#eunuch nights
spilladabalia · 11 months
The Frumpies - Eunuch Nights
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I had a fun time hanging out with grad students tonight :3 however before I even got home I also started getting the most sadly predictable stomach ache
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marymekpop · 1 year
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⟢ highlight of the hour: our blooming youth [18/20] ⟣
the one that got away
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mqfx · 4 months
looking at jiang cheng makes me whine like a sick dog. that's what he wants though right
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
Jang Hyun at the border is a different type of attractive altogether btw
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blendy-pens · 2 years
Y’all there’s nothing worse than living with a horny rabbit why have I done this to myself again
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whereserpentswalk · 7 months
Warning: we are not responsible for any bodily transformations, loss of humanity, powers beyond human control or comprehension, witnessing of unfathomable horrors, or sexual/romantic relationships between the horrors and those who make pacts with them that may occur.
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stsgooo · 10 months
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✩࿐ summary: maomao notices that the eunuch's behavior is odd recently. she's set on discovering the root of the cause.
warning(s): idiots in love, slight angst, mentions of bullying, fluffy, maomao pov. wc; 3.1k
pairing(s): jinshi/fem!reader
a/n: binge watched all of tad last night and wanted to write smth for jinshi just because i have my weaknesses. i don't know exactly what this is except random rambles. anywayyy, i haven't read the manga yet so please no spoilers :3
m.list ao3
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THERE'S VARIOUS THINGS THAT MAOMAO SIMPLY DOESN'T CARE FOR. The uncomfortable mornings where it's too chilly, the work she catches after one of the servants loves her ideas, and idle chatter that comes with silence. However, the thing she doesn't care for the most is when Eunuch Jinshi decides to make his random and surprise appearances.
It usually brought trouble and a headache for her. His smiles and violet eyes staring into her very soul. She never looked forward to them as it always accompanied some random job in another part of the palace she simple didn't like. Or he would ask of her some impossible task that not even the gods could grant him. Maomao could do without Jinshi's behavior.
However, she could easily recognize when he wasn't acting himself. On this day particularly, she was especially aware of Jinshi's lack of excitement.
She was called and pulled aside from her duty's in the Jade Pavilion to report to Jinshi's quarters. She was quick and made little pause in her stride over. A simple routine that they both silently agreed to. He would call and she would make her way over as quickly as possible.
It was when she arrived, she realized things were not to routine.
Jinshi was laying face flat against his desk, unmoving except for his breathing. Usually, he'd be sat up, smirk on his lips, and his legs crossed as he regarded her smugly. But now, it was like she wasn't even in the room as he made small groaning sounds of disdain, his fingers tangled into his tresses as he gripped his scalp.
He was definitely not acting like himself from the bat.
"Xiaomao, thank you for coming on such short notice." Gaoshun greeted her with a small bow, offering her a sympathetic glance as he turned his attention to Jinshi. "Jinshi-sama had a matter he'd like you to take care of."
Maomao raised her eyebrows, eyes cutting back to Jinshi who remained unmoved. Is he going to present the matter himself? She thought, watching as Gaoshun inched closer, nudging the younger man's shoulder with his elbow. He seems quite the mess.
"Apothecary," Jinshi's voice was muffled as he spoke, his head still tucked into his arms. Maomao looked to Gaoshun who just sighed heavily, ducking his head. "A servant from the Garnet Pavilion has fallen ill, I'd like for you to help her feel better."
"What's her symptoms?" Maomao asked, eyes watching the pathetic man flatly.
He tensed, his head moving to peek at her from between his arms. "I fear this is more a matter of the mind."
She frowned. "I can't cure the mind, Jinshi-sama."
He finally pushed himself to sit up, an indignant pout on his lips. "I thought you could do anything." He retorted smartly.
"I never said that."
Honestly, this man asked too much of her too quickly. It was enough that he asked her to solve murders of high ranking military officials, but it felt a little much to ask her to cure some girl's mental ailments. A random girl who had probably contributed to the near death of Lady Lihua at that. Maomao already felt a vague frustration fill her at the thought. Maybe it was one of the girls she had the pleasure intimidating.
She was going to decline when she spotted the look in his eyes. Not the flirtatious or rather perverted glint it usually had, but a desperate one.
"Can you at least try?" He almost sounded defeated, his shoulders hunched and eye bags heavy.
Maomao still felt the overwhelming urge to give him a hard time. "Try what, exactly?"
He released a frustrated grumble, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. "Maybe lend an ear, or offer some type of comfort? Anything that will possibly ease her nerves." He waved a flippant hand around, eyebrows knitted together. "It's making me wo... it's making Lady Lihua unsettled."
Maomao couldn't help the interest that came with his unspoken words. He was worried? It wasn't uncommon, nor did it seem that he would hide his concern for others. But the mere fact that he had corrected himself and tried to cover it up, piqued her curiosity and interest.
Either way, she had no choice.
Maomao tucked her hands into her sleeves, bowing. "I can make an attempt. Now, if you'll excuse me." She turned away, barely missing Jinshi's hopeful and beaming expression. She was about to exit when she happened to glance towards the sitting area, where a tea set sat, broken and contents seeping into the floor. Her eyebrows raised. "You'll carpet is going to stain."
She paid no mind to the loud groan and thud of Jinshi's head as she exited.
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It took Maomao a while to find the girl that had Jinshi worried and she had learned quite a bit about the worrisome girl while on her search.
She had been in the palace for a long time, since she was a young child. Her work had mostly consisted of cleaning clothes and mending. Until she had caught the attention of Lady Lihua a few months ago while she was in recovery. Supposedly, she had started to bring an arrangement of flowers whenever she brought clothes. The kindness hadn't gone unnoticed. She had supposedly been accepted into Lady Lihua's personal servants. Much to the chagrin of the other servants.
It didn't take a genius to detect the disdain and disgust in the servants voices when Maomao had inquired about her.
She talks to herself more than anyone else, stated one with an eyeroll.
Her routine is more important than Lady Lihua's wishes. Our poor lady. Mourned another.
She's so on edge, it's really easy to get her worked up. It's not our fault if she breaks something. Snapped another.
General consensus, this servant was a problem.
However, it was what Lady Lihua said herself that caught Maomao's attention.
She had stumbled across the concubine during her search, the woman flanked by two of her servants. She looked to enjoying a pleasant day and appeared slightly happy to see Maomao, going as far to inquire what she was doing over in her pavilion. When Maomao informed her of her task, she was interested to see the small pinch between her brow.
Ah, Y/N, I haven't seen her much today. I sent her to help with mending clothes. She's kind, just... I hope.... Well, I hope you can find her and bring her back. Lady Lihua offered little else to guide Maomao, but she could see the vague concern, the worry in the woman's eyes. She also saw that disgust in her companions eyes.
Who exactly was this servant?
