#eurosong 24
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Greta Thunberg got arrested at the Eurovision Song Contest? I would have locked up other people as well. For bad taste.
#freak show#eurovision#Eurovision 2024#Eurovision song contest#great thunberg#great supports hamas#Eurovision song festival#eurosong#eurosong 24
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There is a video of an Israeli journalist approaching the Dutch delegation asking why he wasn’t on stage ‘Mr. Klein where were you? We missed you on stage.’ His security detail asked him to stop and kept him away from Joost. If the incident has anything to do with the Israeli delegation, then it’s far from okay what the journalist is doing… I'm very curious about the incident and hope that Joost will join the jury round at 9 p.m. later.
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Sims 4 - England 24-25 Football Shirt
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for the not from us ask: 18 & 24!
greetings from czechia :)
hi hi hello! :D
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
Yeah I speak Antverpian region wise, and then you have the difference between Flemish and Netherlands Dutch of course.
Because it's difficult to explain dialects to people that don't speak the language, I usually ask people what type of person tends to have their accent in a tv-show, since it's usually so stereotypical. Antverpian is usually given to like, criminals or shady people, it's considered a bit trashy but confident trashy. Most crime shows take place in Antwerp. (and if people in the replies want to give simillar examples of their accent I'd love to hear it it's a pretty funny perspective I think)
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
On the Flemish side the Netherlands for sure, but it's all fun not in a hostile way, and we get it right back. It's very sibling rivalry-like but at the end of the day we're a cliché 10-points-to duo in eurosong so that says everything you need to know at the end of the day.
Someone else will have to fill me in on the other side idk if they have the same thing going on with France or not
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Late Late Eurosong tomorrow.
"Go Tobann" by Ailsha is a massive fan favourite, and yeah right that song damn is, but I have a feeling that if chosen, then it might just not do as well as it sets out to. The song's production is noisy, with a lot of processing or overfiltering not making me understand what's going on very well; I mean yeah it's epic and all that but there's just too much happening all at once, in a song that's 2:24 minutes.
I would like to not have it fail because of trying something different than usual (a la Germany last year), but I don't have my hopes up 100% high.
I'd be still not minding it winning the Irish NF. My favourite is "Let Me Be the Fire" by Isabella Kearney, but I stand for Ireland trying.
#eurovision#late late show#late late eurosong#eurovision 2024#ireland#eurovision ireland#ireland eurovision#eurovision 2024 ireland#ireland eurovision 2024#ireland 2024#ailsha#go tobann#my one and only observation about go tobann#not posting that on twitter... yet?#puzzled thoughts about the big irish fave
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Eurovision 2004 - Number 24 - Amaryllis Temmerman - "God in alle eenvoud"
Eurosong '04 seems to be full of singers attempting a breakthrough into the big time. Here's another, Amaryllis Temmerman, and this time her big chance reaped rewards. Prior to 2004 Amaryllis was slowly working her way into the entertainment industry, working as a TV production assistant, getting small roles in Dutch language films as well as appearing on stage in the Rocky Horror Show.
This was a chance to show off her solo singing voice with what is an exceptionally sad song. God in alle eenvoud (God in All Simplicity) is a gentle, simple piece with a steady rhythm and synth background for a straight sung melody - the instrumental is atmosphere, a setting rather than anything more. Amaryllis sings about her father who is losing his memory and identity, losing the last year's of his life to dementia rather than being able to enjoy the retirement he's saved for. It's a celebration rather than a song filled with loss. She sings about all the people he's meant something to, and how he moved them, including herself.
Yet the loss hangs heavy over everything. It was written by Amaryllis herself alongside David Poltrock. I don't know how much is biographical or otherwise, but it's certainly touching.
On the evening that emotional appeal wasn't enough and she finished joint last in the heat, and clear last with a televote faced with a range of more upbeat entries and better known faces. Nevertheless it seems that this song was held dear by many. It got a single release, then there was album to go alongside it. There followed four more albums and several singles.
Perhaps more importantly her entertainment career took her down some unexpected pathways and a wide range of different jobs. Amaryllis has done everything from presenting game shows on Dutch TV to acting in children's stage shows to a permanent role in Belgian TV hospital drama. She's both been a news reader and has given out 'erotic tips' on a Dutch magazine programme aimed (I think) at naturists. She's done some production management, some choreography and acted in cabaret shows and produced corporate training videos. Amaryllis is always doing something - though music will always be her main love.
#esc#esc 2004#eurovision#eurovision song contest#istanbul#istanbul 2004#Youtube#national finals#Belgium#Eurosong '04#Amaryllis Temmerman#David Poltrock
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Bambie Thug vinner den irske finalen
Bambie Thug for Irland!
