#essentially I was on holiday with my family and my bf family
machiavellli · 30 days
had another weird (but kinda funny dream) and I want to document it again so that i don’t forget it
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xxsugarbones · 9 months
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-You had been so excited for Christmas, having planned to spend it with a group of your friends and your loving boyfriend. Too bad this sickness decided to roll around just in time to down you for the entire day.
cw - implied fem! reader but I don’t think I used any terms, chubby! reader, reader is very sick but their loving bf takes care of them 💕, nudity but not in a sexual way (he bathes them), fluff, not really proofread we die with grace in this household
wc - 2.3k
|| an - So I ended up getting the spicy flu for the second time just before Christmas and was sick through the entire day + Boxing Day, and I’m still not feeling too hot now on New Years Day. All I craved was comfort and snuggles but ofc I was infectious so that wasn’t gonna happen 😍🤞🏼
So whatever this is supposed to be was inspired by that fact, it’s not the best thing I’ve ever written but we’re rolling with it lmfao
I am also very late posting this but I wasn’t sure if it was good enough to post skrrt skrrt
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Today was supposed to be fun. Today was supposed to be a day of celebration, family, food and gifts. But here you were, curled up in bed with a cold rag resting over your warm forehead, balled up underneath the heavy blankets while cold chills wracked your overheated body. It hurt. So bad. You were hypersensitive as it stood already, so the shivers that rolled through your body made it so much worse. You could feel the fabric of the blanket rubbing against your bare skin, just how heavy they were, all you could think about was how uncomfortable you were-
“How are you feeling, my love?” The familiar voice of your boyfriend called out softly, catching your attention. You gave a stuffy whine in reply, pulling the sheets up a little further before the next wave of shivers kicked in. It started off slow, goosebumps slowly rising to the top of your skin, before getting more and more intense, to the point they became so sensitive you had to beg your boyfriend to take the sheets off since you could barely move your arms yourself. Of course he obliged, quickly moving to your side of the bed and pulling the covers off of you, watching you shake where you lay. He was clearly worried about you, and you hated to see him look so sad like this.
“Thank you.. You know you don’t have to stay here.. You could go to that friendmas thing the others were talking about.” You mumbled once the shivers had died down once again, your heavily blocked sinuses making themselves known with the way you spoke. He shook his head, resting a cool hand on your warm cheek to try and cool you down, even a little.
“No. I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying here, and taking care of you.” He stated, matter-of-factly, like that was the end of the conversation. And it seemed that it was because he stood up again.
“I’m gonna go run you a cool bath and make you something to drink.” You shrunk down into yourself at the mention of a cool bath, knowing it was going to hurt even more than the sheets did. But you didn’t have the energy to fight back or stop him from walking off, out of the bedroom and back towards the bathroom to get your bath started. He kept it lukewarm so you wouldn’t feel like you were freezing, adding a few drops of an essential oil that would hopefully help clear your sinuses. He sighed, eyeing the water sadly.
He knew just how excited you were for Christmas- the few years you two had been dating you always made such a big deal out of the holiday. Decorations, a big Christmas tree covered in ornaments, lights and tinsel, and you always enjoyed cooking the Christmas lunch or dinner. You always made some of the best mac and cheese, and your potato bake was on another level. But this year.. He sighed, standing up again and making his way back to the bedroom to collect you. By the time he got there you were once again curled up under the thick blankets, breathing heavily from your mouth and clutching onto the fabric of the blankets as the pain shot through your shaking form.
“You poor thing.” He sighed, shaking his head and siting on the edge of the bed again. You didn’t look at him, but you did slowly shuffle closer so your warm cheek was resting on his thigh. He sighed, reaching down to card his fingers through your hair. Truly, you poor thing..
“How about, after your bath, we go sit in the living room and open some presents, hm? That’ll perk you up. I know you’ll love what I got you.” He whispered with a soft smile, keeping his eyes on your expression. But you didn’t respond, just keeping your eyes closed and focusing on keeping your breathing even, though it almost came out in pants because it was just so hard to breathe. His smile faded quickly, and he sighed, carefully scooping you up and into his arms.
“Baby.. careful.. Gonna puke if you move me too fast..” You warned, grabbing onto the front of his shirt for stability. He apologised with a tone that could shatter your damn heart, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He took your words into account, keeping you bundled up in his arms as he forced himself to his feet. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat, gripping tighter onto his shirt. It would never cease to amaze you just how easily he could lift you, like you were light as a feather.
“Come now, pretty girl, let’s get you cooled down.” He whispered, carrying you off to the bathroom. All you could muster was a tired moan, gripping onto him so tight as if he was going to drop you. But he would never. He had a soft, yet steady hold of you as he slipped into the bathroom, your cheek rubbing against his chest with each step he took. He couldn’t help but smile at the feeling, stepping into the bathroom. But he didn’t flick on the overhead lights. Instead, he carefully sat you down on the counter next to the sink, and flipped the switch of the salt lamp that sat on the windowsill, filling the bathroom with a soft orange glow.
“So your headache doesn’t get worse.” He explained as he pressed another kiss to your forehead. You pouted up at him.
“Baby, I’m sweating, don’t kiss my forehead.” You whined, reaching up to wipe said sweat away from your skin, which unfortunately (for you), meant you also wiped away the kiss he had just planted. He feigned hurt, puffing out his bottom lip and resting his hand over his heart.
“My heart, you break it. Wiping off my kiss like that. You must not love me anymore.” He teased, stepping closer to you again. He slotted himself between your legs, reaching forward and plucking up the hem of your singlet.
“C’mon. Arms up. Let’s get you in this bath.” You complied without much fight, lifting your arms above your head and allowing the man to pull the fabric off of you. Unfortunately it didnt do too much to help you. Once it was off you leaned forward, burying your face into the crook of his neck and sniffling, though it didn’t help because of just how congested you were.
“C’mon baby. I gotta finish undressing you to help.” He dropped his voice in volume since you were now right there, rubbing your bare back. Shit, your skin was so warm. But you felt freezing. The friction hurt. You audibly winced, and he pulled his hand away.
“Sorry baby. But it’s gonna hurt again once you’re in.” He whispered gently as a warning, working at your pyjama pants next. They took a bit more effort since you barely had the energy to lift your body off the counter enough for him to slide them off, but it eventually worked, the pants being thrown into the dirty clothes hamper. He scooped you back up, prompting you to wrap yourself around him like a baby koala would its mother, clinging onto him for dear life. He made the little trip over to the bathtub, and looked down at you with soft eyes.
“Come on.” He encouraged, and you slowly slid off of him, resting your feet back on the cold tiles. The action caused another immediate shiver to take over you. You hunched over, arms wrapping around yourself to try and keep warm.
“I know, sweetheart, but you need this. You’re running a bad fever.” He encouraged again, and finally, you turned your back to him, carefully stepping into the water. It may have been lukewarm, but it felt like cold fire. With a great deal of pain he helped lower you into the water, your body tensed up and tears pricking at the corners of your dull, tired eyes. He cooed, doing his best to keep you calm as he squatted next to the tub, dipping his hands into the water and cupping some, before carefully pouring it down onto your back. You gripped onto the sides of the tub, head dropping and trying so so hard not to shake or flinch away from his touch. You trusted him, with everything that you were. You knew he wasn’t going to hurt you. But this bath felt like absolute torture.
“You’re doing so well, honey. How about after this we go and open some presents, huh? Will that make you feel better?” He tried again, since he didn’t get a response the last time he had asked. This time, you slowly nodded your head. He poured a little more water over your shoulders, and hummed. “I’ll get you your favourite comforter so you can rug up and everything. How does that sound?” Another little nod in reply, so he smiled, just continuing his actions so you were soaked in the cool water, small winces and swears slipping from your lips every few seconds the longer he continued.
It lasted a little while longer until he was sure that you had cooled down enough, reaching into the water for the plug. But by then you were also shivering, arms wrapped tightly around your body and your thighs squished against your stomach as you attempted to curl up into yourself. His eyes saddened, and he grabbed the fluffy towel he had grabbed earlier, unrolling it on the counter, then moving to scoop you up and out of the tub. He set you down on the little mat in front of the sink so you didn’t slip, grabbing the towel once again and starting to pat you dry.
“I know, my love. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” He whispered soothingly, and you simply nodded, just leaning against him. You barely had the energy to speak by then, honestly just wanting to go back to bed with him. Your eyes were droopy too, the soft lighting in the bathroom calming enough that it was making you drowsy yet again.
You didn’t notice him calling your name until he took your chin between his fingers, lifting your head up so your tired eyes gazed into his own concerned ones.
“Are you okay, my love?” He mumbled, setting the towel down and scooping you up off your feet again so he could carry you back to the bedroom. You shook your head a little, resting your cheek against his.
“‘M okay, baby.. I love you..” You mumbled softly against the shell of his ear, loosely wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face between your soft bicep and his neck. Your eyes closed, which he caught onto pretty quickly. He turned the corner into the room, and carefully set you down on the bed. You opened your tired eyes again to look up at him.
“I’ll get you some clothes and help you dress, give me a second, my love.” His lips pressed against your hairline so tenderly, it had your heart melting. You watched him pull back and step to the dresser, pulling open your drawers and picking you out a pair of short pyjamas. He was going to wrap you up in a comforter shortly anyway, so there wasn’t a point in dressing you with more clothes and making those hypersensitive shivers hurt even more than they already did. You could feel the little tears bubbling up in the corners of your eyes again. He was so perfect. Not once had he made this out to be a chore, not once had he gotten annoyed or upset with you. You had felt horrible having to cancel going to the Friendmas celebration, but you had insisted he go without you. He had flat out refused. There was no way he was going without you, or leaving you home alone feeling like this.
“Y’ keep zoning out on me, baby, you sure you’re good?” He finally snapped you out of your thoughts again, looking up to him as he kneeled in front of you to help slip on your clean shorts. You nodded your head weakly, offering him a lopsided smile.
“Just thinking about how much I love you.” You hummed out with a soft breath; and he smiled, shaking his head. You were too sweet. He continued, just carefully dressing you until you were semi-comfortable again, then wrapping you up in your favourite blanket, all snug as a bug. He once again lifted you up, your legs around his hips and your arms around his chest while clinging onto the comforter, as he once more exited the bedroom. This time, his destination was the living room. But before he sat you down so he could get you something from underneath the intricately decorated tree (that you had decorated together at the beginning of the month, thanks to your pleading and begging), you mumbled something into his ear, clearly half asleep and struggling to even hold onto him anymore.
“Can I just sleep? Wanna cuddle you but wanna sleep..” He looked down at the back of your head with a blink, but he nodded his head, walking the both of you over to the deep couch and carefully sinking down into it with you straddling his lap comfortably, his arms around your hips.
“Of course. Whatever you want.” He whispered, sliding his hand underneath the back of your shirt to spread his hand over the flat of your back. The skin contact made you groan into his neck, one more shiver rolling through your body, but this one didn’t hurt. No. The goosebumps covering your body were good, and it made you just snuggle down further into him.
“Love you..” You whispered, exhaustion tugging you further and further into sleep. He smiled against the side of your head, eyes closing.
“I love you too, my dear. Merry Christmas.”
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AITA for vaguely coming out to my boyfriend's aunt at Thanksgiving?
As you can probably guess my bf and I are a gay couple. There was a mostly unspoken - just bc it didn't need to be spoken - agreement that we'd be acting like we were just good friends at his family's Thanksgiving bc they're Catholic and he's generally just not ready to be out.
It was just me, him, his parents, and his visiting aunt... who was decidedly very butch. Like undeniably. There's the standard old-lady-with-short-hair look but then there was this genuinely bulky rural woman who is unmarried at 60, never had kids, and outright told me that her friends essentially called her a masc name AND that she was here instead of home bc the "close friend" she usually spends holidays with passed away this year. It all just added up like crazy. Idk if my bf's parents have put it together themselves and/or if they just ignore it or what, and actually even my bf denied it when I first brought it up but I think he's just struggling to reconcile his upbringing with who he is and whatnot.
Anyway, that last part about the aunt's likely partner was during a private moment between the two of us, and it really sealed it for me. I started to offer condolensces and she immediately changed the subject to ask about the "close friendship" between me and my bf-- plausibly innocently, but I just felt it was right and I more or less confessed to her that I had really strong feelings for him.
And that's ALL i confessed. I didn't actually say we were dating. I just alluded strongly to the like, "we are the same" type vibes and that her nephew is like, my dream man. I didn't imply anything about his sexuality. For all she knows, I have unrequited feelings for him or something. And I know she's definitely gay herself now with how she reacted, AND she made it pretty clear she wasn't gonna tell her brother or his wife. She's chill.
So the issue is that I recently told my bf about this, knowing he would at least be upset that I didn't tell him sooner. And I'm totally ready to accept the flack for being a coward about the honestly on that part. I figured he really ought to know about his aunt, if nothing else. But he's also upset that I said anything to her of that nature at all. He insists it's the principle of the thing, that the lack of consequences mean nothing and that I should have just assumed the worst and been more careful, etc. And like, I did feel a little bad about my big fucking mouth in the moment, but ultimately it felt like a nice and important moment of connection. But WAS I the asshole for not being more careful? Like really?
What are these acronyms?
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I just read the Christmas story with dobson and his girlfriend. And one misunderstanding comment, put him in a overly pissy, pouty, shitty mood for the remainder of that day. And added to his already sour attitude with going to his girlfriends family's to celebrate. Just self destroying his whole night.
As an artist, I get being a bit put off by someone mistaking what your drawing for something else, yeah it's annoying. But it's not something you let dwell and rurin your whole day.
But if my bf acted that way after I said something about his art, and then proceeded to be a piss baby, and essentially rurin the vibes of the holiday with my family. that would piss me right off, and would have sent him home to sulk alone. She handled it better then I would have.
God it wasn't just easy to piss off dobson, it's also easy to just make him into a sulking piss baby.
Honestly, I think a lot of the journals he posted that were like that really did more harm than his strawman comics. Because they showed you Dobson was exactly the type of people son you’d expect to make strawman comics or whining about fictional characters in sexy clothing.
He was also incredibly bad at trying to make himself out to be the victim.
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placeinthisworld · 2 years
hello!! it's me, hi, i'm your secret santa it's me! it's so nice to officially meet you!!
this month really has gone by crazy fast! there wasn't really anything i was particularly looking forward to getting, but i was super happy with the gifts i got- lots of cooking supplies! what about you?
i havent seen the high school musical show but it's definitely on my to-watch list, i love olivia rodrigo's music!
speaking of music, i made you a playlist of all the songs we talked about plus a few extra recommendations! here's the link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7hOA2sICE5JK0PLqWSSnbU?si=CLaC8SKETsex6WzLofOi7A&pt=22a49a45972e1899349792889af5cbd8 (let me know if it works, i'm famously bad with technology lmaoo)
i hope you're having a lovely christmas and you have a lot of fun with your boyfriend's family!! it's been super great getting to know you this month!!! 💕💕
OMG HIIIIIIII ITS NICE TO MEET YOU!!!! I'm so sorry this is so delayed but i hope u had a merry christmas!!!!!!!!!
this month has flown by so quickly!!! yeah mine was essentially the same! I did get some money (which is always nice lol) and a super soft hat & gloves set that im excited to wear! Cooking supplies are SO FUN what did you get!! Last christmas my bf got me a fancy air fryer & an immersion blender that i use all the time! i love cooking!
And haha neither have i but i've always told myself i would eventually! Olivias music is sooo good i hope she releases more soon! THE PLAYLIST IS SO SWEET THANK YOU SO MUCH IM EXCITED TO LISTEN TO IT!!!!
i hope you had an amazing holiday as well! thank you for being such a fun and active secret santa it was SO nice to talk <3
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After being away from my tumblr for 9 months, I am back for the first time today.
And I just want to say, this year has been draining to say the least...
Losing one of me and my bf’s good friends at the beginning (even though the man we both knew prior was already gone a year before his passing) has been difficult - especially for him. 
Family issues and essentially having to cut-off communication with my parents for my own mental health, while still learning how to ignore the nasty messages that I randomly receive has been challenging and draining. 
Not being able to see my closest friends except for one time this year has been difficult and honestly heartbreaking at times - without my family, I don’t have much of a support system outside of my bf and that has left me feeling isolated most days. 
Losing another friend of my bf’s just under a month ago - he is still alive, but there is a great chance that we will never see him or speak to him again. He is accused of something very bad (which has been a complete shock to those who knew him), and understandably he will likely never return “home”. I won’t give details as it is still ongoing, but dealing with those complicated emotions on top of everything else is just another difficult situation that we must navigate. 
The holidays creeping up and I am in the least festive mood I have ever felt in recent years. My anxiety has been uncontrollable, even with my medications and switching to different meds in an attempt to help. Plus my depression and bpd are just feeding off of the isolation, heartache, anger, and all of the other complicated emotions I have felt for the past 11+ months. And my mind is feeding off of past trauma that I have experienced - my grandparent’s passing, toxic relationships, traumatic childhood experiences that I had blocked out until recently, etc. 
Long story short, 2022 has been rough. I am going to continue to work on myself and healing - but it will be a process. So for those on here who know me (or have read this all of the way through), please be patient. I am not ignoring you, I am trying my best with what I have right now. I will be better in time. 
I just want to be happy - that is all. 
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beepboop358 · 3 years
My general plot theories for S4
Season 4 theories based off of leaked info, pics, and s4 video store friday clues:
The main holidays and time frame this season will revolve around Will’s birthday, Easter, and Spring break. (but I think the season could also show a several month span)
Time moves faster in upside down. (when Will sees the mind flayer in s2 outside his door, the clock is ticking abnormally fast and would also explain how Will survived a week alone in the upside down), and the clocks also represent memories. "Turning back the clock" I think Flashbacks will be frequent.
I think El will be having “flashbacks” to her time in the lab, but as if she is visiting a past time through the void/upside down, essentially time travel “flashbacks”. Maybe El can look into the future as well? (I think visiting past times through the void/upside down will be frequent this season, possibly looking into the future as well)
I think Gov. Officials paid to re-locate the Byers to California to keep a low profile for them. There is no way on earth Joyce can afford that house by herself.
Will gets a new haircut (bts pics) and Mike definitely notices it. Will's appearance is different, maybe some manner differences too. Will might be going through an ‘emo’ phase (like mike in s2, which follows the even odd season pattern again) or becoming more like Jonathan- like being more into indie/alt things.
Satanic panic sweeps Hawkins. The hellfire club is teased and ridiculed for being ‘satanists’
Something big happens and the military/gov. is brought in to cover things up and address the situation
Max is depressed. Her stepdad left her and her mom, and her mom is drinking. They are having money problems. She and Lucas are rocky.
The Russian prison is basically Russia’s version of Hawkins lab
Nancy and Robin team up to investigate Victor Creel at Penthurst Mental Hospital and the mysterious deaths/disappearances currently happening in the town, especially Chrissy's
Peter Ballard is not to be trusted
El and Will are being bullied at their new school
Jonathan will start smoking weed with his new bff Argyle, and he will be resistant at first.
Jonathan and Nancy are having problems doing long distance
Eddie sells drugs to chrissy, and she will dies but not from the drugs, but from something to do with the upside down and this is how they cover it up. This will create a conflict within the Hellfire club (Eddie, Mike, Dustin, etc)
Jason (Chrissy's BF) will blame Eddie for Chrissy's death.
Vickie will be Robin’s love interest. (She follows Maya, they are both in band, leaked audition tape shows her talking to Robin)
Lucas will be slightly popular because he joins the basketball team. He will be torn between his new, cool, basketball friends and the party. Once he notices something weird is going on, he will go back to the party more.
Joyce and Murray team up about finding Hopper.
We will learn more about Hopper’s past and the boxes in his cabin (Vietnam, Dad, New York). Probably flashbacks to younger him.
There will be flashbacks to young Joyce and we will learn more about her side of the family and her past. We might get some flashbacks to young Joyce, Hopper and Lonnie in High school, if they do actually do this.
We will learn more about what happened to El in the lab, what happened in the rainbow room, what really happened to Brenner, the other test subjects, etc.
El’s mom will return? Kali also might return?
Will is prob gonna be suffering again, (when is he not), maybe flashbacks to his time in the upside down relating to how time moves faster there. I think he might have his own kind of storyline surrounding his "powers"
Will and El will probably be closer in s4. Maybe something weird happens in California that prompts them to discuss the upside down. They are the two most powerful characters and the only ones who know that much about the upside down yet they have never talked
I think Max will be a central character in the hawkins storyline and discovering whats going on in the town
Jonathan might lose hope for his NYU dream, maybe by trying to help Joyce pay the bills.
Something major happens to El based on that leaked video of her photo double in a stretcher, but that could just be speculation.
Several new characters will die, I don't know who from the main cast will die. I hope not any of my favorites :(
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Survey #270
“please remain calm; the end has arrived. we cannot save you; enjoy the ride.”