Maomao found herself in the washing area. It was mostly silent, most of the girls either having dinner, or in bed. She made her way to the back where one of the few stragglers sat alone, sniffling as she scrubbed away at a stained robe...
A robe that looked oddly similar to Jinshi's.
In all honesty, she wasn't sure how to approach this. As she spotted the red shamed cheeks and the tears that silently and boldly made their way down the woman's cheeks, Maomao usually had something psychical to cure. An aliment that weighed heavily on their health, that was life or death. She could make a medicine for that. A drink, a food, a cream-- something that would satisfy the monster resting in someone's body.
The mind, though, the mind simply was a territory that Maomao never touched. Much too difficult, much too complicated, it was unknown territory. She couldn't see things from their point of view.
Just try lending an ear.
Maomao cleared her throat, feeling a speck of sympathy as she watched the girl tense, head snapping over to stare back with wide eyes. "Hi, are you the servant from the Garnet Pavilion?"
If possible, her eyes widened more, her hands clutching the robe to her chest. "Y-Yes..." she uttered, watching Maomao closely. "You're that apothecary everyone's been talking about..."
Not a question, but an observation.
Said apothecary nodded in return, "Yes."
The girl shook her head, "I'm not injured! I swear, I-I was foolish and if I was injured, then I would surely deserve it!" Her face was a deep crimson, her lips trembling, and eyes watering. It was obvious she was attempting desperately to push down the tears, but failing miserably. "I-I'm quite alright!"
"You don't look it." Maomao responded back flatly. "Jinshi-sama sent me."
The girl looked appalled, her back straightening and the tears falling freely now. "J-Jinshi?!" She exclaimed, clutching the stained robe against her chest, aghast and sickly looking as she panted. "O-Oh, I've done it now. I've humiliated myself! I'm going to be punished! Jinshi didn't deserve that! I'm so sorry."
Maomao blinked at her, eyebrows raised high at the reaction. She didn't entirely blame the girl for reacting so brashly at the mention of Jinshi. She would probably do the same if she was having a horrible day and he'd been brought up. Possibly the only person she wouldn't want to hear about as she's actively in the throes of a breakdown of some sort.
She walked forward, sitting down beside her as the girl seemed to continue her one sided conversation with herself. Her eyes wide and unrelenting as she stared at the ground below. Maomao watched her with a dent between her brow, vaguely fascinated by the panic and mostly disturbed by the anger towards herself. The mini glare not directed to anyone except herself.
She'd seen women be harsh on themselves. Seen what it could do to a person. Maomao could see it in the girl beside her now. The edge of a line that she wasn't sure if she should cross.
"I-I just...." The poor girl trailed off, her hands falling back to her lap as she stared at the robe. "I'm so clumsy.... and terribly embarrassing.... and I-I was just trying to pour some tea, then...oh, how pathetic."
"It was an accident, wasn't it?" Maomao asked softly, watching the girl's reaction closely.
She seemed to remember Maomao was with her, blinking, her face growing a shade darker. "What?"
"Whatever you did, it was an accident, wasn't it?" She repeated.
The girl clenched her jaw, looking away once again. "It's always an accident. I never do anything right. The Emperor is bound to notice and then I'll be punished because I'm so--"
"Jinshi-sama didn't send me to punish you or to check if you should be." The girl blinked, staring at her with wide eyes now. Maomao could see the barely concealed shock in her eyes, the way she seemed to relax slightly. The apothecary sighed heavily, turning her attention elsewhere. "He doesn't seem the type to punish anyone for a little mistake. Especially, when he's the same..."
The last part was uttered to herself and the girl didn't seem to pick it up as she pressed her lips together. A contemplative look on her expression. "I-I know, but.... still, I feel so guilty. I've put such a heavy burden onto Jinshi, convincing Lihua-sama to take me in... to not complain too harshly... I never wanted this..."
Maomao wouldn't even try to understand the broken speech, instead her mind was focused on that little slip. Jinshi convinced Lady Lihua to take this girl in? A extreme kindness. A extreme kindness that would allow this girl to make mistakes, to try her hardest and fail, and not suffer extreme consequences. Maomao couldn't help the suspicious kick in her chest. As she stared at the rambling girl. Why would Jinshi do that for her as an eunuch? How did he have that type of pull? Or, more correctly, what did he have over Lady Lihua to pull something like this off?
Her attention diverted to the robe and she huffed-- it's was Jinshi's. She was the cause of the tea mess. The cause of Jinshi's red face, his low mood, and the worry on his face.
Could he, perhaps..... Oh, what a development for a eunuch.
"Are they cruel to you?" Maomao cut into her rambles once again.
"The other servants. They can be cruel."
There was a prolonged silence. Maomao didn't dare interfere or break with the concentration. Her thoughts were wild and she was trying to grasp one that would benefit exactly what the apothecary was searching for. A string of thought that was sensical and helpful.
"Yes... so cruel," her lips wobbled again, she sniffled and tried to push the emotions away. "I didn't even do anything and they were so cruel. I tried telling Jinshi, but he's done... done so much for me, I can't throw that away. I can't take advantage of his kindness."
"Even if it was kindness now, how is feeling like this any type of comfort? Or kindness?" Maomao stood up, waving a hand. "You don't have to feel like this. Like you have to suffer for his feelings. If you're close, tell him that you liked your prior job, or ask for another."
The girl blinked slowly, lazily, a new exhaustion in her eyes as she regarded the other. "W-What's your name?"
She straightened. "Maomao." She bowed.
The girl stood, her hands tucked into her sleeves, she bowed in return. "Thank you, Maomao. It's been my pleasure to meet you."
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Things seemed to return to normal, the routine was back in place, and Maomao hadn't been tasked with taking care of crying servants. Her conversation with Jinshi afterwards had been short and straight to the point.
Did you speak with her? Jinshi had been sitting at his desk pleasantly, ignoring the overwrought expression on Gaoshun's face.
Yes. Maomao had answered, eyeing Gaoshun oddly as he shook his head.
Jinshi perked up, And? What did she say?
I believe she's going to speak to you directly when she has the chance, Jinshi-sama. She informed him instantly.
Jinshi had beamed in a way that made Maomao weary, watching as he happily threw himself from his chair and up, already walking towards the door. Well, I'll just find her myself! Thank you, Apothecary!
She didn't get to say anything in return as he vanished around the door. Gaoshun offered his sympathies before running to follow the man out.
Maomao was just glad to have things back to normal. That's what she thought about as she approached Jinshi's quarters. Normalcy was welcomed and her heart was happy to return to things she knew. Medicine and the frolicking in the mini patches of growth she could take herbs from. Things were normal.
As Maomao approached, she was skeptical to enter as she heard a crash.
Okay, maybe not entirely normal.
She knocked on the door, hoping to hear that Jinshi was busy, but the door was opened and Gaoshun stood there with a thin smile.
"Xiaomao, thank you for coming." He bowed and stepped aside to let her inside.
