#ethan plath
fundieshaderoom · 4 months
Great BreakDown of a February Olivia Plath Interview
Olivia grew up believing that California was an evil place.
The interviewer pointed out that the show started with the older Plath children wanting to move away from the strict religious upbringing but now it seems that only Olivia is still wanting that distance. Olivia specifically notes that Moriah mostly dresses and eats different rather digging deep into family dysfunction and other more meaningful beliefs.
Olivia watched the first 3 seasons and stopped at season 4 because she felt that was a dark time and did not stand by some of her actions. It would have been a hard rewatch for her.
Olivia realized she was dissatisfied with life at age 14 or 15 but did not know why. She then realized she had no deep emotional connections. Around that time, she cut her hair to her shoulders and began wearing eyeliner (which was a no-no in her home). At 16 or 17, she apologized to her father and the church via a spoken letter.
Olivia met Ethan at a family conference. Years later, Ethan wrote a letter to Olivia's father. Olivia's father then called Kim (note: not Barry!) to discuss. The two families agreed that Ethan and Olivia could talk on Skype for one hour every three months.
Olivia has been dating! It is hard for her to get past the first date. She has been struggling with shame due to growing up in purity culture.
In regards to the statement Ethan made about how Olivia should be making 3 meals a day, more was said but cut out due to TLC avoiding politics. Olivia now asks men right off the bat if they cook.
The interviewer was confused when first watch the show. He did not understand why such a "pure" family would want reality tv fame. He then asked how Ethan and Olivia were approached with the idea.
Kim invited TLC to film Olivia and Ethan's wedding without asking because she knew Olivia would say no. It was not shown on the show, because to release, it required Ethan and Olivia's consent too. Ethan and Olivia then made a list of requirements to join the TV show. At this time, Olivia and Ethan could not see the siblings. In order to do the show, seeing the kids was added to the list.
Olivia will be in Season 6. She wants viewers to see what happens when someone actually walks away from the fundie lifestyle.
Olivia loves the TLC crew.
Olivia talks about the initial separation she had with Ethan. Ethan agreed they could live in 3 different places in 3 years.
Ethan agreed to marriage counseling during the first separation. He went to three sessions and then quit.
Olivia said Ethan said if his hypothetical son came out as gay, he would disown him. Olivia is strongly opposed to that.
Ethan tried to get her back during the divorce process but Olivia was not interested. They did not have any relationship at this point.
The Plaths allegedly had a party when they found out about the divorce.
Ethan is still very close with Nathan Meggs, Olivia's brother. Ethan heavily leaned on Nathan during the divorce, which affect Olivia's relationship with her brother.
Olivia still has a relationship with Ethan's extended family in Minnesota.
Olivia is willing to have a conversation with some Plaths to connect the storylines. Olivia said, "if this turns into a circus, I'm walking away" (quoting Moriah's song about her lol).
Olivia said WTP was not producer driven, rather "cast-members" drove the narratives of each season.
Olivia said 2023 was a tough year. In March, she split from Ethan. In May, her younger brother died unexpectedly and she had to see the Meggs family with whom she's estranged. In this February 2024 interview, she says she now has peace.
Olivia had not seen her family of origin in years, specifically her parents. Her parents have blocked her and all other siblings who have left the fold. She has not been able to talk to her youngest siblings, even her brother who died.
Lydia Meggs helped Olivia through their brother's death and funeral.
She is looking for a man who is okay for it to not be a forever thing.
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spurgie-cousin · 1 year
ok sorry for posting a million tiktoks on a row but this is where i get my fundies news now and AAAAAAAAA look
either Ethan and Olivia broke up or they're going the open relationship route?? I'm hoping for the latter but I think it's the former ☹️☹️☹️
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rahabq · 8 months
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sapphireshorelines · 2 years
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After a lot of thought I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t know myself at all. I’m like a living piano, with lots of wires and mechanical bits inside me in the dark; I never know who comes and plays it, and it is difficult to completely comprehend why as well, I can only know what is playing—whether it’s happiness or sorrow, soft note or sharp, in rhythm or not—just that much. And I know how far up or down my octave will extend. No, do I even know that much? I’m not even sure if I’m a sympathetic grand piano or a cottage piano.
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Life is, soberly and accurately, the oddest affair; has in it the essence of reality. I used to feel this as a child—couldn't step across a puddle once, I remember, for thinking how strange—what am I?