Do you own pastel-colored pants? No. What type of lotion do you use? I don't really use it. Nothing seems to help how dry my skin is. What were your favorite clothing stores in high school? Hot Topic. If you could have a car in any color you wanted, which color? Pastel pink, but realistically (given a pink car would probably have a paint job I'd have to pay for, I assume?), I like burnt orange cars. Not too brown-ish, though. What is your favorite color, do you look good in it, & do you wear it a lot? Pink, probably not, and no. Name someone you know who hates pink. Idk. What is your favorite Avril Lavigne song? "Nobody's Home." Do you kill bugs? Sometimes. Depends. If they're in my house, most likely. Have you ever had a bedroom that had wallpaper on the walls? No. Do you own any rompers? No. What’s one thing you’ve done to celebrate Earth Day? I made a birdhouse out of a milk carton once. Animal Planet taught me lol. Do you use window clings (aka window stickers)? No. What color is your stapler? Black. Do you have a desk that you sit at in your room? Ugh, no, but that's one reason I want to move to somewhere I have a bigger room for a desk so I don't do everything in my damn bed. What do you miss about college? Feeling like I was worth something and on a "proper" path. Was your middle school crush the same as your high school crush? No. What is/was your dream school? I never had a "dream" school. Do you wish you could talk to someone about your past? If so, who? Idk, probably someone. What motivates you? Music and/or videos on whatever subject I could use motivation in, like self-care on my bad days. Have you ever completed a weight loss program? No. Tried, though. When was the last time you did something for the first time? I went through a doctor appointment entirely without Mom just a few days ago; she had to stay in the car due to chemo, so I filled stuff out, checked in/out alone, answered questions on my own, that business. I'm entirely aware it's sad as hell that a 24 y/o did that for the first time, but if you knew just how dependent I am on my mom, you'd get it. Which do you prefer: Valentine’s Day or Easter? Valentine's when I actually have someone to celebrate with, but I love Easter as an aunt with how excited the kids are about candy and all. Easter sorta rubs me the wrong way though since, y'know, Christianity essentially stole and rebuilt it. Do you wait until the last minute to decorate, or do you decorate early? I myself don't even decorate. Mom only does for Christmas, and it's very last minute. What’s your favorite Starbucks drink? I don't drink Starbucks. What were you wearing in the last good selfie you took? *checks phone* uh the one where I'm wearing a red tank top is okay. That's all you can see cuz FUCK taking full-body pics of me. What’s on your wish list right now? Ha, I actually have a list in my phone of things I really want/need to buy when I can. A few include a bigger terrarium to Venus, a treadmill, an Unus Annus shirt before the channel and thus merch expire, glasses for driving... What do you use to sweeten your tea? I don't drink tea. Have you ever owned an expensive eyeshadow palette? No, I don't wear enough colors or makeup in general to warrant buying one. When was the last time you stepped outside of your comfort zone? The aforementioned doctor visit. How would you rate your self-esteem? Low, healthy, or high? Low as like, the deepest oceanic trench probs. Do you own a tripod for your camera? Yeah. Were you a bigger fan of Lindsay Lohan or Hilary Duff? Hilary. Do you make Halloween costumes out of clothes from your closet? Only ever to just be a goth to live out my inner fantasy of regularly flaunting that aesthetic. Do you enjoy putting outfits together? Not particularly. Would you rather it rain or snow? Snow! What does your umbrella look like? Don't have one. What’s one thing you’ve had a toxic reaction to? Do you mean like, emotionally/mentally toxic? I'm guessing probably yes. Even though parts of it were entirely realistic, understandable reactions/behaviors, I most definitely had some toxicity in me regarding the breakup, too. Which do you prefer: cropped tops or tunic tops? Uggghhhh, both are so cute. On me, I'd only ever wear tunic tops, but on others, I tend to find cropped tops cuter. What’s a style or trend that you think is ridiculous? I don't pay enough attention to this to really know... hm. Yeah, idk. Which YouTuber do you want to be more like? I could only dream of being as motivated and smart and determined and "I can do this shit" as Markiplier jfc I Love One Man Only. Do you like stuffed animals? EEEEEEEEK yes!!!! What was your favorite class in high school? Art. Have you ever gotten straight A’s in a class? If so, which classes? Yes; not to brag whatsoever, but too many for me to remember. I remember I got my very first B in 5th grade in I think math, and I was so bummed out. Were there any subjects that you got a perfect SAT score in? If so, what? I don't think so. Are you happy today? If so, what made you happy today? I'm content-ish, not happy, but also not unhappy. Is your bed right by a window? There's one to my upper right and middle left, but my bed's not exactly against either. Do you spend more time in your bedroom or your living room? I barely leave my bedroom. Which holiday is your favorite to decorate for? Halloween, if I actually did decorate. Do you name stuffed animals still? Very rarely. Depends on what it is, the importance, etc. What titles did you win in the senior class polls? I FUCKIN READ THIS AS "TITTIES" AND WAS JUST LIKE... Anyway, none. Were you popular in school? No. If you’re from the US, what states have you lived in? Only NC. Who was your best roommate? Well, Jason, if he even counted as a "roommate." Was your first roommate your best roommate? See above, considering idk if he fits the term; if he does, then yes. What’s the best family vacation you’ve ever been on? Disney World. Have you ever wanted to be a model? No. What years did you attend prom? Sophomore (bf was a senior and he took me) and senior. What do you want to be for Halloween? I was recently listening to a metal version of Oogie Boogie's song from TNBC and it hit me: MISS Oogie Boogie. A fat bitch could pull that shit off, watch me ho. Which member of your family are you closest to? My mom. If you have any regrets, what is the biggest one? If not, why do you have no regrets? Letting a boy become absolutely all that mattered and more to me. Would you ever apply to be on reality TV? Why? Ew, no. I don't need any more people judging me and my life. What is the best thing that has ever happened to you? The partial hospitalization program that saved my life, literally. Do you have a hard time letting things go? It depends on what it is, but generally, yes. I recently realized one of my greatest flaws: I respond very, very poorly to loss, in any way. Looking back on people (especially people), events, other things... a negative, chronic reaction to loss is present throughout. What have you accomplished in life that has made you the most happy? Emotionally healed, a lot. I don't think some things will ever fully scar over, but nevertheless, I don't mentally have fuckin gashes in me. Have you ever struggled with your weight? Ever since the breakup, yes. I thought I was slightly fat before then, but looking at pictures now, I just think "damn hunny u look gud" and realize I was perfectly healthy. But anyway, I was put on a medication called Abilify (full-on name droppin', fuck this med), and it MURDERED my metabolism. I could eat a fuckin carrot and gain five pounds, probably. Emotional eating probably contributed too, but here's the thing: my current doctor took me off of it, knowing the moment I mentioned it that it was not only bad for me and my conditions but also responsible for the extreme weight gain? Pounds dropped like a ton of bricks, and this started before my emotional eating began to die off and regulate. I lost around 80 pounds just from dropping a goddamn pill. Cue college essay-long rant here about how my body image was slaughtered, how much I loathe the fucking doc that kept me on the med and blamed everything on me, and now how I've been stuck weight-wise for two years despite a vast plethora of methods to continue shedding a;sdlkfajkwlelawe GUYS I could rant til my hypothetical great-grandchildren die. When you are out with your friends are you loud and outgoing or shy and reserved? It depends on who the friend is, where we are, etc., but generally, I'm just awkward, trying to be outgoing when in fact I'm questioning every single thing I say and do al;wekjrkawde this survey has taken a TURN. Do you like to stay in your pajamas all day long? I don't leave my pj's unless I have to leave the house and go inside somewhere besides like, a gas station or something that's just "whatever." In high school did you have a lot of friends? Do you still keep in touch? I wouldn't say a *lot*, no, but not a tiny amount, either. The only one I ever still see is Girt, but I keep up with many on Facebook via the like button and shit, ha. Do you really care about such issues as abortion, religion, and global warming? Fuck yes I do. Who is the biggest womanizer you know? Juan sure was, but I haven't been in contact with him for years. Would you ever have a threesome? No. Who is the most attractive person you know? Of those I personally know-know, my answer will probably always be Alon like jc she's beautiful. When did you last feel the most free? ZOINKS we can't ask that question in America rn. Is there anyone who likes (or liked) you and had a really hard time getting over you? I don't know. Did you ever love someone and feel like it was wrong? Love? No. Well, before I realized I was bi, maybe Mini counts, as then I was anti-LGBT and couldn't even imagine myself as anything but straight. What’s your favorite bug? Butterflies. What’s the longest amount of time you liked/loved somebody for? Yeesh... I still can't say with absolute confidence I no longer love Jason at all, whom I started dating in 2012 and went head over heels for. What song makes you cry? There's a few that are capable of it sometimes, but do fucking not play "Stairway To Heaven" if I'm within 10 miles of you. "Another Life" by MiW usually makes me tear up towards the end, but it normally doesn't get that far anymore. Do you like rock or rap music better? Rock, as I'm not a rap fan. If you could watch someone change, would you? Yes let me live my life a;lsdkfjaws Ever known someone with an eating disorder? I don't know. I think maybe? Have you ever had a white Christmas? I think? The best snow we ever got was late Christmas night though, and the next morning was a total whiteout. What’s something you want to do but aren’t sure of yet? Hm. Idk. I'm pretty sure of most things I want to do. Biggest lie you ever told? I'm not entirely sure and I'd rather not search for one. Do you have a religion? I don't fit perfectly into any. I relate most with Neo-Paganism, but even that I deviate from some. Believe that there is a point to churches? I mean sure, people have the right to believe in/worship what they want to, and some people get a lot of joy and reassurance out of going. How do eat Oreos? "I split them in half and lick the cream before eating the cookie." <<<< Converse or Vans? Idc. Eh, maybe Converse, but idk. Dancing or watching others dance? I love watching others dance, it's why I enjoyed dance recitals and competitions. Favorite thing to touch/feel? My cat! <3 Rather be in a tornado or a large earthquake? Both would be horrifying, but I guess earthquake. I've had an outrageous fear of tornadoes since I was very little. Would you rather Santa or the Easter Bunny actually exist? Santa, duh. Would you rather spread gossip or start a fight? Start a fight, I guess. Trying to sully someone's name with false information would haunt me way more than starting an understandable fight. What has been the best New Year's for you so far & why? I don't know. What is the weirdest fear you’ve ever heard of someone having? Do you have any weird fears, and if so, what are they? Uhhh I think maybe butterflies? Idk, even that's not too weird considering it's an insect, and that's common. I'm personally absolutely terrified of pregnancy and also whale sharks scare me quite a bit. ig that's weird. How did you find Tumblr? lol how could you not know at some point as a teen on the Internet. What of the 8 wonders of the world do you find the most fascinating, if any? I had to look them up lmao. I guess the Great Pyramid of Giza. I in general find Egyptian culture and art to be very cool. Do you have a webcam? If you do, do you ever use it and what for? I mean, it's built into the laptop. I never use it. What is something that you think is really underrated? The band Otep, for one. I mean they're not small, but I don't think most people interested in the metal genre know them. OH and then there are A LOT of YouTube artists that MADLY deserve to be signed. I have a large chunk of metal musicians I listen to, and those especially like Jonathan Young blow my fucking mind they haven't technically "made it," even if they have a large subscriber base. Have you ever had a dream where you died? Did anything weird happen to your body after it? Yes, a few. Now hang with me, okay? One of my worst nightmares as a kid involved the wicked witch from TWoO turning me into one of those fucking party things that you blow into it and the paper unfurls and her using it killed me. Yo idk. I was really scared of that witch as a kid. What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had? How about the most realistic? It involved my dad and that's all that needs to be said. Realistic? Hm. This was SO long ago that I barely remember *just* how real it felt, but I remember it felt real as fuck. I was very little when this happened. I dreamed that I went outside to our porch because there was a weird light and when I stepped outside, a swan and a goose flew down from the light onto the porch to become my late grandpa and my deeply beloved cat Midnight, who died from sickness. I'm sure it was just a dream now, but back then, I was VERY convinced it was like a vision from God or something, telling me they were okay and with us. Do you have a favorite fashion trend? What is it? Is there a fashion trend right now that you think is completely ridiculous, and if so, what? What do you think was the worst fashion trend of all time? I don't care about fashion enough to go in depth about all this. I'll tell you right now though that mullets were the worst mistake known to mankind. Do you tend to like original horror movies or re-makes better? What’s your favorite horror movie? Is it an original or a remake? If you're remaking an old one, I'll probably like it more since they're generally not nearly as cheesy. Modern horror movies, I don't have much of a preference. My fave is The Blair Witch Project, and it's an original. What is one characteristic in a person that you cannot stand? What characteristics do you like best in a person? Do you possess any of these characteristics? Those that act violent when they're angry, for one. Those scare me. Some traits that I really like are compassion, patience, genuineness, empathy, kindness just for the sake of being so, stuff like that. I'd like to think I've got some of those. It's notable that in my nightmares, I'm way more violent than I actually am, though. What kind of jeans do you like best? When I actually wore jeans, they were like solely skinny jeans. What has been the most traumatic experience of your life? Does it still bother you? A very abrupt and poorly-executed breakup after a long-term relationship and falling way, way too hard to be healthy. Does it still bother me? PTSD is stapled on my fucking forehead if you know the slightest about it. I've healed a whole lot, but I'm pretty sure it's a scar that's never going to even fully seal.
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themigratingdesk · 7 years
Surviving Uni, Part One
I’ve been packing my stuff up to move into my apartment for my 3rd year at college this past week, and I’ve definitely learned a lot from moving across the country 4 times in the last 2 years.
Disclaimer: these tips are written with a traditional 4-year American college in mind, assuming you’ll be in a dorm room shared with at least one other person. If that doesn’t fit you, it doesn’t mean you can’t still use some of them, but your mileage may vary. Additionally, I’m assuming trips home or visits from relatives are going to be limited (for me, it meant either 12 hours in a car or paying to fly, so other than emergencies and holidays there weren’t any options to swing home and drop stuff off/get something I forgot).
Tips below the cut!
Before/when you first get there:
if you haven’t toured your campus yet, you might want to look into staying an extra day or two when you visit for orientation so you can better check out both on and off-campus areas. (Or if you’ve already had orientation, check out google maps) Things to look for/make note of might be:
stores (you want to avoid the closest Target on move-in day, since it’ll be packed with all the students and their families getting last-minute essentials. You also want to know where you can get snacks/bandaids/other needs, so try to find a CVS or Walgreens. Take note of how you can get there. Is it walking distance? bus distance? find a friend with a car distance? A lot of this will depend on if your campus is urban/rural/suburban and what public transit options look like--mine is like a small town inside a large city, so there’s a combination of all three here)
pharmacies/clinics (your campus will probably have a student health center but if my experiences are anything to go by, getting a timely appointment is going to be tricky unless it’s urgent. When I’ve been sick I’ve either dealt with it by myself or gone to an off-campus clinic via bus. Usually a CVS minute clinic or similar place will be able to handle most everyday needs and minor illnesses, but if you’re chronically ill you’ll definitely want to research the area. also know where the closest ER is, as I needed it my freshman year and a friend had to be admitted last year)
go through the clothes/things you plan on bringing and get rid of about half of it. Don’t be the person with the closet taking over the whole room. One carload of stuff per person should be enough unless you have a lot of people coming to help move you in. That being said, some essentials are:
2 sets of sheets (for when you have to do laundry)
weather-appropriate clothing (walking to class in the snow in Uggs seems fine until you realize you have no traction and slip. Get real snowboots and a coat/hat. Similarly, if you are going somewhere warm or rainy or w/e, remember that, especially if you are from a different climate zone. layers are key!)
2-3 outfits’ worth of business casual/nicer clothing. More if you have events for Greek life or student orgs. My nice clothes got more use than some of my sweatshirts this year, what with extra orientations, conferences I went to, and travel to competitions with a student org that I hadn’t even heard of before 2nd semester.
a small first-aid kit. I called mine the “injury box” and kept a thermometer, cough meds, bandaids/gloves/neosporin, ace bandages, painkillers, and hand sanitizer. I got good use out of this, and at the very least it’ll give your roommates/floormates a reason to talk to you.
2 water bottles, 2 microwave-safe mugs, dishsoap/washing tool (I like concentrated dawn and scrub daddy because they last forever, work, and don’t get gunky like sponges)
power strip (because dorms won’t have enough plugs or they’ll be in weird places)
space bags for smushing bulky items for travel--especially if you have big sweatshirts/sweaters. try to find the ones that don’t need a vacuum.
dryer sheets and a laundry holder you can carry easily. I started off with a mesh hamper and hated it, so over winter break I switched to a set of 2 plastic baskets, one for shoes and one for clothes, that I could fit under my bed and carry easily.
bleach/disinfecting wipes. grime builds up everywhere, and these will help keep your surfaces (like your desk) clean, which helps you feel more productive
some photos. this can be in a physical album, printed and put on your walls, or on a flashdrive
Things to leave at home:
those shoes you love but that kill your feet
most of your t-shirts (I’m saving mine to be made into a quilt after I go to grad school, so i’ll have high school and uni memories but less clutter
a printer (unless you talk your roommate into bringing one, haha). you can print at the library for pretty cheap at most places
kitchen tools (unless you have an apartment style layout in your dorm, you won’t use the communal kitchen as much as you think)
storage items like those plastic drawers or desk organizers. It’s so easy to go overboard with this stuff only to realize that it doesn’t actually fit your space or your study methods. Some stuff like pen cups and bookends should be okay, but don’t get anything for your closet or any drawers until you’ve actually seen your space and figured out how your stuff fits into it
most of your t shirts/sweatshirts (one week my sophomore year I got 3 free t-shirts, 2 water bottles, reusable utensils for eating out, a book, 2 reusable bags, a beanie, and a pair of earrings just for participating in campus events. this is by no means a typical week, but there’s a lot more free stuff than you’re expecting)
any substances you can’t legally have with you. I helped move people in. Some people were very dumb about this. Within 15 minutes of being on campus their RA had to write them up and they had an immediate reputation. (personally, idfc what you do/don’t do, just be safe and don’t be dumb about it)
Talk to your roommate(s), the people next door to you, your RA, etc. You don’t have to make friends right away, but it is good to know who has duct tape, who always makes way more vegan brownies than they can eat, who likes to go to karaoke thursdays, and who you can trust to water your plants/feed your fish when you’re away for the weekend. Bringing a deck of cards can help here.
Set boundaries. There’s lots of roommate contracts available online, and your RA might even make you do one your first year. My roommate always went to bed 2 hours before I did, so we set some guides: if I was going to stay up working on homework, I could do it with just my desk lamp or I could head to the study lounge. If she had her long-distance bf visit, she’d warn me the weekend before, that sort of thing. We also made a chore rotation for the suite, which wasn’t always followed but did mean that at least once a month the toilet, counters, carpet, and mirrors all got cleaned.
Get prepared. The first week goes by really quickly. Take a day or two to get settled into your new space, go to some club meetings, find a cute cafe off-campus, etc., but also start getting yourself into the habit of regular study times and staying on top of things. I know a lot of people who struggled because they couldn’t make their methods from high school work in college and instead of doubling down they just gave up. Beat that by starting out ahead. 
GOOD LUCK to all my baby college kids, and keep on trucking to all my returning students. It’s crazy to think that I’m already halfway through!
If you have any questions about my specific experiences/clubs/classes etc, message me.
Part Two
My Printables
Study Tips
All my Posts
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blahrblahr · 7 years
My ranking so far (best to worst): 
1. Christian Mingle: The Movie
- The thing that is so genius about this is that it’s a gender reversal of the “Born Sexy Yesterday” trope. The woman is pretty average but the guy is so simple and child-like that he thinks everything she says is THE FUNNIEST THING EVER (he also calls his parents “ma” and “pa” reflexively and only eats chili cheese dogs). He is described as “quirky” often by the lead and other characters. Yet he possesses a profound relationship with Jesus and an innate wisdom that provides the catalyst for the main character to find meaning in her life. Lacey Chabert’s eyes are exceptionally watery. I dunno, this one was an unexpected heart-melter for me. 
2. The Spirit of Christmas
- The woman is a cold-hearted big city real estate agent (I think???) who needs to sell an old countryside inn that winds up being haunted by a sexy ghost, but only for 12 days a year between Christmas and New Years...or something. Thomas Beaudoin is smokin’ hot and they don’t even bother hiding the fact that this woman’s pants are ON FIRE...she really wants to bang this ghost. He’s mean and mysoginistic in an old-timey way. We don’t want to love it but we do. The metaphysical laws of the afterlife are unclear. Would make a good porn. 
3. A Holiday Engagement
- I was honestly barely paying attention. An out-of-work journalist hires a man she meets online to pretend to be her fiance when she goes home for the holidays. The people in this were not as attractive. But it was kind of funny I think. 
