maryholmes94 · 1 month
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The Holmes sisters :)
Pictures from Louise Brealey's and Sian Brooke's Instagrams
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mayabellis · 2 months
controvesial headcanon
Spoiler alert to BBC Sherlock
If you watched "Sherlock" BBC series I've got a question. Do you remember the scene when Mrs. Hudson says something like "your mother has a lot to explain" and Sherlock answers "Oh yeah, I've got a list. Mycroft has a file"? Do you remember the scenę where Holmes brothers hide cigarettes from their mother even though their adults? Do you remember the scene when Mycroft explains why did he lock Eurus and his mother says something that implies that he's a dissapointement for her? Do you remember Holmes' teasing each other about maing mum upset? I bet you remember at least one of this things. So...now there comes the right question.
Why the hell everybody see Mrs. Holmes as lovely, nice, warm person? Only because that one Christmas?
Me and my sibling decided to see her as a person who traumatized her children by making them feel they were never enough. There was the letter "M" on the book she wrote so we decided to call her Martha. I will be using that name but you can choose any else. But please let's spread the opinion that Mrs. Holmes is not cute and nice.
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storyloungeblog · 10 days
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Sherlock Staffel 4: Eine Reise durch Dunkelheit und Geheimnisse
Die vierte Staffel von BBC's "Sherlock" bringt die Spannung und die komplexen Charaktere, die wir lieben, auf eine ganz neue Ebene. Diese Staffel nimmt uns mit auf eine intensive und emotionale Reise, die uns tiefer in die Psyche unserer geliebten Detektive blicken lässt.
Sherlock Holmes, gespielt von Benedict Cumberbatch, zeigt uns in dieser Staffel eine verletzlichere Seite. Wir sehen ihn in Momenten, die seine moralischen und emotionalen Grenzen testen. Seine Entwicklung ist faszinierend und zeigt, wie auch ein brillanter Verstand von inneren Dämonen heimgesucht werden kann.
Dr. John Watson, dargestellt von Martin Freeman, durchlebt ebenfalls eine herausfordernde Zeit. Verluste und Schuldgefühle prägen seine Reise und stellen seine Freundschaft zu Sherlock auf die Probe. Doch trotz aller Konflikte bleibt ihre Beziehung das Herzstück der Serie, basierend auf tiefem Respekt und Verständnis.
Ein weiteres Highlight dieser Staffel ist die Einführung von Eurus Holmes. Dieser neue Charakter bringt eine neue Dimension in die Serie und fordert Sherlock auf bisher ungeahnte Weise heraus. Eurus' Manipulation und ihre Fähigkeit, die Menschen um sie herum zu beeinflussen, machen sie zu einer der faszinierendsten Antagonisten der Serie.
Visuell und stilistisch bleibt "Sherlock" auf höchstem Niveau. Die dunklen, gesättigten Farbtöne und die eindrucksvolle Kameraführung verstärken die düstere und intensive Atmosphäre der Serie. Auch die musikalische Untermalung trägt maßgeblich zur emotionalen Tiefe bei und unterstreicht die Spannung in entscheidenden Momenten.
Die Themen der vierten Staffel sind vielschichtig. Von Identität und Selbstfindung bis hin zu familiären Konflikten und der Bedeutung von Loyalität – jede Episode lädt zum Nachdenken ein und bietet tiefgründige Einsichten in die Charaktere und ihre Motivationen.
Die Treue zu den Originalgeschichten von Arthur Conan Doyle bleibt bestehen, auch wenn die Serie kreative Freiheiten nutzt, um die Geschichten in die moderne Zeit zu übertragen. Dies gelingt "Sherlock" auf beeindruckende Weise, ohne den Geist der klassischen Geschichten zu verlieren.
Obwohl die Zukunft der Serie ungewiss ist, bleibt "Sherlock" eine der bemerkenswertesten Adaptionen der Holmes-Geschichten. Die vierte Staffel setzt dieses Erbe auf beeindruckende Weise fort und bietet sowohl langjährigen Fans als auch neuen Zuschauern eine packende und emotionale Erfahrung.
