reached for him. It felt strange—five soft fingers wrapping around his core, a small hand cupping his shell. Immaru let her stroke his spikes for a while, some very Hive emotion on her face that the Human features struggled to convey. He freed himself when he could no longer stand her piercing gaze.
He nestled between her neck and the folds of her scarf instead, pressed against her pulse. It throbbed with the illusion of a human heartbeat, but underneath it he could sense the familiar rhythm of her Hive heart, growing louder and more defined the more he focused on it. Savathûn raised a hand and stroked the rim of his shell. He shuddered and bristled, at first, but then leaned into the touch and let it press him closer to her strange, warm, false skin.
He wasn’t jealous of what Runi had with Ór. He would die if his Lightbearer kept him around so close he might’ve as well been her extra body part, with no room to breathe. Did that guy even have hobbies? He seemed to be tied to her like algae in lichen, in something that was supposed to be symbiosis but turned out as him fretting and flying around after her to get her ass out of her own trouble. Immaru could never do that. He was self-sufficient, he’d been self-sufficient for centuries, and nothing about him had changed only because he’d finally found his chosen corpse. Savathûn could do whatever she wanted for all he cared, and the more space she left him to focus on his own thing, the better for them both. He was his own person, and he could very much fend for himself.
He’d also missed her.
He’d missed her laughter and her velvety voice, her songs and stories and the way she tipped her head back when she was amused. He’d missed not falling asleep alone. He’d missed her, and he was furious at Guardians for taking her from him so soon and leaving him to pick up the pieces, and he was furious at her for trading him away—because he could never have refused, he wasn’t sure he would ever be able to refuse anything she’d ask of him, anything at all. He was furious at himself for feeling like this. He was more than a dog on her fancy leash; she could have everyone else wrapped around her talon, but she still needed him, and it had still been his decision—his own, he’d made this choice himself, and even if he’d done it for her sake... well, what gives?
He hated the thought that he needed her back. But she was supposed to be his.
Savathûn hummed, a sound from deep within her chest vibrating up her throat and through her skin. Immaru loathed how much it calmed him. If he closed his eye, he could almost pretend they were in the throne world, back in that first week, drunk on the chaos and victory and new purpose and their exquisite scheme ticking on towards resolution. He’d slept in the crook of her neck, and ordered the Brood around perched on her shoulder, and really, really believed they would win. Everything had been set up perfectly. He’d laughed at the contingencies, back then, no matter how serious Savathûn’s eyes had been when she’d made him listen to all of them.
There were so many things he wanted to say to her, most of them angry and jagged and pushing forth to the forefront of his mind with a scream, and the rest insignificant questions like Do you love me and When can I come home. He hadn’t been afraid of telling her anything, before, but now…
They sat in silence, watching the lights gradually go off in one storefront after the other.
“The last time I was here, you could barely see the stars,” Savathûn spoke. “The Sky obscured the sky, ironically enough.”
Immaru couldn’t tell if she expected him to chuckle or cringe, so he only gave an unidentified hum.
“You can’t see shit with all the city lights anyway,” he grumbled.
“Humans can’t, maybe.” There was a smile in her voice. She tilted her head up to look at the stars. “Terran constellations always struck me as exquisitely beautiful. Some part of me still marvels at a clear sky unclouded by a gaseous atmosphere.”
“What do you see, then?”
“A worm god,” she chuckled to herself. “Mmm… The stern of the Dreadnaught. And my siblings fighting. And, ah…” Another chuckle, softer this time. “If you asked a Hive to name any given constellation in any given sky, you can bet the first one they’d find would be Auryx defeating Akka.”
“That’s oddly specific.”
“It is. But once again, such is the power of myths.”
“Boring,” Immaru said. “D’we have it in the sky at home, then?”
“That depends only on your interpretation.”
“You made that sky.”
“In that case,” she reached for the mug of her rapidly cooling wine, “we do.”
“Hey, and what about, hm, a Hive Knight biting off Ikora Rey’s head? Do we have that too?”
Savathûn laughed, her alien skin vibrating like the membrane of a drum. Immaru nuzzled into it.
“Perhaps,” she took a sip of the wine and looked up at the sky again. “Perhaps.”
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review-anon · 26 days ago
Whatcha think of Wolfgang? I remember when you didn’t trust him for shit, lol.
//OBJECTION! That’s heresy!
//Thoughts below the cut.
//You are right I didn’t trust Wolfgang whatsoever and that’s mainly due to pattern recognition. He gave me the same vibes as the likes of Tsurugi, Nikei, David and Ryohei gave where you have someone, typically a male handsome character where they act kind and friendly but then later on their true ugly nature is exposed.
//It also didn’t help his character motif screamed Wolf’s in Sheep’s clothing, a saying to describe someone who seems kind and gentle but in reality is a complete monster. Wolfgang is also the Ultimate Lawyer with 200 wins under his belt and my Ace Attorney instincts kicked off there as it felt a little too much like the Von Karmas and their perfect win streaks and we all know what that entitled.
//He was a dominating character throughout the Prologue and Chapter 1 being one of the first characters you meet and more or less establishes himself as the group’s leader or a shepherd so to speak guiding the confused and lost sheep. Of course you have your wolves in Damon and Eva which is why Wolfgang was quick to cast them out when they spoke up against his ideals, but there wasn’t any actual malice towards them, he wasn’t completely hostile towards the two, he just didn’t like what they were saying as he believed that Ultimates would never kill each other as they are an example for the human race to follow, whereas Damon and Eva (rightfully) point out that Ultimates are still humans at the end of the day and can sink to the various lows.
//Wolfgang is often soft spoken and gentle, as he would encourage the timid Eliose to come out of her shell, and whenever conflicts rise in the group, which with abrasive personalities like Grace and Wenona, happened more often then you think, Wolfgang would often step in to try and negotiate peace.
//I noticed that Wolfgang seems to be more biased towards women then men, not to the extremes of say Tenko and Yuri, but he would talk with them more then the men and there’s the fact Ulysses and Wolfgang were so incompatible in the shared dorm system, that he offered to swap rooms with Wenona while Wolfgang gets Grace which both sides seem to be happy with. Without Ulysses explaining why we can only guess why those two don’t get on.
//His personality shift to a extent in the Mock Trial reminds me of Kakeru someone who is quite gentle and soft normally, but when they get into court, they become way more fierce and intense, as Wolfgang becomes enraged that someone would dare kill an Ultimate. But there’s another undertone that Wolfgang seems particularly vexed by the fact a man killed a woman.
//His Chapter 1 death I saw coming a long way since if someone becomes too important in Chapter 1, it’s a sign they are gonna die, as since you think Wolfgang would be Damon’s Rival but lol no. But I got say Wolfgang didn’t go out gently as not only was he attacked with a rolling pin, but he was given an hallucinogenic that made him trip so much, he attacked Diana of all people, someone who Wolfgang was quite close to and would never harm under any normal circumstances. Sadly, Wolfgang would never get his mind back since Eva’s pully trap went off and killed him via electrocution in front of Diana’s eyes, which on one hand means the people who have been killed via electrocution is now gender balanced, but damn such a brutal way to go out.
//His hallucinations are interesting as the stuff he’s saying plus knowledge we have Wolfgang’s blackmail with his parents and a claim he takes a lot after his father on paper paints Wolfgang in a bad light since his father was clearly a monster. But a Wolfish Mind could many things and maybe while Wolfgang has the urge to ruin and dominate over someone, it’s his own father his fury is against, especially if I’m right and he did murder Wolfgang’s mother. After all, he wasn’t seeing Diana in that tripped out mindset, he was seeing his dad instead.
//I did hear a theory that Wolfgang’s mother looks a lot like Cara the Prologue Victim and she might be related to him, which is why he reacted so strongly to the mock case, but while compelling I need more evidence for that.
//Another thing is that Wolfgang seems to possess a lot of Jesus traits to him, having lamb imagery, amassing followers, refusing to be tempted by evil, was betrayed by one of his own, would resolve any conflict that came up and his death marks the end of the innocence of the group. Given the biblical nature of this game, I don’t think it was an accident.
//Overall, I’m recording a bit on being distrustful on Wolfgang but I still think there’s more to learn about him which we will in future chapters. But if one of my visions for future sketches is of any indication, I’m not giving him a break.