Foto: Becca Geden Irland sin finale av Eurosong 2024 er over, og vi har fått en vinner. Vi fikk servert en større sjangerbredde i Irland enn vi pleier i år, og det var seks ulike bidrag som deltok i kveld. En blanding av publikum, nasjonal jury og internasjonal jury avgjorde resultatet, og det hele endte slik: Bambie Thug – Doomsday Blue – 32 poeng Ailsha – Go Tobann – 24 poeng Next In Line –…
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Чехия едет на Евровидение
В очередной раз чехи выбирают достойных кандидатов на известный фестиваль «Евровидение», что в нынешнем году пройдет в Белграде с 20 по 24 мая. С этой целью даже организован всенародный конкурс Eurosong, победитель которого и станет представителем Чехии на европейской сцене. В отличие от стран бывшего Союза, где кандидатов на «Евровидение» отбирает государственный комитет по телерадиовещанию, в Чехии музыкантов выбирает население посредством SMS голосования. Из десятки самых ярких деятелей мест... Читать дальше »
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Recenzija: Space Opera
Autor: Catherynne M. Valente
Datum: 24/01/2023
Ocjena: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
U posljednje vrijeme me baš jako privlači znanstvena fantastika, stoga sam bila jako uzbuđena kada sam saznala da sam sretan dobitnik jednog darivanja na Instagramu kojim sam osvojila ovu knjigu. (Hvala ekipi Morine Kutije 💕)
Radnja je u biti veoma jednostavna. Komisija vanzemaljskih naroda odabrala je čovječanstvo da dokaže svoju svijest u glazbenom natjecanju, a ako zauzmu posljednje mjesto, Zemljine sirovine će biti iscrpljene te cijeli planet likvidiran. U osnovi, Eurosong u svemiru sa malo većim ulozima.
Knjiga zapravo vrednuje čovječanstvo te važe njegove najteže zločine i njegova najveća dotignuća. Glavno pitanje nije može li čovječanstvo svojim stvaralaštvom obraniti svoju vrijednost, nego zavrjeđuje li uopće opstati s obzirom na svo zlo koje je učinilo svojoj planeti i svim drugim živim bićima.
Predstavnici Zemlje čine članovi jednog odavno propalog benda koji su tako savršeno nesavršeni da je užitak čitati o njihovim osjećajima, izborima i akcijama. Valente ih je fantastično okarakterizirala kako bi što vjernije i što grublje prikazala njihove unutarnje borbe i nesuglasice, nedostatke i potrebe, a u isto vrijeme kroz njih prikazala reflekciju čitavog čovječanstva u svom najboljem i najgorem svjetlu. Uz to što njih dvojica imaju vlastite mane koje ih sprječavaju u njihovom zadatku da napišu pjesmu kojom bi trebali spasiti čitav svijet, prepreku im stvara duboka, gotovo paralizirajuća tuga koju nose u sebi još od smrti svoje treće članice koja je poginula prije mnogo godina i označila kraj njihovih karijera.
Tuga, žalost i gubitak opće prisutni su elementi koji prate knjigu kroz cijelu njezinu radnju. Skrivaju se u gotovo neznatnoj tišini i izviru tek u neprimjetnim riječima i rečenicama. Tako je Valente zapravo savršeno utjelovila kako je zapravo žalovati za nekime, čak i nakon toliko godina. Tuga tijekom vremena postaje podnošljiva i manja, no uvijek se skriva u kutu svjesti.
Druga tema koju Valente jasno analizira i kritizira tokom knjige je način na koji društvo općenito tretira osobe koje odstupaju od onoga što smatra normalnim. Glavni likovi primjer su osoba koje su zbog svoje različitosti na jedan ili drugi način nepoželjni ili neprihvaćeni u društvu. Tijekom godina, pogotovo nakon raspada njihova benda, bili su primorani potisnuti svoju jedinstvenost, toliko da su je gotovo u potpunosti uništili kako bi se stopili sa zajednicom. Natjecanje za njih nije samo borba za opstanak planeta, već vrhunac vječnog opiranja društvenim standardima.
Ono što definitivno čini knjigu upečatljivom i posebnom je stil kojim Valente piše. Radi se o gotovo jedinstvenoj kombinaciji opisivanja, stvaralaštva, humora i pripovjedanja. Podsjeća me na način kojim je Terry Pratchett pisao "The Colour of Magic" - čudnovat, ali osobit (uzmite taj komentar sa zrncem soli jer sam tu knjigu čitala prije 4 godina).
S druge strane, "Space Opera" je zato iznimno teška za čitanje. Možda je to samo moje iskustvo, ali često sam se pogubila tijekom radnje, pogotovo kada se Valente doticala povijesti vanzemaljskih vrsta i njihovih međusobnih odnosa. Uz to, spisateljica često spaja riječi i koristi žargone koje mi je ponekad bilo komplicirano za pratiti pa neke dijelove priče uopće nisam razumijela. Ovo su ujedno glavni razlozi zašto knjizi nisam mogla dati savršenu ocjenu.