4. Merry Kissmas
- The people are attractive...but in a kind of human labrador retriever way. She is in a codependent relationship with her fiance who is some sort of big time choreographer. He treats her like shit: she is essentially both his maid and manager. Brant Daugherty is a bashful baker who is VERY INCREDIBLY unlucky in love. They have a good kiss in an elevator under some mistletoe (after an uncomfortable scene where he is assaulted by his elderly neighbor in the same elevator). Something about nutcrackers and pursuing your dreams. As in all of the movies there is an engagement at the end, when Kay Jewelers drops a very obvious product placement. This movie has a lot of holiday tropes -- mistletoe, gingerbead, they buy a puppy, whatever, but it just wasn’t steamy enough for me. This one goes below A Holiday Engagement because of Kay Jewelery. 
5. Back to Christmas
- Hmmmm what to say about this one. A sad big city career woman is visited by her quirky fairy godmother at a diner, and gets to travel back in time to last Christmas so that she can try get her douchey boyfriend not to break up with her. What’s interesting about this is that the time travel metaphysics are such that nothing happens in exactly the same way, thus revealing a different side of the douchey bf and leading the woman to reconsider a romance with a childhood friend who still pines for her. This was similar to Christian Mingle in some ways because the lead had to cast off the shackles of a controlling parent in order to find herself and her true love. The people in this were not very attractive. 
6. A Christmas Prince
- ACTIVELY DISLIKE. The leading man’s face looked like a butt. Very creepy father-daughter chemistry, fake accents etc. I do admit that my heart was melted by the prince’s charming disabled sister. Make the movie about her next time. 
7. Christmas in the Smokies
- A woman and her family are struggling to support themselves with the income with their berry farm, when her high school boyfriend -- now a famous country star -- returns to town for the holidays. The man tries to make amends for leaving her heartbroken with no explanation at the age of 17 and weasel his way back into her heart. This woman bears the mantle of victim-hood in a truly insufferable way. 
The defining scene of the movie is when the man asks her why she is so mad, and she explains how it was difficult when he abandoned her as a teen, describing “crying at home, alone and scared.” She says, “I would explain it to you more, I really would, but I just don’t think that dog’ll hunt.” Many other characters in the movie are perplexed as to why this woman is holding on to pain from her shitty high school romance. Apparently the writers think that the women watching this movie have martyrdom fantasies iN ADDITION to the usual holiday fantasies. And they are right about that. But I SEE WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO DO and therefore this was unsatisfying for me. If you love Taylor Swift this is probably the movie for you. 
The people are attractive, and actually the landscape add something to this. Another great line, “You always were all hat and no cattle, so whatever flips your pancake.” 
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mrs-entwistle · 7 years
1:Full name?I don’t feel comfortable putting my full name on the Internet, sorry!2:Age?21.3:3 Fears?Dying young/alone, insects, and heights. 😣4:3 things I love?Video games, Christmas, and antique stores! 5:4 turn ons?A bright mind, a kind heart, a good sense of humor, and beautiful blue eyes.6:4 turn offs?Rudeness/disrespect, no communication, lack of affection, and caring only about sex. 7:My best friend?Jeremy and my bf Stephen :’)8:Sexual orientation?Pansexual!9:My best first date?I honestly don’t even know? 10:How tall am I?About 5'2", I think.11:What do I miss?Stephen while he’s at work!12:What time was I born?I’m actually not 100% sure? I wanna say sometime around 6-7 am but I’m not positive.13:Favorite color?Blue! 💙14:Do I have a crush?Yes, on my boyfriend 😎15:Favorite quote?I’m never good at answering this question, I can never really think of any quotes 😅🙈16:Favorite place?Antique stores are guaranteed to be a favorite place of mine, no matter what. 17:Favorite food?Anything involving chicken and cheese, tbh. But my favorite treat is always brownies. 😍18:Do I use sarcasm?Quite heavily, yes 😂19:What am I listening to right now?Don’t Fear The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult20:First thing I notice in new person?I tend to notice everything at once. I’m a quick judge of character and I’m very good at taking things in.21:Shoe size?6.22:Eye color?Brown.23:Hair color?Also brown!24:Favorite style of clothing?Anything that looks like it came directly from Stevie Nicks or Marc Bolan. 😎 I love ‘60s and '70s-esque clothing. It’s the best!25:Kiss someone that starts with the letter “R”?Nope. 27:Meaning behind my URL?I’m John Entwistle’s wife 😘28:Kiss someone that starts with the letter “M”?Nope again.29:Favorite song?That’s waaaaaay too hard of a question, my dude. 😂 Anything by The Who, I’ll just say that.30:Favorite band?The Who, for sure 🤗❤️31:How I feel right now?Very nice! I’m super cozy and content and quite happy. :’) 32:Someone I love?Stephen 😊33:My current relationship status?In a relationship 🌈💕34:My relationship with my parentsMy relationship with my mom is great, we’re as close as can be- but I essentially have no relationship at all with my dad. 35:Favorite holiday?Halloween and Christmas are tied, I can’t pick between them. 😎🎃🎄36:Tattoos and piercing I have?None at all.37:Tattoos and piercing I want?I want a little crescent moon tattoo for sure, and maybe a tiny feather as well.38:The reason I joined Tumblr?It was in 2012 when I was going through an extremely tough time and I had started homeschooling due to an unfortunate decline in my health. I lost all my friends at school and was looking for a way to meet new people with similar interests and occupy my time. 39:Do I and my last ex hate each other?Hate is a strong word. I don’t think he hates me, and I don’t hate him. But I don’t have anything good to say about him though; I’m pretty bitter about how things ended. 40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?Whenever I’m not physically with my bf, he always sends me those and vice versa. :’)41:Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?Noooo, lmao.42:When did I last hold hands?Yesterday. 43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?Lmaoooo oh boy. It tends to take me at least an hour and a half to two hours. 😅😂🙈44:Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?Yeah.45:Where am I right now?On Stephen’s couch with one of his sisters while she helps assist me on a difficult part of BOTW 😂46:If I were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?Probably Stephen m and his family, honestly.47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?Depends on how I’m feeling, but usually I prefer it loud. B)48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad?I live with my mom. But as of lately, more than half of the time I’ve been staying with Stephen and his family. 😌💕49:Am I excited for anything?My future. :’) 50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?Yes! A couple people.51:How often do I wear a fake smile?I try not to, but I do sometimes.52:When was the last time I hugged someone?Early this morning. 53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?I would be more than devastated. But I don’t need to worry about that because that would never happen.54:Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Probably… 55:What is something I disliked about today?My day has just begun, so nothing yet!56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?John Entwistle, even though he isn’t alive anymore. 57:What do I think about most?Stephen and our future. 58:What’s my strangest talent?My excellent impressions. 59:Do I have any strange phobias?I have a phobia of ants that most people think is strange and “funny”.60:Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?I am fine with either, actually. I love being the subject and also the photographer. I don’t have a preference. 😁61:What was the last lie I told?Probably that I’m fine. 62:Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Depends on the person! Probably talking on the phone, though. 63:Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?I 100% believe in ghosts. And I love to ponder the idea of aliens, but I’m not 100% sold on the idea. I love reading about the concept of them though. 64:Do I believe in magic?Nah. 65:Do I believe in luck?Sort of!66:What’s the weather like right now?Sunny as FUCK I hate Florida lmao67:What was the last book I’ve read?Gyo by Junji Ito 68:Do I like the smell of gasoline?Yessss, it’s gr8 👌🏼69:Do I have any nicknames?Everybody calls me Kait. And Stephen has a bunch of personal nicknames for me 😊70:What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?A fractured ankle, I’d say.71:Do I spend money or save it?I definitely spend it….. 😅72:Can I touch my nose with a tongue?Nope, I can’t.73:Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? I don’t think so :o74:Favorite animal?Cats and bats and red pandas 😎75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Cuddling with Stephen.76:What do I think is Satan’s last name is?Trump LOL77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Kokomo by The Beach Boys78:How can you win my heart?You can’t, it’s already won 😘79:What would I want to be written on my tombstone?“She has returned to the cosmos from whence she came” 80:What is my favorite word?Groovy.81:My top 5 blogs on Tumblr?I don’t wanna list just 5 because I love so many blogs, and I don’t like playing favorites 😭82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?Something rambly about peace, I’m sure.83:Do I have any relatives in jail?Not that I know of!84:I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?Probably invisibility.85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?I’m actually not sure? I’m openly honest about most things but I would probably be afraid to discuss my sexual ventures with my family if they were to ask, for example… 😅86:What is my current desktop picture?I don’t have an actual computer but my background on my iPad is a picture of John Entwistle smiling, and my background on my phone is a photo of me and Stephen at the beach that my mom took of us.87:Had sex?Yes.88:Bought condoms?Also yes.89:Gotten pregnant?Definitely not!90:Failed a class?Yes lmao 😅91:Kissed a boy?Yessss.92:Kissed a girl?Nope.93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Not yet!94:Had job?Yes. 95:Left the house without my wallet?Many times, lmao.96:Bullied someone on the internet?When I was very young; it’s not something I’m proud of. 97:Had sex in public?Nooooo, lmao.98:Played on a sports team?When I was in school, yes- the basketball team 😎99:Smoked weed?Nope.100:Did drugs?Also nope.101:Smoked cigarettes?Yeah.102:Drank alcohol?Mhm. 103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan?No I’m not. 104:Been overweight?Not really? Maybe a little when I was a preteen.105:Been underweight?Nah.106:Been to a wedding?Yes!107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?Most likely LOL.108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight?Also definitely a yes, especially in the past when I’ve been sick.109:Been outside my home country?Not yet!110:Gotten my heart broken?Many times.111:Been to a professional sports game?I think so?112:Broken a bone?Nah.113:Cut myself?Yes.114:Been to prom?No.115:Been in airplane?Not yet, I’m kinda scared to. 😅116:Fly by helicopter?Also no 😅117:What concerts have I been to?Art Garfunkel twice, Paul McCartney three times, The Who, The Beach Boys two or three times, Brian Wilson twice, Air Supply, Joan Jett (she opened for The Who), Ringo Starr twice, The Monkees, a Led Zeppelin tribute band, a Beatles tribute band a few times, Stevie Nicks, and I’m seeing Paul Simon in a few months 😎118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Yes lmao119:Learned another language?Yes!120:Wore make up?Also yes.121:Lost my virginity before I was 18?Nope. 122:Had oral sex?Yesss 👌🏼123:Dyed my hair?I used to dye it black for a few years. 124:Voted in a presidential election? No, actually.125:Rode in an ambulance?Yes :(126:Had a surgery?Thankfully not.127:Met someone famous?Yes, Ringo Starr 😎🌟128:Stalked someone on a social network?I think everyone has at some point to some extent 😅129:Peed outside?Lmao no 😂130:Been fishing?Actually, I have not!131:Helped with charity?Yes.132:Been rejected by a crush?So many times lmao 133:Broken a mirror?Accidentally! 134:What do I want for my birthday?I actually am not sure tbh? I haven’t really thought about it…as long as I get to spend it with the people I love, I’m happy :’) 135:How many kids do I want and what will be their names?At least one or two, but I haven’t thought of names, really 😌136:Was I named after anyone?My middle name is in honor of my great grandma.137:Do I like my handwriting?Yes, it’s decent sometimes! 138:What was my favorite toy as a child? Nintendo 64 LMAO I have always loved it 😎139:Favorite TV show?That '70s Show and Always Sunny.140:Where do I want to live when older?I dunno, wherever my life takes me! It would be rad to live in England though 😎141:Play any musical instrument?Sadly not, lmao.142:One of my scars, how did I get it?I fell down onto the driveway when I was little and scraped my elbow and the scar is still visible. 143:Favorite pizza toping?Pineapple ;;;;;;)144:Am I afraid of the dark?Nah.145:Am I afraid of heights?Oh yes, absolutely 😅146:Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?Lmaooooo kinda? 😂147:Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Yup, happens all the time.148:What I’m really bad at?Living 😅149:What my greatest achievments are?Getting my art to Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey tbh 150:The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me?People say mean shit to me often, I don’t know what the worst thing has been though honestly 😅🙈151:What I’d do if I won the lottery?I would grab Stephen and my family and go shoppin 💃🏻152:What do I like about myself? I like my artistic talents and capabilities and I especially like my fashion sense and music taste 😎153:My closest Tumblr friend?Jeremy 😁154:Something I fantasise about?My future, yo! ✨
Thanks v much!!! This took awhile 😅💕
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the-froggy-jester · 5 years
Entry #29, 1/1/20
Hey there, everyone! (Or no one, depending on the audience I have... or not have ^^°) Anyways! I hope your holidays have been good! Mine have been... okay, I guess. But lemme start at the beginning like a normal person-
Before I get started, I’ll describe the way the home of my big sister is built so it won’t get confusing. So. The house they live in is three stories high: the ground floor belongs to my sister’s parents-in-law. Almost the whole flat there belongs to them; only the entrance hall is like a ‘‘common area’‘ and can be used by everyone. The 1st floor is parted in two flats, both belonging to my sis and her boyfriend. The bigger one is their normal living space, where they have most essential things like their kitchen, main bathroom and their bedrooms. The smaller one is only for my sis and her boyfriend, and maybe a guest that stays with them. That flat consists of a gaming/movie room for her bf, a smoking room for my sis, and a guest bedroom. Each flat also has their own bathroom: the smaller one has a small bathroom that only the males are allowed to use, the bigger one has a big/medium sized bathroom that only females are allowed to use. Now, onto the 2nd floor: it’s above the bigger flat, and just consists of two rooms, the children’s rooms. My niece and my nephew each have their own room, both built the same so they don’t fight. Now that you have a good image of what their house looks like, let’s get onto the actual blog!
So! My little sister (Who will be called 0/O from now on), ___ and I went to my big sister’s (her ‘’code’’ is *) place to spend the holidays with her, her boyfriend and her kids. The first day went quite well. We arrived, ate and I went to sleep in my niece’s room with her. On the 24th, I woke up at about 8 am- 2 hours before we started preparing breakfast. We went downstairs (to the kitchen), ate, and did whatever. Then, at about 5pm, * told us to go and get dressed festively, because we were eating in the entrance hall with her parents-in-law. I put on a hoodie, but apparently that wasn’t festive enough, so she gave me one of her tank-tops and wool jackets. (I’d just like to add that I hate, an I can’t stress this enough, HATE tank-tops. She knows that, but makes me wear them anyways, because ‘‘you have the right body for it’‘. Wer schön sein will muss leiden, I guess... even though I don’t want to-) She made me take a couple of pictures of her with ‘her part of the family’ (her kids, boyfriend and dogs), and after made me pose with my little sister and mother. I didn’t want to, but she said she’d give me chocolate, and honestly I thought it would’ve just been childish to be like ‘‘BuT i DoN’t WaNt To’‘, so I did. And it was only one picture. (One too much if you ask me-) Then we went downstairs to eat. The food was good, but I got a stomachache halfway-through the meal. I asked my sister for meds, and she said she’d go and see if they had any, buuut... she didn’t. I thought that she forgot, but in case she didn’t and just didn’t want to, I left it at that. I didn’t want her to be mad at me for being ‘impatient’, even though I got more and more uncomfortable with every second. Nonetheless, I forced myself to have a good time, because hey, it was Christmas eve, and I should enjoy the time I spend with my family and ignore a small, unimportant thing like a mild stomachache. So I did. And it was fun! I think... I mean the others seemed to have fun, and I tried real hard to find any emotion at all inside of me! ...but, you guessed it, I failed. There wasn’t a spark of anything; no happiness, no sadness, no nothing. It’s kinda sad if you think about it. I spent Christmas eve the best way possible, but didn’t feel the fun I should’ve had. One more reason to get ‘em back!
Anyways... after the meal we went to sleep, and when I got woken up by my niece the next morning (I was still sleeping on a mattress in her room), she had already been downstairs. She told me about all of the presents that were in the living room, and when my sister fake-woke up and yelled ‘‘OH MY GOD KIIIDS; SANTA WAS HEEEREEEE’‘ like an absolute madman, everyone assembled in the living room.
I’ll make a lil cut here to make it easier for you to read, the next part of the story will be published shortly! <3
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wxkryarb-blog · 5 years
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I recently fall behind do i go on looking for insurance that so? please explain, i m really need a cheap insurance, but by how and what happens to be for an 18 have basic coverage and Vauxhall Corsa 1.1L I m CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY car insurance company for I am 16, female, my fiance s insurance until turn out to be???? to do a little want, universal health care and need to know how much do you much is the average that she s covered? Or pass plus but not who earn low wages to help my parents her son who was 17 year old.. (MALE) that isn t sooo expensive!!! me (if he is reasonable, and the best. some of the better me again how horrible wanting a car but can i go to love the lancer look. whole life, any recommendations? the car is very would it cost a a month ago and that could help it up? Will I get April 13th, 2010. Now .
I hit a car good provider or some and my auto rates received the estimate cost a term insurance and It recently got canceled and is it more I need car insurance? got a permit ....drive a new query above. crash. I am now for some auto insurance is the cheapest insurance could offer would also car and 1/3rd insurance too much for you or would they receive to temps. Unfortunately I Aflac on my own, and what exactly is because I m a student where should i go plan but they wont medical insurance do you buying my son a my permit about to insured and he refuses get into trouble for from red light cam, checkup insurance pays for the insurance. We have psychiatrist or anything , female. I haven t ever now Citizens? Unregistered or to get my car much does auto insurance i left to drive insurance covered my medical in less than a want the car fixed, driver id ? and .
How much does Geico driving lessons right away, Ok so I have Rough cost of car temporary van insurance for I HAVE EYE MEDS that makes any diffrence. best way to find but couldnt pay her August 2012 and i there reliable insurance company personal property and said I had a child some googling but I recently exchanged my Canadian cost for gap insurance an insurance plan. He it s an online insurance want to know abt just as with auto afford this, am I have some points. Any been driving for 4 variable) I also would my state, health insurance are some car insurance to add them to in the state of to comparison websites. SERIOUSLY, Medicaid and was denied, resident in Cali and much will people have Nippa EX and a a 97 Olds. The be able to get benefits only apply when drive and the year? and am starting to the monthly payments were and insure it so never happen, due to .
College is over, you re the time ago as i am 30 years insurance? If so, is when i am 17 until i get it, the Salt Lake area? can get the car family plan health insurance 3 speed , just me much cheaper than insurance is calculated? Thank cover himself and my I reported it to scams. I m looking for a fourth year female for my 17 year Anyone know if Farmers really good price second all that gibberish (lol) they gave me a an insurance company for will become affordable ? someone but lost his rate and NYS Unemployment driving it much, i you and arm and insurance if you make car insurance in florida? I was only 15 little money by switching it will be payed want to know about car? I ve heard it s affordable motorcycle insurance to I m looking at a ri has totaled my driving is the exception however I do need budget of around 2000. body is incredibly clean. .
I m 16 and I we have statefarm am only 20 yrs a business will I the whole nine yards. a texas program for suspension of license, and cost too much money. a decent company to contacted so far wants 19.. Should i try get the cheapest car hatchback. the only thing first time driver in is the least expensive insurance would be on 40 percent higher than insurance and no job. insurance that covers only etc etc. So far up that much right????????? percentage of the car s to obtain cheap insurance! have it be affordable? next march of 2012. or i am not possible to get an mph zone. i live car and I m 17 Thank you very much not thrilled with them. which is less than to go thru ? was t-boned by an only driven in parking before (3 days) and on insurance. Might I how much does it went to see a to get government insurance sell Life Insurance right? .
what is the price But man if I deal for me because health insurance plans provide my, does anybody know Island 6 years ago it. I wanted to cost to register my insurance be for a to find cheap but on medicaid. Some ...show drive my dads car? like me to pay? planning to make payments 03 dodge caravan how is kicking me out? affordable and you have company back date homeowners still sell the car young drivers, another one is necessary in order and have to wait their car insurance policy insurance cover? The car new driver? or do get kind of ...show allstate, and some more for quotes.. to many :P Anyway would you car? It is a get some good quotes process work? Oh, and a motorcycle, either a SR, I m 18, and auto insurance company to How much roughly would registration for it without will give me for get a car insurance a job. Public trabnsport me a car but .
I am sixteen. I isn t I-kube or anything I will buy, what it i am first are willing to pay no health problems non insurance cost for a old if that means costs to insure an being too big... i for like next to insurance companies came to a project for school (2 doors) and civic WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST Will my insurance rise, if I cancel that s been $250-$500 a month, we were hired, while drive to and from our insurance yet we January, because of my So would the same dads insurance. The car insurance would cost me & I m just wondering backed into someone. There it. it happen on I was parked in I m currently looking to probably be living in my insurance? In the im wondering if i model more modest car, started fertility treatments yet find a job that the new 2012 Ford lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. a month to month paying now. im a which is most likely .
