iamnotshazam · 2 months
Dipping my toes into Elder Scrolls lore for the first time: we know about Meridia and the Magna-Ge, yeah, but I feel like Azura has - or had - something to do with Akatosh/Auri-El.
He's literally Time incarnate. Azura gives prophecies. She's also Lady of Dawn and Dusk, and her symbols are a moon and star. The star - and her literal Star item - has pointed rays that could just as easily be a sun design. The Snow Elves worshipped Auri-El in Skyrim with a heavy sun theme. In Morrowind, the Nine Divines are implied to be cool with her major goals at that point, or at least cool with the idea of a Nerevarine enough to show up in person (?) along the way in side quests.
Then I just looked up her role in the Khajiit religion, in which she literally has Auri-El's role cutting the heart from Lorkhan.
Does anyone know . . . what her deal is?
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olféminin Your daily dose of happiness 💉
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carbone14 · 3 months
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Ada Forman - The Nautch Dancer - 1920's
Photo de Maurice Goldberg
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falmerbrook · 8 months
Regarding the reblog about Azura/Ithelia: this book doesn't have direct references regarding either of them, but it does depict trapping of Meridia in the Void and just some of the language used makes me go 👀
And it's also a khajiiti myth, and I love khajiiti mythology
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Wow yeah, you weren't kidding. The whole prism of light and mirror imagery does make sense with Meridia's whole thing with light, but also with the direction they seem to be going with Ithelia's motifs the amount of references to mirror shards is interesting. Idk when this book was released so I don't know if that would be a purposeful reference or not though
Also, unrelated, but I dig this part of that book a lot
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Aedric Champions: Choosing
In which the Aedra decide to choose some champions for themselves from the regular mortals (a.k.a. NPCs) of Skyrim. The world might be about to end, after all, and why should Akatosh get to have all the fun?
A series of one-shots.
Characters: Akatosh, Arkay, Dibella, Kynareth, Julianos, Mara, Stendarr, Zenithar, Hadvar, Onmund, Erandur, Elisif the Fair, Viarmo, Florentius Baenius, Shahvee
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: None (yet)
Word Count: 2362
The Divines watched from above as Alduin clawed his way out of the time wound he had been trapped in for the past five thousand years. The roar he let out could be heard from Aetherius. Out of the corners of their eyes, the Divines saw Akatosh’s youngest child cover his ears, wincing. Martin had only been in Aetherius for two centuries, and he was still a bit intimidated by the place, mostly sticking with Akatosh and his family. And Talos. That was probably why he was here now, because Akatosh was here as well, his giant golden snout nearly touching the viewing pool.
The view focused on Alduin as he soared across the skies of Tamriel until he turned, diving towards a town. Zenithar winced. “Oh, that place is doomed.”
“Indeed,” said Akatosh, sighing. “It always is.” He moved his claws on the surface of the pool, moving the view from the diving dragon to one of many carts entering the town. The town below was heedless of the danger, and the Legion was still taking prisoners out of the carts in an orderly manner.
Out of the focused-on cart jumped several people with their hands bound. Kyne, also known as Kynareth, facepalmed at the sight of Ulfric jumping out. “Where’s the problem child now?” she asked Akatosh snarkily.
“Now, now,” said Stendarr gently. “This isn’t Talos’ fault. Last I heard he was actually yelling at Ulfric to cut it out through one of the other pools.”
Kyne snorted. “Hmph. If he hadn’t been so insistent on trying to install himself on our level this wouldn’t have happened at all. I never saw Reman provoking this kind of hissy fit.”
Dibella shushed them as a figure with a particularly powerful aura hopped out of the cart. They were dressed in rags, had their hands bound, and generally really looked like they wanted to be anywhere else but here. “Is that them?”
Akatosh nodded. “Indeed.”
“Another prisoner,” noticed Julianos. “That’s…what, the fourth hero that’s started out as one?”
Akatosh chuckled. “It’s not just me. Azura chose one as well.”
“Is that the new trendy thing, then?” asked Dibella. “Choosing prisoners as your destined heroes?”
“Isn’t that something you should know, oh Blessed Lady?”
The Divines watched as the prisoners were checked off of lists held by Legion soldiers. One by one, until they got to the last prisoner. The red-haried soldier holding that particular list looked confused, looking from the list to the prisoner to the list to the prisoner again. “Who are you?” he asked.
Arkay side-eyed Akatosh. “You didn’t just teleport them into the cart, did you?”
Akatosh shook his head. “No, no. The Thalmor put them there. Though…I may have pulled a few strings to make sure things worked out right.”
Alduin landed on Helgen’s tower, prompting everyone to finally notice him. Mara shook her head. “Why here?” she asked. “Why put them in so much danger right away?”
Akatosh held out a claw and a golden web appeared above it. “It doesn’t necessarily have to be right away. In some timelines, the Dragonborn enters Skyrim through other means. But one way or another, they must witness the razing of Helgen.” He closed his claw and the web disappeared. “In most timelines, it’s just better to get it over with. Besides, it gives them a fresh start.”
“So this town is doomed no matter what?” asked Zenithar.
Akatosh nodded in confirmation. “It’s always the first town that Alduin sees. And since he’s still angry from being thrown through time, that’s what he takes his anger out on.”