No ipak, "Space Opera" me apsolutno oduševila, a pogotovo njen završetak. Valente je kroz svoje likove prikazala čiste emocije koje su me u potpunosti obuzele. Malo koja knjiga me toliko nasmijala, razveselila, zaprepastila i bila toliko blizu da me dovede do suza kao ova. Ako ste u potrazi za nečim jedinstvenim, šarenim i ludim, svakako je preporučam, no također napominjem da njen osebujan stil neće biti za svakoga.
#space opera#catherynne m. valente#book#books#review#reading challenge#reading#moja recenzija#recenzija#sci fi#science fiction#speculative fiction
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Waterloo - ABBA
ABBA, de Zweedse groep die bij iedereen wel bekend in de oren klink. Het is dan ook de groep dat in 1974 1ste’s werd bij het Eurosong in Engeland. Met het nummer ‘Waterloo’ zetten ze de zaal op zijn kop en verdiende ze maar liefst 24 punten. Een enthousiaste jury hadden ze dus zeker, maar wat was de betekenis van het welgekende lied?
Zoals Napoleon zich overgaf tijdens de Slag bij Waterloo gaat het nummer over een vrouw die zich over wil geven aan de liefde. Een echte klassieker dus!
En een originele naam ontbreekt zéker ook niet, want ABBA is de afkorting voor Agnetha Fältskog, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson en Anni-Frid Lyngstad, de artiesten van de band die nog steeds apefier zijn op hun overwinning.
Maar zal Jeremy Makesie met het nummer Miss You ons ook zo fier maken? Met zijn hoge stem en leuke moves zal hij hopelijk de jury omverblazen.
Persoonlijk heb ik hoge verwachtingen van hem, hij speelt met de dynamiek van het lied en door aan de slag te gaan met slagwerken op beats creëert hij een sterk ritme. Ook zijn hoge stem en leuke moves zullen straks niet ontbreken.
Doordat er veel landen erg hoog worden geschat en ik het lied ook wat voorspelbaar vind, vrees ik jammer genoeg voor een 20ste plaats voor Jeremy. Maar wie weet komt de echte Sandra Kim wel in hem tevoorschijn en wint hij met 2 vingers in de neus het Eurosong dat vanavond plaatsvindt.
De enige echte Sandra Kim werd in 1986 de eerste Belgische winnaar met het ongelofelijke lied ‘J’aime la vie’.
Toen ze deelnam was ze pas 13 jaar, ondertussen werd de leeftijdsgrens aangepast naar 16 jaar.
26 jaar later staat ze nog steeds vol talent op de podiums, zo won ze in 2021 The Masked Singer als ‘koningin’. Een echte superster mag ze dus zéker genoemd worden.
Ik duim alvast voor Jeremy vanavond!
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#the entire intrigue of love hate rships relies on the layerd complexity and gradual change of internal experinces of main characters
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there is no way alya would beat chat noir in a fight your honour
171 notes • Posted 2021-09-15 08:24:50 GMT
"is she going to go trough her personal history??? she could tell us the points. she has something written down so this is gonna take long"
the presenter asks for points
"that's right, get to the point"
239 notes • Posted 2021-05-22 22:27:58 GMT
i made some memes
See the full post
540 notes • Posted 2021-08-07 21:25:23 GMT
Adrien saw Juleka and said: sister 😻😸
592 notes • Posted 2021-08-03 23:36:22 GMT
if people feel like they're not allowed to express their anger around you without coddling you and sugarcoating it then you are not a safe space. if people have to please you, mention how they believe you are a good person every other sentence when they're being angry about something you did, you are not a safe space for them.