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sharenadraculea · 6 months ago
My 40k-OCs (so far)
Johanna: Very grumpy, very old terran-born Dark Angel. She is very no-nonsense, get the job done and move on and has a weakness for orbital bombardement. Do not misgender her or you get a heavy flamer to your face. She also has pretty severe dysphoria and thus is basically always wearing armor and just generally a lot of issues from multiple centuries of basically always figthing. And post-heresy she becomes the chapter master of my homebrew chapter, the Archangels.
Inia: Also known as Pretty Boy. Originally from the Second Legion, but he stayed loyal enough and now Johanna has to deal with him. They end up in a „They have been a couple for how long?!“-situation. He is very upbeat, very dramatic and has a thing for cannibalism and a gigantic oversized anime-sword. He‘s very gender. My whole second Legion is based on mermaids and whales and sirens and Inia is very siren-y. Also he absolutly has opinions on which traitor-legion tastes the best.
Ishtor: Thunder Warrior I made up for a one-shot and got attached to. He and Johanna were friends and then he died
Nia-9: Tiny Tech-Priest. She has been travelling with Johanna since the start of the great crusade and the two has been best friends for a very long time, do not attempt to seperate them. Also of course all the archeology she conducts is completly ethical (by the standards of the mechanicus)
3V-α-14142 (EVA): Nia‘s favorite creation, a heavily costumized Skitari serving as her bodyguard, research assistent and secretary. Technically there have been multiple EVA‘s because sometimes they die
Annabella: Originally the thirteenth bastard of a minor Caliban noble, later becomes a Space Marine and then goes renegade. At least a little bit chaos-touched, but won‘t admit it. Actually very chivalrous and knigthly. Also likes monsterhunting. She is hard of hearing and lost a arm and a leg during the destruction of Caliban. Also goes by Annie
Scarlet Roserio: Last of a exiled Navigator-house. Stupidly rich and has approximatly a thousand health issues. Annie crashlanded in her backyard and now the two are gay space pirates for each other.
Umbra: Psyker Night Lord that kind of hangs out with the pirate-warband. His grip on reality is less than good and he likes to mutter about inevitable doom. Also he is definetly in cahoot with some minor warp-entities and has a whole pack of hunting dogs.
Angelique: Umbra‘s adopted daugther and a blank that somewhat keeps him sane. She is also a actual psychopath and generally takes after her dad. Also she‘s a sniper
Phillip: Navigator-child Umbra kidnapped picked up semi-recently. He‘s not having a great time, especially since Angelique would like to be a only child again.
Caramel: Noise Marine. He‘s been doing this for like three days and has no idea how anything works.
Emilia: Titan-Princeps and cool old lady. I need to work more on her
Orcus: Second Legion Primarch. She‘s based on a Orca. She‘s having a good time nearly all the time. This does not guarantee that anyone else is having a good time. Might later turn into a funky warp-mutated space-mermaid.
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seraphicprinciples · 1 year ago
Character List & Bios (NEW CHARACTERS ADDED!)
[This is to make asking questions, giving short story prompts, & interacting with characters easier in the ask box :) ]
Disclaimer: The characters made by me (@purpleart00) or my friend (@shibeau), or us collaborating to make a character
A list of all the characters in Seraphic Principles. This post is still under construction due to the amount of characters, so new characters will be added in sections based on realms!
symbols to note:
🪦(deceased character)
👁️(character with heavenly seal)
🪽(fallen angel)
⚜️(current realm ruler)
⚜️Oliver [350 in realm years] [35 in human years]- The ruler of heaven that is both loved and despised depending on what deity you ask. Luci’s husband & Alto’s father.
👁️Micheal [290 in realm years] [29 in human years]- The general of Heaven’s army, a serious and steadfast man who is loyal to Oliver. Gabry’s older brother.
👁️Gabry [240 in realm years] [24 in human years]- Heaven’s archivist who is naïve to the world outside of heaven due to his overly protective brother Micheal.
👁️Raphaelle [310 in realm years] [31 in human years]- Heaven’s quiet and reverent head of relations between realms. She is trusted highly by Oliver & her little brother Thaddeus.
Thaddeus [200 in realm years] [20 in human years]- Oliver’s Secretary who reports to Gabry for the archives, he has a stained reputation from Elzie. Raphaelle is his older sister.
🪦Evangeline (Eva) [1520 in realm years] [152 in human years]- Heaven’s last ruler who was deeply beloved and respected by everyone including hell’s Ring Leaders. Oliver’s mother.
⚜️Lucifer (Luci) [310 in realm years] [31 in human years]- The ruler of hell who is surprisingly generous to those he warms up to or cares for. Oliver’s husband, Sadie’s Twin, & Alto’s father.
Satan (Sadie) [310 in realm years] [31 in human years]- The ruler of the wrath ring & prince of heaven’s throne. He is a brash & short-tempered ruler. Luci’s twin brother.
Asmodeus [450 in realm years] [45 in human years]- The ruler of lust who is hired by Luci to torment a priest of Oliver’s named Francis. Camel’s father.
🪽Elzie [190 in realm years] [19 in human years]- The ruler of Gluttony who has a complicated past and who enjoys sneaking off to the human realm to meet with Israel in secret.
Clara [90 in realm years] [9 in human years]- The ruler of Envy who is mostly taken care of by Hagatha (ruler of Heresy). She came to the throne after her parents were killed.
Hagatha [730 in realm years] [73 in human years]- The ruler of Heresy who often takes care of Calara and helps with ruling Envy. She was close with Clara’s parents before their passing. Wife of Drosselmeyer & Step-in-parent for Clara.
Odile [280 in realm years] [28 in human years]- The ruler of Greed who is known as a primadonna. She was close with the ruling family of hell. Though, even with her brief mingling with Sadie, she treats them like family. Fiancé of Valor.
⚜️Raine [??? in realm years] [?? in human years]- The gracious ruler of Limbo & overseer of The Wasteland. She is known for butting heads with Oliver over how she rules as Oliver believes she has “too weak of an approach”. She is one of the only realm leaders who were once human.
⚜️Alto [190 in realm years] [19 in human years]- The young son of Oliver & Luci. He is usually monitored by Oliver through eyes around the light house [much to Alto’s dismay]. Alto works as the ferryman of the dead to deliver people to their realm. Son of Oliver & Luci.
👁️Father Francis Abbott [34 years old]- A faithful priest of Oliver who he had been betrayed by, yet he continues to follow. He is currently tormented by the demon Asmodeus.
Father Xavier Ronan [39 years old]- An exorcist who is trying to find the demon that processes Israel. He is missing an arm and prefers not to speak about why.
Israel Abbott [18 years old]- He grew up at the monastery under Francis & Xavier due to being processed by an unknown demon. He is mostly faithful… well, except for the demon he sneaks inside to talk to sometimes.
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docrotten · 9 months ago
TO THE DEVIL… A DAUGHTER (1976) – Episode 214 – Decades Of Horror 1970s
“It is not heresy … and I will not recant!” But if you don’t recant, you can’t have any pudding. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Bill Mulligan, Chad Hunt, and Jeff Mohr along with guest host Gregory Crosby – as they take a trip to Hammer-land for To the Devil… a Daughter (1976), the last horror film from the original incarnation of Hammer.
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 214 – To the Devil… a Daughter (1976)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1970s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of the podcast and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
An American occult novelist battles to save the soul of a young girl from a group of Satanists – led by an excommunicated priest – who plan on using her as the representative of the Devil on Earth.
  Directed by: Peter Sykes
Writing Credits: Christopher Wicking (screenplay by) (as Chris Wicking); John Peacock (adaptation); Dennis Wheatley (from the novel by); Gerald Vaughan-Hughes (additional material) (uncredited)
Produced by: Roy Skeggs (producer)
Music by: Paul Glass
Cinematography by: David Watkin (director of photography)
Special Effects by: Les Bowie
Selected Cast:
Richard Widmark as John Verney
Christopher Lee as Father Michael Raynor
Honor Blackman as Anna Fountain
Denholm Elliott as Henry Beddows
Michael Goodliffe as George de Grass
Nastassja Kinski as Catherine Beddows
Eva Maria Meineke as Eveline de Grass
Anthony Valentine as David Kennedy
Derek Francis as Bishop
Izabella Telezynska as Margaret (as Isabella Telezynska)
Constantine Gregory as Kollde (as Constantin de Goguel)
Anna Bentinck as Isabel
Irene Prador as German Matron
Brian Wilde as Black Room Attendant
Petra Peters as Sister Helle
William Ridoutt as Airport Porter
Howard Goorney as Critic
Frances de la Tour as Salvation Army Major
Zoe Hendry as 1st Girl
Lindy Benson as 2nd Girl
Jo Peters as 3rd Girl
Bobby Sparrow as 4th Girl
Ed Devereaux as Reporter (uncredited)
Bill Horsley as Curator (uncredited)
Juba Kennerley as Man Entering Art Gallery (uncredited)
Alan Meacham as Guest at Book Launch (uncredited)
Peter Sykes as Man at Airport (uncredited)
It’s time to explore the final Hammer Horror film of the 1970s, To the Devil… a Daughter (1976). [Note: The mystery comedy film The Lady Vanishes (1979) would drop and… vanish… in 1979.] To the Devil… a Daughter has the reputation of putting the final nail into Hammer’s filmmaking coffin. The quality and success of Hammer productions spiraled throughout the decade as the landscape of horror films changed – especially after The Exorcist (1973). Surprisingly, the film is much better than how the Grue Crew remembers it and how its reputation proceeds it. That is, up until its abrupt and head-scratching ending and that strange devil puppet. If you know, you know. Check out what the Grue Crew thinks of the film directed by Peter Sykes and featuring Christopher Lee, Richard Widmark, and Nastassja Kinski.