Kyne clicked her tongue disapprovingly. “You need to discipline your children better, old wyrm. Such conduct is unbecoming of a child of the gods.”
“Oh, discipline is the least of what he’s getting when he gets back here. You mark my words.”
Martin had come up near the front now, trying to get a better look. He had to stand on his tiptoes as the viewing pool was angled for the larger forms the Aedra were taking at the moment. “They’re not going to jump, are they?”
The Last Dragonborn did, in fact, jump. Martin sighed. “Lord Akatosh, is suicidal bravery a requirement for chosen heroes?”
The view followed the Last Dragonborn as they had several near misses with fire, falling debris, and the flaming rocks that Alduin had summoned. “It’s Dagon all over again,” Martin whispered.
Arkay shrugged. “Well, both are beings based on destruction and ruin. It makes sense some of their tactics would be the same.”
“But the end result is different,” explained Akatosh. “Had Dagon conquered Nirn, Nirn still would have survived, in a different form. But if Alduin wins…Nirn is just gone. And not just Nirn. Oblivion and Aetherius will be devoured as well, as will all the souls within. It is necessary, at times, for the universe to be wiped clean. But now is not nearly the time for such a thing.”
“But Alduin’s doing it anyways just to be a brat,” groaned Kyne. “If he can’t be the only one worshipped, then nobody can be worshipped.”
In the pool, the Dragonborn was standing between a Stormcloak soldier and a Legion soldier, each beckoning them to come to their door and escape with them. “The first divergence point,” said Akatosh, bringing up the web above his claw again. There was a glowing orb at the intersection of two of the web strings.
“Two Nords both trying to get an elf to go with them,” noted Julianos, smirking. “Not something you see every day.”
“Go with the Legion, go with the Legion,” chanted Kyne under her breath, crossing her fingers.
“Wow, you really don’t like the Stormcloaks…”
“Really? You think? What gave you that idea, Arkay? I-“
Kyne was cut off by Dibella’s prehensile hair muffling her speech. “You can stop now, they chose the redhead. Hm…” Dibella poked her finger at the pool. “I think there might be the beginnings of something there~”
“Of course there is,” said Mara. “Escaping certain danger such as this always creates a bond.”
As they spoke, the glowing orb on the web moved down one of the strings while the other dimmed.
“Are they seriously still getting attacked?” asked Stendarr as the two escapees fought against people in blue chainmail. “There are more important things to be worried about right now!” he yelled at the pool. “For Anu’s sake, Alduin is already trying his best to snuff you out!”
“They can’t hear you, you know,” said Julianos. “Only one in every ten thousand is that sensitive.”
“I know, I know…”
In the viewer, the redheaded legionairre turned to the elf in rags. “Who were you swearing by just then?”
The elf looked back confused. “I…wasn’t swearing by anyone, I was just telling them to fuck off.”
The redhead blinked in confusion. “Oh. I thought I heard…nevermind, let’s keep going.”
Kyne glanced at Julianos. “You were saying?” Julianos just shrugged.
Akatosh nodded. “That’s enough for now. They should be safe from here.” He looked to the others. “I must go and make some preparations. I trust you’ll make sure Nirn doesn’t fall apart when I’m gone?”
The rest of the Aedra chuckled a bit. “No promises!” called Stendarr, raising his goblet.
Akatosh shook his head, folded his wings into himself, and disappeared in a shower of golden sand. Martin looked to the Aedra and bowed respectfully before departing the same way.
The seven who were left looked back to the viewing pool, which was focused on the cave entrance the Last Dragonborn and the legion soldier had exited through. Mara sighed. “So, once again, the Dragon God has let the fate of the world rest on a single pair of shoulders.”
“Yeah, you’d think he’d have learned his lesson after last time,” said Zenithar. “Well, I guess that was technically two pairs of shoulders but still…”
Kyne stirred at the pool with a taloned finger. “It doesn’t have to be like that. If you so wish.” She looked to the others. “Why let the Old Wyrm have all the fun? We’ve chosen champions before. We can do it again for this.”
Julianos nodded. “She’s right. It’s only right that we should all work together to save the world we helped create, isn’t it?”
“Even if we didn’t know what we were giving up when we created it…” said Arkay, but there was no malice in his voice.
Dibella smirked at Arkay. “You say that like you don’t already have a champion picked out. Or have you been jabbering in that priest’s ear just for fun?”
Arkay put up his hands in surrender. “Ah, you caught me. Look, my domain is cycles, you know that. I know when a cycle needs to end, and now is not that time.”
Dibella put her hand in the pool, and the view zoomed out to show an overhead view of all of Skyrim. Even from this high, they could still faintly see the smoke from Helgen. “Alright…I choose…” The view zoomed into the northwest of Skyrim, showing a bustling port city. It then zoomed in further to show an Altmer in fancy clothes speed walking down the street, clutching several piece of parchment. “That one.”
Zenithar leaned over the pool. “Hm, not your usual type.’
Dibella shrugged. “He’s well-spoken, and you can’t deny he’s kind of a dilf.”
“Dibella what in the name of the primordial blood does that even mean?”
“Besides, I can’t use my Sybil, she’s nine.”
“You know what, that is fair.”