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Empfehlung: Schaut euch die vierte Staffel an und lasst euch von den Abenteuern von Sherlock Holmes und Dr. John Watson in den Bann ziehen. Es ist eine Reise, die ihr nicht verpassen solltet!
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lemonade-luhv · 7 months
Good evening, lovelies, guess who is back after 2 long years of suffering without you all? Did you miss me?
I missed y'all @consult-sherlockholmes @eurusholmes @consulting-criminal @consultjohnwatson @dinner--starving <3
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john-kramer-0807 · 1 year
Couldn't have said it better myself
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rose-not-tyler · 4 years
Mary: shoots Sherlock
Me watching "His last vow" for the 11th time:
- R
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miss-bame · 4 years
Reasons why I can’t hate Eurus Holmes:
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All the little moments/dialogues where Eurus showed a little bit of humanity (my favorite is the last gif with that tiny grateful smile).
PS: I am aware she’s a bad person (I mean, she kills people for fun), but here she shows that she’s also human.
“I have this terrible feeling from time to time that we might all just be human... Even you”
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foxestacado · 4 years
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Sherlock and the fandom has been - and still is - a huge part of my life. I feel so thankful for how this show and its fan community have enriched, entertained, and inspired me for the last 10 years. Quite literally changed my life. . . . #10YearsOfSherlock #sherlockfanart #sherlockbbc #sherlock #bbcsherlock #benedictcumberbatch #johnwatson #sherlockholmes #martinfreeman #mollyhooper #mycroftholmes #eurusholmes #moriarty #andrewscott #fanart #lestrade #rupertgraves #stamford https://www.instagram.com/p/CDFPVzcFOxo/?igshid=tl04zmhyvheq
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harrypotterwholock · 4 years
Nothing to hide
Imagine Sherlock finding out about your eating disorder and comforting you.
~Trigger warning for eating disorders, self harm and implied sexual abuse~
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She stuck her sore fingers down her throat as she heard a loud bang at the end of the corridor. Sherlock must’ve come off of his heroine trip earlier than she had anticipated. Quickly she flushed the toilet and washed out her mouth with mouth wash to cover up the smell of vomit. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she noticed that her eyes were bloodshot from the violent vomiting. They looked huge in her face, her cheekbones sticking out, just like the other bones of her body. An hour earlier she had fallen back into old behaviors, bingeing on all of the food she found in their cupboards. It took a good half an hour to rid herself of the junk she had ingested and her knuckles were red and raw. Outside of the bathroom door Sherlock went into the kitchen, probably to make himself a cuppa tea. Anxiously she took a last glance at her reflection in the mirror and stepped out of the bathroom.
"Sherlock, dear, are you up already? I thought you’d be knocked out until tomorrow noon at least." She said, watching him sit in his armchair with his eyes closed. "Yes darling, I estimated that as well, but it seems like Wiggins has made a fault during the production process." he answered. As he said this, he snapped open his eyes and scanned her over, leaning back in his chair. "I’m going to need some time to settle, sweetheart. Why don’t you go out with a couple of your girl friends?" "Oh, thats a lovely idea Sherlock, but I’m having a bit of a migraine today. I think I’m gonna go to my room and read a bit. Get some rest, darling"
Sherlock didn’t answer as he was already in his own world, fingers propped up against his chin. Hurriedly, in an attempt to flee this encounter as fast as possible, she retreated into my room and let herself fall onto her bed. The silken sheets, printed with flowers, were soft against her skin and gave her a piece of comfort in her woeful state of mind. Curling up under the covers, she looked up at the water stained ceiling and began to cry silently. Didn’t he notice the amount of distress she was in? It was very unlikely that a genius like him wasn’t able to deduce what had happened from her physical symptoms. In this moment, she felt more alone than she had in the last ten years, ever since she befriended John and Sherlock, who freed her out of her miserable world.