At the time of this writing, To the Devil… a Daughter is available to stream from Peacock and PlutoTV as well as various PPV from Amazon and Fandango At Home. To the Devil… a Daughter is also available on physical media as a Blu-ray from SCREAM Factory.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode, chosen by Jeff, will be Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (1973), an ABC Movie of the Week starring Kim Darby, Jim Hutton, William Demarest, and Barbara Anderson. Grue Believer Lone Wolf suggested this flick. Woot!
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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empress-of-xerxes · 4 years ago
Finished Saturnine and absolutely LOVED IT. Dan Abnett was masterful with every character.
Finished Fury of Magnus and just died a little inside at what could have been. EQUALLY LOVED.
Finally getting around to the Watchers of the Throne series and Valerian & Aleya are just <3 ugggghh!!! 
Almost done with Regent’s Shadow and that astartes chapter being in it gave me a MAJOR lady boner UNF. I don’t even care what major problems they caused lmao.
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thelordstears · 4 years ago
I can’t possibly stop writing. I fear I’d cease to exist and crumble into ashes (And that’d suck)
“ People don't need to drop a single drop of blood from their own kind to make it in this world, but unfortunately, we call ourselves animal to excuse such animalistic acts.” - Brooke Woodwarde 
“ We are no wolves, we are no sheep, we're people. But I don't see us acting as such. We act as if we were beasts, sent here to destroy. Odin, lives in honor, we do not reflect that. There's no honor in unnecessary bloodshed. We aren't human, anymore.” - Brooke Woodwarde
“ Who cares if the knights worship one Lord? For all we know there could be nothing in the skies but clouds and stars.” - Brooke Woodwarde
“ This is a land of war, not a land of honor. We poisoned the garden and asked why it withered." - Brooke Woodwarde
"Your mind is not so sympathetic, your mind is the greatest torture device in your arsenal. It works against you, just as a shattered clock ticks in the wrong direction, your mind thinks all wrong, wicked deeds plague you, but once you learn to accept you're no decent human being you learn, perhaps broken never meant bad.” - Elton Sederfault
“ I have been through many a torment, many a tragedy, so much so that I believe I became one.” - Elton Sederfault
“ My heart has been torn from my chest so horrifically, you wouldn't believe what beats inside my chest. Oh it's such an ugly creature, wrought with sin and hatred, but once upon a time a love for the world. But this gem inside my chest, this beautiful diamond lost it's glimmer. And now, it's nothing but coals, and the fire shalt only burn other's." - Elton Sederfault
“ Tom is broken, in some ways. But da most beautiful of things always are. 'E's stronger den 'e could eva' know, he's me damn son, and I love 'im, and if 'e ever needed a shield against da bullet's the world sends 'is way, I'll stand in front'a him and make sure 'e knew, I's got 'is damn back, always.” - Cleopatra Peterson
“ Look, ya could act as if yer past were chains that drag ya down, or ya could realize ya hold the key, and it's a little bit 'a faith.” - Cleopatra Peterson
"Perfection is an abnormality we can't achieve, who ever says they're perfect is either a liar or extremely lost in their very own delusion.” - Cruz Santinos
“ Reality is much, much, stranger than fiction. Because what I see, it's real, perhaps not to you, but I see it, and by God, does it scare me.” - Cruz Santinos
“ Here I am, lost in a world unraveled travelling these lands, wishing I was alone. But with a plague such as mine? I ain't never alone. By God do I wish I could be lonely, for once. These voices don't leave, and with a world devoid of medicine, there ain't no cure no more.” - Cruz Santinos
“ People don't give a fuck, they'll tear into you, and say you were the one serving the platter. What's a rabbit to a wolf but a means to an end?” - Cas Holts
“ Ya know, the sun always rises but that don't mean the days always warm. There's morning dew, the frost that lays against the damn trees, and snow that cuts against your damn cheek. The sun rising don't bring warmth it just brings a little bit of damn hope.” - Cas Holts
“ Welcome, welcome, come round, gather to watch the greatest show of all time. The fall of Ellsworth Davis, the showman, the mad man, the tyrant of the circus! He's watched you all suffer, so why not make him suffer huh? Suffering leads to hatred, and hatred leads to villainy.” - Ellsworth Davis
“ I watch the lion leap through the ring of fire and let his mane burn simply for my pleasure, the one whom tames the animals gets eaten alive by the wolves he though family, the strongman is crushed beneath his own weights, and the clown puts on a smile for all, but deep inside knows, a painted smile is all he could ever manage. You might as well call me P.T Barnum, because I am a cruel being, using humans as my very own freak show attraction! The elephant man would snap his own neck because all he ever wanted to do, was be normal. But no, he was a freak of nature they said! An atrocity! A circus act only to be displayed but never sympathized for! We are all freakish in nature, knowing normality is something we can't achieve.” - Ellsworth Davis
“ I run the sinners circus, I let lions leap through flames and trapeze artists swing through the air with no net. And I suppose, the joke was always on me." - Ellsworth Davis
"If this is life, and all I ever was is a perpetrator of evil deeds, than give me the very thing I've given so many other's. Besides, death is the only thing that could save me.” - Dylan Huffers
“ I got some devils ta slay and some damn debts ta pay. Ya listenin', devil who broke me so? Cause if ya thought Hell was bad, let me introduce ya ta vengeance.” - Dylan Huffers
“ I coulda been a saint long 'go, but now I'm nothin' but an angry bull, ready ta charge at the matador who provoked me. Show me the color 'a red, and I'll show you a darker hue.” - Dylan Huffers
“ I'd pray ta bring back my wings, but where has prayer ever gotten me? An echo of silence and my thoughts, so right where I began.” - Dylan Huffers
“ My mother is a memory, she was a hero, maybe not in the world's eyes, but my own. I guess, we get what we fucking get and don't throw a fit. So save me, or don't. I can deal with both salvation and damnation, so long as I get peace." - Dylan Huffers
"They say fear is a survival mechanism, it keeps you alive, but from what I've seen first hand fear is no survival mechanism, it is in fact the very opposite. Fear is what gets you killed, and he who lives without it, pulls the trigger.” Redacted
“ I am a God, a dynasty, a ruler. They say all rulers fall, but here I am, opposing that rule. I could sweep down and cut anyone I please down, because I'm feared. The key to ruling a kingdom is fear, your subjects fear the consequence of their actions, whether it be death or suffering they'll never know.” Redacted
“ All you need to appease the crowd is a jacket of good deeds.” Redacted
“ If you live life in sorrow, that is no life at all, perhaps you're past is a sorrowful tale, but don't let that define your future.” - Lacey Rose
“ Family can be anyone, people you met while you held onto Hell, or people who dragged you into the light, even if you kicked, screamed and resisted. We are all of us beautiful, and we deserve the chance to know it.” - Lacey Rose
"I think the path we're given is often one to follow, and if you go astray, just listen to your heart, it'll usually lead you in the right direction. Sure, it might break every once in awhile, but who said a little love can't fix the heart? It's the only remedy known to cure a broken heart.” - Gideon Rose
“ My mother has always said, "Son, don't let the world kill ya. You're stronger than the image the world wants to paint you as." And isn't that just beautiful? You don't have to be the canvas someone has made you out to be. You hold your own brush, and though your canvas may be filled with scars, paint over them. Yes, they'll remain upon the surface, but they'll be hidden from the present, and you don't have to face them unless you're ready.” - Gideon Rose
“ You look at me as you would a homeless man, "Oh he's just another drug addict, lost to the world's poison." But alas, society has never been a caring one, they say, "Look! Look at this poor mistreated fool! Watch him suffer! It's all he can do these days!" Isn't it amusing, how we damn what we don't understand because it'd be too much of a burden to understand it?” - Arthur Wellburn
“ We're all broken these days, wishing we could fix what we can never have, but we were never given the tools, so how do you expect us to create?” - Arthur Wellburn
“ I have a daughter, but surely she couldn't be proud of me, because I'm not even proud of myself, these days. So how can another claim a lie the truth when I already know it's heresy rolling of their tongue?” - Arthur Wellburn
“ No one man can withstand the storm forever. Eventually he chokes on the rain, it scalds his flesh and lightning strikes him down because all he ever was, is another casualty of a naturality.” - Arthur Wellburn