Kyne nodded, guiding the viewer to go through the doors of the large palace that stood on the cliff. “Very well. My chosen will be-“
“The new jarl lady, right?”
Kyne blinked as the aforementioned woman came into view. “How did you know?”
Dibella smiled. “Lucky guess.” Behind her back, Mara held her hand out expectantly. Julianos sighed and handed her a few assorted crystals and coins. “So, who’s next?”
Stendarr touched the pool, zooming back out to the full view of Skyrim. “I think I know who mine will be.”
He pinched his fingers, zooming back in to near the center, near where the smoke from Helgen had been rising. Walking along the road were the legionnaire and the Last Dragonborn. “Stendarr, you can’t choose that one,” Zenithar chuckled. “Akatosh already has dibs.”
“Not the Dragonborn,” corrected Stendarr. He pointed at the legionairre. “An ally within the legion is valuable. And I can sense that he has a good heart.”
“You’re just happy he could actually hear you.”
“And here I thought you would pick one of your devoted Vigilants,” snarked Kyne.
Stendarr glared at Kyne, a fierce sight from the god of mercy. “They. Aren’t Mine. They’re just a stupid, ignorant bunch of people with swords who think they know best and can just go around and…ugh! They don’t even do anything productive…” Stendarr sighed. “I need to call Sanguine after this, I need a drink…”
“You have a goblet right there-“
“Anyways, I’m next!” said Mara. She zoomed back out and headed north on the map, up to the part of Skyrim where it snowed constantly. Not that describing it that way narrowed it down much. She zoomed in on a tower just outside a town, showing a figure in orange robes praying outside. Mara sighed. “Erandur, honey, I know you don’t want to go in there. But you have to get inside somewhere or you’ll freeze.”
The figure’s head perked up and looked around. He picked up the knapsnack sitting by his side and started hiking away from the tower, back towards the town. “Another one of your adopted strays?” asked Arkay.
“She’s the goddess of motherhood, what did you expect?” asked Dibella, twirling a piece of hair around her finger.
Arkay shrugged, acknowledging Dibella’s point. He moved up to the viewing pool and zoomed out again, heading southeast. He frowned and tapped the surface a few times, zooming in on a ruin. “Odd, he should be right outside…oh dear.” He guided the view into the ruin, and eventually in the back found a priest sitting in a cage, looking very put out. “Florentius? Are you alright down there?”
The priest perked up. “Oh, finally! I was wondering when you’d be back. There’s some lady vampire down here and she’s charmed both the Vigilants I was working with!” Stendarr facepalmed.
“Hang in there, Florentius. Someone will be there to get you. Just stay put.”
Florentius crossed his arms. “I don’t think I have much choice…”
Arkay zoomed out from the cave, looking concerned. “Don’t worry,” Mara reassured him. “That’s why we’re all choosing champions, right? So they can help each other?”
Next up was Zenithar, who moved north back towards the snow line. Kyne side-eyed him as he moved into Windhelm. But he didn’t go inside the city itself, instead zooming into the docks right outside the walls, focusing on an Argonian in a dress hauling cargo and humming to herself. “She’s been praying for help in improving the lot of the dock workers,” explained Zenithar. “Unfortunately, the…leadership…of Windhelm has made that difficult. Perhaps with a little more power, she can help them herself.”
The last of the seven was Julianos, who took the view even further north, across a long stretch of frozen wastes, until it got to a castle-like building that towered over a ruined town. “Of course it’s a mage,” said Stendarr, chuckling.
Julianos tapped the pool a few more times, allowing them to see inside the building. He finally zoomed in on a large meeting hall, where several mages in robes were practicing wards. Julianos spun the view to see the mage’s faces and pointed at one of them, a broad Nord. “That one. I’ve been watching him for a while now, to be honest.”
“I thought you said the Nords had forgotten you,” said Kyne.
“Well, this one didn’t.” Julianos shook his head. “He didn’t suppress his magic even after growing up in Windhelm, of all places. That is certainly commendable.”
“Then we’ve all decided?” asked Arkay.
“It appears so,” confirmed Kyne. “Now we just need to make it official.”
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birbliothecaire · 2 years
HHHHHhhhh. La nature de l'autre fictionnel, la nature du narrateur comme celui qui est toujours le plus important dans la pièce quoi que ça veuille dire, parce qu'il est forcément celui qui voit et qui survit pour raconter, la nature du narrateur comme réceptacle. L'Histoire comme la confluence d'histoires, fictionnelles et réelles, la re-fabrication de la réalité en quelque-chose de compréhensible, donc fictionnel. La re-fabrication constante qu'implique la fiction pour lui donner l'air de la réalité. C'est une série qui parle de voyage spatial et d'immortalité. Je sais de quoi j'ai l'air laissez-moi
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mostly-mundane-atla · 7 months
Inupiaq Books
This post was inspired by learning about and daydreaming about visiting Birchbark Books, a Native-owned bookstore in Minneapolis, so there will be some links to buy the books they have on this list.