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The unknownness of my needs frightens me. I do not know how big they are, or how high they are, I only know that they are not being met. If you want to find out the circumference of an oil drop, you can use lycopodium powder. That’s what I’ll find. A tub of lycopodium powder, and I will sprinkle it on to my needs and find out how large they are. Then when I meet someone I can write up the experiment and show them what they have to take on. Except they might have a growth rate 1 can’t measure, or they might mutate, or even disappear.
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[...]try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms, like books written in a foreign tongue. Do not now strive to uncover answers: they cannot be given to you because you have not been able to live them. And what matters is to live everything. Live the questions for now.
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I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am.
André Aciman, Call Me By Your Name / Rabindranath Tagore, Letters From A Young Poet / Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe / Before Sunrise / Virginia Woolf, A Writer's Diary / Jeannette Winterson, Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit / Maggie Nelson, Bluets / Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet / Ethan Hawke / Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
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ur-mag · 11 months
Welcome to Plathville’s Ethan and Olivia Plath’s Relationship Ups and Downs | In Trend Today
Welcome to Plathville’s Ethan and Olivia Plath’s Relationship Ups and Downs Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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alpha-mag-media · 11 months
Welcome to Plathville’s Ethan and Olivia Plath’s Relationship Ups and Downs | In Trend Today
Welcome to Plathville’s Ethan and Olivia Plath’s Relationship Ups and Downs Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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filthyfundie · 9 months
If I was Olivia and Ethan came to me with this three meals a day request I would have said sure no problem, as soon as you’re able to pay all our living expenses on your own.
I’m sick of these men who want a “traditional” wife but aren’t traditional men. Ethan fucked off to play with cars, completely ignoring his wife and responsibilities, then wants to act like he has some grand standards that aren’t being upheld.
None of the Plath siblings had an issue with Olivia’s modern ways while they benefited from it but the second they thought they could do better she became the problem. I hope the show gets canceled, they all become rightfully irrelevant, and Olivia publicly flourishes.
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sidicecheilibri · 1 year
I libri nominati da Rory Gilmore
1 – 1984, George Orwell
2 – Le Avventure di Huckelberry Finn, Mark Twain
3 – Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie, Lewis Carrol
4 – Le Fantastiche Avventure di Kavalier e Clay, Michael Chabon
5 – Una Tragedia Americana, Theodore Dreiser
6 – Le Ceneri di Angela, Frank McCourt
7 – Anna Karenina, Lev Tolstoj
8 – Il Diario di Anna Frank
9 – La Guerra Archidamica, Donald Kagan
10 – L’Arte del Romanzo, Henry James
11 – L’Arte della Guerra, Sun Tzu
12 – Mentre Morivo, William Faulkner
13 – Espiazione, Ian McEvan
14 – Autobiografia di un Volto, Lucy Grealy
15 – Il Risveglio, Kate Chopin
16 – Babe, Dick King-Smith
17 – Contrattacco. La Guerra non Dichiarata Contro le Donne, Susan Faludi
18 – Balzac e la Piccola Sarta Cinese, Dai Sijie
19 – Bel Canto, Anne Pachett
20 – La Campana di Vetro, Sylvia Plath
21 – Amatissima, Toni Morrison
22 – Beowulf: una Nuova Traduzione, Seamus Heaney
23 – La Bhagavad Gita
24 – Il Piccolo Villaggio dei Sopravvissuti, Peter Duffy
25 – Bitch Rules. Consigli di Comune Buonsenso per donne Fuori dal Comune, Elizabeth Wurtzel
26 – Un Fulmine a Ciel Sereno ed altri Saggi, Mary McCarthy
27 – Il Mondo Nuovo, Adolf Huxley