“ Ya might as well call me young Icarus, because I've put up my defenses and I'm damn well ready ta fly into the sun ta get what I seek. I may plummet from the sky on burnin' wings and hit the damn concrete face first, but if I can find myself after all these years, I'd rather be ashes then who I ain't.” - Zane Harrenburrow
“ Ya know, my life's been filled with scars that I wear on my damn sleeve, but I'm battle ready and unafraid of the god damn night. Because I've been through the dark before, and he who knows his own shadow, don't gotta fear what it'll do when the sun sinks and it ain't visible no more.” - Zane Harrenburrow
“ I've learned a helluva lot in this life of mine, most of all a bullet is the only thing that'll save a sinful man from himself. A threat or a reality, either way he'll be free from his actions, and so will the world.” - Delana Whinrich
“ When you stand in the midst of the option to save the world or yourself, choose the world for God's sake, don't make the same mistake I did.” - Delana Whinrich
“ Ya know, a man once told me, it was me pulling the trigger, whilst he held a gun to my father's head. But I've come to realize, whoever holds the gun has a choice, and thus is the one letting the damn bullet fly. Perhaps I pulled the trigger and pressed the detonator, but ya know what? I'm still a damn soldier. I fight for myself, the ones I love and the freedom of a shackled world. I'm a killer, but at least I can benefit the damn world huh?" - Delana Whinrich
"The world doesn't miss anybody, it's the people who grieve, not the earth." - Delana Whinrich
"The Queen's gambit, the act of moving a pawn upon your board as a means to sacrifice him but give the opponent a disadvantage. I think if one is to proceed with the Queen's gambit, the pawn should always be oneself.” - Romiro Smilowitz
“ People say God don't speak, but I think his actions speak a helluva lot louder than his words. We're still alive, and isn't that proof that he still has something in store for us? We may not have an instruction manual to fix the world, but all we need is our hearts and each other.” - Romiro Smilowitz
“ I'd rather be remembered as a man who did what was right, then a man who did what would keep him kicking. Survival is about how far you'll go, but life? It's about where you cross the damn line." - Romiro Smilowitz
"I'm brave, but not in the traditional sense. I block off my emotion in a battle, because I've found all it'll do is hurt me. I've let emotion control me in life before, all it resulted in was loss of life. I'm a blank slate of empty emotion.” - Cosmina Winchester
“ Everything I am is often associated with the vultures, because death hovers around me, it's as if I'm to be picked clean of good intentions and left out to rot with nothing but an ill mind.” - Cosmina Winchester
“ This cell of myself is constricting, because I fear myself, but I won't let that fear consume me. Because if I fear myself well and truly, I can't pick up a blade and show others, I am too be feared.” - Cosmina Winchester
"The roots of my family tree are wicked, but, as am I. I hang from this blackened tree, my body three feet above ground, I swing from my very own wickedness, choking on the feeble distraught of my very own sin. I look at the hands that put me in this noose, and I recognize them, the rings and the scars, the bruises and the callouses, because by God, they're my own.” - Mike Duster
“ I'm sinful down to my very core, because I was born a monster, my father has always told me, "If ya can't sin, you can't survive." But my mother has always said, "When ya get bucked off the path, you get back on the saddle." How am I to do both? Because I fear I am the very horse who bucked me off a cliffside and careened my way towards a safer clearing.” - Mike Duster
“ How is one to breathe in existence, if she doesn't even know the definition?” - Cathletta Mason
“ The hands of my father can't touch me in death.” - Cathletta Mason
“ I'm a demon in human form, a demon princess as Zargrod would say. He's sinful to his very core, and one day, he'll be my King of scorched intentions and wicked deeds. I'll be his Queen of bloodied gown and sinful lust, because what am I to do but let this love burn me to ash?” - Cathletta Mason
“ Life don't last forever honey, but my story will." - Cathletta Mason
"I look inside my chest and find my heart is a blood moon the shade of black.” - Idian Witson
“ I have claws made of sin and bone, all they do is rip into saints, its as if I'm a cheetah, because these claws don't retract, they tear into the soil as I bound and leap through the fields to pounce on the unaware gazelle who only ever wanted to graze in the grass, but would learn it was a hunting grounds.” - Idian Witson
“ I suppose I'm out of my mind, my heart is as pitch black as the nebula and as far away from warmth as Pluto.” - Idian Witson
“ They say we're all sinners, I just wish I hadn't taken it ta a higher degree.” - Greg Metals
“ I've lived my life on the highway, the revving of engines and the roar of motorcycles. But if only I hadn't become the damn crash everyone looks upon in horror. My bones broke, my heart cracked and scattered across the damn highway, but it wasn't me who was killed by the horrific accident, by God it was other's, and by God it haunts me.” - Greg Metals
“ So raise a damn glass for the tired biker, or poison the glass and finally let 'im drop. Cheers, am I right?" - Greg Metals 
  “ Sluzmink says it's about time someone told the damn truth. So you know what? He'll find the truth isn't bloodstained, it isn't glorified sin and bone, it's me and my six shooter with nothing but my fucking rage.” - Vivian McDermot
“ Life don't gotta be bloodstained, but Sluzmink's will be.” - Vivian McDermot
“ When someone loses everything, she's free to do whatever she pleases so long as it's in sorrow. And this vengeance of mine is  a sorrowful tale. Because by the end I'll hold the broken corpse of Sluzmink fucking Jones, but I'll also hold the corpse of me.” - Vivian McDermot
“ Vengeance is a slippery slope, and I'm gonna tumble down this cliffside and take Sluzmink with me.” - Vivian Mcdermot
"You want injustice you have to get through law, and these days that wall is thin as a sheet of paper.” - Alberto Newhill
“ I've got my badge of honor and my pistol, but God, how can one man face a thousand and come out the other side of the battle alive?” - Alberto Newhill
“ One man can bury a secret, but a whole town can unbury it with integrity and will power.” - Alberto Newhill
“ The runt of the littler is the least likely to survive it's a sad fact, but true. You can't be a sheep when wolves have taken over the world, monsters hide in plain sight and I suppose I'm one of em.” - Redacted (Different one from before)
“ The street lights shine light on me only because they fear what I'd do in the dark.” - Redacted
“ A wolf in sheep's clothing is deadlier than a wolf in fur." - Redacted
"They called me sadistic killer, countess of blood, a reincarnation of Countess Bathory, the story upon the News naming me Countess of death. I'm nothing more than sin and divinity wrapped in barbed wire and glory.” - Tilda Hawsberry
“ 'm so wrapped in flames it's become my dress, I twirl through this stage, embers and sparks alighting a blaze so magnificent that even the bug burning in the firepit would call it beauty.” - Tilda Hawsberry
“ Most live in a single moment, and forget that their life is made of up many little moments that define who they are. We all live ruled by fate, but what if, fate, betrayed you? The roll of the dice land on snake eyes and you end up in debt, or worse, in a coffin.” - Tilda Hawsberry
“ How is it I am to survive in a world that's already damned me? Am I to cast myself into the flame so another can not?” - Shandalar Belrie
“ I fled from the place I found pain, but still it follows me.” - Shandalar Belrie
“ I wish such cruel harms on the King, but if I were to kill him, I would in turn stab myself in the back and leave myself bleeding on his floor.” - Shandalar Belrie
“ How am I to live in the moment when all I can remember is the past?” - Shandalar Belrie
“ Forgive me, Gods, for I have sinned. And I only wish to survive so long as I have a path to follow that leads me to you." - Shandalar Belrie
"I haven't lost faith in God, only myself.” - Jack Samson
“ I brandish a pistol and a badge, but do I brandish a heart?” - Jack Samson
"Heroes aren't remembered, but that don't mean they're lost in the soils of history. A hero don't gotta go down in history, just up in flames for a good cause.” - Miella Fang
“ I'm a hero, not because I pull a trigger but because I don't. A bullet won't save someone who wishes to be better, sometimes all ya need to do is put that gun back in your damn holster and offer your hand to the broken soul in front of ya.” - Miella Fang
“ He says no one can kill the idea of him, that he'll go down in history, then I'll give him his damn wish. But to go down in history, first he's gotta go down.” - Miella Fang
"You first have to light a match to feel the flame, but who said it's gotta scald your heart? Why not let it melt instead? In love, in another's heart, in joy to be alive. Not every flame is lethal.” - Lorelei Metals
“ I used to weep because I thought love was a lost cause, but when Lillian holds my hand and tells me I'm hers, I feel truly, alive. And isn't it beautiful, to live for another while still living for yourself?” - Lorelei Metals
“ I could let my thoughts be bullets, or I could let them be flowers that'll blossom into the most beautiful and prospering ideas.” - Lorelei Metals