Starting Things Off with Two Inupiaq Poets
Joan Naviyuk Kane, whose available collections include:
Black Milk Carbon
The Cormorant Hunter's Wife
She also wrote Dark Traffic, but this site doesn't seem to carry any copies
Dg Nanouk Okpik, whose available collections include
Blood Snow
Corpse Whale
Fictionalized Accounts of Historical Events
A Line of Driftwood: the Ada Blackjack Story by Diane Glancy, also available at Birchwood Books, is a fictionalized account of Ada Blackjack's experience surviving the explorers she was working with on Wrangel Island, based on historical records and Blackjack's own diary.
Goodbye, My Island by Rie Muñoz is a historical fiction aimed at younger readers with little knowledge of the Inupiat about a little girl living on King Island. Reads a lot like an American Girl book in case anyone wants to relive that nostalgia
Blessing's Bead by Debby Dahl Edwardson is a Young Adult historical fiction novel about hardships faced by two generations of girls in the same family, 70 years apart. One reviewer pointed out that the second part of the book, set in the 1980s, is written in Village English, so that might be a new experience for some of you
Menadelook: and Inupiaq Teacher's Photographs of Alaska Village Life, 1907-1932 edited by Eileen Norbert is, exactly as the title suggests, a collection of documentary photographs depicting village life in early 20th century Alaska.
Nuvuk, the Northernmost: Altered Land, Altered Lives in Barrow, Alaska by David James Inulak Lume is another collection of documentary photographs published in 2013, with a focus on the wildlife and negative effects of climate change
Guidebooks (i only found one specifically Inupiaq)
Plants That We Eat/Nauriat Niģiñaqtuat: from the Traditional Wisdom of Iñupiat Elders of Northwest Alaska by Anore Jones is a guide to Alaskan vegetation that in Inupiat have subsisted on for generations upon generations with info on how to identify them and how they were traditionally used.
Kuuvangmiut Subsistence: Traditional Eskimo Life in the Latter Twentieth Century by Douglas B. Anderson et al details traditional lifestyles and subsistance customs of the Kobuk River Inupiat
Life at the Swift Water Place: Northwest Alaska at the Threshold of European Contact by Douglas D. Anderson and Wanni W. Anderson: a multidisciplinary study of a specific Kobuk River group, the Amilgaqtau Yaagmiut, at the very beginning of European and Asian trade.
Upside Down: Seasons Among the Nunamiut by Margaret B. Blackman is a collection of essays reflecting on almost 20 years of anthropological fieldwork focused on the Nunamiut of Anuktuvuk Pass: the traditional culture and the adaption to new technology.
Firecracker Boys: H-Bombs, Inupiat Eskimos, and the Roots of the Environmental Movement by Dan O'Neill is about Project Chariot. In an attempt to find peaceful uses of wartime technology, Edward Teller planned to drop six nukes on the Inupiaq village of Point Hope, officially to build a harbor but it can't be ignored that the US government wanted to know the effects radiation had on humans and animals. The scope is wider than the Inupiat people involved and their resistance to the project, but as it is no small part of this lesser discussed moment of history, it only feels right to include this
Fifty Miles From Tomorrow: a Memoir of Alaska and the Real People by William L. Iģģiaģruk Hensley is an autobiography following the author's tradition upbringing, pursuit of an education, and his part in the Alaska Native Settlement Claims Act, where he and other Alaska Native activists had to teach themselves United States Law to best lobby the government for land and financial compensation as reparations for colonization.
Sadie Bower Neakok: An Iñupiaq Woman by Margaret B. Blackman is a biography of the titular Sadie Bower Neakok, a beloved public figure of Utqiagvik, former Barrow. Neakok grew up one of ten children of an Inupiaq woman named Asianggataq, and the first white settler to live in Utqiagvik/Barrow, Charles Bower. She used the out-of-state college education she received to aid her community as a teacher, a wellfare worker, and advocate who won the right for Native languages to be used in court when defendants couldn't speak English, and more.
Folktales and Oral Histories
Folktales of the Riverine and Costal Iñupiat/Unipchallu Uqaqtuallu Kuungmiuñļu Taģiuģmiuñļu edited by Wanni W. Anderson and Ruth Tatqaviñ Sampson, transcribed by Angeline Ipiiļik Newlin and translated by Michael Qakiq Atorak is a collection of eleven Inupiaq folktales in English and the original Inupiaq.
The Dall Sheep Dinner Guest: Iñupiaq Narratives of Northwest Alaska by Wanni W. Anderson is a collection of Kobuk River Inupiaq folktales and oral histories collected from Inupiat storytellers and accompanied by Anderson's own essays explaining cultural context. Unlike the other two collections of traditional stories mentioned on this list, this one is only written in English.
Ugiuvangmiut Quliapyuit/King Island Tales: Eskimo Historu and Legends from Bering Strait compiled and edited by Lawrence D. Kaplan, collected by Gertrude Analoak, Margaret Seeganna, and Mary Alexander, and translated and transcribed by Gertrude Analoak and Margaret Seeganna is another collection of folktales and oral history. Focusing on the Ugiuvangmiut, this one also contains introductions to provide cultural context and stories written in both english and the original Inupiaq.
The Winter Walk by Loretta Outwater Cox is an oral history about a pregnant widow journeying home with her two children having to survive the harsh winter the entire way. This is often recommended with a similar book detailing Athabascan survival called Two Old Women.