When Maomao entered, she was half tempted to turn back around and leave.
Jinshi's face was stuck in a frozen state of shock, a crimson shade and his jaw dropped. He was sitting on the couch and his hands were up. In front of him, on her knees, was Y/N, frantically rubbing at his robe while apologizing profusely. She didn't sound like she was crying, but still sounded extremely embarrassed.
"I'm so sorry, Jinshi! My shoes are a tad big-- No, I'm not making an excuse!" She frantically tried to explain, pulling back to stare up at Jinshi with wide eyes. He remained unmoved, just making small noises of distress. "Jinshi, are you alright...?"
"I-I..I..." Jinshi just blinked at the wall across from him.
Maomao turned to Gaoshun, expression flat, "Can I come back later?"
Gaoshun looked ready to respond when Y/N spun around, her expression pulled up with delight and a beaming smile on her face. "Maomao!" She left Jinshi to his shock to wrap her arms around the younger girl (by one year). A tight hug that was unrelenting and conveying her exact emotions of pure elation. "My savior!"
Savior? Maomao thought as she blinked, arms stuck at her side. What is she even doing here?
She pulled back, placing her hands on her shoulder's, squeezing. "Thank you so much, Maomao! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be blessed!" She continued on with her delight.
"Blessed?" Maomao audibly questioned, eyebrows furrowed and raised.
She nodded in response, smiling happily as she clutched onto Maomao's hands. "Yes! You gave me the confidence to tell Jinshi about my unhappiness! He's allowing me to work at his attending maid." She informed gracefully, sounding more happy and carefree than she had in the washing area the weeks prior.
Maomao wouldn't admit it, but it made her lips twitch upwards.
Y/N suddenly paled, turning back around. "Oh, Jinshi, I'll get something to clean up with!" And she darted out the room before Jinshi could give any type of response.
Maomao turned her attention to Jinshi with a tilted head, finding great amusement in his embarrassment. "You must be really fond of her if you gave her a job here." She observed.
If possible, Jinshi's complexion darkened further, his posture straightening. "Pardon?" He squawked, eyes wide as they stared at the younger girl.
She didn't understand why he was acting like she had said something scandalous. It wasn't uncommon for someone to grow fond of another's presence. Even if they were stripped of their manhood and promised to the Emperor for life. Y/N was kind enough and Maomao assumed they were friends of some kind to have Jinshi calling in favors of some kind.
Still... his reaction...
"You two seem like good friends." Maomao clarified.
A weight seemed to lift of his shoulders as he leaned back into the couch. "Yes, I suppose we are." His voice was a mere utter, soft and distant. It appeared that he was contemplating something forgotten or something that he often thought about but pushed into the back of his mind.
Y/N reentered with a cloth and small basin of water. She returned to Jinshi's side who stared at her with a blush and wide eyes. The attention he gave her was close and unwavering. No type of falter and no distraction that could possibly take away his attention. She appeared completely oblivious as she scrubbed away at the stain on his robe resting on his thigh.
Maomao narrowed her eyes on the glitter in Jinshi's eye, ready to make a comment, when Gaoshun placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'll inform you of the favor, Xiaomao." And he tugged her away.
However, Maomao thought endlessly about the expression on Jinshi's face. The kindness he exhibited for the girl much too clumsy for her own good. The tenderness he regarded her with. It was almost as if... Well, that couldn't be right.
It was almost as if Jinshi liked Y/N. In a more than friendly way.
Maomao scoffed at the thought, laying down in her bed. Her pa always said she was too speculative. Much too whimsical.
The man was an eunuch after all.
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chinesehanfu · 10 days
[Hanfu · 漢服]The past and present of "eating mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival"
As the Mid-Autumn Festival/Zhong Qiu Jie 中秋节 is coming, let us learn how “mooncakes/月饼” became an iconic traditional food of the Mid-Autumn Festival
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A mooncake (simplified Chinese: 月饼; traditional Chinese: 月餅) is a Chinese bakery product traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋節).The festival is primarily about the harvest while a legend connects it to moon watching, and mooncakes are regarded as a delicacy. Mooncakes are offered between friends or on family gatherings while celebrating the festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is widely regarded as one of the four most important Chinese festivals.
Mooncakes were originally used as offerings to worship the moon god.
Worshiping the moon is a very old custom in China. It is actually a worship activity for the "moon god" by the ancients. Eating mooncakes and appreciating the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival are indispensable customs for celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in all parts of China. Mooncakes symbolize reunion. People regard them as festive food, use them to worship the moon, and give them to relatives and friends.
Cultural relics believed to be the predecessor of mooncakes were unearthed:
<China Tang Dynasty Baoxiang flower-patterned mooncakes/宝相花月饼>⬇️
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Mooncakes, traditionally offered as a tribute to the Moon Goddess, have a long and rich history. The term "mooncake" was first recorded in the Southern Song Dynasty in Wu Zimu’s <梦梁录/Meng Liang Lu>.
Over time, mooncakes merged with various regional culinary traditions, giving rise to different styles such as Cantonese, Shanxi, Beijing, Suzhou, Chaozhou, and Yunnan mooncakes, all of which are beloved by people across China:
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Mooncakes truly became associated with the Mid-Autumn Festival during the Ming Dynasty. In the writings of Liu Ruoyu 刘若愚, a eunuch during the reigns of the Wanli and Chongzhen emperors, he mentioned in his prison work Zhuozhong Zhi 《酌中志》(Vol. 20, "Brief Record of Culinary Preferences"): “八月宫中赏秋海棠、玉簪花。自初一日起,即有卖月饼者。加以西瓜、藕,互相馈送。西苑鹿藕。至十五日,家家供月饼瓜果,候月上焚香后,即大肆饮啖,多竟夜始散席者。如有剩月饼,仍整收于干燥风凉之处,至岁暮合家分用之,曰‘团圆饼’也”
"In August, the palace having event appreciates autumn crabapple blossoms. From the first day of the month, mooncakes are sold,it accompanied by watermelons and lotus roots, and are exchanged as gifts.By the fifteenth day, every household offers mooncakes and fruits in worship, waiting for the moon to rise before burning incense and feasting lavishly, with some gatherings lasting all night. If there are leftover mooncakes, they are stored in a dry and cool place until the end of the year, when the whole family shares them, calling them 'reunion cakes.'
In the Qing Dynasty, there were books that detailed the methods of making mooncakes. For example, Zeng Yi, a female writer and female doctor in the late Qing Dynasty, recorded the "Method of Making Crisp Mooncakes" in her book "Zhongkuilu": "Use white ash flour, half of which is steamed in a steamer, and no water vapor is seen; the other half is raw, and kneaded with lard and cold water. Then, mix the steamed flour with lard. Use a ball of raw oil flour, and wrap a small ball of cooked oil flour inside; use a rolling pin to roll it into a cup-sized shape, fold it into a square; roll it into a ball again, and fold it into a square again; then wrap the filling. Use a cake stamp to stamp it, and put it on the stove to cook. For the oil-flavored filling, use cooked flour, sugar, walnuts, etc., and add a little sesame oil, so that it will not fall apart." The method is very similar to today's Suzhou-style mooncakes.