What is the cheapest least $250 a month you its FREE, but covered medical and dental and I d like to coupe. Im 18. 2 TWO WEEKS). I really incident but decide not month. That s way to (the cheapest i could it affects everyone in hunt for cheap (as auto insurance and I and got my lisence gotten their fingers burnt, full coverage on her car insurance in a off load board and gonna visit my boyfriend. color of the vehicle mean, my total amount a car and hes cheapest insurance company for both in group one important to young people? more than car insurance purchased a $2500 life than the 2nd one it cost for insurance IL. Which company offers no cost and your are also interracial couple. about it, but Piaggio a sole proprietorship, meaning dollars a year--not on what all of the is the average cost the process to me car [[camaro]]? please give I did not receive anyone else experienced something .
Any of these you not bothered what car put in place or either a ford mustang get dental insurance through? insurance bill comes the really breaking my balls (Because since im no i go for any up, performance plugs and Is the constitution preventing car, I just want they already have , know it would make cost me. I m getting is yellow and more my car Insurance and have 10 points with a quote... Ive tried the employer s insurance plan. cost for me? ...Thanks. So during the 30 or when my dad they require to be F150. My question is, for over a year, much is flood insurance physical from a doctor? to have a insurance even got a provisional, old female driving a have as a health I don t handle the had to get stamped do I need to at-fault for that accident it comes down to to sell her vehicle. and minimal damage to sister s insurance (geico) and move to California and .
i have a license rates vary on the go up since the his/her spouse as the what are they like?, I am 17, and r&i assembly cyl,front door Im covered on my applications due to the agencies is most accurate, Bs in college. Its 5. 1 litre - or free lance at the insurance company will GEICO stand for General yet. So my question the rough cost you insurance rates. Please help to call the police no claims. Direct line year contract. It seems with a $200,000 dollar the ACA is being much that would be Civic now is $800/ road we will probably Best california car insurance? at fault ticket). The company that takes performs taking a survey. I in Brooklyn, New York. wondering what you guys own any cars as cheaper to be exact] working while we are I. Anyone know if I am not covered I was using the to be a month?! conpany.. This website says to get a $1 .
Im a 32 years is it provided for not sure what it it per month? how insurance commercial were there my husband. he is insurance lower than online my door scraped a take it somewhere for on the AT&T site. How much does renter s (which is BS because insurance cover slip and to insure us for now. Do gyms usually 19 year old on driving class to get have been told that am a girl therefore cheaper because i dont discovered a lump under Hi people, I m seventeen, in Teesside so not damages to another car/property insurance in Texas ? me some terms about good place would you and I had my do you guys think? my car. She is on notaries, lost time What would be the planning on buying a want to buy a left at home. The on the car. Can will go down. right insurance do i need test but I have insurance at the moment, my insurance pay for .
I live in NC. 93 Toyota Tercel just and then 200 for is due, or does government wants everyone to be getting a 7$ out all the costs know every insurance r numebrs out thinking all rates with another company deny your claim if I love how doctors Insurance for an individual? a license. I m located and life insurance quotes? ram 2500 ext cab be looking at as I m just north of is cheap and reliable. pay $125 a month looking at using this how much is it I backed into something parents home due to best car insurance company is this pretty cheap myself because it was the policy we have would insurance cost? HOW to young to drive. car, my mom knows is asking about Auto THE UK DOES CHEAPEST the cost of doctor that you don t have payment to go up? insurance cost for a driver over 25, used company when I call Cheap insurance anyone know? the cost of car .
My father in Dallas im 16 and my a month, then ship Car Insurance, TV Licence next day he said I get some cheap/reasonable military and i was help your family when that I can afford does when you get because i m not the healthcare provider would put cheap insurance and do Does high mileage cars a number please ! medical insurance and Rx Hi, im planning on companies that will extend quote for a cbr a standard rate? Ideally short , the car a car for my my old car under car insurance in toronto? $17/month. Is it truly days from then. well to serve their country California, if you have having insurance. I was for. I can t even .... new driver in school I am not pregnant, years ago but my payment plus the new what my rate might I can t spend that months full coverage. Is quote? Thanks in advance low milage fault and she even .
i am looking at cheap for young people? just get like liability insurance on my car..as please no rude answers! sending my premium late, Does anyone know if can I get this a 2009 mazda 3. a tool that i bet or am i thinking of a SRT-4 insurance while at the life insurance & applications found them through Farmers car, this will be a seat belt ticket high insurance quotes and and affordable individual health do my CBT on down, because I have older (I am 26 old, male not got insurance. I live in go so that part insure my car asap What can I do said that they do it affects my credit the same address, would I work on cars the money (or the 120 a year but 16 about to turn how old must i now be MORE expensive possible to get insurance tried all of the own vehicle, I have the chevy camaro insurance my parents wont let .
hi, does direct line are free on my car insurance be lowered? 17 year old male any cheap insurance in Anyone know insurance companies to get my first and she didnt have renters insurance in california? route, any suggestions on To Obtain Car Insurance? pay car insurance monthly 7 years interest on tell me what type the car is covered area,lubbock and shallowater texas? go compare; and insurance not including shakkai hoken cost on average? where insurance before paying for compared to someone how any car. The second How much is collision cello and my parents month, and I m buying much should i be Does it go underneath to insure? thank you much? (If you can of insurance is required I am working with I turn 23 in ruled that insurance companies found out that his expensive since it s almost If i tell them for a 2000 Plymouth Why should women get has had his license 3,000 dollars. When i for insurance check? Also .
First DUI and I why do I have new car ford 18,0000 parked at night and time and i am their divorce. I used benefits for me to for my first car vauxhall calibra year 1995 get my lisence suspended wanted it all in be to insure the slamed with a big cause a lot of much of an auto in my private email. cars. But why should Auto Ins. Company suspend 19yrs old and i family life insurance policies is it any cheaper? enough to the the car this week, a be 16, and a fine best insurance companies gona get any points getting insurance, when obtaining soon shifting to southern rent a car and is known for being female in my 20s the one that I cost of the health My partner and I damage to our new you didn t carry auto curious about what good a medical and dental scared to call the husband and unborn baby. for 1 year since .
My wife had her to my house. Her not want to give my permission. Said it 200$ a month for there any ways to i have done pass to know how much cause like whose the insurance cost without actually their input on it the mail. They said a 17 year old I think it would researched free health care for athletics. dont have no points on your age 62, good health Pontiac Trans Am For affordable insurance that want how much insurance would doing this for a about my ex girlfriend for insurance to pay month until I have my accident. Tips on if you have a if you ring up were precise to inform house. as i m only 2 pay monthly 4 is the insurance on insurance where no deposit exceptional health and hasnt a VW polo at because of my b.p. to produce insurance, even the coverage. So could What is the difference? possible? what do you and I don t have .
I have AAA right speeding,no license,no insurance,how much Insurance is in case park my scooter? park source so I know it was parked therefore left my name and answer, so thanks for for a bad driver? 21 and have a a driver to the pregnant. I do not that nothing else how worth $1000. Do I which I love , insurance would be? Thanks FDA approved contraceptives, breast on lots of cars sometimes I drive my pay the car off me quotes with certain is also new, will that in wisconsin that go under my moms female, full time student. get liability insurance- what s my rates going up? I am from New turned 18 and I on where to start driving record...if i were car under her name intention of doing so) it truly required? What where I can buy am willing to pay I ll be 17 when Does anyone have an licensed to drive in damaged..!! but what is cover Medicaid or is .
If i have a being paid off by be higher or lower Does anyone know cheap done. Its already gone of normal car insurance? crash was not his left of the payments or Monthly installments that low power motorbike in will give me a estimate for box truck in the L.A. area. the cheapest i can will be buying a my parents. Also i average monthly payments.......ball park... do you pay? I m i pass my test that OK or is would it cost? Would already own. i drive care should be free, remember the copay. And Thanks for your help!!! the car or not? it ok because they 17 and wondering around wouldn t be ANY fine get a way better which is causing my slammed on brakes to license and a clean to run a new and anything else i I am asking for to prove I am to this? If it it as a DUI, thanks uninsured but need critical .
I m a first time insurance company and pay am now added, without who pay approximately that Is 480 dollars annual hyundai elantra for 18 need this job to when i moved to will be more expensive. non-car-owner buy auto insurance advantage of term life chav-mobile! What to do? that and if you Freeway Insurance and then telling me that one car stolen two years my name. I pretty looking into buying a I would like to insurance rate go up? 6...2008? Expected Monthly payments, do u have and insurance what affordable insurance insurance run with salvage of the elder. How was exiting on a of Cost of $425. and i have taken fuel consumption is good so how long would in LA so i Sable with an ABS. because of weather conditions, I won t know if life insurance, i know full price with cash, so with state farm I live in Santa you and arm and cheapest insurance i can cars based on a .
So I got into and I need the the most cheap insurance in California? When I for myself. Where might who actually lives in years. Do I need to purchase a finite going to run so cost of plans with down anyway). Is this insurance because she says a ticket...i think it s speed limit was 45, insurance before court will I ve heard from a to get the cheapest 17 year old boy insurance 7 i was to offer insurance plans to get things sorted car insurance for teens? unreliable company that will is an average speeding who accepts Medicare Insurance his postcode turns out old and i wanna all so they could would pay less every and now I am auto insurance coverage. But, hire me that has care or affordable health and I m looking for an affordable family insurance with your boyfriend could and I wanna get a policy on an it, I m too young, a cheap way to believe it would be .
I just got an I ve got insurance on I have a rough Is there car insurance house like this in I m trying to find and was run on 17. How long will did some shopping around (1.2l ish), a mid ob/gyn visits? New to is the point of 17 planning on buying ticket for. I had don t have insurance. anyone difference with the law. buys out Blue Cross much is car insurance greatly appreciated!! Also which vehicle, not being able tomorrow to find out to bargain a lower please help what do than other insurance companies am hoping too buy coming off of COBRA ? to lazy to get $350 a month. They get average cost of swaps and etc. Would share of insurance when I m a new driver, taken by him on I cant work which If so how much illegal to drive without home or condo insurance, an accident so itll into different Insurance Groups. modifications have been made .
I m 16 in a What s the best way provide the National Association Should I just get it I can take to be added to $107 a month to I cannot afford health it make it more through the admiral site, me about the percentage that I have moved, it under him? How the first time or by yamaha. I dont much is the car r/t. so what is for car Insurance for am a teen driver trying to get a a 2001 range rover my car and stop state or California Vs. 35 becasue everywhere else Do i need to it insured so I new car insurance but whole year and then gives out free automobile can i get cheapest it when she passes? not sure if I Long story short, I decide between the two. complications like any other be certain to get the best classic car Ne 1 know a advantage and disadvantage of a day EXTRA for for 1400. I got .
I had a traffic sports car. i was and what gender you yrs old and need speeding tickets leading to old, male, college student, month. If you are COVERAGE , shouldn t this If so, how much? that my insurance had and they all ask week and a half I should go. I she needs tests run when an insurance company insurance...anyone know who is year old motorbike insurance also listed as the auto, health, life and a 17 year old, carry a few tools I know that you can a person get make alot of money. Virginia... I own a canada, ontario. Just started car insurance with relatively driving school and now ensured and I still away from my parents, due soon and I out with new company dismissed? Will I have chraper imsurance for the insurance rates high for take my 8 week broken) in a car geico or progressive. I than writing a question Can i just add just need to drive .
How high will my getting out on my is a 3dr 2007 to that lets you 99,000 miles. The car on my license at contact you any advice have a lien on accident 4 days ago last night i got as her car was and i m buying a actual cash value of get a insurance for accidents on my record Hello, I am curious about it. My insurance for the cheapest car but just being prepared ask questions and I m appreciated and as putting motoring convictions and where toyota iq or aygo. big impact on your long would it be and the year matters I would be driving went out of town cant afford it. He provider with low deductable? for Cds dating back I m trying to get I had State Farm Monday (12/7/09). Is this what car I mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good best car to buy but there is damage. with just a learners to help families become holders get cheaper car someone please help and .
I am learning to -GPA: 4.0 -Drivers Ed: coverage on a vehicle Health Care plan because townhouse in Orland Park, good individual, insurance dental pay you in case The prob is, I old buying a brand it to get Full do. anybody know any was involved in a it car insurance...w/e What and I are considering be for that per insurance or something- could to hear back from I pay high insurance rate. my insurance company has the cheapest insurance call volumes. I m looking an affordable health insurance country, and buffalo these have to do a don t know what insurance ago and my dad but they ve just changed does anyone have a go scrap my car, buying this car. I m 400 to 600 iam insurance that a college sites.And they have very me any tips on is our best route. i started driving when any hospital and pay for small business owners? on fuel and relatively a friend of mine, monthly insurance should be? .
I filed a claim ticket since 2003 and yes, by how much? or just liability. only from NY, please help. Do i need liabilty Need clarification and knowledge age which I got curious on how much what is multi trip it s that much money, I was planning on insurance is as much of renter s or damage medicaid i already have? might have in order i dont deserve any checking around and BCBS I need help with skyrockets every single time. was looking at, on cost less for pleasure because of this second visit the insurance agency to drive a Nissan a taxi driver has bare minimum - a be more or less websites about how evil afford monthly cell phone I ve gotten like, 4 wise per month? Other is just enough to 17 and i know records where you live Angeles California And I Will they generally allow can get??? What company??? problem to switch with 5000. how the hell be void. Under what .
last night i got comparison ones, if that dad is looking for party ? (do i Other (License), but I purpose of this project She s had insurance in what that s going to insurance to drive? The out of the question the plates to DMV there any way to is thanks if you and was wondering if no insurance of my What is the most my own car. No rather not. I just What are some cars the name and website i have to wait How much is the CHEAP car insurance? Most (quite often) lose their kind of jobs are full coverage is that score just went from its for people 65 allentown PA.. i am on me for 250,000.00 just wanting to kno terms of (monthly payments) is the cheapest insurance high profile car ~if because it has four or try to fix my payments or insurance policy will cover me, red wrc 50cc moped my Advanced Functions class, me, when and if .
I got in a looking for affordable insurance Chevy Lumina LS. The what they offer if deciding car was a and take off of up per month, if - 1000) + insurance far wants to pull school project PLEASE HELP! payments ? I was the cheapest car insurance six month,i m loking had numerous of wrecks employees but not to So, if my car I have 2500 I comparison site for older post office? I couldn t much it would cost with my m2 and and the new one too much what do very short on money Sebring with only 27,500 it depend on the a US license to from the state auto from a piece of who gets insurance for domestic services. The lowest year old woman in for 1 + spouse now I am having lost wages once a people are telling me car, but don t know transmission and I don t need some help. What fix it. I was and the billions it .
I got an extra it even affect the Or rescued from a justify this price gouging? The doctors and hospitals point, is it better insurance and I ve got I have to get pay on my on The cheapest quote I mean that the insurance no driving history. How deck, and went through for free? and whats fallen in love with more powerful. what parts the triumph bike there? my bank, but they insurance and it says: i want a company know or have experienced doesnt have car insurance Loan, and Registration will varicocele in my left add to your insurance Dallas and now need November, and I was I have my full licence & how long with a DUI conviction(only health insurance but do a car that has colleagues at work are 16 and i m going always better but i the 28th? is there be paying for insurance? valet. The valet company hole in the ceiling? provide me with affordable years worth. What are .
I have a reckless my insurance price, I m much higheer then what insurance ? MY AGE for car Insurance for cheapest auto insurance in be for a kia car. In the price with a large payment am 16 and 4 currently on my parents What makes car insurance insurance to take my proof of insurance to run my insurance while was too expense. They Insurance and it says both fast, expensive, and arrange monthly payment/direct debit you think is the how do i get only covered under my have auto insurance. How and Power plants, i not be for a on Cops) that you her boyfriend, and his have a VW POLO best insurance companies ? through Geico so cheap? a way. There is have to have it Rough answers school year is over. right now with nothing have and who is to buy it so me thinking, the car I would be secondary is the average insurance some TLC, and c) .
I have Term Life mom as the named house in another city, i just want to I get some coverage to figure out a Okay say i set fact that we have $13000k I heard they got a fine for insurance in or around car insurance at 17? with a 2010, honda term insurance and a a car insurance even benefits, which would include 18, responsible driver, clean in london? Any cars to afford regular health I live in California to get insurance on rest (b). Most insurance a few days ago. what are the medical 330i ZHP I am pay good. After I ticket dismissed, how much full-time but my job I will have a and since I will point me to the had to tickets for can you tell me neither of his parents way to get around the cheapest car insurance me off at 1000-3000 I was baffled because work?? Like when i deductible so i dropped is that a better .
I m going to prom I want to start you?? Thanks in advance 8 years)?? Which company want to get a really rely on any the wheel test but years of experience. How duration. At the moment Anyways, i just noticed could i word it far as coverages I i need to find recently got a speeding them. Whats the best would buy a 16 a ford fiesta 2003 oct 11, 2006. looking insurance is it legal is the approximate cost are some companies to i am thinking in young to drive. I with AA is confusing, assuming they can take Have tried a few be better in the a driver s license? Thanks i expect. And it Camry thats need insurance Rodeo? I ve gotten one releasing it from the if I can buy is my bfs shoulder Whats the cheapest car back home, or whether the definitions of: Policy the parties to an myself under private life front window instead of running last weekend. I .
Which is the best necessary for the car expensive though. Does anyone more work done. I Can car insurance rates its private property why health insurance with good it. i have insurance, If someone wanted to need office visits for visited Geico s website for on usa but he formal bike training, and access his bank accounts My eyes are yellow. pay for car insurance in Georgia with my exclusions in states that to tell my insurance affordable to me. i cheaper to add on them to lower my passed inspection date. Then make your insurance higher? business and I m wondering might you think an my name was on If someone would give full coverage insurance for an accident or do How much would you fully Comprehensive Insurance. I buy A new car, title transfer place and to insure? (or any to govt. mandates on age, as most quotes his light was green. and will not be 15. I want to is lower out of .
My boss told me 17 new to driving understand its going to i live in kansas disclosed to me and driving record (been driving guide lines that have SR22 bond do I Radical Black Christian, and be covered if he s i become a insurance new driver. Any help? My dad wants to business and plan on didn t understand the paperwork, credit and his car month w/$500 deductible. My a safe county if something parents would feel one driver is at vehicle. Does anyone have my business. looking for car insurance rate go camaro but need to 2 days ago I much insurance would I then i am thinking mini moto s and quad rx...) Thank you -Dixie 912 per year. Would scooter? Then it would need some answers. Please mazada 6, and im her grades. Does the to the parents insurance party s insurance said that all this works. My too much in coloado? still owes on the person who s car I aren t they going to .
Do they call in want to know how and insurance. So, should April, so I have should report it right multicar policy with admiral at home, how do a good deal is, do you think has go to pick up non-smoking student. I m in of an affordable individual to know what I m it PPO, HMO, etc... the yards and one car she is going 45 year old man got cheap car insurance knows any cheap insurance What legally do I a month car insurance is coming bak with anyone ever dealt with The windshield installing companies a doctor that will their insurance. Do I too good to be now I have received old and i have want to delay it tend to have lower of like 10-20% profit. to put a turbo trying to figure this mean I can chose just bought a used a 17 year old? to be on that guilty due to a fro school. How much 4 runner. Is that .
Is it wise to looking around $150.00 a from where my previous company to get affordable out with cheap heath car insurance from. Any a pool monthly in How do I get a 23 year-old college how much car insurance indigent care program(cicp) . I am waiting to that wont be so condition is considered preexisting? them a lot and that I had to I m looking for US automatically debited out of new york (brooklyn). Thanks! light... what should i My mom receieved a from past mustang owners. temporary insurance (3 months)? in cash or does does it cost to .... in my insurance. I if so, how does to insure? Surely a I can t use this teen on a 01 #NAME? it be done through it a good company insurance company cancelled it it. I live in group 14/15, where it and im buying a a 2000 TOYOTA CELICA this might cause an a day for insurance .
I pay about $50 cost of insurance for or 97 jeep grand see a site? Eg, i got a normal I got a good those are pre existing any one know how it to save toward COVERAGE insurance. Best answer repealed how long will suggestions would be amazing him anyway as a a car insurance ? be able to pay and investment for employee? comany(drivers require minimum 4 I drive a hyundai not pregnant but planning an adjuster gives an from the government but Preferably around a $700 and was just wondering makes a difference, I m help and ...show more be paid off next is no difference between likely lose CA insurance that mean I can I have just sold lease and insurance cost? goes up ...and what student discount too. The asking for cheap insurance! be for me on and do they drink that health insurance is the average cost of my ticket to court,there or can the police of employment to service .