28 – Brick Lane, Monica Ali
29 – Brigadoon, Alan Jay Lerner
30 – Candido, Voltaire
31 – I Racconti di Canterbury, Geoffrey Chaucer
32 – Carrie, Stephen King
33 – Catch-22, Joseph Heller
34 – Il Giovane Holden, J.D.Salinger
35 – La Tela di Carlotta, E.B.White
36 – Quelle Due, Lillian Hellman
37 – Christine, Stephen King
38 – Il Canto di Natale, Charles Dickens
39 – Arancia Meccanica, Anthony Burgess
40 – Il Codice dei Wooster, P.G.Wodehouse
41 – The Collected Stories, Eudora Welty
42 – La Commedia degli Errori, William Shakespeare
43 – Novelle, Dawn Powell
44 – Tutte le Poesie, Anne Sexton
45 – Racconti, Dorothy Parker
46 – Una Banda di Idioti, John Kennedy Toole
47 – Il03 al 09/03 Conte di Montecristo, Alexandre Dumas
48 – La Cugina Bette, Honore de Balzac
49 – Delitto e Castigo, Fedor Dostoevskij
50 – Il Petalo Cremisi e il Bianco, Michel Faber
51 – Il Crogiuolo, Arthur Miller
52 – Cujo, Stephen King
53 – Il Curioso Caso del Cane Ucciso a Mezzanotte, Mark Haddon
54 – La Figlia della Fortuna, Isabel Allende
55 – David e Lisa, Dr.Theodore Issac Rubin M.D
56 – David Copperfield, Charles Dickens
57 – Il Codice Da Vinci, Dan Brown
58 – Le Anime Morte, Nikolaj Gogol
59 – I Demoni, Fedor Dostoevskij
60 – Morte di un Commesso Viaggiatore, Arthur Miller
61 – Deenie, Judy Blume
62 – La Città Bianca e il Diavolo, Erik Larson
63 – The Dirt. Confessioni della Band più Oltraggiosa del Rock, Tommy Lee – Vince Neil – Mick Mars – Nikki Sixx
64 – La Divina Commedia, Dante Alighieri
65 – I Sublimi Segreti delle Ya-Ya Sisters, Rebecca Wells
66 – Don Chischiotte, Miguel de Cervantes
67 – A Spasso con Daisy, Alfred Uhvr
68 – Dr. Jeckill e Mr.Hide, Robert Louis Stevenson
69 – Tutti i Racconti e le Poesie, Edgar Allan Poe
70 – Eleanor Roosevelt, Blanche Wiesen Cook
71 – Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Tom Wolfe
72 – Lettere, Mark Dunn
73 – Eloise, Kay Thompson
74 – Emily The Strange, Roger Reger
75 – Emma, Jane Austen
76 – Il Declino dell’Impero Whiting, Richard Russo
77 – Encyclopedia Brown: Boy Detective, Donald J.Sobol
78 – Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton
79 – Etica, Spinoza
80 – Europe Through the back door, 2003, Rick Steves
81 – Eva Luna, Isabel Allende
82 – Ogni cosa è Illuminata, Jonathan Safran Foer
83 – Stravaganza, Gary Krist
84 – Farhenheit 451, Ray Bradbury
85 – Farhenheit 9/11, Michael Moore
86 – La Caduta dell’Impero di Atene, Donald Kagan
87 – Fat Land, il Paese dei Ciccioni, Greg Critser
88 – Paura e Delirio a Las Vegas, Hunter S.Thompson
89 – La Compagnia dell’Anello, J.R.R.Tolkien
90 – Il Violinista sul Tetto, Joseph Stein
91 – Le Cinque Persone che Incontri in Cielo, Mitch Albom
92 – Finnegan’s Wake, James Joyce
93 – Fletch, Gregory McDonald
94 – Fiori per Algernon, Daniel Keyes
95 – La Fortezza della Solitudine, Jonathan Lethem
96 – La Fonte Meravigliosa, Ayn Rand
97 – Frankenstein, Mary Shelley
98 – Franny e Zooeey, J.D.Salinger
99 – Quel Pazzo Venerdì, Mary Rodgers
100 – Galapagos, Kurt Vonnegut
101 – Questioni di Genere, Judith Butler
102 – George W.Bushism: The Slate Book of Accidental Wit and Wisdom of our 43rd President, Jacob Weisberg
103 – Gidget, Fredrick Kohner
104 – Ragazze Interrotte, Susanna Kaysen
105 – The Gnostic Gospels, Elaine Pagels
106 – Il Padrino, Parte I, Mario Puzo
107 – Il Dio delle Piccole Cose, Arundhati Roy
108 – La Storia dei Tre Orsi, Alvin Granowsky
109 – Via Col Vento, Margaret Mitchell
110 – Il Buon Soldato, Ford Maddox Ford
111 – Il Gospel secondo Judy Bloom
112 – Il Laureato, Charles Webb
113 – Furore, John Steinbeck
114 – Il Grande Gatsby, F.Scott Fitzgerald
115 – Grandi Speranze, Charles Dickens
116 – Il Gruppo, Mary McCarthy
117 – Amleto, William Shakespeare
118 – Harry Potter e il Calice di Fuoco, J.K.Rowling
119 – Harry Potter e la Pietra Filosofale, J.K.Rowling
120 – L’Opera Struggente di un Formidabile Genio, Dave Eggers
121 – Cuore di Tenebra, Joseph Conrad
122 – Helter Skelter: La vera storia del Caso Charles Manson, Vincent Bugliosi e Curt Gentry
123 – Enrico IV, Parte Prima, William Shakespeare
124 – Enrico IV, Parte Seconda, William Shakespeare