“ I love who I am, I've evolved so much, and.. I think my sister would be proud of that. God, how I miss her. She was always my hero, in all her tattooed bisexual glory.” - Lorelei Metals
“ I've been wild all my life, been caught in the riptide 'a all my pretty lil sins, but I had ta do those things ta stay topside the soil, so is it a crime ta wanna live? If it's a crime ta defend myself, give me a death sentence and call it justice” - Ivy Felinmote
“ I ain't the best woman, but I do try my best. I ain't no hero, never have been, I'm just a girl with a baseball bat and some elbow grease.” - Ivy Felinmote
“ I miss pops, he didn't deserve the fate 'e got. But now he's in the soil, and I suppose I got myself ta blame for that. I can spin the tale a thousand different ways, but it always ends with a bullet and tears.” - Ivy Felinmote
"I am the singular black rose in the garden.” - Madam Stephanie Rose
“A gardener would cut me from his garden of silk red roses and yellow poppies because I don't fit the aura in all my darkness and thorns. Not even my petals are beautiful, they reek of death and corruption.” - Madam Stephanie Rose
“ But now she's a wisp in my mind, a ghost haunting the halls of my mind, because she's gone, by the Gods she's gone and there's nothing I can do to bring her back. I've looked in every spell book, prayed to every God, but you need a body to bring back the dead, and I have nothing of her but memories.” - Madam Stephanie Rose
“ I could step into a garden and every rose would wilt and whither away into nothing but dust. I'm such a sinful creature that even nature can't accept me. As I said, I am the singular black rose in the garden, my thorns dig into my heart and the pitch of my heart becomes dark, the flowing of my blood in my veins becomes venomous and the petals I brandish whither and wilt and turn to dust before my eyes.” - Madam Stephanie Rose
"I'm a shootin' star hurtlin' towards greatness as if it were the got damn dinosaurs. I know greatness is a relative term, but all it takes ta be a great man is ta help other's with your actions, eh?” - Church Godsel
“ I'd rather be alone with my thoughts than surrounded in people who don't know what it is ta live.” - Church Godsel
“ I'd step inta the frontlines ta save an innocent man, my father don't like bloodshed, he wonders how we made such an egregious deed honorable, but I think so long as you got good intentions with that rifle 'a yours you gotta save who you can with the bullets you got.” - Church Godsel
"I am woven in the most beautiful of horrors, and the most delusional mystique.” - Alviro Conritz
“ I met evil when I was only a child, he was my father, after all. In all his delusions and all his horrors, he was my father, and I only wish for him to see one thing. My revolver before his final moments flash before my eyes.” - Alviro Conritz
“ I am the thing that goes bump in the night, I am the boogeyman and one of the thirty six murderers you will pass in your lifetime.” - Alviro Conritz
“ I drowned myself and people expect me to be my past self. But he's dead, isn't he? That scared little boy is gone, buried somewhere deep inside the woods behind his childhood home. I could look myself in the eye, and I'd stab myself in the back just to get ahead. Perhaps this is why I bleed so heavily, because I betrayed myself in a sense. But I won't stop, there's something therapeutic about all this madness.” - Alviro Conritz
"Ya know, I thought history was cruel. And then I lived it." - Marv Callemritz
"Sometimes, the monsters are the ones we trust the most, even if we don't wanna believe it." - Mathias Gonvable
"Oh I have long since learned that when it rains, it pours heavy on your beaten and tattered soul. Hold a dollar to the sky, the wind will pick up, and take it away in one gust, the wind, blows, blows, blows, and in its wake, trouble comes, but oh it surely doesn't go, friend." - Shawn Werdelstein
"I am the dark, and where I go trouble follows, so tread lightly, this territory is protected with fangs and old scars." - Shawn Werdelstein
"Livin' in reality, it gets dark, twisted. I suppose that's the nature of all things." - Shawn Werdelstein
"Zachary ya ain't so much a God, you hold the power 'a one, there's a difference in that. The statue of a God can be toppled, a God himself can not." - Klaus Van Velk
"When the world is at it's all time low, I am at my all time high." - Klaus Van Velk
"We already were fuckin' free mate, do you fink your politicians fought for freedom? Dey fight for bloodlust and bloodlust alone. Dey fight for demselves, if dey cared bout da cause, dey'd pick up da rifle demselves." - Winfield Coleman
"I could look into my soul, but all I'd find is desolation." - Scarletta Bonewhistle
“I'd say you deserve mercy, my brother. But that'd make both of us liars." - Violetta Gursoch
"Sometimes you have to realize the only way to win, is to own a black heart." - Ares Malstone
"Blame God all ya want Wes, but c'mon, give me a lil credit." - Gunther Mirowick
"I am but a wolf, feasting on his own wool." - Drake Chains
"Salvation holds no price too heavy to pay." - Shilo Downsworth
"I've learned justice and mercy can not, and will not, live side by side. I've watched as people tried, to show mercy to the wicked, yet in turn, they shoved a blade in their back, and the cycle of evil only continued." - Shilo Dowsnworth
"The element 'a surprise will be enough ta take out more than a few soldiers. Trust me, when guns go'a blazin' and the echo of mortality falterin' starts ringin' through the damn sky, even soldiers cower." - Davy Blight
"You could call me a saint, but I'd prove you wrong for a single gold coin." - Lugarn the Shadow
"I can't call myself a hero when I've never saved a life." - Grifold Hangers
"Life will pass you by if you don't live it." - Leonard Bakers
"I found living the wild side of life will only end in a wild way. There's no peace when you're living in chaos." - Moon Crimsonburn
"We're all saints in a world that forces us to be sinners." - Terrance Possematto
"People born into a bad life will think that's what it means to live." - Sarkelus Johnson
"I've found if it is darkness you seek, it is darkness you shall find. Seek out the light between the shadows, and you'll find it." - Victor Da Ville
"In that house of God, in that holy church, all I found was darkness and secrets no one would ever wish to see in the light." - Samina Gelbrook
"We're far from Heaven, close ta Hell, burnin' in our sins as if we were nothin' more but the trees in a forest." - Fallows Diamond
"I think, in every bad situation, there's something to be learned. Don't let the people who hurt you become imbedded so deep into your skin that they become a part of you." - Quinn Greaves
"Sometimes life kicks ya down. Just dust yourself off, and roll your die again, based on pure statistic, one day, you'll get that twenty, and find everything you never knew you needed." - Quinn Greaves
"Sometimes the world is a prison and we're the convicts polluting her atmosphere in our darkness but other times the sun shines our beaten souls." - Issac Abernathy
"He may not give two fucks about the pain he's caused, but when I'm standing before him, a gun at his damn head, he'll hear me loud and fucking clear." - Brandon Killovitch
"No one guns a man down and calls it peace except for he who tells the soldier to pull the trigger." - Messiah Morrington
"Revenge is immoral. So call me unholy." - Leola Jenefine
“If your demons are silent, listen for your angels.” - Caramel Pettagrew
"I'm covered in the blood of everything I was, I'm dancing in the ashes of me, but I held the very match that lit the damn flame.” - Sostias Hoffman
“ If my footsteps lead me inta the dark, then let me light a candle ta guide the way, and if my candle snuffs may my feet lead the way, and find the light that waits at the end 'a the tunnel.” - Alonzo Graves
"Most days my demons are silent, but on the days they speak, they break the sound barrier and leave it difficult to find any peace and quiet.” - Veronica Villenwicker
"It is in my darkest hour, in the hottest flame, the coldest ice, I have found everything I thought I had lost.” - George Stinson
“ I've lost a helluva bloody lot in life, I lost my innocence when I was thirteen, my 'ome when I was sixteen, and my will ta fuckin' live at twenty god damn one.” - Saria Romiro
"If you've seen hell, in all it's unholy flame and damnation, tell me, what does the welcome sign to Evergreen's bay look like? It's rusted around the edges, it's been weathered down by time as all things. It's hell in all it's darkness.” - Remo Gonvable
“ I don't know how the world twisted and turned in such a dark direction, but if I can't find light in the day, I'll create my damn own.” - Sheila Gonvable
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odeada · 1 year ago
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eva heresy getting waterboarded stimboard
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niuniente · 6 years ago
Do not be afraid of self-insert; everything you create is self-insert
I wanted to write all creators out there a supportive post about self-insert. This was inspired by an ask which I received some time ago. I got asked if the female lead in FUZZY comic was a self-insert. My reply was that no, but you can’t create anything outside of yourself. Everything you create has your fingerprint on or in it.