629 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 10:52:12 GMT
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La XXXII edizione della rassegna musicale “La Musica unisce la scuola" dell'IC Vitruvio Pollione di Formia
Locandina ProgrammaLa Musica unisce la scuola L’Istituto Comprensivo “V.Pollione” di Formia ha accettato l’invito del Ministero dell’Istruzione a partecipare alla XXXII edizione de “La musica unisce la scuola”, che è organizzata dal Comitato nazionale per l’apprendimento pratico della musica, in collaborazione con INDIRE e in programma dal 24 al 29 maggio 2021. Un fitto programma quello della Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado “V.Pollione”, che vede coinvolti, in GTM, esperti, professionisti e docenti con lezioni di musica e del suo rapporto con altri ambiti disciplinari e culturali quali la pratica sportiva, le lettere, le lingue straniere, la tecnologia, l’arte. E' stata espressa la massima soddisfazione della partecipazione a questo evento dalla dirigente Scolastica Prof.ssa Annunziata Marciano: “sarà una settimana intensa, una sintesi di tanti contenuti interessanti che riconduce alla musica come disciplina che sa unire, ispirare, approfondire, sollecitare emozioni” Quest’anno significativa sarà la partecipazione dei partner europei ed in particolar modo degli amici della Polonia nella giornata di venerdì 28 maggio con “HORA, TRADITIONAL DANCE FROM ROMANIA•LA MUSICA ETNICA” ,omaggio alla Romania, partner nel progetto Erasmus Plus, a cura dei professori Simona Dumitri e Alfonso Priori. Momento clou e aggregativo, seppur a livello virtuale, l’appuntamento con “Ambrogio Sparagna Live” a cura del M° Ambrogio Sparagna. Il programma dell’evento che è consultabile anche sul nostro sito www.icpollione.it prevede: LA SETTIMANA DELLA MUSICA 24/29 maggio 2021 LUNEDI’ 24 MAGGIO 8:00 1A-1D-2H “WORK MUSIC”. Prof.sse Cristina De Crescenzo, Rosaria Catanzaretto, Enrichetta Bianco. 8:00 2A “SANREMO, NON SOLO MUSICA” un viaggio nella storia del costume sulle note più popolari del festival, prof.ssa Antonella Palmaccio. 9:00 3F “UN MARE DI ONDE..il suono e la sua propagazione” prof.sse Paola Villa , Gattola. 9:00 2H “ HO UN BEL PROGRAMMA ...LE QUATTRO STAGIONI” prof.ssa Giammei Iris. 9:00 3C-2D--3H “WORK MUSIC”. Prof.sse Cristina De Crescenzo, Rosaria Catanzaretto, Enrichetta Bianco. 10:00 1C “VIAGGIO NELLE EMOZIONI ATTRAVERSO LE NOTE MUSICALI” prof.ssa Valeria Nastrelli. 10:00 2A -1H “WORK MUSIC”. Prof.sse Cristina De Crescenzo, Rosaria Catanzaretto, Enrichetta Bianco. 11:00 1C “WORK MUSIC”. Prof.sse Cristina De Crescenzo, Rosaria Catanzaretto. 11:00 2E Le “Divine Note” della proporzione aurea, prof. Gianpaolo Coscione. 11:00 2C “ BELLA CIAO...una melodia , mille eventi” prof.ssa Susanna Veglia. 12:00 2C-3D “WORK MUSIC”. Prof.sse Cristina De Crescenzo, Rosaria Catanzaretto. MARTEDI’ 25 MAGGIO 8:00 1I/1F “ MUSICA E MOVIMENTO” proff.ri Enrichetta Bianco, Giuseppe Simione 8:00 2A “ SING FOR CLIMATE” prof. Benedetto Supino. 8:00 3F “ PAROLE E NOTE: LA POESIA NEI TESTI DEI CANTAUTORI” prof.ssa Antonietta Sparagna. 9:00 3H Paul Verlaine. “DE LA MUSIQUE AVANT TOUTE CHOSE” Chanson d’ automne” prof.ssa Angelina Martino. 10:00 1F “ VIAGGIO TRA LE REGIONI DEL SUD AL RITMO DELLA MUSICA POPOLARE” prof.ssa Beatrice La Rocca. 10:00 2E “Flamenco : a multicultural and a multilingual mix” prof,ssa Laura Zullo 11:00 2F “ PAROLE E NOTE: LA POESIA NEI TESTI DEI CANTAUTORI” prof.ssa Antonietta Sparagna. MERCOLEDI’ 26 MAGGIO 8:00 3E “WORK MUSIC”. Prof.sse Cristina De Crescenzo, Rosaria Catanzaretto. 9:00 1E-3F “WORK MUSIC”. Prof.sse Cristina De Crescenzo, Rosaria Catanzaretto, Enrichetta Bianco. 8:00 2E “ LA CHITARRA CLASSICA” evoluzione e sviluppi, lezione concerto, alla chitarra prof. Nicola Pelella. 8:00 2H “SANREMO, NON SOLO MUSICA” un viaggio nella storia del costume sulle note più.popolari del festival, prof.ssa Antonella Palmaccio. 11:00 2E-2F “WORK MUSIC”. Prof.sse Cristina De Crescenzo, Rosaria Catanzaretto, Enrichetta.Bianco. 12.00 3E “ MUSICA E CINEMA” lezione concerto ( fisarmonica e chitarra), prof.ri Nicola Pelella, Priori Alfonso. GIOVEDI’ 27 MAGGIO 9:00 2H “SONGS FOR THE EARS..THE EYES..THE HEART..AND THE MIND” prof.ri Antonella Di Stefano, Giammei Iris, Nicola Pelella. 9:00 3A “SANREMO, NON SOLO MUSICA” un viaggio nella storia del costume sulle note più popolari del festival, prof.ssa Antonella Palmaccio 10:30 3C “UNITED IN THE NAME OF MUSIC” dalle canzoni cantate dai balconi all’ Eurosong Contest passando per il Festival di Sanremo, prof.ssa Alessandranna Supino 12:00 3D “VIAGGIO NELLE EMOZIONI ATTRAVERSO LE NOTE MUSICALI” prof.ssa Valeria Nastrelli. 