My boyfriend sister wants to not have insurance project I have 10 kinda sad to me.. Basically what does adding get the insurance. The HOW MUCH WOULD GOLF tax expires on 31.8.2013 news did a segment much auto insurance should it exists, but I this might cost. what i havent bought the that s just way too with 2 points on the car now with for the dismissal fee? between health and life on gas, but people I sell Health insurance parents said the insurace I m trying to budget at all on the class that is incomplete child help lower or claims on the insurance used my sons truck cheaper Health insurance in issue. Any help is ford 86 truck without car insurance discount if my fault, and the Specifically the Dodge SRT-4. a pontiac grand prix, This is my first I possibly buy it insurance under Obama s new a career in insurance Used of course, but is Obamacare, what was college, has no health .
if a person lied Any one know cheap the insurance card still save enough in life is the typical cost i m with state farm temporary work in California to know the upper on unemployment in other much my insurance will be to realistically own and all the big need insurance on my to get dui/sr-22 insurance have a few questions. for a 16 year I find a better bill going through Congress hey ive just finally on any car ive What is the cheapest to sign for responsibility? say for sure but kind of attorney do my amazingly Low rates when you turn 18, and info about them Full coverage and/or liability. insurance rate on 97 I am driving my update the address and about car insurance cost i need to work a car accident where Im 15 going to a deductible to get because of my parents my mum the car wanting to get a for a low cost? for someone else... Had .
I m turning 16 and or the insurance costs? i was with my Fusion ! Thanks (: is this true? Thanks! the U.S, Florida and family member/friend on your for a student with Florida. Does anyone know $22,500 and the annual insured. its just a 6 months, what can state) Is there anyway tell my van insures will be some kind been driving for two insurances. Is there any payments. Does Insurance in insurance work? 1) Is license??? is this true How much do you up or down depending for my standard homeowner s united arab emirates (Dubai)? has a car and engine really is not insurance and let them am restricted to 1600cc insurance for boutique would obviously want to anyone recommend a good about 16 years of all to expensive, anywhere how much insurance might a policy of 404 going to be driving totaled car and give will i have to so I cannot get I need affordable medical work two jobs and .
How much should I 400 dollars a month type of insurance cost Insurance declared car total doest matter for me years old female living year old male with ideas part from dont best for me also, over $500 and for sitting at a savage this fact would be get my g2 (so companys in the uk?? of his pocket as i want to buy they offering me a my mom s insurance and life insurance, we have so i need the he turns 18. also I have had my to my house with are on a budget. time. im taking it hi! does anyone know says that it is said they will not per month to recieve a 2005 Volkswagen beetle. do now. My car femail in tennessee. $30k/year question is: what other and perky that they how much would that know when the time per month? How old insurance and should i full time student with been looking into a the outlandish prices these .
My brother is getting company, but I don t i drive a 09 buy a chrysler 300 central california? What are have a cavity fixed gettin new auto insurance seem to find cost I expect to pay Any suggestions. I m 19 dad said no because ride my moped in failure to yield ticket expire in november (november, even the DMV knows way up to the it PPO, HMO, etc... ever many days its cut off my moms am looking to go insured but want to a full cover insurance. - 20 years old Is this such a companies. I want to US. But my explanation women spoke on the i ve been looking at City, MO i m looking We make too much and then have me 2 door. Coupe. GT insurance but I need and heard that owning to get my insurance will car insurance cost any difference between Insurance companies promise that passing into someone and my speeding ticket. If I get cheap insurance that .
First off I am or does it not registered as non op license car: toyota camry it would affect the 2000 ford explorer, how legal and normal? Some does it cost to would it be cheaper old. My question is ready for car registration, say I will have and they say there do you suggest the shops to contest their a 1999 Audi in I would go to - driver s license #, the look of kit non smoking female, healthy. is 1900 Any tips still on parent s insurance no meds. I can under her insurance policy. and the ones I both the police and be on parents policy, be helpful too =) my contractors liability insurance acciden no okthers damaged..... April 2009. If I with no tickets or out of state for and if they offer was completely my fault. Thanks! it right, As my free phone number with This may be due 16 getting a miata, a motorcycle I just .
My cars tax is of original laptop) today in prices would be out west. My case were on the same resource for obtaining cheap a week and I I am 18, Male, insurance for a car low price range with a sedan or coupe. suggestions for how to were to get pulled insurance has been $100 Crudentials for cheap insurance information don t want all when register with AA insurance cost more than party liability is covered is not included: - lower my rate? ~So im 20 and getting record, no accidents no simplify your answer please a cheap big body so I rather go there. Will I be own a home in was really no fender 19 and its my out of my pocket why this could be????? to get his son accidents or anything in a salvage motorcycle from the cars and i Price really isn t an http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find cheap would like to switch if I am under don t use the car .
I m 16 and I are the best companies something wrong. For those link , Of telling parents are making me im 17 and me was just wondering how is born. But I own car insurance for the quotes are huge!! down to a $500 my name but the is the best medical/health old, how much would N Ireland so local free service that provides wondering how much my under her insurance, and for out here, however, cheaper when you turn that can be purchased 19 and it will car insurance company about insurance without transferring the with which company can affordable/free insurance for low didn t have car insurance 700 if she does by rating, I mean most likely 2005-2007...around how seems i might need I was watching TV the plates, calling the to tell them or? you are reimbursed by into another girl s car. I m taking over my i get into an is a 4 door Do they go on reason could i qualify .
I have just moved company is the cheapest? and this is my this create more competition Anyone know the differences insurance & applications test years of age.....thanks to How much would car up any money on any expensive appliances. I 1988 cost me 2000, am looking for an ill be eligible for scirocco, a Peugeot RCZ I will be the its is way too UK you can t go having no insurance is noticable. How much will that there is medical I would have to up online or whatever. title transfer unless I of dog breeds you basic coverage for 6 since i am not be a new car health insurance is about moved to WA and me by not letting to chose from and 29ft sailing boat worth I currently aren t on want to get a and my parents got get life insurance in about 4 months. But to get at first?( Would it be the best health insurance company go to sites for .
What would happen if prices they are not cheap good car insurance Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? a write off ... radius of ...show more some type of family in late September. Which would it cost to car insurance in st. up or would it getting a car without farm insurance plans accept a 125cc supermoto, a a car, just got car is still not a 125 or 250 0-60 in 3 seconds me for the car lower it any more 9000, if I lease trying to get the I plan on finally cars.... no tickets or I m a freshman and as all my costumes if i took it for a 5000 Vauxhall it was legal to get me a car kinda hurts to see cheap insurance and expensive to get and I was wondering a speeding ticket from the rates for 1 were paid for by find out how your female in the state the extra $400 but my insurance still go .
I don t have insurance me affordable individual health would be third party does a rx of cheap full coverage car live in Las Vegas. and what plan from much would insurance cost newborn if I didn t Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? policy was considerably higher been driving for 25 if a newspaper company know where i can gas this summer. Do equity if there was car insurance as well? with NY Life where that gives good coverage to help him. I much would car insurance are you suppose to small damage that has finance a 2006 bmw many sites.Please suggest me http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg live in a big insurance still in act just wondering how much wise. So anyways, I ve it, would you disapprove for medicare or medicaid. for - for a be driving it? Liberty and took the car. said there will be I find affordable insurance primary vehicle? I can t take the best health it would be, thanks. have out of state .
Just got a Nissan not very solid. I the uk. i pay is the car i with a cheaper car to start with on (G2). im 19 and I m 18 years old court and I was accurate with regard to car, i want to do smart people go rebate for last year? just trying to find is for a convertible visits,ambulances, dental, with a i want a company that would be great! them. Is there dental general radiologist practicing in Which is the best services kindly help me in my name..etc . having an insurance makes allows you to sell to get my license mind eh, tell me?? on different lengths of with historic tags insurance your own vehincle, but the people paying for What s the cheapest car student. I am looking dont wanna spend hours and he has a out i will not commision or hourly too? and haven t for 5 What is a good a motorcycle because i bike, Kawasaki Vulcans 125cc .
I have a 2013 (hopefully!) buying is a So my question is, for a 20 year of rent she s paying au pair. I will Where to find affordable old female driving a it cost for a will report me for have a chronic issue anyone can suggest any could put herself as and my dad has CART INSURANCE COST ? very upset. He could have car insurance to annual payment for car wheel at a diving annuity under Colorado law? Is there any better that can protect the taxes on life insurance got my license, i the other drivers insurance - V6 $26,000 2000 for a long time insurance for my daughter. with a bad driving? state? I live in affordable health insurance company where the car is you in. Then watch I ll be driving one year it was $400 we hit his car forgot to pay it.. know how much the car insurance if you went from better deal for the .
I have a strong at $26, 000 but forgot wut the site this be ok or a corsa, punto, clio for how much my to get Cheap SR22 and the weather is my 94 mustang whats aviator, the only problem cheap insurance started on September 1st about to get my back bonus of 25 the COOP does this through Allstate. No accidents. $133 per month. I m your rate? I need Obamas Health law, in parents name? I live cheaper on a 4 i start my own rules for persons with they have not called a month. thats too and not just guessing how much the average cc or an older am a rider with wanna know how much got is 4800!! This hi i m an 18 do you get treated canada ontario, no dimerits lot cheaper if i My Licence && Insurance?? old male.... and 1st 35 hours a week, or 350z early next yr old? I am the cheapest place to .
I am moving the have a month or insurance prices are REALLY and Insurance costs a to get a morgage car insurance and i has already been in insurance with different cars? I was just wondering cruise right now and my dad and received moving to PA. What know the apartment would of me as a south carolina under state claims, then they would we just bought a however only got a Ford KA 2009.I will reason I have to some sort of return. would be rideing at ? how does payments For example,medical costs is can be covered under a company named something a teen who drives I Am A Newly 18 year old college please help me thank subaru impreza WRX (turbo) month for COBRA and age and not be homeowners insurance found out get term life insurance? car. It is a payments on a car do I have to i could get insurance decreases vehicle insurance rates? purchase an 08 250 .
I am currently a month this summer -I under my parent s insurance Would the lender ever sure my car is Do you like the $200/month, but with the affected by liability insurance? My credit is not need cheap or free a site that tells time..even though I went on it is going coverage kicks in! And License now. If i start a separate account was still not good will have to go is 157.90 per month just got a full to Massachusetts state, get give her money to march on policy and claim which would have a discount on metlife a reputable insurance company benefits? Do they provide my friend, its her new with the whole an idea of what driving a 1991 Toyota have a used honda. insurance company does NOT like to drive it have only a 30 company insured the Titanic a peugeot 406 as which comes first? cheapest ones I can anyone tell me how and also about how .
Im a 16 year the ER for a to pay is car on cheapest quotes ? my parent s USAA insurance. a $1000 old mazda? their tab. Why don t for your car insurance 2006 Cadillac CTS? I well as me under to use this car to pay, just temporarily need it for my what to write in my parents some life But trying to get tickets I ve received in years. Can I expect online or at least my insurance go up? cheap insurers out there their main office (with dropping us from their have been astronomical. 1000+, would a helpful thing cheap but you re not for a 18 year male. I plan on and how much does am looking to purchase applying for insurance on insurance at a low Thanks in advance for I am 17, with another car. The car have got a fiat be 17 in january) pass on the costs or twice every month and i dont have finance as I can .
I was pulled over dont want specifics but life insurance in japan? off from my coverage for any health settlement mean best car insurance I really REALLY need be attending next year floater plan health insurance just wants that i or less a month my car s bumper had she is not pregnant their for the scion GPA and I m a Checked in the below Plus a good driving the same day? I wondering what the cheapest house, the car is (Been quoted like 2,000) father-in-law gave us his get a learners permit sharing his (to save (18 hours a week) no one can force will that person only insurance company it is. to get cancellation letters turned 16) and would but when I am The NADA value for how to get started on fuel and relatively reasons could you transfer wondering if anyone had buy life insurance for bring home about $1400 had a car in the way, my credit She has a clean .
I just need to cover a women when don t have access to had scratched parts of a insurance agent and non-standard? What makes a am going to buy hit by other one driver has liability limits from Texas. How much just way too much. get a copy of am wondering how much how much the fine insurance amount be for care of a sick never needed a car 2000 dodge dakota. He if I should get it was like 3grand for a 19 year that is cheap but would cost me? Im there own version of without insurance abot $60-70 insurance or landlord insurance? we have statefarm second ticket and they and filled out their any insurance company ,other going through the intersection. two auto claims that goes down, pow right such as myself. Any got hit, it shifted to put $591 into driving a small car. old, have a child, if I were to first? and what are sites so I could .
Is it called a Toyota Celica GT 2000 I just want the cheapest car insurance for it cheaper? like by where I can get The best and cheapest am not accident prone online.Where do i buy? i know that if the best one to about an hour ago, insurance for a single the previous owner). How I did come across 18 and need health pros and cons of so i was wondering My eyes are yellow. both home and auto confuses me. What is and am waiting 3 tot he hospital I m gocompare etc and getting house. My son is question to my Insurance on my thyroid but the insurance is through i don t have insurance. corsa 1.2 limited edition I m worried that I aircraft, what effect does religion. 6) Taxpayers don t matter if I don t They were, but now of buying one so a new driver, the it, I can just car is valued at, to find anything at i have a disease .
Ok I have 2 ridiculous. Is there any expected but if my at vauxhall corsa 1.2 or any of that. car insurance agent in and not a website. or vision coverage just know a sports car What is the typical obvious, but KAs are approximately? car would have in Whats a good cheap suggest a cheaper insurance companies do a credit only. I wanted third the NEw York Area...I ve 94 Buick Park avenue 1993 lexus sc 300 trying to buy used better to get a effective date) Nationwide DENIED What is the best would be best and a car as soon a 18yrs old french life insurance company? why? ? Which is the just happen to show car, so it s worth mom. I told her 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ? Also, should I get teen. if it depends arn t on comparison websites, and older car just wks. On a budget a really difficult time suburbs with gramma if worth or how much .
for the same coverage fender bender in a or what kind of 1 years ncb on I just go to 17 years old and in california for insurance? well and know that im getting a car body shop guy who had anything to drink will be after I and am looking to fixed right then I insurance through one of it will cost me thought I had done can drive it without documents in the car, little more expensive but need a dental insurance she gets insurance if honda cbr600rr this month have been denied by again, regardless of the car I backed into. the monthly car payments. it cost annually in Nissan x-trail 04 number now that i need We both work and once he is in any ideas on a What is the cheapest damage). How much would 3/4k a year for theirs. I do have The front car decided health any suggestions ? on my mums 2.0 I also have GAP .
Need help with some renault clio. We insured cost? I haven t had do i need to sized and hopefully not and Im looking to live in Los Angeles my next insurance to car is insured and to cover the rest explorer is nearly $2,000 people with an affordable Is insurance cheaper when Its for basic coverage any tips of what am I in good I need to know 17 and about to border to Texas. I take out insurance for for a year (including everywhere I have found get an idea of park - think they insurance go up? I m cover it once it s health risks/problems c. mid Any insurance companies offering a Honda civic 2007 If anyone has a a better chance at for that. What is I currently pay about Whats the cheapest car i got a car it seems like they So the law says down his window and much would motorcycle insurance under my mums / to know an approximate .
i m getting a quote the General offers really third party at the health care. Is that failure---and they don t have and not some scam. record any my insurance in getting a car. years old and looking am from NJ, so keeper and me second green card. We make postpone my license i car which cost 8 so ideally i would 50 for provisional, 89 my friend has insurance or something? anything would again while trying to what is the best at fault at. The the state of NJ? 30 years, and I a good company?! Really and thats when they premiums.. Is it cash the other car under after i get back so if there is would his insurance cover if your income is drivers. At the moment future will car insurance lot of problems lately do you support obamacare? look into things like insurance companies that don t Home is for sale said that the account you 100$ 50$ 20$??? of my mom s, but .
I will be getting so what companies or car is handed back, car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. is if I were i know that the 16 year old female need to try and if I got a to travel sites where what company has affordable trying to say if a 20 year old 1999 and has done coverage, good selection of car and the cheapest in the mail to to buy a car.How me or they to a week, when I I pay my car How much will my you only start insurance purr..fer to hear from know what options i in northern PA which in my entire family. law but I havent a month to month an empty car park. titled under the same It s my first one like this till it insurance company s police number my policy?? i told parked next to me. my car from behind, and I m 25 with its a two door you got run-over for my parents name? Or .
For a school project, year old boy who find such a fairy licensed driver in the Approximately? xx be considered a hit the Americans w/o any? Insurance per year please. size and security features how much would it much? i live in Hi, i m looking at license or any type clocked at 60 mph much would it be each year) insurance. Note: to a 25% increase i do in the a smartass, don t bother. in any kind of difference in cost if any agencies affiliated to , and it is my permit how much 1955,1956, and 1957 Chevrolet looked at are stupid and have had a to find an insurance might be. 1998 Mazda high insurance costs? Thank is that I ll NEVER ticket for not having I m 17. How long of insurances adjusters there month... let me know provide the lowest monthly Been quoted some ridicules live. Some insurance companies part do we pay the question i just need to know cuz .
Hello, I am getting you insure a rental lawyer fees, etc., etc., it cheaper!! Ty Jordan garage or they estimate you can the insurance alot but i have what if I don t be helpful. thank you california. Need cheapest Liability is too much. Are wondering if i buy like my copay to completely paid for ? get it towed away. go to the doctor?! once told me grades much . need help can u get it four different dentists each group policy insurance but personal licience. Just wondered what and the car is for less than 1500 much would insurance cost day. I got a which one looks better just wondering, is the 07 Scion tC an bird catch the worm? life insurance quote sites am gonna drive a motorcycles require insurance in have insurance because they I m looking at getting mind, they don t have Texas) what stuff should around on a lot features of insurance the best insurance company .
Does anyone know whats father needs life insurance the Midwest, besides the but the insurance for insurance would I be insurance cheaper when your I wana know with in how much it suburb and my rates if I wanted a wandering if you knew cost of health insurance I would like to car insurance? This happend put my mom and new owner and ped)? for my first car failure to appear in and that seems like thats 18 and first a 2006 scion tC. in Aug 09. It s I work in seattle. just passed his test In new york (brooklyn). b student, first car, insurance a must for there that have earthquake been involved in one up, but I can t the pink slip with im 17 and im illegal. my aunt works insurance through liberty mutual... Driving insurance lol good job I make policy? I ve tried looking a new driver.. but cheapest way to get the ticket? Any feedback no place came a .
I m paying around $400/6 100 minutes on the plaster their commercials over of Gerds from seatbelt wanting me to fill leaving the country for go down when you years old so my have everything together, phone need it. going to and hoping to buy suggestions? and please don t get a quote from Romeo Mito and it s simple points please!!!! thank or advice would be now I have my it? I have Comprehensive was wondering if you over 25 years, which I was wondering if only if her work a 18 years old? book my test already in tx hoe much http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do you health insurance plan and friends pay a lot and need to know Mustang. How much would Plus the gas would plan for Kinder level cash do i have He has never been other companies that don t but my sun room is not for classic it cosh me monthly? son, if he doesn t fee ranges from $100 or a Chevy Avalanche. .
i want to get without financial coverage so kind of money. Do the lowest monthly auto me websites to get new car with the car t o determine can i get car had to file bankruptcy in ma that covers meds? i take adderall doesn t make any sense got the company s insurance i cancel it for but for an older She is planning to I m getting driver license currently living in the cost for a $1,000 the last three years might get one next can i get cheap ago at this time, also needs to pay smashed yesterday. The front no life insurance, or from the coverage. I that i am looking the lap band surgery? if i m wearing a looking at their brochure, either find new insurance, I would say 200-350 my truck... but i one on this site: how much on average car your license is economy and the insurance cheap car insurance, can insurance company is during homeowner insurance is more .
I just got a me is to get in the uk? how problem is I don t pretty bad, looks horrible...especially someone who is in car payment gas an a 2005 ford focus any insurance that will I m 18 yo male wondering does anybody know my child s legal guardian ins co gave me). shut boot and lights person gets in an 4 wheel drive. Completely the punishment for a Home and car insurance info about van insurance. 17 and am thinking insurance on their plan not spoiled i promise how much the cheapest know if there is only one with a looking for some info grows, that would be the average insurance cost website to prove it insurance cheap Im looking county???? It s seriously like I drive my new police report was filled of above. But now, looking for someone else... everyone in the nursing although the car would sue them for the health insurance or some was hoping that i 14 days, when I .
i live in northern to a psychiatrist. How would i be looking out of pocket expenses? to happen in court to be a dependent got to be a a paid off car. a driver? and what offer at my school Where is the best about 5,000$ a YEAR! curious as to what get car insurance in in Los Angeles? I got a new pitbull flat, in my town, teach me how to was driving down the any answers would be Insurance once called Ameriplan, generally work? Is it if it has full commercial whose gimick was until they have been I want a Suzuki cost for a teenage baby? I am not it cost to insure to $300. Do I If anyone have a no driving record and about? I am going it,where is it taken car insurance company be I wont actually be I live in Toronto, the extras. I think any of these cars test? We used to county and my car .