For years she had been abused by her boyfriend, being hit, kicked, yelled at and forced to have sex with him. On a particularly bad occasion, neighbors had heard her screams and called the police. The officers came accompanied by Sherlock and John, who had offered her to come to their apartment, as she had no family she could have turned to. At first, Sherlock wasn’t too keen on having his routines disrupted by an intruder and, because of this, decided to ignore her completely. However, as she and John got to know each other and Sherlock eavesdropped on their conversations, he got interested in her and got jealous. It was just the second time he had shown interest in any woman who wasn’t his mother, the first being Irene Adler. Her appeal to him laid in her intelligence and expertise, as she was a well known mathematician. Since then, she had helped him with a few of his cases, calculating probabilities and running simulations for him.
She thought back at all the things, he and John had done for her to help her build a new and stable life and immediately felt guilty for falling back into her harmful behaviors. She hadn’t made herself throw up or cut herself for almost two years and never in the presence of John or Sherlock. Anxiously, she thought about the consequences she would get into if Sherlock found out about her ill behaviors. She pressed her fingernails into her skin until it bled to alleviate some of the emotional pressure.
* * *
Sherlock on the other hand sat in the living room and reviewed all of the things he noticed about Evelyn in his mind palace. What had he noticed about her? Unfortunately his mind was still mildly foggy from the drugs he had indulged in the night before. Surely there had been something off about her behavior. Normally, she would complain about his drug habit and would urge him to pursue a drug withdrawal. Today however, she had been urgently trying to get away from him, to withdraw herself from his deductive gaze.
He remembered some physical abnormalities about her: Her eyes were red and her salivary glands swollen. Sherlock reprimanded himself for not looking at her more closely, but he had still been in a state of dream. "Well, I will have to get a look at her then." he thought. "Evy, would you like to order something for lunch today? How about Chinese?" he called after her.
She didn’t answer him. Now suspicious, he wandered off towards her door and cracked the door open just enough to be able to get a look at her bed. Evelyn was curled up in a fetal position under the covers, her chest rising and falling heavily. The sight made Sherlocks heart ache and twist. Hesitantly, he opened the door completely and approached his girlfriend. "Evy, are you all right? What’s going on?" He asked worriedly. Startled she turned around to face him, wiping her face, so as to not let him see her weakness. "Sure, Sherl, everything’s ok. I’ve just got a bad headache, that’s all." He watched her closely and sat down next to her on the bed, brushing her sweaty hair out of her face. "Do you want anything? I wanted to ask you if you fancy a cuppa tea or some Chinese for lunch?" A panicky expression flashed over her face, but she regained her composure back almost immediately. Of course Sherlock had observed her reaction. "No thanks, dear. I’m feeling a bit nauseous today." "Should I stay with you for a bit and comfort you?" he asked, taking her hand from under the blanket. He shot a glance at her hand, to confirm his deductions. "When were you planning to tell me about your relapse?" Wide-eyed she looked at him. "What do you mean with „relapsed“? I’m just having a bad day!" She told him sharply. He gripped her hand and turned it upwards "Do you really think I’d miss these signs? I’m not an imbecile, so don’t lie to me! You have the Russells signs, and your salivary glands are swollen. To me, the situation is clear. So why don’t you speak it out yourself?" "I don’t want to speak it out. I haven’t done it in years, so technically I’m recovered" "You call this recovered?" He snarled. "You should accept that you have a problem!" "I should admit that I have a problem? Why don’t you start to work on your drug addiction first? MY addiction certainly isn’t as harmful as yours!" Sherlocks gaze turned soft and he leaned forward. His voice turned to a soft whisper. "Is it not? You’ve gotten smaller and smaller over the last weeks and if you plan to throw up the rest of the little food you’re eating, you’re going to starve to death. And believe me, I myself have eaten little food during my drug sprees."
Evelyn began to cry silently, her shoulders rising and falling fast. She hiccuped as she tried to stifle a sob. Sherlock lifted up the blanket and crawled into the bed next to her. Carefully he wrapped his arms around her and drew her head into his chest. Trying to calm her, he rocked her back and forth.
