#late late eurosong
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sole-cuore-amore-e-droga · 1 year ago
Late Late Eurosong tomorrow.
"Go Tobann" by Ailsha is a massive fan favourite, and yeah right that song damn is, but I have a feeling that if chosen, then it might just not do as well as it sets out to. The song's production is noisy, with a lot of processing or overfiltering not making me understand what's going on very well; I mean yeah it's epic and all that but there's just too much happening all at once, in a song that's 2:24 minutes.
I would like to not have it fail because of trying something different than usual (a la Germany last year), but I don't have my hopes up 100% high.
I'd be still not minding it winning the Irish NF. My favourite is "Let Me Be the Fire" by Isabella Kearney, but I stand for Ireland trying.
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juuret · 24 days ago
"You were dancing with turkey... you got beaten by a turkey"
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slavhew · 2 years ago
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[WIP] manifesting käärijä sweep
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aijamisespava · 1 year ago
Ireland Has Spoken!
After revealing the 6 potential songs that would represent Ireland in Sweden in May, The Late Late Show made their decision!
Ireland is sending the song..."Doomsday Blue" by Bambie Thug!
Okay, so while I didn't get to the livestream in time for the performances, I did get to see the points get distributed and heard rather clearly that Bambie was the fan favorite. And honestly, good! This song is certainly different and will definitely stand out, which will help their chances when May comes around (plus I did see Bambie's winner's reprise and...yeah!). I'm gonna be bold and say that we are likely going to see Ireland back at the Grand Final!
Congratulations, Bambie! Welcome to the Eurovision family!
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kattangeln · 1 year ago
So I’m watching Irish the late eurosong show. I haven’t heard any of the songs before. And well I have to say Doomsday Blue is my favorite, and that’s also the one I think would do best in Eurovision. I love Go Tobann but I have to agree with the judges, something was missing.
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bettyg196 · 1 year ago
Eurovision 2024: Bambie Thug pour l’Irlande
L'Irlande a fait son choix et a décidé de prendre des risques cette année !
Bambie Thug remporte l'Eurosong 2024 et représentera l'Île d'Émeraude à Malmö.
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eurovision-facts · 1 month ago
Eurovision Fact #896:
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Six songs are taking part in Ireland's national final Eurosong, an episode of the late night show The Late Late Show. The songs have been released throughout the week of January 19th, with the final song being released today, January 24th.
The artists and the titles of their songs are as follows:
Bobbi Arlo - "Powerplay"
Reylta - "Fire"
Adgy - "Run into the Night"
Samantha Mumba - "My Way"
EMMY - "Laika Party"
NIYL - "Growth"
"Ireland's 'Eurosong' lineup is complete," Eurovision.tv.
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eurovision-revisited · 11 months ago
Eurovision 2003 - Number 9 - Lisa Bresnan - "I'll Still Be Right Here"
Ireland are back. From their one and only relegation, RTÉ knew they had to try something new and what better thing to go for but a multi-part new TV singing competition similar to Pop Idols and Operación Triunfo in Spain. The grand prize for the winner on You're a Star would be the chance to follow in the great footsteps of Ireland's Eurovision heroes of the past. Little did they know that this was the year that they set in motion the journey that would lead to the Late Late Show selection process and years of underperformance.
After weeks of reducing the original 13 competitors down to 4, they were each paired with a song and song-writer for the final rounds. The only woman left in the field was a primary-school teacher in training from Limerick, Lisa Bresnan - and originally a wild card choice of one of the judge/mentors. She got given the only song written by a woman (Louise Wallace).
She wasn't a favourite. Despite winning the first week, every week thereafter she'd finished third or fourth and headed into show 8 knowing she'd have to pull something out of the bag to survive. The thing she pulled out of the bag was this utterly beautiful lullaby/ballad.
I'll Still Be Right Here has sad, soft trumpets, and gently soothing piano and Lisa's heart-wrenching voice of reassurance telling us that everything's going to be OK. I've listened to this song 20 or so times and I think I've felt a tear prick my eyes on every occasion. If this song couldn't help Lisa get through the final 3 nothing could.
It didn't. She was eliminated in favour of three attractive, male balladeers cut squarely in the favoured Irish mould. Europe was denied hearing a mesmerising moment of melancholy. It easily deserves a place in my top 10 for the year.
This YouTube clip is the only one I've found and it's the audio recorded directly from the TV. I wish there were pictures, but this appears to be all that is available on the Internet. It was never released as a single.
After this the only two items I've found to show what happened next are a news article in the Irish Examiner saying that Lisa was considering what she would do next and that 'the offers were bound to come flooding in'. Then there was a cover version of U2s Sunday Bloody Sunday, which seems to be the only thing that that has impinged outside this little corner of Irish music culture. I've included it below as I think everyone deserves to hear more of Lisa's voice.
After three years of You're a Star choosing the Irish Eurovision contestant, they switched back to Eurosong, but a Eurosong hosted in the RTÉ as part of the Late Late Show and thus the die was cast. Here's something that nearly was, but, sadly, was left behind.
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eurovision-del · 1 year ago
Ireland will be the next ones to select their song, with Eurosong happening on The Late Late Show this Friday. Here’s my ranking of the six competing songs!