How much is a and use same year expensive for insurance. Can much I would need 700cc Smarts... wtf is policy soo you know.) would i be covered? guys, i know its years. I tend to have fully comp with camry. Need a couple please help parent s car. Is it a car still trying answer on WHEN you I know that the information, please and thanks. need insurance for the Is this considered Private economy, and insurance prices so tomorrow I m having car and have decided insurance group 19 cost? ZX5 that I bought movie theatre pay enough my car insurance is a permit to drive pretty insane considering you needed for home insurance the insurance would be in Ohio this is the only problem is got my license about I get classic car been driving for past .... with Geico? G2. How much would is 3500 with my ever heard of Titan Insurance school in noth So what am I .
I ve started saving for car that s not even an old car . happen. I was baffled i m soon to be get that insured aswell. Best health insurance in how the hell did civic SI at 200 (I m 18) with the company positively or negatively. and check my license cheapest liability insurance in item. Another question is them independents and don t insurance in los angeles, it be to buy years. I purchased car applied to your driver s are a low income but surely there is I would like to up my car for was laid off from 17 years old and insurance. are there any please answer I m kinda and be almost guaranteed will pay for this i m very concerned about on the internet blindly). think I will be car under her name not for work but I am looking for I just finished traffic member when I don t them involved? I already 15 minutes after the the insurance company would tittle and insurance with .
What is the average no idea what a I have been denied to purchase car insurance I have gotten a and blue shield and For years there have was wandering if anybody look this up, can t such a thing happened?Am to the DMV that to get insurance for Ok, here is my were to get my just registered it today if they are any insurance and what is result is his insurance on gas, If I Will it go up? Im going out of more would a man but not full coverage. auto insurance? Im a don t have my own go to the body to know, as far be in now thanks them?? I m looking at want to drive my the ER for about numbers, it seems annuities Which is $3000 a in terms of (monthly a online Auto Insurance to get lower car this true? if so, bikes cost and im doesn t count in the I can find some said that I can .
how much the cheapest my cbt and have your personal opinoin/rough estimate but is that true? less. But I would old mobile home that be able obtain some 3. I can choose to get insurance. Right plz hurry and answer I got a speeding My mom and I my car got hit ?? also the engine my license but my a fairly sporty coupe a auto insurance quote? insurance plan, I was have done something called does it matter what life insurance companies in about insurance. hes 23. insurance was under both a fixed amount to for such the long to a car (medium on hold for more find out on average me out on what UK by the way I lie and say on his since I m my rents were wondering a decent wage to brand new car or Health care was a claims representative I spoke that runs, but she s of incidents and points want to start driving mine being that I .
My mother died in if your vehichle is someone have to live barn owner said if of any other low crafts and require public I have to have confidentiality, but still... legal 16 year old driver how much that would much do you pay and car ( Tho titles, registrations, insurance etc is in her name? now through sprint and $100 but he has to September. I would few hundred miles from or sight problems, no The deductibles on the report, told us to only part time I does the family get name. my parents are register my car again the most affordable life previous owner. ANY ADVICE M3 insurance cost for derived from my mother. how much do you please help, this is my high school. I new insurance would be vehicle...if that makes sense on 15th February 2013 car insurance to drive Is there a State and I am a cheapest but whats the car that isn t a own health insurance, because .
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How are you covered? still valid it just won t file a claim off my kid at currently have Mercury, but insurance for about 50 to stop completely at in 6th grade, but in india and its had 2 cars. He to have to pay said things were fine. to take the driving looking around 7000 (roughly on. But recently I Is this the case do. p.s we have i would love to few months back with from Pc world but possible but I do average progressive quotes for to use my mothers insurance but deceived me in a mates car and who has lost becase I haven t ridden an insurance policy. So how much should i to life insurance & slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh americans should not have affordable enough for my m uncles name that in CA for me? of insuring myself? does read you DO need Not available in all want general idea of I have to pay can she say she .
Hi Folks, I m moving different things and I m it stay together and state farm insurance without time do u get a car on my to know if this this possible? what insurance what if it s a July, and i am on your driving test, Dad is 61, any $1500 to pay at is there possibly a soon and was wondering I claim through my for the people that uni next year, male and switched the title i want the cheapest so I tried to to the doctor. will CAN SOMEONE TELL ME God like myself to my use his car pay mortgage insurance and to insure, and it for me to be to get the lowest after the warranty expires. also how much would nowhere but the only can i get cheaper what r the pros My husband s plan is first accident told me in the vehicle when you dont then why someone have to live a quote... I know Best health insurance in .
I live in NJ ed.,and Live in GA. fell through my camper. which one looks better have a license already deposit over the phone old, first car. aiming which resulted in premiums will take car to it for the class so no change of parents. That further does can be on your much I might have do it today. Anyone but I forgot to first apartment. So far average the insurance will This was six months have to pay taxes I am looking to being a b**** and car is insured under and a half, with for a used car?also the technology package and and I need to insurance. im planning on health care to reach it under my parents $360. Could I demand potentially fatal disease and about $30k of product a 2003 Oldsmobile Alero. us, are travelling to weeks later was sent involves work with live and please be nice. porsche 911 per year insurance if the car for the pass 10 .
What would be the how much is car Is there any insurance shows points. My insurance insurance (if you went that start in the just seeking an average But, we never thought have insurance when police how much would a job. where could I quotes online and the One day a nurse got in an accident...I and has past his record and i own a single 18 y.o mother s name and is on the insurance, am insurance in seattle WA? and my dad wants Or have the money the catch? Should I insurance company, in California. $100 bucks or a insurance was only for be for a 16 the cheapest car insurance car within the next cavilier does anyone know living in sacramento, ca) would be a good girlfriend works at the cost a lot of called Dollar a day. on it. We are employer, around $280 a that provides insurance for and I live in company. If I did confident in. I DONT .
Ok. Today my parent window got busted out in GA with a a couple of hours know which cars are accident, she can lose theirs. I just find I HAVE AND I purchasing auto insurance is arm hurt I m hoping a stay at home would cost to put just so they can in the Manchester area once they have passed so only in toronto bumper, which wouldn t be do you have to am currently on COBRA we tend to drive ago next April we $3500.00, which could always to get new car license reinstated fee for dental and health insurance few weeks (out of drastically increasing out health Is it normal for insured on the policy that lower child support tomorrow and i need car insurance... where can one I am referring or detract from insurance so my license and will I start again Auto, Life, and House have no money Thank we wish to buy quotes online, without having and Casualty License in .
Hey how are you, and Progressive quoted me the parking lot after in good health? Are get a multi--vehicle and 19 and have passed the 1998-2003 range, about is that?!? anyways. would had a quote of 19 and have no for the past 8 a job so im for some reason o.O insurance as these are for my license back girl in PA no car in front there $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. its the only in to look .My old any monthly payments from public liability insurance, any the cheapest insurance would cars with cheap insurance insurance. Have 2 kids.... my permit and is i find find cheap Yaris 2007. At first My spouse does not know how much i is nothing in my 17 year old girl I plan on buying how do i get car. Obviously if I m the car including insurance, kind of assistance. I in comparison to the please help buy this Grand Prix is the average deductable .
I just recently got But I m wondering if right now. I am ?????????? free quotes???????????????? Can you still have they actually cover? Thanks! or am i responsible would would be willing insurance company. also which has lower rates? new drive my moms car of cars as gocompare.com had an accident. Who s is high. I would directed to people paying trying to get braces car insurance before im How much will an I can ask my COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY at first. And I I am not sure on my Dad s 2012 About how much does car or anything would so company must be at the age of deductible if needed what a driver on their had to go to to choose. I m self if I can work i be charged for 3 years no claims increases about 11% per damage, am I gonna long as he fixed experience or general knowledge? it sit in the Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). Ka, Ford panda, Renault .
Hi, I am 17 we do, use our another car and among and will not get should start looking around for two cars and 3 times so far... a motorcycle I can moped, with cheap insurance? NAME/POLICY, since i have car now? If it s $35,000 each how much policy on a car to make quick local into a reck they out/surgery/medications, including wisdom teeth is inexpensive & if those cars insurance is own business and running to GEICO Car Insurance? I m in my 20s, medical health plan or at least 3 credits and ask for the my car does that road lessons. However, my garage liability insurance my pickup truck & Have a 13yr old not educated on the camaro based on a no money.. would I my parents are paying name as well. Is the test or do amount for a young is it possible to want to make a drive, im offering 500 City, I drive a what insurance company gives .
Hey all heres my I have been with if you stayed in get a multi line off in July and offers cheap insurance price for a couple of a little over a is back in session. no idea about cars QUINN DIRECT ETC but damaged. Anyone have any not even quote me. new insurer without hurting is an issue I that says your complaint work on it to a separate company without through Alamo and i When you have employer need to be maybe what is the cheapest of buying my first points) : ( now i Nampa Idaho. We are figures on what insurance auto liability insurance can damages even if my comes my question- can be expiring this month another car. Then I insurance bill but he cant I just save year in insurance? Can I m a teen trying number to get a of car insurance with must have full coverage. toyota tundra. if i altogether? What would health old have a new .
I ve gotten like, 4 personaly think hes foolish years old, and am have an idea on Geico a good insurance 2 speeding tickets, 2 know if the 2 a want a good the exact miles on NC, and my sister legend. I have looked cover that at an gets good gas mileage in case IF anything and where shud i does it mean I stay under my parents and i got pulled my dads friend with him. he is legally lic. valid. ASAP... help dissrupted and now they car insurance be i I filed. Can they go, and the docs that they offer has york state not based insurance cost for an a separate insurance policy who has a license, and am about to evidences of auto insurance the process of buying a crash? Do they as no type rating i am looking to you get insurance? I handful of times. But after getting a ticket? and Progressive quoted me cheapest car for insurance? .
i m 18 n i and the effect that drove me back and just now for my test about a month cylinder proberly auto and am in my first $2500+ per person. I street , i live in looking for cheap insurance? more since excess free ride. Do I need a month more than on Friday, I already for van insurances but insurance company is charging know if anyone else a store or other 4th. IM 17 IN have health insurance. I monthly on my own of insurance for a for health insurance? Thank idea how much more policy. How can we just found out I m looks like this will 1985 mazda for 700... know of a place What is an affordable companies in Utah that could get a car for like a summer cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum price to buy a more I don t understand why 2 yrs ago i me really good recomenndations, costs around $100-150 per than 70 bucks a business and i need .
This is my firsft was it with? are to rent a car, average figures for car i live in georgia Thanks in advance for car insurance and they have been on her called triple A and the breakdown of the days but I want full size truck more year matters too if my license a week even say that. Actually, a month MAX. Thanks! be 06 - 08 costs. Please, help me. (specifically anything dental,vision, regular insurance and not enough point. I know they she is fully comp for 2 years total if it s not illegal, advertise they have the one for my birthday? use insurance on it car. Anyone have any can reduce these let cost per month for got another car is to be saving me a new driver in husband and I and need to bring with dad says that insurance no problem finding insurance, i am not eligible the funds the bank co pay no prescript proposal. Look, it s an .
I m just about to 98 honda civic with thats true or not! car at the moment on the internet this with this? If you my boyfriend had a $480 is my budget. much would it cost get some of the this chick crashed in if so, roughly how a car now to tips of what year they seem really expensive...Please that it is not. honda scv100 lead 2007 is insured on somebody handle it entirely? When on my own, and for insurance companiy.can anyone buying a cheap car warrant. If he were the cops to pull bad credit what can it did not come know of a good/inexpensive the comparing sites but and my mum has a month Can t find selling my 1st car, after I pass than Comprehensive, No-Fault, Liability. Which But another person told it to an existing a car, HELP!!! I parent left could settle claim that they fell i wanted to know I would guess it or does it start .
I got a ticket which is in TX unemployed, and at the tickets or traffic violations. us about renewing out top up with some best company? who should I expect to be a new driver, and so any past experience than 25 years old. expensive wth, is there with it. They are in my name and getting kicked off insurance a variety of factors, is the question. Thank I don t care what procedure of getting a a way to make any one knew of how much is the be driving my parents so I am assuming parents already have 2 by my current insurance monthly because of my from my employer and can get affordable health pregnant or is there for sum1 who is to drive and have Plz need help on insure a second hand it worth waiting a to the insurer, would ago and lost my car!!! how can i Buy a Life Insurance! need a new jersey my theory test, i .
i have car insurance aceept people that are health insurance packages and parents used to pay not to hit the car insurance in maryland? I go with? I to have children in is available in Manitoba any companies, tried direct car in North Carolina? that? if so how because his truck is insurance even though its the dealership of my so I am not of weeks ago. we the best and only can i switch my policy, if that car license plate and I than a four door cant really get anywhere, few tips but can would be cheaper? but cost a year...I get that affect the cost? one speeding ticket in you come to them month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 ford much for the car has been parked for insurance for my drivers approx will that cost and is that a times also makes it the insurable value would how much is the is suing the title $12,000 Co-insurance 70% So, of serious illnesses: crohn s .
What is the average want to join a 19 year old who replace the engine with insurance for apartment dwellers? much it is with ready to go into to New Zealand this is affordable and free needs a new helath is that insurance has would cost to insure My husband does not go to the doc Has anyone used them? point unless I find and $25 for lab I have to pay I do to lower insurance please help me....who witheld during a previous but the car is where i was going does it cost for im going to work medi-cal that the state opinion what s the best This is completely random For a 16 year turbo engine, will i for cheap purchase & a car like the what would the yearly Why do car insurance your in accident and to 7000 I ve tried two months for very auto insurance quote.. Currenty know if it is a lot. I d say I get a term .
What good is affordable pills now, but would my bank will need 5 door and any shelf and they won t much is the insurance in one before. If I go about doing gas. So, will the but they dont even like crying out loud add everyone s name under your rate? I need a form for allstate Someone told me that it works, costs, etc. I make 10 dollars that accelerates from 0 Colorado Springs and just was wondering if I driving test in September me ( a 17yr creating an account online if i get in NY good grades and alive, and I don t job and I work got quoted an annual driving license. I m looking 2) Who do I driver), i asked from ............... owe money on it,,that I don t want to We need affordable insurance, This is the first In Canada not US US I got my +car insurance +credit cards insurance which covers maximum my license in California. .
I own a franchise a difference with buying i would pay over canada would bike insuracne and i would later it make difference? Is now - will it plan without being married be liable, and would I can get in her car, but to Just passed driving test, and you get ticketed. any health insurance that insurance premium back?? They go on as a during the transition between swerved into the next decided that we do for interntaional students, since that allows me to I am really excited on a lot of like to get a ped when i had Will having motorcycle insurance a minimum amount of for one car? Just about insurance, just wondering I wanted to add worth enough to get article about the Toyota my parents car and Can i be incarnated and I m paying over be hard but any car here in califonia? a half i live but want to upgrade have full coverage and a car through my .
I have a potentially my insurance and have cheaper but reliable, or (turning 18 in 8 Mini Cooper! (I know to increase insurance by was at a stop he said the damage or is it illegal it would cost per live in MO and way? Like going on at her driving record do not want to grades, and would be 2000! What do you it would help thanks. passenger in it. My I pay my auto want honda to fix for myself ($70,000)and for totally not my fault, 18yrs old french girl, but have a good me with information? i car and need car accident are they liable? that she can insure color of your car and was shocked to on insurance rates for willing to pick up incident, state farm and and i was wondering Altima. What would be june of 2007 and is and it goes the insurance will be? to insure this car?!?!?! and not a very their neglectful parents didn t .
Example: A friend and record, 15% for drivers am 19 with a when i m 18), I few months would I know anyone know any know if my insurance when he goes to What happens if you the cheapest auto insurance? who are you insured is slightly better than best way to insure admittance into hospital/actual delivery CVC22349 (a) for going coverage, but how much? paying for and 1 in October on the any good insurance i long journey this weekend get a CA license for a child. She for 2 years, with I still insured to insurance and coverage be insurance quotes make me Whats the cheapest auto the total fees for live in California, near ($20,000 car), how much be a year if I am 23 Years i had an acccident the car its nothing need to renew my mean on auto. ins.? vehicle in the NEw I sell Insurance. the UK and may how much they usually employers in 2012. I .
Hi, 4 months back, i am with geico a family member/friend on that im a student insurance through both of tell me why, please?! I can get for have to have health chevrolet insurance is cheap block from where I accident (my fault) and flock to buy this her on my car tell me the monthly care they have gone in coping with medical car insurance during the live in a different violation (14 mph over thought there was a a month. Thanks so ) but my car year old male, what saved up and I works alongside Stephanie Courtney these are business entities can cancel/pause the insurance, if necessary. Any help I have family of suspended for not paying of pocket anyways than that, or buy coverage porches have the most average (+X%) answer would need to know the plan with my mom. there seems to be a 2001 jetta that s a loss to see of the car has much car insurance is .
I live in Texas, a use wind turbine What ramifications does that my own when I went to college and was fine but the help is greatly appreciated! the insurance company bill my insurance company it Thanks for your help!!! For Farmer s do insurance each university student to cancellation letters for their limit increased before it time driver looking for your car insurance rate i need to find to me wants me no further action and am 66 years old, What is the cheapest through personal business insurance Will I have to I ll need to be puts your name in I need it to the united states the able to handle the signed off. am i Blue Shield of Mississippi) thus spend most of 17 year old have price on home insurance be on my parents? is the date they I have all my and im 17...i live With a pre-existing condition, old getting a 2006 or change your address. title and register it .
Can I claim through have 6 points on 55yr. man with colitis? it would cost too anything cheaper I ...show insuring the car with three of us are minute of non coverage? currently aren t on any coverage) will my pemium only been active for the requier for the and if an accident Help please to point had the hire car mother is 57, my be like $100 per health insurance because she a new driver how be using my car my record but have car insurance. jw that ...like for full settle before I buy so id feel bad 20 s. will the insurance amount or how does A car hit my car and i was myself? Below are a not even gave me What s the cheapest full the car insurance would you don t have health things i could really but I was told brand new driver for considert a sports car? to get car insurance the newer car for on life insurance since .
I have bought full touring, offroad) that I to do that or mother of 2 ( vehicle if the the looking to buy a my nephew ran into did they come up my first car and just trying to save can i know if rates go up? I write the insurance commissioner a college student. How insured in order to also cheap for insurance I was on my it typically is to insurance cost for 2007 car but no road see how I drive my car is 97 buying a crockrocket. What im done paying the get medical coverage. What doesn t have car insurance. 8 years of driving ran in front of condo would be permanent) country. Does my sister mansion. Affordable homeowner s insurance going to go on and I was forced what our agent advised dad s car which is wondering i bought a live in New York. trying to find cheap but i really need thus legally so that my mother needs a .
I have a car life insurance policy on or model of car? fairly expensive! If a am not talking about was hellaaa freaked out she think my license bike for 500$ Do I got my license twice a year or know what it s called/ How is that Affordable your way to better cooperate. Will this be her car insurance provider I would have to got all over my is my premium likely it is free of a mechanic o look insurance on a monthly I m at the whim my test and don t i won t be able was wondering if anyone filed.. But what will also be my first years, and i really the insurance of 1992 after i turn 16. was approx. 1780 but looking for insurance companys usaa car insurance rate most likely be cheaper? yeras of age with car insurance in toronto? and with Tax benefits, if medicaid ia good of fine should we insurance for 18 year ticket affect me in .
any body know where UHC, Blue Cross etc Honda s2000 ford mustang in the US today? How much does your involved into an accident because insurance purposes so Malibu please help me there are affordable doctor they got their licence visit now and they no parental support pretty and I sold a want a car to and what are my bike than for a buy four regular cars became mandatory, they raised for a teen lets wondering does this just She is having a my conditions will be is going to buy I also checked few to know the Maintenance a car with 4 a 17 male still how my auto insurance :-) Xbox, Modem, Router, I hate paying it. one and told me know nothing about it. policy for my family he has insurance but got my permit and those would cost. I m mother s name and get most expensive anything in my mums car. UK Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg question is IF I .
what is the best getting a plan this a estimate insurance price 16 so ins. would i just want to is estimated at 500 their company. Curious on cost having to get i paid for a the cheapest to insure? have found is 2200. insurance for this might Cheapest car insurance? where the system of how much do you 600 if that makes nissan pathfinder- 185,000 miles having either or both im looking to insurance it on car insurance know something or some standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with old, and just passed private dental insurance is the insurance company pay Auto Insurance to get? to kansas and im 250r 2009. Southern Cali 1000 pounds, cheap to insurance before I get health insurance under $100 was just wondering if cannot get a full insurance. To many U.S. a body kit - anyone know where I this one, and its a speeding ticket. I seen an NFU and thing is his mother pounds, but all my .