125 – Enrico V, William Shakespeare
126 – Alta Fedeltà, Nick Hornby
127 – La Storia del Declino e della Caduta dell’Impero Romano, Edward Gibbon
128 – Holidays on Ice: Storie, David Sedaris
129 – The Holy Barbarians, Lawrence Lipton
130 – La Casa di Sabbia e Nebbia, Andre Dubus III
131 – La Casa degli Spiriti, Isabel Allende
132 – Come Respirare Sott’acqua, Julie Orringer
133 – Come il Grinch Rubò il Natale, Dr.Seuss
134 – How the Light Gets In, M.J.Hyland
135 – Urlo, Allen Ginsberg
136 – Il Gobbo di Notre Dame, Victor Hugo
137 – Iliade, Omero
138 – Sono con la Band, Pamela des Barres
139 – A Sangue Freddo, Truman Capote
140 – Inferno, Dante
141 – …e l’Uomo Creò Satana, Jerome Lawrence e Robert E.Lee
142 – Ironweed, William J.Kennedy
143 – It takes a Village, Hilary Clinton
144 – Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
145 – Il Circolo della Fortuna e della Felicità, Amy tan
146 – Giulio Cesare, William Shakespeare
147 – Il Celebre Ranocchio Saltatore della Contea di Calaveras, Mark Twain
148 – La Giungla, Upton Sinclair
149 – Just a Couple of Days, Tony Vigorito
150 – The Kitchen Boy, Robert Alexander
151 – Kitchen Confidential: Avventure Gastronomiche a New York, Anthony Bourdain
152 – Il Cacciatore di Aquiloni, Khaled Hosseini
153 – L’amante di Lady Chatterley, D.H.Lawrence
154 – L’Ultimo Impero: Saggi 1992-2000, Gore Vidal
155 – Foglie d’Erba, Walt Whitman
156 – La Leggenda di Bagger Vance, Steven Pressfield
157 – Meno di Zero, Bret Easton Ellis
158 – Lettere a un Giovane Poeta, Rainer Maria Rilke
159 – Balle! E tutti i Ballisti che Ce Le Stanno Raccontando, Al Franken
160 – Vita di Pi, Yann Martell
161 – La piccola Dorrit, Charles Dickens
162 – The little Locksmith, Katharine Butler Hathaway
163 – La piccola fiammiferaia, Hans Christian Andersen
164 – Piccole Donne, Louisa May Alcott
165 – Living History, Hilary Clinton
166 – Il signore delle Mosche, William Golding
167 – La Lotteria, ed altre storie, Shirley Jackson
168 – Amabili Resti, Alice Sebold
169 – Love Story, Eric Segal
170 – Macbeth, William Shakespeare
171 – Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert
172 – The Manticore, Robertson Davies
173 – Marathon Man, William Goldman
174 – Il Maestro e Margherita, Michail Bulgakov
175 – Memorie di una figlia per bene, Simone de Beauvoir
176 – Memorie del Generale W.T. Sherman, William Tecumseh Sherman
177 – L’uomo più divertente del mondo, David Sedaris
178 – The meaning of Consuelo, Judith Ortiz Cofer
179 – Mencken’s Chrestomathy, H.R. Mencken
180 – Le Allegre Comari di Windsor, William Shakespeare
181 – La Metamorfosi, Franz Kafka
182 – Middlesex, Jeoffrey Eugenides
183 – Anna dei Miracoli, William Gibson
184 – Moby Dick, Hermann Melville
185 – The Mojo Collection: The Ultimate Music Companion, Jim Irvin
186 – Moliere: la biografia, Hobart Chatfield Taylor
187 – A monetary history of the United States, Milton Friedman
188 – Monsieur Proust, Celeste Albaret
189 – A Month of Sundays: searching for the spirit and my sister, Julie Mars
190 – Festa Mobile, Ernest Hemingway
191 – Mrs Dalloway, Virginia Woolf
192 – Gli ammutinati del Bounty, Charles Nordhoff e James Norman Hall
193 – My Lai 4: A Report on the Massacre and Its Aftermath, Seymour M.Hersh
194 – My Life as Author and Editor, H.R.Mencken
195 – My life in orange: growing up with the guru, Tim Guest
196 – Myra Waldo’s Travel and Motoring Guide to Europe, 1978, Myra Waldo
197 – La custode di mia sorella, Jodi Picoult
198 – Il Nudo e il Morto, Norman Mailer
199 – Il Nome della Rosa, Umberto Eco
200 – The Namesake, Jhumpa Lahiri
201 – Il Diario di una Tata, Emma McLaughlin
202 – Nervous System: Or, Losing my Mind in Literature, Jan Lars Jensen
203 – Nuove Poesie, Emily Dickinson
204 – The New Way Things Work, David Macaulay
205 – Nickel and Dimed, Barbara Ehrenreich
206 – Notte, Elie Wiesel
207 – Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen
208 – The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism, William E.Cain, Laurie A.Finke, Barbara E.Johnson, John P.McGowan
209 – Racconti 1930-1942, Dawn Powell