There’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with creating characters, stories and worlds from your interests, from your perspective! EVERYTHING is self-insert! Whether you do it intentionally or not, it is self-insert. Sometimes it is a big self-insert creation, sometimes it has only hints of you in it. Nevertheless, you are always present in anything you create; your wishes, fears, experiences, interests, likes, dislikes, personality traits, family life, studies etc. are present.
So, to show just how much self-insert there is in my creations, I made you a small list of both FUZZY and Demon Sanctuary and their characters. This is not a complete list and more will “inserted” as stories progress. Here is what is self-inserted from me to my characters and stories;
- Monster x Human relationship because yes monsters and yes monster romances
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Female lead Irene (in the pic) - Irene is a seer working with divination. I am an oracle working with divination and earning partly my living with it - I have worked in business and marketing like Irene - I love blond female leads and am blond myself - Respects all life - Can work with multiple divination tools, but gets visions and messages without them too - Lives alone
Male lead Fuzzy (in the pic) - Loves yogurt, especially starwberry flavored - Friend of tiny birds and kittens - Behaves often like a cat, because I love cats - Draws like I do - Doesn’t like speaking (doesn’t speak in the comic) - Socially anxious and prefers to be with 1-2 persons only - Keeps things to himself but opens up to trustworthy persons only - Doesn’t fit in into his own society/questions it - Gentleman, as I appreciate real gentlemen - Matches with 1920′s-30′s jazz, which is one of my fave music genres - Obviously a demonic monster, as I love monsters - Unintentionally ended up looking like Nightcrawler - Race;Lempo, because Lempo is a Finnish Demonic God of Love and I’m Finnish EXTRA: Fuzzling/Buzzling - Inspired by Nightcrawler’s Bamfs, as they are cute - Also take inspiration from The Critters, which are my fave monsters. Little assholes!
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A or R - Japanese-Scottish, as my soul is always at ease in Japan and in Scotland - Inspired by Axel (KH) and Reno (FFVII), both my fave characters - A punk, because punk aesthetic and music = yay! - Uses rifles and bras knuckles for fighting. I love guns. They’re beautiful. Bras knuckles are badass weapons. - Ice-cream enthusiastic, just like me. Makes his own ice creams - Plays dating games with his phone, which is also one of my hobbies - Due his work, knows lots of monster folklore, witchcraft etc. which interest me too. - Good at giving hugs, as hugs are important to me.
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Loid - Professional antagonist, as I like antagonists and anti-heros the best - His name Loid is an acronym from Billy Idol, who is extremely important to me - 80′s aesthetic and minimalist interiors, my favorites too - Likes leather jackets; I have too many of them - Has hideous taste in outfits; I usually look the best in “OMG what is this shit!”-outfits - Bi-sexual, as I’m not straight either - His got same piercings as I do on his left ear - Prefers to be left alone and to deal with others as little as possible - hard to befriend with, harder to earn his loyalty; but if you do, he’s got your back - Would he fall in love, he’d be loyal to death - Disrespect him, and he ditches you immediately - Approaches things indirectly - Hates hassle, nonsense and messiness - Lives in a pent house in a metropolis, something I dream about - Magical being, who uses anything physical his body provides for spells, as I find human bodies extremely beautiful (both men and women, trans included!) - Sex is not a taboo for him - Haunted by his past; perhaps more traumatized than he realizes... - Likes sleeping and sleeps a lot - Needs time alone; introvert
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Candy - Black woman, because diversity in humans is normal and black women are gorgeous - Probably has a girlfriend, just like my best friend does - Loves heavy music; I used to be an active metalhead - Also uses divination tools like Irene
- As Im a Finn, all monsters and demons are based on Finnish mythology and folklore (excluding Buzzling). All have Finnish names. - Hiisi speaks in Finnish Sign Language as I love sign language and learn words easily
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Father Furmann - A priest because religion is one subject which interest me. Would I be a man, perhaps I’d gone and become a priest myself. It was one of the options I considered when I was a teenager. I hang in churches and temples (and cemeteries) whenever I travel. - Rehabilitates demons as exorcism, demons and possessions are again one of my fave subjects I have studied.  - Covered with black and white tattoos as I love black and white tattoos - Has many of my fave tattoo themes on him; flowers on men, Virgin of Guadalupe, archangel Michael, skulls, demons. - Has an Aries sign tattooed on him as it is my sign - Used to do things alone by himself - Wants good for everyone and sees good in places where others might not  - Also goes together with my fave music genre, 1920′s jazz - Can overwork and drain himself, doesn’t always know his boundaries - While his surname is a pun to Fuzzy, it is German origins. I visit Germany regularly and enjoy my stay there.  - First name will be revealed later but it is also related to a concept which interest me. - Undercuts are my fave hair styles
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Ilta (Evening in Finnish) / Currently still in progress - Designed after Aries as it is my sign - Has some similarities to Bleach’s Neliel, as I love her design - Has connections to witchhunts, which is my favorite subject in history. I have too many books of witchhunt... - If hurt bloodily, she will have her revenge - Curvy, as I like curvy girls and its my body type, too
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Nyrkes / Currently still in progress - Has a human girlfriend because Monster Boyfriends Yay! - Possess a wide knowledge of different religions and philosophies, because those interest me greatly. Please, let’s talk about medieval heresies...! - Named and designed after the Finnish God of Squirrels and Hunting to honor my ancestors’ religion - Reads people and atmosphere like open book, though doesn’t let it show - Mohawks are one of my fave hair styles. - Wears cardigan which is similar to a cardigan my friend used to have - Cares for Eva but places his well-being first; something I had needed to learn (still learning) myself and what I want others to learn, too. Especially in relationships. You matter the most.
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Eva - Named after Eve who, by current the Bible version, was tempted by Lucifer; a thing Luciferianists see as a positive thing. Also a concept which interests me greatly. - Is mistaken for something sweet and innocent, who needs protection against he harsh world. Couldn’t be far from the truth.  - Doesn’t see eye to eye with her father. Keeps many things hidden from him. - Values her freedom. 
SO, BE SELF-INSERT. AS MUCH AS YOU WISH. You can’t help it. 
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thesevenseraphs · 5 years ago
Bungie Weekly Update - 10/31/19
This week at Bungie, we’re hosting a celebration.
Festival of the Lost has been unleashed on the Tower. Cobwebs are everywhere, black cats are on the prowl, and every vendor has some candy for you to enjoy. Eva Levante went all-out this year on decorations and brought some new masks for you to earn. While candies and treats are readily available, you also have the BrayTech Werewolf to earn, packing the multikill clip punch. The Tower isn’t the only place that’s a bit spookier. There’s been an uprising on the Moon, and Eris is calling on you to challenge the Hive in the Altars of Sorrow and the Pit of Heresy.
Xenophage made its grand entrance, bug and all. We’ve seen Guardians cracking the puzzle and claiming their Exotic in real time, but it isn’t the only new weapon for you to add to your arsenal. We’ve got some Hive-infused weapons that not only look mean, but back it up with some serious firepower.
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If you’re wanting to take on opposing Guardians with a bit more lethality, Momentum Control has arrived. Fast respawns, quicker kills, and ability regeneration tied to the defeat of your opponents. Get out there and make Shaxx proud.
So, now that we’ve covered everything that went live on Tuesday, let’s see what else is on the calendar: A charity, a costume contest, a hotfix, a bounty, and more are inbound.