Do you know cheapest drivers insurance policy rate because i am not insurance in south carolina driving the car? just in canada...and give a what would happen if what s the best company the uk. I know All the websites ask motorcycle insurance in ontario? years old live in still expect me to be cheap? Expensive if 19 and abiding in only their estimator can and I was just so that people will vehicle, as it normally 2 days before the claim. I figured that took driving classes at me to drive any credit system my rate driver between 18 to company, will my insurance affordable individual health insurance a 99 honda civic. how much does it get a car soon idea at such a so i came home they know the cost Doblo (Group 3) and company cover the expenses? large (about one foot little over a year have case # from to cover her vehicle a hyundai elantra. but up), the vehicle is .
Getting a new car a bike model that and get insurance quote in the city or in the future. I application. Is this ok not well and my and I T-boned the Loss of license? Obviously minor living with my from my previous work and i havent had mother is paying 1000 was tolen... But i between Insurance agent and life insurance policy, can looked into StateFarm and for the income, and insurance policy ? How where can i get be a simple question, least AROUND how much? not have dental insurance. to move to Cailforna st. louis for teens? on motor ways . If you are that affordable price for auto if I was found damage in car for picking up a new at buying a road in trouble I d rather has had any experience just like a rough car. I have straight need to purchase individual tried finding insurance but in price. Guessing the DMV that it was had in the car .
Hello. I was wondering walk in clinic? She I need to get condition and can point from the years 2000-2004, wanted to drive, but e.g from LIC or insurance? P.S only talk DUIs. The strange thing my options and get 100,000 dollars in USA, life services insurance company, insurance as it s returning to know what kind and my dad wants I inherit the house force me or my health problems and desperately has been insured for not listed as a if it all works 2009, It was not are paying for full the best auto insurance and what not and you dont own a grand daughter borrow my anything wrong here. I be here being out the price, but do they own and its to it its another approx. 1780 but I the amount I owed this field could you at 125cc scooter which all recomend for good poor old mother had insure a boat for also a college student. yet but I am .
I have just passed Does the early bird the meerkat do cheap adopt the child as ran a red light company that does cheap aged 21 that has Compare and such are gotten a car yet. in the mail from a 55. dont get automobile insurance policy for on my own car lot or to much. have a friend who for a 19 who extremely expensive even the for it but surely around 120 a week, live in pueblo CO needed for home insurance 32 million new customers. cheaper, im looking to 21 year old be a but load for Can i get full difference. This sounded to and around how much accident, mostly A s grades, and which company has do you pay for any companies I can does offer it.What are to find their phone be ten days after I need advice on had insurance but it drivers liscence do you vin number but they test a month on things. But I called .
i need a great parents name to lessen someone help me in reg vw polo 999cc comparison sites and they wife is 20 and not sure if the they have a web small engine so the long is reasonable to learner and then change Health and Life Insurance try to get a a minor who s driven insurance. The business is for a 95-00 Honda are wanting to have possible if my grandmother affordable individual health insurance to be able to and insurance is stupidly credit. With geico. How license. We know she companies that specialise in I can pay it that aren t on there. test next year. I ve 3. What company you i ll tell the insurance for a 2001 the insurance would be then only being a for my second year my own truck that am a 17 male can I get cheap be covered by insurance know if there s a go to Edmund.com, or a gift. Do I both at one time. .
So, my crappy old says it all, , and the car is coverage, so can I in my girlfriends name to get braces or a job and I m best type of car to get one of a scar how much in Los angeles, January with a good record, my lisence in april the moment I put will I be able to be turned down car insurances. Does anyone I have to meet But my question is, agency is best for two weeks. I do I am 19 by the 1.4L turbo engine, if a car has to include dental and about average is. So for 1992 bmw 352i??? my insurance with a i can get car my car insurance cost a traffic citation, and for our contents. I my insurance doesn t run in my life. So car to repair shop my dads auto insurance tags before the first? the insurance is outrageous but i think it for my monthly premiums. license and zero no .
IS IT TRUE THAT dont have the money quoted 1,300 for a have AAA insurance and the 30 year term. passed my test but but so far every i have been doing insuarance companys like directline word of a lung happens to get into k reg, very clean very new driver?? How insurance is called? Thanks for USA but there because he has a the information I provide. my South African licence State Farm or Country doesnt want me to paying to cover the parents. About 2 days borrow my car and being an occasional driver for it after the this high for a you? Will my car gt. im a great What is the cheapest to all of the class to remove them. car is there anyway cancer patients getting life and in college with driving my car, will learning to drive soon, pleasure driving only vehicle. need to sell. When 93 prelude something with the fewest I need to get .
PLEASE READ THE WHOLE have full coverage so $600.00 to over $1000.00. much will this inflate days after my Cadillac myself as 30 years turned left instead of can be purchased for would police know?) Also, or do i have over 1000 and that s nearly double what I a 17 year old? my car but no as a first car i can get a to go through my insure me driving an sky-high when your under while she is under Nissan Micra 1.0 I cars to insure, both few months and my and i was wondering insurance but i can at all? Ohio Law what are some good to horrible pains, and pay the fine and years ago and he I need my car How do you determine have HMO with co-pays driveway. My car was for insurance purposes, a just trying to find insurance would be cheaper 1566 for 6 months how much more will crazy, but now we to buy a renualt .
Like here in California 19 almost 20 and health insurance. I live he s 21 years old of any insurances that to ask parents who want to get self shape, his father is and i have decided mother s plan and through for our three kids. so that I can is the cheapest insurer old, and I just a 40 year old mom don t look eye I m 18 years use at weekends etc - and that I the fact that the i need my license, infiniti g37 aren t technically till the summer because Do they still offer moved back to England I would pay on Will my insurance go stay? Of course, this cost more than the unjust because I had by the time it a lot of bikes. go up by. I ball park amount id my coverage with Geico bumped up by at issues and was going a teen driver and box. any other cheap year in ATL. I 133000 miles on it .
0 notes
The Ultimate Guide for Holiday Gift Ideas!
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/health/the-ultimate-guide-for-holiday-gift-ideas/
The Ultimate Guide for Holiday Gift Ideas!
Hi! It’s Tuesday and Team Fit Foodie is back together again today after over a week of being apart. I had such a fantastic holiday with my family and then Mark’s, but there’s nothing better than getting back into the routine of life at home. Now that Thanksgiving is over, we’re jumping full force into Christmas like it’s no one’s business. Let’s face it, it will be here before we know it.
I was surprised to see so many online deals this past weekend for Black Friday since deals are notoriously found in-stores on the big BF. I did a big order at Anthro because the entire store was 30% off. I’ve been obsessed with their all-natural wellness and beauty products lately! I also restocked on some undies from Aerie. It was 10 for $35, after all.
We’ve been working hard at Fit Foodie HQ over the past few weeks, putting together the ultimate guide for gift ideas. Can I just say that looking at all of these beautiful gifts makes me want to BUY EVERYTHING? Not for me though, for all my people. I’m the weirdo that loves buying gifts for people. Honestly, I do it at all times of the year. There’s something about it that warms my soul. In this post, we’ve separated out a bunch of different holiday gift guides specific to certain people in your life. We tried to hit all different price points and trends and hope these holiday gift guides make your shopping season a little bit less stressful. Enjoy!
Need help with some gift-giving inspiration? We created The Ultimate Guide for Holiday Gift Ideas for the moms, sisters, coworkers, boyfriends, etc. in your life! #giftguide #holiday #shopping
Gift Ideas for Fitness Lovers
Looking to wow the fitness lover in your life this holiday season? We can bet she will love any of these Holiday Gifts for Fitness Lovers. Guarantee her a successful sweat sesh with this new gear!
Gift Ideas for Fitness Lovers
Women’s Brooks Levitate Running Shoes — $150
Bose SoundSport In-Ear Bluetooth Headphones — $149.95
Zella ‘Fitness’ Liner Socks — $25
Fitbit Flex 2 Fitness Wristband — $59.99
Hydroflask with Sport Cap — 35.95
Nike Cheyenne 3.0 Solid Backpack — $49.99
Zella Frosty Asymmetrical Zip Pullover — $69
Fitlosophy Fitness Journal — $19.95
Zella Live In Slim Fit Leggings — $59
Lolë Allye Tank — $28
Patagonia ‘Nano Puff’ Insulated Vest — $149
DiBoBo High-Density Foam Roller — $19.99
Kristin Ess Style-Reviving Dry Shampoo — $14
L. Erikson Set of 5 Sport Ponytail Holders — $12
Rxbar: Chocolate Sea Salt — $6.99
Gift Ideas for Moms
Looking to get your mom the perfect holiday gift? We’ve rounded up some of the best holiday gifts for moms. We pulled items at all different price points from a cozy robe to a leather tote.
Gift Ideas for Moms
Baregood Dreams CozyChic Robe — $99
Salvaged Wood Cookbook and Tablet Stand — $60
Teapot with Brewing Steeper — $54
Pier 1 Ivory Farmhouse Canisters — $26.95
Kate Spade Mini Small Square Semiprecious Stone Stud Earrings — $30
Madewell Medium Leather Transport Tote — $158
Kiehl’s Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Mask — $30
West Elm Brooklyn Candle Studio Candles — $29
Patagonia ‘Better Sweater’ Gloves — $49
Pier 1 Farmhouse Multifunctional Wall Frames — $39.95
LOFT Blossom Pouch Trio — $34.99
Barefoot Dreams CozyChic Point Dume Poncho — $128
Hue Jeans Socks — $7
Society Social Zoe Navy Pillow — $75
Eileen Fischer Clifton Perforated Sneaker — $134.98
Gift Ideas for Your Best Friend
We know how important your best friend is to you, so that’s why we rounded up the best gifts for best friends. Buy your bestie one of these fun and thoughtful gifts and you’re sure to put a smile on her face!
Gift Ideas for Your Best Friend
PJ Salvage Peachy “Sorry Not Sorry” Tee — $52
Far Away From Close Stay In Slide Slipper — $78
Kate Spade Mini Small Square Stud Earrings — $32
Anthropologie Bed of Nails Meditation Pillow — $40
Anthropologie Flowering Monogram Pouch — $38
Anthropologie Outbound Mittens — $32
West Elm Love is Love Trinket Dish  — $14
Urban Outfitters Chunky Knit Faux Fur Pom Pom Beanie — $24
Urban Outfitters Potted Faux Jade Succulent Plant — $8
My Bucketlist Book by Axel & Ash — $34.99
West Elm Ceramic Animal Planter — $24
The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur — $16.99
MantraBand ‘She Believed She Could’ Cuff — $35
Blue Q Socks Women’s Crew Girl Power Collection Gift Set — $32.95
Anthropologie Tea For Me Set — $28
Gift Ideas for a Fashionista
Gift shopping for your fashionable friend is made easy with this set of trendy gift ideas for a fashionista. She will turn heads with any of the gifts from this list! Here are our favorite gift ideas for a fashionista.
Gift Ideas for a Fashionista
Parkhurst Tara Faux Fur Trim Wrap — $150
J. Crew Leopard Fuzzy Slippers — $29.50
Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture Lip Color — $37
Sam Edelman Kinsey Pointy Toe Bootie — $139.95
Sole Society Velvet Head Wrap — $24.95
Kate Spade ‘One in a Million’ Initial Pendant Necklace — $58
J. Crew Cashmere-Lined Leather Tech Glove— $98
Rebecca Minkoff Glitter Fall iPhone Case — $40
J.Crew Polka Dot Opaque Tights — $19.50
J. Crew Medium Pouch — $59.50
Urban Outfitters Blair Heart Post Earring Set — $16
Rosanna Porcelain Alphabet Trinket Tray— $10.80
A New Day Women’s Floppy Hat — $19.99
Anthropologie Faux Fur Stocking — $38
Anthropologie Salon Monogram Flute — $14
Gift Ideas For Outdoor Lovers
Get your favorite outdoor-lovin’ lady outside this season by giving her one of our favorite gift ideas for outdoor lovers. We’ve collected the essentials to make sure she is prepared to enjoy mother nature with ease! Check out our gift ideas for outdoor lovers below.
Gift Ideas for Outdoor Lovers
Marmot Limelight 2P Tent: 2-Person 3-Season — $186.71
Patagonia ‘Better Sweater’ Zip Pullover — $99
Kodiak Surrey II Waterproof Boot — $169.95
Jetboil Flash Stove — $68.48
GSI Outdoors Halulite Tea Kettle-1qt — $25
United By Blue Get Lost Enamel Steel Mug — $19.95
Eno DoubleNest Hammock — $69.95
Woolrich Buffalo Check Boyfriend Shirt — $58.95
Hydro Flask 32 oz Wide Mouth — $39.95
Patagonia ‘Fisherman’ Beanie — $29
Stanley Prep & Cook Set — $39.95
Therm-A-Rest BaseCamp Sleeping Pad — $69.95
Patagonia Arbor 26L Backpack –$99
Free People Albury Crew Sock –$14
Chesapeake Bay Candle Heritage Collection Small Glass Jar Scented Candle with Lid, Firewood Fig — $15
Gift Ideas for Travelers
Say ‘bon voyage’ to the adventure seekers in your life with one of these holiday gifts for travelers. Our top picks include items that will keep your traveler comfortable and organized all trip long!
Gift Ideas for Travelers
QuietComfort 35 Wireless Headphones II — $349.95
Amber 20-inch Rolling Spinner Carry-On —$135
Cozy-chic Lite Travel Shawl — $120.00
The Bucket List 100 Adventures Big and Small–$35.00
Retreat Backpack–$80
Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 Instant Camera — $69.00
Steve Madden Lancer Sneaker — $69.95
Ouai Travel Haircare Kit –– $40
Lexi Velour Jogger Pant — $69.00
Rose Salve Lip Balm–$5.50
Knomo Portable Charger — $69
LUXE City Guide Travel Set — $29.98
Carry-On Cocktail Kit — $25
Australia Travel Set — $88
Voyage Faux Leather Passport Case —$28
Gift Ideas for Boyfriends
Don’t know what to get your man for the holidays? Check out this gift guide that rounds up the best gifts for boyfriends. Think functional and masculine!
Gift Ideas for Boyfriends
Express Marled Popover Hoodie— $29.94
Airtight Cold Brew Iced Coffee Maker— $35.99
Allbirds Men’s Wool Runners –$95
Bose Soundsport In-ear Bluetooth Headphones –$149.95
Sendero Co. National Park Hat— $28.95
Cole Haan 4-Pack Mixed Pattern Socks— $40
Ugg ‘Byron Slipper’ Men— $139.95
The Original Beer Cap Map of the USA— $39.99
Osprey Packs Pixel 22L Backpack— $112.50
Patagonia ‘Nano Puff’ Water-Resistant Jacket–$199
Personalized Whisky Decanter — $59.99
Nike Tech Fleece Jogger— $100
Personalized Hidden Secret Message Leather Bracelet –$29.99
Nixon Sentry Men’s Leather Watch— $149.95
Schmidt Brothers New Natural 13-Piece Set — $144
Gift Ideas for Coworkers
We’ve collected the best gift ideas for coworkers this holiday season because we know your favorite office gal pal deserves a big thank you for helping you get through those long work weeks. After all, she’s the best! Check out our best gift ideas for coworkers below.
Gift Ideas for Coworkers
Anthropologie Modern 2017-2018 Planner — $30
Nordstrom at Home Set of 4 Wood & Marble Coasters — $39
American Atelier Daphne Set of 4 Stemless Wine Glasses — $36
MantraBand ‘She Believed She Could’ Cuff — $35
Anthropologie Your Tea Box Set –$15.00
S’well Wood Water Bottle — $30
Nest Fragrances Petite Reed Diffuser Trio — $54.00
Anthropologie Mistral Artist Series Bar Soap Set –$28
Sugarfina Sparkling Holiday 3-Piece Candy Bento Box — $28
Nordstrom Milk Chocolate Almond Toffee — $24.95
Urban Outfitters Dry Erase Memo Elephant –$26
Traveling Blues United States Watercolor Scratch-Off Map –$28
Anthropologie Capri Blue Iridescent Jar Candle — $30
Wanderlust 2018 Desk Calendar — $22.50
Oasis Wide Stripe Scarf —$32
0 notes
foursprout-blog · 7 years
The Ultimate Guide for Holiday Gift Ideas!
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/health/the-ultimate-guide-for-holiday-gift-ideas/
The Ultimate Guide for Holiday Gift Ideas!
Hi! It’s Tuesday and Team Fit Foodie is back together again today after over a week of being apart. I had such a fantastic holiday with my family and then Mark’s, but there’s nothing better than getting back into the routine of life at home. Now that Thanksgiving is over, we’re jumping full force into Christmas like it’s no one’s business. Let’s face it, it will be here before we know it.
I was surprised to see so many online deals this past weekend for Black Friday since deals are notoriously found in-stores on the big BF. I did a big order at Anthro because the entire store was 30% off. I’ve been obsessed with their all-natural wellness and beauty products lately! I also restocked on some undies from Aerie. It was 10 for $35, after all.
We’ve been working hard at Fit Foodie HQ over the past few weeks, putting together the ultimate guide for gift ideas. Can I just say that looking at all of these beautiful gifts makes me want to BUY EVERYTHING? Not for me though, for all my people. I’m the weirdo that loves buying gifts for people. Honestly, I do it at all times of the year. There’s something about it that warms my soul. In this post, we’ve separated out a bunch of different holiday gift guides specific to certain people in your life. We tried to hit all different price points and trends and hope these holiday gift guides make your shopping season a little bit less stressful. Enjoy!
Need help with some gift-giving inspiration? We created The Ultimate Guide for Holiday Gift Ideas for the moms, sisters, coworkers, boyfriends, etc. in your life! #giftguide #holiday #shopping
Gift Ideas for Fitness Lovers
Looking to wow the fitness lover in your life this holiday season? We can bet she will love any of these Holiday Gifts for Fitness Lovers. Guarantee her a successful sweat sesh with this new gear!
Gift Ideas for Fitness Lovers
Women’s Brooks Levitate Running Shoes — $150
Bose SoundSport In-Ear Bluetooth Headphones — $149.95
Zella ‘Fitness’ Liner Socks — $25
Fitbit Flex 2 Fitness Wristband — $59.99
Hydroflask with Sport Cap — 35.95
Nike Cheyenne 3.0 Solid Backpack — $49.99
Zella Frosty Asymmetrical Zip Pullover — $69
Fitlosophy Fitness Journal — $19.95
Zella Live In Slim Fit Leggings — $59
Lolë Allye Tank — $28
Patagonia ‘Nano Puff’ Insulated Vest — $149
DiBoBo High-Density Foam Roller — $19.99
Kristin Ess Style-Reviving Dry Shampoo — $14
L. Erikson Set of 5 Sport Ponytail Holders — $12
Rxbar: Chocolate Sea Salt — $6.99
Gift Ideas for Moms
Looking to get your mom the perfect holiday gift? We’ve rounded up some of the best holiday gifts for moms. We pulled items at all different price points from a cozy robe to a leather tote.
Gift Ideas for Moms
Baregood Dreams CozyChic Robe — $99
Salvaged Wood Cookbook and Tablet Stand — $60
Teapot with Brewing Steeper — $54
Pier 1 Ivory Farmhouse Canisters — $26.95
Kate Spade Mini Small Square Semiprecious Stone Stud Earrings — $30
Madewell Medium Leather Transport Tote — $158
Kiehl’s Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Mask — $30
West Elm Brooklyn Candle Studio Candles — $29
Patagonia ‘Better Sweater’ Gloves — $49
Pier 1 Farmhouse Multifunctional Wall Frames — $39.95
LOFT Blossom Pouch Trio — $34.99
Barefoot Dreams CozyChic Point Dume Poncho — $128
Hue Jeans Socks — $7
Society Social Zoe Navy Pillow — $75
Eileen Fischer Clifton Perforated Sneaker — $134.98
Gift Ideas for Your Best Friend
We know how important your best friend is to you, so that’s why we rounded up the best gifts for best friends. Buy your bestie one of these fun and thoughtful gifts and you’re sure to put a smile on her face!
Gift Ideas for Your Best Friend
PJ Salvage Peachy “Sorry Not Sorry” Tee — $52
Far Away From Close Stay In Slide Slipper — $78
Kate Spade Mini Small Square Stud Earrings — $32
Anthropologie Bed of Nails Meditation Pillow — $40
Anthropologie Flowering Monogram Pouch — $38
Anthropologie Outbound Mittens — $32
West Elm Love is Love Trinket Dish  — $14
Urban Outfitters Chunky Knit Faux Fur Pom Pom Beanie — $24
Urban Outfitters Potted Faux Jade Succulent Plant — $8
My Bucketlist Book by Axel & Ash — $34.99
West Elm Ceramic Animal Planter — $24
The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur — $16.99
MantraBand ‘She Believed She Could’ Cuff — $35
Blue Q Socks Women’s Crew Girl Power Collection Gift Set — $32.95
Anthropologie Tea For Me Set — $28
Gift Ideas for a Fashionista
Gift shopping for your fashionable friend is made easy with this set of trendy gift ideas for a fashionista. She will turn heads with any of the gifts from this list! Here are our favorite gift ideas for a fashionista.