210 – Taccuino di un Vecchio Porco, Charles Bukowski
211 – Uomini e Topi, John Steinbeck
212 – Old School, Tobias Wolff
213 – Sulla Strada, Jack Kerouac
214 – Qualcuno Volò sul Nido del Cuculo, Ken Kesey
215 – Cent’Anni di Solitudine, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
216 – The Opposite of Fate: Memories of a Writing Life, Amy Tan
217 – La Notte dell’Oracolo, Paul Auster
218 – L’Ultimo degli Uomini, Margaret Atwood
219 – Otello, William Shakespeare
220 – Il Nostro Comune Amico, Charles Dickens
221 – The Outbreak of the Peloponnesian War, Donald Kagan
222 – La Mia Africa, Karen Blixen
223 – The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton
224 – Passaggio in India, E.M.Forster
225 – The Peace of Nicias and the Sicilian Expedition, Donald Kagan
226 – Noi Siamo Infinito, Stephen Chbosky
227 – Peyton Place, Grace Metalious
228 – Il Ritratto di Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde
229 – Pigs at the Trough, Arianna Huffington
230 – Le Avventure di Pinocchio, Carlo Collodi
231 – Please Kill Me: Il Punk nelle Parole dei Suoi Protagonisti, Legs McNeil e Gillian McCain
232 – Una Vita da Lettore, Nick Hornby
233 – The Portable Dorothy Parker, Dorothy Parker
234 – The Portable Nietzche, Fredrich Nietzche
235 – The Price of Loyalty: George W.Bush, the White House, and the Education on Paul O’Neil, Ron Suskind
236 – Orgoglio e Pregiudizio, Jane Austen
237 – Property, Valerie Martin
238 – Pushkin, La Biografia, T.J.Binyon
239 – Pigmallione, G.B.Shaw
240 – Quattrocento, James Mckean
241 – A Quiet Storm, Rachel Howzell Hall
242 – Rapunzel, I Fratelli Grimm
243 – Il Corvo ed Altre Poesie, Edgar Allan Poe
244 – Il Filo del Rasoio, W.Somerset Maugham
245 – Leggere Lolita a Teheran, Azar Nafisi
246 – Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier
247 – Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Kate Douglas Wiggin
248 – The Red Tent, Anita Diamant
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spamgyu · 7 months
i will become an anon again after this post so dont mind my acc reveal (im merlin btw and in this story i hide the sword cuz like why not) ok so as we are into giving svt members a new life here me out dk is our theater major who is like into musicals and shit and he like gives of Ethan(because ethan nakamura is a fucking drama queen) vibes like he has this menacing name but like is the chillest dude to ever chill and because of parental pressure he took business too cuz like theater majors become comedians later in life and not all of them flourish tells everyone his favorite movie is godfather but in reality loves little women but like greta's version cuz it is the only one that did justice to amy's character and payed homage to the author at the same time by critiquing the reality declining notions of the older and the younger gen has a collection of dainty rings and chains and meticulously chooses his outfits everyday so that they give dostoevsky and plath vibes, but absolutely hates them and kafka too cuz they are thinking too deep into life instead of enjoying it, but if the outfit give old money then it gives old money. Spends at 3 hours ranting to anyone who will listen that he is born in the wrong era, cuz like look at him he is giving bridgerton bro vibes absolutely hates responsibility but is give will fulfil his duty like a war hero loves to read jane austen and oscar wilde. will also claim that behind the closed doors of the theater there is a revolution going on and it will soon emerge on the streets of the country because ai is indeed stealing their jobs pretends to like the concept of communism to be different from the others but cant for the life of him understand what is its deal also plays atleast 3 classical instruments and has a secret diploma in classical music but never told anyone, dont ask him why he cant answer, loves hamilton cuz whe he talks about it people think he is smart but he just likes the songs and thats it. oh btw did i mention like bro comes from money too
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that 1 pic in all of his socials