🧚🏻‍Production & Model/Makeup:@曾嚼子
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welcometothejianghu · 12 days
We! Rate! Eunuchs!
Sure, we all love eunuchs. But have you ever found yourself with an emptiness in your heart because you were unable to objectively measure your eunuchs? Well, now you can! Thanks to our handy Eunuch Measuring Scale, you can visualize your eunuchs and even see how they stack up against other eunuchs. Enjoy this handy demonstration of how it works!
The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty
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Sleuth's eunuchs are absolutely unmatched in the complexity and fuckability departments, and also get full schemesy marks. Their style is sharp but not particularly varied, and while they do call on their beloved emperor, they don't particularly get a good solid holler going about it. Still, Sleuth's little meow meow eunuchs are high-quality, top-of-the-line eunuchs, practically the industry standard.
The Blood of Youth
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Imagine -- eunuchs that not only have stunning outfits of their own, but that coordinate with their coworkers! Hats with architecture that defies logic! It's the style score that makes the Blood of Youth's eunuchs truly stand out. While they are admittedly less fully realized than their Sleuth counterparts, one must chalk this slight deficiency up to how difficult it is to get any screen time in a show with eight billion other characters. They're still full of schemesy goodness, though, leaving you always wanting more.
Nirvana in Fire
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Nirvana in Fire presents a special eunuch challenge, as there's only really one eunuch to speak of: Gao Zhan, the emperor's loyal attendant. While his primary function in the show is to feign ignorance so he doesn't get into trouble, he can fretfully wail for his head of state like none other. It's tough to singlehandedly bear the responsibility of all eunuch represenation in a property, but Gao Zhan performs admirably in all areas an emperor could desire.
Story of Yanxi Palace
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In contrast to Nirvana in Fire, Yanxi Palace has a substantial number of eunuchs, and every one of them is absolutely plotting something at all times. While the sex appeal of these identically dressed eunuchs is on average low, Yuan Chunwang brings the fuckable score up single-handedly by being the rare canonically fuckable eunuch. Note that the Yanxi Palace eunuchs lose a few points on a technicality: By the time they're around, the emperor is a huángshàng, not a bìxià, and it's much more difficult to get a good mournful cry going when you can't exploit the natural trajectory of two falling tones in a row.
Sleep better at night knowing you can now objectively measure your eunuchs along these six important axes! I know I will!
Eunuch Measuring Scale: because dudes gotta measure something
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romanceyourdemons · 3 days
being a court official sounds like so much fun. put on a silly little hat. undermine your rival’s memorial in court. share a delicious melon snack with your peers and give your rival an obvious backhanded compliment. accept bribes. discover that one of your rival’s subordinates has stolen the glory for one of your subordinates’ hard work. arrange for the emperor’s most trusted eunuch to discover that subordinate of your rival in a compromising position. stand in a garden with a hand behind your back and absently recite poetry, your thoughts heavy with other affairs. receive public censure in court for corruption, exposed by your rival. present a lavish birthday gift to a young, ambitious imperial concubine with relatives in key places. orchestrate your rival’s banishment to guangxi. accidentally encounter him the night before he is to leave, shielded from the glare of the moon by the stone arch of a bridge. help cover up a scandal committed by the brother-in-law of the young concubine—by now elevated to consort—even though the young man’s shameless actions disgust you. submit a memorial to the throne. receive word that your rival has died of malaria in guangxi. plead sickness and refrain from attending court for three weeks as you compose a poem about the wind rushing through the boughs of a pine tree, never to return. consolidate your power yet increasingly feel that whatever you truly want is forever out of your reach. watch the consort’s brother-in-law’s scandal be revealed to the world. be implicated in it, more severely than you have ever imagined you would be—more severely even than you actually were. receive a white silk from the emperor. glance up as you accept it and see your rival’s insignificant nephew smiling. a smile that almost looks familiar. be reincarnated as a silver carp, often seen side-by-side with a golden carp beneath the shifting yet ever-flowing waters of the yongding river. the whole shebang
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idyllcy · 10 months
the second - jinshi x reader (bonus to so i don't know how to love)
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Jinshi has been more quiet lately.
Maomao first takes note of it on the second week, and on the third, the poor eunuch looks like he's aged to fifty-six. She blinks at the eunuch, and it seemed another annoying request would be arriving at her doorstep soon. She would have preferred that it stay quiet. But of course, something had to happen. Something always does.
"Maomao." Jinshi groans from the desk.
His usual smirk is replaced by his hair, and his forehead rests on the desk, his head spinning as his soul practically slips past his lips. He's much older, now that she looks at him. Perhaps the worrying over his missing wife had taken a toll— but he had looked much much younger when he had picked her up from the spring residence a year ago.
Maomao smiles to the best of her ability. "Yes?"
"Can you prescribe some chinese medicine that is good for a healthy baby." 
Maomao blinks. "Are one of the consorts pregnant already?"
"No." He moves his face to rest on his cheek. "My wife is pregnant with our second."
Maomao blinks incredulously, slowly, utterly confusedly. "She let you sleep with you after—" She shuts herself up, forcing a smile on her face instead. Too many questions would get her nowhere. After all, the madam had just returned. She was not about to make her regret her decision. Though, it seemed the poor guy had been using her day and night for his sexual needs. She feels bad. That poor woman.
Jingui peers from the door at his father, blinking.
"Is niang alright?" Jinshi opens his arms for his son to give him a hug. 
Maomao shudders at the affection.
"Niang just woke up." Jingui hums. "I am visiting before my shared class with the princess."
"Very well." He sends him on his way with a kiss on his forehead.
Maomao blinks at Jinshi. "Medicine for the madam?"
"For her pregnancy."
"Isn't she too old to be having children?"
"Aren't you too old to be single?"
"Hey, don't bully the child." You click your tongue disdainfully at the door, and Maomao nods at you as you pass her and stop. "Hand."
Her eyes light up when you drop her some poisonous flowers from your handkerchief.
"That should be enough, right?"
Maomao nods, lips curled into a smile. "You're so much better than he is."
You laugh, smile radiant, and Maomao waves goodbye as she rushes off for the herbs.
"You don't need to bully me for each time I say something out of pocket to her, you know?" Jinshi pouts, looking to the side.
"Have you stopped to consider that she's not married because she doesn't want it?" You roll your eyes. "I heard stress is bad for the baby. You better not go around stressing me out."
Jinshi makes a face of betrayal at you, mouth open and frustrated. 
"Niang! The princess wants to see you fight!" Jingui calls from outside, and you hum. 
"It's bad for the baby!" Jinshi yells back.