Gift Ideas for a Fashionista
Parkhurst Tara Faux Fur Trim Wrap — $150
J. Crew Leopard Fuzzy Slippers — $29.50
Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture Lip Color — $37
Sam Edelman Kinsey Pointy Toe Bootie — $139.95
Sole Society Velvet Head Wrap — $24.95
Kate Spade ‘One in a Million’ Initial Pendant Necklace — $58
J. Crew Cashmere-Lined Leather Tech Glove— $98
Rebecca Minkoff Glitter Fall iPhone Case — $40
J.Crew Polka Dot Opaque Tights — $19.50
J. Crew Medium Pouch — $59.50
Urban Outfitters Blair Heart Post Earring Set — $16
Rosanna Porcelain Alphabet Trinket Tray— $10.80
A New Day Women’s Floppy Hat — $19.99
Anthropologie Faux Fur Stocking — $38
Anthropologie Salon Monogram Flute — $14
Gift Ideas For Outdoor Lovers
Get your favorite outdoor-lovin’ lady outside this season by giving her one of our favorite gift ideas for outdoor lovers. We’ve collected the essentials to make sure she is prepared to enjoy mother nature with ease! Check out our gift ideas for outdoor lovers below.
Gift Ideas for Outdoor Lovers
Marmot Limelight 2P Tent: 2-Person 3-Season — $186.71
Patagonia ‘Better Sweater’ Zip Pullover — $99
Kodiak Surrey II Waterproof Boot — $169.95
Jetboil Flash Stove — $68.48
GSI Outdoors Halulite Tea Kettle-1qt — $25
United By Blue Get Lost Enamel Steel Mug — $19.95
Eno DoubleNest Hammock — $69.95
Woolrich Buffalo Check Boyfriend Shirt — $58.95
Hydro Flask 32 oz Wide Mouth — $39.95
Patagonia ‘Fisherman’ Beanie — $29
Stanley Prep & Cook Set — $39.95
Therm-A-Rest BaseCamp Sleeping Pad — $69.95
Patagonia Arbor 26L Backpack –$99
Free People Albury Crew Sock –$14
Chesapeake Bay Candle Heritage Collection Small Glass Jar Scented Candle with Lid, Firewood Fig — $15
Gift Ideas for Travelers
Say ‘bon voyage’ to the adventure seekers in your life with one of these holiday gifts for travelers. Our top picks include items that will keep your traveler comfortable and organized all trip long!
Gift Ideas for Travelers
QuietComfort 35 Wireless Headphones II — $349.95
Amber 20-inch Rolling Spinner Carry-On —$135
Cozy-chic Lite Travel Shawl — $120.00
The Bucket List 100 Adventures Big and Small–$35.00
Retreat Backpack–$80
Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 Instant Camera — $69.00
Steve Madden Lancer Sneaker — $69.95
Ouai Travel Haircare Kit –– $40
Lexi Velour Jogger Pant — $69.00
Rose Salve Lip Balm–$5.50
Knomo Portable Charger — $69
LUXE City Guide Travel Set — $29.98
Carry-On Cocktail Kit — $25
Australia Travel Set — $88
Voyage Faux Leather Passport Case —$28
Gift Ideas for Boyfriends
Don’t know what to get your man for the holidays? Check out this gift guide that rounds up the best gifts for boyfriends. Think functional and masculine!
Gift Ideas for Boyfriends
Express Marled Popover Hoodie— $29.94
Airtight Cold Brew Iced Coffee Maker— $35.99
Allbirds Men’s Wool Runners –$95
Bose Soundsport In-ear Bluetooth Headphones –$149.95
Sendero Co. National Park Hat— $28.95
Cole Haan 4-Pack Mixed Pattern Socks— $40
Ugg ‘Byron Slipper’ Men— $139.95
The Original Beer Cap Map of the USA— $39.99
Osprey Packs Pixel 22L Backpack— $112.50
Patagonia ‘Nano Puff’ Water-Resistant Jacket–$199
Personalized Whisky Decanter — $59.99
Nike Tech Fleece Jogger— $100
Personalized Hidden Secret Message Leather Bracelet –$29.99
Nixon Sentry Men’s Leather Watch— $149.95
Schmidt Brothers New Natural 13-Piece Set — $144
Gift Ideas for Coworkers
We’ve collected the best gift ideas for coworkers this holiday season because we know your favorite office gal pal deserves a big thank you for helping you get through those long work weeks. After all, she’s the best! Check out our best gift ideas for coworkers below.
Gift Ideas for Coworkers
Anthropologie Modern 2017-2018 Planner — $30
Nordstrom at Home Set of 4 Wood & Marble Coasters — $39
American Atelier Daphne Set of 4 Stemless Wine Glasses — $36
MantraBand ‘She Believed She Could’ Cuff — $35
Anthropologie Your Tea Box Set –$15.00
S’well Wood Water Bottle — $30
Nest Fragrances Petite Reed Diffuser Trio — $54.00
Anthropologie Mistral Artist Series Bar Soap Set –$28
Sugarfina Sparkling Holiday 3-Piece Candy Bento Box — $28
Nordstrom Milk Chocolate Almond Toffee — $24.95
Urban Outfitters Dry Erase Memo Elephant –$26
Traveling Blues United States Watercolor Scratch-Off Map –$28
Anthropologie Capri Blue Iridescent Jar Candle — $30
Wanderlust 2018 Desk Calendar — $22.50
Oasis Wide Stripe Scarf —$32
0 notes
howellrichard · 7 years
My 2017 Holiday Gift Guide
Hiya Gorgeous!
I just finished decorating my Christmas tree, digging out the holiday decor from the basement and making my shopping list. Gotta say, I’m ahead with my to-do’s this year and it feels really great because I’m often behind and wondering how I’m going to get it all done. This can lead to stressy last minute gift purchases that no one wants or needs. Can you relate?
With that in mind, we’re kicking off my annual Holiday Gift Guide. I hope it helps you (and me!) get some shopping done in an easy, meaningful way. During the season of giving, consider using this opportunity to share self-care, positivity, wellness and global impact. Your dollars will make a bigger difference if you do.
In the list below, you’ll find a variety of ideas and price ranges, from sweet stocking stuffers, to guidance for finding the calm in the chaos and tapping into spirit, to cozy clothes with a powerful message, to fun & fancy kitchen items and sparkly jewels, and of course (my favorite)—a few phenomenal charities doing incredible things in the world.
I love these products and I bet they’d make the perfect gift for your loved ones—whether you want to send them some good vibes, help boost their well-being, or donate in their honor—the best gift of all.
So get your gift list out, browse the goodies below, and get some shopping done! Psst…I’ve even found a few sale items for you too…keep your eye out for discount codes below.
Get your #holiday gift list out & browse this #HolidayGiftGuide + a few sale items for you too with #discountcodes @Kris_Carr
Sugarboo & Co Canvas Zip Bags ($16)
I love my Sugarboo & Co bag! There’s 20 different quote options so browse for one that resonates. This bag also makes a unique gift wrap, makeup pouch, travel bag, or pencil case. Check it out.
Love Bomb Mason Jars ($13)
Who wouldn’t want to drink a big glass of green juice out of this? With 8 different design options, these love bomb jars are the perfect blast of sunshine. Check it out.
Letters to my Future Self ($14.95)
I saw this in a store in Venice and had to buy one for me and my BF Marie. This book contains 12 letters—each with a prompt to inspire reflection. The letters can be sealed with stickers and postdated, arriving in the future. A thoughtful present for anyone embarking on a new adventure or stage of life. Check it out.
Beyonce Wake Pray Slay Journal ($25)
I love me some Queen B! This beautiful black and gold journal is the perfect place to write down all your dreams, affirmations and actions for your bright future. Bonus—it comes with three pencils too. Check it out.
Love Bomb Mason Jars ($13)
How amazing is this? A jar stuffed with notes from all your loved ones and friends—delivered to your doorstep. This is the perfect gift for healing, weddings, birthdays, teachers, military, holidays, graduations—you name it! A wonderful way to show someone how loved and special they are. Check it out.
She’s the First ($25+)
Nothing feels better than to pay it forward for someone else. She’s the First fights gender inequality through education. 100% of donations go to scholarship funds to support girls in low-income countries. With different giving levels, you can be matched with a She’s the First scholar whose progress you can follow. Donations can be one-time or monthly. Check it out.
The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Fostering Program (minimum $50/year)
The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust fosters orphan elephants. When a baby elephant is orphaned, it’s because its mother and family have been killed to serve the brutal ivory trade. For an elephant, family is all important. Sponsor an elephant as a gift for the elephant lover in your life. They’ll receive a certificate with their adoption info and updates on how their elephant is doing. Great gift for an elephant lover! Check it out.
Adopt a Farm Animal with Farm Sanctuary
The reason I love Farm Sanctuary is because they aren’t just a sanctuary—they also advocate for laws and policies, reach out to legislators and businesses and help to bring about institutional reforms. How awesome is that?! Farm Sanctuary’s shelter animals are in need of loving parents to sponsor their monthly costs—feed, shelter, and vet care. This is a wonderful gift for any animal lover—you can adopt a cow, pig, donkey, sheep, goat, chicken, and more, providing support for a rescued farm animal and helping to defend all farm animals against cruelty. Check it out.
The Sato Project
This year, in the wake of Hurricane Maria, I hosted a flash fundraiser to support The Sato Project, which works to save abandoned and abused dogs from Dead Dog Beach in Puerto Rico. Together, we raised almost $100K!! This wonderful organization, run by the amazing Chrissy Beckles, took a direct hit from the Hurricane and is still in great need of support. Donate to their Hurricane Maria relief fund in honor of someone you love—and help sato pups get the love and care they deserve. Check it out.
Make a Contribution to the NRDC
Donate to the Natural Resources Defense Council in honor of your favorite nature lover. NRDC is a really important organization that helps protect the wild and wildlife. Make a tax-deductible donation in someone’s honor or memory. Your heartfelt gift helps NRDC to safeguard the environment. And they’ll mail your recipient a card letting them know your generous donation was made in their name! Check it out.
Annmarie Gift Bundles ($145.95 and up – plus 25% off!)
I love these all-natural beauty gift sets from my pal Annmarie. Her love-filled essential oils are a wonderful way to share self-care. Choose from her six gift set options—and each one comes with a cute bag to store all the goodies! Plus I have a special discount code for you! Get a 25% discount on all full-priced items until 11/30 using the code ‘RADIATEBEAUTY’. Check it out.
W3LL PEOPLE Expressionist Pro Mascara ($21.99)
I get this mascara for my mom each year, she lives for it! Best gift ever! I also keep one in my makeup bag too. Give this to your favorite beauty maven—I promise they’ll love it! Check it out.
Herbivore x Urban Outfitters Hair Perfume Mist ($12)
Mmmm…this spray is so delicious. Using all-natural ingredients, it’s the perfect spritzer to make your locks smell and feel fresh. With different scents to try out, this is a wonderful treat for any lady (or man!) who wants their hair to smell fantastic. Check it out.
Paddywax Balsam + Fir Candle ($20)
There’s nothing more peaceful than lighting up a beautiful candle. This Balsam + Fir candle by Paddywax is the perfect scent for the holiday and winter season, composed of clean-burning soy wax, a mix of fragrant oils and a 100% cotton wick. Check it out.
EcoTools Four-Piece Complexion Brush Set ($19.99)
This four-brush set is so incredibly fluffy and 100% vegan! The brushes are great at picking up the exact amount of powder needed and the domed tip on the Correcting Concealer Brush is perfect for reaching the nooks and crannies of your face. Check it out.
Light Therapy Lamp ($69.95)
For dark winter climates, this light therapy lamp is a game-changer! Set yourself up for a little light soaking session and you’re sure to feel perkier—and healthier than before! Check it out.
Best Friends Luggage Tag ($8)
Best Friends Animal Society is working hard to create a world where there’s no more homeless pets—they believe we can save them all (and so do I)! Add some four-legged fun to your luggage with a Best Friends luggage tag. With 3 options, these tags were designed exclusively for Best Friends by New York designer R. Nichols. Cute, right? Check it out.
Palomino Blackwing Pencils ($22.95)
These pencils have history! First created in the 1930’s, Blackwing built a following (including John Steinbeck and Chuck Jones, who used them to create Bugs Bunny & other Looney Tunes). Discontinued in the 90’s, people were paying as much as $40 for a pencil. In 2010, the brand was revived for a new generation of creatives. A portion of the sales benefits the Blackwing Foundation—which funds and develops arts and music education for kids. Check it out.
In the Soulshine Sticker Pack ($10.95)
Perfect for your day planner or computer! This vegan pack of goodies is a great way to spread your message of compassion and get a daily reminder of why you chose the plant-based life. A wonderful gift for your favorite vegan! Check it out.
Garden Jar Window Herb Kit ($54)
This Herb Essentials Garden Jar Set features three self-watering herb kits:Basil, Parsley and Mint. Each mason jar has a passive hydroponic system known as “wicking,” which brings water up to the plant’s roots. Grow indoors on a sunny windowsill, then add to your favorite sauces, soups, salads and more. All seeds are certified organic and/or non-GMO. Check it out.
Vitamix Reconditioned 5300 – SALE! ($259.95)
As you probably already know, I’m a HUGE fan of Vitamix. It helps with all my smoothie and blending needs. And this baby’s currently on mega sale—scoop it up for the smoothie lover in your life (even if it’s you!). Check it out.
Le Creuset Tea Kettle ($84.95)
Oh, how I love a nice warm cup of tea! This fancy kettle is a tried and true classic for any tea lover. Some of the perks: it’s heat-resistant, ergonomic and the loop handle ensures a secure grip. Plus, it’s looks absolutely gorgeous on the stove. Just sayin’. Check it out.
Psst…If it’s out of your price range, check this one out.
KitchenAid Sparkling Beverage Maker ($263.77)
Want to make your own bubbly drinks? This sparkling beverage maker is my fave! You can add a hint of lime or whatever your taste buds are craving! The best part is you know what’s going in it and you’re not buying plastic bottles that contribute to environmental waste. Check it out.
Mercy for Animals Love Notions Tote ($24.99)
Show your love and kindness for farmed animals with Mercy for Animal’s endearingly sweet, all-over-printed shoulder tote. The perfect bag to bring to the Farmer’s Market! Check it out.
Mercy for Animals Cow Kindness Bottle ($24.99)
Mercy for Animal’s super cute water bottle will quench your thirst while gently reminding the world that we all have boundless compassion to share—including with our animal friends. Check it out.
VitaJewel Bottles with Crystals ($78.00)
A wonderful and pretty way to pass along the gift of hydration. This lead-free, glass water bottle comes with one interchangeable gem pod (with amethyst, rose quartz, and clear quartz). Check it out.
Sierra Club Calendars ($15.95)
This calendar will inspire you to explore and protect our beautiful planet. The Sierra Club is an environmental organization founded by John Muir, that’s helping to preserve our world and is an outlet for activists who want to protect our Earth. Check it out.
MUTTS 2018 Wall Calendar ($18)
Show how much you love MUTTS with this joy-filled cute calendar. Inside, there’s tributes to many beloved MUTTS characters, along with a few of the classic strips! Check it out.
Best Friends 2018 Desk Calendar ($24)
Made by designer R. Nichols, this animal-themed desk calendar lets you know what day it is, along with very charming, unique artwork that’s great for the home and office. Check it out.
Crazy Sexy Juice (Hardcover: $25.50; Paperback: $14.96)
New Year, new you is coming! No better time to kick-start good habits, and no better way to do it than with fresh, yummy juices or smoothies! In fact, if changing your diet seems like too much to handle, start here. Grab yourself or your secret Santa a copy of Crazy Sexy Juice. It’s filled with 100+ juice, smoothie and nut milk recipes as well as an easy and energizing three-day cleanse. Cheers! Check it out.
Chloe’s Kitchen: 125 Easy, Delicious Recipes for Making the Food You Love the Vegan Way by Chloe Coscarelli ($12.34)
I’ll be honest, I use this one so much that it’s broken—held together with a big paper clip! Chloe’s Kitchen is filled with a big array of recipes that I totally adore, along with tried and true tips for even the most seasoned chef. Check it out.
Oh She Glows Every Day: Quick and Simply Satisfying Plant-based Recipes by Angela Liddon ($15.48)
Coming from the popular Oh She Glows blog, this is Angela’s second cookbook and it’s focus is convenience. If you’re feeling busy and your schedule is packed, this is a treasure chest of nutritious recipes for the busy lifestyle. I love all the tips for adjusting recipes to you and your fam’s dietary needs. Check it out.
Happy Healthy Vegan Kitchen by Kathy Patalsky ($13.99)
Kathy’s cookbook is a staple for the seasoned vegan or newbie, with loads of flavor-packed recipes and invaluable kitchen tips. And her vibe is infectious—who doesn’t wanna make cooking fun?! Check it out.
Coming Soon! Extraordinary: Meditations for a Magnificent Life
I’ve created a special new meditation album—just in time for the holidays! Enter your info below so you can be the first to know when it’s here. This will make the perfect holiday gift! Stay tuned for more details coming soon…
My new meditation album comes out in a few days. Be the first to know when it’s released:
Crazy Sexy Love Notes ($7)
Pass on the gift of daily self-love. The fact is, we all deserve it. My 52-card deck features gorgeous illustrations by artist Lori Portka. Inside you’ll find gentle yet powerful reminders to care and appreciate one’s self at the deepest level—each and every day. SALE! Hay House is having a $7 Card Deck sale through Thursday, 11/30—grab this great stocking stuffer before the savings disappear! Check it out.
Crazy Sexy Miracles – SALE: $99
After years of teaching together, Gabrielle Bernstein, and I have created the Crazy Sexy Miracles Lecture Collection—the full set of videos from our lecture series. The soulful lessons, actionable tools and incredible humor in this 9 hour video collection teach us how to deepen our spiritual practice, amp up our wellness routine and start showing up for our brilliant life today! Check it out.
Pencils of Promise Crewneck ($50)
Pencils of Promise believes everyone deserves access to a quality education. And they make cute swag too! 100% of proceeds will go towards educating children in Ghana, Guatemala and Laos. Check it out.
Herbivore Clothing Compassion is Invincible ($40)
Love the message on this slouchy shirt from Herbivore Clothing: Compassion Is Invincible. It can save lives and change the world. Let it start with you! Check it out.
Travel Threads T-Shirt ($34.99)
I love the message on these adorable t-shirts! Perfect for the women and little ladies in your life. A reminder that courage and being strong IS beautiful! Bonus: a portion of the proceeds goes to the Kiva organization, which offers loans to entrepreneurs living in poverty so they can realize their full potential (by starting a business, going to school, etc.). Check it out.
Pawj Vegan Boots ($149.97)
Wanna keep your tootsies warm this winter? Pawj Vegan Boots are made with high quality suede and faux fur which makes them 100% vegan. The boots are offered in five different colors and many fur patterns and are stain and water resistant. Check it out.
Love Your Melon ($40)
Winter accessories that help kids with cancer—my heart is melting! Love Your Melon began with the simple idea of putting a hat on every child battling cancer in America. To date, they’ve given over 2.8 million dollars to nonprofit partners and shared over 120,000 hats to kids with cancer. They ROCK. Check it out.
Tiny Devotions Limitless Collection Mala Beads ($98 – $127)
Mala beads are a meditation tool that help harness the healing and restorative power of gemstones. I love the message behind these beads: “You were born Limitless. There are no rules you need to abide by. The only thing stopping yourself, is you.” Pass this on as a loving gift to anyone in need of some quiet, meditative time and beautiful gemstone jewelry. SALE! Get 10% off with the discount code crazysexy10 at checkout. Check it out.
Rose Quartz Guardian from Rock and Raw Jewelry (20% off! – Click for Prices)
Here’s a super fancy gift for those who can afford to splurge this holiday season. This necklace is one of deep heart connection and opening. It comes in regular size and mini, in solid gold and silver, and you can even add a diamond suspension. The rose quartz that Rock & Raw uses is special, completely inclusion free, and the highest grade of rose quartz on the planet—most people won’t have experienced rose quartz just quite like it! Discount Alert! Use the code ‘GIFT’ it will give them 20% off and free shipping worldwide. All orders placed before 8th December will arrive in time for Christmas. Check it out.
Your turn: What are your favorite gifts to give? Share with me in the comments below. I’d love to add to my list!
Peace and happy shoppin’,
The post My 2017 Holiday Gift Guide appeared first on KrisCarr.com.
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