12:00 1F “ EL FLAMENCO: MUSICA, BAILE, CULTURA Y FORMA DE VIVIR” prof.ssa Letizia Lagni. VENERDI’ 28 MAGGIO 9:00 3H “CANZONI DI GUERRA” ( riflessioni sulla vita), prof.ssa Rita Di Luglio 12.00 2A “HORA, TRADITIONAL DANCE FROM ROMANIA•LA MUSICA ETNICA” omaggio dalla Romania omaggio alla Romania, partner nel progetto Erasmus Plus, professori Simona Dumitri e Alfonso Priori. 10:00 3E “VEDERE LA MUSICA” Matisse, Kandinskij, Picabia, prof.ssa Luigia Purificato 11:00 3E “SUD TRA CANTI E BRIGANTI : STORIE DI BRIGANTI NELL’ ITALIA POSTUNITARIA” prof.ssa Beatrice La Rocca. 12:00 3F “L’IMMAGINE DEL SUONO” principi di acustica prof.ssa Ippolita Curto. 12:00 3H “VEDERE LA MUSICA” Matisse, Kandinskij, Picabia, prof.ssa Luigia Purificato. SABATO 29 MAGGIO 8.00 3E “QUANDO LA MUSICA E��� DISARMONIA” le nuove sonorità del 900, lezione concerto al piano prof. Alfonso Priori. 9:00 2A “ LA MUSICA NEL CANTO NAPOLETANO” lezione concerto al piano prof. Alfonso Priori. 10:00 1A-1E “WALT DISNEY” capolavori in musica prof. Alfonso Priori. 11:00 TUTTE LE CLASSI “ AMBROGIO SPARAGNA LIVE” M° Ambrogio Sparagna. Read the full article
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Shame on you Eurovision
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Sims 4 - Albania 24-25 Football Shirt
Download Here: https://www.patreon.com/MattCC
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Download straight away to celebrate the Euros
Thanks @honeypesca for the request
#sims 4#ts4 cc#cc finds#jerseys#simblr#the sims 4#ts4#leandro trossard#soccer#premier league#football#aaron ramsdale#24-25#euros 2024#euros24#eurosong#euro summer#uefa euro 2024#euro cup#euros lb#england#united kingdom#spain#netherlands#germany#france#europe#albania#armando broja#nedim bajrami
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Eurosong's ESC '17 ranking and commentary
Good afternoon, folks! The clock is ticking down to the final and it's now about that time of the year where I unleash my commentary on all the songs. I tried to limit myself to a few sentences per song, but since there´s 42, this will doubtless be considered by some as a big read. Tongue in cheek in part but very candid about my views on some of the songs - don't proceed if you don't want to see a few songs savaged. As the ancient Romans said, de gustibus non est disputandum, and these are just my views and tastes.
1 Portugal From which planet did this extraterrestrial talent come and why do his people want to break our hearts so exquisitely? I cannot speak highly enough of these three perfect minutes of melancholy, longing, and yet, at the same time, love and hope. This performance speaks to the soul so intimately. It is a pure and timeless composition that I feel like I've known all my life, but have been waiting all this time to hear. Extraördinary and twelve cuts above everything else in the contest in my eyes. 2. Hungary How I love the fearless Magyars and their tendency to dance to the beat of their own drums, sending things that sound like nothing else in the contest. This is one of the most emotional performances in the contest and certainly one of the most meaningful lyrics - talking about the prejudice he faced as a Romani and the salvation he found in songwriting. The music is a sui generis blend of rap, traditional folk and other elements - and the pure passion invested into the lyrics and their delivery gives me goosebumps. 3 Belarus This is what three minutes of unshackled, care-free joy sounds like. Naviband are adorable, their chemistry pure, and their song is so full of joie de vivre. I feel like I’m out in the primordial forests of Belarus hearing the call of the ancients. 4 Armenia Another nation keen to exhibit its traditional music in curious new blends is Armenia, who this year bring us something that sounds at once distinctly Caucasian and East Asian. A curious mélange of genres and influences make this almost as far as you can get from the tired "Melfest reject" mould. I love the non-linearity of this song, and the æthereal feel that makes the song feel like a forgotten psalm to the gods. Great effort. 5 Iceland If you combine dark but infectious electro beats with some of the most subtly meaningful lyrics of the contest, you get this, in my book, one of Iceland's best contributions to the contest in some time. Svala's song is very personal to her and, through an extended metaphor, talks about struggling with accepting yourself for who you are. A very underrated track in my eyes.