"It's fine." You hum. "Unless you want to pose as me?"
Jinshi grimaces. "I am coming with."
"Fine with me!" You hum. "Niang's coming!"
Maomao stops on her way back to the study with the medicine, staring as you show the princess how to use the sword, holding back a laugh at the way Jinshi looks like he's about to throw up. Well, this isn't the worst thing.
"Madam! Your medicine." Maomao motions at the pot, and you grimace.
Jinshi catches you before you can run away, and your son takes the pot from her with a nod. 
Maybe this isn't half as bad.
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strawbellyx3 · 8 months
Guys it just hit me but Jinshi pretended to be an eunuch since he was 13 (If I did the math correctly) and in LN volume 13 (the night visit chapter) we find out on his first day as a eunuch a man dragged him into a bush and was about to sexually assault him had Gaoshun not found him. WHEN HE WAS 13. That's so fucked up on so many levels oh god
truly makes me think about what the pedo emperor Jinshi's grandpa may have thought about when he saw him for the first time. I mean, it's already really telling that Jinshi has been hidden from him up until that point and Anshi immediately went in front of Jinshi to protect him.
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abbyfmc · 3 months
P o i s o n
Yandere Eunuch! x Empress! Reader: Warning: As the title says, poisoning attempts will be mentioned as well as yandere behaviors that I do NOT promote in real life.
Situation: It is your birthday, and your emperor husband throws a banquet to celebrate it but one of the consorts who was jealous of you decides to try to poison you and your future son; however, the yandere eunuch realizes this and saves you.
Postscript: The dividers used here do not belong to me. Credits to their respective creators.
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It was a quiet night when the young eunuch of the central palace, named Li Wei, went out to look for the clothes you would wear on your birthday. The embroidery house had to make a new dress, mostly because of the growth of your belly, due to your recent pregnancy.
He knew you before you entered the palace as the wife of the emperor (in those years a prince) along with other women who would be consorts or concubines. You had helped him when he had been robbed and wounded; in such a way that you behaved kindly and were the only one to worry about his injuries that year. You seemed like a beautiful angel to him, something different from the abundant evil of this world, so much so that he began to try to get closer to you; However, he couldn't do much, since your parents made you cut off contact with him because they considered him "trash."
He tried to look for you, but he couldn't find you anywhere. This alarmed him, because he thought they had kidnapped you, but even so he did not lose hope of being able to see you. A year later, he entered the palace as a eunuch; going through many situations of all kinds and on one occasion, he was being bothered by his elders until he was defended. He looked up and there he saw you once again. There he found out that you were the main wife of the crown prince (who will be the emperor in the future) and he was infinitely happy to see you healthy; she finding her reason for living again. He wanted to get closer to you, but he had to keep his distance because of the difference in status, although he was secretly very in love with you, although you didn't know about his feelings. He saw you not only become your husband's favorite (which is why he was jealous), but he also saw you become empress, and after that he begged you until you let him serve at your side in the central palace.
He has defended you from all attacks from the harem, and now that you are pregnant he does so even more since he knows that you are very vulnerable now. Of course he is jealous of how you smile at the emperor and how you had fun with him at night, but he knows that he can't do anything to an imperial son.
Back to the situation, Li Wei was walking through the streets of the forbidden city, he went to the embroidery department and got your finished dress and when he was going back, he saw one of the maids of the well-known "Consort Yi", one of the ones who had plotted the most against you, and one of the chefs of the imperial kitchen. Li Wei knew something was wrong and he heard from the shadows:
-Chef Yao, did you get what I asked for?- The maid asked the chef. Li Wei watched as the chef nodded. This seemed strange to him.
-Yes, but the amount of cinnabar is not enough to do great damage- Upon hearing the word 'cinnabar' Li Wei knew that something very bad was coming and threatened his beloved empress and her future son. He watched as the maid smiled and whispered, "I'll take care of that," and then those two left, not suspecting that Li Wei was spying on them.
Li Wei returned to your central palace, thinking about what to do or how to do it. How to protect yourself and your child and at the same time expose the culprit not so much because of his sense of justice, but because he has the audacity to even think about harming you.
-<How can I protect you, your highness?>- Li Wei thought as he walked towards the interior of the central palace, where you were preparing to sleep.
-Your Highness, here I have your dress for your birthday, do you want to see it?- He asked you from outside, with the folded dress in his hands. You finished letting your hair down after removing the pins; You accepted and allowed him to enter. Li Wei came in and saw you with your hair down and in gold silk pajamas, which made you beautiful to him. She knelt down and held out the folded dress to you.
While you saw the dress and were fascinated by it. Li Wei forgot about the poison problem for a moment when he saw your beautiful smile of fascination as he unfolded the dress and saw it in detail, noticing that the emperor himself had it made for you in every aspect of the dress that you looked at.
When you allowed him to return to the servants' chambers and no matter how hard Li Wei tried, he couldn't sleep that night. It was nine days until your birthday banquet and he knew he had to find out what was happening so he could protect you.
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Li Wei soon began his rapid investigation regarding the alleged poisoning. Thank goodness he had other trusted fellow servants who secretly helped him with his investigation.
Not only did Li Wei collude with other servants to take care of you and your food, as well as prepare everything for your birthday; Instead, he kept a closer eye on Chef Yao as well as Consort Yi's maid. Li Wei remembered your favorite desserts and asked the emperor which ones could be added to your meal at the banquet, taking into account your pregnancy.
Li Wei even asked your trusted imperial doctors about what effect each ingredient would have on you, especially if they turned out to be dangerous in your pregnancy and even more so with the use of cinnabar.
Li Wei supervised the making of the desserts for your birthday, so he ruined any attempt to poison you, and he was not alone, but he had other eunuchs known to him accompany him in this. This left Chef Yao with no opportunity to do what he was asked, which satisfied Li Wei. Not to mention, he also asked your closest maids to take care of you, since Li knew that he was going to be very busy these days.
Not to mention that he kept the chef who was part of the plot against you captive, keeping him locked up and guarded with the help of other coworkers, who interrogated him and tried to find out who was behind everything, although Li Wei already had suspicions.
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The days passed quickly, and it was time for the royal banquet for your birthday. Li Wei helped set up the tables and decorations; Then he personally accompanied you to said banquet. I was trying to hide the look of love when I saw you in your new dress, with your makeup and hair done for the occasion. Not only was she there, but obviously the emperor and the consorts or concubines; And among them.
-Greetings to His Majesty the Emperor, her highness the empress and Their Highnesses.- Li Wei greeted everyone. Your husband, the emperor, responded politely to the greeting as did his consorts. Everyone sat in their respective places and the banquet began, normally.
When the emperor sat down, Li Wei helped you sit down and the other consorts sat down. Li watched the reactions or gestures of Consort Yi and her maid carefully. Everything started calmly and peacefully, until it was time to serve the food.