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pulling up to the theater to practice for hamilton(yes he is aware he got the outfit wrong but if he goes for the correct 1 it might look weird, plus he got mistaken for the professor around the campus )
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that one tinder pic he chose cuz shua told him he looked like the typical trustable badboy who can pull bitches (and he was right, his matches went up a lot more after he posted this pic, but he will never tell shua that)
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will look dead into your eyes and tell you he likes kafka while looking like this (who is he trying to fool??!!) did this all spiral from my obsession over classical lit, the need to be born during the 1800s so that i could actually share a cup of coffee with dear mr Fyodor and listen to him rant about his radical opinions, and love for my bias absolutely yes!!
okay few things
tells people he likes godfather but really likes little women BYE BC I SEE IT. the way someone would talk about godfather and ask him about his opinion and he'd be like "oh no yeah..... i love the part where.... he is the god father" ..... boy if you dont stfu lol
dokyeom giving off hot loser(lovingly) theater kid is actually stressing me tf out..... i ....
he def annotates his books with dif colored sticky notes for dif purposes and when he loves lending those books and asks what u thought of his annotations AND AND encourages for you to annotate too like "here's a pack of purple sticky notes, feel free to add ur own" sickening
wow i will be rotting on this thank you omfg
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fundieshaderoom · 10 months
Ethan has speaks on the divorce
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Reddit sses
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
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One of those things you see and think awww. That's nice!!
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renatarenatah · 2 years
Eu li todos livros que Rory leu!
Por acaso, eu leio muito rápido e terminei esses livros por dias e semanas. Amei esses livros! Rory é estudiosa, tem boas escolhas para ler.
Listona com os 339 livros que Rory leu em ‘Gilmore Girls’:
1. 1 984 – George Orwell
2. As Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain
3. Alice no País das Maravilhas – Lewis Carroll
4. As Incríveis Aventuras de Kavalier & Clay – Michael Chabon
5. Uma Tragédia Americana – Theodore Dreiser
6. As Cinzas de Ângela – Frank McCourt
7. Anna Karenina – Leon Tolstoy
8. O Diário de Anne Frank – Anne Frank
9. The Archidamian War – Donald Kagan
10. A Arte da Ficção – Henry James
11. A Arte da Guerra – Sun Tzu
12. Enquanto Agonizo – William Faulkner
13. Reparação – Ian McEwan
14. Autobiography of a Face – Lucy Grealy
15. The Awakening – Kate Chopin
16. Babe – Dick King-Smith
17. Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women – Susan Faludi
18. Balzac e a Costureirinha Chinesa – Dai Sijie
19. Bel Canto – Ann Patchett
20. A Redoma de Vidro – Sylvia Plath
21. Amada – Toni Morrison
22. Beowulf: A New Verse Translation – Seamus Heaney
23. Bagavadguitá
24. Os Irmãos Bielski – Peter Duffy
25. Bitch in Praise of Difficult Women – Elizabeth Wurtzel
26. A Bolt from the Blue and Other Essays – Mary McCarthy
27. Admirável Mundo Novo – Aldous Huxley
28. Um Lugar Chamado Brick Lane – Monica Ali
29. Brigadoon – Alan Jay Lerner
30. Cândido – Voltaire
31. Os Cantos de Cantuária – Chaucer
32. Carrie, A Estranha – Stephen King
33. Ardil 22 – Joseph Heller
34. O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio – J. D. Salinger
35. A Teia de Charlotte – E. B. White
36. The Children’s Hour – Lillian Hellman
37. Christine – Stephen King
38. Um Conto de Natal – Charles Dickens
39. Laranja Mecânica – Anthony Burgess
40. The Code of the Woosters – P.G. Wodehouse
41. The Collected Stories – Eudora Welty
42. A Comédia dos Erros – William Shakespeare
43. Complete Novels – Dawn Powell
44. The Complete Poems – Anne Sexton