Ailsha – Go Tobann
Bambie Thug – Doomsday Blue
JyellowL – Judas
Isabelle Kearney – Let Me Be The Fire
Erica-Cody – Love Me Like I Do
Next In Line – Love Like Us
This one fell into place easily, there’s a huge range here in terms of how much I enjoy these songs. My runaway favourite is Go Tobann – I love the chaos in the music, a blend of hyperpop, metal, and celtic folk which certainly makes for a unique sound! The intensity of it is almost breathtaking, and I love it when songs aren’t afraid to get messy. The message, about loss of language, is an important one, and I love how it’s been executed by showing not telling, the Irish phrases being simple things you’d learn in school, then the English laments how she doesn’t have the words to properly express herself, with the music itself expressing that frustration.  
I also really enjoyed Doomsday Blue, I almost felt a little bad for it being in this selection. It’s very distinct from Go Tobann, but it scratches the same itch, with its metal influenced chaos. It’s got a little more shape to it, with the calmer, smoother sections in between the louder, harsher sections, and I love the darkness of it all. I think it’s a great track, and another one I’m gonna come back to, but it’s a clear second place in this selection for me.
After that I feel there’s a big jump in quality. I enjoy the rap verses of Judas, but I find the chorus really uninspired. Both Let Me Be The Fire and Love Me Like I Do are fine pop songs, and both vocalists sound great in the studio cut, which I’m hopeful will be true live too. I slightly prefer the overall sounds of Let Me Be The Fire, but the gap between those two is
Finally. Ireland. I’m begging you. Please don’t send the Louis Walsh boyband. Please have learnt something from the last… honestly however many years. To be fair, Love Like Us isn’t a particularly bad song, but that’s kind of the problem, it’s such a by the numbers boy band track, there’s nothing interesting or distinct about it.
Even with all that said, I have zero idea what will end up representing Ireland of these. Both Go Tobann and Doomsday Blue have such distinct styles that I have no idea how they’ll come across live, and both could be pretty divisive. I think either of the solo pop songs could be a decent option if performed really well, but even then I think they’d be borderline qualifiers at Eurovision itself. There’s a real chance that Love Like Us will get picked considering what Ireland have gone for in the past, but if that happens I fully expect it will do about as well as We Are One did last year. My hope is that Go Tobann ends up being great live and ends up winning, I think it’s Ireland’s best shot at the final, but I’m very curious as to what the performance will look like!
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fictionalred · 2 years ago
11 year old me seeing this sometime about 12pm (Eurovision was the allowed late bedtime day) and going mental about it
I ended up buying the eurosong CD of 2003 with my pocket money and then limewire downloading t.a.t.u.'s entire discography
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eurovisionpanorsk · 24 days ago
Emmy vinner Eurosong 2025
Norske Emmy vant Eurosong i kveld!
The Late Late Show – Eurosong spesial 2025. Foto: RTÉ I kveld har årets irske finale gått av stabelen, og norske Emmy står igjen som vinner av Eurosong 2025 og skal få representere Irland i årets Eurovision Song Contest. Det raste virkelig på med positive kommentarer etter Emmy hadde opptrådt, og oddsen snudde fort i hennes favør deretter. For en mottakelse den norske artisten fikk fra…
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juuret · 24 days ago
Norway is taking over europe one country at a time
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stmcdaily · 25 days ago
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Best of luck to our own Guitar teacher, Cian O'Donoghue, who co-wrote and produced one of the songs featuring tomorrow night on the Eurosong Final on the Late Late Show. Feel free to cast a vote during the show!
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aijamisespava · 1 month ago
UPDATE: Eurosong (Ireland)
After Bambie Thug had a hex deployed on all of us, Ireland has one tough act to follow, and a ton of momentum after breaking an NQ streak AND taking home a top-10. Their journey starts with Eurosong (or the Late Late Show), where the selection is made.
Every year, 6 songs face off, people talk about it, scores are given out, and we have our winner. It's rather painless, really. It's also really fun to see who could potentially represent the country. Also, when I say that people talk about the entries, I mean they TALK about them. Both good aspects and bad. It's so interesting! Last year, they said that sending Bambie Thug would be good because the country was sending really safe entries and they needed to take a risk. AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED.
So anyway, end of rant. I really like hearing about this national final. One entry I would like to see in Eurovision from Ireland is "Powerplay" by Bobbi Arlo.
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dezbee2008 · 11 months ago
Alternative title: Ireland Brings the Doomsday Blues Today I’m taking on the first of two countries with 7 wins with a heavy risk to take. Here is Ireland’s entry: Bambie Thug — Doomsday Blue 31-year-old Bambie Ray Robinson (March 6, 1993) is an Irish singer and songwriter known for breaking grounds. They took part in the Eurosong selection as part of the long-running Late Late Show on RTE…
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bettyg196 · 1 year ago
Ce soir : l’Irlande choisit son représentant !
🇮🇪 Ce soir, le Late Late Show Eurosong Special 2024 prendra place et nous connaîtrons la chanson irlandaise pour l'Eurovision 2024 !
6 participants sont en course pour gagner un ticket pour Malmö !
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