6 Czechia Speaking of underrated, we have the perennially undervalued Czechs sending us one of the most understated and sincere offerings this ESC. Czechia's is a very subtle song about strength in adversity and human connection. The music is very pleasant, and the lyrics are sung with heart. 7 Belgium No matter the disastrous reaction to the rehearsals, City Lights remains for me one of the most unique and meaningful pieces in the contest this year. Whilst last year they sounded like a 90s girl group trying to emulate the 70s, this is year 3000, futuristic cool. There is a powerful minimalism in the lyrics that lets their many nuances sink in. "Are we going to lose it all?" 8 Romania You get instant ESC-snob credit by disavowing this Romanian effort, which on paper - a yodel-rap about breaking away from the 9 to 5 - sounds like it should be a ludicrous mess. But you won't see me doing anything but praising it as it is an instant ray of sunshine in a song. I love how much Alex and Ilinca, an incredibly cute pair, love their song and how they put their heart into each performance. I feel lifted up to the Alpine heights by each listen. 9 Azerbaijan For the first time ever, Azerbaijan stand to get into my top 10. They’re still raising my hackles by importing music from Sweden, but this time they’ve picked a credible and glacially cool artist with a mystifying and dark composition about obsessive love. A step in the right direction. 10 Italy The bookies’ favourite by far, and I can understand why - Francesco exudes cheeky chappie charisma and his song is one that can appeal across generations. Why only 10th then from this bonafide Italophile? I always found the chorus of the song to be very dated, sounding like the theme tune of an early 90s quiz show, whilst the verse and bridge has a much more monumental, anthemic air. I was more able to overlook the repeats of the chorus before they made disastrous cuts and excised most of the first verse and all of the second verse, leaving a song that is still fun, but a lot more repetitive. 11 Netherlands I’m honestly amazed that O’G3ne, a band with such a ridiculous name and a dubious pedigree, are on the cusp of my top 10 this year. They sing songs that are so dated that they wouldn’t have counted as fresh even in the early 90s. And yet, their song has a certain child-like naïveté in its lyrics about their ailing mother that it makes it unbelievably moving. 12 France A nice enough song from France this year, but nowhere near as good as Amir last year in my eyes. What really took the song down a notch was the clunky addition of unneeded, comparatively cacophonous English lyrics, which replaced the existentialist French chorus of the original with some throwaway clichés. 13 Macedonia Some fans consider the Macedonian entry fresh despite its reminding me of 3-4 different 80s’ songs blended together. What it is though is catchy and kitschy in a fun way. I have doubts about the live performance given her scandalous playback in London, though. 14 Finland As Holly Brewer sang, “I wish I loved you more.” I should love a song like this, but instead I don’t enjoy it as much as I might because I feel they put a distance between themselves and the audience not fitting for such an emotional song. 15 Ukraine It’s no secret that I’m a rocker, but unfortunately, a lot of the rock at the contest has been sub-par in recent years - or has been “rock” in inverted commas. This is not a bad effort from Ukraine, but nowhere near the britrock-inspired heights of Georgia last year. It’s a bit too repetitive for my likes. 16 Latvia Something less to my typical tastes is this unexpected piece of 90s rave revival, a step away from the cool Aminata-penned electronica Latvia has sent in the past two years. It’s a welcome stylistical oasis in a desert of identikit pop ballads, but qualitatively isn’t great, and her nasal, oddly pronounced vocals are an acquired taste which I am yet to acquire. 17 Bulgaria Very nice, relaxing background music but I don’t think of it as much more than that. 18 Ireland This starts out so promisingly with a gloomy and mysterious beginning, but soon degenerates into an early 2000s B-side that was not only rejected by Westlife but also by an assortment of C-list bands imitating Westlife. It’s even complete with the obligatory key change that launches young Brendan into a register so high that it could shatter contact lenses while they're still on your eyes. Yet, I do find some charm in it, and this would be a contender for places 11-15 for me were it not for the god awful last minute. 19 Albania For once, Albania don’t completely destroy a song in its revamp - they maintain most of the rock-ish edges of the original, instead of neutering them like they did with Përallë. As is typical, though, they lumbered Lindita with a bewildering and clunky English translation that takes a lot of my enjoyment away from the song. 20 Germany This couldn’t be more middle of the road if it tried - so it’s apt, I guess, that it has a position almost precisely in the middle of my ranking. Levina was the best of a bad lot in Germany’s insane format of a national final and she soldiers through a song even she seemed like she preferred not to sing. The riff ripped from Titanium is so blatant - and the song is brought down too by some ridiculous lyrics. “Almost a sinner, nearly a saint.” So you’re almost exceptionally holy and almost someone who frequently sins at the same time? *Head explodes* 21 Switzerland An innocuously bland mid-tempo pop ballad. Not much to say about this one. 22 Croatia A man singing a duët with himself, giving a motivational message - to himself. One half in the quivery, syrupy upper ranges of an R&B tenor, the other half in a booming operatic baritone. It’s as ridic as it sounds and yet this Jeckyll and Hyde act is saved from the very bottom by its endearing barminess. 23 Denmark Disposable pop with a shout-sung chorus, albeit by a performer with some charm and connection to the audience. 24 Australia Musically, not so bad at all, but there’s something offputting about a chap young enough to almost be fœtal putting on a drippy voice and ridiculous puppy dog eyes, singing a song of a life of broken hearts and lost love more befitting of an old man. 25 Serbia Serbia used to be one of my favourite countries in the contest. They stuck to their own language and sang songs imbued with Balkan rhythm and tradition... now they send someone sending a poor rip-off of Katy Perry’s Firework. Каква срамота. 