45. Complete Stories – Dorothy Parker
46. Uma Confraria de Tolos – John Kennedy Toole
47. O Conde de Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
48. A Vingança de Bette – Honoré de Balzac
49. Crime e Castigo – Fiodor Dostoievski
50. Pétala Escarlate, Flor Branca – Michel Faber
51. As Bruxas de Salém – Arthur Miller
52. Cão Raivoso – Stephen King
53. O Estranho Caso do Cão Morto – Mark Haddon
54. Filha da Fortuna – Isabel Allende
55. David e Lisa – Dr Theodore Issac Rubin M.D
56. David Copperfield – Charles Dickens
57. O Código da Vinci – Dan Brown
58. Almas Mortas – Nikolai Gogol
59. Os Demônios – Fiodor Dostoievski
60. A Morte de Um Caixeiro-Viajante – Arthur Miller
61. Deenie – Judy Blume
62. The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America – Erik Larson
63. The Dirt: Confessions of the World’s Most Notorious Rock Band – Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Mick Mars e Nikki Sixx
64. A Divina Comédia – Dante Alighieri
65. Divinos Segredos – Rebecca Wells
66. Dom Quixote de La Mancha – Miguel Cervantes
67. Conduzindo Miss Daisy – Alfred Uhry
68. O Médico e o Monstro – Robert Louis Stevenson
69. Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales & Poems – Edgar Allan Poe
70. Eleanor Roosevelt – Blanche Wiesen Cook
71. O Teste do Ácido do Refresco Elétrico – Tom Wolfe
72. Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel in Letters – Mark Dunn
73. Eloise – Kay Thompson
74. Emily, the Strange: Os Dias Perdidos – Roger Reger
75. Emma – Jane Austen
76. Empire Falls – Richard Russo
77. Encyclopedia Brown: Boy Detective – Donald J. Sobol
78. Ethan Frome – Edith Wharton
79. Ética – Spinoza
80. Europe through the Back Door, 2003 – Rick Steves
81. Eva Luna – Isabel Allende
82. Tudo se Ilumina – Jonathan Safran Foer
83. Extravagance – Gary Krist
84. Fahrenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury
85. Fahrenheit 9/11 – Michael Moore
86. The Fall of the Athenian Empire – Donald Kagan
87. Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World – Greg Critser
88. Medo e Delírio em Las Vegas – Hunter S. Thompson
89. A Sociedade do Anel – J. R. R. Tolkien
90. Um Violinista no Telhado – Joseph Stein
91. As Cinco Pessoas que Você Encontra no Céu – Mitch Albom
92. Finnegan’s Wake – James Joyce
93. Fletch Venceu – Gregory McDonald
94. Flowers for Algernon – Daniel Keyes
95. The Fortress of Solitude – Jonathan Lethem
96. A Nascente – Ayn Rand
97. Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
98. Franny e Zooey – J. D. Salinger
99. Sexta-Feira Muito Louca – Mary Rodgers
100. Galápagos – Kurt Vonnegut
101. Gender Trouble – Judith Butler
102. George W. Bushism: The Slate Book of the Accidental Wit and Wisdom of our 43rd President – Jacob Weisberg
103. Gidget – Frederick Kohner
104. Garota, Interrompida – Susanna Kaysen
105. Os Evangelhos Gnósticos – Elaine Pagels
106. O Poderoso Chefão: Livro 1 – Mario Puzo
107. O Deus das Pequenas Coisas – Arundhati Roy
108. Cachinhos Dourados e os Três Ursos – Alvin Granowsky
109. E o Vento Levou – Margaret Mitchell
110. O Bom Soldado – Ford Maddox Ford
111. The Gospel According to Judy Bloom – Judy Bloom
112. A Primeira Noite de um Homem – Charles Webb
113. As Vinhas da Ira – John Steinbeck
114. O Grande Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald
115. Grandes Esperanças – Charles Dickens
116. O Grupo – Mary McCarthy
117. Hamlet – William Shakespeare
118. Harry Potter e o Cálice de Fogo – J. K. Rowling
119. Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal – J. K. Rowling
120. A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius – Dave Eggers
121. O Coração das Trevas – Joseph Conrad
122. Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders – Vincent Bugliosi e Curt Gentry
123. Henry IV, parte I – William Shakespeare
124. Henry IV, parte II – William Shakespeare
125. Henry V – William Shakespeare
126. Alta Fidelidade – Nick Hornby
127. A História do Declínio e Queda do Império Romano – Edward Gibbon
128. Holidays on Ice: Stories – David Sedaris
129. The Holy Barbarians – Lawrence Lipton