Dictionaries and Language Books
Iñupiat Eskimo Dictionary by Donald H. Webster and Wilfred Zibell, with illustrations by Thelma A. Webster, is an older Inupiaq to English dictionary. It predates the standardization of Inupiaq spelling, uses some outdated and even offensive language that was considered correct at the time of its publication, and the free pdf provided by UAF seems to be missing some pages. In spite of this it is still a useful resource. The words are organized by subject matter rather than alphabetically, each entry indicating if it's specific to any one dialect, and the illustrations are quite charming.
Let's Learn Eskimo by Donald H. Webster with illustrations by Thelma A. Webster makes a great companion to the Iñupiat Eskimo Dictionary, going over grammar and sentence structure rather than translations. The tables of pronouns are especially helpful in my opinion.
Ilisaqativut.org also has some helpful tools and materials and recommendations for learning the Inupiat language with links to buy physical books, download free pdfs, and look through searchable online versions
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the-skooma-den · 11 months
I think the Tamriel equivalent to "Jesus fucking christ" is "Et fucking Ada"
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banggyu0308 · 1 year
Welcome To...
banggyu0308's 1k celebration!!
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When I first started this blog in April of this year, the idea of having one thousand people who liked my writing enough to hit that little blue follow button sounded so out of reach that it never even crossed my mind. The fact that I reached this milestone before even reaching four months of being on this blog is absolutely insane to me. Thank you to everyone who's been with me from the start, and to the newcomers who arrive each day.
Now, time for the fun!!
My inbox will be open for milestone-related asks until September 15, 2023, 0:00 ET. One individual may send up to ten asks related to the celebration during this time period. This applies to individuals with multiple accounts as well. Any and all asks sent between August 15th and September 1st will automatically be assumed as part of the celebration and will be answered with the tag 'but i luv u  — 💙'
Asks you send must include at least one of the following:
 — 1-2 prompts
prompts from my sfw and nsfw prompt lists (you may mix between lists or use two from one!) along with the txt member(s) you'd like me to write it for. prompts will be turned into fics at least 1k words in length and the published fics will be linked on this post. (nsfw list is under my 'adas hard hours' tag, which means you will be unable to see it if you have it blocked.)
 — 1-5 photos
photos can be sent by themselves as a prompt for me to write a story off of. they can also be sent along with a prompt as an example of the outfit/hair you want the idol(s) to have in the fic. you may also send in a photo of something you'd like the reader to wear. please specify if you'd like sfw or nsfw if it's just a photo by itself.
if on anon, photos can be sent through a google or pinterest link, exampled here, here, and here.
— any amount of questions for me!
i will not answer personal questions surrounding me, my family, or anyone i know in real life, such as questions about where I/they live, work, go to school, etc. anything else is welcome! you my also ask my 'top 5' of anything
— a request for a song recommendation or a custom-made playlist!
you may request as many playlists or recommendations as you want! you can either send a song for me to form a recommendation or playlist around, or you can just ask for a random one! you may also ask to know the songs on MY specific playlists (such as mood playlists or my playlists for the txt members), songs i'm listening to right now, or my favorite artists. You can also ask what song(s) i associate with you, or an idol.
— wildcard
choose a number between 1-10 and get something special! if you choose a wildcard, tell me a little about your personality, hobbies, likes, dislikes, ideal career, and who your bias/wreckers in txt are! if you choose numbers 9 or 10, i also need your favorite song. hurry up! there are only two slots for each wildcard number, so choose fast! (please only send in one wildcard request!! we want to make sure everyone who wants to gets a chance 💙)
Of course, additional conversational asks are welcome as well, but will also be answered with the same tag!
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nekohime19 · 1 month
Mini Mac # 40 : fireball bath time
Savage doens't like baths, 😔
Macaque was cleaning Savage, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say he was trying to clean her. The lil wiggling worm wouldn't stop squirming around. She twisted herself in every way to escape his claws, sometimes even pawing at his hands in the vain of hope of deterring him. Macaque wasn't deterred. She was covered in mud and it would dry if he didn't clean her soon. How did she get this dirty? He honestly didn't know. He turned away for one minute and the next thing he knew his daughter's bright fur was covered in mud. She was always quite difficult when it was bath time. She preferred grooming. But grooming could only get you so far when your whole body was covered in mud. 
“Come on, firecracker. Be nice to dad, okay?” Cooed Macaque as he tried to lower his daughter into the bowl filled with fresh water drawn from a nearby river. Savage pouted (her expression very similar to Rumble's) and splashed Macaque. The black-furred monkey brushed his wet air away and frowned at his giggling fireball. “Yes, this is so funny, splashing dad is funny isn't it?” Savage chuckled, her laughter echoing all around them like the sound of a chime. 
“Adaaaa, aaal et.” Babbled Savage as she reached towards Macaque with her chubby lil paws. Recently, she started to babble a lot. Macaque was hoping she would say her first word soon. The black-furred monkey nodded, acting like he understood his daughter langage perfectly. 
“Ada al et, indeed.” Nodded Macaque. He battled with his daughter for a few more hours. Once she was finally clean, he put her in the crib with her slumbering brother. Rumble was curled around his doll, his face pressed against the silk blanket. Macaque brushed away the fur falling on the cub's forehead and kissed his head. Savage crawled towards her brother and curled around him. She liked to do that to latch on his warmth. Macaque found the sight unbearably cute. 