Even with everything going on, we can take a moment to appreciate the little things in life. A bit of humor in the face of fear. Eva Levante is hosting the Festival of the Lost this year, and we have another opportunity for players to earn the Levante Prize. Throw on a mask, embrace your inner darkness, and join us in celebrating Festival of the Lost 2019.
Want to participate? Here’s how:
Create a costume for your Guardian and strike a pose in the perfect setting.
Snap a screenshot in any Destiny 2 destination or activity.
Play with shaders and armor combinations for the spookiest outcomes.
Group participation is encouraged!
Submit your image to the Community Creations page on Bungie.net.
We’ll retweet our favorites from @Bungie and grant winners the Levante Prize.
If you do win, make sure you give us Bungie.net profile links so we can deliver the emblems!
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While we’re all for fun and games, we’d love for you to try and scare us while you’re at it. Bonus points to those who do.
Destiny 2 Hotfix is tentatively planned for Thursday, November 7. It contains some quality-of-life fixes for the sandbox and Season Pass weapon acquisition. One of the more major changes deals with your pursuit of pinnacle Power. While we’ll be providing a patch note preview below, we have some words from the team on our initial goals for pinnacle Power and why we’re making some adjustments.
Dev Team: When we designed the pinnacle band of Power for Season 8, our intent was to provide an aspirational progression that reflects participation in some of the more difficult and time-limited content of Destiny 2. This was meant to be a slower progression than the powerful reward band, but one that wasn’t a gateway to accessing content.
We’re not hitting our goals for the availability of rewards in all slots for the pinnacle-level rewards. You may have experienced getting duplicate Energy weapon drops from these sources, which is compounded by the need to get a drop in all slots in order to gain enough Power to raise your character’s overall Power by 1. To mitigate this, we have increased the Power granted by pinnacle rewards to +2 instead of +1.
Once this change goes live, only four slots will be needed to increase your character’s average Power, at which point your powerful rewards will allow those slots that you might have missed to catch up. Our goal is that the pinnacle band remains a reward for tackling the more prestigious challenges, but takes some of the sting away from receiving multiple drops in the same slot. We appreciate all the feedback that we’ve received on this, we and hope to hear more from you on how this band of progression feels with the new change.
PLEASE NOTE: As this change is currently planned for next Thursday, players should wait to earn their pinnacle rewards until this hotfix is available so they can take advantage of the +2 change.
Alongside the changes to pinnacle rewards, we’re also adding the Season Pass weapons (Pluperfect and Temporal Clause) as possible rewards from the Vex Offensive activity. While players may currently unlock the chance for these weapons to drop with random rolls from the Crucible, Gambit, and strikes, we wanted to add them to another activity to give players more agency in earning random rolls.
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Additionally, we’ve developed a fix for ashes to assets to prevent Telesto from being the absolute best-o, where players could earn their Supers far more quickly than intended.
Stay tuned to @BungieHelp for updates on the exact time and date of this hotfix.
Amid all this excitement, Lord Saladin wanted to get in on the action. The Iron Banner returns next week, bringing Power-enabled combat back to the Crucible. With a handful of bounties in tow, you’ll have opportunities to earn the Iron Will armor set, along with some pinnacle-tier rewards.
Iron Banner Control
Starts: 9 AM Pacific on November 5
Ends: 9 AM Pacific on November 12
Note: You may be thinking “Wait, 9 AM? What’s going on here?” – Day Light Savings ends this weekend for us in the states. I know, it’s confusing. I don’t really know why it happens either. You can find more information in the Player Support Report later in this very article.
Earlier this week, Destiny 2 Update 2.6.1 introduced changes to Heavy ammo spawning in the Crucible. The following change will also be present within the Iron Banner:
Heavy ammo initial spawn changed to 60 seconds (was 45 seconds)
Heavy ammo additional spawning changed to every 120 seconds (was every 60 seconds)
Now, to make sure we say it again, we are currently planning a hotfix that will increase pinnacle reward Power gains next Thursday. We highly recommend that players wait to redeem any Iron Banner bounties which reward pinnacle gear until the hotfix has been applied.
We also fixed an issue in 2.6.1 that was causing the Iron Banner bounties to reset daily. Players will have four bounties to complete throughout the week.
If you follow your community news, you know that Gothalion is on the move to a new streaming platform. To ensure a nice, warm welcome in his new home on Mixer, we’re inviting the internet to hunt him down in the Crucible. We’ve placed a Bungie Bounty on his head! It seemed like the neighborly thing to do…
Bungie Bounty—King Gothalion
Saturday, November 2, 10 AM–Noon Pacific
Momentum Control on PC
Festival of the Lost has introduced a new competitive mode in the Crucible. If you play on PC, that’s your hunting ground. The rules are simple: Match with Gothalion, as either a teammate or an opponent, and win. The game must be played on his stream during the two hours allotted. To the victors go the new Bungie Bounty emblem.
This is a housewarming party and you’re all invited to attend. Bring snacks and ammunition. This is one of those rare occasions in which stream sniping is encouraged!
This week was also host to the inaugural Game2Give charity event, supporting the Bungie Foundation’s iPads for Kids program and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. We’ve been blown away by the community involvement, as we’ve raised nearly 1 million in donations from Guardians around the world. The charity is still going, and this weekend continues the event with DCPLive, joined by special guest Pete Parsons!
As a reminder, we have a few incentives for each donation, 100% of which goes to the charity!
A $10 donation will earn you the NEW Mist Blossoms emblem.
A $50 donation will earn you both the Mist Blossoms emblem and our first-ever Charity Ghost, the Gilded Shell Exotic Ghost.
A $100 donation will earn you both items above and enter you to win an item from the Bungie Prize Pool.
We’re having many more players join in on this event through the weekend, so stay tuned to http://bung.ie/game2givestream for more information.
Two-Six-One was our most recent update. We’ve got a slew of changes that have gone live, but it seems that the Izanagi’s Burden quest line continues to evade some players. Destiny Player Support is on the case, bringing the most up-to-date information on what we’re tracking.
This is their report:
Izanagi’s Burden
Earlier this week, we deployed Destiny 2 Update 2.6.1 to players. With this update, we resolved an issue that was preventing a subset of players from completing the Mysterious Box quest to receive Izanagi’s Burden. Following this update, however, new issues have emerged which block progression further down the line for this quest. Specifically, Destiny Player Support is tracking the following two issues:
Players are not receiving progress when redeeming forge keys.
Players are not receiving progress for the Obsidian Crystal received from rare Black Armory bounties.
These issues are currently under investigation, to be addressed in a future update. Players who are encountering other issues with Black Armory forges or the Mysterious Box quest should report to the #Help forum.
Festival of the Lost
This week, Festival of the Lost returned in Destiny 2. Eva Levante has made sure that this Festival is open to all.
For anyone joining us in progress, let’s review the entry requirements outlined last week:
Brand-new players who go through the New Light experience must achieve at least 770 Power before Eva Levante will beckon them with her Festival of the Lost introductory quest. If these players are lower than 770 Power, they will not be able to interact with Eva Levante at all.
All veteran players, including those who were boosted to 750 Power at the launches of New Light and Shadowkeep, may head directly to Eva Levante to begin her quest.
Don’t forget to wear your favorite mask when completing activities around the solar system. Wearing a mask is required in order to earn candy and Chocolate Strange Coins.
Lastly, this year’s Festival of the Lost will conclude at the weekly reset on November 19. Players looking for more information on Festival of the Lost should see our official guide.
Destiny 2 Known Issues
In addition to issues with the Mysterious Box quest tracked above, Destiny Player Support is investigating the following issues to emerge in Destiny 2:
Players may intermittently experience delayed loot drops and/or pursuit progression. If a player is at activity completion and has not yet received their loot, they should make sure they do not return to Orbit early.
If a Cabal Scorpius Turret Daemon falls off the map in the Haunted Forest, it will not be killed and won’t respawn, halting progress. Players will have to wait out the remaining time to collect rewards, or return to Orbit and restart the activity.
Following the launch of Destiny 2 Update 2.6.1, we monitored elevated ANTEATER, MONKEY, and WEASEL errors. At this time, issues causing these elevated errors are expected to be resolved. For the latest information on the state of Destiny services, players should follow @BungieHelp on Twitter or monitor our support feed at help.bungie.net.
For the latest known issues to be confirmed by Destiny Player Support, players should visit our Known Issues thread in the #Help forum.
Daily and Weekly Reset Time Change
Beginning this Sunday, November 3, Daylight Savings Time in the United States will end. This means that Destiny 2’s reset time will change to 9 AM PST (1700 UTC) through March 2020.