-Your majesty, your highness; The imperial kitchen has made something very special for Her Highness's birthday, is it okay if we serve it?.- Li Wei asked, kneeling before your husband. You were curious and the emperor noticed your interest, so he smiled and replied:
-Well. I would naturally say yes, but today is the empress's special day so… what do you say, (Y/n)?.- You smiled. You immediately thought that the emperor had something prepared for you, so you nodded.
-Yes, Butler Li. You are within your rights.- Li smiled, stood up and thanked you profusely; then she clapped her hands twice, causing other servants to bring trays. For a moment Li could swear he saw Consort Yi's almost happy expression, until Li Wei removed the lids from the trays, revealing your favorite desserts.
-I don't think so, (your favorite dessert or food)!- You exclaimed with joy and surprise. Your husband asked for said meal to be served, giving you the prettiest portion. Li Wei served the other consorts, including Consort Yi, which gave her the delight of seeing the reaction of surprise and anger or hidden displeasure at the dish.
-<Don't think I was going to let you hurt MY BELOVED, bitch.>- Li Wei thought to himself, trying not to openly look down on Consort Yi.
Li Wei spent the entire party not only serving, but also watching you enjoy your favorite dishes, and of course, watching every move of whoever tried to poison you.
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-So… tell me, why did I find this among your belongings, Chef Yao?.- Li asked seriously the chef, who was now in a dark room and tied in a chair, shaking with fear.
-Listen, Li Wei, I didn't mean to do it. I just… - The chef tried to excuse himself, while Li Wei ended up writing a letter on a piece of paper in which he imitated Consort Yi's calligraphy, looking at an old original letter from years ago that he had managed to steal. He rolled up the fake letter and burned the original letter to the ground. the ashes; then he walked up to the terrified chef.
-There is no need to lie. I've seen it all.- Li looked coldly at the chef, and not only with the classic anger of a yandere, but with disgust. -And now, will you tell me why you did it? Or I will be forced to use the whip.- Li threatened, pointing to a whip that was hooked on the wall. The chef was scared, as he knew that Li Wei might be able to whip him to death if he wanted to.
So the chef ended up confessing everything. It turns out that he was threatened by Consort Yi and her maid to poison you, because they wanted to get rid of you and your son so that the emperor could make her empress. Li Wei quickly got the idea that Yi was extremely jealous of you, because… at least in the eyes of Li Wei and the emperor you were not only beautiful, but also quite kind and intelligent, something that Yi didn't. Not only did he lack, but she also envied you.
-Then that's it. Well, I guess I can get on with my job then.- Then Li took a small cup of poison, and then forced the chef to swallow it all, grabbing him tightly by the chin and forcing him to have his mouth open. When the poison was gone, it quickly began to take effect on the chef; starting with a simple cough until ending up vomiting blood.
Li Wei placed the letter in the chef's pocket, and then left him there on the floor, putting the chair somewhere else and putting the rope (which was clean) in its place. He was going to walk out the door, but not before giving the chef one last look.
-You deserve this for trying to harm my beloved highness and her baby. I hope you remember it in hell.- The yandere eunuch whispered, happy to have poisoned what was a measly part of a real threat to you and your unborn child.
Eunuch Li returned once again to the servants' room, ready to sleep happily, knowing that not only did he get rid of that chef, but that an even bigger bomb would soon be unleashed; Although he didn't care about hurting as many people as necessary to keep you safe.
-The End.
So, what do you think?
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redwolfxx · 2 months
if you died
(Gun x reader)
TW: angst, themes of death, mentions of religion
Summary: You die, how does he react
A/N: Sorry it's been a while, running low on inspiration. Was gonna add some others but wasn't sure on how they might react so I'll save it for another time. Lmk your thoughts!
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If it was of natural causes:
He would watch your body in the hospital bed with an eerie quiet. His features softer than normal but absent of emotion .
He'd examine your face ever peacefully sleeping in the silence of the room, no mechanical beeps from the machines, nothing. Just silence.
He'd eventually leave you and return back to his place for the night.
At first he had no plans of keeping any of you, he was, at Goo's advice, going to remove all fragments of you from his life, the clothes in his closet, the shoes by the door.
But he couldn't do that to you. So instead, he went to your apartment using the spare key you gave him a while back. He quietly rummages through your apartment, taking the ring you would always fiddle with, the stupid photos you took at every photo booth you passed, he took a few more items, before he was done.
He stood in your foyer, looking around your apartment, it was quiet, and lifeless. Your apartment was always the opposite, your cat attacking him whenever she saw him, your plants everywhere blocking walkways, your gaudy framed artwork livening up the place.
But it was empty and painfully quiet. Your plants given away to trusting friends, your cat given to your sister, and your artwork given to friends and family.
He almost felt his heartache, but that's not an emotion reserved for him. He didn't deserve to feel emotions such as that, for he was a monster, a criminal, void of such emotions.
No linger willing to withstand this feeling, he left your apartment without looking back, with the mementos he took in his passenger seat, where you should've been. He drives back to his place and places your memories around his place. Next to that plant that you gave him that won't die. Next to your brightly colored IKEA drawers you put next to his dark mahogany one.
He isn't ready to lock you in a drawer, to leave you out back. Anger swirls inside him, because how could they take you from him, you have done nothing wrong in your life, you still had so much more to give this world and they took you away.
Why was it not him, he wonders, and he will never stop wondering. He never moves on, not celibate because he's not a eunuch, but he remains loveless, his heart reserved for you and only you.
If anyone brings you up in a less than honorable way, he rips their throats out. Nobody will taint your name, not even his, so he doesn't speak your name in public, to keep your memory pure and bright.
But in the dark hours of the night, as the clock ticks and the silence of the night is all to be heard. He whispers your name. Hoping it will bring you back to him. Even if in a dream.
However, if you were killed:
As he watched your body, lifeless. He feels his fists close, and his heart burn with fury. You had died alone, and likely frightened and he was not able to protect you.
His anger grows and his face morphs into one of pure unbridled fury.
Your killer had fled the scene, he did not know their motive, but he assumed it likely had to do with revenge against Gun himself.
He doesn't sleep, doesn't rest, not until he has the one who did it in his grasp. And as they beg for mercy, he reminds him he is the Shiro Oni, and since when was he known for mercy? With that, he burns their house to the ground, he makes sure that watch as he destroys everything they've worked for, watches as everyone leaves and they are all alone in this world.
Gun was never a man of mercy. He does everything in his power to make they're life one of pain and anguish. And only once Gun is satusfied does he let them die in the gutters of the world. In an alley on a cold rainy night, alone.
Once Gun has his peace he goes to your resting site. And prays to whatever God he can that you come back to him, or even to switch places with him. He could not live knowing you had died for him in a way, all alone, waiting for him to come save you, which he never did.
He almost cries reading your name, engraved into the stone, he almost yells into the night, cursing the world. But he doesn't. He carefully gets up, leaving your favorite flowers by your stone and he leaves.