"Shhh, it’s going to be okay, sweetheart, you needn’t worry about any of it. I love you, no matter what. In my eyes, you're beautiful just the way you are. I primarily love you for your intelligence and your vast personality, not for your looks or body. It tortures me to see you unhappy about something so unimportant" Lovestruck, he trailed the lines of her lips and her cheekbones with his fingers. He drew her closer to him and moved his hands on her back in circles. "I know it’s silly, it’s just that my family has always let me think I was never good enough for them. I always thought I could only be loved if I satisfied their expectations." "Don’t ever think you aren’t good enough for me. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. If it wasn’t for you, I think I would have already turned towards criminality, to distract myself from the mundane world" He kissed her softly and ran his fingers through her auburn hair. Peacefully they laid together until the sun set and they both fell into a quiet slumber.
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thesmartone · 4 years
Brilliant minds
Mycroft : *turns Eurus into a ghost story that Sherlock resented*
Sherlock: *wrote his own version of The Merchant of Baghdad*
Jim: *wrote his own version of Nativity*
Eurus: * turns the fake tombstone dates to a song to get a hug from Sherlock*
Seb: *Wrote books about his experiences in India*
Me: Dis eez da place to beee!Purrfekt phandom!Da tutuone Bee Baiker Street pamileeee!
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c-angel-b16 · 4 years
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This popped into my head and I’m honestly proud of myself.
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maryholmes94 · 3 months
Rewatched 'The Final Problem'. Of course it's not a detective story and not even a thriller - it is more a philosophical parable, a mythical search of one's identity which could be an end, but is in reality just a beginning of Sherlock's journey. It is the only episode of the show that keeps the viewer in suspense until the very end and has a perfect hommage to every permanent character and actor. Benjamin Caron's direction crowns the story perfectly, and the real stars of the night are of course Benedict Cumberbatch, Sian Brooke and Mark Gatiss. I've probably said it before but I say it again: it doesn't matter if Martin Freeman doesn't want to return - let's rename the show 'Holmes' and have a four and a half hours long celebration of the three most prominent British actors of our time (two of whom are so undeservingly less famous than the other). But no, I probably talk to much. Don't mind me. I only add that I can't imagine Mycroft and Eurus without the wonderful voices of Valery Storozhik (Валерий Сторожик) and Irina Kireeva (Ирина Киреева), who did a voice acting for Mark Gatiss and Sian Brooke in the Russian version of the series, and also give a link to the video where I play 'Who You Really Are' on piano (recently @rey-jake-therapist asked me about my talents - consider it one of them ;) )
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jillianedelheit · 5 years
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bamBOOzled Credit: @johnlockmad_ #johnlock #bbcsherlock #sherlockholmes #johnwatson #jawn #martinfreeman #benedictcumberbatch #markgatiss #stevenmoffat #sianbrooke #eurusholmes https://www.instagram.com/p/B2aZXr6lP_S/?igshid=eismeehhvdkh
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nathaly-holmes · 5 years
my two dumbass children, goofing around
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hhartte · 5 years
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Did a character redesign for Eurus Holmes. Sian Brooke makes an incredible villainess... hope we we see more of Eurus if Sherlock does a season 5. (Can you tell I’m really gay for women in suits? She wears it better than Moriarty ever did!) Suit ref is Blake Lively in A Simple Favor. Face ref is of Sian as Eurus from the show. See the full drawing on my tumblr hhartte.tumblr.com #eurus #eurusholmes #bbcsherlock #sherlock #sherlockholmes #blakelively #asimplefavor #womeninsuits #art #artistsoninstagram #digitalart #drawing https://www.instagram.com/p/BtmLjoQluYc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1puwya1pfa9io
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I was just at a friend's to watch The Abominable Bride together and midway we started discussing the last episode of Season 4 and you know what she said?
"Hey what did you think about Uterus?"
Comedy gold.
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