“You managed to clean the lil monster?” Asked Bajie as he sat near the fire camp. Macaque hummed and looked up from the crib. 
“Yeah, she's finally mudless. And all her fights made her tired.” Sighed Macaque as he rubbed his shoulders, being bent all the time to clean Savage made his back wince a little. 
“I swear your brat can teleport. That or she's very fast.” Snorted the pig, Macaque couldn’ t agree more. 
“What are you stirring tonight?” Asked the black-furred monkey, it smelled quite good, Bajie definitely improved since his first try. 
“Plums stew and Ao Lie stop eating grass before dinner!” The dragon-horse looked up from the batch of grass he was munching on, he did that a lot in his horse form. 
“But I'm hungry.” Sighed the dragon-horse. 
“You wait a few minutes, you glutton.” Huffed Bajie. 
“Put something warm on your back, it helps a lot.” Advised Sanzang as he turned towards Macaque. 
“Yeah, thanks kiddo. Any news of Wujing and Wukong?”Asked Macaque. 
“They're still patrolling for demons ahead. They'll come back after a bit.” Answered the monk, he then added more nervously : “I hope…”
Macaque snorted at the monk's nervosity, some things never changed. He then turned towards the crib at the sound of a sleepy mrrps. Rumble eyes were half-open, he was trying to push away his sister who was latching on him like an octopus. Macaque chuckled and went to aid him. Savage tended to squeeze the life out of her brother sometimes. 
After dinner, Macaque curled next to the crib and fell asleep. He woke up some hours once Wujing and Wukong came back. 
“You're back?” Mumbled Macaque as he rubbed his eyes. He saw out of the corner of his eyes Wujing preparing himself to sleep. Wukong laid next to Macaque and the crib and sighed, he looked quite upset. “Everything is okay?” Asked Macaque, a bit worried. 
“I… We’re approaching a demonic city…” Mumbled Wukong. 
“Oh we gotta avoid it then.” Replied the black-furred monkey. 
“It's ruled by Azure, Peng and Yellow-Tusk. Heaven is not gonna leave them alone, Mac… I…” Wukong didn't need to say more. Macaque sat up and opened his arms, the great sage shrinked and scrambled in the other monkey's arms, hugging him tightly. 
“It'll be okay.” Mumbled Macaque as he petted Wukong's head. 
“I hope so.” Mumbled the great sage. 
“Wanna know what Savage did today?” Asked Macaque in hope of making the other monkey smile. 
Wukong snorted and put his snout in the black-furred monkey shoulder. “What did the lil fireball do?”
“She splashed me. Bath time is a true battlefield I tell you.”
Wukong chuckled at that, his eyes creaking in amusement. But there was still worry lingering on his face.
+ cut scenes
Macaque : alright Sav, I'm just gonna put your brother in the crib then I'll be back to you, stay put, okay? 😌
Savage : 😊
Macaque *after putting Rumble in the crib and turning back to Savage* : Alright I'm done- what the-🤨
Savage *covered in mud* : 😊
Rumble *being held by Savage in the crib* : Dad! Help me! She's trying to kill me! 😭
Savage : warm fuzzy brother plushie 🥰
Ch1 / Previous / Next
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merriclo · 30 days
this is primarily a silly hypothetical but do you think Akutagawa ever dropped off/handed over Kyouka’s important paperwork.
in all likelihood, it was probably Kōyō who did it, and probably alongside the files detailing Kyouka’s past, but the idea that Akutagawa just. like. mailed the ADA her paperwork is so funny to me
it’d be so silly if, in the middle of their first mission together, Atsushi’s just like. “hey by the way. about that package you sent the agency.”
“yes. Kyouka-chan’s important paperwork. i ensured that everything was included. her birth certificate, immunization records, et cetera. why, is anything missing?”
“no. it’s all there. thanks.”
and then they’re immediately back at each other’s throats
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Fun BSD French translation details and choices - Episode 43 (by someone who does not understand Japanese but thinks the differences with the English translation/subtitles are fun)
General notes:
They made Fukuzawa clearly explain that the "angels" were referring to devas, divine beings in Buddhism, instead of glossing over it and just calling them "angels".
Ango only uses polite forms when talking to Atsushi, using "vous" instead of "tu", despite him being older than him, because he is a professional.
They used the French translation of Gogol's name, so it's Nicolas Gogol (or just Nicolas as per anime standards) now
In the video, Gogol counted his notes to the ADA by going primo, deuzio, trimo and quartimo, which are fun little expressions used to mean "firstly, secondly," etc., but as some may guess, are all bullshit words that ~feel~ like primo does using regular number names (the correct words are primo, secundo, tertio, quarto). He finishes the video by saying he "forgot his quartimo!!!" and it sounded very silly.