He returns to his place where a box is on his doorstep. It's in your handwriting. He carefully brings it inside and places it on a table.
He stares at the box, curious and hesitant. He doesn't open the box for a long time for fear of what might be in it. Always looking at it as he passed it, but never opening it, nor moving it.
Eventually Goo threatens to open it if he doesn't and Gun pushes him out and locks the door behind him (Not that that will actually keep him out, but it's more of a symbolic gesture).
On a late night when he misses you more than other nights, he goes to the box and opens it.
At the top lies a letter to him, a handwritten letter explaining that this was to be sent to him should something happen and a letter expressing your love for him and your hopes for him to move on. Which he won't ever.
The contents of the box are composed of photos you've taken over the time you've spent together. Some of him, some of you, some of that bastard Goo (you definitely did that to mess with him). But there was also your most treasured ring which you never took off, your favorite plants with a sheet of care instructions next to it and a threat to have him killed should it die. There were also smaller knickknacks and mementos from your escapades together.
He carefully moved them around his apartment, plant here, random gaudy I ❤️ NY sign here, etc.
Once he reorganized his place with your items intertwined it felt like home once more. It felt like the home you always talked about late at night when you told him about your dreams and hopes for your future.
He would never move on, you were the only one he could ever imagine being with and nothing would change that.
Every night he would pray to whoever in hopes for your revival and return to him. His prayers would go unanswered, but life would move on.
He would move a few times, taking all of your memories with him to the new place, asking you if you like your new home, which always went unanswered.
He would die alone, as you had, but in spirit and memory you never left his side.
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stuffeddeer · 1 month
You're oblivious and Jinshi's an idiot | The Apothecary Diaries | Jinshi x reader
cw - gn but you're in the rear palace and maidservant is used a few times in reference to you and your job, brief mention of nail picking
You calmly sit beside the purple haired eunuch, feeling a little anxious at placing yourself in such a position. Sitting beside someone of higher rank is criminal, so nonchalantly taking up the same space as they are. Anxiously tapping your fingers against your thighs, hands resting politely in your lap and head turned down, you await his next words.
"You won't turn to me?" He seems slightly teasing, but you're too nervous to check.
Jinshi rests his elbow on top of the no doubt expensive wooden table, chin pillowed by his palm and keeping his head up. His second arm moves forward, hand lifting close to you. With careful movements, Jinshi's pointer finger brushes back a strand of loose hair, finger pad trailing down your jaw until it stops on your chin.
Still, you say nothing, body still and turned down. His pointer finger curls as it slides below your chin, pulling you to the side to look at him. An amused smile is on his lips - he was definitely teasing a moment ago - and a glimmer of affection softens his eyes. "You agreed to dinner, did you not?" He leans toward you ever so slightly, a barely imperceptible change.
"Yes, Master Jinshi," you reply obediently. Perhaps Maomao was busy with lady-in-waiting duties, you had originally thought, assuming that you were called in as a poison taster.
The lean toward you is much more apparent this time, Jinshi letting out a sigh just before doing it. He's a mere few inches from your shoulder, hand dropping from your face to grip the edge of your chair closest to him. "Then I don't understand why you seem so reserved. You're usually much more open and energetic with me."
Your lips part, about to reply with the first thought on your mind, before quickly closing your mouth. One, two, three seconds pass as you think of how to traverse the situation you've found yourself in.
"My apologies, sir,” you choose to reply, “I shouldn't have behaved so inappropriately before.” Each word is chosen with intention as you reply steadily. Is that why you've been called here? For your lax behavior around the rear palace manager?
Yes, you weren't great at maintaining a professional facade while with Jinshi. He could be childish and annoying, that's true, but more than anything you just enjoyed playing with his self-assured and flirtatious persona whenever possible. Light teasing tended to leave him speechless and you adored watching the gears turn in his brain. With certainty, you can say you’re the only maidservant to ever give back the same energy he put out.
Jinshi pulls back, staring at you with a frown as he sits properly in his seat. "That's not what you were going to say."
"No," you agree.
The frown turns to a more pronounced pout, bottom lip jutting out and eyes narrowing. He's acting childish again, something that usually makes you smile (knowing you’ve successfully pushed his buttons) but only serves to make you more nervous as you anxiously pinch the fabric of your attire between your fingers. It's a nervous habit you picked up after trying to stop yourself from picking at your fingernails, each of which is low and choppy even if you've been quite a few months free of the practice.
"What had you wanted to say?" He implores. It's cute, honestly - watching Jinshi stare at you so pleadingly as he tries to keep his voice steady. You glance around, wondering where Gaoshun has been this whole time.
"I want for nothing, Master," you reply uncharacteristically of yourself, the words sounding rehearsed even though you hadn't been expecting this exchange at all.
Join me for dinner, he'd ordered curtly. No other information, merely requesting your presence for the night before leaving. He'd seemed to be in a rush, slightly flustered as he disappeared - likely late for some work he was most assuredly pushing off at the time. You barely finished nodding before he fled the parlor you'd met him in.
"What if I ordered you to tell me?"
"Will you?"
Of course not, Jinshi wants to say, the thought manifesting as a solemn sigh as he looks away. His eyes focus on the large wooden doors ahead, hands tugging at the ends of his hair as he tries to understand where he went wrong. There was no bad blood between you two he had believed - no arguments or chastising or even the slightest criticism or critique.
“Do you even have to ask?" He ends up murmuring lowly. The purple haired man blinks slowly a few times before hearing you sigh to his right. Creaks fill the room as you undoubtedly reposition yourself on the chair he'd pulled over for you to sit in, the sound followed by you clearing your throat.
"What was it you had said? I'm normally more open with you? I was merely going to point out that I'm not normally sitting or standing so closely,” you decide to answer. "I'm never right beside you like this. Our current position only serves to remind me of my rank and where I stand in comparison. I have no right to be here; It's not right for me to be at the same side of the table as you. To be called here for business and then disrespect— "
"Business?" Jinshi cuts you off, eyebrows furrowing as he turns to you with a sincere frown. "Is that why you think I called you here?"
Nervousness shoots up your spine and crawls around your skin as you suddenly feel ruffled. Being made to look a fool isn't something you're unacquainted with being a maidservant, but for some reason, being doled out the same treatment by Jinshi specifically left you feeling embarrassed and flustered. You try to wrack your brain for not only a proper response, but a smart or witty one - yet nothing comes to mind. Without thinking, your fingers come together as you begin picking at the edges of your fingernails. Your sharp tongue has turned limp, feeling heavy in your mouth as you struggle to reply.
It seemed like all Jinshi could do now was frown, the slight flicker of his lips further down causing your breath to hitch. "I'm sorry. It seems I hadn't made my intentions clear," Jinshi pinches the bridge of his nose, feeling annoyed with himself more than anything.