26 Moldova Evidently, meme status can open doors and can gift you a return ticket to the ESC. It’s a shame, as even in Moldova, there were better options than this rather misogynistic effort that seems to have been Bing translated, not even Google translated, and which sounds like it was based off a MIDI ringtone. Apparently bound for the final just because it’s upbeat. 27 Austria This exudes that relentless forced cheeriness that makes my blood run cold. It’s such a plim-plom song that bounces along whilst saying nothing. Most songs aim for the top and I can admire that, even if they have no chance - this aims for mid-table mediocrity in the final. 28 Israel Generic dance track with words plucked at random and thrown onto the paper. 29 Norway Robotically cold. Most songs make me feel something, even if it’s annoyance. This just leaves me numb. 30 Poland An oppressive dirge with lyrics that rely on a rhyming dictionary a little too much (rhyming fire, desire, wire and higher in the space of ten words!) and a bizarre song structure with an anti-chorus and no real progression, which make these 3 minutes feel very long indeed. 31 Sweden Predictable, repetitive pop with one of the most laughable performance routines (blokes trying to act “smooth” by doing very silly gestures) and lyrics that read as though written by Jay in the Inbetweeners. Let’s not romanticise uncontrollable lust. 32 Cyprus A rip-off of Rag and Bone Man’s “Human”, but without a message. Instead, some incredibly daft lyrics written by someone who failed physics even in primary school. Hovig likens himself to gravity because he will catch his paramour when she falls - when it is in fact gravity that pulls her down to her grizzly death. 33 United Kingdom Turgid rent-a-ballad delivered in a hammy style with not a whisker of sincerity - compare that with the virtuoso performance of her rival in the final, Holly, who sang like she felt the pain. I’ve been saying since the contest that it will do well, though, but I’m not sold one bit. 34 Spain Many of us Eurovision fans in Spain wasted money voting for other songs in the national final, only to find that the jury - 2/3 comprised of people with vested interest in one of the candidates - was able to override thousands of televoters when it came to a draw. They put the televote’s 3rd place, Manel, first, leaving a considerable bad taste behind. And what for? One of the most inane songs the contest has ever seen, in which either “do it for your lover” (do what?) or “just do it” are repeated on average less than every 4 seconds. It sounds like a homebrand Lazy Song and the songwriters sure were lazy. Playing this on a loop for just 15 minutes could make even the toughest commandos cry for their mammies. 35 Estonia Part of me wants to put this at the very bottom of the pile, but sadly, there are worse horrors yet to come. It’s really disappointing when your favourite ESC country in recent years throws aside a bunch of daring possibilities to represent them in 2017, in favour of something so aggressively bland, a cynical Eurosong by numbers with hackneyed, ultra-repetitive lyrics that mostly consist of entoning “á-a-a-a-à-a-a-a-á-a”, performed by a duo who have as much chemistry as two inert gases and spent most of the time hammishly gurning. 36 Montenegro How does one interpret it when one of the European countries with the biggest problems of homophobia - with 71% of the populace thinking homosexuality is a sickness and where a number of hate crimes have been registered just against people who support LGBT rights - sends such an OTT act with lyrics that are packed to the brim with single entendres? For me, it seems a cynical move. Slavko himself seems a cool guy but the song itself is a hot mess. 37 Lithuania And this is a hot mess, frozen then microwaved, then frozen then set on fire with a flamethrower. Be careful of watching this with pets or small children or they may well end up traumatised for life. Whilst unbelievably sweet in interviews, the lead singer of this act seems like a banshee possessed by demons whilst singing. Her bandmate seems like her creepy “keeper.” They sing a song with about 180 instances of the words “yeah, yeah” and some trumpets that sound like they were taken from Windows 95 sound effects. 38 Slovenia This has to be one of the most overblown and pompous entries in many a year. Omar claims he was waiting to unleash this on the unsuspecting public for over a decade - even back then, this grandiose attempt at a Broadway-style number would have sounded dated. 39 Greece I will never forgive the genius lyrics “rain falls from abooove!” Neither can I forgive the fact that such a completely generic track with lyrics written on the back of a Cornflakes box is probably destined for the final with the help of some gimmicky staging. 40 Malta This song fills me with all the energy of someone who’s been in a coma for 15 years. 41 San Marino Some folk are happy to see Valentina Monetta back for the fourth year. I’m sad to see a talented performer come back for scraps of infamy no matter how bad the song she’s offered. And my god, is this disco rehash fever dream bad. 42 Georgia Georgia is typically one of my favourite nations in the contest, because of their willingness to break away from the mould, to enter things that are very atypical of the contest and often do well with them - like the exhilerating psychadelic-Britrock of last year or the trippy folk of a few years before that. This year, they couldn’t have gone more off into the other direction, into the methane-scented hinterlands of mediocrity. I find this song disasteful in so many ways. The overt and ham-fisted political nature of it. The creepy music, like the soundtrack to a cheap straight-to-VCR horror movie, which creates an oppressive atmosphere that makes me feel like the music is holding my head down under the ghoul-infested waters of a frigid lake in a winter forest. The ghastly, cliché-ridden lyrics, where “keep the faith” is repeated so many times that by one minute, my faith that the song will ever end is already shaken. Ugly composition.