No "warm, moist hell" for us, but "this apathetic hell" instead. I have no idea why, and as far as I can see/deduce, out of the 9 languages this scene was subtitled in on CrunchyRoll, French is the only one to change this written line?? Did the actor refuse to say the words what is it
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Today's quote:
this dub performance that I hope gets across because I loved the acting, he sounds unhinged in a different way than the original dub does gjdhasdg
VF: Est-ce que tu aimes les oiseaux, petit tigre? 🤩 Moi, j'adore les oiseaux! 😍✨ Ils sont libres et ils fendent le ciel en se moquant bien des lois de la gravité. C'est ça que je recherche, tu comprends?! C'est pour cette raison que j'ai rejoins les Anges! 🤩 (Do you like birds, little tiger? 🤩 Me, I love birds! 😍✨ They're free and rip through the skies while laughing in the face of gravity. This is what I'm looking for, do you understand?! This is why I joined the Angels! 🤩) Eng subs: Do you like birds? 😳 I love them. 😍❤💕💞 They fly, unbound whatsoever by gravity. Total freedom. That's my wish. That's why I joined Decay of Angels.
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bintisham · 3 months
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Arafe Gününü Nasıl Geçirelim?
1 | Gece erken uyu, ki teheccud için uyanmanın ecrini alasın. Uykuya da ibâdete güç bulmak için niyet al, böylece uyuduğun zaman senin için ibâdet olarak yazılsın.
2 | Yatmadan evvel Rasûlullah ﷺ’den vârid olmuş uyku öncesi zikirlerini yap, bu amelin gece namaz için uyanmana da yardımcı olacaktır.
3 | Uyandığında, nebevî haslet üzere; Allah’a hamd et, misvâklan, abdest al ve abdest duâsını unutma.
4 | Teheccud için kalk. Rasûlullah’ın ﷺ sünneti üzere 11 rekât gece namazı kılmaya gayret et. -Gece kalkmaya güç yetiremezsen, bu namazı uyumadan önce kılabilirsin.-
5 | Kulun gece uyandığı ve yaptığı takdîrde asla reddolunmayan bir duâsı vardır. Duâ günü olan Arafe gününe, gecesinden duâ etmekle başla. Duâlara icâbet etmek ve günahları bağışlamak için her gece dünyâ semâsına inen Rabb’ine, afv, mağfiret, ıslâh, dînî-dünyevî hayrlar için münâcât et. Duânda tek arzunun dünyâ olmasından ise sakın, duânda Cenneti ve ateşten azâd olunmayı dilemeyi unutma.
6 | Arafe orucu için sahûr yap, unutma ki Allah ve melekleri sahûr yapanlara salât ederler. Fecr vaktine kadar da dilinde hep istiğfâr ve tekbîr olsun.
7 | Sabah namazını kıldıktan sonra güneş doğana kadar musallânı terk etme, sabah zikirlerini yap ve sonra güneşin yükselişine dek namaz kıldığın yerde Allah’ı zikret. Güneş yükselene dek musallâda Allah’ı zikrederek beklemenin fazîleti çok büyüktür. Rasûlullah ﷺ buyurdu ki: «Sabah namazını cemaatle kılan sonra güneş doğana kadar Allah’ı zikreden, ve sonra kalkıp iki rekat namaz kılan kimseye; bir hacc ve bir umre sevâbı yazılır. Bu sevâb tamdır, tamdır, tamdır!»
8 | Musallânda oturduğun süre boyunca dilinin en büyük nasîbi tekbîr’den olsun. Günlük evrâdını (sabah zikirleri, istiğfâr, tehlîl, tesbîh..) yaptıktan sonra uzun uzadıya Allah’ı tekbîr ederek yücelt.
9 | Güneş yükseldikten sonra kalkıp iki rekat işrâk namazı kıl. Bir hacc ve umre sevâbı almaktan nefsini mahrûm bırakma.
10 | Kur’ân tilâvetine vakit ayır.
Güç yetirebilirsen bu günün tek bir sâniyesini zâyi etme. Gününü zikir ve duâ ile geçir ve Allah’ın sana icâbet edeceğine yakîn ile îmân et.
11 | Öğle namazından önce en az dört rekat -velev ki hafîf olsun- duhâ namazı kıl.
12 | Abdest aldığın zaman, aldığın abdest ile iki rekat nâfile kıl. Buna abdest namazı denir ki, bu abdestle revâtib sünnetler kılındığında da niyet geçerli olur, mühim olan bu niyeti unutmamandır. Öğle, ikindi sünnetlerini bu günde sakın terk etme.
13 | Namazların (farzın) ardından 33 kere tesbîh-tahmîd-tekbîri, âyetel kursî ve ihlâs-felak-nâs sûrelerini okumayı ihmâl etme. Bu zikirler günün bereketidir, günahtan ve şerrden korunmaya vesîledir.
- Akşam zikirlerini güneş batmadan önce yapmanın fazîleti de daha büyüktür.
14 | Gün içinde Kur’ân’dan okuyabildiğin kadar oku, eğer hatmedersen hatminin sonunda Allah’a duâ etmeyi unutma. Bu gün duâ günüdür, ve sâlih amellerin ardından yapılan duâlar inşaAllah makbûldür.
15 | «Lâ ilâhe illâllahu vahdehû lâ şerîke leh, lehul mulku velehul hamdu ve huve alâ kulli şey’in kadîr» kavlini artır. Zira bu duâ, arafe gününün en fazîletli duâsıdır.
16 | Bu gün bolca tekbîr getir ve bol bol duâ et. Vaktinin en büyüğünü duâya ada. Duâ ederken, kalbinde Rabb’ine karşı husnu zan taşı.