Your sandbag tongue pushes your jaw down, mouth parting as you're about to tell him it's fine - even though you still aren't sure what's happening. Before you can, Jinshi continues: "How would you suggest I ask for someone's hand? I had thought my courting was obvious prior, but now I'm not so sure..."
Courting? In what world had the beautiful eunuch, heartthrob of the rear palace, been courting anyone let alone you? Dozens of admirers, even ones sworn to the emperor, had been clawing each other left and right for a sprinkle of his attention. You'd been able to cozy up to his side as a friend and useful asset inside the rear palace walls, but you never expressed the same adoration and devotion that other palace residents have.
At risk of sounding a little self-centered, you just need to clarify, "You don't mean my hand, surely..?"
Jinshi looks appalled, mouth agape and eyes wide. "Have I been that inconspicuous with my courting? I could've sworn the whole inner court could tell!" He lets out a groan, face falling onto the table in front of him. A loud bang sounds as his forehead lands on the wood harshly.
Have you been that obtuse? Combing through your mind, you recall each time you'd seen Jinshi while out and about, trying to discern if he'd honestly been too discreet or if you'd just managed to write it off. And... nothing comes to mind. Gaoshun had shown more interest in you than Jinshi had, the former always checking up on you and making sure you were alright. His presence held that of a father figure.
Speaking of, where had he run off to? It's rare for you to be completely alone with Jinshi, today marking the first of this occasion. And based on how this is turning out, likely the last as well.
Jinshi flops his head to the side, gazing up at you from the table. "Gaoshun said you took to the gifts I had him deliver," he says childishly, voice soft through his pursed lips as he pouts. "I tried not to express favoritism, as I know you don't enjoy attention from the other maidservants and court ladies and their needless prying, so I had him drop off small snacks in my stead."
A glimmer shines in your eyes as it finally clicks together. Gaoshun had always been so discreet passing you small snacks every few days. You honestly hadn't thought too much of it outside of thanking him gently, having assumed the older man merely feared for your health on hotter days. It's likely he mentioned at some point that they're from Jinshi and you had simply missed it. Or maybe you were expected to just know..?
Jinshi grumbles, a low hum sounding more like a whine than a groan, before he sits upright in his chair once again. "So, do you not like me?" He asks timidly.
"No," you reply easily. His face falls at this, causing you to backtrack. "I-I mean no I do not not like you. I'm- I'm saying I like you!.. I mean, we're friends, right?"
He pouts childishly, turning away from you with a hmph! "You know that's not what I mean!" The purple haired man's arms are crossed and nose stuck up, body language as dramatic as can be.
Of course you know what he means, yet you can't help but feel unsure anyway. There's no way the Jinshi likes you - a simple laundry attendant who picks on him sometimes. Many girls throw themselves at his feet, so why would he settle for you?
"I think I'm just a little confused," you carefully pick your words. Besides, he's your employer; Is it wise for you to encourage his delusions? There's no way the two of you could have an actual relationship. "You seem to be implying you like me, and I'm unsure if that's your intention." Once more, you shift anxiously in your seat.
The eunuch groans loudly, clearly frustrated with your incessant dismissal of his feelings. "That is my intention, yes. You're welcome to say you don't feel the same, if that's how you feel. However, I'd still like the chance to court you and try and change your mind, if you're comfortable with it."
Flustered and overwhelmed, you shake your head. "Is this appropriate? Can someone in your position court a person so drastically beneath them? What if I fall out of line, wouldn't you still have to correct me?"
A smile tugs at Jinshi's lips for a mere moment before he turns away. "I'm not courting you as the manager of the rear palace. I'd like to court you as a friend, someone you've spent time with absent of titles. I'm not your immediate superior, anyway - those directly above you can issue orders as they see fit, though you've never been the type to step out of line. And, we both know you have only a few months left on your contract. I'm hoping to pin you down before you leave the palace and another man gets to you first."
Now it's your turn to pout, your own lips pursed and eyes narrow as you stare at him. "You enjoy making things difficult," you start. “I can't believe you're doing all this to me. On top of that, you of all people know I do enjoy testing these metaphorical lines,” the last sentence punctuated with a huff.
It's true; that's how Jinshi grew to enjoy your presence. During his time knowing you, you had never been afraid to give back the same energy you received, playing along with Jinshi regardless of positions. However, you've always had a keen sense for what is or isn't allowed around whom - knowing to act like the perfect maidservant around the eunuchs directly responsible for your field of servitude, but understanding even without much prior knowledge that Jinshi is the type to let you get away with a little more.
"Then let's test this one. Let's see if we can push the 'metaphorical line' of our relationship, from professional to romantic," Jinshi's eyes glimmer with hope, a confident grin on his face at what he deemed a perfect segue.
After an annoyed grumble full of incoherent words under your breath, you turn to him with an exasperated sigh. "Fine. I'll allow you to court me - or continue to, rather - during these few months. And once I've fulfilled my contract and am able to return home, we can discuss the idea of potentially changing the status of our relationship."
As you spoke, Jinshi couldn't stop himself from bouncing ever so slightly up and down on his seat, excited beyond all measure. His hand reaches out to you and you flinch, pulling back before he can.
"And only then, Master Jinshi," you add.
He can't even find it in him to be sad, too excited that you've promised him a chance. “Yes, perfect, it’s a deal. Easiest deal I've made in my life. Could I get it in writing?" He begins to ramble on, allowing you to zone out and watch for a moment.
In an attempt to shut him up, you hold out your hand and place it over his mouth. Jinshi has never portrayed himself as someone who detests his own voice, but this was more than you'd ever heard from the man. With a gentle grip, he peels your hand from his mouth via your wrist, holding it tenderly for a moment before placing the tiniest kiss to the skin. Feeling flushed and mind short circuiting, you find yourself frozen in your seat once again. Did he just..?
The large wooden doors suddenly open, Gaoshun finally appearing. He's standing behind Suiren, the two both holding trays containing food. You can barely think, lips parting as you try to come up with a response. Right, you need to—
With Jinshi's hold on your hand, you can't quite hide your face with your sleeves as is custom, instead forced to sit awkwardly with your head bowed as he holds your palm near his face. Does this man know no shame? Your one sleeve is nervously covering the bottom half of your face, hoping for a shred of decency, while Jinshi casually chats with the two as though nothing had happened, is happening. Of course, Suiren and Gaoshun know better than to ask why.
Without a word from you, the two slip out of the office once again, leaving you alone with Jinshi. Your head finally lifts up, noticing the dish in front of the two of you as Jinshi gently drops your hand.
"Like it? Gaoshun had mentioned you'd been particularly happy when he dropped this off to you. I figured that must make it your favorite."
And he's right. You stare down at your favorite meal; The last time you'd gotten a taste was when Gaoshun had secretly passed you a few bites what was now a few weeks ago.
With a small smile, you turn to look at Jinshi. "It is. Thank you."
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