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I was tagged by @stan-the-best-stan-monsta-x, the girl I can have conversations with about how watermelons would dance, thanks ^^
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better (so you have to answer 20 questions of the 50 right? Is that how the game works? I fucked up the lay out btw, I’m sorry)
First tag:
1. Name: Lieselotte 2. Nicknames: Lotte, Liesl, Lotteliesel (yes one of my friends is weird af), Let 3. Zodiac sign: Gemini 4. Height: about 173 cm? 5. Orientation: idk straight atm but still questioning 6. Nationality: Belgium, the country of chocolate, beer and fries, the country that was placed fourth yesterday for eurovision 7. Favourite fruit: - 8. Favourite season: spring, I love flowers and sunshine 9. Favourite book: - how do people even answer this 10. Favourite flower: - 11. Favourite scent: - 12. Favourite colour: - 13. Favourite animal: - 14. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate, like what did you expect 15. Cat or dog: cat 16. Favourite fictional character: - 17. Number of blankets you sleep with: 2-3 because I’m cold 24/7 18. Dream trip: a trip where I meet a lot of new cultures and people
19. Blog created: I think I made this blog a month ago?
20. Number of followers: -
Second tag:
1. Nickname: - 2. Gender: Female 3. Star Sign: - 4. Height: - 5. Time Right Now: - 6. Last Thing I Googled: junior eurosong because @stan-the-best-stan-monsta-x didn’t know there’s a children version of eurosong so I had to search when it was 7. Favorite Bands: - 8. Favorite Solo Artist: - 9. Song Stuck In Your Head: - 10. Last Movie I Watched: I started Vaiiana but we were watching it illegally and we lost the signal so I didn’t finish it 11. Last TV Show I Watched: - 12. When Did You Create Your Blog: - 13. What Kind of Stuff Do You Post: if it wasn’t obvious: Monsta x, bts, Park Hyungsik, sometimes kdrama, maybe got 7 but I’m still new to them 14. When Did Your Blog Reach its Peak: - 15. Do You Have Any Other Blogs: - 16. Do You Get Asks Regularly: - 17. Why Did You Chose Your URL: I finished watching an episode of SWDBS and there’s one scene where Hyungsik’s character is like “I need photosynthesis right now. I need sunlight.” (for reference see my header lol) and I thought that was really funny since I always say things like that, how I need sunlight to have energy and that I probably do photosynthesis. When I wanted to make a kpop side blog I just felt like this was the url I should choose. I can relate Hyungsik. 18. Following: 264 19. Posts: - 20. Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff bitchessss 21. Pokemon Team: - 22. Favorite Colors: - 23. Average Hours of Sleep: - 24. Lucky Numbers: - 25. Favorite Characters: Alphonse Elric from FMA, Nico di Angelo from percy jackson, Jack Sparrow (yes I love this man), Newt from the maze runner, Newt from fantastic beasts, L from death note... probably more 26. What Are You Wearing Right Now: -
27. How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: -
28. Dream Job: - 29. Dream Trip: -
I’m tagging @reihyung, @ki-hyunie, @knights-of-221b-privet-drive and @letmeknow-tomorrow (I know you already did this but this is just an honorable mention haha)
You don’t have to if you don’t want to or are really busy atm of course ^^
#tag game#idk if i did this right#but whatever#i was tagged for two more things so prepare yourself for more tag games#on my blog#I barely post stuff on my blog these days because I'm really busy#and now I'm posting but it's just me rambling haha
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