130. Casa de Areia e Névoa – Andre Dubus III
131. A Casa dos Espíritos – Isabel Allende
132. Como Respirar Debaixo D’Água – Julie Orringer
133. Como o Grinch Roubou o Natal – Dr. Seuss
134. How the Light Gets In – M. J. Hyland
135. Uivo – Allen Ginsberg
136. O Corcunda de Notre Dame – Victor Hugo
137. A Ilíada – Homero
138. Confissões de uma Groupie: I’m With the Band – Pamela des Barres
139. A Sangue Frio – Truman Capote
140. Inferno – Dante Alighieri
141. O Vento Será tua Herança – Jerome Lawrence e Robert E. Lee
142. Ironweed – William J. Kennedy
143. It Takes a Village – Hillary Rodham Clinton
144. Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte
145. O Clube da Sorte da Alegria – Amy Tan
146. Júlio César – William Shakespeare
147. A Célebre Rã Saltadora do Condado de Cavaleras – Mark Twain
148. A Selva – Upton Sinclair
149. Just a Couple of Days – Tony Vigorito
150. Os Últimos Dias dos Romanov – Robert Alexander
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infj-zen · 10 months
INFJ Long Term Relationships, examples
Here are some examples of public figures in common types of long-term dating and marriage relationships for INFJs -- collected in connection to mbti-sorted.
Common Relationships
Relationships where both parties are introverts or inuitive types are generally less public and so less examples of these are listed.
Robert & Ethel Kennedy
Charles & Jean Schulz
Keenen & Daphne Wayans
Dorothy & Peter N'yongo
Jared Kushner & Ivanka Trump
Ethan & Olivia Plath
Prince Pavlos & Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece
Evan Bates & Madison Chock
Colin Morgan & Katie McGrath
Radoslaw Wojtaszek & Alina Kashlinskaya
Stéphane Dion & Janine Krieber
Todd Sand & Jenni Meno
Rena Inoue & John Baldwin Jr.
Amy Acker & James Carpinello
Greta Hodgkinson & Étienne Lavigne
Stella Abrera & Sasha Radetsky
Joseph & Kendra Duggar
Kazu & Amy Kim Kibuishi
Carolyn Choa & Anthony Minghella
Sheila Jager & Barack Obama
Phil Lester & Dan Howell
Private example only
No Examples
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ur-mag · 1 year
Welcome to Plathville’s Ethan Plath Can’t Wait for Kids With Wife Olivia | In Trend Today
Welcome to Plathville’s Ethan Plath Can’t Wait for Kids With Wife Olivia Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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recentlyheardcom · 9 days
Welcome to Plathville Recap: Micah's Girlfriend Calls Olivia a 'Narcissist’
Veronica Peters and Micah Plath. Courtesy of TLC Micah Plath’s girlfriend, Veronica Peters, is new to the Plath family — and Welcome to Plathville — but she already has an opinion on Ethan Plath’s ex-wife, Olivia Plath. “When we first met, we spent a long time discussing a common experience,” Micah and Ethan’s dad, Barry Plath, said of his bond with Veronica during the Tuesday, September 17,…
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filthyfundie · 7 months
When I think of Paul and Morgan, I recall their video where they justified bullying and harassment because they are apparently called as Christians to highlight sin and evil when they see it and that “love thy neighbor” is misconstrued.
Dav spoke highly of Paul and Morgan from their weekend together and it seems Dav is remaining active in his Christian groups while being honest about this journey.
Dav has said this is something he’s been processing for years and years, that internal work rarely clicks for the people around you.
I worry that the people around him are having “patience” while he goes through what they see as a phase or a test and I think if he continues down this path that faux graciousness will run out and he will be targeted.
I worry Dav has a false safety net currently and it’s going to be very difficult if these friends decide it’s against their faith to continue to associate with him and that they are commanded to share their perspective with him.
While I wouldn’t compare Bethany to Ethan Plath, I wonder how similar Dav and Olivia’s journeys may end up looking a few years down the road.
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