Başını ibâdetle geçirmeye azmettiğin Arafe gününün sonundan da gâfil olma, son saatlerde de kıbleye yönel ve Rabb’ine duâ et. Bil ki sen yılın (kurbandan sonra) en hayırlı günü Arafe’desin, Allah’ın duâyı red etmediği mübârek bir gündesin. Duâlarında ateşten azâdı dilemeyi, ve ümmetini unutma.
Duânı kısa tutma; insan, sevdiğiyle konuşmaya tamahkâr olur. Ve evet unutma ki bu gün, duâ günüdür. Bu gün Allah’ın “Kullarım ne istedi?” dediği gündür.
17 | İftâr edeceğin vakit yine duâ et. Çünkü oruçlunun, (oruçlu iken olduğu gibi) iftâr anında da reddolunmayan bir duâsı vardır.
Allah’ın seni bunlardan fazlasına muvaffak kılmasını iste. Muvaffak kılındığın şeyler için de sanma ki sen bunları yapmakla başkasından üstün ve hayırlı kılındın. Allah’ın üzerindeki nimetini idrâk et ve bu arafe gününü ve öncesini senden kabûl etmesi için Allah’a duâ et.
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logogreffe · 2 years
French Podcast Recommendations
The following list contains podcasts in French that I, a native French speaker, listen to. So if you're a beginner in French, those might be too hard for you !
The rest of the post will be in French !
1) Chasseurs de Sciences : Chaque épisode dure une dizaine de minutes et porte sur des scientifiques/personnalités "méconnu(e)s". (Il y a plein d'épisodes sur des femmes qui ont eu un impact énorme sur leur discipline)
Super intéressant !
Mes épisodes préférés : Henrietta Lacks, morte il y a 70ans..et toujours vivante ; Ada Lovelace, autrice du premier programme informatique..en 1843 ; Rosalind Franklin, une femme à la conquête de l'ADN ; Nelly Bly, 10 jours dans un asile psychiatrique et 72 jours autour du monde ;
2) Vénus s'épilait-elle la chatte ?
C'est un podcast sur l'histoire de l'art et le féminisme !
Les épisodes sur Picasso et Frida Kahlo sont à écouter absolument ! Frida Kahlo, au delà du mythe ; Picasso, séparer l'homme de l'artiste ;
3) Thinkerview :
Séries d'interviews sur différents sujets (qui ne sont pas vraiment mentionnés dans les médias).
Super intéressant si vous vous intéressez un peu à la géopolitique/ réchauffement climatique
Mes épisodes préférés : L'effondrement, le point critique ? Aurore Stéphant (Elle parle de l'industrie minière et de ses impacts sur l'environnement. L'écoute de cet épisode devrait être obligatoire pour l'ensemble de la population)
Guillaume Pitron : L'enfumage de la transition écologique
4) Mythologie Grecque
Un podcast sur ... la mythologie grecque !
Remarque : Je crois qu'à la base c'est un podcast à écouter avant d'aller dormir donc les effets sonores sont un peu...particuliers.
Voilà voilà, après, je vous conseille, s'il y a des sujets particuliers qui vous intéressent, de juste les taper en français dans la barre de recherche de Spotify et de choisir au hasard des podcasts ! C'est comme ça que j'ai découvert un tas de podcasts en anglais/ allemand/ espagnol. Bonne écoute !
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hisboslugu · 2 months
Seni seviyorum. Sen de beni sevme.
Bir portakal ağacının hayatı boyunca yetiştirdiği 18.000 portakaldan sonuncusu ol ve C vitamini olarak girdiğin vücuttan büyük bir fikir olarak çık; Esatir-i Yunaniye seni de yazsın.
Benim için bir zeytin fidanı dik, zamanla ‘ölmez ağacı’ olur adı; en az 3000 yıl yaşar ve yaşadığı zaman boyunca da hiç kimseyi öldürmez.
Benim için bir cümleden ibaret olacağına, işçiliğiyle göz kamaştıran bir ana fikir ol.
Eski balıkçılardan dinlediğin bir efsaneyi hatırla ve suyun altında burun buruna geldiğin bir orfozun gözlerine bakıp “Neden öyle büyük büyük bakıyor?” derken, suyun altında bir denizkızı gördüğü için öyle bakıyor olabileceğini düşün.
Kaz Dağı‘nın eteklerinde sakız reçeli, mor kekik, kuru incir, zeytinyağı, limon kekiği ve ada çayı satarak ailesini geçindiren ve okul masraflarını dahi kendisi çıkartan 12 yaşındaki bir çocuk ol. Bir çocuk ol ve kafiyelere uyma.
Sigara tütününden deniz atı yap.
Senden daha iri cüsseli bir adamla güreş tut.
Adı “Sefil” olan mutlu bir fil çiz.
Hava kararsın.
Assos antik kentine, “tarihi eser kaçakçısı” şüphesiyle tutuklanabileceğine aldırmadan, kapıları kapandıktan sonra tel örgülerinin altından sürünerek kaçak gir. Tüm Athena Tapınağı senin olsun.
Hayatının en güzel manzarasına karşı o gece kırmızı şarap iç; yıldızlar altında Zeus‘a bir dal sigara kurban et.
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