For more information, please view our Destiny 2 Ritual Reset Guide.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years ago
People, March 16
Cover: Mariska Hargitay 
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Page 3: Chatter -- Mindy Kaling on geeks, Jennifer Lopez on marrying Alex Rodriguez, David Beckham on wife Victoria Beckham, Drew Barrymore, Marie Osmond, Nick Jonas 
Page 4: 5 Things We’re Talking About This Week -- Lady Gaga releases a new song, Jif helps settle a debate, two couples believe love is blind, Timothee Chalamet will be there for you, The Oprah Winfrey Show becomes a podcast 
Page 7: Contents 
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Page 12: StarTracks -- Princess Kate Middleton tested out the track during an event for SportsAid 
Page 13: Dua Lipa marched in the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade, Drake high-fived Toronto Raptor Matt Thomas, Celine Dion in NYC before her show 
Page 14: Puppy Love -- Sofia Vergara and son Manolo Gonzalez Vergara and his dog Baguette at the launch of his luxury pet retail line CANINI in Las Vegas, Susan Sarandon and her dog Penny at the BUILD Series, Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas and their dog Porky, Emily Ratajkowski and her dog Colombo in NYC 
Page 16: Prince Harry and Jon Bon Jovi re-create the Beatles album cover Abbey Road, Jonathan Van Ness does a split in Perth on the Queer Eye star’s comedy tour, Ben Affleck with blond hair while filming The Last Duel in France 
Page 17: Lenny Kravitz and daughter Zoe Kravitz at the Saint Laurent show in Paris, the members of 98 Degrees -- Drew Lachey and Nick Lachey and Justin Jeffre and Jeff Timmons -- hit the stage for their reunion tour 
Page 18: Wedding Exclusive -- JJ Lane wed Kayla Hughes 
Page 21: Lori Loughlin’s legal bombshell -- Rick Singer was told by the FBI to lie about whether parents knew they were paying bribes 
Page 22: The new Bachelorette Clare Crawley gets ready 
Page 25: Heart Monitor -- Nicolas Cage and Riko Shibata new couple, Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen happy anniversary, Madonna and Ahlamalik Williams getting closer, Miley Cyrus and Cody Simpson going strong 
Page 26: Secrets from Taylor Swift’s new video, Harvey Weinstein’s ex Georgina Chapman moving on with Adrien Brody 
Page 28: Heather Graham remakes her career, Jeanna de Waal playing Princess Diana on Broadway 
Page 31: Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt on love, family and forgiveness 
Page 32: Stories to make you smile 
Page 34: Passages, James Lipton (1926-2020) 
Page 37: Wedding Exclusive -- Frankie Muniz and Paige Price 
Page 43: People Picks -- Onward 
Page 44: Family Karma 
Page 45: The Way Back, Modern Family, One to Watch -- Dispatches From Elsewhere’s Eve Lindley 
Page 46: The Banker, Cosmos: Possible Worlds 
Page 47: The Burnt Orange Heresy, Mandy Moore: Silver Landings, Q&A -- Xosha Roquemore 
Page 48: Books, Q&A Grace Byers 
Page 50: A Patient’s Quarantine Diary -- I Survived the Coronavirus 
Page 54: Cover Story -- Mariska Hargitay -- the SVU star shares how a TV role led to the real-world fight of her life: supporting rape survivors and making sure evidence doesn’t go ignored 
Page 63: Women Changing the World -- Eva Longoria supporting future STEM leaders 
Page 64: Christina Koch rocketing into the record books 
Page 66: Emily Blunt giving girls a voice 
Page 68: Najah Bazzy breaking the cycle of poverty 
Page 70: Simone Biles pushing the limits in women’s sports 
Page 72: Nadya Okamoto stopping period stigma 
Page 75: Awkwafina opening doors for Asian-Americans 
Page 76: Jennifer Hyman changing the way women get dressed 
Page 79: Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy and Trish Dalton fighting for college athletes 
Page 84: A Triumph Over Hate -- a South Carolina man decided to quit the KKK and a black preacher protected him 
Page 88: A toddler vanishes -- where is Baby Evelyn? 
Page 90: Lady-in-Waiting Anne Glenconner -- my memories of Princess Margaret 
Page 95: Carrie Underwood -- What my life’s really like 
Page 107: Second Look -- Chris Pratt snapping a selfie by his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame 
Page 108: One Last Thing -- Edie Falco
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my-canon-now · 5 years ago
New Selfship Blog
Just to be clear, I’m very new to this so here goes nothing
Bold is for F/Os with bigger feels (so the main ones i guess)
Italics is for F/Os that i only know about and haven’t consumed the source material of  (such heresy I know)
Romantic F/Os
Erza Scarlet [Fairy Tail] {tag: Jeweler’s Delight}
Carta Issue [Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans] {tag: Ground Control to Major Tom}
Nena Trinity [Gundam 00] {Tag: Gundams & Roses}
Ruck Arge/Shahryar [Gundam: Build Divers] {tag: Digitally Demihuman}
Rumi Usagiyama/Mukiro [My Hero Academia] {tag: tunnel of love}
(Amazon) Pandora [Kid Icarus: Uprising] {tag: Very-long-con}
Dragonmaid Erde [yugioh]
Hinoa [Monster Hunter: Rise]
Professor Sada [Pokemon] {tag: Paleoshipping}
Platonic F/Os
Louis Amamiya [Code Vein]
Yakumo Shinonome [Code Vein]
Mia Karnstein [Code Vein]
Io (No surname given) [Code Vein]
Coco (no surname given) [Code Vein]
Davis (guess what) [Code Vein]
Eva Roux [Code Vein]
Jack Rutherford [Code Vein]
Nicola Karnstein [Code Vein] 
Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel [DC]
Familial F/Os (all are adoptive unless stated otherwise)
The Business {Father} [Warframe]
Cephalon Suda {Mother} [Warframe]
Prince “Chung” Seiker {Brother} [Elsword]
Ashley (no surname given) {biological little sister} [Warioware]
Corin Wickes {bio daughter} [Zenless Zone Zero]
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KakeraTale: Some info dump
Lord Error and Lord Ink's full name are Logic Error and Quill Ink respectively to differenate them from Canon (Data) Error and Canon (Paintbrush) Ink.
Idk the full timeline of these events prior to Umineko proper, but Error lives long enough to know Eiserne Jungfrau under Ronald A. Knox's leadership even working with him directly at some point. Ink lives long enough to know Featherine before Bernkastel was a thing (meaning the Higurashi game board was possibly not created yet at that point).
Blueberry was 'stolen' several years before Umineko proper.
Geno became a Witch after Umineko proper.
Ink frequently guards the City of Books.
Error, Blueberry, and Ink actually attended the Erika-Battler - later Beatrice-Battler - wedding.
Error and Ink are invited to the alleged revelation of Eva's diary. While Ink came and became an attendee security, Error didn't to show respect to Beatrice.
I'm actually torn between making Blueberry a Furniture or a Miko, considering the latter's lack of in-depth detail.
In this AU, UnderVerse is actually a game board story created by Ink. While initially just a massive UnderTale game board crossover, a 'request' from a certain Lord Gaster forced him to create the XTale game board and integrate it into his current story. Ink plays it against Error, with the other game board pieces as well as (Data) Error game piece provided by Error while Ink only provides the XTale, (Paintbrush) Ink, and Core!Frisk game pieces. I'm still debating on the tabletop type this game has (Chessboard? D&D?? Other game board type???). Lambdadelta and Bernkastel spectating this game, both betting their win on Ink and Error respectively.
Under the Great Court of Heaven's consent, Error made allience with both Eiserne Jungfrau and the SSVD. His part of the deal is to execute minor and/or unimportant heresy cases under their stead if either is busy with bigger cases.
Ink likes to rope Blueberry in several game sessions. According to him, it's to train the Furniture's skill in solving mysteries and decoding puzzles. Their first game was using the Higanbana game board with Blueberry playing the Marie as well as the victim of the week game pieces and Ink playing the infamous Dancing Higanbana as well as the youkai of the week game pieces.
If Error witnessed, commited, or otherwise unwillingly involved in a 'Sin' (it's usually and more accurately a dumb shit rather than an actual sin, though there are exceptions), he would visit the Furude Shrine and prays for the 'Sins' much to Rika and Hanyuu's confusion.
I actually have a working title for this AU. It's titled When Bones Break to Dust (Hone no Oreru Hokori Ni? I'm not sure for the Japanese title though...)
Due to his origin, Error hates logic errors with passion despite his name.
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